20 O'BRIEN FELLED BY A WIRE SirHnlimiut Uncnuntcr nn l)lilncle Which I.nyn Him t'ncoimcloiiJi on the Top of n I'rrlKliI dir. R. O'nrlnn, a Union Pacific switch man, received a knockout blow on tho point of the Jaw yesterday morning whllo on top of n freight cnr. Tho Jolt put him clear out, laylw; him unconscious along tho top of the car, where ho luckily fell without rolling off. Hut O'llrlon's assailant was not a man, nor a woman. It was a trolley wire. The switchman was going from tho upper to tho lower yards with n string of cars when tho accident occurred. Ho was standing on top of n car as It crossed a street car track. Tho trolley wire was ns high as his head and ho did not boo it coming. It took him Just below tho mouth, though ho did not know It at the time. Thn Bwltchman rodo senseless till tho train stopped beforo ho was found. Ho was badly hurt, but no bones wcro broken. His neck muscles and the hinges of his Jawbonojarc as Boro as If ho had received a straight-arm Jolt. Low prices for furniture during Shivor lck Furniture Co.'s August sale. I'l.AN YOl'll OUTINII MlW. Iniprovril Sri-vim Mle.lilKMii Siim mrr lienor!. Tbo floating palaces of tho Detroit & Cleveland Navigation company aro more beautiful than ever this season and have many added conveniences. The parlors and staterooms aro newly furnished and travel ing Is mado delightful over this popular routo. Their scrvico has been improved nnd now mako good connections with nil railroads nt each of their ports. Send 2 cont stamp for illustrated pamphlet. Ad dress, A. A. SC1IANTZ, a. 1'. A., Detroit, Mich. Don't poison your face. To havo a clear complexion and swcot, fresh Bkln, open up tho pores don't closo them not only of tho face, but tho whole body. The best road to beauty Is tho Itcnstrom bath treat ment. Tho Dathcry, 21C-220 Ueo building. Lady manager In charge. Oiuiilin Amateur Athletic AnnocIiiIIoh. Tho club tennis champ'lonshlp In singles will bo held on tho courtu of tho associa tion commencing Thursday, August 8, at 6:15 p. m. Play will bo in tho evenings only, except on the Saturday following, when matches will contlnuo through tho afternoon nnd ovenlng. Entries will bo re ceived by tho secretary until S p. m. Wednesday evening, when tho drawing will take place. An entrance fee of CO cents will bo charged to holp defray tho coat of first and second prizes. Convalcsccnco after n dangerous disease Is always a critical period. Tho dangers can bo avoided by building up tho muscular system by massago nnd Swedish movement exercises. Ladles are being recommended every day by their physicians to go to tho Ilnthcry, rooms 216-220 Ileo building. Tele phono 1718. Vor ladles only. Shlverlck Furniture Co. August snlo this week. NiiiiM'Hliiriiix III AiiKimt Aro unusual, but not unknown In Ycllow stono pari:. That Bhows you how cool It Is. It could hardly bo otherwlso; 8,000 feet abovo tho Icvol of the sea nnd completely surrounded by snow-capped peaks, Yellowstone park la ns cool as can bo. An uucqunlcd opportunity of visiting It Is offered by tho Ilurllngton's personally con ducted Yollowstono park excursion, which leaves Omuha Tuesday, August 20. Only nine days for tho trip thcro and back. Tho expenso Is Ufm than $100 for everything. Wrlto for booklot containing itinerary and full information. J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nob. Or at Ilurllngton tlckot offlcc, 1502 Far nau street. For tho benefit of patrons who cannot mako daytlmo appointments tho Uathcry Is now open Saturday ovonlngs. Telephono 1716. Rooms 216-2.20 Ueo building. lloniexvekerN. Tho Missouri Pnclllc will sell tickets for round trip at very low rates on Tuesday, Aug. t, to points in Kansas, southwest Mis souri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. For further Information call on or address company's oiiiccs, o. K. corner 14th nnd Douglas sts., Omaha. J. F. (JODFREY, P. and T. A. Extern! I in Million lo It mine volt. MONTGOMERY, Ala., Aug. 3. At meeting last night of tho Commercial and Industrial association of this city resolu tions wero adopted extending to Vlco Presi dent Roosevelt an urgent invitation to stop over In Montgomery on bis proposed visit south in October next. Governor Jonks Joined tho association In tho invitation. Shlverlck, Furnltura Co. havo their Air Bust sale tlils month. Many great Induce, merits In nrlco. Will Hnjoy Cool Wentlicr. Ask Gcorgo F. West, City Tlckot Agent North-Western Lino, 1101-1403 Fnrnara strcot, Omaha, for particulars of popular 1-ano superior trip no Jins to orfor during tho month of August. Irlnh KiitloiiullNt Arrive. NEW YORK. Aug. 3.-Mlchnel Davltt, tho Irish nationalist who resigned his seat In tho Ilrltlsh Parliament somo time ago ns a protest ngalnst tho Boer war, arrived hero today on tho St. Paul from South umpton. 133.00 brass beds for $19.00 In Shlverlck Furulturo Co.'s great special August sale. Seo pago 3. Stearns paints, tne palnts that hold. Standard Glass and Paint Co., 1410 Dodgo. We Did It nroko tho hot wave with our Home Soda Fountnln- but thcro will bo hot days In August. Cost Is $2, $2.75 nn I $3. Just ns good ob a costly fountain. Get a box of "Sparklets" 25c and 40c nnd there you nre. Mako your summer drinks nt home. Ask for freo book "101 Delicious Drinks" Out of Town Ordors Promptly Filled. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. lUtb uud rurmiui Sis. v ClltCIS DAY Pill DAY. KliiKlIiiff llron.' Mupcudou Aunrcuft (Ion of AVorlil-Wlile Niivrltlr. Sixty acrobats would seem to constitute lit themselves a circus company of notable proportions and yet this is the array of gymnasu and athletos that is promised for Rlngllng liros.' circus when that popular big show exhibits in Omaha next Friday, August 9. Thcso clover performers have been nccured by Rlngllng Pros, from the leading circuses of Europe nnd from tho ranks of tho most succo3sful American nrtlsts and among them aro many of Inter national fame. A Boston newspaper writer recently snld of tho exhibitions given by thcso clever people: "Tho keynote of tho performance Is novelty. There Is nothing old nothing stereotyped nothing that Is hackneyed or out of date. It Is novel be cause It Is new and it Is unlquo because It Is absolutely original. In a company em bracing so many star performers It Is diffi cult to Indlvlduallzo and yot thcro aro sev eral of these great artists whose surpassing skill entitles them to special mention. First nnd foremost Is the famous Garclnettl troupo of Italian acrobats, This company of performers embraces nlno men, women nnd children, who present n series of acro batic performances entirely original with themselves. Now features that havo also attracted wldo nttontlon nro tho grotcsquo posing nnd barrel Jumping of tho three Mnrvcllcs nnd tho globo Juggling of tho Wnrtenbcrg brothers. Tho DaComa family of acrobats, comprising seven ladles and gen tlemen, who present tho most dllllcult feats of high-class acrobatlsm In evening cos tume, has never hnd n peer clthor In this country or Europe. Tho Alplno slstere pic- scnt nn uncounted sister act. Aureus and ABhton nnd the thrco LnMonls belong to the now school of acrobats. Tho Fecley troupe of English gymnasts present somo of the most astounding acrobatic feats ever seen In n circus ring. Thcso aro only a few of tho great specialists embraced In tho roster of famous acrobats. In nddltion to theso a superb company of thirty riders, led by Miss Amelia l ecloy, tho greatest lady rider that tno world has over produced, and John Rooney, tho world's greatest BomcrBnult rider. Tho trained animal features Includo Rlngllng Bros.' latest elephant sensation, In which twenty of theso ponderous brutes go mrougn a most intrlcato nnd sensational performance In ono ring nt ono time. The menngerlo Is especially notable this season from tho fnct that It presents thirty ele phants nnd tho only glraffo of which there Is any human knowledge, In nddltion to hundreds of other Interesting zoolocleni specimens. This year's street parade Is en tirely now nnd qulto In keeping with tho magnitude of the exhibition." Omnlia lletnll (iriiecm' Anxoclutlon. Annual picnic, Arlington, Nob., Thursday, August 8. Special train will Icnvo Webster street station via Fremont, Elkhoru & Missouri Valley railroad at 8 a. m. Hound trip rate: Adults, $1; children, 50 cents. All grocery stores In tho city will clo3o. Join tho picnic and have n good tlmo. For nnllplna Hint r. l..i. .1 Equltublo Llfo, 206-203 Bee building. fatr Utah' Ideal Clliiiutc. On tho shores of tho great Salt Lako and for fifty miles therefrom, In every direction, tho cllmato of climates Is fnumi. Tn ... able persons to reach tho famous health, criming nnd plensuro resorts of Utah the Union Pacific has put in effect sumraor ex cursion rntcs lower than mado In many years. New city ticket ofllce, 1321 Far nam; phono 316. III IIM0IN CENTRAL EXCURSIONS Minneapolis and return, August 1st to 10th $ 9.S5 bt. Paul and roturn, August 1st to 10th 9.S5 Duluth and return, August 1st to 10th 13.85 Waseca, Minn., nnd return 7.80 Wntervillo, Minn., nnd roturn 7.S0 Mndlsou Lake, Minn., and return 7.S0 New York and roturn, every day.?.. 41.00 Loulsvlllo nnd return, August 24-20.. 21.50 Buffalo and return, every day 25.75 Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Buffalo and Intermediate points. Staterooms re served in advance Call at City Ticket ofllce, 1402 Farnam street, for particulars, or nddrcss W. II. BRILL, D. P. A., Illinois Central Railroad, Omaha, Neb, Will i Save You from 10 to 20 per cent on BICYCLES Must i educe stock at once. Tires from $1.50 up. Call nnd examine good3 nnd get prices. HUCGY TIRKS REPAIRED. REPAIRING AND SUNDRIES. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SrXPAV, iio.stox .vroitn nMiutoinniiY sam:. A .MtiNlIn t iH'.rriTcnr l'nptnrj-'n llntlre Mtock of I, nee, Embroideries nml IniirrtlnRfl ON SALE AT ONE-FOUUTH THEIH VALUE. Thn linn mnhrnlrlnrli nnd InsertlnKS that usunlly sell at 25c a yard wo offer Monday nt Ro n vnril. Thn kIvIph nro very pretty nnd then assortment Is very large. lino laces, embroideries nnd edgings inni usually sell at 6c a yard go nt lo a yard. At 5l.n n vnnl nffpr n. VCrV cholcO lot of lacec, embroideries, Inserting and head ings, Tho regular selling prico is ioc a yard. BOSTON STORE, Omaha. J. L. Brandels & Sons, Proprlotois. Selling Rogers, Pcct & Co. Men's Cloth ing. Snfirl nrllrlr nf 1 nnmnrn t Inn. nntlret nf stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Bee. Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Telephono 233. IlilfTalo lllll nt (lie IlltifT. Tho occasional visit of Colonel Cody (Buffalo 1)111), with his wild west produc tion, is us now to tho world today ns It was when tho great scout first began his professional career ns a public entertainer and educator. This year Colonel Cody nnd his pnrtner, Mr. Salisbury, havo Imported number of gcnulno Boer cnvalry from the battlefield of South Africa. In con trast will also appear a detachment of Strnthcona Horse, Canadian mounted po llco und nlso representatives of Baden- Powell's heroes of Mnfoklng. A realistic description of tho bnttlo of Tien Tsln In connection with tho war In China can not fall to bo both lnstructlvo and at tractive to both old and young. Tho battlo of Tien Tsln has everywhero been voted tho greatest of all war pictures over pre sented. A distinctive feature of csncclallv marked Interest, becnuso of tho public knowing so little about Its Important necessity, Is tho work dono by tho Coast Guard llfo savers In rescuing seumcn and passengers from shipwreck. No finer illustration has ever boon afforded tho general public to witness tho kind of work dono by tho heroes of the United States llfo-savlng station than Is given In connection with tho wild west entertainment a sight that nil should seo nnd given strictly correct In every detail. a cioso inspection of tho various nconles of different races and nnllons that appear iu tho free street parado Tuesday morning at Council Bluffs Is 'studies of men" over presented. All aro requested to noto tho different types that go to mako earth's great family. Colonel Cody will lead tho street cavalcade. For excessive nersnlrnllnn in. t7.v May powder. Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgery, Brown blk FELL IN A HOLE A lU(IV customer riinhn.1 m r ... . to catch a street car, nnd when signalling to tho conductor tn Htm, ,.,.,.,.! I.. ' of thoso delightful InkTi' i 7 .V " " V lnkesj which 16th street Is noted for. We threw hut n rutin nml i.ni. ... -.. nnil she got her car beforn w im.i to npollgl-e. for tho eilv fnthnro tn. .i, condition of tho streets. -She was mad enough to swear-but wo didn't hear her $1.00 TEMPTATION TONIC ...... . . 4a S1.U0 Allsmn Hair Tnnln SZ 60c Gem Catarrh Powder ajc tV fC8t8 Brnln nnd Nervo Treatment 17c $1.00 Undo Snm's Tobacco Hum ca. 33c Stuart's Bluckberry Balsam 20o $2.00 .Cotton Hoot, Tansy nnd Pennyroyal Pills, Karl Cramer's genuine $i oo 23c Goodman's Vegetable Cathartic I'll IS 3c Cnrter's Little Liver Pills 10c 15c 23c 7oc 75c D5c castoria, gcnulno $1.00 Crnmer's Kidney Cure $1.00 Peruna 25c Laxative Bromo Oulnlnn " TU-'t. -ffil. TVIlul,.. w . .1 b h iiinnuj1 .................,. 76C ju ueiiuuuiiuu x-iasier. - lor 25n SCHAEFER'S Cut l'rics Drim Store. Tl. 747. S. W. Cor. lUtta nnd Culcaico. Good dtllverod FREE to any part of cltr. The best is cheapest in the end When selecting n KODAK OU CAMERA, get something made by it reliable linn. "NVo carry only ciuuernH of tho best mukcrs Promo's, Toco's, Kodaks, etc. .Seo our special Tele Photo, 4x5, with ease, if 11.00, reduced to $11.00. All other, material for tho Ama teur photographer at lowest prices. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Fiirnuui Street. Wholesale and retail dealers tn Pho tographic Material. Thse Specials m Monday 4711 Soap Pc Packer's Tar Soau 20c Coeonnut Oil Soap lc Good Whisk Broom t'c Good Feather Duster 2Fc GOO 2-n.uurt Syringes, worth f'Oc Ho y 3-iuart syringe!, wcrcn ji.u) wo 101) 2-quart Combination Syringe and Water llottle, worth Jl.iS 9 c 50 3-qunrt Combination Syrlngo and wilier uome, worm ..irj ji.u. AVe guarantco all tho above goods for one year. All prescriptions formerly filled nt Klns ler Drug Co.. Kcn-.omlcnl Drug Co., New Eenniimlcal Drug Co., Wnldron & Campbell nnd Merrltt-Grahum Drug Co., can now bo mica oniy ai R0ST0N CT0RE W DRUG V DEPT. If its It is all an iwiurLaYim right. FOR THAT IS THE Best Razor Made WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR 1 1 C X C K E IAS EM I K II O II. HA.OHS, rocKirr icxivr.s, .SCISSORS, lite. SHAVING OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1S11 OoiIk Street. TOOL HEADQUARTERS. hostox sroiti: sti.ic sai.ii. An Importer' llnllre .Stuck of lire nml M'nIM I.enulln of I'lne Silks. $1.60 SILKS AT 39C nnd 490. This Is without exception the grandest lot of silk remnants wo havo ever plnccd on sale. It consists of oxtru wide, black and colored taffetas and plain, striped nnd flR ured foulards. In fact, In this lot you will find nltnost every desirable grade of lino sllki nnd tho patterns nro exceptionally pretty. Wcro they In full pieces tho prlco would bo up to $1.60 a yard. We orfor these dross and waist lengths of flno silks nt 39c aud 19c a yard. HOSTON STORK. Omaha. J. U. Drandcls & Sous, Proprietors. Selling Itogcrs, Pect & Co. Men's Cloth lug. Additional Aco.iiuiiKiiliitloiiN. On account of tho very low rates mado to Colorado points THE UNION PACIFIO will place In service, commencing August 1st and continuing to tho 10th, nnd Sep tember 1st to 10th, a Tourist slcopor on train "No. 3" for DENVER, leaving OMAHA AT 4::3 P. M. Tho rnto will bo J1.G0 for ft lower or up per doublo berth, sufficiently commodious to nccommodato two persons. Reservations should bo mado as far In ndvanco ns possible City ticket ofllco, 1321 Farnam street. Telephono 31G. Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly Dee. Telephono 23S, Cool Mltnienotn. Do you rcallzo how cheap tho round trip rates nio? Less than half faro. Via North western line August 1 to 10. Omaha to St. Paul-Minneapolis, $3.85. Omaha to Duluth, Superior or West Su perior and return, $13. S3. Two fast trains dally. A night train nnd a day train scrvico. "Tho best of everything." Why stay at homo In tho heat? Go to Minnesota. FI3I1 nnd hunt and bathe. Northwestern Lino ticket offlcc, 1101-1403 Farnam strcot. It brings relief Rc-No-May powder. Ask your druggist. If your foot troublo you try It. Have Root print it. Economical Shoe Buying Is not tn paying tho smallest amount of moiiev for a pair of shoes, but In getting tho best valuo for tho money you pay. Wo satisfy tho economical shoo buyer, because our shoes, while sold at tho closest prices, aro high grade and tho .best values In every respect. Tho materials aro tho best tho fin ish Is tho finest thoy hold their shnpo and dressy appcaranco a long tlmo thoy are trim fitters and flno feelers they aro stylish and up-to-date thoy wear long nnd well and nro therefore economical and satis factory. FRY SHOE CO FOItMEIlLT Camvrigbt N. E. Cor 16th and Douglas REFRESHING THIRST QUENCHER NEVER FAILS Coca Celery Why you should try it. Quenches thirst. Quiets tho nerves. Relieves headache. Tones up tho stomach. Cures "that tired fccllnc." Makes you feci good. Ilo sure and drink, a glass co6ts 5c FULLER 13 CO., l-lth uud DoiiuIhk SI. Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Good set teeth J5.00 Hcst Set Teeth IS.0U Cur best sets nro tho best thcro can be mado on rubber, nnd thcro nro no better made, no matter what you pay. e ATJ01TST t, 1001. I'OH A St'M.MIlll OUTIXfJ. To (he fJrent nll l.nkr llenloiis. Cross the Rockies en a forty-thrco foot Rrade, light easy curves, clghty-pou id steel rails, a perfectly ballasted rondlvd, gigantic embankments of disintegrated granite, through tunnels, bored In solid granlto and over stono nnd steel bridges , A fascinating panorama of marvolous en gineering. To seo this bo suro your ticket reads over tho Union Pacific railroad. Lowest rates mado for summer excursions In many years. Now city ticket ofllce, 1321 Farnam; phono 316, Tired feet Re-No-May powder. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic nnd magnetic physician, office nt tho Centrnl hotel, Cor. loth and Dodcc street, till suitable location enn bo found. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering diseases nud to diseases of women mul children. I. it lie Okohojl. Tho Ideal summer roso.-t. Quickly nnd enilly reached from Omaha via tho Mllwaj keo railway, tho only through lino. City ofllco, 1604 Farnam street. Re-No-Mny powder for tired feet. Sold everywhere. DID YOU KNOW SENDER ON 24TH AND SEWARD ST. city? ,lr"PK f0r lca thl,n n,,y Htoro 1,1 1110 I'lnkhnni's Vegetnblo Compound Mc Wl.no of cardul cv. .Miles' llofiri f'n Schlltz .Malt I:"".'."'"'.'': Vv. t'nstorln .i-X Hlro'H Root Deer !.'!!. i!!"!" ISc Pond's Extract . rc Duffy's Man whisky we All 5o cigars C for lee Orcnm Soda r0 lee Cream, pint o, Ico Cream, iiunit ,V,0 i-i. 1 , nltirt', ler cream nt Hint.) Teiwnlnute lleadaehn I'owdcri'ioc'iViid 23c". L n 1 w ,l'cr ccllt ,pss than any ?, r, .i 1 , Vn,m' ,f 11 ,,0',or l!' 'iP-to-dutu Ho will tell you to go to Shruder's with your prescription. Judge your doctor from whnt we say. Tho best doctors In tho city end their prescriptions to Shruder, 21th and Conceits Our fall stylos aro fashions latest dic tationsstyles exclusive altogether differ ent from the ordlnnrv Introducing ilurn. blllty and stylo elegance. Our Methods Clearing of all broken lines and odd lots Monday selling will ccllpso all former attempts Men's nnd women's shoes tans only for mer price J3.60 to $1.00 MONDAY 5S CENTS. Men's and women's finest shoes all the patent leathers lncludod MONDAY $2.S3. j Misses' $2.00 slippers, SSc. ' Children's 75c slippers, G9c. Boys' shoca that wore 3.00, MONDAY $1.83. Women's oxford3 reduced to OSc and C9c. COME EARLY MONDAY. Omaha's Finest Shoe Store, 1515 Douglas St. 'Phono 1916. nnutMMH. Rcfltterod A. Mayer Co., 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA. NEB. Phone ITU Re-No-May Powder Not only relieves, but positively cures all disorders of the feet, stops odorous perspi ration, cures Uider, swollen and painful (set. Price 50 Cents. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealer Cousultatlou Freo from S to 4. When ordering by mail add S cents for Xiostagi. Ite-No-Mny Skin Food for facial msssaga, IU-No-Muy Cream ' sottaas aad wkiUjU tik baads aad lae. A Large Room With a Vault It Is very seldom Indeed that an odlco of this description Is vacant. Uno Is now available. It foccs east opens on the broad coart promenade and cannot be duplicated In Omaha If interested, call nt once The Bee Building It. C. Peters & Co,, Rental Agents. DO YOU WEAR PANTS? if so Try a Pair of Hill's $3,50 or $5 Pants HILL PANTS CO. .'120 S. 15th ht. Thn only oxelunivu pnnts house. Sam ples bent to out of town ctiKtoiuciii. UJLVnCill IIAYUCNS ; HI IftSlllNfitOCMCS T ulouly low prices of $3.73. $7oc i and rZJj I i ,,' ''I0 w"h"M Pallor Suits IZ $2 50 t0 $' 50 ,,d'8, 8l,m,n" BIG CLEARANCE SALE ON ALL 3UMVSER SHOES All a great sacrifice. They must go. I rices that will movo them for Monday. Tho celebrated Crown shoo for men, In blacks and tnns; a grand cleanup from the factory floors, Note tho following prices and duplicate them nnywhere In tho city If you can. The Dig store has not com petition nt tho following prices! Men's black vlcl welt lace, worth $3.00, $3.50 nud $4.00; Crown mako ' liricu j Men's chock vlcl. Crown mako; sale prico Mens yelours calf, lace or congress, Crown Mens tan w How calf welt, Crown make; Z1C,J3 n" nos best satin calf, lace, the $2.00 kind; louths, of same, worth $1.75 and $1.93; SHOES IN THE Women's lilnelr vlnl In.. .1 . Uo,cn s tan vesting, lace, worth up to $2.73; salo prlco.. !!.'!."" W omen s genuine hand turned Juliet, n $2.50 valuo; salo price wZ'en." ,KL'm".n(; ''"J"1 tUr,,c1 I'rlu'B!'. n 2-00 value; salo prlco Women s tan vlcl oxfords, worth up to $3.50; salo price Women 8 black Vlcl OXfords. Rome hnml lum 1 tn mm ..... ..... r-Mllln: ililLlll LIirillMI IITA n T'l llll 1.. l Women'. , ..! I I I ' " -W' n,Ul "50i 0n SaI nt Women's fnn v M ,BC? .CS' .Wrlh ,2-' nl,1 iM on Men snt.n IT, ,V'C' a Wrlh ,2'00' $2'25 n,ld on fa' t. Men s satin calf bals, nlco nnd neat; on salo at Men s satin calf bals. tho kind you pay $2.00 for; on sale at .'.'..'!.'.'.'.' Child 8 red, black nnd chocolate, worth 7Ec; on ealo at uoys canvas bals. tho nobbv kind; nn . mums, oi same, tho npbby kind; on 1 made of 1 lot of 50 women's suits, in blues, grays, and hi owns, mado oi homespuns, Vene tians and coverts, worth up to $15.00, our clearing snlo prlco only $1.98. Lot -2117 women's man-tailored suits, made of flno Venetians, broadcloths nnd English coverts, worth up to $20.00, for $8.05. Lot 3250 women's flno tailored suits, In blues, grays, browns, blacks, castors and cardinals, some silk Und throughout, made of finest materials, representing all our best suits, somo worth up to $30, nil must go to mako room for fall stocks price only $11.05. Our cloak buyer, now In tho eastern ninikct, mado a purchaso in Imported silk skirts that will enable us to moke Monday a red letter day. Ho bought tho Bklt stocks of Max Solomon and Shan & simer mnn, two of tho leading manufacturers In tho country. These aro checked and marked and wl!l bo on the counters Monday. HAYDEN BROS. Special Parrot Sale This Week! Aug 5 to 12, Inclusive. Wo have nearly 600 young, tnmo Mexican Parrots on hand nnd expert now shipments right along. Wo are overstocked and aro compelled to mako another cut In our already reduced prices In order to mnko room for new ar rivals. This Sale Shall Be a Record Breaker This week wo will sell Von iik Itoillirniln nt only tfl.OO. Yiiuiik Dmiiili' Yellowlirinl-tho best and plainest talker on earth it t only t?S.oo. T.'n,.h ihrrni iinlii with ii written Kiiaranteo to tnlk and to bo a genuine GEISLER'S BIRD STORE. 303 N. 16th St. Direct Importer of Mexican Parrots. Thirteen Years In Business. When writing to advertisers mention having read their advertisement in The Bee It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900. f . ft, RICE Mi C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MAD EXTRA SPECIAL CLEARING SALE of all Summer Clothing You can liavo unrostrictod choice of tho finest 18.00, 820.00 and 822.50 fancy Chev iot and worsted men's Suits in our store for $IO Men's JI0 nnd JI2.50 fancy Summer Suits, for $5.M Men's 3.o0 Illuo Sergo Coats 1.73 Men's $2 CO Flannel Coats for P5a Men's $7.r.O Flannel Coats nnd Pants 3.73 Men's $12 30 Flannel Coats and Pants for 5.00 Men's $3.00 Odd Suit Pants, nt 1.23 Men's $3.50 Illuc Sergo Pants, nt 1.73 Hoys' $2.;0 line Odd Pants, nt 1.23 UoV J3.C0 to $1.50 Odd Pants for 2.60 We will placo on snlo Monday morning about 330 boys' and young men's stylishly-made suits, sizes for boys and young men of 13 to 19 years reduced from $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 anl t 1 ftrt tn . . .... ... ... .... ... ... - nt 50e and . 75o u oo Knf0 Pant, I BuVtV, i ! Wc) llS SJVnCII' HAY UtNS AND OXFORDS mako; snlo prlco. salo price..... l.nn 1.96 1.9S 1.9(? 1.9(5 1.9(5 1.39 1.39 .98 .98 1.50 li23 !??. Crown mako; sale price... salo prico snlo prlco prlco., BARGAIN ROOM. . 1.48 1.48 1.4S 1.23 1.48 .39 .98 .80 salo at imi 1..UU-, saio HAYDEN S Greatest Clearing Sale of Ladies' Tailor - Made Suits, In the History of Our Cloak Department. Our entire stock of ladies' fine tailor made suits, will be placed on sale in three lots some are silk, lined throughout and finest materials. 1 lot of fancy silk dress skirts, no twrt nllke, somo nro made solldalr tucks, 3, 4 and 5 rows of Hamburg silk ruffling, worth $25, on snlo Monday at $9.95. 1 lot of silk dress skirts, trimmed with Skinner's satin bands, worth $12, for only $(J.95. For choice of nil our flnlst skirts, worth up to $75, Monday for choice, $32.50. 110 rainy-day skirts, worth $1, for $1.93. Just rccolvcd, a lot of ladles' wash skirts, some are worth up to $4 und $5, they will bo'on snlo at $1 and $1.50. 1 tablo of ladles' waists, worth 75c, for 15c. Your cholco of any colored waist on our counters, worth up to $3.98, on salo Monday at $1.50. Your cholco of any white wnlst in tho house, worth up to $10 and $12, Monday's price only $4.15. 50 dozen wrappers, worth $1.60 for onljr; 45e. UBAU OUIt AD ON PACK 11. WORK to Make a Good lOo CIGAR