THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, Jl'LY 2J), 1001. SPECIAL NOTICES AarrtUranenta for theae columns trill tie takru nntll 12 m. for (lie trenlng edition mid until 8 30 p. ui. fur morula- and Kiuidnr edition. Kates, 1 l-2r a word first Insertion, lo a rrorrt thereafter. o(hlnc tnkrn for less (linn 2fic for Hip flrat Inaer iliN, These advertlaenients noil b run conaecutl veljr. Advertisers, by reqneaHaa- anm tiered cheek, can hnvc uniittri ad rtresaed In a nnmbrrrd Inter In ear of The tire, Anarrera ao addressed will lie delivered oat preaeatatioa ( Uia .salt oalr. S IT t A Tit) N S WA .NT 1 J I). DOUBLE ENTRY bookkeeper; ten ycnr.V experience, deMrcs clerical position: bond furnished. O C2, lice. A M530 0 EXPERIENCED middle nged Indy desires position ns housekeeper. Pan manage rooming house or hotel. Mrs. Hall, 23 W Ddtlglas. A-MW-3' wanted male help. WANTED Wo hove steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear tncu. C. F. Adams Co., 1603 Howard St. B 303 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particular fru. Western Hurberi' Institute, Omaha, Neb. U-301 WANTED, housewrcckors to file bids cn musical fcMtlval lumber material, gravel, etc., at 15th anil Capitol uvo. Inqulro J, K. Knowles, superintendent. B M327 WE WANT ft representative In every largo city, good wages; congenial work. For particular!! write to William Uptegrovo, Box 207, Boulder, Colo. B-M3W) 30 GOOD bread maker at Smith's bakery, 1102 Ilfth avenue, Council Bluffs H IG7 WANTED, experienced roap salesman; re ply, stating ago, experience, references, salary expected. Address C 37, lice. B-MI92 WANTED, niachino hand or flnhhtr to work In electrotype department. Croat Western Type foundry, Omaha. K-lliM HEN wanted to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required; special InduceincntM now; no other trado offers as good de mand: cull or write. Moler Harder Col lege, 1623 Funinm st. H M51 Al WANTED, trnvellng salesmen by August 20; also advertisers; cash salary. Triumph, Dallas, Tex. B-M52S A2 WE WANT a reliable, extierlenced life In. uurnnce man to take a district agency for the Fidelity Mutual t.lfe Ins. Co, of Phlli dolphin. II. F. Mlsselwltz, Manager. 211-G iec oiniiiing. lj .M5'J7 Z'J' HARNESS and saddle makers for factory; good pay; steady work whole year; good crops here. ScholTer ei Hossum, Ht. Paul. Minn. ii Jisifl 2)- imtOHT young lady or gentleman to take shorthand scholarship In best school anil pay foi It when course Ik finished and position secured. Address C IB, Heo. H-MU1S AT WANTED, young men to learn to solder on tin cans; good wages, r toady employ ment. 2Mb Ave. and Satiler St. Audicws Hones Can Co, H MfilO "0 DON'T ask your dealer to sell you tho Prince of Omaha nt six for rt quarter, aa ho cannot sell It to you. It sells for Be strnlght, J37 per thousand. W. F. Stoeckcr Cigar Co., makers. B M3S3 A-3 I WANT several ladles nnd aetitlemen tn appoint agents, Iowa and Nebraska; ofrt;e positions JS0 monthly and expenses. Manu- inciurc, am uroauwav council Hiurrs. 11-631 3. WANTED-FK.MALIl HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. ,Tcl 878. ' C-303 WANTED, girl for general housework, fum lly of three. Mrs. Slincral, 78 N. 2Sth Ave. vui FIFTY g'lrls, ail klnds work. Canadian omce, c 2T- "WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage; four weeks' term completes; no trade offers bot tor lnducemontB; call or write. Moler Col lege, 1623 Farnam Ht. C M520 AI WANTED, young nurse girl to take care of one chiui. e. l. Trotter, 20s n. sth Bt., (.ouncu 111 u us. u niwi ."J GIRL for general housework In small family, with' 110 children. Call at 2 CJ l'urnum hi c go) GOOD smart girl, colored preferred. 121 a, win 81. U MV32 30 FOH. HUNT HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented place !.-. t.,t.h Itntii.vfi. , 11 111? Ill It, I. , , I , .'-n- " u. ww. m, TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage Co., ufflco louft i'arnam, or lei. i&w-5ti. D 3Wi I10USE8 for rent in all parts of the slty. urcnnan-iovo o., j-u souin inn uireei. D-30J HOU8EB, stores, Uemls, I'axton block. D-310 BEE HENllY U. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE, D-311 HOU8EH, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas HOUSES and flats, ltlngwalt, Barker block, D 311 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Hrown block. LJ J L I 1217 CUMINO, 8-room house, all modern rXCCPi lunmuc, luin, OMAHA LOAN & TUU8T CO., 16th and Douglas. D-960 t-HOOM brick house, modern, 2717 Jackson. , D 390 FOR KENT, 2102 N. 29th nve., house, newly See N. L, Trimble, 121b Furnam. FOH ItKNT, 10-room, east front, brick niQUire nexi uour. u aisiv Wnil 1 l.X'T Ifmiun nn.1 harm nil .n,1Aa.' 2137 South :d St. Apply 402 Merchants' national iihiik xiiug, u m 7-nOOM flat, C17 South ICth. Clark Powell 311 New vorK L,ue. u m FOR RENT 10-room modem brick house, 20th ana cnlirornia, jau.&o. 10-room modern brick house, 10th and Hur dette. 135. g-room modern brick house, 21st and Hnr- THli UYHON REED COMPANY. 211 South 14th Street. D-il 31 6-ROOM modem Mat, 1016 Paclllc t. D-MsJJ 9 CENTRAL, all modern, best condition, room house, l-room ttat, S-room coitnge, Tlzard, 221 N 21111. D-M64. A3" FOH HUM' FUIlXISIIKll HOOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. E-S20 THREE rooms, light housekeeping, lit eouin inn, e. oii DOUHLE parlor for two gentlemen. 1303 V.UII,1IK ArUllU IIUUI. 4-. VJ Houfckecplng rooms J6 up. 263 St. Mary's, 1-4 iu J Aii- FtntNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 17(9 uoiige. r. 93) .J' TWO front rooms, elegantly furnished, for utscreei coupies, u to, llee. E-M621-2S SPLENDID rooms for gentlemen of good hAblts, with privilege of parlor; good nomo tor rigni iinrties; wanting distance xji'j j.eave nworin. K M566 A-4' A LARGE rurnlJhed front room, nl cave, gas ana unui. m n, iscn. E-M63) A3 CHOICE furnished rooms, detnehed hov.t eloie in, '.awn and (hade, 215 Farnam s FOR lli:.T-FLHMSIIHD HOOMS. TWO newly furnished thorns, strictly mod ern, in private family. 2213 Douglas. x EMASJ 9 H'JIC'E furnished room, detached house, close In, lawn and shade. 2215 F.irnum st, . IT 111 27- 1 FLIIMSIIED ROOMS ASU HOARD, UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-3I1 GLtlNCAIHN, transient, (1.23 day, IWJ Doug. r 32J Tllti Msfrlam, summer resort, 23th & Dodge. I 3H TWO lorgo front rooms, with board. 1909 lapuoi Ave, t ami DESIHAULE rooms. Tho Pratt, 212 S, 25tb St. FOH Itll.NT-lIM'tll.MSIIEn ROOMS. DE8IC room space, U por month, ground uoor room in ina uec uunuing, lacing Farniun street; no expense for light, heat or janitor service. It. C. Peters & Co., Itcntal Agents, Hoe building. O 116 t'NFl'nNISIIED chnmbers7or house keeping; water and waste pipe. 31D N. 17th. 0-534 WANTED, two unfurnished room. Ad- uress tun unicago at. u M613 yj- Oil HENTt'n furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, Wlthnell Hldg., 15th and Harney. See Janitor. FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms, suitablu for light housekeeping. 70S South 16th. Inquire at Room t, O M5S7 30 SUITE of two south roomi, unfurnlshel, very uesirnoie; no cniidren, lioi i'arnam. U-665 to FOH HK.T STORKS AM) OFFICES. OR RENT Storo In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, lieu lildg. 1264 FOR RENT Tho building formerly occu pied by The iico at yiti i'arnam Ht. it nas four stories and u basement which was formt-rly used as The Heo press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, lice building. 1-201 FOR RENT, ofllce, with vault, nnd pjrt urst nuor or an top uoor. iu-it liurney st. Midland Glass & Paint Co., llio Harney st. I Ui AOUSTS W A.N TED. WANTED Canvassing agentn tn every county to solicit suuscripuous tor mi'. TWENTIETH CUN'i'UKi FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and'L'.Si'E STOCIC DOC TOR. This upleiidld book contulus l,4uo Imperial octavo pages, buo object-teaching tugruvings and is the only uook on llvu block over published adapted to the every day, practical, money saving use of every farmer and stock owner, steady employ ment with assured good income. Agents In tiio country with horso and buggy es pecially deslied. Canvassers maku easily JCO to (100 per month. Addross, Century Funnel Solicitors' Liurcuu, l;eo building, Umuha. J 17 WANTED Agents to sell oUr sensible en- policy; call or address C. O. Lubcck, .Mgr. Subraska Dept. the Sucurlty 1.1 fu und bavlngs Ins. Co., 616 N. V. .Lite, Omaha. J M143 Jy-2V AUENTS wnnted for Drummond's lightning iciiieuies tor mcumuusm; iu; tor an in curable caso; restores stiff Joints, drawn k-ords and hardened musclos. If your dealer has not got these remedies we will send tho full month's treatment o two largo bottles on receipt of'J3. Drummond Midlclne Co., M Nassau St., New YorK. J M9W A10 I WANTED, reliable agents to take nubscrlp- nuim uui jiuituuir iiuiHuzinu in connec tion with new census Atlas.' Exceptional opportunity. Write today. John Wnna maker, Dept. 162-A, New York. J 611 2S STORAGE. PACilFIC Storage and Wurehouso Co., 812- vi joncs, gunerui sioruge una torwardlng. 32o OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V& Farn. Tela. 1559-t63. an STORAGE Household goods and other arui'its sioreu at low rutes. J.J. uerlght t. Co., 111U Farnam St. Tel. 332 WASTED-TO UUY. A NICE confectionery In a good llvu Ne- 'Drusitu ot lowu town iioin goou business; must be cheap, Givo purucuiars tuny. AUUress D 2, ueu. N o37 2M- FOH SALE-FUHMTUHE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodgo. Tel. iu.u. iew ai luuunu luruuuru uougnt, sum, fxcliuniiea. o 32U UUY your tutnlturo at Enterprise Furnl. iui -u. no imvu UILUUSIU U Ul OUnK rupt stock aim wilt ciosu it out hi 2j per tent uiscouut. lv2-4 a. 14th 'lei. M. O Mi0 J'30 FOH SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. QUICKEST and best repair work on ve hicles 11. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth, F-W7 FOR ' SALE Two handsome Shetland ponies, They can bu seen at 6016 Call tornlu street. John H. liarte, P. o. Ad dress, 208 N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. F-MiSMO FOH SALE MISCELLA.XEOUS. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog lcnce, Ltougias. y 330 2DHAND safe cheap. Dctlght, 1119 Farnam. Q 333 SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented, 114 H. 13 H 333 UIG line of secondhand wheels, 3. J5, JS, 110. umana jiicycie 1,0., mm anu uuicago tits, Q 331 v TRADE your old wheel In on a new one Omaha Bicycle Co,, 16th nnd Chicago Sts. y .si CHESAPEAKE buy puppies; finest retriov- trs on wntoriowi; reasonable prices. A, J.' Hayne, 3821 North Twenty-third street, Q-MI80 30 CIGAR AND NEWS STAND, with soda rountnin, une iiirniiuro 01 3 room., good laundry package business, good location; party going to Buffalo; goll cheap. J. II. jnnnfcon, on i. i, L,ue, y .mho NO REASONAHLE OFFER REJECTED ror completely furnished 7-room Hat; lino iiiciuiuiij cneitp rem; owner leaving city; mm iusji, juur khiii; como quiCK, j, tl, Johnson, N. Y". Life. ' Q-622 60 PIANOS, $50 caeh, fa cents per week DLuiiiunei k .Mueuer, ui, rnrnam Ht Q-.M579 A1 FOR SAI.n, two new mowing machlnei for cutting grass: 4 feet, fl-lncb cut: Urn. class In every particular, $25 each; n bar gain, Call quick If you want one. Omuh't Cooperage Co., 35th and I streets. South umana. g M012 A3 FOR SALE-Manslleld tiro engine, In good shape, For photographs, price and de. scrlptlon. wrlto D. J. Arnold, President Jioaru ot town Trustees, nolle rourche, a, U, (J, M5SS A -3 FOR SALE. California Chlncto restaurant '.", V .. . C ..... 1 . ,. 1. . . J ,,.,!. . WW . PI,, DUUlll Wll,ttlltl. W U OIL and gasoline business, established 13 years, controls ouo customers; route in heart of city; team, harness nnd ell lanKi, wagon, ow o-gm, cans ann every thing complete; an exceptional otmor tuulty for one with small capital to get into paying nusiness qincKiy; owner leaV' lng city; must be sold at once. J. II Johnson, .n. y. Life. q-.MCio t'AIHVOVAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 8:9 North ltth. S-33J MME. GYLMER, palmist, 315 S. 15th st. 8-fiC3 REWARD. 17E.IW REWARD offered for the arrest and conviction of the party who entered and stole shoes from the store of H. Meier at uucnorn, isod.. me ntgnt 01 june mi ens com., tiKnorn, tito. 417 31 PERSONA!,. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superfluous . r romovtd uy tlectrmy. R. 12, Ftei.ier ..,.14. U-037 V1AVA, woman's way to health; ratlonil, v,iu leom home treatment. 341 Dec BiJg. UJJJ SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing .Machine, li4M Doug las. Tel. 2234. U-3U PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during conllnemcnt; babies adopted. 2304 Grant St. U-341 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week. We sell parts for and repair every scnlng machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Corner 15th and Harney Sts. U 431 Jy23 M. GOLDMAN & CO., inly perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mail orders solicited. Suite 00, Douglas Block. u-3n FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Douglas. U 312 SHOE Repairing. M. Sperduto, SIS N. 16th. U-66S-A-S WE rent sewing machines for 75 cents per week; we repair nnd sell needles and parts for owry machine manufactured. Phone 1663. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. U-137 A13 MMlfT SM ITl I, baths, US NTlStli, 2d ffonri room 7. U 1S7 31 WILL tho persons who saw the street car accident nt 18th nnd Cuming streets on Monday evening. July 22. 1901, kindly nend their names und addresses to James G. Jewell, 3930 N. 22(1 St., city. U-5W 31 SNOW IN WYOMING Elk. deer, trout nnd other "game; near Cloud's penk, nig Horn mountains, tho place for pleasure, Address V. T. Alyer & Hymer, Sheridan, Wyo. U Mils 30 PRINCE of Omoha cigar. Our own manu facture. Union mnde. 5c straight. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. U M5SI-A-3 JESS COOPER: Let us hear from you; business of Importance; nny ono knowing his address write or wire Herman Hor mann, Murdock, Neb. U M660AI MO.M3V TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1321 Douglns W-332 MONEY to loan nt 4V4 and 5)i per cent on Omaha property. W. U. Mclkie, 401 S. .5th. W-331 S AND hVt nor cent loam. W. H. Thomas, First National Hank building. Tel. 1048. W 336 $300, $100, $500 private money to loan: 1, 2, 3, or 6 years. W. L. Selby, Hoard of Trade Uldg. . W-2.-9 MONEY" to loan on Improvc'd Omaha real cstatu. Urennuu-Love Co., 309 South 13th. W-348 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warants, George Ac Company, 1C01 Farnam street. W-348 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate; C ... .... I ........... . .... .l,n,l.uinnN ..Hl.'l- lege of paying $100 or more before ma turity. Northwestern Mutual Llfo Ins. Co., John W. Glsh, special loan agent, 214 First Nat'l Hank Uldg., Omaha, Neb. W-353 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowu Uirins at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 or uny multiple; any Interest, date; no delay. Hrcnnan-Lovo Co,. 309 S. 13th St., Omaha, Nob. W 317 4V4 TO 5 P. C. money, Uemls. Pnxton ulk. W flIt'Jt, WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam smith & Co., i:o tarnam st. W-357 $50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $300 up, lowest rates, r.o ueiay. uurvin uros., i'ar nam. W-M922 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. v OJO WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants. 11. u. i'otcrs a o., .v. Farnam St., U?e Uldg. W-349 1IO.VEY TO LOAX CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY. We loan $10 and up on furniture, pianos, horses una otucr cnuttcis. SALARY' LOANS. without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions, you can get tnu money in a few hours after making application aid take 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b mouths or mora in which to pay It back, and you need not pay for it one day longer thau you keep It. We charge nothing lor papers unu wo give you the lull amount In cash. There arc 110 lower rutes thau ours; our terms are tho easiest; our business Is confidential and our motto Is "try to pleuse." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Hoard of Trado Uldg. Tel. 2295. (Established lt92.) 3u6 S. 16th at. v CONFIDENTIAL LOANS. on houeo hold turnlture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., in two nours time; also to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security Easiest payments and low est rates In Onmna, Private. Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Urown block, cor. loili and Douglas Sis.; entrance on 16th ht., opposite; Y. M. C. A. Uldg. X 3t0 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS , TO SALARIED I'Jiut'LK, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; euslest terms; iJ oitlcus in principal cities. Tulmun, 410 Board of Trade. Uldg, X 361 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. llvu atocK, cic. 14UICK service unu lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOK, 6M (top (lloon I'axton block, northeast corner l6ln and Fa.'; entrance cn 16th street. ' X 363 MONEY loaned on .pianos, furniture, Jew elry, norscb, cows, eic. u. i; ueeu, jiy a, 13, X-36J MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, ;ewciry. jjuh ureun, it. s, uuraur oik X 341 $1,000.00 TO place quick, M. J. Kennard & Son, buRo 3to, Urown block, X 366 WE LOAN money to salaried peoplo on IULII tiu tb uv tuntot tuitu) vkaewdi v wa - dentlal; pay weekly, semi-weekly or monthly. Room 303 Puxton block, 2d Uoor. Reliable Credit Co. X 121v Dt'SLESS CHAACES. WANTED Ladles of ability to manage branch oinces; must nuvo some casn to cover cost 01 remeuies, unyroio-ympn Co., CW0 Uce Hidg., Omaha. Y-C01-A-2 FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest In drug store; liaru woou noor, Mounews gas machine, soda fountain, etc.. In a lively county suai. inrom-i,jni)n -u., tuO Ueo Uldg, Ti" rOR SALE OR EXCIIANOE-MIIIInor stock; invoico J4jo, wnat nave you w ill consider well located raw laud. T. M. Cllue, 1235 g street, Lincoln, .Neb. Y-M478 SO t.m, D IT T.- wl n.t-lnn rA,nll I , ( . . M cash. Address is, (or. .'itu and Harney. Y 31507 AP GOOD tea and coffee route for sale cheap; southwestern Iowa; llrft-class territory. For full particulars address O C6. Omilia nee. y ii572 ' FOH SALE HEAL ESTATE. HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire iimuruiiLe. uemis, i'axton lilK. RE-371 SEE HENRY U. PAYNE, .601 N. Y. LIFE, It E 373 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St. HE viS FOR SALE OR EXCHANfSR. A well built S-room, all modern house, In good repulr, nt No. 2215 Hurt st near business center of city, High school Crelghton college, etc.; lot 38x132. alley in rear, permanent sidewalk and "pavement all paid for; owner is nnxlous to sell and will nccent In smnller hous ami v lot. vacant lots or western lands; look It over ina miiKo us an oner, i-rice, ix&ou. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. Life Hldg. RE-M49I 29 SEVERAL thousunfl ncres of the choicest meaaow iana mat win go from 2 to 4 'ons per acre, located In Marshall county, Min nesota; parties In need of hay should cor respond. Also thousands of ncres of the choicest Red River lands for sale at from $10 to $30 per acre. Any one wanting a rood Investment or a farm to mnke a home should addresi Carey & Dakln, nrecKenriog, inn. AS FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE. In the rich valley of Loup river 1 can offer for sale many Inrms at reasonable prices, This land Is a rich randy loam and pro duces elegant erops. Tho farmers arc fast putting their land Into nlfalfa, which brings them fine returns, three and four crops ft year being hnrvested at little or no expense, netting as high ns $30 per acre Income each year. Most of this land Is under a fine Irrigating canal, with a Heady and reliable How of wa?r from tho Iiup river. 1 will nnmo ft lew pieces 210 acres, 1 mile from county seat; 0 acie.i meadow, balance pasture land. Price, $730. 00 acre mile from county sent; good S room house, orchard, lots of timber, 84 acres enn be Irrigated, 20 acres line al falfa, 115 ncrcs pasture. Price. $4.0W. ICO acres, house, windmill, orchnrd, SO acres pasture, 80 acres farm land, 40 acres Irri gated. Price, $1,630. 30 acres, 100 undjr plow, balance pasture; house, windmill, barn, Prl-.e, $1,150. lOu acres, line place for stock, frame house, orrhard, barn, plenty of water and tim ber. Price, $s0u. C0 acres, 75 acres plow land, balance pas ture, on good clay sell. Prico $33 per acre. 160 acres, 25 acres cultivated, $5 per acre. 160 acres, 50 teres cultivated, $1 per acre. 170 acres, with fenced meadow that will cut 60 to 75 tons hay, small frame houso and stable, good stock farm. Price. $1,190. Many other.i that are good bargains. All this land will produce tha best of alfalfa, with a good market and ready sale at good prices, being near tho cattle ranges. Write for particulars. H. A. STEWART. Taylor, Loup County, Neb. . RE-373 C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON, 912-913 N. Y. Life, Tel. C14. S-room modern house In Hanscom Place, north nnd east front, shudo trees, only $2,700. New 7-room all-modern house, cast front on North Boulevard, hardwood Ilnlsh, $2,600. Very neat nnd well kept cottage, cast front on sightly ground between South Omaha and Omahu, $1,400. As an Investment wo offer n rental property, well located on paved street, permanent walk, In good repair, for $3,000 cash; rents for J 16 a month, A beautiful residence lot, east front on 31st St., Just south of Leavenworth, $700. Very sightly lot, utio block west of Joslyu's, only $500. Near the end of the 32d Ave. car Hue. 52x132 ft., east front on Boulevard, $500. Very sightly one 'Just off tho boulevard, near the above; eastern owner might tnko $330. 6 acres cast of the old Grllllu farm, lies very line, rubs right up ngulu.n Omaha and S. O., only $1,200, Choice $1,000 loan for Bale. C. F. HARRISON fic GEO. T. MORTON, 912-913 N. Y". Life. Tel. .114. RE-535 27 RANCH AND FAPM lands for nac by the uuiuii a uiiiui. iiiwuuuu LMjinjiany. 11, A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Oinuha, Neb ' HE--367 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; n'ao iJiuijciijr uim luriu lautlb. 1 nc U. F. Davis Co., Room 552, Uco Building. RE-370 CORN LANDS nnd stock ranches In the uorn ueu country. v rue lor my list. W. H. elements. Lyons. Nob. BE-464 WE have n number ot cattle ranches for baie in Lincoln county, jsebraBKu. with an abundance of nasture. hay and water; prices range from $500 to $30,OW; corre spondence solicited. Buchanan & Patter son, North Platte, Nebraska. RE M490 30' A NEW 6-room modern house with flno snano ana goou car service; easy terms. $2,200. This is a bar.ialn. 5-room houso on monthly payments. $1,100. GEORGE E. GIBSON. 1609 Farnam street. FOR SALE, chcup, on monthly pnymsnts, i-room connge ana luii 'iot nt 3ft0l 1'ntrlcK nve. G. N. NntlngeV, secretary Omaha Loan and Building association. Bee bldg. RE-MG19 A3 FOR SALE, good comer l6t 44 ft. by 110 ft., ai inu souinwesi corner- or souiu 6tn. St. and 8th Ave., nbout three blocks from'tho court house, Council Bluffs, $1350.00. Ad dress F. M. Baker, 107 Dearborn St., Chi cago; RE M575 2 PATENTS. 'T WILL BUY nny good Invention or patent. Auaress l,ock uox iki, ucs Aioincs, la. -373 MASON. FENWICK & LAWRENCE, wasningion, u. u. ii. j. cowgui, ugeni, 315 Ramgo block, Omaha. Neb. 958 $5 THIS advertisement Is good for $5. Sues ic uo., patent attorneys, ueo mug,, umana, Neb. No teo unlesa successful. M29I A1S LOST. LOST, Auditorium brick No. 425. Reward ii returned to umana uauy jsews. Lost-261 FARMS FOH HE.T. 400 ACRES 5 miles south of Gretna, Sarpy county, ieu. unit urcen, noom , uarker Illk., Omaha. 534 BTAMMEH1MS AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia. Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, .c; cutis, -ic. iiM iA'avenwortn. lei. Mi. 386 llOILEH MAKERS, OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bollors, tnnk stacks, etc. Tel. 1339. 12th and lzard Sts. 381 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodate lng; an business contldcntiai, uui uougias, 282 JUNK. DO NOT sell your Junk beforo you get prices oi tno ureat western JunK House, 812 Douglas, Omaha. 'Phono 2163. A. Fercr, proprietor. 23S A15 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, .'1. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam 3S2 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, nn and Lako Sts. 370 1I1C1CLES. PRICES that will surprise you; muBt clear out the stock ot new nnd second-hand bicycles; second-hand wheels from 12.50 up; new ones, $12 up. Louis Fletcher, 1622 cupliol uvo. 762 A BIG reduction In prico on bicycles. New bicycles, $15 and up; secondhand ones, $3 anil up. Wilt sell cheap. Must reduce stock. Headquarters for repairing' and sundries, Tires, 51.75 each. L. Flencher, 1622 Capitol Ave, -620 A3 SATIN SKIN SPECIALTIES. BEST for you, because best made. Sntlq Skin soap Cream und Powder. Ure U proof. 770 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St, 154 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, R 15, Com. Nat. Bank. G. R. Rathhun, -SM OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, MS N. Y". L. Bldg. Tel. n'i; Alice jonnson, u. u Indies uopi.. Old. E. Johnson, OsteopAthlst, Mgr. 374 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367 us A. T. HUNT, D. O . S03 Karbach Blk. Tel 331 376 MRS JOHN R. MUSICK. D. O., osteo pathic physician, uougias uiock. -S26-A-19 MIORTIIAND AND TYPEWRlTINtl. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. ji i UOY'LES' College, court reporter principal, uee uiuh, Ota NEU. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Thtuter. 3i GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug 380 MEDICAL, DR. LE DUE S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to euro the most stub born cases of monthly stoppage, irregu- v lnrltles, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever abnormal, un. natural diseased or pathological enuse; II it package, oi 3 for s: sent anywhere pro. paid on receipt of prico. Tho Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American o!lce, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha ; M A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davl Drug Co., Council Blurts. Full Hue of legitimate rubber goods. DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 57G Harney. 7Sti AlV- WAN l'ED TO BORROW. WANTED, to borrow, $700 on a 7-room l'V story modern cottage; gut-cugo fccuniy O 01. Bee. 132 FIMUNU AND I'LEASl HE RESORT. IF Y'OU want good bass and croppy fishing go to i.nnguon, aio. very utst oi notei accommodations. Plenty of boats and inlnncws. Write R. A. Dlttmar for rates. J (6- Direct Route to GtasROnr Exhibition ANCHOR LINE jti'nnihlilpa from New York Weekly for liLASOOW VIA LONDONDERRY. Saloon. $30 and up. Second Cubit. , $32.50 and up. Third Class, :t and upwards. For Illustrated folder and further informs. Hon upply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chlcugo, or J. 8. McNAI.LY. 1323 Farnam St.. UEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Fumam St.. Omaha. Summer Tours on Lake Michigan. STEAMSHIP MAN I TO U for piMancur uprrlce eicliulvplr, nukM tri.wtfkl; Ints tor CliHrli'Titir, llnrbor rtrtnc Itr Irif . 1'clunbrr anil Mnf Ulnar Iftlaml cunnactlns with all RtPAnmhlp Ltnon for I.ftkA Hap?rlor, KaKtern and Canadian Points. Hpuclal liatM to Pnn. American. LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS: Tie. 1 O n. m. Thur. 11 a.m. Hat. r p. m. Mnnlton Stonmshlp Company, OFFICE & DOCKS. Ruth ind N. Water Sts., Chicago. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Oinalin. Neb.. July 16. lioi. Sealed rro- posals. In triplicate, subject to tho usual conditions, will be received here until 2 o'clock p. ni., July 31, 1S01, and then opened. In tho presence) of attending bidders, for two uunureti anu iitty-two (23j) Artillery Horses for delivery at Fort Riley, Kansas, or prominent railroad points, U. S. reserves right to reject nny or all proposals, or any part thereof. Blank forms for bidding and clrculnr giving full Information nnd re quirements will be furnished on application to this olllce. Envelopes containing pro- Fosals should bo marked "Proposals for lorseu" and addressed to JNO. W. PULL MAN, Chief (J. M. July 17-1S-29-30 PROPOSALS FOR ARTILLERY HORSES. Chief Quartermaster's Olllce, Chicago, III., juiy lo, iwi. seaieu proposals, in triplicate. win uo received nt tnis onice, until is o'clock, noon, standnrd time, August 1, 1901, for furnishing and delivering 126 artillery horsea at Chicago, HI., or St. Louis, Mo. Proposals will bo cntertnlned for dellvory at railroad points other than thoso stated above. Particulars and blanks for pro poEUlu will bo furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposnls to bo on dotscil "Proposals for Artillery Horses," and addressed to Colonel E. B. ATWOOD, Chief Quartermaster. Jyl9-20-22-23-29-30M RAILWAY TIM la CARD. BURLINGTON & Mis souri lllvor Railroad "Tho Burlington Route ' General Offices, North west Corner Tenth and Furuam Streets. Ticket Olllce, 1502 Farnam Street. Teleuiu'iio urn. Burlington Station, Tenth and Muiion Streets, 'lolopnone 12s. Leuvi.. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCooa a S:10 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado, Utah, Cultforiitu.a 4:2a pm a 3:00 pm Alliance Expiess a 4:2o pm u 3:00 pm Llueoin & Black Hills. .a 9:00 pm a 6:15 um Montana, Puget Sound. .a UM pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fust .Mall b'Stiu pm u y;17 am Wymorc, Beatrtco and Lincoln u. 8:40 am bll:55 am DeiivMr, foloradn, Utah and ciiifoniiu - a 6:15 am Fort Crook, So. Bend, Loutsvillo, Plattem'tn.b 3:20 pm bll:05 am Bellevue, i'.atumuuth & Pacific Junction a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am Bellevue, P.attsmouth Ac Paclllc Junction u 3:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- fceph & Council Hiurrs Rullroud "Tho Burlington Route" Tlckot Olllce, 1302 Fumam Street. Telephone an. uejioi, j.emn aim Mason Streets. Tolu- phono 1! a Leave. Arrive. u 6:0o pm a 6:15 am Kansas city Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am Kansas City Night Ex.. ul0:30 pm Joseph mid St. Louis. a d:10 pm all:15 am a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON U Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250, Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Lcuvu. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial .. . , , a 7:00 am al0:20 pm Chicago Vestibules Ex. a 4;W pm a 7:45 am Chicago Ltcal Express. a 9:30 am u 4:03 pm Chicago Limited a Y:50 pm a 7:43 um Fast Man a z;u pm Dally. Krffj. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER. tWo land Route" Gcnernl Offices. N. E. Cor. Jslnth und Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce, 1324 Farnam Street. Telephone, 316, Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. 'leitpliouu, 623. I .U A.. I... Tha Overland Limited.. a s,;2j am a 7:30 pm Tho Chlcago-Portland Special a 't a 7:30 pm The Fast Mall a.?:i? a' a 3:25 pm Tho Colo.-ado Special ,..ull:3o pm a 6:50 um i.incoin, ucuuiLu unu Stromsburg Express. .b 4:05 pm bl2:10 pm ti,,. I'm itir Kmress....a 4:u i.n Tho Aiuiuiu- EsprcHa... a 0 '50 am Grand island iocui o u;uu pro us.joara -t.. l. na i' dviii v nnnv MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road-General Offices and TlcKet onices, Southeus Corner 14th and Dougm, Sts. 'J elephono, 104. Depot Union station. I ... ii vy.i a ..I... V- . v , niHVQ, .it. luuia ui. ... . . City Express a lu:00 am a 6:23 pm iv, w, ai, i i" --.- v,,w Leave from 15th and Webster Streets: VMirnsKn i..ocal. Via Wonplii? 'ater b 4:10 pm alOMS nm a uaiiy. v uaiiy cm-ci suiiuu). OMAHA fi ST. LOUIS iiaii. road Omaha, Kansas ciiv & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of. nee. 1415 Farnam St, Tele, phone. 322. Depot, Tenth unu man. am, ifiepnoilu Leave. Arrive. st. I.ouis Cannon Ball Express .....a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas city nna yuincy Local a 7:00 am a Dally. a :oo pm POSTOFFIt'E NOTICE. CHICAGO Si NORTH--trn Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Oltice, 1141 turnutn St. Tclephouc, bil. Depot, Tcutn unu Marcy Strcots. Tele- pnonc, twy. .. . Ltave. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7;W am Chlcugo Passng.'t a 4.15 pm Eastern Express, Des Moines, .Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids and Chicago al0:33 am Eastern Special, Chi cago und f.ast... ..a 1:33 pm Fast Mull. Chicago lo Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:43 pm IMst .Mall i Cedar raplda Pas.-nscr. a Dally. Arrive. nll:30 pm a S;tu am a 4:05 pm a 1:03 pm a 2:45 pm u 9:uo am a sijv uin a 5;Ju Mil FRliMCriT, ELKHORN ti Missouri Valley itiulroad The Northwestern Line ' uenirai unices, 11,111, 1 4 ti 14. v utinn u,,..u...t., Comer Tweltlli und rur- I1UII1 ts. Tclubhor.e. Ticket Oltlcc, 14ul Fiirnam St. 561. Depot, 15th and Webster StS. 'J ileliliniie. II ..s I.euVe, Blnclc Hills, Deadwood, v Hot Springs a 3:00 pm Wyoming, Casper und Douglas d 3:00 pm Hastings, ork, David City, cupei lor, U-nuvu, Exeter and Seward, ...b 3:00 pm Norfolk, emigre, and Fremont b 7:30 urn Lincoln, 'A uou & Fre mont. b 7:30 am Prrmimf l.tienl . ?!lfcl urn Arrive, a 5:00 pm o 5:00 pin b 3:00 pm bl0:25 am b!0:2o am c L'all b Dally except suuuay. a Sun dny oul d Dally except buturday. e Dully except Monday. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & uinaha Hallway "Tho North western Line" OeneiMl Utllcs, Ncbruskit Dlvt stoii, 13th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce, 1401 Puriiuhi ht Telephone, 561. Depot, loth and Webster Sts. Telephone, 1438. Leave. At rive. Twin City Passenger. ...a G:w um a y:lo pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:15 pm ullilo am Emerson Local b 5.30 pm b 8:20 um u Dally SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Lino" General Oltlces, United Stutus Nutloual Bank Building, d. W. Coiner Twelfth and Faruuui Sts. Ticket Olllce, 14ul Farnam St. Telephone, 561. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, 629, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:3 um alu;25 pm Twin city J.imiteu a iini aa;uum Sioux City Local a 8:ou am u 2:50 pm Lally. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL. and As Paclllc Railroad tho Ureat Hutk Island Routo" citv Ticket OHlcc. 1323 Far. nam Street, Telephone j2!. Depot, Tenth am Marcy Streets. Tola phone, 629. BA7. .Lt'UV0- ArrlVf' Chicago Daylight Spe...a G:C0 am a 2;00 am ues .-iouies anu uuven port Loca'. a 7:2.p nm i.n.i- rtr,mo,,,,,,,,,d U III Des Moines LonH u 4:20 pm Chicago Fust Express., a 5:00 pm a s:io nm a 4:45 pm a 1:23 pm a 9:33 pm a 6:00 am a 4:15 pm a 9:50 am wen ...uiwea, JIUCI. JSI- and and Chicago a 7:10 um U'KHT. Rocky Mountain Llm...a 2:00 nm .incoin, (joiormio Spgs,, ucnvtr, i-uct'io and West n 1 Colorado. Oklahoma Sc. Txas Flyer..... a 5:20 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday M;T,IN,OIS CENTRAL "nllroad-City Ticket Ot flee. 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 245. Depot Tenth nnd Marcy Streets' Leuvn a -.-,.... ' tt am a o:iu pm ....... .a ,iU pm u S;yj am Mlntiua;)olla 3. a maa ruui ..b 7:00 am b 8:40 pni Miniicaiioils & St, Paul "HMIllU n .... .. Fort Dodce Local from om Council olluffs ,.,b 4:50 nm a. s-n Fort Dodgo Local frotn P 8,15 nra rA , I Tlla.aV. .... . a Daily, b Ually except Sunday, St. Ixuls Cannon Ball KxtirHS n Arrive. a 8:20 am a 9:00 pm KanBaB City ana Quincy aDaily. s a 7:W om Wn A S 11 RAILROAD I -"!ce'. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322. De pot, Tonth nnd Marcy Sts. Telephone. 623. TjltVD A 1... V w. A(VO. St. Louts "Cannon Ball" ttxpres a u:it pm a 8:20 am CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Pnul Railway City Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam Street, Telephone, 2S4. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets, Telephone 623 Leave. .Arrive. -i,i-.. r. nmhn Ex..b 7:15 nm b 3:40 nm Chicago Limited Ex n 6:00 pm a 8:03 an. t-.7ii, 1. Tiiu- eveent Sunday. u wmiij 1 " j - : I'OSTOFFICE OTICE. fShonld be read dallv bv all Interested, a.l chnne:es mav occur nt nny time.) Forelirn malls for tho week endlnir August 3, 1901, will cioso (I'ltu.Ml'Tl.v in nil cases; at tho general postolllcc as followa: I'nrceis post malts close ono hour earlier than clos- ini? tlmn shown below. 1'nrcels nost malls for Germany closo ut 5 p. m. Monday and weunesuay. Tl . . 1 - n.l 1 ......... , ,11, ... M 1 1 J ina at forclcn branch half hour later than closing tlmo shown below. Triins-Atliiiitlo MnllR. TUESDAY At 6:30 a. m for EUROPE, per s. h. Kaiser William der Crosse, via Clier- bourir. Southamntnn and Urnmen. WEDNESDAY' At s:20 a. m. (supplemen tary hi 11, in.; tor kuiiui'k, per s. a. Teu tonic, via Queenstown; at 10 a. in. for BELGIUM direct, per s. b. Southwark (mall muht bo directed "per s. s. South wark"). THURSDAY At C:30 a. m. for EUROPE. pei s. h. Bismarck, via Plymouth, Cher bourg und Hamburg (mall for Franco must bo directed "per s, s, F. BlBinnrck"); nt 7 a. in. for FRANCE, per s, s, Ii Champagne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. a Champagne"); nt 2:30 p. 111. for ITALY", per s, s. Nord America, via Na ples (mnll must bo directed "per s. s, Nord America"). SATURDAY At 4:30 n. in. for EUROPE, per h. s. Ktruria, via gueenstown; nt 7 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Norgo (mall must bo directed "per h. h. Norite' ); ot 7:30 n. in. for NETHERLANDS direct, per a. s. Amsterdam (mall must bo di rected "per s. s. Amsterdam"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC -This steamer takes Printed Mutter, Commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany only. Tin samo class of mnll matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of tho Hupplemontnry Trnns-Atlantlc malls' named above addi tional supplementary malls aro opened on tho piers of tho Amorlcan, I.ncllsh. French nnd German steamers and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer, Mnll for South nnd Central America, West Indlea, Etc. MONDAY At 12 m.for PORTO RICO, per s, n, Callfornlan. viu Ponce: at I p. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a. s. Dominic. TUESDAY' At 9:80 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex cout Costa Rlcu) und SOUTHERN PA CIFIC PORTS, per s, s. Orizaba, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be di rected "pur s. s. Orizaba"); ut 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per . a. Admiral Dowey, from Boston; ai 11 p, m. for JAMAICA, nor s. b. Urania, from Philadelphia. W E D N E S DA A t 9:30 a. tn. for INAGUA unu iiaiii, per b. b. mount Vernon: nt -?,,u.'.JnV ri,f,I?N'AUA' TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. n Murnvnl; at 12 m. fnr CUBA. YUCATAN. CAM. PECHE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per H. K. Esnernuzu. Via Ilnvnnn. nml Pm. greso (mnll for other ptrts of Mexico must bo dlrectod "per s. s. Esperanza"), THURBDAY At fl:30 p, rn, for JAMAICA, pe i- s. n, minimi numpsnn, irom lioston, II m fnr MWYIf'n naw . City of Washington, via Tamplco (mali must bo directed "per s, s, City of Wash ington j, SATURDAY At U a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, per h. s. Sllvlat at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, por s. a, Ponco. via San Juan; nt 9:20 a. m, (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA. MAICA. SA VANILLA. CARTHAQENA nn.l nn PVTMI'W nA - ltl-U. aim iuti i, i'ci at n, iiui jiui' (mall for Costa tllca muat bo directed "per b. b Alleghany"); ftt 10 a. m, tor IMiLWAumj poyrorrirr. oru n. ILUli, per s." sf PRINS WILLIAM II unall for Curaeito, Venezuela, 'I'mil dad, nntl-h and Dutch Gulatin must be directed 'per s. s. Prlns William II'). at lo a in for CUBA, per s. s. .Mono Castle, via Havana. Malls for Newfoundland, by rnli to North Sdney. und thence by steamer, close at this oltlco dully nt 6:30 p. in. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mbiueton, by rail to Boston, and theiue uy steamer, close nt this crilce dally at C;30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close nt this ottlco dally (except Sunday) nl 6.W a. in. (tho connecting closes arc on Monday, Wednes day mid Si.turday). Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Flu., nnd thence by steamer, close at this olllce every Sunday at 6;W a in. Malls for Mexico City, overland, un less specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this otflce dally at 1,30 p. m. and ll:tu p. in. Mulls for Costa Rlcn, llcllie, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail lo New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close nt this ulllce, dull) at l;;w p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays lor Uellte, Puerto Cortcr. und Guutemulu und Tues days for Costa Rica). "Registered mall cloics at 6:W p. in. previous day. Ttiina-Piiolllif .Mull. nt rue, Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 31, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s, R.o Jun Muni (registered mall must be ill- .... L3 .I..,. recicii via neauie j. ln1l- ft frnhltl iiti,1 1 ii rn miun u lulnnaa. via San Francisco, close hero ilnlly nt fi::w p. m. up to August !, Inclusive, for dispatch' per s. . Australia. Mulls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here ilnlly at fi:30 v. m, up to August 3, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. America Mnru. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, clo'o here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August '5. for dispatch per s. . Maruposa. Malls for China und Japan, via anco-.tvcr, close here dally nt 6:30 p. tn, up to August 13, Inclusive, for dispatch per H. s. Em press of India (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (extent West Australia, which Is forwarded via .-Surope), Now 'calami, FIJI, Samoa and Hnwalf, via San Francisco, close here ilnlly at 0:30 it. m. nftcr July 27 nnd up to August "l?. In clusive, or on nrrlvnl of s. s Lucanla, duo nt New York August "17, for dispatch per s. s. Sonoma. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco) and FIJI Island, via Vancouver, close- nero dally nt 6:30ii, tn, up to August 17, Inclusive, mr iiiiuieu iei n. p, , iti , ,in,i, ic,,,,'.. inentiiry malls, via Seattle and Victoria), close nl 0:30 p. m. August "l (mall must be directed ''via Vancouver"). Trnim.Pnclfle mails nro forwnrded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is nrrungeu on inn presumption ot ineir un inierrimteil overland transit. "Registered mall Closes at i p. in. previous unj. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllcc, New York N. Y July 6. l&t 1901. POLITICIANS JEMPL0Y FISTS Dcfeiileil Aaplrnnl for l.onlavlllo MnyoriiHy i:iimnKe In 1'IkIiI 1111 the .Until Streets. LOUISVILLE, Ky July 28. A fist fight that threnttned to lead to a tragedy filled Jefferson street near Fourth, the business heart of the city, with nn excited crowd this afternoon. r. Hooker Read, who was last week de feated In n republican primary for tho nomination for mayor of Llousvllle nnd who has since made many charges concerning tho way tho primary was conducted, and John Horo, who was prominent In tho re publican faction that defeated Ilecd, wcro the principals, though others Joined In on both sides until tho contest was stopped. Tho affray occurred In front of republican headquarters. After tho men had bcon separated need went east on Jefferson Etront, followed by n Inrgo crowd. Pres ently ho returned with n pistol In his hand and as ho was apparently making straight far tho republican headquarters Into which Boro had gono, tho crowd In the street looked for troublo at ence. Rccd, howover. turned Into a saloon a few doors from the republican headquarters nnd after a while Boro left tho headquarters nnd tho situa tion was relieved. Reed remained In tho saloon und tho men did not meet again. P. Booker Reed Is president of tho board of aldermen of Louisville. Thomas W. Carter of Aihboro, N. C had kidney trouble and ono bottlo ot Foley' Kidney Cure effected n perfect cure and he says tbcro Is no romcdy that will compare with It. FIND JOHN RUSSELL'S BONES Iloune Wrecker nt Fn nn Revive i Murder Tlilrty-Tliree Yeora Old. PAN A, 111., July 28. Thirty-three years ago John Russell, a farmer living a fow miles southeast of Towor Hill, went to Shelhyvlllo, 111., and drow $800 from tho Pontoon bank. Tho last over scon of nus sell was threo miles south of Shelbyville, ns ho was on his way homo. His horse appeared at his homo next morning, rider less. About a year ngo Joseph Plpp, a farmer living In this county, went to tho Judgo of Shelby county nnd Informed him that when n boy he saw Russell burled by threo men. He could keep the secret no longer. Plpp volunteered to direct tho sheriff to tho spot whero ho saw tho runn burled. They searched the place, but did not find the re mains and tho matter was dropped. Today whtlo workmen wero tearing own an old house near whom Plpp claimed ho saw Rus sell burled they found a skcloton of a man beneath tho floor of tho house. Trinkets found near tho skeleton cleared up tho mystery. Arrests are bolng made, sovorai wealthy citizens being Implicated. HIGHER MARKET FOR BANDIT Government nt llavniio. Increases Of fer for Limit from Five II und red to Tlioimiinil Dollnrn. HAVANA, July 28, Tho government has olforcd a reward of 11,000 for tho capture, dead or allvo, of Lino Lima, a bandit who has been operating tn tha Mntanzns and Havana provluces. Thoro has been for the last three month a standing roward of 500 for Lima's head. Yesterday tho bandit sent word to the authorities that ho would surrender for $500, provided he wero al lowed to leave the Island. Upon receipt of this offer tho authorities doubted tho reward and sent urgent Instructions to General Rodriguez of tho Rural guards to capture Lima. COLBURN'S BODY RECOVERED Dr. Taylor Finds It nt Almost Idaa tlral Spot Where the Million aire nlsnppenred. ORKENWICH, Conn., July 28. Tho body of Arthur Colburn, tho millionaire splos merohant of Philadelphia, who, with his two daughters, Ida and Annetto, Captain E. R. Flint and Frank Eckport, a seaman, who were drowned by the capsizing of the yacht Venltila tn a squall oft this port July 18, was recovered this Afternoon by Drr Robert Taylor and Csptaln J. E. Peck. The body was picked up at almost tho exact spot where It went down at the time of the accident. Mr. John Tlpplv, Colton, 0 says: "Foley's Honey and Tar curtd my Uttla girl of a asters cough and Inflamed ton, ills." Malls for lluwnll, China, Japan nnd Phil ippines, In San Francisco, close hero dally at 6.30 i. m. up tn July "2$, In clusive, for dispatch per s. s Coptic. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, close here dally at 6:30 p. tn. up to July 2S Inclusive, tor dlpatch per s. s. Duko