Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Frici Current's Anninicjmtmt on Con Orp
Eitimate Oirei BnlUsk Impstui.
"Wheat Opens StronK, lint Letter Ulsnp.
poliitinctitn Online WenU Close
Out Handled "it ."Snrrotiv
I.ocnl .Mnrket.
CHICAOO, Aug. S.-Whent started today
utrong, but weakened Inter on disappoint
ing exports it ml dimpil easy 'Ac under yes
terday. Corn closed fcc and outs c higher
for September delivery. Provisions closed
7'ic lower to 5c higher. September wheat
was Hold freely at the beginning of 'he ses
sion because yesterday's frost scare proved
to have been practically unfounded and be
nunc the pool cables were easy. Soptoniber
opened WttUi' lower at 71571'.tC. Thc'corn
strength started a buying movement of lair
proportions and during the llrst hour the
market ascended to 71'4e. The fact that
only eight loads were taken for foreign
shipments, lighter seaboard clearances nnd
optimistic crop reportH from the spring
wheat country later combined to create
bearlshnoss and September In conseiiucnoe
declined to 7(V4o and closed easy. br!c
under yesterday at 7o,4c. Seaboard clear
ances were n.7i,o"i bushels, while primary
receipts aggregated Wii.O'ji) bushels, com
pared with Ml,o)0 bushels last year. Mlnni"
npolls and Dnluth reported 1M cars, aRalnst
150 last week and 2.13 a year ago,
Local receipts were 256 cars, 43 of contract
BCorn was nctlve. The Cincinnati Price
Current remarked the probable necessity of
reducing Its previous crop estimate of L-iOO,-fjoO.ljOO
bushels by loo.nin.rm) or 3"),W,IJ)
bushels. This announcement Rave the bull
ish Impetus early which tarried September
to the best price or the day without ma
terial reactions. Advices from the country
wero as usual not calculated to check tlu
ndvance. The wheat weakness and the de
sire fol prollts caused sellliiR on the bUlRC
nnd n decline ensued, but the close was
firm. September sold between 67',ie and
IVnc and closed 1c higher at 57?4i'. Re
ceipts were s:j cars.
Oats were handled on a narrow local mar
ket, prices lluctuatliiR ticcordlnR to tho
mood of the corn pit. September sold be
tween rfic and &c and closed steady, UW
ie hlRhcr at 35'k5t;i',i,c.
Receipts were 2.17 cars.
I'rovlstons were quiet, but steady early on
buying by local people who sold yesterday.
Lard held firm, b'lt pork and ribs eased,
while packers and some pit traders were
selllnR. September pork closed 7',4c lower
at Jia.77'4. September lard Be higher at
$8.62i nnd September ribs unchanged nt
Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, Pi)
cars, com, 105 cars; oats, 285 cars; hogs, 25,
(iff) head.
The leading futures ranged as follows;
Artlclcs.l Open. High. Low. Close.Ycs'y.
weeks, owlnc to the American demand. Tre
local copper market was featurclts. an I
nominally unchanged at 16.(0ri7.60 for Like
Superior and $16.37V45rl6.624 tor casting and
electrolytic. Iondon prices declined 10 1
again today under liquidation, thus spJt
stood at the close JE6G 16s 3d and futuics
at 66 5d. This makes a new low record
for tho last two years In lyindon, 1oad whs
quiet and linchmgsd hero at 14 37 s. A
london spot lead was reduced Is ;id to .1
16a 3d. Spelter closed unchanged h- r at
t-l.907i3.9G. London prices were 2-t 6d up nt
16 12s fid. Domestic Iron markets continue
In a. lifeless and nominal condition. Fig
Iron warrants closed at t3.E-vy IO.cj; Ne. 1
northern foundry, tlo.COfilj.W); No, 2 south
ern foundry, tll.Witil4.E0; No. 1 soutnern
foundry, tit. 751(15.25, No. 1 southern foun
dry, soft, Slt.75T215.25. (Ilasgow warrants
closed at Ms lid and Mlddlesboroush at
45h Od.
omaiia wTioi.n.sAt.i: maiikijt.
3 7l'!
59 5JH
n or.
it r
8 62'f.l
8 67H
8 re
7 SO
7 mi
1 lb
13 05
II 95
8 67H
8 75
S 75
7 821
7 8714
7 75
37145? S
13 75
14 75
8 6"H
8 67V4
8 65
7 7741
7 824
7 6741
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUH-Stendy: winter patents, t3.407
H.50: straights, $3,005(3.30: clears, t2.7CKft3.lo:
pprlng specials. t4.1ifil.20; patents, $3.I05J
S.70; strnlghts. t2.80Q3.20; bakers. t2.207T2.R5.
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 70c; No. 2 red, 72
CORN No. 2 yellow. 574c
OATS No. 2. 355i35-'e; No. 2 white, S7t
&3So; No. 3 white. 37V4513SUC
RYE-No. 2. 5775Sc.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 60c.
SEEDS-No. 1 flax, tl.61: No. 1 northwest
ern, 11.63. Prime timothy, f5.35. Clover,
contrnet grade. tl0.25.
I'ROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., U3.70
C713.75. lnrn, per loo nw.. t.tK)'fS.tiS4. snort
rlbg sides (loose), t7" 85. Dry snl ed
shoulders (boxed). t7.2577.B0; short clear
Bides (boxed), $8.255S.?5.
WHIBKY-Bnsls of high wines, tl.:9,
Following aro the receipts and shipment
lor loaay;
nece'nts. Shlnment"
Flour, bbls 17.00,) 18,(00
"Wheat, bll 307.00) 150,000
Corn, tin 113,000
Oats, bu 251,oriO
live, bu 19.000
Hurley, bu 3.000 2,(00
On the Produce, exchnngo today tho but
ter market was strong; creameries, 114'
204c; dairies, 13fn64c. Chefse. steady; Ui
4jlt;c. Kggs, firm; fresh, 147jl44c.
m:v yoiiic ;i;.i:itAi, M.vuicirr.
of the Dny
Nl-nv YORK. Aug. S.-FLOI'R-Uecelpts,
2S.377 bbls,; exports, 4.S73 bbls. ; maike.
firm but quiet; winter patents. Ki.lwU
8.80; winter straights. tt.tPTil-IO; M n
nesota patents, i3.MVIi4.0O; winter extras,
J2.M)a2.S0: 'Minnesota bakers, S2.85ifl3.13; win
ter low grades. J2.307? 1,00. Rve flour, steads".
fair to Rood, J2.70Q3.15; choice to fancy, J3.15
CORNMKAI Firm; yellow western, J1.23;
city, tl.12; Hrandywlne, t3.107?3.23.
RYU Steady: No. 2 western, 60c, f. o. b,,
afloat; state, B5756c, c. I, f., Now York car
lots. UARIiRY Steady ; feeding. C2c. c. I. f.,
lluffalo; malting, CCfiiajc, c. I. f Uuffaln.
HARI.KY MALT Dull: western, C3(tf72c.
WII10AT Receipts, 106,400 tm.; eNjurts,
351,203 bu, Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 774c f, o
b. afloat; No. 2 red, 73'ic, elevator: No. 1
hard, Duluth. S7-V f. o, b. alloat. Option
opened steady and hail n strong ir.U'nnee on
light offerings and a scare of shorts, l'nder
fears that government report llKuren might
be less bullish th'in expected th' markat
broke after midday and closed unsettled n
jo net decline; September, "oSifj 77c. clo eil
nt 755ie; October closed at 764c; December,
7&ffi"!!ie. closed at 7Sc.
CORN Receipts, IV5.00J bu.; exports, -16,311
bu, Spot, steady; No. 2, flli,c, eleva'or. nnd
f'nVsc, f. o. b. iiliont. Option market opened
utroiiR and advanced on bullish crop news
'nnd covering. loiter It yielded to lealliln;,
but tlnally milled again and cloi-ed Mc.ul"
nt liUc net advance; Hcptemre.-. 6' 7T
WtC closed at 6l-''$c; December, 6247jtV14o,
closed at (iHe.
OATS Receipts. 86,70) bu.; exports, 3i
lni. Spot, steady; No. 2, 39c; No. 3 as'tc;
No. 2 white. l24TM2c; track, whl'.e, r.'e;
'track, mixed western, 3S4tfl0c; track,
white, 4l54nc. Options unsettled and active,
following the changes In corn
UAY-Qulet; spring, 7247l"5c; good O
vholce, 9Wil9."e.
HOPS-Qulet; state, common to eh -lee,
(1900 crop. 137flc; 1S99. 10fJ13c; olds, 27i6o.
fJMollle coast, 1900 crop, 137jl74o; 1S99. 11715c;
Kilds, 256o.
IIIDICS-Stendy; flalveston. 20 to 23 lbs.,
lS5flS4e; California. 21 to 23 lbs.. 194c;
Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs,, 144c. x '
LKATMF.n-Steady; hemlock sole, Ruenos
cirtM'fliWcn lwavywcMu' 2347C244C;
PROVlsfoNS-ncof. steady; family. J1J.S0
ll 12.00; mess, J9.BWnn.00; beef hann. J20 5ufr
S.'.Oi); packet. tlO.OM710.50; city, extra India
(mess. J10.lifl7fl8.oo. Cut meats, quiet; Pcit.
led bellies, JS.7511.0i); pickled shoulde s
J7.orvrf7.K; pickled hams, JR. 25, Lnrd, steady
western steamed, $.8.90; retlned, easy; con
tinent, 59.05; South America, J9.65; com-
rround, J7.007J7.12s, Pork quiet; fam'v. in.ti.i, piiui 1 i-ii-uia, in.utrji ii.uu; mess.
J15.Brv,f 16 K0.
Ul'TTKR Receipts, B,0.'2 pkgs.; Ilrm;
dairy, HffflSe; creamery. 16f204c; western
June factory, 15013Vjc; Imitation creamery,
H'11 174c
CIIKKSIJ-Recelpts, 5,115 pkgs.; dull and
weak; fancy large colored, 97i94e: fancy
largo white, 947j94e; fancy small white, 94
1U70S Receipts, 0.641 pkgs.; steady; stnte
rim rennsyivania, itruifc; western canuieil,
3'Jifi I6U0: western uucandlecl. Sliilte
TALLOW Firmer; city U2 per pkg.). Tic;
country (Pkgs. freo), (47J54c.
MuiiABMKH- Mteauy.
POl,'LTRY Alive, steady : snrlncers. l!ff
J3o; turkeys, So; fowls, 9o. Dressed, weak;
springers, 12714c; fowls, S'479c; turkeys,
M13TALS Values In tin In Ixindon eon
tlnuo 011 their downward couth?, todas's
decline of 1 5s, closing spot at U 10s
nnd futures nt 110 lis 6l. miming a net de
rllim of 25 within three weeks ns a result
of tho failure nt tho bull cllquo to corner
tho spot till market in ixinnon. l no close
thero was weak at the decline, and still
further reduction are looked for. A sym
pathetic decline occurred here, but buslm' s
was slnck. The close was easy nt t:7,o 7f.
27.35 for snot tin. 'linniates are nom 11:1 hv
unchanged at tl. Tlnplntes in Inidon have
advanced from Us 6d to 15s 3d within six
Comlltlnii of Trndr nnd (Inntntlnn (in
Maple nnd I'nnoy Prodiiee.
KfJCIS-Reeelpts llbornl: loss off, 1247113c
LIVK POL'LTRY-liens, 67i64e; young
nnd old roosters, 3c; turkeys, UTSc; ducks
and Reese, 6c; spring chickens, per lb., 11W
UL'TTKR Common to fair, 12TJ124c;
tholce dairy. In tubs, ISftlflo; separator, 2"C.
FRI2SII FISII-Hlack bass, ISo; whlta
bass, sc; blui'llsh, lie; bullheads, 10c; bluo
fins, 7c; buffaloes, 64c; cattish. 12c; cod, !'c;
crapples, 77jlOc; elscoes. 7c; halibut, lie",
herring, 6c; haddock, 10c; pUe, 90, rert
snapper, 10c; salmon, 14c; sunllsh, 5c; trout,
9c, whltellsh, 9e.
PKIKONS-Llve, per doz., COc.
VHALS-Oholce. 879c.
HAY Prices quoted by Omnln Wholesale
Hav Dealers' iissnelntlnn: Choice tllilnnd.
10.50; No. 2 upland, 19.50; medium, t9; coarse,
i. ttye straw, J6.50. These prices aro tor
hay of good color and quality. Demand
lair Receipts, I cars,
OATS-llc, old.
ORKI-'N CORN-Per doz., 124c
CARROTS-Per doz., 20c.
RKKTS Per half bushel basket, 40c.
TCRNIPS Per bnskct, 30c.
Cl'CL'MUURS-Homo Brown, per doz., 20
4 ."We.
LHTTt'CU-Pcr bit., 20c
RADIHHK8 Per doz., 157120c.
l'ARSLK Y Per doz.. 20c.
N i: W POTATO12S-837l90c
fAHHAOK Home grown, 34c.
TOMATOHS-llomo grown, per lS-lb.
basket. Jl.tfl.
ONIONS Home grown, per in., sv4c .
CAULIFLOWliR-Home grown, per doz.,
m:ANS-Vax, per half-bJ. basket, tl;
string, per half-bu. basket. 75c.
PEAS -Pet bu., Jl; per half-bu., 60c.
CANTALOUPE-Pcr basket, 75c8tl.O0;
crates, J2.
WATERMELONS Texas, 207i33c. ns to
CELERY Knlamazoo, per bunch, 2530c.
APPLES-Per bbl., t2.507J2.75.
CHERRIES Native, per S-lb. basket, 35c;
Missouri, per 24-nt. case, t2.
PEACHES-California, per box, 90c; freo
stone. tl; choice Elbcrtos, tl; fancy, J1.20.
PLUMS-Cnllfornla, per crate. tl.23Wl.50;
homo grown, per S-lb. basket, 25c.
PEARS-Uartlctts, t2.257J2.50.
ORANGES Vnlenclas, J3.00; Med. sweets,
''LEMONS-Callfornla, extra fancy, J5.30
6.00; choice, J5.50.
HAN AN AS Per bunch, according to size,
FIOS California, new cartons, 75c; lay
cm, 65c; Imported, per lb.. 107112c
DATES Persian. In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 5c.
CIDER-Pcr bbl., J4.B0; per half-bbl., 12.75.
NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; fil
berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 187f20c;
ruw peanuts, per lb., 67j54c; roasted. 64'j)
"4c; Hrazlls. Uc; pecans, 107j22c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 64c; No. 2 green,
54c; No 1 salted, 74c; No. 2 salted, 64c;
No. 1 venl calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 8c; No, 2 veal
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, St813c; sheep
pelts, 25Q75c; horse hides, tl. 507)2.23.
Ht. I. (Mils (irnlii nnd Provision.
ST. LOUIS. AilR. 8.--WHEAT-Lowor:
No. 2 red cash, elevator, 69Vic; track, "o-fi
714c: December, 72'4c; No. 2 hard, 7171Uc
CORN HlRhcr; No. 2 cash, 5Sc: track,
617i614e; September, BS-HTjSSTic; December,
604c; May, OlTdc
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 36ic; track,
4f?374c; September, 36-Hc; May, 39c; No.
2 white, 3747iSc.
RYE Firm at 63c.
FLAXSEED No market.
FLOUR Dull; new red winter patents,
t3.407j3.6O; extra fancy nnd straight, t3.05
3.25: clear, J2.60ffi2.93.
TIMOTHY SEED-Flrm, with prime at
J5.I0 bid, to arrive.
CORNMEAL Higher at J3.
I1RAN Firm: sacked, east track, S24c;
this side, S57iS7c
HAY Timothy, steady at J13.004J15.50;
prairie, firm nt J13.507il5.0O.
WIIISKY-Steady at J1.29.
l'linVISin'Sl'nrl(. Slonrtv Inhhlnc-
89,000 Jir.TR l.nnl hlphnriit IS. IS. Ilri-enlt ni.-nlu
131.IK.0 iiinxed). dull and weak: extra shorts. iS.12Vd!
clear ribs. JS.374: clear sides, JS.624. Ua
con (boxed), dull nnd weak; extra shorts,
J9: clear ribs, J9.374; clear sides, $9.50.
M ETA LS Lead : Firm nt J4.30iJ4.40.
Spelter: Dull at J3.80.
POULTRY Market steady; chickens, iff
6c; springs, 077c; turkeys, 5c; youngs, 8t
12c; ducks, 5c; springs, 6c; Reese, ?c;
springs, fie.
lU'TTER-Stcndy; creamery. 1671214c:
on Vnrlon dairy. 1371164c.
ECiClS -Higher; nearby Uc
RECEIPTS-Flour, 1.CK1O bbls.; wheat. 149,
000 bu.; corn. 30,0iV) bu. ; oats, 129,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 10,000 bbls.; wheat,
$7,000 bu. ; corn, 47,000 bu.; oats, 61,000 bu.
13 7741
It 80
8 624
S l',2
8 70
7 774
7 824
7 70
71 ,
13 24
14 874
S B74
8 65
8 6'.4
7 774
7 5
7 674
0c; on track, No. 1 hard, 71c; No. 1
northern, 694c; No. 2 northern, 6snc.
FLOUR First patents, J.1.S51J3.93; second
patents, t3.607r3.75, llrst clears, t2.907ja.W;
second clears, t.'.20.
HRAN-ln bulk, tl3.o07jl4.tJ.
'i'ulrdo (irnlii nnd Seed,
TOLEDO, AUR. 8, WHEAT -Active,
weak; cash nnd August, 71'c; September,
71c; December, 744c; May, 78c
CORN Dull, strong; cash, 664c; Septem
ber, 574C; December, b9'c,
OATS Active, tlrm; cash, 354c; Septem
ber, 354c: December, 37' 4C.
CLOVhRSLED-Cash, prime and Octo
ber, t6.30.
Dnlntli (Irnlii Mnrkct.
nULUTH, Aug. S.-W1IEAT-Cash. No. 1
hard, 624c; No. 1 'northern, 704c; new No.
1 northern, 704c; September, 694c; Decem
ber, 70?ic.
Peortn Jlnrket.
PEORIA, Aug. 8.-CORN-HlRhcr; Au
gust, B9c.
OATS Firm; new No. 2 white, 324c, billed
WHISKY-On the basis of $1.20 for fin
ished rroods.
Trsilers Wntcti Crop rim nnd llluli
Itnllronil I'nrnlngs.
NEW YORK. Auk. S.-Unusunl prom
Inence was given to the trading In tho
United States Steel stocks owing to the fro
queney with which large blocks changed
hands at a rising scale. Professional oper
ators were. Inclined to cover shorts In these
Issues owing to the resumption of work at
some plants nnd the olllclnl announcement
of the. absorption of the Shelby Tube works.
When the prices of the steel stocks began
to mount upward nnd reached a level of
2',J and 2 per cent respectively above yester
day for the common nnd preferred, the gen
eral mnrkot kept pneo with the movement
nnd exceeded those gains in some Instances.
There were many Interruptions to the gen
eral rise during the day by prollt-takltiR and
short selling by tho room operators, but tho
tecesslons worn not noteworthy except for
the United States Steel stocks, which ended
about 1 point below the best, when a report
circulated that a prominent operator was
unloading stock purchased at a much lower
level, This selling soon affected the other
market, but stagnation soon resulted and
tno closing dealings showed steadiness.
Conspicuous strength was displayed by St.
Paul. Union Pnclllc. Mlscnurl Pacific. Sugar
and Iickawnnnn, which were from 1-H to 5
pouus nigner and leu tno gains in tneir
respective groups, The declaration of only
the regular dividend on Union I'aclde was
without effect on the stock, the price in fact
ruling at 974. the best price of the day,
when the announcement was mndo. No ex
planation was made of the rise to 994 at
tno close by .Missouri Pac 1 c. but it was
asserted that a speculative Interest was re-
sponsinie. stocks wlilch Usually do not at
tain prominence in tne neniings attracted
some attention today owing to the material
character of their advances, the list Includ
ing Great Northern preferred, General Elec-
iric, i. onsoiianton (.ins, 1 locking valley,
Colorado Southern llrst preferred, Cincin
nati, Chicago, Clevelnnd .t St. Louis. St.
Lawrenco & Adirondack nnd LaVe Erie
Western, which were 27iG points higher.
Monetary conditions were viewed In a
favorable light owing to tho steady Rain by
tho banks on subtreasurv oneratlons. this
morning's statement showing a gain of over
i,uw,wo on tne week thus far. Sterling ex
change rates continued upward, demand
hills being held quite genernlly above $4.SS,
while sixty-day drafts brought $I.S5i.
The bond market was stronir todiiv. the
feature being Mohuwk nnd Malone Incomes,
which ndvanced nearly C points. Total sales,
par vaiue, i,tiFu,ii. united states nonda
wero all unchanged on tho last call.
The Commercial Advertlscr'H Loudon
llnnnclnl cablegram says: The stock mar
ket Is still stagnant, but tho feeling Is more
cheerful, the chief Improvement being In
Americnn snares, wnicn opened better on
hopes of a pood crop report. The grangers
led and Erie followed. London was only a
moderate buver. hut New York siiimniteil
prices nnd the closing was at the best. The
Rank of England hns bought 2rt,ooo gold
in bars. Money Is scarce, as 4.ihi0.0oi) must
be paid on tho new consols. The market
was compelled today to borrow $500,WIO. The
j my irauo returns snow mat imports In
creased 6.8 per cent, largely In American
cotton and wheat, while exports decreased
per com. runs exenange is 25.204.
The following are the closinir nrieea on
tho New York Stock exchange:
I'lillndeliililit Produce Market.
lower; contract grane. August. Ti'ivcuc.
COR.N Firm, lie 11 gher: No. 2 mixed
OATS-ou et but steady: No. 2 wh to
clipped. 450,
HUT I Kit Firm: fancy western cream
ery, 214c; fancy prints, 214c; fancy nearby,
EGGS Firm: fresh nearby and western
17c; fresh southwestern, 124c; fresh south
er n. 12c.
CHEESE Steady: Now York full creams.
tancy smau, uwnvc; ew vorit run creaui3
fair to choice. 94Tl'Jlic
SUGAR-Rellned, quiet.
TALLOW Dull; city, nrlmc In hoes-
heads. 5c: country nrlme. In bbls.. 4 -tic:
cakes, i''(ti',5i'.
rut'i.TKV-i.ive, nrmer; rowis, lmnovje;
old roosters. 7c, miring chickens, l.lffiloc:
ducks, Iftjfllc. Dressed, quiet; fowls, choice.
iiwiiuKc: tair 10 goon, mivw. 01 roosters.
iic; nroners, nenruy, laniic: western, mv
RECEIPTS-Flour. 2.500 bb s. nnd 1.134.000
ids. in sucks wnoat, yt,wo uu.: corn, s.soo
mi.; nnis, nu.
SHIPMENTS-Wheat. S9.O0O bu.: corn. SS..
ot) nu. ; oats, uu,
Liverpool (.'ruin 11 ml Provision.
sttady; No, 2 red western winter, 5s 8id;
iu. 1 norinern spring, ds s'(i; io. 1 tall
forma, bs: futures, steady: Sentember. 5s
stud; December, fs 9',id.
coiirs American mixed, new. Is. QV.,;
oiu. 110 siih-k: luinres. sieanv: Heniemnor.
4s Slid: October. 4s 9d.
PUUVIHKJ.N i.oru. Amor can refined. In
palls, quiet, 43s 3d; prime western, In
tierces, nulet. 43s fid. llama, short 0.1 1.
quiet, 53s. Ilacon. Cumberland cut, steady,
44s 6d; short clear backs, hteady, 41s.
Shoulders, square, dull, 38s.
rAM.UW Austral an. In London, firm.
.H .111.
PEAS cannuinn, Cs 3id.
HOPS At London (Pacific coast) dull at
3 10s 4.5s.
Recelnts of wheat during the last three
dnys, 30,000 centals, including 14,000 American.
Recelnts of American corn during the last
three days, ;u,iuu centnis.
Knnann City (iraln nnd Provisions,
tembcr. tVUTiti54ie: December. 6SJ;e: cash
No 2 hanl. 66'i7j67c; No. 3, tW7jf64c; No. 2
red, Kitvuiuc.
CORN September and December. BS4c
cash. No. 2 mixed. BSUiiSOo: No. 2 while
OATS-No. 2 white. 394c
RYE-No. 2. ffifitiMio.
HAY-Cholco timothy, tl4.50; prairie, $14.00,
nl'TTI'n rnn ........ 1 1 VT
,.v . (, villllllVI, ivijii, 11UIIJ, ItlllU)
EGGS Firm: fresh Missouri ami lfm
stock quoted on 'change nt 10c doz., loss off,
cases returned.
RECEIPTS-Wheiit, 131,100 bu,; corn, B9.20)
mi.; oats, 'i.i mi,
SHIPMENTS-Wheat. ISS.SM bu.: cor
BS.IOO bu.; oats, 27.C00 bu.
.Milwaukee (irnlii Mnrket,
ket higher: No. 1 northern. 73c; No. 2 north
em, iivniix; neptemner. ju'c.
RYE-Hlgher: No. 1. 57c,
11 Alt LEY Firm; No. 2, 62c; eample, 45fi
CORN September, 57?;c
Mlnueniinllii Whent, Flonr nnd Ilrnii
69',tc; September, Oi404c; December,
Atchison 72"i So. Unllway
do pfd m do nfil
nnltlmore & Ohio... 93Va Tex. k l'ncltlc ....
do pM SIHTol.. tit. 1.. & W.
Canadian Pacific ...VA'.i do pM
Canaila So b"i4 Union Pnclllc
Clies. & Ohio 4U; On pM
Ctilcacu & Alton.... S7 Wnliash
do pfd i.Oi do nfd
Chlcaito, Ind. & L.. iUVa Wheel. & L. E....
do ifil CJ ,d 2.1 nrd
Chlcaco & 13. III. ...12ti Wis. Central
Chicago O. W 21T do pfd
do 1st pfd Hi P. C. O. & Ht. L..
do Id pfd 45i Adams Kx
Chicago & N. W...191 American Ex
It. I. & P Uf.4 P. s. Kx
Chicago Ter. & Tr., If, WellvFurgo tlx..
l,003.l); notes reserve, decreased eil,c(X);
government securities, decreased l,ooi);
other deposits, decreased 3.0tW,UX). The
proportion of the Hank of EtiRland's re
serve to liability Is 46.26 per cent. Last
week is was 49.1S per cent. Rate of dis
count unchaiiRed at 3 per cent. The amo.tnt
of bullion taken In the Rank of England
on balance today was .10,000. Gold pre
miums lire quoted nt Buenos Ayrcs nt 131.70
and nt Madrid 39.70.
PARIS, Aug. S.-Stagnatlon ruled tho
bourse today. Little Importance uis rt
tached to the Franco-Turkish dispute on
the (play question. Rentes were steady.
Spanish 4s rallied slightly In spite of un
favorable exchange. Spanish rails were In
demand for Spanish account. Industrials
were maintained. Hlo tlntos opened firmer,
reacted on lower copper reports nnd
Mulshed with a better tone, Dellecrs were
In demand. Tho weekly stntement of tho
Hank of France shows the following
changes: Notes In circulation, decreased
S6,l("),ijf; treasury accounts current, de
creased 7,;iV).0ii0f ; gold In hand, decreased
2li.0")f: bills discounted, decreased 139.375.-
ucjf; sliver In hand, Incrensed D.Vu"if. Three
per cent rentes, iuif'.'74c for tno account.
KxohutiRO on London, 25f 204c for checks.
Spanish Is, 70.374.
IlERLIN, Aug, 8. Business wns fair on
the bourse todny and there wns Increased
conlldence. Home funds were particularly
ilrm, owing to good Investment demand.
Canadian Pacific Improved. Banks, mines
and Industrials were in good demand. Ex
rhatiRe on London, 20m 45 pfRs. for checks.
Discount rates. Short bills, 2 per :ent;
three months' bills, 24 per cent.
London Stock (lt:otn tlons,
LONDON, Aug. 8.-1 p, m.-ClosIng:
Consols, money ...
do account ......
Canadian Pacific.
Ht. Paul
Illinois Central ..
N. '. Central ....
No. Pacific pfd....
So. Pacific
U. S. Steel
do pfd
do pM
Ilnltlmore & Ohio.
Ches. A- Ohio
Chicago O. W
Denver & 11. G....
do pM
.. W4
.. 0! I
.. 73
do 1st pM
do 2d pfd
M K. & T
do ptd
Norfolk & W...
do pfd
intarlo & W...,
do 1st nrd
do 2d pfd
4Ji4 So. Hallway
9?4 do pfd
"l' Union Paclllc
9iSli do pfd
1'74 Wabash
44 do pfd
ll Spanish 4
t:t Hand Mines ...
. 9!
Mi j
2' 4
, SI
BAR SILVEIl-Stendy nnd unchanged.
MONEY 2JT24 per cent; rate of discount
In tho open market for short bills, 2-Vf 4
per cent; for three month' bills, 2 7-l6(j
2 9-16 per cent.
Boston Stocks nnd Ilonds.
BOSTON, Aug. 8.-Call loans. y(H4 per
cent; tlmo loans, 44'H'5 per cent. Olllclnl
a., t & s. p
do pfd r4
Amer Sugar 134
American Tel I'M
Iloston & Albany... 2164
Boston Elevated ...ITS
Boston & Me I1):
Dominion Coal ..
do pfd
V. S. Stoet
do pfd
Oen. Klectrlo ....
Ed. Electric 111..
Mex. CVntral ....
N. E. (1. C...,
Old Colony
Old Dominion ...
Union Pacltlo ....
West End M
Atchison 4s It:
Adventure 24
Bingham Mln. Co... 4J
Amal. Copper HJi,
Atlantic r.5
Cal. & Iletla
Centennial 2t)'s
.116 IKnmkltn 1:4
. 42 (Humboldt
. Wi Osceola f
2174 Parrot SO
.MO iQulncy 170
. 23 ISanln lo Copper....
. r-4 Tamarack 14)
.508 Ptah Mining :
. nu Winona 54
. 55 IWolvcrlnes C24
Srw York .VI 1 11 1 11 k Stocks.
NEW YORK, Aur. 8.-The following nro
the cloning quotations on mining stocks:
Adams Con
Breece 140
Brunswick Con 11
Comstock Tunnel .. C
Con. Cal. & Vn I.0
Deadwood Terra to
Horn Silver 173
Iron Silver M
I x-ficl v 11 15 Con 5
M Mttle Chief ...
(5 Ontario
riioenlx .......
iSlorr.i Nevada
(-mall llcns...
do pfd.,
C. C. C. & St.
Colorado So
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Del. & Hudson ...
Del. U & W
Denver A: It. Q
do 1st pfd
do 2d nfd
fit. Nor. pfd
Hooking Valley ..,
do pfd
Illinois Central ...
Iowa Central
do pfd
Iake Brie & V...,
do pfd
L. N
Manhattan L
Mot. St. By ,
Mex, Central
Mex. National ....
Minn. & St. I.
Mo. Pacific
M.. K. & T
do pfd
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central ....
Norfolk fc W
Ontario & w
do 1st pfd
do il pfd
St. L. & S. F
do 1st pfd
do 2d prd Nv,.
St. L. Southw
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
So. Pacific
. 37 Amal. Copper
. !04 Amor. Car & V.,.,
. 13 1 do pfd
. hi Amer. Lin. Oil....
. 25 I do pfd
IM14 Amer. S. & It
.'.23 1 do pfd
. 414 Amer. Tobacco ...
. WU Anac. Mln. Co....
. "64 Brooklyn B. 'I
. 614 Colo. Fuel & Iron
. 1'J Con, Gas
.!7 Con. Tobacco
. r2U do prd
. Oen. Electric ...
.It Olucose HiiRar ...
. Si Hocking Coal ...
. "6 Inter. Paper
. 62 do pM
.Vl'i'i Inter. Power .....
.101 llAclede Oas
..116i National Biscuit
.lM'i National Iead ..,
2o'i National Salt ...
. 1UU do ntd.
.103 Pacific Coast
. 9J Paelllc Mall
. 2Mi People's Oas
. r.2, Presed S. Car....
P7 do prd
.ljl'i'Pullman P. Car...
. 14 Bepuhllo Steel ...
. C'J I do prd
113 Sugar
. 4'J Tenn. Coal & Iron
. 764 Cnlon n.ig & P..
. tl I do prd
. 3D IT. S. Leather
. 7S 1 do prd
. 6I,i U. S. Rubber
. 174 do prd
. 61 U. S. Steel
.151 I do prd
..4 Western Union ..
. 54'
. 2S'i
. pari
. 4)
. 20-1;
. 334
. 96 U
. Sf'.i
. K'i
. 394
. 17,
. 29
. 20'i
. t5
. 24
. 82"i
. 27
. 61
,. 434
.. 74
,. 91
.. 66
.. 6!
... 20
.. 204
.. 75
.. 90
.. '
.. 414
.. 204
,.. 3'J4
.. 754
.. 61
.. CJ
.. 41
... 34
... Wi
... 71 4
. 6?'i
. 144
. 70'4
. 13li
. fO'i
. M
. C5
. 41.
. .OOTi
. W
Hunk ClenrliiK".
OMAHA, Aug. 8. Bank clearings today,
$1,070,731.53, corresponding dny last year,
JM'.6.r.;6ii4: Increase, J30l.oi5.51
BOSTON, Aug. S.-ClearlnRs, $22,M5,212;
balances, $1,701,212.
CHICAGO, Aug. S.-ClenrinRS, $22,S93,401;
balances, $l.')10,So0; posted exchange, $l.S6ff
4.SS4; New York-. exchange, 9fi3Uc discount.
NEW YORK. Aug. 8. ClenrlnRS, JlilS.iWI,
447; balances, tUfi'M.Wl.
BALTIMORE. Atlg. S. Clearings, $3,390,
SOO; balances, $45746S,
CINCINNATI, Aug. 8.-Clearlngs, $2,875.
900; Now York exchange, par; money, 34r(j6
per cent.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 8.-CIenrlngs, $3,762,150;
balances, $7o2,30,9; money, 4fl0 per cent; New
York exchange, 35c discount bid, par usked.
Ootd to Cboioe i'cef Stten Stetdj, Wbllt
Othen Wra How nd ffiak,
Mirep nnd l.ninbs Were In Active lie
111 11 lid Todny nnd Prices AiUnnccd
Ten to Fifteen Cents on
AiithliiK (iood.
Receipts were: Cattlo Hoks. Sheeii,
Olhclal Monday d,tv u.iui u.iKil
umciai iib'sday 3,oJo
Oiliclal Wednesday 3,417
Ulhclal Thursday 2,ow
1 heifer... 510 2 75 2 feeders.. 710 2 7
60 cows. ... 569 2 75 13 stei rs . . . 991 3 5i)
11 tows :sll 2 75 1 bull .... 1410 2 55
6 cows 1M0 2 75 3 feeders 776 3 10
5 cows. .. 1006 3 15 1 calf . . -ISO .1 fO
I cows. .. 1022 3 05 1 cow. .. . S30 160
Nebraska L. & F. Co. Neb.
56 cows 950 3 05 15 cows 93 3 0-
Meows.. .. 952 3 05 42 cows. ... 911 2 93
61 cows. ...977 3 03 40 cows 970 2 93
Four dajs this week. 13,197
Same days last week.... Mf3
Satno week betorc t,W6
Same threo weeks ago... 11, 103
Same four weeks ago 10,012
Same days last year 16,747
Avorairo nrlce nnld fne hoes lit
Omaha tho past several days with com
parisons. I 1901. ,ii.i0.(lS99.,lS9j.lS97. 1S96. U95.
4, 111
35,104 19.991
3l,t"0 26, iW
3 1, Ml 26.4IW
60, 1'J J 14,043
2o,2.S ll.OiU
27.02S 2J.301
b V74I I 3 Hit 3 77: 1I 3 Wl 4
5 61V 5 021 I 3 W 3 2U 3 07 4 M
b 554 4 9I 4 01 I 3 mi 2 7i 4 U
b 4 87 4 16, 3 82 2 M 4 4
July 18... 1 0 b2 i 4 9J 4 2 J W, 3 3J
JUlV 0 I F. CCfW J Uwi A (A, 1 1 V..
July 20..
Juiy 21.,.
Julv 2-'...
July 2.1 ..
JUly 21. .. 6 634
5 6S4
O U4!
4 :
5 07
4 191
4 21
4 34
5 15 4 36
I 5 74il 5 t5l 4 311 3 S9l
I 5 6S4 5 O.'l 4 271 3 87 3 37
1 J
2 971 4 W
2 9S
2 69 4 35
1 8J1 4 81
I 3 36) 2 K2I 4 76
3 861 3 35
3 81 3 38
3 79 3 27,
3 82 3 2a
3 43.
85 1
4 81
4 8$
4 il
4 93
5 ! 4 .121 3 2
5 13 4 331 3 671 3 29 2 761
4 3 3 72 3 26i 2 71
5 0S1 3 7h 3 44 5. Ji 4 i4
0 09 I 32 3 601 i ! 1 ''
6 15 4 19 3 79 2 7. 4 4
5 181 1 261 3 711 3 45 4 U
July 2... 1 6 5Si,
Juiy -'5...
July 29...' 5 474
July 3u... I 5 664
July 31... 5 61
August I.) 5 664
August 2.i 5 76 I
August 3.1 5 7:Uii r, 1S 4 M 3 07i 3 471 2 831 4 54
August 4. 1 ' I 5 10 4 43 3 61 3 57; 2 85
August 6. 1 5 S4 I I 4 45, 3 71 3 53 2 96 4 6j
August It. 5 Ml 5 01 3 77 4( 3 U2 4
August 7.1 5 63 I 5 441 4 3l I 3 45; 2 92 4 15
August 8., 5 65S 5 15 4 37 3 81 2 75 1 10
Indicates Sundav.
The oiliclal nuniber of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was;
Cattle, liogs. Sh'p. H'rs.
C, M. & St. I'. Rv.
O. H St. L. Ry 1
Missouri Pnclllc Ry.. 4
Union Pnclllc system. 32
('., & N. W. Ry 1
F., E. .1 M. V. R. R. . II
C, St. P.. M. & 0 9
M. & M. R. R. R 37
C, H. .t Q. Ry 3
C, It. I. ei P., east.. 1
C, R. I. & P., west., t
Total receipts 103
The disposition of tho day'n receipts was
ns follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 82
Swltt and Company 693
Cudahy Packing Co 957
Armour .V Co 419
Omaha V. Co., from 1C. C. 46
R. Becker A- UoRnn 13
Vansant Co 10
I. oilman & Co 41
W. 1 Stephen S3
Livingstone & Schaller.... 21
Hamilton ei Rothschild... 51
L. F. II US!! 20
H. F. Hobblck 31
Other buyers 117
1,1 niS
Cotton MnrUet.
NEW YORK, Aug. S.-COTTON-The mar
ket tor futures started barely steady in
tone, with prices down Jjj5 points under
liquidation of small straggling lines he d
through tho recent break. In the bono of a
turn an.l under selling for short account I y . f.1
local sentiment nnd prices slowly at llrst.
CATTLE There was a fair run of
here today and a good proportion of the re
ceipts was inane up or western came. 1 no
demand for the better grades of beef was In
good shape and Just about steady prices
were paid.
Packers started in In good season this
mornltiR and bid Just about yesterday's
prices for the more dei-lrable grades of corn
fed cattle. The common and llRhtwelght
stuff, particularly that which has been led
only a short time, was slow sale nnd In a
good ninny cases sales wero made that
looked a little lower than the same kinds
brought yesterday. The western rnnge beef
cattlo that were offered were of pretty fair
quality and ns high as $1.10 was paid, which
could be quoted steady with the way grass
steers have been selling of late. Packers
seemed to want the grassers and the better
p.rades were soon disposed of.
Thero was a good demand for tho better
Kr. des of cows and heifers this morning and
Just about steady prices wero paid. Tho
common stuff, such ns canners, also sold
for practically the same prices they did yes
terday, but tho medium grades wore neg
lected nnd In a Rood many cases sold about
a dime lower. Sellers found that clnss of
stock haul to dispose of, us buyers did not
seem particularly anxious for It.
Bulls, calves and stags nil soid In about
the same notches they did yesterday.
Not many stocuers and feeders wero of-
Xew York Money Market.
NEW YOR1C. Aug. R MnXRV-On nill
closed steady nt 2fi24 per cnt; last loan,
24 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4".tfj
per cent. ,
actual business In bankers' bills nt Jl.SSff
4.SS4 for demand and nt $1,854 for slx'y
days; posted rates. $l.f6ffj l.f 6'-. and $I.SS4;
commercial hill?, $I.Hl44.t54,
miijVKU uar, oVac; Mexican dollars, !6c.
BONDS Governments, stead v: stnte. In.
active; railroad, strong.
The closing quotations on bonds are as
but with Increasing rapidity, ndvanced to n
level of OfflO points over the prices touched
on yesterdaj. Later there was a sharp
reaction under protit-tnklnR and folllni for
nnother decline, but the market displayed
n steady undertone throughout tho dav
On the advance New Orleans wns a leadn g
buyer here. Tho rise carried October to
7.18c and January to 7.23c. The ninrVot
closed quiet, with prices net 1 point lower
to 2 points higher. Spot cotton closed quiet;
middling gull, S40; snles, 8S5 bales. Cotto 1
futures closed quiet; August, 7.07c; Septem
ber, 7.C9c; November, 7.16o; December, 7.16o;
January nnd February, 7.19c; March, 7.21c;
April, 7.22c.
sales, 107 bales; ordinary, 63ic;
good ordinary, 6 7-16c: low middling, 74c;
middling, Sc; good middling, S'ic; middling
fair, receipts, 1,461 hales"; stock. 57.361
bales. Futures quiet; August, 7.70177.73c;
September, 7.03i7.06c; November, 7.0,!(7.03 :
December, 7.03if"7.04c: Jnnunry, 7.05&7.i7c;
February. 7.06fj7.cSc; March, 7.0"iT7.10c.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. S.-COTTON-Market
quiet; middling, Se; sales. W bales; receipts,
596 bales; shipments, 1,159 bales; stock, 16,
166 biles.
nt 8 l-16c.
good business nt unchanged prices. Sa'es
12,000 bales, of which 1,00) were for specu
lation and export nnd Included 11,10) Ameri
can. Receipts, 1,100 bales, nil Amerlcin.
Futures opened quiet and closed steady :
American middling, I. m. c, August, 4 12 61
(fit 13-6ld, sellers; August nnd September,
4 0-tilffl 10-6I1I, buyers; September, 4 9-t'lTi
4 10-6ld, buyers; October, g. o. c, 4 1-fl 1,
huyers; October and November. 3 62-01'
3 63-61(1. buyers; November nnd December
3 61-6Ki3 62.6ld, sellers; December and Janu
ary. 3 61-6(3 62-61(1, tellers; Jnnuirv nnd
February, 3 61-6K(i3 62-C'd. value; February
nnd March. 3 6:-6ld, buyers; March and
April, 3 03-01(1, sellers.
V. S. ref. 2 ....
do coupon
do 3i, teg......
do coupon
do new it, reg
do coupon
do ell if. rrc
do coupon . ..
do 5b, rtg
do coupon
p. of C 3, 65..
Atchlnon gen. 4n.
do adj. I
Canada So. 2s..
Chen. & Ohio 44..K64
do 5s 12"
C & N. W. c 7B..13S4
do S. F. deb. bs..'.22
Chicago Ter. 4 ?
Colo. So. 49 8 4
Denver & B. O. t Ui'.'i
P.rle general 4 854
P. W & D. C. 1. Ill
den. Electric 5s....
Iowa Central In...
I,, ti N unl. 4...
M., K. & T. 2s-...
M.. K. & T. 4..
.1074 N. Y. C. Is
.07 N J. C. gen. Bi...
IfiS'l No. Paclllc 3s
.MS',4 do 4s.
. 72
N V. C & St I. 4S..10J
N. & W. con. 4s.,.. 102
Oregon Nav. Is 1071,4
do Is 1021,
"Oregon S. L. 6s...::o
do consol 6s U'.v.
124 'Beading gen. 4s.... 93
.M't'HIo Q. w. Is lf)4
91 lSt I. I M c. 5s.. UU
uu .st I, & 8 P g. 6s.. ill
'St. Paul consola ..17:
St P. C & V 1S....II3M
do 5s H64
So. Pacific 4s HI
So. Hallway M Ui
s. It. & T. 6s 5
Tex. A Pacific 1S..11SU
. 81
. 0;4
ilo 2s..
Union Pa-inc 4s.
Wabash Is
"do 2s
West Shore 4...
.Wis. Central Is..
Va. Centuries ..
. 1J3
.. 014
Bid. Offered.
Forelun I'liinnclnl.
LONDON. Aug. 8.-Money wns In active
demand today In connection with the con
sols installment, though tho pressure did
not equal anticipations, In tho Stock ex
chnngo business wns Inactive and Irregular
Consols were firm and home rails wero dull.
Americans responded to the Improvment in
Wall street. Louisville, Southern Pacltlo
and Steel were the features. Tho Improve
ment continued and prices closed Ilrm,
with some stocks slightly below the best
prices of tho day. Tho weekly statement
of tho Bank of England shows tho follow
ing chnnges: Total reserve, decreased iJ63'),
OOu; circulation, decreased 113,000; bullion,
decreased i;782,90S; other i.ecurltles, (In
creased 3,760,000; public deposits, decreased
Coffee Mni'lcet,
market for coffee futures opened steady In
tone at an udvnnce of 5Qlo points on for
eign nnd total buying following strong
European advices. Throughout tho session
bullish aggressiveness was manifested and
val.ies were well sustained. Brazilian news
wan also of bullish average. Receipts did
not come up to expectations, nlthough thoy
nro now running nwny nhead of last year's
figures. Buying by the "metal clique" and
"switching" tho near months for tho more
remote positions woro tho chief features of
operations. Trading was fairly actlso
throughout, tho market finally closing
steady at n net ndvance of 5fjl0 points.
Total sales nmnunted to 33,750 lings, lnclud
Ing: September, 4.93c; November, 5,03W5.10c;
December, 5.1.Vii5.20e; Februarv, 5.3flc;
March. 5.40c; May, 5.50c: July. 5.605.65c.
Spot, Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, 5 11-ltic.
Mild, quiet; Cordova, 8l(114c.
Oil nnd Liinln,
OIL CITY, Aug. 8,-OILS-Credlt bal
nliccs, $1.25; certltlcates, no bid; shipments,
81,197 bbls.; nverage, 97.597 bbls.; runs, 101,
001 bbls.; nverage. 82.3S3 bbls.
NEW YORE, Aug. S.-OI LS-Cottonseed,
steady. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, steady ; com
mon to good, $1,101)1.15. Turpentine, ilrm. a?
LONDON, Aug. N.-OILS-Cnleuttn 'In
seed, spot, 56s. Linseed oil, 32s 14d. Tur
pentine fnlrllH, 27s lK.d.
SAVANNAH. Aug. 8.-OILS-Turpenllno,
firm. 344c Rosin, Ilrm, unchanged.
CHARLESTON, Aug. 8. OI LS Turpen
tine, ilrm, 32c. Rosin, Ilrm, unchanged.
to strong, but tho 2-yoar-olds were a little
slow nnd In some cases weak, probably ow
ing to tho fact that It Is getting toward tho
end or tno week, itepresentalivo sales;
evr York Dry (iimilx
There has boon no change in the market
for cotton goods In nny direction. An aver
age amount of business hns been reported
at previous prices In both stnple and fancy
lines, Woolen and worsted goods for men's
wear have sold fairly well at previous
Wool Mnrket.
ST LOUIS, Aug, S.-WOOL-Prlces ie
susCilned nnd movement free;
grades. Mfjl7a; light fine, liyilct htavy
fine, OQUci tub washed, 123:1c.
No, Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3 600 1 "5 4 901 4 15
3 473 1 75 3 1273 4 2
1 660 2 23 2 127.-, 4 10
1 "CO 3 25 17 1021 4 1.
1 "W I ') 7 1107 4 .-
1 670 2 73 9 1032 4 to
1 100) 2 " 16 1013 4 85
1 .'. .. 1 111)0 ,", liO
9 9T0 3 10 14 1223 5 15
H Hon 3 :.i 20 1102 5 IS
13 856 4 I'O 23 1231 5 23
SO 1333 4 75 4S I4S1 5 30
I 8.30 3 7. 5 1293 5 ."0
S 1230 3 M 11 1119 5 33
I 630 I IU 31 13 3 43
1 OTU 4 i
3 950 2 TO 65 879 5 10
16 894 2 70 41 10SS 5 30
i 1060 4 50
1 630 1 CO 3-1 S2 2 6.3
1 S20 t 01 3 967 2 13
5 905 t !) 2 9T0 2 6.3
(1 909 1 50 2 S15 2 1,3
2 SS0 1 50 2-t S31 2 70
1.,.; 780 1 50 lit 916 3 70
1 SS0 1 73 23 914 2 73
1 W0 1 7.5 1 970 3 73
1 730 1 73 2 970 2 75
J 880 3 01 3 1010 2 73
3 92) 3 00 0 1031 2 SO
1 74) 3 00 4 930 2 S3
1 570 2 00 2 9J0 2 (.5
8 9S3 2 00 2 99-) 3 S3
1 1180 2 CO 2 903 2 S3
2 975 2 00 10 1000 2 S3
11 1U07 2 in 13 972 2 90
3 990 2 15 1 1520 3 9)
; 1033 3 23 2) 981 2 90
1 10' 2 23 20 947 2 95
3 1030 2 33 2 910 2 33
1 930 2 30 4 953 3 Oil
4 9V. 2 50 1 1310 3 00
1 10J0 2 50 2 1033 3 o)
2 903 2 50 1 S30 3 (.0
2 1040 2 50 3 910 3 10
4 S82 2 30 9 Ml 3 10
1 810 2 1') 9 100S 3 15
1 1010 2 5U 3 516 3 25
1 10 2 10 1 10iO 3 23
1 fiio 2 0 1 120() 3 40
; :oo3 3 eo 1 1030 3 75
1 i) 2 iii 1 1210 4 Oil
l 970 2 w 22 1096 4 SO
1 63) 5 i'l 1 750 2 83
1 mo 2 50 1 110 3 i)
e' 6'.') 2 35 1 920 3 10
2 165 2 CO 1 750 3 1J
' s:) 3 73 4 517 3 30
V" 635 3 75 2 $30 3 30
5 6Sl 2 83
1 950 I 30 1 14SU 2 65
j" 1310 2 15 1 1690 2 60
1 121 1 2 25 1 1170 5 V)
1 1290 2 25 6 801 2 ro
1 1270 2 23 1 9) 2 to
1 1000 2 '.'3 1 90 ;vi
1 1510 2 25 1 1210 2 w
1 W') 2 25 1 710 2 tS
1 691 3 55 6 936 3 IK)
3 1010 2 3. 1 1170 3 00
2 13'i0 2 59 2 1125 3 30
2 1115 2 30 1 1330 3 50
4 507 2 i 1 670 3 60
4 615 2 23 1 6(0 2 75
1 310 2 to 1 mo 4 ;o
7 265 4 00 1 160 5 01
I 120 4 fO 3 140 5 M
1 9,i 4 5u 1 210 5 00
1 BIO 2 60 1 UN) 3 15
1 800 3 15 1 neo 6'j
6 995 3 20 3 t3o 3 M
6 510 3 25 1 C30 3 23
1 510 3 50 I lito 3 2.1
3 810 2 50 21 Si'i 3 25
II 901 2 '3 2 us 5 30
2 9.V) 2 75 14 60 3 30
1 1000 2 73 II 711 3 SO
1 870 3 75 1 670 3 3)
37 C10 2 "18 S 701 3 36
8 650 2 .Vi 8 617 3 4)
2 9V) 3 10 7 67S 3 11
6 840 3 I ) 4 C05 3 50
3 900 3 10 3 770 3 0
4 TJ5 3 10 2 645 3 50
1 800 3 CO 1 510 3 '0
3 S20 3 ' 0 1 !50 4 no
60 cows. .. . 96 3 05
Swan L. & L,
46steers....l2l0 4 40
44 steers.. ..1217 4 40
22 steers.... 1239 4 10
21 steers... .12i1) I 40
1 steer... .1200 4 in
HOOS-Thcre was not 11
hogs here today, but still
S. Co.-Wyo.
49 steers.. ..1113 4 03
52 steers. ...1l;ii 4 05
33 steers... .1137 4 05
39 steers... .PW 4 uR
1 steer 119) I 40
heavy run of
there were a
good many carried over from ycstcid.iy.
which made the supply on sale of quite
liberal proportions. Backers started In
bidding just about steady to strong prices
ns compared with yesterday's general mar
ket. It was noticeable, Irnvever. tint ill y
wire picking out the better grades unl
lenvlng the common and light weight f-tuff.
For the general run of mixed hogs they
paid right around 15.115. while the heavier
grades sold largely at $5,674 and $3.70, with
some of the prime loads going as high as
$5 80. It was not a particularly active mar
ket, but still the bulk was dlspos.-d of In
falily good season.
The lust end of the market did not show
much change on good stuff, but the light
weights sold very mean, as low as 5 25
being pub! for pretty fair stun. Commis
sion men are warning their shippers to buy
the lightweights nt a low tlgure, as tiny
are selling far below the heavier grades.
ui-lircseiiiHiive sales:
No A v. Sh. I. No. A v.
14 I'M ... 4 0 ;, 224
M KTt SO 6 ... S3 19S
53 13 '() 5 1 213
116 li M 5 3i 7J 19;
103 165 If.) 5 0 82 2'1
84 171 10 3 25 7 !)
9s! 16 210 3 M 71 211
87 ... .201 18rt 3 30 !9 211
124 187 Hi) 5 .14 62 211
70 ITS 12.) 5 f.2 211
77 1M 3) 5 51 SI JiK)
66 214 160 5 60 64 276
II 277 210 5 1.0 63 2I
53 193 10 3 60 71 223
72 2i 2") 5 W ,'.3 v.2t!)
71 203 160 3 M) 36 r..M
'.'1 211 21) ft i.l 13 226
96 209 M 5 M 51 225
75 203 20i) 3 (3 66 267
53 212 160 h 01 es 162
67 194 70 5 62 4 37 269
v2 2'U M fi 1.S4 fij, 2
34 225 40 3 KU, fj 219
86 219 left 3 6''fc 72 228
78 20", 2,) 5 (..'4 63 2J6
79 203 IM 3 624 80 1ST
66 218 ... 3 i'iJIj 23 259
80 219 0 5 b"i, 10 239
69 217 120 5 i24 56 23.3
At 243 80 5 614 5 231
53 275 80 5 ii4 66 22?
87 203 120 6 t24 81 214
74 SO0 JM 3 324 72 224
51 222 i 5 1O4 69 21)
53 238 ... 5 63 67 21)
63 2M S) 5 1.5 69 223
C9 21 7 160 3 63 53 .101
66 301 120 3 t5 61 250
"3 205 0 5 t.3 61 237
56 231 40 5 5 59 273
73 20. ... 5 m 62 217
61 220 ... 3 63 r$ 27
73 220 ISO 5 (.5 66 251
r 231 ... 5 h3 70 2S7
61 221 80 3 63 65 266
85 213 f.) 5 6.3 61 276
85 223 40 5 15 61 258
66 21"! 16) 3 n3 69 253
62 149 40 6 f.5 C2 312
66 233 120 5 65 6S 273
S7 199 SO 5 S3 61 244
62 252 40 6 65 CR 284
61 214 80 5 65 63 296
71 219 ... 3 63 90 10
67 216 160 6 its 54 325
I) 210
3 I'i
5 .
5 Im
5 63
5 (-3
5 (.5
5 6)
6 65
:. hS
3 63
6 63
5 63
3 63
5 63
5 63
5 6.1
3 Ci
3 6.'4
3 1.74
5 67i 1
u 6'4
5 o74
f, U7'4
6 67i,
5 h"la
5 67i 1
5 67 4
5 674
i 67'j
6 1.7 'j
5 Ii7a
6 t.74
6 67 4
6 70
5 .0
5 70
6 70
6 70
5 70
5 70
5 .0
5 70
5 70
6 70
5 70
5 70
5 724
5 73
5 i'3
5 75
6 53
5 75
5 75
5 SO
SHEE' There wns not n henvy supplv
of sheep here today, and as pnekers teemed
to have liberal orders the market rul-d
active and loefflSe higher than yester'av
Wethers and ye.11 lings mixed (-old todiy ns
high ns $3.35. which looked tully 2..'(t:t0c
higher than the same kind sold for the nrit
of the week. It was n good, active mnrket
on sheep nnd everything was disposed of In
good season, nlthough there wns nothing
strictly choice on sale, nnd tho good stuff
Is what the packers want.
Lambs also sold lnfilSc higher today, nnd
the quality of the offerings was only fair.
Thero was nothing on sale good enough to
bring over $1.75.
t'uotntloni. Choice yearlings. S3.25fl3.50;
fair to go (1 vearllnt'S, $3.15fi3S; choice,
wethers, $3.20'fJ3.40; fair to grod wethers,
$2.90i33.20; choice ewei, $2.GO02.'JO; fair to
good ewes, $2.(05(2.60; choice spring lambs,
1. 654)6.00; fair to good spring lambs, $4,255(1
4 65; feeder wethers, $2.rfl'rf3.0n: feeder Iambs,
f j.iejjj.uu. lieprcsentntivo sales:
3 SO
9 Idaho bucks and ewes.
3 Idaho ewes
5 Idaho ewes
63 Idaho ewes
76 Idaho cull lambs
50 Idaho cull lambs
5 Idaho cull lambs
67 Idaho cull lambs
366 Idaho wethers
43 Idaho yearling ewes....
3 Idaho wethers
22 Idaho withers
354 Idaho yearlings
407 Idaho lambs
173 Idaho lambs
462 Idaho lambs
. 121
. 106
. 11 1
. 86
. 53
. 60
. 50
. 56
. S3
. 100
. 73
. 87
. 91
. 63
. 61
. 71
$2 00
2 30
2 70
2 75
3 00
3 00
3 00
:i 00
3 25
3 25
3 25
3 23
3 35
4 53
4 53
4 75
Native Cuttle Weak Uokn Active
.Sheep StroiiK.
CHICAGO, Aug. 8.-CATTLE-Recelpt3,
10,500 head, Including 85S head Texans; good
weight steers, ilrm; all other native cattle,
weak to lower; good to prime steers, $3.U0ii
6.15; poor to medium, $1.418515.40; stockers
nnd feeders, VJ.25b4.00; cows, $2.505' 1.40;
heifers. $2,25rd4.75; canners, $1,305(2.25; bulls,
$2,505) 1.30; calves, cholco higher, $3.005j6.60;
Texas steers, $3.ik)5j.".00.
HOGS Receipts, 2S.CO0 head; tomorrow,
25,000 head, estimated; loft over, 7.833 head;
active at yesterday's decline; mixed and
butchers, $5.705f'5.95; good to choice henvy,
$5,905(6.074: rough heavy, $5.10515.65; light,
$3,0055.80; bulk of sale?. $5.75ff5.90.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000
head: strong to 10c higher; lambs, strong to
10c higher; good to choice wethers, $3.0O5p
4.00, fair to cholco mixed, ;:I.255(3.i'iO; west
ern sheep, $3,255(4.00; yearlings, $3,751(1.30;
native lambs, 52.05(5.15; western Iambs,
Olllclnl receipts nnd shipments for yester
day: RECEII'TS-Cattle. 22,953 head; hogs, 32,
861 head; sheep, 19.501 head.
SH I I'M ENTS Cattle, 5,239 head; hogs.
2,511 head; sheep, 1,159 head.
Kit 11 nun City Live Stock .Market.
ceipts, S.IKK) head natives, 2,000 head I'ox
ntis, 60O bead calves; besi native and Toxiih
beef steers, steady; cows and heifers, WiO
15c lower; stockers and feeders, steady at
Wednesday's decline; cholco export nnd
dressed beef steers, $5,405(5.65; fair to good,
$l.t'55(5.,':5; stockiTH nnd feeders. $.6Wi l.l 0;
weslcrn-fed steers. $1. 40575.50; western rango
steers. $3,255(4.25; Texans and Indians, 83.7u5()
4.50; Texas grass steers, $2,905( 1.10; Texas
cows, $2.5vit)3,00; natlVe cows, $.'.5CW( 1.00;
hellers, $3,005(5.00; canners, $1,5052.10; bulls,
$2.60531.50; calves, $5.(10535.25.
I IOGS Receipts, IO.(iik) head; market 60
higher; top. $6,024; bulk of sales, $5.i'i5'('5.!)0:
heavy. $3,9356.02 4; mixed packers, $3.Wl5j)
5.90; light, $5,255(3.75; pigs, $n.5()55.20.
head; lambs, 10c lower; sheep, steady;
lambs, $l.(i5( 3.25; wethers, $3,255(3.00; ewes,
$2,735(3.25; western range wethers, $3.25'i
3.40; western rango ewes, $'i.Oij'g3.l5; stock
ewes, $2,005(2.50.
ev York 1,1 ip Stock Mil i-l. e t.
NEW YORK, Aug. R.-BEEVES-Ro-celpts,
"17 head; no trading In live cattle;
steady feeling. Cables unchanged; no ship,
ments today or tomorrow.
CALVES Receipt. 12 head: steadv feel
ing for nil soits of calves; prime veals sold
nt $5,774.
HliEEl' AND LAM BS Recelnts. 3.003
head; sheep, slow nnd unchanged; lamb,
Ilrm on decreased supply; good lambs. 23c
higher, 7 cars of which fully one-hnlf sheep
unsold; sheep, $2.605l !.(); Iiimhs, $!.2.5l0. '3.
I liJUrs Receipts. l,7S head: bare y steady;
Ktato quoted at $6.2o5(6.3i).
St. .losepli l.lx- Sine!. Mnrket.
M'lv .iomkpii. Anc. R cattle -Re
ceipts, 2,800 head; best beeves, active,
A .,...-. n .((....u mnull., 1(L. InU'lir1
(IlliUO " BH'Hih, wmiin ,,,..n. -.
natives, $3 f.05lf.!i0; cows and heifers, $1 I'm
I.11.1; llllllH llllll SIllKS, i.'"ru i.iri, n,.., n.-,
feeders, $1,7353.75; veals, $2.no53.ui.
1 1 j 1 ra n 1 i 1 'in, "... " -- -
sternly to strong; quality very poor;
(Hue lower; iigiii. 111111 iikiii ''
mnrlllim 11 Till 10I1V. I.l.thl5( tj.f 1 PlgS,
$2,504(5.00; bulk. $5.WKIia.i5. .
........... .,-. t tKfltU ll,.rr.lnu r.nt lip.lll'
market steady; best lambs, 2.k- higher; top,
Stock In Slulit.
The following table shows the recelpls of
cattlo, hogs and sheep at tno nvo principal
live siock marKi'i" "
t iittb
Snath Omaha 2,500
Chicago ,. 10.500
Kansas i ny
. l.ouis '"'
. Joseph 2.8')
2 heifers,.. 6:0 3 00 25, feeders., 6lj 3 50
and butcher steers, $3.653.I0; ntcers under
I.i'W lbs , $3.251?5.00, stockers and feeders.
$J.60jj4.ti5; bulls, $2,2333.50; Texas and In
dian steers, $3.05fi 1.35; cows nnd lienors,
$2 15513.40. , . ,
HOGS - Receipts, 1,000 head; mark. t
steady, pigs and lights, $5.70(f5.5; packorn,
$5,705(6.85, butchers, $,i.Wi6.05.
SHEER AND LAMBS Receipt, 2-'0
head; inurk't steady for sheep, lOifo
higher for lambs; native muttons, W-OOJp 2;!
lambs, $.'.5iV?jl.75; culls and bucks, $2.001 LOO;
stockers, $2.K.Jf2 25.
Sugar Mnrket.
steady; fair rctlnlng, 3 0-16c: centrifugal, W
,1 O-IDC. HC-
lOSl. 4 O'BC, .Miiiassos sugar.
lined, quiet; No. 6. 4.75o; No. 7, 4,uc; No. 8,
4.5Ce; No. 9. 1.50c; No. 10, 4.45c; No, 11, 4.40c;
No. 12. 1.40c: No. 13. 4.30e; No. II, 4.30CJ
r I r. 1 . .
statuiarii , u.i.iu, i-uiui-ciiuuri p n-.m-,
niOUUl A, D.ll'C, Clll lUill, o.oou, lliinnnii
5.85c; powdered, 5.15c; granulated, 5.35c;
cubes. 5.6.V.
gust. 9s I4d.
quiet; open kettle, 3 3-16jjlc.
I! npo nt led nnd Dried I'rnlls,
AI'I'LES The market for evaporated ap
ples ruled moderately nctlve nnd nbout
steady without special change In vnlucs
being noted. Out-of-town orders wero
strictly for choice lots State, common to
good, 44'f?c; prime, 75i'74e. cholco, 7-458c;
fancy, S5)84e.
Inactive but about steady at nomlnnlly un
changed prices. Prunes, 34St7c Apricots,
Royal. 84fil3c; Moor I'nrk, sj12c. Beaches,
peeled, USlSc; unpeelcd, 65f!)4c.
A dlspntch from the nscalAngcnls of tho
Export Oil d I'lpe Line company announces
that the full Ihsuc of stock allotted to bo
sold at 60c has been subscribed, excepting
tho 5,000 shares reserved for lalo applicants.
Slxtecn-Venr-Olil filrl In Knnnnn City
Confesses Tnklnir AVIilovr'n
Pension Monej-,
KANSAS CITY. Aug. S. Daisy W. Heoler.
16 yoars old, today In police, court confesae.l
to stealing $1,200 from hor mother, Mra.
Mary Wheolor, widow of a cItII wnr vctoran.
It wan ponnlon money nnd had been placed
In a bureau drawer by Mra. Wheeler bo
c.iuuo hho fonrod to deposit It In thn bank.
Tho girl confessed to stealing tho nuinoy
on July 4 and to having gUen It to hor
sweotheart, Waltor Cavannugh, with whom
she eloped to Chicago. Thn cnuplo 3vero
arrested In that city and brought back for
trial. Tho girl today took thn stand against
Cnvnn.iug'i, declaring that ho had compelled
hor to nteal tho monoy nnd run away with
him, ' threatening her 3vlth death If slm
rofiiMod. They woro both held to tho grand
Rev. Price's Suit ARnlnnt Fort Scott
Saloonkeeper Proves Expen
sive A (Til I r.
FORT SCOTT, Knn., Aug. S. A Jury of
prominent men In a justice court hero todny
found Rev. Price, presiding elder of tho
Methodist church In this district, guilty of
malicious prosecution In a liquor case. Tho
defendant wns acquitted and the costs wero
assessed against tho clergyman. The de
fendant wns tho keeper of n saloon that has
been running wldo open and several wit
nesses readily admitted having bought
liquor nt tho place. Rev. Rico had bought
soir.o for the purpose of gottlng direct testi
mony. Tho verdict Is tho result of a blttor
fight against open saloons.
Wnnt Xew (iiime l.mvs.
YANKTON, S. I)., Aug. 8. (Special.)
Much disaffection Is folt among city sports
men nt the South Dakota game laws re
ferring to pralrto chickens. Under tho
present law tho season opens September
1 nnd before that tlmo city hunters claim
farmers have shot or scattered them so
widely that thero Is no shooting left. Tho
farmora takes ndvnntiigo of tho law nnd
whllo tho city man Is waiting for tho ex
piration of It the chickens nro cleaned
out. A concerted effort Is being made to
club tho town sportsmen together to lobby
a moro favornblo law through tho next
session of tho state legislature.
South Dakota Coriiornt Inns.
PIERRE, S. U.. Aug. 8. (Special.) The30
articles of Incorporation hnvo been filed:
Scltz Chemical company, nt Pierre, with
a capital of $75,000. Incorporators, Oscar
Soltz, C. F. Scltz and L. L. Stephons.
Retail Credits' ngoncy, at Pierre, with
a capital of $2,000,000. Incorporators, C, C.
Peterson, James A. Harden nnd John I.
Atlns Development nnd Mining company,
at Plcrro, with a capital of $2,000,000, In
corporators, L. T. Rurkhart, Thomas Tur
ner and T. P. Estcs.
l'lx Heniionnllillltv of Loss.
LIVERPOOL, Aug. S. Tho Board of Trndn
Inquiry Into tho loss of tho Lcyland lino
steamer Assyrian Juno G near Capo Raco,
Newfoundland, whllo on a voyago from Ant
3verp to Montreal, was concluded today.
Its commander, Captain Dlngley, was found
rospoiiBlblo for tho disaster und his certifi
cate wns suspended for throe months. Tho
court called tho attontlon of tho authorities
to tho dnngor ot tho Capo Rnco signal being
mistaken for a steamer's whistle.
Siinh'ihIn I'liyiiient of Debt.
LONDON, Aug. 8, Thu agent of tho
foreign bondholders cables from Caracas
todny that tho pnymontB service of tho
Venezuelan external dubt for 1881 has been
suspended, but tho government Intends to
shortly resume.
Ili'ltlsh 'I'm lie Stnleiiifiit.
LONDON, Aug. 8. Tho Board of Trado
Btatcmcnt for July shows an increnso of
2,761,700 In Imports nnd a decrease of
104,800 In exports.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs
day, August 8:
Wnrrniity Deed.
E. A. Ittner to R. J. Foster. 45x119
l ...A r, nf (v nt f,5. in 10-1 (I-
in niiiii'i i --I
13 $
Lymnn Richardson and wife to Ralph
Kitchen, lot 5. block 8. West End
RnW. Ballev and wife to M. E. P.
Bailey, lots 1 to 1. 8 to 10 and s 9 feet
lot 7. block 1. Bailey i'i O.'s subdlv..
Allen White to Benson Land syndi
cate lotH 16 to 19, block 21. Benson..
John Woodward nnd wife to Christian
rnber. lot 9, block 111, South Omaha
Sheriff to B M. Zug, lot 24, block 1.
Mnyne's add...... ,
Same to same, lot 5, block 9, Haw
thorne add
Total amount of transfers $ 2,'9)
.25,360 57,439 17.761
St. I.mili Live Stock Market,
ST. LOI'IS, Aug. S.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
1,500 head, Including "00 Texnrs, mar ot
Kipudv to a :din(ln eafler, native shlnn ng
and export steers, $.S05i5.C5, dressed beef
Trie pli one IfirtM,
Boyd Commission Co
Successor, to James E. Boyd & Co.,
Ilokrd of Trade llulldlnif.
D!re,ct wires to Chicago nnd New York.
Jorvespondence, John A. wauen t-o-
RENOVATOR Invigorates andremorates tht
HTsiem; purine, und onrlcnei thn blood; curei
tho wortt dyspepsia, constipation, heiidache,
liver and kldneyi. 5o and II, ntdruggliits. Fret
Bp. uuvicu Huinpin unii iingn. mammy.
tt Br. B. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y, H1"