.18 SPECIAL NOTICES Aaartlstaaanta for theaa eolnmm ba takem until 12 m. for tho raalar aoltlon and until 8:!t0 p. u. tar aaaralaK and Snndar edition. Hates, 1 I-9o a rrord flrat Insertion, to a ward thareatter. Nothln .taken (or leae than SBo for tho flrt Inaer (Ion. Thru ftdTertlaeaaanta t t raa focotlTly. Adrertlaera, hr reqoeaflna; a -here check, can hate anarfara ad dreaaed to a numbered letter la ear ( Tha ne. Aaintn a address will be delWered on areaeatatUm ml taa hack aalr. WANTHD-SITCATION. WANTED, position by experienced stenog rapher; country bank preferred. D2S, Uec. A M817 6 DRESSMAKER-2326 S. 10th. WANTED MALE HELP, GOOD bread maker at Smith's bakery, 1102 Fifth avenue, Council lllurfs. U 167 JWANTKD. experienced soap salesman: re ply, stating nge, experience, references, salary expected. Address C 07, Bee. WANTED, young man stenographer; stute ago nnd salary. Add. 13 18. Uec. It M.t BAILSMEN wanted to travel for manufac turer, selling chewing and smoking to bacco to the trade. Address, with stamp, t ltox 65, ninghnmlon, N. Y. B-M'O. V WANTED, six carpenters at Auditorium hotel, corner 13th nnd Jackson. 11-81. i JWANTED, young man for workroom In carpet department: state age, experience and snlary expected: good chance to learn carpet business. Address D 2o, 1 .WANTED, trustworthy persons In each state to manago business of wealthy cor poration: salary, $18 cash each Wednesday direct from headquarters; expciifo "'oncy advanced. Manuger, 325 Caxton lnillding, Chlcniro. H-MS31 1 Too AND expenses monthly; ono good man I.. irv rnlfnll" tllTIIIIl I1CI1 1 1 light WOTk', wonderful monopoly just discovered; pur tlrnlnri. frp... .Address Fl'rozoue Co., M Btar bldg., Chicago. B-M823 ! wamteii. mnn Hint would llko to he bar hnr.M! wn will teach the work In two months, give outfit of tools nnd pay 112 weekly when competent. Call or write, Molcr Harbor College, 1G23 l'arnam st. mi i'iimi.'V n iirtM with lnni establNhcd trndo with physicians will receive applica tions for vacancy In their corps of travel ing men. nlso one for Dakotasi ; perma nency. Xddress P. O. Ilox 58, ,f hfii el- phla. H5LL. WANTED man to travel nnd nppolnt iigents: $100 per month and a I expenses to right party. S-'cy.. 9)2-3 Dearborn street, Chicago. 1 - WANTED Clerk for general store In town of 150; one who has experience nnd can sell goods nnd will work all tho better if speaks Herman. Address, Townsem & Waterman, Modnle. In. It DOj P WANTED-everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc., no cnnvasslng; good pay. Sun Advertising Hurenu, Chlengo. I WANTED Hy nn old estnbllshed mnnufne turlng house, resident mnnagcr for gen eral sales agency. Salary, $1,500 per annum nnd extra commissions. Ofllco duties exclusively. Must furnish $R00 cash and satisfactory references. District Mnnnger, 300 Johnston Uldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. 11 S,2 f i WANTED Young man with natural talent for drawing to train as newspaper artist by mall. Write for free circular lesson. School of Caricature, World Hldg.. New York Clty H St f WANTED An experienced vinegar and cider salesman acquainted with tho trado In Nebraska. None but experienced men need apply. Olvo references and state salary expected. Address, D 30. Hoe. IJ S i (i I roSTOPFICE clerks nnd carriers, clerks for customs. Internal revenue, railway mall and departmental services to bo ap pointed by the thousands: examinations soon In every state; write for circular 151. Full particulars freo of Nat. Cor. Insti tute, Washington, D. C. B WANTED Oood business man In each principal city to conduct cash business. Guaranteed by local banks. ni returns. Honorable nnd legitimate. Must furnish good references nnd $C00 cash. Address, L. It. H T. O. Box 715. Cincinnati, O. H tEHMANENT position for the right man to represent oin cstnmisneci company nav Ine $200,000 canltnl: $!no ner year nnd ex pennm. payable direct from our olllco; no deception: nusoiuieiy straignt snlary, not ennaitlonnl on results; chance ror promo t'on nnd Increnso of salary; state age, reference nnd business experlcnee, Ad dress Union Mfg. .Co., box S2I, Philadel phia, Pa. H CIVIIj service government positions. About 9,500 appointments mndo last year. Prob ably 10,0i this year. Only n common school education required. Catnlogue of Information free. Columbian Correspond ence College, Washington, D. C. H-MSr.t-6 WANTED, snlesmen cnnablo of selling pro prietory medicines by an established patent medicine houso of 20 years' suc cessful business: snmn good torr'iorv to nllot. Address Bcggs Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. B- WANTED. window trimmer for clothing nnd furnishing poods; must bo nble to wrlto cards: state salary. Address Pnlnco Clothing Co., St. Joseph, 'Mo. f 11-914 4 THEY cost $37.(X per l.ono, nnd It's ehenn. too; they nrc sold by dealers for fie each, and that's cheap, too; consider quality and price nnd you will bo ours forever; It's tho "Prince of Omaha" cigar, union made. W. F. Sloecker Cigar Co. Bave the bands of tho Stoecker cimir, we need them. H-M933 10 SAI.KMM MX WAM'ED, BY OLD established house, cannbl". wile, awake traveling snlesmnn to to 1 stiple line; must bo able to show a clean P mt record nnd give bond: no side line seokors need apply. Address Box 511, Chicago. 910 4 WANTED, by reliable, well rated llrm. ex- fierlcnced trnvellng salesman to place our Ine with general merchants; no side line; entire tlmn and bond required, Perma nent position to right man. Address Box 60S, St. Louis, Mo. bi9 4 IjAHOE manufacturing firm wnnti ener getic, reliable salesman In every state to sell new bland of staple goods to tho general trade; must be competent. Indus, trlous nnd sell nt least $200 ner wveV. Compensation to salesmen, $.71 weekly. lxnox Co.. Suite 31, 1S2-1SI Dearborn St , Chicago, S37 I WANTED Salesman tn handle our spe cialty ns regular or side line. Good money. Address. Hampshire, Herschel nnd South Sts., Cleveland, Ohio. -908-4' SALESMEN wnnted by reliable house; ex perienced trnvellng salesmen to plaeo high-grade specialty lino with merchan dise trndo; high commissions nnd per manent nosltlons to good men: full time, nnd bond required. R. 7S, 153 Fifth Ave., Chicago, rS7, ' THnEE llrst-clars salesmen for fnll trade. Permanent position. Established house. Liberal contrnct. Address, with refer ences, Room 1C15, Manhattan Bldg.. Chi cago. Si,9 1 WANTF.D-Salesmnn for this territory Experienced specialty preferred, Hnvo splendid proposition to general merchants. Standnrd lino. Compensation according to results. Expect to pav nt least $.W a month, rnving several salesmen over jaw, Energy, ability nnd salesmnnshlp rq quired. Box 41, Minneapolis, Minn. ' -SS.1-1 TRAVELING salesman wanted at once for general store trade. I'ermnnent position for cood man, No others need nnnlv. Give references. Box Three, Detroit, Mich. -sa-P HALESMEN wnnted by reliable house: ex perienced traveling "mlesmen to plnce high-grade specialty lljies with inerchan dUn trade: high commissions nnd nor nianent positions to good mn: full tlmo nnd bond required. R. 7S, 153 Fifth Ave., Chlengo. Zlr'l RAT.mMRJC hv lone established manufac. turer of flavoring extracts, spies, etc.: give fully your expor'enee to Insuri reply. Good salary. Box 517, Chicago, 111. WANTED FEMALE HELP. SUCCESS IN UI'K depends very largely upon the preparation. TUB BEST PREPARATION for young men nnd women Is the PHACTICA L BUSINESS TKAINI.NO BOYLKS' COAUHUICIAL AND SHORT HAND COUilWE, ...,, THE SCHOOL OF HIGHEST STANDARD. Individual Instruction In - BUSINESS. SHORTHAND, TYPEWHIT INO, liNGLISH, PREPARATOIU LANGUAGE COURSES. DAY AND NIUHT SESSIONS. Students enter any time. FhII Term, Sept. 2. Send for catalogue. Beo Bldg., Omahu. Students who desire" it assisted to position-! to cum board while In attendance. During the past week the following firms have employed stenographers and b-jok-keepers from this college: Byrne-Hnmmer Compun. ank-errcn'l'on of the World. J Atltomntlc Oas and bight Co. llaum Iron Company. Ilcmls Hag Company. Adams Advertising Agency. Cnthcrs fc Detwcller. lawyers. Mercer Chemical Company. Omaha News Company. John Intenser. architect. Mr. Saddler., architect., Kansas fit Nebraska 1-ucl Co. J. J. Donahue, chief of pol!j. C St P., M. & O. It. It., Emerson, Neb. Swift Packing Company. , .. . A number of calls worn not lined on nc- eount of lack of operators to send out. The demand on this school Is slmpl an Indication of Its popularity nmong Omaha's business men. Send or call for catalogue. "" 015 4 WANTED, 20C girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. fi'G. C-682 50 ami.S. all kinds work. CanadlnnonVco. WANTED, Indies to learn halr-dresslng, Tnnnlcurlng or facial massage; on y four weeks required. Call or write. Mo or Col lege, 1C23 Famam St. C Mn nnnt-i ..Irl tn cenernl housework. 201 S. 25th St. Mrs. J.G.Haines. C 812 I OOOD girl for gcncrnl housework. 1021 Park nve. C-M83S & WANTED, lady to travel nnd appoint ...... .i , u . tirKi nrr month and expenses to rinht 'narty. Trcus., lsXJ-350 Dearborn St.. Chicago. C S50 ! WANTED, a good stcnogrnpner. Pi Itlchnrdson Drug uo. " WANTED, girl. 12S S. Mth. No children, C MW w k vrvn am nvnnrlnnroil CJerman ury goods saleswoman, one vuiiinmimiuH Vrr..i,. in an In slnte. None but A 1 rw.ri need iitinlv. Stnto salary. Address, D 32, Hoc. C-M8S0-J CHEDIT given to lady ngents selling our women's specialties; one Indv says: llavo taken 37 casn oruers, w uiiwm " dav: make 50o on ench order. Catalogue free. Angle Brothers, Uncoln, eb. t iniro n.n.itr.i (n .In nmhrotderv nnd Hat lenherir nt their homes; steady work. Chicago Crochet Co.. Chicago, III. t WANTED, lady osslstants for home work, superintending distribution of circulars, etc. In every city, town and village. Good nnv nerninnent emnlovmont. Bonn Hininneil. nddrcsscd cnvelopo to 1'tova Co., South Bend, Ind. C itomhs tn ,lr nlnln spwlnc: $1.50 ner day. Four months' work guaranteed. All work ant nrnnnlil. Srml fltnmned addressed envelono for particulars, it. W. Hutton ft Co.. Phllndelphla, Pa. C-SoS 1 wanted, first class waist draper, waist makers and sklrtmakcrs: must have llrst- class shop experience. Aiiorcss aecDica -, 4ii Sherman St., Dcndwood. S. D. C- GIHI for general housework; good wages 209 So. 3U St. MVin u- WANT good dressmakers nt 1020 Doug'as, C MfCl G 111:1,1' WASTED. MEN and women everywhere who write a i, Inl,. hninl In rnnv letters for us nt home: Btcudy work the year round; by working nn hour or so evenings will net you $5 to $i per week. Wrlto for full particulars enabling you to start to work. Enclose stamp. Union Advertising Co., Toledo, O, (J SUli 4- FOIl IU3XT HOUSES. IF YOU wnnt your houses well rented placo them with lienewa as uo. u osi TO MOVE right, Kct Omnha Vnn Stor.igo Co., olllco l&ll'i l'arnam, or tel. i-sw. D-0S5 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city nronnnn-i.ovo jo., outn lain street. D-e- HOUSES, stores. Bern!?, Paxton block. D-6)7 SEE HENItY B, PAYNE, 001 N. V. LIFE U 6!S HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. D-6S9 HOUSES nnd Hats. Hlngwalt. Barker block D (9J HOUSES wanted. Wnllace, Brown block, H GU S-ROOM brick house, modern. 2717 Jackson Telephone A. 'traynor, wi or i.-osi. D-C9J 10-ItOOM, east front, brick house, 3C8 N. 22i St.. near uavenpon. inquiro noxi ioor. D-M:79 FOB HENT, house nnd barn, nil modern zwi ouin jjo tii, wppiy w. .uerciiam: National Bank Bldg. D 201 7-ROOM flat, 0.17 South 10th. 311 New York Life. Clark Powell. D-GJI FOR Rl BNT. nlco 6-room modern flat with heat, water nnd Janitor service. In u building, opposite city hall, $.":5. stonm nn..l,l... 8-room modern house with nice shade trtes and lawn. 300S Mason street. $33. JOHN W. BOBBINS, lb02 FARNAM ST. D liiS S THREE rooms. 2511 Mnrcy. D-676 5 219 S. 29TI1 AVE., 8-room house, ALL MODERN, in good condition; rent, $23; note how close in this houso Is to bo mod ern at this price: it Is a bargain; wunt only Al tenant, with references. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO. 16th uud Douglas Sts, D-M792 A DESIRABLE tenant furnished In 21 hours. List your nouses wim me. My permanent rental servlco the best. Farms in Minnesota on easy payments. WHEATON, 428 PAXTON BLOCK. D-MS'I FOR RENT, deslrnblo 5-room house, with barn. 830 S. 21st st. D-M8I0 GOOD 9-room cottage: modern, except fur nace. Homo investment uompany, wj First Nafl Bank Bldg. D-SI3 4 1305 S. 32d St.. 11 rooms, modern, stenm heat, on iiignesi ground in timnna. Yi block from park. Key next door south. D-Sil 9 715 N. 23D ST.. 8 rooms, with basement nnd furnace. $25; or 6 lirst lloor roms. $20 In quire next door. D K5 4 617 N. 20th St.. 10 R.. modern $36.50 2039 Harney St., 8 R., modern 35.00 2121 N Pith St.. 10 R., modern 35.00 3S55 California. 8 R modem 18.00 105 Stanford Circle. 6 R.. modem 13.(0 1001 N. 23d St., 6 It., modern 15.00 1509 N. 22d St 7 R.. modern 15.00 2222 Izard St., 5 R.. Ilat 12.00 549 S. S3th Ave.,,5 It.. Hat 12.00 THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14th St. D-913-4 VERY desirable Hat In good repair, well located. M. J. Kennnrd & Son, 310 Hrown block, D sin MY RESIDENCE for rent; Hanscom park; n. 32d; -pnone .'iia. Address, mtb. l. D. Vogcl, .'6th and Walnut. D-MSS1-4,' ni.EOANT ten-room house for rent very cheap; modern In every way and has large Darn: special terms mane inr a private 11.. I 'I. Tt A A ,tlrt1 lUIlllO. llllli I TO UV, 4.t-u ti.ttwv. D-927 4 S-B., ALL mod.. 2SI7 Poppleton Ave., $31. 4-r W30 Hamilton St., $0.50. a.r.. 3106 South 15th. 4 acre ground. $t. Also several others. Inquire 1203 Famnm street, u-wi TTIE OMAItA: DAILY BEE: SUS DAY, AV Kim Itl'INT iiorsfis. FOB ItENT. 1521 Wirt street, 10 rooms, modern, In first- class repair, lyurgc barn, jio. 2203 N. lSlh St., 12 rooms, modern, two large barns, just tnc nince for party running transfer or dray line; $25. 2211 N. 20th St., 10 rooms, modern, brick, In lirst class repair, ?20. 2027 N. 20th St., 8 rooms, modem: wilt bo put in nrsi class repair; ts. 2010 N. 27th St., two-story, 7 rooms, city water: good repair: $15. 123 I,ako St., S rooms, modern, lirlck, in good repair, $15. 939 N. 21th St.. 6 rooms, modern; in nisi class repair, $10. 123 Cass St., 10 rooms, modern, first cinss repair; $50. 1142 S. 32d, 8 rooms, modern, brick, In good repair; 130. 602 Poppleton Ave., 10 rooms, modern, with nam, mj. 2210 Poppleton Ave., 10 rooms, modern, with tmrti, tio. S3 So. 20th St., 6 rooms, city water, good repair; it. iihennanXove CO., 309 So. 13th St. dmmj M 'Oil ItENT 112 N. 31st Ave., 8 rooms, en tirely new, all modern, excellent loca tton. $.Vi. .. . ... . 03 8. 10th. 6-room lint, pain. k. city water. In good condition, 22S0. 3113 N. 31st Ave., .room,. ;. " , ' papered, convenient "J " put In nrst-class condition, $12.60. Will build 8-room modern house In good location ror rcspoiiB.iu "5. fC.rpSs & CO., 1702 Kr1mml4 EIGHT-ROOM house. 1S21 Webster m.; uii 20th St. nfter 6:30 p. in. D-SI5 t nt-.,iut.'c!i tintTHirs" iiuunii.n 30:13 ; S. isth Ave., good 3-It brick house, $7. S30 S. 17th, Rear. 6-R, $9. !,SJf. P.' ii"ri.n. nltv water. $12. 1342 S. 27th, fine 8-R house, strictly modern. nlceiv papcrcu. simp m , 2228 ! Ohio St.. S-R, modern plumbing nnd gns. only. $i. . . ..... . .,. 210 N. 2ltll. ROOd S'-ll IIOUSC Willi imiu, newly papered, oniy j. 523 S. 25th Ave., n lirst cinss iu-ij iiuuoi-, all modern and in nice rein, . f you wnnt your houses rented list them ...in, mn Snvmt rented last week. For Real Estate Bargains, Low Rate Loans, Sound nsurnnre. nee 11ENRY B. PAYNE. C01-2 N. Y. LIFE. SIXTH FLOOR. rl,ON10o?-l AAff nl . rnnma PITY WATER. $12. 155ti 8HEHMAN AVK,, 1U room', ."iuui"" nl TTxlllTVn 0 2SU CllICAOO' ST.. B ronms. CITY WATF.U AND INSIDE CLOSET $12. 2315 S. 12th St.. 6 rooms, NEW, MODERN, VERY SWELL. $20. Sept. 1st. 2ist nnd Hurdetto sts., 3 and l-room flats, v; t ,T?n ANT A PA RT M E NTS IN THE PAYNlP-KNOX COMPANY. Main floor. N, X. Life Bldg. D-90 4 FOR RENT. linr. Park Ave.. S rooms, ex it,,., nnr month. D. V. Sholos Co., 310 N. Y. Life. Tel. 829. D-M93S 0 2,'2 DAVENPORT ST., seven rooms.92$22.r0. 3221 Poppleton, 7-room, nil modern cottage, paved street, 911 S. 31st, C-room cottage, id. n.mnm nil modern llOUSC. ClOSO In, Wh 3. 20th St.. . 4 . nn,nii AAllnir.e T. TT. SIIKHWUUU. Ai N 1. uic, hi. ... . -. Tl 11,1 A .'I . " oni'Tll nfAITA. t?nr renf. now live-room house, with hall nnd pantry, cemented ccnnr. goon imm iV?" 'lii T. U miiiivntlnn. we 1 and cistern -.n hnnrimr trntiK vines, fenced. Corner Fortieth nnd X streets. South Onjaha, m 1C ..ap mnnlli nnrt Vlfllf Of thO Trllll, C3tn nwnpr. hii ueo nuuuiiih. j ,;.i- , j442. 1 ' ' ' - , (KT VOtl IinXT-KUIl.MSIIBU IIOOMS. DEWEY", European hotel, 13th nnd Farnam, THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. 13-o.y. THREE rooms, light nouBCKeeping. m South mn. Housekeeping rooms $6 up. 2623 St. Marys, SPLENDID rooms for gentlemen of good habits, wnn pnvnrK" m liome for right parties; walking distance, 2219 Ixsivcnworth. L Mofib Al TWO pleasant front rooms for rent at Farnam streot. L 8i- 1909 51 CHOICE rooms, Douglas St. single or double. 1201 E 920 I SMALL well-furnlshed room; nil modern 1 . . . .mWnlnn lAnnllnll Tlx nnP IT 1 1 1 . convcnienren; uuuit.-u iuu'i ",rj 11G So. 25th Ht. "v PLEASANT rooms, furnished, for .light housekeeping. 2603 Dodge st. I'--518 TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen only 2010 Davenport "-"" all modern furnished or unfurnished room for rent. 2310 Douglas st. h-su r I'UHXISIIK llOO.MS AM) IIOA11I). UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-97 GLENCAIRN, transient, $1.25 day. ICWJJnug ttir Merriom. summer resort. 25th & podr. F ti.iy. TWO large front rooms, with board. 19 9 Capitol Ave. 1--M047 DESIRABLE rooms. Tho Pratt, 212 S. -5th St. 11 "'"' - ; : ; , DESIRABLE rooms, llrst-clnss board, 5S1 Harney. F-M667 A5 FOH ItEXT-llXFlIllXISHEn ROOMS. DESK room spaie. $5 per tnoniii. gro .m lloor room in ino ueo lm",uV.h'i,, T, Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Jnnltor service. R. C. Peters fs : Ui., Rental Agents, Boo Building. G 110 UNFURNISHED chambers for house- keeping; water G-530 l7tn. FOR RENT-Unfumlshed rooms, sultnhlo tor llglll lllluov:i:"l. ".-c... 15th and Harney. See Janltn.M0U6 FOR exchange. $2,5fiO drug stock In Iowa, will nav difference. Address. D .27, f.iM rnnil U m fl 1 1 Ilirill. lIlWiL 1 lUICIiCUi Omaha Beo. Omaha, Nob. G-662 P iron UEXT-STOIIES AXD OFFICES. TOR RENT, storo In llrst-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground lloor, Beo Bldg. I M FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu pied by The Heo ut aiu Farnam hi. ii n four stories and n basement which was formerly used ns Tho Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested npplv at once to C. C. Bone water, secretary, room 100, Beo building, 1261 FOR RENT, ollloe with vnult and part first lloor or all top lloor. 1411-16 Harney St. Midland Glass & Paint Co., 1110 Harney St. I-43S Three olllces for rent U. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.' Also desk room, ground lloor. Vault, telephone, etc, Inquire 1203 Furnuin St., sumo Bldg, 1-932 4 FOR RENT, 2 stores, comer 2Sth and Dndgo sts,: good grocery or meat stands. Welshans Mnntlo und Tllo Co., 300 S. 17th st. 1960 I ACCOItniOX I'I.EATIXG. ACCORDION Pleating: cheapest, best. quickest. Mrs. A. C. Murk, S. K. Cor. l?'h ana r arnam. ina NICELY furnished south room, modem Im provements, with private family: con-l-enlent to business, district; K'l"".-" preferred. 2217 Douglas. L-9.0 g AOI1XTS WAXTEI). WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions tor Tin. TWENTIETH CENTUHY FAHMEH and tile XGW CYCLOPEDIA OF UlVti STOCK and lOMPI,ETE STOCK DOC TOIl. This snlenrllil book contains 1.400 Imperial octavo pages, 8iO obJect-tcaching engrnvliies and Is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to the every day, practical, money-saving use of every uinner ami siock owner, aieauy employ ment with assured good Income. Agents in the country with horse and buggy es pecially desired. Canvnssers make easily 100 to $100 her month. Address, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bco building, Omuhu. J IS7 $100 MONTHLY, new patent metallic bread bourds; sample free. C. O. Forshec Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. J W4 4 SALESMEN for all lines of business (splen- uiu siuo unci to sell our calendars; vm iiii ferent styles, newest, latest patterns; Just the things customers want: we pay tho largest commissions; many of our men give their entire time to our line nnd make ftom $75 to $12f every week; guaranteed best side line ever offered. Wrlto promptly with references. Commissions paid on ac ceptance of orders. American Novelty Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. J-903 4 HITHER sex to sell the "Missing Link" skirt supporter; agency ror one countv beats any mall order proposition you will see: sample. 25 cents. Hcrron & Herron, Oskuloosa, la. J-902 4 WANTED-Agents to canvass for excellent articles in umana. souin umana aim Council Bluffs. Call at Room 15. Midland Hotel. Omaha. J-910 P WANTED-First-clnss state ngents with some menus to hnndlc our popular line oi vapor pressure lamps. Enormous sales predicted. Give experience, references nnd responsibility. Llbernl contrncts grnntcd. Tho Turner Brass Works, 12t. K Klnzlo St., Chicago. J 8.8 4 AGENTS Big money: only practical devlco ror suspenders nenentn sniri; inuispens able In hot weather; simple, convenient; wttnplo nnd terms. 10c. I.ongsaut Shirt Link Co.. R. (ill, 225 Dearborn St.. Chi cage. J S7i I AGENTS-BIg money selling latest nrtlclo out; woniierrill douiiic-iaceo mirror wuu picture revealed held to light: good side lino: sample mirror (pocket size). 10c; cntnlogue free. Transparent Mirror Co., 81 Fifth Ave, Chicago. J-S73 P WANTED Rellnblo women or men to sell our goods to the consumer in communi ties from l.ono to 10,000 population; per manent employment nt good pay. Ad dress. The Great Eastern Coffee & Tea Co., 301 S. 10th St., St. Louis Mo. J AGENTS, n splendid chnnco to make money; our new pockoi nuas contains innns of everv Htate In the union, nnd every country In tho world: nlso the 1900 census complete; over 400 pnges of mass nnd descriptive tnnttcr; sens ni signi. Send 25c for sample and terms to ngents, Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111. AGKNTS. hie hit. non-n cknble door and window lock: patented: no screws, nous or kevs: nickeled: 150 per cent profit: nnmnle. 15c. Imperial Nov. Co., Wood bine. N. J. J-8..2-P OWN" vnnr business. Ble money sure. No risK. j' reo samples, lniormuiion. n.-iyuiuu, St. Louis, mo. J oi3 r AGENTS In their home districts to sell ciders, liquors, wines, etc., to ine tr.ndn nnd consumers. Liberal commissions. Write for terms nnd price list. Barrett fc Barrett Co., Kansas City, Mo, J STOIIAGI3. PACIFIC Storngo nnd Warehouse Co.. 1)12- 911 Jones, gcncrnl storage nnu iorwarnuiK. OM. Von Stoi. Co., 15111,4 Farn. Tela. 1559-P63, 7o; STORAGE: Household goods nnd other nrtlclcs stored nt low raies. j. j. ueriani & Co.. 1119 Farnam St. Tel. 353. iQJ AVANTKD TO IIW. WANTEn-Tn huv Contlnentul tobacco tags: 50 cents per nunorea. uuiier et Miller. 1002 Fnrnam. Is-SC6-4 FOR SALE KUIlNITimK. ClIW.Ar.n Viirnlture Co.. 1410 Dodee. Tel 2020. New fc sunana lurnuurc Dougni, som exchanged. u .oi FOIl SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC, LIGHT omnlbUB nnd buggies for sale nt II, Frost's, 11th and Leavcnwortn. r tovat BLACK, gentle, stylish driving horse and rubber-tired pnaeton or win sen Heparan; Address, u 37, uec. r ii-' inn. I. leather extension-ton surrey, broad cloth spring lazy-back and cushion; ono light breast couar nouoio aim single Har ness; all in line snape; a snap, mi aiyn ster St., Council lllurrs. i'ia i vnn. SALE, at half orirc. llcht delivery team, 7 and 8 years old; had to take team on debt. Call on T. B. Scott, 310 N. 25lh St., South Omaha. P 05S l FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog fence. SOI uougias. w 1 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Famnm tj U7 SAFES, standard makes.sold, rented. 114 S. 13 w BIO line of secondhand wheels, $3. $5, $S, $10. Omaha uicycio uo., luin unu unicago sis TnAnK vour old wheel In on a new ono Omnha Bicycle Co., 16th nnd Chicago Sts, CIGAR nnd news stand, with soda foun tain, flno furniture of 3 rooms, good laun dry package business, good location; pnrty going to Buffalo: sell cheap. J. IJ. John son, SU JV. X. LUC W flHiU OIL and gasoline business, estnbllshed years, controls 600 customers; route I heart of city: team. Iinrncss and o tanks, wagon. 500 5-gal. cans and everv tlilncr complete: nn exceptional onnor tunlty for ono with small capital to get into paying ousiness quicKiy; owner leav lng city; musi oe soiu at once. j. I Johnson, N. X Life. Q-M640 FOR SALE, Iowa unfermented grape Julco Dusinrss. uuress ,u. i irsi avenue, uoun ell uiurrs. y-.M073 A12 FIREPROOF safe. Garvin, 1613 Fnmnm. Q-.MS10 SPECIAL bargains In sllghtlv used plnnos. Hose Art store, iwi uouge mi. sol I BUILDINGS for sale. 1209 Douglas, bids received until August i. Address bun to F. J. Stcmler, General Delivery. Q-917 ! GOOD soft coal heater. Used few months, Keeps lire over night with cheap coal. Heats threo rooms. Half prlco, $6.00, In cluding nlpe, etc. Apply Mondav, rrnr door. 2002 Chlengo St. Q 919 4 PIANOS, nil kinds; old Instruments tnken In exchange. Perflcld, room 7. Reo hldg. Q-M948 A4 A SCHAEFFER piano nt n Fncrlflce. In wnlnut ease; going to tne rnnippinci; must sell at some price for cash: mo''e an offer. Address D 3S. nee. Q-955 : FOR SALE, shades nnd mnttlng of n 12 room house hnlf price; house for ret. Address D 34, Bee. Q-956 ! MISCELLAXnOI'S. FOR RENT, large barn Mh and Jones, $3i per month. D V. Sholes Co.. 310 N. Y. Life, R-M939 6 CLAIRVOYANTS. WONDERFUL clairvoyant; tells every thing, money hack If not true; send 10 cts nnd blrthdny. Prof. J. Myers, 59 Lincoln Park Station, Chicago, 8-S9S 4 MME. GYLMER will be out of the city on n vacotlon for two or threo weeks. Watch Tho Bee for announcement of her return. 8967 4 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. IS, Fienzer blgck. U 713 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 34S Bee HMg. U ill SHOE repairing. M. Sperduto, 818 N. 16th. U S A5 G UST -t, 1001. PERSONAL. SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sew nc .Machine. ltM Do iu- las. Tel. 223t. f-715 HIVATE hosnttal for Imlle linfnrn ni-.l during conllnctnent; babies adopted. i.Kfl (.iriifii di. I. 71b M. QOLDMAN fi CO., only perfect nc- cordlon pleating plant in tho west; mall orders solicited. Suite 2i0, Douglno block. 1717 'RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mail uruvir suiil-iivu. uiuann I'lentinc L.O.. VSH Douglas. U-71S ESS COOI'ER! Let us hear from vou: business of Importance; nny one knowing his nddress write or wlro Herman Bor mann, Murdock, Neb. U M660 Al OUNO man of 10 desires to corresp m 1 with refined young lady not over 26; must be rather tall nnd dark complexlotied. Address D 20, Bee. U 796 A4 WIDOWER of 25 wishes to correspond with a respeciauie young moy or widow of about same age. Address Postolllce Box No. S, Omnha, Nob. U SH 4 WANTED, bids for'coneesslnns at monster A. u. v. w. picnic, riattsmnutli, Neb., Aug. 7. Address J. A. Gutsche, Serrclnrv, V M30 4 MME. SMITH, baths. US N. 15th, 2d Moor, room i. u aissv 7" WE RENT sewing mnchlnes for 75 cents per week; wc repnir nnd sell needles nnd parts for every machine manufactured. 'Phone 1CC3. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th nnd Hnrney. U 137 A16 HANDSOME gentlemnn, mlddle-nged. Inde pendently rich, wants sincere, honest wire. Address Mr. Clark, 193 Washington St., Chicago, 111. U-901 4 ADY, red shoe string tied in rain, July 27, Hth and Douglas. "Yucatan gum ' ngnln If you write. D 33, Bee. "U-909 P MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocalnn habit; myseir cured, win inform you or hnrmless. ncrmnnent homo cure. Mrs. 'Baldwin, Box 1?12, Chicago. U- IANDSOME lady, attractive personality, Independently wealthy, with sweet dispo sition, will devote llfo to kind husband. Miss Adelaide, 77 Sedgwick St.. Chicago, III. U-S05-P tt .Pl-UM .V ntinnnnmhnrirt u-Mnwnr. wpnllhv. fronernll iiful ulmlnrtn rtnil. nffer liome and happiness to kind-hearted wife. Mr. Banker, 1224 Wellington St., Chicago, 111. U-S5I I' MARRY or correspond for nmuscment; send stamp for sealed particulars. Box D 268, Council Bluffs, la. U-920. WILL coach n good tenor In return for services in choir; must read wen. Ad dress D 35, Bee. U-92S 4 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts nnd motes nermnnentlv removed bv electricity: con sultation free and conlldentlnl: all work guaranteed. Miss Allcndcr, 1613 Douglas. v RESPECTABLE widow, middle-aged. would like to correspond with respcctnblo gentleman who would appreciate a true woman; references exchanged. Address Mrs. D. L., general delivery. Omaha post ofllco. U-962 4 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. F. D. Woad, 1521 Douglas iia AND BV4 per cent loans. W. 11. Thomas, First Nutional Bank building. Tel. 161 . W-721 $300, $100, $500 private money to loan; 1. 2, 3 ur u yuuio. qviui, iiuum ui iitutu Bldg. W-722 LOANS on eastern Ncbraskn and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple; any interest date: no delay. Brennan-Lovc Co., 309 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-726 MONEY" to lonn on Improved Omaha real estate, tircnnan-ixive uo., im aoutn i.iui. W-723 WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd wnrrnnts, ueorgo at L-ompany, iwi tarnam street. W 721 4V4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bcmls, Pnxton bile. W 727 WANTED, city loans nnd warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam &t. W 728 $50,000 SPECIAL, fund; loans $500 up, lowest rates, no uciay. uarvin uros., rm nam. W 29 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L. w iiiU WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nnu warrnnis. it. c i-eiers -.., n, Fnrnam St., Bee Bldg. W ,31 $50,000 SPECIAL fund; lonns $500 up; lowest rates, llnrvin uros., l'arnam nnu imn, Com'l Nat'l Bank Bldg. w-svj MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY"? , Wo loan $10 and up on furniture, plnnos horses and other chattels. SALARY LOANS. Without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. YOU can gel ine money hi a few hours after making application and take 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 months or more in which to pay It back, and you need not pay for it one day longer than you keep It. Ae charge nothing for papers and wo give you the full amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours; our terms arc the easiest; our business is coniuieniiui and our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Tradu Bldg. Tel. 22'jj. (Established U92.) 3W 3. lbth i St. A 13. rnvi.-inRNTiAL LOANS On household furniture, pianos, horses, wncons. etc.. In two hours' time; also to snlarled people on their plain notes, with mil aernrltv. F.iiHlest nnvmellts lllld low est rates In Omuha. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown block, cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.; entrance on 16th St., opposito i. m. w. a. iiiub. X 1 33 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team Rt,.rR. nonrillnrr houses, etc.. without se curlty: eusiest terms: 40 olllces In princi pal cities. Tolmnn, 410 Board of Trado mug, LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE live slock, etc. Quick servlco and lowcs rates guaranteed, j. w. taiuih, ujj u lloor) Pnxton block, northeast corner ICt and Farnam; untrunco on 16th street. X 733 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. u. u . iieeu, cij a. a. A IM JIONKV lnnneil nn plnnos. furniture, horses cows, Jewelry. Dun Green, u. s. uaiiter om .V IOI S1.0m0.o0 TO plnce ntitck M. J. Kennnrd & Hon, sulto 310, mown uiock. ,. .as WE LOAN money tn salaried . people on their noto at lowest rates; strictly conn ilntnln I nnv weekly, semi-weekly o monthly. Room M I'axton block, 3d lloor, Reliable Credit Co. -v nv MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business coiiliucuiiai; lowest intes 511 I'axton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. .v I.', THE MOST SATISFACTORY' PLACE to mnke loans on furniture, nlano or saury imnM :ni HROWN BLOCK, entrance op poslto Y. M. C. A. bldg.. 16th St. Try It und you will bo sure nnu repeat the dose BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE or trado, hnlf or whole Interes In drug store; nnruwooo uoor, iiniiiiew iras machine, soda fountain, etc.: In lively county scat. Thyroid-Lymph Co, 600 Ilee Bldg. Y 740 FOn SALE, bar nnd fixtures, complete cut lit, including National cash register; good bargain. Address Lock Box 66, Hldnny Neb. v mi -a ' FOR SALE, cheap, hand laundry in good running order; must sen on account oi sudden death. F. Otlchweh, Grand Island Neb. v J140I i FOR SALE, restaurant doing good business It will puy to investigate, u zi, ueo. Y M3 5 A OOOD meat market fully equipped; Itv Inir rooms connected: irmicl business: to saTa or rent. II. A. Hansen. Elklmrn Neb. Y-MS29 ' T,-nn HAI.K A llrst.elnss bicycle storo wit n fully ..ntilntieil irenerul repair shop I rnnnr.rl Inn rnntulnlnir lathe, gasolillo en t-ln.. rnmtiletn llfl'trn plntlllC OUtllt. etc, Population of town about 3.50H. Oood rensous for selling, Address, Lock Ho 437, Qlenwood, lowu. Y-9J7 P III SIM'.SS CIIAM'IJS. FOR SALE Furniture and undertaking stock In northwest Iowa co.inty sent: doing good business. Oolng Into other business. Address, Box 90, Jefferson, In. Y-POG P PHYSICIANS location; will sell horses, buggy, olllce Ilxtures, etc., In thriving town of 200. southeastern Nebraska; good territory; no opposition; collections prompt; a line chance to locate In best farming section of Nebraska and procure a good paying practice at once. Address J. II. K., Room 5kS Karbach Block, Omaha, Neb. Y-MSS3 6 ATTENTION Have you read our booklet, "How to Make $10 Dally In the Grain Market?" Best plan ever originated for Investment of $100 nnd over: free to In tending Investors. Ratusdcll, Walker & Co., Grain Merchnnts, Dept. IS, The Tern- t Pie. Chlengo. Y-vS71-P BUY corn and oats. Markets booming. Send for our book surccssf.il speculation. J. K. Comstock & Co.. Traders' Bldg., Chicago. Y SOS P COMFORTABLE Income assured from In vestment $1W; we accept $10 Just for trial. Prollts paid weekly by money order. Highest commercial references and (by permission only) from customers. Book let free. W. W. O'Hnra, Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Y-S82-P AN EXCEPTIONAL nnd permanent llfo position, with $2&o,0i corporation, on a salary of $1,800 per nnnum and commls slonx that In time will double tho salary Is open for a tlrst-class man competent to llll district manager's position nnd In vest $1.5ti0 to $2,.V0 In the business. In vestment secured by corporation's funds In your possession. Don't make applica tion unless your record will stand the rigid Investigation that wc Invite regard ing our corporation. Address Auditor's Do partment, 621-523 Manhattan building. Chi cago, 111. Y FOR SALE, best general store in town of 3k) in S. E. Nebraska, having good trnde; Invoice $5,000 to $6,w.O; sales last year $21, 000 ; best reason for selling. Address P O. Box 411, Albion, Neb. Y- FOR EXCHANGE, genornT drygoods stock, clean, staple and up-to-date; no fixtures; Invoice nhout $9,f01.0). About $3,ono.0o cash required to pay bills; will trade balance for good property; owner hard pushed by creditors and will give good, liberal trade. Give full description and price of property lirst letter. Write quick for full particulars. Somer A Hrown, 507 Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. y ONLY HOTEL In northwest Missouri town or tvio population. Doing good business. Will sell or exrhanue for irood unin cumbered land. Box C, Barnard, Mo. Y S56P ENERGETIC man with M."00 cash cnpllal run secure permanent situation as mnn.t- grr or pranen niiice ror established cor poration operating on co-operative plan. Do not answer unless vou are a hustler nnd can come well recommended. Addios iinx wi7, rittstiiirg, I'a. Y dMALL Investors, If you want to doublo your money in a legitimate manufactur ing business call on Wm. Coburn. 4th floor city hall. Y-933 4 TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY, IF I DON'T FIND YOU A DEAL YOU MAY SAY I NEVWR TRY. J. H. JOHNSON. S41 New York Life Hldg. The Real Estate nnd Business Chnnco Mnn. Sol r ts Your Husiness. Merchandise Stocks. Hotels nnd Rooming Houses for Sale or lixcnange. Y-9I2 HOTEL furniture nnd fixtures of 26 rooms, completely equipped, only house in good, live country town, doing nice limine s; enn bo had rcnsonnblc. J. H. .Iobnnn, N. Y. Life. YMnr RESTAURANT and confectionary business In live Town town 7i miles irom mun. netting $150 to $200 per month; benr closest Investigation; hnlf cash, half time to re liable party. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. COAL nnd feed plant, paying business, no better location, migni consider some booh renl estate. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M9I3 FOR SALE, the only bakery in city of 2.000; best town in Hnc uo., iowa; win sen stm-n nnd rent building rcnsonnblc; good open ing for -enterprising baker with a little money. Address T. K. Alley. Odebolt, Iown. Y-M929 5 FOR SALE. Ak-Snr-Hen Carnival, all priv ileges, lunch, sort drums, peanuts, rwer, anything you want. Getz, 310'SV 16th st. Y 955 4 FOR SALE OR TRADE Newspaper nnd inii nnien doing goon nusmess. locan'ii in thriving northwest Missouri town of 601 populntlon. nox u, uarnnni, .mo. i 961 4 FOIl EXCHANGE. WILT, trndo new $400 piano for varnnt property or as part payment; on reniiieii-e. Address D 21, giving location nnd de scription of property sawn i- TO EXCHANGE for merchandise, 610 ncres of good land. $71 per acre. If you wish to write T. M. Cllne, 1238 O St., Lincoln. Neb. M811 8 lviv. sen or oxcuhiiku un imi ntw ... vtrriTf ah if A rnnrh. 1.600 ncres hay land i?.non ncres range iieneeui, nrau m nnt ...... .1 cattle, to trado for $20,000 stock of mer chandlsc. Address D 28. Bee. Z-M826 5 FOR SALE Almost new Gnblcs upright n nno. will taKe norso nnu uukkv trade. D 31, Bee. Z-S63- FARM wanted, clear, In exchange for $3,300 stock of c oaks nnu millinery, nnx .mi, Grecnsburg, Ind. Z S4-4' FOR SALE OR TRAD K Til re e ncres choice fruit innn, unimpruvcu. mijuiiuiiK good town in an wiego coumy. . fornln. Box C. Barnard, Mo. K-8..0 ! MEDICAL. t TMvai r-Viiin.Bipr'11 Ensllsh Pennyroyal tiuis nre ine nest, nil i.'. icii.i.jh-. ..w iv,r,r Sonrt ir. ntnmps for nnrtlculnrs "Relief for Ladies." In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist, uhicnesior Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. CANCER cured nt home by Internal treat ment; no Knite, pinstcr or piuui uuu testimonies mnlled freo. Cancer Institute, 121 W. 42d St., N. Y'. OUR new book sent free, sealed, fully Dept.." Buffalo. N. Y. LOST. LOST Lady's gold hunting caso watcn. name engraven on insnn-. ii.-v.iim turned to 111 South Twolftl;oatM771 LOST, pair of gold-rlmmed eyeglasses, in flat leather case, Friday afternoon, on south side of Douglas st,. between 20th and 15th: finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving them nt ofllco of C. B. Havens ft Co., 1522 Famnm st. Lost-M820 4 WILL tho lady dressed in blnck, with light straw hat, who pirKou up wuicn in ii.uu of Hoston Store July 30, return same to 1103 Park Ave. and avoid trouble and notoriety. Lost 888 LOST, cow, yellow, dehorned. Dextr I Lost-!i51 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept.; GId E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. DONOHUE, Osteopath, Taxton blk. Teh 1367 A. T. HUNT, D. O., 303 Karbach blk. TelKM, MRS. JoYllT'llTTlUSICK, I). O., ostoo palhlc physician. Douglas block I'ATI JXTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent, Addresb Lock Box 760, Des Mollies, ta. MASON. FEN WICK L.WVRENCE. Washington. D. C H. J. Cowglll, agent, 315 Raiiigo block, Omaha, Neb. .17 $5 THIS ntivertlsemont Is good for $5. Sues & Co., patent attorneys, Ilee bldg., Omaha, Neb, No fee unless BUccessful. M291 A1S a .-- - STA.MMERINC AND STL'TTEII INO. J CUBED, Julia Yauchn, 430 Ramgc Bids. lustratca, treats oi hi eiiii.iii.ui.. tells how to attain "Perfect Manhood. Should he In the hands of every m.ilfl ,i..lt Address Erie Medical Co., "Book SHORTHAND AMI TYPEWUITISttT A. C. VAN SANT'S school. "17 N. V, Life. -75S UOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Bee Bldg. -'? NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Then tor. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 10 Doug. IIICVCI.ES. A BIG reduction In price on bicycles. New bicycles, $15 and Up; second-hand ones, Sj nnd tip. Will sell chenp. Must rcdticj stock. Headquarters for repairing and sundries. Tires, $1.75 each. L. Floscher, 1622 Cnpltol nve. -951 10 .ll'NK. DO NOT pelt your Junk beforo you get prices of the Great Western Junk House, M2 Douglas St., Omaha. 'Phone 2165. A. Fcrer, proprietor. 23.8 A15 I.Atr.MHtY. OMAHA Stenm Ittnidry; shirts, "c; collars, Zc; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Ix'avcnworth. Tel. 517. -751 IIOILEH MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, stenm hollers, i nk stacks, etc. To). 1359. 12th and lzan - PAWNIIIIOKEltS. EAGLE lAaii Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; nil business conlldentlnl. 1301 Douglaa -.61 CAIIPEXTERS AN I) JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, Itl.h and luftc Sts. 370 SATIN Mil.V SPECIALTIES. BEST for you, because best made. Satin Skin Soup. Cream and Powder. Use It pioof. 770 r . EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing. B 15, Com. ,Mit. Hunk. O. It. Halhbun. 3ij FISHING AM) lM.EASI.-ltE RESOHT. IF YOU want good bass nnd croppy tlshlng go to. Langdou, Mo. Very best of hotel accommodations. Plenty of boats and minnows, write R. A. Dlttmur for rates. 762 FARMS FOIl KENT. 400 ACRES 6 miles south of Gretna, Sarpy county, rsen. jjuii urccn, itoom s, Marker Blk., Umuhit. 331 llltESSMAKINti. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2376 Hnrney. 786 A 10' NICKEL I'LATIMi. STOVES, lamps, etc., replated. Omaha, 'lei. 2.i35. .mj( Plating Co., Heo Bldg. FURNITURE It EPA I It INC. TEL. 1331, M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 757 Vim SAL.J REAL ESTATE R. C. PETERS & CO.. 17U2 FARNAM ST., BEE BUILDING. DWELLING nniT.m.: No. iH10 Good bargain, easy terms, 7-room nousc, nam, ciosci, not and cold wat. r upstairs and down, good furnace, gas, mantel, hard oil ilntsh, largo rooms ami walking distance. Price, $3,500, $500 down, balance monthly. 6-room house, city wnter, lot 66xl8S, houso -o, inn uasicnar at. l'rico only ?2,ovo. New 6-room modern cottage, renting, f r $21.50 per month, within walking distance. Only 2,000 If sold soon. 35th nnd Dodge sts., 10-room now hoit'c. strictly modern mid up to date, oak llnlsh, open plumbing, paved street. Prlco, $4,5oO. No, 151 In West Farnam district, n two story 8-room house, with every modern convenience, onk llnlsh, lino reception hall and stair case, east front, everything llrst class. Price, $4,700. V A CA NT PRO P E RT Y. No. 1361Wo hnve to lots in Wilcox ndd., near 24th and Vinton sts., ranging In prlco from $180 to $323, which Is much below tho present market price. Call for list. Northwest corner of :t9th and Dodge sts., 100 feet front, nothing liner. See us quick about this CORNER. Also fine east front lot cm 31st nve.. north of Dodge. Paving all paid for. $2 5 0 If tnken soon. ELEGANT RANCH. No. 41-Thls ranch was LISTED WITH US EXCLUSIVELY' yesterday and It Is ono of tho finest all-purpose farms In Eastern Nebraska. l.tW) ncres In the FAMOUS BEAVER VALLEY, locuted 4V4 ml'm west of Petersburg, Neb. 1,000 to 1,5 0 hend of cnttlo can be handled on tills ranch. RENTED FOR $150 PER MONTH cash. For further Information write or nl! upon. R. C. PETERS & CO., OMAHA, NEH. RE-911 I 6 acres N. 21th st south of Miller park; street cars will soon pass this property. 40'to00220 acres 9 miles north of Omaha SNAP CorncMoYwIthln six blocks of P. O., M.IOT fr,l fl.WlO. SUBMPr OFFER N. E. corner 26th and Mt i u t ten hnnnrn 1143 and 1145 N. 17th St., 60x140 feet, paving lirivo'for a'row of brick buildings, ground 100x111. rental $1,350 per year. J, N. FRENZER. OI'P. OLD P p RE 9j9 4 HOUSES, lota, farms, ranches, loans; nlso lire insurance. Bemls, Paxton Blk. RE-741 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 001 N. Y, LIFE. C1IAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Furnitm St. JW-, ll'l iintiHt.":s nnd lots In all parts of city; also ur.rn nropcrtv and farm lands. The O. r. lmvlu Cii . ltnom 552. Hue 11 111 1 tl 1 1 IK ' HE 741 SEVERAL thousand acres of tho choicest meadow land that will go from 2 to 4 .ons per acre, located In Marshall county, Mill nesota; parties In need of hay should cor respond. Also thousands of acres of tho choicest Red River lands for sale at from $10 to $30 per acre. Any one wanting a good Investment or a farm to make a homo should address Caroy & Dukln. Hreckenrldge. Minn. Rh 612 A6 r F HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON, 913 N V Lire, buy and sell. Inquiries Invited. ' A BARGAIN At 2S21 Davenport st. Wo nrc offering a now 6-room house, containing porcelain bath, closet, hot water boiler, suwer und gas, cellar brick and cemented, largo porch, lot 50x135 feet, high and sightly, brick sidewalk. Price, $2,500. Terms to suit. This Is a cosy hoinu for somebody. THE BYRON HEED CO., 212 S. 14TH ST. RE-M798 1 A NEW 5-rooin cottage, nenr North 24th st. It has two closets, small hall city water mid sink In kitchen, neat front mid buck porch, walks and a picket f.-ncn Just being completed. Lot Is 42x135, south front on gratia; 'naplu shado tr.-eH. A vory uttrac tlvo and comfortables little homo for only 1,(M, on easy tonus, If sold In tho next tf'Beo IlldB. SH1MER & CHASE. Tel. 1442. RE-810 4 LOTS, 28th nnd 29th Fairmont Place, on favorable terms. Addrsis F. II. ICappcn, 133 West Water st., Milwaukee, Wis. RE $4,0 FOIl Improved stock fnrm that will feed Lorn) cattlo or 10.uo sheep. For short time only. A snap. Campbell-Christian, York.jNoh. BE-961 4 FOR BALE, $1,000 mortgage, bearing 0 pat ient Interest, secured by improved Omahu property, 601 Heo bldg., Shinier fit Chase. Tel. 1112. RE-916 4 OWNER old, muat sell mortgaged York farm; no trado Box 2SS, York, Neb. E- o