Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1901, Page 18, Image 27

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    1 8
Adrertlarinenfa for llteae coluiiin--rill
lie tnkru nnlll 12 in. for tlio
vtciiIiiic edition anil nnlll H .1II p. ui.
tor ninr-liiie "ltd Siindy edition.
Itatea, 1 i-'Jc n nnrd first Itiaerllon.
lo a noril thereafter. Not bin tnUen
for Iraa tlinn Ur.o for Hip Ural Inaer
tlon. Tlin mlvertlarntenta tutist be
mum eiinneentlvely.
Ad vertlsr ra, by rrqneatlna; n-m-tirrrH
clircU, can linve nnattera arl-alrea-ed
to a nnnibrrnl letter la car
f The Dev. Anai-cra ao ddreate4 wilt
be delivered oa reaeatatlea ml tkm
hack ai )r,
COMPKTKNT lady stenographer with 7
years' experience wishes position! whole
Milo or commission house preferred, O 31,
Dec. ' A-100 11
STENOGRAPHER will substitute for short
time; reasonable wages. 217. Hurncy St.
YOUNG business tnnn of largo experience
has money to Invest In any wood business
that en ii give salaried position. Address
W 2. Hoc. A
OPTICIANS, fin experienced, first- clnss
refrnrtlonlst wants situation. Address
Dr. J. K. Ilrndbury, Mount C'larn Station,
Chlcugo, ill. A-1CU it
wanted male ni'1,1.
WANTED Wo have steady work for a few
good hustlers of good habits and appear
nncc. C. F. Adams Co,, 1605 Howard Ht.
&ARBER trado taught thoroughly In short
tlmoi catalogue and particulars free.
Weatcrn Barbers' Institute, Ornuha, Neb.
IVANTKD, houscwreckers to file, bids tn
musical festival lumber material, gravel,
etc.. at Kith and Capitol ave, Inquire J.
E. Knowlcs, Buperlntcndent. B M627
WANTED, n young man for olllce work.
Btato experience and salary wanted. "O,
Ueo alllcu, So, Omaha. U-929 1G
WANTED, a reliable, energetic man nt
once; can make big money. Lock llox
36-1, Sioux City, la. B-M93I 1.'
MEN wanted to learn barber trade; pood
wages paid our graduates; special Induce
ments to applicants from distance; two
months completes. Apply by mall. Molcr
llarber college, 1023 Fnrnam, B-M995 lh"
MACHINISTS, patternmakers, moulders,
bollcrnutkers, blnckimlttn, brass mou'do n
and finishers can secure steady employ
ment at wages 25 to 35 per cent higher
than paid In cast, In the cities of Seattle,
Tacoma, Everett, Whatcom, Fulrhuvcn,
Olympla and Italian), Ntato of Washing
ton: delightful climate; cost of living no
higher than eastern cities of same class.
Apply to F. W. Mitchell, secretary Paclllc
Coast Metal Trades' association, Seattle,
Wash. B-M992 ID
WANTED, trustworthy persons In each
ntato to manngo business of wealthy cor
poration; salary $18 cash each Wednesday
direct from headquarters; expense money
udvunccd. Manager, 325 Caxton bldg,,
Chlcugo. B-M9S6 14
SALESMEN by long established tnan'Jfaa
turer of llavorlng extracts, spices, elc. ;
give fully your experience to Insuro reply;
good (salary, liox 517, Chicago, III.
WANTKD, druggist, registered, who will
clerk for a mudcruto salary In small vil
lage. Dr. Morrill, Howe, Neb.
WANTED Young men and young women
can earn from $3 to $5 a day easily selling
the Sutton Natural Stone, germ-proor
water niters; call at once: It talks for
Itself; agents wanted In Omaha, South
Omaha ami Council Bluffs; wo aro general
UKcntH for Nebraska and Wyoming. A. a.
McAuslund Co., mfgrs. ugents, 415 Knr
bach bldg., Omaha, Neb. B M3 ID
WANTED, an Al experienced bookkeeper;
ono who Is acquainted with city accounts
preferred. Apply nt otllco J. L. Brnndeis
ic Sons, JJoston Store. B 106 15
Tho phenomenal Increase- In the number of
mokcrs who smnko tho famous Prince of
Omaha cigar Is duo to tho fact that tho
quality always remains tlio same nnd our
Him Is to givo our trade tho best that can
possibly bo put into a Co cigar. Always
nsk for u Prince and you will bo sure to
Kct something good for a nickel. Manu
factured by Tho W. F. Stoecker Cigar
Co- B-M1U-16
tyA.MT,!-?A B00'1 "fcountnnt; must have,
had experlenco nnd bo nblo to furnish
Ilrst-cluss references. C 32, Bee.
WANTKD Good business man tn each
principal city to conduct cash business.
Guaranteed by local banks, Dig returna
Honorable and legitimate. Must furnish
Eood references and $600 cash. Addreia
. It. II.. P. p. Uox 715. Clnclnnatiro.
( U-
frOSTOFFICE clerks and carriers, clerks
for customs, Internal revenue, railway
mall and departmental sorvlces to bo up
pointed by the thousands. Examinations
Kion vcry state. Write fpr circular,
551...1'."11 ,Pnrtlculur free of Nat'l Cor.
Institute. Washington, D. C. B
'A.HKSHIAti' w""J'el to carry seasonable
man lino from largo factory. Free sam
ples. Protected ground. Coins, on re
peats. Hrattlce, 243 Pearl, New York.
. B-12J-14
CIrXI)V ."t!rivlf 0 K"vcniment positions; about
nbly 10,000 this year. Only a common
school education required. Catalogue of
'"' Columbian Correspond,
enco College, Washington, D. c.
i v. . salesman to hnnd e tho A. It wiens
tltlHtlXHH flnnp . i "'".v. tens
CU.S.VO trrltpryT" pe?n Stloi
&o0l,5ycedarrlBSt ".V1 A.' U' wl"""
o., j cedar St., Milwaukee, Wis.
. -mii
A'm130' travellng salesmen, sldo lino for
retail grocer and drug trade in LJiV. r.?.
o'i v u. Ill, UU11.
P-212 10
iAHR' ono rofl'lo't agent familiar with
t., Tf.iJ . ' "ress with ruf.
mL . """"" itiice, uox u 27, care
H 113 H
WnA,M?'Et' 1)00ltb1ln,lcr' m,lst l ilrst-class
ViAniVY "":r' l-urrii tin.) Hunk
Hook Co. It Mitt 20
WANTliD everywhere.
fllKHR. illHtrlbuto circulars, HnmnU-n. etc..
no ranvassliiir: mm.l
i'. aun Ativerlis-
ing uureau, tjiucago.
U-ltB U
U ANTED, mnn to travel nnd nppolnt
iU'J uJm mo,ltn nmI expenses
otreet, Chicago, 11 MH2 10"
U'ANTKD, a young mnn having three years
n1 vJl! llrUB l,us' U-nry llarth,
Lincoln, ,cb, 11-M19I 16
lyANTKDTT young men to travel with view
company; special experience unnect'sS1!?y
, C3- Uve' 11 201 IP
& to i ,5 Is whut you can earn writing ud
vertisements; tench it thoroughly hy
tiinll; employe.1 graduates testify to our
tliorough syHtem; prospectus freb. Vnee.
Davis Co., Chicago. B 150 IP
A ANTED, energetic man to travel aril
collect In Nebraska; salary JI5 week anil
nil expenses; permanent If references bo
satisfactory. Travelers, Dept. 1. sta?
llldg,, Chicago. 11-152 H
fHIlEL llrst-class salesmen for fnll trade.
Permanent position. Established house
Liberal contract. Address, with refer
ences, room 1C15 Manhattan bldg., chl-c"g-
B-151 14'
WANTED, cigar salesmen everywhere; ex
perience unnecessary; m weewiy. r;man
uel Co,, 208 East lwith St., New York.
"TRAVELING salesman wanted nt once for
general store trade: permanent position
for good man; no other need apply. Givo
references. Box Three, Detroit, Mich.
fevniSnTTflVflSn rnml niiwi Inr.
eponslble, experienced only'npply; regular
or sititt nut; nn nt-uvuii-a; uig ctMnuiiFsioii.
coiumuiu jeweiry t-o.. town i.iiy, la.
A LARGE manufacturing tlrm wants four
Koou fiUi'Miien in every Binio to sen
staple article to retail trade; wo givo
handsome premium worth $3 freo to mer
chants with each order of $5.50: salesman
makes $1.50 on each sale. Wholesale De
partment, uuito si, Hi Dearborn, cnicago.
ai.i:sjii:.v wati:b,
BY OMJ established house, capoble, wide
awake traveling salesman to sell st.iplo
line; must be able to show a clean past
record and glvo bond! no sldo line seek
ers need apply. Address llox 5H, Chicago,
-1M U
SAI.USMnN making "small towns" and
country stores to sell sldo line staple
goods to merchants; liberal commissions;
exclusive territory. Address, with refer
ences, Manufacturer, 115 Mo. Ave,. K. St.
Louis, III. -M1TS 15
WANTKD, by nn established, high-rated
firm, scheme or specialty men to sell nn
exceedingly attractive and salable line.
Special terms und unique Inducements.
High-priced men Investigate. Uox 251, De
troit, Mich. -H6 H
WANTKD, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel 876.
11ELIAI1LK help, Canadian oillce, 1522 Doug
C 30C
WANTKD Girl for general housework.
.Mrs. u. tjiiuert, ornt otuu ni., tuiincu
Bluffs. C-M9IG 17
WANTKD, colored cook nnd second girl.
srai Mirnnm si. Mi u
COMPKTKNT girl In family of two. Apply
10-15 Georgia ave., Mrs. W. J. Burgess.
U Ml 15"
WANTKD, ladles of good address to
demonstrate n now ureas rorm garmciu;
salary paid; make application nt once to
secure position. Address II. Frank Undo
Ac Co., 10)1-3 Manhattan bldg., Chicago.
C-M'JJS 11
IjADIKS wanted to learn hair dressing,
manicuring or racial massage, splendid
wages paid graduates: only four weeks
required with the advantages offered;
tools presented; diplomas awarded; spe
cial arrangements for applicants from
distance ns well as city. Apply by mall.
Molcr College, 1C23 Far nam st.
A GOOD, cleanly lady cook Is wanted In a
country town nt a noiei; appiy at once.
Address Mrs. S. C. Johnston, New Park
hotel, Corning, la. C-M'J82 II
WANTKD, lady assistants for home work.
superintending iiisirimuion or circulars,
etc. in every city, town and village. Good
pay, permanent employment. Sent!
stamped, addressed envelope to Utova
Co., South Bend, Ind. C
LADIKS to do binding nt homo; $9 week;
steady worx; an material sent tree, pre
paid. Send stamped addressed envclopd
for particulars, universal Co,, Dept. II,
Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. C 12C-11
WANTKD, housc-to-houso canvassers,
ladles as well as gentlemen, ror tho city
nnd nil over tho statc3 or Iowa and Neb.
A. Jncobsen Co., brokers, 105 Beo bldg,,
before 9 u, m dally.
C-213 1C
MKN nnd women everywhere who wrlto a
pinm nnnu to copy letters ror us at Home;
steady work tho year roilnd; by working
nn hour or so evenings will net you J5 to
$6 per week; write for full particulars
enabling you to start to work; IncloRo
stamp. Union Advertising Co., Toledo. O.
C-1S0 14
CUHR those unsightly pimples, npplylng
aiiiiii-oitiii cream. .Maicniess tor tno com
plexion. 23c. C 159 II
WANTKD, ladles to take orders for the
"(inn sKcieion waist ror children."
Sells on sight. Good wages paid. Call
on Mrs. T. J. Ward, Gen. Manngor, 1032
So. 18th St. c-171
WANTKD. Iady to travel and nppolnt
itKeiiit, iw per munui aau expenses to
right pnrty. Treas. 903-355 Dearborn strct,
Chlcugo. C M1I3 1G
ATTKND tho Omaha College of Pharmacy,
uiiuiiia, .eu. ; acnu lor catalogue. Kd
muud Thorp, secretary. C 202 H
UADIKS to make sofa pillows at homo. Wo
iurnisu an material and pay 7, $10 weekly.
Kxperlcnco unnecessary. No canvassing.
Send stnmpcd envelope to Household Mrg.
Co., Krle St., Chicago. C 119 U
A COMPKTKNT girl for genernl house-
worn. iuss .Aiexanacr, 1326 South 30th
live. C 177 14
WANTKD, two young ladles to travel a
violinist nnd stenogrnpher. Must hnvo
good wardrobes. Call at 306 No. ISth.
C-176 11
A LIGHT touch of Satln-Skln Powder re
moves that "shiny" look; replaces un
slghtllucss with beauty. C 219 14
WANTKD. saleslady of experience. Hardy's
D9-Cent, Stor.c, 1519 and 1521 Douglas.
C-223 14
WANTKD, Induntrlous men and women In
every town to work for us at their homeo;
no canvassing; we will send work nny
distance; wo have Bcvcral lines of work
to givo out, some- of which requires no
experlenco; if ou can t devoto tho whole
day to our work, you can earn Jo or 16 a
week by working nn hour or two even
ings. Address Standard Mfg. Co., 112 W.
23d st New York.
MANAGKU wnntcd In every largo county
t0 appoint agents for tho famous "Gamo
o Skill" nickel slot mnchlno for drinks or
cigars; lawful everywhere; takes place of
all forbidden slot machines; rented or
sold on enay payments; secure territory
quick. Grunt Billiard Tublo Works. Chl
cago. 111. 2ob W
rou mi.vr iiuuhus.
IF YOU want your houses well rented placo
TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storngo
ku, uiucu iviiyi 1'iiiiiuiii, or lei. wj-Mki.
IIOUSKS for rent In nil parts of the city,
Brennun-Lovo Co., 320 South 13th street.
IIOUSKS, stores. Bcmls, Paxton block.
S. W. Corner 30th and Burdctte streets,
D 013-
D 311
HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas.
HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block,
HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block,
9-ROOM house, .bath and closet, ."6th and
Uliaries. .Monroe t.u , an ,. iuiii m.
11-ROOM modern house. 2413 Capitol nve
nuc. Tho O. F. Davis Co., 552 Beo Bldg.
TO small family, a four-room house, 2"04
,1 1.. n nn.,tVt A l, ..It, .VY7 XT 1(1 at
D MS97
FOR RENT. 2102 N. 29th ave., house, newly
papered ami painicu; six uno largo rooms,
See N L. Trimble, 1218 Farnam.
MODERN 7-room house, near Park. 1509
.- o.i. r one i.o'i
DO, toSlll. - " J
3217 CUMING, 8-room house, nil modern
ICth and Douglas.
D 900
6-ROOM brick house, modern, 2717 Jncksan.
Telephone A. Truynor, i or i.saM.
D 199
FOR RENT, elegant S-room house, all mod
ern Improvements. 406 N. 23d st.
D-M9I0 14
3033 S. ISth Ave , cool 3-rooin brick house
eltv water. 17.
SJBS and 303S S, ISth St., a llttlo better, for
3612 Davenport, four largo rooms, city
water and nam, u.
33"5 California, live rooms, second floor, well
nnd cistern; choice nt is.
1839 N, 21th, six nlco rooms, city wnter and
closet Inside, $13.
COS 8. ISth. C-room modern house, threo
blockB from city hall. $25.
3216 Corby, desirable 7-room house, city
wnier, large yard, til,
1312 S. 27th. K-ronm house, norcelaln bath
gas throughout, lino furnace: will put In
flue repair for only $27.50. Do not fall
in pee it.
1210 N. 24th, nine rooms, modern plumbing,
linn condition, nnlv 15.
523 S. 25th Ave.. 10-room strictly modern
house. In Dun repair, choice location, closo
in. 4 uig nargnin nt j-'i.w.
3004 Farnam. verv ehnleH U.ninm nil mnil
ern house. A snap for right tenant at $50.
My list Chances each week. Ren It Hiiro.
Fpr bargains in real estate, low rates on
luiiim, oDiiim nro insurance, see
I'Jl'NRY 11. PAYNE. 001-2 N. Y. Life.
V 1M-14
rou iti:.T not .sr.s.
NEW 8-room house, northwest corner 30th
nnu jncKson his,; strictly modern, de
tached, corner, south nnd east front,
awnings Tor all windows; only $30. Bemls,
Paxton Block. D-907
7lb0MflatT6i7 Sourh6thT-CIarkI'owell,
311 New York Life. D-fiTo
OR RENT. 1103 Park nve., 8 rooms, mod
ern, hardwood floors, choice, $33. D. .
Sholes Company, 310 N. Y. Life bldg,
D-Myj'J 14
ELEGANT apartment In Winona or. AI-
"ion; immenintc possession, mj-iicnniw,
Company, main floor N. Y. Life jj'jg
10-ItOOM modern house for rent Auaust 1.
2903 Dodge. U-.Mo to-
TKN-HOOM brick modern house, 522 N.
19th St . iio.
Nine-room modern house. nnd largo barn,
zgt I'optilcton Ave., jio.
Elegant house und largo barn, 1S2I Wirt
si , iw.
2-room house and two barns, 2206 N. ISth
St.. t25.
Eight-room modern house, 2027 N. 20th St.,
Seven-room house, city water, 2010 N. 27th
St.. 15.
BRENNAN-LOVE CO., 309 South 13th St.
u you iu
NEW 7-room modern Hat for rent. 25th nnd
California sts. Inquire P. J. Croedon &
Sons, Gil Pnxton block. D-M963 IP
FOR RENT A fourteen-room dwelling at
mpu i-irit ave,, just uacK or tne federal
building; alt modern, steam heat, gas
stove and ranges go with the house; two
bath rooms, all In good repair; well suited
for roomers, which Is now In demand.
Roe Ohio Knox, Shugart block, Council
Bluffs. D-M347 17
FOR RENT, 10-room. enst front, brick
House, 3os n. ku St., near Davenport.
Inquire next door. D 950
6-ROOM furnished cottage for the summer.
ino cuwuren. fc2 s. 30tn st. u 9t ID
GOOD 9-room cottage, modern except fur
nace, tiomc investment Co., room wj
First National bank bldg. D-M997 14
STRICTLY flrst-clnss modern B-room cot
tage, in excellent condition nnd neighbor
hood; buth, gas, etc. 116. 2SC-! Seward.
D-M901 IP
iij ,ini.tiH1' oi.f u itiumn, iuiii ieiaii, t;ny
wnlur nn,l rlnnnt lttal.1., t1V
rt.l.n..n a, r ,i .. .11. .
242S Hrlstol St.. 7 rooms, modern excent
furnace, paved street, 120.
id Decatur St., 7 rooms, modern, plumb
ing, etc., 114.
) Mllllth ?ftth Ave.. R mnma tnnrlnrn nvrtntil
30IS CaM8 St., 10 rooms, very choice, 132.
FOR RENT Five rooms nt 1020 South ISth
ai. D 139 IP
FOR RENT Nine-room house, 222S Ohio
i'osscssion August l.
G. W. Hooblor. 333 Boc Bldg. D-H0-14
OR RENT, 9-r. house, burn, modern,
Dundee. 130.
4 rooms, basement, 2722 8, 20th, 17.
4 rooms, 4i!th nnd 1-cuvcnworth, 110.
5 rooms, 967 N. 26th, 19.
Board of Trndo Bldg., 'phone. 1510.
D-M214 16
FOR RKNT. nlco C-room cottage, newly
papered, 3017 Franklin st., $10 per mo
P. Tukey & Son, Bd. Trade. D 20!
109 15
FURNISHED house, fine lawn, tree rent
iiuiiuiiiii m i i.-siuii-iiiiu panics ior sum
mer. Call 216 S. 31st ave. D 20S 14
10 ROOMS, nil modern, detached house,
ciu.te in, ju.
'room, all modern, new, cottage, near
j.;, i't.u ai., oik. hi. car,
Furnished modern cottage. 130.
J. II. H11ERWOOD, 937 N. Y. LIFE.
D-207 14
l-R. ALL MOD.. 2S17 Poppleton, $31.50.
Webster st.; will paint nnd
raper ior goou tenants. Kach 17.
boon vacant. Inq. 1203 Farnum st.
D 186 14
A P'NR 10-room all modern house, well
....CU( uuii uvu ininuics wniic rrom
See HKNRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. LIFE.
IJ 11)3 11
TWO 4-room flats, modern, good location,
pnol In ultmmnr lo r.A ........
I10"""" Sc(liJ-room' modern brick
tenement, 520.00. I"tve-room cottnue. cltv
water, $10.00. G. E. Turklngton 005 Bee.
D 173 14
FOR RENT, 31st nvo. nnd Dodge, 2 new. all
'"V""-"'. unisucu, excel ent
12s1nrkwlld IIVOm 10 rooms fln location,
05 .s i1 S-rotm. flat. rntiBc. bath, sraa.
T.rnvi(itvnrtfi Rt-nA--n fi.
water, $15. ' " ' C,I
2331 Spencer, nlco 4-room cottage, with bath
-,7i i I ' """ ""K" jam, i;.w.
2i03 Caldwell St., 6-room cottage, city water,
See our list for others.
n. v. m'lsiis & CO., 1702 FARNAM.
D-lll 11
UNEQUALED. centrnl nil modern soven-
" iiiiuov, uve-room nai, rnur-room flat,
three-room cottage. Tlzard, 221 No. 21th
. D-M217 20
7-ROOJl furnished house, $30. Address C 33,
IJ L-0 14'
A LOVELY complexion, Boft white hands.
r, ,-,,.,., -n-... T . .. . produced using Satin-Skin Cream una
DEWLY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. i'owdur. N-luo-ii
E-319 1
THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. o0tdSJ!d'ltion!rl,!,ii.,,!.a
L-320 iu Broadway, Council Bluitn. N-Wj il
TLIU?,E ,r.(Loma "Bnt housekeeping. 1112
South 11th. E-543 FOK SALE-KUHMTUHE.
DOUBLE parlor for two ccntlemen I30S
Cuming dt second floor. K-206 CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodgo. Tel.
'MM. New 6c liuhunu furnltuio buuaint, aoiu,
809 S. 20TH ST. Furnished rooms. exchanged.- u-32
Li BUY your furnlturo at Entorprlso Furnt-
ANTED, gentleman to tnke room In now luro Ca- Vo havo purchasea u big baiiK-
modern house, private family, C 25 Bee -"UP- slock unu will ciobo it out at 2a per
E M953 15 c-'"1 utscouuu 1U2-4 S. 14th. Tel. 22'JtJ.
- O Mttoo jyjo
i B?S; fllt,Q ""oms. Bood board next '' -
door. 191j Lapltoljive. K-107 14 roll SALE-HOHSUS, VEHICLES, UTV.
SOUTH rooms, 1906 Capitol ave.
E M996 1 6 QUICKEST and best repair work on vo-
V-fTKx-iott'tTrC .; hides 11. Frost, 14th und Leavenworth.
I'URM.SIIED room; choice neighborhood; P-297
nil mod.; tel., etc.; $9 per mo. lit; s. 25th.
E 1S5 11 FOR SALE cheap, a 3ft-lnch wagon gear,
-" with 4-Inch tires, but little used. O. M.
FUlt.MSIIUI) HOOM.S A.l IIOAItl). Hart, 1307 Jones St. P 416
tiTnnr 171 n,.a . ... ' "" FOR SALE, a nice, gentlo family mare,
UTOI IA, 1721 Davenport St- F-322 ))(iy, weighs atwut 1,100 pounds, F. A.
GLENCA1KN', transient, $1.25 day. 1009 Do"u7 . I1Uel0W' i-l" TMW8.1L
F 323 poll SALE, good driving horse, gentlo und
THi.'Mrrim - r.t . . ound; ulso 2-heated extension top car-
Merrlam, summer resort. 25th & godge. rlage. Inquire 1411 Vinton St. P-949 14'
NICE south room Tho Prntt t -,ih Q FOU BALE, buggies, phaetons, surries,
,Mv-i. suuui room, ino l'ratt, .12 S. -ith St. runabouts, road wagons, market wagons
'a-5 and farm wagons. Retailed at wholesulo
p.'n -.. ,.. , nrr prices. F. A. Bueiow, 1311 Jones st.
-yG lorgo front rooms, with board. 1909 1 P M9ti7 19
Capitol Ave. F M947 1
nnnj . . , ; FOR SALE cheap, a line driving horse,
CM?JV,nom8 w,,h board! moaerni 2JHTm gentlo and not afraid of anything, also
"By 1, 1' mmi harness nnd surrey, new. Family
,,, , ... " ;; " leaving city for summer. Apply 13U2
i!i.J,ltV,LE rooms- first-class boards 2oS4 rj0U8ius street, or 'phono 1844. T'-13S IP
itHrney. l M935 17"
FURNISHED room with board, 2406 Cass; roil SALE MISCELLANEOUS.
telephone, 2393 A; modern conveniences.
F 210 14
i . mi i SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog
FOR lli:.T UNFURNISHED ROOMS. fenco. &J1 DoubIo. Q 330
; T 7 REPAIRS and suppllei for all makes of bl-
DESK room space, $o per month, ground cycles. Ornuha Bicycle Co., 16th & Chicago.
floor room In Tho Beo building, facing Q 331
Fnninm street; no expense for light, heat . .
or Jnnttor service. 11. C, Peters & Co., opHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam.
Rental Agents, Bee building. G 416 Q 332
FOR RENT, unfurnished floor; private SAFES, standard makes.sold.rented, 114 S. 13
bath; house modern, 2t12 Harney. Q 333
G-MSOfi .
BIG lino of secondhand wheels, $3, $5, $S, $10.
FOR ltKNT-STOllES AXU OFFICES. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th and Chlcoojis.
FOR RENT Store In flrst-clnss location; TWO fresh cows nt 4015 Grant st. Chas.
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Furst. Q 108 14
Co., ground floor, Beu Bldg. 1-264
BEAUTIFUL square pianos, fully gun ran-
FOR RENT Thn building formerly orcu- teed; $25. $35 nnd up. Easy payments,
pled by The ileo at 910 Farnum St. It hus Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam st.
four stories und u basement which was Q M176 20
formtrly used as (Tho Bee press room. .
This will he rented very reasonably. If SHELVING, tnbles, worehouse scale, st-r-
Interested apply at once to C. C. .Rose- rey wagon, lnqulro 1318 Furnam.
water, secrotury, room 100, Beo bulldhig. Q 221 14
,., TZTl T; CONCKSSION8-Tho sixth annual picnic of
FOR RENT Store, 24C3 Leavenworth. the Omaha District Log Rolling assocla-
I-860-Jyl7, tlon, M. W. of A., nt Bennington, Neb.,
' August 10. 1901; 10,000 people expected,
" For Information nddrcss W. C. Kramer,
O.nceslTa'nd up. -ecretary. Q-M222 16
Also desk room ground floor. nilESS.MAKING.
Vault. Telephone, etc. lnuulro
1203 Furnam St., same building.
I XN families. Miss Sturdy, 2676 Harney.
I i-l71i -750 A10-
WANTED-Canvasslng agent- In every
TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400
Imperial octavo pages, MW oblect-teachlng
engravings and Is the only book on llvo
stock ever published adapted to tho every
day, practical, money saving use of every
farmer and stock owner. Steady employ
ment with assured good Income. Agents
In the country with horse and buggy es
pecially desired. Canvassers muke easily
$60 to $li per month. Address, Century
Farmei Solicitors' Bureau, Beo building,
Omaha. J 4f7
WANTKD Agents to sell our sensible en
dowment policy; call or auurcss w. u.
Lobeck. Mgr. Nebraska Dept. the Security
Life and Savings Ins. Co., 616 N. Y. Life,
Omaha. J-M4l3-Jy-23
AuHNTS wanted for Drummond's lightning
remedies ror rheumatism: isw ror an in
curable case; restores stiff Joints, drawn
t.ords nnd hardened muscles. If your
dealer has not got these remedies we will
cnd the full month's treatment of two
large bottles on receipt of $3. Drummond
Medicine Co,, S4 Nussuu st New York.
J-M900 A10
AGKNTS Active lady ngents to sell our
goou. uur simplex oKin nnd waist
Supporter Is a winner. Sells readily; none
better on the market. Send 20c for sample
nnd territory. Des Moines Skirt and Cor
set Mfg. Co., 720-2 Orand ave., Des Moines,
la. J
SALESMEN wanted to carry lino highest
grutiu iiuiricnuis and paints; nig money
nnd steady positions for few live men;
write for terms. Tropical Oil Co., Cleve
land, O. J M9f(5 14
12. DAILY made by nrfents selling our
claim lllo to merchnnto nnd physicians,
hayers ft Co., D. 42, 103 Olive St., St.
Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS WANTED Men nnd women in
every town and country. New labor sav
Ing device, For housewife, tailor, dress
maker, etc. one ngent sold 27 ono day;
another 00 In two weeks. Wrlto Sioux
City Brans works, Sioux City. J
OWN your business; big monoy sure; no
n.-K- irec samples; information. Snymun,
St. Louis, Mo. j
WANTKD AnentS! new. novel. nn.tlllvn
mosquito chaser; 23c: big prollts, Auto
matlo Odorlzor Co., St. Louis, Mo.
WE WILL pay any honest mnn $S3 per
im-iiiii iinu nn traveling expenses to laKo
orders for tho greatest portrait concern
In tho United States. Your salary will
be guaranteed and position permanent.
-.,tl"V(t. Wor d's Art Exchnnge. Dept.
On, Chicago, 111. J-153 14
AGENTS wanted; Just think; root beer tnh.
"-, oinniunuui oy regular physician:
made from roots, very healthy; one tab
let Instantly makes delicious glass root
beer, bend 10c and 2c stnmp for 10 tab
lets. Instanuct Co., (II), 911 Walnut,
Phlla. jif7 14,
$100 monthly; new patent metallic bread
uvmiu. punipio iree. Ii. L. Forshen Co.,
Cincinnati. O. jj37 u
SALESMAN, tho greatest monopoly of the
i.i. . i iiiiitiiiue tur cooling nil
kinds of rcfrlgarntors. Guaranteed 75 per
cent chenper than Ice. Will last u iffc
tlmo; everybody buys. Also our new
chemical Ice cream freezer; requires no
labor; w;orks automatic. $100 per wocK
und exclusive territory guaranteed good
men. Write today for territory and
agency. Chemical Refrigerating and
1-reczer Co., Station U, Chicago. III.
J-196 14
TAKE orders for our aluminum card cases,
;, mm.-, L-uiiiiiH unu ouier aluminum
novelties; catalogues free. Economy Co.,
5Sj Lake, Chicago, J 193 H
FIRST-CLASS agents wanted; better than
nir w!?lLr.anco, or b00kB!. J1 to 50 'nndo
per week; mule or fema c. Address Wll-
iteW1' ilS Parrott bld&" San Vran
Cisco, Cnl. J 201 14
AST.S,r,n sP'c""''! chanco to make
vui huh i-ockci Atlas eontnlns
maps of every state irr the union and
every country In tho world; also tho 19W
census complete. Over 400 pages Yr
mans and descriptive matter. Sells at
sight. Send 25c for sample nnd termst to
agents. Rand. McNnlly & Co7. Chicago"
iii J-155 14
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912-
v.i ouira, tscuuiui oiurubu unu lorwarulng.
32 (i
OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Fum. Tels. 1559-883.
STORAGE Household goods and other
' oiureu ui iow rates, j.j. Derluht
ii Co., 1119 Farnum St. Tel. 353. -MJiS
WA.TI3D TO 11U1.
WANTED-100 feather beds. I pay tho
iKb'icni. imuca iui uiu leuttiers. will atuy
in your city a week. Auur-jss, L. Baron.
General Delivery, Omuhu, .Neb., und 1
will call ut your home. N 90V-iti
1 WANT a cozy cottugo In tho suburbs.
.uii umi.iit. iu iiiu tur, wun snauu trues
tor l,uw tu l,4w cash. C 24, Bee.
N-M931 11
WANTED, to purchuso, controlling interest
ui mi iiiu diuuu in u uuiin in eitbteru Ne
brasKa or western lowu; corresuondenco
coiiliueutlal. Addrubs C 26, Bee.
county to so fit sutiscripiion tor
n-rnriv- iviiiSi v-ri; MTnCK DOC
MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th.
M.ME. GYLMER has returned nnd resumed
business. Parlors, 315 South 15th street.
1707 Cass Street.
Fivnt parlors. Don't ring. W alk In.
llo-srs, 9 to 9 every day. He litis tho
dark veil of the past and penetrates tlw
myslirlvs of the future. Ills power ex
cites the wonder and ndtulratlon of the
most skeptical.
Gifted by nature with marvelous medl
vlstlc powers, he can bo consulted nn all
affairs pertaining to human welfare. If
you arc In trouble about love affairs come
to him; he will give you valuable advice
and truo revelations concerning It; te
storcs lost affections; removes nil dim
cultles; reunites the separated and causes
speedy and happy mnrrlugo with one of
your choice nnd tells If tho one you love
Is true or false.
Tells what business you are best adapted
to and what days and locations aro lucky
for you.
Reudlngs, 50c to ladles, $1 to gentlemen.
Has since her return from the east been
busy, ns usual, regardless of tho prevail
ing hot wave. Mine. Gyltner's parlors arc
nicely equipped nnd quite conveiitlently
arranged, so that the callers who havo
to wait will find It very pleasant.
If those who wero not successful In getting
a rending tho past week will call and see
tho madam sho will bo very glad to ap
point a tlmo when she can bo consulted,
if there are any people In Omaha who
havo never had n life reading don't fall
to give MME. GYLMKR a call. She Is
unquestionably tho best nnd most thor
ough life render who has ever been In
positively told. Send $1 nnd six questions
nnswercd. Parlors, Granite blk., 315 S,
13th St., 3d. floor; take elevator.
8-2WJ 14
WONDERFUL clairvoyant; tells every
thing; money back If not true; send loo
nnd birthday. Prof. John Myers, Lincoln
Park Station, Chicago. S 181 11
MME. PALMER, the celebrated medium
and occult scientist, Is again at her per
manent quarters, 1707 CASS ST.
If you desire to know your PAST, PRES
ENT nnd FUTURE or are tn need of ad
vice concerning nny troublu or business
transaction, love, marriage, divorce, etc.,
givo tills gifted woman n call. Aro you
undecided ns to the future, If so her ad
vice will be Invaluable to you. S 225 !!
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns nnd superfluous
(ill. I IVUIU.l-U Ut 1-UIHVI IV. 1.. 1 ICIilCi
mucK. u Joi
RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no
danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup-
turu ure, i. i. uuuuiug, umana,
VIAVA, woman's way to health;,
wholesome humu trcuttnent. 348 Bee Bldg.
SUPPLIES for all machines; mnchlnes for
rent. White Sowing Muchlne, 1620 Doug-
PRIVATE hosnltal for Indies before and
during conflnement; babies adopted. 2306
ii r a iu al. U 311
orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1524
UUUd'lUH, U l.
I1IIIVAT P V 1. .. . .
---.l I1V.II1V UVIUIU UIIU tlUIIIIH uuiiiiii-
ment; bubles udopted. Mrs. Burget, 2U2U
It,, .,!.. ft -II
,'U, klL L IL, U OU
L RENT sewing mnchlnes for 7G cents
per week. Wo soil purts for nnd repair
every sewing machine manufactured.
Corner 15th und Harney Sts.
U 421 Jy29
M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect nc-
cuiuiun meming piani in tne west: man
urucr. solicited. HUltu DOUgiuu UlocK,
SHOE Repairing. M. Sperduto, 81S N. 10th,
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15th. 2d floor,
room 7. U 910 16
-OUNO mnn, aged 23, German descent,
wants a housekeeper with matrimonial In
tent; lady aged 20 to 30. Address H.
Rumpke, Osmond, Neb. U M97U 14
Never such Prices for such cood offered
before, und If any tlmo witnln one year
j-ou want 10 ouy a new maciuno we win
take the old one back at exactly what It
cost you. The following is a partial list
oi wuai we oner ior an tno weeic:
Former nrlce. This week.
1 Singer $ 4.00 $ 1.(0
1 household 20.00 10. OK
3 Singers, high arm 21.00 12.00
1 Singer, new Improved 30.00 15. w
l Union io.oo r,.vo
1 Household 10.00 6.00
1 White 16.00 8,00
1 Wilcox & Glbbs 25,00 12,50
l wmte. tailoring, good ns
new 25.00 12.50
2 Shoemaker machines 30.00 15.00
1 Now Home 20.0i) io.oo
1 Singer, tailoring 40.00 20. 00
1 Standard 20.00 10.00
Modern, drnphead machines, slightly used,
at one-half regular price. Wo rent mn
chlnes at 75 cents per week or $2.00 per
month. These are modern, up-to-dato
machines, with complete attachments.
We sell needles nnd parts for and repair
every sewing macnine mnnurauturcu.
Neb. Cyclo Co., Cor. 15th and Hartley Sts.
Branch Oillce, No. 012 N. 24th. Soutn
Omaha. U-119 14
THE Prince of Omaha Is sold strictly for
6c; no six for a quarter. U M115 16
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and molea per
mnnctitly removed by electricity; consul
tation freo and confidential; all worlt
guaranteed. Miss Allonder. 1613 Douglas.
MORPIIINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine
habit; mysolf cured, will inform you of
harmless, permanent home cure, Mrs.
Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U
GKNTLKMAN of wealth. $100,000, and gen
erosity, would shnro llfo's comforts with
kind-hearted, companionable wife. "Mr.
Monroe," 1221 Wellington St., Chicago. III.
ATTRACTIVE lady, pleasing personality,
independently wealthy, rellned and gener
ous, good disposition, will devoto life to
kind husband. "Miss Alice," 077 Sedg
wick St., Chicago, III. U 12314
WE rent sewing mnchlnes for 73 cents per
week; wo repair and sell needles nnd
parts for every mnchlno manufactured.
Phono 1663. Neb. Cyclo Co., Cor. 15th and
Harney. U-137 A13
WHAT ft Is nnd how to use It. Men onlvi
No medicine. Free particulars sent sealed.
Box 492 C, Indianapolis, Ind. U 133 14
INCREASE your Income; costs nothing to
find out how to obtain nn Independent
position; business honorable, permanent
and profitable. Address C 30, Beo.
U-211 11
HANDSOME gentleman, middle-aged. Inde
pendently rich, wants sincere, honest
wire. Address Mr. Clark, 193 Washington
st,, Chicago, III. U 182 14
AN OCI'LIST and aurist would nsslst or
substitute for physician with good eyo
nnd ear practice. Addresn Dr. J E,
Bradbury, Mount Clnro Station. Chicago,
III. U-170 14
PAN-AMERICAN The Burgess, new tiro
proof building, now furnishings; two min
utes' walk from downtown hotels and
theaters; special rates to parties of four
or more. Address E. B. nnd O. R, Hink
loy, 78 W. Huron St., Buffalo, N. Y. U
MARR or correspond for amusement: sond
stamp for senled particulars. Box D 268,
Council Bluffs, la. U 190 14
RID on 8,000 or less ntnndard brands to
bacco tags: what have you to trade? w.
U Randall, Gibbon, Nob. U 198 IP
OXYDONOR reverses tho conditions In
d Kpenslbio to the rise nnd progress or
dlsensds and establishes the conditions of
health by causing the body to attract
and absorb oxygen nnd eliminating dlsenso
naturally, without tho uso of drugs nnd
electricity. Oxydonor will cure rheuma
tism, hay fever, Insomnia, neuralgia,
asthma, catnrrh, grippe, bronchitis, -clat-Ica,
dyspepsia. Indigestion, all female dis
orders nnd rnnny others. Tho public n
Invited to call or write for further inror
mntlon to Dr. II. Sancho & Co., room Ml,
Beo bldg,, Omaha, Neb, P lis II
HONORABLE widower, aged 60, worth $ 6,.
000, wants a sincere, home-loving wife.
Address Mr. Klefer, box 9IS, Milwaukee,
Wis. U-im 14'
PRETTIEST girls In town use Sntln-8kln
Cream and Powder. Of, course you ii,
Only So, li i0 u
MONEY to loan on Improved Omnhn real
estate. lironnuli-LoVe Co., .09 South IJtH.
W 316
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa 'irms at o per cent; borrowers enn
pay llw or any multiple; any Interest
date; no delay. Brinnan-Lovu Co., 309 S.
Uth St., Omaliu, Neb, W 3L
WANTED, city loans, bonds and wur.ints.
George Ctimpuliy, 1601 F.rnutn street,
WANTED, city und farm loans; also bonds
nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., .702
Farnam St., Ueo Bid. W 349
MONEY to loan at 44 and 6V4 per cnu on
Omuhu property. W. B. Mclkle, 401 S. iSth.
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1121 Douglas
V 332
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L.
MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate;
6 per cent interest; no commission; privi
lege of paying J1W or more beforo ma
turity. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins.
Co,, John W, Glsh, special loan agent,
211 First Nat'l Hank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
5 AND per cent loans, W. H. Thomas,
First National Bank building. Tel, 1618.
WANTED, city loans nnd wurr.mts. W.
Farnum Smith & Co,, 13:0 Furnam St.
W 337
4V4 TO 0 P. C. money. Bomls, Paxton ulk.
$30,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $300 up, lowest
rates, no delay.
uarvin uros,, n.i3 Far-
W M922
Wo loan $10 anil up on furniture, pianos,
horses and other chattels.
without mortgage to people holding perma
nent positions. You can get thn money In
a few hours after making application nnd
take 1, 2, .1, 4, 5, 6 months or more in which
to pay It back, and you need not pay for
It ono day longer tliau you keep It. Wo
charge nothing ior pupers and wo givo
you the full amount In cash. There nro
no lower rates than ours, our terms aro
the (uslest; our business Is coulldontlul
und our motto Is "try to please."
119 Board of Tradu Bldg. Tel. 2293.
(Established 189.'.) 3v6 S, 16th St.
on houso hold furniture, plunos, horses,
wagons, etc., In two hours' tlmo; also to
salaried people on their plain notes, with
out security Easiest payments and low
est rates In Omuhu Prlvuto Interviewing
room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown
block, cor. 10th und Douglas Sts.; cutrnnco
on 16th St., opposlto Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
X '160
SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, tenm
stern, boarding houses, etc., without se
curity; easiest terms; 40 oftlces in principal
cities. Tulmun, 410 Board of Trade Bldg.
llvo stock, etc. Quick serrlco and lowest
rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (ton
(floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th
and Fa.Tium; cntranco cn 16th street.
MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture. Jew
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses,
cows, Jewelry. Duff arcen, R. 8, Barker blk
$1,000.00 TO place quick. M. J. Kennnrd &
Son, suite 310, Brown block. X 360
WE LOAN money to salaried peoplo on
their nolo at lowest rates; strictly confi
dential; puy weekly, semi-weekly or
monthly. Room 303 Paxton block, 3d floor.
Rellublo Credit Co. X-623
GRAND HOTEL furnishings and four-year
lease for sale for cash only; thlrty-livo
newly furnished rooms; tho best stand In
tho stuto; is u barguln. 11. 1. Rankin.
Hurtlngton, Neb. Y M252
I AM offering for nnlo my entire business
wood, coal, feed und groceries, ulso build
ings and lot. For particulars lnqulro of
Thos. Rishton, 2106 West Broadway, Coun
cil Bluffs. Y-M405
FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest
In drug store; hard wood floor, Matthews
gas machine, soda fountain, etc., in a
lively county seat. Thyroid-Lymph Co.,
500 Beo Bldg, li-Wl
THE Wyoming Cattle and Investment com
pany Is now offering a limited number of
shares of stock for salo nt par. This Is
tho safest anil best paying Investment on
the market. If you havo money to invest,
either In small or largu amounts, address,
1615 Hownrd St., caro Union Printing Co.
Y 667
WANTED Ladies of ability to manago
branch oillces; must have some cash to
cover cost of remedies. Thyroid-Lymph
Co., 600 Beo Bldg.. Omuhu. Y 001 A-3
FOR SALE, best fruit, confectionery, to
bacco and Ice cicam business in u good
town; sales, $1,XW per month; reasons for
soiling, other business requires all my
time. C 19, Bet Y-M321 23
HAVE $4,000 to $5,000 to Invest In estab
lished hardwuro buclness In western lowu
or eastern Nebraska. Address P. O. Box
843, Shenandoah, Iu. Y 931 16
FOR SALE, New York racket store; good
business in good town or 2,600; Invoico
itiout $1,100; best of reusons for selling.
Address C 28, Bee. Y M9!3 20
FOR SALE, a nice, clean stock of gcnerul
merchandise, consisting of dry goods,
groceries and shoes; located In central
Nebraska; town of 2,500 population; will
Invjlce from $5,000 to $6,00u; thu best loca
tion In town. C 29, Bee. Y-M969 111
FOR SALE or exchange. Now staplo stock
general merchandise nnd elegant real
deuce. Lock Box 21, Seneca, Kau.
FOR SALE A good, up-to-duto stock of
drugs; u barguln; In good eastern Ne
braska town. For further information
address, Chas. E. Wood, Talmnge, Neb.
COMFORTABLE Income nssureil from" In
vestment $100.00: wo accept $10.00 Just for
trial; profits paid weekly by money order.
Highest commercial references, und (by
permission only) from customers; booklet
free. W. W. o'Huru, Union Trust Illdg.,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Y 133 14"
FOR SALE, stock of genl. mdsc. tn smnll
town southeast South Dakota. Owner
wontB to retire. Invoice about $5,000. Ad
dress Box 19, Parker, S. D. Y 132 14
$70 MONTHLY and expenses to two re
llublo men to manago branch oillces; must
carry $150 staple Rtock, Address Manu
facturer, 319 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Y-M2t5 !
WANTED, an encrsotlc man with about
$1,000 In ensh to taito a fourth Interest In
a big paying business. Address F. S.,
Beo ofllce, Council, Blurts. YM 191 16
A THOROUGHLY reliable, energetic man
with $1,000 capital can secure permnnent
sltuntlon with established corporation ns
manager of branch oillce. Salary. $1,800
per annum nnd extra commissions. Ad
dress, S, E. Ol.rr, 316 Dearborn St., Chi
cago, Y-156-14'
GENERAL MDSE. stocks from $3,000 to
$18,000 for oash nnd V4 good Nebraska
or lowu land. BOOT AND SHOE stock,
$3,000, for $2,000 cash and bulanco good
land. Improved. HARDWARE stock,
$6,000, doing profitable business; will givo
good deal. GROCERY stocks from $500 to
$2,600, enjoying line tratle; will sell cheap.
DRUG stocks, $I.WI0 to $2,600, with paying
huwlness; can consider good land tor ex
ERY business, doing lino trade; will give
great bargain. COAL AND FEED busi
ness, $l,-0), in city; line location and good
biiblne.s; might consider some good teal
cstato. HOTELS, furnished, for rent or
sale In and out of Omaha. ROOMING
HOUSES, enjoying good business, for sain
or exchange, from $300 to $3,5W. RESTAU
RANTS In und out of city, doing well, for
salo at right llguni. CIGAR STAND,
good location, good opportunity. BAR
BER SHOP, well located; llttlo money
takes It. CARRIAGE, 2-Healed. nearly
now. cost $210; show me $30 and It's yours.
1 block ground, Kearney, Neb., lor good
hotel In county sent town. VARIOUS
OTHER LINES of business on my list,
but not herein mentioned. I inn nt your
command. Let mo hear from you. All
communications prnmptlv answered. J.
II. JOHNSON, N Y. LIFE. Y-203 11
$100.00 Invested with uh pays good weekly
dividends, No fake, but un up-to-dato
proposition, Write for partleulars. Se
curity Investment Co,LlndlanapoiisiniL
FOR RENT-Plnnln mill mi l tnarhltitry;"
good condition, geiul location Addles.
C (3, Bee. Y-Ml.s4
DRt'G store, snap for doctor er Hiarmnclit:
Invoice small town, enstetu Kim.-,u.
musi sen now. Atiut'tss c 17. Urn ihn i'ee,
-137 If
'OR. SA'LE, general merchandise store tn
Ord. trading point of Valley county. Will
give reasons; must sell. Addresn box Hit,
Ord, Neb. Y l!i3 14'
$100 Invested now will return $l,0i0 in a
year. Prospectus free. Lawyers ,i Bank
ers' Oil company, Ixis Angeles, cnl.
Y-l?j 14
FOR SALE, furniture, lease nnd goodtvlll
of ono or tho lending hotels or Crete,
Neb., nt a bat gain, or wll) cxrhango for
good Nebraska rental property; good rea
son for selling; hotel Is dolm; gmid busl
ness and Is a splendid oiiport.inlty for
right pnrty to mako good nmnev. For
particulars address Robert (Lithrlt. Crete
Neb., or Woods Investment Cu . Lincoln'
Nd. Y-221 ll
for i:ciiam;i;,
DO YOU own a patent or territory In one?
1 have for exchange unincumbered real
estate, cash valuation J2.UX', to exchange,
for part or nil of n auod, salable patent.
Givo full description with price asked
Address C. E. Nowton, 57 Rugxery, i'o
lumbus. O. ",-MSM i;
DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading ape.
clullst In diseases of women In Omaha,
would call the attention of suffering unties
to his unsurpassed accommodations c
fore nnd during conflnement, und Un
treatment for Irregulurltles, no matter
what cause Call or uddress, with stamp,
Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodgo St., oniuhu, Neb.
GONuVA Is a French treatment for nxn'a
and female, for tho positive cure of Gon
orrhoea, GleeJ. Uuuutural Discharges, In
flammations, Irritations and Ulceration
or the mucous inemlmtiics, An Internal
remedy with injection combined, war
ranted to cure worst cases In ono week;
$3 per packago or two for $3. Sent any
where on receipt of price. The Ktdd Drug
Co.. Elgin, III. American Oillce, retail,
wholesale, Myers-DIIIon Drug Co., Omaha;
M. A. Dillon, South Omahu; Davis Drug
Co,, Council Bluffs. Full line of legltl
niuto rubbur goods,
CANCER cured ut homo by Internal treat
ment; no knife, plnster or pain; book and
testimonials mailed free. Cancer Institute.
121 W. 42d St., N. Y.
LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pills aro the best. Safe, reliable. Tnko
no other. Send 4c Htamps ror particulars,
"Relief for Ladles," In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Ot'R new book sent free, cealed, fully
Illustrated, treats of ull conditions of men.
tells how to attain "Perfect Manhood.
Should bo In the hands of every mnlo
adult. Address Erie Medical Co,, "Book
Dept.." Buffalo, N. Y.
JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel.
1664; Alice Johnson, D. O., Indies' dept.;
Old. E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr.
DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 138
A. T. HUNT, D. O.. 205 Knrbnch Blk. Tol 2J58
ACCORDION and knlfo pleating; ulso pink
ing nnd covered buttons a specialty;
promptness nnd lowest rates in all our
work; mall orders solicited. Des Moines
Skirt and Corset Mfg. Co., 720-2 Grand
avu., Des Moines, la.
LOST, Auditorium brick No. 425. Reward
If returned to Omaha Dally News.
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfa.
BOYLES" College, court reporter principal.
Bee Bldg. 378
NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd'a
Theater. 379
GREGG Shorthund. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug.
PIANOS tuned, $1.50. F. Lcssentln, Mandel
berg's Jewelry Store, Paxton blk. Tel. 1699.
260 Jy Vo-
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars,
2c; curt', 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 54?.
PATENTS No feo unless successful. Sues
& Co., Beo Bldg., Omaha, Nob. Advice
free. -163 Jyl5
WILL BUY uny good Invention or patent.
Address Lock Box 760, Dob Moines. Iu.
Washington, D. C. H. J. Cowglll, agent,
315 Rumga block. Omtthn, Neb. '.'5(1
OUR popular plcasuro trips touring Pan
American exposition Includo hotels, mtuls,
tlckots to exposition, drives, steamer out
ing around Nlngura, guides, sightseeing.
Only $13.60. Wrlto for pamphlet today.
wceitiy Trips lo,, inc., -iii tjiaiK st,, uni-
rv j 1 1 -will
-9a7 14'
PRICES that will surprise, you; must clear
out the stock of new and secoiid-hiuid
bicycles; sccond-hund wheels lroni 12.50
up; now ones, $12 up, Loul- Fletcher, iUil
Capitol ave. 7CJ
BEST for you, because best made. Satin
Skin Soap, Cream und Powder. Use ii
proof. 7o
ALL rough, red, smarting skin made soft
and lovely using Satln-Skln Cream. 2ac.
-Ill -11
BLOTCHED, rough, red, tender skin
smoothed to sntln Boftness, using Satin
Skin Cream, 2Sc. 2lj 11
$75.00 REWARD offered for tho nrreat and
conviction of tho party who uni'rd and
stole shoes from tho store of II. Mvlnr at
Elkhorn, Nob,, the night r,f Juno 27. Citi
zen Com., Elkhorn, Neb. 117 2"J
ALL kinds of enrpenter work nnd repairing
promptly attended to, j. T. Ochiltree, VOtli
and Lako Sis. 370
ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, bent,
quickest. Mrs, A, C, Murk, :! E. Cor, 17th
and Farnam. IS'.'
OMAHA Boiler Works, steam pollers, tank.
tstacks, ntc. Tel. 1X9. 12th and Izard Sta.
LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even
ing, It 15, Com. Nut. Bank. O. R, Rathbiin.
EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat
ing; all business t onildontliil, 1311 Uougia-,
ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodee. Mn. Wd. Thur, Bat.