0 0 The Firebrand. By S. R. CROCKETT. SyiuiliftU of I'rrccilliiK (.iiitptcrn. Ramon Onrcln, known ns 101 Harrla, hav ing born Induced to believe that his wife, Dolorrit, Ih unfaithful, stubs a villugo fon, Rafael Mores, whom he; llnds presumably Kissing Dolores through tho window, IIIh estates are confUcntod anil he becomes a iiiMii-ii man. inn damn Iltnn 11 vniinu tho whitewashed portress' lodge of the House of the tnnocenls. Then after five minutes Itamon kissed the little puckered face of his son and each of tho dimpled fnt. rrrl hnmla tinM an Hphllv clnnnhn.t and laid him on tho revolving Iron platp of THE OMAHA DALLY rEK; Sl'MMT, ATdUST 1, 1901. Hcotch adventurer, Hollo I lllalr . eomVs to 1 10 e"vcniul turnstile. Without a creak Spain, and during an Inn quarrel Is aided ' 'I'0 njtel turned, and In n moment moro the IIV Jnlln Mrtrtti..,,. .... i.-...ii..i.. rru- I ..um. . .. .... , ,... ... . .. ---- i-iiMiiniuunii. i if; iiiiii hub mi wie arum ui jioiy (jnurcn. two start t(l Visit Dun It'illiiaur ,,M, r ... . . .. ' uuk.ii, mistery of .SlonttVlanVh liiatr and "eHS""l,y represented tor ino nonce by the r are entertained lavishly liv the , vcrv "ocular charms of little Concha Cn- aild meet KtllMinr. HI tHnrrn. .1 hrn the. mona Mortimer llliriMI. 1,1,1 InM.I ll. ... v.,. . i i-4111-iiiie ni. 1'irrre, a , uvtiin. orderV: ThesV. thre... 'J.!, 7."' fZ Then a word or two was spoken. Con- has found protection at tho monastery, arc chil 101,1 the outlaw how, by a letter pur. ni.V.i , 1 "y. 5"" V."".01 .l" capture th porting to como rrom h rase f, forged by ?. Tiri'' ttln dau hter In th-. Don I(R 0r his brother, iminri. y.,TLl interests ,,ftho:i;rel.:Mr:nrou;;:.foV I "on. , . r . I)0,0rC8 ha1 bcen camp of Cabrera, the r'arllst general, they I "'"Vised to put herself under the protection pass tho home of Hi Sarrla. who learns that of his beloved friend Don Luis Fernandez Dolores was not fn so to him mid Hint hl i.....i.. .. .. . cran'ioz downfnl vyas plotted by nil Fernamlni. h""1 'A, , ?, . nU0 101,1 Dolores Is Imprisoned In f.uls- homo ntul the ' nm ,nc ,nlllnr "ad found an excuse to send J!?!!..'.". w,."m! Kl'e has Just Riven birth Is I her from tho houso In disgrace and how for nbottt to be bur ed n vn bv I.iiIm1 l.rnll.cr. W .n .. ... , r nbout to be burled olive by huts' brother, iuwiuK, wnen ki Harria rails upon him (Copyright, 1MI, by S. It. Crockett.) CIIAPTKIt XIV, The Holy liiiKieciils, With small cntnpunctlon III Sarrla turned Don Toraas over with IiIh foot nnd coolly ap propriated tho clonk he lind discarded, as also his headgear, which was banded with gay colors nnd of tho shape affected by tho dandles of Seville. Then swinging the cloak about him and setting tho hat upon his head Jauntily, ho strode to the garden door. Abovo he could hear tho angry voice of a woman, with Intervals of silence, as If for a low toned Inaudible reply. Then a wall of despair and grief that nenrly sent him up tho stairs nt a tlgcr'a rush, that would have scattered his enemies before him llko chaff. For It was the volco of I1I3 Dolores he heard for tho second time. Hut of lato El Sarrla had learned porno of tho wisdom of caution. He know not the force Luis might have within tho house, nnd ho might only lose his own llfo without benefiting either Dolores or his son. Then there was a slow foot on the stairs coming down. Tho light went nut nbovo and ho heard n heavy breathing behind tho closed door by which ho stood. "Tomns Tomas!" said a volco, "hero Is tho brat. It Is asleep. Do It quietly so that the mother may not bo alarmed. I cannot stir without her hearing mo and asking tho reason." And In tho arms of Hnmon Garcia was placed tho breathing body of his llrst-born son. Tho door was shut boforo ho could move, so astonished ho waB by tho softness of that light burden, that Tla Elvira's un nraulatcd groin escaped safe for that tlmo which, Indeed, afterward turned out to bo just as well. So ot tho door of his enemy EI Sarrla stood dumb and stricken, tho babo In his arms. For tho fact that this child that was his and Dolores' annihilated for tho mo ment even revenge from his soul. Hut a hand was laid on his shoulder. "Hasto thco, haste," hissed tho witch wife, La Oiralda, Elvira's friend and rival, "hna thou smitten strongly? She lies bo . hind the door. I cannot hear her breathe, so all must bo well. I saw thco stoop to tho blow. Well dono, well done! Hut como away, come away! Presently Don luis will miss tho Tla and glvo tho alarm. Glvo rao tho babel" But this Ramon would not do, holding Jealously to his own. "What can you, a man, do with a babo?" aho porslstcd. "Can you stop Its .mouth from crying. Is thero milk in your breasts to feed Its llttlo blind mouth? Olvo It to me, I sayl" Nay," said El Sarrla, shaking her off, not to you. Did not this murderous woman como from your wagons? Is not her place unner your canvas?" "It shall be so no more, If your stroke provo true," said tho gypsy. "I shall bo tho queen and bring tip this youngling to bo tho uuiuvai norscimer betwixt this filthy Ara gon and tho gypsy barrio of Granada, where La Glralda's cavo dives deepest Into tho rocK. "No, I will not!" said tho man, grasping tho babo so tightly that it whimpered and strotched Its little body tonso as a bow string. "I will take him to the hills nnd sucklo him with goat's milk! Ho shall be no horsothlof, but a lighter of men!" "Ah, you nro an outlaw a lad of tho hills? I thought so," chuckled tho woman "como away quickly. Then, brnvo man slayer, I knew a hotter way than cither. Tho sisters, tho good womon of tho con vent, will take him at a word from mo I know tho night watch-a country woman of mine, llttlo Concha. Sho will rccclvo him through tho wicket and guard him well being well paid, that is, as doubtless your honor can pay!" "Wliat, llttlo Concha Cabozos?" said Ila mon with Instant stinplclon. "was sho not a traitress to her mistress? Was it not through her treachery that her mistress camo hither?" "Little Concha-a traitress," laughed tho old woman. "Nay-nay! you know hor not. evidently. Sho may. indeed, bo almost everything clso that n woman eon bo. so her enemies say. No rinii..i ci... Teresa Is our llttlo Concha, but, for nil that, sho Is of a stock truo to hor salt and on y proves fickle to her lovers. Como quickly and speak with hor. Sho Is clcvor, tho little Concha, and her odvlco Is good." They passed rapidly along tho road, deep In whlto dust, but slaked now with tho dew nnd cool under foot. Tho babo lifted up his volco nnd wept. J,'."0.1".0 B!,V1 hlm 1 cn,,uot ri' away with him If I would," said tho gypsv. "You moy keep your hand on my arm, "it only you will but glvo him mo!" y And tho gypsy woman lifted tho llttlo puckered features to her cheek and crooned and chucked until tho child gradually soothed Itself to sleep face down on shoulder. "How came Concha at the hm. t nuns?" said Ilamon. "That you must ask herself." answered tho woman; "some quarrol It was. Luis Fernandez nover loved hor. He wished hor out of tho house from tho first. Hut hero we arc! Tho gypsy woninn u'.ini .1 1 .. .. . .m ',ot ftml wn,8P"',,l through tho turn. stiio. n,ero wn n ,m Klu wlhln w turned up ' ft8 " a lnnip I,a'1 becn side10 Wman 8tt!''le'1 buclt to E Sarrla's "Tho llttlo Concha Is on duty." oho whis pered. "Go, thou, up nnd speak with hor! Nay tako tho child If thou art so Jealous of him. I would not have stolen tho boy. Had the nationals not killed El Sarrla 1 nnd said that thou wore tho man!" Ramon took the babo awkwardly. "At any event thou nrt a bravo lighter " sho murmured, "and cracked that evil doing Tomas" skull for hlm to a mnrvol. Thou shalt have all tho help La Glralda can Bh'o thee!" Ramon, with tho babo In his arms, put his head within and spoke to Concha. A lit lie cry, swiftly checked, camo forth from his her needlework nnd skill In lino broidery Bho had been received at tho convent of the iioiy innocents, how Manuola from tho priest h nouso and this gypsy wise-woman. u.i liiura, nnd watched over Dolores ever since, not allowing her to hold any cuinimimcHiiou with tho outside world, nnd c,iucmny wun tier former waiting maid. Ihen enmn the news of your death," sho continued, "and after that tho guard upon juiurcs wns redoubled and tl ton cht I bavo heard nothing. Hut tho babe shall bo raic nan unknown here among tho sisters iei ior ino luturcs snko glvo mo somo lOKen tnnt you may claim him by. All such things aro entered I . "... .io tiuh urougni wun a child." EI Sarrla tiassed within Mm golden wristlet his mother h , . - n ' - iiti at his first communion, when he was the hest and most dutiful bov In nil nrpin n.,.i iiem uy tno priest to be a pattern communl cant. "Can you not stny another twenty-four miuia in snrriar- asked Conchn. "If so, wo must try to bring your Dolores whore sho will bo os snfo ns thn child." "I would stay a jar to preserve from narm n nnir or hor head I who havo wrongoii tier! "Ah," sighed Concha through the wicket, n sno Know nil about unworthy sus melon on the part of lovers, "men nro like that. They are ready to suspect tho most lining aim ino most Innocent, but womon fcrglvo them!" Then pouting her pretty red lips tho lit tlo Concha spoko low in tho car of El Sar ria a while. After five minutes of this wiiispcrcti colloquy, sho added nloud: 1 111:1 wo win proceed. Oo, do your run. ou may trust La Glralda. quickly. YOU lliav hnvn mnnh in .n And llttlo Concha snapped to tho shut ier 01 me wickoi in ills face. MUCH tO dO. Yes. It wnq (run with Dolores In tho power of his falso friend, Luis, nnd tho evil hnrr Tin Ma gentlemen to nttend upon nt their Inn nnd 1110 gravo digger lying with n broken head In tho garden, EI Sarrla might bo sold to novo nau somo nrlvntn bus noon hands. And this. too. In addition t affairs of state tho abbot's commission, his own outlawry and tho eaual eortnlntv nt his being shot Whether hn foil Intr. hn nanOS OI tno MlOUClCtS Or Of thn nntlnnnt soldiers. Yet, In spite of all these, never nlnno thn ovll night of his first homo-coming to Sarrla nau no Deon so happy as when he rotrnced his way In comnanv with La rsirnbin in thn direction of tho millhouso. And as ho wont, thinking no thought savo of Dolores and his love, suddenly tho only man wno would havo dared to cross path stood before hlm. "Ah, sirrah," cried Rollo. tho Scot. this your service? To run to tho country with women and not oven to havo tho sense to chooso a pretty ono? What mean you by this negligence, doe of Onllleln?" "I attend to my own affairs," answered namon, with a sullen nnd boding quiet; tho favor to co about vours." Hot-blood Rollo leaped unon him without word, taking tho older and stronger man ai unawares with his young lltheness. Ho saw Ramon's fingers moving to tho knlfo In its Sheath bv his shin. nut nrn thnv could reach it his hand was on tho giant' wrist and his pistol at his car "A linger upon your Albacoton and von die!!' cried Hollo. "I would havo you Gal legans learn that tho servant Is not greater man 111s lord. Now Ramon know that not his life, but that of Rollo, hung on a hair. For ho was conscious that LI filrnbln's knlfn wno. l.nrn and that that lady was simply choosing her opportunity. If Rollo had been older most likely Hnmon would havo waited motionless for Glralda's thrust and then turned tho voune man under IiIr hi'pl. nrnnlmlv ni hn had dono to tho grave digger earlier In tho nignt. uut as tney rorto from tho abbey ho had' admired the vnuntr fellnw'n irnllnnt bearing and perhaps heard 11I30 of his flout ing oi nis own .Mtqucuic enemies nt tho Inn of San Vicente. So for this tlmo ho had pity upon him. "Stand back. Glralda!" ho commanded. Then to Hollo he said: "Forgive my scorn ing negligence, sonor. It wns only seeming. The honor of my wlfo nnd tho llfo of my child nro at stake. I am Hamon Onrcln. thn outlaw, whom you saw fall upon tho altar of tno Abbey or .Montblanch. This Is my homo. My wlfo is hero nnd near io death in tho houso of mine enemy. Let these things bo my excuse Rollo dropped his pistol, llko n good sportsman mcciinnically uncocking It us ho did so. Ills generous Impulses wero as flcrco and swift as his other naHslons. "Tell mo nil," ho said. " 'foro God I will ncip you nyo, boforo any king or monk on earth. A bravo mnn In such trouble has the nrst claim of all upon Rollo Illalr." "And your comnanlons?" said ki Rirrln. "I give myself no troublo about them." cried Rollo. "Senor Mortimer will visit thn vineyards nnd wine cellnrs tomorrow and be nappy. Ann as ror .Master Etlcnnc, has he not tho llttlo Concha to search for? Re sides, oven If ho had not. ho would not be alx hours In tho place without starting a now love nffalr." Then, ns thoy turned backward nloncr th.. road El Sarrla told Rollo all his tale, and tho young Scot found himself for th nrst tlmo deep among tho crude mother-stuff of llfo and passion. "And I thought that I had lived," ho said, and looked long nt tho hugo form of tho outlaw by his side, to whom deadly porll was ns meat and drink, yet whom nny man might slay and gain a reward for tho deed. "I see It!" cried Rollo, whose quick brain caught tho conditions of tho1 problem oven ns Ramon wan speaking, "And If I help, my companions will help also. I answer for them." "And what do you Intend to do with tho grave-digging Fernandez?" "Why," Bald Ramon simply, "to tell tho truth. 1 intonded to cover him up In tho grave ho had made, all but his head, and lot hlm get out as best he could!" "Appropriate" agreed Rollo. "hut nru,in and In the circumstances not feasible. Wo' must toko this Fernandez Imlnnm nrt... wo havo nrranged tho garrison of tho house. Wo will make his brother nurse hlm. I.Vn. tornal affection was never better cmployod, and It will keep them both out of mischief." ' And how soon, think ye, could your w.f. ' be moved''" asked Rollo, Ramon shrugged his shoulders helplessly and turned to La Glralda. "Dolores Is as a dove and weak from long troublo of henrt On your head I ask of you, could wo move her In twenty-four hours and yet risk noth ing of tho life?" "Yes, ns tho Virgin neen me," asserted La Glralda, holding up her hands, "If to be I have tho firming of the bands nbout her of linen, wide and strong, they must be made to bo mlm own nfterwnrd. And then sho must bo carried between fouri stout men, an I shall 'show you how." I "It shall be done," cried Rollo. "I will find tho men, tlo you provide tho linen, El Surrla. I will bin tnn tn tin. tomorrow morning nnd talk with thi nttin -oiicnn. "You Will not he nrlmlttn.l " ail,t t n nl. aiua somewhat scornfully, "the mother cm pcrior is most strict with all within tho walls." "Hut I shnll nsk for tho mother superior,': tnld tho modest youth, "and, gad, If 1 only got six quiet minutes of the old Indy. I war rant sho will refuse mo nothing to the half of her kingdom. Meantime, hero wo nro! Is It not so?" Tho huge black circle nt thn milt ..i,i rose beforo them aealnat thn whit tho unwlndowetl wall. They could not sen I . h ul 1 1 t . ... " inu nun nouso itdoir rrom this point and they halted beforo eolrnr further, in to make their dispositions. Hhat wo are going to do Is not strictly within tho letter of tho law." explained Hollo, chcerfullv. "but it i n, t Km num. 1 can mink of and containing n it mcnts of Justice. solution to nil nartlcs. if thn.n i.. gentlemen kidnap other men's wives, dcvlso ... ui muir cniKircn nmi strive to i IinVn Inn mnn , . . .. 1 ' uvii Luuit.nt'i vi'H e nnr iiiim m. - - - - - wii-j lull- not complain of n little Illegality. This Is , " " ,u' l "'"si Do ours for twen- ty-four hours no morn, nn Tl,... i. . .va. i HUH, 11 no accidents hannrn. wn in .. . a .... ,v,ul ii- iu Senor Luis Fernandez. All set? En nv..nt then!" And with Rollo In th owing n little behind and La Glralda bolt- inn mo ciooru and generally protecting thu rear, tho party of possession went upward Into tho mill hoilsn to arnm thn ..,.. with Senor Luis nnd his friend, Tin Elvira. These worthy people, however, were not In tho sick chamber of Unl ntnu r.n.nl. ------ u VltKim, which, on the whole, was Just ns well. At nn earlier part of tho night tho Tla had administered to Dolores n potion which caused her to sleen smindtv hours. For the Tla was skilled In simples, ns well as in a good many things of it na- CONSULT YOUR OWN INTEREST WHEN BUYING is Axiuinsk'i' Kiitis, Oriental designs in beautiful soft col or ell'ccts eliaracteriHtie of these goods: S feet 3 Inches by 10 -4 q CZf feet C. Inches O01 :tf:::.br.::.r....2o:5o Extra quality, !) feet by r A r E? 12 feet 44 VD 10 feet 6 Inches by "C? E? (TV 12 feet 4D,OU Velvet Sofa Rugs 4."x"8 Inches, durable q m nnd effective J X Tliicc-piy ingrain, extra n. quality, per yd ()OC .tni.,:r:c.?!?.r:,.l! 25c A complete line of Art, Squares and small ruys at equally low prices. D Picture Dept. hcjoiul I'lo or. Special for Monday. 10c m 10c Sizes M.l!) inches, some choice subjects in scener.v, fruits ami Mowers, etc.; the mat on this picture alone is worth L'Oc. Take advantage of this genuine bargain, as few opportunities are of fered like this in the line of pictures. Komenibcr 10c apiece for your choice. ADVICE E rug Dept. WE carry a Hue of HARD Ill'll. IlKR, leather covered steel and m.FCTRK' Trusses and nt CRICKS that will astonish you. Wo GUARAN TUi: you a 1'KRFKCT 111. TUB NI3W YORK ELASTIC Web Truss, enameled wood, nad sinule but applicable to either side THE NEW YORK double with black enameled pad .... CHARE'S STEEL covered Truss, single but reversible IMPERIAL Triiis, the newest nnd most Improved truss pad enn be held In any position, Blngle - r? n It.fiO, double ,The Hood Rubber Truss, either slnglo or double, nt J3.00 nnd J3.50 rcspectlvely. This truss being mndo of steel spring nnd covered with hard ' rubber Is absolutely dust proof .1.25 ELASTIC Truss. 1.50 SI'RING leather 1.00 Hardware Dept. Wo WANT you to have a ther mometer ami we aro going to M KE you a price so low that you cannot afford to bo without one. So here coos: Miuilmttn.i, each Artistic, each Easy Heading, each I)liK Distance, nt Reliable, nt No. 7 Japan, cased, nt No, s Japan, cased, nt Distance Rending at nits enie is for .Monday only. Trunk Dept. Ve carry n complete line of Trunks Telescopes. Suit Cases and tine leather Hags In all sires nnd lnt t Klmiies. A SPECIAL MONDAY pre 011 LEATHER HAGS In oxford and i'l'lV1" ifcyifs.!" 3 Pises, regular prl.e, . IS 3.:5-uur price. Jl.TM, $l !i nnd M.flS. A few good trunks to close otit t cost ntul less -sizes JlxSC-r-gtiMr price, M.S3, JT.Io-our price, $1.78 un l 15c u 12c M l()c I i5c a "8c 1 W. R. BENNETT COMPANY. m win nnd mo by no means ungrateful. Rut come, let us get this matter settled, nnd then I must go nnd look for my drunken gool-ror-noth nc of n hrnllmr vhn I,.. doubtless stolon tho key of tho wine cellar i nnd Is nt his old tricks ngnln Well, nt nny rate, I Insist unon string of bends," said tho old woman, urord Uy. "I havo been thinking of It all theso days, and do not forget thnt It wns I who wormed out of tho widow tho hiding plnco where that cunning llttlo Concha had placed Ramon Gartla's strong box." "Itamon," he irled. hit volcn ut.ini, t..i ooen tun of chuckling lnughter, rising sud neniy to a thin shriek. "God In heaven, itnmnn tinrc n. And with a trembling hand be tried to i.i UDH illlllSUK. tliatl "fllvn!" onl.l nnl l nnd mechanically the miller plneed tho pa- pern in nis nanus. " 'Foro God, Rnmon, I thought you were ueno: gasped tlie man "No, friend, not dead," enmc tho answer, nut uatnon Garcia como back In tho llcsh wo h ... Trvv. 1831 ' 1 k;S& turc far from slmnlo. A fnlnt clinkim sound, as of counting money, guided Rollo io ino spot. ThO master Of tho houso nrn! hln "Tin" I Bat bending over a table In tho upper hall. or general meeting place of tho family. Tho door which onencd off thn stnlrw.iv nn uhld, tho visitors camo gavo a slight creak, but uuis fernanuoz and his nssoclato woro bo engrossed In tholr work that neither ot them lifted his eyes. A considerable number of trinkets of gold and silver, articles of attlro, crucifixes and ornaments wero spread out upon tho tnblo. As soon ns Ramon's eyes fell upon theso Rollo felt him grin his arm convulsively. but the young mnn resolutely kept tho out law behind him. Tho tlmo was not yet. Tla Elvira was not for tho moment on good terms with her companlou. "Listen, Luis Fernantloz," she shld, ex tending a pair of withered claws across tho tablo llko tho talons of somo unclean bird, "If you think that I am going to do your business and run hot chances of tho Iron necklace that has no bends, and then when nil Is dono allow your father's son to cheat mo out of my dues, you aro much mistaken. If you do not deliver mo all the ornaments her husband gavo this woman Dolores, ac cording to your agreement, by tho chief of tho dovlis that Inhabit the four hells, 1 will go to tho corrcgldor tomorrow and lodge Information against you and your brother for tho crime of child murder." And where, think you, would you nnd , yourself In such n caso?" quoth Luis Fer nandez, a cold-eyed, dark-halrcd mnn of' 10 years of ago. He fat leaning well over tho tablo, tho moro nreclnus of thn ohlncfn gathered between his arms. "You woro tho nurse In attendance, mv Tin to thnt th.. Sangrado would bear witness. Ho left you In chnrgo of tho Infant, my dear aunt. And though times nro hard and men In offlcn nn. believing. I still think thnt I. Luis Kernnn. des, could command cnouuh testimony lii this town to bring tho guilt Of cullt the be) homo to n certain Elvlrn, tho gypsy, whoso record at any rato Is nono of tho best!" "I do not seo why you want both tho woman nnd tho goods." whined tho Tin. Did you not say that you desired bnr to keep nothing which would remind her of her old llfo. And hnve not I. by my decoctions and distillations, kept this rllly Dolurca In a dream llko that o. t .'iid all theso Weeks BlnCO We got rid Of thnt. Imn nt Snlnn Concha Cabezos of Seville?" "lou havo you have Indeed donn wi.li. Tla," said tho man soothingly, "and vou "Thero take It then." snld thn mnn im patiently, nnd n heavy string of beads was slid across tho table with a clanking noise. "I hail not thought you so good a Christian. Tla!" "Oh, It Is not that." chuckled tho hag, clutching tho necklaco llrmly. ns n starving dog might fall on a bone, and concealing It Instnntly beneath her skirts. "Hut each link hath tho stamp of Sovlllo upon It the mint stamp of Seville and will pass 'cur rent for n good duro wherever ono may ehanco to be. With that necklaco ono can novor bo In wnnt." "Well," said Luis, "tho devil fly away with you and It. Tla! I keop nil tho orna ments of gold let that bo understood. My wlfo might, upon occasion, tako a yearning for them, nnd If I had them not to clvn lim it might bo to tho dancer of mv houso nnd succession. So this gold .cross" ("My mother's!" brenthed Ramon hotly In Hollo's ear.) "This knlfo with tho hilt ton sot in hril. Hants" ("My father's bo had it from thn Lor' Wellington for n message ho hroucbt hint nt Vlttorla.") Theso trifles a nalr of carrlncs. a rlnir of penrls, a comb for tho hair In irnld nil theso I rcsorvo for myself." As ho spoko ho tossed them, one after tho Other, into a bonvv Irnn-linnnil lior which, with chains and padlocks dlsnlnvcd. sioou open upon tho noor. Then a quick, loud cncltlo of laughtor camo from Fernandoz. Ho hnd found some thing among tho parchments. " 'Hereby I plight thco my troth," " h" read from n paper in his hand, 'forovcr nnd forever, ns a truo heart and n true lover, signed Ramon.' . This bIio has kept in a enso in her bosom, I suppose, with tho plc- turo ot tho oof," ho added, "nnd Is an llko him ns It is llko St. Nlcholns, tho patron of all thieves. And, holy Michael In tho seventh heavens, hero Is their marriage certificate nil complete a very treasure houso of connubial happiness. Rut theso need not go into tho strong box. I, Luis Fernandez, havo inado an end of them. Tho woman Is mine, ami so will I also make nn end of these relics of folly." Ho took tho papers to tear thorn across, hut the stout parchment resisted a moment. His brow datkened nnd ho clutched them more securely to rend them with an effort. Hut n slight nolso in the apartment nnd a cry from tho Tla caused him to look up. A knlfo was at his throat and n flgurn stood beforo him, ouo hugo band pinning him to his scat. to Bottlo certain accounts with his comrndn and brother of many years, Luis Fernandez oi mo imn nouse or sarrla." CIIAl'THI! XV. Hollo Iiitt-rvrucx. With eyes Injected, wide-open mouth nnd dropped Jaw. tho man sat all fallen tonnthnr In his sent, tho gold ornaments still strewed noout mm, tno pencil with which ho had been checking them fallen from his nervo lcss grasp. "I havo accounted for tho old lady," said Rollo, who with tho eager professional as. Blstanco of La Glralda had been gagging und securing tho Tla. "Stay whero you are, Luis Fernandez." said EI Snrria sternly, as ho sat down him self with his pistols on cither sldo of hlm. "I ailvle you not Io movo hand or foot If you sot any value upon your life. I havo much to sny to you beforebefore morn ing." And tho doomed man, recognizing the accents of deadly Intent In hla lato friend's voice, let his head sink Into his hands with a uoQeiess moan. "Meantime I will put these things In or dor," snld tho Scot, in whoso military blood ran tho Instinct of loot, nnd ho whb begin ning to throw nil tho objects of value Indis criminately into tho open chest, when EI Sarrla checked him. "I will only tako wimt Is mlno own and hers," ho uald "but menntirao abide. Thero Is much to bo said and dono first." Then ho turned his broad, deeply lined brow upon Fernandez, who looked into his eyes as tho trembling criminal, hopolcss of morcy, awaits tho black cap and tho sen tence. Rollo hnd settled tho Tia on tho floor with her bend on a roll of household stuffs, which sho herself had rolled up In her cloak for transport. Then tho Scot stood on guard by tho door which led to tho Btnlrcaso, his sword drawn In his hand. Tho plcturcsnueness of the sccno at tho tablo appealed to the play actor In hlm. El Sarrla hold tho documents In his hnnd with Fernandez hnd been about to destroy anu jvaveu tnem gently In his enemy's faco as n klng'a advocate might with n written indictment In a pcocb of accusation. "You betrayed mo to tho death, friend Lulst You revealed my hiding plnce. That Is count tho llrst" ho began. And tho wretched man. his lips dry and scarco obeying his will, strove to glvo ut- tcranco to the words, "It Is nil my brother's uuing. i swear It was my brother!" llali, snld El Sarrla. "do nm iri,u . lie, Luis, being no near tho other bar whero an must speak truth. You knew you wero tho trusted friend. Your brnilin- ., . and even If you wero not upon tho spot, ns i uiougni. tnc bloodhounds wero set on tho trail by you and by no other." Fernandez mndn head deeper between his hands ns If to shut out his Judge and probablo executioner from HIS Blglll. "Pass, then." aald the online n,. i so much else that it matters not whether you were at the Devil's Con vnn or hn a. any rate, you decovcii mv i, .... letter purporting to be written to Dolores Garcia by her husband" Conchas Cabezos lies ki, n.. ...in a iiur from tho beg nnliitr. Thm ni. .... . ,. . v ...tw ,lla lily brother. I swear to you!" cried tho wretclicd man In so nitifni nn ,,..,. .i... for tho first tlmo Rollo ..! n..i for him. " ou", Rut there wns no cicnm nt ..it,, i.. .... ejeo of Ramon. Intemi i. tm.i ..i..... and toyed with It u moment thoughtfully. Luis,' ho snld, "your brother has his own sins to answer for. Ho a man, Luis. ,",ed nt l ho a coward as well as a thief and murderer." Ramon. Ramon. An i. m ... sins! cried tho wretched ..,nn .. ... memory of our boyhood together 'let. .no at least receive absolution ami g0 clean." Lven as you woni.i i,n.. the mouth of tho DevirV c any on-n s this very night you sent forth to the holy or the clod the vniini m.ii.i ..i.i . jmbonlsoned. without touch" oTprlesUy hand or sprinkling drop of holy water' ngno!,0,,,,n,1S frlCn" f my ythf accorS: ing to tho measure vn mi. i. ... measured to you again. Tho barley bushel Is good measure nlnn tnr- , .. Hollo, standing bv tim ,inn. over thn !PnH AV ; ""."". ",m ''nS, ... . ....oui mm accused, saw through a window tho first croon ir,nw . O .tn..V....1 , . ' "..w..0 u, .."..unui iiawn, urawu livid and chill ncross a black skv. In quick whlsners action upon El Sarrla. hv whiM, i, i i n.,t .. ..... '. ' iulu IU .v. eve anil perhaps his life for ... . man. nut ho did not advert mm. on y to thn nrrcBiliv - v.. .mail', and to tho perilous stato of Dolores. This "1S grea t argumeut. Whatever hap peneo, sno must bo cared for. Tho matter ui HUT ll.llion COUlll ho nrrnnn.,l l. uhllo Rnmon sat considering ihn ,,.i.. eyes of the young Scot discovered a small iron-raced door open nt one corner of the chamber. Ho went across nnd pulled nsido tho curtain which half concenlod th,, m,. trance. A regular strong room, bv invo!" cried. "Hero Is evervthlnir cnmfnrinMn fn. our friends while wo settle our other af- xairs. Rollo sounded all over tho stromr rnrim nt tho millhouso for any signs of another exit, but all was solid masonry. Resides which tho chests of valuables and papers, tho casks of fine Honors nntl ki,iii,.i,i cigars proved thnt this was Intended for a secret wall chumber In which to connnnl tho valuables of tho houso In caso of nlnrm. Such hiding places aro not uncommon In tho old houses of Spain, as Rollo know, though tills was tho first ho had seen. "Glvo yourself tho pain of entering, senor," ho said to Fernandez, and without waiting for any overt permission from Ramon he caught up the old ling, Tla Elvira, In his arms nnd carried her, bundle and nil, Into tho room. "Hero I nm compelled to lenve you for the time' being In the dark. Don Lulu." ho snld. cnurtcoiislv. "Hot I think vnn ulll ngreo that your stnto Is not tho loss graclouH ior tnat. i snail return immediately and present certain propositions for your con sideration." You nro an Englishman." cried Fernan dez; "you will not stand by nnd sco n man murdered In cold blood." "The blood Is nono so cold that I can see," said Rollo, shrugging his shoulders. "I will do the best I can, senor; only do not try my tricks with us. Tho least sign of furtho- treachery will be fatal and wo hnvo many friends nbout us." 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So saying, Rollo went out nnd locked tho door behind him, leaving La Glralda seated bcsldo It with n loaded pistol to prevent nny egresB, In case Fernandez had somo way of nnpnintr thrt hnltu lltlnwn nnlv i ItlniLnlf When Rollo returned from arranging these mattora ho found EI Sarrla s plnco vacant Rut tho young man, following tho direction of La Glralda's nod, went out and in a chamber about wlrtch hung a peculiar at mosphere of drugs ho found the outlaw on his knees by a womnn's bedside. Tho glnnt's head was sunk on the coverlet and his lips touched tho damp lingers of tho hand which lay without tho sheet. With truo reverence Rollo touched Rnmon on tho shoulder and pointed to tho window. Tho pnlc, unearthly green of the sky spaces between dark purple bars of clouds was fast (hanging to Grunge tinged with smoky scar let. The sun would not long delay and thero was a llttlo matter nut In tho g union which must bo nrranged. As Rollo anticipated, Tomas, the scape grace, did not look handsomo as ho lay on the unturned soil. "Carry hlm within," ho ordered. "Wo will attend to his caso better Indoors!" Then Rollo, who was now thoroughly en Joying himself "In thn grips of an ad venture," as ho expressed It, called out: Lay down that pistol, mother; wo shall not need It for a while, nnd do you give mo a band with this rascal's sore head. What tuink you of It?" "Tho atroko wns dealt with a strong arm," said La Glralda, critically. "Rut yet, unfortunately, I do not think tho man will die unless unless" she lingered the kern llttlo knlfo sho carried lovingly "unless matters uro a llttlo assisted." "Stop, mother; do as I bid you and help mo to barho and blud up the Bcoundre! a pate." Tho old woman did so with nn air of pro tost, flnallv, however, consenting to make a plaster of certain herbs which sho found In the cabinet of simples, and, having boiled thorn, applied It like a turban to Don Tomas' unconscious crown. "Now," uaid Rollo, "If you aro ready, I in ray turn should llko to have my llttlo Inter view with Don Luis!" "You?" cried tho outlaw, astonished. Rollo nodded. "Why not?" he said cheerfully. "Wo shall need his assistance very often today! Open tho door, La Glralda," Ramon carried tho limp body of Tomas, at tho sight of which Luis Fernandez flung up his hands with a shrill cry. "You havo killed him, then as you will kill mo!" ho moaned and ran toward tho door of tho strong room. "Not bo." said Rollo, stopping hlm with composure, "your brother Is, as I think, ns comfortnhlo as tho circumstances will per mit, and more likely to recover than ho do- serves. Ho good enough to tell La Glralda whero to find a lamp or candle-box, so that In taking enre of him you may not bo hin dered by darkness." As ho spoko Rollo had been arranging a much of boxes and nltlaws. on which, with. out tho sllghest regard to his encmy'n com fort, El Sarrla flung his burden down. Hut Hollo did his best for thn iincoiiRclonn mnn'H comfort, nnd then when La Glralda had returned with n lamp ho turned sharply upon Don Luis. "Sir." ho Bald, "vnn know the rntlRPR nf quarrel between yourself and Don Ramon Garcia, for whom I nm acting. You know nlso v.'hut chances you havo If I do not iisii 1110 inuuonrc I possess to lounxci other mid milder methods. Aro you, then, willing to bo guided entirely by mo or do you prefer Io bn dealt with bv mv nrinclnal noon bin own account anil without regard to my ad-vim?" Luis Fernnndez clasped Hollo's hand, "Uy tho Virgin nnd all the saints," ho cried, "I will do to tho lino nnd letter all that you deslro of mo In every particular. I know well that I havo no other hope." "Good," said Rollo, "then you will today show joursolt nbout tho Casn os usual. You will glvo any necestnry orders to your fore man when ho conies at thn npciminmn.i hour. This you will do In your own cham ber nnd In my presence, urging a slight cnlcntura ns a reason for not venturing out. You will speak to La Glralda as to your servant, nnd. In flno. you will romport ynur nelf us if nothing had occurred, and as If no such man as Ramon Garcia wero within a thousand leagues of tho mill houso of Satrla! Do you agree?" "I agree to anything, lo ovorythlng!" uald Fernandoz eagerly. "Hut remember," continued Rollo, "In of dor to compass this I am stretching n good many pointB. i bhw your nyo brighten Just now when I spoko of giving orders. Now remember. If there Is the slightest nttompt at foul piny, wo may Indeed lose our game and with It our lives, but first of nil. nnd qullo Middonly. ono man shall dlo, and that mnn Is Luis Fernandez." Ho added this nssnveratlon: "And this I, Rollo IHalr of Hlalr Cantlo, In tho shlro of Fife, swear by Almighty God and tho honor of a Scottish gentleman." (To bo Continued.) 11