RULE WORKS BOTH WAYS GoTinimiit Iocrtani m WU ti Diom&iis Tix 01 Public COLLECTOR STEPHENSON RECEIVES NOTICE CoMimiinlcntloa lit 'Which Mcvrrnl In teresting rcnOirr of .ctv Ilev ciuie I.uiv Are S?t Forth Stntu of llcKiilntloun. Klmcr V, Stcphcnsoa, collector of tho Internal revenue, has received a com munication from tho commissioner of Inter nal revenue, showing that the amendments to tbo war rovcuuo law, which went Into effect July 1, not only reduced tnxes gen erally, but placed taxes upon certain In struments which under the original law wero exempt. Tliu communication Is In the form of a decision rendered upon tho application of another collector for n con struction upon a part of tho amendment which omits the provisions In regard to exempting from taxation certain bonds ro qulrod by courts In several forms of pro ceeding. Waiving the formal Introduction, referring to tho communication from the collector, tho decision says: This ofilco has ruled that bonds of ad ministrators and executor which vera formerly held to ho exempt ns bond is sued In legal proceedings reuulro to bo stamped on nnd after July 1, 1991, In con sequence of the omission of the exemption heretofore accorded to sueh bonds, 'lho bonds of guardians and receivers or trus tees nppolntcd by tho court would nlso b? llublo to taxation on and after July 1 for tho same reason. Other bonds such as prosecution bonds, Injunction bonds, stay bonds, nppcal bonds, bonds In writs of error, cost bonds and delivery bonds nre not Included In tho paragraph as amended and would not, therefore, bu taxable. Tho amount of tho tax required on tho bonds mentioned above as subject to tax Is 60 cents each. mils f i.miiiiK. Another Important decision of this week refers to stamps on bills of lulling. The commissioner holds that whllo congress ex empted tbo stamps from express receipts, It did so only ns affects companies regu larly engaged In tho express business and other companies not so regularly engaged, but which carry on an express business as a sldo lino whllo deriving their principal rcv onuo from other sources, must pay tho tax on all consignments. Tho opinion was given upon the request of a railroad com pany which for sonio ttmo has made a prac tice of running milk trains In tho cast. For a few years tho milk was handled by nn express company, but recently the company has taken tho management of the trains into Us own hands. It does not issue re ceipts or bills of lading for tho cans, but collects and delivers them similar to tho express companies. It Is held that upon each shipment a tax of 1 cent Is due, whllo express companies In the came business are not required to stamp their receipts. llrMvT Art: lii(crcNt?it. Of Interest to tho browors Is tho next decision. Tho amendment to tho revenue law required nil brewers to cancel tho stamps on beer kegs nnd other receptacles lu which It Is sold, with a stamp which will produce perforations, and these perfora tions must bo In tho form of letters giving tho name or initials of tho. brewer or firm cancelling tho stamps. This provision of tho law was to havo gone Into effect Au gust 1, but on account of tho dllllculty ex perienced by brewers In securing tho requis ite stamps, tho time has been extended to Septomher 1. Thoro Is n decision on tho subject of sight drafts of considerable Importance Tho commissioner holds that where n sight draft othcrwiso regular Instructs tho bank or broker to hold tho Instrument until tho goods for tho payment of which tho draft is drawn arrlvo nnd can be Inspected by tho psyeo tho drnft becomes subject to tax, and whero Instructions nro given to hold the draft until paid at the convenience ot tho payee It also becomes taxable, as It raises conditions under which tho draft may not bo a sight draft. , 1-AKK OKOIIOJI AM) ItliTUHN $3.00. Via the .Milwaukee Ity. Leaving tho union depot, Omaha, at 8:30 p. m. next Saturday night tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railway will run a spe cial train of coaches and Bleeping cars to Lnko Okobojl and return. Tho train will nrrlve at Arnold's park on Lako Okobojl at 0:00 o'clock Sunday morning and returning tho train will leave Arnold's park at 8:00 p. in. Sunday and arrivo In Omaha at 6:00 a. m. Monday. r Tho round trip rail rato Is $3.00; tho sleeper rato Is $1.50 for a double borth each way. Qlty ticket offices 1504 Farnara street, Omaha, nnd 520 Broadway, Council muffs. F. A. NASH, Ocnoral Western Agent. DISTRICT COURT ADJOURNS Judge Kutclle AVIII Itrmnlu nn Duty Uurlnit Hi? Mummer Vaca tion Mouths. Ycstorday wns tho last day of the May terra ot tho district court and tho Judges In tho city spent It In clearing up tholr dock ots for tho summer vacation. Judges Es tollo, Slnbaugh and Keysor were on tho bench, but no Important cases were heard. Judges Koysor and Slabaugh will Join tho out-of-town contingent within a few days, but Judgo Estolle will remain in tho city during the summer to glvo attention to any emergoncy cases which may be brought Into court. Balloon ascension and cloud leap. Manawa, at 7:30 p. m. NO RECEIVER FOR TONTINE Court Holds (hnt Murrny Him .M In. tcrrNt In Itmrrve I'u nil nt l'rrsciit. Judgo Estollo has denied tho application of fierce II. Murray for tho appointment of a receiver for the resorvo fund of tho Toutlno Beneficial association. Tho court holds that Murray has no interest in tho reserve fund and will havo nono until his contract with tho association matures. Tho contract provides that only matured con tracts which have not been paid out of tho redemption fund nro to bo paid from tho reserve fuud. Itcunlnn Army of I'lilllpiiliiPH nt Knit I.aUc City. Soldiers who fought In tho Philippines nro going from many states to attend this year's reunion at Salt Lako City August 13. Hound trip rato from Omaha, via the Turlington Houto, August 1 to 10, $30. Other days in July and August, $32. Re tum limit In each case, Octobor 31, Through Standard sleeper for Salt Lake leaves Durllngton station, Omaha, nt 4:25 p. m. dally, Tickets. 1502 Karnara street. llnse ball, 4 p. m,, Manawa, FUli Corporation In Ximt Jersey. TRENTON, N. J., July 20,-The Pacific racking anil Navigation company (tho sal mon combine), to deal In wilnion nnd other tlsh, was Incorporated hero this afternoon. The authorized capital 1st $25,000,000. divided Into i;,&X,O00 7 per cent preferred stock r.nd $12,500,000 common stock. Tho Incor porators are: Thomas 11, McQlvorn. Nhw York; Edwrn C. Kemp, Tuxedo, N. V.: Oeorgn 13. llanford, Bust Orange, N. J, iiosto.v stoiu: ciiUAinxa sale, livery OfTerltiK n I'lienomennl Ilnrnnln -Xcvcr Were (ionilN So Ncnrly (liven Avriiy, Our cntlro stock ot summer prints, lull pieces, not remnants, go nt 14c yard. 10,000 yards of India llnon go at 3 ',4c yard Colored dotted Swiss, mercerized foulard, sateen, etc., worth 23c, go nt Co yard. Flno 23c dimities, lawns, etc., Cc yard. 36-lnch percales, regular prlco 25c, at 8c. 32-Inch lino ginghams, regular 25c goods, at 8!4c COc all wool challls, 15c yard. 25C LACES, 2V4C. A New York Importer's sample pieces and odd lots ot plain and fancy laces nnd In sertions, Including Valenciennes, Torchon, poln d'csprlt, Orientals hundreds of styles, worth up to 25c, at 2Uc ynrd. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. J. L. Drandels & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, Pcet & Co.'s Men's Clothing, LAKE 0K0B0JI EXCURSIONS .MIIm mihco llnltronil IiimiKiirnteM Se rli-N of Trips to Popular llesort. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee- & St. Paul yes tcrday announced an cxtcnslvo system of excursions to Lako Okobojl, to be Inaugu rated last night and continued through Sep tember. This Is to bo called tho week-end rato nnd will bo good on each Saturday night from Omaha to Arnold park, nt the lako, returning by Monday morning. Tho round trip faro Is $6.50. Then on next Saturday nnd Sunday, July 27 and 28, thcro Is to bo a great special excursion. Tho round trip will cost but $3 nnd tho excursion will leavo Omaha at 8:30 Saturday night. It leaves Arnold park nt 8 o'clock Sunday night, getting back to Omaha early tho next morning. del n Dny Awuy from the Ileal. Tnko ndvantago of tho low rato excursion to Lako Okobojl via tho Milwaukee. Rail way next Saturday and spend a cool Sunday at this delightful resort. City ticket ofilco 1501 Farnam streot. Free CookliiR I,esnons Iiy Jtnll. Tho N. K. Falrbank company ot Chicago havo announced n now feature, in their plans of advertising, In giving away cook ing lessons. The N. K. Falrbank company, 271 Dear born street, Chicago, will send to any reader of Tho Ueo a complcto course of cooking lessons prepared by Mrs. Kmma P. Ewlng upon request and tho enclosure of tho nominal sum of 50 cents, which will bring with tho lessons a coupon which can bo redeemed for one year's subscription to "Harper's Bazar," tho regular prlco of which is $1. Mrs. Ewlng will answer, In a department especially devoted to that purpose, questions from students ot the Cooking School. Tho lessons which she has prepared cover tho cntlro range of sensible, practical cookery and aro very Interesting and valuable, not only to those who want to learn to cook, but ulso to those who havo already hart experience Publishers of Tho Boo know tho N. K. Falrbank company as n large and responsi ble Institution, having been heavy adver tisers for a great many years, and readers can rest assured that tholr offer Is bona fide and worthy of their attention. Re-No-May powder for excessive per spiration. At druggists and glovo .dealers. 10,000 Sample Brushes on sale tomorrow in drug de partment at Every kind and style of BRUSH you can think of, Bath Brushes Hair Brushes Tooth Brushes Flesh Brushes 10,000 of them, some cost as high as three dollars each, go at one fourth value. 8,000 Tooth Brushes, cost up to 50c a piece- go at 9c and 15c each 1,000 fine samplo Ilulr Brushes, cost as high as threo (lollurs apiece, go nt 19c, aOc, 09c nnd OSo each. 1,000 Bath Brushes and Flush Brushes, ost up to u dollar apiece, eo at lllo, -9o nnd IWo each. All prescriptions formerly filled nt Kin sler Drug Co., Economical Drug Co., Now Economical Drug Co., Waldron and Camp bell and Morrltt Graham Drug Co., can now bo filled only nt Boston Store Drug Dept. 9c THE OMAHA ACCEPTS THE COMPROMISE Cotutj Bfd VU to Stttli for riftj Ctntt on DtlUr. CLAIM AGAINST GERMAN SAVINGS BANK Settlement itelcnsc Wllllnm Kru from l.lnlilllty on lloml Given to .xeenrr County Deposits In Defunct Institution. Tho county commissioners voted imnni. tnously yesterday to accent th enmnmmUn proposed by tho stockholders of tho German oavings naiiK. Ttie proposition Is to pay tho county $13,218.30, which Is 50 per cent of the balance duo on Its nlnlm. in full ..t. tlomcnt nnd In consideration of tho release or vtiiiinm Krug from his liability on the bond given to secure tho county's deposit In tho bank. Tho resolution accepting tho compromise, which was printed In The Bee last Wednes day, wns adontcd by tho after n provision that tho county should Buaro in any runner illstrlbutlon by tho re ccivcr wns added to IL Tho unpaid claims against the Qerman savings oanK amount to nbout $203,000, and tho stockholders havo offered n nv in m, sum of $105,000 In consideration of being released from further liability. ThlB will mako posslblo a settlement of the claims nt CO cents on tho dollar. Tho district court has entered an, order authorising tho receiver to accept tho $105,000 from tho stockholders and release them from further liability and to cllmrlhutn Mm nrM,i. ntnong tho creditors. Ono hundred and miny oi tno creditors havo filed a motion in court to vncato this nrflpr. lint fhn mnllnn cannot be heard nnd acted upon until tho ucioDcr term. Meanwhile tho order . re mains In forco and will probably bo com piled With, leaving thn 130 nrntnqtlncr oi-n',t. Itors to reject 60 per cent In payment of meir claims ir they so deslro. Mllrtnukcc nnd Itctiirn If 10. 75 Vln Milwaukee Hy. Tickets on sale Julv 50. 31 nmi 95 w tremo return limit. August 10. mtv HMn oiuco iovi i-nrnnm street. F. A. Nash. a. w. A. Chen per Thnn Staying nt Home. The low rato of $3.00 offered hv thn Mil. waukeo railway for tho trln frnm Dmntia tn Lako Okobojl and return makes It cheaper 10 go man to stay at home. Excellent boating and fishing nnd tho content nnd preiucst resort in tho west. City office 1604 Farnam street. Dnlbcy's great band concert, Manawa. Miifrnrn Knll. Tho Tan-American Special, a magnificent new train of tha Mlchlcnn pntroi ti,. Niagara Falls Route," leaves Chicago dally o.uu p. m., serving dinner, arriving Buffalo 7:45 next mornlnc. via Nlnirarn u-nii. Send 4 cents postage for Illustrated Pan- American souvenir. O. W. Buggies, Gcn'l Pass'r and Tkt. Agt., Chicago. Out-of-town Orders order business for many out of town cus-tpmcrs-and make special prices In quan tity lots on nnv nrtlela In n. J'.,V.r riesllbor d mako up a trial order"- " i'iiwh una seo now mucn wo can save you. No charge for boxiiiL- or ei.rt. -j uui own expressman. 1 doz. 2-ernln Oulnlnn mnninu 1 doz. 3-graln Qulnlno capsules ic i. ;!?z. B-raln Qulnlno capsules 15c $1.00 J'eruna ii-Yx Crumcr's Kidney nnd Liver Curo. 75c $1.00 Tcmptntlon Tonic 75c $1.00 Ucef, Iron nnd Wlno (Wyeth's).. 75o vioiuiif. IbVllUlllUI. 3oo BlncKberry Balsam (for summor complaint) ; 23c 25c Carter's Little Livor Pills 15C 2Sc Laxative Bromo-Qutnlne isc $1.00 West's Brain and Norvo Treat ment it,, $1.00 Ilu-Can Hair Tnnle rk 60c Gem Catarrh Powder (all you want) S0c 2oc Hlro s Hoot Beer (genuine) 18C :;iToth I'Paratlons. 'any kind ioc $2.00 Tansy. Cotton Hoot and Tcnny- ruyui l-llis , l on Itubber Goods, all kinds, lowest nrlces. SCHAEFER'S 5ft Tel. 747. H. XV. Cor. 10th and Chicago. Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. SHOE OCCASION EXTRAORDINARY A SHOE opportunity rare in'h. -.i nosslblo HErtK ONLY oil sunn - . u 1 1, .. 1 1 kiHyjcj soiling Intensifying the Interest with tho 1 1 1 . . . .... uuumuii ui niuny coieoraica lines, at prices for such shoes that will mako THIS GREAT CLEARING tho talk of shoe buyers evcry- wncre. MONDAY MEN'S SHOES mrrwl ttD ii-i. oiiua 3.98 me lasnionaDio Kind clearing of Hanan's ALL ONE PRICE , MONDAY Ladles' shoes nnd oxfords, in fords, In- cluding every .Dish crado shnn 98c all the swell styles $4.38, $3.60, $2.69, $1.75 and MONDAY Men's shoes ncarlv nil lie. ill sizes, vlcl kid also oxfords, patent leathers, vlrl kid and box calf somo sold up 1.98 to $5.00 Monday's prlco $2.38 and MONDAY Boys', misses' nnd children's shoeB, Including tho ontlro stock $1.08, $1.50, $1.18 and down to 69c. Coolest store In town ladles' rccentlon room free to all comers. - 1 TTTTTrrrrr v 1515 Douglns St. 'Phono 1910. nnutMARK RejUtered A. Mayer Co., 310 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. Phone 171 Re-No-May Powder Not only relieves, but positively curti til disorders of the fet, stops odorous perspi ration, cures teader, swollen and painful Int. Pvlct 50 Cents. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealer Cousultatlon Free from 2 to i When ordering by mall add C cioti tor postal. He-Mo-May Skin Food for facial massage. Re-No-May Cream eolltAe M4 KklVeM Hv bMd aad face. Q DAILY JHSE: SUNDAY, ni.(JM.( n.XI'ANSIO.S. Rrcrythlnn: Lnrwor, (irnmler ntul Slurp IiKtlrliiK Thnn Kvr-r. Tho keystono of Rlngllng Bros, big clr cus, which exhibits In Omaha again Frl day, August 9, seems to bo "expansion," for this year's offering Is, according to all accounts,, larger and more comprehensive than over before. It Is evident, however, that quality has not been sacrificed to magnitude, for tho general opinion of thoso who havo seen tho exhibition this senson Is that tho performance surpasses any thing In the arcnlc line ever before pre scntcd to tho American public. A Chicago newspaper writer, speaking of tho growth or tne snow, as well ns of tho unusually nigh character of tho performance, says "Thcro aro more riders, more ncrobats moro clowns and more clever specialists of every description than ever before, nnd tho threo rings, double stages, ncrlal spaces and hugo fourth-mile racing track nre fairly allvo with diverting performances of a character never before seen with an arcnlc exhibition. Tho world has never seen anything to comparo with Rlngllng Bros", wonderful twenty-elephant act, tho Lockhart elephant comedians, or O'Brien's stxty-one-horso act. Any ono of theso great trained animal features would be sufficient to confer distinction upon a show Tho most daring mtd-alr performers, the most graceful of lady and gentlemen riders Including Amelia Fceloy, tho greatest cqucstrlenno tho world hns ever produced and Mme. Noble, the most finished of nil menngo riders; and the most astonishingly expert ncrobats and gymnasts. An Inno vatlon Introduced by this great show this year Is nn entirely new system of provid ing for tho comfort of patrons. The num ber of ticket olllccs havo been Increased several now entrances havo been added, In order to handlo tho crowds more expe ditiously, and dressing nnd toilet rooms with polite attendants and lavatories, have been provided. A superb menngcrlo nnd a most exciting reproduction of tho cx hllnratlng sports and racing contests ot Imperial Rome aro Important Incidents or thot great show." .It may bo added as nn tntercsttngfnct that an entirely now street parado Is promised and that many of tho processional features Introduced this sea son aro entirely original with this show. Cnnt of Tlinuka. Mr. J. Qulnn and sister, Nellie, wish to extend tholr heartfelt thanks to the mem bers of Holllster Hive. No. 21, L. O. T.M., and to tho members of Omaha Tent, No, 75, K. O. T. M., nnd nlso tho kind friends and neighbors for their kindness toward them In their sad bereavement lu tho death of beloved wlfo land sister. Stearns paints, the paints that hold. Standard Glass and Paint Co., 1419 Dodge, Dr. Langfcld; ofilco, 201-203 McCaguo bldg Havo Root print It. PERFECTION Shoes for Comfort, Economy and Style It is hard to find theso threo qual ities in the samo shoe. It's easy to find nny ono ot them; harder to find two of them, and very hard to find all threo in tho samo shoe. But It's possible. Thero are a few factories that mako such goods, and about ono dealer In each city who sells them. These manufacturers and dealers aro men who believe tn a system ot bmall profits and great values to build up u largobualness. That Is our belief, and we sell that kind ot goods. They aro not nil high priced goods; they como In all grades, from $1.50 to 5.00 and $6.00, for both men and women, and each grade Is tho best thero Is mado ot Its kind and prlco, and wo Invite your Inspection. FRY SHOE CO FOItMEItLY Earnvrigbt N. E. Cor. J6th and Douglas SI.00 Per Gallon For tho very best mixed paint on tho mar ket. Sells all over town for $1.50 a gallon. Wo want to close out about 150 Gallons Patton Sun Proof Paint and will soil It at less than cost. Call for samplo card at FULLER 3 CO., I'lth and DuiikIii Sit, Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DoukIuh St. Young, old or mlddlo aged can take vitalized air for painless extracting. Good Set Teeth $5.00 killings 75c up. JULY 21, 1901. M TCUH9IO. IIATF-S. Vln ihr MllirnnWfc tlnllrrny. July 23, 24 and 25, Omaha to Chicago and return, $U.Tfi. July SO, 21 and 22, Milwaukee and return. 116.75. , Low rates to summer resorts. City tlckel.omce. 1601 Farnam st. Tel, 2S. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., io Tho Bee. Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 23S. Dr. Lord has returned. Office, Paxton block; hours, 2 to 4. Telephone, 33. Clicnp Summer liicumtunit Vln till, mils Crutrnl It. It, St. Paul and return, July 10-31 $12.(15 Minneapolis and return, July 10-31.. 12.65 Duluth nnd return, July 10-31 16.95 Chlciigo and return, July 23-25 14.75 Louisville and return, August 24-26., 21.50 Buffalo nnd return, every day 25.76 Circuit tours via Great Lakes to But falo and Intermediate points. Staterooms reserved tn advance. Call at City Ticket Onico, 1402 Farnam St., for particulars', or address W. H. Brill, D. P. A.. I. C. R. R., Omaha Neb. A good complexion means a healthy skin, nnd n healthy skin a fresh complexion. Nothing like t,ho Renstrom bath treatment. Rooms 210-220 Beo building. Telcphono 1716. Ladles only. Lnue OUohoJl. Tho Ideal summer resort. Quickly nnd easily reached from Omaha via the Milwau kee railway, tho only through line. City office, 1604 Farnam street. For policies that arc sight drafts at maturity npply to H. D. Neely, manager Kqultnblo Life. 206-208 Deo building. Clii-np .orlh llnkiiln Hxi'iirnlon. On July 22 the Illinois Central railroad will sell tlckots to all points In North Da kota on tho "Soo" lino at rato of $22.65 for tho round trip from Omaha. Particulars nt city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street. Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly Dec. Tclephono 238. Drug Slaughter Still Continues Bring money nnd wo will show the goods and tho prices. CRAMUR'S K1DN15Y CURB (This Is a favorlto remedy with all. estH Nervo nnd Urnlu Treatment .. Undo Sum s Tobacco Curo 50c Hinds' Honey nnd Almond' Cream for you 75c 1 17c 4fc 39c 25o t-C 14c 4!c 60c Pozzonl's Powder for 2oc Thompson's Cherry Phosplmto for 25c Tctlow'B Swan Down for $1.00 Burnhnin's Sarsapnrllla for 2bc Stuart's Arnica Salvo for 25c Carbolic Salvo for 1.00 Warner's Log Cabin Sarsapurllla.. 19c 1C .I9c Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go. New location. Cnr. IrHi nrM Opp. (South) Now Postofllce, Omaha, Neb. How Does Your Grass 8nnd the hot tveathert If you tine GOOI1KIOII HOSE nml plenty of wnter you can save It. Yon know the Good rich lirnnri. Vhlrlpool, Cascade, Artesian. Triton and you know our prices on Qoodrlch Hoso aro rlsht. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 Dodge Street. i What to Take on Hot Days One teaspoonfut of Shradcr's Fie Pnwrinr In glass of water before retlrlnir. This will prevent sunstrokes and rniinvn you of tho poison that causes pain In tho stomach colic, cholera morbus, cramp COllc, bllloUS COllC. milliter's pollf. mimmnr complaint, cholera, dyscntary, diarrhoea, oioouy iiux, enronic umrrnoea, cholera In fantum and bowel qomplalnt In all Its forms. You would not havo nnv nt h.. above complaints If It was not from some form of poison extracted from what you hnvo eaten or drank. Thq only sure curo Is to drlvo It out of tho stomach nnd towels. For salo by all druggists at 23c. .uaiiuiacuired by W. J, Shrader Medicine Go., Now York Room 10, No. 30 East 14th St. or 1C02 No. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. This is the Age of Specialists. We are Specialists in Cameras This Is our sole line (photo sup plies). Wo nro therefore best able to advise you Just what you want. Consult us frec. We havo a beauti ful lino of cameras made specially for us by tho Rochester Optical Co, with all lato Improvements, 4x5 Telephoto Special, list. $14.00, reduced to $11.90, 5x7 Tulephoto Special, list $18.00, reduced to $15.30. All other good makes of KODAKS AND CAMERAS. Developing and Finishing by flrst class workmen. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Faruain Str j it. Exclusive dealers In Photo Sup plies, 1 Mm UN TUB NOHTIIWKSTKHX JLIND. Chenp nieanlnni, $16.76, Milwaukee and return, July 20, 21 and 22. Chicago and return, $14.75, July 23, 24, 2S. Very low rates to the Buffalo exposition. City ticket ofilco, 1401-1403 Farnam streat WANTUD A star tea, cigar nnd spice salesman, with an established trado In theso goods In Nebraska. Large salnry to the right mon. II. C. FISHER, Chicago. Additional ArcnmtnoflMlnna. On account of the very low rates toad's te Colorado, 'points THE UNION PACIFIC has placed In service another through Pull man alcepcr on train No. 3 for Denver, leaving Omaha at 4:25 p. m. dally, and con tinuing until September 10. This scrvlco affords pnftsengcrs the very best accommodations with the greatest pos sible comfort. Reservations should bo made as far In ad vanco as possible. New city ticket office, 1324 Farnara street Tel. 31. To keep cool, keep well. Renstrom bath treatments for ladles only. T.he Bathcry, 216-220 B'O building. Telephone 1716. Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgery.Brown blk EJ AnE!l? Semi-Annual Cltaring HAY I IrNt Sale on Mtn's and lift I UkllO Boys' Clothing. FOKMEH PMCES CUT IN TWO. The prices wc quote are on such high grade makes ns tliO II. s. & M., the Huekett-Cnrhnrt & Co. and the Stein-Bloeh Co.'a clothing. These are absolutely the best makes in America and you can now buy these suits at less than half their actual value. Men's !?;.r0 line black clay worsted trousers, all sizes HO to 11 waists sale I Cf price " . v' lilIU Men's 94.00 and 5.00 very flue odd suit trous ers, all sizes, 30 to 40 waists Q Cfl sale price fc.wll Men's $10.00 outing coo.ts and for Men's $7.30 outing coats and for .... ..V Boys' 1.50 fine washable blouse suits, on sale for Men's $ 7.50 iinest tailor the famous Max B. Brummer's make, on sale at Youths' $7.50 long pants suits, for Youths' $10.00 long pants sui,ts Men's .?7.50 all wool cassimere suits, now on sale at 3 i75 Men's 910.00 cheviot suits at 5,00 Men's 912.50 and 915.00 line suits at 7)59 For this week we give choice of all our finest lightweight and iignt colored men's suits that for 918.00 to 922.50, at . , Pants in the Bargain Room. G00 pairs boys' and youths' long pants, 22 nnd up to Cfl A 31 waist, worth 91.50 and 92.00, on sale at vUC BEAD AD ON PAGE 11. Mil UCHS stock of Suits, Waists, Skirts, Wrappers 6c Jack ets thrown on the market at 33Jc on the dollar. They must be sold during this JULY CLEARING SALE to make room for fall goods. Not 91.00 worth will bu carried over. Creating a tremendous business right in the hot test season. The bargains we nre offering were never equalled by any house west of New York. Women's percale, lawn anil dimity Wrappers, 16-lnrti llounce, trimmed with lace, $1.25 quality for C9c. HEAD AD ON PAGE 11. Great Semi-A initial Clearing'Sale on Shoes. All summer' olioes must 'be cleaned out. .N'ot a pair. ' carried over. Tho Haydcn way Is tho:qulckcst way "Letting down tl) P.r!'" A .few specials for Monday. (Seo 10th street window.) Ladles' patent .strap slippers, the $1.50 quality clearing sao price, 9Sc. Laillos' oxford ties, well mode, stylish and comfortable, tho regular $2.00 quality' In this clearing salo for only $1.23. Ladles' stylish "I'rlncess," the most fashionable for summer wear, worth $2.50, ciouring Bale price only i.;s'j. i clearing saio prlco only $1.9C. Ladles' beht $3.00 fine vlcl kid laco shoes,' iliiyduu Dros. sell tho Sietson shoo fop tho very newest lasts, thoroughly well '.men, tho Drooks Ilro's nnd Ultra for wo made, perfect fitting, handromc In appear- men and the Mcrrlam shoes for children. HEAD AD ON PAGE 11. HAYDEN BROS. It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE Is Now Being Made From Fine f . R. RICE M. O. CO., Manufacturers. St. Louis. UNION MAD9; L.AKI3 OKOBOJI. M On ih nllwy. For a short or a long vacation the beau tiful lake offers tho most economical ye delightful outln-r that Is available fof Omaha people. Quickly and easily reached from Oman via the Milwaukee railway, altltudo almost 2,000 feot, air always cool and Invigorating. A beautiful, clear, deep lako with hlgU shores picturesquely tlmborod with hard wood trees. Excellent fishing, boatlna; and. bathing. Moderato-prlced but good hotela. This Is a list of advantages not to bo equaled Full Information cheerfully furnished at the Milwaukee railway city office, 160i Far nam etreet. F. A. NABH. O. W. A. Hamilton Wnrrn. M. D.. eclCCtlo and magnetic physician, offlco at tho Central hotel, Cor. 16th and Dodgo street, till ft suitable location can bo found. Special at tentlon to all long standing or lingering diseases and to diseases ot women and children. ciiATAi'UA nxcimsioFi, 14 For the Hound Trip from Chicago, via Lako Bhoro & Mlohlgsn Southern Ry., on July 26. Send 2-cent stamp for Chautauqua Book and time table, M. S. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago. F. M, Byron, 0. W. A., Chicago. pants, pants, - made pants MAGNET BRAND MC.UIAOLC COYS CLOTHING for K.00 are worth and sold 1000 5.00 75c til I J i Women's 50c Wash Waists at 7V4c Women's $25.00 Tallor-mado Suits as shown In our windows for $8.8. Women's Rainy-day Skirts ns shown In our windows, worth $5.00, for $1.08. i Women's Silk Skirts, mado of excellent quality taffeta; perfect In fit, hang and style, worth $15.00, for $0.98. ' Women's Silk Waists, mado of elegant quality corded taf fetas, for $5.00. 2." fine Imported Suits that have sold up to $75.00 wo will closo out tomorrow for $18.00. . 75 Samplo Waists, worth up to $10.00; Saturday for $2.08. Women's Taffeta Eton Jackets, worth up to $15.00, on'sala for $1.50. Women's Silk Capes, 33 Inches long, extra wide, $12.50, for $7.50. Women's Serge Skirts, perfect fit and hang, $7.50 quality, for $3.75. 75 flno .Imported Cheviot and Broadcloth Skirts; elegant materials; styles up-lo-dato; worth up to $12.00; must bo sold; on sale' at $8.!S. Womcn'n $12.00 Walking Skirts for $6.98. , Women's Wrappers In Percales, blue, black and red figures. $1.50 quality for only, 8c. Women's l'rr'cala Wrappers, worth $1.00, for 35c. nlcpi n" K 'n this clearing salo at only MoiVb shoes from tho boHt makers, la vlnl Is l.l r...l 1 teed to wear, never sold for less than $3.00, WORK to Make a Oood lOo CIGAR Cuban Tobacco. Cron of mnn r