10 foil MAMJ-ltKAI. IJSTATi:. VOtl SALE UBAI. ESTATE. rou sale ueai. estate. l.f.OAI, M)TICUS. TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AUGUST LI, 1001. HOl'HKH AND I.OT3. FARMH AND RAN'r'ttES DO VOt WANT TO HI 'Y ' DO YOf WANT TO HUM.' IK BO CAM, I'l'ON Oil TELEPHONE TIIU UEOIKJE P. HK.MI3 HEAL ESTATE CO. rrlcphonc 5'6. 3O4-:.O0 Paxton llkck. HOUSES AND LOTS. Two blocks from cur line, nine very lame rooms, strictly modern, iinu shade, fru t, two lotc, nothing In the city compares with It at the prion. Owner leavln for Ca'l- iorni.i, ir sold immediately, t3,7.V). Wo have another bargain In a slx-rrom house, NEW, modern, except furnncc, clos in, J2.100. This week wo have several fine pieces of property that nre exceptional values. . RESIDENCE DOTS. We have somo very line lots that we can ell at such a llgure that puts them wiihln the reach of all, near car line, tip to grade, no grading, no Milne, from 175 to J2"0; S down and J." per month; others for IW1 0 down, $10 per month. Other beautiful lot from ll.Vrt to JJjW, one-halt down, balanc on long time. FARMS. Fruit 5 ncres within four miles of Omaha postofllce, 7-room house, pood cond.tlon, t'ne large vineyard, also plums, cherries and small fruits, only J3.10O. Qraln-fiO acres, slightly rolling, bhc't loam soil, good k-room house, barn 3uxM. corncrlb, chicken houro und other out building, two good wells, 31 acres tinder plow, balance In pasture and mead jw, 100 plum trees, 40 cherry and 10 npp.c tree, also grapes and berries, This Is located on macadam road within !) miles of omahi, Willi the above placo we are offer. na 1 farm wagon, 1 double-seated buggy. 1 i ght buggy, l new top buggy, 1 new mow I K machine, hay rake, grinding mill, otn shellcr, oiif-norse cultivator, I two-horse cultivator, plow, harrow and 3 gocd hnrsc. Ait. t.m , iKi Klll'IT AND OIlAtN FARMH OK ADD SIZES, AT ALL PRICES, IN NEHRAHKA, IOWA. MISSOURI. CALIFORNIA, ETC. WHITE I'M. ..ASCHKil. 610 acres, all fenceil and cros-fenced. 210 acres under cultivation, two runnlrg springs, never dry. Can put up your ow i Ice, large amount or extra good iihiit, whnln riltirn twin be farmed If de.ilr'd. Owner will put up 30 or 10 tons of hay th s venr. flood 7-room house, summer kltch n and shed attached, outside building lor meats and dairy, barn for 16 head orncrlb 8 ,oo bu. capacity. 3 granaries, buggy shed, hog pens with lo-aere pasture f enc d h )g tight, JliW). mt acres adjoining, an tinner rence. mm can bo bought for l,S'rt. WK II A V 1-2 OTHERS IN EVERY PR SIRAIILE (IHA.INO SUCTION OK TDK COt'NTKY. INVESTMENTS. Kor money making Investments In rentnl or trarkage property, building fltcs op farms HUH I'S. 4H PER C E NT MONEY TO DO AN ON GILT-EIKSE REAL ESTATE SICCtMlHY. ADSO WRITE Kl RK INSURANCE. GEORGE I. HEM18 It HAD ESTATE CO. (Established In ISO1.) Telephone 05. I'axton Block. KIWJ8 II KOIl SADH HY Till'. HYHON 11I3KD CO., 212 S. HTH ST. 2021 Hlnney St., 10-room nil moJom rctl dencc. Ilnlshcd In hard wood, cost J 6,'.i.t0 to bullil, steam heat. This la one of the llne.st hnuseH In Kountzj Place. Ha n nice lhade trees, permanent sidewalk and paving pnhl; lot lt) feet front! price, jo.OOO.w. If you want a bargain don"t fH to look this up as some one Is ure to buy It soon. 2)th and Ohio, 7-room now house, bath, closet, sower nnd gas, double Moors ami back plastered, flno yard nnd n beaut ful place, J2.GO0. 1913 Izard St., B-room cottage, paved street, ;-mllo from P. O.. Jl.OtM. 408 Center St., 4 rooms, 330.00. DOTS. 36th street, between Dodge nnd Karnam, cust front, on paved street, 3 feet above grade, only two lota left; $1,230.00 each 4 lots In Shull's Ad., one-hnlf block from Ponnlcton Ave., on grade, nlco fhade trees, street ordered paved, $500.00 each Lot 6. block 23, Walnut Hill, on south rids of Hamilton St.. 1 block west of car line and next to Mr. Nccly's residence, lor J230.00. Campbell's addition lots on 23d St., for Jj'JU.w eacn. t!;asy terms. VAHMS. 160 acres 10 miles from Omaha, between Hcniilncton and Klkhorn. nil under cttltl vntlon, leased for next year, line fnrm, $13 per ncre. 1W acres five miles north of Omnhn, nil under cultivation., leased for next year, two sets of buildings belonging to the tenants, $17.d0 per acre. 10, 20, 40 or 60 acres. Any amount you wnnt near norence, nnesi ituut oi lanu for fruit or gurtlen purposes, only Hi miles from car lino when extended to Florence; other ngents nsklng $30 an acre for land no better. Our price, $63 nn acre. Other bargains advertised in both the other papers. The Hyron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th St. RE-193 11 It. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FARNAM ST., HUE BUILDING. D W E DDINO 1 IOUSES. No. 90O Good bargain, easy terms, 7-room house, bath, closet, hot nnd cold water upstairs and down, good furnace, gns, mantel, hard oil llnlsh, largo rooms and walking distance. Price, $3,500; $500 down, balance monthly. b-room house, city wnter, lot 66xlR8. house No. 19H Castellar St. Price only $2,000. New 6-room modern cottage, renting for $21.50 per month, within walking distance. Only $2,000 If sold soon. 35th and Dodgo Sts,, 10-room now house, strictly modern and up to date, oak llnlsh, open plumbing, paved street. Price, $1,500. No. 151 In West Fnrnnm district, 11 two story S-room house, with every modern convenience, oak llnlsh, tine reception hall nnd staircase, east front, everything first class, Price, $1,700. RE-232-11 7-ROOM, modern, full lot, largo barn, north of Hiinscom park, at a bargain. 1). R. Hnll. 626 N. Y. Life. HE-2S3 11 WHO WANTS A CHEAP DOME? 11-room house, furnnce, gas, bath, laundry, large burn and 3-room house In tho rear. ten blocks I. O.; owner has instructed mo to sell, and some ono will got u bargain. J. II. PARROTTK, 16TH AND DODGE. RE-2:W 11 660-ACRE Sarpy county farm, well Im proved bottom land, 400 acres corn, 40 meadow. 220 pasture, living water: Ideal stock farm; bargain. $35 per ncre. Hiram A. Sturges, 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. RE-237 11 RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. 2m So. 40th, 5-room dwelling, $150. 3502 Hamilton, 6-room cottage, city water, corner lot. n bargain, prlco $5o0; rents 161S Corbv Kt.. fi.room dwelling, sewer, bath gas, city water, paving tnx all paid, big I'UI&tllll, JIIILU fl,VV, iL-uin tiov.w 2624 Parker St.. 7 rooms, furnnce, sewer, bath, gas. largo cellar, 45-foot lot, permn. pent walks, brick pavement, rents $261 llio present price win surprise you. Near 35th and Far num. St, nearly new mod ern dwelling 01 s rooms, Hlenm Heating piunt, east trout, 11111 101, a unrgnin, t,(.), CHEAPEST LOT IN KOUNTZE PLACE South front on Hlliuey St.. worn nf lOtn paving taxes all puld, prlco $900. Nothing iiko it ior jwv. For nnythlng til REAL ESTATE, LOANS KENTALH or rilttS liHl'HAM'ia SDK GARVIN HROS.. 1604 FARNAM ST. Commercial National Hank Iilils, RE-2SI 11 3, 6 AND 7-room houses, modern except furnace, well located, income iu per cen net. B, R, Hall, 626 N. Y. Life. RE-2S5 11 FOR SALE, fine fnrm 440 ncres, few miles west coiumnus, u,0i); nearly nil m cm tivntion. 20 acres N. W, Florence. $50 per ncre. 6 ncres nenr Ruser'H park, $125 per acre. J. H. PARROTTK, 16TH AND DODGE. RE-237 11 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nre insurance, ucnus, i'axton ihk. RE-I41 PAYNE KNOX CO. Plato upon the MAHKDT for IMMEDIATE sale the following property at greatly re duced MUCKS; 1816-On So. 11th St., IJEAUTIFL'L 6-room house. In good rennlr: furnace, gas. nice HATH HOOM. sewer, hot and cold water tilumblne. WELL HI' IDT. corner If PRICE reduced from J2.R") to JJ,I); !i cash. HADANCU MONTHDY. This Is your opportunity. 1S42 This property Is In AVONDALE I'AHIC on Webster St., 6 rooms, hns every modern convenience, Ft'RNACE, OAS, HATH, sewer, hot and cold water, beautl- iui soutu trout, convenient to Btiiuui, nr'Htvi.'ia ot tritiva rMimjrMr nH within walking .distance of HIGH HCIIOOD. Reduced from 2,60O to 2,I00; W) cash. NOW is your time. 21-On Jackson St.. corner lot. one- block from Leavenworth Ht. car line, 0 fine I rooms and store room. The house Is rtDD MODKHN: hnrn ftlno. I'ronerlv renin for $19 per month. Price Is reduced from j2,i)0 10 J.',W,U JIKltK 18 A 1JAHUA1N. HDHK IS A SNAP. The house Is new. has 6 KINK rooms and KDKOANT bath room, porcelain tub, marblo WASH.HTAND, electric nnd gas lights. Iin-to-date furnace, cemented i el- lar, permanent walks, paved street, south ironi. j-nco is retiuccn rrom n.v) to 13.W, casrj. wnat more could you L.x- i'lut for your money. On 32il and Pratt St., good 5-room cottage. NICK largo lot. weii, etc. We are author- I7.en in neii rnr I7f.. xin nnaH nnH n naf i month. K1HST come, first served. JU Ot'ICI-f. We put upon the market for Immediate sale No. 2121 8, 20th St., in rooms, largo lot. Ms 2f'fi. running clear through to 2ijth Ave.; property Is In good repair. The owner Is ANXIOt'H to sell and has authorized Us to tnKe i;m cash, balance monthly. PAYNK KNOX CO.. Main Kloor N. Y. Dlfo Hldg. UK-1S9 11 SWKKT & HKADDKY. Tel. 1172. 613 New York Dlfo Hlds. HKAD ADD OK THIS AD. Hetwecn FARNAM and DODOK, on 35th Ave. new s-room residence. onK llnlsh. Strictly modern. East front. A bargain at $4,D00. Two blocks west of Park Ave.. D-room residence, modern except furnace, good repair, barn, lot 60x120. A bargain at .-,bui. uwner win take good lot or ciiulty in pari payment. IN ORCHARD IIII,I-7-rnom house, mod- cm except iiirnnce, lot wxyju, line snnde, only $2,600. Some cheup lots, well out, can ne taken in part payment. ON CAPITOD HIDD-7 rooms, lot 33x113, 11110 snaue trees, Til in la A s,r, Kivo-room cottage on Vinton, water, gas, nricKeii cellar, picket rence, lot 3.1x112. I'AVINO ADD PAID. Prlco reduced Inst wock from $1,500 to $1,100 cash. This week Jl.lufl on easy tiavmonts. Niep tironertv lie niilelt propiri. 110 quick. Five-room cottage, east front, half block from Soith Omaha car. lot 45x126. JS.V1 cry cneap WD CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON VACANT DOT8 IN FINE LOCATIONS. ALWAYS SEE US BEFORE CLOSING A UEAU SWEET & HEADLKY. Tel. 1472. 613 New York Llfo Bids. RE-20C 11 FIVE ncres. N. 24th St.. south of Miller park; cars will soon pubs this property; $2,500. 40 to 220 acres, 9 mllB north of Omaha v. o.. wo ner aero. 60x126 feet, south front lot, on Decatur, ,bO' twecn 2th and 27th Sts.. S850. 50x120 feet, south front, near 31st nnd Chi cago: tiavlng nald: $1,000. 4339 Franklin St., six-room house, high and sightly, nenr car lino. 11.200. 672 South 27th St.. lot 60x132 feet, slx-room nouse; price, iz.tjuo. SUBMIT OFFER-N. E. corner 26th nnd cum ng Sts.. two houses. 1113 Park (29th) Ave., seven-room house; lot 60x140 feet: $4,600. $11,000 for a row of brick buildings, ground iiiixin; rental t,.v.x ner year. JOHN N. FRENZEH, Opposite Old P. O. RE-197-11 WE HAVE for sale a tract, 295 feet by 131 ",.7' .' V",n,p .ce can,,u? p atted Into seven lots. 42x103, to nn a ley already dcdlcnted to the city. ty. Lots of less depth In tho Immcdlnto vlclnltv have sold for $1,000 each, and these should brine at least $400 each, and. with the value of the Improvements the property is well worth $3,600. We can sell It for $2,600, o-i a $1.0m cash payment; balance, $2) monthly payments. Wyman, Shrlver Co., New York Dlfo Hid?. UK 1S4 11 IB PER CENT ON YOUR, INVESTMENT. Two 7-room brick Tiouscs. rhreo 10-room houses. Lot C6xll0, rents for $93 per mo.; can buy tne wnoie snooiiugmnicu vi.unu; assumo mortgnge $3,000. cash $1.00). balanco tlm?. IOt 7. block ll. Millard Place. 9-room house, modern, rents, $23, (room nouse, rents, ;iz.tu. Prlco $3,000. Do you wnnt tho earth? H. PARnOTTE. 16TH AND DODOE. RE-241 11 10-ROOM, modern house, corner lot. c'oie to iiign scnooi; owner is leaving the city nnd will sell nt u very low llgure: rentnl. JW0; price, $4,500. AV. H. antes. 618 N. Y. Life. UE-247 11 one of the best car lines In the city, and l i-room modern nouse, srco Cass the-r wTh "nnm' hnnS'wi'ih6 i?;. $2..00 for small house nnd lot. 66x06 ft.. getner Willi a b-room hOUSC, With CitV ' M W rnr "1th inil Phlenpn nla water, which now rents for 112 ne C P H A A I S. N E. T W K I R, D S D A 1 D A E M 8 8 M O A N. N. RE-255 11 S ROOMS, sewer nutl water, well and cis tern; 11 weii-nuiit, warm nouno, good cel lar, lot 32x130, shade; north pnrt of city, ono block from 21th st. car line. $1,500. 7 rooms at 4111 N. 31st nve., lot 61x123, ,4 block of Ames ave. car line. $S50. S rooms, wnter. sewer, barn, fruit nnd nlco mil iioiiur) , rent, lot WXK1. .616 Do- catur. $2,(W0. V. H. O ATES, 61S N. Y. LIKE. RE-21S 11 FARNAM SMITH &. CO., 1320 Farnam Street. Fine largo pressed brick residence In Dun dee, barn, permanent walks, beautiful grounds, one of tho most sightly locations In Omaha. This beautiful homo can bo bought for much less than cost. W'a will bo pleased to snow you this property. Verv deslrnble 10-room. modern house nnd two lots In Dundee, lino locntlon, par', of lower floor mushed in onK, price, s,sw. Excellent 9-room residence In VVest Funnin district, nearly new. nuiit for a noine worth $5.0f0; something less will buy It. Beautiful enst front building lot on 37th near Farnam at a tmrgain. If you wish to buy or sell cnll on V. FARNAM SMITH He CO. RK-191 D NEW MODERN HOUSE, 2?21 n.WKNPOHT ST., $2,500.00. Wo are offering a new 6-room house, con taining bath, sewer, closet and gas. nil nrst-emss fixtures, largo porch, cellar bricked nnd cemented, lot 60x131 ft,; per manent sidewalks, The Byron Rtd Co., 212 80. lth St. RE-.M200 II DDCIDKD UAR.GA1S8. THE HKAD THINGS, by D. V. SHuLES CO., 310 N. Y. Tel. $29, Dlfo. The Harton residence, corner 21st and Cali fornia Hts., h without any question tno best bargain In it residence property ever offered to a thirsty bargain hunter. If YOU want a house that Is LU'IDT on honor, nt less than half the cost to build and as good now as new, you will only have to see this to buy It Fine grounds, elegant barn costing J6,5(m, hot water neater in tne nam, nest oi piumoinz in house. Ilnlshcd Inside with nollshcd black walntH ns fine as a Pullman car. In fact, this house was built by car minders. Prlco Is nominal, bo you won't feel as If you nad absolutely stolen it. ... 1127 So. 31nt St.. Ilnnsenni Place, we offer a very excellent well-located modern homo, desirable In every way, at ti bargain, for tne reason only mat tne owner is to leave the cltv tiermanentlv. Prlco Is f 1,000. 1cm than It can tic duplicated for, but wo WANT to sell QUICK. ... . , ; , , 121 So. 31st Aye., faring Turner park, only one niocK trom rarnam ot. o oner VKKY KINKDY built 10-room house, HOT WATUIl heat, HKST of plumbing, line cemented lirlck cellar. 12-Inch walls and cross walls, down stairs oak finish, large billiard room on 3.1 floor. A KIHBT- C DASn. VKDD HI IDT home, nnd worth HVI3HY dollar asked. Prlco reduced to JS.250; terms to suit. Ht.'T when YOU get to talking about ACHE THACTH, If you were to go out to OMAHA 1IKICJHT3 nnd survey the city nn country over, you would say mm nothing von have ever seen or exnect to see compares to these tracts for HUPKHH VI KW. or at such DOW prlces-ONDY 1150 per acre. "13 KNOW It CANNOT bo DUPDICATKD. ' 5"w s 'tcrM only 3 blocks from Central Park schoo . 8 blocks from MOTOR. Join- ing central i-nrK, wnere incy nsK to $3uo for one little measly lot; 6 acres make .o lots: at tnat nrice is eouai to Ji.omi. HKTTKIt KIOt'RK ON THIS. LANDS. ISO acres very lino land, east of Klkhorn river, or wn cn zuu acres s n cultivation. good crops, balance In pasture, hog lots and line grovo of timber; Improvements fnlr; this land Is a bargain; price, $15 per acre; terms to suit. 120 acres near Millard, only 3 miles off paveti road, at to per acre. 300 acres near Millard, very lino land, two sets nuudings, anil one or tno nest com blnatlon stock nnd craln farms In Dauc las county; prlco, $55 per acre; mUht pos- siuiy ue sn itiea some. See or write us for lands In Douglas county. U. V. HUUliISM UU., TCI. N2. UK-314 11 HOYEIl'S BARGAINS. C-room house, cistern water, lot 31Uxl2S Two lots, together, 91x121, with store bul'd- ing; s rooms on second llnor nnd a 4-rooin cottage: city water Inside; nice lot of shade and fruit trees and other shrub bery; 11 most desirable place, bith for residence and business, $3, 500; a real tnr gnln; close to Kountze s park. 5-room house nnd barn, lot 41x132, on Urls'ol St., $1,600. Nice B-room house, good barn, lot 50xU7. ueautinu home, ji,4W. Lot, 66x132, with two houses, 6 and 8 rooms, Hurt St.. near 22d St.. Ji.oCO. 8,MP11hK'I. l.t1J0x,1 we"' c,,y a"0 ' -" 5-room house, lot 62U5I123. city water, 26th St., near Indiana ave., $2,0u0. . . ... o-room iiotiso, city ana cistern water, 101 n,iioit ... o-,i, ;, n.n, f r-,,mir- .1 $1,000 If sold In one week. 4-room house, city nnd cistern water, good barn, lot 25x132, tiW, In good condition, Two vncnnt lots, corner 27th nnd Saratoga sts., together, 100x127, $600. Southeast corner 21st nnd Cuming sts., lot 00x132; sell with or without building. Brick store building, lot 20x132, $2,500; Cum ing st., between 21st and 22d sts.; good business location. 10-room house, 26th nnd Sprague, lot 60x100, won nnd cistern water, .',i&u. Dots In Bedford Place, from $200 to $S00, according to size and locution. 6-room house, well nnd cistern water, lot 60xlfr9, on Military ave., 2,3W. several kinds of small und largo fruit. 6-room house, lot 61x127, well wattr. on Franklin, between 25th and 26th sts., $2,50). 7-room house, lot 30x132, on Webster, near zist., w.wai. Above prices good only to September 1, 1P0I. 0-acro farm In Woodson county, Knnns, 2',i miles rrom Yates center, county seat. Will trndo for Omaha property. Dand, unimproved, In Custer county, Neb., anil several oiuer counties, Dotn iNctirasKa and Kansas. CHRIS BOYER, Southeast Cor. 22d and Cuming Sts. Phono 2049. RE-295 11 HOUSES KOR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS. $3,000.00 for property 1433 S. 16th st.; rent $1 OnU.tiO-Scven-room house, 316 N. 25th st. i -.TS.OO-Four-room house. 314 N. 23th st. " RESIDENCE LOTS. $70.00 for 96x140 ft. 41st and Dewey ave. J7W.IX) tor aaxiou 11. mu and iiurt sis, $300.U0 for 60x150 ft. on Franklin, near Mili tary ruuii. GEORUE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnnm St. ills mik 11 RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by tho union rncmc itaurouu company. 11. a, McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pacfllc Headquarters, Omaha, ' Neb. RE-715 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm St. His in SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN KOUNTZE PLACE. 10-room house, with all modern conven ience.'!, good cemented basement ; located at tho S. E, corner of 20th mid Wirt streets, ground 99 feet 011 Wirt by 121 feet on 20th, asphalt pavement and per manent sidewalk; houso and barn newly painted, property In excellent repair; cost owner $14,000; owner Is leaving city and Is going to sell at a great sacrltlce; price, $5,6, if desired, $l,w0 ensh, balance cn time. If j 011 want to get a beautiful homo with large grounds Investigate- thD property. R. C. Peters & Co.. 1702 Far nnm St., exclusive agents. RE 136 11 HOUSES nnd lots In nil parts of city; also aero property ami rnrm lanus. Tho 0. f . Davis Co,, Room 552, Beo Building. RE-744 C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. 913 N. x. iite, uuy unu ecu. inquiries invuca. JlE-7b3 A30 OWNER old, must sell mortgaged York farm; no trade box 2Ss, rorK, iseu. RE- LOTS, 2Sth and 23th Fairmont Plnce, cn mvorauie terms, jv.1a.3js r. 11. ivappen, 133 West Water ti., Milwaukee, Wis. RE- NICE S-room house, full lot, city wnter, ........ ...It... 11 ( , C-Tl , 11 ruiuwit'ii- luut'i, wen lucuil'll, l,oou, X), Jt, Ball. 526 N. Y. Life. RB-2V. 11 Flblll.VG AND PI.UAStmn RESORT. IF YOU want goad bass and croppy llshlng go to Lnugdon. Mo. Verv best of hotel accommodations. Plenty of bouts and minnows. mo 11. a, uittmur for rates. 70S JL'.Mi. uo not sen your junk beforo you pet uiiL-fn ui 1 ne iiraii ratern junK Mouse MS Douglas bt., umana, "Phone 2163. A. j'erer. iirinirietor. Ala L.VL'.MMt Y. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7o: collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1710 Leuvcnworth. Tel. 317. u- llOIMin MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam hollers. innVi stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th and Izard Sts, 7IS PAWNnnoicuiis. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, nccommodnt Ins; all business confidential. 1301 DougU 1 ll.aiJ.UV DIA-I UUIII tlUUDUi Lit. tlllll J O III A DM lit A DTK SKIZITHK - STKAMIIOAT' JAI.UU ItltJII 1 .MA. CITATION. United States of America, District of Ne braska, ss.: Whereas. A libel has been tiled In tho dis trict court of the United States for the dis trict of Nebraska, on the 3oth day of July, 1901, by Caleb Haley as llbellant In a caiiso of tort, civil and maritime, ngalust tho steamboat "Jacob Rlchtmaii," her nppnrcl. tackle anil itirnniire, ana praying tno unuai process nnd monition of tno court that nil persons Interested In said steamboat, her taCKIt', Uimit;i, iiiutu ,ui.-i j nuu luiiiiiuii., may bo cited to appear and answer the pre mises, anil all due proceedings being had, that said steamboat may bo decreed to bo sold, and the proceeds thereof distributed according to law. Therefore, in pursuance oi sain monition under the seal of said court, to me dliecied and delivered on the 31st day of July, 1!U. I do hereby glvo notice generally unto all persons having or pretending to have any right, title or Interest In said steamboat, called the "Jacob Rlrhtman," her tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture, to np pear before the said court In the city of fin, dm In mill district, on tho 2d dav of September, 1W1, next (it it ne n court uny. ,.r Un on next court day thereafter), at 10 o clock forenoon of sain nay. men nnn mere to nnswer the said libel, and to make known their allegations In that behalf. Dated at omniia in ram aistrict tins tn day of August. A. D. 1901. .,, 1. Ji. tX 1 III. ' o, United States Marshal for tho District of Nebraska. AughDlot HOND SADH. , ti. ii..i nt v'.lii.'iitinn nf Dlslrlrt No .1 ri..i... Vol, villi neii In the highest tiMripr mi Anc'ust 2". 1901. nt 2 p. m the bonds of the district, no bond to exceed $t,CVi, or be less than $Ol. Rids will also be received ior uuiiuuib. . .. 1... rector. AugSiHtm vnfTft' nt.- iiRHHIVKH'R SA1,P Pursuant to the order of tho district court of Douglas county. Nebraska, notice Is hereby given that as receiver of the Nebraska Fire Insurance Company I wl 1, on tho 10th dny of September, A. D , 19m. at 10 n. m.. at the olllcn of the receiver, In Mm iirnun iiinrV. isth and Douglas streets. In the city of Omaha, In Douglas county, fr,r.onlil nffer fnr sale and sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder or bidders therefor, all and singular the prop erty und assets nf wnatsoever kiiki, rem, personal or mixed, remaining undisposed of in my nanus or iiuari-sjiuii n tn eclver, said sale to ue cuutiuuiu ironi unj to flay, if nccessnry. a full ileKcrlntlnn of all the said tiron crty and assets will bo nccesslble and fur nished to persons desiring to Inspect the mime, with a view to bidding thereon, dur ing tho business hours of each day, provlou to such sale, at my otllco 11s aforesaid. A general description thereof Is ns follows: Premium and other notes; Judgments In favor of the company or of the receiver, nccounts ncnlnst former ngents of the compnny and miscellaneous nccounts ngnlnst others; real estate mortgages; tax titles ami outer interests in reni estate mindrv stocks: office furniture; safe; vil limes of Insurance law Journal and other printed huoks, and nil outer assets 01 tno rnnmiinv exceut cash on hand. Tho terms of such sale will bo cash on tho transfer or delivery or tno property pur rhnanl. of which 25 ner cont will be ro' ouired ns a condition of accepting the bid ADHERT V. W'YMAN. Receiver Nebraska Flro Insurance Company Dated Omniia, -Net)., Aug. o, iwi, A8 130t. B A Safe Anaesthetic Nltros Oxydo Gns or Laugh ing Gas given for pnlnless ex traction $1.00. Gold Crowns, $5.(). rorcelatn Crowns. $3.50 to $3.00. Bailey the Dentist Third Floor I'm ton IllooU. 'PHONE 10S5. t'tinica ciiuisK op the "Celtic." THE LA HQ EST STEAMER IN THE WOP-DD, tiie MEDITERRANEAN ini! ORIENT KEJIRUARY 8 TO APrtlL . 1902. 74 DAY COSTING ONLY J100 AND UP. Klrst-elasa, including Shore Excursions, Oulde, Fees, Hotel, Driven, etc. The cheapest und most attrnctlv trip lmvlng tho U 8. next winter, covering the mot ground und affording the most slghtseflng. The miunlncciit White Star Line new, twin screw steamer "Celtic" (W.6S0 tons), a floating palace peclally chartered for the round trip, length, 700 feet; breadth, "S feet; 9 decks; 83 single rooms. ... ., , SPECIAL FKATUllES Mndcila, Alders, Malta. 18 DAYH In EGYPT and the HOIA LAND, Constantinople, Athens, Home, the Ri viera, etc. A course of elriit lectures, Ticltrtts good to stop over In Europe and return later on the "Oceanic." "Majestic." etc. The "Celtic" arrived In New Yorlt Aug. 4th on her maiden voyage. THANK C. CUnK. Ill Droadway. Mtw ork. Direct Ilont to atu ExUlliltlon ANCHOR LINE Jtennislilpa from Sew Yok Weekly fot ULASGUW VIA LONDONUDHUY. Saloon, $50 and up. Second Cabin, $32.50 and up. Third Class, $Oi and upwards, For Illustrated folder and further Informa tion apply to ilttJNUtttmu: miunittiia. Chicago, or . S. MeNALLY. 1323 Farnam St.. GEO. K. ABBOTT. 1334 Farnam St.. Omaha. Record Vongs 6 Out. 7Hourt. 21 Mlnule. buiun 19 LIVtHfUUL vlt QUEENSIOWN New England, Twin Screw, 11,600 " Aug. 14 Commonwealth ' " 12,000 Tons Aug. 28 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Dominion . . .Aug. 10 Vancouver Sept. 5 Cambroman ... Aug. 17 I Dominion. ..Sept. 14 For further lelortiatlea, afdrets Company'! Olllcei. il Durbars St.. Calcaie, Ilia. 1 R AIL WAY TIME CAllD. WUIISTUIl UBl'OT 1BTII & WtnihTI'.ll, rreinont, KlUtmrii A Sllnaoarl Vnlley Leavo. Arrive. ntnelc Tlllla. Dcadwood. Hot SDrtnus a j;w pn a ow pro Wvninlnir. (Jusner ana jJouKius u vm c ti.vj pro llastlns, vorK, javiu city. Buperior, ucnevn, Kxeter unil Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Nnrfnlk. Lincoln and Fremont " '' n biv.m am Fremont Uical c iiiQ am . MUauurl l'liclUe. N'elirnnka I.OL'al. Ma Weeping water o s:w pm uiomj am CIlll'ltK", 1'uul. .tllnili'iipnlU A Omitlin, l'wln City Passenger.... a G:00 rim n 0:10 nm Sioux City I'uHBcnger...u i!:t5 pm all;10am lCmeraon Local b pm b b:M am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, cj Dully except faaiuraay. o Dally rxcepi .iionuu. UNION STATION 10TII A.MJ MAIIUV, Union I'neinc. I-cnve. Arrive. Overland Limited.. Fast Mall Mall nnd Express.. ..a S::n nm n 7:30 pm ..n R:fi0 nm a 3:25 pm ..iiiiw pm a 4:zj pm . . R 1 1 Dir. a. &' nm Colorado special l.tncaln-StromsberB 13x.b :oi pm b!2:30 pm 1nolfle & Atlantic Kx...n 4:2j nm n (1:30 um Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am UUiiol Cen trill. Chicago Express.........a 7:00 am a 6:10 pm (.lUCHRO, .-uinneill'uiia ic St. rain i,imeu.......a i; pra n s:oo am xllnnennnlls & St. Paul Uxprcss ..b 7;M am b 9:10 pm 1 On IJOUtiV l.utai, t.utt. Council IHuffa a 6:00 am AVnlmnli. Rt. Tnils "Cannon Ball" Expresn a 5:15 pm n 8:20 am Chlcnco, ?IIInnnUei ,t St, Pnul. ChlcBiro Limited , ,,n 8:00 pm n. A:0S am Chicago U Omniia Kx,.,b 7:15 um b 3:40 pm Minn viiy .v riicinr, Twl Twl n city Bxnreiis.Mii.ft 253 sm n City J.lmliodtI,,,,,a TlM pm ix City Local,., ,a siOO wn RjOlB.t pm a iH am Bloux a 3:W) pm CIRCUS AFTER John O'Brien1 61 Horse Did you see the parade, nnd did you see. our wagon In the parade'' And that elegant Rockaway on top of It with glass sides and elegant upholstering' A srnsotiable carriage always a tony nltnictlvc. swell vehicle for the family s .isi We have hosts of other styles t i show yon besides, In both Rinkaways and Broughams. Have also four sizes of Depot Ungons, (the ever popular carriage ) tlfn Uaiia ltoulevnrd vehicles In vn WB llflVB rlorl diMlsiM, very well li u iiuiu Meh hunis. lilk'li tonud trappy turnouts. We have Otttliii! Wngoin which will outsliliiu your neighbor's outlandlsli common gf" 16th St. Jaunting Car in. i r-n n vnr etv nf ttooil second WB MdVB Phaetons, traps and buggies, good repair, and newly painted, and very low prices nre quoted on them, fall and summer robes, whips We Have our presence. Visitors DRUMMOND I8TH DOES ADVERTISING PAY? Shiverick Furniture 4 room Furniture iil nitiK trt thftlwT Dr ...... t tw ' Jk D.fl. WT lT Kill " ' jltoi.nr RiNW 01,11 Oo4i purctMMd (tils aunth eta a litni lo Mr wMrthoiiM until wntJ If Mlra4. r4MTt Ulik Bur-... MM U nmu u MI. KnamH lyni WnM , mm nt lam imiii ....... an u.t a. r firM h. MM TI Ji o. M Book' Cases M m Mt Arthur Shiverick, munn(?er of the Shiverick Furniture Compniiy, snys: jfttvxv.' "The above udvertisemciit wus placed in The Bee last week and resulted in our firm having two of their largest salesduys on record, notwithstanding it is Intlte dullest season of the year." While this cntorpriHliiK company niny linvo iilven their custoinets roiup excoptloniilly gootl values It simply demonstrates the worth of legitimate advertising In a metropolitan dully paper. AII.WAY TI5in CAIII). ChlclIKO, Ittit'U" nlii M il .t I'ncinc. ChlcaKO DayllBht Spe'l., 6:00 am 2:00 am Des Moines nnu uaven- tiort Iocal n r.u am mi.m am ChlcaRO Express bllilanm n 8:10 am Des Moines iocni a i.M pm u im rhtnnco I'ust Express. .a 5:00 pm it 1:25 pm Des Moines. Rock Island nnu ClilcnRO .il i:w l"n u him inn Hocky Mount'n Limited 2:00 am 0:00 nm Lincoln, uoio aprinKs. Denver, i'ucdio nnu Went a 1:30 pm n 4:15 pm Colorado. Oklahomn and Texas Flyei a oi.'i pm n y;.-u am Mlaniurl rnt'ltlc. fit. Louis Express al0:on am n h'.zs pm K. C. & St. L. Kxprcss.aiu:au pm a una um L'lili'iiKii A Northwestern. Chlcnco Special n 7:00 nm nll:30 pm ChlcnRO Passcnccr a 4:15 nm n 8:40 nm Enstcrn wxpress niuio. nm n inn Eastern Special a 4:55 pm n 4:t pm Fast Mnil n 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:45 pm a 8:00 am Fast Mail n E:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger , n 5:30 pm Oiiiitlut .V St. iLiinla. fit. Louis "Cannon nnH"a 5;13 pm n S:20 anr Knnsni City and Qulncy m iocai . u,t .. a Dnlly. b Dally except Sunday. nUIIMNT.TON STATION 10TII .t MASON Knnmin City. St. Joseph A Council IlluITa. Ienve. Arrive. lrnn.ng rltv nflv Rt a 9:20 am ft 15:0'! pm Kansas Cltv Night Ex..nl0:30 pm a fi:i; am St. Louis Flyer n 5:10 pm ail:l5 am CIiIciikii, IltirlliiKton A Qulncy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am nl0::n nm rhlencn Vest buleil Ex.. a 4:P0 um n 7:45 am Chicago Local a H:3o am a 4:05 pm ChlciiKo Limited a 7:00 pm n 7:15 nm Fast Mail n -in I'm n Dnlly. b Dally except Sunday. lliirlliiKton A SItsMourl lllver. Kebmska Express a 8:10 nm a 7:35 pm Wvmnre. Tleatrlco and Lincoln a k:vi nm nii-.ro nm Denver Limited a 5:21 pm a 3:00 pm Illnck Hills nnd rugct Rnunrl. IJenver (Jon- noetlnn a 9:00 Dm n fi:4 nm Lincoln Fnst Mall b 3:W pm a 9:17 nm Fort Crook nnd Plutts- mouth t Pm niium am ncllevue Pacific .Tct..n 7:40 pm a 8:20 am Uellovue & I'acino Jet a 3:iu am Ante Room Echoes Tho latter days of August will probably seo a large number of Masons high In rank east of tho Mississippi rlvor, for tho day following the close of the triennial conclave at Louisville will bo Shrlners' day at tho Pan-American exposition at liuffalo. Tho final announcements to the Ne- brntiknns who will attend tho '.rlennlal con clave hnvo been Issued. Tho Ilurllngton routo has been designated as tho ofllclal routo from Omaha to Chicago and from thero tho speclnl train will ho carried over tho Pennsylvania line. Tho train leaves Omaha Saturday, August 21, at 5 p. m. and will arrlvo In Ioulsvllle at C:30 p. m. Sun day. In addition to tho selection of two rooms In the Hoys' High school building ns Ne braska headquarters Mount Calvary com mandery hns secured an prlvato headquar ters tho resldenco of Dr. lentherman, 1029 Fourth avenuo, whoro arrangements havo been made to accommodate, fifty persons. Members of the party desiring accommoda tions with tho commandery should write M. J. Kennard, nrown block, Omnha. The rates at this house will bo $3 per day. Tho fund of J100.000 raised by the citizens of Louisville for thn entertainment of the knights has been expended Judiciously and will assure all visitors of a fine reception and Interesting ontortninment. Ono fea tuni which will tend to Increase the at lendnnca at this conclave Is tho fact that for the first lime In fifteen years tho sov- Did you sen lt Didn't you ucD mini Hint bu.tutltitl lioro liu rode, Xhln kntin ."tauliope.i .of various itylex, Wfi llflVB "Kb but not o lilB" but wu iiuiu wiiatyoiir pooketbook can reach tli in. Ufn UmiA Kuuabonl no pretty tha your Wfi H3V8 horM'wIU nrclihl- neck nnd 'iu HulG ,.rv.i hu tall st hliber when In frontof one c. Well, what haven't wo got. gtaaW im B mess hniid cirriuRCi, m st of them In We have nnd Bedford cord to match tho trimming cordially Invited. CARRIAGE Act AND HARNEY STREETS. August Special SaSe lloalitlng the fact that the drouth ot the past month will barb a parked effect upon our fall sulci, and having alrcadx made henry purchasea for tho coming acaton, we hare decided to at onto tliipoao of at much ot our present stock aa pomiblo, and beginning Coodajr; Aug. 6, we will obca a OranJ August Special Bale, which will includo practically enrrythlng in oar atorc. Ilundreds of pioeej of beautiful mahogany goods Chairs. Cabinets, Chiffoniers, Darenport Sofa,' Tablos, Couches and llrass and Iron Beds are in the sa in faot all our 6no fur nlturc, as well as the cheaper grades. Note the prioe redactions; wo ore willing to gire'our customers soma big Inducements to sell these goods this month. AnyoiM ciptctinf u kit? tamitara this Ml i It will be Impossible Mmi b k;lat 1 mtsUke In price and you $100,000 1?2i&?Z2r SHIVERICK FURNITURE 131B FAMMAM W PIM - Chins Casos Colonial Furniture. nitiBt AufMi erolgn commander permits local comman derles to contest for prizes In the drills. Slnco tho conclave held In San Francisco theso contests hnvo been confined to grnnd commanderles and nnw that local com mandcrlcg can enter the contests thero will bo much more Interest manifest. No Nebraska comruandery will be In these drills, but western Interest will center In tho efforts of Colorado coinmandery of Denver and California commandery of San Francisco, which arc entered in tho mounted drill, nnd Golden Onto commandery ot San Francisco which will go nftcr tho prlzo offered for Infantry drills. These three- conimandcrics havo spent much time and money preparing for the contest and they can bo depended upon to show tho eastern knights that those of tho west are fully nllvo to the possibilities of the occa sion. Tho reunion of Nobles of tho Mystic Shrlno at Buffalo, following so close upon tho conclave nt Louisville, will take many of tho wearers of tho fez and tigers' claws from the land of mint Juleps to tho big show. This day, dedicated to tho mystic order. Is tho last day ot August, so desig nated at the session ot the imperial coun cil nt Kansas City this summer. Ono of tho principal features of tho occnslon will he tho grand parade, which will start at 11 o'clock and move over tho more attractive part of tho grounds to tho Toinplo of Music, whero tho mayor will welcome tho noblcw, and members of tho order, Includ ing tho Imperial potentnte, will ,pcak. Then tho visitors will bo left to their own devices with the Injunction to havo thn best tlmo possible. The growth of tho Elk lodge has been so creat durlnir the nast venr that Its rooms, i occupying tho third floor of tho Wnro block, became too small. At several lodge meet- ing, notably tho thrco occasions when largo classes wero Initiated, thn lodeernnm was occupied to its capacity and tho overflow had to sit In tho ndjolnlng cardroom. On these occasions, nnd nlso when there wero largo gatherings In tho rooms, particularly . ...ii ,ini,. at soclnl sessions, tho ccatroom facilities wcro far too small and great Inconvenience was experienced In providing for tho enro of overcoats and hats, In Juno tho trustees worn authorized to securo increased accom modations, so that they could bo provided for during tho summer recess. They leased part of thn third floor of tho Granite block, which Is adjacent to tho Wnro block, an alloy Intervening, nnd tho two building nro being connected by a covered bridge over the alley. The lodgeroom has been enlarged by taking In tho ndjacent card room. Tho billiard room and tho side board are to bo removed to thn annex In tho Grnnlto block. Tho former billiard room will bo known hereafter ns the brlc-a-hrac and Oriental room. Tho present side board and small room ndjolnlng will bo given up entirely to coatroom puiposes. Tho L,.. rnL, i ., n-nni... hinew in divined Into two rooms, each 33x11 feet, and both apartments nro splendidly lighted. -Tho sideboard and billiard tnbleB will occupy the east room and tho front room will ho devoted to card tables. All tho remodeled spaco will be handsomely rcpapercd and deeornted and tho new rnrdroom especially will bn newly furnished. Tho remodeling will bo completed In tlmo for thn next lodgo meeting, Friday evening, August 30. Thn Elks of Omnha and Council muffs will hold their annual outing nt I.nkn Man nwa on Saturday of this week and th at tendancn promises to he very large. Tho committee on arrangements ha provided for shooting nnd howling contests, tub races, swimming matches, a basn ball gtimn and a banquet In the kursnl by Hnlduff. It will be equal to previous occasions of this sort, all of which havo been simply grcnt. The event of tho season In Ancient Order of United Workmen circles will occur next In rliiglc nnd ilnuble, eltgart trap- for yi'tir team in Fiivrr or urns ini tio latest fails nnd U les, Imported Whins in high class novelties, English Holly. Malic i, Whale bone, etc. of your carriage, nnd now wo nwalll COMPANY, Choval Mirrors to moke a- will have V.I0T U.Moa.nr m... U.dI. IM - ........ M.pl. i nM i nm UH HM ... MM U aj m CO., STREET. Rookors Saturday, when the Workmen and Degrco n Honor lodges of Omniia and South Omnhi will hold a Joint picnic and excursion tt I'lattsmouth. Tho llurllugton route will run special trains, one leaving Omaha n't 10 a. in. and the other leaving South Omaha nt 2 p. m., and Omaha nt 2:30 p. in, A spcclnl rato lias been granted. Aslda from tho excursion and picnic, tho I'lattsmouth. members of the order havo prepared an ex cellent program for both afternoon anil evening of that date, consisting of races, bull games, prize drills, Individual prizes, oratory, music nnd other special attractions. Addresses will be given by Hon. It. 11. Windham, Hon. E. J. ilurkctt, Grnnd Master Workman Jcaltnlek, Past Grnnd Master Workman Van Dylto nnd possibly others. It Is expected that many Workmen nnd their friends from the southeastern portion ot Nebraska will be present. Every effort Is bolng mndo to obtain an nttrndanco of from. 10,000 to 12,000, and Indications nro that nearly 2,000 will attend from Omaha nnd South Omaha. That Nebraska lodge No. 1 Is a most gen erous host was fully demonstrated by tho wny In which It entertained Its members and fi lends at the lawn social given by It at tho homo of tho chancellor commander, Edward Walsh, last Wednesday evening. Tho grounds wcro beautifully Illuminated with Chinese lanterns, giving to thom a very charming and picturesque nppenrnnco. A theso lawn nocluls nro to bo a fcaturo of No. 1 during the summer season, tunny anxious Inquiries were mndo as to whoa tho next ono would bo given. On last Monday night tho many members that wero present at tho meeting of Ne braska lodge No. 1 wero given a trcnt that falls only to the lot of those that regulnrly attend the lodge meetings. It Is tho Inten- i tln 10 "'aIi0 "iU" nt Monday night M,l!,t "s Interesting as the Inst one, nnd tho mombsri and visiting . knights who wish for I 11 P'cnauiii ".'"iK e "ii'l'iy iu,.,u.i mr tholr attendance. The committee that has u,l"r "u ",l,,r "r " "'T 1 . "-' ". . Ji ,lm,,,t rerommcn.l somo decisive action Tho ' committee unpointed to prepnro sult.ibln nnd permanent mnrkcrs for the graves of (Iconised members Is cnnsldnrlng n number of designs, and will soon make n report ot their choice. Nebraska lodge. Fraternal Union of Amer ica, hns postponed Its annual plcnlr front Sopi ember 1 to September 8. Mondamln lodgo of thld order will celebrato Its third anniversary in September. IliiiiTlini'ii luli'UI- Cured. "Mr. Jacob Ulekermnn camo into our storo somo tlmo ago suffering with diarrhoea so badly that ho was passing blood." says J. A. Freedcl & Co. of Homo, Wis. "Hn had been undnr tho doctor's treatment, but got no relief. We fixed him up n doso nf I m.'crinin s v.o ' '-"'" ' ' " " ! "oinedv nnd he purehnscd n small bottlo nf It and In twenty-four hours ho was well." For sale by all druggists. Only MiiKr ('ni'Knin Smile. NEW YORK, Aug. 10. Ilourko Cockraa had nn unpleasant experlcnco last nlgh' In the lobby of tho Houfo of Commons Ic? London, whero Mr. Coekrnn was thn guest of Wlniiton Churchill. A dispatch to tho Wrrld from London describes tho Incident ns follows- Whllo taking Mr. Coekran around, 'Wlnn ton met Colonel Arihur Lee, recently tli llrltlsh military nil-tcho at Washington, an called him over. "Don't you know, my friend, Ilourko Coekrnn'" he nsked. "Yc3." said Colonel Leo, rurtly, "tho last time I saw him ho was welcoming Ilooa delegates to Washington," and tho ex nttnchn turned on his heel. Mr Cockran only smiled, whllo Churchill mado profuso apologies for subjecting his guest to such a rebuff. Co