THE OMAHA DAILY P.EE; SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1901. In ) i Amusements ye week. It Is a good band. Tho men play well, generally gpcaklng. The programs are. well chosen and the requests arc treated with a generous tolerance by tho conductor, tho good Dalbey, who gives the peoplo what they want, n far as he can Tho most welcome announcement of the "Passion Play" Is on the Increase. The Jo a- H wns amusing to tee the slips ;ur to local theatcr-gotis was that made concerts by the Lorcnt band are growing which catnu to him the other night. I snw by Manager Burgess or Uoyd s theater last , in popularity. The balloon ascensions by ao Pay semi p i t, - i i.nM. .tt.ii.ti . fu I... i t i..,V,f nnnihAP nnmflnr Mrtilpr. ftiUUlCU. UUU lUV mmviw ui ... , .,, im.h '. trrwim., nlnvhoui., liefer Th, l..ip,f ml.lltlnn to the Dark's enter- DClnK P'a'rt ie Pcopio laiKeu aim nmurcu tho regular theatrical season of l'jUl-2. talnment devices (or children Is a cute Tho theutcr la to bo redecorated and prac- tihctlnr.d pony and cart and a pack of tlcally made new throughout the interior burros. new draperies, carpots, curtains, frescoes, stage und everything. Mr. Durgcss had planned to leave for New Vork early last week to complete thu season's bookings, but lifter a confer vnee with Mr. Woodward, his partner, and exOovcinor lloyd, who owns the theater, he decided to remain long enough to ar range for the renovation, which will be commenced August 1. Regarding this Mr. llurgcsu said; "When tloyd's theater was opened, ten years ago, It was remarked by every traveling company of promlncnco that played In It to be one of the prettiest In tho country. This was not only a source of much gratification and prldo to Its owner, but to that portion of our citizens who enjoy dramatic enter tainment. So pretty was It that little at tention wn paid to the havoc that the ravages of tltnu made with Its Interior decorations, llttlo effort was made to keep them up to standard, and as a result today, I am Borry to say, the theater falls far below the average feo far as concerns Interior beauty. This condition, however, will bo reversed before the doors are opened this full and 1 duubt If our reg ular patrons will recognize !t as being the sumo place that Is, If nothing Inter venes to prevent Mr. Woodward and my self carrying out our present pluus. vnHi The Ferris Stock company Is arranging to close Its summer engagement at Hoyu s theater. There will bo but two weeks more, tho season coming to an end July 28. Tonight Mr. Kerr Is will be seen In the title role of Oliver Doud Myron's sensa tional comedy "The Plunger." This play has been one of hU biggest successes In (hn nt and fin It Is full of excltlnc situa tions, rich comedy scenes (and It Is not ""s presented. necessary to add, Mr. Kcrrls will be at tno chief funmnker) and realistic stage pic tures and n performance that will be long remembered may be expected. Tho sale'of scats for tonight Is already so hravy that Manager Sum Hcor Is dint ing off the "standing room only sign anil Is hustling for more scats with a oroau smile of satisfaction that Is only a dupli cate- of that worn by Omaha theater goers nt tho prospect of again seeing Mr. Kcrrls In one of his best comedy parts. themselves generally, without paying the slightest attention to the music. The re quest feature Interferes very largely with somo of the programs, Mr. Dalbey tells me, but ho wishes to please the people and ho Is ccrtnluly doing It. I was very pleasantly surprised to hear the general work of the band. There arc many excellent men In the organization and only a few who are ordinary. I mean by that whoso work does not seem to be ude- quate to the demands of some of the num- The playing has but ono feature which sounds dlsukjrceable to inc and thnl Is a fea ture which (truck me In the llcllstcdt or ganlzntlon also an nbsenco of a velvety lcgHto. There Is no reason why every note should be a "sforzando" and a good legato can easily be acquired by careful practice There arc 3cnrctly any bands In this coun try that secure that and how wonderfully effective It Is. It sounds like a gigantic and mighty organ. I do not state this with any feeling of fault-finding In thl particular case, but because the band Is so generally excellent I feel It a duty to call l'lfi) I'lnyiT. KuOiryn Kidder may revive "Mme. Sans nttt,nton l0 ft prevalent fault porslblo of Hllti l'rortor Otis Is to star In "rite urix- ton Uurglnry." Dan Daly In to bo n cowboy In Harry 15 Hmllli'u new uluv. Henrietta Cro.-sman Is to do "The SCliool for Scandal next reason. T.fwlnrn tllluli In lhi client l)f I.llllnn IlUS I linv.. n mm with Mr. Ili-ar. who Is sell at her country feat nt tar l.ccuawaj, mnnngtng tho summer engagement of tho J Block company playing in tne tiicaier, to ";,: Thames Dltton. a suburb of terminate its engagement on juiy zs, anu London. n. nttr rj.flilnr pimrilt flfipft lint nTlpn until I ltr.luml lf.oil' nlil rnmCflV. "TllO WrOUl September 8. wo will have nearly a month Mr- Wright," will bo revived for road pur . .... .... ... .1 noses next season. mill a uuil ill nuiuii m num l . ,,. v- 11., -I,..,'.. ntnv 'Tho Ili'pl formation scene. On August 1 a force of or Aehllk-fi," will lu used by Julia Nollsen til l.rl 'l'orrv lii I.rmilnn tins Ian. i... ... .. pL- .,,i dm tiinninr will I... Arm in?ptn,itilM hiivo lioen marie. It Is bum, drum. refurnished from the front doors back to Joj t h.C u''c that hideous nrrang i... ii.. nit ,.,i f,n, ih. n,.nr i,. t h J !'l ? ' mUrctt " 0'"-ru' 'Munru' ",xl of having one ma ii play the drun .!.., ti,. imlrLr ,ii.nrniin win hn inm. n...i.iu. ... .n,.....w nf cymbals, bnvltiR one cymbal fastened on th by a Chicago decorating concern, whose vaudeville, will return to the cgltlmate drum and the other held In the hand, should Ing nrtlStlC effects nt u.V.; ..T.. I ue uiiaiui-liiii uimnuuw. easy correction. I sincerely hope that Dalbey will receive encouragement enough to keep this bam together and that It may bo made a per manent organization. It seems that w cannot have a band In Omnhn, but w might have one In Council Illufts. Th Manawa management has certainly done Alice Nielsen has leased for the summer j.rcat thing In having such a good body of men, under a conductor who shows very plainly that he can "do things.' I hope thnt some day, In the natural ovo lutlon of events, there will be an nbsolul und eternal divorce of cymbals from th Whoever concocted, for the hideous nrrangemen m an It spoils both drum and cymbal effect. A repiiiuiiuu iur uuiuhiiuk iim-iiii. t-iti-in , - Scandal thla r.lrlMU nf wnril In n ITII.imntV ClT rrSltltft. I ... . . - .L... 1 ,.l.. Tho color chcmo will be reo. gold and aOv'Tcn Irish friend of mlno says of the cus- Itltchlo. Mng, Van llensselaer wneeicr ami tomary euro ior grip, -wnisKy ana quinine Ivory. In this selection wo will In all probability not pleaso everybody. Many Mark Smith. 1. U tl'itl.. -.1 .. .,.1 l,u nttttiM r.ntntiltlV will think white and gold would have been h:e reached l.onTlmi. Viml In an Interview bolter, or perhaps green and gold, but In ho nays he has not settled whether he will Rnlpptlnn wo think we will have a nuiKe anoincr American tour or nui. bright, warm, cosy-nppearlng theater and tho kicker will bavo to have his objection filed." Mux Kiginnii has been added to the Mun- "Sure, It not only spoils good whisky, but It kills the flavor of tho quinine." The only way to secure a cymbal effect I by having both cymbals free. And, again In the absence of tympanl a good drummer hattan Theater company to support Mrs. frwiiii.iiilv Intrniliin- mmA RtRrt Klske next senson. lie will play character can very jru utiiliy lntrodiicc some start "I lcavo the latter part of next week for New York to sign tho contracts which Klnw & Krlanger, our booking agents, have waiting for ray approval," continued Mr, Durgcss llngly realistic tympanl effects It he has nothing to attend to but the drum. Thu divorce Is sure to come. It Is bo coming obnoxious to the educated taste May It como speedily parts and assist In stage direction. The Siberians like their pleasure long-drawn-out. The play begins at 8 and ends at 1 o'clock, anil usually live acts, with llfteen-nilnute waits between each act. John Drew has returned from abroad and has gone to his country homo at Knst Humpton. I.. I. Hi- will begin rehearsals 'They have nlrcady forwarded me a list KUHt of the attractions they have hooked for our nn .tnnn Kilim Mnv wns the loader In theater tho coming season and It embraces tho London Pelican's prize competition for horn and the trusty and faithful "Ike Kauiman, who can not live without "strlk I was glad to sco my good friend Covalt with tho Dalbey band, and also Herman Itohrs, playing his Instrument tho Krench : Smartest Lady of Today." Miss May 1.356 votes. Kannte Ward was llftn Ing." Ho Is a persistent Btrlkcr. H strikes the drum and gets paid for It. Miss Mabcllo Crawford of Chicago, th well known contralto, will be heard to ad vautago In the Klrst Methodist Episcopal what ! consider by far tho best ws have The . - . t. i, ... t ...111 I lluu I..KTO vines. runiue It.llll r.o ...... evor had. In fact I do not bcllove. I will ,th a7, nnil A1ie- Nielsen eleventh, with bo putttlng It too strong If I say It Is tho 422. 1,1.0 1 Hut nvr hnnkml fnr f) inn ha. I rtlchard Man Kile Id ' lawyers have notllieu "Tho season here will open September 8 il"5"n-ur,"" cJ:Une wiui inarira r ruunmu o cu,iv v-. 1 was a memner or nls company, two ie tianv for three performances, to bo followed ccntly said he was almost Insane. tho latter hnlf of the Bamo week with Annlo Edwin Milton Uoyle may be added to the church tonight. Sho will sing Krancls Itussell for thrco performances. And then "si 01 neaiuiiicrs in vauoeviue who win Ailltsen s "Llko as tno Hart" ana ueraia will como tho best attractions oa tho road Vhavo a new plarcompleted In pane's "Voices of the Anfeels." Mr Mc tndav. I am not Eolng to announco my Sentember with a suitable uart for Sellna Creary will sing the obllgato In tho anthen completo list of bookings this year. Hero- Kctter. and he will also present for tho first time toforo I have dono this and when through King Edward nan given Btrlct Injunctions In Omaha the great aria of Krederlc Cowen, illness or for somo other good reason a 1htSrtt?u0ro,mriu",Ibe03 'ScrnTlttcY ?o' 'hn'il "l Feh Thee." from "Tho few of tho Important ones have cancelled through tho censor's hands without expur- Transfiguration nt the morning service, tholr dates with us wo havo been criticised Ration. He also has decided that the te- The organ prelude In tho evening will be for not giving tho people tho line of at- '-V WnolvnplaT. "shall bo rcfuscU 1 " p "P'" 10 1 r,slan una lso:ae twnK tractions promlRcd, bo this year I am going pomt biann, ner.) to make no dcflnlto promises as to exactly nnu calno Is still In Rome, where ho has .... ,,i .hn w. will havo attractions, but been preparing his new nlay. based on his Miss nose Allen, one of Omaha's promts I am going to glvo them th best I can. 1 S. V.iv"'" 'V''' K "L"'i "? .oun?. BlnBe": wl f .lno u.DSCe? am auro that will bo so good that It will ho hn8 maAo of scenes In Rome will bo fi. guom' at lnnlly etnoaist cnurcn surprise many. I "sea hy tno scone painters. Viola Allen Is '"is mornins. "Ono thing I can promise .nd that Jir. Calne alouf her pann tho" play. W 3 companies at tho Doyd this season Mr. C. F. Steckelbcrg visited In Omaha Inst week. Musical Mr. Butler has gone east on his vaca tlon. - THOMAS J. KELLY A Sore Care for Diarrhoea Coming, as It docs, In the busiest season Whun wo cun't ,glvo our patrons tho best or something good at least tho theater will bo dark. Ono thing I notice In tho book- Itipu nn nvnt mn by Klnw & Erlanger Is that uenrly all of tho Important attractions Have you ever thought of the beautiful hnvn taken from two to four days In I music of Chrlstmastlde, when the bells Omaha not ono of them playing with us ring out on tho clear, frosty air and tho when a man can least afford to loso time, for but a single night. Sir Honry Irving morry carols are sung In the early morning a sure and quick cure for diarrhoea Is very hus threo nights and Richard Mansfield a by tho snow-covered choristers? desirable. Anyone who has given It a trial llko number. This pleases mo beyond ex- Havo you not thought, too, of tho beautl- will tell you that the quickest, surest an mesaloii. ah It shows mo that tho man-I ful gleaming and glistening white carpet most pleasant remedy In use for this dls ageis of tho larger attractions are re- embroidered with sparkling silver dust, over ease Is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd gaining confidence in uraana as a goon which, as a boy, you atcercd your well-shod uiarrnoea jiemeay. mere is no loss o nnuibcmcut town. I was auro mai mw Bjc,i an& jn early manhood you sat behind time wncn 11 is useo as one or two noses 0 restoration of coutldenco was bouud to come, I your coit jn comfortable cutter, with tho It will cure any ordinary attack. It neve us It Is a well known fact that for the rar one gluing beside you and both of you 'a"8. nt oven In tho most severe and past thrco years every attraction of lm- I tingling with the cold, bracing atmosphere? I dangerous cases. For sale by all druggists. portauco that possesseu merit. u kulijiub nave y0U not secn tn6 festive Icicle hang with tho pilco of admission asked has ing from the snow-covered roof and watched attracted audiences limited In size only w,th anm,tC(1 eyes as the y0UUg8ters pelted by tno capacity 01 mo iuc u. .u.. eacn otncr wltn snowball? inurements tocro navo proven exccynuuui. nK n.i, . . ,1.. profitable and they want to ,0Wp happy, healthy glow on the cheeks and the n,vi lime. 1 uis uo a ww.vwt., nouncemcnt to our will relievo tho necessity of such a scram- Ante Room Echoes Omaha lodges arc taking a rest during tho hot weather. Meetings, when held at wm uo daneer of rettlnit froat-bltten! patrons, 1 am sure, ior jt Dul thefo Js n(. ef mf) o alli Qro attended only by sufficient numbers you will not get your cars frost-bitten. t0 constitute a quorum for tho transaction Yes, you may go out and play In the snow 01 Business. and you need not keep your coats buttoned. uuring tno spring ami summer months Let us all sing In the meantime, "From lDe 0(iB. witnout exception, navo made (Ireeland's Icy Mountains." great gains in membership ana the general attendance anu interest navo neon increascil . in .tu i mo it a nnhile lust now. ino roiiowing program mignt do usea to - ..--. iuuH w SLa therre advantage for a summer concert It ono is nI ""lEe9 St' Johu'a hnB probabIy maJo but can say that they are only such as nave consistencies of things: tho greatest relative gain. There has been Decn long it, .. m. ... - Instrumental Solo (Piano) - Forest an awakening In Nebraska lodge No. 1 of tho comfort of our patrOB. , Scenes Schumann thin nrrlor. Thu nlcinpr lnrtiri. nf Mm tntn Song (Sppranol-Snownakes. Cowen hnR madn enlna whl.h ... rmark!lhl u.,1Bn ble for Bents as Is always forthcoming whenever a prominent star plays a snort engagement with us. "Thero are a few new rules that we are going to adopt at tho Boyd with the open ing of tho season which, howevor, I am 11111I11K Event. Solo (Plano)-nubbllng Springs .................. , I 1 .1 .U.. i. I IIIIIA I .... K. IT1D. I IL I n HlHfll llllll I'llliailltTrlL lllll LI1III IIH 111 f m Lnko . a. under the management 01 Boi0 '(nnsBo)-'ln Cellar Cool... German Sonic wuMn fnr a lnnr ttmo n Mniin,i nhi.iiv K. II. Od. .. M making a record for itselt aiec Winds Whistle Cold ' ... .' In the way 1 high-grade attractions. Dal- Sir Henry Bishop men . JO,n,-. in tne eariy boy's celebrated band Is 01. -today wltn iX"'' HFII. n ...... ......... all lines and go Into the summer vacation with much stronger membership than ono Summer Outin Lowest Rates Ever Made Hovi Placed in Effect by The Union mm Round Trip Rates Between Omaha and Denver $15.oo Colorado Springs 15. oo Pueblo lo.oo Glen wood Springs ' 25.oo Ogden 30.oo Salt Lake City 30.oo Tickets on Sale August 1 to 10 inclusive; September 1 to 10 inclusive. Denver 819. oo Colorado Springs 19. oo Pueblo 9.oo Glenwood Springs 31. oo Ogden 32.oo Salt Lake City 32.oo Tickets on Sale July 10 to 31 in clusive; August 11 to 31 inclusive. Good for Return to October 31, 6901 New Ciiy Ticket Office (324 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Union Station Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone 629. n 4L.l kill I ! E.I H" 0 ' PJCTO Feeding Baby Parrots Is ono of tho most Interesting sights. We havo among our young Mexican Parrots nomo real young ones, which have to bo fed by tho hand yet. They will eat 'out of a teaspoon as nlco as any baby. It's easy to do wo will tell you how. AVe will sell then at the following Special Prices ItEDIIEADED PARROTS, at only 5.00 DOUULE YELLOW HEADED PARROTS, at 12.00 Every Parrot Is warranted to talk. They arc GENUINE HANDRAISED Birds and therefore as tame ns a "Kitten." Any child can handle them. ORDER NOW nnd got a Parrot out of tho first nest these ulways turn out UETTER TALKERS thun later Parrdts. Geisler's Bird Store Eatab"8hod l888- lllua. Catalogue Froo. 303 N. iGth St.. Omaha, Nob. 'Phono 2174. Tho direct Importers of Mexican Parrots In the L'nltcd Stutcs. program of some magnitude Lovers of Solo'VcoiitrnlVoV-AskWhVt' Thou Wilt. inn.i mimliv nlaved by artists of note. I Do Kovcn ....... ..... ..ll ,n Ur. IhU nrnirrnm In SolO (bUrltOlie) ItTOWn October Ale .... PI1UUIU IIUI. mil wv... "O I ri- jr-vnn I In.lnimnnlfil Rnln Vf'lln nn 'i nVmiirlni. jCaY ago. ziepnyrs Jensen thu Casino theater Manacer Hamilton pre scnts the following high-class vaudeville In the higher degrees of Masonry the and novelties: Miss Estello Seafert Ham- Quartet-Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Tfmplo and the Scottish Illto havo had ,,Vl ,h Mfi iHtlo Hlncer and dancer. Und-i"-';V.-',if:v.;f years. Tho classes Instructed now In voguo In many Jurisdictions of tho order and his remarks tended to show that tho Jurisdictions which have adopted that plan are more prosperous than others whero the plan has not been adopted. Taking up the history of the Jurisdiction of New York, tho speaker showed that under tho old plan members were constantly dropping out nnd none coming In to replace them. Under tho classified plan the Increase has been 2,600 during tho last year. In Ohio, whero tho society bad practically gono out of business, tho ndoptlon of tho classified plan and the Introduction of the deputy system placed the order on Its feet. Both the New York and Ohio jurisdictions offer premiums for members nnd under this plan now members aro costing the order about $1 each. Mr. Harwlck will attend the meeting of tho grand lodge of Oregon, vi.iltlng Colo rado Springs and Salt Lake enroute. Ho will be in Omaha again somo time next month. retary, John W. Doran; treasurer, E. C McConvlllc; chaplain, Mrs. Lucy Harris; marshal, Magglo Campbell; guard, Mrs. Lucy Hosslter; sentinel, J. J. Condon; trustees, Miss E. J. McOllvray, II. C. II. Cook, J. II. Drlesback; musician, Mary S. Nelson, degree work, C. M. and Rose Hack ley. After the Installation, which wns par ticipated In by members of Omaha lodge, No. 1, refreshments wcro served. The Omaha logc9 of tho Fraternal Union of America aro mnklng arrangements for a picnic to bu held at Blair July 25. Mondamln lodgo is preparing for an en tertainment nnd Banner lodgo will hold a card party for members at Its next regu lar session. AVlfi iiiiiI Clillilri'ii Roup. NEW YORK. July IX Tho nttorncy for Dan R. Hanna of Clevclnnd obtained from Justice McAdam In tho hupreme conn today ii writ of habeas corpus, returnable M .n day, commanding Mary Harrington Hanna to produce in conn ncr inree cnnuren. Air. iinnnu. iii his petition, says that th" ehll- ilrnn were restrained of their libertv bv their mother on the pretense that she h is n rlcrht to their custody, niirl that he. tho father, has been Illegally deprived of their charge. Detectives were feeni 10 tno iioiei Snvnv to servi th writ. Mr. Hanna ac companied thr detectives to the hotel. When ho arrived thero ho was told that Mr. Hanna hud sailed with her children on tho Bterimer Menominee, wiucn cieareu tno imr, iinnml for lonrtun. nt Hj:P0 this mninlm:, Tho manager of the hotel says she left tin: house between 7 and S o'clock this morning, aon llton, tho gifted llttlo singer and dancer, an artist that Is always popular with the masses; the comedy duo, Kerr and Wllt- Tho Apolllnade quartet. prosperous years. Tho. at the spring meeting of tho valley of Tho musicians are gradually getting away Omaha, orient of Nebraska, wero the larg- shire, In nn up-to-date melango entitled, 'rom th city and ere long almost all of est In the history of tho rlto in the stnte. "The Charmlng Milkmaid;" Kent and Jones I the studios will bo closed. Those who aro The third annual conclave of tho Knights and their moving picture machine, giving ro uiihiur u sow miug. vo aro rcmpiars to ne ncia at uouisvine, ny., next the longest nnd most vnrled exhibition having the roost delightful days and nights; month has drawn Into the ranks of tho of Ub kind ever seen In this part of the wo aro not troubled with any old stuffy knights many persons who would otherwise rountrv Is tho feature In the Casino for 1",Us an1 heavy blankets. We do not have havo dclayea their advancement. Nebraska this week. It is tho 6reat worm's i"" i .? , . Vv? '" " " '' De we representee at tne conclave m A l a . UHIIIIUSi UUIh MUV tUtll UUUIIIU Oi IlliUll 111 novelty. A nay on mo ahh, ., " ,, ,. ,k. - . In the olden country, with over 200 , 7W. ,.Z , V . I u S city and tho new members will bbow up well In thn Hnlpcrnt Inn. Indeed, neither do we hrra to work hard T..H.r Tfmni. nt th am a,,i,u Ll ' I nwlmmlni. Mrnlinfl and pvorrlnlnp mirnnlvnu I . .... . . .. . Is aaothor. The new bath- ' . - , w-V aer "ot)lc', or tne .Mystic Shrine, has dono are enjoying a pleasant .ovi , . ,,..,..",,, ,ar exceptionally good work and tho wearers novelties and 1,000 mediaeval electric effects, houses run. The annual stato of tho Iowa Stato Rowing association takes Placo this week on tho 16th and 17th. Extra facilities havo been added to the rosatta hT bf"a "f, "U,e .bl "ard"' of tho f and tiger's claws who owe al- """" V". uu.M. . UN HID ,,.- , T.,,l. ,.J 1 ,v,.m..vv w ..tb tvame lu un parts of the Jurisdiction. In tho Odd Fellows' lodges tho greatest work has bfen dono In tho camp and canton whole, wo have much to be thankful for, nave we not? What Ib thu matter with a nice cool, out nnnr nrpsfniniinn nr "I'initmrn" nt ijikr. Manawa. The opera company Is there, and RbUtu,0 mcmbc" hnve boen ftdlJcd t0 iiiu ruiio iuis yi-m. iud suuuriimaiu luuues havo done good work In a quiet way, but street car service. Balloon ascension at of.,joor presentatlon of "Pinafore" at'Lak am p. m tho band Is there, and the scenery Is there, The attendance at Krug park attests the . that ne.tA i. the erection of a v. deslro of humanity to have a cool placo seli BUcl, Bg was nunched at the Greater aro not wrllns as well as tho higher de oi recreation ami mo wisaom prrsrni- America exposition by Commodore Dudley Eas ing nothing but free shows within the Smith of the Bureau of Waves and Wind. Mr. The Knights of Pythias havo had a sue park. During tho last week tho dally at- Smith's expert advice can be had, and for cessful year, all of tho lodges worklns In tondanco doubled any previous week. An recommendation as to tho adaptability of the tanks at almost every session. But extra tree attraction will no miaea, ci- gUch a crR(t , roUscal presentations, con- raeuclng today. Tyler's dogs have been BUjt tne bloomln' old gentleman who used engaged to glvo afternoon and evening per- n here, Lieutenant Dan Oodfrey of blessed formanccs. It Is heralded as one of the memory, who liked the deuced boat, you cleverest or all trained animal combina- know, only It bnd not an English name, they, like the Odd Fellows, havo periods when more work was done. A. C. Harwlck of Buffalo, N. Y su premo master workman of tho Ancient tlons and Includes Crowley, the famous The production of "Pinafore" always Order of United Workmen, was In tho city champion of high diving dogs, and Mrs. goes. It Is a wlaner always. It could be McQInuU, tho only monkey doing a para- alternated with, for Instance, "The chuto leap. These animals were formerly Mikado." features with both tho Barnum and ning- Hug circuses and have played many of the And, speaking of Manawa, I heard the Icadlug vaudeville theaters. Interest In the I band that In down there, one night last Friday and attended the regular session of Uslou Pacific lodgo, No. 17. After tho regular order of business was disposed of be made an address on the order at large. Mr. Harwlck was one of the early cham pions of the classified plan of assessment All members of tho Ilathbone Sisters aro requested to be at the union depot Mon day morning at 9:30 o'clock to greet Miss Joslo M. Nelson of Union City, Ind., su preme M. of H. and C, who will arrive In Omaha that time. The Royal Neighbors will entertain mem bers of tho order at Triangle hall. Twenty second and Cuming streets, Wednesday evening with ice cream and conversation, Tuesday evening Royal Oak lodgo, No. 200, Royal Achates, was organized with the following olllccrs: Past president, H. B. Parkinson; president, Edwin P. Bralley; vlco president, Mrs. Lizzie Iicronnet; sec- Thomas J. Kelly will continue In his studio In Davldge block, 1S02 Farnam, until August 1st. Tho Studio will ro-opon September 1st. Students can mako arrange ments now. The Science and Art of Singing1. STi!i)io-Hi:sii)i;xcr. DnvitlKc Block, Corner lSth anil Q i nriiniii Mri.Tts. AMUSr.MK.Vr.S. Ideal for Ladies and Children. TdllilY t-mendus crowds I UUM I Thousands find comfort and pleasure jlst ui:ai this list )!' I'uiu: attiiactio.vs. KRUG PARK Cooles Place in Omaha. m "Passion Play" The great Religious Drama, Vividly Depicting tho Story of the Life of Christ. Balloon Ascensions TODAY Tyler's Dogs Formerly a Feature of Barnum's and Rtngung Bros.' Circuses, cHowi.nv, Champion High Diving Dog. JIHS. Ml'CIVMS, Tho Only Monkey Paracbuto Leaper. Lorenz celkhkatf.d CONCKRT Band By Prof. Fancher, a Record Holder. i.n scores or (mum ri.VK, Fiii:n i'i:.vrrui:s Admission to park, 10c. Children free. Take Benson car on Walnut Hill Line, Transfers furnished from all lines. AMUS13MH.NTS. Lake Manawa E. H. Odell, Manger. Week Commencing Sunday, July 14th Dalbey's Celebrated Concert Band In a program of uuusuul excellence. CASINO THEATRE, (0. Guo. Hamilton, Lessen.) Continuous VaudeviSSe Orchestra 10 pieces prices 10c and 20c. Miss Esfelfe Seaferl tailfon The charming rag time singer and dancer. Kerr and Woilshire The Comedy Duo, in a Charm ing Milk Maid. Clozistii & (tasked In Trinity Chimes, aided by a choruB of 10. Kent end Jones' Great Warograpli Edison's latest conception a wonder. ii o iac.1.1 mm The greatest of all features, direct from Paris Exposition. A Oay in The Alps The Great Electric City, valued at 20,000. Once seen never forgotten. anhatlan Bath Houses Open. IOWA STATE AMATEUR ROWING ASS'N IN THEIR ANNUAL REGATTA Tuesday and Wednesday, Juiy (6-17 Electric, Steam and Gasoline Launches. Base Ball Merchants' Browns vs. at 4 p, m, King Murphy Bros. Balloon Asconsion at 7:30 P. l Sharp nn VrJ I Woodward urii. OKI I U Manatfrs. Tol. IU1W B. M IIKAH Prexi-nts FERRIS STOCK COMPANY LAST TWO W1210KS. ToHui,t-THE PLUNGER. Commencing Tlmsduy NlKht A WIFE'S PERIL Prlces-10c, 15c, 'JOc and 25c. BASE BALL VI n Ion Street Pnrlc. St. Paul vs. Omaha July 12-13-14. ar.mev Called at SMS p. rn. The Bee Want Ads Produce Results- 4