THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SI N DAY, JULY 14, 1001. 17 CONDITION OF 0MILVS TRADE Vlum of Euaintsi Ri.thr Liglt Wek Owing to Iotinte Hcii. Lut RAPID ADVANCES IN LINSEED OIL Unfit, ornlile Crop Report from Vn rloun Partit of the Country Cnurcil Higher Price mi Some Linen of Canned Oood-i, The volume of business transacted In the wholcsalo districts of this city was not particularly heavy Inst week. Jobbers were apparently more Interested In weather re ports and crop bulletins than In any Im mediate business that might bo at hand. The extremely warm weather that wns ex perienced all over this section of the coun try kept everyone tit home who did not have to bo out on the street, and as a result trado with retailers was u little quiet. When thttt Is the case they, of course, do not send In many orders for more stock, and still fewer of them come on the mar ket. Thero were In fact fewer buyers on the mnrket last week than tiny time In many months, lluslncss men In all lines are, of course, anxious regarding the out come of the corn crop. 'I hey realize th.U while corn In Nebraska Is not suffering to any great extent, still rain must crime be fore many dnyH have passed or the crop win oe injured, wun a snort corn crop in Kansas and Missouri a drouth In Ne braska and Iowa would have very serious results upon trade conditions In Omahu and nurroundlng country, Retailers, of course, appreciate that fact, and for that t canon they cannot bo expected to nlace ery heavy orders for fall until tho dry weather Is broken. It Is the general onlnlon among wholesalers that a good ratu would start full orders to coming In good shape, as all u great many merchants are wiilllng for Is one more good rain. Not only was lust week rather quiet as regards the volume of business transacted, uui u was also nun m lirice uctuut u is There ure, of course, a few change owing In llnfrlt'.ir'.l.ln nr.... ....,,. u 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 Krcat majority of lines handled In this city arc selling In exactly the same notches they were a week ago. Tho market may be suld to bo In a good hcallhy condition, with no prospect of Its changing unluss there should be a general crop talluie. C'niuii'il (iniiiln ioliiK llluhi-r. Tho most Interesting fcaturu of the grocery market last week was the effect tho dry, hot wuiitlier Is having on the cunned goods market. Tomatoes scum ' be affected tho must, iih the crop In Kan tian and Missouri la said to be badly dam uged and growing worse every day. It Is claimed that It Is almust Impossible to Ket packers at tho present time to namo prices and whore they do accept an order they will not guarantee to deliver any of the goods. The linlllmoru market Is also belliK Influenced and prices ute now .it-moo per dozen higher thun tiny were a week ago, Smrill fruits are also Hrmlng up, ?wlng to shortage In crops caused by uu avorable weather Corn has not changed much as yet, us It Is 11 little too early to toll much about what tho final outcome of the crop will be, but still the market at present Is In n good, strong position. Another line that lias been affected by dry weather la outmcal, both bulk and case goods. Prices arc now CCKTf 1'ic per barrel higher than they were a week ago, with a corresponding advance on case goods. The syrup market, owing to the higher prices ruling on corn, is In u very strong position and a sharp ndvanco Is looked lor at most any time. There has been no change In sugar dur ing the week, practically ulll grades re maining the Miine. Thero Is also nothing to be said of coffee, as the market Is hold lug iiteady and Is not very active. Local Jobbers have been leeching ie ports on the conditions of tho tea crop In China and so fnr It looks as though tin. would lie HomRwhnt of n shortage. Teas arc costing more money In China nnd In fact enough more to causs an advnnc over last year's prices amounting to about 3 cents per pound, loiter advices from Japan continue to report rather a light yield In that country, also, and It Is pie dlcted that Japan teas will ruin fully 2 cents per pound higher than they did last NuthliiK MtiirtlliiK in Hardware. Thero Is prnctlcally nothing now to bo said of tho situation In hardware. Trado Just at tho present time Is rather quiet, as would naturaly bo expected. Furmers ure liusy In their fields and arc not taking time to go lo town for hardware supplies. Owing to the falling off In the demand for mnny lines of goods that were In such big request a few weeks ago, Jobbers have been able to got enough stock on hand to till all their back orders. They now have barb wire In stock for tho llr.'t tlmo s.nce last March. Heretofore they have nlwa, had orders way In ndvanco for nil tho stoc they could get, hut now they have tho wire waiting for tho buyers. Tho shortage In most other lines Is also at nn end. There has been no change In prices since last report, and nbout nil that can be snld of the fltuntlon Is that thero Is n good hcatthy market. Mimeril Oil Still Ailviuieliiir. The mnrket on linseed oil has been going up by Jumps and bounds. About three woslfM nirn (hit i'lllm IirlCM Of rilW oil WllS 67 and for. boiled 09 cents, and now It Ii up to 82 cents for raw and S4 cents for boiled. There seems to be considerable dllTeioiice of opinion as to the true condition of tho market. Some seem lo think that the unfavorable crop reports from Kansas nnd Missouri Justify the advance, as It Is from thoso two states that tho early seed comes. If the crop falls thero It will be late be fore there will be much new oil on tho market and tho price may even go to Jl per gallon. Others, on the contrary, llguro that . the present high prlco Is not Justified by actual roudltlons, but Is simply a fictitious valuation established by thote who control both the teed anil tho product. If the latter Is the case they nrguo that present prices will not long be maintained There has been no chalice during the week In paints, white lead or turpentine. SlitiiliiK l''"ll SmiiU. Y-v-.. i.ti.i.Mra iim.n tint done erv WIV KIIVMie. Jl'i'uitn ....... ..... much Immediate business the last week, though, of course, a few sorting up orders havo been coming In. They have devoted tho most of their attention to the arrival of fall stock nnd hnvu about completed ar rangements for making fall shipments. Con sldeinble stork has already been shipped, but this week It will begin to move out much more rapidly. Kail orders are. of course, not coining In very rapidly Just at thJ present time, ns merchants prefer to wait and see what Is to be the outcome of the dry weather, if tho remainder of -ho fnll and winter trade Is as good ns tho nd vnncti buslnesn has been tip to this tlmo Jobbers say they will certainly ha.e no complaints, ns they will break all previous records by a big margin. Local Jobbers are calling t)u attention of their customers to the fact that prints nnd In fact almost all klitd.i of cotton piece ?oods nro very near at the lowest point hej have ever been. Cotton Is goln,? up und prices on tho manufactured product are considerably below what they hIiojIiI be as compiiUM with tho cost of raw material. That being the cam they say this looks like or extremely pi oC time to buy. Tho export trade Is Increasing at a rapid rale and promises to keep on growing, and the hone demand Is nl-io picking up ut u inpld rate. Taking everything Into rons'derat , n those best posted seem to think that the future tendency of prices on cotton ijoods of nil kinds will be upward. . Leather titioilo Unlet. There Is not much dolus In leather goods at tho present time. Thero are not many sizing up orders coming In mid most of thoso are rather small, but still them Is fully as much going on as usual at this time of year nnd as much as could bo ex pected. Kali shipments will begin In tho near future and an Omnha houses havo so'd more fall anil winter goods than vir before up to this lime they are well satis fled with tho way business Is going. Tho rubber trade Is also very quiet. Molt of the traveling men aie taking vacations , now, as nearly all merchants havo placed tlielr orders, and not much business Is looked for until cold weather arrives. Out In the mountains traveling men are picking up n few orders, but from the nearby trade there Is nothing doing. Fruit mill Produce. There was a good demand all last week for fruits nnd particularly for lemons. Prices on lemons are now much higher than iney were a snort time ago and jobbers my ino uemnnii even in me niguer prices is surprisingly larue. Fancy California stork U new held nt 13 our box- and choice ut $l..5. Oranges nre nlsn a little higher lmii th;y were a week ago. California fruit now stenn to ho about the most popular finlt outside of lemon, Hlnckberrles and raspberries nre still on the market, but tho seimm for those lines Is rapidly coining t..i cloie. In veRetnbles thero has been very little change, though the demand was good all the week. Tho prices at which the dif ferent lines are setlli.g will be found Iu an other column, The condition 'of eggs Is still causing coin mihsloi men a great deal of troubl', ,s shiopers apparently do not renllze how bad thj stock Is that they ure buying, l'ul bj per cent now Is rotten and In mnny ciast It runt considerably heavier than that. 1 rice on good iitock are a Utile hu'.iir Hi. ill thev wrre h week neo. imitations ruvV beln? loVjfllle. mere lias boon no t nance -n 'jailer ltist report and poultry, with no exceptl-iti Of SLtimr chickens, is also ncilitiir In .ust about the same notches. Thc'i nun a It in- 1'otnry shortage in sprint; rhiekons nut n nr.c ii a a result me tew rnijipcrs win, Wv.u on the market realized nncy pr.u-s for this time of year. The tullng ciuoMtlnn In tuw lyiflfl rent. thoJBh In somo canes br-tttl prices than that are obtained A might Increase In receipts, however. It Is t'-i-uglit would cause a marked drop lo prices. omaha wholesale .mahicet. Condition of Trade nnd (Imitation on Stniitc and l'niicy Produce. rcaOS-Hccclpts liberal; good stock, firm, itVullc. LIVE i'OUL,THY-llcns, 7c; young and old roostetH, syic; turkcn, oysc; ducks und c on. oyuu, spring c.hukens, per lb., HS1B- II CTTKK-Common to fair, 12MV4ci choice dalrv. In tubs. nwiCe: atinrntor. DC , FHKSH KISH-lIUck bass, lsc; white basg.jir, blueibsh, lie; bullheads. 10c; b uB litis, ic; buiraios, Cc, cutti.ili, 12c; cod, 9cj croppies, iyiuc, clscoes, 7c, halibut, 1U, Ill-rung, Cc- haddock, lOo, mackerel, la; pike, tic, red snapper, 10c; salmon, lie; sun. ion, ui iroui. yc. w-niinnsn. uc. ,.l,rr " at, wriuiiusn, uc. WCllJUNH-Uve, per doz 41. V iAl.S Cliiili i. !i,iinv HA I'rlces quoted by Omaha Wholesale tlay Uculers' association: Choice upland, g.w; No 'i upland, ; medium. la.M: course, J7W, Hyo straw, Jt,.6o. These prices are for huy of good color und quality. Ueinund "eieipts, u cars. OAT8-N0. 2 white, 32c. COHN-No, j uc. UHAN-JI2 VKO UTAHL.ES. Aai'AltAaUS-Natlve, per doz., SJttlOc. JtJIL UAKIi-IInine grown, per lb lc. NKW CAlUtOTH-Per doz., IMC. Ni;vV Tl'HNIPS-Per doz., 10c. CUCl'MHKItS-llothouse, per doz., 50c. L.HTTI I K Per bu., l!uc. ltADIHlIK.S-Per doz., lnJjSOc. PAItSLUV-Per doz., SOc. Nl. Pt i'AK'K, -ill bu,, 75c. CAllUAtlK-llome grown, Ulc. 'I i i.VlA l lil.!.- 'U;.us. 1. basket crates. Jl.tA ONIONS Uerniudas, per crate, J2.25; new California, Sc. CAUMKLOWKIi Homc-gtown, per dnx tOc. m:AN3-Vux, per half-bushel basket, 0cj hiring, per nail-busiiel uikki-i, hvc. Pl-ifj I'er bu , Jl; per ft bu., Wc. CANTAI.OUl'li Per basket, 75c3U; crutef, iJ. WATKUM13I.ONS-Texas, 305J3SO each. KltUlTH. I'INKAI'I'MiS-Per doz., N.&03U5; per nine, i.t.2.i. IlI.ACKHMItrtlMR 7'sr clise. S2. UAHPliliHllIEa-Per 24-qt. case, 3.00; ted, pel 2t-pt. case, J2.00. Cifl-.ltMr. j Natle, per 8-lb. ha.tket, uc; lusouri, pr Ji-qt. cuse, ji-.o'ii-.w. PKACIIKS-Callfornlu, per box, Soc; free stone. i. APHICOTS-Callfornla, 4-basket crates, il.W. PL,UMS-Callfornla, per crate, Jl.ISQl.W. UuuaiiUKltltlliS Per 24-t. caso, W.W. TROPICAL FltUITS. OHANOKS - California seedlings, W-50; Med. sweets, $l.fl. LKMONSCullfornla, extra funcy, J5.00; Chulce, $4.i. IIANANAS Per bunch, according to size, KIOS California, new cartons, 75c; layers. Uc. imported, per lb., NKU12C. DATES Persian. In 6Mb. boxes, Salrs, 5c. MKSCKLl.ANEOUS. IIONKY-Hnlloween. 6Wc ner lb. CilMCH-I'cr nlil., JI.M); per half bbl., $2.73. Nl'TS-Knullsh walnuts, ner lb.. 16c: fil berts, tier lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., li(tf2oo; raw peanuts, per lb tycc; roasted, 61',u 1W, uraziis, uc; pecans, ifoc. lilDI-.S No. 1 green, 6'4c; No. 2 green, Bho: No. 1 salted, 7',4c; No. 2 suited, 7c; No. 1 teal calf. 8 to UV. ibB.. 8c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 lo n ids., tic; ary niues, swuc; sheep pens, .oiaiDc, norse mucs, ii.sixa..'. St. Louis (jrnln and Provlxlnns. ST. LOUIS. July 13. WHKAT-Lower: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 63,c; track, 61',i (uc; July, ciuc; aeptember, bi,c; uecem ber. t;7',c. No. 2 hard. G4TiiUUc. COUN Ijwcr; No. 2 cash Blc; track, 62,c: July. 61c: September. GlWc. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 31c: track, 35c; July, 33Uc; September, 32iic; No. 2 whito, JSVijHtfO. It VE Lower at E2Wc. HEEDS Timoihy, no trading; flax, no iriitung. KLOUIt Steady; patents, J3.3303.EO, hew; extra fancy and straight, J2.W-ij3.00, new; ciear, K.bwisz.&v, new. CUHNM EAL-Stcady. J2.70. lilt AN Stronger and higher; sacked, east tnicK, iuc. 1IAY Higher; timothy. I10.5dffl5.00; prairie, ?u.uumd.iu. WIUHKY-Steady at J1.27. I HON COTTON T1ES-$1.03. HA(ir.INO-(ii,liJ7Vic. 1IKMP T'INE-c. PHOVISIONS-Pork: Steady: Jobbing. 115.75. Lard, lower. JS.50. Dry salt meats (boxed), steudy; extra shorts, JS.12H! clear rios, js.jiVi; ciear sines, iiacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, J9; clear ribs, i'j.iii'i; clear fines, yj.w, snorts, yj.w. MKTAL3-I;ad, quiet, $l.27jg-M0. Spel ter, steady ut 3.f2V4. POULTHY Easy; chickens, 7c; springs, 10R12c; turkeys, 5c; young. 15c; ducks, Cc; springs. Cif7o: geese, ic: hnrlncs. 4fi5c. nUTTElt Firm; creamery, lSgSHfcc; dairy, 13iil5c. liuiiM-Htoauy; ncamy, to: soutnern, B'aio, KiscisiPiM I- lour, 4,txw bbis.; wheat, 215, Oon bu.: corn. 33.000 bu.: oats. 47.0UO bu. FtllPMKNTS-Klour, 8,00t) bbls.; wheat, Ti.i.-o uu.; corn, zs,wv du.; oats, 22,uw mi. Coffee MnrUct. NEW YOItK. July 13.-COFFEE-Market was featureless all day, after opening quiet and unchanged. The foreign market news was about ns anticipated and statistical changes here and abroad cut little llguro as an influence. Trading wns light from the nrst and nultc or a profess onnl jettlo mellt order. The closo wus steady, with prices net unchanged. Total sales wero 6.7.i0 bags. Including: August. 4.9oc: Octo ber. 6.05c. November. 6.10c: December. 6.25c: March, 5.40c; May, 6.fi0G.55c, Futures opened quiet, with prices unchnnged. It was a thoroughly characteristic Saturday market from the start, with business slack end variations limited, German Interests bought sparingly around tho opening. The market ruled quiet out steady an the tori- noon on light room covering. The closing prices were net unchanged. Total sales. 6.070 bags, Including: August, 4.95c; Octo ber, D.imc; Movcmuer, o.iuc; iJeccnwer, j.ibc March,; May. o.wx?u.&5c. spot wus dull und somewhat easier, quotations being based on 5 13-lfie for Invoice lots; No. 7 Hlo and Santos 4s, 6?;c. Santos, quiet; good average Santos 4s, 3c; receipts, Jl.tulO bags; stock, 470,000 bags. Hamburg opened un changed; at 2:30 p. m. was net unchanged to M ufir. lower: sales. 2o.wo lines (uncer tain). Havre opened ',t lower; at 12 noon, unchanged; sales, 11,000 bags, Uto, firm: No, 7 Hlo -la, 0.23c; exchange. 11c. Cleared for United States. 13,000 bags; cleared for Europe, 12,0o0 bags; stock, 172,000 bag3. Kansas Oily Live Stork MiirUrt. KANSAS CITY. July 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. S'.O head natives. 200 head Texnns. C(i0 head calves; market slow at yesterday's values, export and dressed beef steers, JI.75 4l'.i.50; fair to good. Jl.W'TiS.OO: stockers and feeders. $3.4iXu 1.25, western-fed steers. S3.40 Uj.uu; tcxuiis and Indians, J3.VKif-t.2G; Texas grass steers, J3.001f3.75; cows, J2.70(ff 1.00; neiirrs,, nuns, jz.wjji.Uv; cnl J3.6U&4.75. Iloas-Kecelpts, 11.000 hend: market SSt 10c lower; top, J412W: bulk of sales. I5.93W fi.lfi; heavy. JC0.Vii6.12W: mixed pnekers, 15.85 4Ji.aj; light. .60VJ.S; pigs, $5.405.70. SHEEP AND LAMHS-ltecelpts. 600 head; sheen advanced 25e daring week: lambs. ;i.S?i!i5.25: wothers, $1.2:13.90; vearllngs, S3. So CiU'i; ewes. $3.b?j3.o: culls, J2.0Ii3.W; Texas grass sncep. j..-j(u.mi. St, Jonriih litre Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH, July 13.-CATTLE-IIC. eeints. 173 head. Market nominally steady nntlvrs. Si.155i5.S0. cows and heifers. Jl.JUft 4.&0; hulls and stngs, JJ.2.Vfi.U); stockers nnd feeders. J2 255f 2: veals. J2.75W5.50. IlotiK-ltecelpts, &53 head. Market closed r.fiioc lower; light and light mixed, $5.70lf B.S0; medium and heavy, jj.Sujj6.20; pigs, J4.o;(iio.j; iiuik, o.mi'jo.-jo. SHEEP-Kecelpts. none. NtneU III Sluht. Thu following table shows the receipts of cattle, nogs nnu sneep in ine uve principal live stock markets July 12: uame. nogs, s u p, U.Mitli flmnhiL 1.152 12.C13 l.fflS rhionco Kansas ' 492 13,(1)') 1I.&10 1.200 853 1,5 0 City 1.000 1.100 2173 IiCO uoo St. Illlls ... St. Joseph . Totals 3.957 41.710 4.108 Toledo Oinlu and Seed, TOLKDO. O . July 13.- -WHEAT Active GSc; September. hut lower; rash and July e.-e; uecemuer, iUtc. COUN Active but lower; cash nnd July, 4Slr. September, 5Wic OATS- -Hull nnd lower; cash anil July, ao',c. nepicmuer, suite, UYH-Kc Sr;u.l)S Clover, futures moderately ac tive; cash, prime, 50.25; October, 15.72. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bipirls of .Etin l Mlssjnri Cam Pricti of All Ortint tt Tumblt. WHEAT TRADING LIGHT SECOND SESSION HxcltliiK OpenliiK In Corn Pit Outs Sternly, Init .MnrUct Soon Sliovtrd AVcali neos Provisions Were Dull. CUICAQO. July 13. Reports of rain In Iowa nnd Missouri, Indicating a break In the existing drouth, caubo.d a. tumble In prices of all grains today. September wheat closed an even cent lower, Septem ber corn closed 3(ic lower, oats were 1U lic lower, whllo provisions were down from 2V4c to 10c at the close. Higher cables and reports of tho spread ing of the hot dry weather Into tho spring wheut territory caused a strong opening In wheat. However, the advance was main tained but a few minutes when, upon re ports of rain In tho northwest, shorts be came panic-stricken In their anxiety to sell anil pi Ices dropped accordingly. Some re covery und a renewal of confidence re sulted from predictions of continued hot weather for another thirty-six hours, but trailing 'was rather light during the second half of the session. Seutember opened Krv c to higher at WaWAc When tho uri-uK came prices iiroppeu to irfmc. out ral lied on cnVnrlnir liv nlmrtn. Thn rtnmt wns lc lower at 67iia6Ji0. seaboard clearances were equal to 5oG.(X) bushels. Primary re ceipts were 731.0VO bushels and northwest receipts wero iw cars, aim nst 243 cars last week and 214 a year ago. Local receipts were 141 cars, 101 of contract grade. Them ten nn nvnltlitt. ,tni,ln I.. . V. n corn pit. und sates were mado simul taneously anywhere from Me tn K4n for September. The buying lasted but a few minutes und there was then a wild struggle iuiikb iu uuioaii. me ennnge in senti ment was brought about by reports of rain and beforo the rush was over urlr,. hml declined nbout 5c. Later thero was a good rally, but further rumors of ruin caused another break. Sentembcr nm-niil kin lower iu uigner iu oi!ii'iic. un tno break prices uiuppi-u io iavsc, nui ruined on snorts cov ering, only to weaken acaln on further re ports of rain, and the close was 34c lower at 60Vic. Local receipts wero 3IU cars, with m of contract grade. uats opened nbout steady in sympathy with corn, but the market began to show weakness at the start, when there was an oversupply of stop-toss orders nnd all local longs wero anxious to sell. This occasioned a, sharp decline, part of which was later recovered, but weakness was predominant uuritig tno greater part or the day. Sep tember sold between 2Vc and 32Tc. closing with a loss of lHilvic at 30T6fj'3lc. Hccelpts were 10(3 cars. Provisions were dull, with few features of Interest. A moderate demand enrly was repiaceo oy rainer ireo oneriiigs when wenkness In grains developed. September porK ranged uciwcen ii.3,',i anil $11.00, closing 10c lower nt J14.42I4. Lard sold be. twecn J8.70 nnd JS.72H, closing 6c lower at JS.70. Hlba closed at S.Oofl8.07Vi at a loss of 21405c, after selling between tSMi and J.S.07H. Estimated receipts for Monday: Whcnt, 170 cars; corn, 410 cars; oats, 103 cars; hogs,'i nenu. The leading futures raneed as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Closc.i Ycs'y, Wheat I July CiiVt fifi 6S C57J COH Sept. WWV, 69V4 WW 071Tl,-i WW S't Dec. 6DTi-l,i 71i 6SW WH 70 Corn July 4SU 50 48Vi 46H 61W Sept. 52Ti1TW 54 49W B0'4 63W Dec. 63W C3W 43 Wd& 53 Oats July 31H 31W 30 30V, 31H Sopt. 32WfiTi SSli 2930TifT31 32 May &i 35H 32J 34W 35H Pork II Sept. 14 50 11 50 II 35 14 42W It 35 Jan. 14 45 11 45 14 30 14 30 14 52W Sept. 8 70 8 72W 8 70 8 72W 8 70 Oct. 8 70 8 72W 8 70 8 70 8 75 Jan. 8 37W 8 37'5 8 35 8 35 8 72W Ribs Sept. 8 05 8 07W 8 02W 8 07W 7 92W Oct. 8 02W 8 07W 8 00 8 05 8 10 Jan. 7 67W 7 67W 7 55 7 65 8 07W No. 2. Cnsh quotations were as follows: KLOUIt Steady: winter natents. J3.30fli 3.w: sirnignts, n.wmv.zu; clears, i..wisj.w; spring specials. J4.OoiW.10: stralchts. J2.70S i.w: oaaers, ..iu,av.w. WHEAT No. 3 spring, K865c. COKN-No. 2. 48Uc: No. 2 yellow. 48c. n,lTNNn 5 BUp- tin urhlto M,.. K-r, o wnne, Jicajoc. i. r-1-x . j. , co. - . or.buo .iu. a uitx. 4i. m: inu. l norm western. $1.88: nrlmo timothy. $1.65: clover. contract grade. $9.50. PKUVISIUNS Mess pork, per bbl., $11.33 i.nici, per xw ios., s.ooVK.ef. Hnort ribs sides (loose). $7.90(68.05. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $7.50i(.7.76. Short clear sines (boxcu;, s.wus.wi. wtiiHiy uasis or nign wines, $1.27, Follow Inc nro the recelbts and shlnmenta lor louuyi ltoceipts. snipments Flour, bbls. 13.000 13,0)0 Wheat, bu. Corn, bu, , Oats, bu. ., ...118.000 ...247.000 ...163,000 ... 4.000 393.000 223.000 332,000 Jive. uu. .., 27,000 llarley, bu. 6,000 1,000 On tho Produce exchange today the hut tor market was Ilrmer: creameries. 14Ml9e dairies, 14v(16Wc. Cheese, steady at OfflOe, r.ggs, sieauy 111 vyt'Uivc. SEW YOHIC fJENEfUiI. MAIllCET, Uiiutntloiis of the Du Coinniodlt lea. on Various NEW YOHK. Julv 13. FLOim-Iteceluts 1,033 bbls.; exports, 34.S22 bbls.; sales, 2.900 pkgs.; Irregular nnd quite nominal; Min nesota patents. 13.65413.90; Minnesota bakers. 2.G5ft'3.15; winter patents, ;3.55ft3.80; winter straights, J3.35fi3.50; winter extras, S2.Wji' 2.80; winter low grades J2.20?j2.40. Mnrket quiet; fair to good, J2.05K3.10; choice to fancy, w.ihyj.ia. COnNMEAL Unsettled: yellow western. jl.02: Urnndywlne, J2.fi0M2.70. HYIO Easy; No. 2 western, COc. f. o b afloat; state rye, 6l55c, c. I. f Now YorK carlnts. BAItLEY Dull; feeding, 4Se. c. I. f New York; malting. 4sft52c, c. I. f., New York. HAIILEY MALT Dull, western. 5K72e. WHEAT Itecclnts. 562.3W; exports, 218,0; spot, easy; No. 2 red, 72c, elevator; No, 1 northern Duluth, 75c. f. o. b., alloat; Nn. 1 hard Duluth. 83c. f. o. h., afloat. Options opened lirm. nut wero broKen very shnrpiy by the collapse In corn nnd by free utile ail ing, closed unsettled at Wtflc decline: July, 731 ia 3-itc, rioscn 1 73Vc; Heptemher, 'tYitt October, 72;i,W73ici closed Vifi75V4c. closed 744c. 73TiC. closed nw. ?3c: uecemuer HVi'ii coitN iieeeinis. 35.iuu nu.: exnorts. 23. H9: spot weaker; No. 2, 62Vic, elevator, and 51c, f, o, b., alloat; options opened mod?rately steady, but suddenly collapBcd under i n avalanche of selling orders started bv a rumor of rnln In Nobraska; later rallied on covering; closed 2!tc net decline: July, 54Mi 55Hc. closed 53?ic; September, E3V(85'i4kC closed &3-c: ucioner, in'ijDi.ic, cioseu M'.fco; Dceemtier. w-Ji'oixiT.c. cioseu w,c. OATS Ilecelpts, 77.S0O bu.; exports, 1S!), 110; spot, dull; No. 2. 37c; No. 3, 36c; No, 2 white. 38c; No. 3 white, 37Hc; track, mixed, western, 30Ii3Sc; track, white, 37Hf12c op tions wero smashed also by the break in corn, but likewise rallied. HAY-Stcndy; shipping. J10.00yi0.75; sood to rholce, J5.5O1J9.O0, HOl'S-Steady; Pacific const. 1901 crop, 16?flSVic; 1899 crop. Iliffl5c; old olds. SfiOc. HIOKH-steady; Ualvestnn, 20 to 25 lbs,, lNiliac; uaiuornift, zi tn 25 lbs., lS'.-jc; iexns ury, i'4 io so ius., in-jc. LEATHEH Quiet: hemlock sole. Huenos Avres. Iluht to heave weights. 2iw2Se. I'HOVISIONS I'or k. nu et: fnm v. ill.RtXTf J12.00, mess, J3.5frf,io.0; beef ham . J20 50 21.50; packet. J10.00ffl0.50, city, extra Ind.u mess, (.'ut meats, steady; plelt led be lies. 9i.-Wllc: nlekled slmuloers 7 7io; pickled hams. UfillHc. Uird, steady; wesiern sienmeu, js.yu renneu. arm; conti nent, J'.t.OO; South America, J9 60; compound, J7.00. Pork, llrm: family, J1C.COW10.5O: short clear Fines, jio.25?;l7.W; mes. I15.25W10.2B, nuTTKH-Flrmer; creamery, I5'al9'4c; factory, 13Tfl5t,c; Imltntlon crenmcry, lilt 17c: state dairy. HWlS'jc. CHEESE Firm; fancy, large, colored, 9c; fancy, large, white, 9c; fancy, small, col ored. 9Hf9Vic; fancy, small, white. 9Hc. KCIGS-Strong; stnto and Pennsylvania, 11015c; western, unc.indled, 9Iil2V4c; west ern, candled, 13jfl5c. TALLOW Quiet: city, l!ic; country, 4U GliC. HICE-Stcady: domestic, tine to extra, 4 V(c: Japan. 4c. PUTATOKS-gulet; Now York. ISO lbs.. 12 25fr2.75; southern, extra, ner hhl.. J2.5i). HYE-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 4i 6Hc; Japan. 4?ic. MOLASSES-atenily; New Orleans, open kettle, trood to choice, 351712c. Bi itrtii uaw, sieniiy, nui quiet i fair re fining. J-w; eeniruugai. , test, 4 3-ioc; molasses sugar, 3 6-ICc; rellned, steudy; No. , 4.93c: No. 7, 4 15c: No. 8, 4,76c; No. 9, 4.70c; No. 10. 4.65c; No. 11. 4.60c: No. 12. 4.55c ; No. IS, 4.55c; No. 14, 4.60c; Standard a, D.avc; confectioners a, wk; mould A, ;3et put loaf. e.OOe'. crushed. flrV. now- dcred, 6.60e; granulated, o.Scc; cubes, 5., 5c POL L, l H V A UVC una oresseu, sieuoj , unchnngeil. METALS Trading was slow In all branches of the metal trade today, wl:h prices standing precisely where they dl I yesterday, owing to the advance of market cables from Umdon. There was n mod-.-r- fte demand for spot tin on tho basis ot J27.W. Copper was scarcely moving nt nd In large lots and the prices are quoted on the basis of 17c for lake Ingot nnd JI62h for electrolytic and casting. Lend Is about steady at 4.37W. Spelter has a slow nnd small demand nt $3.9)03.0.. Steel rails are quoted nt J2S.O0 at the mill. Iron Is quiet with prices more or ies uominni, aim pig Iron warrants are quoted at J3.50ftl0.00. .NEW YOHIC STOCKS AM) IIOM1S, Feverish mill Errnlle Market ThroiiKli- out the Hay's Short Session. NEW YOHK. Jjly 13,-There was a fever ish nnd erratic market for stocks through out today's short session, due to tho hesi tation engendered Iu the minds of the bears by the violent orcak In tho corn market and by the large recuperation in the con dition of the clearing house banks dis closed by tho weekly bank statement. Thero wero only two sharp rallies on ac count of these factors. Neither rally was held with any llrmness nnd the marKot closed with renewed declines at many lolnts on realizing nnd sharp advances In ndlvldual stocks. There wns evidence of continued pressure to liquidate In tho open ing dealings, most mnraeii in tnc united States Steel stocks, The preferred was carried down 24i before vigorous support rallied tt. The common lost iy and milled more ensliy, The preferred roso again l'Si, with the Koncrnl rally in tho market, but continued under pressure. Tho recent mar- kpi lenticrs, at, l'aui, iicmson nna union Paclllc, lost from 1 to 2 points, but camo up vigorously when the break In corn on the Chlcaio market was reported. The re covery In corn sent prices of stocks down again, as It was feared the movement wns more due to precautionary realizing oy longs In corn on tho possibility of Sunday rains than to actual news of amelioration of tho corn In the corn belt. The banks showed a lamer gain In canh than ex petted, the reserves rising $3,173,1W. The Importance of tho week's lluuldntlun In the stock market Is measured by the enormous loan contraction of J2i,wi,5uo. This is tho largest decrease In loans for a slnclo weel; In tho history of the clearing house, with the single exception or t lie wccK ending May 18 of this year, which was tho week following the May panic, when the loans wero reduced $2I,20I,Mju. The decrease Iu re serve liabilities effected by the loan con traction aided materially In the J7.7u9.iioO recuperation In the surplus of the bnnlts. The railroad bonds have been affected In sympathy with stocks, but in much less do croc. United Stales now 4s ueciuieu ft and 1110 refunding 2s, old is and tnc bu udvancea ',4 ner cent over the closing can of last wcck The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Tho stock mar ket today wns stagnant and wcaic. with consols Hat nt 01?. American shares wero fair y active, opening well above parity. but sagged later. After the close of busi ness thev rallied on the curb. Tho Haute of England has bought 135,000 of gold In Australia. Tho following oro the closing prices, on the New iorK biock excuange; Atchlfon So. l'.iclflo do pM Sl'i BO. Kallnny .... Baltimore & Ohio.. do pfd .. S.Hi rto nfd n Tcxns & r .. 3SH Canadian I'aclllo . I00i T., St. U & Vf Canada Southern N 67 do pfd Ches. & Ohio 441.; Union I'liclflc .. Chlcnso & Alton.... 37 do pM .. SI .. 67U jo pfu ii nDnn C, 11. & Q 194 1 uu Pfd Chicago, I .. 17 .. I"',: do pfd , Chicago & K. I... Chicago Ot. V... . iii do M pfd...., .123' Win. Ccntrul . 22 do pfd . St 1". C. C. & St. . IS!i Adftmi Hxpress .lt.9 Am, Hxprcjs ... ,i:9 U. S. Kxprem.. . 13 'WcllB-Fargo Ex. . 37 Ainal. Copper ., . 87i Amcr. C. As F. . . . 13 do pM . 4U Amer. I.ln. Oil. . I0 do pfd liCHi Amer. rf. i It.. ,2J3 du pfd . 42 'Amer, Tobnevo .. 20)i .. 41!4 .. 77i, da lit pea do 2d pfd Chicago Si N. W. C. It. 1. & r Chicago T. & T.. do pM C, C C. & St. 1 Colo. Southern .. do Ut pfd do 2d pfd Dela. & Hudson. Del., L. & Y... Denver & 11. O.. ..Vj2 .. Sri ..HO ..U3i .. Mi .. J2U ..JO) ..123 .. 44 do pfd 9oW Ana. Mln. Co.... Krle .. ti'.i urn. itap. ir .. 7Ui do Jut nfd to Colo. 1-'. & I .. 9314 ,.m do 2d pfd 5 Mi O n. Gau Ot. Nor. pfd liOH Con. Tobacco ... Hocking Valley .... 4'J',4 do pfd do nfd 71 General Klectrlo ..11W ..-.II Illinois Central .,..14SVt Glucono Sugar (4 Iowa Central 33 do pfd 73 U. K. & W 64 Hocking Coal ls'i jlnt n l Taper -i do rfd. 75 do pfd lis -Int'n'l I'ower .. 90 .. 93 .. 42 Lou In. & Nash. 103'i Uiclrdo Gas Manhattan L . Met. St. Hy...., Mex. Central .., Mex. National ., Minn. & St. It., Mo. racldc , M., K. ,t T , do pfd N. J. Central... N. V, Central. Nor. & Went... do pfd No. I'aclllo pfd. Ontario & W... Pennsylvania .. Heading do lHt pfd... do 2d pfd... St. U & S. P.. do lt pfd... do 2d Pfd... St. L. 8. W do pfd St. I'aul do pfd ..116H National Hlecult ,.Jf.o National Lead .. .. 2-':t National Salt ... .. tl do pfd ..102 No. American ... ..104U l'aclllc Coiut ... .. 20 Pacllio Mall .. IZVi People's Uaa ..116 Pressed S. C ..ICl'i' do pfd ,., 4T',j Pullman 1'. C... .. fi .Ilepubllc Steel ... .. OC I do pfd .. 3,Li Sugar .. 20J4 .. 4214 .. 20 .. 90 .. 61 .. 30 .. 41 .. S3 ..295 .. IS'1 .. 72V4 ...HJ'i'Tenn. C. I. M',4 29 Union n. & 1 Co 13 70 .... 74W .... 4i .... 43H .... "i .... tf .... 26 .... CO ...M' ....12 do pfd U. 8. leather. do pfd U. S. Ituliber... do pfil U. 8. Steel do pfd Western Union 12'.4 if 4M 9) Trust receipts. Ncn- York Money Market. NEW YOIlIC. Julv 13. MONEY On call. nominal; prime mercantile paper, WA per ChteiiIjTNO EXCHANGE Nominal, with nctual business In bankers' bills nt Jl.b7',4 fnr demand and at Jl.SIWif I.Sl for sixty dayH; posted rates, J4,85ViiiH.86 and J4.8S44' ....... In, l.l I I I, .1 UIV I'liiiiiiit!! i.iili uiiin. i.oiu'i.7.i 8IL VEH liar, SSc ; Mexlcan dollars, . ... Kovernment, strong; refunding 2s rcg. und coupon, 107U; 3s reg. ami coupon, lud-jj; new 4s retr. and coupon, 1S8H; old -Is reg, und coupon, lis-ji; us reg. nnu coupon, ivo. Th cloillii; imerk on iiuihU luUd. ur at fallow.: U. S. ref. 2 reg ..07UN. Y. Central Is. .1UJV,N. J. C. s. 5..., ..101H do coupon do 3, reg In coupon do new 4k, reg. do coupon do old 4s. reg. .130 IDS No. Pacific 3s 7,4 ....I0bi ... mil ....13S', ....n:. ....112'. ....109 ... 125 do 4i N Y. C A tit I. 4s N. & W. con. 4. ..10314 ..Jl1 ..103 .107 Oregon Nav. Is.. do coupon do 5s, leg. do 4s Orrgnn K. L. Cs.. ..1024 ..SO do coupon ... D. of C. 3 6Js... Atch. general 4 do ndj. 4s do consol 5i 117H UeailiiiK sen. 4.... 93 ..103i .. 97 ..J10 . 10S St I. & S F g. On ...n3'4 'tn i 1 m c. 51... u Canada So, .. ,St. Paul consols. ...1W St P. C & I' In 120 Ches. Ohio 4H do la :i3 do 1 1UU C. & N. w. c. is. Hi'4 So. Pnclllc 4s. 91", do S. P. deb. 5....122HS0. Hallway 5s... ..IK Chlcngo Ter. u v.i . 11. a t. es.. . (0 Colorado So. 4 ' D. & 11. O. 4s 101 Erie general 4s 7 1". V & I). C. IS...10J Otn. Klectrlo 5s 2-W Iowa Central Is 115 L. & N unl. i 102 M., K & T. 2s 84 do Is 97 iTex Pnclllc Is. .us',4 do 2.1 .113 Union Pacllio 4s.. ..10IH Wabash la.. ..JIS'4 do 2s. 113 West Shore 4s... Wis. Central 4s. Va. Centuries .. 90 Bid. .rvr York .lllnlni; Mtneka. NEW YOHK, July 13. The following are tho closing quotations on mining siocksi Ailnms Con Alice Ilrene Ilrunswtck Con .. Comstoek Tunnel. ,.. IS I,lttl Chief ... ,.. ii Ontario ...150 Ophlr ... It Phoenix ... Oil 1'otost ...HO favatre 12 MS C3 10 I Con. Cal. & Va... 7 Deudwood Terra Hurn Silver Irnn tfllver Iadvllle Con..., to Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ,. Standard II ii ZK .1!0 . 5? . i Hank CleariiiKH. omaiia. Julv R Clenrlncs. J9.SH.753.33; corresponding day last year, MW.Km.23; In crease, J21.2I7.I1; clearlnfis for the week. JC, 113,513; correspondlns week last year, 'i,2iu.- liij; necrcHse. jdi.uw. CHIUAIJU, JUiy 1 ic.irinKs, .i,wi,ij.-.-i; linlnnees. SZ.S&l.tSti. Posted rates. JI.8S for sixty days. Jl on demand. New York exehanuo. 20c premium. CINCINNATI, JUiy u -uiearintts j:'.,.'i, FfO. Money. 3H'U P" cent. New York ex change, par. . BOSTON. July 13. Clearings,;,7H ; balances, J2.B33.913. , HAl.TIMOHI-:. July 13.-ClearlnBs, J,h9, P93: balances. J627.519. I-'or the week: Clear. Intrs. 2,S25.SjG; balances. J3.-HS.123. Money, tViflfi per cent. NEW YOHK. July 13.-ClearlnBs,,. C22; balances, J11.H7.915. ST. LOt-MH, July 13.Clenrtnns, JH.7I2.010 ; bnlauces. JS2n,122. Money, Win per cent. New York exchange. 10c discount bid, usked PHILADELPHIA. July 13.- Clearing, J1S,76I.C9G. balances. J2.18I 311. Kor the week Clearings, J10-t.2tK.303; balances, J15,S10,Oji Money, i per cent. OMAHA LITE STOCl MARKET With the Ticiptlon of Vtry But Qndu All Cuttl Art Liwr Thun Ltit TTtek. HOGS SOLD A DIME LOWER TODAY DurliiK the Week Lniulis Have Ad vanced Fully tI u 100 anil Sheep lime Improved -10 lo Uu Cents Over Lnut Week. SOUTH OMAHA, Juty 13. Itecclnts were: Cattle. Hogs, tiheep. Ottlclal Monday i.itM OlUclUl 'lUesduy unit in 1 Wednesday :,hj umclal Thursday 2.9J2 Olllclal Frldu 2,17 Utiiciul tjiiturday 1,111.' 0,014 7,45 b,2V'j li,6t)'J l2,ti.vJ 17.04) 35, I2J bl.uil 4li,t3l bl,3l 2,903 l,.ii l,2i9 2.W6 l.tA'i H.604 9.S77 Total this week 11.151 Week ending July U 7.S22 Week ending June .9 1.1,313 Week ending June 22.... 9,n&9 Week eiHllim June 1D....11.42& 1,232 Samu ween Hint ear. . . .lu.jil AveragQ nrlco mild for hoes at South uiiiuuu iue parlsuns: past scscral da) with lOiu- I 1901. ll!Kl.llSM..lS!lS.llS97.llS!)j.llS'j5. June 24...I 5 2 iK, 1 Sa 2 2ill 3 W), 4 W June 2J...1 5 Will 5 171 I V U)i 3 231 2 fit 4 40 June 2U...I 5 SJWi 6 1UI 3 G3I '13 li 2 VTi 4 U JUIIU -1...1 6 Dli u 031 3 G4I 3 C2l I 3 S01 4 u. June 23. ..I t b7S.i 5 111 3 051 3 6JI 3 Cll I Jlllt.. .11 . . I. ... . .1 i, J ... I I .A. V '11 3 .4, 2 31 Juno 3u,,, i 5 OH 3 f.Si 3 551 3 24 2 98, 2 i)j uiy l... July 2... July 3... G Wlii 3 73 3 Oil 3 la 4 63 5 t-JU 4 S2 3 01 3 Is; 1 74W. 5 01 3 78l 3 21 2 ii 4 t'-J 2 931 4 70 July 4.... . v J?? ',81 JUiy & .1 6 73U1 5 6) 3 7S1 3 ml JUly ti.... 5 79-Hi 5 ltii 3 S3 3 CO; 3 IS! 2 97 JUiy i.... j & 111 3 Ml 3 io i July 8.... 5832-51 2 W 3 !7 3 32! n Ml 3 V4 4 91 July 9.. July le. July 11. Julv 12. I ii Ml-i, 5 13 i n rsi a 2 Wi 4 76 .1 5 K,n 5 13 901 13 2S 2 S7 4 i & 5 04 3 96 3 0 . UU 4 vi 5 OoWl D 02 4 0I 3 731 3 1S1 j I .2 July 13.. O 1J l l-'J, o S O 11, - i 1 i -o Itlrtlrnti.H flnnrl-ii 1nr1t(.iit4 holiday. The olllelal iiiiinlipr nr euls of riloi'k brought in today by each road wns: Cattlo.HoKS.Slrp.H'scs, c. m. & at. r. ity... 2 s O. ei St. L. Hy 1 Missouri I'nctllc Ity.. 30 6 Union I'aclllo system ... 10 C. lit N. V. Hy 3 I-,. K. M. V. Jl. It. 1 53 2 S, c. & V. Hy 1 C, St. I' M. & O. Hy. .. 14 II, fc M. H. it. u 4U c , H. & i). ity 10 k. c, iv ct. j a C, H. I. it V., cast. .. C H. 1. & I'., west.. .. Illinois Central 6 1 ISO Total receipts .... 33 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows, eacn uuyer purcnusmg iiiu num ber of hcuu iiidicatcii. Cattle. Hogs. 8'h'p. Omaha I'acklne company.. 2.1'Jl swift anil uomiiany 2.SC0 2.772 5,043 30 cudnhy packing company .. Armour & Co 2 Omahu V. Co., from K. C. 21 Swift & Co., from K. C... 40 Swift & Co.. from country .. 44! 708 It. Heckcr & Dcgnn... 42 L. F. Husz 16 North l'ncK, ana l'ro. uo. .. 51S Other buyers 16 Totnl SCO 13,933 1,183 nATTI.U Thero wern not enouull cnttla uere luuay 10 miiKe .1 ii-si ui iiiu HifliRri. us most of the receipts wero not oucrtu for sale. For thn week there in nunc ai lnrreiiHii In recelntu over List week, but ns compared with the same week last year thero 13 a sllgnt decrease. 1 no leniuro ui Mm u-ri-lt 1 the effect I lie drv weather Is having. Hnlf fat cattle Hre beltiK ruihed on the southern markets at a rnpld rate, and us a result prices on that class of cattle are more or less demoralized, which has a tendency to break prices nerc niso. lir. wenther ntnek linn not been coming hero as yet to ninouni 10 uiiyiuuiK. nntnua It rnlnu hpfnrn lnutr It Is feared there will be a pile of half fat stuff as well us or common grosser marKeieu. The good to choice beef steers, such a sell at $3.50 or better, have not shown much change during thu week. In some cases they look a tritlo easier, but still tho change does hot amount t6 much. Tho fair to good grades selling from J5.00 to $3.40, ure 1520e lower than they wero a week ugo, while the half fat stun nnu common sruui-u of all kinds nro fully 20j(35c lowor. 1110 demand for that class of cuttle Is Very light and sellers have ,to take what they can get. Prlcea hero have held up In ooil shnne ns compared with other markets on all classes of fat cattle. Good to choice dry lot cows and ncuorn may also bo quoted Just about steady for the week, neceipis nave oeen ngiu anu thn demand cood. The medium grade of cow stuff, however, have been selling very tncull and can lie quoicn a quurier lower fnr th week, dinners hnve not changed much, as they were selling pretty low a week ngo. Hulls, calves and stags nre all lower for tho week in sympathy with tne decline on other ruttlp. Tho stockcr nnd feeder trnae 13 rainer rtemnrnllned exeetit on the 1:00(1 heavy- ...Al.v. cltiff nt iVilnli vrv HMlr Iu rnmlriL'. Cattle weighing 900 pounds or better and ot good quality are probably not over 10o or 15c lower for the week, but asido from thoso the market s very dull and from 23o to 60c lower, the greatest decline being on tho lighter grades. There have been n enoii manv llcht. common cattle rushed on tho southern markets, nnd as the de mand from the country Is almost at a BinndKtlll fnr mieh tirades, thev can he hntl ut most any price, nils nppues 10 sioca row nnd heifers, ns well as to steers. HOGS Tt-ero was the heaviest run of hnirs. hern today that has arrived in somo time past. Counting' what was curried over yesterday there were over 200 cars on sale. Other markets wero quoted lower, and ns a result packers smricii oui nere 10 pouna tho market, rraning sianru 0111 on a uusis of nbout 10c decline ns comparea wun yes terday and the snmo us yesterday the feel ing kept getting weaker as tho mornlns advanced, so that the markot today wns just about a dime lower nil n round. The long string sold nt $5,85, against $5.93 yes- torday. The choicest loads wero picked up enrly at from J5.87V4i5.;K) mostly. Thn lighter loads sold from J5.82'.! down. After about naif 01 ine nogs nun cnnii(;ci nanus tho market weakened rummy and along toward the closo It took pretty good hogs to bring $5.82', and the light muff which was largely lett until ttie close, went from J5.S0 down. It was noticeable today that packers made n greater distinction in qual ity man ror some lime nasi. Tno supply ot nogs lor ine week is ncavier than far last week, but still n decrease Is noted ns compared with the same week last yeur. Ilecelpts at other markets farther south und also In Chtcnuo have been heavy, as dry weather hogs havo been rushed on those mnrkets, hut still prices have hem up in goou snnpe. rriuay was the high point, wnen 1110 nverago cost reached the highest point slnco tho lust week In June, but the decline today took away most of the advance of the week. Hepreseninuve sales; No, AV. Sh .163 40 Pr. No. 55.... 52.... 72.... 63.... 71.... C4.... 70.... 71.... 73.... Av. ...202 ...221 ...227 ...223 ,..225 ...211 ...US . .221 Sh. Pr. 241 5 ti 40 3 53 50 3 33 ... iii 50 5 55 120 3 15 ICQ r, S3 65. M. 0. "S. 70. ti. bS. C9. t:. si. 6 75 1S1 173 193 210 VOJ 179 !U0 a)4 :Ma 239 ... 5 73 40 5 7Jii 40 5 W (.0 5 SO 80 5 i) 40 3 00 4-1 5 tO 12) i 0 ... 5 tn SO 5 to K0 (0 120 3 rO 260 3 SO ... IU 120 3 tO 12) 3 M 3 Si 113 120 'm 50 lw 50 120 i 13 3 ii I ti i S3 5 F3 5 e5 50 211 70 20? 54 251 73.... 60.... ).... kl.... 74.... 73.... f8.... 19.... 75.... 74.... M.... ',(.... ...Ui ...m ...20) ...214 ...Ml ...MS ...223 ...1S7 ...:i2 ...2U ...Wi ...119 ...213 ...: ...102 ...217 ...201 ...n: ...:i3 ,...215 ....') ,...200 ....Ui ,...244 ....233 ....247 ....241 ,...223 .... 173 ,...2JS ....215 .,..219 ,...2M5 261 ... 218 ....227 . .216 .. .22 .11 204 221 CO.... 73.... 78.... 37.... 79.... 74.... ..250 ..227 ..241 ..232 ..231 ..245 ..223 ..225 ii 120 5 55 ... 5)5 ... 5 55 40 5 (5 ... 5 55 2O0 5 55 50 & ii ... 3 55 163 5 55 240 3 53 40 3 hi 250 5 35 120 3 53 120 3 51 120 5 53 40 5 80 50 io 40 40 50 50 120 50 12U 160 120 i M 5 ti'A c m, G 2'j 5 2Vi I 'Vi i Mi 3 hit) 3 sVi 5 mi i ."2',i 5 32 I SJ'.i 5 J's CS C 38 Kl 79 18 40 2.... 244 m.... C9 214 W.... "9. 231 f.... 1 70 51 37 t) 57 C7 W..... 64 54.... CS.... J!.... ('!.... 02.... (8.... CS.... 70.... c:.... CS.... CO.... J).... a.... ci .. 70. . . . 59.... ts... 67.. ti..., ,.., ...230 ...239 ...317 ...SSI ...310 ...219 ...Ml ...235 . . .230 ...229 . .214 ...234 ,...2(4 ,...254 ...251) ,...245 ,...235 ....233 ....275 ....273 ....ITS ...244 ,...2S ... 2SJ ....278 .. 253 .,..223 ..,.243 S3.... 'Jl.... 90.... 50 50 5 57V4 5 57(j 3 3 57H ' 3.... te.... ci.... 2V) 3 f2H W 5 12 4 ... 5 13'.4 ... t :., 4) I kill 50 5 Iv3 (0 3 (3 W i ti 210 3 si 2l 5 53 120 3 53 ... 5 ti ... Hi 50 t 43 40 5 3 ... 5 K i l i 53 50 I Ii 16ij t ti SO 3 53 1(0 C 53 H'l 3 ti 1W 3 H ... I li ... tin, ... I S7'n 74... ti... lit.... u... ... (S3... ;... 61... 'Jl. . . 70... k9... CI .. eo... u.. u .. O... fi... SI 50 5 57i 4l i tlY, 2I 5 6 7'.4 I S V, 10 i) 1W 40 40 5 J'. 3 S7H 3 ' 3 17W 3 S7Vi 3 57'i 3 57'4 120 to 120 ti 50 10 eo 6 M'i 5 :w 5 VT'i 3 :, 5 tiVl 5 5HJ. 5 m 1.9 240 3 57 Vi J7 CO 74 CC 71 C7 7C M 41 CI C3 ..: ..:u ..:u ,.M2 ,.3 ,.m . JM ..J ,.IM ..S!2 ..233 ..243 SO i iVi ... t :ii SO i SiH :o sii'i so J !:vi SO J 87'i ... 5 St iro & sin 40 5 ST'.t $... ix to ill 4) 7. 1 u 1. SI IX IU M.. Jl its ....Ml in i n so J ss 40 6 S.i :o ( s) i i a f) i n M. ....230 ....: ....Ml ....7a ....31s ....i ...,j')j ....m ....214 SO 40 i S', t S7i 5 S7,tj 5 87t i 87, I 7i II If 87 (0 tt.... 75.... :o so so :to !) 1W 1W 40 S (4 i i 5 u 5 t-S S SJ ti 5 3 s rs 5 S3 t H I H i S3 6 i I X, i iS J S3 i Si I rs i i 1 u 5 ti .1X1 5.. 74. ..2) 1J9 7C 311 76 tl 70. SO S to 63 .is i ;) .271 170 I W ,9 CS... ... 7J... C7... 7C... ii... 75... f.9... (0 .M3 ... ! ...110 ...51? ...ill ...iii ...m ...222 ...21S . . .150 ...110 ...2:s . . .130 ...m ...14J ...220 ...131 ...234 230 .. 5 10 SO h 10 SO 5 W 40 J 10 4) i M 6.... .217 .! .30 .237 .211 .: .221 .217 ,27C .271 .ICS .20 .20 .31) .331 to CO 40 120 80 11) 40 1M 210 (0 V) so to so 210 so 5? ti. W 70, S 90 5 1") i ro 5 M 6 W'i I 3i, i h i b ii i ii ID. t: co 05 71 J7 03 73 4C 10 ( (I (2. 9. 71.. 70.. Jl i S5 5 K CO . .2t9 :oo 48 311 Hlli:il M,,t ,.f n,n heen that arrived i ii i a i a i a i a i'sM today were conslKned direct to local pack-l'J.-Df cr" ll,ul not offered on the marKct. Thero vi-a-, iiuwever, iwo cars oi we!ivm h wethers on sale that brought J3.55, which could not ho ituotd auythltiK hut steudy us compareu wun yesterday. i.-nr iiim weeu in. Miitiniv or sneeii uv this oolnt has lieeu thn heaviest In sovcrul weeKs post, nut sun mer is a siikui ue crease noted ns compared with the corre sponding week of last year. The demand was In kooiI shape all the week and as reuorted yesterday there has been a very sharp advance on all trades. I, n nibs are nbout J1.00 per 100 higher than they were n week ago, wethers ure ICtlOOc hlh'lier and ewes fullv 2,Vullo hlchrr. wuotntions: cnoico weiners, w.iSWJi fair to Rood wethers, fs1.25S3.CSj eholco owes, J3W3.25; fair to good. 2.5O3.C0: eholco sprliic lambs, J5.Wfi5.75; fair to cood spring lambs. IJi.i')ii&.tiO: feeder wetliirB. I2.76M 3.00; feeder lambs, ja.&o-yt.w. lleprcsenta live suies: No. AV. Pr. --0 buck.l 152 J2 HI 10 culls r eti 2 iM 445 western grass wethers 93 3 55 CHICACO I.IVM STIKJIC M All KET. Cattle Ileinnlii Meiuly Hobs Are Loner Sheep mid I.nnilin Meiuly. CHICAGO, July 13,-CATTLE-Itccclpts, 192 head, Including 350 head Texans; gen erally steady; prime steers, J5.104J0.20; poor to medium. J3.9iXSC.10; stockers und feed ers. J2.0orjl.00; cows, J2.40ft4.D0; heifers, J2.60 f4.90: canners. Jl.75fi2.50: bulls, j2.2ofjl.4n; calves, $4.Wr,.00; Texas siecrs, jj.ffi.wvs; Texas hulls, J2.SofT3.40. . , , imrmiif,eimiM. ixihhi nenu: .uouuuy. 00, neo homl estimated: left over. 2.455 head; market MflOc lower: mixed nnd butchers, J5.JtC.25; good to eholco heavy, JS.10fJt...5: rough heavy, $5.90ftt.05: light, J5.90djG.20; r r ui, nil 11 ir.i'iin z . ui.'i,7ii ami i. a ai hm iteceimn. t.o hend; steady; good to choici' wethers. J4.00 (84.73; fair to rholeo mixed, 3.i)UU4.; west ern Slieep, iJ.IVIl l.l"; j emima, fi.wiii,.,", tmtlvn InmUM. M.ioll.i: weaii-ru muiuo (shorn), $3.755.33. 23 PER CENT hns been tho nctual yearly earnings paid to Investors In our Coupon Cer tltlcatcfl for over four years. The 'Gold Honds" of tho commercial world. Principal and dividends abso lutely guaranteed. Dividends payable monthly. Withdrawals any tlmo. Spencer A Hctz Did. Norton Co., Philadelphia, Pa. EXPORT PIPE Incnrpornted Under the l,nns of Terns Capital - - $2,000,000 Divided Into 2,000,000 Hluircn of the Par Vulne of t1.00 Knch. l-'ull-Pnlil nnd Non-Ae"lle. m-'KICKItS. Hon. Chnrlea A. Tnwnr . . . . I'resuioin New York City nnd Beaumont, 'lexas. fiti'lihcu 31. Scott Vice PrcMileiit Ucaumont, Texas. Joseph 13. llroiissnril Treasurer Heaumont, Texas. Martin Omililln nrercinrr Heaumont, Texas. Kills 13. lleehe Aiiuiior Heaumont, Texa9. Alex W. Mass Kleld Mnnniter ncaumont, 'iexns. nillKGTOIt.S. HON. CHAHL133 A. TOWNE. Ex-Senntor from Minnesota, j-resiuum -uuiivnu. Abrasive Co. STEPHEN M. SCOTT, President Pnoia Canal ana lnnusiriui 10., Luieuim yun lloyou Canal Co., ex-President Hoard of Public Works for the State of Kansas, and President S. M. Scott Hcnlty Co., Henumont, Texas. JOSEPH E. HROUSSAnU. President Heau mont nice a: urisi aim -". inm iuminn-i Henumont IrrlBiitliiK Co., Heaumont, Tex. HON. HENTON McMlLLlN, Uovernor or Tennessee, for in years .uemuer ui m House of Hcprefentntlves, iiromluent Member of the Ways nnd Moans Com- V,tall1'llli. THIII IIAHVEY J. HOPKINS, Mutunl Life Hulld- inK. Hurrnio, rw. 1 ., exiunmvi- on iinuu.u. I., i.nnvlviinla fields for many years. GORDON S. OHM 15, New Orleans, La., lamest denier in niimrno 1 i m 1'nlted States, nnd President Aliltn Sprlnu Water Co.. Ltd. . JOHN T. WITHEHS, Heaumont. toxbb, President or tno iinicricun ixmuuinu nuun nt iiMiimnnt. Texns. nnd President of the First National Hank of Howe. Texns. HON. HOI1EHT II. HENRY, Jackson. Miss., Stnte i-rinier nna i-ropm-mr v,i.-lon-Iedcer, Jackson. Miss. CHARLES C. OHTHWKIN, Kansas uuy, Mo., of Charles urinwein s noun, uu eBt Brain denlers nnd shippers west of the Mississippi River, huvlni' warehouses nnd elevators nt C'hlCRKo, Kunsas City, St. Louis, Fort Worth nnd Oalvcston. (HlMHtAl. COtl.VNHI.. AWHIICIATE COUNNHI,. OHEER & ROSE, Threadncenie iouri, Heaumont. DEPOSITORS. AMERICAN NATIONAL HANK.Hcnumnnt METROPOLITAN NAT HANK Hoston PPRITAN TRPST COMPANY Hoston Hrislslrur and Transfer .mem. PURITAN TIU'ST COMPANY Hoston THIS is nn oil company that will be produclnB nnd sclllnn petroleum ns soon is the nctual work of drilling cuu he nc CMn6lcitei EDSON, HI Hroadway. New YltklsCnow slnkliiB a well on Its Spimle Top Heights Protorly. nmnnnv wh!nh h-is a ready brought In three wells n tho Heaumont Held has made In . wrl lnB a nrnnnsltlnn to s nk a we on inn uxpori Co0rnpan"s Spindle Ton HelKhts land w- .h the puarnnice 01 a bubhi-i ui i". "it has also offers from two experienced "J . uinu whIIh on Its hinds In tho Johnson und Dyke Surveys on tho same Kuarantee 011 111 puymK iununiio u. ' C3..11l.. LmniminnnlH firi HOW AS IO iiiu n.imun 1. jii iu in" 3"i""n i. pending vhlch oncoiW'' w i k casu iiiiiiKi-i i"i " I-.,. ...... ... , ;;- ,, eanu ui....... ..i;,o r.t alone sulllrlent to nssure net curnlngH of tmuiuiiii",.. . Company prefers to do lis . ,....-1 t. v..... i.n, Ai.iiii.ii Hum liriliing linen 11 linn iii r,.. -.. -;.-v- lit a at iho ;"' ' . ,hlH field The hMKlits, not lilt ie ihiiir, 11 .1. ,lli Ton Helchts to prodUC i ll lowing wens unit ii T.u Innrl Iu ml down on the Hats, but on top hill, where every well driven nas proven hum,.-.. DO YOU SPECULATE? W. Farnam Smith & Co. Investment Securities, WE OFFER UNION STOCK YAHD3 STOCK 44 SHAKES AT S5. ounnus EXEciTUD Fon Stocks, Bonds. 320 Farnam St. Phone 1064. ltcferem'e..,.MrroliiititN nlliiiutl Hank and I ulteil .stale .National Hunk. GARVIN BROS. Investment Bankers, iris KAHNAM ST, OMAHA, Offer for Snle Carefully Selected, FIRST MORTGAGES On City nnd Kami Heal Estate Reference-! ('iiiu nirrelnl Nntlonnt Dank und t'nlteil Mntei ntlonnl Hunk llur KKYCH HILL Ol' I.EADVILLK at 60 a .hare; Company controlo 17 claim, la the heart ot the District; property being operated with a steam botst; ha. record of production of J150.000.00. Iluy PKIDB MLVINQ CbMI'ANY STOC At 20c a share; tho company owns 45 cUlioi aud a large mill; Is a .teady .blpp.t 4 employ. 26 men; will undcubt.dly par dtvU dends this year. Wrlto for tmformatlon concernlnc dltl deed paying stock shovrlns n lnvestmonl of better than 23Vi per cent, to Herbert Si tlhaw, omces 11 and 15, llrown Palace llo. le!, Denver, Colorado. Approved atoekl old on Instalment plan. Direct prlrot. wire to all Colorado exchange.. B, L. Baldwin & C(T GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS 122t l'AHNA.II STllHKT. l.onu DUIaiien Plioiir, 1TIIII. OMin.VI'l NAI'HJITt III-7ST! WALL STREET Money Will ICurn 111k .Muntlil- lleturua The Investor's lcund Pays Seml-Monthly. 7'he oldest eHtnbllshcd In Amurlca. No certificate-holder ever lost a cent. Pay ments mado to all subscribers every IS days. No trouble. No deiny. Money refunded on demand. Write today for particulars, frco to any address. C. U. JIACKI-1V it CO., Hudnoti lliilliltiiic Mevtr York. I'etrplioue lOtttl. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James E. Uoyd A Co., OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION GltAINi PKOV1HIONS AND HTOCKS. Boaird of Trade UnlldlUK. Direct wires to Chicago and New Torlo Corr.pondoncc. John A. Warren A Co. OIL & LINE CO It Is surrounded by tho cushers, not sur rounding them. IKX) feet south of us Is thn famous Lucoa well; 250 feet southeast Is tho HoBK-Swavno tjushcr, which came In June 2Gth; fiOO feet southwest Is tho lleywood No. 2; 800 feet southwest tho lleywood No. 3; 500 feet west the Heattj'. Tho company's holdings comprise ll.lOCVi ncros of the best proven und Indicated oil henrliiK lands In Texas and lyoulstamu They Include proven oil tracts iu the Heau mont, Sour Lnko nnd Sluphur tlelds, with additional lands In these districts present ing tho strongest Indications of lnrKO oil deposits. Itn certain olI-producliiK tracts) guuranteo It nn absolutely uurn Investment, with returns so Krent thnt the figures al most exceed belief; Its Indicated territory presents In addition tho strongest probabil ities of those great kuIiis which aro often realized In new fields by the suguclous and couruueouH Investor. It is now a recognized fact that business Is being done In Texas oil; that the produc tion and salo of petroleum from the Toxas fields Is not a myth, nor a temporary sensu tlon. Several largo companies nre dally selling oil for fuel to a hundred dlfteient In dustries, from rlco and lumber mills to sugar rellnerles und power plants. Hh usa on the locomotives on tho Santa Fo rail road won successfully Inauguarted Juno 20, and It will he but a short time beforo all the southern railroads will bo bidding for tho Texiui product. All the companies now selling oil draw It from Spindle Top llcUhts, nnd their wells surround the EXPORT COMPANY'S hold ings there. 'Iho prollta to he rationally expected from the Texas oil lields are almost too great to be nut Into flirures. Thn l.tienn iiiHlier la estimated hy the leading oil expert of this vuuiuri, ur. j. v. . uaracrisil, 10 Do worm J12.600.ouu, As It pays for its original cost CVOry 24 hours, tfin eHtllll.ltx 1h lint mirwi. sonable. Tho Haku (Russia) companies pay nuiii w in si per cent uu ineir capital, mero Is no reason whv n producing Texas oil company should not pay iih much or more, Tnko, for Instance, the Export Oil & Plpo Line Co. It has on .Spindle Top alone room for at least ti wells; suppose It should only put down 3. The gusher average It. about W,(M barrels per day, supposo thu 3 Export wells should average but lO.noo, oven thlsj will give 30,(J00 bnirels dally product, which, at only 3uc a barrel amounts to 31,280.000, ovor 0) per cent on Its entire capitalization. In addition to this thero Is tho probability of at least half us much more from Ita sul phur mines la Louisiana, making a totnl of nearly K) per cent on Its capital stock ut par. This li taking no account of any In come from Its other lands, nor of tho fact that the nctual product of Its Spindle Ton wella is much men likely to bo 150,ooo bar rels dally t Ii it n 30.1101). It certainly sounds Inrredlhle; but It Isj Just as certainly demonstrated by the ac tual developments In this most unprece dented Held. It is not too murh tn anticipate that tho fortunes amusscd In Texan oil will exceed, any ever beforo accumulated, and it Is not much to say thut the properties of tho Ex port Oil & Pipe Lino Co. will an certainly contribute their proportion of thuso for tuncii as tho oil continues to llow. For tho purpose of developing tho proper ties of tho company a limited amount of tha capital stock Is offered for subscription at 60c. PER SHARE pnr value S1.00, full paid imd non-assessable. It Is practically certain that at leust una gusher will be flowing on this compuny'a iunds within W days at tho lutest; and wo therefore wish to remind tho public of tho fact that with Texns oil It Is always truu that as Boon iih the well "comes in" tho stock disappears from the market; tho only time to secure it at any prlco Ih beforo oil Is Htrtick. .. nenu iur ii UHUm Send for must rn ted prospectus, mailed, promptly on remiest Subscriptions should "ii lorwanieu i nn v. i"i vi inui-ii i-iiin - iu u u .ouiuauy at Jt Jinnumolli T,.XB r to Un nHoal Amenta iih ne ow i.'neeKS or (irarts pavuh 0 to tht . nf wai.timi ii iifnaiSNrA. nn t.i. - : . , . .:--" ' ''al AKents. should accompany appllcat on. i AVVl.TIHl C. HUDSON .V CO. i 212 Stock Exchange Hulldlng. Hoston, Masu. n.mi.n.. n,.,,Mmni nu r...u....: Mfmbers Heaumont Oil Exchange nun jionru or iruim If so, speculate successfully. Send your orders to a reliable bouse, wb?r.. iney will bo placed on the open mnrket. Wo caa make fnr ynu In ono month nioro Interest on your monev tb-n any bank will pay you In a year. Bend for our book on speculation It Is frxe. J. K. Comstoek & Co. Houiu U.j Trader's Did if, CMciimu, I