THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT UK DAY, JULY 'J7, 1001. APPEAL FOR A DOWNPOUR Omnta Ptop'.s Act on PrcclimUicn et Gswnor fr Dtj of Frajtr. FIRST MEETING IS IN TENT AT 5 O'CLOCK Othrrn fljlil I.nlcr In Dlrfrrriit Churrh'i, All JiiI'.iIiik III Mil iillcn tlon Vr !liiiwir of Ilnln I,onn Mi) th lie III from Count r-. Dawn broke yesterday morning upon sev eral hundred Omnlians who wire assembled to uk an Infinite Icing to send rain to the poj-ehed earth. At tho first rays of the sun fell yester '.fay upon the gospel tent at Twenty-fourth 4ind Iocust streets prayers were offered for '.the breaking of the drouth. All tho churches In north Omaha Joined In raising a plea to tho Almighty for relief. Long before 5 o'clock several hundred pco deposits In all of the Omaha national banks 1) A I V L'Al I C IV CINDY PI APK ls not far Off. Hut no one has lost hope, should have appeared to be J2S.719.0S9, In- ALLid 111 JA1US1 1 LflVLiJ Tnero ti n cnance yet. and If the right of t25.304.07l. Instead of a decreae thing happens some sections of Nebraska In the amount of Its deposits, the Nebraska will still clean up almost a full crop, while ."uonai iann wns entitled to a Bhoivlng of Fincnt Eawen kill In Stctions When others win range from mere aown to nom an Increase of about IS per cent, which u w- cDth Grows. lns at ""' something more substantial than the aver- ' The rains along the railroad lines age Increase sustained by all of the banks, I were unfortunately placed. They are all and Instead of two banks thowlng a dc-1 iui F rnnp fF TORN IS SAID TO RE LEFT coming away out In the west end of Ne crease this correction leaven but one. I "AU L"r f L ,brafka and In Colorado and Wyoming and ! South Dakota. GEOGRAPHY flM OPAMn CPAI cl )! Stirli nn llntlinnte Mnj He Hoped i On tho Ilurllngton there was .05 of an w" "liniiw OUnUU . .... ., -nrl a 1lht rl n mull nb ii.cck; ...... ...... Broken Bow, besides rain at Seneca and a ! heavy downfall at Whitman, Bridgeport, Scotts Bluff and Guernsey. Sidney had showers, and Alliance, Belmont, Ardmor Custer, Merino, Gillette and Arvada re ported good rains. The southern division was entirely clear. On the western Curtis. Holyoke, Cheyenne, Wllsonvllle, Hfnkleman and Orlenns had a light rain, while out from Denver to Lyous more than half an Inch fell. None of all this Is of any actual value to corn In Nebraska, but It seems to mean that tho drouth Is being broken gradually, and that Is encouraging. Mni of llllnolx Ontrnl SyMi-tn .tin in mo Hi Proportion Mioni All tv Connection. of A curious throng was clustered about the corner of fourteenth and I'arnam streets yrsterday attracted by the Immense birds-oye-vlcw map of the Illinois Central system which was erected yesterday against the cast brick wall of that company's offleo In Omaha. Resplendent In brilliant colorlug. the map Is prominent from afar off. It Is eight feet wide and fourteen feet high and Is constructed on a board backing. Tho background ls a rich dark green, while tho rniilKad I. I.. .... 1 .1 . . I I I . .1 ...I.U pie had gathered In Hev. Merlon Smith's li: ti, J" I . ""'"W , ' a ' red. The map has Just been repainted nnd tent and were, offering silent appeals far rain. Yesterday was tho day set apart by Gov ernor Savage tar prayer. Tho faithful ones who attended tho early morning meeting manifested unwavering belief In the power of prayer. Although Omaha clergymen .questioned the sincerity of tho governor s request that appeals be made for relief, they acted upon tils proclamation and asked that rain be granted a worldly nnd tin- shows the new mileage, the total now be ing 6,335 miles, whereas It was before 5,022. This additional trackage Includes the line from I'eorla to Kvansvtltc, Ind., the new branch from Lylo to Albert In Minnesota and the spur out to Hot Springs, Ark. All portions of the Illinois Central and Ynioo & Mississippi Valley railroads are shown. Wllllnni llolulilril Winn nt (iulf. i. r y f nnnnln r," CHICAGO, July 2f,.Vlllliim Holanlrd of vct. u. n.. muuiui, uuaiur 01 irinuy tnR iMi view Oiilf elul) Methodist Episcopal church, opened todnv won th tho rtavtneak's cup In the OitwemMj g"lf tour- for fuller Mncli llettcr Coiull tloim TIiiih Tlnifcc Prevail ing at 'l'liii Time. Halns fell throughout Nebraska Thursday night, but the large majority of them wero In sections whore no corn grows and about the only help they really gavo that crop was to cool the air u little by association and contact. As a matter of nbsolute and stern reality tho situation In this state Is summed up by railroad men who make It their busi ness to watch such things as follows: Not more than throe-fourths of a crop of corn ls left In Nebraska today under any circumstances, If the whole state got nn Inch of rain tomorrow and another Inch thrt;o days later, with sufficient moisture at 'he proper Intervals thereafter, three fourths of a crop might be pulled out. Even then It Is doubtful that the entire stnte would average that high; certainly not any higher. All men directly interested In the corn crop have now given up completely every delusion thoy may have endeavored to cherish and maintain concerning Its final success They are staring tho situation In the face and find It nbout as summarized aunrlso nervlee at thn ten hv mmilnir namcnt. Ill- nlay was Ijrilllnnt una n n,l noove. i ney iraumy nuuuuutc iu.w iiwriso service ai mo icoi ty reading a , h ,.,',..... T Tl n , ,n i - ,.. r-, - .... ...... - .... - -- - UlU 1JU V IB IIIJIII IUH HIV portion of the first chapter of Nahum. Mn, in.lly In hand. He won with 6 up nnd "Ood has not forgottn His people, but to Pia)- His pcoplo have forg.jUen Him," was the warning which Hov. Morton Smith noundcd In his address. ".VtVn hnvo followed thc.r own devices until iod has brought a calam ity upon the ear.Vh to call erring men lack to tho throno tf grace." It Is further admitted that the total end HEADGEAR FOR THE HORSES Strmv Hntu for tlie ICciiiIim- I'nmlly I Ihr Order of the Hot Wcnther Scniion. Comfort devices seem to be the order of tho hot spell. First, man cuts Into woman's Bold of fashion and appropriates to his own uso tho airy shirtwaist; next, policemen descend to the piano of common mortals and go about In shirtsleeves, and now comes tho horse with a denial of man's exclusive right to tho straw hat. The time Is upon us when no self-respect-Ing horso will be seen In public without a natty straw hat on his head, and soon tho up-to-dato journal will have to add nn equine department to Its fashion page. Tho extremo heat has brought donth to many horses In Omaha, scarcely a day pass ing without three or four of the animals falling dead on tho streets. To enable the horses to withstand th? sun's rays tho straw hat Is coming Into general use. OPINION IN EDM1NS0N CASE Jnititr Monger Itntr In l.ltlKittlon Wliorcln llpntrlce Witter WorUs IIoiiiU Are lnvol eil. In tho United States circuit court Judge Mungcr has filed nn opinion In the case of John W. Kdmlnson against the City of Beatrice, In his opinion tho court ren ders Judgment against tho defendant for .n amount of money due on two sots of water works bonds, the amount of which Is not yet determined. The point Involved was the liability of a city to Ifsuo bonds In excess of the statu tory provision and the fact that the bonds must reclto tho act under which they aro Issued. The first scries of bonds recited that the city was operated under a taw gov erning cities of more than 5,000 and less than 25,000, when In fact It was operated under a law governing cities of more than 1,500 Inhabitants. Tho court held that the false recital docs not Invalidate the bonds. In regard to the second scries It was con tended that the amount of this Issue was In excess of tho nmount permitted to be Is sued by statute, that the statutory limita tion Is not as binding ns a constitutional limitation, as It may be removed by tho legislature, and that as a creature of the legislature the city Is estopped from setting up as a defense the fact that tho bonds were an over-Issue In the face of the re cital In the bonds to a contrary effect. liot Weather Hints Omaha Physicians Suggest How Prostration May Be Avoided. Hev. Smlth'o addrcrs wns the keynote of nm,h. nhv.irl.i,. nv ihnt hent nrostra- nartlcularlr harmful during this weather, exercise. Among the foods it Is well to tho meeting. iTaycrs were offered for the llon may 'be avolded. Wntcr-not too cold nor too much of It avoid olconol, meat, tea and cotlee ana in conversion, uf men nnd for tho diversion of Mrtini nr.lninn, nro nt variance, more U the ht drink. Lemonade ls good If net general all soda fountain mlxturoa. To bo a wicked world from tho path of pleasure to or ie3g, n8 to how to pursue a preventive used to excess. The one essential Is to used In abundance-plenty of open air, cold tne stmi'jht nnd narrow way. course, yet they stand as a unit on one keen the alimentary canal In good condl- wntcr miernmiy ami ,, . .Hi Many hymns were sung and a score of interesting feature abstinence from alco- Hon by scnstblo diet. Keep out of It any fruits, fresh vogetamce, umonauo ami or- laymi and clergymen offered fervent pray- nolle drinks. food that has undergoue any decomposition, nnge Juice. Heat prostrations are greater crs. The folio Inn pastors assisted In the Alcohol, tho doctors agree, simply adds m.i .ml milk are most likely to causo tho among those working In confined places scr-ficcs: Hov. F. 11. Foster of the First fuel to the flames Just like a stoker mschlef In this respect. than those working In the blaring sun. UMtcd Presbyterian church, rtev. W. T. throwing a shovel of coat Into an already More among persons In poorly ventilated Illton of the Grant Street Christian heated flro box. rjr. n. M. Carpenter People who eat no houses than among uio narvesi nana aim ehurrh. Itev. It. M. Stevenson of the Hecoinl A nolnt on which the doctors differ is ,irinp th tnrrld weather nre les? bricklayers. They arc more frequent at Tresbytcrlan church, Ilev. M. O. Block of the use of meat. Some say lt meat alone. Jab,0 to BUngtroko than persons who In- ulRht than during the day. for the process 'the Danish Melhodlst church, Hov. II. A. Others say eat meat m oraer mat mo doj) Bat on kccping up tncr regular diet. Well- of evaporation is not so rapiu. HelchonbPCh of tho Danish Baptist chutch may have proper nourishment. Some say cookcd vegetables and cereals may be eaten ' and Rev. D. K. Tlndall of Trinity Methodist cat abundantly of fruit, umers say oe- (n abundanc0 wllnoul danger. It ls unwlss leirnil on Diet. church. waro of fruit, for It may bo a cloaK for attcmnt an unusual task dur- nr. r. a. Wnvmnller The moderate use About forty devout people assembled otUf,lnB' .. .. ......... ... lnu this extremely hot weather. People f alcohol reduces the resisting nower of JCountze Memorial church at 10:30 ycJterday . Ic wat"' "r!'T. should not undertake work to which they ,aan to tho heat and the continued use dooa nniatahln bv a dash of Ice water Is a nro not accustomed. Alcohol and othor ,nore than that. It predisposes one to heat renoral v recommended beverage. stimulants should bo avoided. Cold drinks prostration. The diet has an Important Missouri river cocktail, tno Dartenacrs - Kum. i nu """ would cnll It. qunuiuies. iuti m imuBei 111 inn- snouiu uo regular ai ineir meais. iuo iu i.,nh nn,t nrtvlre miv he extracted by '"B an excrseivo amouni oi iceu waicr mio temperato use or green vegcinDics, rroauc tho sweltering laity from the following the stomach at once. Care must bo taken ing a lax condtlon of the bowels, has some symposium of medical opinion: '& tho treatment of persons who have been tondency to reduce tho power of people to jiruiiruivu wuu iuc ui-.u. iichi cxnausiion resist neat, out mis causo is noi so com- ARE SHIPPING PRODUCE WEST One Hundred Cnrlonila of Vrsrtntilp .lent from I'lillnileliihln Lemons Source. PHILADELPHIA. July 26. Largo orders for fruit and produco have been received by local dealers from tho sections of tho morning to Invoke divine aid for the relief of suffering humanity. Hev. Trefr con ducted tho service. Notable among those whoso voices wero lifted heavenward plead Ing for better weather were: Hev. Trefz, Hev. Jacob Klook of tho Hillside Congre gatlonal church nnd Mr. Whlttaker, a sing Ing cvnngellst who has been connected with tho Moody Institute and was at one time associated with Evangelist Moody. The service lasted for about threo-quar- nr A. K. Dctwllcr Many people attempt and sunstroke demand vpry different treat- mon this year as they have been In some to tako too good care of themselves during ment. Ice baths should be used In treating previous ones. The time when heat pros iho hn wither. Thev do not eat enough for peoplo who are suffering with sunstroke, tratlons nro mast frcauent Is between the tors of an hour. It was hold In the Sunday ,- i.vinp themselves liable to sun- while heat exhaustion demands hot bdoII- hour nf 1! nnd 2 n. m. When a Derson ls .school room. Each petition to the Lord ac- nt,., They quit eating all meat and cations. stricken the first thing to do is to get him knowledgcd the Inscrulnblllty of His ways ,i.i,, p-rru And fall back on unrlno inn oonl nlnce; irlvo Htlmulants strvch. And tho Inability of man to discern His pur- frult aml Ercen vegetables. Tho system do- Bo" to Alcohol. nino an(i brandy aro the best then glvo a poses always concluding mibmlsslvcly with manil8 KOod nourishing food during surh Dr, e. H. Porter In every case, of heat cool spongo bath, but do not use Ice water, Bl n 1 Jl frl I Pft m If ft m oil nA I)ia T ahJ'a ailll I .. fc .... . . r , , n,u , trynK wentner as wo are naving at prcsem, prostration I have seen this year the patient Just tho cool water from tne nyciraut. to grant It. ,, ., mnn ni,n rndum the heat, best nro ,.,- - .v i t..,,. . M,. ., . . . . I ' s- v - - - - .... uvvu nuu ulMIitv UII.UUU11C Dover- the I eople s church. 612 North Eight- thoaiy who cat cnough wholesome food to Bgeg. Thero are many moTe wea , tno Dr- L Ai Merriara-Most people go to ex intn Btrcct. spcclul prayers for rain wero aatiafv their aDDCtltcs. Of course a man nfmrnnon !hn in fh ,i.. ts- i,.. i i,i .irinWa Hnrin ih. hr.t .nit fercd from 10 o'clock yesterday until .hmii.i nni t a Christmas' hlnncr and run x.... - ' .. ." .. . ... .k. ."k. .i a ;,.. lanrf t L Z J t ul o" out loto thp BUn' but lho veopXo vho e? a11 orKans ot excretion in proper con- Ice -water. It In a mlataks to eat water ions for-rain 'was held yesterday at P ,,.ii.v.nnvn,i ionit fnr their d nner and ,n.i- ,u. v ...j..... .... . v... mi .vin.i, I- , An.i.... !...... c. ii 1 ..v..-w..- - muu. i iuu uucn aim r.iuueyn periorm melons una lucuuucri, uuu any cisuu nui o clock In St. Andrews church. Special ,nWn ,hn nrnnor rat niter meat are less ,., ... i,. ,v .. . M ...i. ....... -n communion and penitential service with ..." : .i,n thom. ."'."V"lr.:i 'f."ul "lul" u" """"" L?1."" " . ..i,i -.. ,,.,., f . "' ""- " - " uanser irora neai, wnica anects me nervous wine, wuisky, tea ana couee nre uau inings 211 h , . ,n, il l 90lv09 wllh watermolon-nnd fruit which has Bystom. ,u caso of prostration give laxa- to take. A warm water bath every night Is "t..?!-"-".! T";"!"?- t ripened naturally. Uncooked fruits aid tlvcsj glvo a stimulant like coffee. Apply essential to comfort and health. When vegetameB cause mucn mare irouuio uiuu cokj t0 ne nca(i ana neat t0 tno tcei wholesome meat eaten In moderation. Fats should be avoided, but in my opinion iuo Dr. g. k. Spaldlnis The averaice healthv eases of conulno sunstroke call a Physician St. John's churchTwenty-slxth and Frank Jin streets. All Saints' church held a prayer service at 10 o'clock yotiterdny and Trinity cathedral rfrlonk C "B aud BO0d' cloan bcef can be catCD Wlth Thero arfl two ctfcs ' ht. thermic overcome by the heat cool off with water; turn the hdse on yourself If necessary. For system demands a ccrtnln amount of meat raan ls in good condition to resist heat, as nulckly as you can. earcty. Jiany people compiain wmi iuvt fever, or "sunstroke." and heat nxhnustlnn. . . t t ...-.t-.T.-- m SEEK BRFF7F flM THE RARS are blUoU9 Dt. th'8 s"30n; Watermelon. Alcohol lessens tho power of rcslstanco recniated as perfectly as possible. De care vuu" wiii-ui-u. ui i hi- uniw cucumbers and green tomatoes win maKo end ls thereforo conductive of hat ....... ...II...- T. 1 II,, ( t , . ... . 1" U"" v,... nayouu, muuuB. 4. . .o Bw uon. ine dcsi way to provont tins trouble avoid alcoholic drinks altogether. Oatmeal soldiers faro bettor In the tropics when they l9 t0 keep tho system In tho best possible &ni other cereal waters aro good. Iced tea 3!mi.y People l'ntriinli- Klretrlo l,ln In Senrrli of I2xhllnrntlns Air Motion. nd now comes the man with the street car habit Women nnd children aro also subject to this nralady llnvo you noticed tho great crowds that fill cars on all lines utter S o'clock In tho wnlng7 have the same rations given thom In more condition. The physical powers give way in moderation won't hurt you. There are temperate climates, holesomo meat and ln theso long por,0(35 0 hot wcather. tne f h t proatratlon whch ..M...v.. , h . :: -i'i-1"" " uuociBu, uio viiamy lessoneu require different treatments. If tho tem It to withstand tho onslaughts of tho hot and the chance for prostration ls greater, pcrature Is very high flood tho body wltl weather. avoided ii. " i HrniuiH , f I V 1 1 . r. 1 . , . U U I. M.J ...... DO V. hen ono in nrnstrntoil thn t.n.tmnnt . . ...m ... .i i i.. . . .u- " .vwMv.fc cool water ana apply cinuiivu no .u iuu UUm ue 10 goi mo patient in tne snauo; heaa, it the tempernturo Is not very high ubu .cmumes id rcauce me neat local cold an(1 thc patient ls palo ln the face stlmu nvv nui io oe appnea too vigor- iant8 will be necessary. Uu Iiut l.lltle Fooil. Dr. Frederick J. Wearnc Of coureo If ousy, and to be accompanied by rubbing SiiKKCHtH Cold DutliH. Dr. D. A, Foote Tako nnn f,l itlrrv he should at once lie down m ...... rrt,d.. I . . . .. . l.lnnni. I. Iln n ir..r mi jiioy rn viciinm 01 una u wu, ...rj ln tll0 gnade anu rest, no matter wncro , ,.,T,t, i,..,,.., rnM .! - . - Mr. LJ. J. ! UULE iUIW " mxe loomng lor a nrecie. no , one may not oxpericnco any sucn Dr. W. O. Henry Tho use of alcohol is ..... .i m,nin.a When tho cars aro run Into thc stables unrninc. however, as dizziness. Ho may damrprous In hm mh.r ., sponge uuuia, ui " ... ...... ft.r the owl trips many of them nro still bn WalklnS along the street feeling per- th,t ,t increases tho rapidity of the action 5". '.-V .V. ,v. of the sun wail niifi wifii nn!nni?prM wnn nrn n n ail nt nnrn .t... i . . . . . . - wuw v i- - - - ;uUng"to desen thefts which have car- lltt U d,l- 1 this uTnd hadt thing o'Z" xdcd lnth. sk nd "8'nS aU mI! Send" rl,t thm n rnt.ldlv throunh heated nlr ..nnni.u.. f i,-w fnn,i nnd ' . '. ' iV . . . . luc ln. misKinu bo C3pOSO(i, nctraln from meat and eggs ....... im..,i- n,-, i,pr, n ohnmr.. : "... . ""i and nvold exerc o. Stimul In tho temperature Tho Oenson line Is popular with peo fwho have adopted the street car as a mca ... .... Liiii fi.iiii'iii in n nnr Tnnin nnvif nn u aonto ... . of keeping cool during a heated evening, viator, and one who Is very warm should ",,. . r,"',."' ' .V Ice cream in moderation anu wun oiner Tou get more tor a nickel out that direction rest a while before taking o cold drink. '' tum "1,,"l"""ub 10 lut food aro good. Healthy people are perhaps atlng drinks are SnOUUl nVOlll cxumuil Ul tiliuaum J nlsn. Till, host nreventlvo nHm. ! tn 1.1 ". .. . .. . . ... . L - after entlnc. Very little food Is needed L, ,7. . ! J Iu. to bo avoldca. Alconoi anu oeer cousuiuio P' when It is so hot. Drink should be taken ; Z ' T "T".' tho greatest menace to working people. . "i n 11 1 l ift 111 iL iiiiit?. eauuuiauj it u uj ts.j 1 1 i . . w, CLEAR COMPLEXION SOFT WHITE HANDS LUXURIANT HAIR PRODUCED BY ounr. Soir. anlted byConrtruA OlSTMXST. for beautifying the sftt-t-torts tfss; CrnccUA iwn, for cieaniin tno scaip. , ai .1 ,uu tvoi Pin5 ' h ... v;;- :r,.,,- an(t ltig red, rougn, ami soro nancn, in uaum mr nurain ' ''T":ii;7i,.i:,,,i rxMrindons, or too froe or oflcntlve rtrfPlraon, in wmI.cs for "If'"0 ' w'" J1"'' and for many snUve antlfcptln pnrpo.ei which read It suggest ;tl'l'V o?.T?l CfpccUlly mothers, for baby rhc. ItcliltiM, and clia lues, and for all ."'"F"'1' tho toilet; bath, n.J nuref rj. No other meMaiM tow Is 1 ''nP" L"' ;vh"b JiXn ot sertlng.pnrlfyW.aud bcnutlfrlng the ekln, scaln. Iialr, and hands. o other forrlgn or dnmosUe toM'soap M lq he compared with It for all the pun'os of tho toilet, Uilli. an.i nuncrr. Thus It combines ln t)sr. Soap nt Osb ritloe,tho iilst ikln aud comploxlon soap, th; ncsT toilet and baby toap In tho world. BtJ.I thrcmhent lh wrrl4. DHH.h rtfpnli r. Hiwiiif so, CfMrtiou 9q.. London. Pottil Kraut ciiciL votraiiiios, twit rrop., uoawa, u. o. a mlddlo west which have been stricken by JUDGE NORVAL IN THE CITY car Prematurely nnd she was thrown vlo drouth. This demand has been larger dur- rwwwt" lently to tho ground, sustaining serious in juries. Ing tho last two weeks, veterans In the produce market say, than ever before In the history of tho business in Philadelphia. Over 100 carloads ot vegetables and fruit have been shipped ln the last fortnight from this city to points In Ohio, Indiana and Illinois and to the section tying south erly from these states ln the Mississippi valley. Ono of thc features Is the un precedented demand for lemons. lrom every city and town In the drouth-stricken region comes the cry for lemons. One Arm gent ten carloads during tho last week and others dispatched the fruit ln largo quantities. Seasonable Fashions Declnrr Hint llr Firmly Hxpppta 1o Itrtlrr from Snprcmr. Hench nt F.iul nf Ilia Term. Chief Justice T. L. Norval of Seward was ln Omaha on business yesterday. Judge Norval Is looking well as a result of thc summer rest from his Judicial duties. "No," Bald he, "I have not reconsidered my determination to retlro from tho supreme bench at the end ot my term, all reports to tho contrary, notwithstanding. When I announced last winter that I would not allow my name to be presented, It was done after mature consideration and was final. "Hot! I shoud say. It Is even hotter In Seward than ln Omaha. Our crops are not gono yet, but they hnve suffered porcoptlbly. Tho drouth actually caused tho defeat ot tho bond proposition submitted last week, which certainly would have carried had thoro been no cloud on tho crop prospects," Tho Judge returned home on an after noon train. RAMGE BLOCK TO BE SOLD Conntr Conrt Order Pnhllo Sale nf Property to Satisfy Cred itors of Estntc. The Rsmgo block on tho southeast cornor of Harney and Fifteenth streets, with other real estate belonging to tho Ramgo estate. ls to bo sold to the highest bidder on Oc tober 22. Judg? Vlnsonhaler has entered an ordor for the sale and It will be made by Mrs Ramgo, the executrix ot the estate. Tho property Is to bo sold so that tho creditors ot the estate may be paid off. Tho claims amount to more than 980,000, Including a 110,000 mortgage on tho Ramge block. 3879 Girl's Batfabfj'SuK. .4 to 12 yrv 8ne Street Cnr Compnny. Ada Larson has begun suit In tho district court against the Omnha Street Hallway company for 11,050 damages. She states that on Juno 30, whlla she was alighting I from a car at Fourteenth and Dodgo streets the conductor and motorman started the To ili. j-. This evening nt S:30 the OkoboJI special via the Milwaukee railway leaves tho union depot. City oftlcr, 1501 Farnnm St. SLIGHT IMPROVEMENT NOTED Kelkrnne) .Mother 11 ml Sou, Arc Ho- Iiik Nlerly In tlio Prmby torlnn Hospital. Reports from the Presbyterian hospital are to tho eltect that James Kclkenncy nnd his mother, victims of Sunday night's run away, nro Improving slowly nt least hold ing their own and there Is hope ot re covery. mnn. M'ftAHRY M. W.. aged 52 years, 100 South Twenty-fifth street. Funeral from 8t. Peter's church Sunday 2 p. m. interment lioiy Bcpuicner cemetery Rubber Gloves Just the thing for protecting tho hands while doing houtework. Price Per Palt $1,25: by mall 10c extra. THE 11. J. PENF0LD CO. Medloal and Surgical Supplies 1408 Farnam Street Omaha, bead and spine. Dr. Charles Rosewater Tho moderate use not as apt to be prostrated as. others under like conditions, but they are not by any means Immune. In caso of prostration the first thing thnt should be done ls to got the than anywhere else. Then Ilenson Ilea so Thero ls nothing better than a spongo high that It always has n good brecre, bath In the morning with water right from ill . 1 . 1. . t.. . il IU. t. ..,1..n H Hnn unrtiilil nitf finmn lmma waicn auus to uio couiiiusb in u.e irip. iuo u,uUi. ' - """" of nlrohftll tlmi,lnn , llul or .1. Anv evenlnc the same uconlo can be ocen perspiring from his worK ana jump ngnt , ", riding several times ln the open cars that Into tho bath tub. Little children who arc i' , w l" , ere"" patient In a cool place aud.take care of tho bum tho Country club and Krug's park. well should be sponged oit ircyucntiy wiu ln' " " ,,i irrV,',. ,n PW" stimulation, l uon t Believe in The Mannwn line In patronized by people tcpiu water, as to ... , rTl, , Peking in lco. u is a i.ii.e too severe. who perhaps do not care particularly for the prootiatiou it wouiu do imposmuio io . - " . Cold sponge baths are Deucr. a pnysician lake but enJoy tho swift ride that may be down a"' mnesiuie ruie. i.ucu cubb ru- h. ghou(l be cn led to look alter the heart. -LZlL?& 0am.u its own .P-U" trcatm ent. In one e heat ro. .01 , Is to kcep.he bove s , is one of tho best remedies; and thn lake. easo ,uo .T. '! .i. imM..ii.i. .... ,. :""" t comes in tameu ona snouiu oo as to requiro suuhiiruh, aim m uuiun - - ..-.-v-......, ..v. .v.. .u torC(1 b ft pjjySican. The first essential ulont Into a cool place and or bath, then get a physl- The people who amp out In ho street c tat ' pk rtc of prostration tho liyman should apply lco " Qd tanoP! n. r". l0,;Vh,ch ,s,,n ttr patient in Ice. Tho Orst eesentlal Is to get In cloth, to the head, lay the patient In a l 0 h p ntra.t .to the worried expression of the 1 , , (tcf tthlch horzontal posltlon ona then ttui lmmo. S ye a coo I pack ion and women who take tho cam merely !10. ',, mnl. h' 'ut either dlatolv for a nhrslnlnn. c,nn to take car cars oont men and women who take tho caia merely as a mouns of reaching places ot amuse rnont. Tho street car faco Is a great relief after the bicycle faco. It is a picture of contentment. tho heart action may be regulated cither dlatoly for a physician. by stimulation or cold compresses applied to tho head, as tho case may aemaua. Dr. s. J. Qulnby To prevent heat pros ro of his heart. MISTAKE IN BANK FIGURES By llrnmin of nn ICrrnr In lho Stiitli- tlPn the Voliinip of li'it l Not Properly Itejn rnon toil. An error occurred ln the article pub lished Thureday nttcrnenn showing the coil' dltlon of tho Omaha national banks at the close of business July 15. The trror ro ferrcd to the deposltB Iu the Nebraska Na tlonal bank, which were giveu at $,:U2,055, when It should hnvo Jl,766,040. The discrepancy also found Its way Into the totals, so that the Increase In deposits for all of the Omahu banks over those Dr. W. S. Glbbs Tako plenty of cool water not lco water. The best way Is to nil.. ,KA nil., r,it II In n hnlltA nnrl l)r. M. J. Ford-Well cooked vosetables nolle : stimulants, sleep as much nt night as ncn k h b ,n tb(J ,co che8t Ho ... . . . . nnaulhln 1 wllr .Mrtlu lnnr. riYVa, 1,lln r tratlon don't drink whisky, avoid all nlco- and rlpo fruit should be eaten In abundance posslblo In your meals keep away from during the extremely hot weather. Cereals nro also healthful In hot weather, but fat meat should bo avoided. Lean meat may be eatcu In moderation. Alcoholic drinks arc dnngerous ln this sort of weather. It Is very difficult for nn habitual user of meat, let your diet be vegctublo. Bathe at least once a day and do not over-exercise. In caso of prostration avoid tho use of alco holic stimulants. The chance of many pa tients for recovery have been lost through tho Injudicious administration ot alcohol. liquor to recover from sunstroke. Great The best reraody to use is a heart stlmu care should ha taken In thc treatment of lant and tho best ono Is glonomlne. Thoro perions who bavo been overcome ty tue nre two forma of heat prostration. Ono loug as you can keep perspiring you will not bo overcome by the heat. Don't eat too hetvlly. Watermelon, cucumbers and other green stuff ls not Injurious it It la fresh, but bo particular to see that it 13 fresh. Of course you must eat everything with moderation. Keep in tho shade during tho bottiEt part ot tho day and do as little work as possible. Sit up late at night and suits for young girls require to be ample M01D3II HallOS and to allow perfect freedom before an y08 We bnv0 B0,d th f and" most frbiranrV.ueTnd garter of century. Tho Kln.baU dark red with white trimmings are the company arc ranking more plnnos today colors preferred, but sergo nnd flannel are tlmn over before 63 plnnos n day looks correct nnd white suits are worn. The like an enormous output, but that's the model given ls up-to-dato In overy partlcu- Kimball compnny's record this year ho lar. is stylish and at the same time abso- (ap Mor() th(jn doube th c ,u lately comfortable. As shown, It Is made .... of dull blue mohair, with collar and bands any piano factory In the world. Why of whlto ln tho samo material and narrow does tuo Kimball piano sell bo easily? black braid, but duck trimming can be Simply because they aro always right, used with equally good results. Never dlsnppolut. That's why the Tho blouse and bloomers are made In ono n.ftrli'B ivtittt miialnlnnn nan nnd on. and close at the center front the skirt tf , K,lnbnU pftn0i whe th being entirely separate and buttoned ln the back! Tho bloomers aro loose and drawn are not cheap to buy, they nre the up below the knees by means of elastics In- cheapest in the enu. sertcd in the hems. The sleeves are short puffs and thc big sailor collar Is Joined to tho neck of the blouse. The shield ls stitched to the right side ot the blouse, be neath thc collar, and buttoned Into place ou the left side To cut this suit for a girl S years ot age 4 yards ot material 27 Inches wide, or 3U yards U inches wide, will be required. Thc pattern 3S70 Is cut In sizes for girls 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 years of agb. A. HOSPE, Music and Art. 1513-1515 Douglas. When You Go Away- Tor tho accopiraodatlon of Tho Deo's readers these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to CO cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get any pattern en- Just notice tho little boys you run across on your trip. Notice Uio shoes they have on. Just see If they are as good looking nnd as long wearing ns the kind Urex L. Shooman sells for one tlfty close 10 cents, give number and namo of wo don't believe you can go anywhero about ten days from date of your letter anA ,ln(l a Bho that cfl"l" It for the h a ThV;0 Ua gmu 4lit.rV. bctwn else Vqu the p teat Ion ".V c d wa slof ,ln the morning, goring men heat exhaustion and sunstroke. In sun- tne olt?er th8 ,ppSn hot water. If ' h., B bSor a Htle of it If no stroke the face becomes flushed the temper- ,he patient Is too hot he should bo taken "" lrln'C,mUlh. 'Z7l ' .,.lt,!L",., bttoro beginning to look for Iho pattern. Address, Pattern Department. Omaha Dee. aturo runs far above normal, tho heart action is rapid. Few pcovlo recover from sunstroke. Persons thus stricken should have lco baths and should have lco packs put on the head. Caro must he taken, Into tho fresh air nnd cold water liberally applied. too cold, will not hurt you. Tako a bath every morning. Those who are overcome by the heat should take a llttla whisky and He down In a cool place. shown nt tho time of the previous state- j,0wevor. not to forco tho patient's tern mem, April n appearcn ns ji,iz;i,ims, wnen peraturo below 102. It should havo read J2.163.050, Tha total forcing the temperature below normal heat. u not h,Kh temperatures which cause alI . Heat exhaustion demands a very different hm Prostrations, but combinations of high hn, ' ' 1 treatment. It is frequently taken fnr sun- temperatures and relative humidity. There- du, Dr. It. M. Stone Tho first lesson to bo stroke, but U much less serious. Patients turn cold when they aro exhausted. Tne faco becomes white and the heart action Is rapid but feeble. COMPANY'S KXTIIACT or Bir Is md by IM MEMO COM PANT, the plonws In th. manu- isctnre of concentrited neat herertgei. Under too tcUntlflo tcntrol of the great ch.tnlst, Jnitus too Lliblg snd hi. .acc.i.on, It retched lonx ago a point of exc.'l.nce which liMnfver bet n spprosched oy any other brand. Krrry pnand nf theCompaay's Inimtnio product la kept up to t hi highest .tandatd and bouieke.pen wbo vsloe purity lu food pro docts should Insist on csttlai the genulu. with . this SlaassUM I w r. ' TnUe Care of the Stonmch. Dr. J. P. Lord Above all Do .Not Worry, Dr. E. E. Woraersley Alcohol certnlnly There Is danger of makes one more susceptible to the heat. eamcd comes from the fact that nearly prostrations In this nnd other cities have been among two clasaes. those who In dulge to excets in alcoholic liquors, es pecially beer, and those who are aged and debilitated. Avoid alcoholic liquors ot all ) klnd should bo the first rule during tho heated term. Oeneral moderation ln 'food, In drink and In exposure is also of great Importance. For real cases of sunstroke, where the thermometer show: a very high temperature and the faco becomes red and congested, nothing Is equal to wrapping the . body in rubber cloth and flooding It with cool water and packing Ice to the head. hor those who do not nave a very high 1 keep tha fore, wo can stand more hot weather In this part of the country than In many others. Fretting Is one of the principal causes of heat prostration. Tho person who Is continually complaining about the weather ls far more liable to surfer than the one who accepts the Inevitable nnd S7 makes the best of It. To Dlace ono In a stomach In good order by proper diet, which position of least liability to prostration It means light farinaceous food, with utile or ts necessary to avoid all Indulgence In alco- no meat. Eggs aro all right, and so U hotlc liquor; avoid too much cold drink; do milk If It ls germ proof. The great trouble not drink when overheated. uilth animal fnnri U thqt It Is SO likely 10 h. nnin,lnt,.,i. U Is lmost lmnoBslble Dr. A n. gomors Tha liability to heat temperature, but are profoundly prostrated I to get it from Its source to the consumer prostration depends upon how a person and are very pate In the face, tho recumbent without contamination. Ordinarily peoplo liven. The persons who surfer most arc wumuuh, uem appucu iu uio eiremuipB aro better off without stimulating drinks thoso who use alcohol. The best preven- nd heart tonics administered by the needle than wllh them. In moderation they are not tlvs Is close attention to food, drink and 'n the arm Is the best treating. has imitators some dealers will substitute if you don't watch out. Be sure you get Coke, the original guaranteed cure (or Dandruff, falling hair, scalp exema, etc. A dash on tne hair after bathing pre vents colds. Awarded medals and all honors at Paris Expo sition over all competitors. Sold everywhere. Hook about It Ire. "Cox Pundrur! Our. I. unlTrsily us.dbr romtKr. of Conrf.. "John w. Kran. Fnremanof nrnelal barber., Uou. ot lMpreunLtiTM. " A. R. BREMER CO., CHICAGO. Coke Shampoo & Toilet Soap cleans the hair and scalp, clears the complexion. Great for the bath. For at Ilostun Stoi Drug OmpU same money We've these $1.50 shoes In nil sizes for all boys Just so they arc boys and we put our reputation bnck of every pair. Drexel ShoeCo., Cntnlofiue Sent Pre for the Asking. Omaha'a Up-to-date Shoe House, 1418 FARNAM STREET. Orange Ice- Crushed strawberries ln Ice cream soda are only two ot the many delicious drinks served nt our fountain The location of our store lu thn center of the shopping dis trict makes It very convenient for ladles to come In and enjoy n delicious drink They not only drink, but enjoy a dish of pure and wholesome Ice cream and many taks borne with them one ot those little barrels I There aro three fine flavors and enough for eight people ln one of our barrels and the I cost Is but 10c. W. S. Boldufl, 1620 FaruKM 9U v J