Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1901, Page 20, Image 28

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.1 JoVbm Itport Briik Buiiniai and
Erlfbt Outlook.
Mock ( MercliniidUe TliroiiKhoul
Tributary Country Are Conuinrn
tlvrlr nml I)rmnntl for
Nrir (ioimIh I" llcnvy.
The fait trailc for Omaha Jobbers has be
gun In earnest and the wholosalo district
has taken on the true aspect of activity,
fipeaklns of present conditions, T. C. Hyrno
of the Ilyrnc-Hammer company said:
"Trade Is In a very satisfactory condition.
Omaha Jobbers bellovo that tho purchasing
power of tho people In this territory Is ns
great or greater than It ever has been."
Stocks In tho hands of country dealers
aro said to be light and the demand for
fall goods will consequently be heavier than
In other seasons. The advanco sales of
goods this summer for fall delivery was a
record-breaker In tho history of the trade
In this city and when rcportB of crop fall-
Xow n Tup In Oninlin
Biftutlfnl Description of tha Gruud 0njon
of the Ytllowitoi.
Home-grown watermelons made their
uivv njijibuiiiubu vii IUU UUJnuu Illume. J -...lit
tcrday. Four wagonloads of excellent melon OMAHA
raised In Douglas county were sold at
wholesale for $2 per dozen and proved to tu ..... , !m . w
be superior In quality to melons that aro Ineom,mrublc Mar-cL of the .tntlon . 1 cents for "Oulde to J
shipped In. Gardeners report that the M.turnl Museum mid Vt Play- J , .
recent rains have Insured a fair crop of
melons in eastern Nebraska and western
Tho vcgctablo market was slightly oft
compared with other days this week.
Tomatoes, which havo been selling at 75
Kround to lie Knjoypd by
.Mnny Omnlinns.
I'xcnroliiti to ctr York vln llnltlnmrp
t Ohio Itnllronit.
Hound trip tickets will bo told from July
1 to October 20, Chicago to New York, at
J31 for the round trip, with stopover going
at either Washington, Unltlmore or Phila
delphia or nt the Tan-American exposition
returning. This will enable you to visit
Atlantic City or other seaside resorts. Send
ashlngton" and
further Information
call on or address J. C. Hurch, Omaha, Neb.,
or II. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent,
133 Adams street, Chicago.
the (irrnt Salt t.nkr ftrRloni,
Cross the Rockies on a forty-three foot
grade, light easy curves, elghty-pouid
steel rails, a perfectly ballasted roadlvd,
glgantlo embankments of disintegrated
granite, through tunnels, bored In solid
granite nnd over stone and stsel bridges,
A fascinating panorama of marvelous en
To see this be suro your ticket reads
over the Union Pacific railroad. Lowest
rates made for summer excursions In many
ears. ;scw city ticket office, 1321 Farnam:
phono 316.
A. O. It. W. Picnic.
First annual Joint picnic, Omaha nnd
South Omaha lodges, A. 0. U. V at Platts
Of tho Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
,.. . i , .u . imv n fir. to 7S lludvard Klnllnc writes: "All I can say
. , . I . i.i . . . . . .- Mno rn f I nfl II . . .
cents. Iled Juno apples went reaciuy at &u is mai wunou. wuruiijs - - moum Saturday, August 17. Hound trip
cents, a reduction of 10 cents, and otner iookcu inio a gun i.iuu .. u.v., r,. tickets, 60c. Special train leaves Hurling
varieties were somewhat higher and found eagles and ushniawKs circling iar unun. ton 9tBt0U in a. m,
ready sale. Cantaloupes, on quality and And the sides or thai gun were uuu m.u
u m frnm as rents to II. SO a dozen! welter or color crimson, euieiuiu, muni, . . . . i..i .i ..i..
oti;, ow.u - - - . I V. 1 Ullll tinrl I HO, Lll'UI Vl'lUfivAIUIl nuu u luuuii',
eggplant at 76 cents a uuzen; puimoes at i oenre, amoer, uuuc i ' ' , supple figure nro the Index of real beauty,
a bushel and srarco at that price. wine, snow-whito, vermilion, iciuuu aim MaMa0 ,, tncrmai baths, tho essentials
Cahbaco holds ino can on me marKoi, in- sliver cray in wiuo wani;s. iuu thn limotrnm inimmi. will l,rlnc
forlor stock selling at 3 ccnt3 to 314 cents not fall sheer, but wore graven by tlmo health and real beauty. Tho Bathory, 210
a pound. and water and air Into monstrous heads 220 Ueo building. Telcphono 1718. A lady
: lot kings, dead chieis men anu women ui manager In charge For ladles only
jn iuit'""(. u u.uo.u . . . ,. Rn fnr helow tnat. no sound
Is tho exhibit In tho vvlndows of the Shlv- ,f coulJ rcach UB tho yellow-
I n I r I.'ii rn l.ii rn In G t.i n I m n nrrn itnv I . . . .
uritu i ui uuui u v. uu.uo uv, ., -i.. - n iinppr.witio strin oi
.1.- 1 I .. DIUllU HUl. . --U--
started iuu uuvt'i uluuuiq vi iJUkiuiK u
Jado green. Tho sunlight took theso won-
urcs ncgan to como in to too nouHe ... . w of ....,.. . thelr wnti0w J"l,u """Z ' "I Vll.l w , tL-j.
3k forward to cancel- " '-."T n ;, An , rous wans ana gave tresu uuw lu u
H . , .... aU.A I UU iLUUllUK UlU uiuu fl.VV w uuv
f.ariy in '"''-"sold. This Idea met with ko much en-
i como in, out uuv w ,.... ,. , .. . ,v nur t ,,
managers began to look forward
latlons with dread
cancellations began to
that naturo had already laid there. Even
ing crept through tho plnc3 that shadowed
cancellations oegan to come in, uui. thulnm that lhev havo now cot their ,ui v . . . . . "-
the extent expected by the wholesale deal- uf f aH kinds ot furnlturo U8' but tho fuU E'ry ' ''". '
crs. At tbelr worst they would have made vvlndows full or all Kinds or lurntur; , tnftt canyon as wo went out verj
mtlo eLat Ztotalgures for the year, cheap and . 0 p, f rock
Will Knjoy Cool Weather.
Ask George F. West, City Ticket Agent
North-Western Line, 14011403 Farnam
street, Omaba, for particulars of popular
Lako Superior trip ho has to offer during
the month of August.
For the month of August we have made
big cut on nil lines to make room for
our fall goods.
Cloth bound books from 10e up. A lino
f lato copyrights, such as "A Singular
Ifo" Via Crulsls In Connection with tho
Do Wllloughby Claim and twenty other
Itles usually sold for $1.25 and 11. SO, at
49c. Black Hock library edition, 2fic, all
tho Pool, library edition, CSc; Oxford
Ulblo Teacher's edition, $1.10; Polltlcnl
Atlas of the United States, a $1.50 book for
Oc; 2 volume sets Wnnderlng Jew and L(
Mtsorables, SSc; paper back books, 10c, 18e,
33c, 36c; kid finish writing paper, one qr. to
box with envelopes to match, four shades,
2Sc; Uennlsou s crepe paper, 10-foot rolls,
7c roll; four for 2oc other bargains too
numerous to mention. Harkalow Iiros.
Bookshop," 'Phono 320, 1G12 Farnam St.
m uo c.icci in me tota n8u . ''he can commencing with tho regular sell
but now In tho majority of cases the can-
very cau t-or policies that nrn sight drafts at
blood maturity apply to H. D. Neely, manager
,,! . ninw it wfts-ihat overhunc tho L.ire. zto-ots uee ouiunng.
collations have been recalled and the goods lK Prlco and lasting until tho article la dcepc3t deep9 of al Now . k v vM Tlred feot-rtc-No-May powder
ordered shipped according to tho arrange
ment earlier In tho season.
On account of tho adverse reports re
eelved It was believed that tho trado would
Cool Mtuneaoti
Do you realize how cheap tho roudd trip
lag early In the season, but all houses re- rate, aro? Less than half fare. Via North
port that for tho middle of August they hrcstern line August 1 to 10
Omaha to St. PauNMlnueapolls, $9.85.
Omaha to Duluth, Superior or West Su
perior and returu, $ 13.S5.
Two fast trains dally.
A night train and a day train service.
Tho best of ovcrythlng."
It Is to Bit enthroned amid tho clouds of
sunset as tho spirits sit In Dlake's pic
Trip to Ycllownlone.
The Burlington's Yellowstone park ex
curslon, which leaves Omaha Tuesday, Au
gust 20, will bo back again on tho morn
ing of tho 29th
Have Root print It.
Made Him Mad
It was this way. lie wanted us to credit
him for some goods and wo istuactl cnilsa
In other words, tho trip to and through that njn't our stylo of jlolnc bwlncw-wfi
mo iiiin ni lunu uui, UUUUv wo do a casn l)UHlnes don i Keep nny uouki
Vlnntv ilnllnrn morn than Covers every CX- besides nomn of these Deiltlo When they
Why stay at homo in tho heatT Go to peuse of tho trlp-rallroad fares, Bplng hji
- I ... . ,, . . , . , I l..v. ...n.ta mnila npn 11 tl n I n I o nnn . .
ru.,.. f nl.ickfoot Idaho. This firm Minnesota. isn ana nuni ana Datne. .... . . us so wo tleclded not to credit anyone mid
have novor had better trade than this year,
while tho quality and quantity ot goods do-
rnanded show llttlo falling off from last
season, which was considered a banner
Among heavy buyers In tho city during
tho last half of tho week were Brown &
,... , in. Northwestern L.ino HCKot omce. 1101-110 Biago in tne parn. wo ro siicuinK to it. "-
uau.lliy sulB iu u.uftu, uu uu uvw. .r ,, v nr hnnVlnt -lvlnr full In l)Ut hQ 11 Ret OVlir It
duced to stop at Omnha enroute, with tho Karnam street
result that on many staples this city caught
its trade. Boorey & Wood of Trovo,
Utah, Is a firm which has changed Us prin
cipal source of supply from the laker, to tho
Missouri river.
A. E. Miller & Co. of Lnramle, Wyo., wcro
on the market for their usual large bill of
fall and winter goods. This firm Is one of
Omaha's loyal supporters and has been ever
slnco It began business.
T. L. Davis of York, who is credited with
running ono of tho most complete dry goods
stores In tho stnte, was on tho market, as
was William A. Volght of Nolson nnd W.
II. Weber of Vllllsca, la. These gentlemen
mako reports of crop conditions In their
For tho benellt ot patrons who cannot
make daytime appointments tho Bathcry Is
now open Saturday evenings. Telephone
1716. Rooms 216-220 Beo building.
imriRC TDniim c enn iapoq
IIIVIIL- I IIUVUUL I Wll JnUUU , ...l..ll- i . T? Mi.
I fOr CACCB31VU ('Vi Oyi UUUU 1
JiiiIkc MuiiRrr Decllnrn to Ttrqulrf May powncr.
Bee. Telephone 233
Ho nd of Caleb llnlry In
Illchtmnii Cnne.
In tho United States district court Judgo
Munger has disposed of tho motion of the
master of the steamboat Jacob Hlchtman
Burlington ticket office, 1502 Farnam Jjo We8tV fiuln and N Ko
street. $1.00 uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure 60a
I3scoiuari 8 uiacuuerry uaisam zoo
Z5c uartcr uittie L.iver i-nia lbo
35o Castoria, genuine 2oo
1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c
$1.00 Poruna 75c
25c Lnxntlvo Uromo Quinine 15o
Ilcr's Malt wmsKcy isc
Cut Frlc
Drug 3tor
Tl. 747. . W. Car. 16tb an Chloaco.
Goods dtllTtrtd FRSB to any part ot city.
'i,u ' - a8klng that Caicb Haley bo asked to glvo
rtflpectlvo counties somewhat at variance . . , . . .,.,
with the published rcpo ts. Mr. Davis W ut fop rtam alnst , ownc'r8 of tho
that while corn In lork county Is bauly . ,
Tho Judgo has decided that under tho law
damaged, the yield by farms running from
T k ,i , f .h Vn'.mVv no bon ca b required, but at tho request
record-breaking wheat crop of tho county . . . ' . . , ,
has put tho farmers In such good condition ... . , rj -.niin .v, i ,
... k. ,..111 .nffnr hn IIHIn fpnm Ihn Inaa ......... ....... ,.v uu . v.M
11IUI IUW "v. .....v. . , 1.11., tmrr, C T..l .,nk It l
. 1 ' . II 11VI IIUUI UVUIO) II II 1 V. tl . b .
Hi llll. Will. ll.l ,,. !, .,.!,. 1. 1 l . .
VKtlllitu HHkJ lillu nuiuuuuvii 1M D141IU1 1, Ul
Iia nnlilnlitlnn ,h. Tn . V,
See third page for Shlverlck rurnlturo raeantImo the boat Is In the hands of the
Co.'s special August sale.
Clnn-Na-CJael Societies
Ot Omaha and South Omaha.
Annual picnic,
Jeffries Grove, la.,
Sunday, August 11.
Special trains will leave union depot,
via Illinois Central railroad, at 10 a. m.
and 12:30 noon.
Ilouad-trlp tickets, $1.
United States marshal, as tho defendants
refuse to give bond for tho payment of tho
Hamilton Warren, M. ., eclectic and
magnetic physician, office at the Central
hotel, Cor. 15th and Dodge streots, till a
suitable location can be found. Special at
tention to all long standing or lingering
diseases and to diseases ot women and
Very Low Rntea to Cleveland anil He-
Will bo In effect next month via the Lake
Shore & Michigan Southern Ity. Return
limit may be extended to Oct. 8. No other
line offers equal train service. Send for
full Information to M. S. OUes, T. P. A.,
William r.. Wcdco annearcd beforo Judgo Chicago. F. M. Byron. 0. W. A.. Chicago.
Vlnsonhalcr In tbo county court yesterday
(ilvea nond for Appearance at Pre
liminary HrnrliiK on
Aumml 'M.
and pleaded not guilty to tho charge of
embezzlement lodged against him Dy J
Fred Smith, nrcsldcnt of the nullders' and
Traders' exchange. Mr. Wedge, who is 64
years of ago and who was secretary ot tho
Shlverlck Furniture Co.'s great August
special salo this month. See page three.
Utah's Ideal Climate.
On the shores ot the great Salt Lake and
' I - flf.v Mll.fl .kMar-nm In .1 I 11.
Builders' and Traders' exchange for ten " " . '"' " V"J u,,"uuon'
years, Is charged with having converted ...umi- .m. o en
hrrwato "..Trra the V .r S5 '
and 1900. o.i-sinn inn.n. ,t.n .j
Judco Vlnsonhalcr set August 20 as the "I". "Iuu)r
111. L lui n.w iii I.IUIII.II1I j r - - " - . ,i n T-n nlinnn QIC
-J , BAA Ikn . ,1ia I ' JlliUUV '
rune anu uauu ouu na ii.u nuiuuitv m iu.
bond required for tho relcaso of tho do
fendant from custody. Tho bond
promptly furnished, the sureties being C
W. Partridge, J. E. Merrlam and Herman
It brings relief Re-No-May nowdnr. Air
your druggist. If your feet trouble you
try it.
August special furnlturo salo this month.
Mr. Wedgo asserts that ho is tho victim Sco page three.
of persecution. Ho says that ho rotlrcd
as secretary of tho Builders' and Traders'
exchango at tho beginning of this year and
organized a rival exchange "Tho success
of tho new organization," says Mr. Wedgo,
"has engendered a bitter feeling against me
on tho part of tho officers of tho old ex
change and they havo caused my arrest on
charges which they will bo unable to prove,
One count of tho Information charges that
on January 2, 1900, I took .3,000, and as a
Fig Powder
Has No Equal
Dr. E. J. Walsh of New York City, writes:
V. J. bhrador Medical Co.. Now York.
Gentlemen: I havo granted your request
in plvn Shrailnr Wlrr Pmuilnr .. .Mini
matter of fact the exchango never had that pen7Ucltl8 ln such limited Inio a a week,
amount ot money at any one time." , havo , ,t t t
The complaint was sworn out In tho macBed ' ,, 1 "a Tl"
n..r.tu .mi. 1, Tr. i nl r 1 I " uwi
sm in ot tno t.u.iaers una lra"' for operations for appendicitis when your
r. 7" ;;V;X I. 1,ls t'owder will answer tho purpose I ,,.uKH ,,,,.,,.... u. recommend it to all doctors and surgeons
Slippers and
Oxford Ties.
If you need a pair this summer,
now Is tho time to buy them. Don't
wait until tho lines aro broken up
and sizes all gone. We can fit you
now, but a llttlo later tbore'll bo
nothing left but odds and ends. Our
handsomo, dainty, high grado slippers
aro sold at tho popular prices $1.00,
$1.50, $2.00 and up. Tho latest style
oxfords at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
At whatover price you want to pay
wo can glvo you uncqualcd values.
Sco them.
N. E. Cor,
and Pou
Your Early
Inspection Solicited
Advance styles ln men's and women's
footwear fall styles, 1901 tho superb
Btylcs tho exclusive fashions all tho fads
and novelties of high art shoeuiaklng to
be found at this store only.
MONDAY, commencing of tho last week
of Omaha's greatest shoo clearing. Tho
prlco will movo every odd lot every broken
$2.C9 for men's and women's finest Shoes
and Oxfords 320 pairs ln this lot you
will find all tho newest soles, heels and
toes all widths and sizes strictly $6.00
and $7.00 shoes Monday, $2.69.
9Sc and 69c for women's Shoes and Ox
fordstans and blacks values up to $4.00
broken lines Monday, 98c and 69c.
$1.98 tor men's and womeu's Shoes
welts and turns vlcl kid, box enlf, patent
leathers values up to $4.50 Monday, $1.93.
$1.39, 8Sc and 59c boys' youths', little
gents' and misses' Shoes values up to $2.50
divided Into three lots Monday, $1.39
8Sc and 59c.
Infant Shoes hand turned all colors
nil sizes Monday, 29c, 19c and 12c.
Misses' and children's Slippers one-third
off former prices Monday.
1515 Douglas St.
Boys and Girls
of Omaha
and Vicinity
Do you know your tlmo during the re
mainder of tho vacation Is MONEY to you?
Ind out from your friends ln your home
community who of them Is likely to want
piano this fall (either buy or rent).
Ilrlng their names to our ofllco and receive
for eamo a CASH PIHZK. We will hedp
ou to n nico bunch of money beforo
school begins if you will give us your ef
forts. Our stock of pianos was never
more complcto and we arc showing somo
In slightly used and second-band pianos
on small payments. In fact, we make
terms to suit purchaser, and our guarantco
on nil our pianos Is as strong as a gold
Now, boys and girls, show us what you
can do and your reward will moro than
pay you. All pianos sold on easy monthly
payments, or will rent them cheap.
Remember, this ts the
' 1310 Farnam St., North Sldo Street,
rhono 1098.
Fine Art and
Violelia Toilet Soaps
Vloletta Soap, Armour's, worth 10c cako Rc
Vloletta Soap, Armour's, worth 25c box 15
Vloletta Soap, Armours, worth 50c,
two boxes 25
Armour's Fino Art Soap, tho kind you
read about, lOo cako; box 25c
25c Cutlcura Soap, only 20c
25c Woodbury's Facial Soap 20c
15c Tear's Unsccntcd Soap, only l:
25c Fear's Glycerlno Soap, only 15
50c Socletle Hygienic Soap, only 29c
50c Plnaud'a Violet Sensation Sonp.... 23c
25c Packer's Tar Soap.., 20c
Don't forget that we aro still selling
Homo Soda Fountains ns low as $2.00 each
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
Ullh iiml l'arnnni Sin.
1WI fllft nil llllv II 1S10 Jinn nn 5nn. i. . . "-' ww. ..... . ttuuiiuuuu uiiiii viuiuiuri i
,1 lw 1 ! .J nih im 11 ns 1 d0 Dot Ioubt 11 wl11 'l0 J"8- 'hat I dull business the Guarr
1 0 on nVcemher 30 ml 11 mo on tl U ClQlm'1 for U' Your8 vc respectfully. , extra salesmen. Tomo
ioo on uecemucr 30, 1899, $3,000 on Jan nr p t vat an , .. , . ,
im .miirifl nn .in iL i man "f h'. J: Vt"'. noom 901 Goodrich children's two-piece su
iiiock, ai anu Gin Ave.
W. J. Shrader Medicine Go,
uary 2, 1900, nnd $50 on January 31, 1900.
New York Room 10, No. 30 East Hth 3t.
or 1C02 N. 21th St., Omaha. Neb.
CnlimJui - tinitnil nnnllint fAAnril VifAfi t a r I
IU f,l nf IU .vUnrn in hla nw .... . " " '"'-' "" ou.ficuuo auiuiuajr uw..,w .v.vw... intu...,
i. iu .n.n thai v, , "v 17-. , o- Know'nB that no medicine will ever havo Its nt tho Guarantee's selling out sale, whllo
It Is alleged that he took $75 on July 2o, cnuai. t honn ..rv ,,.,. ., r ., , ,1M mr.iih, .,.
I ..... ll-Vlllllll.. 111. I U I II V I V 1 1' IW I llf. !'.''( ...U VW.U,JI..M.IQ I. .... - V
rantce has to put on
Tomorrow you can buy
Its, cholco out ot a
lot of nil wool goods, 98c; men's decent and
rcspcctablo suits ot clothes $2.50; seamless
socks, 5c; men's overalls, 25c; men's shoes,
75c; straw liatti, to close, 15c; extra line, all
wool men's suits, $4.05; boys' brown check
overalls, up to age 12, only 25c; light under-
wenr, 15c a garment; extra heavy suspen
ders, 15c; also big bargains in fine pants
and suits, at tho "Guarantee" selling out
sale, 1616-1S Capitol avenue, close to Ben
P. S. Friday, tho 16th, at 10 a. m. there
will bo another lot of goods given away
free don't forget tho dote. Meanwhllo
everything on hand goes at the lowest
prices you ever bought equally ns good
Doiinlnir nrftlrrn lo -SIumt Cnimr mill
Scrurc ContliiuniK'o.
The alternative writ of mandamus top.
compel Chief of Police Donahue to close
certain houses on Capitol avenue and causa
the arrest ot tho Inmates or show causa why
such action should not be taken was re
turnable before Judgo Keysor yesterday
Assistant City Attorney Adams appeared
and stated to the court that the chief ot
police desired to show cause, but would bo
unable to do so until tho return ot City At
torney Connell from tho east. Judge Key
sor therefore granted a motion for a con
tlnuance to August 21.
Parke Godwin, nttorney for Louis Slobo-
dlsky, tho owner ot the houses involved,
asked that his client bo made a party do
fendant In tho case, but tho counsel for the
relator objected, Slobodlsky was given the
right to flic a petition In Intervention, how
Itrure ot lllvnreo Snlls,
Mary Jarvis has begun suit for divorce
from Frank Jarvis on the ground of cruelty,
They were married at Salt Lako City In
February, 1892.
Lillian M. Harwood has brought suit
ngalnst William U. Harwood for divorce,
alleging cruel treatment. They were mar
ried nt Red Oak, Ia In April, 1S9S.
The best
is cheape st
in the end
When selecting u KODAK OH
CAMERA, set something mnilo hy
n rellnblo linn. Wo curry only
eniiieniH of tho best makers
rrcmo's, l'oco's, Kodaks, etc.
See our special Tele Photo, 4x5,
with case, $1-1.00, reduced lo $11.00.
All other mnterlal for the Ama
teur photographer at lowest prices.
Luke Okubojl.
The Ideal tummer resort. Quickly and
f tally reached from Omaha via the Mllwau
ke railway, the only through lint.
City office, 1504 Farnam itrett.
1215 Farnam Str.t.
Wholesale and retail dealers ln Pho
tographic Material.
Do these figures suit you? Smith,
Iirown, or Jones can t sell them any
cheaper, notwithstanding the great talk
they make.
Ilromo Quinine
Peruna (genuine)
Cutlcura Soap
Ltstcrlno (genuine) 75c
Beef. Wine and Iron 7Rc
Red Raven Splits 15c
Scott's Emulsion 45c
Syrup of Figs (genuine) 40c
Popbam's Asthma Cure gOo
When you find a drug store making a
practlcn of selling the above goods for less
prices wo will glvo them to you.
14th mi DonglM SU.
A. Mayer Co.,
'Phone 171
Re-No-May Powder
isol only relieves, but positively cures all
disorders ot the feet, stops odorous perspl
ration, cures teider, snolltm and painful
Price 50 Cents.
For Sale by all Druggists
and Glove Dealer
Consultation Free from 2 to 4.
When ordering by mall add 5 cents for
Re-No-May Skin Food for facial manaje
Re-No-May Cream lofleai Ud whitens
tho hands and facs.
Superior to Aplol, Taaty, Pennyroyal or Steel.
Suro Relief of Pain and Irregulari
ties Peculiar to tho Sox.
Aptollne Capiales for three months cost $1.
Drult or V. O. Box 2091, New York.
Vu aro scllini' more suits nnd skirts
than all other houses in the city combined.
J'riees lower than ever.
1 lot. ladies' suits in broken sizes, somo
silk lined throughout, worth O Qft
up to $1.5, on sale at
J lot of 115 man-tailored suits, made of
line Venetians, broadcloths, coverts and
homespuns, some worth up tl 7
i?.'!"., on sale Monday at IV. A kJ
Your choice of any suit in the house,
made of finest Venetians, cheviots and Eng
lish coverts, all colors, some silk lined
throughout, worth up to r C
10. on sale for only .
Ladies' silk and wool skirts in larger va
riety than ever.
All our silk dress skirts go Monday in
three lots.
Lot 1 1 table of silk dress skirts, some trimmed with Bilk
niching, double llounce and solidaire tucks, O C Est
worth up to $20.00011 sale for' vJ J
Lot 2 Your choice of 5ir silk skirts, made of extra quality,
trimmed in the newest styles, some worth C E-ft
full v S27.n0 on sale Mondav JLVJ.CV
Lot. .'I Your choice of any silk dress skirt in the
house worth up to $(5fJ, Monday's price only
I table rainy-day skirts, worth $1.50, for $1.S.
50 silk eton jackets, worth up to ?15, for i?1.50.
Your choice of any waist on our counters worth up to 3.50,
for $1.-15.
1 table ladies' wash skirts worth up to -S3. 75, for 1.50. :il
Astonishing Bargains in
Shoes for Monday
These Prices
Money Savers
Crnmcr's Kidney Curo 73c
Laxative uromo-yuinmo 10c
I'eruna 75c
Castoria SGc
Curtcr'H Liver Pills i. 15c
Gem Catarrh Cure 30c
Temiitutlon Tonic 75c
BOO 2-iuurt Syringes, worth 90c, 4Dc
200 3-quart syringes, worm i.uu wo
100 2quart Combination Syringe nnd
Water Dottle, worth J1..5 95o
DO 3-ouart Combination Syringe nnd
Water llottle, worth Ji.OO. $1.0!
We guarantco nil ma iidovo goods lor
ono year.
All prescriptions iormcriy nneu ni inns
lcr Drug Co., Economical Drug Co., New
Kennomlcal Drue Co.. Wnldron & Camnbell
and Mcrrltt-Oruham Drug Co., can now b
tilled only at
Every pair a bargain. It will pay jou to buy a pair whethor
you need them or not, as these goods aro not to bo had as you
wont them. Theao goods came direct from tho factory floors
and were bought very low. In fact some were bought LESS than
tho shoes could be made for. Come early and avoid tbo rush,
(or these prices will crowd our TWO I1IG shoo departments.
Extra salesmen havo been secured so that you will not have to
wait, but como early If you can.
Men 8 Crown Shoes In b'ack vlcl, velours calf, chocoiato
vlcl, tan calf, willow calt shoes, worth $3, ?3.B0 nnd Ji, salo
price fl-06.
Ladles' hand turned lace, in blacks, sale price, Jl.96.
Ladles' hand turned Juliet, ln blacks, salo price, $1.33.
Ladles tan and black oxfords, worth up to $3.00 a pair
whllo they last, said price, 98c.
Misses' shoes, tbo $1.60 kind, salo price, $1.25.
Hoys' shoes, worth $1.75 and $2.00, sale prlco, $1.50.
Youths' shoes, of same, worth $1.C0 and $1.75. price, $1.25.
Llttlo gents' ln vlcl and satin calf, salo prlco, $1.25.
Don't forget that Hayden Bros, aro agents for tho Stetson
and Crossctt shoes for men, and tho Ultra and Brooks Bros.'
shoes for ladles. These goods are carried In stock In all styles,
sizes and widths.
Shoes ln tho bargain room for Monday.
Men's satin calf shoes, worth $1.75, on sale $1.25.
Men's satin calf shoes, worth $2.00, on sale $1.50.
Doys' satin calf shoes, worth $1.50, on salo 98c.
Youths' of same, on sale 98c.
Llttlo gents' satin laco, the $1.00 kind, on salo 63c.
Child's and misses' laco and button, on sale at 29c, 39c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.
vn,,n' hn. that alwavs sell ot 12.00. $2.60 and $3.00, 111 both black and tan, with
and without vesting tops, salo prlco $1.48. Corns Monday, and como early.
1 -t . t-v i - rw r 4 ( in 11
You Spend Half
Your Lifetime
In your office. Why stand the aggravation
of dirt and cold of mlsorable elevator
service bad light and ventilation? There
Is no ofllco building in tho town kept like
The Bee Building
The best Is nono too good for you, and
you will And It a good business Investment
to tako a half hour and look at the tbreo or
four vacant rooms. Wo keep them filled.
Bee Building,
Rental Agents, Ground Floor.
uAvncu9 The Great Cthin?
HAY UlHS Sale Continues
Tho sample odd conts and vests and
sample odd pants will bo continued
Monday until all aro sold.
S'J.oO-at O.'c.
In all sizes from .lit to .".0. very few
of the smaller sizes left In this lot.
Men's ?3.."0 to $t.."0 sample pants, In
all sizes, from ail to 50 waists, on snlo
for only $1.50.
Conslstlng mostly of smnll sizes, M,
35 and .'Mi breast measure, coats and
'vests worth 57.50 to $10, on sale a'a
lon; as they last for 51.05.
We also have about 375 extra flno
light colored men's summer suits In all
sizes from H3 to 44, suits that are worth
and havo sold from $10, $12 and $15,
on salo as long as thoy last for $5.00.
Nowhoro In tho west can bo
found a largor or moro comploto
lino thun wo carry
Manila Rope,
Tackle Blocks,
Snatch Blocks,
Railroad Barrows,
Mortar Barrows,
Stone Barrows,
Send or call for prlco
Wire Cables,
Timber Carriers,
Cant Hooks,
Tubular Steel,
Jas. Morton & So.i Go.
151 1 OoiIk Street.
All sunuiu'r clothing must be sold regardless of cost to mako
room for our immense fall shipments already coming in.
Dental Rooms
1517 IJouliis St.
Special Parrot Sale
Aug 5 to 12, Inclusive.
Wo have nearly 600 ynuiic, tanm Mexican Parrots on
hand nnd cxpoct new shipments rlRht along:. We are
overstocked and aro compelled to mako another cut In our
already reduced prices In order to malts room for now ar
rivals. This Sale Shall Be a Record Breaker
This week we will sell
VontiK ncillirmlH nt only f4,00.
Yoiiiik Dnnlile YcllowhcmU the best and p!ln''at nlkpr on rth
nt only ifrt.OO.
Kach Parrot -old with a written Buanintort in talk and to bo a genuine
handralsed nestblrd. If you think this I.i a bargain doa t delay your order.
Direct Importer of Mexican Parrots.
Thirteen Years In Business.
Oold Fillings .
Silver Fillings
Teeth Cleaned
.$1.50 up
Ilroken plates repaired and made
j good us NEW All work gunrnntecd.
51 chichchtcr's ihqlibh
Pennyroyal pills
WJ2HlSliTm. iU.iir.lU.I. I..4I... Iir.((l.
ror uiiJtiir-iir.n-n r.iiit.. .-
I lir. II Hi UoU n.ullll k.m 'HI
lib tin. rtthD Takr lkcr. Ktrn.a
n(orai obtllull. mm lnll
tloa.. s; r pr.m.i. r ...J c.
tua.a f. I'artlfiilan. T.illl
"R.ll.r f.r L.dl..."- lllr. !
imrm Mall. I o,ou TmlB.iuli. .ld
Dm il.'.. Ilkl.knUr l..nll O.,
.ulk.'Uli iii, Ma41 ur. V Til I. A.. I' A.
Mr.N, If jou hfcTA imftll. wfk
orgnt, loit powor or weaktnlnv
drlni,oar Vacuum Organ l) ?lopr
will rfMore you wlthont drugs or
lectrlclty j Rtrlctur iod VMlcocelt
prmaurntl cured In 1 to i wiikli
Yft.CO In uio not one ftllurti not
onortttirnMi efftct IraintdUtti n
t r r .a i . - .....I
j,l,r, IIIUUI "III l"l II l IIQU
i lavra. tint ld In nlafa iitilnn.
lOCtUPPlUNCt CO. I3C Ilirp Ilk,, lntm t Itt. ts4.
It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND WORK to Make a Good lOo CIGAR
Is Now Being Made From Flno Cuban Tobacco, to of 1900.
JF. It. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers! St. Louis, UNION MAD