o THE OMAHA DALLY 1VEE: srPAY, JULY 7, 1901. Tel. Ci8-6'jl. Special Sale On All' of our Madras and Zephyr Ginghams These sales occur only once every year. Wise buyers take advantage of these low prices and lay in a supply of these Wash Fabrics. All of our lHc Japanese Crinkle Cloth now 10c yard. All of our liie .Madras now 10c yard. All our 2()o Zephyr Ginghams luc yard. All of our 2 fie .Madras now Ific per yard. All of our '10c and IHc Zephyr Novelties, line imported goods, at -He yard. All of our fiOc, 00c. 7fie Imported Zephyr Novelties now 3uc per yard. All of our fiOe Linen Ginghams at 25c yard. All of our .'()c and 3Sc Linen Ginghams now at 22ic. clonr flutnrUajm nt 1 p. m. during .Tnlr nnrt Anirti(, Trompsom, Beldem &.C0. Y. M. S. Ill II.OI.NU. COIl. KITH ANI OOIIOI.AS ST. TELLUR1DE STRIKE IS OVER Three Hour' Ctnffienc Result! in 8tii fcotorj Agretmint IMPORTANT CONCESSIONS MADE MINER Hcnln .'Ml 11 1 in ii in In tti lie l.'l null I'nlon Sccretnry Mny Visit SiiiukkIit U ii I n n Vcirln Wlirtiovrr IIU WllllCfl, DENVER. Col., July C. A special to tho Tost froTcllurldo, Col., saya thnt tho strlko In tho Smuggler-Union mlno U over. After n conferenco InRtlng three hours tlilu afternoon un ngrecmunt wai reached lictwccn Manager Collins ami tho union. It provides that tho mnnageiuunt will not,.illscrlinlnnto against unlou men; that tho contract sytitem shall tin continued, hut that th'o union or tho management may Insist upon tho mensureinent of tho work nt any tlmo, and If the miner Is making less than $3 u day the company may dis charge him for Incompetency or Increase tho contract, prtco so that ho will earn $3 per day. Tho management nlso agrees to allow tho secretary of the union on tho grounds and among tho men us long as ho does not Intcrfero with, tho work. Tho petition was signed by tho members of tho governor's commission nnd the management of tho Smuggler-Union mlno. Tho former telegraphed ns follows: "Conference Just closed and agreement made which ends entlro troublo satisfac torily. Strlko will bo olllclally declared off nnd operation of mine at onco resumed." FIRE RECORD. Wilbur UiiNliicftR niNtrli't. SrOKANE, July C Flro which broke out nt Wilbur, Wash., at 0 o'clock last even ing, raged for six hours, destroying the principal busluoss district of tho town. Thcro wns no town wnter aupply and bucket brigades did much of tho work. Tho cnuso of tho flro Is unknown. Tho Iobscs aggregate about $175,000. Tho principal losses aro: M. E. nnd E. T. Hoy, general store, $125,000, Insurance- $75,000; C. M. General Debility ' Day In nnd out thcro Is that feeling ol Weakness thnt makes n burden of ltsolf. Food docs not strengthen. ', Sleep docs not refresh. It Is hard to do, hard to hour, what Khoulil bo easy, vitality Is on the ebb, and tho whole system suffers. For this condition tnko Hood's SarmapaHlla It. vitalizes tho blood, gives vigor nnd tono to all tho organs nnd functions, and Is jiosltlvely unequalled for all run-down or debilitated conditions. Hood's Tills cure conciliation, sicenti. j 00000000000000000001)00000000000000000000 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ' CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Bee, Single Coupon. A Summer Vacation For the most popular young lady. nevote for Mist. Address. Town. Works for , CUT THIS OUT. Deposit at Bee office or OOOOOOuOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo O CUT OUT THIS COUPON. q . 0 o P Omaha Bee o o o o A Summer Vacation For the most popular young lady. This coupon. If accompanied by a cash payment on a new or old subscription to THE DEL counts IS votes for ca;lt 5c paid, 103 rotes for each dollar paid, etc. o o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Mo. .Votes for Miss. Address Work for Send Bee to (name). Address. rt. D. This coupon must be countersigned by The Bee Circulation Department, or the town acent to whom the subscription money Is paid. Deposit or mall to "Vacation Contest Dept." Bee, Omaha, Neb. Connterslfncd by OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO08 Bee, July 7, 1301. Cnrpcnter, Wilbur hotel, $7,000, Insurance $3,000; Flnnegan & Peters, tho Hermitage, J33.E00, Insurance $1,500. ROBERTS OF IOWA IN FAVOR l'rrnlilcnt nml Srerelnrj- 'Wouldn't Object tn llln SiicrorilliiH; Duncn its Ciimpt roller. WASHINGTON, July C Tho only narai mentioned hero In connect. on with tho cfllce of comptroller of tho currency to succcod Mr. Dawes Is that of Ucorge E, Uobcit3 of Iowa, tho present director of tho mint. It Is well known that Mr. Roberts has tho full confidence of tho president nnd tho Bccretury of tho treasury, and that they regard htm as a man of conspicuous abll ity nnd of tho highest Integrity. He has long been prominent tn Iowa nnd an able and forceful writer on financial subjects and It Is on account of tho ability in his lino that ho received tho appointment as I director of tho mint. At present Mr. Rob erts Is In San Francisco. DEATH RECORD. Mlenourl Cniiltnllt. WEST CHESTER, Pa., July 6. C. R, Crnndall, president of tho Sedalla Trust company, Sedalla, Mo., died suddenly In n hotel hero today. His death is supposed to havo been caused by heart disease, aggra vated by heat. Mr. Crandall was 60 years of ngc. Cniifrrrmininn Stokon. COLUMBIA. S. C. Julv 6. Dr. J. Wllllntn Stokes, congressman from the Third South Carolina district, died todav nt hln hnmn In Orangeburg. Ho has been In falling Health lor months. I'rnr. Jnliiiiinm Schmidt. RERUN, July C Prof. Johannes Schmidt, the famous Indo-Gcrman scholar of Berlin university, la dead. HYMENEAL. Tito MMnnuri Vnller Couple. MISSOURI VALLEY. In., July 6. (Spo- clal.) B. O. Williams and Miss May Leon nrd, both of this city, wero married In Logan July 4. Mr. Williams Is tho Fro mont, Elkhorn &. Missouri Valley local ynrdraaBter. Tho hrldo Is a business woman of this place. Benjamin Pugh nnd MIsb Ida Lehman, both of this city, wero married In Logan July 4. They will make their homo In this city. Ooccrnor Allen Will Come SAN JUAN DE PORTO RICO, July C So soon ns the government yacht Mnyflower returns from La Quayara, Venezuela, Gov' ernor Allen will go to Washington and possibly deliver tho Porto Rlcans' frco trndo resolution to President McKlnloy, In complanco with tho tonus of tho resolution. Michigan Itnllrnnd Crippled. OnAND RAPIDS. Julv 6. Thn rntlrnnrtq of western Michigan are still crippled ns n rvHiui oi yosieraay 8 cipuauursi, l re:gnt inline is mill imnuyzuu. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Name. Stat. mall to "Vacation Contest Department o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOrPn Subscription Cnunmi o , O O O o o o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Name. Town. State. o o Acent O X PARTY FOR A TRIO Manager leit of Ferris Stock Company Ex tends nn Iiriution, THREE OMAHA LEADERS INCLUDED When Momliir Afternoon Count of Vote Ik Kliilshrd the Three Illi;lirt In Ontnlm (let Free Thenter. XelirniUn. Anna fiulil, Grnml Inlnnil 18,1 7H Vera I,. Kramer, (.'oliiinliun . . 15, tl Miij-me (iriilinin, Diivhl City. . . . lfi,."i Ollie Pn t trrnon, Fremont ...... l.'I.O II II IS Ollvo Patterson. Fremont 13. "IS nolilli- ltrnnklncn. Wnvnn. 1. Crlta Hoffmnn, York l-'.i 315 ucssio anowden, Kearney i" Ornco Newell, Uratrlce !V itoae iiciscr. i.incoin ? Nora M. Whlffon, Crete 4. IN) Jcnnlo Stnnton, Tecumsteh 3. Inez Crawford, Auburn Mary Ptiolan, Wahoo.., '.' Zoo Ollililen, Frfmont 2 Myrtle Onto?, Crnltr K. II. Thompson, IlmttlnK Anna M. Itansom. Ilnncroft Mattle Ulbson, C'hntlron Orrtrudo Aliler, Tectinmeli Mas Webb, Teclimeh Lillian Shryock, I'lnttsmoutli Lizzie Malchow. West i'olnt Elizabeth Moeller, Fremont Ulnnche Hucklcs. Fremont Jennlo Dretitnn, NellRh. MiikkIo O'Connor, Central City Anna Hopklnx, Auburn Kdnn Untsnn, ArlliiKton Ora R. Crum, Norfolk Ida I'enrlinan, riuttstnoutli Kill th Foley, Ululr Mne McCormlck Dlnlr Mcrt Joiiph, Dlnlr Florence Talbot, Hrnlnnrd Wllma Wesley, Hrnlnnrd Cretu DiiBKOtt, Chnrtron Daisy Thomas, Chadron Nina Cllbyon, Chadron Mabel Young, Auburn Mao Durlnnd. Norfolk Anna Lorn?, Schuyler Mary Howard, Columbus Miss S. Carpenter. Vnlley Virdeen Welch, rnpllllnn Miss Hose, Ollmnre Adeline Keycs, .SprinKtlold Alice Stewart, Auburn Mrs. Fenwlck. CralB Mnry Craiif. Crnlir Mls Onrdncr. Auburn Nina Kynn, Jfellph Mnry McDouirnl. Nellc;h MnrKaret Wnlsh Stella Oertrude Hoss. Tecumseh Dora Frlcke. Plnttsmnuth Josephine Murphy. I'lnttsmoutli Mnnchc Sulllvnn. Plnttsmouth May Petersen. I'lnttamnuth May Knton, I'lnttsmoutli Antonln Kessler Plattsmouth Clnra Hnttan, Plattsmouth Anna Ilelscl, PHttsmouth Addle Smith. Plattsmouth Alice Petersen, PlatrVniouth Rdna Petersen, Plattsmouth Madge Wilson, Lincoln Cathcrlno Wood, Ucutrlco !14 5l! 370 w: 4M SKI ".'(10 1(H) Krt Hi ia 13 13 0 6 4 4 3 3 Om ulin. nmlly AVIicniiiii. C. W. Hull Co.10,ll(l Orlllit M. IliittiTlleld. Flelveli- lnuini YeiiKl Co ...fl,11H .Irnnle A. Ferrrn, lCllpntrlek & C.i 1,7-11 Illntielie Wllej-, W. U. T. Co., llee IliillilliiK -1,17-1 llnldii Wrlx-rtr, Kllpntrtek & Co.4,l'- Hulda Wobnrc. Kllpntrlck & Co 4,1 Ainandn Llndblud, O. K. Scofleld Co.. 4.-0 Ida Wnfinor. Dalzell's 3."0 Kdlth Spencer, Omaha Public Llbrnry 3.1KB Curollne Flbcrxer, Dr. Bailey 2,fli3 Alice Hndder, Neb. Tel. Co 1.810 Julia Kieffmnn. Hnnrmnn Uros 1.715 May O'llrlen, Hnvden Uros l,lrt Allco Carey, J. If. Mcintosh - Cnssio Arnold, (lorlst 3,1 Delia O'Uarrlon, Ivelley. Stlccr St Co. US Myrtle Ashcroft, Hnyden Uros 12: Nora Emerson, Adamn lixprcss Co.... 121 Carrie Kracht. Orabnm & Ure !S Dot Stone, Hayden Pros 7T Lillian Van cura, F. R. Sanborn & Co. i" Helen Hluby, city treasurer's olllco.... '.5 Mamlo Plrd. Schndcll'R. "J Ilcrtha Clarke. Postal Telegraph 47 Lizzie Lee. Neb. Clothing Co SO Cora Krebbs. Iloston store 3H Kva Knloy, Country Publishers .0 Jennie Tunnell, teacher 81 Kva MplQiieRt, Int. Cor. scliool u Joslo Christian. W. n. Dennett Co.... lb Illnnche Campbell, MnHon school 10 Rthyl Thompson. Kllpntrlck & Co.... 10 Rmma Meyer.' Kllpntrlck & Co 10 Kiln. Poff, Uurkley Envelope Co 10 Ncllio nennett, Vinton school 7 Ella Simpson, Omaha Packing Co.... 4 Uertie Winter. Woodmen of tho World 4 Ada Ltdoll, Rose hotel 3 Klla Poff, Ihirklcy Envelope- Co 3 Ilnchcl Lymann. Mut. Llfo Ins. Co.... 2 Oraco HrcwinKton. Neb. Cycle Co 2 Polly Hermans, Sorosls shoo store... 2 Agnes Hobcl, W. P.. Dennett Co 2 Sophia Miller, A. Peterson 1 Blnnche O'Darrion, Hnvden Pros 1 Anna Peters, Omnha View school.... 1 Nell I. Spurck 1 Selma Hums, Franklin ochool 1 Inn. Darnhnrt. WeBtern U. T. Co.... 1 Ocrtrudo Laytnn, Farrell & Co 1 Cora Dattellc, P.. O. Dun & Co 1 Jessie Dlnlto, Courtney & Co 1 Dertha Davis, .1. It. Lehmer 1 Clnra Yoder, W. 11. Melkle 1 Eva Ilyrne. Ilnyden Pros 1 Margaret O'Connell, Secretary Young Woman's Christian association 1 Anna Dennett, tencher 1 J. P.. Lymnn, Mut. Life Ins. Co 1 Rmma Quick, W. 11, Melkln 1 Grace Shecly, Dlchardsnn Drug Co.... 1 Annlo ICelley. Hnyden Pros 1 Annie Deccher, W. n. Dennett Co 1 Klvlrn Howe Omaha Dally Nowh..., 1 Stella Dlue. Kllpntrlck & Co 1 Irene Vnn Noy. U. P. headquarters.... 1 Phyllis Hnrlund. Coleman 1 Dertle Dnvls, J. II. I,ehmnn 1 Mnry Larson, Om, Tea and Coffee Co. 1 Agnes Mullln, Hnnrmnn Pros 1 Mrs, .lennio iirosmnn. unnrman uros. i Grneo Campbell, McCord. Brady Co.. 1 A. L. miff, Johnson & Cloodlett 1 Maud Mahnn, Kllpatrlck & Co 1 South DnUotn. Norn HnrrU, Lend Edna Wetzel, Lend 1,674 Mnttlo M. Forney. Sioux Falls 1,150 Marie Knowles, Dendwood C08 Mrs. F. E, Martin, Hot Springs W Maud Cninerou, Dendwood 2 Edith Blutchford, Terry 2 Hlanche Crow. Terry 2 Ituby Miller, Lend 2 Mnrslo Olbbs, Lend t 2 Maudo Cook, Lend 2 Daisy Fowler. Deadwood 2 Lydia Julltz, Deadwood 2 Oraco Tnrroll, Dendwood 1 llallle Dennett, Deadwood 1 Lola Thompson, Deadwood 1 Co line It llluirx. Kniinn Noonen, Xunr , 1,(IH(I Mamlo Aumann, Hlult City Laundry.. 1,138 lleuluh Hongland, Woodwurd's 455 Lizzie McCrcury, Woodward's 3S0 Dlancho Arkwrlght, artist 173 J. Mary Nelson, Christian Home 123 Cora Derger. Hunter's Millinery 00 Mary Aten, bookkeeper, Wilcox 82 Vermont Iteynolds, teacher 20 Etta Mnxwell, Dept. U. S. clerk 1 Edyth Thomas, teacher 1 lutt u, Jennie MrKlruy, Duiiliip, AVuod- lilnct Telepluine C 1,201 Mnyinu Cri'lKliton, Hlonx CIO .A. N17 Amnuda Frnnke, Manning .tt., f01 Anna Toller, Crouton 324 Jeuil Iteed, Sioux City 278 Miss Hartley, clerk, Sioux City 231 Mnbol Collomer, Sioux City 110 Pearl Mnxtluld, Neolu 70 Minnie Hrchtor, Sioux City CO Ion Holding, Corning CS Minnie nennett, Woodblno 6 Ada Pellott, Atluntlc 2 Mnrgurito llnllentyno, Corning 1 Jes.riu Held, Corning 1 .South O in ah ii, Mnry fSnrKent, (Hnaliii II. . I Co, S(() Evn O'Sulllvan, S, O, High school 30S Jennie Heater, dressmaker ,. 2W) Clura. Adams, Neb. Tel. Co 115 Sam Dear, under whoso management the Ferris Stock company is doing business nt Hoyd'B theater, hns been reading about Tho Dec's vacation contest. "A mighty clevor offer," snld Mr. Dear, after ho had digested tho substance, of tho proposition. "I admire the girl who has energy and independence enough to mnke her own liv ing," ho continued, "and I'm going to give a box party." That Bottled It. When Sam Dear dccldca to do anything ho does It In splto of weather and everything cloo. So Manager Dear hereby Invite tho thrco young women who shall head tho Omaha list Monday to sco tho show that night. This Invitation means that tho thrco lucky young women will each occupy, a box aud that they are each privileged to bring as their guests flvo friends. Each winner has a separate box and may play hostess at tho party. Manager Dear's company Is offering first class amusement and nn evening at Doyd's will be a pleasant stdo issue to this cam palgn. Now nnd then a little recreation Is ft good thing and It will do tho girls good to spend un evening at tho theater. And It may be that Sam Dear will get still moro deeply Interested and throw In a lot of votes for somebody. Stranger things havo happened. This is an Inccntlvo to tho several lead ing candidates to get to work. You havo have only n short whllo In which to sccuro a place In this theater party, so you will havo to rush In your votes rapidly. What Is tho play? Well, don't worry about that. Sam Dear knows his business and It's Klmbcrlcy diamonds to I'nplo peb bles that he'll offer a first-class attraction Monday night, Tho thrco winners of tho theater box party will ho announced in Tho Deo Monday afternoon. As soon ns tho winners rend tho Monday afternoon Deo they may get on their theater clothes nnd each one may Invite flvo friends to sit with her at the play. Now tho proposition Is .clear each of tho three highest candidates In tho Omaha list Is to occupy a box, surrounded by flvo friends of her own choosing eighteen peo ple In tho nggregnte, and nil because of Manager Dear's admiration for tho inde pendent American girl who works for a living. GOMEZ ALMOST IN TEARS Toll Dinner Party Hint Ho Is Mncli Moved by Ainrriciinn' Kind Ilrccptlon. NEW YOIIK, July 0. W. D. Stokes gnvc a dluncr nt tho Union Lenguo club this evening to Oencrnl Maximo Gomez and General Estrada Palma. Mr. Stokes was formerly a member of tho Cuban League of America and wns closely Identified with tho work of tho Junta of which Mr. Palma was tho head. Tho dinner wns nrrauged on tho spur of tho moment, General Gomez in tending to return to Cuba today nnd not deciding to remain over until tho morning when he accepted Mr. Stokes' Invitation and tho guests wero summoned by tele graph. Tho Cubnn general was tho hero of the occasion and was warmly received. He made a brief speech, which was Inter protcd by General Gonzales. General Gomez snld ho was almost touched to tears by tho remarkable reception ho had re eolved lu the United States. He know Cuba wns Indebted to tho United States but ho never know until he camo hero how deep that debt was; that It was not merely the obligation of one people to another but of brother to brother. Every Cuban born nnd bred, ho snld, lived nnd died with the Idea of Cuba llbro boforo him, with the hopo of tho people being freo nnd relieved of tho yoke of oppression. Cuba and tho United States, snld the general, belong together. It is only n question of gravitation when they will be one. nut at present, after tho great strug glo In which thousands of lives wero sncri flccd and when men returned to their .homes only to find their wives and child ren starved to death, In tho restricted bar rlera In which Weyler held them under his policy of roconccntratlon, they felt that they must hnvo Cuba llbro. It Is rcnltzed fully, ho said that Cuba cannot get along without the United States, but tho Cubans do want to feel freedom. Gcnernl Gomez referred to General Palma ns the hold-over president of Cuba, having been elected during tho Insurrection of 1SE3 nnd ho pointed to his follow Cuban as tho first president of Cuban llbro. General Talma made a fooling reply, warming to tho subject of Cuba libro nnd speaking enthusiastically of tho futuro of the Pearl of tho Antilles. BURNS ENGINES AND SHOPS Vlrti nt Clnrcndon, Tfiim, Contn tlie Colorndo ,t Southern Aliont $100, 000 Property Inwurcd. DENVEIt, July 6. President Trumbull of tho Colorndo & Southern railroad re ceived n telegram today from Clarendon, Tex., saying that tho company's shops, coal chutes, water tanks, a largo quantity of equipment, nine cars and flvo onglnes at that placo were totally destroyed by flro this morning. Tho dnmngo approximates $100,000 and Is well covered by Insurance Clnrcndon, Tex.. Is 150 miles from Den ver nnd Is tho end of tho Forth Worth and Denver division of tho Colorado & Southern system. , FARMER TAKESWIFE'S LIFE John (.artier of Mndrlrn Shoola HI CoiiHort nod Her Mother, Then Illiimrlf. MADEIP.A, Cut., July 6. John Garner, n farmer, went to a houso near town whoro his wife was stopping early this morning and calling her to tho door shot her twlco through tho head. He then shot his mother-in-law, Mrs. Wiillnghara of Los Angeles, who was with her daughter. Tho shot broko her leg. Placing tho revolver to his forehead ho then sent n bullet through his brain. Ho died Instantly. Mrs. Garner died In about an hour. ire i uu ru To be Trusted With n Good Set of HKAINS? GRAPE-NUTS Keep Them in Order. A A lUtAIN FOOD AND RLPAIKl R. Every minister, lawyer, Journalist, physician, author or business man is forced under pressuro of modern condi tions to tho active and sometimes over active use of tho brnln. Analysis of tha excrctn thrown out by tho pores shows that brain work breaks down tho phosphate of potash, separating It from Its hcavlor companion, albumen, and plain common senso teaches that this elemental principle must bo introduced Into tha body anew each day If we would rcplaco tho loss and rebuild tho brain tissue. Wo know that tho phosphato of potash, ns presented lu certain field grains, has an nfllnlty for albumen and that is tho only way gray matter In tho brain can bo built. It will not niiBwcr to tttko tho crudo phoephato of potash of the drug shop, for nnaturo rejects It. Tho elemental mineral must bo presented trough food directly from nature's laboratory, Thojo facts havo been made uso of in tho manufacture of Grape-Nuts, and any brain worke can provo the valuo of tho proper selection of food by maklog freo uso of Grape-N'uta for ten days or two weeks. Sold by grocers everywhere (and In immense quantities). Manufactured by tho Pnttum Cereal Co., Ltd., Dattlo Creek, Mlcb, STRIVING TO BREAK RECORD Ohrittfm EndiATor Conrantion Fiomiio to Eclipse Its PridtcitBori, FOUR BIG HALLS ARE TO BE UTILIZED First llnr Clours 1'p Preliminary Html. UfM nnd Make n Cooil Start on the Work of tha Convention. CINCINNATI, July 6. Tho twentieth an nual meeting of the ChrUtiHii Endeavor so ciety began n flvo days' cession lu this city today, Tho registration of delegates Hiid visitors Is unusually largo nnd tho indica tions aro that tho attendance will bo tho largest In tho history of these great gath erings, In nddltlon to thu receptions nnd rallies at different etuto headquarters tho business cession of tho United Society of Christian Endeavor was held during tho forenoon, nt which the nnnunl reports of tho officers and business agents were sub mitted. Tho nnnunl meeting of tho trustees will bo held this nftcrnoon. Tho grand openings, with tho welcoming address nnd the nddrews of President Clark and tho annual report of Secretary Ducr, will take place simul taneously In tho Auditorium tonight. Thrco largo auditoriums and n largo hnll havo been nrranged on tho old exposition grounds ndjolnlng Washington park, on Elm street A largo platform hns also been constructed In Wnshiugton park for overflow open air meetings. Music hall has been designated as "Auditorium Endenvor." l'ov.er hull Is called "Auditorium Wllllston" nnd Horti culture hall Is known ns "Auditorium Ohio." Odeon hnil Is fourth in this group. Four of tho auditoriums will bo used si multnucouHly tonight. Dr. Tennis S. Ham lin of Washington, I). 0., provides In one. with W. F. Jacobs of Drnoklyn as musical director. Bishop Samuel Fallows of Chi cago presides In the other, with I'crcy S. Foster of Washington, D. C, ns musical director. Eminent soloists will nsslBt tho chorus of 1,200 voices In each of these auditoriums tonight. In addition to the welcome addresses by members of the lo cal committee, tho city nnd stalo govern ments and others, thcro will ho response; by L. II. Keller of Mtlwnukoc, Dev. A. Mlynkl of Osakn, Japan; Dev. T. C. Cleve land, Atlanta; Hcv. Ocorgo A. Hubbard of China, Hcv. Neal A. McAuley, Wilton Junc tion, In.; Dev. Alfred Gaudier, Toronto; Hcv. W. J. Darby, Evnnsvlllc, lnd., and Hcv. William G. Marsh, Adelaide, Australia. Siiiiilny'n ProKmiil. Tomorrow tho dally quiet-hour meetings will bo held from S to 9 o, m. In tho churches and tho visiting dclegntcs will supply over 200 pulpits morning nnd even ing In thin city nnd vicinity. On Sundny afternoon tho great auditor iums will be used for meetings simultane ously for children, men nnd women from 2 to 3:30 p. m. and other mcotings will bo held from 4 to 5 p. m. In tho Interest of Sabbath observance, tcmperanco and mis sions. Very elaborate programs have been pro pared for tho different nudltoriums nnd churches simultaneously for Monday, Tues day nnd Wednesday from 8 a. m. until 10 p. m. and tho list of speakers Includes tho most eminent ministers and lecturers In tho country on tholr spcclnl topics. Tho session of the business meeting was conducted today under n pall, owing to the death of ono of tholr trustecn nnd the acrlouo Illness of another. The meeting was opened by President Frnncls E. Clark ond special devotional prayers for tho lato Hev. Dr. Maltblo Dabcock, who committed sulcido in Italy, ond for nov. J. Wilbur Chapman, who Is seriously ill in Indiana, were led by Hevs. Floyd W. Tompkins of Philadelphia and W. II. McMillan of Pitts burg. A resolution of condolence wns or dered sent to tho relatives of tho lato Dr. Dabcock, and a messago of good will nnd sympathy was telegraphed to Dr. Chapman. Tho report of Treasurer William Shaw was then submitted. It shows tho total rccolptB for tho year ending Juno 1 to bo $11,020, expenses $10,064, leaving a balanco on hand of (lull. Tho following wero then elected as gen eral trustees: Dlshop D. W. Arnett, Wll bcrforco, 0.; Rov. W. J. Darby, Evansvllle, lnd.; Dlshop Samuel Fallows, Chicago; Hew Hufus W. Miller, Heading, Pa.: Hov. W. II. McGlllan, Allegheny, Pa.; Hov. P. S. Honson, Chicago; Dlshop A. Walters, Jer sey City; Hov. J. H. Garrison. St. Louis; Prof. James L. Howo, Lexington, Vn.j Hev. II. P. Shupe, Dayton, 0.; Rov. J. M. Low den, Providence; Rov. Canon J. n. Richard son, London, Ont.; Rov. Clolnnd R. McAfeo, Chicago, and Hon. S. D. Capcn, Doston. Treasurer Shaw tendered his resignation as trustco and Hon. S. D. Capen of Doston was selected to succeed him. Hev. Clcland D. McAfeo was elected to succeed tho late Dr. Dabcock. Tho following officers wero then re elected by tho convention: Francis E. Clark, Doston, president; William Shaw, Doston, treasurer; John W. Daer, DoBton, general secretary, and F. H. Kidder, Dos ton, auditor. A now position, field secre tary, was created and Rov. Clarence E. Ebcrraan of Lancaster, Pa., wos elected. UNION LEADERS NOT WORRIED Do Not llelleve CoiiHotliliitlon of Cmn piinlc, Will Injure Them In the Leant. PITTSBURG, July 6. Tho special train carrying tho employes ond former officers of tho National Steel and American Steel Hoop companies reached Pittsburg from New York about 7 o'clock this morning. Tho two concorns, which havo been merged Into tho Carneglo company, will tako up their ueadquartors In tho Carncgto build ing on Monday. Tho trip from New York was mado without Incident. Considerable Interest Is manifested In manufacturing nnd labor circles as to tho bearing tho absorption of tho American Steel Hoop company by tho Carneglo com pany will havo on tho strlko recently or dered by tho Amalgamated association. President Charles M. Schwab of tho United Statco Steel corporation and still a lead ing spirit In tho nffalrs of tho Carneglo Steel company, of which ho formorly was president, Is understood to bo opposed to organized labor. Tho absorption by tho Carneglo Steel corporation of tho American Steel Hoop company thus brings tho latter Into much moro Intimate control than when It was ono of tho individual constituents of the great stool combine, in which It has now lost its Identity. President T. J. Shaffer of tho Amalga mated nbsoclatlon thinks, however, that tho chaugo will not provo Inimical to his asso ciation. Said ho: "No, I do not think tho Amalgamated people huvo anything to fear. I think thlngc po far as tho employment of labor Is concerned will go on In tho old way. I observe In looking over these of llclal changes that whllo there aro now presidents, vice presidents, (secretaries, treasurers, auditors, purchasing agents, traffic managers and tho llkn for tho two companies merged with tho Carneglo Steel company, thoro have been no changes In tho operating departments. It is with tho operating departments, the manuge,rs, that tho Amalgamated people deal. Presldentn nnd treasurers do not bother with labor disputes. There might alio be changes In tho operating departments of theso compa nies, but I do not think that would altei the attitude of the companies on tho Inbor question." President Shaffer, when seen this morn ing nt tho hondquarters of the steel work ens, snld there was nothing new to be given out. Asked as to tho meeting of the ad visory board, ho said: "This Is tho rcg. ular auditing tlmo nnd If I find anything of sufllclcnt Importance I will call tho board together to consider It, but tint Is nil." llotnh lflllft Denver Chllil. DENVER, July 6 -A bomb or huge tor pedo thrown Into tho yard nt 2021 Curtis BURLIU REDUOES RATES Tho following HOUND TRIP RATES mny interest you. If so, you may learn all about routes, limit of tickets, et cetera, at any Rurlinyton ticket oftlce. x $15. Denver and return July 1 to 1). Return limit, October HI. $15, Puebta and return July L to 0. Return limit, August 31. Bitifa or Ikhm mi return (fc?ame rate to many other .Montana points.) July (! to 1.".. Return limit, August 111. $40, Spokane, Wash., asid rsturo (Same rate to many other points in Northwest.) July 0 to 13. Return limit, August 31. $15, Oclerado Springs mi return July 1 to 1). Return limit. October 31. $25, Glenwood Springs and return July 1 to 9. Return limit, Octobur 31. $30, Salt Lake City and return July Vito i). Return limit, October 31. $15, Hot Springs, S. D., and return i July Return limit. $19.50, Deadwood or Lead City and return July 1 to 9. Return limit, October 31. $25.75, Buffalo and return Now. $45, San Francisco and return July (5 to 13. ui,,..., . ...... ..t ) i ueniiii mini, $45, Portland, Ore., Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria or Vancouver and return Jul;' G to 13. Return limit, August 31. $16.75, Milwaukee and return July 20, 21 and 22. Dr. Louis K. Cook, Forest, Oitlo, s iys: "NKV1CR IN THE HISTORY OF HAIR TONICS HAS SUCH A HIGH STATE OF PERFECTION HBI2N ATTAINED"; ana muh Emery of 578 15. (iOlh.st., ChlcaKo. III., says: "HAND ERIN E RESTORED MY HAIR AFTER ALL TINS RKST HAIR AND SCALP SPECIALISTS IN THE (MTV FAILED." Dandcrine produces a silky softness and lustre of the hair that youth at its best can not equal, and a twenty-five rent bottle is enough to prod ure this result. Now at all druggists in three sizes 25c, 50c and $1 .00 per bottle. (Jet the genuine, made only bv THE KNOWLTON DANDERINE CO., Ohirago, 111. 1 slroot thls morning killed Esther Oliver. 5 i years old, who was on the porch. Tho child's lower Jaw wns entirely torn away and she lived out thirty minutes uftor tho explosion occurred. She Is the daughter of M. O. Oliver, a mtfveyor. The matt who threw the bomb rscniK-d. Honor for American Woman, ' LONDON, July 6. Mrs. Ronalds, one of 1 tho American women who raised tho fund 1 when the hospital ship Malno was bought nnd equipped for tho uso of tho Uritlsh I In tho Doer war, hns been gnzcttcd as nn honorary lady of grace of tho Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 1 to 9. ,J.l.USi SI A $' October 31. .iiiiini, ox. j Ticket Office, 1502 Fttriiitiii Street, Telephone 250 Burlington Station, lOtli anil Mason fct roots, Telephone 128 mm