THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SlTyj)AY, JULY 2S, 1901. GERMANY'S NEW TARIFF LAW 10; prepared flooring, 6 to 18; furniture AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA made from hard wood, 12, In the rough, 15 finished (urnlturo of toft wood, S, and In the rough, 12. .-vntther Draft is Printed Oerrebornting Finished pig Iron, 1 mark per metric hun dred-welght; cant piping for walls, above Banks Befuit to Qivt Uondi as Dtptiitoriu Ihi Firit. 7 millimetre!), In the rough, 3 marks; the f City Montj, same finished, 4i mnrks; the Batao below mllllmctrto, In tho rough, 6 marks, and PUTS DUTY ON GRAINS PLENTY HIGH the latter finished, 0 marks; rollers, rough CITY TREASURER'S BOND IS AT STAKE 3i marks,' finished, 10 marks. Fine cast 1 ings win pay from 1 to r, murk.: mil StlpuliUr Tlmt In Future Commcrolnl ftDd blooms, 1 mark BO pfennigs. Wrought Trratle Shull 1'ny I I e Mnrk or More niul Other In I'ropcirt Ion. bars ana hoops will pay from 1 mark to 5 marks; sheets, 6 marks 60 pfennigs to 7 marks. Hough wlro will pay from marKfl to 0 marks. Polished boilers will pay 5 marks to 8 marks per metric hun dred-woleht. Snades nnl xh nvnte twill IIERL1N, July 27. The Rclshsanie gcr to- c mari,.. fork, in mnri.: .,. ir. .i ' .1. - j .. . . " ' 7 ' moms puuumica uran 01 mu cow i-umuiiio and 2n marks; flies, 10 marks to 40 murks lu.iu nun iuo customs rates, i u . rough screws, 6 marks; finished screws. 1 stipulates that in any commercial treaties marks. Aluminum, hammered nr rnltnd wll .li.tlon shall . . ' ... "' entered Into by Germany tho dutlen shall not bo loner than G marks on rye, & marks on wheat, 3 marks ou barley and 5 marks on oats. The dutlen on grain, provisions and cattle are as published last week by the Stutt garter llcobachtcr and already cabled to thu 111 pay 12 marks; lead, rolled, 3 marks; cop muugui or runcu, 12 maruti; copper wire, iz morns. Locomotives will pay from j marns to 11 marks per metric hundred weight. Steam engines will pay 3tt mark per hundred-weight. Sewing machines, 35 marx. me uuties on mach nerv for wnn.i Associated Pres. from Uerlln, with tho ex- ,ron aD,i Mone work , ' kZ"? VV.? e,"T' J? mnrhs n wclghlnB two ami one- ;; r";rrn:rr'rr"' rc: p1' na-red.we.ght t0 marks on ma .... , ..ww.....i.v.b;. uk i !." M J(, weiKtlltlP n Inn, CI.,... II I torn, anonunccmcnts, points out that the d mower3 w g ' wh, 0 , draft of tho new tariff was published be- mnPhln. m t. ' V ...?. ran.. I. V,n.l I 1.. ...I.A I . . ' ' o IIlurKS UV ""' I""" prennigs to 18 marks per .metric hundred in an unauthorized manner, but, as It had I wclRht. ' uuu noi oeen morougniy uiscusscd in me irhn ,t,,Ho ,t,. , n-ithrr m nf , hft LJ'10 .du ' lcs. " ''xnamos and motors range bill nor th, rn.fn ,WMn t J . J . mat. " chines weighing five down were unalterable beforo tba bill reached the Reichstag. Tho text of the measure appeared too lat for comment In the evening papers, Opinion In Berlin commercial circles, how ever, Is that the American schedules are monstrous, Involving a great burden for Germany's Industrial and commercial classes, together with a serious Injury to foreign trade, tariff wars and hindrances to commercial treaties. hundred-weight or less to 6 marks on dv namoo and motors weighing from flvo to uiirty hundred. weight. Telephone and tel cgrapn apparatus will dbv On mnrlt. Tho duties on wagons will range from 20 to iqv marns. uicyclea will pay 1C0 marks, whllo buggies and carriages will tiav from iuu marns to zoo marks; blcyclo parts uufiu, iu marns; finished, 150 marks, l'l -us ana organs win pay 40 marks and Plpo organs 25 marks. All thn fnr,.,rntn umies aro reckoned per metric hundred weight. Section 8 of this tariff t nr. Americans In business In Berlin regard vldcs that dutlablo goods sent to Germany the trouble as exceedingly bad for Qer- from countries treating German shin nn,l many and tho United States, pointing out German goods moro unfavarobly than those that tho sharp agitation during tho last of other c ountrlcs may bo assessed at lew years has borno rruit in the present uouoio tno rates provided for under this bill. Ilesldea tho agricultural schedules law or to tho full value of these goods, and the Americana express keen disappoint- that dutlablo goods arriving from 'such ment at tho heavy Increases on machinery, countries that aro on thp frep lUt mm, ftl . .1 . . 1 1 , . n I f - o 1 n-.. .... 1 f . .... ' mo iiivBuiii uuues, jkiikiub irora i-fi 10 o I ea ou per Cnt of their full value. marns por nuiiarea-wpigni, are in many . cases mure than doubled. In tho cases of IIMlhnNAL REVEWIIF RPPflRT I. I 1 I I. ' VIM an ti n niv HIO iUnill Uit.U. AUIVllVUU ITUUUa It' Serloim Mlntnlce. are also hard hit, Tho measure shows a reclassification ot articles and a much more minute division. Comparisons, therefore, nre often difficult, Tho tariff bill, as printed by tho Itelch sanzolgor, flits a pamphlet of 1G7 pages. The duties on grain aro the same as pub- '" t"t Iteuetpta for Thin Yenr Arc Greater Thnu for I.unt. WASHINGTON. July 27. Thn Annual nr. llmlnary leport of Commissioner of lnfomnl llshcd In tho Stuttgarter Dcooachter. The Roveuuo Ycrkcs for the fiscal year ending duty on maize Is 4 marks per metric hun- June 30- 1901i ahows that receipts from all nred-wclght. without minimum; tho duty BOUrccs or internal revenue, for tho year on barley Is i marks per metric hundred- "Ksregated 306.S71,69. This Is an Increase weight maximum and 3 marks per metric 01 u.&55,o61 over the recolpts for the hundred-weight minimum; clovcrseed will nscal ycr ended June 30, 1900. The cx pay a duty of 5 marks nor metric hun- penscs of tho bureau for thn nr-nl r ureu-wcigni; rico is 4 marks per metric approximate X4,737,192, andr the per- hundrcd-welght; malt ot barley will pay centnge of cost ot collection, predicated on 4V4 marks per metric hundred-weight. theo figures, loss tax on monev nrdor. n whllo other malt will pay 9 marks; cotton "hovo stated, will be 1.65, a reduction of is rrco, whllo hops will pay 40 and hop n tno per cent of cost of collection, as meals CO marks per metric hundred-weight, compared with the crcccdlne fiscal vrnr. Most all vegetables will bo free of duty. Tno receipts from the several sauroix nf Apples, unpacked or In sacks, will be freo I revenue are given as follows: Spirits, U10,- ui uuiy. Annies pacxea in omer ways I vi,wv, increase over last vnr tc iko ic xuuacco, t,z,4si,go7; Increase, 13,126,822. Fermeated liquors, 75,eC9,907; Increase, 2,- wlll pay a duty of 6 mark. Hard and Hoft Woods. Hard woods, not sawed, will pay 20 pfen nigs per hundred-wolght, or 1 mark 80 pfen nigs per solid metre; soft woods, not sawed, -will 119,163. Oleomargarine, 2,518,10i; decrease. I.:,. '"ea cnecBe. .25: decrease, ..H1. Mixed flour, J6.60G; decrease, JS33. ofcci.i inxos not elsewhere pay 20 pfennigs per hundred-welght, 14.165.736 deerp. 7. . .J or 1 mark 60 pfennigs per metre. Hard distributive ,..' V. b woods, sawed, will pay 1 mark 25 pfennigs 15,211.898' lnerenno f 5-' AM a i a , per hundred-welght. or 10 marks per solid and n ... !.e. " metro; soft wood, sawed, will pay 1 mark stamps), 39,24 036 decrease iFi& in 25 pfennigs per hundred-weight, or 7 marks Banks, bankers, etc Jl m LJan !w 50 ufcnnlrs nor ntM n.rr.l i. .5 .''TV818' '"Crease, $457. win pay 30'pfennig."pV; huwhir T n'f!1' a8c' J00'2" HONM wnrll, (rnm 5M m.,U r.n . ""7! BUOW8 mo ag- wvw vr m.vvv lijntAH I XI CEillrl Pfl nrf rino K.. . . aro scaled under tho tBrlff inw tn mv h,,.i. ir.7, i. V." "w'" lalca: Aiaiuma, nelnr frnm 30 mn,V. ,nn "XZ. - I, "r"B.n"8' 2M,a99 California and Ti 7 , ..I J , .". .vic vua, i,t80.i78; Co orado and Wyoming Bee cattle, 2b marks; young cattle, 15 11,240,628; Connecticut and nhodo IsTaSd' marks; calves. 4 marks, and hoes. 10 mnrim. ia.nso t-i...... . n "noi,o island, Kresh meats will pay 30 marks per hun- 829; Hawaii, $102,182; 111 noli MSm o"-T dred-welght; prepared as table dollcaclea Indiana. tiiunMi. r'" .,01:?'1' they will pay 75 marks per hundred-weight. Has. Indian Territory and Oklahoma Meat extracts. 30 marks per hundred- 009,939; Kentucky t4m 305 weight; sausages, 45 marks: lard 12 marks and Mlsslsalp ,s 39 98 MarVlind 60 pfennigs per hundred-welght. and oleo- ware. D. C..Wnd two ' count?" Virgln a" margarine will tav the unmn n k.,i. tn r,-tn ino. . .. ' vlrK'nia, t-,.Uv,.uu, iiinonucnuBCllS, J7.641.8fi2: Mlehl ChOCSO Will nlV 30 ninptu r,n nn tl onn n-r,. ... ' 'ivli"'t iUlCni " " -,,v' ""- - laf Ji flunnesota, J2.6C7.96G; Mis " I PUllll, Jl l.llli I MX It1nnli . ... All flours, except oat flour, will rmv isu $765,673: Ni.XT. "!"' marks per hundred-wolght. whllo oat flour Dakota. $3,457,808;' Now Hampshire M.?n will pay 16 marks. Cottonseed oil, In and Vermont. $1,201,556; Ne J - JorSoy 19 ! uuu nut IU I --, 4iuT iUUXirn nnfl Ar Wnna (ioa ono. casks, 20 marks per hundred-weight. Sugar New York, $49,789,698; North Carolina Jl -will pay 40 marks por hundred. welirhr n J 124.749: Ohio. 150 will fruit sugars, glucose, dextrin, otc. Mar- Ington and Alaska. '$1,223 013- i'nnnVvi garino butter will fiu an ,i.. ...... vnnla ine nco am. o..... ' ' "unsyi- lards will pay 12V marks. Fruit prrpara- Tennessee, $2,406,180; Texas, $1 SSI 4'4 vir tlOnB Will TII1V 715 J . . ... nlnln IE . ' r ' uu m Draimy so -,uva; west virgin a. 11 en r.T. marks nor hmnln.ri.wni-i,. ..... I WlHr,..iin iiim . i,vji,uiu, Hviwiii iooob otherwlsn unitvinin.,i will pay 75 marks per hundred-wolght. Raw iuubluo win pay ss marks por hundred weight, as will the atoms of raw tobacco. oicmuiuu ioducco leaves and chewing to- , I, AiP i mar"a per hundred ...,h.n. w.Ban auu cigarettes will pay 270 marks. Petroleum will pay 10 marks to 6 marks per hundred-weight, nccordlnic to Ha mialllw ...... win do aumitted freo. Leather will pay from 30 marks to 60 marks and shoes from 85 marke to 120 marks per ...uiiiu iiiuiuiiru-.YUlftai, How Miiniifiirtiirrr AVIII lie Tnsci, Vnn,l mnniiffirtiiixd... ...11 1 uituiuiiui eta win do laxctj aa ruuows murks; CHARGED WITH GRAND LARCENY Former I'realdent of .Mnnliiittnu limnr- nnuc (.oiiiian Airriteil for AI-, leKi'rt Stealing of Clieuk. NEW YOmt July 27. Daniel P. MnvAra a member uf the wholesulo drug firm nf Ucntou Meyers & Co., arrived here today In chargo of 11 detective who had arrested him on tho charge of larceny In the first degree. It Is ttlloged that he sthli. n rhMl, tot 562 from the Manhattnn .'. 1 . " I ..or metric hundred-welght In which li T now tattatanS el",: rianed wood, 6; further manufactured, Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It. How To l'ltid Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling- Indicates an v unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains yonr linen it Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In thn hxec U aim convincing proof that the kldneyand blad ier are out of order. What to Do. There Is comfort In Ihe knowledge 10 ften expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every fish Jn eurlne rheumatism, pain In the kack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part f tho urinary passage. It corrects Inability jo hold water and scalding pain In passing , or bad effects following use of liquor, a-lne or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant seceialtvof being compelled to go often lur ng the day, and to get up many times luring the night. The mUd nd the extra ordinary effect of Swamp.Root Is soon realised. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l, sixes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonaenui discovery and a book that lellii more about It, both sentl absolutely free by mall. A J J V IJ nooress ur. Mimer U Bom of 8wtm.oo. Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. On Jannnrv 1 tUa f n i. . . .. ,-)... l,v MiHuuutiitu nre inHtirnnrn company wade a report to Stato Superlu- w...CUi. Ul iuauraiico Jienurlcks to the effect u. uiu company had an unimpaired cap Ital nf $500,000 and u curuluj almvt. u n bllltles ot $38,000. An examination of tho bnnk ,,t . .vi.u.u ol eneoK tor J27.562 whlnl. h.1,1 HiMifnuy ucen glvan for tho nrlvul nr. court of Mr. Meyers In payment of n per- i uiu urao 01 an issuance ui -uu suares or stork It was on this traniaetlnn thnf -. cutlon was begun. Iu court today his coun sol said that the check had been given as alleged, but It wa in paymont of tho note which was authorized by tho directors. It was given to secure stock subscriptions. nnnild Mr Meyers had l08t between $60,000 and $75,000 of his own money In trying to keep the company afloat. Mr Jicycrs was released ou $5,000 ball. GENERAL WOOD COMING HOME Oorriiior of Cnlia Leaven lUvnua 011 Ills Wy to the United Statu. Ilnml to Klter Ononeil Vln Jllsonrl Avviiiin niul ItrslilrntM of 'I'll n ThnroiiKhfnre Clninnr for Street Cur Service. An advertisement Is running In the of ficial paper of tho city calling upon tbo banks to submit bids for deposits, theso bids to bo filed with the city clerk not later than 5 n. m. Monday, July 29. One of thu requirements of tho new charter Is that banks must bid for city deposits and that all bidders must give a bond In the sum double the amount of money on hand at any 0110 tlmo. As the bank statement published In yes terdav'a Iteo shows, the banks hero are In a flourishing condition and tho deposits show ,dictded increnso over the statement made t the comptroller of the treasury on April 24. This condition of affairs Is ono of the reasons why the banks will not bid for city deposits, neither will they fur nish bonds to the city for any deposits tfhlch may be made An officer of onu ot tho National banks said last evening: "There Is so little money In tho city treasurer's hands at this tlmo that It will not bo worth whllo to make a bid for deposits. Just now the city has to its credit not more than (15,000 In cash and this sum Is liable to be checked out at any time. It can therefore be readily seen that tho banks will have nothing to gain by bidding for tho city's account." If no bids are received the city will be up against a proposition. a depository of funds Is designated couucll In compliance with thu nc tcr and a bond furnished by tho depository tho surety companies will not give City Treasurer Koutaky a bond Tho treasurer la compelled by the char tcr to furnish a surety bond in the sum of J100.000. This has not yet been done, although tho charter has been in force for couple of months or more. Tho II rat M L. K tmLmmw LmWWWWWk. AmmT i9F Jmw9mUmmmmW PMHiT .SHHBbbT am awW AmmW Kf ' Mail Orders Filled PROFITS SACRIFICED TO FORCE SUMMER GOODS 1 ne object ot our July bale now in progress, is to close every article Mail Orders Filled in niir rifpspnt stock in the shortest possible time, so that we will have NO ODDS and ENDS to move to titt OUR NEW STORE, Radical price reductions of the most powerful and decisive . by the character are relied upon to accomplish this, Saving on trustworthy merchandise afforded posltory 1 a ' ' a . -I . r-A--m . . . . Duyers is me irresisuDie iraae magnet, 1UMUKKUW bXCJbr I ION AL BARGAINS MERIT the scrutiny of every shrewd purchaser, Grocery Dept. excuse given was that tho books should C0C0U, per CUll 10c be checked. This was dono by an expert, I m,! IK !,,.. i,n m. who reported to the council that the records 7" , "l" i"-1 of the office wcro In excellent shape and SalMl Dressing, pel' bottle 12.JC mat an tne casii on hana was in bank. Siilinnti iim imi 11 1 Now eomeH th,. lononllnrv nrnnn.lllnn nnri lJl-l l I UU If some arrangements cannot be made with Flour, gOOll quality, 48-11). Sack 70C .of If '."l10"1 bnnks h'o Corn Starch, 1-lb. package 4 c handle tho city funds, according to the ... ' . 1 b xuvv, per pound oc Pickles, assorted, per bottle 8 l-3c Olives, per bottle 9c Jelleycon, assorted, per package 8 1-Hc Bennett's Bargain Laundry Soap 2.1c provisions of the charter, the personal bond of Treasurer Koutsky will continue In force until the expiration of his term. Even should this occur the Intent (t the charter will not bo complied with, as It provides spoclflcally for a surety bond from all city officials. This problem Is causing the city olDclals to do considerable thinking, Itontl to Illvcr Opened. City Engineer Ileal stated last evening that a road to the river was practically opened via Missouri avenue. The fencing of the portions of tho Kountze tract was PAmnlptprl VfiatApria'v onrl I, n np.ln .a be dono by the city Is practically finished. Coffee, good dl'illk, per pound 12JC c. v 2 JJennett's Capitol Coffee, a world-benter with and there is now an open road to the 1-lb, package 28C river. . . . . .1 A n. great, ueai or worK is 10 do aone yet Knrfai by the Pontoon Drldgo company In order UHivvt 14c Bennett's Capitol Creamery, per lb.. 23c Medium Sour Tickles, per quart 8c Preserves, assorted, per pound 9c Teas and Coffes B. P. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder and English Breakfast no better values ever offered, per pound 38c to mako a securo landing. East ot the Country Butter, per POUlld bar, which will have to be worked over In order to mako a passago to the ferry boat. A corduroy road will most likely be built by the ferry company across this sandbar. Then a wharf will have to be constructed for a landing. This work has already been planned by Engineer W. S. King, who hac charge of the work for tho Candy Dept. Special offer for Mondnv mil v. rontoon Bridge company. It Is expected Salted PPRIllltx llKimllv nll 7. 1C that tho ferryboat will be running within KUUltu A USUaity SOlU for ISC, the next ten days. nb', per pound IQfi Concerned Aliont Improvement. Gum Dl'OpS, per POUlld fif Residents of the cast sldo arc becoming Mixed Gum Drops, per POUUd 9f incemcd about the delav In rnmmnnln 11 1 Ul 1,U11UU s Woodenware Dept, Combination Towel Holler with mirror and comb case, well made and nicely finished, for Monday and Tuesday only, our price '.38c Think a six hook hat and coat rack for the whole sum of 5C concerned about the delay In commencing tho work ou tho Missouri avenue street car line. Officers of tho street ear mm - pany promlied early in tho summer to liuim this line In order to afford transpor'.a lion laciimes to the enstsiders. Ah noth. ing has been done ?o far those livinc cast of Twenty-fourth street are beginning to gei anxious, a representative of Tho Dee called upon General Manager Smith of the street railway company yesterday for In lormauon and was assured that tho work Will ha ilnnn a 1,1 w w" v " " u w own aa uunaiuii;. Air. I mi . . . Smith said: "It Is Impossible to talk H-110 MIUM' Vegetable Clltter. nil ill'H about track laying while the temperature Is olo needed ill OVtM'v linmo o ns high as it Is now. Men cannot work In tt u 11 UOIUe q u curry me most comn ete lino r i'.ioiiiiu uVUllJ a lJrS in t in ranging in price from in $6 flR Aiuiune our stock, Will become dellnnnpnt wlihln 4i. . four weeks. u the sun theso days. We nro unloading heavy rails for tho Twenty-fourth street lino at Krug's switch, Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets, and these will be strung out aiong me line just us soon as tho tempera uro moderates. When tho new rails are latd on Twenty-fourth street the building mo Missouri avenue extension will be commenced." Nov Innurniicn -Hup. A now Insurance man of South Omaha in about completed. This work has been no- Ing on for about five weeks under the ill. Rev: George VnnWlnklo of tho First nun. rcctlon of Joseph Malkmus of tho Sanborn- 'iV5,c,n lias Bonc ,0 Chicago for a few Perrls Map company of Now York. Suuor- tntendent Malkmus baa had four men work ing under him durlug this period and the map Is complete In every dotall. Whllo It It Intended particularly for Insurnnco men the map Is valuable to the city, aB It Is maao on a scale of fifty feet to an Inch I Hardware Dept. Hot Weather Goods. Paragon Ply Traps, each 12c Uein's Pruit Press, each 24c Cherry Stoners, each 69c Screen Doors, each 78c Pine Ice Picks, each 9c Hammock Hooks, per pair 10c Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons, set 94c Now is the lime to buy your Granite Preserve Kettle. (quart Granite Kettle, each 36c S-quart Granite Kettle, each 42c 10-quart Granite Kettle, each 54c 12-quart Granite Kettle, each 68c These preserve kettles are the genuine Ifoyal Grauiteware. These prices are for Monday and Tuesday only, so take ad vantage of them. Trunk Dept. .lust received a large shipment of TRUNKS, TBL7ESCOPES and fine leath er BAGS and DRESS SUIT CASES in all sizes and the very latest shapes and styles. A special low price on a large Suit Case (imitation leather), olive in color with leather corners, linen lined, with stroii" catches and lock our price for Monday and Tuesday, $138. Ladies' Club Bags in olive and choco late colors, from 28c up. Think of it! A fiat top, canvas covered well made trunk, with deep tray and imt box, $1.68. Another Stunner A metal covered, round top, durable trunk, good size, $1.58. Remember these prices are for Monday and Tuesday only and that these goods must be seen to be Appreciated. Jewelry Dept. Hot Weather rfn gucstions. Try one of BENNETT'S CM A PING DIS1.I SETS. So nice for getting up light hot weather lunches. Silver-plated Table "Ware. We are offering SPECIAL BARGAIN'S in our over STOCK of sugar bowls and cream pitchers. A set; will last you a life time, and is the best and cheapest in the end. Wake Up One of Bennett's )9e Nickel Alarm Clocks will call you any hour you wish never fails. Carpet Dept. lapestry Brussels sewed, laid and lin ed, some very choice patterns, per yd. 50c. Strictly all wool Ingrain Carpets, in all colors combinations, per yard, 45c. Fibre Carpet, an excellent lloor cover ing, durable and artistic, per yard, 29c. Japanese -Matting, Me grade, yard, 19c. Several short ends for rugs, etc., enough for small rooms will sell at half price to close. -Matting remnants, all grades, per yard 10c. J Rope Portiers. for this sale, $1.25. Crockery Dept. Kargulns for Monday and Tuesday Only. Combination assortments of fine Eng lish Decorated Semi-Porcelain, comprising Plates, all sizes q Covered Dishes . .'."35c Open Dishes 15c Meat Dishes, up from .'.'.15c Sugar Howls 1 0c twucr I'iienors Nappies "" Fine Flint Crystal H-Kallon" Water I'lVchera' wii'li thoy last Iicmonndo Pitchers .... Kngrnved Hand Tumblers ino 10o 20c ino 0 Mrakln'x Ann Soml Sauce Plates, u. prco 3o Ice Cream Saucers, pilco .'.WW j0 Haln How Howls. V4 price WW WW"" 60 Odd lots of Tea Saucers at Mayor ICellv wrli Salt Luko Cltv h 11 Ik 1, .,7, 1?. o"1...1 Omaha. " " "uul" couplo of wfcekH Gcorco Parks. Ir.. is ,ininir mii -i his ncldcnt of a ilav nr twn nnn it'i- i... Divm . siij- mm ne win ue around uRaln In A ....II.. . . . i-j tk.i i... . o,i..:. w.ii...'..,.. w.j,iuunn iu v whx.c.. vim,, mo nij nui iiurcaute unuio jrcoicruuy and ira tiopKins, an em nannors v.'cre presented to delegations which excelled Iu tbo senior sacred litera ture course, and to others for general merit. Registration slips were passed about and showed that approximately 3,000 poople days' visit. j wore present. Thu address of tho foro- Mra. A. I.. rflnn.t imrtet tr T.".. l- I IIOOU WHS madn bv lllV. W. P. Alnlfnn nf 8. V., to visit friends and relntlvnu r ..' I Mmmi fnvmii ill nn hu'Ii.i .i.i ,. I . 1 , . vu . w 1 11 v....w.., .., w 11 11 unii viiitat ,mui HAVANA, July U.-Onnprol U'nml wop taken on board the steamer Morro Castle iQ-iay. ne expressed himself as being quite well and wanted to walk aboani th v.. eel, but the doctors Insisted on his being carried aboard on a portable cot. Deep sympathy with General Wood was shown oy Cubans of all classes on his departure. Moro Castle Is duo at New York nmt Tuesday. JmiuiiIcii Want Trmtr. KINGSTON, Jamaica, July 27. In conse quence of tho establishment ot freo trade between Porto Rico and the United States tho Jamaican government Is being urged to further and secure the ratification of reciprocity which Is pendlnr between Jamaica and the United Statea 0110 or more of theso map3 for the usa of tho city engineer and tho tax commissioner when they aro completed, ClimiKC of Gruilr, A petition Is being prepared by certain property owners asking for a change of grano on Eighteenth street from II to J street. A cut of three feet In tho street at Eighteenth and I streets Is deslrod. Should this cut bo mado It will necessitate a change of grade on I atreot from Seven' tecuth to Nineteenth Btreot. Tho petition win oe considered by the city council at Its next meeting. (radliiir Aliunt Coiiiiiletril. The grading of Twenty-second from F to CI streets and on F street from Twenty- socond to Twenty-third streot was com pleted yesterday. This work has occu pied tho tlmo of contractors for about six weeks. All of tho work has been dono at tbo cxponse of James Tloblnson of Pitts burg, who Is tho owner of Spring Lake Park addition. Mnirlo City nnlp. out again after a few Morris Yost Is days Illness, Mr. and Mrs. O. K to Chicago Illew have removod pmye, was considerably burned. Ha was LtiiMJii ili 11 it rmnin nr 1 Fiirri'.uiicnnMi I . , - - - rf Vi4t 111 I1I1U jjiiwiPuu sirceis una u pnysicinu cailud. ROB THE PAYMASTER'S SAFE Lnritc Hum Tuken from .Major Cnnliy In the I.iikiiiih lll.trlcl Iu lMillliiiilne. MANILA, July 27. During the payment of tho troops at Santa Cruz Tuesday J10.- oou was stolen from the guardhouse. Tho robbery of the paymaster's safo la sup posed to have been the work of soldiers. It appears that .Major Canby, who was paying tho troops In the Laguna district, left the safo In the guardhouse and that while It was thcro tho thieves succeeded In abstracting Its contents. Oencral Chaffer has sent the chief of the Manila detectives to Santa Cruz to iuvtatlgato the affair. Chief Paymastor Tower was not apprised of tho robbery until Informed of It by a representative of the Associated Press. Major Canby has telcgraphrd from Manila from Santa Cruz that only ono paymaster's box containing 1700 Is miming. A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. William Nagle. Ilev. Dr. Wheeler will sneml n norilnn nr his vacation In South Dakota. Mlsa Maud McDowell has cono cast to spend a few weeks with friends, William VnnDusen. a member of the police force, la away on a vacation. An Incipient blaze at Swift's called ojt the fire department at S o'clock last night. Joe Koutsky leaves today for wnntrri Nebraska to look after his property interests. Ocnrao Stevens is now orcunvlnir ilm position of day Jailer at police headquar ter Harry Kelly continues to lmnrove. It ! expected that he will be out again before long. Special taxes for the nnenlnr nf Rlv. teenth, Seventeenth, Klghteenth and Nine teenth. etreeta are now due, These taxes I.lriitriiniit I'rolinlily .1 nMlfiixl. MANILA, July 27. The trial of Lleuten- ant Preston nrown of tho Second Infantry, charged with murdering a native near Dlnangonan, Is finished. In the course of tho proceedings It was proven that tho native was killed whllo trying to escape, and the acquittal of Lieutenant Ilrnwn is expected. Prove Good .Stiidmt. CHICAGO, July 27. Delegates to tho Baptist Youog Peoplo's convention at to day's session proved themselves good blbln students. By way of dlvcrtlsement the chairman called for verses from the seven teenth chapter of the Gospel of St. John. This was continued for an hour, and but ono mistake was made in the quotations. to Life The convention closes tomorrow night. President William McKlnley sent a men sago of congratulation to tho IJaptlst Young Peoplo's convention at tho Coliseum, In which ho tendered his best wUhes for a successful meeting. Maine was the only state not repre sented. To tho stato of Minnesota for tho llfth consecutive timo was presented tho banner for tho best work In the literature courso. A banner for tho best work of nny union was given to tho Duffy streot church of Savannah. ENGINE JUMPS THE TRACK Giavrl Tin 1 11 Xoiir I)uton, (1., WrrcLril, Kllllni; Two and Injiii'lnir Severn I. Ik DAYTON, O., July 27. A gravel train, used by tho Chase Construction company. which Is superintending tho construction of the traction lino between thU city and Troy, was wrecked today eight miles north of this city, resulting In two deaths and tho serious Injury to four persons. Tho engine and flvo loaded cars Jumped tno iracic wnuo going down a steep grado. Fourteen persons woro aboard. Tho dead: ORVILLU D. CHASE, Detroit, superin tendent of tho Chase Construction com pany. W. n. GRAVKLL, Chicago, engineer, aged Injured: Lsllo Llrbcntbfilcr, Dayton. E. C. Miller, Arkansas, flroman. Inter nally. Robert Sltan, Stillwater Junction, ma chinist. H. Douglas, Chicago, Internally. HoIIkIiiuh Itcvlviil In Japiin, SAN FRANCISCO. Julv 27. Mlsa M A. Hawluy, Miss I). D. Harlow and Mies Wltherbeo, Baptist missionaries, who have JiiRt arrived here from Yokohama. r'iort that for the first time In tho history of Japan there has recently been a great re vival uy ail denomination)! in that coun try. The work has been Inajnuraterl and carried on principally by the natives them- TEMPTATION TONIC fVWmirimnnirCl lv 1 ice v TheWorld's Greatest Ideal French Tonic. Stimulator, In vigor ator Tho only genulno Imported French Tonic and posltlv remedy for Debility and Impotency. A NHIIVC TONIC. Brings tho pink glow to palo chcekn nnd restores tho llro of youth. Ask for our book of testimonials. TEMPTATION TONIC linn effected cures In either nex where all other known trentmentH hnvo failed. TK.M PTATlON TONIC hat. long enjoyed tho reputation as tt tonic for men mid women of weakened vitality. Compounded by L. M. LAOAARD, Paris, Franco. Temptation Tonic Ig for Sale Everywhere. In case your denier should not have our goods, write to iib for prices r.nd full Information. Corenpundenca answered In strictest conildenco by our American ngentu. ison Specialty, Co. Selling Agents for America, Omaha, Neb. MiiwU7iKlrYj(lrf LllWL... I 1 Ham III ' ,0.x. ml hi selves and the wavo has spread nil over thn country. 1 hpen nvrr 9.0WI Kovcrnmt'iit has shown tho utmost lslnd iicss to foreign religious worxor. wavo has spread nil ..ver I On his expedition he had Ihreo white men n Tok o nlonn tlicio nivnl a.i tilrr, nl,.V. .' ,,, , , . . , inqulr-rs, Tho Jntnr.o . " " ' ""'V'l ," .","" lJ u rlends hip - in ma iniurior ny curing muny of thum of malaria by tho use of iulnlrni and they rendered him valuable uH&lHtnncn. Ho found tho natives very superstitious, though well disponed toward whltii men. Tho party mudo valunbl collections of anlmnls and plnnt Ufa nnd iTitliereil many geological HpecmeiiH. Dr. NIouwenhlmiH lm Hubmltted rnnny rccom mendatlona to the Dutch civil onicers at Mnkra Trip Aiiiiikh lliirneo, HAN FRANCISCO, July 27.-Dr. A. W. Nleuwenhteus, a medical commlfsloner of tho Dutch nrmy In Java, has arrived here on IiIh way to Holland. Ho has bona ex ploring tho wilds of Horneo and In travel Inir from the west to thn emit rn.iHt nt that country, ho saH. ha has ilnno wh:it Hatavlu for tho extension nf Dutch kov- r ' w ' ' Apnmftitlal antlinrllu . 1 1 . no other white man has ever dono bo Core.