CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE la mediate Bntiicsi Quiet, ai Merchant i Art Holdiig Biok Thiir Ordtrt. PRICES FEEL THE EFFECTS OF HOT WEATHER Although Crop Reports Have Ilrcu Unfavorable, Coiillilencu Iri Future. Ilualnesa .HUH lli-.iiiilnn Cnncrl. Intlnti of I'll 11 Order Scare-. Huslness men In all lines have had rather nn anxious week In this section of the country. 1'rcns reports from nearly all parts of the country tributary to this mar ket huve told of the extreme heat and dry weather and the consequent damage to the corn crop. As Omaha wholesalers and manufacturers are very largely dependent upon the outcome of the corn crop, It la not to be wondered ut that they havo been a trlflo disturbed by the general dry weather. It la to bo noticed, however, that conditions Improved as tho week advanced. Whllu there were no general rains In Ne braska, stilt theie were a greut many local showers that havu done an Immense amount of good, In surrounding states considerable rain hus fallen, so that on tha whole tho outlook is better than It was a week ugo. According to tho most authentic reports tho damage, done In Ne brabkn hu3 been greatly exaggerated, au up to the present time the general crop Is in excellent condition and able to with Mtand a long Blege of hot wouther. Thoso who are best Informed on tho general situ atlon are by no means illscouriiged, but, on the contrary, aru as conlldent us ever that J""-Ii . 1 Omaha and surrounding terri tory will break all previous records this coming season. There Is no disputing the fact, however, IP.1 ,.,riluo the present time Is quiet. Retailers are alarmed ana arc not buying . .ru.,n", ml tnc w,t they Kenerally do at this mji of yenr. Tinvetlng men aru making their usual rounds, but the general tendency seems to be for merchants to stand them oft until tho next trip, when more will bo known nbout thr corn crop. Neither are tliero many merchants arriving on the market, and, In fact. Iniit week was one of the quietest seen In some time In that respect. That merchants are not ' "siijeiieii, nowever, is shown by thu ' fact that local Jobbers have not received 1 enough cancellations of orders to be worthy ! iii-u. , ' .J'""" 'ewiiier.i arc UClliniiy frightened tho cancellations come rolling in at a rate that can leavo no doubt as to the conditions existing lu the country, Thc whole sltuntlon ut the present time Is summed up by saying that merchants are simply waiting for developments. During the present lull In Immediate busi ness local Jobbers ure taking advantage of the opportunity to rush out their advnnce orders. I-all stocks nie now quite com plete, so that thu shipping Is progressing in good shape. Market conditions arc very much tho name HHiihef' erV a.wct, o- Leaving n few market fluctuations on groceries, which were brought about by dry weather, out of consideration, it can safely bu said that thero has scarcely been nn Important change during the week. Prices, howovor. urn llrm on practically all classes of goods with prospects for tho future most en couraging. SiiKftr a Trlllc Lower. Wholesale grocers report a very fair weeks business, thojgh, of course, tradu i?..!10t ex"c,ty rushing. The market, with tow exceptions. Is steady with last week, except where the dry weather has damn-red growing crops and brought about .nl.TV lrlccs-.1 Susnr is one ot thu most notable exceptions. The market was more or less unsettled and finally dropped down mo points. As to future movements, no ono Is attempting to make predictions. Thu coffee market is the same as It was Kntck aKVvl,h the exception of Arbucklu ncki Ku coffee, which Is He lower. A week ugo thu Lyons people cut their price He and now that Arbucklu has cut the two brands ate onct more on a purity. . iiLi . i"nce0U!l Bu'ls oatmeal Is quoted tt little higher, and, as reports from nil over ..r.mCVl,l,try 8l,inY. a hrtage In thu oat crop this year, there Is no prospect of c-wer prices on thu meal. Heans tiro also up 6ffi; per bushel. It Is claimed that the potato and bean markets are very closely connected, so that what affects ono affects i.i.Si" . h- potato crop Is said to bo i... iv. ,muPC'1 Vry weather and as a result beans have advanced. , .?m"c1 KO,ods nre stl" ln n very strong position owing to the drouth. IVult has m?in.?,OT "B bndly th0 ml8t wecIt r two ?,.,.. il,llnus ils uorn R"J tomatoes have been more or less damaged, 'mat Delnit the case the pack of these lines will proba bly be somewhat curtailed. Western pack ers of tomatoes are not quoting prices at MrY-Jltr,,", corn ,ht'y llllV0 advanced their prices 6B7',4c per dozen. Syrup continues to ndvanco for tho enmo f,e.'i?,on M,at th0 "'iSS mentioned nbovo havo been going up. The codfish market his vOfhCM,'Jocl;(,'i.n0i byATZ weather but by the extreme heat, which makes the pfe thc n.".h.a dlnlcult o-eratlom Prices are some higher than they wore n week ago and stocks aro roporteel light. ,.i ,r .Mt,lPlo "ncs of grocoiics reman ubout where they were a week ugo. Ilnrdmire Unlet. The hardware mnrket has been quiet the E, w"'.k,.i,,oth ,s regards nrlco lluctuu llons and tho volumo of buslnos, A lew "fi "? "rd? r, S course, coming In. but it is evident both from tho numbir and Rlzn. thtlt mnrfilifinta o..-. .. 1 i X?,iy..JaI. SvnnFu ?f "Ctual re- v i ' j""' l,ml 'r lnc o"i leaiuie of the hardware trade for last week, as p. Ices ,.v, vti..0i.u ,,, iciiql i litre lias, of course, been a great deal of talk about tnp effect thu great strike of metal wnrke s In a position to tell how long It will take .... i 7 . """-"''Leu uuiween me wo.-K-men and their employes. T V vii.iiiKo iu unseed oil fir, f ,h rc'?rt- though the market Is ...... t..,.,l)Vu m u weeit ago. ins nax crop In Missouri and Kuntiis Is un- how much Is not known at the present t me. Thu amount of seed obtnlned from union i wo Himcs win very largely detor mini) the early fall market. While lead mixed paints and turpentine am all un changed. IloldltiK Unok l'all Orilrrs. Dry goods Jobbers report trade a little quiet, Merchants are not arrlvlm? nn tho market In as largo numbers as could rea- xiuiHuiy ue exnecioa ai mis time ot ytar, and thev nrotiihlv will nnt num.. rapidly until Nebraska Is given n snnk n.r rain. Jobbers' stocks of fall goods a.o nun muiiv euiniuuio ii nn ready ror the In spection of merehnnls. nnd thu opinion Is that there will bo such a gram! rush of merchants to this market ns t ai HBiw oren seen nero, proviued, of cour'. that It rains. Thnt In nil Mini lu ...,io.i to give local Jobbers the best run ot trade incy nave ever experienced. Kvctl the way things are now they are looking for a go id manv buvrrs this rntnlnir n in ,.,,.. Incalltle.i rain 1ms fallen nnd restored co -fldcnco (n future business to a n rmal LUIIUIIIIJU. Put while Immediate business last week as quiet. Jobbers were working their mon overtime getting out tho ndvanco orders As previously mentioned, they are nnxlnus to get those out of the way owlntf to the fact thnt they conlldontly expect an mor mons trade a little later In tho season and they want to be In shape to handle that with promptness and regularity. Thc market has not changed much during tho week, although buyers who nre well Informed consider American prints n d four-yord brown cottons as being under tho market and consequently sales of that chts of goods havo been unusually largo of lat . No ChtuiKc In I.rntlier Omuls. Hoot and shoe Jobbers also report t-ado as being none too rushing. There has been no special feature to tho trade, as al that Is going on Is the tilling of n few tiz nK up orders, the tamo as usual ln July, nnd also tho shipping out of advance orders for fall, IxjciiI houses am getting a good start on their advance orders and hope ti havo the bulk of them out of the way 'n good foxs,on. What has been said if thi leather goods trndo applies equally well to the rubber goods trade, Fruits nml Produce. There has been a fairly good demand for fruits the puBt week. Lemons In particu lar have been In good request, but mere lias been no change In prices. California fruits nre also selling In Just about t o same notches they were a week ago. Hasp berries and blackberries are still on th market, but they uro arriving ln sma I quantities and are gradually advannins. The most noticeable feature of tho week was the higher prices on a number of vrgetables, cnuxed by dry weather farther south nnd the damage done to crops. Po tatties are now selling up to 90c per bushel, which Is considerably higher than they were a week ago. Thc ptlce at whl h the various lines are selling will be found In another column. Commission men aro still having a great deal of trouble with their eggs cn account of tho extremely hot weather, and say ttat over DO per cent of thc eggs are otn ly unfit for consumption. I'nder those cir cumstances the loss to shippers Is gTeat nnd complaints from the country numerous. In many cahes shipments of eggs are to WylVe A?11 ,,ot le" tor cnoush Poultry in quoted nbout the same as It iri Jf clk n"0v.wllh the exception of spring chicken?, which are weak. OMAHA WHOLUSALB MAFIKKT. Condition of Trnde nnd Uuotntlons on Slnple nnil Fuller Produce. Eaos-Ilecclpts liberal; loss off. lfrflWi. 1.1VK POl'L,THY-Hcns, 7c; young unl old roosters, J-MDcj turkeys, Cifi&ej ducks nnd BU.';?.U.Jo: spring chickens, per lb., 14gi6c. ULTT12R Common to fair. lJOl.Wci choice dairy, In tubs, 14J15c; teparator, J9c. t KP.KSH KKSH-niack bass, Isci white bass, fcc; bluensh, 11c; bullheads. 10c; blue fins. ,c; buffaloes, 6c; cattish, 13c; cod, 9c; croppies, TftlOc; clscocs, 7c; halibut, lie; herring, 6c: haddock, 10c; mackerel, ic. pike, c; red snapper. 10c; salmon, lie; sun ilsh. 5c; trout, c; whlteilsh, 5c. 1 ',-, nuut, ut, woiteiiHtt, re, PfonONH-Llve, per doz., fl. VKALS-Cholcc. filOc. HAY Prlees minted hi' flmnha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice up and, 110.60; No. 2 upland, J9.K0; medium, $M0; coar.'c, 13. rtyo straw, $9.50. There pries are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts, A cars. OATS-No. 2 white, 37c. COHN-No. 3, 45c. HHAN-U2. VEQETADLKS. HH UtlAllH Home grown, per lb., lc. NKW CAHHOTS Per doz., 20c. Ct'Ct'MHKKS Hothouse, per doz., EOc. IjETTUCK Per bu 20c. HAD18HK8-Ped doz., 15S20C. PAH8M3Y-Per doz.. 20c. NKW POTATOK8-Pcr bu TMJSOc. CAHHAOB Home grown, 2c. TO.MATOi:S-Tcxas. 4-basket crates, ll.SO. ON'IONS-UermutlaB, per crate, 12.25; new California, 2c. CAU'LIt LOWEH Home grown, per doz., 50c, BEANS Wax, per hnlf-bushel hiskct, CJc; string, pur half-bushel basket, too. PEA8-Pcr bu.. Jl: per half-bushel. 50c. CANTAlJUPE-l'er basket, 5cflH; crates, J2. . WATEHMELONS Texas, 3085c ench, FIIU1TS. PINEAPPLE8-Ptr doz., U.C0S1.75; per crntc, J3..W. LACK1115nitlE8-Per 21-qt. case, 2. HASPHEUniES Per 24-qt. case, ; red, per 24-qt. case, J2.50. CHKtUU133-Natlvc. per 8-Ib. basket, 4oc; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, $l."52.0O. PKACHES-Cullfornla, per box, 00c; free stone, 11.10. A PIU COTS California, 4-bnsket crates, 1.W. PM'.MS-Callfnrnla. per crate, Jl.25fll.t0. OOOSEUEHHIES-Per 21-qt. case, 2. TIIOP1CAL, FUU1TS. OltANOES-Callfornla seedlings, 3.75; Metl. sweets, Jl. liKMONS-Cnllfornla, extra fancy, to', choice, J4.7j. BANANAS Per bunch, ncortllng to size, J2.f)'n2.r.o. FKJS California, new cartons, 75c; lay ers. t"ic; Imported, per lb., 10(12c. DATKS-Pcrslnn. In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 6c. M1SCEM.ANEOU8. IIONKY-Hullnwnen. KWc nor lb. CIDliU-Pcr bbl.. J4.50; tier half-bbl., J2.75.l NUTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb 15cj fil berts, per lb., 13c; nlmonds, por lb., lSj20c; raw peanuts, per in,, wuwc; rousieu, ns'o HlDKS No. 1 nreen. 6Hc: No. 2 green. &Hc; 1 salted, 7Hc; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf. S to 12H lbs., Sc; No. 2 veal calf. a id is ins., nci ury niaes, j.iijcj nuuep pelts, 25i375c; horse hides, 1.50Jj2.25. .St. I.nuls Ornlti nnd Provisions. ST. I.OITI8. Julv 20. WHEAT Unsettled: No, 2 red cash, elevator, ffiVlc; track. Gic: Julv. Gfic: Sentcmber. 6614c : De cember, 6S4c; No. 2 hard. C7c. COHN-I Uglier; No. 2 cash, 54c; track. 64',4 G5lftc; July, 5IKc; September, 54!ic; De cember. 5oc. OATS-Hlgher; No. 2 cash. 36Hc; track, 37Uc; July, 37Hc; September, 36c; May, 29V4c: No. 2 white, 37i(Ti38c. HVI2 iiigner at 57Vi5;c. FLOL'R Stlffer. with sellers generally asking higher prices, but Is hard to sell at uny advance; new red winter patents, $3.40 Q3.50; extra fancy nnd straight, 3.00ir3.20; clear. K.&W2.a, cuiiNMKAi steady at UUAN Strong: sucked, cast track. 74c, with 75c ohtalnnblc this side. HAY Strong: timothy, old. this side. $17; east side, J14.00JJ16.00 old, J14.0Ojjl5.2S now; prairie not quoted. WHISKY-Stendy at JI.27. IKON COTTONTIES-J1.15. BAa01Na-6?i(T;7ViC. HEMP TWINE 9c SEEDS Flax, dull, $1.60 for new; no mar- Wnt! Ilmnlhv. tin trndlnir. PHOVIBIONSPork. Etondy: Jobbing. J15.75. I.ard. better, J8.47H. Dry salt meats (boxed), quiet; extra shorts, $3; clear ribs. $8.25; clear sides. $S.50. Bacon tboxed), quiet; extra shorts, IS.ST'i; clear ribs, $9.2o; clear sides, J9.37V4. METALS Leail. quiet at .27H-I.40; out side bid for special brands. Spelter, quiet at $3.82V4. POULTRY Dull; chickens, 6c; springs, 10c: turkeys, 5c; young, 12Hc; ducks, 5c; springs, Cc; geese. 3c; springs, 45c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, logsoHc; dairy. 13fM5c. EOGS Steady: nearby, 7c: southern, 6c. RECEIPTS-Flour. 5.000 bbls.: wheat. 223, 000 bu.: corn. 8,000 bu.; oats, 55,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 9.000 bbls.; wheat, 30,000 bu.; corn, 20,000 bu.; oats, 114,000 bu. Liverpool (irnln and Provisions. LIVEBPOOL, July 20. WHEAT-8pot, steady; No. 2 red western winter, 5s74d; No. 1 northern, spring, 5s7Hd; No. 1 Call fornla, 5s 9d. Futures, quiet; September, 5s7Hd; December, 8s SV4d. COKN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4sl4d; American mixed, old, 4s 4Vbd. Futures, quiet; July, nominal; September, 4s 4Hd: October. 4s ;d. PEAS Canadian, llrm, 6s Id. FLO UK St. Louis fancy winter, dull, 7s 9d. HOPS At London, Pacific coast), steady, 4 Csfl 4 10s. PROVISIONS- Beef, firm; extra India mess, 00a 6d. Pork, firm; prima western mess, 6Ss fid. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., firm, 52s 6d. Lard, steady; Amorlcan re filled, ln nails. 43s 3d: nrlme western, ln tierces. 43s 6d. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady, 44s 9d; short ribs. 16 to 24 los., 44s 6d: long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., firm. 45s 9d: short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., steady, 44s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., firm, 51s 3d. Shoulders, square, 16 to 20 lbs., llrm. 36s 9d. BUTTER Firm; finest United States, 90s; goon tiniicu amies, ids, CHEESE Firm; American finest, white, Km tn; American unesi, coiorea, ins txi. TALLOW Firm; prime, city, 25 6d; Aus trallan. In London. 27c Receipts of wheat during the last three unys, 4i7,ivu centals, including l& Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during the Ian tnree uays, im.cvv centals. Ktimus City Grain nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 20.-WHEAT-Sep. tember. 64c: December. 664ti66V4c: cash. No 2 hard. 63U0631ic: No. 3, 63c; No. 2 red, t4 ui'.jc; .-no, o, uiiftkic. iun, aepiemuer. do!c: uecemDer. wic; ensh, No. 2 mixrd, 6Sf65c; No. 2 white, &Hi OATS-No. 2 white, 41H(u,l2c RYE No. 2. 62c. HAY-Cholco timothy, $13.00; choice nrnlr o. J12.O04T12.5O. BUTTER Creamery, ISc; dairy, fancy, H9I1DO. f.uuo ijicuui . 11 cell .ii nsuuii uiiu nun sns stock quiet, quoted unchnnged, "Vic per uoz.. loss on. cases returned; seconds, ic. RECEIPTS-Wheat, 221,(00 bu.; corn, 67, 200 bu.: oats. 10.0(0 bu. SHIPMENTS When t, 127,200 bu.; corn, U),.u uti.; oais, iz.w.v au. Coffee .tliirket. NEW YORK, July 20.-COFFEE-Market nlllpt with nrlrn. nnnlinnno.l . . . , 1 ceptlonally dull 'during the' forenoon, in ine mupciicu oi imptirinni cnange in roreigT markets, statistical conditions or ilnmn In affairs to stimulate buying or selling. Just neioro ine ciose iiqiuoaiioii and some i-ea' selling set In and carried prices lower, with tho close barely steady nnd net unchanged to 5 points lower, Total sales were 16.T0 nngs. including Jiuy ar.; August. 4.c; September, 4c; October. 4,ftc: November, 6c: Mnrch. 6.30c: May. 6,40c: June. 5.t0c. The mnrket for spot wnB easier, with sales r - ported on mo oasis or n ii-ioc lor itio no, 7. Mini, coruova, auuiirtc PlilluilelnhlK Prodnee Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. July 20. BUTTER Firm, tun quiet; fancy western creomcry, iOXjc: fanry prints, 21c. EOQS Firm, fair demand; fresh western, 14'(il5c; fresh southwestern, 12Mc; fresh southern, 12c. CHEESE Qjlet; New York full creams, fancy small, 9Vic: New York full creams, fiilr to choice. SMif9'ie. Toledo firnln nnd Seed. TOLEDO, July 20.-WIIEAT-Cnsh nnd July. 69jc: September. 6Mic; December, 72c. CORN Active; cash and July, 53c; Sep tember. 54Hc. OATS-Qulet. higher; ensh nnd July, 35c; oeiui'iiiut-i , dl7iv, RYE-52HC. CLOVERSEED Cash, prime, G3c; Octo ber, $3.75. .Mliiueupolli Wlient, Flour nnd Bran MINNEAPOLIS July 20,-WHEAT-Cash. 6C7ic; September, 65c; December, 67Mf 67Hc On track: No. 1 hard. CS'ic; No. 1 nonnrrn. tovc; .o, i norinern, 6.jc, FLOUR First patents, $3.7503 85; second patents, $3.5503 65; first clears, $2.652.75; Dci-iiiiti eiriirs, BRAN-IUgher; In bulk. $12.50813.00. THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bamt Wtather Map and Dtmand for Corn frtm iffliotid DiitrioU NO CHEERING NEWS FROM FAR SOUTHWEST Con rue fJrnln Close Higher Heavy Dentnnil for Unts Wlirnt Loner Trade Compnrntl vrly Lighter Provisions Dull nnd Easier. CH1CACJO. Jlllv M-Hnrn IV and oats ic higher today, again lnlluno d by the weather. Wheat closed -Silie lower nnd provisions 2HQ7ttc depressed. me story of corn was one that co'ill nve been Iniit nf nnv .n..lnn ,in,iMH . u.. past fortnight. There was tho same un- w,.,,,roinising weather map and the ame general demand from the afflicted districts for corn to rrnlnrn ihn ments have burned. Messages from thi turn raising zone wore of one leiKr; yvus scarcely a cheerful note In th m. IXICal Detnlo. frorl.w (tin, . a .. might upset their calculations, sold on a i, ! "cale- But me buying by people who ti?.?.or.l8 continued steadily and the ftnft." vi. DU" Position still secure. ?losedmiv'Iii!'laclv'e,,n Ve and 65Sc and were 2l!' ciirs hlKh:r nt 65tj5jic. Hecclpts u,so conunueti to advance. Thc 'e- rni.Vln.. ... "V" uiio, uui lime was lorin- ?mJ,'J.5 "ve f01?1 P'culntlve longs. Hep- loslni ,Vn CiVi,.i'v;rV-.0,'1?-,'.", ,-ri ' 110 enrs k ui:, ncutiins wern 1 rmlo In . - n . . I . . . 1 . . I r3-ufi,;'!,.bcr We UfiHc higher at UHlf L,i,.t , t. . " w. iiiuicr auniiionni damALn.ln"C.,0r?r " hhP0 of Mtt ro I Aiinc an, iiu wevrr. (1 111 IT ha! Qiire.V benrlng In mind Ac fact ri?r,Lhre,,SF und ",,dor Persistent llquldn .inMfrti hls aua,rter September worked n? iwuf c n2d cafy' W0 1,,w,,r Qd,00) bu., compnroO with 7r4,ft bu, last cars, nBHlrist W in-st 'week and SfT year "o". n'n.i receipts we e .ij cars. Hi of contract grade. Cinch hugs and h t , . i" imve none great damage In sixteen countines ln southern Minnesota. Provisions were extremely dull nnd a L ffl September lard 2ic down Rrttlmntoft rtAtii n...i 4S.!'r: c.or"' 24j ca"! oat". W cars; heps, 34,rjno head. Tho leading futures rnnrind as follows; Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Iow. Closo, Ycs'y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. I est; 67iifiH! 67H 67v; '0Ti-lH 71(5 TOJHTOHett 7C 51 52' 51S s:u B4UJlT 55H 54,55 fll? f3J 5l?i-5 56 54I 61 . 3li 3I 34H 3 3sj 3435 xA 34H S5Vi 34 37 33 3? 3S 37!i I I II 14 30 114 35 I 14 22HI 14 221 II 30 14 55 ( 14 75 I 14 E5 I 14 70 II 67 8 67 R 70 I 8 65 ' 8 63 ' R C'i 8 70 8 70 8 65 8 f6 8 7H 8 42 8 47 8 12 8 42 8 .lt? I I ' I 7 90 7 90 I 7 R7 7 90 I 7 9: 7 92 7 92 7 90 7 90 T till 7 60 7 65 I 7 60 1 7 621 7 CO Corn- July Sept. Dec. OMtS- July Sept. Mav Potk- Sept. Jan. Lsrd- Sept. Oct. Jan. Ribs Sept. Oct. Jan. No. 2. Cash Quotations wero as follows: FLOUR Rteatlv: winter nntents. M.aivra 3.40: straights. $2.903.20: clears. $2.ffWr3 on: spring specials. J3.&og4.00i straights, J2.70fj 3.00; bakers. J2.HVfj2.fc0. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 67c; No. 2 red. 69iH69c. (S6lc. OATS No. 2, 37(f?37c; No. 2 whlto, 3Sc; No. 3 white, 38fi40c. n i r. io. a, oottioaftc. BARLEY Q ood feedlne. 43c: fair tn choice malting, 4S05OC. 8EED8 No. 1 flax. $1.55: nrlme timothy. $5.00(95.05: clover, contract grade, $9.50. t'mjviBiuiMB aioss porK. per nni., H 10 14.15. Lard, per 100 lbs.. J8.60iS'S.62. Short rios sines iioosri, ji.wi.ra. ury sniien shoulders (boxed). $7.507.62; short clear sides (boxed). $8.3098.40. WHISKY Basis of nign wines. $1.27. Followlne are the receipts and shlomenta for today: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 28,000 9.000 Wheat, bu 216.000 BO.'OO Corn, bu 222 0(0 21.0X) Oats, bu 127.00) 239,050 Ityp, DU b,D .... Barley, bu , 3,000 4,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm: creameries. 14Wfll9c: dairies, 13gi6c, Cheese, firm, 9;gi0c. BS easy; ircsn, ic. NKW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of thc Dny on Vnrlons Commodities. NEW YORK. July 20,-FLOUR-Recclpts, 13.3S2 bbls.; exports, 7,532 bbls.; more ac tive and firmer: Minnesota pat ents, $3.6503.90; Minnesota bakers, $2.83 3.1b; winter patents, $3.55(fJ3.S0; winter straights. $3.253.45: winter extras, $2.50 2.80; winter low grades, $2.30ff2.40; market quiet; fair to good, $2.6503.10; choice to fancy, J3.15fl3.45; ryo flour, firm; fair to good, $2.70n3.15; choice to fancy, $3.153.45. CORNMEAL Firmer; yellow western, $1.05; Brandywlne, $2.6032.70. RYE Firm; No. 1 western, 6794c f. o. b. afloat; state, 634T54C c. I. f. New York car lots. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 4Sc, c. 1. f., New York; malting. Willie c. 1. f New York. BARLEY MALT Dull; western, C572c. WHEAT Receipts, 176,500 bu.; exports, 257,000 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. 77c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 red. 75Vio elevator: No. 1 northern. Duluth. 76c f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 hard. Duluth, 84c afloat. Options devel oped strength and activity today on re ports of heat and damage to spring wheat, supplemented by higher cables, the rise in corn and general covering. They finally eased off a little under realizing and closed steady ut a partial He net advance. July, 5iff75Hc, closed at 75c; September, 74 Qii 11-lOc, closed at 74Vic; October closed at 74c; December, 7&8"6c. closed at 76c, CORN Receipts, 43,0o0 bu.; exports, 97, 4S0 bu. Spot, strong; No. 2, 57J4o elevator and 55c f. o. b. afloat. Options active and strong on continued heat In western states, with no prospects for rellirf. Cables were higher ond sentiment bullish. Closed llrm, 1H01O net higher. July, 57'57c, closed at 67c; September, 57Hfc5M!c, c0Md at 58Vc; October. 57Sw5Sc, closed at 5SV4C; December. CSVitfWiSc, closed at 58c. OATS Receipts, 101,a) bu.: exports. 175. 075 bu. Spot, strong; No. 2, foe, No. 3, 3Sc; No. 2 white, 4ogmc; No. 3 white. 40c: track, mixed western, 37i'a39c; track, white, 39lH4c. Options were firmer with corn and on the unfavorable crop situation. HAY Steady; shipping, 704 75c; good to Choice. 879Jc. HOPS Weak; state, common to choice, 1900 crop, 13fil6c: 1599 crop, 10fl3c! old olds, 26c; Pacific coast, 1W0 crop, 13S17c; 1S93 crop. lUflSc; old olds, 26c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 2023 lbs., 18fl 18c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 2S lbs., 14c. LEATHER Quiet; hemlock sole. Buenos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 24J25c; acid, " PROVISIONS IlPHf. tnHv fnmllv til Kl S12.00; niess, $9,50i8 10.00; beef hams, $30.5oV 21,50; city, extra India mess, $l6.l4flS.OO; . I,u u,ou- -ui meats, steatiy: Pickled bellies, J9.6Oflu.O0; pickled shoul ders, $7.007.25. pickled hams. JU.fO81I.50. Lard, steady; western steamed, Jlj.S'J: re fined, steady; continental. J8.95; South America, $9.60; compound, $7.00tj'7.15. Pork, quiet; family, $16 (16.W; short clear, $15.25 Hi 17.00; mess, J15.25 16.25. uiibu-Quiet; city (J2 per pkg.), 4c: uu i i receipts, 3,517 pkgs.: frm; state, dairy. I4tjl4c; creumerj" lVfjiy'c; factory, 13ai5c; Imitation creamery, U, fancy large colored, 9c: fancy large white! 9c: fancy imall colored and white. !-. 06iic: Japan, 4c. ' 74 .,I.!PJ,T5E87uQulet! New Yrk. 180 lbs., J2.26W2.75: southern, extra, per bbl.. J2.50 , MOLAGSES-Steady; New Orleans, open kettle good to choice. 35917c. P POULTRY-Allve. weak; -prlnger 13tf 14c: turkeys Sc- fowls, 10c". Dresd' weakj lowanwe 9"ci turkf''' 8sc; fowl.; MLTAIS There was very little business 1? .nny Crunch of tho metal market today. Prices for tin were nominally unchanged, with spot quoted at J37.75 0 2S.56. There wai no London cable. Copper was qu'ct an 1 moro or less nominal as to value, with 'ake mem iiuuicu ui .it mm casting ana elec EGOS Receipts, 25,613 pkgs.; firm: stiti ?,"rti1cnnsy!van,H' WMJci western rand.ed, 13ifl5c: western uncand e.I. 8ftl2c. CHEESE Recelots. 2.411 't.ulri . irr. ... DAILY BEE: SUXDAY, trolytlc at $16.62 Icad ruled fairly steady today, but unchanged nt $1.31 tor spot Spelter was dull at $3 "O0J.15. Iton a4 quiet all around and nominally unchnngrd. Pig Iron warrants. WXWd lo.oo, No. 1 north ern foundry, $ll.,6W15 2a, No, 1 touthein foundry, soft, $H.76gi5.25. XBW YOIUC STOCKS AM) llO.VDS. Anxlelj- Oter AVesterii Crop Sltuntlon Cnrrlrs Prices lloivn, NEW YORK, July 20.-Anxletv over th9 weiitcrn crop situation overbore nil other considerations In the stock market today and carried prices down through thc at tempts of the lnsldo Interests In cer.nln stocks to support the market. Thc closing prices were near the lowest nnd the market was active nnd weak at the last. Tne on y modification of the weakness was due to the buying to cover nnd take profits by tho bearish traders, who saw handsome profits accrued as a result of tho dec. Ine late es tcrday and today. These bearish operators havo been suppoced by Wall street to ha resident chiefly In the west and to be con cerned In bulling grain as well as bearltu stocks. The feeling gained force In Wall street today that this double campaign has more basis ln fact thnn was believed yes terday and the western contingent received large reinforcements from eastern sources. The supporters of the market matin head way agnlnst tho bears ln the first hour, when vigorous efforts were mado to drive the bears to cover. There was a tesump Hon of pool operations In Southern Pacltlo and that stock, as well as St. Paul and Missouri rnclfle. were left well over last night. Aggressive selling by the benrj Immediately developed, baed on the r ports of new damage to the corn crop nnd reports of extensive damage to the spring wheat crop, now first heeded ln Wall street. Another attempt was made to rally tin market on the strong bank statement. In which n largo loan contraction co-operateJ with n substantial Increase In cash to recuperate the surplus of the bank. How ever, higher bids for stock brought out such largo offerings that the bulls woio obliged to desist and prices fell by rapid stages practically up to the close. St. Paul fell 4 points under last night Rock Island 4, Northwestern 8. Atchison 3H. Atchison preferred 2 and others of tho Pnclllc and southwestern groups, as well as leading southern and trunk line rnllronds and spe cialties from 1 to 2 points, Some of the less prominent stocks showed large losses. The united States Steel stocks wcr largely dealt In, but moved nnrrowly nnd were itup ported, the common lo'lng only V nnd the preferred closing higher The pecu'atlvo contingent rests grent confidence on tho assumption thnt organised nrrnngements nre In force, bicked by the prlnclpnl capi talistic group., to wipport tho market, under tho direction of tho most forceful nnd succefsful market leader and operator of the day. Railroad bonds, however, moved In sympathy with, but less widely, than stocks. United States refunding 2s, 3s and old 4s advanced and the new 4s U Jcr cent below the closing call of lust week. The Commercial Advertiser's Lo-dw financial cablegram says Attendance on the floor of tho Stock exchange wn. rmall and stocks were lifeless toiay. The Amer ican department wan unsettled ami a few additional clearance sales, following tho recent embarrassment of small opeinto s, sent prices below parity These over, th tone hardened. Atchison, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific being tho best failures, but tho fluctuations possess nractlcallv n' significance. Call money still rules nt li per cent nnd discounts at 2 per cent. The following arc ;he closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlton do pfd Ilsltlmore & Ohio. da pfd Canadian l'aclflo . Canada 80 Chts. & Ohio Chicago & Alton.. da pfd Chicago. Ind. & L. do pfd Chlcsso fc IC. III... 711. So. Hallway . 23i . M . 4J . 19 imi no prd , 9 Texas A l'acinr... , 92 Tol St. L. A V.. 103 'i do prd . 66! Union Pacific .. . do pfd .11! -VaUah . 73b da pfd... 31 Wheel. & I E. , 18 I do id Dfd . 3."i JOOU . 20 . KM . . 23 . 2I . . 79 IIS Wis. Central Chicago Q. W 1 do nfd do in pfd do 2d pfd i P. C. C. A St. L... . i Adams Kx 1 American Kx ,142 U. S. Ex . 20 Welln-Pargo Ex..., , 3! Amal. Copper , fD Amer. Cnr A F..., , 1?U do pfd , O Anwr. IJn. Oil .22 do nfd .170 .190 . SO .140 .113 . 2S . S4i . 23 . CO . 53 .loon ,.130 . 44 . 77 . 9S .215 . 65 .115 ,.254 . . 20 . ' . 75 . 95 . 91 . 4i; . 19H ,. 91' ,. 12 ,. S3 .1I3H .41 ,. S' ..203 ,. 1W .. 72M Chlcsco & .V. V.., a. n. 1. & r Chicago Ter. A Tr. do pid C. C. C. & St. L.. Colorado Ha do lt pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson Del. L. & W Denver & II. O.... do pfd 1(5 I!5 Amer. H. A K do pfd , Aincr. Tobacco ... 41 ?2V4 Anac. Mining Co,. Erl . w lirooklyn It. T . Colo, Kuel A Iron., . 60 Con. (Ins .17 ,Con. Tobacco .... . 41 do pfd . 74 Gen. Klectrlc .I47H Olurouc Suxar .... . Ml. Hocking Coal , . 7114 Inter. Paper , . U do pfd .117 Inter. Power .l'UA. Laclede (las .113 tXatlona! Ulacult ., .167 (Nations: Iad ..... . 2J1; National Salt . SH do pfd .119 No. American .... ,.101 Pacific Coast . ti'.i Pacltlo Mall . r.'i I'eople's Oas ,'-5p; Pressed S. Car.... . 4THI do pfd . IS Pullman P. Car... . SHi Republic Steel ... .14311 1 do pfd do 1st pfd do 2d I'M Ot, Nor. pfd Hocking Valley ... do pfd Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd.. Lake Krle & W.... do pfd. U A N Manhattan L Met. St. Hy Mexican Centrnl .. Mex. National Minn, tc St. L Mo. l'aclflo M., K. & T do pfd N, J. Central . Norfolk & V... do pfd Ontario & V... Pennsylvania .. Ileadlnc do lat pfd do 2d pfd St. L. & S. F... do lit pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw.. do pfd St. Paul do pfd Bo. Pacific . t'.i Sugar .11! .. 60 .. UH .. 71 .. 12 .. 7S 19 .. (9 .. 39; . 75H Tenn. Cool A Iron ,. 6H Union Dag A P. . I Hi do prd . 7CV4 V. 3. Leather ..... ,. CSS da pfd . 23 ,U. 8. Rubber ..... . 02 1 do pfd ,.15t U. 8. Steel .IkS I do p(d . ti 'Western Union ... MM Trust receipts. Xevr Y'ork Money Market. NEW YORK. Julv 20. MONEY On rail. nominal; prime mercantile paper, 4S5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Nominal, with actual business In bankers' bills nt $4 il-S lor oemann anu 111 i.i?t ior sixty nays: posted rates, J4.S5 and $4.68; commercial klllM ti klli Cili. SlLVER-liur,' 6Sc; Mexican dollars, ViC. 1JONDS State bonds, Inactive; railroad bonds, easier. Tim clusliig pilcea on uonds toda ar ai follows: U. S. ref. 3s, reg... do coupon do s, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg.,., do coupon do old 4s, reg do coupon do ts, reg do coupon D. of C. t, 65 Atchison gen. ., do adj. 4s,, Canada So. 2s Ches A Ohio 4s., do Gs C. A N. W. c. 7s.. do 8. T. deb. Ss, Chicago Ter. 4s.... Colorado So, 4s Denver A n. O, 4s Krlt general 4s V. V. A D. C. Is,. Clen. Electric it... Iowa Central Is.. I,. A X. unl. 4 M K. A T. 2s.... do 4s 107 107H lOS'i ;09 117 llbVJ 111 113 lu7i 10) lib lOJTi N. Y. C. Is N. J. C, gen. 5s,.., No. Pacific 3s do 4s 104 129 72 103 N Y, C A Ht L 4s .lo7!i .102 .107 .103 .ISO .:n4 . 9S?i .v. A w, con. 4s... Oregon Nav. ls... do 4s Oregon 8. L. Cs.. do consol Cs Rending gen. 4s,.,. itio a. v. is .lOlfc .117 .132 173 .120 .117 . t: IWi . 60 .118 . 99 .115 .IIS .112 .112!! S' . 91 9 109 107'.. 120 131 122b 91 H ,1'JlH SOU 10714 )0 .115 101 HH 07. lat L A I M c. 5s. St L A 8 K g, 6s. St. Taul consols , St P, CAP is.. do 5s,.., So. Pacific 4s So. Hallway 5s 3, . A T. 6s Tex. A Pacific Is. do Is Union Pacific 4s... Wsluiili i do 2s West Shore 4 Wis. Central Is..., Va, Centuries Bid. "Offered. New York Ilnnk Statement. NEW YORK, July 20.-The statement of tho Associated banks for the week ending today shows; Loans J&6.iys,t00, decrca 0 J12,26S,i0; deposits J039.145.30O. decrease t 44S.MO; clrcuincloii JJO,710,0CO. Increase, JtfiOOO; legal tenders J7S,iil6,!WO. increase $918.7 0 specie J177,50l.800, Increase J5.H9,i(0; reserve J255.615.700. Increase J6,107.fcO0; reserve r -quired J234.7S6.325, decrease J2.112.20O: surplus J21.029.375, Increaso JS,220,(iOO. The Financier says: "The statement of the New York Associated banks Inst Saturday showed, from the borrowers' point of view, tho gratifying Increase In surpluii reservo of JS,22O,O0o, cnrrylng this Item to J2l.029.375, or close to the figures recorded at the begin ning of June, The present position of the banks ln this respect Is suclNas to relieve apprehension on their part of being seri ously Incommoded through a withdrawal by their correspondents of cash to an ox tent sufficient to compel restrictions In loaning In order to maintain their percen tage of reserves, From present Indications tho banks will continue to gain In cash through subtreasury operations and le celpts of gold from tho Pncltlc coast assay offices, there being about Jl.SOO.Onu of the latter which will probably arrive during the coming week. The outlook for thu present favors easy money," HiiKor Mnrket, NEW YORK, July JO.-SL'GAR-Raw, firm; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, re test ,!olB5;f8,,u.K'.'cr' 3HC- "'fined, firm; No. 6, 4.c: No. 7. 4.45c; No, 8, 4 65c: No. H 4 60c; No. 10. 4.55c: No. 11. 4.50c: No. 12 4.t0c; No. 13. 4.60c: No. 14, 4.40c; standard A. 6.25c; confectioners' A. 5 25c; mould A. 5.f0c; cut loaf, 6(uc; crushed, S.(6c: nowdered 6.65c: granulated. 5.45c: cubes. 6.70c. WfjUON, July 20.-RKET SL'GAR-July. NEW ORLEANS, July 20.-SUOAR-CjUlet: open kettle. 3 3.lf.fj4c: open kettle ffiUr'I'H"1' sWH'j0'. centrifugal yellow, 44 9-ltc; second. 24J3?c. Molases dull; centrifugal, 614c. JVJjY 21, 1901. IMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Wtik Claud yiixh Ettf Fattls Forty t Fifty Otiti Htjkir That on Tnoidtj. HOGS tlVE TO SEVEN AND A HALF HIGHER Choice Hives mid Welliers Arc fltrnily for till' Week nnd Others l.oiTtr, While Lnnibs llrolif ?event Plvc Cents to a Dollar, SOUTH OMAHA, July 20. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Shtep. nrtininl t,,.lu Ultlclal Tuesday '!! Ofllclnl Wednesday .. 3.147 b.Wl .,311 .. 4,031 U,7t)l 14.2"0 10,567 9,121 6,oj; 2,857 Ut? uuiciai iiiursaay IJOi Ofllclnl Friday 1.S.I4 Official Baturiluy uo Total this week 12,839 6U.2.V1 Week ending July i3....l4,lol 4i,wo Week enduiK July 6,... 7.822 3o.42J Week elldlliK Juno 29....15,a45 U,9o& Week ending June 22,... ,iw9 51,t74 Sumo Meek last,aj; 4o,5til A ...... ...1 ...1 ......I . .. I. .. ... 17,842 14,004 13,232 South Omaha thu mini acvernl dnvs with com parlsons: MM1. 1500.tS99.0S93jU07.,lS9fi.lKtJ July July July July July 3.... 6 7II 5 Oil S Til 13 21 2 9i 4 7U 4.. 6.. 6.. 7.. 6 73 5 79 5 osi 3 73 3 M 3 X 3 7t 4 .Nil 0 in 2 B 3 28 3 2S 2 17 4 U 5 11 5 13 i as, July July July July July 8.... 5 532-5 3ot) 3 90, 3 H 3 Si 3 78 3 32 3 01 4 Id 4 76 4 NS 4 67 4 72 4 78 4 8S I 81 4 U 4 83 4 yj 4 VI 0. 6 K) 6 W 6 MS 6 1 6 KSf-. 6 77V4 3 35 2 16 10... 5 13 6 04: 3 28 3 18 3 14 2 87 2 III 11 3 70 3 73 12... 5 02 4 04 July July July 13, 14. 6 13 6 08 I 6 02 4 0J 4 05 3 W 4 Vi 3 77 3 77 3 2 I 3 82 2 97 3 00 3 15 15... 3 H 3 20, 3 US 3 07 i n 2 95 1 2 971 July July July July Jdly IB... 17. . 18... lit... 20... I 6 61, 0 60-41 6WI 5 4 H4 4 01 V 3 :ui 3 35 4 s; 4 16 4 Wi 4 2)1 4 l!fi 3 4 Ml 3 S Indicate!. Sunday. Indicates Holiday. Tho official number of cars of stock Drought la today by each road was: Cattle. Hons. H'r's. C, M. & St. P. Ry 2 O. & St. I, Ry 3 Missouri I'acinc uy..... i s.. Union Pacific System 17 v.. 1:. &. M. V 15 c, st. p., m. & o a R. & M. 27 4 C, II. & Q 3 C, R. I. & P., cast 1 7 Total recetpts . 2 10 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot ncuu inuicuicu: Cattle. Hons. Omnhn Packing Co 187 Swift and Company M Cudahy Packing Co 2.252 Armour & Co 2.U30 Cudahy. from Kansas City 15 Other buyers 7 Total 102 6 W3 CATTLE Thero were practically no cat tle on sale today to maku 11 test of tho market, as Is generally tho case on Sat urday. Tor the week thero has been a fairly liberal supply, receipts being about tho same as they wero a week ngo, with a slight Increase over the corresponding week of last year. It Is to be noticed, however, that tho big end of tho supply was received tho first two days and that since that time receipts havo been very light. At tno close of the week good to cholco beef cattle aro higher than they were a week ago by fully 104tl5c und In some cases more. The market broke badly on Monday tind Tuesday in tho face of liberal receipts at all points and the favorable outlook for a continued heavy supply. Rains since that time, however, have Improved the situation In tho country and cut down receipts, so that over slnco Tuesday prices havu ad vanced nt a rapid rate, the week closing 40 (50c higher than on Tuesday. Tho cow market has followed much tho samo course as tho steer market, though fluctuations perhaps havo not been qulto as radical. Oood to cholco cows can safely bo quoted a quarter higher than they wero on Tuesday and fully steady with the closa of tho previous week. There have been a great muny very common old cows coming in of late such as sell from J 1.00 to J2.00. which makes the sales on paper look very low. The common to fair cows havo Im proved somewhat since Tuesday, but still they are hardly back to where they were a week ago. Good bulls have not changed much all tho week, but the common ones are If any thing a little lower. The same is true of veal calves and stags. Stockcra and feeders were almost unsal able on Monday nnd Tuesday, but since that time they have Improved at a rapid rate and are now 23 40c better than tho low time. There was a good demand from the country the latter part of the week and speculators sold out practically all they had on hand and could have disposed of muny moro of the right kind If they had hnd them. The demand seems to bo for the better grades, tho common kinds of all weights being neglected. HOGS There was not n heavy run of hogs and an favorable reports wero re ceived from other points and the demand on tho part of local packers was In good shapo. the market ruled actlvo and 54t7o higher, the grcntcst advance being on tho good heavyweights. Tho bulk of the good mixed hogs sold at J5.67 and J5.70, with the better grades of heavy hogs going from J5.72 to J5.F5. The light and common stuff was neglected the same ns It has been ull along and sellers found It very difficult to dispose of that class of stuff. That kind of nogs Bold toduy very largely from 15.60 to J5.65, The close was very slow and weak, as only the light stuff was left, which none of tho Dnckers were at all anxious for. Tho supply of hogs the past week has been very liberal ut ull market points. A big gain Is noted over last week and also over the corresponding week of last year, as thc table of receipts at the head of the column will shew. Not since the week end ing May 25 have ub many hogs arrived on this market, there being 67,483 at that time. In view of the heavy receipts prices, of course, went tumbling, and on Wednesday, which was the low day of the week, prices were 30c lower than on Friday. Since that tlmti the market ha advanced, so that the week closed only about 17c lower than last week. Representative sales: No. Av. Bh. Pr. No, Av. Sh. Pr. 35 122 ... 4 50 79 2J1 SO 6 70 69 197 80 5 M 81. ..r... .217 40 5 70 95 170 40 6 0 71 202 SO 5 70 101 160 80 6 60 72 253 40 5 70 SS 182 40 5 60 SO JM ... 5 70 47 193 ... i 60 SO 219 120 6 fO SS 201 240 5 60 C9 227 80 5 10 S3 190 120 5 Vi 80 233 120 6 70 (6 204 ... 6 H 71 215 120 6 70 91 204 40 5 65 66 261 210 5 70 81 215 SO 6 63 CJ 211 ... S TO 70 242 240 6 C5 SO 214 V I 70 72. 218 SQ 6 65 73 266 160 5 70 75 217 SO 6 65 CO 23S 1C0 5 10 76 205 2fl0 5 61 61 2S6 SO 8 70 74 219 10 5 65 66 211 SO 5 10 71 190 80 6 65 SS 218 120 6 70 73 197 ... 5 t5 67 231 160 6 70 86 199 210 6 63 (2 231 10 5 70 51 197 SO 6 65 68 233 120 5 ',0 81 20) 80 5 63 71 237 80 5 70 ii 205 ... 5 65 72 213 3)0 D 52 198 40 5 65 56 261 210 5 70 tl 223 (0 6 7H (8 219 120 5 70 64 212 120 6 7H 70 211 210 5 70 "1 ...229 120 5 67 78 239 SO 5 70 72 211 120 5 67 H 67 231 SO 5 10 61 251 120 5 67li 56 2S2 ... 5 72 70 212 160 6 C7 4 67 215 240 5 71 83 208 SO 5 414 62 216 320 5 72H SO. ...... ,205 ,., t,C,'i It 23S ISO 5 73', 69 110 120 3 67 it 55 284 ,,. 5 72 82 223 210 6 7H 59 238 UO 5 72 ( 70 230 SO 5 7i, 59 270 160 5 75 70 22 S 160 5 '74 S3 264 ... 5 75 73 220 200 6 67 65 224 40 5 73 65 224 120 6 07 67 268 ... 5 75 71 233 200 5 674 61 261 120 5 75 SS 196 40 6 'V, 66 233 120 3 " 77 221 140 5 67 4 69 239 SO 8 73 31 27S ... 5 70 66 259 SO 6 f 73 245 ... I fO 20 235 ... K CO 73 235 190 3 70 39 263 ... 6 SO 81 239 '160 3 70 56 290 SO 5 85 SHEEP There were no sheen offered to day to make a test of the mnrket. Tho sunnly for the week has been falrlv liberal. a gain having been made over both last week and the corresponding week of last year. Prices on good to cholco ewes and weth ers havo not shown much change all thu week and the market could bo quoted just about steady. The commoner kinds, how ever, have been neglected at ull times and are a little lower than they were last week, Tho lamb market, however, has broken In bad shape at this point the same us at nil others. As compared with the high point a week ago values are now 75c to Ji.00 lower. There have been quite a few feeders on sale this week, but buyers seem to be rather scarce both for sheep and for lambs, The nrlces at which thev ara brlnr offered It would teem should create a demand, ns iney nre consioereq worth tne money. The half fnt sheep, such as neither feed ers nor packers want, are selllne verv mean and commission men are advising their patrons to hold that kind back If possioie, Quotations: Choice yearlings. J3.40fi3.65; fair to good yearlings, J3.2503.40; choice wethers. J3.3Ifif3.60; fair to good wethers. J3.15S3.35; choice ewes, J2.90ii3.15; fair to choice spring Iambs. JI.65O5.00; fair to good spring lambs, J4.:i J2.7SIJ3.tX); feeder CHICAGO LIVIJ STOCK MAUICKT, Cnttle nnd Sheep Mtrm! Hons Oooil tit MtroiiR, CHICAGO. July SO.-CATTLH-Rccclpts. 500 head. Including 75 head Tcxiins; 110mtl1.1l and steady at late advances; good to prime steers, JS.40tf6.10; poor to medium, J 1. 2511 5.25; stockcrs and feeders, J2 50yi.J5; cow. J3.00tfl.75: heifers. JS.SCtj 4.W. dinners, J1.75W 2.33; bulls, J.'.oOiM.lO; calves, J3.75U6.W); Texas steers, $3.4tnH.5o. HOGS-Rccelpts. 12,000 head; Monday, 26. 000 head, estimated; left over, 5,si5 head; good to strong 5c higher, others steady; mixed and butchers, jj.sotiii.uf), good to cholco heavy, JG.IWS.17; rough heavy, J5.ftKLrt.R5; light, J,).6,U5.9vi; balk ut sales, J5.7Sir5.ii3. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, l.Sft) head; steady; good to choice wethers, HM.50; fair to choice mixed, J3.5t'1j3 90; west, ern sheep, J3.MHI.W; yearlings, Jl.VHit.75; native lambs, JJ.U0gt5.lti; western lambs, J3.75fjf5.00. Krnisnj City Live .Stork Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, July 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4'i head; market unrhnngi'd; com fared with 11 wfk nirii Ihn tniirki! ls nen- crally tiu76c higher, choice export nnd dressed beef steers, jS.C0ti6.10; fair to good, Ja.OOt? 5.50; stockera and feeders, J3.wn 1.50; wesiern-ieu sieers. jl.WKtfS.'Al, Texas anil in dlnns. J4.WtH.50; Texas grnsi steers, J3.25tf 4.00; Texas cows, J2.Niwii.l.v5; native cows, J2.6otf4.20; heifers, J2.753il.23; emitters. J1.7:-ir 2.60: bulls. J2..Wif 1.60! rnlvn. K.fiMt "ll! IP. eclpts for the week, 40.M0 head; Inst week, bs.tnu neno. linn's iin,..,l.iiM c t.M...i. . steady to strong; top. JO 05; bulk of sales, Jo.60tfa.90: heavy, J5.Wafi.o5; mixed packers, 15.604f5.90; light, JS.3015.7j; pigs, J4.2.iti....T0: receipts for thc week, 107,ixio hrnd; Inst week. 122,000 head. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Roeelpts. 400 head; market compared with u week ngo, steady; lambs. J4.6onvi.00; wethers, J3.25ti4.00; ees, 2.75W3.25; slock sheep. Jl.75tr2.75; receipts for the week, 15,000 head; last week, 16.U00 hcml. St. I.oula Live Stuck Mnrket. RT. t.nt'tft .liilv "ft PATTLIJ-ll.lm. 400 head; market steady; native shipping and export steers, JI.S0tfS.65; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, J3.0W3.25; steers under , urn., ..iiiqi d.-; sincKcrs 11 nu lecnern, s.003.SO: cows und heifers. Jt.50ii4.65: tan ners. Jl.75ff2.Ml bulls. Jl.5tW3.73: Ti-xim nml ndlnn steers, J3.25tjl.40, cows and heifers, J2 HOGS-Rccelpts. 3.300 head; market So iVff O.lrV. ngms, so.K;tit.90; packers, SUKKr APiU LAMIJH ItecvlptH, lOOhriKl; market easy, being Kenernllv miotpd 11.75 In wit un iiiinuB una one lower on sneep than nt the opening of the week: nntlvo nuttons. J2.3ofi3.25; lambs. J3.00tr6.23; culls nd tucks, Jl.i5tj4.uO; stockcrs nnd feeders, l.OOtfl.SO. Ht. .Inaeph Lite .Slock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Julv 20. CATTLE Tin. eclpts. 333 head; market steady; natives, J1.2orf.15: cows and heifers, Jl.25y3.00; bulls J2.35OI.40; veals, J2.00ti5.75. HOas Receipts. 5,370 head; market 6c higher on medium nnd henvy; others steady m oiiuiin; mini iiiiu ngni mixed, jj.ioil&.im: medium and heavy, J5.76ti6.10; pigs, JJ.outf 4.75: bulk. J5.60tf5.90. .(.. u a.-njj LAMiiB-Receipts, nono. Stuck In Slulit. The following tnble shows thn rerelnls nf cattle, hogs and sheep nt the nve principal live biuck mumem juiy m; Cut tic. South Omaha 100 Chicago 500 Kansas City 400 St. Louis 400 Hogs. Sheep. aw l,50i) too 100 St. Joseph 335 Totals .1,735 38,307 2,292 Xrvr York Live Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK. Julv 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, none; feollng sternly; no cubles to day; exports, 1,867 cattle and 11,075 quarters of beef. CALVES No recclnts: fccllnn nominally steady; city dressed veals, steady at JS; country dressed venls. JO.OOtf 10. 00. SHEEP ANU LAMHS Recelnts. 42V4 cars; sheep nbout steady; lambs, lower; about 29 cars unsold; common to prime; feeder wethers, lambs, J3.6OiH.00. EXPORT OIL & OF BEAUMONT. Incorporated under the l.nws of Tessa, CAPITAL - - - $2,000,000 IHvliled Into S,fl(H,0)0 Hhnrea of the Pnr Vnlue of H(1.(IU Ench-l'nll Pnlil nnd Mon-ANaessulile. President - - Hon. Charles A. Towne Or New York City and Ucaumont, Texas. Directors. rK- fHAllt.rcs A. TOWNE. BTKPHliN M. SCOTT ....Ueiuimont, Texas JOSKPH B. HROUSSARO.. Ucaumont, Tex. HON. JJISNTUN .MC.llll.lilf Nashville, Tenn., Governor ot Tennessee HARVKY J. HOPKINS ....Uuffalo, N. Y. GORDON 8. OH.ME ....New Orleans, Lu. JOHN P. WlTHIillS Ucaumont, Tex. HON. ROU12RT Jl. HENRY Jackson, Miss. CHARLES C. ORTHWKIN m Kansas City,, Mo, Uciiosltorles. AMERICAN NATIONAL RANK. Ucaumont METROPOLITAN NATIONAL RANK.. Ronton PURITAN TRUST COMPANY UusPjn Heirlatrnr nml TriiiiNfer AKeut. PURITAN TRUST COMPANY Uoston HoldlngB, 11,400',; ucres In Heiiumont. Sour Lake and Sulphur districts of the Texas and Louisiana till fields. Paying wells have been guaranteed to the Company on three of Its properties. Tho Heywood OH Company, which Ihib already brought In four gushers on Its own landB, sent to Pres. Towne, June 14, a written offer to drill a hole on tho Splndle Top Heights property of tho Kxport Oil ft Pipe. Lino Co., guaranteeing to produce a gusher. A well known Pennsylvania oil expert ha-i offered to drill a well on Its 100-uero tract. In thc W. Dyke survey In Orange county, to receive no pay unless he produces oil In paying quantities, One of the most successful drillers ln the Renumont fields, who has nlreudy brought In threo of the largest gushers In the uls trlct, has mado the samu offer In reference to the Company's lbo-acro trnct on the J. 8. Johnson survey tn Jefferson cojnty. No stronger evidence could bo adduced of the certain vnlue of theso properties than tho above offers from pructlcal oil men who are In thc oil business and know the oil fields. The EXPORT OIL & PIPE LINK CO. will bo producing oil Just as quickly ns the actual work of drilling can be accom plished. It Is now sinking a well on Its Snlndle-Top Hfdghte property nnd Is sum of a gusher. Every well sunk on that hill has proved a gusher, and the Export Co.'s property ls lu tho center of the ring. Tho 16th gusher, thnt of the Manhattan Oil Co., brought In Jjly 12, Is only 15o feet from tha Kxport land; the Lucas Is !Q feet south, the Realty 500 feet southwest, tho Hoy wood No, 2 tJOO feet west, tho Heywood No, 3 S00 foot southwest, tho Hogg-Swnyno 250 feet southeast. Tho average How of these gushers on Spindle-Ton Heights ls not less than 50.0u0 barrels dully. Tho Lucas well, (lowing 70, 000 barrels, ls estlmnted by C. F. ., CuracrlBtl, tho world's leading oil expert, as worth J12.5O0.OOOi and this Is Justified by the production. Even ono 10,000-burrel well would at this rate bo .worth nearly $2,n00, 000 a sum equal to the entire capitalization of tho Export OH Co.. nnd tho Company has nmplo room on Splndle-Top Heights for lit least six gushers. Estimating them each nt only lO.Oo) barrels flow, they would pay back the Company's capital moro than live times over, And thlb, without reckoning nny of tho company's holdings outside of Its Spindle Top Heights properties, DO YOU SPECULATE? .sheep. J3 25j?l.fl0: common to choice lambs, ll (rtJTi; 00; culls, J3.75. i HOGS Receipts, I.5T6 Mend, including ti ' for sale; feeling barely steady. I Ilulutli (Irnin Mnrkrt. t Dl'Ll'TH. July 20.-WHKAT-N0, 1 hard, 'cash, 7oo, No 1 northern, cash, 69c, Au. .gust. osc. October, 6Sc, December, (WV; No. 2 norinern, wc I COHN-3,c ' OATS-No market W. Farnam Smith &Co. Investment Securities, 1 WE OFFER. UNION STOCK YARDS STOCK. OKUI3KS EXECUTED FOR 1 Stocks, Bonds, : 1320 Farnam St. Phon 1064. lterrrriiei-...Meirlimif s .Vitliniul Ilnnk nml lulled Ntniei .Nntlonnl Ilnnk. IN BROS. Investment Bankers, K13 l'ARNAM ST., OMAHA. Offer for Sale Carefully Selected. HftST MORTGAGES On City and Farm Real Estate. References Cum in ere I ill Antlnnnl Ilnnk nml Pulled Mnten .iilloiml Hunk Telephone 10!tl. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James K. Hojrd & Co., OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION CHAIN PHOVISIO.S AMI STOCKS. Uor.til of Trnrie llnllillnK. Direct wiros to Chicago and Now Yorlc Correpondcncr, John A. Wnircn tt Co. B, L. Baldwin & Co GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS 1221 PARAM STHEKT. Long Distance Phone, 171)0. 23 PER CENT hns been the actual yearly earnings paid to Investors In our Coupon Cer tificates for over four years. Thn "Gold Honda" of tho commercial world. Principal nnd dividends abso lutely gunrnntccd. Dividends payable monthly. Withdrawals any time. Spencer A Norton Co., Rctz Bid. Philadelphia, Pa. OLDEST! SAKK5T1 I1KST! WALL STREET Money Will inrn 111k .Monthly llatnrna The Investor's Fund Pays Scml-Monthly. ml... nl,l.ia, aal.l.ll.l,..,l , . In. X f certificate-holder ever lost n cont. Pay ccriiiii.tiir-iiuii;i i;vcr iupi it cum. i ay ments made to all subscribers every is da iM N'n trnlihl Vi Hrtlnv. linnet, Pay- rv 1 refunded on demand. Write today fo? particulars, free to any uddress. n. k. niAi:ivi.:v .. no.. Hndsou llnllillnK. Nevr York. OIL broker wanted to nlaco guaranteed nonasscssabla stock. Address C. O. O, uo.. w Columbian uidg.. linn Fran Cisco, Cat. PIPE LINE CO. As to tho salo of this product, arrange ments now pending will, when completed, givo tho Export Co. a cash markut lor enough of its oil to pay 3o per cent Income, on lis capitalisation. Iu addition to the Co.'s oil lands. Its holdings ut Sulphur, Liu, are well worth, consiuerution. U ls a tact, though not a matter of general knowledge, that sulphur is one or tnu most remunerative minerals produced In tho world, and In Its two hui phur tracts the Company linn un asset which ls ono ot immense possibilities. Roth of these uro lu the samu district trom which tho American Sulphur Co. (Standard Oil Co.; lias tor many juaru uct-n deriving a vuat prollt, nut In hjcIi u quiet way thai ilttlo liuu lit I'll kuuwn or It. uno tract di rectly uujuins the American Sulphur Co.'s mnus, nnd covers thu continuation of thu greut suipnur vein tnereon. it Is a modur ulu computation that tho Co.'s capital can oo lar muro than recovered trom mis truer, in sulphur alone, to Buy nothing oi the oil iinoeriyiug thu sulphur stratum. Tho other trnct also adjoins lands ut thu Amcncuii sulphur Co., und is in an especially nivur iililo location nu rcgurds oil production, tho walls hero yielding u line quality of lubri cating oil (.which mis ten times thu vnluu of ruel oil), una also u lurgu amount of, iisphultum thu latter a stiustance whlcH hus already built up sumo of tliu grcutust tortunes lu America. It Is now a recognized fact that business is being done In 1'uxns ull, thai thu pro duction und sale of potroloum fruin tha Texus llelus Is not a myth or ti temporary Nunsatlon. Several companies ure dally sell ing oil tor tuel to a Hundred different In dustries, trom rice and lumber mills to augur refineries and power plants; one com pany .ilonu nhlppud, during thu week end ing Junta 29th ul curiouus ot U,6l) gallons each; another hus ill tank curs now steadily iu service, anu ls having moro hullt; tho uso ot fuel oil has been commenced on tho southern rnllronds, and It will bu only a short tlmo heforu they aru all bidding for tho Texas product. Thu Export oil & Plpa Lino Co. Is a business men's company, organized on business principles to do u commercial busi ness In thu production und suiu of oil, nnd will soon bo In a position to do Its share. In meeting Mils constantly growing demand. Mr. W. T. Campbell, Second Vice Presi dent ot the Citizens' National Rank of lltaumont, writes regiirdlng thu Splndle Top tract; "in my opinion you aro as certain of a gunhur us though a well wus now drilled and spouting oil,'' With a suro product und n sure market thero Is no question ot tho Export Co.'b doing u successful business. For the purpose of developing tho prop erties of thu company a limited amount ot cupltal stock Is offered at 60c PER SHARE, par value Jl.O). full paid and uon-nsHcssablo. ui'.iMU.Miii;it, tnui when thu well "comna I In" the stock goes nut that Is, off tho T murbut TVw nnlv , I, ,. .. prlco Is before oil Is wtrjck, and tho only tlmo to secure this stock ut 60 cts, Is Im- , meuiaioiy. Subscriptions should be forwurded cither ' to tho company at Ucaumont, Texan, or to Its Fiscal Agenta ns below, with checks or ornHPl5HON1&tCO,hC "rilur of WAI'TE,t Send for Illustrated prospectus mallad I promptly on request. WALTER G. HUDSON & CO., Fiscal Agents. S42 Stock Exchange Rldg., Uoston, Mass, Members llciiiiiniiii t oil ICxchnnKQ mid llnuril of Trnilr, If so, speculate iiccsistully. Send your orders tn a reliable house, whirs I'uey will bo placed on the jpen market. W caq ranko for you ln ono month more Interest on your monev tLn any bank will pay you In a year. Send for our book on speculation It Is trie. J. K. Comstock & Co. Ilooui &a Tmder'a llldir, Chlcaaw, t I V - I