Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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tiee, July 17, 1901.
Lawns at
?' 10c Per Yard
A It rtm nKir( tnont of lllit grounds, blnrU
grounds mid dnrk blue it lid white.
tliene Imwiih ntako a cool mid ye rv icon I do dross
of' wrifjJierf. ('(dors arc absolutely fast.
IHUt'i' llenlH of lutoroHt: Choicest dimities in
Mil Hi I fie it .vitrei.
-lift- iiiadf aH. iow I fie.
ll of our line Imported zetiliyrfl, that sold up to 00c n yard,
ii-Mv ane it .friif d. t ; ; ' .
ntle lltieiiH. fuv 'Jfie a yard. ' '
:(! atld Mfie llhefis, now 22Je a .yard. '
I fie iiimlfitft. flow lOe a yard.
ti' fiat rtn1r at 1 l. tn. Aarlnir ftitr AitnM.
Thompson, Beldem &.Co.
M. . A. lieiMUNIJ, (.'flit.
lit ii I.V-
OflMUl Utr trameit Dnpi It t (inert St
HtgellaiUrii Ma; ProMd.
l'im(f Wlli UlMlxtrm ill PrUln lu
Settle ll.iillli)li of Mnnrlitirln
t'lild'il JOnlen .In.enl. tn In-
CffNr u( CiinIiiiii.
WASHINGTON. July IT. In ft Mlrlt
which ha aroused (he Keenest namlrn(Jcn
o( llt,Httai ilupal Uiltuit, (tin Japanese guv
riMiiifi hn rtiel Oio ilimeiilty growing ut
of Hit preference,, nl her rmiunst for nn lu.
rciiO.'uf ' her llidrrrinlty Uy wlthilpiwInK
thnl rnt(iimt. Tlx' remit la a substantial
Ion to Japan. She nuknl originally for $2.1.
fdo.ouu, 'I' In (i figure, win more modcra(o
tllAii any uf the powers nvliloli.plHciI any
prominent purl In the Chinese campaign
riud .represented the' bareit expense of the
)inilfrtnllg. It vvafe l.lxd ujmu the- ldcif
' ,( j iiicnt, was lu,bc made lu cash by
China. Confronted with the bond payment,
the Jtipnncse (joyi'nmt'iit asked that her
nllcittnfnt tm lncrrWd to 127.000,000 In
homls tn tnnkv good Ibc loss she would
suffer through the salo of tbo bonds.
As soon ns tonm of tho other nations
found that tho allotment us originally fixed,
wis u darker ut being disturbed they
I'limii III with Itiercnued demnnds and thus
It Is (hat Jnpnu, muling that Insistence
upon her dcuiari'il would blnckado tho ntg'o
tlntlons at ln? pbuso, hau withdrawn her
request fop the. present at 'least.' It Is safe
to susume that tho United States govern
. incut will do what. It. own to-secure.! com
pensation for Japan In some other way In
the futuro
tlsAimlf' "Hood to'bb11i,Jetrtf-;f'sotnf
ot tho great powors that the disposition ot
Manchuria should go beToro tho ministers
at I'ekln and brjinflUy detc'faitnijd; b a,
Joint agreement among the powers. Al
though no definite step has been taken In
that direction tbsftlrlrfg' itlscmYBid by;
foreign representatives stationed he're," who
fully expect that the, plan will be .adopted.
' it t ' y
llnssln Slny IIiiiik llnok.
Iltusla, tL la expected, MUTiS.Tollfctant
tn sgreo to It. Attention has been directed
b the latter by ' -reports that 'nusaln -hs'il
reiutiicil direct, nogotutlooa ,wjtli Chlrva,
concerning Manchuria and Also by yester
day's cablegram stating ,that a Uunslaq
proclan(a'tlon'was"abrfut:(o bo Issued estiffi-
Ij a constitutional disease.
It orlK'natcs In a scrofulous condition ot
thft blood and depends on that condition.
It often causes headache- and dlizlness,
Impairs tho tantc. ssmoll and he nrnp;, af
fects the focal organs and disturbs the
stomnch. . ..
It Is always radically and permanently
cured by the blopd-purlfylng, alterative and
tonic action of
Hood' Smrmmpmrillm
This (treat medicine has wrought the roost
'wonderful enr-s of all diseases depending
on scrofula or the Scrofulous habit.
Hood's nu.s are ths best cathartic.
farniif Nor Q'iwoi Kills Wlfs unit
tJhfia, Thin Iboo i flimtilf.
lloiiir Krtiitliuii tt'err Jiliiriii)- unit 11
In iiiiiiMt llmt I'oiirlinliii Ciiin
nillliit llir Crliin- III n
I'll of .lenliiiM I'lmlon.
'Ilshlng Now Chwang1 as V misslah port.
Aft to the report that' Ilui'sln will 'pto
claim Nor,' l'ftwnng to bo-n ItUMlnn port
It Is pointed out In dlplotustlc (unrtrrs, that.
New Clnvang Is a treaty port nd ns such
open to tho commerce of th world under
the existing' tariff reKiilatlo'lA with China,
nd foreign mcrchantM havo tho right to
trade and conduct ciiplillhniont thero
Theso rights of trmlo iCOUld. .not bo dl
verted In the opinion of diplomatic otllclnl
bv ti TlilSHlnh proclamation unless tho
(lowers had previously nivonMnJont. Thus
fari however, lhre hut I'0" t" JoqtU'H,'
from Uusslfl or ChJim for any .tltu
statua of New Chwmig as ono of tho treaty
' Mr. Itockhlll. our speolal, commissioner nt
I'ekln, has been Instructed to glvn tho
aiscnt of tho United States to tho tllscuu
slon of tho proposition to Incrraso the
Chinese customs duties In order to pro-, i
Ttdo'incanii for tho payment of the -International
Indemnity, dur goverhmerit l
still opposed to this VfoJcCt and the In.
,'structlon la heht only 'In" d.effi'i'nc.e to the
universal wish for it pWody conclusion n(
tho negotiations at t'cktn. ft is learned
that, the bitch tn Oipfo ncroilatlotui, tho
.rroat balfllng that has yet occurred, Is
duo entirely to the Issuo ralaed as ,to the
Increase of customs.
Tho United States government feels that
this, Issue 'Has completely Justified Its
original judgment that a great error Is
, belnre made by the mlnlaters In .compelling
China to pay the heavy Indemnity de
manded, it was strongly contended that
tho Indemnity was far beyond the ability
ot the Chinese government to 'pay under
ordinary conditions. The United Statcn wns
overruled and now the very powers that
took Issue with It have come around to
tho belief that the Chinese ordinary revtf.
nues are not BUlTlelnt,,''hence tho propo
sition to double the customs duties. C.rc.i't
hCPrltaln maintains that as the United
States send to China the greater part ot
tho commerce which would, thus .be doubly
taxed, tho proposition amounts to these
two countries assuming tho burdens ot tho
Chinese Indemnity. . -
OliHNWOOU, la.. July 17.T-(Spectal.)
I-'red I'mirheliu, twelve miles southwest of
Uleitwood, murdered his wife and child
hint night and then shut himself after set
tltiK the houto on tire.
They weto teu.mts of John lleno end
lived on his farm on the Missouri bot
tom. A little heforo 10 o'clock ludt night
1'ourholm's neighbors discovered that Ula
Nousoiwnii' oil tire and hurried to the place,
They illnoovorexl tho wlfo mul daughter hud
been killed by tmvliie their thrtintff cut
Cite of their horses lay by the house with
Its thnfat clllr their wagon was pulled up
aftalnaf the house, the buggy on the
tioreh'iani! the. hartttss lu tho luigiiy.
'I)ltrb(l)'-ra"rfr lay In the'forlta ot a tree
near by. H'durhclm lay dead Hi.lilc ' tho
hniisa''wlth tf" sltofgutl by " his" side. Tho
bullilliiK nnd Its surroundings wcrfc' In
llamcs. Dcsperitte'efforr was timdo to rescue
tljfibudliiB,, tm With lltllc stteccs, and when
recovered UW wero otmrr-od lmyiid rec-
ngnlUo(i Mr.. lloreait, tha pherlff, and Mr
llogart, hU deputy, were at the scene ot
-the crime -by mjtlnlght ami took posses
slon of the -romslns An Iniiuent will he
held some ttme today.
" Many theories urn iidvnnccd. ns to who
(JoiuiAjttijd llio crlmA otfd the motlv'o for
doing li,. but It. Is Kcnomlly believed -It was
'the worlf of .Kourhelliii He was a person of
(tnck and vidlciu tvuipor and It Is rumored
that ItW donu'stte relations wero somutlmcs
stornly. It Is stipiiopnl tlnil In a (It of
passion he Utok hts razor, later found In a
tree, nnd murdered his wife uud child. Then
com lite lb a 'realization of whnl he hhd don6
he determined, to end It all by takliu; Ills
own life. Xot wlthlng to lea re nnythlag
for his wife's relntlvi-s, n.ililit whom ho
Inlt vary bitter, he sought to destroy nil
his property by klllliiR his horse, and
rilarjns his wagon, buggy nnd harness w.herft
It would bo bur.ned, he hot lire tn (tin. house,
lln "thin went Inside nnd unded tho trasedy
by jhrottnK"lil'mself.
loiter their uwrjlaao eertlflcato wiib found
on thii Krlttdstono. It 16 nupposcil that ho
left It. thero, tf prevent any scandal.
nrrlnu vithlti t'te JurlixlUlion of a in.i
The Ktnertmr of MlNsliclppl. It I J rtpuNo'l,
will proceed In purs.ri to liwln to Invij
lU.ito tho matter
MUMl'llta. T-nn., July 17. -At n meitlng
of citizens of Urccnvlltf. Wnshlimton
county, Miss., a resolution was adopted
asking tho governor tn order n special
cession of tho circuit court of tho county
tn deal with the recent assassination of
two Italians at Urwlti. Tho crime was de
nounced In the strangest terms.
Kitlninti' ti r llnrlior liiiirtivMitriilt.
WASHINGTON, July 17. Lieutenant
Colonol W. 11. Hucr. lu charge of river and
harbor work In the San Francisco district,
makes the following recommendations (or
the fiscal year ending June .10, U'03: Sail
Joaquin river, $25,000. for continuing I in
provemcuts; Sacramento and Fcnthcr
rivers, $25,000, (or continuing work.
Major C. Met), Townscnd, lu ihurgo
of river and harbor work In tho Hock
Island .( IU. ) district, recommends au up
prnprlatUm of $1,000,000 for the Improve
motit of the Mississippi rjver between the
Missouri river and St. l'atil during tho
usca,l year ending June 30, 1003.
lie emit' CotitiiilMftloticr'N Oi-rlxlon,
WASHINOTON, July 17-Commliiloncr o.
Internal Hcvcnue Vcrkca has held that ih
exemption of express . omp.inUn (rent giving
stamticil rccelnts for liootls received bv
them for transportation made by the act
of' Match I, 1D0J, nmendlitB schedule A of"
Uic act of June li, 1S05, do'es nut apply to
rallro.ul companies. This act It Is lillcl,
lipril.ies only tit persons, companies or cor
por'iittons engagiii In .carrying on itt ex
press -bueliioHj rxcluslvcly. In the ease In'
point tho railroad company will be requ'rod
to give stamped tertlp'ts lotnllk sh'pcrrt
- t
linnr IIiii'U'n HoMtiiinnlf-r.
WASHINOTON, .July J7.-(8poclal Teld
grain.) S. A Taylor bus been appointed
poBtmnstex at Lone Hock, Kossuth cVunjy,
la. The Hanover National bunk, of New
York has been approved ns n reserve ageut
fbr the. First National bank of;u, S. 1).
Crinti at hi Mnrnwa Art Won lu Ut
cinv liir.
AUDufi 'iu I'tilfinil ut I.Hf" 0" tu
Mill- U urlt ut I. li II W '
Itilid 'IVll".
Minns 'll link (lir lnl Onrsliinii III
.sriilnr !limle (Milium u
'In In- (lie .liinlor
The senior events of the Iowa State He
galla nnsoclatfon at Lake MuiiaWa
were won In a decisive manner Wodncs
day afternoon, 'two brats being Milllcli'iil to
determine tho winner In each race. While
the crews that participated gate a
NUW VOItK, July 17 F.UJhIi H.mitot.l
Of llhii, N Y . outslmt i rtoid ut siivehb
idght coliti'Miinls In the pKlliiiliiiiiy li.inul
eiip nt 1M tnrets Vtr mmt ut Inteietl '
1'uik, I 1. today, ittnl wtm the event with
ii eiiKh' nrl. of $73 mul n sliver Hop )
vulunl ut JoO. He broke tilneis -lite nut
lim tiugets nnd rlmt from the elghteen-wini
murk Ills ilon-Kt npimlienls were John W
HolTmittt of New' (icrm.Uitow'n, N J . ,'';
,1. W. Hiiwbi ot Uarillnet, Mum . inch j t
whpm bidlte iilnety-two targets from tu
sevent'ren-yuiil Hmik. The next best srore
wns ninetyi'iie. nimle li) F A Iiiiimn of
I'asenng. It I., who slnud ut the i f eeu
Aiird murk The assneliitlon Hilds $1 j t '
the tlurrfo iiiude up troin ttw eiiiriiuee lee.
'which were V" tiieh, and the mm.e s -divided
between the sixteen highest seoren
S.iwlp uiul tloffuimi shot oft the lie- mul
.the furmvr won mciuid honors b tireiikjni!
'forly-tvut- oiit" of llfty (nigi'ts, Hiiirmiiii
sni.ishlng- forty out ot n Miiuiiur tiumoer
liner exhibition than the 'Junior crew's of N(,'1u u tmt ii, m irksr Crosby
Tuesday the.y locked the dash nnd close i (IllbiXt. .UelkvN HF''!UluK utid. Hanks, ptiol
'rtnliheii Hint were eli-iructerlHtle nf tbeil'P " thi'lr llvepm'M m.lll;' II I'.llgli.ll
nnj4ie.H. ttint wire iiiaraciiritiL or uu , '.pfntij.,. inttlir' nofer hcuvlty hnndlmppeit,
Cnninisiiner Askerto -Rplnln.
SEATtLR, July 17.-Woutcriant , Comr
mnndcr Mlnctt, whcn)rtftt;!abnafd Un
Concord, uecurieii to oc intervjexveu regard
tHK tha press dlBp.itchotnjiWasttlngtan
rcsarduig tho return of .the Concord frotn,
Alaska without orders; from 'Washington,
He rend the dispatch .with tho grejfst
Interest nnd expressed his surprise at Its
"I hardly know what to say nbout this
ltsnatcrr." he remarked. "I have Just re
ceived n telegram from tho Navy depart
ment nsklnp mo to explain fully by letter
the reasons for bringing' 'the Concord to
this port, Uut 1 liavn not yet prepared my
"It wilt be Impossible for me to snv any
.thing pending Instructions from the Navy
department m'ore than thnt I hnve an ex
planation to make officially .which I am
confident will be entirely satisfactory to
thp rlenartmcnt. '
Commander Knox Is still Aboard the
Concord, but will probably be detnehed
from the -asel and taken to- n hospital
in this city tomorrow. Ills health hns con
siderably improved within tho last fow
Drtnoerntx to Move llrnilqtinrter.
8T, I.Ot'18, July 17.-A special to the Ho
public front Washington says: it li m
nounced on good authority that the national
headquarters of the democratic party will
nc removed nero irom unicugo nuout Sep
temner i.
InJnred nr PnlllnK Chnln.
CLRVRIANDr July n.J-A"ehntn weighing
rour tons reu on six men at tne w.esung
houso Electric company's works this after
noon. One man, 11. Oermann, died shortly
nrterwaru una uvo oincrs ore oaaiy in
00 0000000000 0000 00 000 0,0 000 0,0 000 00000000 a
o' ' o
Omaha Bee, Single Coupon, o
g A Summer Vacatjpti g
g '1 For the most popular young lady.
2 ncTOttforU, w iy O
g ; rsss: , ( .... g
Wwks for ,
CUT THIS OUT.-Dcposlt at Bee offlct r mall to "Vacatloo Co rrt'e rt . D ei r' 1 171 p t . "
. r.iiT miTTum rniknM'( 4 ' . 5
o OmahaBee
A Summer Vacation
n 1 1
For the most popular youn; lady.
- o
Subscription Coupon o
e- TkU catf oa. If accompaoltd by a cash pavaent an a nw or old buriptloa to o
O TNE tL couau Tti for each ISc paid, 100 votei for each dollar paid, etc
O .
9 Pf Votes fnr Mlis
O Nam.
5" 'Addreii '
O Town. : Btate.
g . ' Worki for !
O Addreta
llrulMtrntlnu 'Coin I ill VA lleno;
' WAiitHNOTON. July 17. The ofliclal re
port on tho Oklahoma luiul registration re
ceived at the Inferior department today
shows that the registration at Hi Hono was
R.CtjD and at Fort Sill 3.S00. This makes
the total registration ho fur .".I.IB'J.
heerelnrj- Crldinr lleeoverlnn.
WASH1NCTON. July 17. Third Assistant
Secretary of State Crliller, who. lias been III
for secral weeks. Vns Hiilllcltnlly rero.crod
today to bd removed to deahrlght, N. J.
Ho wns acconumnicit ny Mn. urtiticr.
It .Mil)' Itr .Unite .l'lmalltle hy .So ill r II. -
forniN (lit- I'onlniiiNter lien
erul Is InntlliitliiK.
WASHINOTON. July 17. PostmaBter
General Smith today signed three orders
amending In Important particulars three
postal rcgulatlona affecting sccond-clasj
mall matter. The changes will make
sweeping and radical reforms In the dc
partmcnt practices and methods of treat
ing this, .class ofiuatter.
Tho nret order amends section 27b,
which is the general dc.fltiltlon, so as to
exclude from the second-class publications
which havo the characteristics ot books.
This nmeniTnYsut'ls In these words;
1'crlodtcal .publications herein referred
to are held not to Include thoso having' tho
characteristics ot, books, but only such as
eonslqt .of ,curront,.ncv.B or miscellaneous
llteruty matter, or both (not excluding: ad
vertiBing)" ano: conforming to the Btatu
tory','characterlst'.cB of "s'e'corjd-class mull
Tho' seebnd ordtr amends Bcctlon 281
In several particulars, the principal one
being that publlcntrons, the subscriptions to
which are not founded on their value as
news or literary Journals and which by
the'gcnoral use of premiums of other con
siderations In the form,' of chances to win
prizes, etc., to .Induce subscriptions In cf
feet circulate at apparently nominal rate
will bo excluded frqm the second class
The essential paragraph of this Is as fol
'The subscription price must be shown
by tho publication nnd when it appears
from tho contents or from tho
oxtrlnBlc Inducements offered In com
bination with It that the circulation
ot the publication Is not founded on Its
value as a news or literary Journal and
that subscriptions are not made because
ot such value, but because Its oftert ot
merchandise or other considerations re-
Hult, in. effect, In Its circulation at appar
ently a nominal rate, such publication
does not come within the requirements
ot tho'daw tor 'acceptance as second-class
The; third order' amends section 301 so
that. unsold 'Copies of second-class publica
tions may n,ot ,,Va returned at the second
late to nows agents or to publishers.
An explanatory statement given, out at
the department regarding the ordor says:
"Tho' action of ' Postmaster General
Smith la' regarded as highly Important.
It" Is evidence of the "purpose of the de
partment 'to 'administer 'the Iaw as It Is
strKtly 'anil properly and that 'abuses.
wnerevcr round' will bo eradicated; Loos
and' Indifferent Interprot'ntioh ' heretofore
hns'beon'' responsible for thov loss of many
millions to tho governmfint. It Is believed
'that' when" the' effeel of these changes Is
thoroughly fstablls'hod' "many, postal lm
provom'onte' wl'ji follow and'Jl-cent Jctter
postagv will' bo made1 possible."
lynchinq; Involves nations
Ilnlinn (lAVfrnmrilt Intercut Itself In
74l6l Kx'eiMitloii't TmoSiiIi- ,
Jects lu MlnNlasliiiil,
I's-M'tintor I'iikIi Iletter.
WASHINOTON, July 17 Ex Senator
Hugh's condition shows Improveuient to
day. Ills physicians express themselves ns
(rent Ilnniime In horrnl I'lnnln lle-
eiuisr All (lie liintin Are
SCnANTO.Jf. .Ta.. July 17., There was
an almoit complete cessation of mining
operations today in the Lackawanna val
ley becauso. of 'tho, strlTto of stationary
firemen. LcW' than a half dozen- mines
managed by Individual owners and tho
gioup ot Delaware; Lackawanna A Wcst'ern
railroad mne In tho West Scranton dis
trict were tin; mily ones In satlsfaciory
shape for run'ning when' the whistles blew
this morning. The small owners had
granted tboAetght.hour demand and the
men. at. tho. I-jekawanna's. rnlnta -rcf us?d to
quit, being., yinlldtcd with Ihc United .Mine
iorncrB .incriea anil ihh wiin. iiij iu-
flonaVy'rifcmeVsaSsoerajlonf'' The latter
(jn.ineir posuion oy ine uunoa
utl've fbonrd of district No. 1,
hre fortified
of the execut
United 'li'no workers, Vltlch' last nlgh de
cided that alffircrhen', 'eiig'lnccri, machin
ist's and pump' runners who are ruembsrs
of tho organization should remain at work
until 'otherwise ordered by the dUtrl.H olll
cers on 'the auihorlty of frcsldent Mitchell
nnd the nntlonnl executive board
"Tho mines that nre Idle Irivolve' 8.000
workmen, the greater portion of whom arc
In Scranton and north .u far as Carbon
dalo and Korest City. The Eric Hallroad
coraoany mines, employing 12,000, aro
shut dbwn tight todny. A scrlouB condition
confronts this company at its Olenwood
colliery at Jermyn, where it had boon fight
ing hard against a flood which had sub
merged all the lower workings nnd reached
nearly fifty feet up tho shaft.
Every Ontnrio & Western railroad mine
employing 7,000 men in the Lackawanna
region, in idle. With the pumps Idle, tha
flooding of the mlneB Is threatened, In
volvlng n destruction of property that wlll
be enormous. In the event of flooding,
mino canot be again restored' to working
condition for aoveral months.
Tho Delaware & Hudson Hallroad com
pany undertook today to got outside work
men, bosses and roal inspectors to tire
mine boilers whero tho firemen had struck,
Tho men refused nnd wore at once Hs
charged. Tho same condition prevailed nt
the Erlo nallrond company's Moyfleld
breaker At the Keystone mine of the
Erlo company the breaker boys refused to
work and mndo an attack ontuo (Ire. room
whero It was reported ton non-unton men
wcro at work.
At tho Lackawanna company's offices to
day 'tho statement was glvon out that there
will be no attempt to replace -any of. its
firemen who -struck unless thero Is daugcr
of, the mines being flooded.- The market
conditions wcro such now, It was sald,,thit
n forcod suspenlon would not causo nny
N. S.TW1 coupon mutt becan1erslffleds by'TM .Clrfabtlon Departaient,
O or tbetowaaieat to whom the, iabtulptlon, nooey ipaldv.Pitj; aull i, o
a "Vaemtian Conteit Drat.". Bee. Oauka. Neb. O
I e 1 .' 1 " 'X
9- Y ' V
CeaatcrtlfiKd by.
Artnt O
WASHINGTON, July 17. The Italian gov
ernmentha6 taken cegtrtftance' Of a recent
affray at Er-wln, Mtsi,, In which It Is
claimed two Halns were lynched and a
third EcrloiiRly wounded. The facts have
been communicated to the foreign office
at Home and the Italian embassy here, has.
made representations to the State depart
m'ent. At' trie' same, time the Italian au
tho'j'ltlea are liursulng van Investigation of
their own through tholr consulate at New
ui luiiia mm vncji LutiDuiai afsuill nt V luivn-
burgj Mlss,, which Is uot far from the. scene
of the alleged trotiblx.
Thus far tho reports recelvod, trora these
officials establish two' essential points In
what Is considered a '"rather serious con
dition ot affairs. First It Is reported pes
ttlvcly that the Itallaus wcro killed by
lynching. Second, tho Italian authorities
nearest the tx eno of the trouble have es-
tabllshdd to their satisfaction that tho per
eons killed are 'Italian subjects In the full
sense, not having takon out ntturall'a
Hon papc-a. There Is every Indication
that the (nets will constitute an Interna
tlonal incident s inllar to '.hat v'Mi Italy
growing out of the killing of Italians In
The ilrtt report of tha trouble at liwln
camo In a lirlel press dispatch fou or
five .dhj'B io, The Italian consular fiifi
cers at New Orleans and Vlckstmrr, have
since rtulo trlographlo report") and tho
flail, wx 'nti.!. ,1 ' n ff l.n.. f- r. , . .. I .. n .. I
,took pfomiu 'ai'tlot'i in' advising1 hl r.ov-
ernmcnt nnd In luvlur, He matter iKfore
the State, department, The, department
has. rendered every' assistance possible
Hltlvu'Rh this ag.t 'i ni dlcloet 1 ine dlf
tltultics ot fe4ril uutioa lu a ;n.ttter oc-
Juulor cveots
Tho sport s.tartvd with the enllltig to the
post ot the Jiufur i1i)IiUJl,u tn row olt )he
rubber Qf Tuesday, when tl.c Uiri'o coin
pctltii? ctows, Sioux City,. Dubiliiuo . uud Ot
itumyva,. each took, -a it rt. .This luial.wasj
one, of -(he bevt vcuts of (he .iflesuoon uiul
tftiiu pistol eracH to flnUh ll.m 1L wgk rery
hcl'OH'1 11- rave. Ottiiinwu ami t?lou lily
AivuiiH thulrioors tlrst nnd Htnrtvd .011 the.
Ilrjt quarter with vim. Down, to .(ho turin
tUxg they. had It stroke for lroke, m.xklngij
their turn'i togottier, with Dubuque. about 11'
sbcond behind. Sioux City scunifil to hip'u
fhot her bolt In the llrst nuartr.n hiiiI was
soon kdveral lehgths In the'rivr o( thu lu
Ish strligglo between Dubuiiuc and Ot
tuniwn. A right ganle riice-thvy rowu
Uuhu'ifile,'-'however, wns uiinble (o catch
to Oltunimi,- though 'It gave the liadtug
Italr utien a'thrisc an letup In the Ot
tuniwa boat would have turned victory Into
defeat. Winning the "lieat gli'v tho Junior
douljle medals to the Ottuinwii tinyj nnd;
qualilled thcin tor the scnlfir 'lonbleir.
Diilinuue W'lnx Seudir l-'mlrn.
In (lie senior. fouM Dubuque quickly set
tled the matter of supremacy, wimilitc. ihJ
two heats with enio. Th'j four who imlL'il
thta vlvtory nc Mai'awa took medals for. the'
tnmn event, at Waterloo hwt yuur dud Id 1
aiMHIoh MtHbl lelint a new slato roril of
'.1;V.'i,. Sioux City tcok the second Inst
year nnd tted Dubuque's now lCrnrd. .
Wedtnday no tueh coinpctltloii' was"on
hahd ahd Dubuque thlnwr ni ocvii wnyl
from the flrst turn flag, in the seromUBiMi
Ottumwa'a vletorloliH rrcw Hint had iUMll-j
fled for this event by tftMnfi TUC4imys
Junior fours tnee dropped otrt, Its boat bcinjf
too slow on the turn to consider- if in eom-
pctltlo'n With Dubuque. Thu second hct
was accordingly between Sioux City mm
Dubuque, tho latter taking It by n down
length's. ' Thcfcu four !!awkoc from
ncross the 3tatc gnvo thu linest exhibition
of high class rowing seen at tho regatta
Their even and smooth stroke, coupled with,
their speed, wa-4 bound to land them win-'
ncrs against tho Inferior staying power or
Sioux City.
Ottumwa'.x medal winners In the Junior.
double entered the senior contebt with de
termination to repeat tholr previous vic
tory. The wiy.thcy raugbt tho water of old
Lake Mnnawa right with the stroke rrom
Ktnrtrr McCollouch's iiistol and the manner
n which , they touched that fecretie hody of 1
water up for stroke after stroke until tncre
wns n preat long piece of daylight between
them apt! "the Hlverslde boys made VhltigS
for the lntter look rather Inauspicious, so
at thq end of the' first heat they tossed up
tho 6Pongf, This left the Ottumwn pair tne
ardyotis task ot chasing themselves nroundi
thp cqukrscv..t.UnJ. they rrtllifbo. entitled to
w.".r ,,t.nnitieiV lR't a 'the' nicdnfs''ot' the
senior aoutilcs of 1901. This they (lid
grncefully, belne paced the last eighth by
n pair of Council Dluffs oarsmen.
Holes' Jinlltnry cnlor Slnjtle.
IJoIng the only man to appear at tho
starting flui; for the senior tingles O. O.
Hylcs of Sioux City,- wan considered sure
money from the start. There wcre-.two
other entries, Kllby of Ottumwn and .Myers
of Dubuque. Myers could not see any mcd
tils lined up for him, und Kllby wantud to
save his spades for the senior doubles, su
the Hlversldo man rowed over the course a
couplo of times ilnd took tho race.
Theso sure-thing events did much to mske
the afternoon's sport seem a little dull,
especially as compared with tho exciting
ovents of the previous day. Everyone had
looked farword to the senior four-oared raco
aB the feature of the regatta, hut Dubuque
was entirely too much the master of that
event to pormlt of much excitement at the
finish. - . .
(unininry. .
lmIiii.. itHtlii'.v sluud at Uvuitl 'two., twetuy
.oiiiruiid twenty, yitrd.s nun the, trap,".
'Tomorrow' the Mi! event the tiurtiii
'u, , .tcvuiit li lii.ruii ' n Will,, ifrntill Airier
trtin 'huinUcaii-' lit ltvl blrdH-pi'V mull
,entr.mi.i;. wit u ..v miinu, vii,ii.i NtV'"'
Silver , IVOPIIJ tV' I"! ninoei linn- f
srveirtyiinr-' entries fot- tht cVnlt t'onkUt.
iMll lliern will t probntily M10 iv UizeitN f St
.i;iitrJf."bt'Hrl Jtroru, tomorrow, r ,
lf0ll'' ire the -IXteen li.lg.heHt trorvi
In tholirWlmltihV.v hnliilleap: IC." "O. 1 nil
'fortl, ItlleiiMrSl. ktlleriOS; I). W,
(lunlliiMi, Mius (17), kilM.11., Jti.if.
.num.. .ic..., nw .l-r3,,V.v , -!.v sMV..'
'kllleA 'Si. O: It. IckeV. Ilostoh W)1,"
t)(iniOy.1VNiiv Tlrk MM,, II Y, HI yen.
Itlchmond, V.i (IC). and Kltiuui (Hover, New
.Yorlv (.l),.ktleil :v,encl. ,1 C K .Chirnife
Kill's h') r." TMImlfn. Mlllt.ronlJ,' N V. ( II;,
V. Ft. WihvMllrtioMi'iv (ISI. W 11.. Cnny.
. 1 . . : . . ... - 1 ..... . ...,..,.,n...i u 1 1 . o o
)t-' vri-iiii(iiiif.ii u.-i, uiu uiiiun J. s
geUihffj.lISt,T.'lfovvv, lllnghiifn. Mii!-M''ihl)
up' alio r'Whltlilff,' WliltlhaVllle. Conn? M
nc' 'eaelv' Wllhiit in - ' . ,
,. . Tliuv hiti).lhuiu vv.ih ,pr..eedeit by Ave
wcojistuko i!Venti.,!hree of Vvhleli werr; ni,
flftcpfi 'mul two'nt H'eiity -bltiet'neKi i nrii.,
'In the first ovnn M iltteen clny pluemia
(here "wore nliijily-llU'ee entries,, tour of
whoDirvW. Crosby. O Kullim, 111.! f W
IMil lis. rineftirnitl, u ; J. tt. nineklilrd,
I,ncnuter, IM., mul IJ. vvi. miwui, tiuri-
Delent Mtyn Heliels.
rt.- l.OtTIf?." July 17. A special to the
Globe-Democrat trom unxacn. ,mi'j , miy;
Tho troops tinder comrnnnd of Lieutenant
rnlnnfi knn' nf th Twent'J-elitlrth bat-
tallon met n Inrge xorce or auiya reucis ten
inlleB from Santa Crui, jipd In the llglit
thnt tOoK place six inainiiK were. Kinen nun
n in f rm ni' nr n irruirH wrri' in I'll
prisoner's! Chief Felipe' Ynmn Is' among the
captives. The government troops nlso cinc
tured a largo siuiu m uuiiiiuiuiiuii uiu
Wise Picnickens
An lOxct'llottt. Combination.
The plitisntil. nu'tliinl rtml iienrllclnl
eftecl.s uf the well Ininwtl remcily,
HYiHtP op Kin, iiiMinifiu'ttiri'il liy tho
CAi.lfoiiNi.v I111 Nvittft' Cu, lUustruto
tluiMihuKif ulitiilnltijf Hid I li uli! Iwxn
tlviT prliu'lpliis of plmit. Uihjwii tn 1m
iiu'illcliKilly livxnttvi'. mul iirciientiiiK
theiii in tlui fiin,u.tmf-t rufre.sfilujf to thu
tftstn and nc,eJ)tllb' Id tho It
is tlic ono perfect, ntrvni;t1iitilif Inxn-M-,
clenijslnu' tlio i.yHiAn I'ffeettinlly,
disponing ci'ilds, hendttehes rtnil feverr
KiMilly yot philnlflly unit rin;vriltnu; oet
to ovi'minio. hiilittnhV etuistlpntloii per
irtntie'ntlv. v Its iierfcjot fri'i'itom from
eren''tfl'tJodM'iiti'nlP.' ipiulity nlnt sut
RtntiM, nnil Itrti ftctHiif 'oll tin: kl(linyn,
liver unll iMiiveliii wltliiiut. uenltenlnr
Or Ivrltntlhi thorn, mulctr -it the ideal
laxntlvc. '
In th'j process of inniiufncturitifr,UR
nro usoil, p thesv pre plcowmt to tho
tnsto, hut tlm ini'iUi'limlqumitlciof thei
' remeitv" nnvrtai.ieil from scliua mul
other 'nrouiAUevflnuts, liy ft itiKthml
known to the O.turourUA Flo Hvuttr
1 Co. otilv. In'onier to freMUhonoilclal
effects "miti tiiADVold huitnUons. pk-uso
printed on the f r(int of r.very, pncknKC
bah IrjiANCiaqo, (;.!,.
i,ouiBviLi.r; ky unvf Tonit, m. t.
rorsle,bi-MI us,s,lts-l'ricuSCp vorhottl.
Mer,-i .IitH. br.oko 'tlftcen dtrnl(jht
, geiioml oyent. twnoty blue roeks ei;lity.
nine nitres: Cllovef. Oltheft, Ice, CniflHy.
ltnllkV,'iHelllV, n'rid'l'ord broke lwent' itch.
Tlrlnl entrl, ttfteou bluu rinUy, nlity-
-jtwur. -entWos;, Apnur. (.Iijvor, Gilbert.
uf0!UJ..lvl 1KB, JJiillvy. Sl'ltoriinover, i.nw
roW. k ivV.M'a'liiiiiui. Mink. Vutt Allen
llllfl tluilfttnrfv brolte fifteen eiioli.
.,eiu, iwiiiiy niio ruc.nR. eiuiu
Lltllje!". Jli'tll.K'IJ, i.'I'.'r'-J', SlOfr Ktenrtirt,
K'elTey rtV-d ih'' broke twVifty VfrXlvliC '
l'lfth toni, lifteen blue rocks, nllVt.v
rJime rimles: illllir.t. rnuviiy. Jlnl:s
Knulr.i uiid Mliiuo.btoHf tHteen each. Th
iifetinilinry h,inilre;iii 'wmx then 1i(gtm.
,4 . C, ItmB til I1111 ik ,'jlioolfli Wull, ,
WAN' VI CANT I SCO. Julv' I7.-The: featlire.i.
,01 t')iln.v n.htjin.tiiis il Hi" .Nntlqnul ((unwif.
iliioyiinu tefinni wqij V"e ii)uis in in.' t-j.ii-rekY
hondniry 'fmuer The rliootlnfi' Nviih'
Ift-fly. Wllllirnf 'HayeH, (he "Hehitotteh
kVfuii ' -wliiii reprei.eiitrt .the Z-itlur Jtltle rlub
of. Ncw: Vnrk, tired a few sJiou nt th bulilt
liiVRM, Ills W'ore'Wh'i beli'W Ills' uvifr.Vgc:
Adolpli ireckh'9 of-Kim I'rnnclKrii latli--
I'nr.lhe nniKt ,Ukt'!v randlilate for king of
,th: (est He h.i shoi l"j out of hs :
iiliotk null Is fur Ih the lead of the enn
"testniltH. In '11 Hlrlni; of (en shottv tndii$ he
(nndo 'it out of 11 iHisslliln ."'I. Iu'liig lh. k't'C
ojiil string Ai the stnniliinl target '. Uerg
of fowti mnde 15 out of a pOMsltdv M, " '
IIuilllieilN of TliiiiiMiiiiitH Dully Mimed
irom WnHreM nriil rmlll
.leeoiiius, , . , v
.1 SETU'RH , 1 ,
JULY 24, 25
1'ITT.SHURO, Pnr.-July 17,Acerdlng tc
figures: cojo-pllc'd by the PlttBtiurg Dlepatch,
the-steel strike. la dally ostioRi tbn thTnir
eompflnle.s Invtdved- $210;000 and ih work
men J1E6?00 U Is estimated '.thaL In .IhaV
dally loss 6f; nrnrly 3S,000'-boxcwlf tin
iplnte a day tho. American Tin 'I'lat-eCra-
rny dall!''Iosln;-tver.tfio.)C0. nlilleitn
los'Ho canning -tehrpnnle, tfnnlde Iih
eccjuro (trnjir mUu;lalitpu(xiormous
dltlon.i PritctlcAliy- no -.Mocks have1 'been
carried and consumption. has-Jtept. pace vlth-
too production pr anrne4 uuie.s Upt paw
Aoout 700 tons.'pf Hie ifioq tons dally ro
ducdon of Iho American Sheet Bteal.tct(i-
ipnny ljbctn?, lpn(,..ond fill .rrtPfMcots n
.Iosh each, day to thc, comb, we ol'.jvtj- least
The loss to the gas stove manufacturers
,is also great, sr tho mills ara cloitad., "which
's "... , .
I";; ''!AI-,,";!.
f rtj.e - ' - ' '1
S . 4.V"
(Mi., i-.,fMT :,lI'J-ToT ,
t.llll'' v
i. I.K
11 '
woi-3 muw st:
Thlsdn.thc Vi
heavy season for making stoves. About
mplse a(prlalty iof stove Iron-
Kcndy Cooked, Delicious nnd
Most Nutritious,
In making up lunch for picnickers, soma
form ot substantial food that cannot easily
be Injured in transit, should be iupplled,
and tho most Ideal nrtlclo for thnt purpose
Is Crane-Nuts. This food comes in a IB
cent package, Is already thoroughly cooked
and can be UBtd either dry or with the ad
dition' of some milk or cream.
This food la used by some epicures In
frying flsby tor It adds a delightful flavor
and Is naturally superior to tho ordinary
crumbed crackers or corn meal for this
purpose. in addition -to -tne convenience
of Grape-Nuts Food, Its high nutritive
food vuluo should not bo lost sight ot,
Junior Doubles Fourth heat: Ottumwn,
won, Dubuque Bccond, Sioux City tnltrt.
1 BHinS'vm'irft Viral henf. DullllftUO -WOI1.
Qttumwa-secoml. Blonx City thlid. Timer.
3:01.; Seobnil heat: " Dubuque won-,v.8lpUK.J
City second. Time: .1:01 1-B. '
Senior uouhle l' irst neni: uiiuoiii
wrtn. Sloix City second. 'Ttme: i3l,1.5.
Second heat;. O.ttumwn won. Time: 3:JO, .
Senior Slngles-FlrsrJheat: "Slnux C ty
won. Time: 3:1. Secpnd heat: Sioux City
won. Time: 3:30.
Two special meetings of the executive
committee were held yesterday to consider
. I. 1 lu Ik. a.n.nW.nA' .
a iccnnicaiuy invoivuu 111 mt ,cvicc
awarding tho slngle-oared Junior modal to
Captain Kllby ot Ottumwa at Clear Lake In
ISM. . 1
Trio race" was to be In three heats, -bost"
two In three.' In the flrut heat Kllby: failed'
to appcaK his non-appdaranee 'being ( duo
lo thif'fact that In the 'ntco Just previous
ho had 'broken1 nn onr and wair1 conso.
quontly delayed. Tb'o first h'eal wns roved
between Hylcs of Sioux City and McCol-'
Ihugh of Ottumwa and' Was wbn by tho
Tofrner. Hyles'clalniH that when Kllby saw
the Ottuhiw'a man heh'teh ho entered vtho
rnco merely to keep tho medal ffoni going
to Sioux City, ns he won-the second' heat,
Hylcs bc'ln, second' rtht! McCOllnugh third.
Jhfs wns Into in tho nfternobn 'fthd a
third "hca't was lo have been rowed in" the
morning, but Hyles left that rifghfand
the third heat wntf 'neveT1 roWcd. The
referee," "ncf onflhgly gave ,J tho rhedal to
Kllby. Hyles, hfiwevor, claims' the mtdal
on the grbuml' that he look two heats from
McCoilouith. the ouTy entry -with him tn
tho first' henl. Ktlhy elnlms It becAhse the
referee aV-arde'd If to him. " '
Ahmielndnn Clnlins'It. ' "
. - - - - t
Now, at ftiepeolal meeting, Uve Iowa State
nowlng Rsspclatlon claim because, no
raco was really rowed. UcsoUitlons t'cre
adopted to the fffeet that the, oxecutlvo
board believed that no, race - had een
rowed and that the medal rightfully her
longed to the association.
Now It In up tn Kllby and Hylcs to apt
peal to tho hoard of control of the N.t,
tlonal Rowing association, whose rowing
rules govern the contests held, by the state
In honor of the visiting oarsmen nnd the
opening ot Its handsomo now clubhouse, the
Council I)!urTs Honing association cole
bratod tho close of the rogatta Wednesday
night with 11 reception and dance, which
watt attended by a largo number of thp
members and their friends. The largp
dancing hall on tho second floor ot the
clubhouse wns tastefully decorated with
tho colorR of tho various rowing clubs
Whnley's orchoetra furnished tho music
and (he affair proved one ot the -most on-
Joyabla social events of the season.- 'X'hoaa,
who 'received wero President and Mrs, .Km,
met Tlnloy, Mr. nnd Mrs. John T. Tldd
Mr. 'and Mrs. Wallace Blie.pard, Mr, ilnd
Mrs. Y.c Ci Bhepard, Mr. .pd Mre, F, A
nuckman nnd Mr Harry Hash, Jomqs
Fenian, 1' EmpklnA and Mr, und,Mrs
Arthur Coolcy of Omaha.
2,000 or 2.50Q tonH of steel hoops, bands
and cotton ties, hre hclng 'lost 'dally, by , tho
American Steel Hoop compnny by rcaton cf
tho strike, njid this represents n dallvW-s
,'ln money of $70,000, It Ja estimated that
inn nieu uro lumng in wages fl.iu.uuu, rne
tin workers will lost J6.000 dally In addition.
Jn addlUon to nil ot tlioso losseg tho many
an,'! yarded tadust.rli'fl'.crlpnled now ahij lln
i'95pec,i. fepresent josBcs. ip ,tnc men or
ja'rgc sum's, .whlfh,canhqt.. bo .computed. ,The1
,unuii;iimaii;a.njeiv nre ,na,vn a ,iuna 1
of ' o(v'i;r Uao.OOQ. 'ltrr),'w'h)ch to, keep the-
s,triKi goifig,, a ii;! van ..many amalgamated
njn jcra'plnye'd ln ,,the. 'various 'rnllla still'
ioperiitln'g .will 0 n groat way toward,lteo!p
tlg .tie sinews 'at war .l'n kooJ copdltion.
The most delicious of all
llqlolOK lrlke Ifqnrts. . t.
YOUNG9TDWN. 'O., July 17.-The amal-
samated' workerft'in the Youngsfown 'mlls
nr tnsMiepubiic iron. -and- Steel company
h(ive' mei nnd. decided upon apolloy for
collecting strike benefit funds trom -tholr
OKmbers. They have,-notified President
.Shaffer tho plan it acocptable ,to
him they-"wU eiich .donate. on day ,pay
evory two iWel(9 to. tbe. strlKcrs.'. -.(und.
About, ,800 j-.iaou-ibers. Jiave agreed to
tVlfl, ,whlcb- wHI about.--.18,000 ;por
rpontb. - The, workers ,aro also .'rapidly .se
curing Jobs.Jn their, mlll (or the .striking,
styeel hoop jijen. , ' t - . r '
t : ' f rp r- , n
Mftron voiiJ;lejr,iftt.l,Ue lo Cene,
CHICAOOi July 17v.-Wll!Um Jhllltps..
business agentiotthe 'IroTi'Moulders'itirlion,.!
900 members ot which arc on a strike here,
said todifrjC'that -the men wore-holdlng con
fcrancea- With. -their employers and that'thoy
would-be back at'.work lu a tew dsye. ' '
. Brfc ,Dcf lurr Illvlilouiln.
NEW YOTtK. 3uly t7. Th directors of
the'Erlfi'rn'llroad'riave declared dividend
of 1,4 per cent .on Its first ' 'preferred
stock, the first for that stock.
"' ilnrlfor'd 'Itenclirs Stiicl.iioi;m'
BTGOKHOI,M,i iBw?doii,- -July .1.7. The
United. gtatt, training ihlp , Hartford nr
rlvod here today.
Stv llohnien Deninnil Incrensr.
CHICAGO July 17.The Chronicle to-
morrow will nayi Hallroad switchmen
throughout ho..'coim(ry are an Id 10' be plitn
nlng h generdl dcmaml for an lncreaso
of vtages. The' employes of this deport
ment of the transportation bURlnosH desire
to. tinve, nil inica naopt wnai is Known as
the Chicago scale, which Is the highest
paid anywhere. At several Important
polpts requests (or tin advance, to this
AtsGjutey pure .and, heitHfuL
standard havo been made nnd It Is rep.ortcd
mat tne swnrnmcirs union is preparing w
Iniiiignruto n aenerul ciunpnlgn to Induce
railways to nav this schedule wherever iv
swi;ch engine In employed. It lu said that
lilt, pwiieiiiut-ii win inn itiii-iiiii niinvi-it
mnthiHlr. to gain their point, but will' carry
on nn argumentative cnmpnlgn to olituln
tne .dcsireu iivrrase.
' Aatronnmrr l.esrii Utile,
MAN FRANCISCO. July 17.-Prof. H. I--
Hiirnnrd, formerly of tho LleU Observatory
noil now connected With the YnrkfM lib-
si)rv'tory'it i Williams Jlny, W'U,, lias re
turned from Sumatra, wnere nc went to
observe Hit total eclipse or the. nun .orv
May. W. Prof, Hnrnard rpors,thi.uU the
tronpmtcar, i-ji;ped!tinnt1,snht, out by
variiMiH nod ie nnd 'insi iiinons were' r .
llres'ln' n brent" Vneasnre. "riff)"l.ltf ilflijed
lline tl' ine siock 01 f irymuiiicqi kiioivi;
edKe. . ,Ths rcj.uK.W- dup, to, 1 the., rJoUiVy.
weuthcr th,nt prev'Htted nt 'nil the stations
buf one! wlilclr ti.tppet1d to b ImnerUntly
er-beeausrrit.wai extieo(fd,bo vlojids
uv iniciivoi mere
ib 1 , , ,l-i- - (
Cough cure
Ciires Qulokly
It has ioiijr bocn a household fittorlta
for Coilirlis; Cdlda. Uronchltls, Pueu
monla, Asthma, Whooping' Cough and
all iithex Thmat,,aiid Iiiing Troublca.
It i preHcriben is asnrcltlc fof Orlppa.
Motherp endprso 'It' As hirlnfalllbU
remedy for CrouU' ChlldrcO'm It.
raard b E. O, OoWItt 4k Op!Oh.eaj
NkBVe. BEAMS quickly enrs
K.rvuunri, Uliruiltrsuu(,
ttlltrtiii-iclioiiil. nralni. Icnu.
M.rrle rt inrn anl mrn iDt.ndlns
o m.rrrtlimiiil'TiiCe- a tmif nnnnHhtnr rciultii
.insu wraK r.ri suu nfi ivwrt irviuiu. .i.uu,
thrimsn A MrConi)!) and K-unn a Kt.. uriuitlti
DnVIMCI Woodward
w 1 a 9
1 1
6. M HEAH Fresenti
Tixioii-iA WIFE'S' PERIL
First half next week. "Mini nthl tVIW
Lnst half wck, "My Jim."
l'rlfcs toe, '15c, '200'und 25c.
W W. COLE, Manager.
The .coolest jilaee In Omalm, Jl'ST HEAI
TO,V: The "I'ASSION JM.AY the storj
ot (he life of Ohrjs(. TYLEH'S wonderful
IKlO'liud,.f()NKKV SHOW. .LORES', eele
btaled'CONUlCHT UAND. - 11ALLOON u3
CKNrllONa. by J!rof. K(w.;bcr,,iind a bun
drcd other (reo feature:).