Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1901, Page 2, Image 12

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    'Im. I i.i.uvika i i d Bi;i:
I'ublUherl Wi-kly tiy Thu lli I'll til I nil I rig
Company, llulldtiiK. Omaha, NMi.
I'rlr. & cents per ropy -per year, 2 00
K.t.tcl'd ill tlin Omaha I 'out Oilier as Second
clnss Mnll Mutter.
Kor advertising rntos nildriHs Kubllshcr
' 'oiiiiii'itil' Milium relating to ihi'togriipliH or
aril. Ir fir publication m 1 1 1 1 1 lie ad
dressed "I'Mllor Tho llliistiuti'il Her,
otiiiiliu "
Pen a ml Picture Pointers
tio her fciluic of tin- summon imr wli li
in more pleasant to dwell upon limn ilni
hint Is tin' Hiliiinii'l' i;lll She tin - Kolir for
wind In tin' process of evolution till' 1 1 rhu
Iiiih In i oiiii mil only u thing of lliilllni :s ami
mil iiiiii' i lull ii filrt of miiihi'Ii'II ami
lllllllll lllllH (0 llll tlllllgS. Slid 1 1 1 1 1 ' llkl! til Hit
iii ii cool Hpol ami absorb lee cri'iiiii sndnR or
ollll'r OOllCIIOtlollH Intended lo HlllllllO, llllt
hIii' iiIho liken to get out ami have ii good
v . HICTIIKIt or not a determined
effort shall be made to exter-
l f minute the Hen lions along the
M. JL entire 1'iu'ltle toast Ih a ipics
Hon which Ih now being argued
with the utmost vigor. The tl.shcriucu
dccluro that the sea lions must go and con
tend that otherwise the Hulling Indus
try will ere long be virtually
ruined On the other hand, many m-lcu-tlsts,
mi t ii in 1 1 h Ih ami others some of
them occupying prominent poHltlotiH In Iho
governmental woi-vlco declare emphatically
Hint the sen Hon Ih not guilty of the crime
of llsh destruction charged against him, and
bate appealed to Secretary (iagc of the
TrunHiiry department to stop the wholesale
dcHlrilctloii of these anlmalH, which have
long boon prled by Iiivcih or nature as one
of the great attract Ions of the coast, and
which constitute one of Hie most Interest
lug f ii tn II I i-.H lu the animal kingdom
The conlriiveisy regnrilitig the sea lions
has been In progress for a good many years,
but It Is only lately Hull II has assumed so
' I n 1 1' ii t a form Lately the llslieniicii of
the north l'aclllc coast have Joined Ihelr
San KrnuclHi-o brethren In a movement for
the destruction or Hie sen IIoiih, on the
ground that the animals were making ap
preclahle Inioads upon the salmon In the
vlclnltv of the Oregon and Washington
coast At the last sessl ti of the Oregon
leglslului e ii bill was piihhciI ottering a
bounty of JUTitl for each sea lion killed lu
the waters of the slate within a league of
sliorn. hut the appropriation is mil yet
available, and lu the meantime the Usher
men bate raised u fund by pritate subscrip
tion ami hate engaged men to shoo! the se i
lions at their breeding grounds
I'lilll'oriilo In Hie Ciiiiipiilun.
The California Stiito Hoard of Klsh Com
m Ihh I niii'i h has taken steps lu the past two
years to kill olT a large number of the sea
Ilium on the California coast, and already
many have been slaughtered lu a letter
to the government at Washington Mr. Alex
ander T X'ogelsang. the president of the
California hoard, tins explained that It Ih
not the Intention o( the board to extermi
nate the sea lions, but merely to kill about
10.000 of the 30.000 which he claims now
Infest the coast The friends of the sea
lion, on the other hand, assert thai the
number of animals has been greatly ex
nggerated. and that long before the au
thorities of the Hidden Hate Hiate hate
killed Hie contemplated 10,000 there will
not be a living sea Hon remaining on the
entire coast.
One of the eminent men who are making
a spirited defense of Hie sea lions Is Dr
C. Hart Merrlam of the Department of
Agriculture. The stand which Dr Men lam
has taken Ih particularly slgnlllcant. sim e
he Is t ngugeil through the lllologlcal sur
vey lu the most elaborate study of animal
foods ever made, and Ih, ther. fore, enabled
to deny autliorllatlvcl) the popular Im
prosHlon Hint sea Hons live exclusively on
llsh The contentions of Dr. Merrlam are
supported by the testimony of I'rof. I., l,
Dyi-ho of the I'lilverslty of Minimis, who
visited the California coast and cut open
nml c.xainlneil the stomachs nf twenty-Uvo
V r T Ht a
B "
iliir under tin- huh Si iiii tlio golf links
ilii' ti'lilllH roui't. along III'' I .i ti It of tin' li'iiin
--In am or tin- has- poml n Hie lake ami In
ilii' will ir you will lln I h i'. In-own ami
lii'inly, ami cnjujliig herself In ways thai
would hate lint onh sin i krd Put well nigh
killed her pri'ili'ri Hkiir or not ho many yi-ars
ago. Mr. Hoslwlrk koI an excellent pic
ture of ono of llii'Hi' Hiiiiiiurr girls Just as
mIii- vviih bringing about tin- yai'ht she so
gracefully Htoorx ovi'i Mnn.'iwn'H witters.
Hot weather lias 1 1 k ti'irni'M for all. but
ilic fact thai ii must In1 endured goes far
lo I'lialili- I'liiluranri' I'loliahly thi dwellers
In Iho cities fi'i'l it h I'lTi'i'ts mini- than 1 1 m -.-who
llvi in lln1 opi'ii roiinlry This may
In- partly owing In the mitim of the moil
War of the Fisherman on
sea lions which hud been slaughtered lu the
Interests of llsliiTinon In not one was
tin-re found so much as a trace of llsh
On one occasion eight sea lions which had
been shut, liecnusc. according tn assertions.
Ih-y were caught in the act of feeding on
Hill iiii i li . were cut open In the presence of
llshcrmcu ami mil a fish scale or bone was
The assertions of the fishermen remain
unshaken, however, by the testimony pre
sented at Washington on behalf of the sen
lions. They claim that hundreds of thou
siimls of salmon are killed each year by the
Hons, and assert that the nnlmals have
virtually convicted themselves by Ihelr
practice of taking one bite from the choic
est part of n salmon, leaving the remainder
of the fish to limit ashore. The llHhermen
are rendered still more hitter ami deter
mined In their warfare by the Immense
amount of llshlng gear destroyed eveiy year
by the sea lions. The large males plat
havnc with Iho expensive gill and trap nets
literally tearing them Into shreds.
Ililcri'xlltm i:teiiieiit nl Nature.
The sea lions now so seriously threat
ened with speedy exterinlnal Ion are among
the most Interesting representatives of brute
creation In bo found on the continent
Their natural home Is along the entire
west coast of North America, from Alaska
to the southern limit of Moating Ice. There
lire In icalily two species of sea lions, the
IIoiih of the California coast, whlrh have of
late years atlracted so much attention
being somewhat smaller than Hie species
found In more northerly waters. Xlany of
these sea dwellers, particularly nf Hp'
larger species, are really leonine lu appear
anco ami their majestic bturlng l en
hanced by their ferocity of nppeirance
the bulldog tnuz.le and the bard bright
ness or the virions little eyes. A well
grown bull will weigh pounds Th s m
lion has nippers, hut he can not begin
to make as good use of them as does the
fur seal Where the latter can crawl live
or six tulles lu twenty-four hours. Hie hci
lion will progress barely two miles In that
length or time.
The sea lions have harems. Put they are
not nearly so Jealous as the fur seals Thev
are shy and wary lu the extreme nnd on
the approach nf u man stampede Into the
water The hulls light most ferociously
among themselves nml turn off from the
breeding ground all save the largest and
strongest nnlmals The cow sea linn Is
about one-hair the slc or the mal . eight
or nine feet lu length ami weighing upward
of MtO pounds The babv sea lions arc
about two feet In length and weigh perhaps
twenty pounds
Almost all the hunting of the sea lion In
done at long range with guns nnd Is about
as sportsmanlike as shooting iho family cow
would be Hut occasionally an expedition
goes forth in capture some of the nnlmals
for exhibition purposes, or to sell to some
seaside hotel where the animals are tvnntod
as the main nttrnctlon In nn artificial lake.
Then there Is sport. The hunters usually
wear bathing suits nnd go unshod or with
rubber-sole, I shoes, as the clatter of soles
would nlnrm the prey Then they either
wake n wide approach by water, keeping
the iLi,tTs'riArri:i) :e.
i rli Lily, with m ttemi'tld"U9 pllm of Prick
tiioiic ami iron, in paved simis ami its
other appointments which nerve to tilorh
iiml retain the heat, thus keeping the
i' inpi raturi' high at all times, cr which
r licit it ami thus Ineionse Its Intensity
More than this, though. Is the urban
suffering ilue to the Met that certain funr
ioiis of the complex life of a clly intisl be
urrleil on no mutter what the tventlur
loilern buslniHH caniicit wait until Old
l"r lialnlltli h Is lemly lo behavi' ami those
who lliel their living In conneciiou with
In tniioim Imluslrles or iircupatlnns nec
i .ir to make a clly must ilrlve aheml
liiilfnl as pi f-slble of the heal. Never-
lull a life in a city Ih mil without Its
mp Iciiim ami there are even ulvnil
!)! lo the existence which cailtlol bt en-
i"l In iho ruial precincts. Ilspc lally l
his true of Omiiha, whole theie U a liivei
fiiiuiif supply of cool, pine wai -r. ami
h iliouuhl of a water famine never en
leied Hie lieml of the most llinlil Ice ami
li an water ko far towanls iniiiuat'iu th'
'Ii coinforls cf a torrlil spell ami o r.ih.i
ilweller-. enjii)eil both lllisl Inlcil ilurniK lln
' mii film of I'li ili-Miec wiallnr
l-5ver limly Im fninlllar with llimene I'lePI s
im in on "The I, Mile reach.'' Twelve year
nun It was suiik from one cm! of Hie conn
i v to Hie other with the IiikuIii Ions refrain
if 'Listen lo My Tale of Woe" lloslwlil,
.iikI Morris bine uitcti this Iheme some iiii
ommonly kiiihI Illustrations Ibis week
".lohnny .lones ami hl.s slsler Hue" ami their
sail fall ulil hanlly have been more viv
idly deplcled by the camera.
Men who willed down three ami four ml
l.'ii's a day ami women who Insisted on
chaiiKlUK shirtwaists quite as often durlm;
Hie days of .Inly Kavc little thought to Un
people who were tollliiK day ami night In
superheated rooms that the more fortuuat"
ones might go cl'-an ami with linen unsul
lied by perspiration Mr. llosivvlcU ami n
reporter penetrated the big laundries of t lie
i'IIv during this period and brought nut
Nome very material evidence of the rush
1 tint Is In progress there. The cleaning of
lollies for a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - has come to be n
great Imlu-lry. all the more astonishing le-
iiuse lis magnitude has never suggested It
elf Individuals thinli only of the laundry
behind Hie shelter of all adjacent point, or
'out rive to lower themselves down the
i lllfs. at the base of which the quarry is
sunning Itself If they can get half iih near
to the lion as the Hon is to the water unob
served Hie rest Ih ensy. They fall upon the
creature with rope, Ho him up and carry
bun lu triumph. Hut If the capture Is made
at the water's edge there Is likely to be
trouble, liven a half-grown sea lion -and
Hie hunters know belter than to tacklo an
adult bull, who would probably drag them
Into the sea and drown them -Is a hard
lighter and a particularly slippery customer
He writhes, docs IHp-llopH, strikes out with
hl.s litis, (laps his powerful propeller and
tries to bite, but nil the while he is edging
nearer to the water The aim of tho hunter
is to get the rope around his body, but.
though they throw themselves upon him full
length, a good grip Is seldom gained and
si ill less often maintained, on that slimy
body. Knees and elbows are gashed and
skinned ngalnst the shnrp rocks; hodk'H
are lip Iscd fr un tho animal's blows, and,
It may no. thore are tooth marks to show.
This way and that rages tlio battle, tho lion
roaring like a mad menagerie nil tho time.
Kinnlly one of two things happens tho men
get their opponent well enmeshed In the
rope or he gels them Into tho water. If
the former happens, the sea Hon Is lugged
olf, still roaring; If the latter, ho shakos his
oppressors off, dltos nnd Is next soon wonr
lug a sardonic smile eovernl hundred yards
out at sea.
iei'li'p, CiinII) lllslliiunlslieil,
It Is comparatively easy to distinguish
the California soa linns from the species
found farther north, for the reason that
the northern animal never barks or howls,
as does the California lion Tho Alaskan
sea linns, of both sexes nnd all ages, have
a deep, linso growl nnd prolonged, stonily
roar, whllo thoio off tho const of tne
B. ilMI 7
when fhev disiat'h the Lag .ir pay the hill
but tin l.niii'lr.v goes on just the kiiiiid
When the summer demand for mati
changes of lliicii dally s at hand, then the
workers who keep the rest of the coin
miinlty looking spick ami span come In for
their time of tribulation
iM n, i and Inez Moses, aged 1.1 and 11
years, respectively, are Iwo of the brlghti"
pupils in the Columbian school, this 1 1
They are said by their teni-hers to be i In.
stiidinis and they have developed a elevi r
liess in I K b .lining that Is hlghlv urn
inetnlatilc s'n m ii. Ik foi hu h oinplish
inents In thni fln ar- not ditTirciit fr
maiiv oi In r li n g rl - f t li - t r age H
these '.-irl iii owl -v i I' H' :ll a 'li
ai)i:i,ih:ut ,i w iiiih)i:n ok omaiia
slaletn"iit mat sound They lite in Omaha
In winter and go to school. In summer they
ride the range on their father's big ranch
In Smith Dakota, seventy miles from a rail
road. They are reputed to bo as valuable
In rounding up cattle as any man and the
old-l liners of the range always take olf
the Sea Lion
Coition Onto statu break out repeatedly
with barks or howls and never give a call
that could bo mlstnken for the roar of one
of their northern brethren The old males
often roar so loudly n to completely drown
the sound of tho surf, and the sounds given
forth by the pups might well be compared
lo the barking of dogs.
Thu California lions are very timid nnd
fearful of human beings. At t lie approach
of n man they will roll or tumble into the
sea, or. If necessary, even make frightful
leaps from high precipices. On one occa
sion a party of hunters nt Santa Barbara
islands drove twenty t-on linns from the
brink of u precipitous cliff, and when they
wont tn the rocks, which shelved from the
beach hlxty feet below, expecting to find nil
the Hons mutilated or killed outright, they
were astonished to see the last of the an
imals crawling off into the wnter.
lu the Interval from Mny to August males
and fi males along the entire coast combine
their efforts to exercise a eln?i guard ovei
the little pups, meanwhile leaching the
t ' utwtors how to move over the broken,
slimy, rockbound shore. Tho pups nro at
tlrsi averse to the water, but after a few
plunges become most active and playful In
it and take keen delight in diving nml gam
bolling in the surf.
There Is little loyalty or si'lf-sacrlllce In
the se.i lion's makeup. The females do
show some nffectlon for the young, hut if
alarmed on land the cows will Instantly
abandon their babies and take to the water.
The ruin are fractious and savage and the
males begin early training for the great
battles which will come later, when they
seek In secure harems in the "colony." The
battles of the old males for the control of
the harems have, Insofar as endurance
and determlnai Ion are concerned, few coun
terparts In the animal world. Frequently
the lights will lust for days, the bulls in
sisting now nnd then from sheer exhaustion,
only to renew the struggle ns soon ns thoy
have recovered Honiewiint. Thn defeated
animals slink off to some secluded spot, as
though disgraced forever.
I'litclilim the Si'iimilli.
At the close of the season, whlrh Insts
hut three months In California, the great
herds nf males and femnles return to the
son and roam In nil directions In search
of food Seagulls constitute one of the
delicacies of which tho sen lions nro very
fond, and the cunning and Ingeuulty dis
played by the limn In capturing the birds
are little short of marvelous Tho nnlmals.
after sighting n gull, will dive deeply for
some distance under water. Hlslng slowly,
tho lion exposes tho Hp of his nose nnd
gives the wnter a rotary motion, ns might
bo Imparted by a llsh nt play. Tho gull.
Beelng this, nllghts to rapture the sup
posed morsel, when the son Hon. nt a
hound, seizes tho bird In Its extended Jaws
ami Instantly devours It.
A factor which males the present cru
sade against the sea lions quite expensive
Is found In the circumstance that there
Is little prollt In killing tho animals. They
tnko to the wnter Immediately upon being
shot, and thus many of tho carcasses nro
lot altogether, whereas three or four son
AtlU'llSt 11, 11)01
their Inns in these ilcvir li tlc girls Thev
are daughters of Mr aid Ml- Sain Moses
delbert J Whlddcti is n boy who tnkiis
mitlce of things he sees Ills visits to the
Tr.itixtnis.sisstppi ixpositieii Hi l-'is have
just bortn fruit and a bo up in Wisi oiisiu
i:i mosi:s ok dm mix who minis
with iii:k sisrnit ov tiii: kanhi:
w s Ills life to this fact, 'lining XVIllildi I.
ulii is the soli of A. J Wblibb I. of Uniali.i
- -pi tiding his summer tinailoii in Wl-oii-on
Itccently while swimming a
toiinger comjianlon was m'UciI by i-im iiii -and
sank before anyone could rea-h him
Vming Whldden dived and bri light the mi -.
onsi Ions boy safely lo shore. Here he pro
ceeded In the most approved manlier lo n -store
life. When asked how he knew in
whit manner to proceed he said he had seen
the life saving cievv give its exhibitions at
the TratismlH.slsslppI exposition and remem
bered what they did.
Violet llrorly Is a '.i-year-old girl of Shen
andoah, la., who Is attracting more than
lcii-al attention by her nblllty tin a violinist
Her parents and friends are very proud of
her and expect her to develop Into all ar
tiste of excellence.
lions nre required to produce a barrel of
oil. Tho only market for tho skins Is nt
the glue factories. Tho national govern
ment has bcon drawn Into tho present con
troversy in n double sense, for the renson
that fishermen who nre conducting the war
fare aro Indignant because the government
llghthouso reservations have not been
thrown open to tho slaughter. Seal Hock
lighthouse, nenr the mouth of the Columbia
river, la ono of tho greatest places of
rendezvous for sen lions, nnd thousands
of them gather there during the breeding
season. If tho hunters can securo permis
sion to engage In an onslaught at this point
th;? massacre will reach far greater pro
portions than It has yet attained.
Stranger Than Fiction
One o; those contretemps which tho nver
ago reader is Inclined to chargu to somu
writer's imagination actually occurred very
recently in Detroit, reports the Free l'ress.
There were two weddings listed for the
same afternoon. Of course the fathers of
the respective brides had lo make special
preparation and the universal mischief
maker sent them lo the aine tailor for
trousers. These necessary articles of wed
ding nttire were sent out on the fori noon
of tho fnteful day nnd both of the fathers
were too busy to do more than shout an
order to have the pants hung up so Hint
they would not wrinkle.
When the tall, thin man hurried Into his
purchase ho had tn grab to locate himself.
They were big enough for two of him nnd
lit about like the skin of nn emaciated
hippopotamus, lie rushed down to tho tel
ephone nnd ripped great humoral rips In
the ozone when the friends of the family
laughed at him. When he got through
calling the tailor a bhinkety blank Idiot he
was not as far from the truth ns when he
started In.
The fat man dove Into his trousers nnd
found himself in tights with no chain o of
getting a meeting at the waistband. He
violently rent tho seams as he struggled
out of the pants and between subsequent
pants told his wife what to say to that
tailor, liven tho modlllcd message was n
scorcher and rendered the poor man totally
helpless before he hnd a chance to recover
fiom the other dressing down.
The thin innn gave away his daughter tn
a petfectly proper pair of trousers that he
happened to have lu commission, hut the
fat man did the same service In a pair of
ie rienm" pants that bagged nt tho knees
and had a big grass stain from tho Inst
picnic. He had the tails of his frock coat
gathered with a safety pin and after tho rn.
option he was busy until nfter midnight
cleaning his revolver
He Saved His Weight
llronklyn Kngle: An aged Irishman walked
up to a Iirooklyn brldgo policeman.
"Is It safe?" he ':rd.
"It Is,"
"Hedad. I doubt It. I must cross It, but
I'll not add to Its lo:. .1 by taking wan of
thltp i nrs l' walk."