CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Mot Much Inofoaie la Buiinesi, bat FsHng Deoldodly Better. GROCERIES ARE ADVANCING RAPIDLY Hardware MnrWet Very I'lmrttlctl OmIiik to Slrllti. unit l.nnil Jolt hern rind Tlii-itmrl vcn t'n nble to Secure Stock. There was not much change last week in the volume of business transacted by , , . J"""erB' mere was, however, a de cided Improvement In the feeling existing! utnong nil classes of business men. It cm tiafcly be tald now that confidence In fu- I ture business Is restored and that jobbers 1 nml rota Krs In general are convinced Hint I tliclr fall ntul winter business will be fully 1 up to their earlier expectations. Their hopts were, of course, temporarily shuttered by I tho dry, hot weather, but now tint they ?le. , m'1 .U,no 10 lvo 'natter careful SSu?ip5r2 f? '.ln.'1 1 looI "lt0 " thnv hiJ f ih0 H,ntu lhl ' ",ld ,nal ln h.i. i "-""r- 'r cuinpiaiiii. earini-i . of tb?. V, ,,l,lv?i.fnor". money In tho bunks thern i..,'yb th!Vn ,.'!,!' w. ba'1 -fur i .?.i hta ,hf Q'. tho biggest wheat crop c tinn,.ii:,wnk'.11 lh t!lotJ-( (it will tirlllgcx.., ; ?I J!yi KOml Irlc"!, nnifthf corn crop, while vfnM ab',C0n,,'l;rnl;ly below the iivcmko III nnn.V, , 'l".Vier"""ICf,H' brrag to the tnrm " .1 nBWc Tnblu revenue owing to the big1! f, -..raking everything Imo conilde'u iilol j0.,)b,'rs nml 'nanufacturers llgure lhn. . . . .pnotigh purchasing power In III Dtnto of Nebraska to make business as guod Jills year as It was lust Thev ale connir, !"fft,.. Ir "ffn'r" o that b.isls and mo making extenslvo propnratloi s for a big rush a little later In the season. Advance orders are still being shipped out at a rapid rate and a number ot tin wholesale houses now havo the .li e en 1 of their orders filled, ns III have been wn.fc. Ing their men overtime tor several werk. Ill a short time now they expect to have those all out of tho way, when they will bo ready to handle Immediate butlnebs l.i first class shape. There were two Important features to the general market last week which should be noted. One Is the effect the dry weather Is having on the grocery market, and til" other Is the effect of the strike of the metnl workers on the hardware' mark' t. As from those the general market has bin Just about steady, though prli es arc being field good and firm. dinned (liimln Still Ail viiiii-Iiik. A week ago the grocery market was re ported as advancing at a rapid rate, owing to tho dry weather, which had materially reduced the amount of vegetables and umall fruits that were available for pack ing. The same conditions still exist, only perhaps In a more marked degree, as tho true conditions are now better known than thoy were a week ago. There Is no doubt now but that the pack of corn, tomatoes mid small fruits will be exceptionally light and many predict that prices during lh coming season will lie the hlghct ever known. Already many lines have reached the hlghetit market reported 111 a long I'orlod of years. Sweet corn was seriously damaged all over the country, as that Is earlier than tho Held corn, and for that reason felt to a marked degree the effects of the drouth and heat. Prices on corn have been going steadily upward and have now reached fMfjPOc per dozen for stand ards. Tomatoes have also advanced sharply and standards are held at about J1.W1. Canned pens arc In a very strong position, though they hnve not ndvnnced as rapidly as some other lines. All small fruits are much higher than they were a week ngo and arc still advancing, and the name Is true of wax bonus. California canned fruits are also on tho up grade, owing to the shortago In eastern frjlts and to tho prospect for higher prices. Gallon apples are very strong and higher prices ure now quoted than thoso In force u. week ago. The dried fruit market Is also going up. Tha Callfornlu Cured Fruit association withdrew from the market on prunes last week entirely. California evaporated apri cots wcro advanced He lust weok, peaches lo and pears lKc. liven ut thoso prices good stuck, It Is claimed, Is dlfllclllt to obtain, Ilrled tipples are also scarce and hard to secure nt any price. Nearly tho entlro lino, of farinaceous ?:oods Is higher than It was a week ago. lolled . outs advanced, very sharply tho first of the week, but receded a trllto later on. but prices are still 10(i15c higher than tnoywero a week ago. Sago and tapioca are nlso considerably higher than nt last report and tho samo may bo said of nearly all kinds of farinaceous goods. Owing to the reported shortage In tho potato cmp, hand-picked navy beans went up nt a rapid rato hist week. Syruiis of all kinds are higher and tho samo Is truo of starch, The dry weather Injured tho pastures of Wisconsin to a considerable extent and as a resilt cheese Is advunclng, owing to tho reduction In tho supply. Sugar and coffeo are two of the few staple lines that havo not chunged during tho week. A Shortage In Sight. Local hnrdwaro Jobbers report business for tho last week ns being fully as good as they could reasonably expect. Reta' ors are now sending In quite liberal oide'S and they all seem to bo counting on a good inn uemanu me one mm. iiuKvin, " hardware men are Intereitcd In Is the strike, which promises lo create a shortage ln many lines of manufactured goods. 'I he effect Is already beginning to be felt by local Jobbers to a considerable extent, as they nro unable to get many lines of goois fast enough to llll their orders. The strlko of course tics up the sheet Iron, tlnplnto und bar Iron mills, which Intlufncs the murket on all the goods, manufactured from thoso tines. Not only docs It affect the more common lines, but n thousand and one articles that would, ordinarily, be clnssed ns products of bar Iron, sheet Iron and tlnplate. For example, the muuagor of n local Jobbing ho.iso said tha he was unable, to get a shipment of grindstones simply because the strike hid cut off th supply of one little piece of metal tmd ln the framework. In the samp way h iv?os are affected, so that It may bo sa d tint almost th entlro hardware market i more Moms Influenced by the strike. TIiofc who are best posted nre predicting u sl orta-jo In goods, even If the strike is set Med 1" the near future, that Is. If the dm ml keeps up to what Is now expected Mil s were having more than they could o to meet their requirements before the strlKo a d now they will bo so far behind hero Is no te ling when they wl I catch MP. It may be said that h- Kp"V,r,'llT 1 In a verv strong position, with the t n- lency decidedly In, favor of 1 hMm f-" Onlvanlzed Iron advanced in Per cent nn tlnplato Is also .;nnsUleral ly hh' r S HI further advances at any time would cauto no surprise. HudIiIiik " '" ioitds. There have not been very many dry goods merchants m the market this week, but they are expected to arrive ln tho near future In largo numbers. Ueports from traveling men are very encouraging ami thoy all Indicate that more iiieichants will come to Omaha to buy their fall stocks this year than havo done so before. Job bers for that reason are rushing oit their advance orders at u rapid rate, so as Jo bo In shape for the buyers when thej do come. Merchnnts were a llttlo uneasy, to be sure, before the rains, hut now they nro feeling good nnd are going to curry good, liberal storks. Huyers from tho far, west are still coming In and aro bayliib There Is no particular market news this week, ns all tines rcmnln practically the same as they were a week ngo. hustorn markets nro In good shape and manu facturers are holding their tines nt good, firm prices, so that the outlook for a healthy, firm market for some time to come la very encouraging. Mnklliiv 'I'lielr I'kiiiiI Itoiinds. Traveling men for lornl boot and shoo houses ure onco morn making their vsunl rounds. They llnd merchants much moro willing to place their orders than they worn a fchort time ngo and aro In fact meeting with very good success In laiullng tho late buyers. Thev aro going after the few merchants who cancelled their orders and ns a general thing nro bring ln them back Into lino without much dlftlculty. Several of tho jobbing houses report that they have shipped tho bulk of their ad vance orders and tint In a short time thT will be through with that part of tho fall Avork, I'rult nnd l'miluce. There hns been a verv fair demand for fruits nnd vegetables of late, so that prices are still at n high level for thl time of venr. A few lines havo declined a trifle, owing to the rains, but ns n rule prices nro verv near as hlKh ns thev were n week nso. Tho quotations at which the different lines nre selling on this market will be found In another column. There was an active. tmand all tho week for fruits, but nrlces did not show niKh variation, llerrleo nre now out of the "'pouHrv Is n trltle wenker limn It wns at Inst report, sprlntt chickens being down to lldTlSo nnd her selling nt rt'.c. Fugs nre quoted nt lMJlOVic, tho same as last weok, and tho quality In very poor, as the hat weather stock Is still coming on tho mar ket. There la no change In butttr. OMAHA WlIOLUSALH MAItKin', Cotiilltlon of Ti-nile nail Quotations cm Staple nnil Puncy l'roduee. Kna3-Hocelpts liberal; loss oft, lCSlc?. LIVE POL' WHY Hens. 4c: young and old rooster, 8c; turkeys, CflSc; ducks and KVr.f 5t'i "bring chickens, per lb., liyilc. Ill iTKIt common to fair, IZuUac; choice dairy. In tubs, 14yi5c; separator, 1.0c. , FHKSH KISII-Hlack bass. lc; white bass, he, blucllsh, lie; hul heads, 10c: blue Mis, ic; buffaloes, 6'4c; catfish, U'c; cod, 'Jc; crapples, 71lUc; elscoes. 7c; lmtbut, 11' i herring, 6c; haddock. 10c, pise, 0c, ren snapper, 10c; salmon, lie; sunilsh, 5c; trout, in., wniicnsri. c PIOKONH-I.lve, per dor., COc. VKALH-Cholce, K(f5c. HAY Prices quoted bv Omnln Vholea!e Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, Jio.60; No. 2 upland, J9.t0; medium, J9; coarse, If. Hye straw, lO.Co. These prices arc for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair, lleceipts, I cars, WHliAT-CSc. COHN-tec. OATS-Nr w, CCc; old, lc. lUlAN-JlC. VKOKTAIUiliS. OHKKN COItN-Pcr dor., 10c. KHl'HAHU Home grown, per lb lc CAHKOT8 Per dor., 10c. HKKTH-Per basket. 10c. Tl'ltNIPS Per basket, 30c. crci'MHEHS-Homo grown, per dor., 40 ft5oc. I.KTTt'CK-Per bit., SOc. ItADISHKH-Per d. z., lufiMc. PAIlHI.r-V Per dor... SOc. NEW POTATOKS-WcTtJl. . CAHHAOK Home grown, Sic. TOMATOUS-Homo grown, per 18-lb. basket, M.25. .,, ONIONS-Homo grown, per lb 2V. CALLIFI.OVi;n-Homo grown, per dor., 75c HI2A,NS-Vnx, per half-bi. basket, 1; string, per half-hu. basket, 75c. PHA8-Pcr bu.. $1; per half-bu., tAo. CANTAI.orPH-Per basket, ,ocg.OTl CnVATnitAIi:i.ONS-Texas, SOgffic, as to "'cKI.KllY-Kalamnroo. per bunch, KQSOc. KHL'ITB. APPI.ES-Per bid., J2.Mfl2.75. CHliKKIliS-Natlve, per 8-lb. basket, 3oc; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, 12. PKACHKS-Callfornln, per bpx, 90c: free stone. II; choice Klbertos, U: fancy, J1.20. PIA'MS-Caltfornln, per crate, ll.2otjl.Ml home grown, per S-lb. basket, 15c. aOOSnMCHIlIKS-Per 24-qt. case, 12. TKOP1CA1. KUL'ITS. OKANaKS-Valenclas, $1.75; Med. sweets, $1 '5 i'n.MONS-CnUfonilu, extra fancy, 5.30ft 6.00; choice. 15.&0. II A NAN AS Per bunch, according to sire, !2.(Mi2.50. FIOS California, new cartons, ,oc! lay ers, 0Tc: Imported, per lb., loyi.'c. DATES Persian. In 00-lb. boxes, Sulrs, uc. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDEU-Per bbl.. UM; per h.ilf-bbl.. 12.75. Nl'TS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; ill berts, per lb., 13c; nltnonds, per lb., 18020c: raw peanuts, per lb.. SWChcj roasted, 6Vitf 7Hc; Hrazlls, 13c; pecans, 10i22c. HlDES-No, 1 green, 6ic; No. 2 green, 6Hc; No 1 salted, "Mc; No. 2 salted, bV4c; N'o, 1 veal calf, 8 to 12'4 lbs., 8c; No. 2 vent calf, 12 to 15 lbs., fie; dry hides, S813c; sheep pelts, 2;7Do; horse hides, ll.S0g3.23. St. Louis (Jrnln nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 3.-VIIEAT-Hlgher; No. 2 red. elevntor, Mic; track. 6,4c; Sep tember. 7''4fnC7?ie; December, 70c; No. 2 VWWC- , M,!-. I.n.t, I UKMUt t t.iPiii "?4l C9C0c; Sciitcmbcr, 68ic; December, &3c; -v ill. O nnuti T7f Mfirfll. SSdSVc, epttMnber, 3SHc; May, 3Dc; No. HYK-StrnnK, 02C. HKICDH Flnxsccdi no trading; timothy, no trading, t 1 1 , , . tit ntfii I.-!..! linlrl- nnL roil WlntfP patentH, $3.103.50: extra fancy and HtralKtit, s.i.iiKiio.iu; cifur, tM.ujii... COUNMEAI-Illgher nt 2.j. HHAN Firm; sacked, east track, 83c. iiAvTimnihv. p.tsv. in. 6117.00: iiralrlc, scarce and firm. $15,001? 15.50. ... .... . . am WIUHlVl iBICUUy l ii.-J. I HON COTTONTIES-H.15. HAGOINO-fWmic. HEMP TWINE 'JC PHOVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, H5.75. Lard, dull but firm, IS.62V4. Dry salt h,tv.l llrmnr' nvtrn HiinrtH. IS.l'A: clear ribs, 1S.37V4: clear sides. 1S.62W. llncon, Doxeo, quiei ma iiiiuui, u.itu phvi v, clenr ribs. 19.37'.$; clear sides,. $9.50. METALS-Lead: Steady at $1.301.40. Spelter: Steady at $3.S0. POULTUY-Stcady; chickens, springs, lie; turkeys, Be; sprlngB, 1012c: ducks, fc; young. c; geese, 3c; young, 5c. ..,, I1UTTEH Steady; creamery, WalMc; dairy. 13fflf.Hc EOGS-Steady; nearby 10c. HECE1PTS Flour. 4.000 bbls.; wheat, 203, 000 bu.; corn. 36.000 bu.; oats, 28,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 11.000 bbls.; wheat, 86,000 bu.; corn, 53,000 bu,; oats, 32,000 bu. Knnnn City Sruln nml Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 3. WHEAT Sep tember, OlWRlHc; December, fi'lifiiGJttc. Cash: No. 2 hard, 6IHQ65Uc; No. 3, 6tc: No. 2 red, 6rt'4c COHN September, EOUe; December, 58Uc. Cash: No. 2 mixed, SOHSuOVic; No. 2 white, Clc. OATS-No. 2 white, 41c. l!VRSn. 2. f.Sc. HAY-Cholco timothy, $14.50; prnlrle, $11. I1PTTEH Creamery, lfiMlOc; dairy, fancy. ltiillfiHo. , KUUS-e irm; iresn nussouri nun iviumuo stock quoted on "change at 9c dor., loss oft, climes returned. HECEIPTS-Whent, 171,000 bu.; corn, 72,000 bu.: onts. lS.Ort) bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 31,100 bu.; corn, 38, 800 bu.; oats, 20,000 bu. Toledo drill n nml Seeds. TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 3. WHEAT Active and strong; cash and August, 69ic; Septem ber, 70iie; December, 72Uc. COHN Active nnd higher: cash and Au gust, SC'c: September, 67c; December, B7Vic. OATS Fairly active and strong; cash, 35i4e; September, 31'ic. HYE-Mc. , , , CLOVEH8EED Active and higher; Oc tober. $8.13. I'll 1 In it ct 11 li In Produce .Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 3-Bl'TTEH-Flrm: fancy western creamery, 21Ho; fancy western prints, 21Hc. EGOS Firm; fresh nearby, lfio; fresh western, lfic; fresh southern. 12c; fresh southwestern. 12He; exceptional lots, 17c. CHEESE Firm but quiet; New York full creams, fancy small. U'WlOc; New York full creams, fair to choice, OflOc. IlliviuiUee 1: nil 11 XnrUet. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 3.-WHEAT-Market firmer; No. 1 northern, 7Hi71Hc; No. 2 north ern. ilSHf'70c; September, 09!4c. HYE Firmer; No. 1. 5614c. COHN-September, 57Hc NiiKiir Slarliet. NEW YOH1C. Aug. 3.-SPOAH-Haw. steady; fair refining. 3 9-lCe; centrifugal. 91 test, 4 5-320. Molasses sugar. 3 5-lSc. He flned, quiet; No. il. 4.7."c; No. 7. 4.6oe; No. 8, 4.fie; No. 9. 4.50c; No. 10. 4.15c: No. 11, 4.40c; No. 12, 4.IHc; No. 13. 4.3ic; No. II, 4.3iV; etaiidnrd A. 5 15c; confectioners' A. 5.15c; mould A. 5. 70c; cut loaf, fi.S.'o; crushed, 5KV; powdered, 6.45c; granulated, 5.33c; cubi s. n.fifle. LONDON. Aug. 3.-DEET SL'OAH August, 9s O'.d. NEW OHLEANS. Aug. 3.-SUOAR-Qulet; ojien kettle, 3 3-lMi'4c: open kettle, centrlfugiil, 37iri'ic; centrifugal yellow, 4'iJfl 9-lfio; seconds, 2'4jf3!i,c. Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 5f)llc. r.viiioi'iiteil nnd Ilrlrd Fruits. NEW YOHK, Aug. 3,-EVAPOHATED APPLES-lt wa a Saturday market for dried fruit?, very llttlo trading being In dulged In except for n few scattered lots to covor Immediate wants. The undertone, however, was steady and values were mis tallied but unrhnnged State, common to good. IH.fTTo; prime, "fJ7'4c; choice, 7AiQSc; fancy, SWc CALIFORNIA DRIED FHUITS-Mnrket wus featureless and nominally iinchanced. Prunes. 3VVfr7r- Apricots, Hoynl, 8'; Moor Park. S5T12c. Peaches, peeled, UfilSc; impeded, 0G9Hc. Xcmv York Dry Oooiln Atiirket, NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-DRY OOODS Thero has been no Improvement In tho de mand for staple cottons. In heavy brown sheetings nnd drills sellers hold for previous prices. Pleached cottons are steady In all grades. Coarse colored goods nre supported by tho limited supplies for sale. Prints nnd ginghams are steady. American cotton vnms are quiet and Irregular, with the tone hnrdly as good as a week ago. Worsted yarns llrm; woolen yarns quiet but steady; Jute ynrns dull und Irregular. Wool Y.urUet. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 3.-WOOI-Flrm nnd In demand: medium grades, lHfl7c; light tine, umilc; henvy line, 9ifllc; tub washed, I'WIe. NEW YORK. Aug. 3.-WOOI,-Qulet; do tnlstlc lleece, 2427c; Texas, l&rjl'c. 1)11 and llosln. OIL CITY. Pa., Aug. 3,-OlLS-Credlt bal ances. 11.25. certificates, no bids; no runs or shipments reported. TIIE OMAIIA DAILY IJEEl SCNTIAY. AfGl'ST 1, ITOI, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL ffhsat Mark$ 0pm with Plmty of Pfe, Billirt. NEWS OF CORN CROP IN IOWA IS BAD Outs Vol In tv Other Ornlns nml Utile Firm, FollovrlnK Slight Dip nt Opening Provisions .Mnr kct Holds Steady. CHICAaO, Aug. 3. Heavy clearances caused a strong and fairly active wheat market today, September closing itt':ic higher. Corn closed c nnd oats tl0ic Im proved. Provisions closed unchanged to 2ic up. The nbsence of cables from Liverpool, that market being closed, left wheat trad ers with nothing to contemplate but a promising spring wheat crop on top of the big winter crop and the opening found the crowil free sellers, September ranging from CSfcu to OSUc. At lll'.VO'Wiic the decline was checked by evidences that tho seaboard clearances for the day would be unusually heavy. Heavy purchases by a single opera tor started an advance In which the crowd Joined Inter, when tho sire of tho clear ances was confirmed und receivers reported light offerings from tho country. The mar ket rose steadily to Uic, where 11 consider able short Interest wus driven to cover and u turther udvanco to U9i9c ensued, on the bulges longs in moderate force took profits, out the bulls strenuously opposed them und the market closed strong, Sep te.mS.r &'? hlKber than yesterday s close at 03V4c. Exporters reported 20 carloads taken. Seaboard clearances in wheut and lout wore equal to l.Att.ono bushels, while primary receipts were S),uo.j bushels, rom. pared with CW.ool bushels last year. Min neapolis and Duluth reported a total of 129 cars, against 303 last week and 227 a year coK,?iractTrade?C,;'P,,, WL""U 887 Cnr3' " uf JZTAStifo. "oorTwhM narked attention came from lSwi" mid p-c-d cled that the condition of the crop of that state would not be over 40 per cent Tho mn,r' h"1' a good opening owing to t e R .n U fnr ,c" ' wh,t'h Promised rain Selling for a few moments was urgent, but it t r t .hn"). V,7- T.h0. Wllc,U trotlB h ,ia.Tt.?,'i ,ho reaction. A large short Inter "f. ? Yx.po'(''d ami many sold, but bulls reinstated their lines. For a time corn was ijr.( i,V!,BOt iimI ,1" 'nnrket rallied Bharply. Heallzlng soles on the advance cuused a da c lino of Ho, but the close was firm, ic h gher ut 67HC. The low point was 50ic tho best 6S'4c. Hecelpts were 157 cars. Oats followed the trend of the other grain markets and ruled llrm, following a slight dip at the opening. Tho trade was fairly active, but presented no fentures of My elin Interest. Local shorts covered freely on the advance and commission houses wero moderate buyers, while offerings gtn orally were light. Country acceptances In Illinois were moderate, but west of tho river tho movement was said to be exceed ingly smnll. Hecelpts wero 278 cars. Sep tember sold between 3lic nnd 33y,c and closed firm, U(fti,c over ycslcrdny at 35'ic The provision market was steady. There was some Improvement ln the outside de mand, and this, together with higher prices nt tho yards nnd in the grain pits, held values steady, although fluctuations wero narrow. September pork closed unchanged nt IH.2;h, September lard a shade easier at $8.77V4 and ribs 2c up nt 17.M. Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat, 2r cars; corn, 133 cars; outs, 350 cars; hogs, 33, 000 head. The lending futures ranged ns follows: Artlcles.l Open. Illgh.l Low. Close.l Yos'y. Wheat Aug. Sept. Dec. Corn Sept. Oct. Dec. Oats Sept. May Tork Sept, Jan. Lnrd Sept. Oct. Jan. Rlbs Scpt. Oct. Jan. 1 1 f,7,4 7OH0U72 Hi '0 71i70(?l; 57(5!i 59 hVA BS',4 6S5 WIGK 35!i 34H 3314 3li 37aV6 38 37 37T4 37 14 27'i 14 30 14 22U 14 27W 14 27i 16 00 13 12V5 15 00 15 (5 14 93 S 77H S S2H 8 77H 8 77M 8 77U S 85 8 STV4 S 825 S 85 8 Hi 8 W 8 85 StO 8 5:4 8 SJ 7 93 7 93 7 93 7 93 7 f 2U 7 95 8 00 7 95 8 00 7 97a 785 7 90 785 7 85 7S3 No. 2. Cash quotations wcro as follows: FLOUIt-8tendy; winter patents, $3.40 3.50: straights. 13.0O1j3.30: clears, $2.7Orf3.10; spring specials. 14.10fil.20; patents, J.1.W&1 3.70; stralehts, $2.S0tf3.2O; bakers. $2.2002.65. WHEAT No. 3 spring, CiiW69c; No. 2 red, G9fl70c. CORN-No. 2, BRUc; No. 2 yellow. PfiUc. OATS-No. 2. 35Vlc: No. 2 white. 37W,ff3ic: No. 3 white, 36HiR37(4c. RYE No. 2. 5Sc. nARLKY Fair to choice malting, fc. SEEDS-No. 1 flax, $1.75; No, 1 northwest ern, $1,75; prime timothy, $1.90; clover, con tnirl ernde. SIO.S. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl ft 1.20 (011.25. Lard, per 100 lbs., fS.77H5T8.S0. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.85'fi8.00. Dry suited shoulders (boxed). $7.3747.02V4. Short clear sides (boxed). $S.3nfiS.40. WHISKY Hasls of high wines. $1.19. Following aro tho receipts and shipment for today: Rcce'pts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 17,nno It 000 Wheat, bu 278,OV 178 '00 Corn, iiu 177.00 H5.0M Oats, bu 2W.000 121.(00 Hye. bu 11.C0O Uarloy, bu 2,000 On tho Produce exchango today tho but ter inn 'Rot war firm: creameries, HUfllluc; dairies, 13gi04c. Cheese, firm, Esi.0c. Eggs, firm; fresh, Uic. NEW YOIIK GUEHAI, 9IAHKIST. Quotations of the Day on Vnrinns Cnniimiilltlf. NEW YORK, Aug. S.-li'I.OUR-Recciptfl, ll.Oil bbls.; exports, 7.5SS bbls.; steady to llrm nnd fpilet at old prices; winter patents, tZ.'MiXM; winter straights, t3.25g.1.60; Min nesota patents, t3.T0ftl.0O; winter straights, t3.Ma3.B0; Minnesota patents, t3.TOSft.00; winter extras, t2.fiO(u'2.80; Mlnnesotu bakers, t2.W83.15; winter tow grades, t2.3ivj4.0O. Rye flour, dJll; fair to good, t2.T0fT3.13; choice to fancy. 3.15!3.40. CORNMKAI, Quiet; yellow western, 11.15;; city, tl.12; brnndywlne, J3. 10(33.23. RYK Firm; N'o. 2 western. 60c. f. o. b., afloat; state, GJSOCc, c. I. f., New York car lots. HARI.nY Quiet : feeding. 52c. c. I. f., Huffalo; malting, fiofiiKc. c. I, f., Buffalo. HARI.KY MAI.T-null; western, fi(ff2c. WHICAT Receipts. 204,030 bu.; exports. 58.143 bu., sales, L'.tTO.OPO bu. futures, SO.OC0 bu. spot. Spot, firm; N'o. 2 elevator, "6ic, f. 0. b., atloat; N'o. 2 red, 741e, elevator; N'o. 1 northern Duluth. TSc, f. o, b., atloat; N'o 1 hard Duluth. S,c, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened rather easv with corn, but were subsequently strengthened by cover ing, showers In harvest districts, largo clearances and rumors of a good French export demand In the southwest. Closed strong at Mfic net advnnce; September, 7.Ti).?n4c, closed nt Ttc; October, 74 3-10 T.'i'ie closed at T3Vc; December, 75'ic, closed at 7SV, COHN Receipts. D2.W0 bu.: exports, 155.TS0 bu Spot, firm: N'o. 2. 6')ic, elevator, and CHc. f. o. h.. nflout Option market opened easier on rains west, but turned suddenly strong with the wheat advnnce nnd on ac tive covering closed firm nt ".idje net rise; September. fifkfiOlc. closed nt 61c; December, Clfl62e, closed at 61ic. OATS Receipts, 123.2M bu.: exports, 2.R1S bu. Spot, quiet; N'o. 2. 3Sic; No. 3. 37tto: N'o. 2 white. 4mfri2c; N'o. 3 white, 40Wllc; track mixed western, 37Htfi.Wse; track white western. JOtilOc; trnck white stnte. 29 5Tt5o. Options, quiet, but generally steady to firm HAY-Steady; spring, T2HftT5c; good to choice, 9C?i05c. HOI'S Quiet: stnte. common to choice. 1W0 crop, 135n8c; 1893, lOftlJc; olds. 2(H6c. Taclllc coast, 1900 crop, 13ftUHc; 1S93, 11013c; olds 2!7fic. HlDnS-Rtendy: Oalveston, 20 to 23 lbs.. ISfilRiic: Cnllfornln. 21 to 23 lbs., 19MiC Texas drv. 21 to 30 lbs., llc. I.RATIIKR Steady ; hemlock sole. Rueiins Avres, light to heavyweights, 2lft23c; acid, 2PJT2.'ic, PHOVISIONP-neef, quiet: family, fll.SO 4T12.00; mess, $9.IW17WOO; beef hums, t20.mfT 21.60; packet, tio. OCT10.50; city, extra India mess, JKi.OCGlVofV Cut meats, quiet; pick led bellies. t9.onZ7li.CO; nlckled shoulders, 7.0f?7.25; pickled hnmi, til 25, I.ard, steadv; western steamed, J9.05; refined, unlet; con tinent, 19.20: South America. t9.7.V com pound, t7,ft'vfi7.12Vi. Tork. tlrm: family, I1S.S0 W17.00; short clears, tl60Ot7.60; mess, J15.60 16 W. MOI,ASSF.8-8tcndy; New Orleans open kettl. onnd to choice, 33W42C RrTTKn-Stendv: creamery, lOT20Hc; factory, western June. I6ffl54c: Imitation crenmerv. 1417Ho; stnte dalrv, 14fll9c. CHBKSR-Rtrndy: fancv largo colored. C'Vc: fancv large white. OHo: fancy email coiord. (i;c: fnncv smnll white, HKc, KGGS Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 18 OUc; western candled, l.'JjlO'.ic; western uqcandled, Sjilte. TALLOW-Steady; city ($2 per pkg., 4c country (pkgs. freei, 44I?.tc, POULTltY - Alive and dressed, un changed. METALS The market for metals hnd oil the aspects of a holiday, Inasmuch ns the foreign markets will be closed until next Tuesday morning on account of a banking holiday. Orders on either side were scarce nnd vnlues were without variation nnd al most nominal, Tin was quoted ot $27.5.Vlf 2S.00, lend at $4.37H, spelter at $3.900.1.99. wopper, dull; brokers, $10.50fll7.tO; Lnke Superior, JICBOTI 17.1J; casting and electro lytic. $16.37H'U16.t-H. Lead, dull; brokers, $1. Pig iron warrants, $9.50fll0.W; No. 1 northern foundry, $16.(vinS.50; No, 2 southern foun dry, $14.00f15.CO; No. 1 southern foundry, Sli.KKH5.S0j No. 1 southern foundry, soft, $14.75Q 13.23. NEW YORK M'OCICS AM) llO.MIS. Prices Open Higher on Xcrrs of Strike Conference, NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-Prlces opened higher today under the operations of small attendance of professional traders on the ''"aril, who were apparently lnlluenccd by the belief thnt the renewed conference. 0.1 the steel strlko gave promise of a cjiii- promise and n resumption of work. Hoth tho United Stntes Steel stucks rose a polr.t over last night and St. Paul opened n point and n fraction higher. There was an nd vance of 34 points In Consolidated Ons for some unexplained renson, nnd gulns of a point or more In United States Leather preferred, American Cotton preferred, Peo ple's Ons, Pncltlc Mall, St. Lawrence nnd such Inconspicuous stocks. Selling orders nppeared when the limit statement was published, whether for the purpose of tak ing profits by room traders or from nn un favorable Interpretation of that document would be hard to suy. The rither larte Increase In the loan Item wns not a strengthening factor, but the Increase n cash largely offset Its effect on tho surplus reserve Item. Tho selling nt the Inst, though small, seemed rather urgent und cirrlid prices rather precipitately to the low on level of the day. Tho closing Itself was weak and near the lowest. The railroad bond market wns as far from retl ct'nt anv demand for securities ns that for storks nnd wns dull and heavy throughout. New United Stntes 4s have declined lVj per cent on cnll during the week. The following nre ;ne closing prices on tjie New York Stock exchange; Atchlfon So. ltnllny iln liM SHi ilo lifil . Wi . 4f . rcij . u . fPH . H Wi .W'.i . M . 20 , ;fi; . 42 . 79 .17.) .190 . SI .110 Ilnlthnore & Ohio... K Trxiis & Pacific ilo nfd. . Toi., st. 1 .t V.. Cunadlan Pacific Omit'lu Ho dies. & Ohio Chicago & Alton.. do pfd Chi.. Ind. & 1... . do pfd..., Chlrngo & I'. 111.. Chicago (1. V...,, do 1st pM do 21 rtd Chicago & N. Yv. C, II. 1. fi P Clilcano Ter. & Tr do pfd C. C. C i Ht. 1... Colorado Ho do lal pfd do 2d pfd Del. A- HialKon.... Del. L. & V Denver & Hlo ll.. do fd Krlo do 1st pM do 2d Pfd ..10 do pfd .. 114 Pnlon Pacific ., 4MS do pf.l ., ?7 Wnliaiih , , 'u',3 ilo pfd .. M Wheel. A L. 11... . ..18 ' do 2d pfd ..1S.1 Wis. Central .. 21 'i do pf.l .. M 'P. C. C. & St. U .. f, Adams Kx ..190 American K ..18i P. H. Kx .. lSii, Wflls-Parco Ex.. .. 3i Conner . ...li2i W 13 Amer. Car Ai 1'.... . W '.4 . S3li . CPS do pM Amer. l.ln. Oil.. do pfd Amer. 8. & It... do pM ... 50 ... 13 ...IliO ...22S ... u .100 Amer. Tobacco... .HsU ... M Anar. Mln. Co. 41 ... 3U llrooklyn It. T. . .. ... fifu Colo. Fuel Us Iron ... 4'a Con. Ons ...l'&'.ii "Con. Tobacco ... ...11 I do pf.l ... "Vi C.en. Electric ...141 ,Ulucoe Sugar ... ... .'6 llncklnr Coat .... ... '3 llnter. Paper ... 95 . .1221; .. to u ,.mi .. BW ... mti .. :;, . r.i .. Id . . !" ... 42 J'-i .. 4fi ... ,.. 99 .. f ... 4I1.4 ..111 .. 43 .. S3 ,..:o5 ... l'J',4 .. :i Ot. Nor. pfd... Hocking Sullpy . do pfd Illinois Central .. Iowa Central .... do pfd Lko Krle & V. do pfd t3 do nfil .110 'Inter. Power 10P1 I.icleilc Ons Manhattan 1. llt National Illscult Met. Ht. Railway... lit National ... Mexican Central ... ..'j Batumi Salt ... !" do pfd . . ,10-i No. Amerli-an .... ... !)? Paclllo Coast .... ... r 'Pacific Mall ... 62 People'B (las .... ...118 .Pressed H. Car,.. I do pM ... SIV'i Pullman P. Cur.. ... $41 Republic Steel ... ... Jl do pfd Mex. National Minn. A Ht. 1, Mo. Paclllu ... M.. K. & T... do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central Norfolk fi W. do pfd Ontario it W. Pennsylvania Heading do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd... St. I.. Si H. K. do 1st pfd... do 2.1 pfd.... St, L. Southw do pfd St. Paul do pfd 80. Pacific ... ...Ill MUKar ,13U 41!jTcnn. Coal & iron. 61 Va kl..lTnlnn II.... k. 1. Union Hair P. . CV'i . ?.". . 78 . 2? ' I'Ai ..15SU .181 do pfd U. 8. Wilier . ..1131,4 .. M .. P) .. CO .. tV.i .. KV, do nfd U. 8. ltubber .. do nfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Western Union Offered. Trust receipts. New York Money Mnrkct. NEW YORK, Ails. 3.-MON13Y-On call, nominal, no loans; prime mercantile paper, 4HW5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGK Nomlnnl, with actual buslnti.s In bankers' bills nt $l.i7 for demand and at t4.h5!(,'ii4.S3',4 for sxlv days: posted rates, isg and Jl.Sti'A; com mercial bills, l.SI'4fl.lHi. HI1.V1CR Har, 6-se; Mexican dollars, 16c. LiONDS Government bonds, steady; state bonds, Inactive; railroad bonds, Irregular. Till, clustllK piiLt u,. .iuiiu louu. ii at follows: U. 8. ref. 2a. res;.... do coupon do 3i. rec. do coupon .,. do new 4s, reg.... do coupon do old 4, ric do coupon do tr, rtg do coupon D. of C. 3 Ms Atchlion gen. 4 do adj. 4i Canada Ho. 2s lOTn N Y. Central la... 1074t N. J. C. rcii. Cs.... losi No. Taclllo J HS',i do 4 137 .S' Y, C & St L, 4s 137 ,N. & W. con. 4s... 104 r:9 7:14 10IH t'7! 102 l)7i, 102 129 I1J "OreBon Nav. 1'.3 do 4s lutU'Oregon S. I. lu"i do consul t.A 121 Heading Ken. Is... ."6s.'.' 117-i 4s K, J03"i 'Hlo O. V. Is KU4 P.fdi ::q 173 lrJ) 97 Ht I, ,t 1 M c. 5s. U0 IVt I, & S K g 6s.. 10715 'St. Paul consols . i'J ".4t P, C & P Is... dies. A: Ohio 4',4s.., do 3d C. & N. W. c. "s... ns'j do t,H IMk . 9J .116! . S' .HSU .IDS .vl .IIS .HO'4 UiM . S7H 51!. do H. I-. deb. 58.. So. Paclllo 4s., Hallway lis.. ChlcaRo Ter. 4 Cotorado So. 4 J4V4 fC'.i1 10P4 Stt 104 !'0 So. 8. n. A- T. c... Denver & It. O. 41. Krle general 4s P. W. & D. C. Is.. Tex. & Paclllo Mo L'nlon Paclllo 4s... Wabath Is do 2s Ocn. Klectrlc 5s..., Iowa Central Is... I.. & N. nt. 4 M.. K. & T. 2a.... do 4s . Mtjlwis. Central is!.'.' D7',iVa. Centuries .... Hid. Offered. llostnn .SIoi'Un und HoihIn. HOSTON. Aug. 3.-Cal loans. Sffiu per cent; time loans, 4IJ3 per cent. OlTlcInl closing: A.. T. & 8. V, . 7.",; At.-hlson 4s . tl'i Adventure .l'Ji1. lllni!mm Mln 102 . 2'V 21 H2H .713 .. . 17 . 2.1 . 9S'i . M .170 . 6 ,213 . 29 2H . CH-i do pfd lm,r Sucar . American Tel Iloston A Albany.. .1S9'i Ainaj. Copper .... y7't Cat. & iiecla 1M' Centennial Iloatcn & Me Dominion Coal ... do pfd V. 8, Sleet do pfd Ren. Klectrlc Mex. Central v K. a. & C . n iTr.nlilln ..Its Humboldt . 4ViOs.eoln ,. S2',4 Parrot ,.:i3 Qulncy .. 23'4 Snntn Ke Copper.. ,. C Tamaiack .:05 Piah Mining ,. !""V, Winona ,. 9.'" Wolverines ,. 70 ' Old Colony rnlon raclflo West End WestliiKh. Klectrlc .lew York .Mining: Stocks, NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-The following aro the closing quotations on mining stockn Adams Con CI Alice 43 Ilrece 110 llrunswlck Con 11 Comitock Tunnel .. 0 Con Cat. & Va 193 Peadwooil Terra.... 5" Horn Sliver 173 Iron Silver 5", I.eidvllla Con 0 ILIttlc Chief .. lOntnrlo Ophlr Phoenix Potoul Savage Sierra Nevada Fmoll Hopes... Standard I ... 12 ...675 ... 70 ... S ... 5 ... 5 ... II ... Ml ...313 Hunk (.'leiirliiK. i?,MAJ.IA; A!'.B- 3 nnnk f,lMrlnKs today, $!,003,9Mi; for the corresponding day ot ln.t year. tM!2.03l; Increase. $15l,rB2. Hank e'ear Ings for the week Just closed, fS.sasS- f ir tho corresponding weik of last yenr." J3 -6TS.6S2; Increase, H50.6I1, ' ' ,,)' HALTIMORE, Aug. 3.-Clcarings, 3,5C:.. 275: balances, $I26,S2S. ' NEW YOHK. Aug. 3.-Clenr!ngs, $203,234.. 911: balances, $12.270 606. b ' HOSTON Aug 3.-Clcarlngs. f2l.3i'2,0:6; balances, $ ' PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 3.-Clenrlngs. $11 79S.772: balance. f3.nBS.202. "fc. CINCINNATI. Aug. 3 -Clenrlngs. f 2 CT2 -600: New York exchange, par nnd c dis count; money, 3'6 per cent. CHICAGO, Aug. 3 Clenrlntrs, $22,53, 92f' balnnces, $1,679,971; posted exchange. $t.rff 4.SSH; New York exchange, rar nnd ,0 nlseount. ST. LOIMS, Aug. 3 -Clenrlngs. $3,720 212 balances, $SS7.4(9; monov, 4(f(6 per cent; Nw York exchange, 40c discount bid. 30? ills, count nuked. Minneapolis Wheal, Flour nml II run, MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 3-WHEAT-Cash. 674o; September, 66-Vi il'.c; December. 63"i fafiHc: on track, N'o. 1 lnrd, cr,o. N'o. 1 northern. 67ljc; No, 2 northern. riMc, FLOl'R First patents. fS.Srfn.ffl; HSrn"d patents. f3.60fl3.70; first dears, fJ.J f5 second clears. 12.20. URAN-In bulk, tl3.5CSll.C0. OMAHA. LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steen Are Fifteen to Tweaty-Five Centi Higher Thin L&st Week. HOGS SOLO A SHADE HIGHER TODAY For the Week Hues nml Wotlicr Aro 1'lftccn to a (lunrler l.oivcr and l.iimlm Mrmly to Mmde l,nvpr Feeders Arc Mimv nml YA cak. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 3. Receipts were: Otllclal Monday, Cuttle. Hogs, oin-ip. .... 1.24J 4,ovHi 8,111 umclal Ulllcial Otllclal OIIIClUI luisiiuj a.wi w,ivj lv.uo- Uedliesday 2,i.'i W.iiJ u.H. Thursday 2,231 6,051 3.W4 Friuuy i.wt 'i.o'ji t, J batuiuay l,m ,SJ Total this week 12,188 Week July 27 12,ul Weik cnniiig July 20 U.sJU 47,581 M,.i4ti W,32( 4i,blO 00, 123 33,tK2 2i,:i H.vH 9,3, , hick ending Jiuy 1J h.iji e. k ending JUiy 0. .. H.iine seek 111st year.. I.S. ...13.I.M 1U,9.U .wtrugo price paid tor nous at south Omaha the pust btvcrul dus Hh com parisons. I 1901. 1900.1599.l!Wi.lS97.l96.l'W. July 15... July 16.. July 17... July in,,, Juiy 1a... Jjiy 20... July 21... July 22... July 23 ,. July v-4... July as... July 26... July V... July 23... July 29... July 30... July 31... August 1. August 2. August 3. 6 77 W! I 6 K-M 3 S9 3 T7, 3 1" 3 b2 3 20! I 3 a 3 S.21 I 3 051 3 07 i , 2 9! 2 971 2 tril 2 'X, 2 S3, 2 92, 2 hJi .:J 2 85, 2 TO, 2 Tl 2 ii, 1! 77 2 7?, 2 S3 4 St 4 M 4 W 4 SJ 4 5J 4 VI 4 83 4 SI 4 76 1 si 4 it 4 SJ 4 93 4 l I 0. 1 :6 4 10 4 M 6 021 4 Ui 4 57 4 na. 4 01 4 16; 4 2i 6 Mi 3 3i 3 !SI 3 X 3 !1 3 34 O W,4 4 as 4 1? 4 21 4 34 5 07 5 67H 3 i'J i -1 1 3 621 3 2ol I 3 ti 3 S9 I 3 ST 1 3 37) 3 21, 3 4.l 3 67 3 29 3 T2 3 36, 3 14i 3 44, 3 aOi a to 3 T4 3 431 3 07 3 4Ti & 70 S 15 ,1 6 6.i?4 6 13 U5 6 02 5 e 4 36 4 31 4 271 4 S2 4 331 4.32, 4 32' 4 191 I 26! 4 33 I 6 6S,I JSisi 6 V 5 fidlil u 61 1 5 6i',4 5 Ti, 1 6 T9V4! 5 13 6 0i a OUi 5 15 0 18 5 15 Itidlcati s Sunday. Tho official number of cars of stock orought l.i today by each road wns: Cuttle.Hogs.H'ses. C, M. & St. P. Hy O. . St. 1,. Hy Missouri I'nclllc Hy Union I'acllle system .... C. & N. W. Hy V., i:. & M. V. R. R C, St. V., M. & O. Ry... II. & M. It. R. U C, 11. & Q. Hy K. C. & St. J t, H. 1. & P., east C, U. I. & V.. west a :i 19 n do 8 19 S 1 S 2 "ns 49 Total receipts M The disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcliuslng the num ber of tieau imiicutcu: Huyers. Umiiha Packing Co Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. SSI .. 1 2.107 2,50,1 SO Swift ami Company 1 Cudahy l'ackllig Co Armour & Co Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C. 1,063 Swift nnd Co., K. C to Armour .c Co., K. C TO Other buyers 1 2,701 421 313 Totals 1,191 8,203 S14 CATTLE There wcio over 60 cars ot cattle reported In this morning, but most of them wero consigned direct to u locnl packer and not offered on tho market, so that there wns nothing with which to test the market. Tho supply for the week Is not far from the same us the receipts last week, but a decrease Is noted ns compared with tho corresponding week of last year. The market on beef steers advanced rap Idly the first three days of this week and by Wednesday, which wns the high day of tho week, values wero 25&-10C higher than on the previous Friday. Tho greatest advance wns on tho medium grades. Since that tlmo tho tendency of values lias been downwnrd, on tho medium cattle In particular, so that the week closes with tho general market 15i23c higher than on Friday of last week. Tho demand wus good most all the weok and the yurds were cleared at a reasonably early hour. The cow market has also Improved con siderably this week, us the light receipts prevented buyers from tnklug off the latter part of tho week what they put on the llrst part. Tho general market can Bafely bo quoted a quarter higher for the week. The quality of tho offerings was exceptionally common and In fact there was only 0110 bunch of really cholco stuff and thnt sold for f 4.5(3, which shows what good fut cows und heifers will bring. Hulls have not changed much during the week, but still anything nt all deslrablo Is fully us high as It was n week ugo. Veal calves aro u little higher than last week, as fO.OO wus paid this week for good stuff. Stags have also Improved somewhat. Stockera and feeders advanced shandy tho llrst of the week, but the last two or three days have not sold finite ns well. As compared with the close of hiBt week prices muy now be quoted safely lBti'.'ic higher. HOGS There wns u good average Satur day's run of hogs hero toduy, but buyers started In early and tho market opened nctlvu and Just about steady with yester day's closo, or about 24c higher than yesterday's general market. Good mixed hogs began moving toward the scales at f5.T"'.. und $3.S0. v.hllo the better grades of heavy hogti sold from f5.S2V: to Jo. 90. Tho light hogs sold slowly trom J5.77H down. Thu bulk of the offerings was out of llrst hands It good season, but along toward tho last end packers did not seem to bo quite us unxlnus for supplies and the close was u trllle weak. Light stuff In particu lar wus hard to dispose of. The biipply of hogs for the week shows 11 decrease as compared with last week, I ut there Is still a big liicrcuso over the cor responding week ot lust your. The demand nt all market points has been In good shape ami us a resjlt prices havo advanced considerably. Tho advance for the week at this point amounts to nearly 20c and prices are now ut the highest point rcuched slnco July 13. It Is Interesting to note what tho hogs cost on tho corresponding dates for tho lust several years. On August 3, 1!W0, tho overage was f3.13; In lsD'J It was $1.33, In Wis $3.07, In 1S97 $3.17 and in 1SU6 $2.S3. There Is an advance, then, over tho year 1S90 of closo to $3 per hundred. Rep resentative saies No. ,W. Bh. Pr. No. Av. 8h. l'r. 7t 2IS 20 5 W W 215 ... 5 fO 87 219 120 5 SO 105.. PS... S3... 07... .166 so 5 ;.o .174 1:0 5 70 .184 SO 5 72',-i .203 200 6 T2'a .210 12fl 3 75 .213 ... 5 73 .217 160 6 75 63 .223 40 5 SO 1 76... 69.... 10.... .... 67.... 63.... 69.... C8.... CO.... .233 .m .243 160 6 SO ... 3 SO ... 5W 71... 71... M... 10... 108.. 62... 10... SI... 70... ...194 ...160 SO 5 73 .. f. ',5 239 5 SO ..216 124 6 80 .179 120 C 75 .20S SO 6 75 .MS ... 5 73 .IPS 40 5 73 .213 ... 5 75 .220 40 B 73 ...251 ...245 ...236 80 ... 5 80 SO 5 80 40 3 SO . . & 80 61 .235 70 227 10 261 67 231 60 225 40 6 80 93. 66. 76. K. 74. 64. M. 78. 1ED 160 3 73 231 80 5 0 5 U 213 80 5 73 225 120 222 ... 210 200 207 12) 5 " Vi 69 TO 6) CS (0 73 82 59 C9 60 223 120 5 SO 26.1 40 5 SO 241 220 5 0 213 10 3 SO 3 '7'.4 5 77U 219 160 3 'T.i 213 ... 6174 213 40 5 7714 243 M 5 SO .. 3 .",4 40 3 1-2', 80 I 824 80 3 82H 4) 5 t2t, 80 3 f5 40 5 85 40 6 85 ... 3 55 ...231 ...240 ...273 ...230 ...275 DO.. 201 120 3 77',4 91 207 120 72 215 SO 5 77',, 78 221 40 5 7714 70 217 40 5 771, 82 211 200 3 771,4 68 235 K 5 (7(4 76 269 12) 5 ,74 C4 204 ... 5 7P4j 72 230 80 8 771-i 78 207 4 0 6 77!, 61 222 40 3 Wli 83 210 120 5 7714 JO 263 (,) 3 7714 69 219 120 5 77'a 71 217 80 3 f0 65 S02 200 3 80 73 203 2i0 6 80 76 23) 40 3 )0 60 201 SO 5 SO SI 217 SO 3 tO 63 232 ... 5 80 61 252 80 5 80 83 220 ... 5 80 Id 82 72 ! 57 30 88 73 to 63 73 81 213 261 230 221 .29) 140 5 S7'J ....317 120 6 TO ....299 ... 5 W ....213"1C0 3 73 ....2J0 ... 5 73 ....213 80 5 "4 . . . .224 SO 5 771,4 20S ... 5 7,14 ....233 40 1 "7V, ....201 120 5 7714 62... 73... 75. . .. 77... 73... 31... CI.... CO... C5... 69... TO... CI... 70... .180 SO 3 77'4 ... 3 77',4 ..200 .210 12) 3 77'4 274 80 5 77' i 1C0 3 CO ... 3 0 80 3 80 .220 .210 (1 238 120 5 80 71... 70... 67... 64... 03... 81 .. 234 84 5 80 .222 200 5 80 ..230 40 3 tO .,221 ... 5 SO ..238 120 5 SO ..253 SO 3 60 ..210 SO 5 0 217 80 3 SO 230 ... 5 80 217 160 3 80 317 SO 5 !2',i 270 40 5 77, M, I'J (2 .231 4) 5 80 254 160 5 S3 8IIIJK1' There wcro no fresh receipts of sheep nnd lambs hero today, so that the market was not tested. Tho supply for tho week shows 11 big gain over tho receipts of the Inst govern! weeks nnd nlso nn enormous Increase over tho corresponding week of last year. Tho tendency of prices on ewes and wethers bus been downwurd most of the week and the decline as compared with tho close of last week amounts to about 1511250. Good stuff scorns to bo In fairly active demand, but tho common kinds aro very hard to dispose of ot any price. Ilalf-fat stuff packers will hardly touch and In most enses has to sell for feeders at feeder prices. Lambs sold In good tdiapo at about steady prices all the weeH until about Krtday, when the feidtnu was wenk. Half-fat and common stuff, though, wus neglected, tho same as noted nliovo rnr sneep, The demand for feeders continues verv light nnd prices aro lower than they were a week ub'o. Commission men Bay that farmers who havp a ploce to feed sheep or lambs can now get them that aro worth the money. QUotutli.ns; Choice yearlings, t3.234T3.5n; fair to go.d jearllngs, t3 1513.2.; choice wethers, WO'SSJS; fnlr to good wethers. ffi.S6Jf3.00; choice ewes, t.'.7?I3 10; fair to, good ewes, f2.iU4f2.i; choice spring lambs, , t4eM7Vtv; fair to good spring lambs, tt 2.M't 4 65; feeder wethers, ft M4J3.01'; feeder lambs, MOJJS..JJ. Representativo sales: No, Av. l'r 216 western wethers 9tl ft 1) 205 western wethers 11a 3 15 cuic.vdo i.ivu sTotfic 31 .1 liter, r Cnttlc nml Sheep Dull, While lings Close Ensy. CHICAGO, Aug. 3.-CATTLt:-Hccelpts, SW head, Including mostly Texnns, direct lo Killers; mnrKet 111111, steady, quotations mostly normal; good to prime steers, t-VfHf G.00; poor to medium, f l.leffJ.20; stockers nnd feeder. fJ.2.Vfil.25; cows, f2 75i 1.00. heifers. t2.26'i4.W, calipers, Jt 5ir2.40, bulls, f2.504i4.rin; calves, f3.Ooit3.25; Texas steers, t3.OOirM.50. HOOS-Recelpts, 16,000 head; Monday. .V, 000 head, estimated; left over. 1,'iu head; bulk sold steady, close easy; mixed nnd butchers, f5.ftttf6.12U; good to choice henvy. tri.S.VM6.12i,. rough heavy, $5.40ir3.75; light, $5.76Jri.M; lulk of sales, f5.7CW5.93. , SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 1.500 head; dull; lambs, dull; many common sheep and lambs being carried over; good to choice wethers, 1.1.75fil.OO; fair to choice mixed, $3.25'jf3 30; western sheep, $3.231i3.iW; yearlings, J3.75ff4.25; native lambs, $2.23tf 5.15; western Iambs, $1,251(5.15. Oillclal receipts und shipments for yes terday. HECEIPTS-Catlle. 6.621 head; hogs. 21, SSj) bend; sheep, ,SM head. SIIIPMENTS-Cuttle. 3,953 head; hogs, 3,319 hcud; sheep, l'S7 hend. Knnsiis City l.lir Mtoek Mnrliet. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 3.-CATTLE-HC-celpts, 250 head natives, no Trxans; beef steers, st"ady nt yesterday's cluse, choice export ur.d dressed beef steers, tV.TOfifi TO; fair to good, fl.OiiflfS.SS: stockers and feed ers, f3.C"V(il.i); fed westerns. fl,4(Vff5 25; Tex nns nnd Indians, f3.:3lJ4.50; Texas cows, f2.70fl3.2o; native cows. f2.iVV(fl.00; heifers. f.1.fli4.00; cunuers. Sl.T5Tf3.nO; bulls, $2.2.M 4.50; calves, t2.50! 1.63; receipts for week, 49.000 hend. HOOS Receipts, 4,500 head; mnrkct strong to 6c higher, top price, fO.OT'fc; bulk of sales, f5.(Wjli!.ri5; heavy, ftUvii ofty; mixed pack ers. M.C(iirt 03: lebt. ..3tff3 90: files. 3.5(Hf 5.25; receipts for the week, 61.000 head. SHEEP AND I.AJlllS-lieceipts, ;u neao; market active, strong; Inmbs, tl.oniiS.00; wethers. J3.25iil.O0; ewes, f2.T."fj3 25; western range sheep, f.t.iV)j3.75; Blocker sheep. tl.tAYlf 2.50; tccelpts for the week, H.Cro head, .St. I.onln 1,1 e Siloek .AtiuUet. ST. I.OriS, Aug. 3.-CATTLE Hecelpts, 1,100 head. Including 2i Texans; market steady, with few good cuttlo here; native shipping and export steers, t5.35tif SO; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, fS.S.itio.Ui; steers under l.Oi") His.. f2 S.W-I.'; stockers und feeders, $2.("3'I.15; cows nnd heifers, $2.05(6 10; ennners, fl.iwg2.rv); hulls, f2 wn 3.W; Texas nml Indian steers, f3. 151(4. 40; cows nnd heifers, t2.OOM3.30. HOGS Receipts, 2,(V) head; market strong; pigs und lights. t: "Off 3. S3; packers. tS.TOfifi.dos butchers. fS.035f0.16. SHEER AND LAM HS Receipts. 100 head; market sternly; native muttons, t3.iWr3.75: lambs. f.1.0tMi5.iX); ciills and bucks, fl.75yi 3.50; stockers, tl.50if2.10. Xew A'ork Live .Stock Slnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 3.-HEEVES-Rceo!pts. C32 head, all consigned direct; no unci; feeding steady; cables iinchnngeil; snip incuts, 1.(100 cattlo nnd 7.100 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, none; no trading: nominally steady, 'SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Recelpts, SIT, head; 2S cars on sale: good sheep u Hub llrm, others dull: lnmbs sternly for go d stock, medium grades easy; sheep, 53 0)f 4.00; lambs, fl.SCXWt'i.IO; no cholco here. HOGS Receipts, 7P6 head. Including 0110 deck for sale; nothing doing; nomtuilly steady. .St. .Inni-pli I.l,c .Stock Slnrkot. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 3. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1S1 head; market unchanged; na tives, f3.73Q5.SO; cows and heifers, tl.onf.f4, SO; n.l .inn. t fiiy 1 fill MtnpUfir nml IIU1I9 ,i nmnt .."v .. ...... feeders. fl.75fM.O0; veal calves, f2.0Oflo.00. HUUS llCCeipiS, 0,OW ncmi, nmim-i steady to Be higher, mostly steadv to strong: light and light mixed. $3.C0f6.00; mmflllm 11,1,1 hpnVV. i.'l.SSfie.lS: llItTS. Sl.Ml 5.15: bulk. f3.7IVfTtI.00. SHEEP ANIi IjA.MJIH Itcccipts, none, Stock hi NlKht. Tho following tabic shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt tho five principal llvo stock markets August 3: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Chicago Kansas City .. St. Louis St. Joseph .... , 1,223 800 250 1,1ft) 1S1 S.liVI 16,nno 4,600 2.500 6,5011 1,600 SOO 100 Totals ...3,551 38,140 1,900 Cuff re .Mnrkct. NEW YORK. Aug. S.-COFFEE-Todov's market was a small and bearish one. Tho opening was dull with yesterday's prices In force, but prlce.i soon settled In the nbrenco of hull support nnd under pressure from the benr side until a decline of 50in points was noteil. Cables were nbout nn extended, showing Improvements In demand nnd loss 111 Brazilian demand. Receipts In tho crop country were a very heavy gain and were u factor of depression In tho day's news. EXPORT OIL PIPEL OF BEAUMONT. CLOSE OF OFFERING AT 60c AUG. 10. Thf amount of stock nllotteil for wilo nt UOo liuvliip liot'ii nearly miiisertimtl for. tin- offering nt thin nrlco will lie closoil ns iibovi), ami tho price will ADVANCE TO 75c PER SHARE. All who wish to sofiire utook In this comimny at the lowest possible llnure should send ln tlielr subscriptions with out delay. Applications by mall must bear date AN'I) POSTMARK not later than Aimust 10th: those by wire must reaeli our olllce by the close of business, 0 p. in., on Unit day. The right to reduce or decline any sub scription Is expressly reserved. All niiiillcatlons will be stamped with the exact time of receipt, and allotments made accordingly, until only .1,000 .shares remain. In order to give all a fair and equal chance to secure an Interest In this company these 5.000 shares will be re (erved to be allotted pro rata among applicants whose orders arrive too late to secure the full number of shares desired. Tim Kxport Company's Splndlo-Top Heights well Is now down nearly fioO feet, with 10-Inch casing. Driller Shariio expects to (Inlsh with S-lnch pipe, making It tho largest well In tho Held. This Is tho well which tho Ileywood Oil Company (which lias already brought In DO YOU SPECULATE? The sput sit 1 itl ni lnenlly wn prorttenlly unchanged The murket fnr futures wus flnnlly ontct nnd net Miio points lower, with sales of 12.750 bags, trndudlng Sentomber at 4.'.c; October, 4.'Ac; November, uc; Hrvem ber, 5154T5.v; Jununry, 5 26c: March, 5.35c) .May, S.I50fi.riOo. Duluth (Irnln Jlnrket, Dt'Ll'TH, Aug. 3.-WHKAT-Cnsh. No, 1 hard, 71Ho; No. 1 northern, 9o; Septcm ber. 6c; August, c; October, Cso; December. fOSe; No, 2 nurlhcrii, 61c. CORN-fSc. OATS-35C. Peorln .Mnrkct. I'KOIUA, HI., Aug. 3.-COHN-Qulet; No. 3, 57c, OATS-1'lrm; new No. 2 white, S0ic; track. WHISKY-On tho basis of tl 29 for fill- Ished goods, W. Fa mam Smith & Co. Investment Securities, WE Ol'KEK INION STOCK YAUD3 STOCK. ORDERS EXECt'TEI) FOR Stocks, Bonds, 1320 Faruam St. Phone 1064. Hcfifiiiiii,.titeliiiiitN Miittmiil Hunk mill 1'nlted Mnlim Niitlniiiil Hunk. GARVIN BROS. Investment Bunker,s COM'L NAT. HANK IU.DO. Offer for Sale Carefully Selected. FIRST MORTGAGES On City and Farm Heal Estate. ItefrreiuM'K ('oiiiineii'lnl Xittlnnnl Hunk nml t'nlleit Mill ten Antlonnl Hunk Our Current Weekly TREATS UPON THE AGRICULTURAL SITUATION AND ITS BEARING UPON THE SECURITY MARKET. JACOB BERRY & CO Member Consolidate! Stock CxcIudcc, 44nncl 4C Brondway, New York Established 1865. Slocks, Solids, Grain, Cotton, Send for "a Gllmpao nt Woll Stroot nnd Its MnrkotH." Orlglnhl In scope and jiiiriio.c COMMISSION 1-10. MODERATE MARGINS. BTLTBaldwin &TcT GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS lSl'l l'AIMAai STREET. I.oiik Dlnduico I'lioiir, 171)1).!STi sakest: iiesti WALL STREET .Money Will Knru Ills .Monthly llaturna Th6 Investor's Fund l'nys Semi-Monthly. Tho oldest established In America. No certlflcute-holdcr ever lost a cent. rny ments nindo tu all subscribers every IS days. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demnnd. Wrlto today for particulars, tree to uny address. C. II. .HACK I'll CO., II111U1111 llullit Inif . Nimt Viulf. WILLIS TODD, tlUI X. V. Life llliltf. Rl'Y SELL STOCKS, noMis- Oinnliii llonilH, lliink Htoel.R, Stock Ynrils' Mock. Teirplionc Itlitti. Boyd Commission Co 8ucccBBor to JaineB E. Doyd b Co., OMAHA, NEU. comivrissioixT GRAIN JMIOVISIOXS AM) STOCKS. HoMll ot Trmlr llulldlnK Direct wires to Chicago and New YorJt, Correspondence. John A. Wuiron & Co. three gushers for itselO offered to drill and gtiarantcf) 11 gusher or n' pay. It Is 011 tho land of which Mr. W. T. Campbell of tho Citizen's Nntlonnl Hank. Henumont, writes: "In my opinion you nro ns certain of a gusher ns though the well was now drilled nnd spouting oil. The average gusher How Is 45,000 barrels a day. In all the comnnnv's cnlculatlons of profit. they have based their figures on u How of only barrels. ONH such well means n million dollars yearly income. The company has nmplo room on Its Hnlndle-Tou lielchts property alone for 8IX wells. ONH well, with a 10,000 barrel How, will nav dividends of 80 per cent on tho present price of stock, GOc per shuro. Tha enmnnnv has over 11.000 acres outsldo of Hplndlo-Top Heights, Including sulphur lnnds nt Sulphur. La., which aro believed to contain enough sulphur to pay back Its en tire capitalization. It Is organized under tho laws of tho State of Texas, which Is an iidvnntngo to any corporation doing business In Texas, Its capital stock Is J2,000,(J0. divided Into, on) shares, of tho par value of Jl.W each, full paid nnd non-assessable. It Is olllcored and managed hy men of tho highest ability and Integrity. Its president Is Hon. Charles A. Towno, ex-senator from Minnesota, and umong Its directors and largest shareholders Is Hon. Ileuton McMlllln, Governur of Tennessee. No company mjInIiIo of thoso already producing oil offers a greater certainty of rich returns In the Texas oil fields than tho lCxport Oil .S: J'ipo Llnp Co. Compnrlng Its present condition nnd Its prospects with those of other successful oil eompnnles, wo set no reason why Its shares should not bo worth 10 times par at least. Wo believe It Is tho best liivcstmont bo foro the public today. Subscriptions should be sent either to tho company at Henumont, Texas, or to Its Fiscal Agents as below, with check or drafts payable to the order of. Sanford Makeever 84 Adams St., Chicago, III GenM Agent for Nebraska, If so, speculate sucernfully, flend your orders to a rollnblo houto, wbe-3 t'uey will bo placed on tha jpon market. Wo can makn fnr you In uno month mnro Intercut on your inonnv tl-n nny bank will pity you In R your, Hend for our book on ipeoulotlon It l frt, J, K, Com slock & Ci. Honiii tin Trildrr'a IIIiIk, Chlonnn, IE CO 1