THE OIAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, IflOl. D CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Bourd of Education li Iarltid tt Submit Evidenco u to Fints. s -i - HASCALL INTRODUCES A RESOLUTION I'n Ion UrirUlnjrm Will Hereafter In-ntx-ut All WiirU. Constructed by the City SullrhliiK of (inn nnd finnolluc Lamp. now a glory of wide circulation. Mr. Brady ha been mixed up with shows of varlotn kinds ever since he Krew blsc enough to get awny from home. In St. Louis for several years he was manager of the Century the ater and was prominent there as "pope" of the Ash Wednesday club. Ho Is now with HlnRltni! Brother as press assent. He stated confidently last nlpht that his circus Is bl((Kcr and better this year than ever be fore and the. parade, he says, Is a four-time winner. The parade will take place at tne usual time in the forenoon Friday and the circus will bo pulled off at Twentieth and Paul streets. Two performances, Friday afternoon and cvenlnp. SELECTION SUITS SCHLEY standard oiljn defense Hawiioi AcctpUbU ib Third Mtmbtr f Bitrd of Iiquirj. REAR ADMIRAL HAS RECORD FOR MODESTY .Ulnnnl .Xnmpson to Itn the Honors When Oeney Itrtnrncil, Although lie Wns nnllllril to Precedence on Hccelvlttfr Fleet. DEATH BY HIS OWN HAND Coroner's Jury llcttirns n Verdict the fuse of Thml IlrcioUlc. In Another opportunity will bo given the Board of Education to present evidence to tho city council In substantiation of the charge that 'fines are being collected and ap propriated, for other than school purposes. Komo tlm ago the members of the board wcro invited to aprear before tho council's Judlr.lary committee and present evidence to prove thlr charges of tl pproprla- tlon of fines. The board members failed to fihow up. .'At last night's meeting tho coun ell decided to give the' members nnothcr chance and adopted the following resoiu- .... ... !. .. i. Iff HUH ur v uuill'lliutui I ...ll.t....l In Th tl .1 Mntwlav o nil nn Whereiis, Tim Hoard of bducntlon of the features wero develoned. The verdict city of Qjnnha some time since requested new 5ca;"reV . .1? . t -., in m the mayor and the city council to inquire was to the effect that Ilrookle came to his into the 'question of MneH to ascertain death as the result of a pistol shot wound, wliethcr all fines properly coiieciami- iniicr th snol 0re(1 bj himself with suicidal In- andi whether any of the same were blng " diverted Into Improper or illegal cnnnmis. and, An Inquest was held yesterday In the case of Thad Ilrookle, who shot himself in n rooming house on Capitol avenue Sun day after first shooting Mrs. Millie Light hawk. In the absence of Coroner Swan- son Sheriff Power presided. Nino wit nesses were examined, the testimony all tending to verify In the main the story as WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. The vacancy In the Schley court of Inquiry caused by the Inability of Hear Admiral Klmberly to servo on account of 111 health has been filled by the selection of Bear Admiral Henry L. Howlson, whose appointment was announced by Assistant Secretary Hnckctt today. At the same time it was announced that this appointment would be agreeable crtely evaded and suppressed an Invcstlgn to .fimirai scnicy. me department, nerore tlo. ot .,, ronpr charees." He savs Mr Vice President of the C'oiupnti- He- piles to Monnett Attnrk. WASHINGTON. Aug. 6. A special com mittee of the Industrial commission met today to begin work on the draft of the report to be made to congress at Its next session. Several affidavits were received and formally accepted by the committee for Inclusion In Its report. John II. Archbatd, vice president of the Standard Oil company, In an atHdavlt vig orously attacks the affidavits submitted last June by former Attorney General F. S. Monnett of Ohio, Charles B. Matthews, M. t.. Lockwood and J. W., declaring that Mr. Monnett In his reiteration ot charges reflects on the purity of tho OMo supreme court. He cbaracterlies as false the charges of attempted bribery by Mr. Mon nett by tbo Standard Oil company, and Mr. Monnotl's sworn statement that Instead of the trust courting Investigation, It dellb ORMAN IS THEM TARGET Maryland publicum Opii Fir Oi Him in Ihiir Cotmitiiii. NOMINATIONS ARE MADE BY ACCLAMATION Whormn. The said communication was referred -to the Judiciary .committee of this tilth rllrertlnns to InvestlRiite the said matter nnd report their llnilltig-i to the council and said Judiciary committee hnv- The following witnesses were examined In tho order named: Bert Adams, Police Ser geant Welscnberg, OITlcer Gibbons, Dr. Francis Uorglura, Jack Dccoto, J. H. Irving, H. B. Mayo, "Stevle" Llghthawk and Mrs. Anna Lowe. Of these tho most important taking action had submitted a list of names to Admiral Schley which Included that of Hear Admiral Howlson and Admiral Schley bad Indicated his cntlro willingness to ac cept any officer on tho list. The depart ment also submitted tho selection to Cap tain Pnrker before making It public. As sistant Secretary Hackctt before Issuing the order communicated with Admiral How lson, who Is at present at Saratoga Springs, N. V., and ascertained from him that ho had given utterance to no expression of opinion regarding the merits of the Samp-Bon-Schley controversy. The department announced that Admiral Howlson would accept the detail. Admiral L"5.!r.K ,::T ftrl: "V.rr, witness perhaps was tbo little boy "Stevle." nnwev wflll notified of Admiral Holson's and after having notllled the Hoard of who was In tho room at the time of tho I selection and the department sent to the jiuuenuon or inn limp ana piace 01 win .hooting. He gave a very lucid account 01 Mntter a codv of the nreecDt. together with SrM "'gating with hi. hands how Brookle Admlra, ?chl lotter relatlve t u10 flflh in their possession! Mid, urew ua kuu iruiu mo jutni-i. ..., ...a. pnrHKrapu 01 me lucti-pt miu me uciui i- liereiis, None ot tne said noaru 01 nt the woman (whom ne reierrcu 10 as nis 1 nient s responses thereto, wnicn correspond- Education ho appeared or nny In any way assisted the judiciary committee in lis in vxsflifitllnn. 11 ml thn unlit Investigation hnv lng been had and report having been mail" by tho said committee to the council that there was no foundation for the charge of were fired but all tho other witnesses l"c.i'n.rlt.r. ir J17;.5,,,"' "l-.rl'J1: dented this and it was finally decided that mamma) and then turned it upon himself. llor Snyn Three, Ha was of the opinion that three shots lii nrrnrilaneo with the I11WF and ordinances and said communication having heen for said reason nlaced nn lllc in nc cordanco wtlh the report of said commltttc; nnd. WherenH. Since that time cnmnlalnt has been mndo by certain members of the Hoard of I-Mucatlon that tho Investigation conducted by tho Juillclary committee was not sufficiently exhaustive to hrinn to light the irregularities compuuneu or; now therefore, bn It Hesolvetl. by tho city council of the city of Omaha, the mayor concurring, That the said complaint be and It Is hereby ngaln referred to the Judiciary committee, with Instructions that they sit to hear any com- tho third sound was caused by the slam ming of a door. An examination of tho pistol showed that only two chambers had been emptied. After Ilrookle dropped tne revolver, tho boy testified, Adams picked It up. put It In bis (Adams') coat pocket, ana carried It- away. Adams, while on mo stand, denied that ho had touched tho weapon. Officer Gibbons testified that he round it In a lunch basket In tho bedroom where the tragedy occurred. Tho evidence showed that Adams, while he was In the room at the time of the shoot- plaints which may be brought before them . ... .,m ., n ntiemntlnir to lifter notice of such hearing nnd that they dla nothing In the way or attempting 10 investigate all rumors nnd reports to which prevent vlolenco further than to leap to his 'nlluslo'h hns been made In tho various jcct ana hold his hand In protest. He said chnrges or the Hoard or Kducaiion ami to u woud have been Impossible for him to impm nhnli l lirnnunt tn llirht thn mid prevent the shot, ns the bed was between Judiciary committee In directed to summon film and Brooklo and the latter fired without nil such persons iih may nave reported any . n nMant.g warnng. nuuii 111111 111 luiiiuii mm mi lauuin,. tho members of the Hoard of Education, to nppenr before said Judiciary committee and require them under oath to state any facts within their knowledge upon which Raid renorted rumorn or chnrKes have been mado by them. o,nd that they report their nndlngs 10 mis council alter run ana care iui investigation. . .Must IlrloiiK Union. A question aroso as to the correct spelling of Brooklo s name. In letters offered In evidence the name appeared In three differ ent spellings, Brooking, Brookln and Brookle. The point remained unsettled. Earl Llghthawk. tho husband of the wounded woman, arrived In tho city from St onco Is part of tho official record. Hear Admiral Howlson Is one ot the youngest retired officers of his grade, hav lng been retired October 10, 1890, when ho reached tho age of 62. During the early part of tho war ho served principally on blockade duty, but later participated In the battle of Mobile bay as commander of the Bienville. It Is rather an Interesting cotucldence that ho was in command of the Vandalla at Samoa, which went down In the hurricane In Apia harbor while fly ing the flag of Hear Admiral Klmberly, who had succeeded hlra as senior officer on the station and whom he now succeeds on this court. He was In command of the Boston yard during the Spanish war and later was commander ot the South Atlantic sta tlon. He made the famous long-distance cruise around Africa In the Chicago as the last act of his active career, arriving In New York the day before Admiral Dewey arrived In the Olympla. It will be remembered that although he outranked Admiral Sampson, who was In command of the receiving fleet at that time, ho re frained from assuming command and courteously allowed Admiral Sampson to do the honors upon that celebrated occasion. A preliminary list of the witnesses who will be tailed td, appear before tho court has been prepared at the Navy department. Some of these officers aro on foreign sta tlons and will be ogllged to leave for home Monuett "did give notice that he would take testimony before a notary public, a proceed ing ho knew to bo Illegal, preposterous and contemptuous." Concerning Mr. Monnctt's testimony charging the Standard Oil company with burning its books, Mr. Archbold's affidavit says: "There was In evidence both sup pression of truth and suggestion of false hood; and now after two years granted for reflection and repentance thoroughly dis credited by tho records of tho court he represents, he again returns to tho chorge In his affidavit tiled beforo tho commission In June, 1901, pretending ho has found new evidence I leave him faco to face with the record, that tho commission may Judge." ConeernliiK Telephone. E. J. Hall, vice president and general manager ot the American Telegraph nnd Telephone company, submits nn affidavit concerning telephone conditions. He says tho charges for the service are higher In this country than in Europe, but that n fair comparison Is almost Impossible because of the many difficulties between tho services here nnd abroad. The greatest single factor, ho says, Is tho comparatively low coat of labor In Europe, Ho puts the United States In the lend In telephone development. Next to this country In tho number of telephone stations are Germany with 229,391; Great Britain, 171,600; Sweden, 73,600; Franco, 59,91 Switzerland, 3S.864; Austria, 32,255; Russia, 31,376, and Norway 20,416. A supplementary affidavit made by Prof, Frank Hnrbons ot Boston is designed to refute testimony of Vlco Prosldcnt Clark of the Western Union Telegraph company and General Manager Bethel of the New York Telephone company. He charges that tho Western Union Is overcapitalized and sub mits figures from official reports to support his charge. The average actual receipts for all telegraph messages In England, accord ing to him, are 15 cents as compared with 37 centB in tho United States. He claims that comparisons oh to the relatlve cxtcn slon of tho use of the telephone under private ownership In the United States compared with that abroad are misleading, being based on carefully selected cities. All newer Insneetnrs emnloved hereafter not at tho Inquest, being at the bedsldo of tlu eltv tnnst he members of the Drlck- his wife In the hospital. layers' union.' Tho number of Inspectors Mrs. Ltghtbawk'a condition last night was vnrleirfrora two to six and none of the men reported to be slightly Improved. She Is still now employed belong to the union. It Is hovering between life and death and the change for tno Better is nareiy nonceaDio. DECIDES TO PUSH ITS WORK Woman's Veteran Monument Assocln tlon Will Hollclt Jiecemsry Funds at Once. Tho members of the Woman's Union Veteran Monument association at tho last meeting decided upon pushing the work for which tho society was organized to an early completion. It was decided to appoint committees to solicit funds for the erec tlon of tho monument In Forest Lawn ccm etery nnd to havo the work done ns soon alleged by tho union men that only experi enced bricklayers are competent to do this work. Councilman Hoyo Introduced and se- cure tjpasgage the, resolu- "Resolved, .That tho chairman of the Hoard of Public; W orkH be nnd Ih hereby In structed to at onco nppolnt union brick layers ns inspectors over nil nricK worn tionstmctcd by tho city, nnd that none "but nnlnn men ho hereafter nnnolnted: nro- vlded. however, that the members of the engineering department shall have power to see that the plans and specifications for contrnct work are complied with nnd shnll hnve full power and control over Inspectors and inspections. dun luntenil of Onsollne. Mayor Moores approved the concurrent resolution passed by the council last week as poggit,ie wnicn proviaes inai iwemy gnsiamps io- The monument association was organ cated near eiccirio ngniB snail repincc gas- . , 27 1Kg- & th , . ck thCr,. oltno lamps located near gas malnB and that after u wa ncorp0rted wth Mrs. Anna tho gasolino lamps tnus displaced snail oe Yl., nPPfiirtnt Mrs. E. Hull treasurer nnd removed' to the outskirts of tho city. In Ml9g Cara Kc8nnn 8Ccretary. The officers his approval, nowevor, .Mayor .Moores siaiea electcd nt that time have continued to that' ho would not approve of the expendl- Bervo and aro to bo cnrred on tho books turo of an additional ooiiar tor ngnis ana unt lho work for wnich the association that only the cost of removing tho lights is wa3 brought Into existenco Is completed to ne innen irom ino gonerai tuna. Th. onicc. of the association Is the erec The Hoard or tuduc worKS was numor- ,ion at a monument on the union veteran lzed to auveruso Tor urns on me extension plat of Kroxlu wnlcb was donated to the of Hlvervlow park sower from its presont .v.SQ,iiers and sailors of the civil war by terminus in tno parx to icnm sireei. the ForeBt uwn Cemetery company at the An appropriation of J85 was mado for the Hmo the cemetery was surveyed. Thlj placing of lamps to bo used In illuminating tract lg one of the most beautiful in the the city hnll during tho Ak-Snr-Ben pa- cometery. it is a circular nlat. In which Joseph. Mo.. Monday nighty but he .rrlvoln Ume; Admiral Schley has dlso submitted a list of witnesses, some of whom are on foreign stations, and these also will be ordered home. Captain James Parker, Admiral Schley's assistant counsel, appeared at tho Navy department today to resume his Investiga tion of the offlclnl, records In connection with the disputed points In the Santiago campaign. He was given a desk In th? secretary's office, ns he was last week, and such records as he called for wero placed at his disposal by the bureau of naviga tion. Among the witnesses desired by Admiral Schley Is Lieutenant Benjamin W. Welles, who was aboard the Brooklyn as Commo dore Schley's flag secretary throughout the Spanish war. There aro no Spanish officers on Admiral Schley's list. Commander William Swift, commanding the gunboat Yorktown, has been ordered to relievo Coramonder Seaton Schroeder as naval governor of the Island of Guam. The Yorktown Is now enroute to Guam. The assignment ot Commander Swift Is tempo' rary, pending the selection of a permanent governor. It became necessary to detach Commander Schroeder from that duty prior to the expiration of tho usual period of such assignments in order that ho might return to the United States and testify before the Schley court of Inquiry. rades. v A watering trough was ordered on Sher For Whooping Cough. "Both my children were taken with whooping cough," writes Mrs. O. E. Dutton of Danville, III. "A small bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar cured the cough and saved me a doctor's bill." man avenuo north of Mnnderson street. An ordinance was Introduced which grants the Missouri Pacific railway company thn right to maintain and operate a track across Twenty-first street PAVING DECISION THURSDAY In there are 684 single graves,. Surrounding It are fifty-six blocks of ground which were set aside by the company for sale to none but union veterans and the blocks have generally been purchased. In 1802, at which time a map of the plat was nrlntcd. there were ten craves In the Ordinances were paBsea which provldo for hots. Today there are, 114 or more. The the paving of Twenty-second street from association now has on hand about $1,000 Blnnoy to Wirt street and for the paving of an,i before Its object can be attained It will T.nfnvettn nvenne from Fortieth street tolt. Mn..n.w ia . lonut to nnn mn.n Forty-second street. The solicitors who will visit the people of Moving company, in wnicn an ,n uucuuu iu James II. Adams, assistant city attorney. ,ne city will be supplied, with books bear- restrain mo repairing 01 in .orin oix- Judge Entelle I'oatpone Aetlon Sixteenth Street raving In junction Case. Judgo Estelle was ready to decide the case of Karbach against the city and tho Grant RAISES GRADE OF OFFICERS President McKlnley Mnken Another Ilntch of Appointment In Army and Xnvj-. WASHINGTON, Auk. .6. The president today made the following appointments; War Frank D. BU4wu, colonel ot lnfan try; James Regan, lieutenant colonel ot In fantry; Frank B. Jones, major of Infantry Frank II.. Whitman, captain of Infantry Henry Du It. Phelan, assistant surgeon of volunteers, rank of captain. First Lieutenants of Cavalry James Longslreet, Jr., Harry N. Cootes, Theodore Schultze, James E. Shelley, Duncan Elliot Charles H. Bolce, John J. Ryan. Second Lieutenants of Cavalry Selwyn D. Smith, William Overton, Gordon N. Kim ball, Walter F. Martin, Oscar S. Lusk Philip Mowry. First Lieutenants of Infantry Lindsay P, Rucker, Mack Richardson, Cleveland Wll conson, Albert D. Sloan. Second Lieutenants of Infantry W. II, Clcndenln, William I), Bonham, Albert J Bright, Robert B. McConnell, Horry E Comstock, II. Clay W. Supplee. Charles H W. Morrison, Christian A. Bach, Alexander II. Coke. First Lieutenants Artillery Corps Stan ley D. Embrlck, Ralph S. Granger, Henry B, Clark, Francis N. Cooke. Second Lieutenants Artillery Corps Roy I. Taylor. Fred L. Perry. Donald W. Strong, Tillman Campbell, John H. Dunn, Homer B, Grant, Garrison Ball, Jean S. Oakcs. Thomas J. Dickson to be a chaplain. Treasury; Third lieutenants In the rev enue cutter service Frank B. Harwood Charles F. Howell, Charles L. Inger, Jr, John L. Maher, Francis K. Shoemaker. Interior; Hugh Price of Phoenix, Ariz. t.o be surveyor general of Arizona. Navy: Frank L, Cutter, a lieutenant Frank L. Birmingham, a commander. was granted a month's vacation beginning August ,12.' ' city Comptroller John N. Westborg re ported that tho total amount of funds In the tlty treasury August 1 was $619,327.07, Of this nmount 14. 646,16 belonged to the po lice relief fund, $71,988.01 belonged to the school fund, $sns,t88.fi6 wni city funds on deposit In various banks and $3,122.53 was cash on hand. The city license Inspector reported that his office collected $1,497.60 during June. Poundmastor John Laughland reported that 171 dogs nnd sixteen horses wero Im pounded during July. t Tho report of the clerk of pollen court sho'ved that $410.C0 wns collected In fines nnd costs during July. lng the seal of the society and no one with. out a book Is authorized to collect. SHIP THAT NEVER SAILED Vncle Snm I.nyn Hnnd on the Jaenh Illchtmnn nnd Interfere with nn KxourNlnn, RINGLING AND BRADY HERE Therefore n Circus la to ne Palled Off In This Locality Very Soon. Alt Rlngllng and James Jay Brady are In towns. This means that there Is to be a circus hero soon Friday being the date. Wherever Messrs. Rlngllng and Brady go thero goes a circus also, This Is especially truo In .warm weather. Mr. .Rlngllng Is one of tho five brothers who left their old home In Iowa a few years ago nnd went out In the world to become circus kings. Their success Is 1 The libel attachment on tho steamer Jacob Rlchtman, resulting from Caleb Haley's $10,400 damaee suit, was made ef fective last night, when the United States PARADE marshal refused to allow the boat to con tinue making trips until a $20,800 bond Is filed In accordance with the order of tho court. Since August 1 the steamer has been making trips under direction of a deputy marshal The Ladles of the Maccabees had adver tised an excursion on the Jacob Rlchtmon for last night and made extensive arrange ments. It was not known until shortly before the hour of the steamer's departure) that It would not go out. Consequently, several hundred peoplo who Intended going had to content themselves with standtng on the bank and saying mean things about tho admiralty laws, which made such a condition of affairs possible. tecnth street asphalt paving Is sought, this morning, but on account of the absence of counsel the decision was deferred to Thurs day. James II. Adams, representing the city, was the only lawyer In tho case who ap peared In court at the time when the de cision was to havo been made. General Cowln, who nppeara for tho Grant Paving company, and Judge Ogdcn and Mr. Fitch, who appear tor the relator, are out of the city. CONDOLES WITH THE EMPEROR President McKlnlcy Send Message Sympathy to the German Knlser. PRECEDES PICNIC Grocer and Their Clerka to Folloir llnnri Through Downtown Streets. WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. President Mc Xlnlcy has sent tho following message to Emperor William of Germany on tho death of his mother, the Dowager Empress Fred erlck: "STATE DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON Aug. 6. His Imperial nnd Royal Majesty Wllhclra II, German Emperor. Berlin: learn with deep sorrow of the death your majesty's beloved mother, the dowager empress and Queen Frederick. Her nobl qualities havo endeared her memory to the American people, In whose name and In my own I tender to your majesty heartfelt con dolcnce. WILLIAM M'KINLEY." Gray Hair ' Ayer's Hair Vigor does not suddenly turn your gray , hair black; but gradually the old color comes Jtack, all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops fall ing, too. Better try it. II. All intfu. J, C. AYEt CO.. Uwill, Mim. A. R, Bass of Morganton, In,, had to get up ten or twelve times In the night and had severe backache and pains In Mho kid neys. Was cured by Foley's Kidney Curo. It's guaranteed. A parade through the downtown streets of Omaha Is the first event on the program of tho Omaha Retail Grocers' association annual picnic, to be held tomorrow at Arlington. It will bo composed of practi cally all of tho grocers ot tho city and their employes, together with a band of thirty musicians. Tho parade will leave Sixteenth and Farnnm streets at 7:30 o'clock, march ing east to Thirteenth, north to Douglas, weBt to Sixteenth and north on Sixteenth to tho Webster Btreet depot. There three special trains will be in waiting to ac commodate a crowd which Is expected to exceed 2,600. Mliernl Detain Train. WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. Consul Oudger at Panama today cabled the State depart ment tho following: "Liberals detained for one hour passenger trnln at Matachln thl morning, captured some government offi clals; no looting, no damages." PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. John Peters of Albion Is at the Millard. J. R. Fulton of the Grand Island Dally Independent Is a guest or tho .Millard. J. M. Sewell and J C, Hedge of Hastings, C H, Allen of Lincoln and J U, Tlerson of Union are registered at the Murray. John McCormick of Chapman. N. D. Jack son of Nellgh. E, Becker of Albion and D. C. Glffert of West Point nre state guests ni 1 no uer urann. Nebrnskans nt the Merchants: M, Mc Beth. W. E. Held, Oreeley; J. A. Grosscup. G. F. Burr. B. H. Hopkins, Lincoln; J. P Smith, A. J. Connolly, 8t. Edward; Matt miner ano son, unvui flty; James Forbes, llvannls: L. O. Ilrlnn. Cednr 11'. x SchuU, Wlsner; II. U Brooks, Albion; S, A. Uoyd. Oandy; Joseph Novnk. HoweMs. F, It. Kline. Brunswick; J. U. Donne, Wllber; a. a. oiun, ueicuia. Mr. Dantol Banti, Otterrlllo, la., says: "Have had asthma and a very bad cough for years, but could get no relief from the doctors and medicines I tried, until I took I oley s Honey and Tar. It gave Imrae. dlato relief and done me more good than all the other remedies combined," S. Three-I League. At Evansvllle-Evansvllle. 10; Davenport, Marriage l.leennea. The following marriage licenses were is sued yesterday; Name and Residence. Charles H. Pierce, Walnut, la.... Lula Rhude, Atlantic, la Bert H. Spearman. I'd pillion. Neh Alma M. Ptlung, Pnpllllon, Neb... James F. Hurst, Omaha Kecectti J, McKnight, Omaha Age. :i 18 .2; 24 ,,29 Wichita Suicide's HUtory. HOPE, Ind.. Aug. 6.-Herbcrt Robblns who committed suicide In the Hamilton noiei at v cnitn. Klin , ast n cht. for merly lived here. In April he went west A tew weens luier lie wrote William Ken nedv. then owner of the bank hero, for 1 recommcndntlon, which was sent him nnd he nfterwnrd secured n position. He was not n unnk clerk, nut was known to be siraigiiirorwnru young man. He has no relatives nere. Tom Tnggnrt Snys No, INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. fi.-Mayor Thomn T.icKnrt. three times mayor of IndlnnRnnllf In a letter to tho democratic eltv commit tee positively declines to, accept a fourth nomination. The committee has accepted me leiirr 1111 iinni. Arrested for llurglnry, They Confe win invior anil .rmur a exnniior n.-er arrested by Detectives Heltfeldt ami Ilnnn. hue last night for the burglary of Frank H. Overaeher's house. Thirteenth and Push streets. Monday night. They confessed and tne sioien property wns recovered. Forent I"lre In .Mnntann. HELENA, Mont.. Aug, C. Northern Pa cific officials report fifty forest flreH raging In Missoula countv, No great damage has been done, hut owing to the unusually dry condition of the forest and the vegetation the outlook is regarded as serious. 'Intt nnd I'arrnn Chosen for Comp troller and Clerk of Aiienl Court SneuUer Itldleiilc the Neuro Ilog. BALTIMORE, Md., Aug. 6. Tho repub lican state convention held here today placed In nomination the following ticket For State Comptroller Hon. Mann S. latt ot Baltimore City. For Clerk of the Court of Appeals ThomaB Parran of Calvert county. Both dominations wero mado by accla mation, no other names coming before tho convention. Interest, therefore, centered mainly In the platform nnd tho speeches, all of which teemed with denunciation of democracy In general and former United States Senator Gorman In particular. Tho "white supremacy" Issue raised by tho democrats In tho platform adopted by them at last weok's convention was Ig nored In the declaration upon which the republican candidates will stand, but came In tor Its unfavorable mention In the speeches. Phillips Lee Ooldsborough, halrman of the republican state central committee, Indicated clearly the course to bo pursued by his party In the coming fight with regard to this Issue In his open- ng address to the convention. 'To the cry that this 1b a white man's state," said he, "we answer that the negro bogy will scare no mun. It is disgusting. but humorous; It Is sham and fraud, It Is without force. The suggestion that more than 80 per cent of the white population of tho state Is in Jeopardy, from any stand point, from tho less than 20 per cent of cgro population, Is an Insult to n bravo ml Intelligent people, who arc Justly proud the glory of their state. There has never been a time when there has not boeu white man's governor In Maryland and, as the percentage of colored people has tendlly decreased In tho state each decade lnco 1S10, when It wus 3S.22 per cent, to the present, when It Is but 10.78 per cent, the puerility nnd absurdity of crying aloud 'white man's government' Is apparent. Tho platform Is the work of United States Senator McComas and Phlllls Lee Ooldsborough, chairman ot the state cen tral committee, who Is regarded ns a promi nent candidate for tho seat of Senator Wel lington In tho event ot republican success. Unlike the democratic declaration of principles adopted last week, much stress Is laid on national Issues, The adminis tration of President McKlnley Is henrtlly endorsed, tbo policy of tbo rcpubltcau party upon the tariff, tho currency nnd other vital questions ot national moment are vigorously commended.whilo that of tho democrats of the stato is qulto as vigorously denounced. Governor Smith comes In for a full measuro of condemna tion for having called tho special session of tho legislature which was held In the spring of this year, while the party which placed him in offlcu la soundly berated for having passed tho ew election laws, Tho plank which especially refers to Mr Gorman Is as follows: We anneal to all good citizens to unite In defeating the selfish political bosses in their ronsnlraev becun with tno extra ses sion to perpetuate themselves and their methods by one-Bided elections nnd to thwnrt the first nuroose of that conspiracy by defeating the election to the United States senate of tho democratic leader who dictated the disfranchising election law to a servile assembly. Their victory would n trnln fasten unon our state the reign of corruption nnd violence under their own In 1805 and enable them to Intrench themselves for a generation behind n far worse dis franchising election law than the un American law we are pledged to repeal. If we succeed we will defeat the election to the United States senate of the American whose views on the tariff nnd finances, who Is stable and unvarying control of tho democratic party machine. Othor plans pledge tho party's represen tatives in congress to uphold the policy of President McKlnley, promise that the re publicans if put tn control of the legisla ture will Immediately repeal the new elec tion law and re-enact the one In force prior to the recent special session ot the legislature to pass laws to prevent cor rupt practices In elections, to regulato primary elections; to take the public schools end police department out of poli tics, to suppress all combinations of trade which are Intended to create a monopoly, to amend the present oyster laws so as to provide for the replenishment and re vival of the barren oyster beds at public expense and to secure to oyster men and crabbers full rights and privileges on those beds. M'LAURIN'S ANSWERING VOLLEY Month Carolina Senator I'onrs Shot Into Tlllmnn nnd the Latter' Friends. Hot COLUMBIA. S. C, Aug. 6. The demo cratic state executive committee today re ceived Senator McLaurln's reply to ltB nctlon of July 25, condemning his course In tbo senate and demanding his resignation, In the course of the letter Senator Mc Laurln writes: "I bold my commission from tho demo cratic voters of South Carolina. I recog nize no authority but theirs, take no orders from any source but them and shall In due courto appeal to their Judgment on ray course as a senator and my character as n man. "Personally, I am Indifferent to your action, because nobody has mado you my master and I regard what you have done as merely expressing the malice nnd tho fears of one Individual, Senator B. It. Till man. But for this always evil nnd In decent Influence, ordinary respect for tho proprieties would probably have prevented the four of you who are my declared com petitors for the seat In which I huvo tho honor to occupy, from attempting to use tbo power Intrusted to you by tho party to remove a rival from your path. "I shall ask the people to decide between tho man who has tried to help cotton fac tories, open highways of commerce and command for the democratic party the confidence and respect of the business and laboring dements north nnd south nnd that of the man whoso conduct and record has been to sink tho party to dlsrcputo and Impotence I shall ask thorn to say whether they prefer tho senator who has tried to retain for South Carolina the honor and dignity won by a long lino of illustrious sons and glorious deeds or tho senator who has postured ns buffoon and bully and who proclaimed on the floor of the senato that he represented a constit uency of ballot box stuffers and murderers who wanted their share of the stealage "1 desire to proclaim to the world that you do not represent the Intelligence of the democracy of the people of South Caro lina and to you and Senator Tillman that he has never been my master and shall never be; that he shall not escapo the vengeance that must surely fall upon him when tho peoplo havo been made to under tand his motives, his method, his debased character and his hateful record. To that grand preserver of free government I make appeal against partisan Intolerance and tyranny " Tho bear that made Milwaukee famous You drink tome beers that cntue bilious hendnche. Perhaps you think that A.l beers do. The c.uisc of biliousness is the lack of ape too much haste to put the beer on the market. To ferment beer thoroughly requires a process of months. Without it the fermentation takes place in your stomach. That is the cause of biliousness. Hurried beer is unhealthful. Schlitz beer is kept (or months in refrigerating rooms with a capacity of CGo.000 barrels kept almost at frecting point until it is well fermented. Schlitz beer is never marketed until thoroughly aged. Phone JlS.Sthllli 710 South Olh St Omshs. Never Causes b Bi.ioune&$ mi Sails for Antnretlo Iteglnn, COWES, Aug. 6. The British Antarctic exploration ship Discovery sailed from here this afternoon for the Antarctic regions. Try n enr of Sehlltr Ileer, Telephone IM. Low Rates To Many Cities Hero are a few onl.v a few of the low rut us oflVr cd by tho Burlington. Complete information at any Burlington ticket office: SI5, DENVER IHD RETURN August L to 10. Bet urn limit, October 31. $15, COLORADO SPRINGS AND RETURN August 1 to 10. Return limit, October 31. $15, PUEBLO AND RETURN August 1 to 10. Return limit, October 31. $15, HOT SPRINGS, S. D., AND RETURN August 1 to 10. Return limit, October 31. $19-50, DEAD WOOD or LEAD CITY AND RETURN Good for stop-over going at; Custer (Sylvan Lake). August 1 to 10. Return limit, October 31. S25, GLENWC0D SPRINGS AND RETU1N August 1 to 10. Return limit, October 31. $30, SALT LAKE CITY AND RETURN August 1 to 10. Return limit, October 31. $25.75, BUFFALO AND RERURN NOW. $43.75, NEW YORK CITY AND RETURN Good for stop-overs at Buffalo, Niagara Falls, "Washing ton, Baltimore and Philadelphia. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam St., Telephone 250. Burlington Station, 10th and Mason Sts., Telephone 128. M I Rocky Mountain Summer Resorts OF Colorado, Wyoming, Utah Reuched best by the The Union Pacific. Do not make a mistake. All Western States and Points of interest reached with least inconvenience via the Union Pacific. Round Trip Rates Between Omaha and Pueblo $15.00 Colorado Spring. $16.00 Denver .$15.00 Qlenwood Kprlnpu $25.00 Bait Lake City $30.00 Ogdcn $30.oo Tickets on Sale Aug, I la 10 Inclusive. Sept. I to 10 inclusive. Tlieblo $19.00 Colorado Spring $10.00 Denver $19.00 Olenwood Springs $31.00 Salt Lake City $32.00 Ogdeu $32.00 Tickets on Sale Aug. II to Jl Inclusive. GOOD TO RETURN TO Jl. 1901. New City Ticket office 1321- Farnnm St. Tel. 310. Union StHtlon lOlh nnd .Mnrcy. 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