Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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M t tfV- Vai riai tfaJif ItUt
it Unel.
IWMa fal tfnfe In fkwll, Thieiilil
l Have ltn Sf Mttll't,
W7 ", I fr t'relaht
Tealn AeeMenf.
UXGBU. hm IT lil Teletraa )
i mtM nm wi fawad dead l
a,, Hextk MM rid brldie t
ma f tnu Ky feday It at
bm 6 Ut ton awrdered. Imt
As rtiiMn lana eplld tan theory
A Ml't Ift lH he4 wa thuitht to hire
& Mit fcr MIM hu' rrener nra
Mm MMfttt tbJt It mlehf have km cnueel
im ifcarp ple of metal la the un
lMeartea- f freight train
' rnf Orahim nrvt Inry tonight ex
int'I lh kly jb.I after lli(enln tn
IS 1. . -f a..., I,.. ...
tufa! verdict flndlnt thitt death came, I
Inn nvi ran. It U belvd the
m riding untr a freight ear and ;
fell of from ethtustlin Inn nU
8M ut, Nil.
f kA Her Tn4f.
Tn jMffrcfy wa mad early thla
mifnlat hf h J-year-old son of W. O.
Willi k Th lad w playing near tfn
r hn h aw ih body and he. lm
eWfcil'l; notified hi father, who was at
on lh Mltroat a short distance
Th body war half submerged In
In etaraloajtofl showed that the man'
tf li ui broken beloir the knee, and
hM tkwM erwth'd hack ef the left ar.
If' !. tying In a (retire In th roeka,
fafli1 pHnetured While hli clothes
were rwh ihey were of fairly ood qijaN
M he wa off entirely ami couM
M fnnl. The olher wi pulled Iote
Wtt ,1111 remained on the foot. lit hla
ffft Mt the water, waa a St. lunula
rtmwrat of Lnst Sunday. Note
xtd papen contained no Information
wM. iiM d to an ldenllfletlon. On
the Irwwt pai of a not book appeared
the Mlwwn
M avim it "
"My addreia tt"
Hex wtl Ml-"
the m.n ai perhapa 10 yer of ace.
M k M Hied 41 well built A black
m04h adarned hla face. Haven black
kor tntfred hit head, hut In front It wa
rather 1Mb There were no acara on hla
wlriBe. whUh wa p.ile and aet In
death Twentymir houra had probably
lifted belwrfn dralh and tho ilUcoery
f Ike body
rhri. In Clrll War.
la M nrat annual report Deputy Labor
' .-i...i . ni.vii 1 1 1 'l V 1 1 II ."I HI.
Interrttint UtltlU relative to ths tarl j
"wr piayru in inf tivii "r nmi ill
th war with jipaln. Collowloc la a sum
maty t ih Hcurea.
i'MII War Number o( men enllaled
r NebraiVa, J.llT, number of dealha,
M killed, i3 died, nuralver of Orand Army
of the Itrpubllr vla In NehrMkt, :),
number f merrbera of the Orand Army
rf the llrruVllo In Nebraika, num
her of penoaer In Ih atale, 1,400; num
Nr nf Waman'a lUtlrf vorpa. 131, num
tcr ut Woman'a Hrllef corpa nietnbert,
J lla old tnldleta dlel In NebraaVa, IS.OOO;
death latt yrr, U0.
Spanlth- American WarMen entitled. In
t Urn Nebraaka, I.JttrtMIIM In action, died
nf unda ind dUeXa. ij men ealUlfiJ In
Hend tlmM, I.JJt died of dlaenaa In
Heeond rattment, Ux men lilted tu Third
retlment. l,St. died of dlaeaa In Third
llmnl, W,
'rekitWn Jiiie Meeia KrlenAa,
JudK 0. T iMokltuon r-f TeVamah waa
tn IhB Mty tMy In iho IntarfMa of hla
rnndldary for the nomination for uirme
"M llt her today ha no particular
IHtllilral aUninxnoe," ho laid to the li
jiorter "I wanted l meet om of my
friend In Utmrtn and thin la tha flfat
opIMrtunlty I Ik, had."
Ottlfl ' lit t rretnunt,
kivimt , y omoUla and h'.
hei-w men wt t.ln lt wmpiwd an exfurk, u
Hrty to rrvmor ad teivirn Uy, lit
twatlon telnit thi Attnunl nrem'i lovmw
Wntt for lnvlr tNirtnty.
T1 rV f attain. rrprty tr Vur
lHe of Uxalton hiva been )ioili'ni by
th iwiaI of lualliatlon until the fibtt
frm Whetht only la elvid. tb v'lifV
of th 6my hi viiiUled tfcn la by not
dell r tliic hla tepcrt lthl lh llm
H.m) ilnm Wnrxlent
Oowrnor fttvMtvt t,day iikmist Cntnlit J
T Htehmond of J(hntofn dfMty nam
wanlen. to erv without Wmlii'hjMlim. U
t tho Intention of th mitotttor Id Aiiotrtt
M Ica.t.ona deputy MP vcy eottnt In th
I'.lrotltin In Onmttcny t
Adluutit ttcnurat tVtb ttay lnM ivt
dr lallin nr an elation In tVniany It
if Orr.aha on July rs to fill the. Vaftthf In
the. offlte of KM.I )(UtmHt.
KrwnH latnnii litrt Hrttta.
Mi Mer Wation ot tlfahd laUn.t ba
reainnid htr Dillon tn the, t,t ttav
urtr' oiltco Ui ehipt.ymenl with a
yepxitdUah taWpatkn t-Kahlkttoh In VH
tttn. it ttxmt yr-n m MlR v,
ton aa tn hatcy of tenimht4
parimenl of the Nebta.ka Vevmbtlfan hM.l
eok, tkam tw V'tiefVr vivlr
Adintani VUiimt fVlby. assntiJinM iy
CoLNiiel H U. Awlier ol htvtee ai,
ColM William HaywaM vf NbttiV vtVy
tane.t tht anetnvsn tot trhrt wwistv
where they wttl ho a localton trtr the
annual encampment f thft Nvbrma .Vav
t onal uaM.
Mr nf InlfiM Ueeit.
M Murtha t), tMy yt f fhktUs
Melvte ltYWk. IM kiidAnly k!
tnotntnft a a renrtU vt th ntvnxe hxt
H1 Wonl he )ia Wi nttiy' Hu
vi.'iteaphty at Ine J-n Vn1e Uy
5i thi eliy rw amr-i, a W rt" nd Art
v,rv k iva ytVeHl
Vetfvivi lhavwyi.
v nate vwmp ii i Yi Vo Mr
fi'W faHN iiee VM-tiXv nA a
new fcavHne e-naiwe le i'. "fn ll
.'a- aayi l dow 'frM.. wWr t .a'l
rttttwna HH k VnM. A'f Wh V?i
WMH- 1 1.V-Ji lVw . -Milk,
i Uo e Vn i
vt icoM iKW i o ic'- a "b
). t HfMtr'M Wl r TVr
l vt wtte'le.fiX Ho V-ffV
e ' V. v' ht SvivnadyN
t XiitOlrWa i'eHaHV.h 'fnH
,N-T t) eH4a y.WiTt ti WnV
.V 4 Kt
ftwe.a- WYwlfailay.
.rt, rm Ile If nteie Wrk,rt k
Jtt! VefteJl ari.1 M"liiVkk Vft
f v.r H'.tlvfartfy vhJi T V-iH-i
a put in Uj i mutual rompaey and I
to fce malntaiaH at actual eot The eom
pnay nam 4l with afty pho'i and the
Mf kat tteen 6ed at eentl for rfl
iIik; jfvt T renta fr builnen hoiei
Thraw are itpf-'i to more than ?y for
th ft nf o.rallac the yj:em
f'nrrle. Off Three l'lrl t'rlara nl
Hie riremrn' Tonrnrr
In t'rrmnnt.
ntBMOKT. Neb. Jaly K.-fSpeMil )
Th hot weather of today did not deprm
th enthnlam of the firemen, Ihounb It
May fur, kept form ptopl from attend
la To-lay 'a train broucht In crowdi of
ail Th early tfaln from Lincoln had
a Ave ettra eoah trnUlnlnc; a r.o!
reprcut ntatlon from th Commercial 'lub.
B r fValck. lecretary of the eluh. Mayor
W'lnett of Lincoln and the member of the
council and Secretary of Stat Mnrah,
State Tratirer Sleuffer and State Auditor
Wejton. They wrro met at th depot by
Mjyor Wllion and th offlelaU of Ih
tournament andpreded by Bond'a band
were escorted to th park. Columbua
lent down nome mor people A craall but
aetlr rprentatlon of Broken How fire
men attracted rnnalderablo attention with
(heir bl atrnw hat, with broad Uindi ut
jreen ribbon Had In a bla bow at Ih bark.
Smaller town In thla vicinity were well
repreaeated and there waa a lare allend
ance from Ch country. Thaae who took In
the South Omaha fair ay lhr waa a
larger crowd on Ih trel her today than
on any day of their fair eice-pt poialbly
July I.
The Om. i i Pompier Ladder company
nave an rx'i.blllon at a lower Afty feet
Itt hl(thl Mlllt tot them on Ihe corner of
Main and Slith ilreeta thin morning, which
drew eronrta that parkel Ih itrrrl for
aome dUtance. They ran up th ladder to
the top of the tower, dcended Ih rope,
la varloua wayi, lornetlmea alone and other
tlmea with a boy and a girl, who had (tone
up Inaldo lo the third window and showed
In every way the practical workln,. of
the ladder and rope.
On race n run thl mornlnic, Ihe 100
yarda wet hone couteit A team compose!
of rhtefa of fire ilepartmrnta ahowed their
aubordlnatra that the Inddera are alrlclly In
It by maklns the run, breaking the con
nection, coupling and havlne; unter rtady ia
39 l5 aeconda, with Seward tecond time,
10 2-S and lllalr third. The prliea for Ihla
race were twenty-five, fifteen and ten Ital
ian. There waa n larger crowd n Hie itrand
alanda to aee Ihe race thti afternoon
than on yealerday It waa clone and aul
try, but the track 'wai In fine ahape and
the beya on their metlle, York rooten are
Jubilant and lth ood reaion, for Ihoy
hava three flrat prlea ua a renult of thla
afternoon"! work. Tho flnl nn the pro
(tram waa the hoie raco and It waa n
rlo-e a call for York that the KaiiK on
the cmt aland alinont not ready lo rualle
aome cuah In Ket home on, but when tlto
lime ft-tvun out vhnwrd tlilr men one-flllh
of :i lecond to the rjood Ihey fell better.
Kearney took Ihe hook and ladder race
eailly, but Kremont'a ladder climber almot
made up for Ihe alower runnlnit of Ihe
home tennii Heed and Stafford of York
ran the 100 yard, uncoupled the hole nnd
made a coupling In thlriear, aeronda and
again the Yorklle broke liHiaa nd h9il
In Ihe tralght-away hoi rare their learn
cam down acrota the line aii enay win
ner they made Ihlnga warm for aevernl
minute. There were live enlrlea In th
chlefa tar. Mnrrlion nf Kremont had It
all hla own way nnd T U Sehulti of Hew
nrd won the leather medal by a aoralch In
about twenty necomli. Ileaultai
Ho raoe, rtrt prli York, won,
Tim i!u .t. I'remnnt, aeeond. Tim,
ii 4. ft, .Mewrtrd, third, Tim, ilT 3-5,
Hook and ladder race, prlle 'n, JA
and IW' Narny, won. Tim, tM S.
rrmn, aernnd. Time, IS Third
tti not awarded,
Ooupllnu rare, IM yarda, prliea, Iwn n
badge! Heed and Hlaftod df tirk won,
Time, 15,
Hlrnlghtwar boa rr, (itliea 0, IJ
and ISO. York, won, Tim, iSH Ss, rr
mont, eei'ond. Time, 'SK Ornd la
land, thlnl, Time, ISO l,
' ('hlef'a fapei M, MnrrUmt nf Vfeiwont,
wn. Time, 11, T, l Hohilli, Hewurd,
nei-ond, Time, !M.
Yiimiim MnH telell tnlnred Ih tti
tllKhnvn nT( t
rWBMONT, Nh., July T .(Hplftl Tele.
UtttlWi) A 1A1 Who HVf hla llnW an
Uly was w nvf by n ffelghl train In
th Rlkborn int m Kbonl tW Irntl
tttghl nmt MM hi lh hnVltal InTly thU
tnntnlttR Ills lell Iftt vmn pninbWtly v.
iril m bla right H lbl bln httinU
ertlahM Kltfr HalbfP of tbf (relght
it that li ill.l nttt htm Mttlll th
iltnt tiltviik htm mt it nnl Vnw whether
thv men wk utan.Mn w eltttns on thi
traok. Thi kitnlt owirnpil nn w pvirx
vtbtli th trvlRhl ntnvtitK lniir. Th
man t vtttifntt ntmut M, itafVhlril.
tvihty nhiivn ami villh thin rtatX w
Inchet tthA hhttvit WS bmt, hlhl ttx
tet tin tnhe,
tsttWM()Nfi NVtu Jnlj- t.M(jttwinlW
ileilonminti In m. to th fatal In Ih Klnhtt ai thl WWW
Ins sneem tn tnMiHt thM th man whn w
VitlleA M helvv th mti iMf th hAit
of th IrAtn, ilnit kit the ttwtn yt Unxtnj
Ihe ViViU Ih TOhAWtttT w mt iTaWlMI
nn toi nr n Hit wwr th nnt,
vterM them tt Abi alt a h vipi(viv t
off ftnglnwr ltntr l tw h o.M not
ee a Wkh wh thi ttwfh m th WttbaMlUv
la thkl Ih wroHlhAt TOM ll
tU Whtt KrUlnk th ?kr M woViV
Wtt.llt Ihii Whte,
th man VNM In th Kttihnt M.
thl Wiovntn; hka Vn ifltntltM mi Jfthft
h wh Yilth htn ThV V- h italic
w rva vtt h twin inn k u
t avid M htwv th n HI T
tt hax ben nnMrVed nA M l'?tr-
tttwv ttv.v,t 'vu wtm
W.MSVttN NV. iviy -tk
Wttnw )- vh VMy wSwtm MVt
. YWfieWSa WeWiMn UrWW ViVift
tl. Vn YiWfWiViVt t iv ViwT! tAViWA
'ftl VWV ttviViVl TM- siii
m ay i vi x-n
fiM. .ViV i,iHn W Wi xV MA ViUM
Vat. )k MVi Wtht'At VX VWV)V,
iXX1 ka MX VVAViVch XTikx XTi'c MhVh WW;
Vnltt 'kXiVW Vr- kV i V-XMi
VW Vn U'e 'frm .x- vWi'WA Vo
i We, VW.w' Nvv- xxw xxiVaxx.
, MVI, Vh Xr VlkVVl- Va HU
w trt v, nw v, nwkth v
Stilt HtrtUnUnrt) fiictitj Opini with Alt
Offictri Prinnt.
cvrrnl Srctlrm llnvr Cihllilt l'ln
err Kiperlrurea Tnlkril of li
I'roiuliirii t c;rorr r fJiM rrmr
Mat nice .IprnU.
KEAHNEY, Neb.. July J7 -(Specldl Tel
egram.) The aummer meeting of the Ne
braaka Stale Horticultural aoclety opetiel
with all the officer irent at 10 o'clock
Ihla morning at the Midway hotel. Tlier
waa an Intereatlng dUplay of fruit on
plat, cuttle of fruit treea ahowlng lhl
year' growth, alio branche of cherrlea,
apple, ptachea and mulberry bearing
fruit. Tho exhibit of fruit waa Intended to
thow that fruit can be grown In commercial
qualities In the Halle valley. Th central
exhibit cnnilatcd of apptei, plumi, cher
rlea, peachea, grnpea anil black and red
raapbrrler. and waa from Ihe land of
Daniel Hunter of Sutherland Ther were
alio exhibit from Cnlhoun, M-Cormaek and
Llewellyn of Deuel loiinty, C. B. Jackion
and I'urdum of Illalne county and the
Crete nuraerlf, which have a large and
flnn eihlbll.
J L. Ilrnin of Ihla city wo the flrat
apeaker, hi auliject being "Pioneer Bx
perlencta In Horticulture," He aim talked
at length on the subject of tree
planting and advocated education In
forralry line, He wan followed by Cor
bin, Younger and Ilarnatd nn tho lame
uhject. J. I.. Coppoc of Chnmherx, Unit
rnuBly, gave an nitereatlng talk nn "Oh
aervullon of Ihe Apple In North Central
The cloilng of the forenoon program waa
a paper on "Park," by C, H, Hartaon of
York, The afternoon aeaalon opened with
a paper nn "BtMwbcrrlee," by (1. II.
C'lirlity of Johiuun, Tim illrllon wna
participated In by Stephen, llarnnrd, Cop
poc, Marahall nnd William Harry lllnrk
of Koarney read mi iiildre on "Commer
cial Celery flrowlng," followed by Ilegent
von Korrll with n hort ndilre on "How to
Intrrnt Hie Children In Horticulture."
"The Policy of the United Hlntea (lovertl
ment In the MaimKement nf I'orcHta," tho
aubject to have been rend by Mr. Plnuhon
nf Ihe foreelry bureau, waa (Alien up by
Mr. Newell on Account of Plnchon' nb
enco, fJnvernnr Hnvitge waa culled upon
ami (Allied ut length of the duty uf tho
government In rnnanrvltiK the water up
ply of the country. Kx-(lovernor icurnna
tallied along the line nf (tin iqiinl dlitrl
lititlim nf ralnfnll In the Mntfl for the laat
forty yenra, B, K. Stephen nf Croto apnhe
on "Timber PIhiiiIiik for Commerrlnl Pur
pot'," 1.. Hllliiiit of York followed Steph
en with n pAper on rncnurAglng tenant
In plAnt nnd cato for tree on rented
,Nt.rnlii ( It) SliootliiK icnllnwa Hull
fund Mnn'a IItIvk Willi
Another' Wife,
NKURABKA CITY. Neb., July W, (Spe
flal TelegrHtn,) William Drown, nn em
ploye of Ihe II, k M. railway, ahnt and
nerlnutly wounded Henry Newburn, a car
penler, late tonight. Itrown bad been out
driving with Mr. Newburn, Upon their
return Ihey were confrunled by Mr. New
burn, Word enauetl nnd Hrown pulled a
revolver and aliot Newburn through the
mouth. ,The affair CAUted ureal excllemeiU
and Itrown waa arreatrd Immediately.
(lennn (lela Hriiuloii,
(IHNOA, Neb,, July n.-(Specll.l At
MetlnK of tho executive loinmltlee of the
PlaltA Valley Oranil Army of the lie
PMhlle nmnplntlnn Tttemtay It waa decided
In bold It coming reunion hero Ihe Uat
ot next month. It wa At 8t, KdwArd Uat
year, but that town found llaelf unable
In lake care of It Anil inked the commit
lee tn lncftte tl at some olher plaeo, Com
mamler H, K. Wllllrins having tendered
hli redlgnallnn, W. J. Irwin waa appointed
(lUtrlet oonudtmler lo fill the vacanoy.
- v vwm I
Npiu OrilK Ndire,
HATTliW PHWHK, Neb,, July U.-(Spe-elal.jT-
M, Morrl, formerly of Meadow
Urove, baa tunmht the White drug atore
here of T. U White. Ho took voaienlon
tlnre' Ktot t'riivra Kutnt,
iiahTINOR. Neb.. July t7.(Sneelal Tele-
a,rm,l-Clamto Mrdregnr, alepaon of Louta
llormrtn, at ranune was Atpaen oy a neme
lait evpnlna anil illeit thla afternoon,
lanno ttlititlo (looa tn Motinini In llr
tnnxo Htfiimlua nf Mnrty
YANKTON, S, l Jnly U(Speplat,l
Uaap, Hhhtle.iA member of the Mormon
fhttTVh At I'mxo, I'tah, aa in Yankton to-
i)ay Hp h ben at Niobrara, Neb., for
tho pwtpmp of locattnst. exnumins ann re
IntPtlnK the remain of thoae ot a parly
t Mormon xvho dUnl ti W while winter
Inn vro the Mlnourl river In Knox
eonnty NubrAika, Mr- llbblle wa 19 year
ohl at that tliw. He abl In rvsM to the
?lrvttatWfa attemtlns the ttlement in
thW region1
"Mv falhvr wa the vanguard ot the Mor
twn plon.m W trt atrnpk nr tho Ml
W!t In l w.lth thirty other famlllea, A
UtU hflnw oh r'ort Vermilion, 3, IX. w
tvnftA In a Uttlo nvvr ?.Wo pre of bot
Ivm Uw one th MW.ontt, the outh line
hlo tn?(t by th ltg Muddy ttlf. Her
vx In vro awl ivni the winter of
wVots cam. that Vrophet swlth and hi
W hA bn VUlel awl wo were ordered
tws th Mlnonrl tn Kaneaxllle, where we
r l WMt th wtw troux Nanvoo,
vvnlfb, w raehv thrve wvok In ad
xtff, Tho wvt winter' tay In th
NtcbtM wtntry of a. lar ?tlon ot the
l?p.ATtns Mowwn vxa xoy duo to an
wMx, hlns, Piloted. U the wrong dt
wUom w px Wcovertas the mUtaV
vwtU th ry wintr hAd. v tn. whteh
lrXvA thvlf U'aWUPe t that eaon of
xs ?w Uh vx team tho UOW nll tn
trxvAX Xtwvni thvlr- cvu and tho Salt
JwiUviv "wx tTVV l'w
WIAX Mwxv- tW'WUov
-4wA (X ot v,v VwltvA Sttatva ?ourt
wxvX xm ww a, tvttlo,tns order
V. V!.e ?-X H Vh.. Tb.od.ojc. Hwrx Ptw
frW.JiVJ- Pt xVUil wipn th atxer
m V?i wtVoftx ot TMrmur county
x,e W.-ViV a,uA v-iAf; of, pUv of
Wt ViW?r 'x ifliwu.tvJ, 1ft th fv4-
wmtvts mW v kvau xn attpoi'
tlWA XXV9i posiimV0, qt the waro.
$9K. 9 J.ifo.xxX9x 4d, njalntalned.
.V VK fl'eW.I eoV.i,iW! ax Vatkv?- tor
o-?. T.h ariiuoo,t, wr wa4
iV(W vHtkUK xtrUy. At th
fOX W.WM l?Jctiton. Mopl. ot Far
9 sa,Ux Us1 Wojm. Vd?
be lawi paiied by the lut iriion of
the eglifatur no whotetale tliuor or beer
tmilnei can b trantictc or warbout
or depaaltory nalnulned In a municipal
ity which voted against granting a retail
lleenie. The brewing company maintained
that the law wai unconstitutional and
void. First, became to title was de
fective, second, because It wis an Inter
ference of and with Interstate; comraerev;
third, because In Its nature it wa special
and elas legislation. Judg Carltnd, after
carefully considering ihe arguments, re
fused to grant the restraining order asked
for by the brewing company, which wilt
now b compelled to appeal the case or
carry It Into the state courts. The repre
sentative of tn. brewing company Inti
mate, that they will appeal the case to
the United States circuit court of ap
peals as soon as the final judgment Is ren
dered, which will be In about ten days.
During the argumenta It waa contended
by Ihe brewing company that It bad not
alnce the flrat of July, nor did It Intend so
long a the people of Parker voted against
Itcenao, to sell or deliver any of Its prod
uct wllhln the. corporate limits of the
city, the business of the company being
exclusively with dealers In surrounding
Honth Dakota Inrnrpurn ttnn.
PIBIUIB, 8, !., July 19,-(Speclal.)-These
articles of Incorporation have been
Iindon Ixinn Trust company, at Pierre,
with a capital of V.'fiO.W. Incorporators,
William (.' Ilnklna, Theodore M. Moe and
Oacar Nelaon.
PhoenU Chernlcul and Manufactiirinc
company, at l'rrr, with n capital or
t,V,, Incorporators, K. V. Illrachfleld,
C, II, l.iiwrcnce nnd L. !. Stephens.
flimririty ilotid company, nt Pierre, with
ft capital of Mf,. IncorporHtors, K. C.
IHrM'hllelil, C II, lyiwrence nnd U. U
Little Jonnle Kxlrnslon Mining company,
nt Drailu'uml, with A capital of ll.M,.
Incnrporutors, Clinmbera Kellnr, N. M.
(Inrvln nnd It, It. Ilnwlea.
Heaver Uikp Copper Hmrltlng company,
lit Pierre, with u rupllul of 3,iO0iO0. Ill
orpnratorH, William H. Taylor, T. C.
Ilarter, (Jacir Nelson nnd Judnon t". Onnn.
Nnrthwolcrn Hydraulic Mining company,
lit Pierre, with n cntiltiil nf HOU.WO. In
rorinrMlorn, Itohert M, (Srlrtltti, Myron K.
Piirenliiii, K. Wheeler nnd U L. HtepheiiH.
Illlerstntii Oil company, nt Canton, with
ii ciipllnl of Incorporator, K. K.
f'nrpentiir. O, T llAlgerxori. O. H. (Jlffonl,
TIiiiiiiiih Thoraon, tlcorgo 11. Htlllnmn nnd
I.. J, Tlllotnon.
I'rolilliltliiiilat Clinlrinnii HralKii.
HURON, .8. I)., July 17. (Speolal.) A
circular letter has been sent out by W, A.
Htrommo of Volga, chairman of the state
prohibition central cnmmlttoo, calling a
meeting of the committee nt Sioux Tails
July 19. llecaus) of a chango In residence
mailo necessary by falling health, Mr.
Htromme has dnjlded to resign the chair
manship of the committee and tho chief
huilneM to como hoforo the meeting Is the
avceptanco of his roHlgnatlon and the selec
tion of hla successor.
New Phyairlnna for tnaniir Aaylum,
YANKTON, 8. D July 17. (Special. )
Pr, C, O, Ilogers, from the government In
sane hospital at Washington, and Dr. S. K,
AilHtns of tlrnton have accepted tho posi
tions of chief physicians nt tho atato In
sane asylum recently made vacant by the
resignations of Drs, Wright and Mcintosh.
The latter have returned to their homes In
Des Moines, In, Tho hospital now cares
for over COO patients.
Noll Ihti Ileal Ntorelionae nf Rainfall
I'ndrr Proper Condition
In Nehraaka.
OMAHA, July 17. To the Editor of The
ne! For over two weeks'we h,ve heard
front all side trial "t''co'rn in central
and western Nebraska and., Kansas cannot
hold out more than two or three days,"
or "wo must have rln within two or threo
days or the corn crop In these states Is
gone," Since this cry began wo have ex
perienced our hottest weather .nnd yet ob
servers concede corn can go two or three
days longer, There la one fact that farm
ora do not take Into consideration, from
which a 'very Important lesson may be
drawn, and that Is that tho very factor
that keeps this corn alive and growing Is
the one most of our tillers of the soli give
very little attention that of the shortage
of the rain water In tho soil. During the
last half of March and the first half ot
April last thero was nearly tour weeks
of almost continuous rainfall all over cen
tral and woatern Nebraska and Kansas.
Thvae rains came steady and just fast
enough tor the noil to tnko It all In.
Cool and cloudy weather almost steadily
prevailed and tho majority or the fields at
the end of this period were wet down from
two to two and a half feet, a condition that
rarely occurs. It Is thin stored water that
has carried the corn crop on so much fur
ther than common. The Important lesson
hero given Is the value, ot this water to
carry Iho crop over these long, dry periods,
The question of how much longer corn
can hold out can be measured by the
amount ot moisture still left In the soil
and yet avallablo to tho feeders of the
With this lesson let our farmers give
more attention to the storage and conserv
ing ot the soil waters, not only by the
plan ot frequent shallow cultivation after
the corn Is planted and during tho early
growing srason, but at all times frm
early spring to lata In the fall, or by a
still better plan tn tho central and west
ern portions of tho state. Some follow
not by tho old plan of plowing In July,
after the weeds and old Sol havo taken all
tho water out of (he soli, but begin In
March and catch and cover every showih
and thus carry the rainfall ot 1901 over to
be added to the rains ot 190!, and thus be
able to withstand any season wo havo ever
Carnegie Olfera Seventy-Ktve Thou-
nnd Hollar tar Lttirnrr at
Knnsaa City.
KANSAS CITY. Julv 17. In a letter lust
recelvvd from Scotlaud, Andrew Carnegie
offers to give Kansas City, Kan., (75,000
for a free library, providing tne city fur
nlihet tho site and agrees to maintain tho
library at a cost ot not les than 17,500 a
year The city has practically decided to
accept the oflcr.
Mn at Minmnklu Colliery Out.
SHAMOKlN. Pa. July 17 -Five hundred
men aud boys went on strike at Hickory
colliery today becaiuo (he Union Coal com
pany would not permit a committee of
I'nUeJ. Mine worker to inject cards of
workmen on company lands.
every muiiicr, ExpccMiii moiiier
Ujj ra vt, ( jKjkMW " Th wor'd ch product nothing like Mother' friend "
" SoM by t DniCTun, 1 .00, o, xat by t iprtti ptU on rtlpt orptki, 2
' Btcisiidirs Dicliiia ti Accipt Giraai
Etnifi Bask Citnprinit.
l'roioarl . Ul mien t Ileli-nara Wit
, Ham KniK from Liability ttoth a
Stockholder and Surety on
Gnarnnt)- flond.
The Hoard of County Commissioners was
to haTe met at 10 o'clock yesterday fore
noon, but the meeting was not called to
order until 5 o'clock tn the afternoon.
The commlisloners spent the entire day In
executive etslon as a committee ot the
whole, dlscutilng the proposition made by
Itecelver McCague to settlo the county's
claim against the German Savings bank
at CO cents on the dollar.
At the forenoon stsilon ot the committee
General Cow In, 11. W. Ureckenrldge and
Joel W. West, representing the bank and
its stockholders, were present and urged
the commissioners to accept the propoied
compromise rather than become Involved tn
litigation, which, tbey argued, would tuke
up not less than Ave years' time and result
tn the failure of the county to recover any
more than the stockholders propoied to
pay at this time.
Teat of Hrawlntlon.
At noon the committee adjourned and It '
was announced by all of the members that
It had been decided to recommend the fol
lowing retolutlon for adoption by the
board, which was then expected to meet
at 2 o'clcck In the afternoon:
Whereas, On July S, 1901, Hon. Jacob
Fuwcett, one of the Judges of the district
court of Douglas county, Nebrnskn, made
nn order In the caae entitled State of Ne
braska uxntnat German Savings bank ap
proving and nccepllntc offers made by cer
tain stockholders of the said bank to com
promise their llalilllty to the depositors of
said linnk whereby n. further distribution to
aald depositors of 50 per cent of the bal
nncej due them Is made Immediately
possible, nnd nmong said offers In one from
Svilllam KniK to pay in full of his
stockholder's liability to the depositors ot
said bank, but conditioned upon such pay
ment being In full of hln liability an n
etockholder nnd ns one of the sureties on
the bond given by the sold German Savings
bank to secure tn payment of the moneys
of the county of Douglns deposited In said
bunk, nnd
Whereas, The proposition of compromise
of said stockholders was conditioned that
nil nnld stockholder nhould pay their pro
rata share, nnd unless snld sum of 6,00u Is
nnld by said William Krug, other stock
holders refuse to contribute to the pro
posed compromise, nnd tho proposed
further dividend of 50 per cent to the de
positors cannot bo made, without the con
tribution by snld Krug of said 16.000, and
KriiR's Mnlilllty.
Whcrcnsr The liability of said William
KruK, us surety upon said bond, In dis
puted nnd contested hy snld William Krug.
nnd the said matter la now In litigation;
ii ml,
Whcrcns, It was made to Appear to the
district court of Douglas county tn nnld
cause pending therein, entitled State of Ne
braska against Gorman Savings Hank, the
samo being the bank receivership case,
that the proposition of nald stockholders
wan made ns a matter ot compromise
purely without admitting liability as mich
atockholdcrs, and legal proceedings to en
force collections from stockholders would
bo resisted with u denial of liability, nnd
long nnd expensive litigation would thereby
ensue, and that even In the event ot the
HUccens of the receiver no larger amount
than the proposed compromise could prob
ably bo realized for distribution among the
depositors ot snld bank; and,
whereas, If such compromise Is effected
the cout'ty of Douglas will at once receive
the sum of 113,230.18; therefore, be it
Resolved, That in consideration of th
premises and the Immediate payment or
snld sum, the county of Douglas accept
from the receiver of the said German Sav
ings bank the sum of 113,230.18 In full pay
ment and settlement of the Indebtednma
of said German Savings bank lo the county
of Douglas, and thereupon surrender to the
receiver the certificates (slued by snld bank
to Douglas courtty; and that tho said Ger
man Savings bank and tho said William
Krug, upon the payment by the receiver
of said sum, be wholly released and dis
charged from further liability to the county
of Douglas on account of said Indebted
ness. At 2 o'clock In tho afternoon, however,
County Attorney Shields put In an appear
ance and tho commissioners began to dis
cuss tho proposed compromUo with him.
Tho county attorney was not suro that the
best lterots of the county would be
sorved by the acceptanco of the compro
mise and sotno of the members ot the
board began to doubt the wisdom of the
course that had been decided upon at their
morning session. The result was another
oxecutlvo meeting ot the committee ot the
wholo, which lasted until C o'clock and
then adjourned without result.
At the meeting ot the board which fol
lowed only routine business was trans
acted and tho proposition from Itocolver
McCaguo wan not mentlonod. It was an
nounced by members ot tho board that
action on the proposed compromise bad been
deferred to Saturday.
Slenmrr Dainnscrd In Collision I
Towed Into Port Paiienger
All Taken Off.
NKW LONDON. Conn.. July 17. With
forty feet of Its bow cut clean oft In a col
lision with tho steam yacht Wild Duck, at
midnight, the steamer Tremont ot the Joy
line, which left lloston yesterday for New
York with 300 passengers, waa towed Into
Now London and beached today. All Its
passengers had been transferred to other
steamors In tho sound and continued their
trip to New York.
Immediately after the accident the steam
yacht backed away from tho Tremont and
left Immediately, arriving at thla harbor
today. From tho shore It appeared that It
had sustained considerable Injury to Its
etem. Captain Wilcox Insists that It proper
lookout had been kept on the yacht the col
lision would not have .occurred.
Tho cargo of tho Tremont will be re
moved during the day.
Associated Fraternities of America
Draw on Ilea Molne and Oanse
far Exrcntlvr.
The Associated Fraternities of America In
session hero today elected the following
oftlcers; President, C. ,11. Robinson, Des
Moines. Ia.; vice president, Frederick Gas
ton, Philadelphia, secretary-treasurer, Ed
mund Jackson, Fulton, III.
Tho association decided to IniMtuta a
bureau of Information covering deputies
nnd ruidlcal examiners, This wllls be In
charge of a supervisory commltto?, con
sisting of Dr. C. 11. Paul, Des Moines;
Dr. W H. Cable, Osage, la., and Dr. O. J.
Kblen, Van Wert, O,
or Marriageable Girli
can havo a practical treatise on motherhood, telling 3
about ''MOTHER'S FRIEND" (that 3
will save months of twin anil trouble), sent, free,
by stulinjr name ana address of self or friends to Jpj
Hon. A. M. Smith, Principal Fuller Acad
emy, of Vcarey, Ga., writes:
"Allow me plcnac to expfens to
you my sincere thanks (or your
wonderful llfc-glving medicine,
"For the pant two or three years.
I have been troubled with nervous
ness, at time" resulting in Almost
nervous prostration. Recently I
have hud very aeverc nttacks and
wits Induced by a friend to try l'e
rutin. This I have done with more
than satisfactory results and con
sider Portion the best medicine on
the market today for whnt it is
"I have a brother who thinks It Is
the greatest thing in the world. To
all who suffer with nervousness in
any form I would say 'use Peruna.'
With best wishes and many thanks
for your splendid medicine, I re
main sincerely, A. M. Smith."
Hon. Martin W. Wheelock, of Montpellcr,
FREE ADVICE by our rhyalolans and a FREE SAMPLE
of our medloma also Froo Home) Treatment no page illustrated book
describing symptoms and cause or diseases with best treatment, also many valuable
receipts and prescriptions in plain language, saving you heavy dootor'a bill, ask for Ik
Dr. Kay's
Cures the vei
e very worst eases or Dyspepsia, constipation, ileadaene, palpitation of Heart
id Kidney diseases and bad results of I.aOrlppe. Send for proof ot 1U
Liver and
Write us about all your symptoms. Sold by
I saeul us 25cts. or 11.00 nnd we will send Dr.
DR. B. J. kay medical,
Buffalo, N. Y.. May I to Nov. I.
Ia its court settings, architectural, fountain and electrical effects, sculptural
adornment, horticultural and floral ctnbeiishment, and color decorations this
exposition will surpass all ethers.
To enjoy its charms, with the added attraction of Niagara Falls wilt be a
most delightful privilege.
As the only double trick railway from the Vest to Buffalo (meaning
greater safety and dispatch in traveling) and hy reason of its furnishing the
anett complete and frequent service of any line, the Lake Shore L Michigan
Southern with its eight through trains daily, including the only daylight train,
will prove the meat desirable route for exposition travel,
In making it your choice you will travel welL It takes you through the
richest and fairest portion ef the Middle States, including the beautiful Wettern
Reserve country with nearly 300 miles of ride along the picturesque south
shore 'of Lake Eric. '' 1
All tickets over this route afford use of steamers either wsy between Gere
land and Buffalo, also stop at Chautauqua on return trip within limit of ticket.
"Book of Trains" containing full information about Lake Shore service
tree on application to F. M. BYRON, G. V. A, Chicago.
s Lake Shore
and Michigan Southern Railway.
.acSliiHldVBBaaf I
ft. A. . SnAHLKf. OpCWiailBl in D1HWUBCB OI JT&ajJl,
Are you afflict with Varloocl or Its results Nervovs Debility ana Lost Ma
keodT Are you aervou. lrrltabl aad dponntt Do you lack your oia-tlm nrgf
and ambition T Ar you suffering from vital weakness, etc.? Ther I a draaimnt
ef th snsttlv orgaaa ot yeur PeWIe ByaUro, and even though It lives you ns
trouble at present, It will ultimately unman jou, deprsss your mind, rack your merrou
yatcm, unfit you for marrttd Ut and shorten your existence. Why not be cured bs
ANTEE, w have yat to a th ease of VarlcoeeU we cannot cure. Medlcln, !
Iric belts, eto.. will never cure. Tou need exprt treatment. W treat thousand's of
Maes where the ordinary phyalolaa treats one. Method new, nvr falls, without eul
Hag, pain or loss ot tlm.
STRICTURE ,lom Treatment. .No
nrl n I rrr ntw and Infallible
nu ULttl Radically cured with a
Instrument, no pain, no detention from
buatn. Cur guaranteed.
URINARY Kidney and Dladder Trouble.
: Back, nurnlng Urine. frVequenoy of
wrinaiing. unn itign colored, or wltn
milky sediment on standing; Gonorrhoea,
QVDU I IC cured for lit and the poison
fsrn bla thoroughly cleanaed from
in synem. Boon every sign and aymptom
laappeara completely and forever. No
"iiukakimu OUT of th dlseai
on thA
kin or face. Treatment contains no dan.
reroua drugs or Injurious medicines.
Home Treatment
roc ful aad strictly private. Our ee
sT'M r-3E? I AW
Vt., In a letter to The Pcmna Medietas Co.,
"I have always had a strong: antipathy
against giving any testimonial In regard
to proprietary medicine, but after much
Investigation I was convinced that yours
was worthy. I have been troubled with
what Is termed post nasal catarrh, causing
an oppressive feeling In the head and con
siderable nervousness and sick headache.
"Noting tho wonderful testimonials from
eminent men regarding Peruna, tho great
remedy for catarrh, I concluded to and did
try a bottle of Peruna. I muit acknowl
edge that the medicine seems to possess
tonic, warming and remedial virtue In ex
cess -of other medicines and that the uo
of Peruna In my caso has beea advanta
geous and that I have faith onough In Its
medicinal virtue lo continue Its use,"
Martin W. Wheelock.
Mr. John F. Schmidt, of Carthage, Ohio,
"Peruna has saved my life. For flva
years tho best doctors had pronounced raa
Incurable. 1 suffered with a complication
of diseases palpitation of the heart, ner
vousness, weakness and dyspepsia. A fair
bottles of Peruna cured m. Peruna can
not be beaten as a tonic. 1 have gained
forty pounds since taking Peruna."
In a later letter he says:
"I am In the best of health since I havo
taken Peruna, I weigh 1SS pounds, but I
nevor will be without Teruna In the house."
John F. Schmidt.
I'rrana I n Kalnral and Rfacten.
Krrre Tonic.
Peruna strengthens aad restores the ac
tivity of every nervo In the body. Through
the uso of Peruna the weakened or over
worked nervea resume their natural
strongth and the blood veasels at onca
begin to regulato tho flow of blood accord
ing to Nature's laws. Congestions Imme
diately disappear. Alt phases of catarrh,
acuto or chronlo, are promptly and perma
nently cured.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
wrlto at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement ot your case and he will bo
pleased to give you his valuable advlon
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Thej
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
druggists, don't accept any substitute but
Kay's Kenorator by return mall, Address,
co., Saratoga rjpnnsB, ri. t.
Searles & Searles
Successful and RoHnbl
j T ? m mat
(V1TAL.ITT WEAK),mad o by too eloee
application to business or study; sever
mental strain or grief; HKXUAL EX
CESSES In middle life or from th f!gta
or youthful follies.
ana .uiiiiii.n-Aut.u; iuck or Vim, Vigor,
and atrenath. with seiual orran Imnnlr..!
and weakened prematurely In approaching
o a ace. All y
age, All yiem rapidly to our nw
treatment for loss of vital power.
On personal visit Is preferred, but If you
cannot call at my office, writ ua your
symptoms fully. Our home treatment Is
Our counsel la free and aairedly confidential.
Conmltatlon Free. Trcatnteat by Mai
Call or addres lif So. Mth Street.
Dr. Searles & Searles, Onaht Nefc.