1 8 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these, column will tia Uliru nnlll 12 in. for thn eTcniiis edition mid nnlll HiftO p. ta. for morning nnit Snndny edition. Rates, 1 l-2n a word first Insertion, le a troril tlierenfter. Nothing fatten for Itui than ate for the first inser tion. These advertisements ninst be ran connerntlrelr. Advertisers, by requesting nam hrrcd check, can hare answers ad dressed to a numbered letter In car of The tlee. Answer ao addressed will be delivered oa rsseatattoa mt Ukm ahtsk aalr. situations wanted. WANTED, position ns cook out of city. Address C, Bco Ofllce, Council Muffs. A KM 21 "WANTED, situation by young lady, fa miliar with nbstrnct work, typewriting unci (ihortlinndi best of references from present employers. Address G 49. flee. A-MI0O 25 wanted male help. WANTED-Wo have steady work for a few good hustle of good habits and uppeur ancc. C. F. Adams Co., 1603 Howard at. B-J03 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars free. Western Burners' Institute, Omaha, Neb. 11-304 WANTED, houscwrcckers to file bids cn musical festival lumber material, gravel, etc., ut IjUi and Capitol uve. inquire J. E. Knowics, superintendent. 11 Mtf.'7 BRIGHT young man to take a shorthand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is finished and position se cured. Address C 46, Hec. 11263 25 WANTED, mattrcssmukern at once. Ad dress Western Mattress Co., Lincoln, Neb. D-M3W 21 WANTED, trustworthy persons In each state to manage business of wealthy cor poration; salary $18 cash each Wednesday direct from headquarters; expense money advanced, .Manager, 32o Caxton bldg., Chlcugo. 11-321 21 WANTED, four bricklayers at once. Call 611 Puxton blk. B-MJ1S 22 WANTED, men to learn barber trade, only eight week!, .tqulred; toola presented; wages Saturdays; positions guuranieed; npi'Clul Inducements now; catalogue mailed free, Moler liurbur College, 1623 Furnum st. fl MjIu 25' WE WANT a representative In every largo city, good wages; congenial work. For particulars wrlto to William Uptegrovc, Box 297, ilouldcr, Colo. B MJvU 30 WANTED, country and old fiddlers to contest for prize. Seo Gotz, 310 So. 16th street. fl 106 21 WANTED Four stonecutters; 40 cents nn hour. it. J. flarrett, Sioux City, la. i 1I-M333-22 A FIHST-CLASS Hpcclulty salesman who can show record lu patent medicine or other specialty line. Salary no object to a successful mini. CJIvo reference und full particulars first letter. Address, L. K., lOoO Mllwutlkee Ave., Chicago, III. 11-334-21 WANTED, traveling salesman to tho wholesale and retail trade only; salary, J1.2W and expenses. Tho Nntlonul, 3J0 Caxton building, Chicago. 11333 21 WANTED, salesmen to noli a goodllnTof tops and a rapid-selling specialty, as a lde line. Write ut once. You may pick your own territory. The U llurg Car rlugo Co,, Dallas City, 111. U 356 21 BOO HAIIVEST hands. South Dakota and western Canada. Canadian ofllco. 1-22 Douglas. B-M3J3 22 ATTEND tho Omaha College of Pharmacy, Omaha. Neb. Send .for cntalogue. Ei mund Thorp, Scc'y. 11233 21 WANTED, by nn established, high-rated firm, scheme or specialty men to sell nn exceedingly nttrnctlvo and salable lino; special terms nnd unique Inducements; high-priced men Investigate. llox 384, Detroit, Mich. 1130) 2 AN person who will distribute circulars for $3.00 dally should address Standard Co., 4 Wells, Chicago. No canvassing. B-370 21 IW ANTED, first-class printer for country office; good Job man preferred; married I?.'.'.n.: ono wno ca lllny clarionet. P. A. Williams, Illverton, Neb. U 367 21 W ANTED, traveling man on collection nnd special work for Nebraska; J65 monthly to stnrt und nil expenses; steady position. Address Secretary, 302 Caxton Hullding, Chicago. 111. 1SC 21 5 ANTED, young man who hun saved some money aa evidence of past success, so briety and economy for permanent sal nrled ofllco position of trust with finan cially strong houso of excellent standing. Address President, care Nelson Chesman At Co., Advertising Agents, Chicago. U-3G3 21 X.EAIIN to writo advertisements. Will place you In n position to earn 50 weekly. Taught by mull. Did it for others, can lor you. Pago Davis Co., Chicago. . . B-374-21 WANTED Trustworthy man to look after uni'iuh mm uuuect in iscorasKn; J05 month and expenses; steady position; references. Secretary, 704-a')S Dearborn, Chicago. . B-372 21 Waktmiy Prince of Omaha is tho greatest J5 cigar sod; ask your dealer for it and don't U,.kor.UcHU",tl,utp; manufactured by tho . r. aioecuer tignr UO. II JI419 23 WANTED Oood business man In each h.....,,... ,u iuuuuci ennn uusiness. uarantced by local banks, nig returns. Honorable nnd legltlmnto. Must furnish tood references nnd 1000 cash. Addross. i. It. H.. P. O. Box 715. Cincinnati. O. . B CV"rll' 8Prv1lc government positions; about . "I'lwiiiiiiiBiiiB mauo iusi year: nrob- V,L.10,T WS ycnr!. 0,,l' 11 common "chool education renulred; cntaloguo of r VI ,i , " "Jii- ,T"iumuian correspond enco College, Wnshlngton. D. C. B POSTOFFICE clerks nnd carriers, clerks ii l miernni revenue, rn way innll mill fllltlflftinnnlAl . ' r'VI,1 '.'.y tno. 'lioi'snnds: exnmlnntlons w.Vii . ,-.i 'i wnie lor circular 151 vis VrV ,rX "l cor. instl m.v, i, linuuiKlOII, u. yjt B- K-nJKl? . "jj'crywimrc. hustlers to tack """"""'" tircuiars, samp es, etc. Tnc C'1'1, K001 ! Sun Ad ver Is mg Bureau, Chlcugo. n 123 2l T,ld.e'li"k,n.. I"!. represent lV2 h rVi rse,t,:na ' )"",i) immireu; no lnvP8tmcI1t s HAI.KMMU.X arAXTEU. T?Y.i'Ii?J?aie-"l.Va.n wanted at once for fnr irnr.,1 m7.. l'V",lllIle' POSlt On -w. UVw.. ,)u tiiuurs need ,unw SALESMEN, local or traveling, to call on general trade with a staple artlclo which wo control. wo KVO a handsome premium, positively w'orth J3.00. freo with Introductory order amounting to 15.50. Salesmen make J1.50 profit per order. v1 S i Hiiiin-Kmiiiiy. -nuires waters. mik( auuu oi, ij ueurDorn St., Chicago 3si ai BY OLD estnlillHhid linuxn rmviMn awnko traveling salesman to sell sluplo lino; must be ablo to show i clean n. st record and glvo bond; no side line seeker jivi-u uiqiiy, .luiui'sn iiux on, v;mcngo. -87 21 tTHREE ilrst-clnss salesmen for fall trado permanent nosltloii! i.KinhllHluii hmw.. liberal contract. Address with references! iioom iui, Ainnuattan lllilg., Chicago. i -375-21' WANTED, cigar salesmen everywhere: ex perlenco unnecessary: J25 weekly, Emun uei c., -wi fc-ast loath St., Now York. WANT 13 ll-FU Jt ALU HE l.l1. WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel 876. WANTED, ulrl for general housework, f.im 11 y ot throe. Mrs. Slmcral, 976 N. 28th Ave u 'I DON'T despulr; any bad skin Improves wonnertuny using eaun-BKin v-ream anu Vowdor. They're magical In effect. 2ic. WANTHD-FEMALB HELP. FIFTY glrl, all kinds work. Canadian ofllcc, C-272 UUiailT young lady to toko a shorthand fccholnrshlp In the best school and pay for It when courso Ii finished nnd posi tion secured. Address C 46, llec, C-2?l 25 WANTED, good, reliable girl for general housework. Apply ut 2407 N, 22d Ut. C-.W21 M1DDLE-AOED woman for housework on ranch, Inquire 30ni Paclilc. C M303 25 A GIRL for general housework. Apply to Mrs. F. D. Wead, 602 So. 40th fit C-S07 21 WANTED, young ladles to learn hair dressing, manicuring or massage; com plete course given In four weeks; every idvantagu of thorough training offered; positions guaranteed, tools presented; special advantages to npiiiieuiua yin .tistancc; rataioguo maneu free. Moler C-M316 25 College, 1623 Karnam st. I' OH next thirty days wo will make n $j reduction on the pilce of. McDowell Gar ment Drafting Machine; also reduction on special lessons. Call or address, Mc Dowell Dressmaking School, 615 Knrh ih Hlk., 2(fl So. 15th St. C3,0 2" MEN and women everywhere who write a plain ha nil to copy letters for us at heme; steady work the year round. I ' working nn hour or bo evenings will net you $5 or $8 per week. Writ., for full particulars enabling you to start to work. Enclose stamp. Union Advertising C Toledo, Ohio, C-3fc 21 WANTED, two more ladles for light, pleas ant, permanent work at our omco or m home ut leisure hours; anyone can do It positively; no canvassing. Apply person ally. Dent, 1G10 Duv'cnport St. C-410 21' WANTED, lady assistants for home work. superintending iiisiriuuuon oi circumio. etc. In every city, town nnd village. Oood pay, permanent employment. Send stamped, addressed envelope to Utova Co., South IJcnd, Ind. C- COMI'ETENT second girl wanted: g'od wages. 2214 Langdon Court, c Mliozj LADIES wanted to do embroidery nnd Hat- tenberg at tlielr nomes; steady worn. Chicago Crochet Co.. Chicago, III. C WANTED, girl competent of doing plnln cooKing; two in inmny. two mcnis a nay. Call Sunday, 258 U st., South Omaha. Mrs. Griffith. C 146 21 HUM W.WTEI). WANTED, Indtiatrlous men nnd women In every town to work for us at their homes; no canvassing, wo will send work any dlstnr.ee; wo have several lines of work to give out, some of which requires no experience; If ou can t devoto the whole day to our work, you can enrn $5 or J6 a week by working an hour or two even ings. Address Standard Mfg. Co., 112 W. 23d St., New York, FOIl HEXT IIOtSES. IF YOU wnnt your houses well rented place IIIL'III Willi Xlt-'IIUWU .V u. u Mi TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage Co., ufllce ldUKi Furnnm, or tel. 1559-&C3. D 30s HOUSES for rent in nil parts of the city. . , t etn inn . ion. ... i JJtl'lllUlll-UUVU V U., UUUII1 lOKll Hired. D-309 HOUSES, stores, Bemls. Paxton block. u 310 SEE HENIIY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. t 311 HOUSES, etc. V. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. U 313 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwnlt, Barker block. U 311 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D 3H S217 CUMINO, 8-room house, all modern except turnaca; rem, -u. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas. D 060 HENRY B. PAYNE'S SPECIALS. 3033 S. 18th Ave., 3-r. brick houses, city water, J7. 2612 Davenport. 4-r., city water, barn, J12. 2323 S. 18th, 4-r., city water, will put In nice shape. J9. 3305 California. C-r.. will uaDer nicely, is. 32i6 Corby. 7-r., city water, full lot, $14. 1343 ao., n tit, tino 7-r. alu .Aiuuuur nnuse, II no condition, for choice tenant. S27.50. 1210 No. 24th, good 9-r. MODERN house, J25. A snap. C23 So. 25th ave., best 10-r. ALL MODERN houso for J27.G0 In Omaha. See It at once. 3004 Farnam. choice 12-r. STRICTLY ALL MODERN house. J50. My list changes each week. Seo It sure. tar uurgatns in real esiutc, low rates on loans, sound urn insurance see HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. LIFE, SIXTH FLOOR. 'PHONE 1010. D-403 21 2S11 CHICAGO 8T., C rms., city water and closet Inside. $12. 242S BRISTOL ST., 7 rms., MODERN, ex cept furnace, paved St., $20. 3810 DECATUR ST., 7 rms., MODERN l'lvU.MHiisu, imo repair, n. 304S CASS ST.. 10 rms., ALL MODERN, 1st & Burdette Sts.. 4-rm. flats, bath and closet. $8. 2Sth & Dewey Av., 4-rm. brick flats, bath aim ciohci, 3. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main floor, N. x. i.iio mug. u 3 21 FOR RENT, furnished cottnge, 7 rooms, to ,...ll. .hl,nl hl t.l .L..I . ...... niiiuil iuiiiiij niiiiuiu v.iiiii.i 1:11, iPfcj i.llKe. Inquire 344 Bee Bldg. D MJI8 22 8-ROOM brick house, modern, 2717 Jackam Telephone a. xraynor, 491 or l 2583. D-399 MODERN 7-room house, nenr Park. 1509 so, :stn. uzsi jy;s TO small family, a four-room house, 2C04 Blundo, $9 per montn. Apply wi n, 19 st. jj mtm FOR RENT. 2102 N. 29th nve., house, newly gapereu and puinteu; six uno large rooms, ee N. L. Trimble, 121S Furnam. D-M199 FOR RENT 8-room, now, strictly modern uricK building, imi a. un at.. $io. D 325 22 FOR RENT, 10-room, east front, brick Mouse, am n. .-i si., near uavenport. inquire next ooor. um:ij vrtn nwvr nnn.A n..,i . i I 1 ai37 soutli 3ad fit. Apply 402 Merchants' xsauonni jiiuik uing. u 3Uti- FOUR-ROOM , cottage, modern Improve ments, $12. 507 N. 23.1 st. D-M314 21 SIX-ROOM modern cottage and barn, 23d and Harney. Apply F. D, Wend, 1J 329 22 ELEGANT apartment in Winona or Albion rnyne-Knox uo,, Main i-'ioor, N. Y. L. D-311 U 8-R. MODERN house, Dundee. 6-r. house, 967 N. 20th, $9. 4-r. basement, 2722 So. 20th, $6. i l,nnDO acu ., .1 r nn..n ... i. , iiunpr. ig.il iii.v nt lit i it. W. Li. Selby, Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone jaiv. u aixii si ELEGANT 8-room house, nil modern Im provements. Ilti S, Klin Ht. IJ 340 21' FOR RENT 31st nve.. nenr Dodeo. new 8-room house, strictly nil modern, line location. $55. 318 S. 26th, 14 rooms, modern, laundry, two bath rooms, etc., excellent location for keeping roomers, $47.10. 1254 Parkwlld nve., 10 rooms, modern, fine location, $30. 705 8. 16th. 6-toom flat. bath, gas, range, nil in excellent condition, best of reference.! required, $22.60. i52i invenwortn, 6-room flat, $15 2703 Caldwell, 6-room cottage, city wntcr, uus. $12. 4413 N. 31st ave., 8-room house, will put In goon repnir ior rcspnnsime tenant. 112.60, u rooms, moacrn, iinntcom park district $26. 2T07 Martha, 7 rooms, modern, except fur mice. iinu!.n iit'tv nisi year, R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FARNAM. D-423 21 HOUSES FOR RENT. 2423 Cuming, flnt. $5. 3313 Half Howard, 5 rooms. $10. 3019 Chicago. 6 rooms, modern, 20, 26W Dodge, 8 rooms, modern, 122. 512 S. 16th, 6-room 'lint, $23. 3536 Charles, 9 rooms, modern $20. OARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. D-115 21 A VERY desirable new 7-room modern cot tage. 3221 Poppleton nve., $26 per month U) rigni imriy. 9-room nil modern house, close In, 626 S soin. 3U ner mnnm. Several others. $6 to $30. J. II. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life Thone JSS, LADIES and men to copy letters and ad dress. I'lnln writing nnd typewriter; J20 to iXi monthly. Steady work to right parties. Enclose stamp. Toledo Novelty Supply Co., Drawer A, Toledo, Ohio. C-370-21 UhS3 .1 THE OMAHA run rent houses. MIOOM flat, 617 South 16th. Clark Powell, 311 New York Life. D-S75 I'Oll RENT FURNISHED HOOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 315 THE THtmsTON, cool, airy rooms. E 220 TII11EE rooms, light housekeeping. 1 South 11th. E-W 111! DOUBLE parlor for two gentlemen. 13 Cuming St., second floor. E 206 303 TWO strictly modern, newly furnished roomb In private family. 2213 Douglas. E-MJ17 22' FOIl HUNT, cool, large front room with two beds, bath, closet, board If desired; reasonable. 3515 Howard St. Mrs. Wiley. E-J37 21 2 NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2603 Dodge St. E M.U9 22 WELL furnished room, parlor floor; every- tning modern, oniy yj. us ho. zotn st. E-M411 23 SOUTH rooms, 19CK5 Capitol nve. ) 4iz SI- CHOICE furnished rooms, dotnehed house, ciose in, mwn nnu suaue. zit I'.irnnm si. E-4tl 27 FUIIMSIIEI) ROOMS AND HOARD. - FOIl SALE FUHMTUIIE. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport SL F-322 .m..,,v .Ii.m ir. a 7, "T CHICAOO Furnltura Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. OLbNCAlKN, transient, J1.25 day. 1609 Doug. MOi NeW & zuhund furniture bought, sold, F 323 exchanged. o W THE Merrlam, summer resort, 25th & Dodge. BUY your ftirnituro nt Enterprise Furnl- 11 turo Co. We huvo purchased a big bank- , TT-: ; TTr rupt stock and will close It out nt 2J pur TWO large front rooms, with board. 1909 cut discount. 102-4 S. 11th. Tel. 2290. Capitol Avcj F M9I7 O M630 JySO DESIRABLE rooms. The Pratt, 212 S. 25th FURNITURE of 7-room flat, elegantly Bt' L equipped, line location, cheap rent, full m,, , ... ; ; ; ; genllcmcn roomers; party leaving city; a DESIRABLE rooms, nrst-class board. 2;S4 bargain J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Harney. F M302 2 O 425 NICELY furnished room In private family. " 661 8. 27th it. F-M313 21 FOIl SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. LARGE front room for two nnd good hoard .....,. "JL, : " nt J5.00 per week each. No. 2o7 So. 24th St. QUICKLST and best repair work on ve- F M3I2 -3 hides H. Frost, llth and Leavenworth. ., ,. P-297 FOIl HEM' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FAMILY horse and buggy. 1719 N. 33d st. , 1'-M2y7 21 V.m ?av,' i,JpcrS,nut.h' VVU'i SALESMEN, by long established manufne floor room In The Bee building, facing turer of fl.lvorlnii extracts, snlces etc. iTti,T,.lrecti.no W i"r, "BhV hrVat Cllvo fully yo..rxf,ertncV. to In or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., r.-nlv irood Huliirv tlox B17 Chlenen 111 Rentul Agents. Bee building. O 116 ripiy. mou suiurj. Box 6U, LmLaKo.iu. TiV.9v5m?.htoqf 1,sht housekeeping. Ijll UOHT Krocers' delivery wngonsat greMly" Leavenworth St. O-230 21 reduced prices nt P. J. Karbach & Sons, TWO unfurnished basement rooms7n7 th and Howard Sts. l-JzE- children. 1120 N. 17th. Q-3S0- HORSE, surrey nnd harness; surrey nl- most new, rubber tired; harness does not 1,'mi nr.-vi- ui'iiiii.'u ivn iii.'t'i.u show any signs of wear; horse 9 years 1 OH ItENl-SlOllLS AND OKI ICES. ol(, weJ,,,ts ii400 Htyll;u Rentle. not nfrald of steam or street cars; will gunr FOR RENT Store In flrst-clnsa location; nnteo everything ns ropresented; 200 rent reasonable. Apply R. C. 1'ctcrs 4c takes the outtlt; horse Is worth more to Co., ground floor, Beu Bldg. 1-266 nIy man with a family. 1302 Douglas St. 1 Z P 342-21 FOR RENT The building formerly occu- . pled by The Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has FOR SALE, Seven double two-horse car four stories and a basement which was rlages, landaus, steel tires, good condl formtrly used as Tho Bco press room. tlon; originally cost J700 to $1,200 apiece; This will be rented very reasonably. If will sell for J200 apiece. Address H. C. interested apply at onco to C. C. Rose- Bllllngslcy, 204 State St., Chicago, water, secretary, room 100, Bco building. P 430 21 1-2G1 . PERMANENT position for tho right man STORE for rent, 28th nnd Dodgo Sts., old to represent old established company hav grocery and meat stand. Apply Welshaiia Ing $200,000 cnpltnl; JP00 per year and ex Mantel unci Tile Co., 309 S. 17th. penses. payable direct from our olllco; no I 103 21 deception: absolutely straight salary, not ' conditional on results; chance for promo FOR RENT, room 20x70, suitable for light tlon nnd Increase of salary: mate age. manufacturing. 1311 Dodge. McCoy & reference and business experience. Ad Co., Printers. 1-M114 23 lKs8 Union Mfg. Co.. box 824, Phllndol ' phla. Pa. u FOR RENT, office, with vault, and ptrt , : first floor or all top floor. 1U4-16 i,vin iaip Mierti ivvmn Harney st. Midland Glass & Pnlnt Co., i-on sall MiscfcUAMOUS. 1410 Harney St. 1-431 , , SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog AGENTS WASTED, fence. 901 Douglan. Q 330 ...r ' ; : ; 2DH AND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. WANTED Canvassing uecnts in every Q 332 county to solicit subscriptions for THE . , vnwiiZnNt 8APE8, 8tandard ma.8'd.. STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC- . , , TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 BIG line of secondhand wheels, $3. $5. $S. $10. Imperial octavo pages, b00 object-teaching Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. engravings und Is the only book on live , Q 334 stock ever published adapted to the every- duy, practical, money saving use of every TRADE your old wheel In on a new one. farmer and stock owner. Steady employ- Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. ment with nssured good Income. Agents Q -87 in tho country with horse und buggy es- peelally desired. Canvusscrs make easily GOOD top buggy for sale. ,1121 North 19th $00 to $100 per month. Address, Century st. O 305 2 Furmei Solicitors'-Bureau. Bee building. Omaha J W GO PIANOS, $50 each, 50 cents per week. ,,.,,, : r r Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. WANTED Agents to sell our sensible en- Q M3l 7 dowment policy; call or1 address C. O. Lobeck, Mgr. Nebraska, Dept. the Security i.i hi anu savings ins. o., uiu in. I. L,ite, Omnha. J M443 Jy-29 AUENTS wanted for Drummond's lightning rcn.eu.es ior rneumaiism; oou ior an in curable case; restores stiff Joints, drawn cords and hardened muscles, if your dealer has not got these remedies we will iend the full month's treatment of two largo bottles on receipt of $5. Drummond Medicine Co., 81 Nassau St., New York. J M960 A10 AGENTS Active lady agents to sell our goous. ur -'Bimpiex-' awn and waist Supporter Is a winner. Sells rcudlly; none better on the market. Send 20c for sample and territory. Des Moines Skirt and Cor set Mfg. Co., 720-2 Grand ave., Des Moines. Ia. J- WANTED. ten experienced .canvassing .ibi-nici ty.wi tsuuu niicrunura, write louuy. John Wanamaker, dept. 162A, New York. J M320 20 WANTED Reliable women or men to sell u' Kumin iu wiu consumer in communi ties from 1,000 to 10,000 population; per manent employment at good pay. Ad d,res.TJie.Arent Enetorn Coffee & Tea Co., 301 S. 10th St., St. Louis Mo. J- AflRMTft. n DnlAn,1M I . . "--. 1'iciiuiu uuu.lie lo milltO uui new jiocKei anas contains ' 1 3. ""'in in wie union nio every country in tho world: also tho 1901 census complete; over 400 pages of maps Send 2oc for samnle and terms to nKonts, Rand. McNally it Co., Chicago. III. J-350 21 AGENTS wnnted, ontlrelv new line, house- iiuiii niirwiiuiiuB aim inuies- goods; sell nt every house; new goods, big profits. Send for samples. H. A. Laurence Co.. Chi- tins", in. J 358 il WANTED, representatives for fnlo of iKMiiifu nnu nix paid sinnuard whlkls. Good opportunity for rlnht men. The rnuuiuii'ii iinilllfrs i Jisinouiing (JO Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. J 357 2t $100 MONTHLY', new patent mctnlllu bread lumiuni ciauiiuu tree, u, ii. r orsueo lo Cincinnati, O. J 39S 21 $460 NEXT four months selling new stylo iruu jur nuer; eigni usciui articles com bined In one: sample free. Central Sup ply uo., uincinuiiu, u. J 397 21' AGENTS, $580 cash prize to best 1? can viissfin vciiiiiK urt'fii ooor cnicnps; ex elusive territory. Automatic Citch Co, 10, Chicago. J 3SC 21 AGENTS make $10 per day selling our novelty machines: on nnnllcatlon will mml cut. terms. Thomas Footo Co.. Los Angeies, uai. j no 2i WANTED, gencrnl nnd local nsronts: name plates, signs, numbers, readable darkest nignts; samnies rrce. Right sunplv Co., Englewood, III. J 30S 21 WANTED, general acents to sunplv trade and canvassers with our profltablo spe clalty; exclusive territory granted. t;resceni uo., vn sneiueui Ave., Chicago. J-361 21 BOOK acents. send your name nnd nd. dress for particulars of a monev making suio line, nomeming now. win not in terfere with your regular canvassing, but help it. Address, National Association, iw i.a. auue si., wniengo, Jsn.l' FIRST-CIASS agents wnnted nt first-class nay. uura v,o iiox o, souin urange, in. J. J 373 21 12 DAILY made by agents selling our claim fllo to merchant." nnd nhvstclans. Bayers & Co., D. 42, 0S Ollvo St., 8t. j.ouis, no, j OWN your business; big money sure; no risk' free samples; Information, Sayman, til. L.OUIS, .MO. J STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., B12 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. -326 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Furn. Tels. 1559-863, 327 STORAGE Household goods and other articles stored at low rates. J, J, Derlsht & Co., lu Farnam nt. xei. ia ar.es DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, WANTED TO RENT. I WANT to rent n good stock farm In Nebraska. Address, 606 New York .Life mug., umanu. jv .ii . wanti:i-to nuv. WANTED, to purchase, controlling Interest or all the stock In a bank In eastern Ne braska ot western Iowa; correspondence confidential. Address C 26, Dec. N-M991 22 HAY WANTED. If you have hay to ship write A. C. Chesterfield Com. Co., Kansas City, Mo. N-M2II 23 WANTED 100 feather beds. J pay the highest prices for old feathers. Will stay in your city u week. Address, L. Baron, General Delivery, Omaha, Neb., and I will call at your home. N 273 21 BAKERY and confectionery. In good live iNcorasKU or lowa town, doing good busi ness, must be cheap; give p.irticu ars fully. Address C 47, Bee. N-M2 8 PHOTOGRAPHER wants to buy outfit nnd locnie in gooa town. Address u is, lice, Omaha, Neb, N 3.12 21 WANTED, second.hand top buggy or puaeion, runner tires; must oe in coo I condition: state lowest caEh price. Ad dress C 62, Bee. N 131 21 THE Model Real Estate Co. of Mcdalc, la., iock i)o.x u, wants nn option on to i 6,000 to 20,0(0 acres of ranch land. W nt have you to offer? N 411 21 TRY a Prlnco of Omaha once nnd you will nave no oiner. y M420 23 FOR SALE, three very fine Great Dane puppies, pedigree stocK. very choice; don't answer this ndd unless you wnnt fine stock. B. F. Wurn, 1408 Farnnm st. Q-MI18 27 BIDS vlll bo received for tho exclusive privilege or selling all rerrcsnmentH at tho Omaha Retail Grocers' association picnic, to be held at Arlington. Nob., Au gust 8, 1901. Call or address H. Fischer, 901 N. Y. Llfo building. Q 145 22 UP-TO-DATE 2-chalr barber shop, com- ineie; cigar and looacco cases; reason, have other business. F. S. Bobbins, C19 Court St.. Beatrice. Neb. Q 447 21 CliAIHVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. S-335 MME. GYLMER has returned and resumed business. Parlors, 315 South 15th street. S 665- LIFE READER, tells love, marrlngo; business, evervthlnc: free unless correct: send 10c nnd blrthdny. John Myers, 69 Lincoln l'arK atution, v;nicugo, S-3S5 21 PROF. HOWARD, clairvoyant and palmist, 1707 Cass st., con be consulted on all af fairs of life, love, courtship, sickness, travols, business speculations, lawsuits 1 .11 . ...... I U n1 .,n u mm Ultuiucn, ovinia iuicio iium.1,10, brings separated together, locates burled treasures, advice on wills, deeds and mortgages. Readings, 50c to ladies, i to gentlemen, witn this aa. us zi- MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE Remember palmistry Is a science too dtep for tho ordinary life reader to fathom. Mme. Gvlmer Is the only nerson In the city who tells tho past, present and futu o uy a meiunu wmcn is recuniztu mu world over ns belnir correct. This cele. brnted lady has been In Omaha for the past tour years una ior seven years prior tn her removnl to Omaha she resided In Council Bluffs, which Is prnctlcally 31 years in mis vicinity, ine inci is very nnnnrent that Mme. Gvlmer is hrll li high esteem by the people of both Omaha and council niurrs, Hours: 9 to 7:30; Sundnv, 10 to 4. Par o's, f! null 1 1. hlock. :U5 S. 15th st.. tako olnvnor. Her readings are reasonable and sncr dly confidential, Send $1 and six nui'stl ms lor nnsweia. r zl PERSONAL. DR. ROY", chiropodist; corns and supornuius hulr removed oy electrlcty. R. 12, Freiiscr it vrl uiui.iv. v RUPTURE cured; no knlfo, no pain, na aangcr; send ior circuium. imiuic ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Otnaha. lJ OTV VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, U 335 SUPPLIES for all machines: machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, lb2U Doug las. Tel. 2234. u w private hmnltni tnr Indies before and during conllnement; babies adopted. 230 urant at. u an PTiKNfiii AcnnnninivJ PLEATING: mall orders solicited. Omnhu Pleating Co., 1524 Douglas. u Wl". HKNT -ottliiir mnrhlnefl for 75 Cents per week. We sell parts for and repair every sewing machine manuiiicrarcu. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Corner 15th and Harney Sts. U 421 Jy29 M. OOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mail orders solicited. Suite 200, Douglas Block. U-341 SHOE Repairing. M. Spcrduto, 818 N. 16th, U 668 A-5 WE rent sewing machines for 76 cents per weeK; wo repair and sen neeuies ana parts for every mnchlne manufactured. Phone 1663. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. u-m au MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15th. 2d floor, room 7. U-262 23 JULY 21, 1901. PERSONAL. MARRY or correspond for amusement; send stamp for sealed particulars. Box D 26i, Council Bluffs, la. U-403 21 AMATEURS wanted, ladles, gentlemen nnd children with good specialties. Seo Getz, 310 8. 10th street. U-106 21' ABSOLUTELY warranted harmless, hy genlcally manufactured P.ntln-Skln t rc iin nnu rowuer; cater to apiireciative p up.o uini s wny your patronage Is soilrltc I. U-3.6 .1 26c, GENTLEMAN of refinement nnd g lie--oslty, lndeieiidently wealthy, seeks happl ness thiough kind-hearted, companloimb e wife. Mr. .Madison, 677 Sedgwick ht., Chicago, 111. U-351 11 ATT R ACT I VK lad y td caring persona'.ltv". Independently wealthy, refined nnd r on erous, sweet disposition, will devo e II o to kind husband. Miss Marie, 1221 Wei llngton St., Chicago, HI. U 355 21" HANDSOME gentlcmnn, middle aged. Inde pendently rich, wants sincere, honest wife. Address Mr, Clark, 193 Washington St., Chicago. 111. U-3S3 21 YOUNG lady, brunette. 28, would bo pleased to meet refined gentlcmnn of honor who can provide a cozy little home for one who would truly appreciate same. Address Jean S. Bradbury, Lincoln. Neb. General delivery. U-39D 2t SECONDHAND MACHINES, Never such prices for such goods offered before, and If any time within one yeir you want to buy n new machine we will take the old one back at exactly what It cost you. Tho following Is a partial Hit of what we offer for all the week: Former price. Thin vock 1 Singer $ 4.00 $ 1 0 in (fl 12.'0 15.00 f. fO 5.0 s tin 12 50 1 Household .1 Singers, high arm 1 Singer, new Improved. 1 Union 1 Household 1 Whlto 1 Wilcox Glbbs 21.01) .".0.00 10.01 10.00 16.00 25.00 1 White, tnllorlntr. nond as new 25.00 2 Shoemaker machines 30.00 1 New Homo 20.00 1 Singer, tailoring 40.00 1 Stnndnrd 20.01 r ro 15 to lo oo 20.10 lo.oo Modern, drnphend machines, slightly used nt one-hnir regulnr price. Wo rent ma chines at 73 cents per week or $2.o0 ''or month. These are modern. tin-o da'e machines, with complete attachments. We sell needles nnd parts for nn'l r p.tlr every sewing machine manufactured. Neb. Cvcln Co.. Cor. 15th nnd Harney Sts. llrnnrh Oilier. No. 612 N. 2th. South Omnha. U-331 n ARE you satisfied? No? Thnn buy n isorth unknot wnent rnrm ror j per ncro nnd make money. Whitney & Whec lock, Dept. C, Fargo. N. D. U-379-21 IF the first clgnr sold voti Is a Prlnco of Omaha you win pot take any ntnrr. U-MI2I 23 SUPERFLT'OUS hnlr, wnrts nnd moles per manently removed ny riectricity; consul tation freo nnd confidential: nil wnrlt guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglns. MORPHINE, opium, latidnnum, cocaine hnblt: myseir cured, win inrorm you or harmless, permanent homo cure, Mrs. Baldwin, Box 1?12, Chicago. U- FREE scalp treatment one week Vis Vltao nnir tonic pnrlors, 1521 Dodge, room 13. Miss N. E. Smith, specialist, scalp treat ment. U-410 21 MONEY TO LOAN IlKAfj ESTATE. MONEY" to loan on Improved Omnha real estate. urcnuun-iove uo 3vj souin ism. W-346 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam street. W-3IS WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants. 11. c. Peters & Co., .iv: Farnam St., B?e Bldg. W 349 MONEY to loan at 4H and 5V6 per cent cn Omaha property. W. B. Melkle, 401 S. 16th. W-351 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas W-352 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. 6 AND 6V4 cor cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 1648. W-356 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved rea! estate; 6 p:r cent tnteresi; no commission; privi lege of paying $100 or more before ma turity. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., John W. Olsh, special loan agent, 214 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. W-3J3 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-337 4tt TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton oik. W-M006 $50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up, lowest rates, no delay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Fur nam. W--M922 $300, $400, $500 private money to loan: 1, 2, 3, or 5 years. W. L. Bolby, Board of Trado Bldg. W-2S9 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY. We loan $10 and up on furniture, pianos, horbes and other chattels. SALARY LOANS, without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. You can get thu money in a few hours after making application und take 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, b months or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one duv longer than you keep It. Wo charge nothing tor papers and wo give you the full amount in cash. There aro no lower rates than ours; our terms aro tho easiest; our business Is conlldentlal and our motto is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tol. 2295. (Established 1892.) M S. 16th St. X-35S CONFIDENTIAL LOANS, on house hold furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, Htc, In two hours' time; also to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security Easiest payments nnd low est rates In Omuha. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown block, cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.; entrance on 16th St., opposite Y. M. C. A. Bldg. X -(60 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, buurdlng houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in principal cities. 'Tulman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-361 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, llvo stock, etc. Quick service und lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (top (tloor) I'axton block, northeast corner 16tn and Fa.i.ain: entrance tn I6th street. X B MONEY loaned on plunos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X 30.) MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. 8, Barker blk V JCI $1,000.00 TO plac quick. M. J. Kennnrd & Bon, suite 310, Brown block X 366 WE LOAN money to salaried people on their note at lowest rates; strictly confi dential; pay weekly, semi-weekly or monthly. Room 303 Paxton block, 3d tloor. Reliable Crudlt Co. X 623 BUSINESS CHANCES. I AM offering for sale my entire business wood, coal, feed n,nd groceries, also build inns nnd lot. For particulars Inquire of Trios. Rlshton, 2106 West BroaUwuy, Coun cil Bluffs. V-MI05 WANTED Ladles of ability to manage branch offices; must havo some cush to cover cost of remedies, Thyroid. Lymph Co". 600 Hce Bldg., Omaha. Y-601-A-2 FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest In drug store; hard wood floor, Matthews ens machine, eoda fountain, etc., In a lively county seat. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 600 flee llldg. Y- FOR SALE, best fruit, confectionery, to ,.,., Ami lee ii cam business In a nood town; sales, $1,000 per month; reasons for selling, oiner uuBiiicaft required nu in time. C W. Y-M921 23 FOR SALE, New York racket store; good business In good town of 2,600; Invoice tuout 11,100; best of reasons for selling. Address C lj flee. Y-M9S3 26 FOR SALE Stocks of merchandise from $6u0 up. If you wind to buy or sell write T. M. Cllne, 123S O St., Lincoln, Neb. Y 2) 22 COMFORTABLE Income assured from In vestment $100; we accept $10 Jhst for trl.il. Profits paid weekly by money order. Highest commercial references and (by permission only) from customers. Book let free. W. W. O'Haru, Union Trust Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Y 371 21 lirslNHSK CHANCES. FOR S ALE, Racket store. Ashland, Neb., :e, $1,600; We o dollar; chc-'.P.!,6"1' 15. 21 lutein IIIU1VI Box 315 FOR SALE. $S,000 stock pf general mer chandise, In line condition, doing good business; will give discount, us aloc.-c must be sold, For particulars add ret s A . J Newman, York, Neb. M-ii -i FOR SALE, sit7iill horseshoeing shop, cen trally located, doing nice business; tea son for selling, leaving town. C W,( flee. PHYSICIAN S locution, Will sell If pur chased Immediately, olllce Matures. 3 horses, buggy, etc., to nny reliable physi cian, Town of 2iio, good farming o.n mtlnlty, remunerative pracilce, south eastern Ncbratka, good reasons for se l lng, terms easy. For particulars addtess J. B. K R. 6u8, Karb.tch block, Omiih.t, Neb. Y-.M3J2 23 XSKX ERG ET1 C."reii ablo man, hnvlng $1,000 to Invest, with services, can secure permanent situation with established cor poration; salary ll.MO per annum nnd extra commission. Address 8. E. Carr, 315 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y-36S 21 FOR SALE, grocery und meat market; Al location; steady, reliable family trade: n splendid opening; owners health fulling or money could not buy It. C 4S, Heo. Y 302 21 COMPANIES FINANCED nnd organized; stocks and bonds of nny meritorious com pany enn bo guuruntccd through us by deposit of collateral security of strong Ilnanclul Institutions; nil done on com mission bnsls; no charge unless success ful; charters secured from any state. Gencrnl Commercial & Trading Co.. 27 William St., New York. Y-378-21 FOlT SALE, 40 bbls. of Orient Rye whisky, reguged, 9 years old, 1,336 gallons, lux paid; shipped direct from distillery to Sib ley warehouse; cheap for cush. Address II. C. Bllllngsley, 201 Stute St., Chicago, III. Y 129 21 ST. LOUIS World's Fair Investment For lease, for hotel nnd umuscment purposes, 100 acres of improved grounds, having sewerage, water, electric light, dancing pavilion, Inrgo modern hotel nnd fur nished cottnges; within 30 minutes' rldo of World's Fair grounds. Address II. C. Bllllngsley, 204 Stute St., Chicago. Ill, Y 128 21 FURNITURE and equipments (new) of HYGIENIC BATH PARLORS, for ladles only; controls ilrst-cluss nnd paying busi ness; occupy 12-room house; best location In city; can rent rooms sulllclent to pay houie rent: big money In It for some en terprising lady; owner leaving city; can be hud cheap; see mo quick. J. II. John. Jion, N. Y. Life. Y"-M42S GENERAL MDSE. stocks, $3,000 to $18,000. Jr ''nrr"voa lall,,i ''" or ,n BOOT AND SHOE stock. $3.0o0; Improved land $3.pti. cash $2,0o0, HARDWARE stock, fine business. live town, Invoice $6.0i0i will give fair deal. GROCERY stocks from $360 to $2,500 In and out of fHv.!.i,0!nEJ?0.c,l I'tisliiess; will null cheap. DRUG STOCKS. $1,000 to $3,000. enjovlng iVVt-AWil05 .JV111 '"iiflder good land. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY In J!X.A J0,i''':r!Iof.s. m, business: sell cheap. COAL AND FEED business in city. $1,500; fine business proposition; will consider some good real estute. HOTELS, fur nished, for snlo nnd rent, doing good business: located in Omaha und country towns; can give big bargain with some of them. ROOMING nnd boarding houses conducting paying business, for sale or exchange, $200 to $3,500. RESTAURANTS in nnd out of city; ONE ESPECIAL snap In fine country town of 7,000 souls: nsk mo about It quick. CIGAR STAND, good location In city; you can buy It right. BARBER SHOP, location right price reasonable. CARRIAGE, 2-scuted 'Jy "e,wA cost $210; title passes for $50 iN&U J2"UOO-V MODERN RESIDENCE 1 block ground, Kearney, Neb., for good hotel tn county sent town; write or como and see mo about the rest. Am always glad to answer fully nil Inquiries. Glvo mo full details of anything you have for sale or exchange In first letter I it JOHNSON, N. Y. LIFE. Y-M424 22 AN EXCEPTIONAL and permanent llfo position, with $2M,000 corporation, on n salary of $l,S0O per nnntim nnd commis sions that In time will double tho salary .1 ?.?.enn f.or. a 1'rst-clnsfl man competent to fill district mnnagcr's position nnd In vest $1,500 to $2,500 In tho buslncsS. in. vestment secured by corporation's funds In your possession. Don't make applica tion unless your record will stnnd tho rigid Investigation that wo Invito regard ing our corporation. Address Auditor's De partment, 521-52J Manhattan building, chl cago, 111. -yll tinAPAfiir,ft b!'r,ucr wanting a good loca tlon. Address Wm. Busey, Fort Morgan, Col' Y-437 21 $m in4iL' T",1 Koncrnl storo In town of r ln s-Nebraska, having good trade: '"voice $5,000 to $6,000; sales Tast year Ml.! vi Ae,atxrn!i8onor, 8clng. Address P. 6. Box 41, Albion. Neb. Y FOIl E.YCHANOE. FOR EXCHANGE, eastern property nnd larrnK, nlio general stock nierclianilme -Nchraa and.ICani.ai i luml.' dSscrfbo Krst letter. Box 278, Frankfort, ind. . X-M219 22 CLEAN stock dry goods, clothing, shoes, etc.; doing fair business; owner wants cleur land und some cash. Address Box 242. Frunkfort. Ind. z M311 23' WANTED, Eastman pocket kodak; will . TV "iiieioacopo or Belgian ha.es nox 4tb, iork, Neb. Z M339 22 MEDICAL. Vn.' ,?RI.ES' ,J,le acknowledged leading spc clallst In diseases of womeh in uniuha, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations be fore und during confinement, and ills treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. 230-J2J DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, post lively warranted to cure the moat stub born cusea of monthly stoppages, Irrcgu. laritlcB, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatover abnormal, un. natural diseased or pathological cause; $2 a package, oi 3 for 5; sent anywhere pre. paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111. American ofllco. retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omuha; M A. Dillon, South Omatia DavU Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full Hue ot legitimate rubber goods. CANCER cured at homo by Internal treat, ment; no knife, plaster or pain; book and testimonials mailed free. Cancer Institute, LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are tho best. Safe, reliable. Tuko no other. "Send 4c stumps for particulars. "Hellof for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. OUR new book sent free, sealed, fully Illustrated, treats of all conditions of men tells how to uttnln "Perfect Manhood.'1 Should be In thn hands of every mule adult, Address Erie Medical Co., "Book Dept.." Buffalo, .N. Y. llEl.niA.V HARES. FOR SALE, Belgian Hares, best buck ln state, scored 94, by Crabtrce; fow doe una young ones, an pedigreed stock. I A. Hiinnls, York, Neb, 33s 2 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel, 1661; Alice Johnson, D, O., ladles' dept.; Ulu. E, Johnson, Osteopathist, Mgr. 371 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Puxton Blk, Tel. 1367 373 A. T. HUNT, D, O.. 303 Karbach Blk. Tel 2332 376 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, D, O., osteo puthlu physician, Douglus block. -326-A-19 FISII1NO AND 1'LEASl.iti: RE.MdlT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy tithing go to l.ungdori, Mo. Very best ut hotel accommodations, Plenty of boats and minnows. Vnio R, A. Dlttmar fur ruins. -1)78- EXI'E HT ACCO UNTA NT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even Ing, R 15, Com, Mtt. Bunk, O, R. Rathbun, -;W3 LOST. LOST. Auditorium brick No, 425. Reward If returned to Omaha Dally News. Lost-2l LOST, Saturday afternoon, carved Irather pocketbook containing pusses bfnrl g owner's name, and papers. Reward upon return to W. H. Kelley, Law Dept., I' P. Lost 391 21 SHORTHAND AND T Y P 11 1 V It IT I N (! . A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 3i 1 JJOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Bee Bldg IL. NEfl.ltuslncss & Shorthand College, Boyd's Tluater. GR"EOahorthund. Oni. C. Col., 16 &. Doug 340 SATIN' SKIN" SPECIALTIES. BEST for you. because best made. ..Satin Skin Soap Cream und Powder. Use H proof. -770 BEAUTIFY. preJcTVc. restore your com plexion with Sutln-Skln Crcnm and Pow der. Dainty, fragrunt, lelli.cd u.iUms. 23c. 3 . i 2. PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or pntcnt. Address Lock Box 700, Dos Moines, la. J73 MASON. FEN WICK & LA WRENCH, Washington, D. C. H. J. Cowglll, uent, 315 Rumgc block, Omaha, Neb. M $5-THlS advertisement Is good for IS, Sues & Co., patent iittoriuys, Bee bl ih , O 11. ha, Neb. No leu unless successful. M29I All REWARD. $75.00 REWARD offered for the nrrcst and conviction of tho party who entered nnd stole shoes from the store of II. Meier at Elkhorn, Ncb the night of Juno 27. Cltl. sens Com., Elkhorn, Neb. 41. 29 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work und repairing promptly attended to. J. T. 'Jchlitrcc, 2Uh e, -Ml -370 und Luke Sis. BICYCLES. PRICES that will surprise you; must clear out tho stock of new nnd second-hand bicycles; second-hnnd winds from ;2.30 ui ; new uiies, $12 up. Louis Fletcher, 1022 uapltol nve 762 .1 UN IC. DO NOT sell your Junk bsforo you get prices of the Great Western Junk IIoufo, M2 Douglas, Oiuuhu. 'Phone 2K1. A. Fcrer, proprietor. 2jj A15 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebruskn and western lowa Minns ut o per cent; borrowers can pay $lw or uny multiple; uny Interest dute; nu dulay, Brcnuuii-Luvu Co., I'M S. Ulh St., Oinaliu, Neb. W 317 PIANO TUNING. PIANOS tuned. $1.50. F. Lcssntln, Mandcl berg's Jewelry Store, Puxton bin. Tel. 16W. 200 Jj .0- ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge. Mn. Wd. Thur, Sat. Lij .2- STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julli. Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. -321 :."U1I.1TI'IU; REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S Wnlklln, till Cuming St 1 DRESSMAKING. ACCORDION nnd knlfo pleating; also pink Ing and covered buttons a specialty; j.iuiiiiuiii'as uiiu juweni rules in uu our work; mall orders solicited. Des Moines Skirt and Corset Mfg. Co., 720-2 Grand ave., Des Moines, la. BOILER .MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1339. 12th und Izard Sts. 3al PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllcc, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1201 Douglas, 383 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. -3JS6 DRESSMAKING. IN. families. Miss Sturdy, 2576 Harney. 756 A10 ACCORDION' PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark. ti. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam, 382 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED, 11 loan of $900 from private part on unencumbered property in course 01 erection ln north part ot city. Address C 43, Bee. -351 21- WANTED, to borrow, $700 on u 7-room 1V4 story modern cottnge; gllt-cdge security. C 61, flee. iS3 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. RANCH AND FA I'M lands for sale by tha Union Pacific Railroad company. 11. A. McAUaster, land commissioner, Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-367 FOR SALE, 310 acres of laud ut a burguln, In section thirty (3o;, In Holt county, Neb. Address F. J. Neuahain, Ottumwu, la, R1J-M920 28 HOUSES und lota lu all parts of city; a sa ucre property und farm lauds. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 662, llco Building. RE-370 FREMONT, NEBRASKA. FOR SALE, ucre property adjoining the city in tracts of from 3 acres lo 10 acres. Also business und residence lots, by Rich ards, Keeue & Co. RE M778 21 CORN LANDS nnd Btock ranches In I In Corn Belt country. Write fur my llu W. H. Clctnuiiu, Lyons. Neb. RE-ICS HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also llru Insurance, fleinls, Puxton Ulk. RE-371 IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE. In tlni rich valley of Loup river I can offer for sulo many tarins at reasonable prices. This land Is u rich sandy loam and pro duces elegant crops. Tho farmers are last putting their land Into ulfulta, which brings them fine returns, three und four crops a year being harvested ut little or no expense, netting us high as $30 per acre Incoiuu uuch year. Most of this land Is under u line Irrigating canal, with u st'uudy And reliable flow ot witter from tho Loup river. 1 villi uamo a few pieces. 210 acres, 1 mile from county seat, 2o acres meadow, bulance pasture land. Prlco, $750, sw acres Vii mile from county seat, good S room house, orchard, lots ot dinner, 80 ucres un bo Irrigated, 20 acres line ul fulfa, 115 ucres pasture. Price, $l.oO0. 160 ucres, house, windmill, urchurO, 80 acres pasture, 80 ucres furm land, 40 ucres irri gated. Prlco, $1,050. 22u acres, 100 uudsr plow, balance pasture; house, windmill, bam Prl'.e, $1,160. loo acres, line place tor stock, traine house, orrhuid, barn, plenty of wutur and tim ber. Price, $oo, 200 nctcs, 75 ucres plow land, balance pas ture. 011 good cluy sell. Prlco $35 per acre. ICO acres, 2a ucres cultlvuted, $5 pur acre. 160 ucres, 60 icrts cultlvuted, 11 per acre. liO ucres. with fenced meadow that will cut 00 to 75 tons hay, smull frumu house and stablt, good stock furm. Prlco, $1,100. Many others that aro good bargains. All this lund will produce the bet of alfalfa, with a good market and ready sale at good prices, being near the cattle ranges. Write foi particulars. II. A. STEWART. Taylor, Loup County, Neh. ' ni. t-.-. ' RE 375 W AM hD to buy for spot cash a bunch of ? ,0 ' c5k.lT .!"ylm. l"tK llrlll'r 'l.ooo: must bo a SNAP, hhltner & Chuso, 60I llee bldg., tel. 1I42. RE-M30S 22 FOR HALE flBht-rnnm house, partly mod ern, lot 62x130. In northern part of city: easy terms. Inquire 970 N. 25th ave. RE-130 21 (