8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FBI DAY, JUNE 28, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL What Highir on Oablsi, Expart Dimwd and OtTiri.nf. GENERAL TONE OF CORN IS BEARISH Ont Tnlrlr Active and flelllnfr Order J'lentlful Clone Shnile Lorrer rrorliloiiH IJrop Under Hcary rnllt TnUlnK. CHICAGO. June 2-HlBl,'1t,?bbv, ".ft0 export demand and covering W ,,:,r ce ntrlbuted tlrmnesH to 1 1 wheat n urket tu.lay uml September delivery closed Ail He up, September corn cloned UHc .owcr, bVpteinber imta '.WiioJuwn and pr yvWon from 214c to 6c under ycstcrdJ) mmi "oif'tlio advance at Liverpool SciUombor wheut opened Whc hie i" nt 67tt. yo Improvement wan met ln'mui'ai7i in. Inrge oflerlngs ami a. decline to '.J c re nulled. 8ubH-.ttcntly reports of extenMja damage to Krrneh and Oerman crops broiiKiit out u good export demand, lie trading w.ih moderntely active ami U o clone was llrm mid higher ut 67 .t C7',ic. Twenty-one loudu were taken tor export and aboard clenjanctB of jvhtt and (lour were equal to bu. I "J"" receipt!, were &",000 uu.. "H"," " '.,',? ''l ' i year ago. Mlnncnpolln and Duluth re ported 331 enra, Hgnlnrt 329 tart week nd KS a year ago. lotul receipts were 63 cars, onn of contiuct snide. ...nnm Corn Wflb dull, prleeh ranging wit Un narrow limit. The general onV,of J market wits bearish, ulthoush the crop newi wan decidedly bulllah. .Houthwcst w ports showed absence of rain. .September corn told between H'Aa wrt IGc. Ch.BlnS easier and Uiic down nt IIVc Iff1" rwlpth woru lis, cum, two of co il , ei grade. I'lfty-one loads were takun for -x- '"oata were fairly active, with prices si shade lower than yesterday, all "!'' being met by plentiful selllnK orders, Com mission houses worn the ma n w-diois uii i theie wns n uood country l'"a,m'- , , Vc lumber oats ranged J';slc" "'4ic and cloned steady nnrt WitUu lower ut .6,4c. Local receipts were 1U5 cm!' lro visions wero dull nnd lower, on con tinued hcIIIiik for pi out. The heaviness of the run of hogs In the west was an indd tional Incentive to inking f i1' , ' ' long side. September pork sold li tween f 4 ?6 and JH.Mk and closed SJrfiSc own 1 114.W. September lard tunged from ..& to s.72'4. closing Co inwer at ,Fi'.i!7. limber r$ ranged between W.15 and M.Wh and clomrt 2'A.c lower at $s.l.4. Ustlmatcd receipts for tomorrow: Client, 22 cars; corn, 185 earn; oats, 170 cars; hogs. 25.(io head. , ,n,,... . The leading futures ranged as follows. Artlcles.l Open.l High. I Low.- Closed Yc.Vy. Wheat June July Sept. Corn Juno July Sept. Dec. Oats July Sept. May I'otk July Sent. Lard--July Kept. Oct. nibs July Sept. ' ' ' Cn' G6K GGTsflG? 67V4 Cfi-i 67 s, MViffJi I ' I .-. 42 43 4l'sW45 45 41V4 44 417, 43'.i 43H 42?i 42', 1 27',;' 27 2ff!if 2Gtt27',MJH 26Ti27 27 26S 2'Hi 25'rt27 nm 2Mi 29 14 B5 14 67V4 14 67H 14 CO 14 CS 14 82',4 It 87V4 14 75 11 SO 11 S5 SS2V4 8 8 57 8 62V4 ?JV4 8 70 8 72 8 8 70 8 "5 8 70 8 70 8 62H S67H 8 72V4 8 02U 8 02 8 00 8 CO 8 Oi Ik 8 15 8 10 8 12 8 16 No. 2. Caih quotations were m follows: FI.OUH-DulI; winter patents, $3.5O3.60; straights. I3.30O3.40; spring patents, W.8i 3.65; straights, 2.7OZJ2.00; bakers', J1.80O2.50. WHEAT-No. 3 spring, 62if(66c;, No. 2 "cbnN-No. 2, 4Sc; No. 2 yellow. 4343ttc. OAT6-N0. 2, 28l4"r2Sc; No. 2 white, 30!4j Sic; No. 3,whltc.27H(828c. BARLEY Good' feeding, 4731c; fair to choice n altliiK. 47051c. REEUH No. 1 llax. I1.S8; No. 1 northwest ern. $l.8s: prime timothy, J4.15. rnOVlBIONS-Mcss pork, per bbl., 14.M0 14.3S. Lard, per 100 lbs., S.608.62. Short rlln sides (loose). l7.9O5iS.10. Dry salted shoulders (bosedh $700ia7.25. Short clear slde.i (boxed). 1S.4j3S.65. WHISKY Basis of high wines. 11.27. Following are the receipts and shipments for touay: Receipts. Shipments. .... SS.OOO 21.000 .... 82,000 169,000 ,...140,000 103,000 ,...134,0l 276,000 Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu..' Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu 6,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 Barley, on.. On Ihn Prnilurn exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 14(iJ lDc; dairies, 14ri6c. Cheese, dull, 'Jf9?Ic Eggs, steady, iullc. NF.W YORK OKNERAI, MARKET. tluotatlon of the Dnr on Variaui Copiiuodltlei. NEW YORK, Juno 2".-FLOUR-Recelpts. 28,470 bbls.; exports, 10,680 bbls.; active and stronger; winter patents, t3.6Oi)3.90; winter straights, U40a3.6vj winter extras, .60 2.85; Minnesota bakers, 12.9033.15; Mlnnv lota patents, S3.?0U3.a5; winter low grades, J2.3CXT2.40. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, 2.703.60; choice to fancy, 13.15U3.45. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western, 93c; city. 92c; Urandywlne, 12.4&2.5S. RYE Easy ; No. 2 western. &5c, afloat; state, 62ff54c, c. i. f., New York, carlots. HARLKY Quiet : feeding, 48c c. I. f. New York: malting. 684J62c c. I. f. New York. BARLEY MALT Dull; western, 66Q72c. WHEAT Receipts. 88,450 bu.; exports. 201,691 bu.; sales, 2,860.000 bu. futures. 120,000 bu. spot. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. 77Hc, f. o. b,, afloat; No. 2 red, Wttc, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 7Hc, f. o. b afloat: No. 1 Arm and active. Opening prices had a Arm and active tendency. Local dealers nnd foreigner bought wheat and Wall street sold It. Home crop accounts remained favorable and helped check bull aggressive ness late In the day. Closed firm at 3S'3Hc net advance. July. 74 6-lM74Hc closed at htc; aepicmocr, 2?ai3tc, closed at ,J',tc; October, 73c. closed nt 73c; December. 74 51607iKc, closed at 74Kc. CORN Receipts, "6,000 bu.; exports, 22.692 uu.: sHien, lu.wu du. luiures, iw.ooo bu. spot. Spot, steady; No. 2. 47Vc. elevator. and 48c, f. o. b afloat. Option market iipcneti onn wun wuuni nna neiu sicauy most of tho day In contrast to wheat de pression. It llnallv yielded a trifle in lm. proved crop news, but closed steady at a partlnl o not decline. July. 47i'J747ic, closed nt 47c; September, 4SfjM8 13-itfc. closed at 4Mic. OATS Receipts. 92,600 hu.; exports. 560 un. oiwi, riouuyi nu. c, c; xno. i wnlte. 33e; No. 3 white, 32c; track mixed western. 32itT3.1V4:C: track white western. Tui?. track white state, 32Qg2c Options, tiuiet but steadily held. HAY Quiet: shipping, 72c; good to choice. b7'4?f90c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1900 crou. 16flSc: 1899 cron. 10ai3e: nA nt,i. 26c; l'aclflc coast, 1900 crop, 16018c; HIDES Steady; Qalvesto'n. 20 to !X lh 18HC California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 25 lbs.. HW14c. LEATHER Steady: hemlnrk nlM. Rucnos Ayres. light to heavyweights. 2ta 25e: ncld. 24t2Sc. ' 1'ROVISIONS-Ileof. Arm; family, J11.00 G11.6Q; mess, 19.0010.00; beef hams, $20.60 Jl.ou; pacaei. tiu.uuutu.su; city, extra India mess, llS.WiiB18.00. Cut meats, Arm; pickled bellies. 9UtUUc: plcklod shoulders, JT.f.iKD $8.00; pickled hams. I10.00jflo.60. Lard, asy; western steamed. 13.00: refined, stenilv; tlnent. 19.10; South America, $3.50; com pound. (.S7Q7.0O. Pork, steady; family. 5.6Offl6.0O; short clear, I15.00O17.00; mess, S15.7&4I 16.7R. TALLOW Quiet; city (2 per pkg.), 4T4c: country (packages free), 6?5vc. RICE quiet; domestic, fair to choice, iK Q6Hc; Japan, 4c. MOLASSES Quiet 1 New Orleans, opon BUTTER Receipts, 8.22S Pkgs.; steady; creaiiirry. jutwiuui lauiury iktt'uioc. CHEESE Receipts, 10,143 packages; un ciiieu ihiiu. ia,Kc. cuioreu. soiuc: fancy, large, white, 9c; fancy, small, col ored, 9Htf9-ic: fancy, small, white, 9 EOGH Receipts. 9.520 packages; firmer; western candled, 13c; western uncandled, 11J(13( POttr.TRYA!lv ntnrlv (1rii1 Am. springers, 20j)33c; turkeys, 71J8c; fowls, 1(MT10C. METALS The tin market in local circles continues its downward movement. Today under liquidation, as a result of good sup plies, our market declined 10 points. Tho close was easy In tone at J2S.OflCS.50. On the other hand prices In London for that metal were a shade firmer, closing with spot quoted at 129 7s 6.1, and futures at 122 Us. Copper In London further eased off 7s 6d on light offerings and closed at 67 10s for spot and 63 for futures, creat ing a low record for the year. Here prices were nominally unchanged at 117 for Lake Superior and 116.68 for casting and electro lytic. Lend wns dull at $4.37. Spelter in 1ondon declined 5s to 16 12s fid for spot, hero unchanged Domestic Iron markets ruled Innctivn nnd featureless, rig iron warrants, t9.Mi(10.00; northern foundry, 114.2Gffl5.0Oi southern foundry, 13.7Ctl6.25; Glasgow wnrrnnts closed at 62s and Mid dlesborough nt 43s 7d, Indicating lower English markets. OMAHA WIIOI,&9U,K MARKET. Condition of Trnde nnd (notations on .Itnplp nml Fnncy Produce, j EGOS Receipts liberal; good stock. Arm. L1Ve" POULTRY-Hens. 7c; young and 3ld roosters, 3iQ6c; turkeys, 6f8c: ducks and BC.??.Hi.9J."nrl"K chickens, per lb., 16tlSc. BUTTEIt-Common to fair, 1231Jc: c,WicF..da,r'' ln bs, I4i15c; separator, ISc. FRESH FISII-Black bass, 18c; white bass, 8c; bitterish, 11c; bullheads, loc: bluo ilns, 7c; burroioM. 60; catilsh, 12c; cod, 9c; crapples, jyioc; clscoes, 7c: halibut, lie; her ring, tc; haddotH, 10c, pickerel. 7c; pike. 9c; led snapper, loc; salmon, lie; sunilsh, 6c; "RJJi'.?0! whltellsh, 9o l!aKONS-Llvc, tier dox., II. y,IJA.'i?-.ch"i,c. 9yi0c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale ifoy- I3i''iler association: Choice upland. 110.00; No. 2 upland, 9.50; medium. 9.W; coarse, J8.00. Rye strnw, J.6). These prices uro for hav of itood color nnd quality. De hand fair. No frcHh receipts. OATS No. 2 white. 23:. CORN-No. 3. 43c U (IAN 115. HPINACH-Por bu. box. 4oc. ASPARAOUS-NntlVi!. psr doz.. 354f40c. JtlluUARB-Home grown, per lb., lc. NEW CAIlllOTS-Pcr doz., 2025c. NEW TURNIPS-Per iior... 2u25c. CIJCUMllElts-Hothousc, per doz, 40350c. I.ETTUCE-Ptr bu . 20c. RADISHES-Pcr doz., 163.Vc. PAIISLKY-Per doz.. 30c" I'OTATOES-Old, per bu.. POc. NEW POTATOES-Per bu., 90c. CAIJUAGE-Ncw California, lc. 'i'OMATOKS-Tesas, l-bsk. crntcs, 11.50. qNlaNS-jsermudas, per crate. 12.25; new California. 2c. CAULIFLOWER Horac-grown, per doz., 0c, jJ'KANS Wax, per 1-3 bu., 40c; string, por CANTALOUPE-Per bsk', TGcfill; crates, "WATERMELONS Texas, .T0(S35c each. FRU1T& PINEAPPLES-Pcr doz.. U.7JQ2.00; per crate, :t,75. BLACKBERRIES Per 21-qt. case, 1UW RASPBERRIES-Per 24-ql. case, 2: red, Pv-r 21-qt. case, H.00; per 24-pt. case, 12.60. CJlKHKlliS-cnllfornla, per x-lb. box, 41.2..; Missouri, per 24-qt. chbc. J1.7.WJ.0U. PLACHES Culltornla, per box, Wc. Al'liici ,'r.-;('iiifM-i.!- 1,.1 ... .,. PLUMS-Calltornln. per crntc, 11.25. auOSEIIEHIttES-Per 24-qt. case, 11.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGEri Cullfornla seedlings, I2.7541 .00; Med, sweets, (A.M. LEMONS-Calltornia. extra fancy, $X75; holce. U50. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, 2.00 2.60. Fl(15 .Pnltfnmln nan. nv.nn. Km Cod Imported, ncr lb., 1012c. DATLS Persian. In fti-!b. boxes, Salrs, 6c .. . WlHUBIiLANEOUS, per lb.: Hnlloween, 6c per lb. pr 001.. per nair odi fi.n. . . w v ut,h,iDii niijitiiia, jjcr i li., in- bcrts, per lb 13c; almonds, per lb.. lSQ20c; raw peanuts, per lb., 5Q5c: roasted, 6 IIIDLS-No. 1 green. 6c; No. 2. green, 4c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No, 2 salted, 6c; yi l" '-ri ius., oc; io. i veal - -y . .ua., uy I11UCB, fVUIU, SI1CCU pelts, 2507c; horse hides, I1.5C-tf2.2i. St. Louis flrnln and ProTlslons, CP T ntTTD n. . . . . . .-. ,M . . . iiuuid, Juno ii, niiciAi no, z rca cash, elevator, 66c: track, new. 6J66c; old. 6ftg68c; July. 64Hc: September. 6oc; 'Shii"iJ.tri. "ci o. - nara, mmiw, 43W4c; July, 41Hc: 'September," Sc. ' OATS TTIrm Mr. 9 nanh Mn mirm. ...... . . i. , . l .... i . . , . . inn, . 'IV 30c; July, 27V4027Hc; September, 26y426T4c; ..... - nimc, ot'.iu. jivk firm, 45c. FLAXSEED No trading. FLOUR-Quict; patents. I3.40S3.60; extra nncv anil Irnlu'hl. 15 imtft ib. i.n. ... cr. CORNMEAL Steady at 12.30. BRAN Firmer? inplffrf Ann. wMMi mm ., - , i, iwy HiV-1 -Timothy, easy, at 9.00Q,14.60; pral- rle. steady: not auoted. WHISKY-Htendy. 11.27. IRON COTTONTIES-I1.06. BAGOINOS-eiic. HEMP TWINE 9c. nnnvTBiowa tji. a.m. -.t.'. Lard, lower, at 18.47(38.47. Dry salt meats. iieiivy; ooxeti lots, extra snorts, 11.12; clear ribs, tf.37: clear sides, ln.50. Bacon, heavy; boxed lots, extra shorts, 19; clear I"."'. 4.tH7Jt tiCtir IllUCBi Spelter, steady. 13.82. springs. 12(815c; turkeys, 8c; ducks, 6c; oi.iiupn. ot, Kcrsu, ic, springs, sc, BUTTER Steady; creamery. 1420c; dairy. 13Q14i-. - ' 'feSTSifi1'1. ws"',n. 8c; southern. 7c. 41,000 bu., corn, 21.000 bu.: oata, 22.000 bu. aw uu. o.wy UUIOi . Wllvtl W 47.000 bu.; corn. 30,000 bu.; oats, 45,000 bu. Liverpool Grntn nnd Provisions. T.IVIi'PlinftT. T..n IT Tl.lt Y fl. . dull; No. 2 red western winter, 6t T'Ud: Jwjila. 5a lOJitt. Futures, quiet; July, 6s 074VI. ocificmuvr, 0a U74U. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, quiet, at 4s .3?id; American mixed, old, Arm, at 4 2d. Futures, quiet; July, 3s lld; Sep. tcmber, 4s 3Hd; October, nominal. i-cino-uiiuuiiiii, nieuny, at OS jua, FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, dull, 's d. HnPR-A( Tindnn fPnVlfti. -....j.. 4JJ:4 15s. ' " PROVISIONS-Beef, Arm; extra India mess. 68s 3d. Pork, steady; prime mesi western, 61s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 Jbs.. lltinftv. 47n "irt. l.rirrl flp.n In tierces. 42s 3d; American refined, ln pans. 43s mi. Bacon. Arm; Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs., 4,4s 9d; short ribs 16 to 24 lbs.. 46s 9d; long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 Ihn.. JFiaSii Inner r1a v L 35 tow liS fiisM short cle7 back.??7o p'I""' w luo, Pirutlj', a9, BUTTER Finest United States, oulet. 90s; good. dull. 87s 5d. quiet, riTir.Trap T?im,. 4 . ... . . ...... ninciivnii nnest wnlte. 45s 6d; American Anest colored, 46s d TALLOW Firm; prime city. 25s6d'Aus. trallan. In London! 26s 9d. ' ' Au Knnsai- City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS f!ITV. .Tnti n n,un.i, ...... 60T4c; September. 61.4c: DecembcV. 62V4c: No."h rid. We.' " "- 3- "W; CORK Jlllv. 41 Tin flnnriifril.A J a. S2' ,2 y wlflte,; " l7Jlt HYE-No. 2. prairie. jISwSu.tA cno.ee I4flir.c. y" 159,7c: rta,ry- 'ancy. Eaa's-Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan. sas stock. Sc doz., loss off, cases returned- now whilewnnrl raoa Inning 11 , S'HIPMENTH-Whcat. 63,200 bu.; corn. 18,400 bu.; oats, 11,000 hu. ' Toledo Grnln nnd Seed. TOLEDO, O., June 27. WHEAT Active strong; cash and July. 690; Septem".; 8ei?eRmNb7?ic?Wer5 CaS" n"J Ju,y' 27f4cX:Ti7p,21,nbyer.nS6.: Ca"h' RYE-51I.4C tober?5n:65.8EEDCnah, Pr'me' ,6M! 0c' I'ltllndrlnhl.i Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 27, RUTTFR , int. . .li; wniorn cream- nMrby!4l6c!nnCy wcstern prlnts' 15c: tancy .?.9.S5'jr.rIf5h nearby, mc; fr,Kt "'-";'- . . ..von duuiii western. liHe1 fresh southern. 12o. ' 1 nc l(jIEESE-Easer. Now York fancy small, Mllwnukrn Grnln Mnrkel. u MIVCAUIKE'. Jun?. CT.-WIIEAT-Mar-ket higher; No. 1 northern. GSi(69c: No ; northern, C5C7c; July, 67',4c; September 6740. , 11VE Hlirher No. 1. iSUr. PARLEY Dull ; No. 2. 6455c: samnle 4l(B57'4c, t I'eorln Mnrket, PEORIA, June 27.-CORN Steady; No, 3, OATS-Inactive; No. 3 white. 2Sc, billed WHISKY-On the basts of .J7 for nn Ished goods, Dnlntli Grnln Mnrket, DULUTH, June 27,-WHEAT-No. 1 hard ensn. nine; nn, 1 nortnern, cnn. C6c; July. 67c: September. C!4c; No, 2 northern, Glftc. OAT8-27027c. Minneapolis Wheat, Flnnr and tlrati MTVUtfinriT ia T . Tt.rr. . m Cash, 65oj July, 63c; September, 64!4c. On track: No. 1 hard, 7c; No. l northern, 66c; No. 2 northern, 63l4c. "LOUR Firm; Arst patents, W.7Oft3.S0; i.ccond patents, I3.5(x83.C0; tlrst clears, 2.00 2.70; second clenrs, 12. BRAN ln bulk, 110.60. BIG WHEAT YIELD IN SIGHT nrporls from All Over the Country Indicate Ilxceiitlonnllr Good Conditions, NEW YORK, June 27. Correspondents of R. G. Dun & Co. report conditions of winter wheat on tho whole exceptionally encourag ing. In the principal states the yield will be very heavy and It Is noticed that the few unfavorable returns are from 6 points where only a moderate crop Is expected. Desplto tho tardy arrival of warm weather, harvesting Is under way at nil southern points nnd another big yield Is practically certain for Kansas. Oklahonui reportH aro cheering, most of the grain being cut and it fair Incrcnse over tho preceding report Is announced. Figures of acreage Indicate that the total area un der cultivation this year is smaller than ln 1900, but tho yield per acre will prove larger. Hessian tly caused Injury In parts of Michigan and sugar beet culture reduced the wheat acreage considerably, but there Is nevertheless ti good yield. With so much of the crop beyond danger nnd generally hopeful news from northern points It Is sato to expect n yield up to the most san guine earlier reports. The most sanguine wheat expectations Is assuming a more cheerful tono. Instead of complaints as to drouth, there Is ample moisture and tho crop progresses favorably. It . too early to consider reports Annl, ns serious illi.uater jnny yet be experienced, but with weather no better than tho aver age from now to harvest there Is rcaon tu expect n full yield of spring wheat and tho better conditions of spring wheat should exceed all production, with u, crop of 700, 000,000 bushels or more. MOVEMENTS I.X STOCKS AND DOXD.S. St. Punl nnd Union rnellle Yield Un der llcnxy .Selling. NEW YORK, Juno 27.-There was a lively spilling out of stockn tor a time today, ltd a rtiiull of the HUHpt'tifeiOii of the Seventh Na tional bank, ono of the minor members of the Clearing House luuiiclutloli, in conse quuncu of action by the controller of tho currency, but tho market ut no tlmo ap proached nnywhere near to demoralization. Tito drop In prices whh, however, very gen eiui and extended to over 3 points lit u number of the principal aettu stocks which have been recent favorites In the specjla non. St. Paul, Union l'aclflc and .Manhat tan were the severest sufferers and MIs siurl Pncltle and Texas & Paclllo ulso yielded rather easily. The latter part of the day wltnefcsoit a striking and general recovery. Union Pnclllc. St. 1'aul and Met ropolitan Street Rnllwuy were the only stocks among the leaders which fulled to bencilt tully lrom this luto recuperation In the market. The bears were an active tuc tor during the selling movement, and their buying to cover had considerable to do with ihu late rally. The suspension of the Seventh National bnnk came as a surprise, after the tiding over of Its affairs yesterday nnd the day beioro, as It was generally supposed that friends of the bank would supply suillclcnt resources to carry It through. The Incident f,w?lL t0. CW .nn "''Peasant Imprcs sign and served to intensify the pinch ln the money, market, incident to the turn of tho half year. The call loan rate ran tip to la per cent. With this substantial recupera tlnn In prices of standard securities since h0 .May Panic tho fnct has rather been lost . - v 7-- "jjiuiiuii a cuiminuteu thn in n n : Ah ,X'"t"'....8"y.m,irketable wculd-boTdrugira tnCrecovehry.n,arKet Cl8ed dU" bU" " mere was some selling of railroad bond a sympathy with stocks, but other m?rt! age Issues advanced. Total sales nr n ue. frrpsnan T?i.rl . suies, par ail unchangedT on the lastDca..." Dnd8 Wero luunwin aro tn cloilnv nrt. the New York Stock "xchsnie P " Atchison W do pfd lOJHSo. raclflc I0V4So. Railway 91 do pfd...'...... NW'iTex. & Pacinc ... , 4iT4' do pfd... 44t Union Pacific 7S4 do pfd Wabash 3 I do pfd "2 Whell. & L. E.... IW do 2d pfd , f4 Wk Central 2V do pfd ,, .197 Adams Ex .-, ,1M lAmerlcan Ex ..181 .. tSH .. 31M .. MH .. 43H .. 21 14 .. 3.1 ..l'JS'i .. 90V, 22H .. 4! .. WU .. 32 .. 24V4 .. 47 .. 79 ..J" ..:t; .. M ..no ..121T4 .. 2IH .. 87H ,.. 23 .. SOM .. 67 ...104 ..135 .. 47H .. 81V4 ..111!, ..240 ... Mi ,..II7 ,,.2t0 ,.. , ... t3H ... 22 ... 77 .. 94 ... 15 ... 44 ... 2214 ... 4C ... 7S ...1MH ... 6S ... 41 ...11774 ... 4.H; ... ti ...:m ... 2Jt4 ... 75 ...144 ... MT4 ... in.i ,.. 72V4 ... 13 ... 71 ... 21 ... W,i ... 48V, ... MH ... H do nrd Baltimore & Ohio.. do pfd Cansdlan Pacific... Canada So Che. It Ohio Chicago & Alton. . do rfd C. B. & Q Chi., Ind. & L do DM... Chi. & E. Ill Chicago O. W do lt pla, do 3d ofd Chicago & N. W... C. R. I. & r Chicago Ter. A Tr. U. . Ex Wells-Fargo Ex.., Amal. Copper .... Amer. Car & F... do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil.,,, do pfd . 4S , H . 14',4 . SI C. C. C. & St. L.. Colorado Ho do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Kurtfon ... Del.. L. & W Co pfd 'Amrr. a. n ' ,23 Denver & It. O.... do pfd . I do pfd . SMi 'Amer. Tobacco .. . 4Hi Anac. Mln. Co.... . "d'.i Brooklyn It. T.... . W iColo. Fuel & I.... .1SJ Cop. Qas . ,'Con. Tobacco .... I do pfd .14'4 Gen. Elfctrlo .... 1. 40V4.Olucoie Sugar .... . SPH Hocking Coal .... 1. 57 Inter. Paper .110 do pfd ..108V4 Inter. Power ,.12314 Laclede Oa ,.17SV4'Natlonsl Dlscuit , .. 2 iNatlonal Lead ... Erie do let pfd do M pfd Ot. Ncr. pfd Ilocklnr Valley .. do pfd Illinois Central ... Iowa Central ... do pfd Lake Erie & W do pfd U & N Manhattan L.... M't. St. Ry Mex. Central ... Mcx. National . Minn. & St. L... Mo. raclnc M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central .. N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W... do pfd No. raclflo do pfd Ontario A W.... Pennsylvania ... Reading do Ut pfd do td pfd St. L. S. F... do lt pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Soutbw... do pfd St. Paul iu? National Salt ..107 do nfd. .120H . 30 . M'.i .IV. .US . 51'i . fVi, ,120 ,. 9 . 38 ,.150H 4."V . ,. H ,. Mi .. MV4 SH " 67ai N'o. American ... Pacific Coast .... Pacific Mall Peonle'a Gas Pressed S. Car... do nfd Pullman P. far. . iRepublle Steel ... do pfd Stiitnr ,Tenn. Coal A union Dag A p.. do pfd U. S. Leather ... no prd U. S. Rubber .... do nfd U. S. Steel do pfd Western Union . Trust receipts. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Business showed fow signs of Improvement today and senti ment was still depressed, though prices hardened slightly townrd the end. Berlin was still a free seller, of stocks. American stocks wero weak early on fears of mone tary troubles In New York and on German sales. There wns also quiet realization here by some of the bulls, who have grown weary of holding stocks and whose enthusi asm has become stale. The Now York buy ing caused a genernl rally, but at tho close there was a drop of a point on the news of the suspension of tho Seventh National bank, although there were more offerings thnn nctual sales. Berlin sold Tintos througb Paris to 52T4. which marks the low record this year, but there was a rally to 63H. London being bullish, giving 1V4 call i J'."6 cnd 2,LJulv an1 2W t 'he end of Serltcmber. The Bank of England returns show market borrowings of 2.000.000 and today 1,000,00 more was borrowed. Call rates have advanced to 3V4 per cent, with other quotations steady. The Bank of Bom. bay and Bengal avo reduced discount fate,J,rmr,5 ? 4r.?ent' rrs exchange Is 25.20H; Berlin, 20.oJJ4. B London Slock (luotntloua, LONDON, June 27. I p. m. Closing: Cons,, money do account Atchison .93 3.1fdo 1st pfd .9 S-ie.rcnneylv'anla ... ... 72U ... 77 ... m; ... 99 ... mi; ... 9'4 ... 4 Hi ...10)li 41?, Iteadlne Canadian Pacific, St. Paul , Illinois Central .. Isiulivllle Union Pac. pfd,. N. Y. Central ... Erie' ..loot; ..177V4 ..US . 1111; .. P2U ..16: .. 42V4 No. Pacific dm.. Qrnnd Trunk .... Anaconda U. 8. Steel do pfd , (land Mines ...i BAR SILVER-Sleady. 27Sd per or. MC NEY-2W5J3V4 per cent. The rnte of ?lsc.?,ii, ,,,e cn niarket for short bills ll????'2 pcr ccnt; for tnreo months' bills, New York Mining Slocks. .uNEv YORK. June 27.-Tho following are the closing quotations on mining stocks; Adams Con Alice 15 40 l.lttl Chief ,,, Ontario ,,,, ,Ophlr ... 11 ...tu ... M ... 9 ... S ... ... :o ... 40 ...545 Ilrerce , Brunswick Con ..100 r. Phoenix Potosl Comsiock Tunnel. Con. Cal. A Va., Dead wood Terra Horn Sllvr Iron Silver , Leadvlll Con..,. ..:o5 fiavsxe Sierra Nevada .. (0 .. 13 Small Hopes ., Standard Condition of the Trrnanry. WASHINGTON, June 27. Today's state merit pf the treasury balances In the gen. eral fund, excluslvo of the $150,000,000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash bulancc, U73.409, ....I.I New' York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. June 27.-MONEY-On call, firm at 315 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; ruling rate. 8 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 3y44 pcr icnt. STERL1NU EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills nt $4.87 4.87H for demnnd and at $l.8aVs9-I.S5U for sixty days; posted rates, 14.S6 and 11.SSV4; commercial bills, $I.S4,4lpl.S51.i. oinvrjii--crtiiicates, nominally ai wc; bar. 6J,c: Mexican dollars, 47J4C BONDS State, Inactive; govemrnent, steady; railroad, Irregular. inu ciuaiiiK piikgs uu iiolius igast are as follows: U. S. rcf. 2a, re. .137 X. Y. Central Is.., N. J. C. gen. 5b..., No. Pad lie 3s do 4s N Y, C A Ht L 4s N. A W. con. 4s... Oregon Nav. Is..,., .in 4s , .1074. 132U 7254 105'i 1074 12U IO I03!i 123 HDVi 10 do coupon . do Is, rrg... do con non . 107(4 do new 4s, res... do coupon do old 4s, reg do coupon do i, ret.... do coupon D. ot C. 3, b'.s D, A It. U. 4 Erie genernl 4s F. W. A D. C. Is, den. i:iectrlo Es... la. Central Is U A N. unl. 4s.. .. M K. A T. t do Is Atchison fcii. 4s... do adj. 4s Canada Ho. 2s ClK-s. A Ohio 4',4s. do is C. A N. W. c. 7s. do 8. F. deb. 5s, Chicago Ter. 4s.... Colo. So, 4 .13 ..12V4 Ullt .l'JS .121 .lM'.i . J0',j .107 Ore'gon 8. L. 6s..., Mo consoi ItradlUK Ktn- 4s,.., It. O. W. Is. rtl I. A I M e. in .17'4 U .:u .UO'i . w .120 . ei .ii . m .1054 .nt .i .115'4 . 91 St LAS ! g. (is. .20.) .117 .104 . K14 .101 . 9SV4' .UOVi .10S .12.) H2V4 ,:u . . sn; St. Paul consols . St. P., C. A P Is I Mo 3s flo. Pacific 4s So. Railway 6s S. R. A T. Tex. A Pacific Is.. Mo ! Union Pacific Is... Wabash 1 do 2s West Fhorc 4...... Wis. Central 4s.... Va. Ceuturles ... Bid. Offered. llnnk ClenrliiKs. OMAHA, June 27.-Clcarlngs. $1.023.R23.27; corresponding day last year, SI, 210,11,. W; dtcrease, JlS0.2til.la. , , Mi , CHICAGO. June 27.-ClonrlnKs, 124,li,d9; balances, jl.e4i.8ou; posted exchnnRc. 4.b,i'U' 4,!S1,S; New York exchange, SJc premium. ST. LUUIS. June 27.-Cleuilli8S. ,62j,i'W. balances, il.091.7uS; money, C17 per cent; New York exchange, 10c discount bid, par ttsked. CINCINNATI, June 27.-Clearlngs. 3.1Sj. B50; money, a',410 per cent; New York ex change, pur, PHILADELPHIA, Jtinu 27.-Clcarlngs, $27,102,940; balancts, $I,0S0,G10. BALTIMORE. Juno 27.-Clearlngs, $3,372. 721; balances, saw, 491. NEW YORK, June 27,-Clenrlngs, 1237, OC'.OjiJ; balances, 113,219,213. BOSTON, Juno 27.-Clearlngs, jai.570.3S2; balances, 12,515,091. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. June 27. -COTTON The market opened firm, unchanged to 8 points and continued to Improve after the call on protlt-taklns; by yesterday's sellers and buying on tho reaction theory. The cables wore better than expected, the rnlin In Texas piovcu to be less Important than ro- portcu inst nipnt, winie reports irom ipot markets showed well sustained prices throughout tlu south. The first wave of buying currlfi. August to 7.S9c. October to 7.l'c nn1 January to 7.02c. Then reports of ngni nut. tainy general rams in texas rc djced 'he advance by mid-day VifC, points. ine mnrKei iinbiiy was steaay, wun prices net 1 poln'. lcwer to 4 points higher. Spot closed oulet: middling uplands. 8Tc: mid dling gulf, 9V4c; sales, 275 bules. li viiiu'uoij, June zi. cotton spot, fair demand, l.ltkl lower: American mid dling fair, 6 7-32d; good middling, 4 31-32d; middling. 4 23-32d: low mlddllne. 4Ud: uood ordinary. 4V4d; ordinary, 4d. The sales of tne aay were lo.uw bales, or which 600 were for speculation and exnort. nnd lnnlml.d 9,300 American. Receipts, 6,000 bales, in cluding 300 American. NBW ORLEANS, June 27. COTTON Quiet; sales. 1.050 bales: ordinary, 512-16C, good ordinary. tc; low middling, 7 5-lc; middling. 8 3-16o: irond mlddllnir. Rit.iii. rnlddllng fair. 815-l6c; receipts, 635 bales; stock, 115.810 bales. ST. LOUIS, June 27. COTTON Quiet, steady; middling. SVic; sales, 210 bales; re ceipts. 1.7C4 bales: shlnmrnta. ? hl. stock, 6u,239 lules. OALVESTON, June 27.-COTTON-Qulct, 8 7-16c. i Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 27.-COFFEE Spot Rio, easy. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 8?4i?12Mic Values worked iower today. The opening was steady, with prices unchanged to 5 points lower. ,The 'feeling, after the call was rather bearish, as the- European mar ket news was, disappointing and the public seemed to have loat. all Interest in the market. A further decline In Havre nt the close brought lbng"coffee from room and outside holders In the afternoon, while prices sold off 6 points further. Covering caused a partial rally at the close. Th market wns finally steady nnd 5 poll ts lower. Total sales '7,750 bags. Including November at 7.60c; ' December, 7.5t7.55c; July, 5.60c; March, 6.05c; May, 5.76U6.S0. Evnpornted add Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, June 27. EVAPORATED APPLES The market was a quiet one. Only a small Jobbing trade was In progress, but owing to the small stocks on hand values were well sustained. State common to good. 3V406C; prime, 6Hc; choice, 6 6Vlc; fnncy. SViWc- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITB-Marliet ruled quiet and featureless. Prunes, 5&80 per lb., ns to size and quality. Apricots, steady; Moor Park, 6g7'4c. Peaches, peeled, ili&15V4c; unpeelcd, 6310c. , OH nnd Rosin. NEW YORK. June 27.-OILS-Cott6nseed, firm. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, steady. Tur pentine, steady, 3S38tfc. . OIL CITY. Pa.. June' 27.-OILS-Credlt balances. 11.05; certificates, no bid; ship ments, 82,378 bbls.; average, 89,686 bbls.; runs, 97,042 bbls.; average, 83.953 bbls. LIVERPOOL. June 27.-OILS-Tjrpentlne spirits, steady, 27s 6d. LONDON, June 27.-OILS-Ltnseed, 32s 6d. Turpentine spirits, 27s. Snsjrar. Market. NEW YORK. June 27.-BUaAn-Raw. firm; fair refining, 3 9-Kc; centrifugal, 95 test, 4 9-72c; molasses sugar, 3 7-32c; refln.jd, firm. NEW ORLEANS, June 27.-8UGAR-Qulet; open kettle. 3 3-KMTlc; open kettle, centrifugal, 3T4Q4',4c: centrifugal yellow. 4V4 R4 9-16c; seconds. 2Hf3-ic. Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 7(il5c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, June 27.-DRY GOODS-De-mnnd has been on a fair scale, but actual business moderate during the day, owing to the reserve of traders In brown rnd conrso colored goods. Bleached cottons firm. Print cloths still In good request. Other features unchanged. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. June 27. WOOL Unchanged; medium grades. 11617c; light fine, 11014c; heavy tine, 9llc; tub washed, Wtfllic. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5,600 head natives, 2,600 head Tex nns, 1,000 head calves; best beef steers nnd heavy feeders, steady; others, lofffiSc lower; choice dressed beef steers, J5.35i.80; fair to good, J4.85fl'5.30; stockers and feeders. 13.2543) 4.75; western-fed steers, 14.755.60; Texans and Indians, Ji.20oju.25; Texas grass steers, J3.1DCN.15; cows, J2.75SH.50; heifers, 13.60 5.15; canners, 11.7502.63; bulls, J3.00iH.6O; calves, J3.50S5.00. HOGS Receipts, 16.000 head! market 2V4c lower; top, 16.10; bulk of sales, 15.9Vg6.05; heavy. JG.OOQiUo; mixed packers, J5.90ft6.05: light. 15.7O0.i.93: pigs, J5.50ff5.65. ' SHEEP AND JiAMBS-Receipts, 4.500 head; sheep active and steady; western New York Live Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK, Juno 27. BEEVES Re- i.lntn f..V, hffnH tv.nl.il.. . . n I . . r .It . . nothing doing of Importance; feeling steady. uuiua, ni-uuj , vAi.urts, none. CALVES-Recclpts, 83 head; trade limited; veals, weak; prime veals, 16.25; good butter milks. S3. To. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts, j.7ic head; sheep, steady; lambs opened strong nnd good stock 15i25c higher; closed dull: sheep, 13.604.00; lambs, J5.GOfi0.60; I car choice. 16.60; culls. Jl.tu. ' r HOGS-Recelpts, 1,669 head; firm for all weights; western. J6.40; state, 16.MO6.60. Stock In Siulit. Tho following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs nnd sheep at the four principal Uvo stock markets Juno 27: . n . Cattle. Hoas. Sheen. South Omaha 2.9S3 8,551 1,271 Chicago 8.500 22.000 12.0OQ Kansas city s.ooo I6,ooo 4,500 St. Louts 3,700 7,400 5,100 Totals .23,383 63,951 22,874 Sioux City Mve Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Jnno 27.-(lpeclnl Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400; market steajdv: beeves. 14.DOn5.75: cows and hulls. mixed, 12.60fl3.75; stockers And feeders, 13.40 U4.26; calves and yoarllnsf, 13.25S4.25. HOQ8 Receipts. 3.700: market a shad lower, fo.svi0e.iK; puik, a-Wt.'. inmus, n.owuo.iD; western wellicrs. J3.50ff? S0i.w,8tf.rn i'.??"""' 4.2n(fT4.75: ewes. $3.2j 53.7a; culls, J2.6OtT3.00; Texas grass sheep, 53.250 3. 90. ' ' OMAHA LIVE STOCl MARIET Cattl Markot Vorj Slaw and All but Beit Grade! Sold Lswir. HOGS GENERALLY TWO AND A HALF LOWER Liirht Receipts ot Sheep and Lnmtn and, Altlionsh Trndlnir Was ,ot Very Active, Still About Steady Prices Were Pnld. S'6UTH OMAHA. June tt. Receipts wcie; Cattle. logi. Sheep. Olhcial iMomiHy 2,uJ i,.vi Ullicl.il 'lucbu.iy u.loi i.ijj Ullif.al v"i'UiitinJiy I'.VjU li,4 i,XU Oltlclul Thuraoay .,u.sl 6,uoi I,.'i4 Four duys this weck..ii,.J i7,vi.i U.54J bi.liiB iiun limi uctK.... 'iiJ J,ttf 1;.- iuine MteK before lu.wO uj..i i.cAJ bUUlt) tlilt l. UbU,,.lU,)iU wO.IW liUJ crniiie Jo.ir ueuits arfn...a-,ojl u..ju U, t O.inie Ullu mat ytr lo.tt 41.24 ,VOl Avirutic price pni tur Imgu ul Gjavn Uliluliii ()l3t govciul d)d Willi tulu- Puiijouk: I l!Ml, lvu.,i.lMd.Uji.lwvi.l. June Juliu June JUne Juiiu June IUlli JUliU June 4une 4 Jhw June Jl.ti J Ulie W UlkL' June June .11! June Juiit J Uut J Ulll! 0 iu 1 1 & To i it lw1 ' 11 -.1, 4 l;, '0;l 1 w Hi j a jl l!l " jl 5 S3,. '- a ;;, a 41 o &J',a 5 9J?sl tojl 6 W) 4 4M a jj .. I ot lwt w bU i 1.1 1 i IM '. I i . M til) 3 lioi 3 U v il ' to 3 M 1 3 C3 0 Oij : : j 2 ti . 4 1 4 4 . I, 4 I VJ I i a t,i 4 .i 1 1 j. J ui v 4W 1 J. 4 U - Jl! . II J W I 4 ' i 1 - I 4 w 2 liSt 1 .. 3....I 4..., I 6.. . .... I '" i Ul 4 li, 1 V., s iv, I u U0 1 1.I tfl 4 tw, 4 y- I 0 U. 5 0t 1 ai i 1, u tvi 6 Ut u 111 6 10 u uJ) i Ut 1 1 sht -Vj 4 1J i a; V.I ' 4 0i , 3 i) & W. 4 J OA, Ji; . 2j i -li J 0f w -, ) I J "1 J 11, , 3 ; 71 m Ul) 4 13, J Vji 1 -11 t i 1, 3 W , lj 'i lo U l. u 11, a 72. 3 -i 4 Oi J -U J Jt u -U 3W, 1 3... tf... 1U.. 11. 14... I li... 24... I 20... I I 4 U 4 W, i 14 i :iv 4 44 lu 1 4i Juno 3 0. 4 W, June 4 40 June June 4 S, 1 lU i '-7, 4 02 4 kuj 4 ot J UilU ludlcateL Sunduy. 1'hu oiticiui number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cuttle. Hogs. Shcep.H'r's. C, M. St St. P. Ry 4 O. & St. L. lty 3 1 .Missouri Paclt.c 12 2 Union Pacluc System 29 27 4 4 C. At N. W 4 ! ., E. & M. V 27 31 1 2 S. C. & P. Ry 2 2 .. .. C, St. P., M. & O li 13 .. 1 11. & .M .J it) C, B. & Q 1 4 K. C. & Ut. J 10 C, R. I. & P., east.. 3 9 C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 3 Illinois Central 2 Total receipts 131 12$ 6 The dlsnosltlon of the dav'a reeelDts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or neaa indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company... 600 1.622 VI 693 6X6 401 US 140 '26s 3 47 I I 93 2.446 1,665 2,821 Cudnhy Packing Co Armour Sc Co O. Pkg. Co., from K. C. Swift, from Kansas City Swift, from country R. Becker & Dcgan Vansant & Co 1,3 1 4 25 Livingstone & Schaller.. H. L. Dennis A Co Wolf & Munroe Other buyers 241 Total 2.7S8 8.544 2,043 CATTLE There was a liberal run ot cattle here today for a Thursday, and as a result packers did not have to hurry ln order to get an tne supplies tncy wantca. It was late before the market opened and the tendency was to pound down prices all around. Receipts Included close on to 90 cars of beef steers. Buyers went the rounds and bid lower on nearly everything. Hellers were holding for steady prices, so that It was late before much of anything was done. Some of the better grades so.d at a reasonably early hour at Just about yes terday's prices, but all others were very slow and In must cases a little lower. Pack ers did not seem to care much whether they got the cattle or not, so that It was rattier late before the bulk of the offerings were out ot tlrst hands. Cow stuff also sold lower today unless n the case of some at the choicer grades of heavyweight cows and heifers. Tht.y were not far from steady, but the light stuff and commoner kinds, and particu larly the grassers, could be quoted very lnw nnd BtrtlOc lower. Choice bulls were about steady, but oth ers were lower. The same was true of veal calves and stags. The light receipts of feeders continued today, and In fact there were not enough offered to make a test of the market. The few that changed hands did so on a basis of Just ubout steady prices. Representa tive sales: BEEF BTEERS, No i 1.:... 21 e 1 2 2 14 17 31 25 I to lit 21 15 U :e ( 41 47 11 U 41 12 W 11 22 i 17 11 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 7 1 1 1 i II 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 i 2 1 17 2 1 5 4 S3 Av. Pr. No At. Pr. . 602 4 eo .. Ui 4 40 ,.101 4 CO ,. 840 4 60 .. 110 4 a ..1100 4 70 41... 20... 4... :... 1127 i 20 1230 5 11 101)4 & U, .1152 115 .1205 i :t 14. 27 1051 S 10 .1100 4 5 30 1241 & 40 ...1055 4 15 11 1185 i 40 K9 4 90 81 12(1 1 45 , 1070 4 M It 1B4 8 41 10(4 4 05 21 1251 5 41 1212 5 00 21 1042 S S , 109S 6 00 81 1281 8 45 , 1147 8 00 25 1178 8 JO , H33 8 CO 17 1216 S V) 1127 5 03 14 1211 60 , U40 5 10 17 12M 8 50 , UN 6 1 11 1248 5 Zi , USt 8 10 11 1171 6 .'8 11! 6 10 42 1322 8 CO 1077 6 16 11 19M 1 to , 1181 6 15 1 1420 1 ft 1120 5 18 71 1228 8 U 1228 6 18 44 1411 8 68 , 10&7 5 20 10 1458 6 .....1120 5 20 101 UU 6 79 1217 8 to STEERS TEXAS. 1068 4 0 21 1188 8 00 1010 4 76 31 1175 5 00 1292 6 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. , mt 4 75 12 1050 s a 1024 4 15 84 1180 6 38 1.UWB. 800 1 00 1 1020 2 85 i low i rs i lm i & 170 2 78 S47 3 40 60 2 '0 1020 1 50 1010 2 fO 1045 2 80 880 2 M NO HO 874 2 00 1020 2 ft 1040 2 T5 1020 2 75 951 3 SO 641 2 85 1000 3 10 1030 3 tfl 1000 1 00 1050 3 00 1121 2 CO S85 1 10 1055 3 '0 W 1 20 1110 3 23 820 3 15 1075 3 35 785 3 ?S 840 3 J5 1101 3 4') 1010 1 10 10o0 3 M 1116 3 ft) .turn 3 CO 17.... . 1111 1 ts 6. 1. 22. 11. 1008 3 75 1167 1 75 10M) 1 !H 11(1 3 !0 1078 3 95 9M 4 00 1010 4 10 1300 4 00 i5 4 i IO10 4 IX) 1184 4 10 V0 4 lO 900 4 10 170 4 10 ......1JM) 4 10 1058 I 15 1157 4 15 1005 4 1) 1172 4 16 Viil 4 ion 4 :o 971 4 30 1250 4 fO 1141 4 30 1042 4 15 120: 4 '6 .....1203 I M ,..lw0 4 55 17!!!!! u!!'.!! 22!."!! 0!!!!! 1 COW'S AND HEIFERS. kr.l 4 &) ytij 4 15 HEIFERS. 170 2 10 JSUL,L,S. 1300 2 75 1.. 1470 3 50 :i20 3 ) 1150 3 W 1710 3 75 880 3 fs SM 4 00 1SC0 4 10 1270 4 15 1780 4 .10 KW 4 23 1340 3 CO 14i) 3 00 tliO 3 00 1150 1 25 1105 3 25 119) 3 It. 1J20 3 30! 910 3 TO 1010 3 W 1... CALVES. 270 4 M 1 100 5 to ICO 6 iv STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 510 2 10 Is wv J v 113'! it ill 1040 2 m 970 1 73 520 2 73 700 3 85 1.... 710 1 10 1.. 1... 1.., 4,, ,830 1 10 678 1 10 , 480 1 25 . 447 3 21 ,710 110 1110 3 i0 1. .qTOCIC CALVES, 1 400 4 15 1 216 8 80 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 27 .,. ( 3 2 673 4 II 1 f0 1 15 1 25 4 90 1 780 4 00 ,10 fit 4 90 HOGB There was a fairly liberal run of hogs here today and buyers went In from the start to get their hogs for less money. The opening market wns weak to 2Vic lower and after the first round It was generally 2V4c lower. The close was weak at the decline. On Ue start some ot the paokara went around and picked up the better loads at J5.92H and some At 13.93 and as high as 16.00 was paid. The bulk of tho hogs, how ever, sold nt 13.90 and 15.924. Although tho market was very slow In getting started, still after trading was well under way It wns not long before the bulk of the offer Ings were out of first hands. Tho close wns wenk and the last sales went mostly from J5.90 down, though In most cases It wns tho llgntcr wcignis inai, were leu. itcprescnia- tivo sales: No. Av, n :j 11 151 41 217 72 101 72 196 71 203 75... ICS ti 237 72 2.0 60 247 70 227 to 21S It. 1 SO S ! 1 K 5 I74 6 7i, 1 17H No. Av. tt .1.337 74 224 52 lol 7 122 49 Ill 72 233 66 t;o 77 113 64 249 M UI (1 206 71 2.M 72 244 M Hi 63 259 61 7 63 iJ 77 2S1 66 211 7i 242 si ...ii; C2 29 oi :i t ;.. It 34 227 (I M ft 207 31 210 cs rii r,o 2v) 62 :6 73 156 57 265 U 270 3? tli 12 215 12 24) (8 23D ii 157 II 245 10 .'. 67 2i: Sh, Pr. 6 90 5 W 6 W 5 90 3 ti', 3 32V 5 ',; 5 2, 5 tl i 91 .. 6 Mta i 42? Itl.j 3 2. 6 2'4 t W , v m. 3 mil 3 W, I Jl'.t i U'.l 8 Kl, 6 llli, 5 Vi 0 ftfj t )i 6 t:w 6 M!4 Ko 5 .7 it 10 i "S 80 8 J7(, ltO 6 '0 ... 6 90 w 1 90 IW 5 40 i M 6 10 41 3 tO 80 3 90 80 5 u W I W tO 5 W 1.0 i 1 i VI b i 90 1W 8 .4 Ml 8 0 W & 90 ... 5 VO 40 3 90" ... 3 'XI 8 90 110 6 M li) 3 i0 1M 5 ) SO 3 W W 4 W 110 5 V0 (0 3 '.O HO 3 90 120 i I'O '1 201 it. ..is J ..241 ..2J8 ..IVi ,M' ..214 ..221 ..211 M.. 03.. SI.. 6J.. 70.. :.. 3 244 61 UI li ...211 91 .: tC ill 11 114 71 255 81 W 11 2jC C3 2v 18 Wi U 214 22 22 10 2. .0 2.U .4 214 1 2C4 19 ,.249 64 ill 1. 214 of, .'53 67 Zii ,. 11 w ...a i M; i tl'.s 5 93 3 IIS 3 t:, I 'ti'-t i "2s 5 924 5 li't 3 r:"j 1 5 .2', 6 i'Vw 5 : 5 l'2' j 5 'j 3 9i 6 9S'-i 3 12V, 3 1., i 5 92' t 6 'M, 6 .:, u U', 5 1' 5 a- l it i 'lj 5 93 5 93 5 Vi 5 M 5 '1.1 ? 5 j5 (, 10 il 75 li 70 ,.iti ,.200 .239 .244 69 243 40 80 5 90 2 254 3X) 5 ! ) (2 251 240 3 90 ti 2tl Ut 0 i 0 87 144 28iJ 80 3 W i.l ..252 233 ... 5 .0 71 Vf 1H M 6 M is 370 226 ItvO 5 .KJ 89 '. CO.. 37.. aJ.. 77.. 76 228 20 3 W li 219 73 'M 240 5 90 54 2i' t (.'.'... ...219 d 3 IM 57 J'7 .3 2I M 3 IO t.) 2.1 56 5f3 80 5 W M '.43 .J .31 tCO 3 t) 87 211 73 218 80 5 to 57 20t. ."0 2J1 (0 3 50 3.1 I) 238 ... 5 90 1.7. . . . ..:vj 73 237 110 5 to .) Hi 03 210 120 5 10 ft I JO I V) 26 ... u 90 c; 21; 45 2u 40 3 M 310 Hnr.ui'-'rhire v.aj not n : heavy run of sheep here today uuu the market held Ju:t auout steady with eitt,rday. lruaing wits not particularly naive, but still moil everything wnf out 01 111st hands early In the muniing. A bunch ol rutfl eurllngj and wetheis told nt 3.3o. while a bunch o. native led wethers brought U.6j. Then were only a lew lamb-, on snle nnd the market did not show much of any change, borne heavy spring lambs brought $4.(o. 1 WJotntious: ivnoicc fed wetlterH. w.&.df i.7o; fair tu good fed wethers, 13.6jJ.uj; good to choice grass wethers, 13.2-U J.4.0; fnlr to good grass wethers, grn-s yearlings. .3ig3.60: choice fed ewes, ZS.Wip 3.2-0: fair to good fed ewes. $2.7f3.00; choice wooled lambs, I4.76O3.00; fair to good lambs. S4.602f4.ii; choice clipped lambs, 14.4U&4.CO; fair to good clipped lambs, J4.2534.40; spring lambs, 14.5Uh6.2S; feeder wethers, 12.75iifJ.00; feeder lambs, 3.2;iapj.50. Representative sales: No. 10 cull ewes Scull ewes.... 1 buck 44 western ewes 20 native ewes.. Av. Tr. 76 U 50 SO 1 60 ,40 3 00 ,90 3 00 , 111 3 12ft , 82 3 35 ,106 3 60 , 118 3 85 ,65 4 75 .75 1 60 .75 1 60 . 82 2 50 .109 2 95 .61 6 20 813 western grass wethers and yearlings 11 native wethers....: 9 native ewes and-wethers... 11 spring lambs 22 cull owes 34 cull ewes 204 ewes 263 western ewes 132 spring lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Steers Slendy to Slow Hons Close Easy "Sheep Slow. CHICAGO. June 27. CATTLE Receipts 8,600 head, Including 400 head Texans; steers steady to slow: butchers' steers, and Tex ans, steady; good to prime steers, 15.363' 6.35; poor to medium, ll.3yQ0.30; stockers and feeders, slow, 12.86-l.75; cows, 12.70ft 1.75; neiters, canners, 1z.uosz.7u; nuns, cholco steady, others weak, 12.9()3'l.60; calves, about steady, S4.501f6.50; Texas-fed steers. S4.25Cf5.40: Texas bulls. S3.5O34.10. HOGS Receipts, 22,000 head; tomorrow, 18,000 head, estimated; left over, 4,000 head; opened, stronger, closed easier; average steaay; top, it,Z7tt; mixed and butchers. S3.8oQ6.22V4; good to choice, heavy, J6.(XXf) 6.27H; rough heavy, S5.85ff5.95; light, S5.8o'f u.io: nunc 01 saies, 8t.uuoi,i&. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.000 head; sheep, slow; ewes, wenk; shorn lambs, strong to 10c higher; spring lambs, very weak; top. 15.76; good to cholco wetners, I3.tw-i.15; fair to choice mixed, 13.5043.90; western sheep, 13.90Jf4.15; year lings, 14.00ft4.4O; native lambs, S4.0OW6.25; western lambs, 15.00tf5.25. St. Louis Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, June 27.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 3,700 head, Including 1,800 head Texans; mar ket strong: stockers and feeders, 15.006.10; dressed beef and butcher steers, St.454j5.6; steers undei 1.000 lbs., S3.650C.OO; stockers and feeders, S2.604.60: cows and heifers, S2.O3;.00; canners, Sl.262.85; bulls, 12.50 4.10; Texas and Indian steers, S3.46S6.0O; cows and heifers, S2.60i9t.15. HOGB Receipts, 7,400 head; market steady; pigs and lights. So.Kj6.00; packers, S5.90Q.10: butchers, S6.10fi.27?4. 1 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,100 head; market steady for sheep. 10c lower on lambs: native muttons. l.TKivra.1 7.v loi,. 14.00(36.60: culls and bucks, 12.5off4.00; stock- cm, .Ut(fO.VU. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST- JOSEPH, Juno 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,995 head: market weak to 10c lower: nallVAM. 14.AMr4t Oh?' rrmim awA V. l mmq 6.10: bulls and stags, 12.7!t'j.00; stockers and feeders. 12.7504.65; veals. Si754j41.50. nuuo - iwwipis, i.ojj neaa; market iVAte-lteP0 ay!T; ent and light mixed. 15R7U(nfi.fi:U: mrdlllm an4 hn,.., ttnitim, 6.124; pigs, S4.004J6.00; bulk of sales, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,729 head; market steady, strong; top, 85.60. THE IUGAI.TY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on file Thur.'day, June 27,. 1901: Wnrisnty Deeds. School district No. 13 to John Aye, I acre ln northeast corner of sV4 nwVi 25-15-10 1 1 John Aye and wife to school district No. 13. 1 acre In southeast corner neV4 25.15-10 1 E. U Prowltt nnd husband to A, .1. Blotcky. s4 lot 16. block 3. Redlek'a subdlv,..i Marble Savings bnnk to C. E. Roberts, lot 9, Wilson's add Julius Mueller and wife to Frank Spnngcnberg. n35 feet of wV4 lot ), block 13, Improvement nssoc ntlo.i add M. F. Shields nnd huMiand to F. J. Fltttrerald, lot 15, block 10, Hanscom Placo 60) 1,000 1,000 3.5C0 DiTllfl. Sheriff to Omaha Realty company, ntol jret 01 wj 1111 o, iiricn 1, impiiive ment association ndd Bnme to E. E, Thurston et al. nl7V4 feet of c&3 feet lot 1, block I, Shlnn's 2d add , Borne to M. B. Train. el64 fret of (85 feet lot 1. and n23.; feet of cS5 feet lot 2. block I, fame Snmn to Omaha Security company, lot 4, block 3, 1st add. to S.iuth Omaha Total amount of transfers Tririhu Ui:Ul, Boyd Comiuissiou Co Buccenors to James E. lloyd tt Co,. OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION GRAIN PBOVISIO.N SO STOCKS. Buaid of Trad Hvlldln. Direct wires to Chlcsgo and New TorJv. Oorrearondence. John A. Wairen fc Co. EDWARD Now COMMISSION gRAIN. PReTISIANB, STOCKS. BONOS AND itw naim wtnim, wiaivimn iniwq. rrlT4 WlrtM ! all lasrertaal F4aU (ul m4 WmU MINISTERS ALL DEMURRING Iioh Ilai a t?epnrtto Hindrance to Black IndemiitT Nsgotiatioui. REV. SMITH NA3 FEARS OF THE FUTURE Appt alleluia, nt lloi-n Sir Ruliert Hurt, tlmt TtvrnO .llllliiin llo.n-rn Arc Yet 11 PiMsltilllty In Clilnit. PEKIN, June 27. The foreign ministers at totlu) s intuttng dlccusud only minor points of the Indemnity qucatlun. Thu lintluh iiiliilur, rilr Kinisl Sntow, refused tu agtee to a 10 per cent tucrctiiie In the tnrln' In the event that Ciilim Uuds Itself unnulo tu meet Its payments. Ihe Russian mltitster, .M. lie tilers, has not yet ttgrced thu. the Interest on the Intloiiiiiliy Is to ho 4 pur cent. T'uo L'uitcd StatcH b.ion.il rcpt'esuntntlve, Mr. Uockhlll. thinks tticru should bo llttlo further delay. When these points are settled tho work of tho ministers wilt be practically settled. Itev. Arthur Smith, missionary nnd author, preaching at Tlcn, Tsln on I ho nnutvcrsnr of the relief of that city (Juuo 24), said ho thoroughly ngmd with Sir Robert Hart In the statement that unloss there was a complete regeneration of China ln a few years, tho country would bo menaced by 20,00o,Ot,O Boxers. The Chinese would novor forget that tho Boxer movement was fully upproved by tho court. If warm wtuther mnKcs you feel weary you may bu hi.ro jour system needs cleans lug. Use Prickly Ash Hitlers before tha hot weather Arrives; Il will put tho atom ach, liver nnd bowls In order aud help you throuuh the heated term. fOBBEflS & ftUHOFACTIIRERS OF OMAHA CROKPRS. ALEXAHDEH JACOBSEJI CO., BROKERS MD WAMJrACTlRERS' AGENTS. SUITE- 105 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Correspondence sollcltod with large deal, ers nnd manufacturers Interested In out method of personally Introducing and fol. lowing up tho sale of tlrst-olass mcrchnn. dlso of all kinds TO THE TRADE ! Omaha. Bouth Omaha and Council Bluffs-. Nebraska and Western Iowa, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. " Uastorn Electrical V Company Electrical Supplies. tilsctrta Wlrlag Balls ul Oaa UgkHal Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1610 Howard St. Davis & Cowglll Iron Works, UANUrACTUIUBKS AND JOBBBRfl OF MACHINERY. MNKTtAL RI-PAIRINO A WmciAUtX IRON AND BRASS -rOUNTiBntt. 4 1M1, lOOS inoB Jaaksaa I threes, saahaw Nalt. TaL BBS. . Zakriskla. Ajraat. 3. B. CawgUL Mst) ELEVATOR SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS Xsaaravaa Quick and Easy IIUIm Steam, Elictrle an. Hand Power Ettvators. AUTOMATIC HATOH OATC4V Band ter catalogue. WMBALL BROS.. COUNCIL BLUFFS, Ift MM Mk BUbmL alepBtnsj 14lt c H. Davis I Son Aissli far tka MskasaM afatjr Gates an Fire Daara. Blevator Hrdrautle and HaaH Blrratara. BUvatsr rayalrlng specialty. Leatas Valve Cups (or BleTaUrs, Engtaea asJ Prlattag Praissa. WALL PAPER, Vatlar Wall papar Co., JOBBERS WALL PAPER. Large, well selaoted stock, pries same as eaatetn houses latest norsltles. Dealers send for 1901 sample Una and terms. 12ir.-i,,, ''-""-v St.. Omahn. COMMISSION. Qavid Colo Co., Frtsh Drtttid Poultryv Oyitcri and Ciliry. 418 So. 11th St. ' Omaha DRY GOODS. ME. Smith & Co. Importers and Jofcher.a! Dry Goods, Furnishing Oooit ANDjfOTJON& i'.UiUS AND OILS. Fiafional Oil & Paint Co. (Incorporated.) MA.NtlFACTUItEn.t AND JOBBERS. Pa.iiis for all Purposes, Varnishes, etc. i' IS nnd 1C17 Jones (it., Tel. l',21. Omaha. TENTS AND AWNINGS, Omaha Tent & Awning Co., OMAHA, NISII. TENTS FOR ENT. TENTS AND CANVA8 COODS. END FOR. CATALOGUE MJ Mil EH 23. C. HEEMAN with MERCHANTS. COTTON. 316-92. La Sslla HI., OHIOAOO. utur sua mi,i msrsac isiisrs msiisa oa nqasft.