THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JU3TE 28, 1001. 7i f. if i, i III NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL Ml.f OR MENTIO.X. Davis sells drugs. Stockert sella laco curtains. Finn ADC beer, Neumayer's hotel. Victor heater. Blxby & Son. Agents. Wollman, scientific optician, 400 U'way. C. E. Alexander & Co.. pictures and frames- Tel. 364. Wanted, girl for general housework. Mrs. A. Q. Gilbert, 42S Onklnnd avenue. W. K. Oraff, undertaker and illslnfcctor, 101 Bouth Alain strecet. 'I'hone t06. Get your work done at the popular Engl laundry. 724 Broadway 'I'hone 157. The Infant son of Mr, and Mr. B. V,'. Sovereign, 110 North Fifteenth street, died yesterday morning. Havcnty lots In Crawford's addition, S10O eacn, for h few days only. Johnston & Kerr. 541 IJroadway. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Jesse Carter, aged 20, and Mary Kersten, aged 20, both of this city, Mr. II. M. Ilueston, who has been visit ing the family of her brother, 8. .l. Wil liamson, returned yesterday to her home in Hamilton, O. Miss Mary Terry left yesterday for Paw tucket, 11. I., to spend the summer with her parents. En route she will vitlt the iluffalo exposition. Officer Callnghnn Is still oft duty p?nI lng the Investigation belni; made by Chief Albro, who declines to rIvu out anyth-ng for publication at present. necelvers llercshelm and Murphy of the Officer & Pupey bank hav Intimated that they expect to pay n second dividend or '& per cent about Septimbcr. C. M. tcvy, general superintendent of Iowa lines, and H. H. Storrs divisional su perintendent, of the Chicago, liurllnpton & Qulncy railroad, were in the city yesterday. N. A. JoneH of 418 North Sixth street nan reported to the police the theft of a quantity of carpenter tools from a build ing on Glen avenue on which ho wui work ing, The hntiMphnlri economics drnartment of the Council Bluff Woman's olub will meet this afternoon at 3 o clock at the rriuenca of Mrs. Waiter I, Smith on South Seventh street. Mrs. II. B. I.ynn of Kansas City was the guest yesterday of her sister, Mrs. O. M. Brown of South Seventh street, on her way to St. l'aul, Minn., whero hho goes to visit relatives. Judce Smith Mcl'hcrson will hold a spe cial scsMon of federal court today to hear the casc of the Grand Island Canning enmnanv. Claud W. Taylor and John 9. Collins Hgain&t the Council Blulfs Canning company. J. N. Casady, sr., hus written his rela tives hero that he expects to return to Council Bluffs soon. He Is now In the mining regions In tho west nnd Is rnirt to have prospered financially since his abrupt departure from this city several yean ago. The lire department wns called about noon yesterday to the rear of 103 South Main street, where a tar kettle used in rvpatrlng a roof hnd caught fire and threatened to communicate the blaze to tho udjaccnt buildings. The same kettle got on the rampage Wcdnesdny afternoon and guve the department u run. Itnymond, the 12-year-old son of Miles S. Roop, u carpenter of this city, arrived In the city last evening from Oshkoah, Neb., where ho had been visiting relatives for several months. During his absence tho lad's father had changed residences and ho pent four hours at pollen headquartcra be fore the oftlceri were uble to locate Hoop, nr. George Englo, who was given a sus- ? ended sentence of tlfteen days on cond: lon that he left the city, called at the county Jail yesterday afternoon with a request that he be permitted to tulk with Emma Miller, the young- woman arro't-d with him. Jailer Mnrtln promptly notified the pollen and on orders from Judge Ayles worth Englc was locked up to serve his sentence. Ed Thaggcsen, charged, with the larceny of goods trotn the grocery store of Uoycl II Garrison on Broadwuy, woh bound over to the grand Jury yeslerlay by Justice Kerrler. In default of ball, fixed ut J!(0, he was committed to the county Jail, An Information, 'charging Thagges n with com. mlttlng a burglary ut the residence nt William Myers, hus been filed In the same court, but the matter will now go beforj the grand jury, N. V. Plumbing Co., telephono 230. Ilaoca at Avocn. Roscon Darton, secretary of the I'otta wattamlo County Fair association, was n the city yesterday In the Intercuts of tho running meeting to bo given by the associa tion on July 3 and 4 In Avoca. One thou sand dollars will be hung up In purees. Tho Avoca Derby dash of ono and a quarter miles July 4 will be tho principal race of tho meeting. This is the program: July J One-qtmrtcr-mllo running dash, 120; one-half-mile running, repeat two In three, ICO; thrce-qunrters-mlle running, re peat two In three, 75; one-mll dash, JlOO; seventy-live yards foot race, $15. July 4 Onc-quurtcr-mllc running dash, K0; one-half-mile running, repeat two in three, 160: thrco-quarters-mlln running, re peat two In three, $75; ono nnd one-quarter-mile Avoca Derby dash, $250; one-quarter-mile, ponies, under fourteen and a half hands, and maidens, $23. Davis tells glass. Harrow Kuril pe of C. K. Giles. C. E. Giles, an Implement dcalar of this city, had a narrow escape In a runaway Wednesday while riding Into Missouri Val ley from one of tho nearby towns with a livery rig. A boy was driving and whon but a few miles out from Missouri Val ley the horses became unmanageable nnd started to run. With a prospect of being dashed to death or maimed for Ufa Mr. Olles and the driver plunged headlong from the rig Into a little lake of water as they passed tho pool, Both were cov ered with mud and drenched to tho skin, but escaped without Injury. The rig was almost completely demolished. Iown IlnplUt Yonnir People, Tho opening session of the convention of the Southwestern Iowa Baptist Young Peo ple's union will bo tonight In thn First Baptist church. 0. M. Frasor of this city, president of the union, will deliver the ad dress of welcome, which will be responded to by Miss Estella French of Red Oak. An oratorical contest between ten young women will bo the fraturo of tonight's session. Tho meeting will last over Sunday. Ileal Katnte Trnnafera, These transfers wero filed yesterday In the abitract, title and loan ofneo of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: Fred U. Hancock and wife to Sarah E. Ilogate, lot 10, block 2, In linn- cock, w. il j 79 nooeri i.icamy ana wire to Jnmes Prendergast. lot 3, block 17, Beers' stibdlv, w. d 75 Nels Hansen and wife to Anton Jen sen, lot 2, block 3, Mynster's Bun ton street addition, w. d 460 Total thrco transfers , $ 005 Your grocer in glnd to pay back your money (FelB-Naptlili Boup); we are glnd to have him; but you won't take it. Fels & Co., makers, Philadelphia. Iowa Steam Dye Works 304 liromiwuy. Make your old clothes look Ilka ntw. Cleaning, Dyeing and Ropalrlng. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral director (Successor to W. C. Eatem SS PKAJUi STHKICT. 'Pkoaa Wt. FARM LOANS 6c" , Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska fW jowa. jam . caeaar, jr, tM Main St,, Council Bluffs. BLUFFS. BOUND TO STOP SEINERS Illegal Fiihlsf Hanawa Itirt Up IperUmtn. TWO MEN APPEAR FOR HEARING Mnny Offender Snld to flare Helled for Immunity on Question of Ju risdiction Over Jlsnsn-Ia Claims Authority. Tom Brown and Ed Uratt will have a heArlng today heforo Justice Kerrler on tho charge of illegal fishing at Lake Manawa. They were arreBtcd Wednesday night by Deputy State Fish and Oamo Warden Ed C. Brown, who alleges that he caught them In the act of seining. Three hundred yards of seining net was seized by the deputy warden and will form part of the evidence against the tno men. Brown and Bratt gavo ball for their appearance In court today. During the last few years several ar rests have been made for seining In Lake Mnnawa, but in nearly every Instance the accused persons escaped any penally through raising tho question of tho Juris diction of the court. In one of these cases Price Gibson and V. M. Phillips were con victed In the court of Justice Vlcn and on appealing tu tho district court were dis charged. Judgo Smith, before whom tho case was tried, held that Lake Manawa was a boundary water and that tho Intent of tho law prohibiting seining in general was to except boundary waters. County Attorney Killpack then laid tho matter beforo Attorney Ocncrcl Rcraley, suggesting that the status of Lake Manawa ought to be determined, The attorney gen eral gave It no his' opinion that Lake Mjunwa not being a part of the Missouri river the defendants did not bring them selves within the exception which made It lawful for them to soino In the Missouri river. Regarding tho disputed question as to whether Lake Manawu belongs to Iowa or Nebraska, Attorney General Remley, In his opinion given at that time, said: 8ome years ago there was an act of con gress passed granting I.ake Mninwn to the city of Council Bluffs. I have not the reference to the act before me, and speak from recollection. While It may be doubted whether congress had any, power to grant a lake wholly within the state to the city of Council Bluffs, or any one else, yet u in recognition oi in met uy congress iiihi It Is In the state of Iowa. Nebraska has not asserted any claim to any part of Lake Manawa. The state of Iown has exerciser Jurisdiction over the lake, and possibly whatever may have been the original right of the state of Ncbrasku to a pnrt of Iikc Manawa nnd the lund lying between the lake nnd the Missouri t1vr. It Is doubtful whether Nebraska could now assert any title because of laches. Deputy Warden Brown eays ho Is deter mined to protect Lake Manawa from thi dep. rcdatlons of seiners, who havo relied fcr Immunity on the claim that Manawa Is partly In Nebraska and partly in Iowa and that the conditions are the same that pre vail at Cut-Off lake. Mr. Brown has referred the Question to Attorney Oneral Mullan, who nan expressed tfcn opinion that the lake Is under 'the Juris diction of the Iowa authorities, lie bases this opinion on the grounds that, whatever may have been tho previous conditions, the fact (hat at present the outlet between the lako and the Missouri river Is closed by a permanent flam and that the lake Is fed by water from Mosquito croek, places tho lake under the Jurisdiction of the authori ties of this state. The outcome, of tho present case will bo watched with Interest by local disciples of Izaak Waltom who for years havo had their sport at the lako ruined by the seiners. SENATOR D0LLIVER LECTURES i Taken the I'lnrc of Dr. Ganaatilna Be fore County Normal In stitute. United States Senator Jonathan r TIM. liver of Fort Dodge lectured last night In tho Broadway Methodist church before the teachers of the county normnl inailtntr having been called upon at short notice to taao ino piaco of iter. F, W. Ounsalua of Chicago, who was prevented by Illness from filling his engagement! Senator Dolllvcr reached tho city about 6 o'clock last even ing ana was met at the depot by Congress man Smith. County R..nrln-n..-nt M- Manus and Superintendent Clifford, who es- coriea mm to the Grand hotol, whero a number of citizens called upon him. senator Dolllvor was greeted In the Broadway church by an audlcnco which filled the auditorium. He was Introduced by Colonel C. G. Saundn rm. RAnntnr llvcr's subject was "Tho Country In which we i.ive ana the vicissitudes of National Life." Ho said: TCvnrv miu hn Yn.. V.ll I . iiui cjii.ui rii, every O'm responsible for the education of chl dren, . It i :i vMiiifciii tvhii mo instruction u .V10. y,ou,,n "f h ln"l. might to fee to It that beginning at the very cradlo thty have in their hands nn Illustrated history of the American people. You cannot ex pect tho next generation to lovo this rrmntrv unload lh.n 1 uM.v.i -i - It. The gospel according to Jullan'n In terest tables Is not enough. The curriculum w, fwui iuiickcs hiiii univcrMties is not enough, tiniest) the youth of tho country nro mndc to know what American statjF men in their wisdom have thought, what American women in their exalted patience have suffered, that this great divine thing men call their country might take Its p ace In the nations of the world. The Declaration of Independence and the constitution are more secure in the world's affection than ever before. The constitu tion remains, In the words of Mr. Glad stone, the most wonderful work ever struck off In a given time by tho hand or brain of man. Mr. Jefferson originally wrote in the declaration that all men wero created equal and Independent, a phrasu which he took bodily out of one of tho works of Rosseau. He then took up his pen nnd struck out the word Independent, leaving It "all men are created equal," DoBjn Covet Carrier's Lens. Teter J, Emlg, one of Uncle Sam's mall carriers, is seriously considering the ad visability of protecting his lower limbs with armor plate to withstand the on slaughts of tho vicious canines on his route. He has had several encounters recently with dogs having an nmbltlon to feed off tho lower portions of his anatomy, but his experience yesterday caused hlra to enter a formal complaint against the ca nines owned by two families on his route. While delivering mall at the Fletcher home at 316 Plattncr ktreot the family Free -GOLF SKIRT Made to your measure free from goods purchased of us during our sale this week. Novelty Cloak Store, 836 Hroadway. dog, lacking that respect duo to a servant of Uncle Sam, made a furious onslaught on him and knit hit teeth In the fleshy part of his left leg, Tho dog escaped, but only for the time being, as Emlg has worn vengeance. Proceeding on his route Carrier Emlg reached the residence of J. B. Samuelsoa at 121 Graham avenue, whero he had an other encounter with a vicious canine with cannibalistic tendencies. There was an other rent In his uniform trousers as a re sult of the encounter nnd another death warrant Is out tor another canine. Emlg filed formal complaints at police head quarters and the owners of tho two dogs who were unwise enough to attack ono of Uncle Sam's public servants have been or dered executed. If the owners refuse to obey the mandate they will be brought tnto court to show cause why they should not bo fined for falling to comply with the order. Gravel roofing. A. 11. Read, S41 Broad'?. Committed to Insane An; Iain. Ralp Hill, a young man whose home la thought to be In Waterloo, la., waa com mitted temporarily to St. Bernard's hos pital yesterday by tho commissioners tor the Insane. Hill was a visitor Wednesday night nt Lake Manawa, where his queer actions at tracted the attention of Deputy Sheriff Wnlklngton, who placed htm on a motor car and telephoned to the police to take care of him on reaching the city. At the pollco station Hill's rambling statements gave ev idence of an unbalanced mind and an In formation charging him with being lnsnno was filed by Chief Albro yesterday morning. Little concerning himself could be ob tained from Hill by the commissioners, but some of his statements would Indicate that ho has either escaped from the asylum nt Independence, la., or else was recently dis charged from there. Papers found on him show that ho has worked In tho railroad shops In Waterloo. Ho will bo detained at St. Bernard's pending Investigation by the board. On Instructions from the State Board of Control, Cecil Kelly, tho 12-ycar-oM adopted son of Rev. J, P. Kelly of Neola, la., ad Judged Insane by the local board, was yes terday committed to tho State Insane asy lum at Clarlmla. He will be taken there this morning by Sheriff Cousins. The state board decided that the boy was a ward of this county. Davis sells paint. Aaka fur Cnntotly of Boy. Mrs. Mamie Brant was married April lfi, 1680, In Effllngham, 111., to K. J. Brant, em ployed at present as a cook at Lake Man awa, but owing to the alleged failure of her husband to support her properly she began suit In the district court yesterday for di vorce. She nlso secured on order restrain ing Brant from interfering with their son, a deaf mute, who is a pupil at the State School for the Deaf In this city, pending the determination of the divorce proceed ings. Mrs. Brant asks for the. custody of the boy, who Is 10 years old, and $1,000 ali mony. MEDICAL MEETING ADJOURNS HIouk Valley Association Decide to Hold the Xext Convention at Cherokee. SIOUX CITY, In., June 27. (Special Tel egram.) The Sioux Valley Medical associa tion, which has been In session In Sioux City for two days, adjourned today. These officers were elected: President, Dr. G. 0. Cottam, Rock Rapids; first vlco president, Dr. F. A. Swczey, Wakonda, S. D.; second vice president, Dr. F. E. Walker, Worth lngton, Minn.; secretary, Dr. Maxwell E. Silver, Sioux City; treasurer, Dr. B. A. Brown, Sioux Falls, S. D.; board of cen sors, Drs. E. R. Buck of Hudson, S. D., C. C. May of Adrian, Minn., and G. C. Rublo of Allen, Nob. , The association decided to hold tho next setnl-annuul meeting at Cherokee, la., In January. NEW LINE THROUGH IOWA Officials of Wahnnh anil Other Ttoailn Talk of Forming Com bination. MARSHALLTOWN, la., June 27. J. N. Tlttemore, general traffic manager of tho Iowa Central railway, met traffic officials of the Minneapolis & 8t. Louis and Wabash today In referonce to the formation of a St. Louis line by he. Minneapolis & St. Louis, Iowa Central and Wabash, via Albert Lea and Albla. The opening of an Iowa Central lino via Albert Lea would make an Important change In tho Cblcago-St. Paul rate and would. It Is said, result In a reduction on flrst-clasa freight of 3 cents per hundred from Chicago to all points on tho Iowa Central, west of the Mississippi river. State Sunday School Adjourn. CLINTON, la., June 27. (Special Tele gram.) The closing session of the Iowa State Sunday School association was to night. An address was made by W. J. j Smolroth of St. Louis. The association I raised $2,500 for work the coming year. This is the largest amount ever raised by the state association. These officers were elected: President, Rev. C. J. Kephart, Dcs Moines; secretary, Mrs. Mary Barnes Mitchell, Eldora; treasurer, F. F. Jones, Vllllsca. Thomas Klmroet I Mlaalnsr, CEDAR FALLS, la., June 27. (Special.) Agent J. F. Ryan of tho Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern railway today re ceived a telegram from the Cedar Rapids office asking about Thomas Klmmet, who left Chicago on May 3 for Redmond, but never reached' hla destination. He was 60 years old, short of stature and blind In one eye. No trace has been found of htm. Sheriff I'euca Drapa Dead. MARSHALLTOWN, la., June 27. (Spe cial,) Former Sheriff J, B. Pence dropped dead In his home here this rooming of heart failure. He waa one of the best known men In this section of the state and was a prominent politician. Ilrothera Drown Near Ames. AMES, la., June 27. Jesse Vanscoy, aged 26, and his brother, John, aged 11, were drowned near here today. The boy got beyond his depth and the man tried to rescue him. Jesse leaves a wife and child. A IIOUDTING THOMAS. Had Ilia Palllnsr Hair Stopped and Danirng Cured Wlthoat Faith. H. B. Fletcher, Butte, Mont., October 20, 1889, says: "Like many other people, I have been troubled for years with dan druff and within the laat few months my hair cam out so badly that I was com pelled to have what I had left clipped very close. A friend recommended Newbro's Herplclde. I confess that I doubted his story, bat I gave Herplclde a trial. Now my hair la as thick ai ever and entirely free from dandruff." "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." At druggists, $1. Herplclde Is a delightful hair dressing for regular use. CHICKASAW IS FOR TREW1N Oenntj OenTtatiti Initrnoti Delejatioi itr Him fer Utriraor. RINGGOLD MEN FAVOR CUMMINS National Slnreh Comnnny ftiunloyea Strike Mothers' CnnftresM la I'nat poneil HriMTii-DrlnnB: Klectlon Contest la Decided. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, June 27. (Special.) This la a week of county conventions In Iowa and among tho conventions there Is a great mixture of preferences. Today there wero conventions of republicans In Ring gold and Chickasaw counties. Chickasaw Instructed a delegation for Trowln for governor nnd Ringgold county selected a delegation which Is for Cum mins, but not instructed. Tomorrow there will be conventions In Winneshiek and Wright countlei, and on Saturday conven tions will be held In Allamakee, Washing ton, Tamu, Cedar, Delaware "and the pri maries In Warren. Tho greatest contest In these counties Is in Warren county. Chick asaw Is tu tho northeastern part of tho state nnd Is for Senator Trewln for governor. Winneshiek and Allamakee will also he for Harrlman. Two conventions this week have expressed favor for the movement to make Governor Shaw the choice of Iowa repub licans for the presidency three years hencii. The Louisa county republicans and thofc In Leo county catno out strong for S,haw and in opposition to the "new machine" or Cummins element In the party. In Lee county after declaring for Shaw for presi dent and pointing with pride to the at tainments of the state tho convcutlon said: Wo congratulate tho republicans of Iowa thnt this has been accomplished without shadow or taint of "bosslsm" and we de nounce In unmeasured term the "holler than thou" organization, who under the cry of party reform arc endeavoring to foist machine politics upon the republicans of this state. The convention In Louisa county adopted tho following' spirited resolutions on gen cral questions, which state tho views of the leading republicans of the First con gressional district: The republican:! of Loultm county, in convention awni-mbled, desire to congratu late the people upon the triumph of every principle of government for which our party has contended and upon the com plete and ample, Justification of evry party policy under the leadership of that most upright nnd sagacious statesman. William McKlnley. We tHke great pride In the magnificent commonwealth of Iowa, und in the co.r mnndliig Influence and power exerclccd In nntlonal nffulm by Iowa s loyal sons In tha Menatc ami halt of congress nnd cabinet and government rervlce, and the fnUhful public scrvlco of our two able senators calls for their continuation In omoe. We especially commend the administra tion of Governor; Italic M, Shaw' as one of which the. state Is Justly proud. Ills courage, saga'clty and Integrity commnnd our respect and his well curntd laurels as nn exponent of republican principles have made of him a national character and have greatly augmented the standing and in .'.uence of Iowa In nntlonal affairs. Tho republican party has for forty-five yeara (except the two terms of Boles) guided the qffalrs of our xtate without scandal or, sucplclon: it Is responsible for our comprehensive nnd just laws, and It has met and snlvod In the Interests of the people oftho.stnte the many and. complex problems as they have arisen. It Is es pecially it source at pride to us that Louisa county, with scarce an Interruption, has stood loyally by that party and ha con tributed Its' quota to republlcun success by a constantly increasing majority. In view of this unimpeachable record of the republican party, be It Resolved, That we are opposed to any candidate for-public office who In order to exalt himself seeks to discredit thnt record and to' rebuke nnd punish the men who have loyally fought the party's battles and who have contributed so largely to Iowa's greatness. CiiinniliiH Til U ok Ilrpntiir. Decatur county republicans tcday In structed the delegation to the atato con vention for Cummins for governor by a vote of 665, againat 456 for Conger. MnJor Conger Home Aicnlh. Edwin II. Conger, United States minister to China, returned home from the east this morning, having visited Washington and spent several days at the departments and having visited In Michigan, Illinois, New York and elsewhere. At all points ho was welcomed and was the recipient of many favors. He states that It Is his In tention to sail from San Francisco for Pekln July 17 next and will remain here until Just barely time to reach the coast. His family will remain here and not return to Pekln nt this time. Demand More Wane. Induced by the extremely hot weather and low wages, tho rough work employes of the Nattopal Starch company went on a strika this morning. They protested against an objectionable foreman a few days ago and demanded that he bo re moved, but no attention was paid to this. Today they made a format demand for an Increase of 10 cents a day In wages, and as no attention was paid to It they quit work. The factory employs 200 hands, but will run for a few days without filling tho places of the strikers. Governor Meet. Governor Stanley of Kansas arrived In the city today and was met by Governor Shaw, who Introduced him at the banquet of the Still College of Osteopathy on the occasion of the annual commencement. Advertisements Are Mnllahle. Judge McPherson of the United States district court today rendered a decision in a case involving construction of the laws relating to sending obscene matter through the malls. One J. P. Morey bad been In dicted for sending through tho malls un roallablo matter, which consisted of postal cards on which was printed the advertise ment of the manufacturers of surgical and othor Instruments. It was claimed these were obscene. Tho court held that they do not fill the requirement!! of the state, Inasmuch as they were sent out to ad vertise legitimate articles and not for any Immoral or wrong purpose. Hence the Indictment was quashed. Mothers' Meetlnir la Postponed. The Iowa Congress of Mothers will hold Its sessions In this city in January, In stead of In October, aa was at first an nounced. The reason for the change Is that In the fall tho work of the clubs has just begun and the work of the women In connection with tho public schools will hafdly be under good headway so early In the fall. The exact date for the congress baa not yot been decided upon, but It will follow tho 8tate Teachers' association meeting and will probably be about tho middle of the month. 171 ec 1 1 o n Content Decided. An election contest has Just been de cided In Tama county after the wrong man hat held the office for a year and a half. This was the case of Drown against DeLong, Involving the office of county su perintendent. On the face of the returns Drown waa elected to the office, but De Long contested and was given the cer tificate of election. The district court up held the canvassers and DeLong continued In office. At the last term the supreme court decided that the district court and the Board of Supervisors were wrong. The question railed by Drown wa that tho ballots had been kept so negligently by the county auditor that nobody could say they were the original ballots cast at the (.lection. The supreme court se verely criticised the method used in caring for tho ballots, or rather neglect of the ballots. The case then went back to Judge Durnham for retrial and resulted In the office being awarded to Brown, who has missed a year and a halt of his term by tho blunders of the lower court. Xevr Corporations. The Earlham Milling company of Earl ham has been Incorporated with a capital of 110,000; president, Jasper Benson; sec retary, C. D. Johnson. The Central Improvement company of Des Moines has been Incorporated with a capital stock of $100,000; N. E. Coffln, pres ident; II. R. Howell, secretary. , STIRS UP OSCEOLA COUNTY Editor of Hamilton Chronicle Working for llnrrlman's Knm Inntlon for Governor, la SIBLEY, la., Juno 27. (Special Tele gram.)!'. W. Purccll of Hampton, la., editor of the Hampton Chronicle, Is here In the Interest of Mr. Harrlman's candi dacy for governor. O. J. Clark, A. J. Cum mins' local political leader, comes out this evening with a signed article in the local papers urging Osceola county to toko tho scat It Is entitled to In the Cummins band wagon. The Holman township republican committee, consisting of State Senator Gcorgo W. Lister, County Superintendent Redmcnd and Editor Scott of the Gazette, published a call for a caucus for next Mon day evening. Became of some alleged dis satisfaction the call has been amended so as to provide for all Its votes by ballot, polls to be open from 3 until C o'clock p. m. and from 8 until 6 o'clock p. in. July 1. Mr. Clark, writing of Osceola county, says: "This county Is naturally a Cum mins county. It always has been nnd I would like to sec it fairly and honestly represented. But there are a few person. In Sibley who arc turning heaven and earth upside down to put It In the anti Cummins column." The anils say they will elect an unlnstructcd delegation of twenty-five men to tha county convention Monday. FEEL HOPEFUL FOR PICKETT Ills Friend Hxpect to See Hint Elected (rnnd lliilcr of the F.Ik. WATERLOO, Ia Juno 27. (Special.) Friends of Hon. C. IS. Pickett of this city are confident of bis election at tho national grand lodge of the Elks at Milwaukee next month to the office of grand exalted ruler of the order. He Is prominent In the com mittee circles, being at present a mem ber of the committee on laws. He was a state delegate to tho national grand lodge at Minneapolis In 18i7 and has since served on some national committee. He has re ceived tho assuranco of the dolcgates of New York, Louisiana and Iowa. His friends claim ho has a majority of tha votes to be cabt. The Maine Olil Story. J. A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened In almost every neighborhood In the United States and has been told and rc-told by thousands of others. He says: "Last summer I had an attack of dyscntry and purchased a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. Romedy, which I used according to directions and with entirely satltfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies." Mr. Kelly Is a well known citizen of Henderson, N. C. For sale by nil druggists. THE BEST Of EVERYTHING $13.75 Milwaukee and return July 20, 21, 22. $12. G5 St. Paul and return June 18 to 30. Cincinnati and return $22.50 July i. 6. 0. Detroit and return $22.00 July 6. , T. Ciusago and return 24.75 July 23, 24. 25. Hot Springs and return ' June IS to 30. $1Sj40 Very low rates to the Buffalo Exposition City Ticket Office 1401-1403 Farnam St, -IT NO CUPE, MO PAY. MEN. If f ou bar mall, weak organf, lail power or raaBlof dralm, our Vacuum Orcan iMMloptr will raaiort r"i Vila! dnip or al.ctrtcllji Stricture aa4 Varttocalo narnuuaatlr cur4 la 1 to i wookii tMM In nati not on falluni aot on.rtur4 tffart lmm4lati a O.O.I). r-a4i writ for tra part1" lart. Mm atari la nlatn anvalaoa. 10CAL a'PllANCI CI. Ill 1 Mrs Ilk.. t Imaall. 1st Scrofula Scrofula ia nn itnwctcotua legacy, but one which the children of blood poisoned parentage mint accept, with all its humiliating consequences. It is an inheritance that makes one poorer; that brings wretchedness and disease instead of health and riches, for the child whtrse ancestral blood is tainted with Scrofula or the loathsome vims of Contagious Blood PoUon is unfitted for the arduous duties of life so lonir ns any of the transmitted ti.oti remains in its veins. Scrofula manifests itself in various forms; swollen glands about tho neck nnd throat, catarrh of the head, weak eyes, hip bone disease, white swelling and offensive sores and abscesses nre familiar symptoms, Attended usually witfi lots of strength, poor digestion and pale or bloodless complexion. The 6kin is sometimes most dreadfully affected, eruptions breaking out on all parts of the body. Scrofula destroya bone, tissue nnd flesh ; no part of the human system escaties its i. i i t. When nineteen reare. old. and about after tho birth of my first child, tha glands on the left sido of my nock beiran to ewell. Four of ths places wero lanced and bocarae open eoros; rlaiugs oamo unuor my left arm, and tbs dlncliaruo was nimply awful. Tha doctors aald I hod the worat easo of Scrofula they had over aoen. I took iodide of potussium, but this nor tha other drugs given for thla disease brought relief. When the physicians advised m to have) tho glands romovod, Z deolded to try S. S, S. A fw bottloa cured ma completely; no signs of the terrible dlaeoso nre left. MRS. RICHARD WA8SON, Oolden Corners, Ohio, urity to the profoundly poisoned blood, o the swollen nnd diseased nlamls absorbs 1 ,1 P.. 1 .,!? ! 1 S5.G0 A MONTH SPECIALIST Q All Diseases and Disorders of Men !0 years In Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new. without cittlne. prdn or losa of time. CSV D t-l 1 1 iceuredforllfeanattiepoleon 1 1 Ul O thoroughly cleansed from the srstem. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. Uo "Illtli AiCIS'G OUT" o! the divans on the skin or face Treatment contains no dangerous drui;s or injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Kxccsse cr Victims TO NruVOL'S DKBtMTT or KXHAV&TION, WASTI.NO WKAKMr.HS With KAHLY DtOAT in You.NO and Miin:.i Anr.D, lack of Tiro, vigor and itreutrtli, with organs impaired and weak. STRICTURE cured with a neir Born Treatment. No palti, nn Attention from busl neis. Kidney and Madder Troubles. CHARGES LOW, Consultation rrre. Treatment by Matt. Call on ou or address 9 So. 1 4th St. Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha, Neh Good Beer Is best tested b ydrlnking. Our Natural Process Beer Has a flavor equal to the best Bava rian nnd other European beers. It Is made of pure malt and hops, aud we will pay $1,000 to any person wno can detect any other Ingredients In the manufacture of It. Can wo oond you a trial case J L oi' MllvrnuK-re, A. J. SUOIIT, Malinger Omaha Branch 21 S. 10th St.. Omahn. Tel. list. f ( MEDICAL AUViOE, V.'rliou. "' all your symptoms, honuvatlncthe system Is ths only safo nnd sure method of cur itiK all Chronlo Diseases. Dr. Kay's Kenoratcr Is thoonly porfcctHyntctn renovator- I'rjesan nl- i ' 'l f. - v HUTbl.3. U SSmVtHotel Victory, Tho world's 1 argent Buatner Iiotel. Put.ln Bay Island, Lahe Erie, O. It Is renowned for the tocUl slindhi of Its Parana, for Its dimension and nutaiflcencc, for Its superb cullne and adnilrabre tenlce, for the liv Mil provisions for musement of It ucil,forlt tuperbI3rt End nd Oreheilr. It li un Ivcriilly acknowledged that 1 1 roiei eta tne.ittrlbutet that eppeil to particular rjtonle undoubted luxury and comfort, tnd superior ip- I polntmentaand location. To the pleure loTlnt f iiimmer tourlt It iimia for all that U root ' cnoyable. Open from Juno 20 to Sept. 1 5 llatcii I? to to 15.00 n far, 110.(0 to VSi.W a week. Cbaap Bate for Kainlilea. Send for Our Hndome Souvenir Folder, T. W. McCREARY, Genenl Mincer. After Jnunlst. c, , , I'ut-ln.llar. Ohio. 724 Monroe St., Toledo, O All Hal ruad unterlrg Detroit, .Mich., Toledo, 0 BanduOr. O,, ind Clerela' rt, O . inakee iwa daily iteunibout conuactloii (or Tut-lD-llar, o. Under entire) vr 1nnaunicut, HOTEL GERARD. 44th Nt Xeur llruatlrray. ,mv VOItK. Absolutely l-'lro I'roiif, modern ami) luxurious In all Its iiiinoliit nicnta. ! I i ' 4 i : i 5 I . American and ICuroneun plnu. COOL A COMKOHTAIIl.E IX IIISIMKR Ituoiii xlnulr nnd rnaulle J. I. lluuthlen'a Sou. I'rona. Also AVON INN, AVON-HY-TIIU-SBA. S. J. llnat select reaort ou the Nrvr Jersey Const. THE CHICAGO BEACH Hai nearly loitt feet of vcrnnda like the above. A hlgh-clasi residential, tourist and transient hotel on the lake shore. (Mouulde rooms, hjo hath rooms. Most ilrllchtful ibldtn place in summer or winter in the Went, tomlnnteshy III. Central exp. from theatre and iihoprifk' district of Chicago. Finest hotelo.-JKrcat lake with polf, tenuis, boating Iiattilnr and llihlnr Bene or haiulioro- nr II) "tr.itl booltli STATLER'S HOTEL IlUKl'AI.0, ,. V LARGEST IN THE WORLD. 300 ft. from the Main Entrance to the Ex position, t? and 1 Sfl 'or lodging, breakfast " J '3 n'"! .. dinner. Itooms with bath extra. 8endfor freo maps and folder, telling about our Guaranteed Accommodations. unii mc painnu, uisugunng sores ana oiner evidences oi Bcrotma owaappear. S. S. S. should be begun immediately ujwn the appearance of the first symp toms, or where there is n known predisposition to Scrofula. Our medical depart ment will be found of great help to those who are struggling with this waiting disease of heredity or any other blood trouble, and we invite ton to write us. Should, you or any member of your family need advice, our physicians will cheer fully give the information you desire, for which wc make ao charge. Book oa Blood and Skin Disctscs free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. OA. mm Bfii W . w issaaasjBjBByijj,'- one Tear I Tarent whouc Mocd is pois oned by their own misdeeds, or who themselves may be suffering for the sins of 6ome remote ancestor, must re More their own blood to its normal purity nnd Rlrenfth, or they ennnot expect healthy, robust childrrm. S. S. S. cures Scrofula, like other diseases of a deep seated, constitntional charac ter, bv rtstorinc life oni running- and the rich, strone blood that is carried nnd destrovs the tuberculous lftoiu I r ' . I DR. McGREW Office open contlasovslr (roam A aw aa. to D p. m. Annataira (ream S a. sa. to H p. m. (Dr. MeOrew ait Aja B.) TIIE MOST SUCCEft-SFlfl, SPECIALIST In the treatment of alt forma of DIM enara and Disorder) of Men Only H) yenra' experience, 15 years In Omaha. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A permanent cure guaranteed In leM than 10 days, without cutting, pain or lota of time. CTQIPTIIQC cured In 1m than S daya OlniulUnL. without pain or hindrance from business. A perfect and permanent cure guaranteed. CVDLIII IC nd all Blooj Dlseaaes cured OirillLIu by a treatment which la far more satisfactory and successful than "Hot Springs" treatment, and at laaa thai) half the cost. All braaklna out and eigne of the disease disappear at ono. A cure that U guarantee! for life. nCD Ofl Ann casts cured of nervous UYCn ZUjUUU debility, loss, of vitality and MANHOOD, bashfulneas, 0'et and all unnatural weaknessas of men. Car Guaraatee. Coasaltatlea Free. CMAHGEI LOW Treatment aent everj-whsre free from f ate. P. O. Box ?. Office over II atouta Ith atreet. between 'Famaai and DeujtlM iretta. OMAHA, NB. WUH. lerltttrta A. Mayer Co., 219 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. Phone I7I Re-No-May Powder Not only relieves, but positively cures alt disorder of the feet, atopa odorous perspi ration, cure teaatr, evolten and palatal leeu 1 Price 50 Cents. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealer Cousultatlon Free fruca itai When ordering by mail add ceata tot postagt. R-.No-May Skin Kood for facial taaMaga, rte-No-May Cream softens and waitaM the bands and face ft mrtrl iMtor, Sum, Ma. Mil M aim C. S. (Hilt. M-I r,'r u tlatM seam f ! A Big Reduction in Prices cj jr..-. if' 7Ksm7 .jit the WABASH r$MfimL Has Its w rll ' y J'SBHSm an U ih iboM- , ''."ftfBflBaK BUFFALO SB aleotjijalti xtfTaSaui On Runabouts, Bikes, Traps, Stanhopes and Pneumatics. FOR A FEW DAVS ONLY. Wo have n largo variety nnd thla It tho opportunity of your life. KINGMAN IMPLEMENT GO. S0T1I AND I'AnNAM UT.