10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST S, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL H&tj Expert Satei, Prediction of Froit and lulliih Ortp News Rn! Corn. BUYING FOR OPERATOR RALLIES WHEAT Vat Market Dull, I. tit Prices Hold Steady In Sympntliy vrltli Other Urnln Urn v- .MovpniPiit of Hog Con (In up. CHICAGO, Aug. 7.-Itenvy export sales, it prediction or Iroat unit bullish corn crop news guided the grain markets today, wheat closing me, corn -c und oats ijo higher tor September. Provisions declined ,; 16c. Opening tradings In wh at were unim portant, September soiling a shade lower at 70c to t9!U' under tho IntlJenci) of easy cables. Iluylug lor a prominent nperntor started a rally, which wan helped along later by heavy seaboard clearances, a pre diction or front In the spring wheat conn, try and liberal fresh export sale. The, bull Bide, accumulated converts ns the session progrerscd and the market was at Its beat In strength and activity near the close. The bulge, met with lit t lo opposition till Keptember diirliiK the afternoon touched 71',4c. the high point for the day. Longs to secure prollts sold on a liberal scale, but prices yielded stubbornly anil the close win strong, I'!' over yesterdav at 71Ul'c. Seaboard clearances In wheat anil Hour were equal to l,118.m huFhels, while pri mary receipts aggregated l,2Iti.(mO bushels, romparrd with I,:'ii7,i'ni hush"ls Inst ear. Minneapolis and Dilutli reported a total of lai cars, against 17" last week and 211 a year ago. Koch I receipts were 233 cars, 61 of contract Rrade. Importers reported to carloads taken. Torn ruled fairly active anil strong under crop reports of the same dismal Import that has characterized them for a month fast. The wheat strength was a contrlbu ory factor In advancing values. The weekly government u port and vnrHus tralllc olllclals of railroads strove to fay something cheerful of late maize, but none were found who did not admit the early crop was a failure. The pit was In po'ses. nlon of too many bullish private reports lo be much Inlluenced by departmental gen eralities. Light receipts, only w) cars hero today. An Inability to buy com In the country at better tint it the market prices Increased bullishness. The market lacked the excited buoyancy which characterized It during the droith. but there was a unlet conlldence In higher prices based on n settled Judgment that the corn belt has been hard hit. September sold between 6tVj nnd Ti'V' and closed -ic up at 57c, The oats market wns dull. Prices held steady In sympathy with com. September sold between :'.l'.4c and 35i,e nnd closed He hlpher at 3Hfcc. Receipts were 220 cars. Provisions were weak under liquidations of January product and In sympathy with weak hogs. It was believed that the heavy movement of hogs to market will continue for some time. September pork closed 15c lower at J13.K2',. September lard T.c down nt JS.F.7V4 '""1 Seplember'rlbs 2'jfjoc depressed fit J7.77'S. Kstlrnntcd receipts tomorrow: Whent. 2.10 cars; com, 90 enrs; oats, 10 cars; hogs, 30,900 head. The lending futures ranged ns follows: Artlclrs.l Open. I High. ! Low. Close.IYes'y Wheat I I Aug...! I. Hept..JC!Wf7n Dce...7a772Hl Com I I I 701', I fill j, 71Ul707fli, 7Si:72iiJ4 7P1,' 1 8ept...RfiiSWi 57?ffi oct....ir.7i;inw r.sui I)ec...B7,Q?4!S!H,4iff!IV Oats- I I Kept... I :mi .Villi May.. . 37fl37!i, : JiUfl Tork- I I I r.i r,7ij C7T5. 31 37 ! r.7'v 3i 58 I r.7ii 314! 374 1 Sept... 13 ffi 1.1 PJiJI 13 S2H1 13 &2,&1 13 97i Jan. .. 14 90 II 90 '! II SO ' 1 1 87 U IVinl- I I I I I Sept... R 60 Sft) I 8 65 I 8 57141 K fi2& Oct....! K 7'.bl 8 70 8 62141 8 IV. 8 11714 Jan.... S 65 ! 8 65 I 8 00 S I5214.I 8 fi Hlbs- i I I I Sept...! 7 So 8214 7 77UI 7 771.4 7 82141 7 Kt 7 2i, 7 871,4 7 7!i Oct.. R71i KM Jan... 7 mi) 7 fi7l', 7 67141 No. 2. Cash quotations worn as follows: FLOUR-Steady; winter patents, JT-IOIH 8.50: Htralghts. iS.VH3.3n: clears, $2.7OTf3.10; spring specials. tl.11m4.2n; patents. J3.ini( 3.70; -trnlgliN. $2.KOitf3.20; bakrri, $2.201.65 Wlli:AT-No. 3 spring, 6Sif.f?70c; No. 2 red, COIIN-No. 2, 5Cie: No. 2 yellow. tWie. OAT8-N0. 2 white, 371ic; No. 3 white, 7tf37l4c. ItYK-No, 2. 56ri57c. HARLKY Fair to choice malting, 55f(iG'e. SKKDS-No. 1 llax, $1.61; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.63; prime timothy, JTi.25ffj.33. Clover, contract grade. J1.0T. PROVISIONB-Mexs porlc. per hbl., $13.7". fil3.Mi. lird. per 100 lbs., l8.SSiffi.B7V4. Short ribs fides (loose), $7.70717 90. Dry salted shoulders (hoxed). J7."Mf 7.50; short clear Hides (boxed). J8.2ilffS.r5. WHISKY-Hasls of high wlner. Jl.fD. Following are the iccclpts and shlpm nt for today: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 39.(0 ) 20,eno Wheat, bll (57 aX) 187,0 0 Torn, bu 212,0)0 u.coo Oats, bu 53,3ft) 139,0 0 Rye. bu 12,0 Hurley, bu 10.CCO On the Produce exchange today the. but ter ma -k"t war llrm; creameries, HV&fi .1 ; dairies, ISVifjlfic. Cheese, ftrady nt OKIT 10'ic. Kggs, llrm; fresh, llJtU'.ic. m:v yohic i;i:m:hai, maiikkt. Qimtntlons of ihr liny 1111 Vnrlitns t'oinnioill I les. .DJ'?V'.VOUK' A,K' ?-l',l-OI'R-IlecelptB. JS,.b bbls,; exports. 23.309 bbls,; market more active nnd tinner; winter patents, .l.55(3.80; winter strnlghts, J3.30Jf3.B0; Mln- Cl 3.3S COHNMi:AI-l'Trin; yellow western, S1.2S; city, JI.12, llrandywlne, JI.lojj3.2s, HYH Steady; No. 2 western, (Mc, f. o, b , nllont; slate, BSQBOc, c. I. f., New York car lots, HARMCY-Steady; feeding, r,2e. c f, llultalo; malting, liivjiirie. c. I. f., llurtulo. IIAni.lCY .MAl.T-nidl. west.Vn. Wc. ,-aMI','AI -"'''-elpts, 2:W.BM bu.; exports. 130,500 bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2 red, 77'(,c f o t) atloat, No. 2 red, 7014c. elevator; Nci. i northern Diiluth, 7HUc r. o. b,, nllont; No 3 hard Duluth. 7SUc nllont. Options were Ktrong and nctlve all ilny. A rcare of short.) provided the chief hull Impulse, attended by renewed frost talk, big clearances, red iced rlosed at 71ic. t OHN-Hecclpls, H0.O00 bu ; exports, 62, 120 bu. Spot, tlrm; No. 2, fi0e, elevator, mil 60V(C. f. o. b., nllont. Option markt was strong and higher with wheat. Tlu frost scare also attracted some buylnc and nfferlngs were small all day. Closed very tcndy at ic net advance. September, iw'i iitilWc. closed at mv; December, IdUii Jsc, closed ut ikJtc. OATS-ltccelpts, 76.100 bu.: exports, 16.29J Jiu. Spot, steady; No. 2. KSHc; No. 3. 3Sc; No. 2 white. 42fi'l2M,c; No. ;i white. 4H,c track mixed western, SS'jtlOo; track white Ilf49c, Options dull but ilrmlv held. HAY Steady ; biirlnr. 72ii7Sr: I'HA 1 til choleei 9iVi9Sc. HOPS-Stendy; state, common to choice 190il crop, 135flSc; 1SW), 101il:!c; olds. 2Mfio 3'aelllc const, 1900 crop, 13tjl7V4c; 1899, llfiijci olds, 2Mc. HIDES-Stcady; Onlveston. 20 to 25 lbs astflSHo; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19Ue'! Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. HUe. 5 ' LEATHER Sternly ;, hemlock sole. Huenos ;A;.0!,,ltB,,.,. ,0 henvywelKhts, 23Vd.'i4c: ncld. 23t4ft2mc ' PROVISIONS-Heef. steady; family. Jll.M GI12.00; mess. J9.5tVffl0.0i); beef hams, J20 NK.f 22.W; packet. Jin.o05fin.5O: city, extra India mess. J18.dO5flS.0i). Cut meats, quiet; pick- 1'-' V';-!,,,1,,H'1 V'W"01 "I(,I'1 shoulders. J7.005f7.25; pickled hnms, Jii.2'1. Lnrd. easy western steamed, J8.90; rellned, ensy; coi. Ilnent, JM.OS; South America, J9.6i; com- rioumi. j7.iKiqi1.1214. Pork, ensv: famllv, llfi.S6iHlb.t50; short clears. J16.0ivffl7.B0; mess. 15.5iMi)6.fii). TALLOW-Sleady; city. 4?4o; country, 4?iil c. MOLASSES-Qulet. HUTT EH Receipts, 5,Vi.! pkg. ; state flulry, H5fl9c; creamery. Ififfjoijc; western June factorv. 15Kl5Hc; Imitation Juno creamery. HiiHHc. CHEESi: Receipts, 2 S.M pkgs ; mnr'-c', quiet; fanej', large, .colored, f.ij: fanc, large, white, Vc, fancy, small, col red, ic: fnnev, small, white, 9iijTJ1c. EOCS-Hecelpts, 8.70 pkgs.; tlrm; ftale nnd Pennsylvania, iSiffUc; western, cnndlsd. 16fflRHc: western, uneandled, fifjHc POt'LTRY- Alive, steady and unclmn?ed, METALS The market for tin In local metal rlrcles was very quiet today. Snot Is nominally quoted at J27.50. with higher prices being asked. Futures were weak, with November offered nt J2I.75. The Lon don market was Cs to 7s fid lower with spot nt the close standing nt 115 15s and futures nt 111 IBs, Copner was dull and featurelss nt home. Values nomtmillv quoted at JlO.Wtfjfl'.OO for Luke Superior anil mnuui puii-iiin, .i.njin,w; winter extras, 2,50(f2.Wi; .Minnesota bakers, J2.83Tt3.15; win ter low grades, J2.snc(f l.to. Hyo dour, llrm; Xulr to good. J2.705t3.1n: choice lo fnnev. S3. In euuiuweni movement nun small ouerlngs. Closed llrm at ?' not advance. September, lu-nii 111141 , uoiMcii in H)j,c; iictoner, ij"h(P Itiiie. closed at 7ti'l.e: lleermber. TTue.Tsa'.,. Jl.37i4?flfi.fi2i4 for casting nnd electrolytic. At Ixindon, however, n further loss of is to was noted, snot closing nt 6S(;s3d nnd fu tures nt 66 153, Lend ruled dull here at JI.37H and In London values were nlso un changed nt 11 is to for spot. Spelter ranged from j:j.3 to J3.D3. London closed nt 16 103, Iron continues thill and feature less. Pig Iron warrants, D..ri01) lO.ou; No. 1 foundry, northern, jln.oo'jfl.i.ei); No. 2 fotin. dry, southern, JU.OvjjM.w; No, 1 foundry, southern, J14."io'itI..2o, No, 1 foundry, south ern, sott, ill.Vutf lft.25. (llasgow warrants closed at 6ts and Mlddtesboruugh ut ttfMjd. O.MAIIA WIIOI.KMAI.K M AHKI3T. t'ondltloii of Trnile mill liiiitntltm on Mlnple nml I'nnoj' Proiltirc. PXlOS-llecelptfl llhcral; loss off. 12iifll3e. I.1VK POri.l'KY-llcns, Wtc; young and old roosters, 3c, turkeys, ono; duck and gtehe. uc; spring chickens, per lh 1 1 (if 'lifTTKH-Common to fnlr. 12fll2i5c choice dairy. In tubs, lS'dbV, separator, i . ritliSII KISII-Illuck bass, lac; white bass, no; blueilsh, lie; bullhead.", 10c: bluo film, 7c; bunalr.es, fi'se; cutllsh, 12c; cod, :cj crapples. T'idoc; clscoos. 7c; hadbut, 11c J herring, C,c; haddock, 10c; pUe, 'JO; reil snapiier, 10c; salmon, lie; tunilsh, 5c; trout, uc. whltetlsh !c. PIOKONS-Live, per do., 60c, VKALS- Cliolce, W'Se. HAY Prles quotid by Omaha Wholesale Hav Dealers' nssoclatlun: Choice upland, Jlo.oO, No 2 ur nnd, i'J to; medium, S'J; comae, l. Hye straiv, Si.SO. 'these prices are fo. hay of good color nnd qu.i.lty. Demand 1 4t I r. No receipts. vhi:at-5c. LOllN 6.V'. OATS-iOe, old. 11IIAN-JI6. VKOKTAHLES. (1U12UN COHN-Per 1I02.. 12V4C. CAUHOTS-Per doz.. I0c. liKKTS Per half bushel basket, 40c. Tl'KNIPK-Per basket. 30c. CfCl'MllKltS-Home grown, per doz., 20 ft 3.1c. IJ-:TTfCi:-Per bu., 20c. ItADISHKS-Per diz ISfiMc. l'AHSLICY-Per doz.. 20e. N KV POTATOya-WfiPOc. t'AHHAOi; Homo grown, 3Vic. TOMATOi:S-llomu grown, per lS-lb. basket, Jl 00. ONIONS-Homn grown, per lb., 2ie. CAi;iiIFt-0Vi:il-llotne grown, per doz., "Sc. UKANS-Wnx, per half-bi. basket, Jl; string, per hnlf-hu. basket. 75c. PKAS -Pel bu., fl; per half-bu., 60c. CANTALOUPE Prr basket, 75cSJ1.00; elates, '.'. WATHHMKLONS Texas, 20S33c. as to size. CKLKKY-Kalamnzoo. per bunch, 25if30c. KltLMTS. APPLKS-Per bbl.. J2.B0T2.75. CHintlllKS-Nntlve, per S-lb. basket, 3..C! Missouri, per 21-qt. case, J2. PHACIIICS- California, per box, 00c: free stone, Jl; choice tfluertos, Jl; fancy, J1.20. PLUMS-Callfornln, per crate, J1.25yi.M; home rfrown, per S-lb. basket, 2Sc. PKAHS-IlartlettH, J2.2off2.f). TUOPICAL FIIUITS. OHANCJIOS-Volcnclas, Jo.Oo; Med. sweets, Jt.oo. LEMONS-Cnllfornla, extra fancy. J3.50 C.C0; choice, J3.50. HAN AN AS Per bunch, according to size, J2.noti2.60. FIOS Cnllfornln, new cartons, 75c; lay er!., l"c; Imported, per lb., 10ffl2c. D ATI' S Persian. In 00-lb, boxes, Salrs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDEU-Pcr bbl J4.50; per hnlf-bbl., J2.75. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., Iff20c; raw peanuts, per lb., GUSlic; roasted. CV4 7i4c; Brazils, 13c; pecans, lof22c. HIDES No. 1 green, tiUc; tin. 2 green, B4c; No 1 salted, 7V4c; No. 2 salted, 6i4c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V4 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 13 lbs., fie; dry hides. 8ffl3c; aheop pelts, i375c; horse hides, J1.S05T2.25. Nt, I.iiiiIn (irnln nnd Provisions. 8T. LOUIS, Aug. 7.-WHEAT-Hlghcr; No. 2 red cash, elevntor, (Ul'Jo; trnck, 701? 71c; September, 6D,c; December, 72Hic; No. 2 hard, higher at 7014c COHN-Hlgher; No. 2 cash, 5SHc; track. SSigS'JUc; September. 6Si.4c; December, 53c; Mnv. f.lUc. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 36c: track. 36V4 fl37i,ic; September, 36o; May, 39i,ic; No, 2 white. 37tt538e. HYE Higher, 62fi3e. FlOUIl Higher, prices asked; t:ew r d winter pntents, 3.15fi3.00; extra fancy nnd straight. J3.10Sf3.30: clear, J2.60fj2.93. SEEDS Flax, no market; timothy, lower; new prime, to nrrlve, J5.15. COIlNMEAl Steady and unchanged. HHAN Strong; sacked, enst track, Rfic; this side. 87c. HAY-Steady; timothy, Jll.00015.50; prairie. JlO.oOff 15.00. WHISKY Stendy. J1.29. 1UON COTTONTIES-J1.20. HAn(HNO-6,(fj7Uc. HEM!' TWINE-Uc. PltOVlSIONS-Pork, steady; Jobbing. JI5.73. Lard, lower nt J'.40. Dry salt meats (iioxcd). mill and easy; extra sunns, js.12'4; clear ribs, JS.3714; clear sides. J.214, Hac"n (boxed), dull and easy; extra shorts, J); clear ribs. J0.37i,4: clear sldcK, J9.50. METALS Lead, firm, JI.S0?f4.l0. Spelter, dull at J3.80. POULTRY Slow; chickens. 6c; springs, lOHc; turkeys, Be; young, 105fl2c; ducks. Be; springs. 6c; geese. 3c; spring', 5c. miTTER-Stendy; creamery, 16-ff21Vsc; E(iOS Steadv; nearby, 10c. UIX'EIPTS-Flour. 6.OC0 bbls.: wheat, i.i'j.hhi im.: com, .'.u,iiu mi.; oats, it.iro bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 13,000 bbls.; wheat, -oi,vi iiu. ; corn, u,vw oil.; oats, (i.'.ikai uu Liverpool (irnln .Mnrkrt. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 7. WHEAT No. 2 red, quiet, 5s Sd; No. 1 northern Bprlng, steady at 5s S'id; No. 1 California, dull ut ts i-uiures, sicnuy; September, 6s Sci; De cember, 5s 9Vid. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s Sd; American mixed, old, no stock. Fu tures, steady; September, 4s 5d; November, nominni. PROVIHIONS-Larcl. American refined, In pails, Hteacly. 43s 6d; prime western. In tierces, quiet, 43s 9d. Hams, short cut, quiet, B3s fid. Uncoil, Cumberland cut, stendy, 41s 6d; short clenr backs, steady, 44s. Shoulders, square, quiet, 38s 3d. TALLOW Australian, hi London, firm, 27s 3d. PEAS-Canndlan, fis 3)id. HOPS-At Loudon (Pncltlo const) dull at 3 10s 4.Bs. Receipts of wheat during the Inst three. dnys, centals, including 14,1x10 Amer lean. Receipts of Amerlcnn corn during the last thrco days, 32,101) centals. KniiniiH City (irnln unit Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 7.-WHEAT-Sen teniber. fiiUke; December. fiSiie; cash, No. ! hard, fiG'u67c; No. 3, aVifjCiic; No. 2 reel, ilC. CORN September. 5Si.4a5SV.c: Decpmher. BSio ; cash. No. 2 mixed, SSiij-SSHc; No. a wnin-, hue. OATS?-No. 2 white, .THAQIOc. RYE--No. 2. (W2C. HAY Choice timothy, J1.50; choice prnlre. J14.C0. Hl'TTEH - Creamery, 16UJfl9c; dllry, EtldS-FIrm: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on 'change, 10c per doz,, loss off, cases returned. RECEIPTS Whent. 116,000 bu.; corn, 06,. 000 bu. ; oats, ffii.ooo bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat, 162.40O hJ.; corn. It "(VI 1,11 noli IKVl 1. 1. ' IIMt nnl.ee (irnln ,llnrktt. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 7. WHEAT Higher: No. 1 northern. 71fi72i.se; No. northern. 70ml 71 4c; September, 71ic. RYE Steadv: No. 1. GCUdffio. IlAHLUY Steady ; No. 2, 62c; sample, If i URN September. 57Hc. FLOUR First patents. J3.RBff3.93; second paietus, w,uiKi.i,i:i; nrst elenrs, j2,9Wi3.0) second clears, J2.20. HHAN In hulk, !13.5ef 14 00. Plillnilelplitn l'roilnee Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 7.-HUTTER- rirm, goon cicinnnii; tancy western cream cry, 214c; fancy western prints, 2iUc fnnev nearby nrlnts. 24c. EOC18 Firm, good demand; fresh nearby uiui wcnieui, uc; iresn sciuinwestern, j;'c fresh southern. 12c. CHEESE-Firm: New York roll erenms fancy small, 97Wj10c; New York full creams, lair to cnoice, yutiVJc. 'I'olrdii (irnln 11 nil Srril, lOLKDO. Aug. 7. WHEAT Aellie ynprAcnh.nm,..A,,'n',t. "sPi September, I--41 . ivLriuiiei , ilc. COHN-Actlve, strong; ensh, 5614c; Sep teniber. 5"Hc; December, 5Se. OATS-Acttve. tlrm; cash, SBi.ic; Septem RYE 57e, CLO VERSE ED Cash and October, J6.22V4 Prorln Mnrkrt. PEORIA. Aug. 7.-CORN-Hlgher; No, BSc. OATS Firm; No. 3 white, 36!,c, billed luroiigii. WHISKY-On the basis of Jl.29 for flu isneu goous. MlnnriipollK 'Wlirnt, Flour mill llrnn MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 7.-WHEAT-Cash ikhc; septemner, ti.v'iiaj'c; December. 70' cttiii'ic; on tracK. ro. 1 nnrci, 7140; No northern, C9'ic: No. 2 northern. CSic. FLOUR Firat patents, JXfcljXiw; second patents, J3.&oj3.6S; Urst clears, J2.6.G2.9j; second elenrs. $2.90. HHAN In bulk. J1.33tf 1.10. tliilntlt (Jrnln Mnrkrt. DULUTH, Aug. 7.-WHEAT-Scptember, 71c; No. 1 northern, cash, 7ijc ; Sepltmber, 70!c; August, 70Hc; October. 70V4cj Decem ber, 71i.4c; No, 2 northern, 69?ic. OATH-35C, COHN-55C. SHW YOIIK STM'K! AMI IIOXI1S. llnslncss nn Sninll Scnle, Avrnltlim Eml of .strike. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. Business today was on n reduced scale anil there was a more general disposition to curtail operation Pending the settlement of the steel strike. The announcement over night of a general extension of the strike order caused somu hesitancy at the outset In the generni mar ket, but aside from a sharp dip nt the end : ., J.i ! or the nrst hour nnd ugain towaio ins close, the lendetiev was illstlnctlv Upward throughout. The llnal prices were about the l.t for Ate hlsnn St. Paul, l'nlon Pa cific nnd Southern Pnclllc, which accounted for the most active dealings In the mllroad , division. Reports have been current driHo, Pacific .... several days past of n llxed prlco tit which 1 ij. s. strel.... the t'nlteil Ktnti.n Steel stocks would lilt he nllowed to break by the alleged pool be hind the stock. This I 'vcl was exceeded eal Her In the week and speculators geucru'ly were Interested In watching the opening In the stocks this morning. When 0,100 shares nf the common stock came out on n seal 1 down to 39 and 11 llgure was mane of 9 for preferred, repref entlng losses or 3i each, the support was Immediately forth coming and a rumor gained currency that the evr for the day was llxed for 39i and M) respectively. ' riirii.. nnal Ati.P'iln,. mmln l,,t In, h'a ' efforts to depress Hie stocks In tlie subse quent dealings und were more Inclined lo bid up the general list on th theory that me oncKiug 10 tun steel issues would nave susiainingTrreet on all other nronerlles. Whether this sunnosltloii was correct or not or because the short Interest had been duiy xtended In the railroad list, the fnct re mains that all the graln-cairylng roads showed conspicuous strength nt varlo.M times. No doubt the eranrcrs were bellied by the rise of about 11 cent on wheat, but Atchison's Improvement could not be di rectly traced consistently to the lluctua Hons In corn, which was higher. Huslness from the United States Steel stocks was on even a smnllcr scale than yesterday, but they moved pretty steadily upward, touch ing 40- and 90 respectively and ended at the mgnest or the day. i numoer or minor rallronds made some sensational advances, tho extreme ndvnuce In Lake Eric & Western common and preferred being RfrlO; Iowa Central com mon and prererred, 314 and 51,4, nnd St. iJiwrence & Adirondack OH. No news at tended the upwnrd movement In th 3 stocks aside from the placing of the latter on a 5 per cent dividend basis. Industrial stocks, aside from sugar, were without special changes und the fluctuations In thnt stock were within comparatively moderate limits. Some wcnknrss clu-coned cnr.v In The coulers on talk of renewed dlssntlsfnc- tlon among mine workers, but their lossis were cnncelled later on, except for Lacka wanna, which eniieu 1 points on. Monetary conditions were unchanged, hut sterling exchange was stronger, demand bills being held rigidly nt JI.SS. There arc no prospects lor gold sli nments this week to Germany. In the closing dealings prices were on 1 11c upturn again and the ending was very llrm. Railroad bonds were quiet nnd somcwhit Irregular. Total sales, par value, Jl, 140,000. united states bonus were all unchanged on the last call. Iho Commercial Advertisers Iondou financial cablegram says: Tho stock mar ket today was utterly stagnant, although Investment shares were llrm on the genet al belief thu the termination of the Hoer war Is close at hand. Other stocks than strlctiy Investment ones were Inclined to sag nad American Issues oscillated fractlona ly. There was a complete lack of Interest In that department pending tho settlement of the steel strike nnd the receipt of the gove rnment crop report, jvew York sent hard v any prices. The Hank of England has bought 102,000 gold In bars. Money rates are unaltered, Paris exchange Is 23.20; Her lln. 20.43. The following nre the closing nrlces on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison 72 So. Hallway .. ran .. 831 .. 3S .. 20-, .. 33 .. w; .. 874 .. 20 .. 3Hi .. l.U .- 2S'.4 do pfd Il'i do l.fj llaltlmorc 'Jl't Tpi.au & Pucltl;.. do nfd X T.. St. L. & W.. Canniltan raclllo . .I07l do pfd Canada Southern .. tCi Union Pncltlo .... :;hc. & Ohio.. 4??i do pfd ?i'a Wnbauli do pfd 31V W. & U K !',0 do 2d pfd 2l?i Win. LVntml 2I! do pfd Chicago & Alton... do prd ChlcaKo, I. & I..... do IHil Chicago & C. I.... Chicago (It. V :o 31 do 1st pfd do 2d nfd flU P. C. C. & St. I.... 731.4 ivi .Mituns Nxprens ....r,u Chicago A N. W... C. It. I. & P Chicago T. & T.... 130 Amer. i:xprens lo7i U. S. Kxprus.. 18U Wclls-Fargn Kx 37 Amal. Copper . Wti Amer. C. & P.. ....lill .... Ji ,...1(0 ....LIU .... 2SI.4 do prd ., C. O. & St. 17. Colo. Southern .. UVi do pfd .. 49! Amer. Lin. Ou.. .. 21 do pfd ..'.OS' 5 Amer. S. & It.... . 220 do pfd .. 4d "Amer. Tobacco .. .. ff. Ana. Mln. Co .. KH Urk. Hap. Tr .. Mi Colo. P. & I .. 47i Cona. Oas ..1,4 Con. Tobacco .... .. .'0 I do pfd .. 7?i.4 Cleneral Klectrlc . ,.ll:i, r.lucojp Sugar ... .. Z'J Hocking Coal .... .. 75',4 Int'n'l Paper .. IS 1 do pfd ..Ill Int'n'l Power .... do 1st pfd do 21 pfd 2-JI.4 ... 0111 ... 51 " ... 99'i ...120 ... r,it, ... 7S, ... 9C,i ...IIS ... 65 ...115 . .217 ... ii ... IS ... 2014 ... 14H ... so ... 17 ... 41 ... lt'i.4 ...39 ... 7.-14 ... 97 ... c: ... 2S Dela. Hudson.., Del., L. & W Denver & It. U.... do pfd :rle do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Vallcey .. do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Cential .... do pfd , 1:. & w do prd lyiuls. & Nash.. ManhnttHn I. ... Meet. St. Hy.... ..JOO'.j Iiclede (las .... National lllrcult ,.P-3i4 National Ia-ikI . .. 22! Nntlonal Salt ., .. 9 1 do pfd . .106 No. American .. .. O'.'i Pacific Coast ... .. 2.',4 I'aolllo Mall .... ., 5llj People's Ona .... Mex. Central ... Mex. National .. Minn. & St, L.., Mo, Pacific M., K. & T do pbl . J. Centrul..., . Y. Central..., 113)1 ..I5S Pressed Steel Car.. 41 Vi ..15l'i do prd M .. 0 Pullman Pal. Car.. .201 .. St Republic Steel 11 .. 2i' do pfd 7?',4 ..H2Ts Surar 132ij Nor. & West.... do 1M Ontario & XV.,,. ennsytvanla ... Rending .. s;i 1 enn. 1-. . 1. ft) do 1st prd do 2d pfd TCVj, Union H. & P. Co.. im WHS do prd 70',, 3S',i It. 3. leather 13Vi St. U & S. r... 7c' I ilo ptd do 1st pfd do 2d pfd M'. t.r, 40?i 90 tJSV. H. Itiiblier... St. U H. W S71.C. ilo nfd do pM . r.3 .IMvi .1821.4 V. S. Steel do pfd Western Union . St. Paul do prd So. Pacltlc Trust receipts. Xrtv Vnrk Mone Market, NEW YORK, Aug. '..-MONEY-On cill. steady nt 2H per cent; prime merrantt.o pnper, 4'-iro per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Stendy to llrm. with actunl business In bankers' bills ut JI.S7iM.SS for demand and JI.KBi4ijf4.Kii4 for sixty nays; posted rates, ji.mi and commercial bills. JI.Si45I.S5. Hll.VISU-Certlllcates, unquoted : bar. 5Sc; Mexican dollars, ICc. GOVERNMENT HONUS-Steac v: 2s reg. and coupon, 107i; 3s rcg, and coupon, 10SU; new is reg, anu coupon, ut: 0111 4s rcg. and coupon, 113, lhc closing quotations on nonds aro as follows: P. S. ref. 2s .... .107 N'. J. C g ,',s 12S .107 No. Pnclllc 3h ',2 .tnsli do 4s J03i ,1'MU N V, C ,t St I. 4s. ..tu7'i .137 N. & V c. 4s 101 .137 Ore. Nav. U 101' 1 do coupon do ii, reg do coupon do new 4s, re: do coupon , do 01 1 , ret; 113 I ilo In 101V do coupon do Is, reic ,...1',3 S. 1 4. 6s 12!) .. .lo74 do run. 5s 1I7 ....107t Iteadlnc gen. 4s.... O". ....121 It. O. XV. Is ICO14 ....IO31.4 St I, & I M c. 5s. ..116 ....I'd St I. k S P B. 8s... 12.1 do cotipoa 11. or C. 3, 0i Atch. gen. 4t.. Canada So. 2s. C. Sc O. P,4... ....10Ci,4;St Paul ,-ons 173 In fjs ,1'.'0 st. p c. &. 1 ls,..113; C. & N. W c 7s .U.114 12 ! 5:, . fh .101 do Ss ....115 .... l'H4 ....1I5H .... 57!i ....US'.-j do S. P. d. 5s.. So. Paelfle 4s.. Chicago Ter. 4.. So. Hallway 5s... . Colo. So. 4s S. It. A: T. Cs.... Texas & P. Is.... I). ,4 It. O. 4s.... Urln gen. 4s . f5V, do 2s Pnlon Pacltlc Is.. Wnhash Is ,f .103 .101 .1I7V4 .II0'.4 .11214 . 8714 . 9Hi p. w. ti n. c. i .101 .:i) Oen. Utertrlo 5s.. la. Central Is t, & N. unl. 4s... .11H4 lo .101 West Shore ts.. M., K. .t T. Is... do Is N. Y. C. 1 M IWIs. Central 07 IVa. Centuries .104 Offered. I'orrlicn I'liinneliil, LONDON. Aug. 7. The nbundniicn o money In the market tends to depress ill counts, but bill buyers aro nwult.ng devel opmentk. Operators on the Stock exchange were indisposed to enter into rresn engage, ments. Huslncss win generally dull. Amer icans opened Irregular and hnrclened to above parity, except Denver. The buy ng was not heavy. Americans cbise I stendy. Har sliver closed llrm at 27i per 01111 e; gold premium at Home, 4.!'.0, PARIS, Aug. 7. Prlcei w re sternly oh the bourse and liUFlnrsH 1 was liuctlve. There were some rea'UatloiH In ouni-e. quence of the French-Turkl"!! dispute, but the tone was boon more favorable, Rentes reacted owing to decrenued demand. Span ish Is were offered as a icsult of tho rUe In exchnnce. Turks were weak. Industri als rallied, notably1 Metropolitan. Hlo Hilton- uecuneo anu rccovcmi on wie liiiiiriiveiueui. In copper. Three per cent rentes, 101 f :'i c for the account. Exchange on London, 2Sf Hoc ror checks; Spanish 4n, 70.20. HEHLIN, Aug. 7. Pr.cis on the bourse were Irregular nnd home fuffds wc.e weaker. Foreign securities were llrm, ex cept Spanish ts, which declined. Hank shares were active. Iron was In good de mand on the more favorable Iron trade re ports. Host prices were not maintained owing to realizations. Canadlnn Pnclllcs were stendy. The bourse wl.I be cloed Au gust 13, the day set for the funeral of Dow ager Empress Frederick. Exchange on Iondon, 20 marks 15 pfsi- for checks. Dis count rates: Short hills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, 'Jij, per cent. Loudon .Stork limitations. LONDON, Aug. 7.-4 p. m.-CIosIng: Cons., mon?y .... Jl r.-16 Erie do acceunt M J-t do 1st pM... A--i, so 2D MS l SV s-.'n :u. 3'J yt M SDlf, , :i 5f4 , 41 ncuntiH sa4 no pin... Canadian Tactile ...io'. M., K. & T... St. Paul U'J'i d I'fd UiUlsillle lUfi Nor. A: West.. llllnoln Central V V rMPnl ....IH do pM 13 Ontario & V.. 11. Pmillli- iif.l Itcarltnc S3); do '1st pfd.. 41 1 1I0 I'd I'M.. (I'sSo. ItalbMiy . 1I0 pfd Hfi, Union I'aclllc ',, ilo pfd 4J Wo bash :ii) do rM 4I Spnnlrli 4s ... 9.' Hun. I Milieu , do 11M Atcldiuin do pfd Haltlniorp A.- O. Hie. A. Ohio... Chicago fit. V. 1). A- It. O lo prd , HAR SILVER-Qulet nt 25 15-16.1 per ounce. MONEY-lHif2 per rent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 2Vf2',4 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 7-16112 9-16 per cent. The amount of bul lion taken Into the Hank of England r.n balance today was 102,000. Gold premiums nre quoted as follows: Huetioji Ayres, 131.90; Madrid, !!9.R3; Lisbon, 3S.50. Huston Mocks nnd Hands. HOSTON, Aug. 7.-Cnll loans, 314BI per cent; time loans, t5 per cent. Official doting: A., T. & s. r... do pfd Amer. Sugar'..... Am. Telephone .. Ilonton ,: AllMiiy. ltoston Klevatfd Ilonton & Maine. Dominion Coal .. do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Oencral lllectrlc IM. nice. Ill .. 7: Atchison 4s ... N. K. O. A C. 5 Adventure ..IM lllnn. Mln. Co.. ..!1S Amal. Copper ... Atlantic .. .l'JJi.i Cnl. ,t Hecla.... ... 31 Onlennlal . .tl'l 1'ranktln .. W, litimholilt ..102 .. C3 .. :t'4 .. 42 ..lit .. SOli ..730 .. 27 .. I?W .. 25 .. 1C .. il . 110 .. 6 ..140 .. 2'i .. 2'.5 .. 62 S:"n Onceola Parrot ..r,o .. isii1 ..ins cjtilnoy Mex. Central .... N. I!. CI. A C... Santa l-c Comier. ITamuraik Old Colony I'tah Mining Winona Wolverines Ola Dominion ... Union 1 Mettle ... West V.nd 'Asked. Arvr York .Mining; Slocks, NEW YORK, Aug, 7. Tho following nre the closing quotations 011 mining stocks: Adams Con Zi iLlttle Chief 13 Alice 45 Ontario S7S Hreecc H Ophlr C'i Hriunwlck Con 10 'Phoenix 8 I'umntock Tunnel .. 0 I'otost I Con. Cnl. ,1- Vu ISO Savage 2 Dcailnnoil Terra W Sierra Nevndn 10 Horn Silver ITS Small Ilopos iO Iron Sliver 10 Standard 340 Ia-.uU lllc- Con 3 1 llnnk ClrnrliiKS. CINCINNATI, Aug. 7.-Clearlngs. J3.15S, 830; money, 3141J16 per cent; New York ex change, 5c discount and par. CHICAGO, Aug. 7.-Clearlngs, J23.S32.900; balances, J1.S75.730; posted exchange, JI.MiJf 4.SSV4; New Yc rk exchange, 20c discount. HOSTON, Aug. 7,-Cleurlngs, J22,452,073; balances. Jl.3Cli.795. HALTIMORE. Aug. 7.-Clearlngs, J3.316. 090: balanceH.-JI02.IOl; money, Mffo per cent. NEW YORK, Aug. 7.-CIenrlngs. $215,519, S01: balances, J16.I53.90S. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 7.-Clcartngs, J14, 749.IMJ; balances, J2JX5,20i): money, 2f(2i; per cent. ' ST. LOIMS. Aug. 7.-ClearIngs, Jl5.199.558j balances, JS90,9I3; money, 456 per cent; New York exchange, 35c discount bid, 23c dis count asked. Cotton .Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Aug. 7.-COTTON-Tho market for futures started weak, with prices lower. Tho'lhrluenees nt work nre strikingly bearish. The close was ciulct, with prices net 4fr7c lower. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. Sc: middling gulf, Sttc; sales, 450 bales. Futures closed quiet and steady; August, 7.05c; October, 7.14c; November, 7.15c; December, 7.16c; Jnnuary, 7.19c; February, 7.19c; March, 7.22c; April, 7.23c. GALVESTON, Aug. 7.-COTTON-Easy, at 8 1-lCc. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 7.-COTTON-Qulet; sales, 1.230 bales; ordinary, 5e; good ordinary, 0 7-ltic; low middling, TUe; mid dling, tie; good middling, SHc; middling fair, 8o; receipts, 371 bnles; stock, 55.9J3 bales; fulures steady; August, 7.09ff7.70c: October, 7.04(fi 7.03c; November, 7.0lcji 7.00c; December, 7.oi1f7.0Sc; January, 7.0Vrf 7.07c; February, 7.07i7.09c; March. 7.09iT7.11c. ST. LOIMS. Aug. 7-COTTON-Dull: mid dllng, 8c; sales, 100 bales; receipts, 3 bales; shipments, 1,393 hales; stock, 10,729 bales. LIVERPOOL, Aug 7.-COTTON-Spot, quiet; prices Is 3-32d lower; American mid dling fair. 4!ia4 4-Gld; good middling, 4 14-iild; middling, 4U-32d; low middling, 4V4d; good ordinary, 37Rd; ordinary, 3d, The sales of the clay were S.OuO bales, of which S.oni) were for speculation and export nnd Included 7,000 American; receipts, 9,0m) bales, Including 8,900 Amerlcnn. Futures opened quiet and clcsed barely steady; Amerlcnn middling l. m. c, August, 4 12-61 fill 13-rt4d. buyers; August nnd September, 4 9-Olfj-l 10-t'ld, sellers; September, 4 9-6Pri 4 10-0td, sellers; October, g. o. c, 4d, buyers; October nnd November, 3 63-04 d, sellers; No. vemher and December, 3 6-6ld, buyers; De cember nnd Jnnuary, 3 16-6U1, buyers; Jan uary and February, 3 61-04d, buyers; Feb ruary nnd March, 3 til-tHfiS 62-64d, buyers; March and April, 3 62-6l(ff3 63.64d, sellers. CorTpp .Market, NKW YORK, Aug. 7.-COFKHK-The market for futures opened steady at un changed prices. During the forenoon prices failed to vary, but on receipt of a late cable from Havre which Indicated nn advance values here rose sympathetically about 5 points, This gain was sustained through out the rest of the session nnd trading was fairly ncllvo. Most of the business, how ever, was contlned to "switching" tho near months for more remote deliveries. Re ceipts continue to full volume, while the foreign Information In general wns void of sticclal slgnllleance. The market anally rinsed Htenilv ill tint nnelinmfed iirleeH In nn advance nf ri points. Tolnl sales were 41,000 bags, Including September nt l.S.'c: October, 1 9jc; uecemiier, ri.io'do.ific; Marcn, ri.3iif.ri.3.ie; .May. 0.4.1c. spot Rio. quiet: No. 7. invoice. 5Uc Mild, dull; Cprdovn, SfllUe. Miimir Mnrkct. NKW YORK. Aug. 7.-Sl'OAR-Rnw, steady; fair mining, 39-16e; centrifugal, 96 test. 4 5.32c. Molnfscs sugnr. 3 5-16c. Ho lined, quiet; No. 6. 1.75c; No. 7, 4.65c: No. R, 4.55e; No. 9, 4.D0c; No. 10, 4.43c; No, 11, 4.40c; No. 12. 1.40c ; No. 13, 4..HV; No. II, 4.30c; standard A, 5.15ej confectioners' A, 5.15c; mo ild A, 5.70c; cut loaf, ' 5.S5e; crushed, 5.S5C; powdered, 5.45c; granulated, 5.35c; cubes, 5.00c. LONDON. Aug. 7.-HKKT SUOAR-AU-gust. 9s U4d. NKW ORLKAN8. Aug. 7. Sl'GAR Quiet ; open kettle, 3 3-K'(ttc; open kettle, centrifu gal, 3Mrlie; centrifugal yeljoiv. -lJjl 9-16c; seconds, St-fflTic Molasses, dull; centrifu gal. r.i?lle. Oil nml Itosln. OIL CITY, IM.. Aug. 7.-OILS-Credlt bnl ances, 31.25; certificates, no bid; shipments, 1I3.SIS bbls.; average, M.S30 bbls.; runs, 101, 090 bids.; average, 7S.7M) bbls. NKW YORK, Aug. 7.-OILS-Cotlonseed, llrm. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, stendy: rom mnn to good, Jl,40ijfl.l5. Turpentine, llrm, 37 ii3i4c. SAVANNAH. On., Aug. 7 -OILS-Splrlts of turpentine, firm, Mc. Rosin, llrm and unchanged. LONDON, Aug. 7 -OILS-Caleuttu Un seed, spot, 56s. Linseed oil. 32s 1 V41. Tur pentine spirits, 27s lVJd- Kvnporiiteil nnd Dried Trulls. NKW YORK. Aug. 7 - -KVAPORATKD AHIPLKS The mnrket ruled moderately ac tive nnd about steady all day, but values were without change; slate, common lo good, iWilc; prime, 7i?7i.5c; choice, 7insc; fnnev, MiUsc CALIFORNIA DR1KD TRl'ITS-Market Inactive but nominally steady. Prunes, 314 ifiTe Anileols. lineal. Kt61il3c: Moor Park. S5il2e. Peaches, peeled. IHllSc; impeded, 0 tlOfcc. Xrvf 'iiirk lr (iimiln MnrUrt. NKW YORK. Aug. 7. -DRY OOODS There has been no material change In the market todav for cotton g 1- llrown sheetiiiBs and drills were lu light request, with prices stendy. Hleached cottons quiet und unaltered, Coarse colored cottons Hleady. but, demand light Prints In mod ... ,t. .inn ml ni nrevloiiH nrlces. (ling- hams steady. Print clothi Inactive on the bnsls of 2Hc for regulars, Men s wtar woolens in fair demand. Drees goods slow. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET God Cattl Ei-ought Steady Prioei Ttdej but Other Kindi Weak. HOGS SOLD CONSIDERABLY LOWER Sheep Sold nt Itlicht Around Mrnilj Prices Where quality Wns .Sntls-fnctor)-, but Lambs Were Hiither Sluw nnd Wcnk, SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 7. Receipts were: Cattle Hogs, Sheep. Oliiciai .Monuay 3,Um u.iul o,til Oliicial 'luesuuy ;i,wJ ji.j.'I 1.177 Uttlclal S CUtlcsday 3..1iJ 11,K'9 0,lC6 Three il.ivs 1I1I4 vverk lof,'i 2s. Ul 1...3I 2l!,v6 U,o2l I'.i'.d 1S...V2 Samu days nisi ucek.... (i,..;J 2i,5)J ciiwiiu eeK uciurc t,aw iti.uii auitie llilce weeks ugo..lu,iui 3.,tp30 Saniu tour wecKs ago.... 1,110 li.oiJ Same nays last year ld.siti K.noJ 'itiitiKu (iritu pam lor nogs 111 cuu Otnalia the past suvera! utiys wuh' coin paiisuns. uu.ll 1901. Ujy.UW.1lWi.lMi7.,K,,J. 1'5 July 16,., July 16,., Juiy 17. . July is.,. ".! 19... July 20... July ... July Ti.,. July -a .. July 24.., JUly 2u... July 26... July a.,. July 2S... July 29... Ju.y o0... July al... August 1. August 2. August 3. August 4. August 6, August 1,. August 7. i HI 4 M 3 0J I 81 1 ai, 4 u 2 'J3t i U ' . ij 2 97 4 91 2 , 2 Mi 4 85 I M 4 Si 2 Vl I 7i 2 SJI 4 SI 4 e 2 S., 4 M 2 70 2 7l 4 93 : mi 4 it 2 7i, 4 u, 2 77 4 it I 4 U 2 s3 1 :i '.'S3, 2 96 I I 63 .1 0., 1 2 921 4 i'5 3 45 3 471 3 B7 3 UJ .1 -l.i, 3 15 Indlflltnu liinrlit- The ottlcial number of cars of stock u.uftin in luuuy Uy cnen road was; Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'rs. ... 5 lu C, AI. it St. P. Ry w. . si. L. Ity Missouri Pnclllc Ry.. 10 1'nlon Pnclllc system. 31 C. ,i N. V. Ry F., li. & M. V. It. It.. 17 S. C. A: P. Rv ' 7 23 j 30 t 17 30 17 n 13 20 V., St. P., M. ei O.... 16 H. A: M. R. R, It 35 J H. A: Q. Ry 2 1C. C. & St. J 16 C, R. 1. ei P., east.. 1 C, R. 1. oi P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 3 Total receipts 136 16) Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as tollows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 336 1,611 43 Swlrt and Company 392 2.480 95!) Cudahy Packing Co 1,071 3,019 1,35.1 Armour : co en 3,190 Cudahy, from Kan. City. 2S3 Swirt, mini country 1,731 4,631 r. Decker : uegiin 27 Vansant Ac Co 130 I. olimun Ac Co 9 Hill & Son 91 Livingstone ,V Schaller .. 54 Hamilton Ai Rothschild... 30 L. F. Husz 30 H. K. Hobblck 39 Wolf Ac .Murium 32 Other buyers 161 1.9S1 Totals 3,302 10,366 7,601 CATTLK The cattle receipts today were fairly liberal for this time of the week, an 1 the fact that other markets were quoted lower made buyers a Utile, bearish In their views at this point. They tried to get their supplies n llttlo lower, but tho market dually braced up and about steady prices were paid for tho better grades. Bi slde.-i the native cattle there were a tew tnngtirx offered. Good to choice beef steers were 111 fairly Bond demand today at Just about steady prices, and practically everything answer ing to thnt description was disposed of In fairly good season. The commoner kinds of course, did not move quite ns freely, and In FOtne cases sellers thought they had to take a little less money than the Mtmo kind sold for yesterday. There were about fifty cars of cornfed cnttle on snle, nnd besides those there were live cars of steers irom Idaho. Some of them sold as high ns $1.40, which was considered a very fair price, all things considered. There were about twenty cars of cows and helfcrn lu the yards this morning, nnd wht e the better grades sold at Just about steady prices the commoner grndes were neglected unci lu a good muny cases sold a little lower. Hulls, calves and stags sold In very near the snme notches they did yesterday. There were not so very many stockcrs and feeders on sale today, and the better grades sold without much dimculty ut right arouti I steady prices. The common stuff was, of course, neglected, but still they did not sell so much differently from the way they did yesterday. Representative sales: BBlit' STEERS. I 6 77Vi I 3 3 77, 3 li I 5 b4?, 5 02i 1 i 62 3 20, I 5 tM?4 4 94 4 Oil 1 3 I 5 bsfti 4 l 4 lti 3 S2 1 u o.,B I 'J J, 4 S 3 Ml, 3 3. o 6s 4 9.i 4 191 3 itj, 3 3o I 5 01 4 21 3 M 3 3 6 67-, I ' 4 341 3 19 3 2l I o i0- 5 IS 1 3 s: 3 2j I OJv'ii 6 1d 4 3b I 3 3b I b TP.,, b to 1 4 31i 3 9 I I 6 6j-, 5 02 4 27 3 till 3 3i I o U5V u OOi 4 32 J 2i, 3 11 I I 6 13 1 33 3 67i 3 29 ' 0 47ki 1 4 321 3 7.' 3 36 I o 6'Ji4l h 0S I 3 141 3 4., I 6 61 1 0 09 4 32, 1 3 UO 6 661 5 15 4 191 3 79 I 6 ,0 1 a 1S 4 20; 3 VI; I 5 791i, S lo 4 331 3 07; I I 5 10, 4 43 3 6l I o SI I I 4 li, 3 71, 1 11 VI 1 S 04, 3 i?i I 6 65 I 5 ll 4 3S I So. Av. l'r, No. Av. IT. 1 720 2 23 24 1117 4 75 4 855 2 10 65 1034 4 73 1 970 2 00 39 1117 4 80 13 760 2 73 12 1096 4 SO 20 711 2 21 1061 4 fO 1 600 3 i'l 22 102J 4 80 1 1210 3 10 22 1176 5 0) 1 1060 3 00 34 1076 5 fO 1 6S0 3 .0 20 1133 5 05 30 1001 3 .0 65 1133 3 05 S Id!") 3 13 l!) 1541 5 03 3 1156 3 80 21 1382 5 10 4 1022 4 00 71 1074 6 10 0 1072 4 15 44 10J5 5 10 1 980 4 26 6S 1 109 5 15 S4 511 4 50 38 1270 5 10 3 Hum 4 50 56 1121 5 10 23 99S 4 30 53 1167 5 20 H 517 4 il 36 1464 5 JO 30 7'J. 4 70 40 12S6 6 60 STKKRS AND HKIFKRS. 17 863 4 33 26 1166 5 .'5 U 843 1 tO STKKRS T13XAS. 961 910 1110 910 553 935 910 67J f4 896 S30 1110 970 620 930 915 700 1060 WW 546 1080 1060 920 5X0 SIO , 890 1123 770 1020 i0"o 1140 ...... 5'H 6!) 1010 , KA , 10)5 , 7im) , 793 890 , 610 955 1031 1000 1011 600 710 4 V5 23 1106 4 CO COWS. 1 (0 1 910 2 75 1 0 7 lW 2 75 1 10 18 1035 2 75 1 40 1 !030 2 75 1 50 1 1035 2 75 1 50 1 930 2 75 1 ,'D 4 537 2 75 1 "5 2 1000 2 75 1 16 14 880 2 75 1 75 1 710 2 75 2 00 21 93 2 75 2 00 2 1230 3 75 2 10 6 69 1 2 85 2 0) 2 975 3 1") 2 ( 0 4 812 2 90 W 10 918 3 9) 2 W 23 StO 2 50 3 10 1 920 2 53 2 !5 1 560 2 65 2 25 1 11130 3 CO 2 25 17 870 3 CM) 2 23 11 810 3 CO 2 35 1 910 3 00 2 55 1 1U30 3 () 2 el 1 110 3 iO 2 4 5 3 876 3 M 2 TO 1 1190 3 CO 2 50 1 1100 3 00 2 60 19 99.1 3 CO 2 .V) 2 695 3 0) 2 5) 27 945 3 05 2 10 2 750 3 25 2 60 1 560 3 25 3 fo 1 870 3 :s 2 CO 3 1056 3 25 1 CO 2 10i.) 3 33 2 IO 1 1040 3 53 2 to 14 1146 3 43 2 60 2 IPO 3 40 2 63 4 932 3 40 2 66 1 910 3 65 2 65 1 1250 4 4 0 2 70 4 1076 4 23 2 15 2 75 . 1... 1... 8... 3... 4... 1... 12... 10... 6... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 9 , , , v.... 37.... 2.... 6.... n I!!'., 4.... 15.... 11..., 1..., 6.... 1.... 1..., COWS AND HKIFKRS. 923 3 30 12..., HEIFKIIS. 1... 1... 1... I... 3... , 690 2 I") 1 950 3 00 530 3 10 970 3 60 635 4 00 530 2 W 350 630 10 2 25 2 60 2 0 .. t3 ,. "54 ,. 6C6 ..IV) ..12')" .. 60) ..04) ..1090 .. 920 ,.ll' 26 35 772 I "0 4 30 20... 653 15... 1!.. 1... HULLS. 2 1 .. 910 ..1570 .. 9S0 ..1340 ..1260 ..1550 2 i"5 2 85 3 CO 3 15 3 -0 2 US 2 41 2 40 3 60 3 60 2 63 1.... 1.... 1.. 1.. 3 50 1 1 ..1250 3 70 . . 711 3 75 1 1250 2 75 1-. M 3 75 CALVKS. 3 60 1. 710 110 175 4 50 5 CO 5 00 270 330 241 . 275 , 190 . 210 3 75 4 (0 4 M 4 60 4 ') 152 6 C) IJ11 5 60 170 5 00 4 50 STOCK CALVKS. 3 290 3 i 6 333 3 IS STOCK COWS AND HKIFKRS. I 1 I fO N t M 2 15 &. 4.. 1.. 1.. 6.. 1.. 12.. , MO . 520 CO) , 4l 57 645 3 JJ 2 3 l3 3 10 3 15 3 15 5 1 1 2 1 3 ) 2 15 70 3 JS 570 1 K 2 50 614 m fo STOCKHHS AND FKKDURS. 713 1 130 1 m) 2 606 3 13 1 410 3 00 25 KM 3 Ij 1 8M 3 I'l P5t 3 15 J J15 3 50 J Sl i 1 ni : 10 ti $06 3 vs 5 616 2 W 9 MS 3 20 2 ID 2 75 10 511 3 30 1 MO 3 71 1 700 3 0 1 520 3 5 2 725 J 30 1 170 3 90 IS m 3 fO 4 630 2 90 10 5S6 3 13 20 Ml 3 (A 7 715 S .15 7 J10 3 0O R H2 3 3X 25 !M'i 3 10 2 605 3 (0 2 755 3 10 2 "M 3 40 3 504 3 10 60 ?M 3 45 2 7M 3 10 31 i2 3 45 IS fV. S 15 621 3 50 4 M 3 13 2.1 Ml 3 SO 6 tt.1 3 15 2 720 3 M STOCK COWS AND HKIFKHS. 10 2 10 1 Nl-'HRASKA. 11 feeders.. J-93 1 steel 920 3 35 1 (tag.. SIO 2 ro N. nnd I-:. V. Hassett-Neb 2li COWS. . . S cows.. .. S cows.,.. 5 cows.... 1 bull 4 cows. . . 6 feeders. fo!J 5 heifers... COS 2 25 2 25 2 25 3 15 2 20 J 3 00 916 Si 701 CO) T. 910 7f5 2 r.o 2 M 2 20 2 heifers... t'A) 1 heifer.... 7M) 9 heifers... 700 2 '.'0 1 bull J. Parker-Neb. 2 15 lbull.... 2 IO 17 cows.., V. Swcet-S. D. 3 !) 1 cow, . . . 2 25 . .11(30 ,. 920 J. .1033 4fi stccrj. . 1 bull 27 cows. . . .1110 3 30 .1200 Wnsmer t- K. Neb, 777 2 &5 T. O. Hlnln-Neb. 3 cows 1 tow. . 1 calf.. 1123 1130 1 5 cows.. . . 90 . 913 .1010 . -.50 . 692 ,.1670 1 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 3 45 2 15 3 50 3 25 3 60 3 55 3 00 4 25 3 6,1 3 55 3 W 2 50 3 25 3 lJ 3 45 3 45 20 cows. . . . 1 cow 1 cow 4 feeders. 1 bull 40 36 str. Tex. 1129 1 feeder... W) 4 feeders. . 537 IDAHO. Scows 1126 3 50 Scows.... .US') 5 bulls 1501 3 40 3 steers.. .1110 b steers.. .1046 3 50 15 steers. . .1040 issuers.. .101.: am 3stcers., 2 cows &') 150 15 cows.,., 3 cows 1023 4 l) IS steers. 5 steers... 921 3 49 27 steers.. tM steers... 1162 110 2o cows... . 9S5 . 921 .120S .into . 969 . 9oO 4 bulls 1162 2 61) 3 feeders. 4 heifers... 712 2 K HOGS There was another generous run of hogs here toduy and the market ut other points wuc quoted considerably lower, l'nckers started out bidding about 10j'15c lower and wanted to buy good mixed hogs around 35.65, and the hcnvler weights irom .ho to 5,70. Sellers were unwilling to cut loose nt those prices, nnd as a result It wns late before much of anything was done. As the morning advanced tho feeling whb certainly no better, nnd the general market could safely bo quoted loyiuc lower. The generni run of mixed hogs sold from JS.tm to Jo.b5, nnd the choice henvy weights went from I060 to 5.70, nnd as high us ?5.5 was paid. Along toward the last the market was 15c lower and the close was worse than that, though It was largely the com mon nnd lightweight stuff thnt was left. iieprcsentntivu sales; No. AV. ..250 ..Ws ..19.' ..195 . .201 ..205 ..m ..214 ..216 ..221 ..1S7 on. IT. .So. Av. ffc l'r. 120 5 3714 72 2S0 120 5 t'5 SO 5 ,7'4 51 247 ... 5 C5 240 5 57i 61 23S ... 5 05 40 5 57', is 243 80 5 IT, SO 5 571,4 53 201 ) 5 t.5 80 5 l"i, 60 210 40 5 t,j 16-) 5 60 62 252 40 5 t5 . 5 60 61 273 120 5 13 120 5 60 67 5 3 60 70 2ul ... 5 IX 120 5 10 71 232 80 5 65 160 5 6) M 2'J9 200 5 tj 160 5 60 70 "37 ... 5 63 ... 3 f 0 27 351 SO 5 1.5 80 3 60 S3 213 ... 5 65 160 5 cyj cs 240 4 ) 5 65 ... 50 73 :u 160 5 65 ... 3 CIVi 79 214 ... 5 ii ... 5 62Vj 78 2U3 120 5 63 40 3 621j 70 216 4-) 5 1,5 40 5 (-21,4 63 25S ... 5 63 ... 5 KPt 71 214 1C0 3 65 80 6 621,4 68 217 40 & C5 120 5 6:14 56 247 W 5 65 120 B 61, 75 21s ) J fi 80 5 i,2i, :o 21: ... 5 65 SO 6 03',, 63 242 40 5 C5 120 5 -2ij 52 259 4) 5 17H ... 5 i2ij, OS 2JI 200 5 I.7H 160 5 62U 6i so ; HI 5 02!, 47 294 80 5 674 200 6 ',2i 65 263 M 5 0715 120 5 1214 123 266 80 5 671, 120 3 02V4 60 2s3 10 3 671;, 40 3 02V, TI 260 ... 5 i7V, 160 5 121, 7: 234 120 3 6714 240 5 34 61 244 ... 5 0714 12) 5 621, eg 23-j 3 B7Vj 210 5 1 2i,I 56 257 40 5 1714 160 5 0214 63 241 ... 5 o7!4 120 5 621, 62 247 120 0 OV, 40 5 121, 61 213 80 3 0H4 40 5 02!, t,9 222 40 i 674 40 5 WiJ 65 236 200 5 l'.i 160 3 2t.t 50 248 ... 5 1-7V4 SO 5 62',, 36 267 40 5 70 120 3 15 16 271 ... 6 70 120 5 65 76 23S ... 3 70 120 5 65 69 251 W 6 70 80 5 65 53 291 120 3' 70 40 5 65 69 2S3 40 5 70 120 5 65 71 270 80 5 70 120 5 ( 5 04 255 ... 5 70 320 5 65 66 2SS- 8-) 5 721-4 ... 5 65 62 276 80 5 , 2Va 160 5 65 13 257 ... 5 72!'j 80 5 15 t4 29J 80 5 75 160 5 65 51 329 61) 6 75 Ii 5 65 68 273 ... 5 75 40 5 65 70 313 40 5 15 210 6 63 55 S8 'i 72 50 76 45 M 60 66 76 75 .... 1 78 !).... 11 70 76 76 ....229 .....207 ....209 212 ....184 ....237 ....20D ....219 ....230 ....255 ....276 ....230 ....201 196 !'.".!l94 243 213 59... 52... 73... 7s... 84... 62 70 67 sa!!..'.' ...216 ...Ml ' ' -"3 '.'.'.ill ...231 ...202 . . .275 ...220 ...218 ...200 ...225 ...209 .'.'.tit ...239 ...227 ...231 ...260 ...2!s2 ...241 ...20S ...263 . . ,2u ! si 66 49 73 5S 77.,.,. 71 80 70 S5 72 M 65 fcl 66 7 a C9 67 CS.... 65..., 79.... 61.... 19.... M. . .. 71).... 75.... 50.... 63.... 70.... ,.216 .323 .232 .230 SHKKP There was n good run of sheep here today for this time of tho week, nnd although Chicago was reported steady to a dime lower, tho market hero on good stuff held Just about steady. As high as $3.:o was paid for a choice string of yearlings, but they were the ben that have been here In some little time. The common and half fat stuff wns, of course, neglected, the fame as usual, and In somu cases probably sold lower. There were no strictly choice lambs on the market tkls morning, and for that reason the trade was slow and weak. Pack ers did not seem to care whether they got tne commoner kinds or not, and sellers found It difhcult to dlsnobc of that class of stuff. Ouotatlnns. Choice) yearling. $3.2.)fl3.50: f.'ilr In irno,l v,nrtlntr 1 T.fttl 25- ntinlre wethers. J3.00fi3.15; fair to good wethers, J2.f,5'l3.00; choice ewes, J2G0'i(2.9); fair to good ewes, 12.002.60; choice spring lnmb.i, l.65',((5.00; fnlr to good spring Intubs, 11.25'ij 4 65; feeder wethers, 2 50fi3.0ii; feeder lambs, $3.CAKi3.50. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 10 cull ewes 8S Jl 50 3 cull ewes S) 1 50 70 cull eweb nnd wethers 80 1 C2'4 13 cull ewes 80 12 cull ewes 95 37 Nebraska ewes 7.s 10 Nebraska ewes 91 43 Idaho ewes 95 22 Idaho ewes 93 2 2 ". 2 25 2 tr, 2 50 2 61 2 75 :0S Idaho ewes 107 55 Nebraska ewes 93 7 Nebraska ewes 72 157 Idaho cull lambs , 54 , 92 , 7 , 76 , 54 , 51 , 52 , 95 , 57 , 16 C'2 , 57 , 100 , 133 , 95 , 112 , 109 . 102 . Kt . 86 . 85 . 72 . 6:1 . 7S .. 9) 85 Nebraska wethers 3 (0 3 110 3 00 3 0 3 ID 3 00 3 10 4 51 4 5) I m I 00 1 25 2 00 2 5 2 75 2 75 2 75 3 (0 3 15 3 25 4 05 4 65 3 0) 1 50 1 .7) 2 75 2 75 3 15 3 13 3 15 3 30 I 50 317 Idaho wethers 16 Idaho wethers 163 Idaho cull lambs 232 Idaho cull lambs PHi Idaho cull lambs BS Idaho wetners 109 Idaho lambs 229 Idaho lambs 302 Idaho lambs 377 Idaho lambs 7 cull ewes 3 ewes 10 ewes '. ewes ewes 51 70 ewes 36 western lambs 4S western wethers 7 western wethers 191 western lnmlm 163 western lambs 1,115 Idaho yearling wethers. I, cell ewes 1 buck 160 Hfi 106 SI S7 52 H'J 89 40 rtllh ewes 120 Utah ewes ISO yearlings, mixed 128 yearlings, mixed 167 feeder lambs 511 yenrllng wethers 167 Utah lambs K li li ens City Live Stork- Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 7. CATTLK Re ceipts. lt.500 natives, 2,000 Texans and i" calves; best grades steady, cithers lOQIsc lower; cnoice export anu I'-ecium b "-''i $5.50fi5.85; fair to good, Jl.50fr5.4n; K oeUers and feeders. $2.fcif 1.00: western fed Hteers, $l.405S.5O; western range steers, JL2.rti Us, nia .,.,,1 In, linn sleers. SI Mil 1.50. TcX.IS grats steers, $l.O0 !.; Texas cows, J2 . 3 05; native cows. J2.60ft 1.00; heifers. J.IOO'd S.oii; canners, $1.5if2.59; bulls, $2 251110; runners, $3.00fi5!5. HOGS ReeelptH. 14,000 head; quality poor; market 10c lower; lop, $6.05; bulk of i-n!e,s, $5 KffS.90, heavy, $5.Ifi6 0B; mixed packers, $5 (Ml 5.90; light. 6.25f(5 75; pigs, $3.C0fi5.15. SHKKP AND LAMHS -Receipts, 1,400 head; Iambi steady to 10c lower; sheep steady; lambs, $l."Of5,15; wethers, $i.2,(f(' 3.75; ewes, $2 7553.25, weetern rnnge aheep, $3,Wti3.; stockers, $t. 502.25. St, I, ii ni SliieU Market, ST. LOUIS, Aug. 7.-CATTLK-Recelpts, 4,3n) head, Including 1.10) Texans; market dull and slow, with TexnnH genernlly 10c lower; native shipping and export steers, $4. S if? 5. 70. dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.35fj5.t0, steers under 1.000 pounds, $3t0ft 1.90; ototkera and feeders, 12.3CQI.OO; cows and heifers. J2.O0fl4.$5; dinners, Jl.PMUSOS bulls, $2.O0Ji3.M); 'lexns nnd Indian steers, W.iSt4.35; "i"' a"1' heifers, $2.15113.10. HOGS Receipts. 7.0.X) hind; market loo lower; pigs nnd lights, $3,751(5.85; packers, $5,7015.85, butchers, $5.ro$iK.lo. PHKKP AND I.AMHS-Recelpts, 2,7(0 head; market steady; native muttons, $3 0) ffi3.6H; lambs, $3.75fjfi.00, culls and bucks, $.0ufl3.(); stockcrs, $2.oo4rI2,70. CHICAGO 1,1 VP, STUCK .MA It K I IT. Cnttle Steady, tint I.imvci Mors Wcrtk Nlirc'ii Stroll). CHICAGO, Allg. 7. CATTLK" Receipts, 23,9'M head, Including !W head Tesnns; choice steady, but .lotffloc lower; good to prime steers, $5.60iif6.3i). poor to medium, JI.40Ufl.30; stockcrs nnd feeders, $2.2G1f !. cows, $2.75fl.40; heifers. $J.25if ,75; ennnero, Jl.fi03f4.30; bulls, $2.50iitt.30; calves, J.I.OO'u) b.25; Texas steers, $.1.ik'ii4.i"5; Texas grass steers, range steady nt Jl.OO'ii I.N), HOGS-Receipts, 33.000 head; left over, 12. 00 head; tomorrow, .'io.ooo head, estimated: opened weak, closed WinSe lower; mixed and butchers, J5.7iVTi.fi.oo, good to choice heavy, t.i.lnHfrti.lO; rough henvy, $5. K'lfo.70; light, $.V7(8H.s.so; bulk of sales, J5.755t5.90. SHKKP AND LAMHS-Hccclpts. 2iVH) head; sheep, steady to strong; lambs, best steady, othera lower; good to choice wethers, J.'t.OO'd 1.00; fair to choice mixed, J3.25'J3.50; western sheep, J3.2.Vf3.tVi; war lings, J3.75tl.25; native lnnitis, $2.n)1j.P0: western Inmbs, $l,25Wi.lO. Ottlcial receipts and shipments for yes terday: RKCKIPTS-Cnttle. 5.746 head; hogs, 17, 6S2 head; sheep, 9,478 head. SHI P.MKNTS Cnttle, 5.0SO head; hogs, 2,521 hcnil; sheep, 3.5IS hend. IV pit Ynrlt Live Mcii'k MnrliPt. NKW YORK. Aug. 7.-HKKVKS- Re celpts, 2,161 head; good steers, llrm, others steady; bulls and cows genorally lower; steers, Jl.fitHiS.SO; tops, $6; bulls, W.50.l.50; cows, Jl 75ji3.25; extra fat cows. J3.Wa(t.I0. Cables, steady; exports, 3,362 quarters of beef. CALVKS Receipts, 1.300 head; good veals, 15c higher; others, steady; veals, JI.7OI5.50; fed rnlves, $4; no westerns on snlo, SHKKP AND LAMHS-Recelpts. S.077 hend; sheep, stendy; trlllo, better feeding for good lambs: no quotable Improvement, 15 enrs unsold; sheep. J2.25M 1.00; few extr.t, J4.12i.4ii 1. 25; culls, $1 0O"iJ2.2ti; lamb!', $4.0)j( 6.00; culls, $2 25ff3.(). nOGS-Hecclpts, 2,S31 head; stendy nt J'i-00 (SO. 30. St. Joseph l.lvp StnoU MnrKrl. ST. JOSKPH, Aug. 7. CATTL.K Receipts, 3,?5) head; market stendy to weak on best beeves, others 10fil5c lower; natives. J3.t0t 5.90; cows and heifers, J1.00U 1.75; bulls nnd stags, J2.ovfl-75; stockcrs and feeders, $1.75 53.15; veals, J2.O0fl5.0O. HOGS Receipts, 9,576 head: market 1 c lower; light nnd light mixed, $5.50f?5.85; me dlum and heavy. J5.70g6.10; pigs, $2 Wtf.'i.U: bulk. $5.05fi5.90. SHKKP Receipts, steady. 600 head; market Stock III Slht. The following tnbto shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt the live prlnclpil live stock mnrKcts August i: Cattle. South Omnh.i 3.372 Chlcngo ...23.900 Kansns City 11,500 St. Louis 4,30-1 Kt. Joseph 3,3) Hogs. Sheep. 11,409 6,926 33,000 ll.CKHI 7,08) 9.076 Totnls ..46.422 7I,95 31.465 AVI Jlnrkcd, HOSTON. Aug. 7. The Amerlcnn Wool nnd Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow of the wool trade: The receipts of wool In Ronton this week nmountcd to 35,62 bales, against 33,627 bales last week and 16.916 u yenr ago. The total receipts since Jnnunry I hnve been 379,289 bales domestic nnd S7.P7 bales of foreign, ngnlnst 226.712 bnles do mestic nnd 10S.257 bnles foreign for the cor responding period of 190). This Is nn In crease of 152.577 bales domestic nnd a de crease of 20.S10 bnles foreign. The sales for the week In Hoston nmounted to 1.970. 0) pounds domestic and 1.7P0.vf pounds for eign, mnklng n total of 6.760.0m) pounds, against a total of 6,100,000 pounds for the previous week and n total of 3,348,t 00 pounds for the corresponding week list year. The sales since January 1 amount to 141,202.000 pounds, against 80.S99.700 pounds for the corresponding period of last year. Shipments of wool for the week ending August 5 aggregate 5 393,933 pounds- Th s shows a decrease of 211,913 pounds ovor tl'c shipments of 6,637,896 pounds for the previ ous week. Since January 1 the total Hhlp inentH amount to 117. T3I.16S pounds. ST. LOI'IS. Aug. 7 -WOOL-Firm and unchanged; medium grndes, lljf I"c: light tine. lKtiltc; heavy line, 9011c; tub washed, 12jJ24c. Automobile Ilrenkn Record. CHICAGO, Aug. 7. One hundred and eighty-seven nnd n half miles on one bat tery chnrge Is the latest performance of an electric automobile, the regular Stan hope, for twp people, setting a new ,mark for these vehicles. The machine Is the Joint output of two Cleveland companies and a Chlcngo compuny. Tho performance of tho new machine Is due to the advanced Improvements In three parts of the ma chine, battery, motor and running genr, which enables It to cover more than twice ns many miles on one charge as has here tofore been clone by electric vehicles, Tho test was made on the Chicago boulevards between 3 p. m. Monday and 2;30 th h morning. I'hiirKcil i t Ii Murder. WIIKKLINO, W. Vn.. Aug. 7.-John ("line and Clayton Rodgcrs were arrested today on the charge ot having murdered May Yost, a 17-ycar-old girl. Tho warrant was sworn out by her father, who charges that the two forcibly abducted the girl, as saulted her and then murdered her and threw the body Into the Ohio river to con ceal the crime. The girl was taken from the company of her sweetheart. Walter Hammond, on Sun day night nt the point of n revolver. Ho positively Identities tho two young men. Tho girls body has not been found. Hunted In Denlli In n l-'cieliiry Kli-e. LAFRKL. Del., Aug. 7.-Kmery V. Rlg gln, son of K. H. Itlgglu, ex-speaker of the house of representatives of Delaware, was burned to death In a lire that de stroyed Rlggln & Son's carriage factory tit Laurel this morning, Young RigKln wns probably the llrst to enter the building when tho lire wns discovered and It Is supposed he wnB stricken with an epileptic lit. to which he wns subject. Thu body was burned to a crisp. The loss on tho factory was nominal. Smelter Itiilibery S4II1 Mystery. 7. There Is SAN FRANClHi O, Aug. nothing new to report In the Helby Smelt ing works robbery this morning. Tho search for the robbers Is being active, y engaged In by scores of detectives, but If any trace of the missing bullion or Its pos sessors Ins been found the detectives are unwIIUnK to make the news public, nor are they willing to disclose any dellulto clues they may have as to the Identity of the robbers Hilt IteiM'Iptu lit Amny Oilier. NKW YORK, Aug. 7. -The sub-treasury todav paid out Jl,200,0n0 on assay ntlleo checks for nccount of Seattle, San 1-r.in-clsco and New York, representing gold shipments from the Klondike. Illllll l-'llMills v .frrsry Clllei. NKW YORK. Aug 7.-Lnst night's heavy rainstorm cnus'-d serious floods In Newark and Jersey city and today Home of the streets In llmfe cities are covered with water. Street Car .lump Into llnjoil. MKMPIIIS. Tenn-. Aug. 7. It Is Just re ported thnt a North Memphis street car lumped from the track and Into Gayoso bayou and that four people wore killed. Another X letliu nf I1i1iihIiii Poiinil. IMIILADKLPHIA. Aug. 7-The eighth body, that cif a colored mini, was today recovered from tho debris of the Locust street explosion. OI,I)KSTt SAKKSTI nilST! WALL STREET )lone Will Kuril llltf Monthly Itaturns The Investor's Fund Pays Seml-Motithly-Tho olilesl established In America. .So certificate-holder ever lost a cent. Pay ments made tu all subscribers every 15 lays. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demand, Write today fur particulars, free to any address. c. K. m c Ki; a- co.. Iliiilmiu llulldliic. Nev York. Tf--tliunr lOfttl. Boyd Commission Co Successor! to Jktnes E. Doyd Co., OMAHA, NKfl. COMMISSION CHAIN. JMIOVIHIO.NU AND STOClvS, llohirt of Trad HnlldluK. Direct vires to Chicago nd New Yorh, .'orvvssondence. John A. Wurrca 4 Co.