Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1901, Page 17, Image 25

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Uora tuyeri Arriving ca ths Mket Than
for Soma Tims Pitt.
Market tluotiitlon . ,(Ut lltt,.
CliniiK,-, lUcept In ulc tnc of
Groceries, Which Aro llluhcr
IIurtHvnru Also I mettled.
Trade with Omaha Jobber last week w.ib
or very satisfactory proportions. A gnat
many buyer arrived on the market truin
nil over the country tributary to this
murkot nnd proved to bo very liberal pa
trons. Heavy buyers from the far west, In
particular, were noticeable and they se m d
to place larger orders as u rula than tbuao
from nearby. According to u.l report,
conditions In tho far wtst arc exceptionally
favorable thin year and everyone Is count
ing' on doliiK a big business In that tectlon
of tho country this fall and winter. Ne
braska merchants, however, are also l.i
food shape and there Is no doubt but what
irom now on Jobbers will about have their
hands full In attending to the wains of
their customers. Dry goods Jobbers ami
wholesale milliners In particular will huo
ii host of visitors and It Is thought thai
hundreds of merchants who in tho p..s
have gone to Chlcagj and oilur in Unn
markets will come hire th.a fall, became of
the growing popularity of this niiirKe..
aurchants who have gone oast and hav
stopped off here on tho way thero huu in
a great many cases come bark to umaho.
and placed their orders, saying that they
could do as well or better lti this city in
in any other market In tho country. T.iKing
everything Into consideration, thero l. cei
talnly a good oiltiooit for a successful lull
tradu for tho wholcsu ets ol Omaha a .d
more than that, there Is every reason mr
thinking that retahers throughout the ci.un
try tributary to this market wlil e.iji y
a nice business.
The same as was noted one or two weeks
ago, the markets aru holding Just atom
steady, with tho exception of gnctrl-s and
hardware. Urocerles are ml. I advancing,
owing to tho drouth, which curtailed ths
pack of fruits and vegetables, ami tin- hard
ware market U unsettled because or tho
strike, which has shut r.ft the production of
many staple lines of goods. Just wlir-ie
prices will llnally land is, of course, purely
problematical und no one seems to be in
clined to mako predictions on ilmt sube t
A very noticeable feature of tho busln. ss
situation at tho present tlmo Is the excu lent
condition of collections In nearly all lines,
furniture men say that the last of July
nnd the first of August their collec Ions
came In in better shape than ever li foro
at that tlmo of year. Jobbers In other Uiips
mako Just about tho same reports, so that
tho natural conclusion Is that ictal.ers havo
been having a very satisfactory trade and
are not at nil h:ird pressed lor ready money
with which to meet their bills.
bluirii Advances In 1 rocorlcx.
Tho prospects for a big demand for all
staple lines of groceries and the fear that
there Is to bu a marked shortage In a num
ber of lines owing to tho dry weather are
causing prices to go up at a rapid rate.
Since last report nearly everything In thy
wuy of canned goods lias advanced more or
less. Small traits havo taken tho most
radical Jump of all, as quotations niw
range 'JWj'Ja centH per dozen higher than
they were a week ago. Corn lias been
marked up 50 10 cents per dozen and toma
toes that a week ago wetc selling for about
05 cents per dozen are now held at 51. oj and
VI. 111. In the saino way string beans have
advanced 6Jjl0 cents per aozen. Thero
KcSms to be more buyers than Hellers and
It can safely be said that tho outlook lor
tuture corn nnd tomatoes is very discourag
ing. Unlavorablo weather from this tlmo
on or an early trust will do n great deal to
ward destroying what thero Is left of crops,
111 which case tho pack will bo extremely
light and prices correspondingly light. At
the present tlmo it Is estimated that even
with good weather for the remainder of tho
nenson tho pack will not exceed 23 per cent
of what It was a year ago.
Tho dried fruit market Is, of course, af
fected in Just nbout tho samo way ns
canned goods nnd prices aro advancing
moro or less on nearly all lines. Tho out
look for tho California peach and prune
crop ts not nearly as eucuuraglng as It
was thirty days ago and tho output will In
all probability not come up to earlier esti
mates by a wide margin. Thero will lie a
big demand from tho east for California
dried fruits this year, owing to the damage
done In tho east to tho fruit crop, so that
Indications aro very favorable for high
prices throughout tho coining season.
Farinaceous goods have shown little or
no chaiiKo since last report, practically all
lines being quoted Just about tho same.
Tho coffee market Is also unchanged and
tho samo may bo said of tea. The demand
for sugar is considerably heavier than It
was a week ago, but prices aro tho samo.
WutcltliiK (he Strike- Situation.
Hardwaro men are, of course, watching
with a great deal of Interest tho progress
of the strike against tho great steel com
bination. As previously stated, unless a
settlement Is reached In the near future
thero will bo n shortage of goods such as
has not been experienced In tho history of
tho trade, Heforo tho strike was instituted
mills wero unable to keep up with their
orders and thero wns very littles stock on
hand and now that tho production lias vory
nearly stopped entirely tho surplus will not
lost long and n shortage In many or tho
staple lines is imminent. 1'rlcos for that
reason aro very llrm all along tho lino nnd
It Is certain that any change In the near
futuro wMI bo in tho direction of higher
quotations, A big demand for hardwaro is
looked for in nil sections of tho country
this fall, which will, of course, mako tho
shortage all tho moro pronounced. Hut
whether prices reach a much higher level
or not of course depends upon how soon tho
strike ts settled and for that reason hard
ware men are watching tho . bituuton
Dry t.ooila Ilioi-rx Arriving.
Thero wcro a good mnny nrrlvals re
ported last week at tho different dry goods
houses of this city. Nearly all sections of
Nebraska wero represented nnd also a
Kreat many buyers came In from the far
west. Without exception they seemed to
be In excellent spit Its nnd all predicted a
good fall and winter trade. .More than
that, they backed lip their predictions with
good substantial orders, which would Indi
cate that they have considerable confidence
In their own Judgmrnt. Traveling men also
sny that the feeling out In tho country Is
good and thnt more merchants aro count
ing on coming to Omaha this year to buy
their supplies than thoy ever saw before.
A great many are going to m.ilto their llrst
trip to this market this season and if satis
ileil will be permanent patron.
V,ier" lH. "lhlng particularly new to bo
said of tho market situation. All cotton
goods aro still being held at good firm
prices, as tho outlook for a bis cotton crop
Is now by no means encouraging, while tho
prospect for nn enormous consumption of
cntton goods, both at homo and abroad. Is
very flattering. That being tho caso It
would seem as though prices would cer
tainly go no lower, while they may seek a
higher level,
l.i-utlit-r CoiiiIm Selllnn Krecly.
Hoot and shoe Jobbers aro now landing a
good many orders for fall and winter stock.
The Into buyers nro placing their orders
when tho traveling men for local houses
iaii upon them and then, too, quite a few
merchants aro arriving on tho market ami
Placing their orders here. Thoso who aro
buying now Boem to be looking for a good
trade. Tho work of shipping out advance
utfi'KI '? ''"BrfsslnB nicely and It may bo
said that the bulk of them are now shipped.
Ant ..m.1?'00'1? ur, nlao. hcglnnlng to move
E... lu trce)' 'u,,, n "umber of tho
Lhi.Sr h,nvo u.d,'ci1 . vxUa '' t their
lioss '"""CCS In order to handlo the bust-
I'mlt iiml Priiilm-p,
There hitH been very little change slnco
last report in tho prices being qjoted on
fruits and vegetables. The market on
nearly nil lines Is keening up to tho hWh
jirlcrs that wero mndo after tho drouth
killed so mnny vegetables In this section of country and Indications nro that thero
will not be much decline In tho near fu
ture, 13ggs nro n little higher than they wero n
week ngo, ns the quotations below will
tdiuw. Ilutter Is also llrm, but poultry Is a
llttlo weak.
it. I. mils (rulu and Provisions,
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 10.WHi:AT-lllKhr;
No, 2 red cash, elevator, "rtc; truck, p
"2c; September, 70Uc; December, "JUc; May,
77'c: No, 2 hurd, fuse.
CORN Higher) No. 2 cash. Wo track,
lOMltWe, September, Wo; December, Oloj
May, C31o.
OATS-Hlghcri No, 2 cash, 3GjQ37c
track, 3M4I370: Roptcmber, 37cj Muy, 10c i
No. 2 white. 37Mvt?u.
RYE-Dull at Cue.
SUKD.S Klnx, no market. Timothy,
oesreo and llrmi now prime, i.i,I(Yfu.5i,
ITLOUU-Dull, but firm new red wlntar
iiaHV3',?83'C0i,"tra fanev "t"1 straight,
W.Wa.2o, clear, timttM.
lit. V. i Bicnuy. w.
thls'seT.0" ',CkCd' Cn3t lrnCk :5';
13IH"wWOri t,molhr' 3003U.tO; prairie,
JEUl?K'Y-StMil- nt $1.29.
I'ltoviSIONS-l'ork, steady; Jobbing.
sail 'mn,r?fJ',J,u"..n"d hlhcr' tr;
5? tumc'.',s ,boxe'l). llrm; extra shorts,
wl-i;31 t'l;ar lus. 15.60.
H.VeltJr. I'y7I'p,!ld; . Steady at lt.30gi.40.
iri.K1I;2H?,cadJfi chickens, 6c: springs,
i?,V.t,lirk5ys' 6c; Voir". Italic; ducks, 6c;
HtM-Trn' &eMJf' 3ci "Prl"B. Cc.
(I!r"wW.CadJf5 cte'im 18i
KOUK Steady; nearby 11c.
siVsj.v1'--''1 M" .
MHTPM:i-vi' V.'P00 bu-; oat". 1H.W0 bu.
r. hn,tNTSi:,our' U-O0) btl9.; wheat,
6-,tw bu.; corn, 45,00) bu.; oats, DI.OOO bu.
Conilltlon of Trade mid Uuotntlons in
Sliiplc nml fancy l'roduce.
UUTT13H Common to fair. 12ni2o.
Cl " firi1.,,.lry,'M,i,,,,u. 15c; separator ?
Jl LinH ii lJ'rnlack hass. 18c; white
n '-i00.' b'll',,l!,n' "c; bullheads. 10c; biue
cnt,'lC.,'U1nn,ot'!,,. c',0! catfish. 12c: cod. Oc:
fur? !- ' r10L c,?c,e. 6c; halibut. . lie
ni,.?: iac; "nddoclc. 10c; piKe. c; rod
uh . n'mon. 14c; suniish, 5c; trout,
Vu 'i u ' upinnn, v.ty; ti
uye straw, 1.6ia 'these prices arc for
ini oi goon color ana quality. Dfmand
talr. Receipts. 11 cars.
OATS-10", old.
GREEN CORN-l'er doz., I2ii.
CARROTS-l'er doz 20c.
REETS-I'er half bushel baskot, 40c.
Tl'RNIP.S-i'er basket. 30c.
CUCL'.MHERH Home grown, per doz., 20
LETTfCE-IVr bu.. 20c.
RADISHES I'er doz.. 15320c
I'ARSI.EY-l'er doz.. 20c.
CAHHAOE-lIome grown, 34c.
TOMATOES Homo grown, per 13-lb.
basket, ll.w,
ONIONS Home grown, per lb,, 2$c.
CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per doz.,
IIEANS Wax, per half-bu. basket. U;
string, per half-bu. basket, 76c.
1'EAS-lVi bu.. Jl; per half-bu., 60c.
CANTALOUI'E-l'er basket, 75cfl,00;
crates, 2.
WATERMELONS Texas, 2C35c, as to
CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 25S30c.
Al'l'LES-I'er hbl., 12.23'ii2,60
CHERRIES Native, per S-lb. basket, 33c;
Missouri, per 21-qt. case, J2.
REACHES- California, per box, 90c: freo
stone. $1; choice Elnertos, 11; fancy, 11.20.
RLL'.MS-Cnllfornln, per crate, 1.25yi.M;
homo giown, per S-lb. basket, 25c.
l'EARS Uartlctts, J2.255j2.50.
ORANGES Vulenclas, Jj.OO; Med. sweets,
LEMONS-Cnllfornla, extra fancy, 15.30U
C.uo; choice, 15.50.
11ANANAS I'er bunch, according to size,
FIGS '"allfornln, new cartons, 73c; lay
en,, G5c: Imported, per lb.. 103t2c.
DATES Persian. In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 5c.
NUTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb., 15c; ill
berts. per lb., 13c; nlmonds, per lb., 1820c;
raw peanuts, per lb., r55Hc; roasted. C.tif
7Vc; Jlrazlls, 13o; pecuns, 10i22t.
CIDER-l'er bbl 14.50; per half-bbl., 12.73.
HIDES No. 1 green, CVjc; No. 2 green,
5Hc; No 1 snlted. 74c; No. 2 salted. V4c;
No. 1 veal calf, g to 1214 lbs., 8c: No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Uc; dry hides, 8313c; sheep
pelts, 25(Q75c; horse hides. 11.5032.25.
Liverpool (irnln and Provisions,
steady; No. 2 western, 5s 8d; No. 1 northern,
spring, 5s S4d; No. 1 California. 6s. Fu
tures, Inactlvo; September, 5s S'.4d; Decem
ber, 5s tV4d.
CORN Spot, firm; Amerlcnn mixed, 4s
6'id: American mixed, old, no stock. Fu
tures, steady; September, 4s 3d; October,
4s UV4d; November, 4s lOd.
PEAS-Canadlan, line. 6s Sd.
FIX)UR-St. Louis fancy winter, dull,
7s Cd.
HOPS-Dllll. C3s 4d.
PROVISIONS-Rccf. firm: extra India
mess, f.Ss Cd. Pork, llrm; prime mess, west
ern, GSs Cd. Hnins, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs.,
quiet and unchanged. Lnrd llrm: prime
western, In tierces, 43s 9d; American rc
llned. In palls, 43s Cd. Racon, Cumberland
cut. 2tS to 30 lbs., quiet, 44s; short cut, 16 to
21 lbs., unlet, 47s; long clear middles, light,
23 to 31 lbs., steady, 3Cs 6d; long clear mid
dles, 33 to 40 lbs., steady. 45s d; short clear
backs, 16 to 20 lb?., quiet, 41s; clear bellies,
II to 16 lbs., steady, 61s 2d; shoulders,
square, 11 to 16 lbs., quiet. 37s 6d.
lil'TTHR Firm; Unost United States, 91s;
good United States, 7Ss.
CHEESE Firm; American finest whlto,
IBs Cd; American finest colored, 47s.
TALLOW-Firm; prime city, 25s (VI; Aus
tralian In London, 27s Cd.
Rectlpts of wheat during tho Inst three
days, 369.0U0 centals. Including 1S4.100 Amer
ican. Recolptp of American corn during tho last
threo duys, 600 centals,
K u ii mix City (Srnln nnd Provisions,
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 10.-WHEAT-Sep-tcmbcr.
06?c; December. 6!)c; cosh, No. 2
hard, C7JiC7!c; No. 3, C0366?c; No. 2 ro I,
71c; No. 3. C3VjC
CORN September, 59g50ic: Docembo-,
G9c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 5S'4Qf9c; No. 2 white.
OATS-No. 2 white, SDiiStOc.
RYE No, 2, C5c.
HAY-Cholco timothy, $14.50: cholco
prnlrle. $11.00.
11UTTER Creamery, 16V4319c; dairy,
fancy. 14316c.
EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri nnd Kanrns
stock quoted on 'chango at 10c doz., losi
off, cases returned.
RECEIPTS-Whent, 153.S0O bu.; corn, 3S-00
till.; oats, 46.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat, 110,000 bu.; corn.
33,600 bu.; oata, 17,000 bu.
I'lillnili'lpliln Produce Mnrkrt.
fancy western creamery, 2P4c; fancy
western prints, 2l4c; fancy nearby prints,
EGOS-l'-Irm; fresh nenrby, 17c; fresh
western, 17c; fresh southwestern, 12'4c;
fresh southern, 12c.
CHEESE-Qulct; New York full creams,
fancy small, UTnc; New York full creams,
fair to choice, 9V409?ic
.Yew York Dry Good .Mnrkrt.
The market closes tho week without any
appreciable chango In tono. Tho demand
for ull lines of cotton goods In staples and
fancies for Immediate use has been quiet.
Spring specialties In good request; prices
are unnltered. Cotton yarns nro dull and
prices favor buyers; worsted yarns firm;
woolen ynrt.s quiet; Jute yarns ensy; linen
yarns firm.
Toledo Grill ii nnd red,
TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 10. WHEAT Moder
ately nctlve, strong; cash and August, "Jc:
September, 724c; December, 7514c.
C'ORN-Dull, strong; cash, 57Ue; Septem
ber, BMic: December, ft)4e.
OATS Dull, llrm; September, 36!ic; De
cember, 37C.
RYE 57c.
CLOVER8EED Cash, prime and October,
$6.43. '
.Mliuu-iilioll AVIient, Flour nnd Ilrnn,
70c; September. fiDej December, 70'i-:
on track, No, 1 hard, 72c; No. 2 northern.
FLOUR Firm; first patents, $3.8533.9'.;
seconds patents, J.1.00fi3 75; tlrst clenrs, $2 9'
lf3.(0; second clears, $2.20.
RRAN-Ill bulk, $13 5014.00.
.Mllvtiiuker Oriiln .Mnrkrt.
MHAVAl'KEE, Aug. 10, WH EAT Ma r
ket llrmer; No. 1 northern, 73c; No. 2 north
ern, 72372Hc; September. 71?ic
RYE-Hlgher; No. 1. tSe.
HARLEY Steady ; No. 2, C2c; sample. Wj
CORN September, 6SVc.
Dnlntli C r it 1 II Murket,
Dl'LI'TH. Aug, 10.-WHEAT-.Vo. 1 hnrrt,
cash, 73'io: No. 1 northern, cash, 71c; Sep
tember. 704370ie: August, 71c: October.
70JiC! December, 71Tci No, 2 northrrn, 66 .
1'eorln .Market.
PEORIA, Aug. lO.-CORN-Hlgher; No.
2, 66e.
OATS Firm 1 No. 3, 35336c. billed through.
WIIISKY-On tho basts of $1.30 for tin
lulled goods.
ri,?-,',!?,"'?, f l 'lb?ra': lof" ntt "wise
ami ,1 VU.Ir,lX-Hen 6Hc; young
J?JU t0"st". ,3c; turkeys, GSc; ducks
jind gc-ese. 5c; spring chickens, per lb., Hlff
v i i'J7-.TIVvc Pr doz- "c-hhA.I'!?-cll"lce,
.."AXr.r'cts quoted by Omaha Vholca1
, "eaicrs' association; Choice upland,
'.'"Wjo 2 upland, VJ.lOl medium, w: coarse.
Upturn la Whut Cuid by Export Demand
aid Email Receipts.
Corn StroiiK nnd Active from Belief
of Itn Dniiinge lu West Onts
lliilllsli with Other
CHICAGO, Aug. 10.-Fears of a bullish
government crop report, nn Improved ex
port demand, higher cables nnd small re
ceipts caused an upturn In wheat today and
September closed 4c higher at 71,871ic.
The same conditions prevailed In corn and
September gained '.Jc Oats followed corn
nnd closed Ufy-Sc higher. Provisions ruled
stendy In sympathy with grains and closed
with an ndvancc of 7Hyi!V4c.
Wheat opened strong und He higher at
71B'71',ic for September. Higher cables und
small receipts wero the strengthening In
fluence. Trading was rather slow, how
ever, during the first hour und the price
sagged to 71c. At that point the enormous
export demand created a buying move
ment for the long account, A report thnt
the government crop report would show a
decided decrease in tho acreage of spring
wheat sent tho shorts to cover and Sep
tember advanced quickly to 71WI71c.
Protlt-taklng caused a setbuck of 4c. The
decline wns checked by good outside buy
ing and the market soon took another up
turn and ngaln touched 7Uilf71c. There
wns llttlo trading during tho Intter part of
tho session and prices sagged off to 71aW
71Hc, where It closed.
Receipts at Chicago wore 20S cars, 167 of
whldh were new, Minneapolis and Duluth
received 2u9 cars, against 2M the corre
sponding day a year ago. Aggregate of
the day's receipts western primary markets
was 775,000 bushels, against l,((27,OuO for the
same day last year. Clearances of wheat
and flour nt Atlantic ports were equal to
1,324,(0) bushels, The week's exports from
all ports weto estimated at ll.OOO.OuO bushels.
Corn was strong and active. A general
belief among traders of tho serious condi
tion of the crop was the chief considera
tion. A report that the crop In Illinois
would show u condition of but 25 points for
tho southern district lent color to tho ex
pectation. Cables were higher. Local ic
celpts, 105 cars, against ICS last year. Sep
tember opened VVU-bc up at 5)if(o!)V(ic, then
advanced to O-S'.-ic and closed at 5&Hc
Outs shared tho bullish feeling which de
veloped In other grulns. There was a good
commission house trade. Local receipts
were 392 cars, against 437 a year ngo. Sep
tember opened unchanged to '-c up at 33U
y35N.o, touched 35xc, rose to 36c and closed
ut 35ft c.
Provisions wero llrm, helped by tho ad
vance lu grain. Higher prices for hogs
and heavy buying by puckers added to the
strength. September pork opened un
changed nt $13.83, advanced to $14 nnd
closed ut $13.D7H. September lard opened
2'.(5c up at $S.C7V4 and closed at $S.72',4.
September ribs opened 2Ho higher nt $7.t0
and closed at $7,S7H.
Estimated receipts for Monday: 'Wheat,
2C3 cars; corn, 110 cars; oats, 373 cars; hogs,
34.0UO head.
Tho leading futures ranged ns follows:
Artlclcs.l Open. High. LwTTciosZYes'yT
Whent I
Sept. 71 (iVt 71ttfii "1 71-ftfTH 70?iS')i
Dec. 73Vifi',4 "3?i 'W, 731i 72",
May 77'.4 77 77i 77U 76 Si
Sept. 59 ?f 5SH67ftfl5S 57
Oct. 58H?i E3V4 BS 6S?fc 5?
Dec. 60 tl'.i C0i CO 60!
Sept. 33H 3C 35H33;f?!4 3:J
Doc. 36 37H 36S 37 ,W4
May 33, 33 3S1 3SJ8 3SUS'.i
Sept. 13 MM 14 00 13 92H 13 9714 13 S5
Jan. 14 95 15 07W, 14 95 15 02H 14 S3
Sept. 8 70 8 72M 8 70 8 7214 S 63
Oct. 8 77',j 8 SO S "hi 8 fO S 70
Jan. 8 75 SW 8 75 8 80 3 7J
Scpt. 7 SS 7 90 7 f5 7 87 7 72V4
Oct. 7 f.3 7 !W 7 S3 7 95 7 85
Jan. 7 75 7 S2H 7 75 7 2',4 7
No. 2.
Cash quotations wero as follows:
FLOUR Steady: winter patents. 13.10
3.50: straights, $3.2003.30; clears, 2.SO3.10;
spring specials brands, $4.1004.20.
WHEAT No. 2 spring, 7imi72',4c; No. 3
spring, 69fi7:Wc; No. 2 red, 7bft72V4c
CORN-No. 2, BZHc; No. 2 yellow,
OATS-No. 2. 30c: No. 2 white, 33Q3S'4c;
No. 3 white, 37Wfl3S'4c
RYE No. 2. 57Ufl6SUc.
11ARLEY Good feeding, WVSCBc.
SEEDS-No. 1 flax. $1.6?; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.65: prlmo timothy, $l.50&6.60; clover,
contrnct grade, $10.25.
PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl $13.9)
5)13.95. Iard. per 100 lbs.. $8.62(118.70. Short
ribs sides (loose), $7.SOfl7 95. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). $7.257.50. Short clear
sides (boxed). $S.30f8.40.
WHISKYRasls of high wines. $1.29.
SUGAR-Cut loaf. Cc; granulnted, 5.52c;
confectioners' A, 5.39c; off A, 5.24c.
Following aro tho receipts and shipment
Receipts, Shipments.
.... 2S.O0O 12,00)
....219,000 515,0 0
....143,0) 17.0-0
....327,000 141.0U)
.... 11.0UO 13.000
.... 6,000 1.00)
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Rye, bu
llarley, bu
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was strong; creameries, 14V6ft21c;
dairies, 817c. Cheese, quiet, 9)ic. Eggs,
steady; fresh, 1515V4c.
Quntndon of the Day on Various
NEW YORK. Aug. 10,-FLOUR-Recelpts.
23.551 bbls.; exports, 11,410 bbls.; sales, 7,560
pkgs.: quiet but very Mrmly held; winter
patents, $3.3503.80; winter straights, $3.30
3.40; winter extras, $2.5O2.80; winter low
grades. $2.30-92.40; Minnesota patents, $3.80
4.10; Minnesota bakers, $2.6503.15. Ryo (lour,
stendy; sales, 450 bbls.; fair to good, $2.70
3.15; cholco to fancy, $3.1503.33.
CORNMF.AL Steady; yellow western,
$1.25: city, $1.20: Urandywlne, $3,100-3.25.
RYE Quiet: No. 2 western, 60c. f. o. b.,
ntloat; stato, 65056c, c. I. f,, Now York car
lots. RARLEY Quiet; feeding, COc, c. 1. f., Ruf
falo. WHEAT Receipts, 143.450 bu.; exports.
217,724 bu.; sales, 3,000,0A) bu. futures nnd
40.000 bu. spot; No. 2 red, 76c. f. o. b..
afloat; No. 2 red. 76!dc, elevator; No. 1
northern Duluth. 79c, f. o. b., ntloat: No. 1
hard Duluth, 87T4c, f. o. b alloat. Options
wero active and stronger on tho bullish
foreign news, large clearances, general
covering, strength In corn, higher north
west mnrkots and light offerings. Closed
strong nt lc not ndvancc, September, 76 7-10
fft76T,c, closed at 7674c; October. 77V.077iC,
closed at 77c; December, 7S079 ll-16c,
closed nt 79c.
CORN Receipts, 13,000 bu.; sales, 260,000
bu. futures and 16,000 bu. spot. Spot mar
ket, tlrm; No. 2, 62HC elevator, and Ol'ic
f. o. b., afloat. Option market advanced
actively on covering, due to rumors that
the Illinois stato report was only 40 nnd on
tho firm cables. Closed strong at iO'ic net
advance. September, 61i062l'ic, closed at
ClTtc; December, C3ViOC4HiC, closed nt 03T4c.
OATS Receipts, 124,500 bushels; exports,
500 bushels. Spot, steady: No, 2, 39c; No. 3,
SS4c; No. 2 white, 42V442Hc; No. 3 white,
42c; track mixed western, 3S4O'40c; track
whlto western, 41fI49c; trnck whlto state,
410'49c. Options firmer and higher with
EGOS Steady but dull; state nnd Penn
sylvania, ICOISc; western uncnndled, 8014c:
western candled, 12016V4C.
TALLOW-Firm, city, 4Tic; country, 4Ti
RYE Steady: domestic, fair to extra, 41,
S6V,c; Japan, 4c.
MOLASSES-Stendy; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 35012c,
HAY-Steady; shipping, 72H075c; good to
choice. 90093c.
HOPS Qulot; state, common to choice,
1900 crop, 13018c; 1899 crop, 10O13c: old olds.
200c. Paclrtc const. 1900 crop, 130lMc; 1S93
crop. 11015c; olds, 206c.
HIDES-Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.,
lSOJSVie; California, 21 to 25 lbs,, I9'4c;
Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., lmc.
LEATHER Stendy ; hemlock sole. Riienon
Ayres. light to heavyweights, 23i.02tUe;
acid. 83V4(24Hc.
PROV18ION8-neef. steady; family. $11.50
OU.Oo; mess, $9.60010.00; beef hams, $20,601'
22,00; packet, $10.000 15.50; city, extra India
mess, $16.00018.00. Cut meats, quiet: pick
led bellies, SO10ic: pickled shoulders, 70
7Uc, pickled hams. IHic, Lard, tlrm; west
cm Bteamed. $9: August closed $"t, nom
inal; rellnrd, tlrm; continent. $9,15: com
pound. $7.0O7.87!4.. Pork, firm: family.
$16.2Wlfl.50, short clear, $16.00017.50; mess,
Ill'TTER Steady creanifry, 16O20Vicj
factory, western June. 150l34c: Imitation
creamery. 14017iic; state dairy, 14Q19c.
CHEESE Slow; fancy large colored. DHtf
Ottci fancy Urge white, 9VQ9Koj fancy
small colored, 9V,' fancy small white, 9'ip
POl'LTRY-Allve and dressed, steady and
METALS The usual Saturday dullness
rircvalled in local metal circles, and values,
n tho nbsence of business, were more or
less nominal. Tin was quiet nnd unchanged
at $27.(0027.25, lend, dull at $4 37s; spelter,
dull at $3.9itf3.93, and copper unchanged
and nominally quoted at JlC.5ooi7.tu tor
Lake Superior and $16.37'4ei6.62i4 for casl
Ing and electrolytic. Iron was inactive nt
$9.50010.(0 for pig Iron warrants; No. 1
northern foundry, Its.uoo 15.50, No. 2 south
ern foundry, $ll.CKill.5o; No. 1 southern
foundry, $14.75015 26, No. 1 southern foun
dry, soft, $ll,750 15-23- English markets
ncrc closed,
Loudon Prices Cause Rnlsc In' Rail
road Stocks.
NEW YORK. Aug. lO.-Hlgher prices from
London wero reflected In a fairly good tone
for railroad stocks nt the opening, but
smnll gains wero soon wiped out and prices
dipped well below yesterday's close for Im
portant stocks on a renewal of professional
selling. Tho Interest centered In the
monthly government crop report nnd the
prospect of some Important developments
In the stock situation next week caused
a large diminution In the volume of busi
ness. Tho paucity of tho demand helped
to Increase the downwnrd tendency, which
wus most marked In tho grangers, Paclllcs,
coalers nnd southwesterns. .Missouri Pa
cific nnd kindred stocks wero Influenced by
denlHls of recent rrports of tho Impending
absorption of Mexlcnn railroads. As on tho
two days preceding Missouri Pacific spurted
up sharply at the close, the final figure to
day bringing It to yesterday's level. Hut
llttlo of interest nttonded tho fluctuations
In the Unled States Steel stocks today, their
movement being only fractional, but hull
eating more support for tho common than
for tho preferred, the latter ending , lower.
Iho bank statement, while less favorable
than anticipated, was without any decided
effect on tho market. The Increase In loans
of $i,9IS,70i) wns not readily explained, and
It decreased surplus holdings $l,:l2.4im. The
closing wus Irregular and almost llfclers.
United States bonds were ull unchanged
on tho call prices for the week.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says: Tho stock mar
ket was almost empty todny and Idle to n
degree. Domestic shares were neglected
and American stocks merely held their
opening prices. Thero was a slight Inquiry
for Atchison, both common nnd preferred.
Tho Rank of England has bought i.T3,(0
gold In bars. Money rates aro a shade
The following are the closing prices on
tho Now York Stock exchange:
do pfd
linltlmore & Ohio.
do pfd
Canadian Pacific,
Canada So
ChV. A Ohio
Chicago & Alton..
do ifd
Chicago, Ind. & L
do pfd
Chicago tc i; III..
Chicago O.
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Chlcato & N. W...
t, It, I. & P
Chicago Ter. & Tr
do pfd
C. C. C. & Ht. L..
Colorado tin
do lft pM
do M pfd
Del. .t lltidoon....
Del. L. A: W
Denver & It, O,...
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Ot. Nor. pfd
Hocking Vnlloy ..
do pfd
Illinois Central ....
Iowa Crntral
du pfd
Lake Krle & W...
do pfd
Manhattan I.
Met. St. Ity
Mex. Central
Mex. National ....
Minn. & St. L
Mo. Paclno
M.. K. &. T
do pfd
N .J. Central
N. Y. Central ....
Norfolk & XV
do pfd
Ontario & Vt'
do let pfd
do Id pfd
St. L & 8. r
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St. L. Southw
do pfd
St. Paul
do, pfd
. UTi So. Pacific
So. Itnlluny
. 50 do pfd
. :W Tex. A Pacific
10t To) . St. L. & W...
. f4 do pfd
. 4li Cnton Pacific
. IS do .pfd
. 7.''i AVnbash
. S3 do pfd
. Oil Wheel. & I,. K
.no do :d pfd
. Sin "Wis. Central
. 81'i P. C. C. & St. L...
. 45i Adams Kx
.11") American Kx
.'iS V s. Kx
. IT'.i Wells.Paruo Kx
. 36 Amal. Cupper
. W',4 Amr. Car & p....
. I?!i do pfd
. 52 Amr. Un. oil
. do pfd
.1M!4 Amer. S. & It
.1!J I do pfd
, O 'Amer. Tobacco ....
. S3 Anac. Mining Co...
. Z llrookbn It. T
. 6: H Colo. KufI & Iron..
. 4SU Con. (las
.IMlt 'Con. Tobacco
13 do pfd
. "4 'flen. Kleotrlc
.ill; Cllucoso Sugar
. 371i Rocking CohI
. TCH Inter. I'uper
. CO I do pfd
.ISO llnter. Power
.lOOii iAcledo (las
lWt National lllscult. . ..
.16(Vi'Natlonal Iad
. SITi National Salt
. U du pfd
.107; No. American
. SOVPaclfle Coant
. S3 t'acltlo Mall
. C2 People's Oa
.137 Prosed 8. Car .....
.150'$ do pfd
. tt Pullman P, Car
. M Republic Steel
. 2P1 do pfd
liSS Sugar
. Tenn. Coal & Iron.
. 10 Union Hug & P
. M',4 do pfd
. V. S. leather
. "I do pfd
. efV U. 8. Rubber
. do pfd
. M's U. 8. Steel
.1WI do pfd
.3i Western Union
, 73
Trust receipts. Last sale.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. lO.-MONEY-On call,
nominal; no loans today; prima mcrcnntllo
paper, 4HS5 per cent.
actual business in bankers' bills at $l.87'4
for demand, and at $I.S5VJ for sixty days;
posted rates $I,86V4 and $4.S9; commercial
bills, $4.84V4'o4.85.
8,1il.y.,':Jl'7.Uart ,,so: albican dollars. 46c.
UONDS-Govcrnment, steady; railroad,
easy; state, Innctivo; refunding 2s, reg. nnd
coupon, 102; 3s. reg. nnd coupon, lOSii;
now 4s, reg. nnd coupon, 137; old 4s, reg.
and coupon, 113; 5s, reg. and coupon, 107i.
Tho closing quotations on bonds nro as
U. 0, ref, S 1
do coupon I
do Is, ret I
do coupon I
do new 4s, rec.,.1
do coupon I
do oil 4s, reg 1
da coupon 1
da Cs, reg 1
do coupon 1
D. of C. 3, 65s
Atchison gen. 4B....1
do adj. 4s
Canada So. Sa '
Che-v & Ohio 4V4J...1
do lis :
C. & N. W. c. 7s.. I
do 8. P. deb. bs,.:
Chlcasro Ter. 4s
do 4s
Denver & It. O. 4s.1
Krle general 4s
K. W. & D. C. 19.1
Oen, Klectrlc ts...
Iowa Central la 1
L. & N. unl, 4s 1
M.. It. & T. 2s
do 4s
'St. Y. C. Is
'N. J. C. run. K . .
104 H
104 H
i K'i
. on;
No. Pacific 3s
UO 4s .
N Y. C & St L 4s.
N. Ac W. mn it
Oregon Nav. Is....,
ao Ii
Oregon S, Ii. 6s...
"do consol Is
Reading n.
nio o. w. is '
St Ii A I M c. 5s.,
St Ii i 8 I.' tr. C.
iSt. Puul consols ,,
St P, C & P 1
do Cs
So. Pacific 4s
Eo. Itullnuy (s
S. It. & T. Cs
Tex. & Pacific Is.,
do Sa
Pnlon Pucltlflo (,.
Wabash Is
do 2s
West Shore 4s ',
'Wis, Central is
Vs. Centuries
Bid. Offered.
Roafon Stocks nnd Honda.
BOSTON, Aug. 10,-Cnll loans. 4ff4U pei
cent; tlmo loans, 4VsftC per cent, Otltcla
A , T. A Bt. P....
do pfd
Amer. Sugar
American Tel
Ronton & Albany,
lloston Klevated..
Iloston & Me
Dominion Coal ...
da pfd
V 8. Steel
do pfd
a-n. Klectrlc ....
IM. Klec. Ill
Mex. Central ....
N. K. O. & C
Old Colony
Old Dominion ....
Union Paclllo ....
. 71?; West Knd
. 941 Atchison 4 s
132V N. U. O. & C. Cs.
.PV) I Adventure
-. 'Illngham M. Co...
.17 Amal. Copper ....
.1921 Atlantlo
. 33 Csl. & Recla
.110 Centennial
. 41. l-'ranklln
. l0i Humboldt
.213 Osceola
S50 Parrot
. 7i'i Wulncy
. 6Vj Santu r Copper.
.108 ITonmracIt
. SJ; Plan Mining
. 1H, Winona ..."
. IdVWulverlneii
. 90
. 51
'. 411
. 33
. Sfil
. 17
. 21
. .Mi
,. CO
. 0
. 21,
London Ntnck (tuiitiitlons,
LONDON, Aug. 10.-2 p. m.-ClosIng:
Consols, money
do account
do pfd
.. 94'i
iNorfolk A
, 52'i
. Mi,
. 81'
, WS
, "?
. 3'Vi
. 26
. 2'iH
. 83
, M,
, 97H
, M
, 23
fr.i H
91 3-10
I no pm
No. Pacific pfd..
Ontario & w
I Pennsylvania ...
.. 9
.. 74':
.. 97
ft Ohio
. t'SV
Heading ut Dfd.
I do 2d uM
Ches. & Ohio
.. 4!'
.. S2U
.. 4SVj
.. .:
.. 3fH
.. 0",
.. 2H
.. W,
So. Railway
do pfrt
So. Pacific
Pnlon, Pnclfia ...
do pfd
V .8. Steel
do pfd
do pfd
Rand Mines
Chicago O. W
(t. Paul
Denver fc It.
do pfd
do 1st pfd...
Illnols central
Iieulsvllle ....
M K. & T...,
do pfd
N. Y. Central
I1AR BILVER-Dull at 26T4d per ounce.
MONEY HiffS per cent; the rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills,
3Vn2!s per cent; three months' bills, 2 '-16
fi-n ler cent.
Import nnd Export nt eiv York.
NEW YORK. Aug. 10,-Tho Imports i f
dry goods nnd merchandise ut the put ot
New York for this week are value 1 n
$5,53,SS7. The Imports of specie were l",f20
gold and $.7P0 silver. Tho exports of go d
and silver from this port to all iouiuiIoi
aggregate $617,610 sliver bars und coin Mid
$11,590 cold.
Good Etef Etiors and Cowi Etttdj for thi
Wiek, Others Lowr.
Chnlcr Wethers nnd Yrnrllns
Thirty to l'nrty Cents lllglirr for
the Week, Ees ii Quarter
Higher nnd l.iuuti MroiiK.
Receipts werei
Cattle Hogs, sheep.
. J.UV u.ivll tl.Uil
.. i.o&l 11,3.1 4,1 1 1
.. 3,417 11,523 b,)i
,. 2,o -tiW
,, t,4J l.lij
.. 2.j7 V.74J
Oliici.u Mommy
Uttlcial lui-sday
Utuclal W eunesday..
Official Tliursa.iy....
uinctal Priuay
Olllcial Saturday ...
Total this week 15,470
4, ,5. 4
Week ending August 3..u','-il
eeK inuing July il.
Week ending July 13,
Samo week last year
Average price paid
for hogs it
Omatiii th
past several duys with com
1901. ,U13.,1S93.11S37. lWii. 1S1-5-
July 15,
July 16,
July 17.
July is,
July la.
July 20.
July 21.
July 22.
July Zi
July 24.
July 2a.
July 26,
July 2f.
July 23.
July 23.
July so.
July 31.
5 77Vi
5 64 4,
f. Rf.a. I
I i ii
6 021
4 S4 4 0l
4 67 4 16
4 1U, 4 2
3 77, J HI
i tl 3 20
3 IS
3 C51 4 M
I 01 4 Hi
I V?i 4
1 90 4 !U
, 4
2 7 4 i
2 Ml
2 IJ 4 55
2 M 4 M
I - "v?
1 & 55WI
? ? -. .l
4 I'S
5 07
4 IV
4 21
4 34
3 hj 3 JO
i si 3 -a
3 7a, 3 27
6 7H
S 7IU.
5 15
3 tM 3 Sol
1 3 3&1
3 9 I
3 87 3 37)
3 27, 3 4J
'I O VJ1t,
& 151 4 361
2 i I IS
i l 4 31
5 02 4 27
061 4 32,
5 13 4 f,3
0 0'J, 4 3S.
5 15 4 19
5 1SI 4 26!
6 15 4 33
5 10 4 43
4 45,
6 04 I
5 111 4 3S
5 151 4 37
5 0I 4 3-'
0 W, 4 ;'3
2 iJ,
2 S5i
4 ii
4 it
4 M)
4 93
4 i4
4 1'.
4 41
4 U
4 54
t 65
4 .
4 rs
I 50
4 4j
4 ai
" 1 . V1
3 67 3 .3
3 72 3 Sil
2 76
..' 4 47V4I
.. 6 E6U
..1 5 01
2 71
J Ml 4
S 3 601
L 5 00H1
3 79
3 741 3 45
3 67 3 47
3 Oil 3 57
2 V
.'.I a 7b ,
5.1 6 84 I
2 S3
2 !3
3 71 3 53
3 771 3 4.1
I 3 45l
3 M
3 67 3 49
3 67i 3 C)J,
2 Vi,
3 Oil
2 Ml
2 75
. 5 so
7.1 5 65
S. 5 a
9. 5 73
iui a ii1-;
Indicates Sunday.
Tho olllcial number of cars of stock
brought In today by cuch road was:
Cattle. Hogs.
C, M. & St. P. Ry
O. & St. U Ry
Missouri Paclilc Ry 6
Union Pacille system "
C, A N. W. Ry
V., E. .t M. V. R. R 1
C. St. P.. M. & O. Ry
R. & M. R. It. R 1
C, II. & Q. Ry
K. V. it St. J 1
C, R. I. & P., east
Illinois Central
Total receipts
Tho disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of beud indicated:
Omnha Packing Co
Swift und Company
Cudahy Packing Co...v
Armour & Co
Omaha Packing Co., K
Other buyers
.... CS
.... 20
Totals 1S9 7.63
CATTLE There were not enough cattle
here today to make a murket. for ttio
week there has been a god supply of cattle,
u marked Increase being noted over last
week, but there Is Btlll a decrease as com
pared with tho corresponding week of last
your, as a gtunco at the table given above
will show. ,
Tho tendency tho tlrst part of tho week
was to pound down values on all kinds of
killers. Good to cholco beef steers suffered
along with the others, but since Wednesday
tho tendency has been upward, and any
thing cholco Is now ns high as It was at
the close of last week and In some cases
higher. The medium nnd common MndJ.
such ns will come In competition with the
westerns, are, If anything, u little lower.
Quite a good mnny western rangers arrived
this week that wcro good enough for killers,
and packers seemed to bo anxious for them
and paid very satisfactory prices.
choice would probably sell from $4.5) to
$4.73, but they would havo to be fat.
Tho better grades of cows and heifers
have not shown much chango this week
nnd mny bo quoted nbout steady. The
medium grades, however, aro 10ftl6o lower,
while dinners havo held Just nbout steady.
The quality of tho offerings this week ns
a whole hnt not been very good, which
mado tho sales on paper look rather low.
Uulls, calves and stags are ull Just about
steady with last week.
There has been a decided Improvement
this week In tho demand for cholco yenning
stock cattle. As tho supply was limited
prices advanced 105120c. The heavyweight
feeders, however, aro not selling nt nil
well owing to the fact that no one In the
country seems to want them. Thero havo
been very few of that kind of cattle hero
this week, and If many arrived It Is thought
they would sell lower.
HOGS There was Just a fair run of h gs
hero today, and tho market opened fairly
active and strong on tho better gnuKs.
The general run of mixed hogs sold largely
at $5,75, with tho heavier and bettor grades
going at $5.77H. Tho choice heavyweights
sold from $5.i0 to $5.S0. Light mixed hogs
brought from $5.70 to $5.72V4, and from that
down. Packers seemed to havo nulto lib
eral orders and as a result tho bulk of tho
offerings wero out of first hands In good
season. Tho bulk of nil tho sales could hi
quoted nt $5.70i5.77H. as against $j,70tff5.7
yesterday. Thero was not much chnuge In
tho market from start to finish, th uh
tho close was, perhaps, not quite as active
owing to the fnct that It was largely tho
lightweights that wcru left.
Tho receipts for the week have been quite
liberal, a gain being noted both over last
week and over tho corresponding week of
last year. Tho demand, however, from local
packers has been In good shape, but still
tho tendoncy of prices has been downward.
Monday was tho high day of tho we k,
when tho nverago cost was $5.84. "Wednes
day was the low day, when the a vera go
cost wont as low as $3.65. Slnco that tlmo
values have tended upward and tho week
closed 2HQ5c lower than tho close of last
wcck. ttepreseniauvo saica:
No. Av. Sh. Pr, No. Av. 8h. Pr,
13 121 ... 6 iiO 12 271 ... 6 73
CI 22S ... 5 20 76 242 ... 6 73
93 m 1C0 5 CO C3 247 160 5 73
6$ 200 (0 5 M CO 219 200 I 75
73 Sf) 40 5 ni 71 237 40 6 75
15 241 ... 6 70 70 22 120 6 75
93 206 8) 5 70 C4 247 S00 6 73
74 197 SO 6 70 67 2S3 ... 6 73
(0 S04 40 5 70 0 218 ... C 73
fO 195 SCO 8 70 61 294 ... 6 73
t m 40 6 70 64 284 60 6 73
76 221 240 6 70 76 230 40 3 73
89 193 13) 6 70 CS S26 120 5 73
7 323 40 S 70 77 242 SO 5 73
77 328 (0 6 70 64 283 40 S 73
ill 193 200 S 70 C9 22 20) 6 75
75 236 80 C 70 64 215 (0 5 75
4$ 221 40 5 7) 61 224 80 6 73
64 211 120 5 70 67 2M ... 5 75
C7 270 60 5 7214 66 233 40 5 73
78 2-11 240 6 I2Vi 63 223 80 5 ?3
ti 231 1C0 5 12H 70 235 4) 6 73
76 231 e) 5 721i 73 227 40 5 73
1SS 1C0 5 721, 84 191 120 6 73
4b 230 40 3 ,2H 77 205 120 5 75
(A 210 240 6 f0 193 40 6 73
87 197 60 5 ;2t 64 231 .,. 6 73
76 206 160 6 7.'V 145 217 120 S 73
20 241 40 5 12', 67 2CC 40 6 73
64 215 40 C 72'i 69 258 ... 5 75
69 224 M 5 72ti 140 249 240 6 fi'i
73 226 80 6 2li 70 2St ... 57',
CS 209 40 3 72Vi 64 215 120 5 77
78 221 120 5 72'4 76 211 80 5 77'i
71 239 140 0 .2W 64 Ml J20 3 77'i
85 212 ... 6 724 61 S79 ... 6 774
65 228 120 5 - IVi 6S 260 1 60 5 77ij
69 229 1 60 5 72! 62 267 210 5 774
70 234 160 5 724 C4 227 ... 6 774
60 230 120 5 24 65 250 ... 5 774
77 "..204 40 3 72 4 C8 232 ... 5 '.74
76 113 200 6 f.'4 C6 S37 ... 5 774
61 216 120 5 724 66 291 80 6 10
80 Ill 120 6 724 64 299 40 6 H
137 221 24) 6 724 1 21 40 6 0
67 239 40 6 73 67 249 40 5 60
68 247 40 6 J5 6J 23t 40 5 fO
79 233 4 ) 6 73 64 26.1 40 6 M
08 221 40 5 75 69 r9 40 3 80
67 261 120 5 75 66 307 ... 6 B2Vi
62 248 40 6 76 63 285 ... 5 85
74 239 1C0 5 75 60 321 ... 6 90
CS 209 120 6 73
70 243 40 6 73
SHEEP Thero wero practically no sheep
on sale today with which to mako a test of
the mnrket. Knr tho week tho supply hm
been rather light, a decrease being notice!
both ns compared with last week and asj
with the corresponding week of last year
The week opened with tho market on all
grades of sheep In bad shapo, and on Mnn
dny prices renrlied the low day of the year
Since thut time, however, tho demand h s
Improved, nnd owing to the light rec-Jpts
prices have advanced sharp y. Ab ton
pared with last Friday tho market on good
to choice wethers and yearlings Is quote l
3frf(40e higher. Ewes have also advanced,
though not quite ns much ns wetlurs, the
advance being covered by about Ifc, It
should bo noticed, however, that the de
mand Is for the better grades, and that
the common to fair stuff Is neglected nnl
Is not advancing ns much as tho goo l to
The lnmh market was alto In bad sdinp'
the tlrst of the week, but the tendency 1 ns
been upward slnco that time, and th- mar
ket may be quoted strong to lie hlghir.
Iiambft weighing from a to 70 pounds and
fnt ought to sell at rUht around S5',
liiimbs of that weight that nro thin will
not sell ns well.
Quite a few feeders are coming en the
mnrket nnd nt the present time the demand
Is equal to the supply at the price qunt d
below. It should be noticed, however, tl at
those prices nre rather low and do not
offer much Inducement for shippers to mnr
ket their stuff nt the present Urn".
quotations; Choice yearlings, $3.50jf3.fA:
fair to good yearlings, $,1.355f3.50i choice
wethers, $.1.35073.50; fair to good wethers,
$3.15$f3.25; choice ewes, $2.75j3.W; fair t.
good ewes, $2.25T2.6o; choice spring lambs,
4.S5Ji5.0n; fair to good spring lambs, $4.40'f
4.75; feeder wethers, $2,7513 00; feeder lambs,
Cnttlr Receipts Hinnll Hogs nnd
Sheep StroiiK.
CHICAGO. Aug. 10.-CATTI,E--Recelpts,
200 head, Including 4 head Tcxans; good to
prime steers, quotablo at $5.60irt.l3; poor to
medium, $4,25$i&.l0, stockers nnd feeders,
$2.:l.u); cows. $2.5Oli-l.30; heifers, $2.wnn.
4.73; dinners. $1 502.25. lulls. $Z.50n l.6o,
calves. $3.ihVTiC25. Texas steers, $3.0011 1.50.
IIOGS-Recclpts, 12,000 head; Monday, 20,
000 bend, estimated; left over, 3,970 head;
strong; mlxod ami butchers, $3,7W0.50;
choice to heavy, $3.t'iltU0; rough heavy,
$5.6Wiu.SO. light. $5.70U.10; bulk of sales,
BHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts. 1.500
head; strong; lambs, steady; good to choice
wothers, $3.00jf4.2o; fair to choice mixed,
$3.2.Mi3,75; western sheep, $3.2.V(f 4.IH1; year
lings $3.75Sil,35; native lambs, $2.00i0.35;
western lambs, $4.25(5.15.
Olllcial receipts and shipments for August
RECEIPTS-Cattle. 2.PS4 head: hogs, 18,
612 head; sheep, 6.05$ head.
SHIPMENTS Cattle, 5.069 head; hogs,
3,921 head; sheep, 1.4SI head.
Kniisns City l.lvc Stock .Mnrkrt,
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 10.-CATTIiE-Re-celpts.
1U0 head; market, compared with a
6c lower; nomlnnl quotations; choice beef
steers, 251J35C higher; other cnttle steady to
6c lower; nominal quotations; choice beet
steers, $5.75ji!.t; fair to good, $1 se'ifj.ii;
stackers and feeders, $2.404ri.i; western
fed steers, $l.6Of)i.ri0; Tcxns and Indians
steers, $2.WVif4.(iO; Texas cows, K.tMiSM;
native cows. $2 50fol.OO; heifers, $3.Wio.OO,
emitters, $1,761(2 40: bulls, $2.25Jj-l.50; calves,
$3.00gr..25. Receipts for the week, 51,200;
last week, 49.000.
HOGS Receipts, 3,500 head; market
strong; top. $6.10; bulk of sales, $5 fcvjfU.os;
heavy, $r..ojfli).10; mixed packers, $.l.ivciit.05;
light, $3.3.i(i(f.); pigs, $3,751(5.2.1. Receipts
for the week. M.WO; last week. G1.0t,
SHEEP AND liAMRS-Recelpts, iV.Ohead;
market, compnred with n week ago, sheep,
lOjjlSc higher; lambs, 154j2.'.o higher; nomi
nal quotations; lambs, Jl.lVtjiO.Sj; native
wethers, $3.25(3,75; western wethers, $3. 25ft'
3.6); western yearlings, $3 40fl3.firt; native
ewes, $2,751(3.2,.; western ewes, $2.75513.15,
Blockers, $J.00O2.60.
St. I.onls I. Ire Stock Mnrkrt.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. lO.-CATTI.E-Reoolnts.
nniive snipping
and exnort steers. J5.0iwio.7o: dressed
nnd butcher steers, $4,004(5.60; steers under
1.000 lbs.. $3. 251(5. DO; stockers and feeders,
$2.2."fM.15: cows and heifers, $2.(mO(4.S3;
canners, $1,251(2.25; bulls, $2. 001(3. M); Texas
and Indian steers, $2.21.35; cows and
heifers. $2.2tK(3.30.
HOGS Receipts, 1,400 hend; market strong
to a shade higher at the opening, closing
weak; pigs ami lights, $5,8015.55; packers,
$5.805.95; butchers, $6.00fifi.l0.
SHEEP AND IiAMRS Receipts, 100 head;
market steady: native muttons, $2,605(3.25;
lambs, $3.50ft5.0O; culls and bucks, $1,750"
3.V0; Blockers, $1.601(2. 23.
New York Live Stock Mnrket.
NEW YORK, Aug. 10,-IlEEVES-Ro-celpts,
693 head; no trading In cattle; nomi
nally steady; cables steady; exports, 2,313
cattle, 203 sheep and 16.441 quarters of beef,
CALVES No fresh receipts nnd none for
SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccelpts, 3,74(5
head; two cars of lambs unsold; sheep, $:' 25
4(4.00; culls. $l.50S2.00; lambs, $4.C55fO.OO;
culls, $2.75jr3.00.
HOGS Receipts, 1,172 head; nil for slaugh
terers, nono for Bale; feeling weak.
St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrkrt.
celpts, 124 hend;
$3.404jC.90: cows
bulls and stags,
feeders. $2.0OS?3.73.
Aug. 10.-CATTLE Ro
market steady: natives,
and heifers, Jt.OOfpi.OO;
$2.00f4.70; stockers and
HOGS Receipts, 3,310 hend: market strong;
lights nnd light mixed, $3.,01Jij,00; medium
and heavy, $5.S5Sti.OO.
SHEEP-No receipts.
Stock In SlKlit.
Tho following tnblo shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs nnd sheep at tho flvo principal
uvo siocit maracis august lu
Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha
Kansas City .,
St. Louis
St. Joseph ....
.891 29.9S9
Kvnporntril nnd Dried l'mltn,
APPLES Trading was of tho usual Satur
day order, but tho undertone holds gen
erally tlrm, owing to tho scarcity of sellers.
Prices were unchanged. State, common to
good, 4V41i7c; prime, 77&c; cholco, 7ic;
fancy, 8fi85c.
Beaumont, Texas, Aug. 5, y0L
Stock Exchange Building, Boston, Mass.; .
Well is down eight hundred thirty feet tonight; shell forma'
Hon same as other gushers; splendid indications for oil; congrat'
ulations in order.
Jieainnont, Texas, August S 1001.
Heavy flow of oil from Export well today. Gusher is cer
tain, probably come in Monday. Well down nine hundred and
iwnty feet. w, B. SHARPE, Driller,
Tho above tcloirraniR front the t'ros- this opportunity will remain opon. Wo enn
i,tn.,f iwp-.M.uit ...! T,,.n,... f ilu. I ."l'.')' .I"1' 'I'" JU h open now. and that.
.v.... ... ...... ... ....
Kxpot't Oil fc 1'liH- Lino Co. explain
tliPinsi'lvcs. The ooniimny'K llrst well
Ih proKresHliitf ho flint find so fnvorulily
thut, lmr net'lrtunt, It Is likely to coine
at any time now.
Wo nro nt present offering n limited Issuo
of tho company's stock at
75c. A SHARE,
(par vnlup, full paid nnd nnn.nssesa
hie): but In tho comfni; In of the well we
nntlclpnto Instructions from the compmy
to either wthdrnw the stork fr.itn nil" or
If nut lilKher.
Wo are therefore unnbln to say how Ion
dull nnd nominally unchanged. Pru-i' ,
tr7o Apili'ots, Royal, .N4.(ilJr; Mor Park,
StflSe. Peaches, petled, llljIM-; uiipce ed,
, 6ti4e. '
i "
j llniik I'lriirlnus.
' OMAHA. Aug. 10 -Rank clearings todny,
$l,0Sf,0W; corresponding day last,
15iVi.42l.6v Increase. JIM.M,...
NEW YORK, Aug. 10 -t learlngs, $IS.;,3iV
9M; balances, ItO.Mt M7.
CINCINNATI, Aug. o.-Clenrlngs, $1,9.
2U; New York exchange, par; mono, ;U0
per cent.
CHICAGO, Aug. 10 -Clearings, Jls.c35.TT6:
balances. $1,79I,P; Stirling exchange, $1
W4.S; for sixty days. l Sl4ii I New
York exchange, 2Cc dlieount.
ROSTON. Aug. 0.-C!enrlngs, 2 517,1 3J
balances, $2,l!5,Mt.
PIllI.AliEIiPHIA. Aug. 10-Clearings.
$l.1.fti.oon. balances, JI.llll.SWi. For tho week:
Clearings, JTy.Vti.VM ; balances, $lJ.5S3,91j.
Money. SiiSU per cent.
ST I A) IMS. Auk. 10.-C!enrlngs, 55,m7.!0:
balances. $017.31 is, money, 5f(7 per cent, New
York exchange, 31c discount LU, .5' dU
count nsked.
I'nrclun riiinttclnt,
LONDON. Aug lO.-There were good sup
plies of money in tho mirket t'May and
the demniid wns comparatively small. 1 Is.
counts were easier. ltuMncss on the Stock
exchange had a good tone, under the lead
of consols. Resides ths usual week-md
Indisposition for business, the mines seltlo
nitnt commences Monday Sitno lnme rnlU
Improved, following New York's 1 nt.
Americans reacted at the opening Liter
they hardened nnd closed ste.ity Tho
amount of bullion tnken In by tho Hank of
England on balance today was 33.iu). Gold
premiums nt Madrid, 39 iW.
PARIS. Auu in. liiiliui un. i,1,,i,,ii,i
on the bgurse today. Th" tei-.dt ney im
nun, rvy.mi micas snowing small improve
ments, but this wns not fullv nrilntnlnnd'.
Rentes were firm on Investment purchase.
Rio tll'tos were nteidv. Thr.-o ,.r rout
rentes, 3Sf 45o for the account. Krehaiis
on Iondon, 25f for checks'. Spanish 4.
RERUN, Aug. 10-On the bourse todnv
home funds were dull. Sp.u.Mi 4- nni
Italians were llrm In resnonm i,i
advices. Local securities open d firm, but
n'ucicii nn rtiiiizaiiuns. Canadian 1 arlllo.4
were firmer.
Weekly Hunk Stntriiient,
NEW YORK, Aug. 10. Tho stntement of
the asxoclatcd banks for the week ending;
todnv shows: loans. SS.".4l5.Cn. Ineiensn
$7.f8 700; deposits, 9(;,331.100, Increase J'.i.ltlS,-
tw: circulation, j;).&o.i,iw. iiecrense H'.i.iioo;
legal tenders, $79,202,200. decrease $l.3K,0O0;
specie, $1V3.0M.6"0, Increase f2.M9.SiV, re
serves, $202,yiX,200, Increase $1.151, M, reserve
required, $211,315,250, Increase $2,:7,2vo, sur
plus, $2O,032,l5O, decrease $1,212,100.
W. Farnam Smith
& Go.
Investment Securities,
Stocks, Bonds,
1320 Farnam St. Phono 1064.
llrfcremrN....M-reliniitN .ViiMomil lliiuk;
nml United StiKe Anil mini llniik.
Investment Bankers,
COM'L NAT. HANK 111.1)0.
Offer for Snlo Carefully Selected.
On City and Farm Real Estate.
Hoferrncrs Cominerrlnl Nntlnnnt
llnnk nml United State National llnnlc
B. L. Baldwin & Co
I.oii ir Distance l'lionr, 171)1).
Money Will fcUirn 111 Monthly Haturna
The Investor's Fund Pays Semi-Monthly.
Tho oldest established In America. No
ccrtlflcatc-holdor ever lost a cont. Pay.
ments made tu nil subscribers every IS
aays. No trouble. No delay. Money
refunded on demand. Write today for
particulars, free to any address.
Hudson llullillng, Netr York.
1 1
Telephone lOttn.
Boyd Commission Co
Successors to James H. Doyd ft Co.,
Ilokrd of Trsle Ilnlldlnu.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York,
Corvespondence, John A. Wuiren U Co.
i.,,, ,,,,, ,K ,ls jireseni common nnd Hi
prospects with thoso of other suec ssful
oil companies, we seo no reason why Its
shares should not bo worth and brhiK 10
times pir nt lenst.
Nn company outside of those already
produrlnpt oil offers a renter certainty of
rich returns In the Texas oil lltlds than
tno Kxport Oil nnd J'lpo Line Co.
We lit-ll-ir It n I1i- host Investment
before (In- pulillc loiln;.
Subscriptions should bo sent In I3ARLT
(this Is a caso where tlmo bids fair to bo
moiipy, and lilir money), either to tn
compnny nt Ifeauinont, Texns. or to Its
IIhciiI awents ns below, with check or draft
payable to tho order of
81 Adiun.s .St., CIiIciho, III.
Ccncntl Ascnt for Nebraska.
If so, spcculnto successfully. Send your
orders to a reliable house, whers luoy will
bo placed on tha jpen market, Wo can.
mnko for you in cno month moro Interest
on your money tL.n any bank will pay you
In a year. Send for our book on speculation
It Is me.
J. K. Comstock & Co.
Room j Trader's Hide, CIiIcmbo,