Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1901, Page 14, Image 22

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Tim Omaha Sunday Bisk.
l tllliwil, Oiw .lV
)'Alli lie ami Hill.tta). One vitr -tea
.iiiiaitusl ni. lMo Vrr .ix
n.iinuj tier. On Vwtr . I.iV Hn, Your .. .. IH
'i nrtilU'tti Crittiit'.t l-,iriiier, tii ir.. .
Omaha. Tha H. lliillitliia
noutlt Omaha tV lull nulMliit, Twtn-
t. llllll A Hit M Ntteel
ivuiiaii Hunts. u IVnrl Utrert. imo l ull)' liuiMlim-.
New xork Tempi tiMiii.
-.thiualoii. HX lV,itltilh Htreet.
rol.iimiuU-atloti trlatlliii 10 urn ! ami ihII
toiul nutlet titiin.l lx nMiMvtt. unulu
nt. thiinutitl iK-iutimiMii.
HuMiiom lettrt- ninl temlliwtuot itiod.l
l iiimt,t Th Urn I'lilumiing cotu-
ltj, Olll.ttl
Hemll l) iliull, oxtra or tt order,
jvjrtw to itw ii.6 rnuiuhu)i vocnoio,
tub J-ct-m acvpl.l in iMMiirnl ot
null MCx'Olitl l rlvint t-tiexn. tvrii( on
Omaha or iMttrrn .-hMt. not iwornttut.
VlltJ I1KK I t Hl.lslHI.Ml IVMl'AM'.
JiUt. ot NrhrasK-., IVukU County,
x.u..4!"f " -"a-chiiea. ircrrtnry 0.1 Viia llex
1 uMiKrttitic, Mwk .Inly wotn.
.t that the actum mimivr or fun ami
lompleie vxhMiv. Til Hilly. Morninc.
l.teullii. aiul uiiUv lie (.ntHi-xt .ttiliii. Uu
HlOrtUl 01 JWHlf. liMt, W Ut lotlOtt.
l Ull.OMl
x .......... .uu.oo
l ......... VA.Kint
... S.MMIO
t tf.l.HMl
T, .,. .,V.TAO
1', ........
n .,v.tto
U .i.,....K.'MlO
i, ,,,I0
. i'tt,:ivo
. Vl,OM
u. .
tl .
77.. I
TT.i iw.-v
UrM Ami rtrwel olr
Net total W ,
Net tUtly rr(
the MMwrr wa hate Vhe Hfe
rnt to he rrawlarl; h
wotl(lMHC Vhe r llulHri
tOs In ero or h wtl,
Tr att.trr nttl he ofcuncvJ
a ttOH a JelrJ.
The ttfcwth ef JVy will ed Its vMlxvr
tnts ww. it nvve tA ttie usvulpf
tUtx-xf rf.rv dUtlu.-tKWt
. - !
OM S.VI sihW rvutetutvc t. A At '
Time" tw. Ica wn owt d ts
Kxtvsxv ivpkr fvrtK
NothUvc Kws than tie tltK of dvrl
or tr advah-A) will ejv V4 a st e-a
the aaval lKalry Nxarxl. Ncae others
TJse cvstKxa iv Hew uuvi yxsf e
jyneBv U tvi U tv ivvjulrwl toAxr
tie vincv vxf 5rr; Axsd. drouth cihi
c fVf Vt!
TN stew Matrv Ms Wysj UuwbevV
I will tst Xk. V4 assHNx ur y v
xh trsvif Swr4 ay.
lUvfakc Nv e,UHj' red e: e
vavcattc: m:o. rA-c Mcl-aarta
ti .ijM v'.r.TXN CSfxviitfJL ,
A?.V " St yiwf xSSt A StAjPW txf Xi
.vtfTwy ttx'W tie ccaxIsV t tie .ctax. t
tw e5e wjia i.x wta e-sxrAjv tie ttx
x ax i ArvtA.
; It tiv raxNtt; t ;W wkv '
Ikm.1 cxaxjvitsv s ftx$xxvx tiv wm fxx
ie vxtAtsty KfaSe etatJkxt vri a ;
xtxSiv",!.- v fj Attat sXr- j
WxA nvat, ie jxfr vf iv xavev
V1W ivxc j r i4v.wr '
A'tiXaXtiV iv- s .X sv t
- - - " .
xrfvtvra IXweaiA. ia vxl x IVxcJ
Subtotal In my WTsewco ad sworn to wurkatan acalst aotier wtknvn Tie i u" WX'Hrty Of foreigners In the Lht- ,,uv.. tnrtU,,utlal sontbom ttnivrs arx tin- . . .xrarK-. . ttea ..v .jj.f. If vie i-e- ... . . .'
, NVU MfV bv .n. ef ,ty that .He ,s exjsvtcl. rdoubtMly the Chinese,, arx-hl poWg, A its e,r,nnt VaniMr frUl ! -ff t..
' .IV lL .N? xenmem is WvtrxM to cuter into h, of lw e iVMrt lW.1tott. tU Aty rW alM u. ; tT11 JT rt"'
YMXYius t.t.vxt.N., rott MMMKtt. J , mJ' v , lttv emervui agrxvntent which will w do mt ,no. , u Wdlns Tils .1., he sal- Sf asy otier ,atfs. i e Urrer ,o: slt.e aLin: mt ; '
, , f ZxSS xStZ ! lv W w tl jvwers and also vlcKuvniUc wr la lho Mnnh ,ut ad-, 1.jBCtton rollo. , ro J S t rt
fartu. iriuK oit tor v. ... vi. ,11 to give them any rx-tsw.wble guarantees ' . .k in.i.j... i...t. . i.dncatton lollop, the c.a. f c-il life. ! Z . rr: - .
. . At, . . . a . W.. . . . . .
tTVCHfir xfatxAxtr i-N.C A tXiisV y ii vNtttt40,-tiJ c4i-, . . XVirCf WAS S5f tJYilxrfCy tlrettr 5t ?wr xin; tyJ. -if it-j.r
. -S t r,'vtx- x Us" twvavatv ; .jj. xxi a m"v-.v Sr. rr vr IM.xyc !x.iAwi Jm axt5Sft v -ry aoatUtC
XNJT AJvv iwx.C x- ii,s e viurT A ti lXWe-i 5Ar.
NK fX'Xxt-v xr itxtt. i VftflMx .
"xA- A 'Vficxx xx-W wc
XX xAsv J. is XAtxt (Vv- aXt V JXXxf fv
Tttxr (axNaXi 5tX tel.rf at.ue
W. rw je rxrvrt - ixf aH'
y Jxtcxfx
ts I. s xjax v.u xNatrxf jrxr-
x-xwmtf ii tV t tw sriJixr. x w " il Mtx.
txf w xVxfii. xxrsiXx w w.tta isKxi ,9
vxXs w iJa; Stvtfftit tjt .WA A-. TV
.ttx sj4mt stxM.y jKsex Sec ii.v3ttsi wi
, -aXjlTIWtt7t. ItX-M-. A4t ti-f jstmt. I9t
Ttt 3f- ,cvv Vt- -tifOrJl t Wtxt AtxrriT ycxa..
tt5r intxr W AtNxx - ct. Vtbe uxK JNx-io w tXttfy rt-
IsV j M(x, cxfOiJa- s toi x. MKMdrviaM. 4tVY Xfct sunt
Vfcajttti iJiatN. :4t ttxte. x vVu.a ' rp "- W f c.xJHie c
ttxt x jvxjxt si.vxK Vut tvtifcy "f 1s jxk vt rtx-tasit X
xM.'jaxs -ifxttv Jt xv Jwu.-tcM.' k i x l'tr rL.-xt Src rxr-w,n mat. H i
VxNfvsXVr t. Tft tiJtaty ?vK oXU4rcx4u.Me rXiU 3S)t 9txM?rxt 4 tit
. xTyctatJX airciif: at tW taun-rr i tw
Vtw i)rv. aKStxutxm xcxvv.-. t ffe.v ti Vsi xr xtaw x vtjtwv--jxfvwalK
Xthxc xfttxxi j,xji xy5 Ajitwwt t3Mir taav cwwiattrf?
t5X- i SU4.X- xtaW it Sau. J . K Wt'i.t tt ),nCXKj tiWt Si fxf
xVSJ-itWxt. 1 lv vji XJXJ X-C
tN.x;t t xxvx x 0awc r xtcf 5ltjU.
ttNtJtIr 30t i.t ')a)ttrtfr WCi-
ixt Ivx a rix t )AutNx
XWvWtxii VXVcwl W -ttvtaa)r rxxVX-
Jvxi H-vMW it rvxxw Ohr . 9i xdC cXK'
tit VTXtfttxl tWJx UtL xX -lat tr-t. iMt
A VVwiX (x- iCs Httttt ixMtti
T5 Vtxvi xr ia. vv. Yvx,tteitttv
SW.lAr , It swXvTXHt. rf. tft 3Mxl
At4x-xix ttt. xtCf Vta VCi xtia
ti; xCX 5xT TXt 4 tt. 3Wt vi
txlu.t, t xiWxMMsl VXVcOl
rvv iXCNKtl .ettiamxlttat xvlrt tt St- -
xriti. aiwt; 5 sj vtjtxtoAnto. yxtto. e irt
cnXi; vt s-xt-x Vit uutA. atxtoSlt
itttxt IMT fjWVaqataXl. Wrtt TMttr4 sxr
ftlll ;ottflpJ- xi. W xJrXtewxl tKxMat ttt
.'xwtxfi.- tJl xrf ivxnnV xttxi ft ax au
tttrxl X.! tM? CtxtixtU xtsex! t V vtam)
x4il.At jVNtt-xr- Wtcxt iJaBiltdttlrf lit.-
now r.iii sitM.t, vvnns .vrf.j.m.Kf
The i:rent MoelworketV utrlko now in
iwfciwn In lYtiiiaylvitiilit nud Ohio
tiuiilu direct 'nitille nttc ntloii to tin e.v
trm.nllitnry iiowcitt which courts luivc
hecii Invoked to exercise for tin r
lection of fnrtury owuors imil roprvsalon
of fiiotory workers,
lViJonil niul tnto court! tuv Uniilni;
Injmu'tlon HBnlnst plokoto i'tntilttiod
III tlio v trinity of nillli tuul fnrtorlos.
Tlit'!o Injunrtlon mo not UmuM ,oii tlio
Kwuml tlmt Irrt'imrntilo lJry to iivf
orty l foivl, lnt on tlio ploii ttint ttie
strlUo nlokrt n itutinuco In the nelfch
IkhIuhxI. rirkrtliitf tirt! luvn lrgnlly ilo
rttUHl n "iHtliiR jvrsottM at nil ttio i
invrtoho to ii il:iro where strike Is In
Iuvk'ivss for the jiurisise of reportlnc
the workmen koIii: to or ihiiUi; ftviu
the works itml nnluf mieh Intluence s
tuny tv in their jvwer to nrvvettt the
workmen fnun iueplln; eiunloynient
In Knclrtml nleketluc wns nt one time
held Illegal by the courts, but has since ;
by statute been oxpivesly permitted. )
The xery fact that the Hrltlsh rarlln
nient tiao by statutory enactment legnl
itl picketing Jutltles the ivncluslon
that the Interference of the courts with,
workmen wno are pcaevaniy emieaxor
log to prsuade ether workmen to b
stain from luveptlug employment or to
-vio i Join a trades union is a dangerous e
u.viio ervtse of Judicial powers. On this point
the eurrviu Issue of the Outlook strikes
" JiiMLV! the tl ou the hend when tt ay:
nt.i r.t f.i-ri.i a w.rLiHiii irvNiM uMinc iart i.i ii.itiK ,r tiiun .... ........ i
- ... ... ...J 1 i""--rne rullippiuei win tv tieiu in some
s.vmo w ivuaietv to anotkr erkiwn m,t ,VjVrtl. but It Is to bo presumed : VVHV muJT .Cini.xW wuntlou bv wn
u.N.eo,.n to a.wrt emrlM wins tat- '., u . . , ,w H- uun.r aiuqu.ttt ugisi.uiou uj con
.Mo't..rv or will rrer. t . a clvr MvMatkmi V'T u tucroase lu customs J ou t!u, lsu! of xho Ut0 tUvlsHu
u.x,aKi i "... (UBi,lw,nui rubt of free uvrci. u" lu ,om, "'Px" Internal tax I of tlu. tt.t f. ivurt.' This e-
n vlar wptlov ot Ureu au- j
ihorltv b the court, tt to u ruvl.T I
,,Mr u viww "MMr rewte to commercial arratvsements ,
;" " i
x i t eWutlj ortMtAAl. ei
Wt'MM Of tit Vrt. tie JeCealia! jMtM
be rtthsi r? ettuad a trial So Jurr ivlv-rv !
tier JwJU tif oe W rd
ixi. is vs itaited. Tie
; ;
Jt.M or !3atUJ tsdtcatM Jit rfUt
lie J 1 B iK'i cur Srf immWI f.
.xf Us.x itlty
AiK-jkl 1
ThJs is vttr eMKSciAtHMt ef ti ,
tyv AtuerVAK eltet to iatKi-
twat for cvs:rac:txv cwatewis kI
w&is- Sus tils Nva ravw etAarly
ea:rt tiaa la NVia. witw th
e-xxsMse e-f tids rvvyal trv.r-;iTe hi
Nys cttrrti rY6 furtNr thAa I: iyis 1
tic at vvsKl vkCite xx ocfcsr e-f
xvars w rettuta xx AUvxy: va pc-.
s.xcv,j tarcws.cM'Are Ai atsK
Uivc fvxtyr asx- ti-e otatts issi
t i"tc5iy tftttirrlj' ia-wMii-se ef estSscc--
-C tiT xCArt x fti-VK cvverixc
sjcv4xslx Aasi xurvis ato iU ;
ry .a r .: sjcax r.iXirr.
Atttexa iCTe-sItril Sa;yc-f t wvm
V sxvrix- rw-il
Aejrw t ri tnux rxrfC. Xidii
K ivtttrr n-e Avs.vUixi. iev '
rvfKt ttxMa e)W. Mr ttvlt TfttJiM. 1
; xyratrraU x-tevtsr tiere J tixt tle'
AaatC-.SXii sixMXr JUxf at-MatVv Mkr ;
Wav ixtti u i.x iAriAx!-
xVWatatreCV'tU.l tTXMttfv t. J 1W j.i.U
ABxti Sk VttsStxiv- Je S5t w-ruxi s
x v.vxvtix ui fc xto,
lW v..v, .
-jj, a,, OtttiiT, ks Bfc-eCy i xwiWft K X txi
Nya, ja A w rib, teMM,
Ut ov t
XiT xjsyc.-4vMy tityr Jax-r Jxjxra:
xw ttxr itxtKSx i. Xixx iy retail
via w xkixx x rjfiir extr xr34
' -X xfcf 4 cxixisxtxit X xrt -VTjf -nttt
-ixwftxxjVs V oavv
At J txixf- t3 f-vx !' MitST
xK M. tix Mrcxrs: s"&itsrf xwixtr-
Mta tX(ttxis vf 'xt-rO. K?-ijy xa tt
VttaNxt i-lr- xitxi -xTUtW. J WitNttU
evX. ft tivxtsti rttaK tt. se
r UttC . tMC
XiX5 etaBtaX? x,tI ut uar
I x atrtxA e tcr sAiLa u-v xntei,
T5i txtv TXvi JyC Xttrxi4C
WK B-ltalitaifc- text JtiJtR-
tBttit ixr-sll. At s x xtxt- xtxcx-tt
xt vh Sue aiimoag a.ixtc tfltt
'- " JtvxftsWaJCv rnxArf Jtvri a
.-xtBMtnv- :W -xiv? mt sxjrf a
t- tfr. Pi atxxtatt. a, ttttra
Xr. HnxOOaM tJ thtxltK t9uft tB
axKax ; --M. IvHt K4 X)txi(xt ai ,
VaittJrxr VixjaT'. Titer trt vjsj
gtt aniy-saaiju rf x jxigxMue ittx
a-taiiBM ht ht tQit KitrwxsC ttt
stxtV-; xtMxtxaAx& i st iT-t-rxiaio. TH
tit v-wput. try the drtotuUat. tvdr , ft.v rxvqu!r'. It Is sitfe to jxrxMlct I v u.i . majeriiv of the desuoxratKM 1,rxl";'1 : N ir iiT-rec-i i--t aOu- u :sa
the xKt e t,e a ' ltM ,f th,W is v delay discing , w, frxru :M: ' etKJS fwt. ruito.x.iL and othhkwb. ti Wttc M w U.
cTX m "i. " VtM N' UX '-Swot among lw,xv.lth to grant the rUlpl-. ?r w,n ht.-j-.y tc rK.- Oid 5i asd Ceeri: Ks-sXl:y i c VC- It ifc. ! '
.,.7,vt-,'?',,n -.,w-,sl tiHMVwvr to China. The Chi- , !: ti!r cs fatir after tie i a ..- )oi tf tier it4 a st-a.f - f -r - :t a: i
il..iiva or oisrr orders ot tae .-ourt. vv .... ' uv" r - iv. i . , . t.wj. -i" eivta.rr tc tit i 7
tiar, Kxr amy .s verged U ti ' wverwwxt h's all along sbowu ... .. la lW, i iave tielr ptrft: w-k l--rrtt I- a a at. .tsstai- t .T
rvraAjvs :a rxv otirc tr ;xf tW usroa, x Artii waxt x-v irvr :s ceutxve. uw,x ,ie jxtaxAster sarl :sa: .st m r asj.-m a,- - ww . ..- t K Jxn,,lfJJ!;
AltVuii UNxt ta tte aar xxf la-, thr y tie siAta -vf.xra: fxts-Va- tv, iMd Ie!tfr 4t NVAsfe'.ar.oa , .iTr :" ..""v: - tt ;
Tvvtrvc x,ilac, Mt w ists. ti jAatte deaxvrAt . stUtaAtlse Cevva:r.tt5vi by tie of a aVw;. k f h rH ra ji-c , 1 )LeLrZ' lV'-4 -
jwxvat tie ftw xtsvcs.x x JttAciAl Maj as a Wac-ikt ArtvW xri.x N-sr-irl t,riux.v jter eiicv . all tie prta- a-mcmix x.- ttl i Ctj. ir A- -wt . tie rrtwi sa cri.r i. T5 Jf" " TUJgr. rf '
Hvx ti.r tv jvsifw xJ Oi.Kx axxI IVti s.1.tasv. rejNJK-iSs v-rc-trst tiat IVATrr ' j-jj. tyrT sauci xxittixT tie "frc-: trt'f- ESriUys. sii J..ts fsrxisifv iy XjMtau ta i.ite tx no--; ri a ls-
sjaU xj Kh tSsetr rrtriaXs fadwM xshi MKxt fee a frrxl J., xrtti f vvivnive xxxa.lerA. Aiatirxl f-s?, fi ti i v-i ti 7?s,ri rL- tm1s.
exly Aa SaiuavtkNa tvtaulas to xrvtetet ca tie Wtad vxf xaxat la-, tio-. yrv Is a Artac w I er-i tCcST - V'T36!?, -7- Cjt
c. If. ac exAmswc lxVOX xxf tie - cw' xa : aaAlakxsxi a. OWfiH. j by t ; trxry It j k -i, 5 Ti7Z lt IS
wvXawa e4l.Tvxi a coe wwee All tii Is vrry faaar- IVaver xx- y- -Tir creater ctliy tia is tie rict tit: Ctrrt.-a its tityt w-er vrw T..-r-ti isr-tr ic
, -. ... .... . .v . . . " r - -v --- t - - -. - . . . , --j jXs.x.s V1. . - v ... , 1. 1 . . i . ' . .... v ..-v. . .c. . . . . i... . v. . ... .
, .xmjji x, Jxtu -xt, i xwt .vxxijtuj'.xai:
neeept n ptOley which menn sonreer
niul ileiirer fiHulstnrTs, however much
It in I Klit henetlt the grout Intul owner!
who tin MKKiitliiK for higher duties on
ncrleiilturiil prtnluets. This popular
opjHsltlon to the new tnrllT Is alromly
pmnoiiniYil, but It will W much more
so, there en it be no doubt, nud the pov.
ernnient will lutrdty venture to Ignore It.
It Is rcinmkcd tlmt the controversy
over the German tariff bill reveals the
extreme dltllculty of unltltic Kuntpi' In
n cvmmerelal warfare against the
United States. While there continues
to bo talk of such a jan-Kuropean
movement, cuuuinttug principally from
Vienna, Its linpraetlcablllty Is generally
reeognlel. It posscs-sos an Interest,
howexer, as a symptom of the Jealousy
of the growing commercial power of
the rnlted States, iy .VKuoTi.tTfo.vs xkak.
The American commissioner at 1'ekln
lm notltUnl the IVpartment of State
that necotlatlous at IVklu will cloe
within two weeks with a signatory pro
Uieol by all of the pwer. The lmpir-
taut matter of agreeing ujsui a plan for
paying the Indemnity was settled two
days ago. when the reprvseutattves of I
the powers accepted the proposition sub
mitted by the Chlnec government. Thb
provides for the payment of the entire i
ui.icmuity m rony or. w itn interest. ,
the total nmoutttlug to a thousand mil- j
lion tuols, between mhWOAVaW and
atuu. '
Vhe chief matters ttll to tv disposed '
and guarauts for the preservation of .
, . ... . . .. ,
u that it nttirht routue its futKHtons
tthout rvwtrktson or rvtiist. v it
, ; "
ex Iv ujva to do mxtWag hvw .
.Wtey settlettte nt. U U tKxtewvnhv '
ajr -tT.M- -til f At t :
tbe Mtuc f t.e
eo x iv?rv to tin pA! f the !a
tlewsiUty tt remAiatM fvr the x'hlsese sa-
HtU" rwir rr-ts.
A rvllcalou Atxi cry Is tvlr.;
raised tvst tie rvwa: A;sxicta3eat of .
x?Jf kj 1mtxst i 7xvl ?r cf tbo
ecxctA5lr a rYjsi?iiNAa wjti tros
gwxii-: taweaetes. x ea t r
r. xv-atv w ,rcx.i sa .
V ett xa xxi tijit r-'VT x
was tax? r?sixr xxcJls axxsaide txr'
xxre. ftva tit vSXstrvt. At ti-lt
taaw iVtria x i vic: c-t tif XXTcrti-
Herilxl. xie-i rjxbi?ei rta'tei: ftr
iTxfir xIxkxia1 vHy xa-i dxy cor, xc-i
!Vmx-?c rv-fxKjtxfvi tif 7ctcj-s Adxv--
ntx?xi tSw XXvi-K tried. Uivi
lMxvr rxxvixwi tW sa?;c-: ixrjxa
x tW lcjie xikwarit if stiicfc:
txf rfx.Cxi V vTlt. V
irrx. art-rtt-i xxt x reW viec3..Ti.
fx?ttMKWv llS 3XAv!ai- ofcrx tV
A-tal -MxMtvs 'rxxi ti ti-f slxw
XtVixK fe i WTSi.- yiT ii Kijr.
ffr . rv-xri fxr x ie o.m fcf-
WV tie rfc wrW xxrxwrxixl.
I Vwj. Ae Annoii.. Vt afa viwveskr.
: . li ytr rvfixm xtvvtert-i .1'
Wt; tt Ttt-xjxstt. IS-X.A
wtti. lb yexjaVvWtsts i 5?57XX xi t;
tv !ve ii tV iyviV -ri
ySa txr retail as. trisJsfjst yxwfc-
kax xOf-VM- XaXiimjt A wrzWtTiWv
me frm tV rxs.t tJey rto-.-
JMxi tlsejr w.xx; SkxXc i:i3Vj.
Ithts rtis 3 x xifC-.taau-gi . ti
JiXTt INrXT-rC ttaJt Vis tir -iJaXair
?viec xctxl TiMMC i-txi tte f e
rtir. 4 tawf fx) aXrtttwVrxSs. rxj-XW
Jbi K o,s(airtatW X i Srrcat
Jbk xm lii ariCJkr rtvox xsztH.
Mst f Atttvre.---x tae i-B-rrsiWc i
ycfttdbo. jcxt-x-tpir tw- Aecsixarxaw
rx?Yxtxi. tjxr Kxrcst txtik 5 iu. cxtrnTTW
arA ta-tatt x lit. xv-t &. xt.xitcaa
. itaXtsaxcibx; jxrx!fia ?rc xjxtom iSx
vrtj r.ifv-fi ? is r-ttjd5?xx
jutj tr jWr rxjfjv'v-L WTxfd r-;a.x-
K XgtftTBaWltC S. 3 TXT CL
cHi t iraxrh jewmxa
AenivTPtf itxr xtrixt-fOci rttraxci Jc
ihi Hill.? it xjr . rii! r-Txttt-
ix.-xfci vtt eaJwcv; rtrc rc itjcSC
y. v a l-Ati .rf. xiXUJSt till? SSO-ir
itwx itaxtiCy iImcI
extscr? 4,pxxas ic ttsxttntatifit: H uh
vrMiv3.x Jtott tCiicr. tf if trs tatS
aVnt ttt trf-.x-ttaxjxx X awV 3xttc- 2r
aV ttitevCiM' 3x -vaitcaHC i
-xnxrx xrax tto ri tnatuDiu xsiittV. ttxrxiCfi
xe Vt xuottaat wftBti. tc -nta x inat
. t anjatextits ixr t rrti
Jar ttauHuML. THUtC ttthVIX. ItfgfL
f ifC-tltT tU( VUttV t JxIxsrJlJxx T JxtXftt-
x. Jt xrstxttsiy wrtfej
scxt-ta text ixa3nr xe rf-stcx. ar h
?u.-rj -vtst -tHxicix ritty iu. jjeatHtri?
iKrL ta sat.ttj. trc-xt-
. jt..-trivat Nxx!r -r-iw StxttJ-x-t:
rirc xotl sx wthAttr.
rttuftr i,r - tc
tt3vxxi r -r Tj.ictsa "Sxcskc jr-s-
itsafc Jttc rttrr bt ititlCWStir ttJexa
-lr ixcca)Maaxl a ok Vrtrta rf 6r-
x- ..i T.. v
TS 3u!t tx at .-x-ttite 21 rrtar
I'xiM' xjtTtfxa axtftx. -Uiatvxirx x jx
xu a-r to .S-.vt ttlo.".i! ' , , l ... .... . Sejaaru o ir-taytest uml.i s ie - 1 ,..T ,.., . ... . ...
lit lent ring that lins many ratulllcatlons
hence these tears.
1M (('!. u i. "'
Mr. Hrynn orncularly declares that
"Imperialism Is still the great Ishiic be
tween the two political parties." In
this the twice defeated leader of the pop
ocrats has reference to the exercise of
American sovereignty In the riilllppincs
and Implies that democrats as a whole
are not favorable to the policy of this
government toward the Klllplnos. I'n
questionably there are some democrats
who do not approve that policy, but
there are iIm some who do.
It will hardly be questioned that the
Chicago Chronicle Is a trustworthy ex
ponent of democratic opinion. In Its
Issue of last Crlday that paper, refer
ring to the recent revelations of the
Filipino Junta nt Hong Kong, showing
the encouragement given the Insurgents
by American "nntl-lntpeiiallsts," said
"There will tv no revolution in Amerl
cuu politics which would result In con
ferring Independence on the people of
the lMilllpplue. No political change In
the 1'nltcd States will eauo the least
relaxation In the methods of war di
rected acalust the Filipino factions still
ln arm against VulttM States authority.
If the democrats should carry the next
presidential election nud should elect a
uuvJ.,ri,y t0 vth houses of congress the
rhuqqunes would not bo abandoned.
v.m,lUw Uuio,vlu,euoo under Vntted !
v5U,s protection would not be roalUod.
proes the view of many thouiids of
. . . .. .-.. ...i.n. i.. k
outh tju. uumlvr demevrats opihjmM 1
... f ,vum.t t.,w:.r,l
i-".- - i" -
the jrty he Assuae to rejvreeat. His
h4nag oa isjjvrUHstn gx't5 no synajw.
Jwrptaf 04: isi;vrtus
hotK. arf tvcl
oC tfct. ,at
. .
btircxls of thtxa -
taMllevn: deaHer;s.
xx o saexv mere s ao uajx'rwusc: sou (
x HI Iv aoae is our gxxveraaxeat of tbei
... . .
Mre thaa lxOV Jettrr authM At th
KvaI delivery : x'ik-ACxx xre seat to th
dMd letter otxv at xAjhlagxxa exTMry
uiv-nti. The txxs:er cvf CsScaco
wvx .j. .s, vajP xji e-Oy Ka la the
veatxtrxM :v
c-.x-x Jacarrevl iy tie vtxsasi.t. WMV
is -. j,; -v- j:i:fr
. . tXv xxtti a .ssaU ir. o:
. rrCcxvd is tie Atai Hxr xStoe
j- rvaM taxxiwvir tie etujxioyaet eC a-
v.te.atl e ta ex-ery ixr.v-i. -x.xt-xxixxf
tixt wwaid eicA:ixi s a
Scxavi. Tie tixiat-Ai eiyax- : V-f
fcrarrJ. txyaii a jcstiiy tf KT
j.rir.c a vti rt ?Aii y :lw
pvxcazxc: ;.v ti-e VAasjcc-----
Tte iVr! ixe xfrtw xv XawV4 ret:
vxiirl iixrvi.'a- ixv.s f" W .--
xxxx.t bfsSVW a vVW-ftt- wtti
xi -sjitc tie f-tAf Tc lVirt-
' xtn jxjcwrxx- A jicrxrxf -xj!x-r
--j-.-rtiof aI 4fx-ita ixtj
rt-aat-i Ja ti a j-N-I
x,-- --uc;.! ii srWSxt at tie
. -vt ri M
a.-fca jc-utV-a: x MJty fNty
vjf ..i -cl ;rAtltir wrxjrst-
et jajxscs -5if IT .
ycjxJ xi tuy xsvi iixrx.,ic
ti wrjwct si--sit-fcv Vr ivt-x-.'
-recjtVt.' rxat ii aP---x.w
xsii i-f Dftrf.c WKn
,-v isat la Srtt ii'XitAjx.
A. a- fc-tn--oe .hjLi-- xi J
Ja. Jtxrawxl Sx it-Law taut
ta r-ji ta ti JxJxct it .-s.Jir-
ti 5fXxri intAMt-t; C xVii
.-r. few. If U-is afi savrtj
M.tiwcw jer-' x tttxisi st lrt.- Jt
o-trMJtCy -'nXi iaJt t tJU-
xwt jclx4" 2eti .
EAtX-s. " iC -vrtCNlXx AT Tt
. rt.-i
ftxTT It'XC
xix-tcaic "Mx-Xtpr ts
u Laxiw-lx auajti jix.x5 it i
tix 7ixrajat sx ti rue. jcy-rc ate
aaf la ir vnmi; tot Kx-ta.
vt .-i3k j. 4juc-r frYd inrx J
xoi I f." tt HZ ?X 7'-
iai. x .cm' art jixa. wtt i- m
'a.-i-.-e. i.-t-r-i tat ?j-a!.-sw 5 a. ti.: tar-
jtx i x i, wtbt i1iri.
Jk h,c ftxac.' ixatxJtt -s astt-rwtae
sSUJ. Vt ABTt JOC fctJOtO."
x7rt X3tvwax t ttxa 3x?taiatt tw
xtJ.L mfoc at ?iOi 3arxa .---ac
t c atc-j: frt jirarr-aaxts
fiivxfU'JJ. At h --r-JtaJc iittt it- xi
jirrJutixSj juai ti i"tcw itri. rin
ittcctxo at ri jncxnJui-? rm
a- taoin 1 3rt Xt-tt trtmutuk Jc
nxuluxij- xJctfU-o. CarncBUix yetntDt
XSTt- 3K fltH C tm XWMJCfcJ jxaj.
OtttttatMr 2-
xt -a4tn-tt. rf Cam- n-aar t-ai.
r xwvtaiitfcjati -r itttu Tt-s -wsif. Tin-
ntnntitssiiKtitf- 7ttsiy 4ib n aJ-
ru.-x Xjw aU(irt "Itwr tliSt? tt
rr-rc tsw th ).;r '-. i-t" ic--
------ s .
' tviu-t- s. fovr rsoaths its veatxtrxM t , tsu ti a -Mr.:a as tstertatts.c : ri ' - -
ers. The settlement Is n conclusion to
be hoped for, as every dny delay opens
n chance of new differences undolug all
the good heretofore accomplished.
Chicago people are debating the ques
tion whether n mnn enn be a good Chris
tian and n member of the city council
at the same. time. The question Is still
unsettled, ns most academic controver
sies are. It might be a good Idea to
give n practical demonstration, but It
would probably be dlttlcult to Induce
the critics to agree on what constitutes
a good Chrlstlnu.
A Hutch scientist has dually sueceeden
In crossing the Island of Horueo. The
natives treated him kindly because he
cured several of their number of chills.
Any many who ever suffered from the
old-fashioned ague can readily appre
ciate the depth of their gratitude.
The Tllden club, started In New York
some time ago with the avowed Inten
tion of making war on Tammany, has i
capitulated to the hos. It Is evident
the club membership was not comiosod
of the Tllden quality of timber.
rn-Ultlr (or IrrlKntlou.
St. Louts Glve-tVn-.ocrat.
No country on earth surpasses tie Valted
" """'."l "
Jf- grTwiTg ere",
im, cf the future.
la natural facilities for Irrigation.
certain supply of witer
tur to be a great
Uamr f llliah lleiiree.
XVasMnjr-r. !!t
The eoort. hare 1-lJeJ tiiat there are
three diSereat and dltttaet breads ef
coIobUI daises and we rrsue that ail
of theat ar hartslts as loag as yoo ies t
ctiB the.r aacwtry
Vhnnk.. Awfnlly.
, Os Japas s :sSvat.i: r!tt:a. ws
t - :t!'.t.c :s tJ-.s r-cs:rr fn
;. rX'"
1Jrl -i-eresiiTt repitsr f ,-in s-r'.'k
ir strwut;'? extesrve tri issrrrt
.... ... . .. f
.i .iif s 1. . .- c. .-.j .1 -.. rrf-
tie .-irrsastie-- Ui r.f Atrtt-ii
R5 ,.!i,.'r r,u, "
' -ruttttnc nb- Make
a riat.
Fi-.ltitlriia Seoer
a -Mr.:a asi tster-Mrts.c :
i tiere xsi u -i y wits ti; Bcf-
.... i . .,- r-.
. . 74 i r wr -. . . .1...: .
llv". ".C,
". 5i t rtrtitr wirtStr wxI it itt. r
tmtr-f. If k it
ittvttky trat tit tc-
CMitr rr t-traxs-i i
c-rurt tt JX'tutrr flUi art it ilxrttitr :x
K! t-sxrttc '
XX"it Kitted KT-e- 5ltTer.
New T.-.-t 2xj-l J!-.
It it tx-.trrttijic tt sjtit-e tia: axy wit
barter tit ixss i-re j-mt ixe irrxrttttT
: Jx at rru? frr- tlxtcr x a
jJtrtiv.t ftr x v .; u ia::tr li in I
xrsjstt. 7r-- i- .-vf-jr tia: xi xtitf
rtMity Ustit xxytirxf i frrt sxnr iTt
atrttr iiZip:c.L tit S$tx f:- tit sxtt r
7arj- r-rtixrttr T:r ex;xts.torst tit
xtcttrT liiirt it itxrt irt artrrttaaij
xlw. Ti st 7i.". ir x tit; - luri Isrs
tie -ttxu. tit titr twit it tit Sine ttf
tit jLteunsy. wltft SDtxat --u tit -rxj
is tit 'tfii't ;citrrrc it p t
Tits . Mtcjes.. tol IrMti r-ii :y mt
tf ti-M-t trxxtteatiSeoexI Sbtrafctataj rr wiori
tit tL-nctet tr fX-tiTrr-.:- si iiif xr i
iJMtJf vtsi
tty. sK x 11 sjr.xxc
l-w ixt rr-ri ;ri.rit jt,i tit trwx
Xt titt tit ttccit ixt 5tcpi tii Sryxx
ttri w tsarina, tit tvt XMsi. i-r-
wt j xxj ir-ft nirr!rtrKr re tii
A5aiy. in: k-st irxw tit jcrroc
if the i-.: x,u. fcix ttt ifi-t.t,.
wtcttii,!? iarii
tX tW f-xkxt TT-Jf :
X f-mi f ttx
Sf-jani Tnwinraj.
Tiat w3a--f rf ti -x-xtrtt. Jfir
A Satyrs, xuj jpr: 1
tce-fcrt iatrj.- triurX ' T. nnat aj ?t
xt4 Tnu rf xut tr-xemtu rtcx-tir -Joj tlx-
x i.xri in aitt j ?nr tiitnta-tatf o-
ixrrt ttut tt tirstxl txsxuritxxMK. it
iiwi 9. ixrCy a axri xi tx? ts X
xnxrcxsii3i iT Uitt it T-i rf x. 1
x JT jet tij awsc tttCvL Itrm iiuz JC-
tlm. at ix 3- xiaxwt lauiowlS' .-t- !
lOnx: axchxt rf tSxTXttf atactr-itrti.
x-wjH iw if stiM rf na tmrurt iu.-ifc?.
jciu jc y-rnra u J awraxutsxaaijf
fv-i jm'. rc sm 4- iixt Toi Jit not
x txtc
4 M 11 - Ulf tax'MilC U U
maitwc -Hat xr T-tixnl r
r" St rxxasW tiji ti-- aMtr-
'Cr Se!
tajxwi it
It tt a -xt. xx tCc-tntirr 7fC utttt
rf -xtarxt -x lint x 1x1 zjoft p-naac
Xto -JXxc tC vxt tawc-upt ioc-Jr- jtrwAtexi:
xb t sxva tttaxx. xt x mmjAjs!-tt!f
a-asetatetst istt ? titrxixt Tt scjr-
xr 5ur?rf-r j. rf aixu--. sax x xt XOv.
iuc Jitirw iu xcxixtxtttrCtiia Jtrftx am
texx at rm-sCMt 1 jr-arou xit tuwiptx
t aw-smaucT - jaj wt
-sua? anirstri. ittt 3oa at. t tjj
ti- txact atJUEt-- xxil natts X atw -
fTCt p-oatxin txs att V iteaixM.
uws-.-7 i t tr
tatu StM tftnt C JS S3t e Jt jatn ixratK
r naii ;, i twtut texxw xiXxtxi
lkiBx atir r-ul toit rut.-xi'iH-i T-rt-
je? -.arractt-i tXxs tt att taukt rf tax
rrT-t iaxtlamnt S taat t mawxtxa -
t,- 'rr
,ir xn. m
rcttxvjacjaa as: team .--Mr-r tw
vm. x -t-c tuaxxc iki Hm. k Vaaan.
a 4r af
a. x
ixcrxrxxBi rf tiuum 4a- JXi: -iaja
- w. 5- " - Tx.t f '.' "tr
uar- ii- i 'it Tt stac.'r trtti-i
Baltimore American: A Demcr prehor
Announces that we are very nt-ar to the
next world. He- should cot grow pessi
mistic because ot the heat.
Washington Star: The Omaha pastor who
lisued a rule, that women shall remove their
hats upon entering pe In hl church evi
dently wants to discourage the chureh
going habit among women.
Detroit Tree Tress; Faith is everything.
The venerable divine who assembled his
congregation to Invoke a blessing of rain
went to church with an umbrella when the
heavens were as clear as a bell and hoisted
It asainst a driving deluge when he started
for home. Our hope Is that our western
friends did not overdo the thins recently
when they appealed from the weather de
partment. Minneapolis Times: Rer. Francis K.
Clark, at the head ot the Christian Eadeav
crers, proposes a chureh trust. His Idea is
very mcdern and will doubtless meet with
much opposition, but It has a great deal
of sound logic about It. There are plenty
of people Inside the churches who will
agree with his view that oae strong chureh
made by the union of several feeble ones
ot different creeds lll accomplish aor?
rood thin the scattered ooei coM. It
, V. to.evr d .t u T ftWrtt
takes more than several swallows to aike
Dr. Clark Ideas will tt general for x
time yet.
Philadelphia Press Pretest El: of
free churches In a fre state will tale. Is
as article in the Isde?edat. alo lia
whlch should cause the pulpit to poster.
He sees la tie fistsre as eve ao:e JV4e4
I control of charts aalrs by the tsa5
' that that marks ehsrth life U-Uy. At i
i sets It. Is the chreh of tie fatare ' tie
i power will u:t:aaatly b wl tie eoturij-
i utf.O Tit drift ie does SO? I-Mere It
I as evil. bt. as i p".i It. "Jt as c&M-
! sg ?r-riry tr tie fsttire that tilt 7-
fftlve tnasitr. L K 9Ter ::m ts
I . . . ,.
J"t to tie pw Ut tims far wrweV.
t- : .ejigi- ur
Issues.- is tie civrtitt a stw ittl
at:: of wii: scltit ie rilled iisaxsiur-
-iir- tt laflsrate tit.t te mud: i
fnjmt it Aocrg iiKet reaj-Sei K tt
ci tie ttrt scrM tc als.-
poasti is tit of imtrt ti7 a--e
acrtot si -aatt. iaU fc
a rfcJfifiii
Ax .55LK".:-f . estr: 1: ix.- 1
1 .. . . .v. .. ... . v 1 .
titrt it asy iifsis tc tit
: tiat imt .-. iair to trwst
1 i-tH itaiK tiis it it r 1 us u asj
t :t V. is 1 Isiti.
Tit SStiiMt-lJ
Jit ixt x rStxi txtdi4tdtic rf rriJur rx
fcrrt xsi it? f-ri li 1 iff itt till
fi-i f t:rzl Str ircr u jttant txii -
Jectiy ;ci.jrKii.
Tit mscas -rcrratsfrr tt tit -rrx"
fits la. tlset w -x ir tr-fxxj C tl-?
t jtf y 5x Ca-xatrt 1 jir H tc-rruj x--t
iy rtznJ Ti SSxrliti temc ins 3i
.tr$ z?tt it tit i.iEtt-ftl-ftX te CVktc icrtA
frrst "Rtiri-wcf!r rvtatj aaiit 1 ny Tit
ttx: . tvt xrt xx x r texst it jewem-
A jwartotc -x'ttrti -r Ss tint Xt ie t-.V-jfi
ir -x- yjfctnc. 'i 'a rraa3aC
tl" jesr-utr ti aniattxtc f Si
aecr f tit airtfrx TTxeiu rxvixr uftwwr
-jt vi2 it JJJtl J1IW 1 XMUCi IS sttt rat
t; ti-t yrxr xxt 1 jaunts. C tan xascti
tixntr . i, -x.,.
SCciac; Tn---V tif iwztLxnn&rl. S-tsS
ux!-- ;t xit u iztt t tmstr 8S rru-
5xti at tirt sterrw- rf titt Ttwax
jfixxw. tw-.TL'ttv- tt 'Jt tL.anct ' TiTrf atmrw
it ri "JOa. H!u scit fnoibt to)Mxr-rrt
xrt jxf it caa.-urt. Aartx a. it
ittm i ti t ratB-i fc-Mi Kixtinej. TV
txtt rf Jaw tens- tf -ittt stwicr? aw bt
Jin. IVms-i Tts C "tttrtir CiHtt. -rit
ru-tat tiJ: "xrrtrr set t trrjj tar-n-aiaar
w-1- s'i J0-i
5" Jifia-i -t xTtaSswgtxai
fns:cc.- -t-rra-i MCatm-l, 1rmrfmf law, -
MM ix jr:i it- f i-: Ji-tut rf tdtue xw(t
rieatc. Xrt. T"i-rw tu atoxwa 9tc Stxt stav
i.jc i-MTxia rf irfc w-At icwuttuiiu
rwe-y-xi-tr-t tic-tmpt "i-i tinrnx nnsstat
u-f tit xi tit ts line tie jrJt-ntr rf
xiit Slisareix." OtaSt:nex rf "4t rsA
atrs. 2x pus tt z2 rJSMM tax xv xttitawt
i? tit rtlirtt xt mrtit S-f jijtr. xx li
oHt vtaxr-xti-xxtx'3f. iatoar
r-r--.'.X.- & 7r--Mt,
ic dxat Jer
XvxKt.- id xtubiax. snJwa xn xac
Jt tin imtOat rtiaawt it w atatr w Xk
sajit ifv a ..," at u.-x
aM SfcrftaU n-srw-T r ti 1 ok. pnl)i
- -" - a-
J" ttsw txiiwxi xjaa xtMatii xtxt Maat. c
XtBtMSeC ttt S4iia. XI fiUtt X-J JUM 1
attstat St Jxs tC Sk raaiNC-MUuw rf tx-
I' ant, a. M iia x-ar-- tQaat Stkii'- TXx
xnttsat xtii Kthpaa; u. xx aan-aitii; .Ban
Xtir 3 Mittcnatc as aBUtx JO llfwr m tt Ja
Tttatt. to C -- . f ar 1 at Xatext. Am
xtqpC xtomevt -x4t ttr-i ium 11 nH: X
xttwi Bt xit'xt:a smtt- j. )Haxrx
;r-i xaw; ii rtrax C xkt xxtjut xvavH
iy uw an- Jt. xai j ur xim m
frw m xm jtXtaae- tm -fca- c
x aoaxt a xaOkxx at
wjaty rf t auBxi. 1!r- 'taats aj
joxrun. tvMK. tat iatsatnt? t w
.-rxxaxtsr at Rdktrt Xtxr jiktM. xrta aai
at kwrs. .'Xa t t tt xna
fffr i,,,, , ,n, r -j j,,,
tjMajar st Xa aatMat xxctkM
xe ntxiw
if a)a
xautxt avtt -tt aanltxw ft at Mc ttt 4nax
asastt tatxwxjt tmt tttu Jaw xatt-tt at
bittaat tat-ax ta xat -x"jxrf . war- jx Wiaxi Jaxwtr
i 1M MMMruax Jttax. i-aj. ft " -
ttm aataJK wthaa tta twt i 1T11 ' a mm
mitir aia.fa. ttaa. taw txb! xn ha flwot i - a haaiu mtmw .
xsr ait ? h 4 f r- xi ata . J 8
,w , . .. . . - . - . . . . J-7T xtajati -.-atvuiax-tnai ra- xiatsji ta. -
uat xL 'iK tM-t snansaax Axnaji a aaxt aJaB. tun, ax tatatxt i tl a (Maaa
tv- itar una! hail aiin t ailihaaatll. Par xa aavx that tthtxyafc 4hx auam.
ry'T' 'Uli7J:, "!' TtirSif "wwjfa. at'-xJUip, mow, i
aaaM Xatt aat 4 ax-Oai aatntw xrTat aaaS:
tr- at . at j-exii- Vttaw 1M. " w , txxx-x la xvtwttar -x. tttw
.UC tt " XJa. .-- i:tw :h r' -'
- r-a -ejl. xv -x x t .. x -...-r tx xJx
nr..5T.i rno.M nM hohv,
Kmulatlon It a cure for covy.
Kvory conversion It a mlrar
Simplicity Is the algn ot striojjr,...
Friends are not good kept in vinriur
The giving band It the only cure for tt,
grasping heart.
The danger of ambition's paths lies Ar
ia that they are steep, but that they
The man who Is keenest on the Is, p. .
tlon of his neighbors It usually weak . ;,
We are almost Inclined to agree : :.
those who dny the soul If they apeak tor
themaelTes aloae.
The man who cannot get wisdom out of
his own fellies win Set nothing but fel.j
out of all Wildes
There is one habit worse thin walking
with your hands la your pockeu, that U,
kecplog your heart there.
KratoDt for tlie Widespread Indtf
ferencr Complained Ot.
Lo-jri;i Co.-kr-Jo jraal
It It W by lone tait .-fary rrwi 2
frsuay Wim o.r Siwi are miit by
law-yen Xt4 for lawrers. Now tie tmh n
tmr laws are sot alwiyi auit by lwy.-
More t the pity. Te Hs wit, t,7 r
obKr.ty. tiT tke lawyers the cit est-
, a.-e prowaiy iti? trxliti iy
uTtt or ky a-c-i of tie proftiii'-.
ciif U7ri ealy Vy r4rrteiv
; Wis 4rafti ty rtiUy iWe Uye-s
ofts i tie teter-i ef tselr clis-
i tnm,ii tivasuge E;
; llfitti-i Vts.Mi aes wfa 4tt;t Ittuit
, if Uttlr s ifuitut w-.:i ttz ti
. it let: i4rkt ta tie c-f i r
1 Villi Httm U7.-i Js .;. iniUtr-
4o a rr- in:
'9 Uiat.te ti trs-l t.ts
f At ULl irtiut by ts-
It u tr. W f-i .-. lint i ni
Sa.- ItrliUlatC ill -i';-i!Z tit I.-.
St. ef tmtiu wui.7 it lakts by ..
r--- n.A tii rrif-s a ;Jii.r t,
l5tsss:-T vi TtViti tirr -rn a.:t
1 5 v,u-tir ioj eisct x It r-x:-:
tc-i? u a -at-sr stf fic-s i7 .
anif t-li -rim -mi i-r - .
rJ-i trts .-. i-- s -ti- i-'
ftc tit we tin i: lint V?-c
li ! .' 1 -at. T-ri 1U- stamiCMLL vi .1
u -in-ffs.- Ntnu f
. .
, aMManai "
re frlti-c a, 5..rl
'- juaSu a tkt irami:
fc tltMor. wns rasp sc. -it i i
' t1- ;?rtt.r i-jciryj sj- rjf.r; if
6. Jtc. xrraxxciiSy- tia saOrc-J-j- ti rrr
'utirax: .1nrtu i.-r arw a-tct -Jx 1 . 1
b9koH ;Htatrta x ftbtxir ffetrrfxr-f. xi it
Jiv iia i nanu rr rscaainx "ntr
tx?t. St auaj r.fxir- ir ;r-rttt.t rj
awatt. xa-tua: rtn. j. ZL.Lt 1
joflat tt ratarrx; tan ixtrs law xx ju.--i t:-i
xitc Vtti ttiecr. w-jjik 1. x( txt'fV :c
3rrrt pe-mci xnci laranxa xaiciiir j "
ftaa S2 ii 1 1 fc.i m , , -
aa;. rtMatr t( t-vpt-x. -ST,-. ., T .
nruexiF ?n- eXm -nautea . -to t ,
XxmmixnX MpuamK a?r-u. nil ami i i i
79Ct K- fxuatx Z ns
. JXHX W ir txvr : xrrtrt tat xjjx,
3ok r"x-t MmAaX sc"io in
KtiXthMCr 3eruat- 3 xjatew -ItfT -r
7yt t roor. wh. '1
XSh Ji4k. af 3ta m
tiWfm- itt &Hat atw nx-l -x-n-r "
a-kBs tut i-T -tr
ntw tx t-axoxt T iiar iaaatxuxx: - -
xWn Stttcx rac-Mu. tr ?r
m oxt rwwri wmt sxtr 5t-r4 gx- X 't
Tiat xuin ntx ica. . t
TV?tw -XS rueaa jaxti- -mcixar S! .
to txt y ,1 v iu -j om Jr-T r-
?XdaxktWlr-hH 3fwi-t -Jrx. -
Jena, u -ti. txxvrx itt -
wr ": tr w w tue m aev xrt; t
JxJ 5tt-i
rtaatrs uat xsrxwia W.-rt-
r- Tatg 3aiw.; watt Jx-ar
Mat jjxt . tx..uu--feairt
lar. tatitra- -TJxxjit x?2iy fO trWX Matt- -!
at txaaax
X- Jtlt Ti 11 M xam sjaW -rsx
tav XI Jiitai-an aatw txnt Xtatc I aar
3r iA-t axittt r a. x-ii.-- v
itwtontt -Bxt 1f Ml aW if
liwif imc Urn mm rf itr warawrsat.
tr-t"n TJT.
--nr tat"-
xa. I xxrajBai ts-nxn zr -
aitat ! 3te awxt
xj ?iaa
t ro xs, Saxn-
H n-5 "txtaj Its lilt. -xO r -
xtx.K xAxisTxit-ttr
3xr rf
tMUtfli-v ixar ii.
Vtkixx -x-txw- x
Ufa tut mp
vjai x axaxxctxaj hauar "tamrv -Cwt tt
a Wnarw 'ail I
" -!IIa?liaTl Ja5
w a
u-txxx.- Majaatx aaaaaaa ttxp-
XT t
rajtittunr C-tcxw -att rmt -Tu
:tu, 1 miaWa: " a.wnta -s -
tunat r luae Ir m Xatl Ja laV rf 1w
taXvatxt haw.
"Vteh: watMatat' alatati t taw Mtir
"Tlavx -Hm mm -rtaatn
,VBa tax ttnnOaaC atot at XMaadat; E ;iw .
IM -wmia 11 5?.
xxaal xt - -aax tjai i a. 1 wutr- Xe
wr-tu xaa stmmc vaat tain a trsrv"
jatataw -.'aini' xr ajtw r
X.txt -aBin -ttaat ixr tat xci'.
vtxaax tx i an
jwar fMai ttfr- uut italittti -csw
aaaar-- r aa m?v
TVt (Aat ana xa tat anwat war ft x- -
rxatw i, Malataj
. ttaajaxsjcmt''. '"