AA ANI1.A, V. I.. Jim.. i. .,,, clal Correspondence of The liee.j bituated on (ho cast- crn Hliuru of Luzon half way around (h iMlaml. on (ho shore of a mnuntnlii-hedKcd liny Mini nearly surrounded liy the tropic forest Is (he (own of llalcr. II has for friends ami noililiors (ho Inhabitants of the woods tin- bin chattiTliiK monkeys on Ih limbs, (he beautiful hued t-oimstcrs In the trectops, (ho curly headed Negritos on tin smith and a trine of strulKht-halrrd IlntiKotcs on tlio north. Historically llalcr Is of ureal Interest . A pile (if aaidlno cans and a barrel of pieces of a burned bout Kite the tei of brave and hemic deed of soldiers of two nations. The one tells of enduranre almost lo starva tion, the other of attempted rescue at the risk of life. The third event to be historic Is the seciel of placing (hi- foundation of Funston'.s slar in this locality. DurliiK SpanMi rule llalcr consisted of :i few hundred inhabilanls cntiipnsltu; a quiet seashore low n. The church and convent made of stone, w I and a nl pa roof and the stone blockhouse near the shore com ma!, dim; tbe eiilrance to llalcr river were I'jmf most substantial. Ao. however. Ih 4w of Insuricclioii. has been mmwlni; at these and the blockhouse is in a dilapidate I condition, the convent has been destroyed n tnl (he church alone remain. The nlpa and wooden houses that were a part of llalcr at the time of the Insurgent sIcrc .ere burned by the Spaniards, who man. an energetic skirmish with kuiis and matches and Ihen returned to the church In ..o,t ii rj - r v opnnmi Since American occupation bamboo nnd nlpa quarters have been built and the old church Ik used as a storehouse In which seven months' rations are kept frr the one company stationed there. About n 1I07011 Filipino families (Tatalnc) have built houses also and this makes up the town at present. The TanalnKS are very friendly and It Is wood policy, ns the surrounding trlbcH are their enemies. Monument lo "iuiiiUIi Vuliir. The mounds of thousands of Hanllne cans near the church tell us of the Spanish cap tain. Mnnerns, and his seventy men who were K.irrlsnnliiK the town and were at tacked by r.on Insurrectes. but who with stood the assault until starved to surrender t nt the end of thirteen months. From the time of the sin render of Manila In August, 1S!S, until September. lWt, this plurkv K.irrlt-on of men foimht desperately nwilnst heavy odds. The numbers were gradually lessened by sickliest and bullets. The poor water from the well In the church corner ami n diet of rice, sardines and a little flour was a poor stimulus. The radon was cut down to one-half, then to one-third and finally lo one-fourth. Tho convent Joining the church was used at first as a part of the barracks, but the Insurrecto sharpshnntcis in IiIkIi trees made matters so iinpleasnntlv daiiKcrous that all lived In the cliurrh Holes In the walls of the church made for loopholes nre witnesses of how closely this little band was confined. Rach ddo kept a vigilant watch nnd shots wore ex cliPiiKPd dally. After about seven and a half months fnptnln Moneras favored surrendering, and decided that was the best course to pursue , His two second lieutenants, a priest and the soldiers remalnliiK, about forty, were opposed to this course of action, and after a secret conrt-innrtlal condemned the cap tnln to be shot. His grave Is beneath the earthen door, near one end. As the Filipinos were in hopes of starving the garrison to an unconditional surrender thay would not make any promise how they would treat them If they surrendered Time wore on, and the number was worn down to thirty-four Many privates, some non-cninmlsBloned officers, the priest, one Three Recent Incidents in .u-coiiu iicuiciiatii ami tin . apiam n side h side In their long !. p bctic.nli the Hour. ;l in io llmmt'i-. Finally tho rations wue iio.irl none and a IIiik of trueu was sent out to ask for terms. After some parleying (he Instilments tweed to send what were lit lug to tin American lines In safety If the rlllcs were surrendered. Upon this ngr ncnt Hi. wcalhcr-beatoii and bullet-torti Spanish Hag was hauled down from the chur. h bel fry and the party was soon guided on its dlllicult wa oer (he muuiiluln trails Ii is well that we tako notice of the fa. i bat for lluric. a mouths after puuc wnb Spain Hie Hag of that nation was t,.aiuig over one lonely spot In the 1 'hilippim a This lime would haw been lessened if du decree of I'r. sld. u( Agulnnldo lo the om mumler .11 llalcr ha I been . arm .1 me promptly. In the coiumiinl utii.n 1.. di Insurgent ctmmaudcr Aguin.ilin ni.,;,, the llalcr detachment of Spanish for tin 11 "valor, endurance ami heroism' and ih. n says' "The Individual... cnmpnslim he s.hi force nliall not be ensid, red as pri..in r lull, on (ho ionlrar a fib 11, Is uid in consequence such pass, s as shall be 11c.es snry for (hem to iciiiin 1.1 their innntrv shall be furnlslied through hcadiiiaiters Made in Tarlac June :;n, s;ir. "Ill President,, du la Itcpubllca. "HMIMO AOUINAI.no." Tho weal; and Ill-fed Spaniards made Slow pioiMcss on llleir westward I rip t San Jose. San Juan. lN111inl.a11g.111 ami then lo I'ab.iiiatiian. whole a short lest was taken. This latter town Is where Auiilnaldn had his tcmpiiary capitiil when he called Ceiier.i I I.un.i from 1 1 . - filing line ,11 San Fernando ami tin 11 oi l. ie. bis -inn m it'rtfcs 1 ROCKY HIVHH IIKU WITH (IUKT ll'ilMlHKS." M W.F.U I III Id II Will- up TIIK tiou as he. was leaMm hcadipiarters. tin a 1, 1 of ih MovlllK on to San Isldro. (he Ural Amerl can posl, the Spanlaids were tutiied ovci iiuder a llau of truce 1 ' poll Hie alinal at Manila or these br.iM men who had demons! rated in the world what Spanish soldi, is .an patriotically en dure, die members ot tho Spanish colon) uac a leeoptiiill and lalsed a respectable siihseilpllon for the b. uctlt of the hot - Mi, la Is of Ii 1 mid pionnlloii line f. . 1 lowed, and most of these nieli were made - 1 1 imi I- 1 1 ii History of afcr -sZj X ti- 1 ii ii I I S 1 1 . 1 I.I i:i,i:ii happN . some l 1, 1 , ., 11, 1 ,,i 1 , a 1 1,. 1 , ,M n, tor Spain Madi ld pap, rs icccUcd In Ma lllla after the reiiirn of ihese soldiers 1,1 f cMemled homrs and the clllliiMastn ,,1 die I, nuliim or die patriot- at tin ir in,,tb. country. l raiirii's Ml pi ol Itesene. Tho puns of 1110 burned boai 1 uliei, ami i.epi tor relics tell tin' si.n .,1 fa 1 a I oiiti.iini, of l.lciitcnaul Jam. c tli (i I nniro's attempt to r, scue the Spun h par die ambush, die IIkIh ami die , apnne The Kuiiboal Vorktown was , m 1,, r, llee die licsleqcd Spaulaids loll In tli, Hal. r , hurrh. The da of the m iit a pril I:', ism. just eiKhi months ..n. , n,, nisurr.cloH bad .1 hmI ni.ainl ih .lnii h maliitiK ii a prison ai nil. inc., II. tote da.lli;hi iwo smuts w.i, I iml , n die slioio of llil, r bay In the .lei, sIm.i of die trees A f I . I this the pit i h,mi 1 iii do miiiIIi iimi , uiMed II il, 1 1 1 1 Tier, were fourteen bonnle-i l.i m 1. line re and tho slowl rowel ,il.,,tii 11 Is upstr. am The line of 1 1. 1 n,n, he I. . in, iv be seen today explains Ii m do " wa- a diadi Ir.p lo an l..t paru ,1 ,'i ideal place for mi ambush Mill. flion tile Ill-Hie,, nl . ,,, c.il.l 'lid 11, il be so, II, w.i- Itie 1 nl,, 111 W 1 Ii Ih- li, ill, nam mid b men n was A NEW ART SERIES The II, e ha- s. .iir, I a , 1 . of I,, mini, 1 ti t r r n,,. ... ml 1111.. , ""lful I s l '"lors Ihe, I I , .l, f, , f, ,t. ,. I "It linii.l- in, 111 ,rv li,.m. Tin. DfMi of .1 in will I,, French '';'"""" !"'. Klv.i..' do nalural t,,M to (he frillla (Opr. ' "ml l mi .'lleiit -11 1 .J ,1 for III 1, in; i 1 How to Get Them '.. 1!' olTn r ,,,,:X', ""i1"'" " '' 'roH fo, ),n,.r ',;""' ''r ''""""'" "",o,, ,, f lllL.m WH Il0 , With a Coupon for 15 Cents. When orderlliK state tho nnmo of (he Mibjerl. ,) If thy are to , ,llMM , clone r,x cents nddldoiml for pst11(:e and pa. klni; CUT OUT THIS COUPON 11 ,r""1''' Ul s'"""'"' Win.,, orderlmr by mall add r.. f.,r poslae, '"1!',:,'X,,,'M,JVI'' '' "I.IMIIM. TO. OMMH. in m;i'it i iiion i , THE BHK PUI5USHING COMPANY, 7th and Pnriium Sis. V- h:ii .i'ui.,.( i,,,.,. immij,.,. r r,..s fUI, T, (h;. nil-.,- iiml dif oirt-i I Im-iii ill ii KHM'inl price. Cull nnd sec Ilicm HOKIC'H AWT HTOUK. IHU1 ),K,. St., Omaha. Nek Baler ' hi Ii'iiik a larucl and hint non. '..in.- ,m ih, pics, 111 inhiiMtiiniH if Mil, wiv 111 iii. nKh( nnd 1 hoy 1,. 11 hn ,,,,,, 1 , ih.- nui ,,i,eo,l ihetr oilier in tlnm; n ' Mi..i'.: ih.' hunt in mi allciiipt to K. ' I'lie .limed ill I lie llctlleiiatil us I, '"'I up in one end KlVillK Ills ordi 1 I 1 1 1 I" ""I to hit all Iho men neai h 1 1 1. 1,01 able to tnixii their mail, 11 1 t' luniie iii beiim the ceiilir of 1 ii, t 11 .1- i' i'i'.o,l Filipino inarlisinan hii 1 '" v "' ''ii ei rMhliiK but what Hi, ,e .,1 Sl "I' i' was inevlinhle, when, with . Mild ,ii-b the insiirReniH churned on the pun s (he H.r. . loslni; In 111 TIIK hKiNMHIJ: DRKSS SIIIKM) O. It si (ll'lf.l I) 1 l.llIK mi s I I 10 ll'ii put . 11 lil,. 1 , , , i,e w nl d (or all ml' Ii , .h, ! , 1 In d 1 11, will la .1 11 I. .im In , i.n , .,1 , ,,,,, o , 11,, olio r $1 "" Iii'. , v hi . ... 1 Did, 1 , 0, ii.d.it .1 r ,, 1 1. 1, , 0.11 ,111, , . tiflKSCOFIEI-O llllCLOAK.SUITCO. I.-. Ml lllll 1.1 s s . IMI Ml t Fruits r