8 THE I L LUST HAT El) BEV. July 21. 1001. Breezy Bits of Gossip About Noted People I'tcHiileiM imiiut im drivitiK IiIh iniMttT or ' ' M'lllllllleS til llt'Hplllr, it lK lliclllll'll. Till' i.iilili'til will nut hno ci ri'iiioiiy. When Iiih vlslioi unlvi'N ln rushes foruuiil and i'iM' it grip of Hid liutiil lii'foru Ills be wildered atli'inliuit Ii.im iihuIu tho iihiiiiI :i t i iioiim I'liii'tit. Ami now, copying t ti ox - in III.- of Dm king of tlio HclglniiH ami mi limlii wlili happy recolli ctlnns of li in strug ullng liiiclii'liir days, tin- president tnko Mini. I.imlii'i nut to illuo at a cafu In tin1 "pen air. I'.irlHliiNM ate delighted. . II Caliiplii'll-llaiitii'iinaii. thu leader nT Hie IIiIiihIi liberal. In a nebular ib well n a piilll Irian ami a reprosi motive of thr nlil typo of englishmen In public lire. John Mnrlcy Willi of lilm once thai lie w.ih prob alily Mil' only iikmii ln-r of the Comtiiniu who had his Virgil iiml his lloiai'i' an readily at IiIh I on kuch end an m tho cmtnm a century ago. Whenever thrro Ih a mod lug or cccluslas MiH thcio Ih hiui to ho liiM r-ome slciiy or ho lain Mishap V 111 III iiih or CJiiiinccllciit, who wiih line or I In' brightest men of IiIh 'lay. At a HTi'iit cnnrlnc at tin1 Conural Theological Hi'tnlti.iry thoy tnhl HiIh tali- of din good bishop's nil; Our summer ilay tlin lilHhop went mil Hulling with a frlcini ami, iih tlie ilay wan warm, they swung a lint Hi. of ratu ohl lluigundy iv or thu Hlile Ico recently when lie chanced to overtake one nf the p.irlHhlnni ih. an nlil shoemaker, "(iiioil mottling. Mr Haiti." said tho lilln iHter. "How Ih It your good wifo Is nol out today?" "Slio's no' Inn poorly," wiih the reply. "IfH iiae wink of hIci'p hIic'h hail for the IiiMt three nlchlH." Tho mlulHter wiih orry to hear such a poor account of Mm IIiiIii'h lienllh ami ex press vl n wIhIi for a speedy Improvement. "I'm thinking If hIii coiiM got a guiii Hleep," said the Hhnemaker, "she'd Honn bo on the meml. .Majlio If you're passim; the liooHi! toniorrow ye'll nao object to en' la an' JiihI give her frae 'lastly' to tho eml of your discourse this morning. I'm no' wiyln' It wailna lie very helpful." Senator Depew useil to have In his col lection of curiosities a certain telegraphic dispatch which never failed to Interest the pnlltlclnns to whom he showed It. The telegram was sent to Mr. Depew, then president nf the New York Central rail road, tiy .Mr. I'latt shortly before tho tat ter's election to a second term In tho sen ate. It Is ilntcd a few stations above I'ouKhkecpsli) ami reads "I'lcnse stop tho tionn express to take on Mrs. I'lutt ami MB TOO." ?5 msmiL f n J Health, Vitality, Buoyancy, Can be gained from BORO-LITHIA WATER It comes mre anil sparkling- fintn the lit art of tin fauxm 'iiikt-sli i ll la Mmi-ral .Sjiriim, w prepared and bottled by ik ttt the sf in,r anil carried ;' siitfnisioii '"OT n a cheinieal combin turn) a lixcd and never varutig- npi t ttoti of boric acid and t.irboiiatc i'f lithium. Iloro-Llthia Water has the uniuallfled endorsement of the medical profession. BORO-LITHIA WATER RELIEVES AND CURES all troubles resulting from a cIorkIK f the system, BrlRht's dlsea.se, Diabetes, Chronic Catarrh of the stomach or Intestines, Dyspepsia, Insomnia, etc. It is a delightful table water and i an be freely need by anyone. Send br doctors' testimonials and information free, lioro Lithia is on sue at linguists and gnuer eerwlieie or can be obtained by adilressiiiK the WAUKESHA WATER CO., ni:it.MW a Mci u.vm:i.i. iiiii ii cu Wnukoshci, Wis. Omaha, Neb. A. JACOBSEN CO., 105 Boo Bldi?., Wostorn Distributors. 0. r m i THE ?e0ENT SHOE C() MAKER to WEARER Tan Oxfords Tho coolesl, the most comfortable shoo for this hot 'A'cathcr made In the sjmc up-to-Into styles ami reliable iiualltles of leather that have made the famous HKOHNT $3.M HlloKS so Justly oopular You can't buy heir eiiual for less than J."0iand frt.oo Our .rccs $2 fiO and $3.M. Regent Shoe Co, u in soi'Tii i.vrn st ii kkt, Send for Illustrated Catalogue Medicine or Poison, PURE WHISKEY ! MKDI'-'INK, Aiiultfratfil hll.r ! a "pulton, ' SIIOWINt! Till': an i) twm: in: r a u, op attaciimi: nt ok in which thu oiisicuvku itc t'ONTUACTOIt AND INDICATOU of a rowboat When luncheon time -ame Ihn bishop chiiciI In pull Hie wine abroad already IiihIIiik' In niiln Ipatlun the conl IoIIkIoiis bcNeniKe Through some mishap tho HtriiiK Hllppcil from his rtm;crs and the bottle suiiK to Hie bottom of the liver lllshop Williams sat up wl'h. a "lnh and mid. with his eyes spat Minn "You sav it. ,lones; you're a layman." Henry l.ylton. a slime favorite of Hn l.iml. plays the Irish pipes will) wonderful hMII anil one would hardly believe that when they "ere sent to the Savoy from I'ounty Kerry II look him a whole week define lie i oilld extract a Hlimlo note Mr. I.vtton had mastered the bacplpes on a former occasion and he ban now succeeded eiiually well with the Kerry pipes Mr. l.ylton has met with several exclllm: ex periences durliiw Ills eighteen years on the staKo for It Is elKhleen years, althoimh Pat Murphy Is such a hIIrIiI. bnvlsh IlKiire. On nne occasion when he wan alone on tho slnKO sliiKlnu a loin? solo the scenerv over Ills bend caimhl on lire There wiih some ularnilnK llllle puffs of smoke. Mr. I.ylton sum; on A HinolderliiK piece of cloth fell nl his feel There was the whis per of a hoarse voire "Ho. on sir. If you can ko ot I'he voice belniiKi'd In the theater fireman, who was umtinKlin? In cut away Hie burnltiK stuff So Mr I.ylton sam? on. neer niovliiK an Inch iih Hie stnni' was scattered with stnokliiK or Hamlin; scrap nf cloth. The audience stirred and mur mured and his perfectly cool demeanor on tho Mane- alone prevented a panic. - Jv- The new minister of a small town In Inverness-Bhlro. relalcs the Scottish Ameri can, was walkliib' ""mil from morning sorv- timer's S Yr. Old "I stopped the train Kindly." Mr Depew would say when he exhibited It. "I am alwavs wlllltiK to do a favor for a man who tnniii a Joke on himself." Attorney Ceneral (Iroy of New .ler ev Is the recoKiilcd liumorlsl of the prescni al mltilslral Inn of that stnte and he K'"ts uior Keliillue enjoyment out of utile hi 1 life than any other man on the slate roster He hn been In practice for forty-three vears and has been associated with tho prmulncin men of that and adjoining states II. In j heavily charged with reinlnli'ccnccB or Mr bar and stories or lecal procedure On that nrcnunt he Is no nnner seen by the older set of practitioners than a swnpidna of stories begins, the attorney Kenornl kIv Iiik two for nne. Ho Is always a welcome Kiiest at the luncheons nlven In the governor's cham bers on Tuesdays. Theie nro as n rule ro gatilcd as cabinet dinners and th" lunchenn hour Is devoted to Informal discussions of state affairs, with an occasional stnry or tho attorney general thrown In The attorney genernl oflen runs across some old friend In tho governor's reception nnd they tnnke at onco for any easy corner, where the story-telling begins. Occasion ally the governor will Join the group nml the "smoking stories" will go on Indcllnllel. unless stnte duties or the tlnio to catch n train cause the tlow of humor nnd wit to cense. Tho attorney general scarcely evor lakes tho serious side or anything. In Ms olllce. In court or in the corridors his fund of humor crops out A newspaper repcrter who seeks to Interview him always ccmos away smiting, having lienrd a good Joke but precious llttlo news. 1 ri'ja miii hi iotii IsAlisolutelyl'ure I'ruperly ugrJ In bond, Kre from Kuel Oil and other Impurltlci. Not juat al cood any nthrr but 11ETTKII than any other. A purer, in ore wholesime whl"kejr cannot be (irodured. Trier IHH.'JO prr KUlluii, rharicea prepaid. Put up In four quart bottles or lus HENRY HILLER, NT, OMAHA, Min, The Chicago Record has 61 of these Type writers In daily use YOST A COOLING SUMMER DRINK Mctz famous bottled beer Is more than a cuollng summer drink It Is a delicious beverage and a health tonic. There are hundreds of men nml women in Omaha today who would bo greatly bcnclltcd by drinking It ns a Ionic. Made from pure water, best hops and selected barley. Put up In cases of pints or quarts. Order trom Miur dealer or telephone direct to ll!i Metz Bros. Brewing Co., iiotti,i:i iii:kh. hhbwbd and hottu3d in omaha. I I ii bone III). Loynlty to Oninha Is best manifested by wearing an AUDI TiUlir.M brick and drinking our popular Mine Itlbbon Mottled Meer Aftor being niii e useil In your home the quality nf the goods, In conjunction with Its bright and sparkling appearance at once appeals to PPM "3tXf. If you want a typewriter, why not como llrsi where you uin see 18VEHY OOOD SOHT Ol'" TYI'i: WUITKH In Its best form ' TYI'UWUITEIt aUI'I'I.lUS of nil kinds for nil machines. TYl'KWKITKUS UE.NTKli TYPKWltlTEHS HKI'MHUD. New Century yours for the asking. V "ui giiml tasli and nu feel that you have l ui'i li.iM'd the right kind. our nine Itlbbon Is a prize and trado winner If jnii have never tried a case, do so ii'.w aiul be i"ii liiccil of Its superior no nt- Storx Brewing Company Telephone 12(10. PIANO Do You Want a Ginuino Bargain in a Piano? "e huoJil, cl VtiliMri.no. l.latn.4 ftow rwtlci I j rti, Bolloi nhlch uju.I I dlipo,"! o( .1 once e. w. ,KLnul a.k. room lor lhai In our HUarooui, Tht elujutloclaJ. Sklu),,KuU,, l'l,c!,.i,,M.tlli,.i,.lulUr lllnowo situ May ol IIi.di c.uuot U Ui.tuiul.b4 ' "wc U .r. orl.rH .1 n .noruiou. ilncounl from ''""""'"I" Ullbu ulow u IH"J V,r l.ruj, iri .liu.nl la r.ll.lU irtuD. II wouM t.rot .l lr coil .Ivul 3 tor It.ljbl la htt. oo. of U.l, pi, dm ,hl l lo you, N.n tit. Bho(or lno, tUi ni.udolln .lUchai.nl, IITC, ,.l. I .ufokir. on .Mr ) nj.nl, WriU.lonc. foreomol.l. nl ,rl til l l .rlleol.ri toil (to mk. . ni ilni by ,ar. i )rul 1 1. no trom I,. Et.ry l.lio.ri.ul.a .llly ttf -..ii.l LIMN A IIKAI.,U Allan. HU, l'Bl.a ISf Mo-1, , lwi,l a)uU IfDVM I 414-416 South Twelfth Street I Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NEtt. I Choice Confectionery GOLD MEDAL. Chocolate Bon-Hons STRICTLY HIGH GIIADE. Sent by Express In 1, 2, 8 and 6-pound boxes 60c pound. W. S. Balduff, IB2II Ktiriiani Kl Oninliu. MrH, WIiimIimi'n SoiiIIiIiik Sjrup has been used for over KITTY YKARS by MILLIONS of MOTHKHS for their CUII. DltHN Willi, !: TKKTIIl.NU, witli 1M3H l'lK'T SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CIIII.D, SOFTENS the (ll'.MS, ALLAYS all PAIN ci'HES WIND COLIC ami Is tho best rem edy for DIAUItllOKA. Sold by druggists in cver p.iri of the world. He suro ami .ik for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and luki im other kind Twenty-live cents a bottle Kisses are Sweetest wliun tiika.ii frnm X tnoutliH Hint know itHliciouM Arnica Tooth ) ioap Y i'rn-nr J i ti l-Hi. . if-iTiM nml uhiirns th ''111. -IrHllLMtlHIIil III,, iMllllri. 7"rr 'i" Hi" nri'.iiit i. an P.. SlUiSMfc llMM lli'. in.ililiii i..rr.,.l,, III" -Ml l.tlil iIhiii ,tl leforalll'.ll. J.V nl nil .Irnj. lilt i.n, r, h, ,. tt l l If 1.4 I I II -I ItllMi A CO,, Wrile or Call. United Typewriter and Supply Co,, X014 Karunni St., OiiihIih. HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO