8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL finmon f Scarcity and Hlghir Cabin Off. itt bj Crop Froiptoti. WHEAT CLOSES THREE-EIGHTHS LOWER Corn nnlllntilr Influeiieril liy Mwht Hecclptd Ontu Arc Chlrf Attrnc" tlon of the llnyPrm Inlniia Dull unci Fenturrlpit. CIItCAUO, Juno 20,-numors of '-""''X f wheat abroad, higher cubic? nml K oo ber delivery closed ,c .lower, be 1fniu torn cloned unchaiiBeu. np ic hlulier, while provisions wcro tin- changed to zijc better, to llrjnldntu and the eonseJiMit dccllno I that month carried September down with It. The tradlnK was largely professional and of small volunv. September opcno.l , a shado higher at KS'fcc. but dropped to i'4C on moderate commission house selling, re acting on reports of damage In the south west, and the close was V lower nt tfS'nC Bcahourd reported sixty boatloads taken for export, while the clearances were eo.ua! to Mo, 101 bushels. I'rlmary receipts wcro 47,6W bushels, against fiiri.OSii bushels a year npo. Minneapolis and Iluluth reported 320 cars, compared with XV) cars n week ago and 311 last ycir. Local lecclpts were Ct cars, none of which was contract Bra.Ie. In the face of weakness In wheat corn has shown decided strength, but the volume of trading was small. Light te celpts at primary markets continue to be tho principal bull Iniluence, giving en couragement to holders even after taking Into consideration tho favorable growing weather and poor shipping demand. There were moderate offering of July by com mission houses, but the crowd seemed un willing to take hold, September opened a hudn lower at Hc and some early pelt ing by a few locals carried prices still lower to Vft'.ic, but absorption on the part of shippers soon brought about n reaction and the close was unchanged at HVdHic. Thero were 12 boat loads reported for ex port at seaboard, and clearances were ?tV 125 bushels. Primary receipts were !II5,C0 bushels, against bushels a year ago. .Local receipts were 1G6 cars, only 5 of con tract grade. OatH were the chief attraction today. Commission houses were heavy buyers. September opened a shade lower at 'MM 2SkC The market held remarkably steady throughout the session, the lowest price reached being 2iVlilQ 21HC The close was strong nnd Uti'Uc higher at SGMJkc. Local receipt) were 118 cam. Provisions were dull anil without any features. There was no great pressure to cell, although a weakness seemed lo pre vail during the early part of the session. Firmness In corn doubtless Influenced pro visions, causing the strength In the latter half of the day. September pork opened 2-,4ft5c higher, reacted to 11.05, closed strong and 254c higher at $1",. September lard opened a shade higher at JS.T7H. re acted to S.7254, but advanced toward the close, and final figures were unchanged at S.75fS.T7!4- Hlbs opened nlso a shade higher at 18.17V4 and held fairly steady throughout the session, tho low point being J8.16. closing alje higher at R.17'4. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 53 cars; corn. 133 cars; oats, 140 cars; hogs, 22,0)0 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l dpen. lllgh. Low. TcIojc". Ycs'y. Wheat I I Juno 6D'4 6.1WI CS1 (MTV 6i' July B07,, GUT, d sept. t4tt!i 6ST4 6U; Hr" till 43 ' a iiiiu July Sept. Dec. Oats July Kept. May J'oik- 3?4T4 l 111, t:iT4 43i IIHTi'i ll'4flS4 41U UU! 41U 24 2i 25! 11 to II 07 8 70 8 77 J4 8 75 8 071,4 S 15 I c,,l 2S1.4 2GH'I 2it? 2SW 29'i I July II H4 14 82V4 . Sept. 15 02'(4 IB 02H Lard July I 8 70 S 72H SepL S 77H 8 77',4 14 77HI 14 f5 14 80 15 00 I I 8 67H 8 72V4 s ,ii ? 1VA' uci. i a id s is Rlbs- 8 72'4 a Jllly 8 f.5 8 10 1 8 05 1 8 10 sept. s 1,141. R 17V4 8 12',4I 8 17(4 Nt. Cash nuotatlons wcro as follows: I;LOun-Steady; winter patents. $3.70tr -s,1i "5rillntB. l3.20fl3.KO; clears. J2.C0fl3.S0. I,hAIt:,0' -'. spr'njf. 70fl72c: No. :t iF9No- 2l i3XWtel No" 5 yellow, ,nwATS-N,- ,2; zv'c: No- 2 white. rDfi'rf 304c; No. 3 white. 2?!4JJ20!5c. ItVK-No. 2. 4SHc. BARLBY Good feeding, 5t5?52c; fair to choice malting, GO8 52c. J3895ED8N0, 1 flnX' ?l'73' Pr'm ,lmoth'' r.ri?VI?IONS-Mcss orl. Ppr bb'-. H"5 R14.W. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.67US.72H. Short ribs sides (loose). $?.00(f8.2tJ. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). J7.0Otr7.23. Short clear sides (boxed), W.45HR.55. WHISKY-JJasIs of high wines, 11.27. Following are the receipts nnd shipments Ittcnlpts. Shipments .... 28,000 "I.IVSO .... 44.000 37tUKO ....11W.O00 35.n,WK) ....lSD.OOO 2IKI.UW .... 4.000 2.000 Flour, bhls.... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Onts, bu Tlv. hii. Barley, bu. ',O0) 4.0C0 Oil lh Prr,rl,i. ,l,.,n ..!... .1.- ..... ter market was firm; creameries. 144fl!9c; (lalrlcs. 14U 1614c Cheete, steady, at itv Inf; t(?ES' Hrmer; at mark, cases returned, IOI4C. NEW YOHIC (iUXF.ItAL .MAI1KRT. Qnntatlona of the liny on Com 111 nil I Varloim o-SVY JOTiK' June I' '.OtTn-necelpts, 2u,2M bbls.; exports. 18,406 bbls.; easy and quiet; winter patents, .15fl3.W; winter straights. J3.45Q3.53; winter extras, $2,503) S.Sj; Minnesota bakers, J2.W4i-u.lo: Mlniie-f.?!,!!-p,nAent?! .s!.lft; winter low grades, 5v2lv- ',lyr ,lol,r' eny fnr to 0od ,;$ft?i1.1:..,cl,0,co to fancy. J3.20S3.r.O. CORNMBAIDull; yellow western S5c; city. 91c: Urandywlnc, J2.43fl2.65. ..rt.YEn?2?y! No- J5 western, BCV4c nfloat, HAULKY-Steady; feeding, 48c, c, I. f New York; malting, 6Mj2c, c, I. f., New ork car lots. AJ' ajALT-Duil: wostern. 63g72c. N-.UiATSltcc,p,s' 7 exports, p.oJl bu. Spot, steady: No. 2 red, 77lc f. o. b., afloat. No. 2 red, 75;c. elevator; No. I northern Duluth. 77,ic. f. o. b afloat; No. i hard Duluth. 8l!,c, f. o. h., afloat. o tlons were dull and easy again most of the session. 1-rench crop damage reports were offset by lack of foreign orders, Liverpool depression and ojr bearish crop m'ws TSfllT" ."'V1 "Palliative apathy They flnnlly rallied, howover, on export ri mand and closed steady at a partial Uc ilu cllne, July. 73U-lW7CS.o. closed at 7i o: Septcml?er. 73 3-lCi7l 3-lGr. closed at "1c October closed. 741ic; December, 73 9-ltrf i.i 13-IGc. closed at 75;c. iu ,uC?.!VV"U,,r'ell,?'.1,0:!00 sports, 110, SJ'.bu. Spot, (iiilet; No. 2, 47'ic elevator wis S i't!-' ,?"r,,l! A S receipts light co'untry ofTerlngs? good com tlons rjiiiet and barely stead chofien&! 8nlPP,nK '2SiCi E0(", to ordc,o'cdsc.2c!905 crop' W0,S)5C! . iwISSi .cw,DSsle?tly! Onlveston. 20 to 2J lh. LEATHKH Steady; hemlock 'so . Iluenos 23V42441?ht l hfaVy WClB,,ts' 2,j! "i PROVISIONS neef, steadv: famllv in m (912.00; mess. 9.Wi9.50: beef lmn?s isoA 21.50; packet. J10.00fjl0.50; cl y extra India mess JIB .noflKjCO . Cut meats 'stead?; ,,nick. iJ-y J1.0! VteM shoulders. Ji.(iorr..25; pickled hams. 9.75fll0.25. Lurd steaoyr western (.teamed, ja; continent L9-1 South America. JD.75; compound.J.S7i4 fii.no. Pork, .strong: family, J15.5ofilG 0); " -..-..i imi f. lii, lo n in. in TAI.LOW-Steadyj city. 4Hc; coantry, Sfi1 HiCE-Steady: domestic fair to choice, 3i fJ6c; Japan. 4tWT4c. ' MOLASSES-Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 35rN2c ni'TTER-neceipts, 6,797 pkgs.; Arm; creamery, 15fll9t4c; factory, 12HQ15C CHEESE Receipts, 4,0! pkss.; strong! crop prospects were uie main ih the wheat situation today, but the twnth Imparted by cables wn inoro "'V " Mont ri mm i iiiii hi nit; uiimnipi - i' " ' ... ......- M,1 In Ihf A momentary nrmii ':". v .wheat pit nt the opcnlnB. co.ialne 1 by lo ports of a great scarcity of wheat n Wrtnco, toRcther with hlBhor table. Im ports of Kood proc peci? ii ' vest, however, offset these bill features and caused n desire to coll for '-' n.M.rii nt .lulv were nleo anxious bu. Spot, linn; No. 2. 32We; n,, PJrfe.uVv. i white. 33c; No. 3 wh to. "track ml A western. KMrxtiir.. i,..i ...171 -:A"'.'S.m":ed WlJic. Op. fancy, large, colored nnd white, OHc; fancy, small, colored and white. 9c. KOaS Receipts, 7.1M pkgs.; steady; western candied, 13fll3'c; wetlern, un graded, 1HI2'ic. POl'I.TliV-Allvc. Ilrm; springers, Wtt 20e; turkeys, Sc; fowls, 104c; dressed, stendj, springers. 1721c; turheys, 7S!4e! fowls, syioe. . , METALS Tin, both at New York nnd London, obtained n higher level today. A decrease in stocks, due to the sinking of the steamer Asturla with 750 tons on board and sympathy with the firmness abroad, caused the prevalent strength here and prices beiore the close showed b rise of about Jo points, closing firm In lone nt 2i.67'4fi-i;o. In London spot tin advanced Ids to iiao nnd futures up 15s to 123 6s, with the final tone Ilrm. Locally, the cop per market was featureless and nominally nt Hi for Lake Superior and JI6.GJ14 for casting and electrolytic, while nt London weakness prevailed under liquidation, and values were redjeed 7s Gd, spot standing at AbSlos and futures at JJ09 2s6d. There was no change recorded In pig lead at New ork or In London. 8pclter was also un changed. Domestic Iron markets ruled dull and unchanged. English markets ruled .'..9 1?s"w warrants closing at 53s 4d and Jllddlisnorough at lis Gd, OMAHA WIIOI.HSAI,!. 3IArtICET. Condition of Trndr nn it Quotations on Mtnple 11 ml I'nncy Produce. EGOH Receipts liberal; good stock, firm, lOMlO'ic LI VE POULTRY-IIuns, 7c: young nnd lid roosters, 06c; urkcys, cgsc: ducks nnd geese, iic; spring chickens, per lb., lGftKe. RUTTER-Common to fair, 12&gn3e: choice dalryi In tubs, 14G15c; sepntntor, 18c. , FRESH FLSH-Hlack bass, lSc; white bass, Mi; bluctlsh, He; bullheads, loc: bluo fins, 7c; bufTalos, Be; catfish, 12c; cod, 9c; crapples, jaioc; cIscocm, 7c; halibut. He; her Ill's:, 'V; haddock, 10c, pickerel, 7cj pike, 9c; led snapper, 10c, ,iltnon, lie; sunflsh, Cc; trout, yu; whltcilsh, 9u PIOEONS-Llve, per doz.. Jl. VEAI.S-Cholce, 9S10c. HAY -Prices iiuoted by Omaha Wholesale Jlny Dealers association: Choice uplnnd, 58.0'J: No. 1 Upland. IS! incHlnm. S7; I'tuirni. JG.50. Ryo utniw. $6.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand air. No fresh receipts. OATS-No. 2 white, ic. CORN-No. 2. 43c. u it A.N Hi. VKIlCTAIll.pa SPtNACH-Per bu. box. 40c ASI'ARAOUS-Natlve. per 1 per doz., 353-40& 40f)SfV. W'l 1 uy.ri l'cr uu., iimiav. RADISHES-Pcr doz., lij2lc. PARSLEY Per doz.. 30c. POTATOES-OKI. pcr bll., Jl. NEW POTATOES-Per bu.. Jl.0001.10. CAHUAGE New California. 2c. TOMATOES Florida, per B-basket crate, fancy, J2.60; Texas, 4-bsk. crates, J1.S0. OMONS llermudas, per crate, J2.25: new California. 2c. CAULIFLOWER Horac-grown, per doz., 9oc. BEANS Wax, per ',4-bu., 95c; string, per 'j bu., 75c. PEAS-Pcr bu., J2; per M bu., 75o. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Home grown, J2.50; Missouri, J2.50; Colorado. J2.75?(3.00. RLACKI1ERRIES Per 21-qt. case, J2.00 "RASPHERR1ES-Pcr 24-qt. case. J3; red, per 21-qt. case, J; per 2t-pt. case, $2. CHERRIES-Calltornla, per -lb. box, J1.25; Mlshourl, per 24-qt. case, J1.50. PEAliHES-CallfornIa, per box, J1.00. APlllCOTS-Callfornlh, -basket crates, J1.50. PLl'MS California, per crate, J1.25. UOOSERERR1 ES Per 24-qt. case, J1.50. TROPICAL, FRUITS. ORANGES-Callfomla seedlings, J2.759 3.00; navals, J3.&): Med. sweets, J3.23Q3.50. LEMONS-Callfornla. extra fancy, J3.75; choice. J3.. 1JANANAS Per bunch, according to size, J2.()fl2.&0. FIOS California, now cartons, 75c; layers, 63c; Imported, per lb., 10gli'c. DATES Persian, In GO-lo. boxes, Salrs, 5c per lb.; Halloween, 5V4c per lb. P1NEAPP1.ES-Pcr doz., $1.7532.00. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, per 24-scctlon case, J3.75. CIDER Per bbl., J4.50; per half bbl., 12.75. NUTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb., 15c: fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 18ig20o; raw peanuts, per lb., 55j34c; roasted, 64if 74c: Uracils, 13c; pecans, 10Q22c. HIDES No. 1 green, 5Hc; No. 2 green, 4 lie; No. 1 salted. .6Vjc; No. 2 salted. 5Hc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 1214 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 lo 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides, 8013c; sheep pclm, 25Q75c; horso hides, Jl. 502.25. St. I. ouls (irnln mill l'rovlslon. ST. LOUIS, June 20. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 67ic; track, "Off 71c: July. G5-7ic. August. 65c: September. t?OJc: No. 2 hard, B7U16.S!4c luh.n Mrm; ro. . casn. 42c; track. 43c; July. 42!,c: September. 43Vic OATS-FIrm: No. 2 cash. 29c; track, 29H 30Uc: July. 274c; September, 26?c. RYE Nominal. 4Sc. FLOUR-Stendy; patents. J3.5OS3.60; ex tra fancy and straights, $3.10(83.20; clears, $2.S0fi3.00. CORNM E A L Steady at $2.30. URAN-l'nsettled; sacked, enst track. fi3c. HAY Firm; timothy, $10.50313.50; prairie, $9.30if? 10.50. Will SKY Steady. $1.27. IRON COTTONl'lES-$l,05. HAdaiNaS-GOTc. HEMP TWINE 9c. FLAX SEED-No market. PROVISIONS-Pork, firm; Jobbing, $15.75. Lard, quiet at $8.55. Dry salt meats, quiet: boxed lots, extra shorts, $8.25; clear ribs, JS.3714; clear sides, JS.50. Bacon, quiet; boxed lots, extra shorts, $9; clear ribs, J9.37U: clenr sides. $9.50. METALS Lead, firm at $l.304.35. Spel ter, dull at $3.7714. POl'LTRY Qufct; chickens, 7c; springs, 12?M4c; turkeys, 7c: ducks, 6c; springs, SfiHc: geec, 4c; springs, 8c. R UTTER Steady; creamery, 14020c; dulry. 131 14c. EGGS Lower;, fresh, western, 9V4c; south ern, Sl-ic RECEIPTS Flour. 6.000 bbls.: whent. 28.- 0f bu.; corn. 17,000 bu.; oats, 28,000 bu. shipments Flour. 6,000 bbls.: wheat, 7,000 bu.; corn, 42,000 bu.; oats. 19,000 bu. Liverpool Cirnln mid Provisions. LIVERPOOL. June 20.-WHEAT-Spot, dull; No. 2 red western, winter. 5s lod; No. I northern spring, 5s 9-;d; No. 1 California, fis. Futures easy; July, 6s 81Jd; September, 5s 81id. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, In 14l; Amerlcnn mixed, old, 4s 2;d. Fu tures quiet; July, 3s 11!41; September, 4s 'id; October, 4s 3V4d. PEAS Canadian, steady, at 5s 9d. HOPS At London, steady, 4ft4 15s FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, dull at Ss. PROVISIONS-Beef. firm; extra India moss. C3s 3d. Pork, prime mess western, steady at 61s. Hams, short cut, steady at 4Gu Oil. Lard, linn; prime western, 44s; Amerlcnn refined. In palls, 48s 6d. Bacon, Ilrm: Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady, 44s 9d; bhort ribs 16 to 24 lbs., 47s 3d; long clear middles, light. 44s 9d: Inn a- rienr middles, heavy, 12s 9d; short clear backs, 42s 3d; cienr ucuics, us ju; snouiuers, square, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, 36s 9d. BUTTER-Dull: finest United Stales, SSs; good United States, 63s. CHEE8E Firm; American finest, white, and colored, new, 45s, TALLOW Prime city, quiet at 25s; Aus-" trallau, In Loudon, steady at 26s Gd, KniiRiiN L'lty (irnln nml Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Juno 20.-WHEAT-July, 62c; September, 62Uc; cash, No. 2 hard, OIHflOoe: No, 3, 63Q6lc; No. 2 red, 65T66c; No. :!. iKji&c. CORN-July, 40V: Septemher, 41io; cash, No. 2 mixed, 42c: No, i white, 42St214c. OATS-No. 2 white. 30c. RYE No. 2. 49c. 1 -VV h ol ST. 1 1 mo t li y . $11.50012.00; choice prairie, J10.0CH0.50. nUTTER-Crenmcry. ll',417c; dairy, fancy. 13'nl4c. EGGS Weak; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, 9c dozen, loss off, cases returned: new whltcwood cases included, o more. RECEIPTS-Whent, 57,000 bu.; corn, 22,400 bu.: oats. 8,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 53,600 bu.; corn, 20. SOO bu.; oats, 3,w0 bu. ' Toledo firnln nnil Scnl. TOLEDO. June 20. WHEAT-Dull. eafler; cash and Julv, 7014c; September, 701ic, CORN Dull, lower; cash nnd July, 43-ic; September. 44!jc. OATS-Qulet, steady; cash, 2SUc; July, 27Tie: September, 2614c. ' RYE 52c. CLOVERSEED-Cosh, prime, $6.50; Oc tober, $5.25. Vlliiiieniiollii Whrnt, rlonr nnil llrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, June 2(i WHEAT Cash, 66T4o: July. 65ic; September, 63T4c; on track. No. 1 hard, 6S',c; No. 1 northern, GC'4e; No. 2 northern. 65!4c. FI.Ol'R-Flrst patents, J3.S0B3.90; second patents, $3.tXKff3.70: llrst clears, J2.61IJ2.75; teeond clears, J2.OO02.1O. BRAN in bulk, JIO.750 11,00. Mllvrnukee (irnln .VlnrUet, MILWAUKEE, June 20. WH EAT Mar ket lower: No. 1 northern. 70'4c; No. 2 northern. 6Sfl69c: July, 6)H069Hc. RYE-Lower; No, 1, 49c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, Wc; uample, 40fi53ltc. riillHilrlphlit Produce Slnrkvt. PHILADELPHIA. Juna 2).-nUTTER-Flrm: good demand: fancy western cream crv. 104c: fancy western prints. 19c. EGGS Firm and good demand; freth jvuLUAiin-iiorac grown, per lb,, ic NriW JJLKTS-Pcr doz., 20y2Sc. NEW OARHOTS-Pcr doz., 30JI35C. NEW Ti;RNIPS-Pcr dor... 2ufl25c. tJUCUMUEHH Holhnimp. nr run... western, 14c; fresh southwestern, 13c; fresh southern, 12c. CHEESE Firm! New York full creams, fancy, small, 9!4091ic; New York full creams, fair to choice, Sti0Siac. Prorln .Market. PEORIA, June 20.-CORN-8teady; No. 3, 42c. OATS-Inactlvej No. 3 white, 2SUc, billed through, , WHISKY On the basis of $1.27 for fin ished goods. MOVKSIKXTS IX STOCKS A.I IIOM1S. Voltinip of DcnlliiKs In Unral Since Last Prcslilcndnl Election. NEW YORK, June 20. Opening prices of stocks were nt the highest overage level of the day and nil rallies, of which there were several of some slight force, were met by renewed realizing, which drove prices nownwnrd. The volume of dealings showed a notable shrinkage and fell below the 500, WW shnte mark, which Is the lowest level tojehed since the presidential election. Even this meager nggrcgate was largely dependent on the congested dealings In 11 few stocks, notably Amalgamated Copper. This stock was under pressure nil day nnd fell nn extreme 34 under last night, with 11 llnal rally of 2 points on the declaration of tho customary 14 per cent qunrterly divi dend and 14 per cent extra. This selling is said to be In large part due to arbitrage operations against buying of stocks eligible for exchange. Colorado Fuel continued Its fluctuations, falling nt one time fl points under last night and 2214 under the high price of Monday, but rallying at the last to a point nbovc last night. General Electric n'fts bought on the reported acquisition of the British Thomson-Houston company nnd buying lifted It 15 points by wide jumps. I here was persisting strength In Minne apolis & st. Louis nnd the lown Centrnl stocks, which rose 4 to 414 on rumors of a PMp,.ri nn,'Innl ""sorption by tho Illinois Central. The strength of Chicago Great nm!mnw2?.,i!"sc'1 ?" 11 f?f"K that the .?Lli,Irc,.'r,,lry ,1ns nlready taken from i , , 1 ' '"" wcck .',3Ub,uw, which In cludes he payments for the go d exported. ritv " ihi i5 ",',":"L llL'n 01 mo Sioux WiY & 1 ac"lc Ra way company to the l1,0."8-0 Northwestern wiinSvolve iho near v iz nn. J, ,.u "e government of tuni,. .1.'.CW ""hough a period of lVintyu"n?" Is Permitted. The bond market was moderately active j"9!0 00oreBPn.r,T2.,n! R,l10''' Pr valued -,J.T),O0O. United States bonds were al unchanged on the lost call. The Pnm in ...... In I . ., ., . flnanclarcablegram says? spec"um ft J1 .!.x.c.!'.. "fro. tpXSwas'dor" i : v:" "om " nek of . "v,nj iiicn son. Tho intlrr "u? P,l.at J.P". the KnnoTrV: h 5U-K "Stff 5,.' 1.W "n b"?s banks of Bengal an TloVn. y a vreu'eed i.u'l001!"1 rntf l,Pr coin to 6 plr cent Vll V,,ln",KC ls a'JS: Bf,rn. unchanged ,uTnl. '"""wing aro tht, closing pr e., oi the New York Stock exchange- v Atchison do pfd ,,, Ilnltlmore & Ohio., In pfil Cnnndlan Pnclfle .. Canada So Che. & Ohio , Ohlcaito & Alton..., do ptd , II. & Q , Chicago. Inn. & I. do pfd Chicago & E. 111.., Chicago 0. W do 1st pH , do 2d pfd Chicago & N. W... C, It. I. & V , Chicago Ter. & Tr, do pfd , C. C. I'. & St. L... Colorado So rift 1st pfd do 2d pfd , Dfl. & Hudson Del. L. & W Denver & R. O..,,, do pfd Erie do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd., , (51. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley do pfd , Illinois Central Iowa Central , do pfd Like Erie & ... do pfd I,. A N Manhattan L Met. St. Ity Mex. Central Mcx. National Minn. & St. L Mo. I'dclnc. M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central , Norfolk & W , do pfd No. Pacific do pfd Ontario & W , Pennsylvania Heading do 1st pfd..., , do 2d pfd , St. L. k S. F , do let pfd do 2d pfd , Kt. L. Southw , do pfd Kt. Taul , 5SHI do pM 104i So. Paclflo .N's,i So. Hallway S4i 1I0 Pf, 11 Texas & Pacific..., , .2 Toledo. 8t L & W. do pfd ' u'.4 Union Paclflo , , 75 do pfd IWi Wabnsh , "li do pfd 73 Wheel. & t,. E d" do 11 pfd , 2;i Wis. Central SS'i do pfd W p. C. C. St. I,., M Adams Ex 168U American Ex 23'i V. S. Ex . , 45?s Wells-Kargo Ex... S' Amal. Copper 1T Amer. Car & F.... do pfd , Amer. I.ln. Oil .... 1M do pfd 236 Amer. 3. & P. Sl'll do pfd Wi Amer. Tobacco ... , 4-H Anac. Mln. Co , i; Hi-ooklyn R. T M! Colo. Fuel & Iron, 1J Con. Gas Con. Tobacco do pfd 1 , Gen. Electric tlVj niuroup Kugnr "Oft Hocking Coal M Inter. Paper .120 do pfd , HO Inter. Power 1MW Laclede Ga 1'S National Dlscult.., . " National Load 11 National Salt WM do pfd , 1MH No. American . 31'i Pacific Coast . 6f, Pacific Mall ,160',4 People's Gas ,U6'i Pressed S, Car , SW do pfd . M Pullman P, Car..., 12') Republic Steel .... O'Ti do pfd , 3' ' Supar ,131vi Tenn. Coal A Iron , '!i Union Hag & p.,,, " do pfd i'K U. H. feather 52H do pfd 'CVi U. S. Rubber , SH do pfd 33!4 U. S. Steel , B'L; do pfd 1T8U "Western Union ., . tf.Vi . 331, . 874 . 46i . 2:4 . S1H .111 . 9C4 231a . 42U . 20"4 3214 . : . 47 . 79 .175 .200 . 91 .ISO 142!4 . 32Lj 74 . 23 . 4DU . SM4 .10414 KSH . 4014 . tl!i .11411 .222 . 6514 1V4 .263 . Ct . "li . 23 . "!i . M . 84 . 43 . 23 . 43 . "?. .104 . 72 . 41 .l!8'i . 4114 . 83 .MS . 2:i . 70 .14214 . 61IV4 . 1714 . 731J . n . 78'4 . 2C S4 . 6!ll . 4Si . 0S4 . Dili Trust receipts. "Ex-dlvldcnd. Nerr York Money Mnrkel. ,.,11., -'' i"- ..-!, ioi loan, li'.i; ruling rate. 4; prime mercantile paper, STERI.INO EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bankers1 bills at J4 S7'" V iuiu i.oo-'ij.cVVk I Or FIX IV 2l'.K,s,Wi..S,,,CB' 'JommcwlSl fiiiiVr.np.Fi nnrl . V, , uuininai, owe: nar. 59c: Mexican do ars, 47Wc. -v..u-Ui,iiL.l sirung: government steady; railroad, Irregular. hernl"ent, ino ciusint; pnees on nonds todav ar, a, follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg... do coupon do 3s, rcg do coupon do new 4s, reg.,., do coupon , do old 4s, rec , do coupon do Ss, rcc do coupon D. of C. 3. 65 , Atchison gen. 4s,.., do adj. 4a , Canada So. Is Chen. A Ohio 4Vis. Mo ts C. & N. W". c. 7s, , do S. F. deb. Js. Chicago Ter. 4 , Colo. Southern 4s.., n. & n. G. 4s , Erie general 4s,..., v. w. a r. c. is.., Gen. Electric is,, Iowa Central la..,, I.. A N, tint. 4s..., M K. A T. 2s..., do 4s lN. Y. C. 1 1074 13214 72?J 10T.T, 1C6'4 103 103 103i 130 113S !""4 103' 117i i:!i 1S7 118 W 93j U'i Ct 11314 9! Wi 119 :ni iiU 92 &C4 107 10ii I0??i 13S4 133 vt 1214 tnii 1084; 1084 i: 10l4 !! 10914 10814 IWli 14214 122 9!i 8J 103H 90 107, lVj 113 104U SC'i 91 ".N. j. c. gen, ts.,., No. Pacific 3 do 4s N v. n x, sit 1 i. N. & W. con. 4v!i w.vtuH av. is.,., do 4s Oregon S. L. s, do consol 5s Heading gen. 4s..., Hln n w 1. t r. i m c. 'c's!!! St USF ge. C.s St. Paul conools . St. P., C. A P. Is do Is , S. Taclllo 4s So. riallwnv K 8. H. A T. 6s '', Tex. A Pacltlcyls,,, I -no Union Paclfle 4s... Wahafli 1s do 2s , West Shore 4s Wis, C.ntml 4s Va. Centuries ... Bid. "Offered, lliinton StOfUsj nml Ho nils. BOSTON. June I'O.-Cnll loans, 3',jOi,4 per ;nt; time loans, 4QIV4 per cent. Official ce closing A.. T. A s. r do pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd American Tel Ilnston A Albany., Hoston Elevated . . Ilotton A Me Dominion Coal ... do pfd U. S. Sire! do pfd. Fltchburg pfd Mexican Central . N. E. G. & C Old Dominion Rubber Union Pacific Wfil End Westlngh, Elec Atchison 4s N. E. O. A C. 5s, Adventure Hlng. Mln. Co Amal, Copper Atlantic Hoston A .Mont Calumet & Hocla. 103i 60 17 2..I; 120, 35 49J S05 28,4 23 C7'4 Wli 172 333 MVi t 51 .10114 142U ,11:14 iss'4 2J5 ,178 .193 , 4!li ,113'i , 4E4 W, ,1134 , 2!i , 81, , 32i; , 2di ,lio; , ill , 6S Centennial franklin , Humboldt Osceola , Parrot Qulncy santa F Corner ., Tamarack , Utah Mining Winona Wolverines Asked. New York Mlnlrii; nioeli., NEW YORK, Juno 20. The following are the closing nuotatlons on mining stocks; Adams Con Alice , Dreece Hrunswlck Con Comstock Tun Con. Cal. Va,.., Peadwool Terra . Horn Silver Iron Silver LcadMlle Con...... . 23 I.lttIe Chief . 42 Ontario 13 EiS 90 13 7 t 18 4) 365 ,11.5 .Ophlr 14 I'hoenlx . 814 ,203 Potosl Haage ., Sierra Nevada Small Hoprs Standard .... Hank Ocarinas. OMAHA, June 20.-Bank clearings todny, Jl,011,63; corresponding day last year, Sl.f37.7se: decrease. $13,150. CHICAGO. June 20. Clearings. J24,709,Ofl7; balances, S3. 135,134. Posted exchange. j4.Mii, for sixty days nnd JI.S9 fcr demand, New York exchange. JSc premium. ST. LOUIS, June M.-Clearlngs, JT,S19,O05; nninncps, si,Ko,it6. Money, ajj' P'r cent, New York exchange 25c discount bid, par asked. PHILADELPHIA, June 20.-Clearlngs, :'ti,-.-ji.s,B; tialonces, J4.393.612. BALTIMORE, June 20.-Clearlng, W.56I, iv imuiiicrs, tdiu.isS. MNCINNATI. June 20.-C1earlng, J3.910,- rw. .lew 1 orK eXCnnnRe, 10c premium. Money, 3fl6 per cent. BOSTON. June 20.-Clearlngf , J22,I50,147; balances, JI.6I6.4S6. NEW YORK, June 20.-C!earlngs, JM1, 276.43S; balnnces, $9,141,300. London 5lock notnlons, LONDON, June 20. 4 p. m. Closing: Cons., money ,,. do account ... Atchison Canadian Paclfle St. Paul , Illinois Central , !oulvllle ....... Union Pac. pfd., N. Y. Central .. Erie , ,93 11. do 1st pfd.. 93 ll-H Pennsylvania , 77H 1 tri Heading , 21 ..10ii ..131 .. 91 ..IS) .. 41i No. Paclfle pfd.... .looii Grand Trunk ll'i , l("i , 42i Anaconda Hand Mines U. S. Steel do pfd BAR, SILVER-Stcady nt 27 7-16d per ounce. MONEY-li4f?2 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills ls 2"-l&fi!V4 per cent; for three months' bills, wa- u-it yer cent. Condition of the Trenhitry. WASHINGTON, June 20. Today's state ment of tho treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of tho $160,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows; Available cash balance, 9171, 167,991; gold, $95,115,371. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June 20.-A genuine bear scare nnn innux of benr orders carried cotton vnlues much higher In the local mnrket today. Tho action of the New Orleans nnd Liverpool markets clearly In dicated that similar conditions obtained nt those points as well. As the session wore nlonp a small stampede of tho bear forces In the general market occurred. On the opening the market was quiet and firm, witn prices up 2RG points, in sympatny with firmer Encllsh cables than exnected. Tho figures proved to be tho lowest of the session, for gcnernl buying soon set In nnd carried tno entire list rnpiaiy nigncr. Tnere came rumors of trouble ahead for shorts In July and with a rush that option was bid up 23 points to 8.40c. Drouth news from the southwest, splendid cloth and dry goods market advices, further advance In the Liverpool mnrket, singular absence of sell ers and cron ilnmnio reports from the eastern belt all combined to undermine benr convictions nnd build up a strong null structure. Tho new crop months were sup ported by Wall street and other commis sion house buying, while New Orlenns well nigh flooded the pit hero with nenr-month buying orders. Speculation was more nc tlvrs during the day than nt nny time In mnny weeks. The market was finally steady, with prices net I2'(f19 points higher. Spot closed dull. 3-16c higher; middling up lands, SHc; middling gulf, 8?4c Sales, 320 bales. LIVERPOOL. Juno 20.-COTTON-8pot, good business done, prices l-32d lower; American middling fair. CVsd; good mid dling, 4T4d: middling, 44d: low middling, 4 13-32d; good ordinary, 4 5-32d; ordlnnry, 3 29-32d. Tho sales of the day were 12,000 bales, of which 1,0X1 were for speculation and export, and Included 10,800 American. NEW ORLEANS, June 20.-COTTON-Steady; sales. 2,250 bales; ordinary, 6 13-16c; good ordlnnry, 6Htc: low middling, 7 6-lSc; middling, 8 3-16c: good middling, Sll-16c; middling fair, 8 15-I6c. Receipts, 1,850 bales; stock, 119.432 bales. ST. LOUIS. June 20.-COTTON-Mnrket 1-I6c higher nnd steady; middling, 8 M6c; sales, 1.200 bales; receipts, f,91 bales; ship ments, 743 bales; stock, 68,604 bales. GALVESTON. June 20.-COTTON-Mar-ket unchanged at 8 l-16c. Coffer Mnrket. NEW YORK, June 20.-COFPEE-Steody; Nn. 7 Ttln Involro. Klin. Mllil. nuloM r-nr. dovn, 81jgi2c. Considerable of a bull move ment developed in tho market today. The opening wns steady, with prices up S'flO points on -covering and light foreign buy ing Htnrtcd by a firmer ruling of foreign markets, more particularly European, than expected. Soon after the call there was a further rise of 5 points nnd In the nftcrnoon tho net gain was Increased to 20 points on somo positions. Shorts wore nervous nnd bought heavily; longs increased holdings. Trading was the largest for n slnglo dav In mnny weeks. The close was steady, lOSHa points higher, having cnsletl off under profit-taking. Total sales were 40,070 bales. Including: July, 5.10?j5.20c; September, 5.25 R5.3.c; October. 5.3035.40c; November. 5.45c: December. 5.5vfl5.fiOc; January, 6.55g).65c: March, D.70S5.75c. Oil nrid Ito, In. NEW YORK. June 20.-OH,8-Cottonseed, nritno crude, nnmfnnlr nrlmn vaIIih. 11 ct Petroleum, dull. Rosin, steady; strained! common to good, Jl.45. Turpentine, firm at 3714 3Sc. uiii city, Pa June 20.-OILS-Credlt balances. $1.0o; certificates, no bid; ship ments.' 63,253 bbls.; average. 91.334 bbls.; runs. 91.151 bbls.; average, S.1,346 bbls. LONDON. Jnn 20 nTl.Rr-alr.nita un seed, spot, 5s 9(1- . l,ivkiu'uoi June 20. OILS Rosin, com mon, firm at 4s 4d. Sew York llry (,'nnds Market. NEW YORK. Juno. 20.-Prlnt cloth mnr ket excited; 2S-Inch, 91 squares, 4e. and nnrrow orders on relative bnals with re- flr.rvr.,1 MpllMfn Wlrlr. rAAa BnU "C1 ln.L . , .... ........ OQ73-IUI-JI in squares nt 4c and 39-Inch 68x72's at 414c. ijcuw uiiMYu bwup marftei strong ana cleaned up in most directions: still tending upward; bleached cottons unchanged; some eastern denims advanced 14c per yard. Coarse-colored cottons generally firmer; in hub in kuuu request ana nnn; ginghams firm. nvnporntrd nnd Dried Frnlta. NEW YORIf tlinn Wl. rVlIIAiii n pics ruled steady at unchanged prices. De- in a 11 fl nna nlnw a n- prime, hMci choice. Cfl.Uc rancy, c. " ' nlifnt nnd nnm hnllv imnhanj r. .ii0'.0,!!'" n.n,,.fu"1Uy.- Apricots; Peaches, peeled, ll19c; unpeeled, 6l0c Snifnr Market. steady: fair refined, 3?c; centrifugal, 96 test. 41c: molnnnna mica,- -is.:,.. Hnn! quiet. ' "-""cu' .-ri-. n uiii,uiiho, June -U SUGAR Quiet; open kettle". 3 3-164c: open kettle, nentrlfii'iml. .17iisiii. r.,.iV..J. "...Lv 4UWc; sccoiids, 23ic. Molasses, dull centrifugal, 7015c. ' Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, June 20.-WOOL-Unchanged-medium grades. ll?17c; light fine, llWHc heavy line. 9ailc; tub washed, 16f 14Hc. TUB niSAl.TV MARKET. une'lDm?8 P,nCC'1 " n' Thursda' Warranty Deeds. Ralph Kitchen and wife to O. H. Partridge, lots 3 and 4, block 5, West Lnd add j 3,000 A. J. Holmes to Michael Hopkins, lot 5, block 1, Thomason & G.'s add 350 M. A. Elliott et nl to A. J. Vierllng, lots 9 and 10. hlock 7. SIiiiII'r 5,1 n,i,i n t-n A. F. Moore, trustee, to E. D. Jonoi! " eSOxlOO feet lot 20, Millard & C.'s ndd, 1 1. 1-. ihuu nnn niisnand to H, .M, Scott, sV4 neU soVi scU 30-15-13 S. V. Van Cnmp and husband to Iatham Dnvls, lot 11. block 1; lots 4. 5. 6. 10 to 12. 14. block 3: lnt M COO 2.000 BOO 600 and 21. block I: lots 21 nnd 22. block K; lots 1. 2 and 3. block 7. and lots 1. 15 and 16, block 8. Van Camp's odd, Isaac Melzcr and wlfo to J. R. Wllfon. lot 3. block 4. Dwight & L.'s ndd.... Augusta Young and husband to K, M. Westerflcld. c& lot 8, block 3. nnd a tract commencing at northeast corner lot 8, block 3, Credit Fonder ndd H. H. Baldrlge and wlfo to W. A. Corson, trustee, w4 of n!4 lot 35, Burr Oak.,-. ; 2touo Quit Clnlm IJenU. Mary Bocko to Cathne Beard, lot 35 block 9, Brlggs Place i Mary Olacomlnl et nl to Marie Gla romlnl et al. e52 feet of ?160 feet lot 8. block 5. Park Place 1 Same to same, lot 6, block 5, Improve ment Association add 1 Same to same, lot 8, block 104, Omaha 1 Same to same, lot 6, block 8, Van Camp's add , 1 Same to same, w4 block 9, Bowling Green : 1 Anna Huntley and husband to Martha ami cnrrie (iiacnmlnl. w4 lots 11 and 12, block 0. Shlnn's ndd Mary Olacomlnl et al to Anna Hunt ley, wtj lots 11 nnd 12, block 6, Shlnn's add Same to same, riH lot 4, block 11, Omaha Same to same, lot 15, Hnwes' add.,.. Same to same, lot 10, block 10, South Omaha Ida Wharton and husband to L: y. Hill, lots 1 to 4 nnd 7. block 1, nnd part lot 8. block 6, Boggs ft H.'s ndd. J. I Redlck and wife to W. O. Gil bert, lot 2, block 1. Boggs & H.'s add. V. O. Lantry to Bllona Garlic, lot 5, block 38, Florence , 3,000 Ileed. Master tn chancery to trustees of the Sheppard and Enoch Pratt hospital, lot 8, block 6, Kountze Place 2,100 Total amount of transfers $16,693 OMAHA LIVE STOCH MARKET Cattle EtctipU Vtrj Light and SUidj t Strong Pricei Were Paid, HOGS TW AND A HALF TO FIVE LOWER Fairly Good Ueuinnd for Both Fed Sheep nnd Lnnibs and .Market Just About Sternly Grnnsers Slow mid Tendency Loner. SOUTH OMAHA, June 20. . Receipts were: Cattle. Hobs. Sheep, Official Monday l.vti 3,ul 4,96s uniciai 'luusuay.. z.'iit 7.367 s,va Official Wednesday 2,615 lu.utA umciai Tiiursuny l.rjl 7,616 2,485 Four days this week. 7.750 2S,9J 12,265 same days last week 1U.W0 IWJ.'f 7,i33 Same Week hrfnrr. ln.fcM :iv,6.! 7.6.1II Same, three weens ago,,,13,Jv9 U.9J0 13,i' aanio lour weeks Ui,u....lu,i43 4a,9jS 16,Sv6 Same days last year 12.WJ 36,twt 16.W3 Average price paid for hoca at south utnanu the pust several days with com parisons: I 1901. 19(J0.1S99.189S.U37.1896.189S May 27.. May 28., May 29,, May so.. May 31.. June 1,,, June 2... June 3... June 4... June 5... June 6... June 7.,,, Juno 8,,., June ... June lo.,, -Ullt) 11., June 12., uUlio u.. June 14.. J line la,., June 16.. June 17.. UU11U IS. Juno 19.. juue -.. 5 6) 6 63i 6 bV t 71J, 6 ;u 670 5 Tuik 3 601 I 3 601 3 5i 3 s7 3 t 4 5s 3 i)S 20 3 34 0i 3 34 'I 3 3! 2 93 4 17 4 951 4 UUI 4 i 2 92 4 31 2 9b 4 as 1 i 93 i SS 4 33 4 H 4 30 4 3 39 3 401 4 hi. I go i 81 Oil 3 obi lUi 3 1 sail 01 ' I 831 3 30 8il 3 31 92 3 2J yj 3 i 81 U 2ii . I s ail "ii 1 3 :9i ?l 3 90, 3 22 W 3 15 t-)l J -11 I 3 15 80 1 4 34 4 39 4 S3 4 aii 4 91 3 08 3 b9 4 3 6i 3 3Wi J 3 bl 3 3 bj 3 ' I J 3 57 1 3 b4 3 3 C6 I 3 62 3 3 bj( 3 I 3 3 64 ' 3 7 1 1 3 2 IM 4 35 3 Jl I 4 2 I 4 34 5 71WI p IO, b 78ft I 5 Ki'i 1 n j I 6 UZ 6 lUi 0 00! 4 92 4 St, I 4 S6 4 fj, 4 9o a 03, 6 11 4 94 3 V3 1 3 04, ' I W i 4 U 1 .1 'II I 2 91i 4 I 6 Ul I ? I 6 , 0 6b-, I ' I I 6 3h I 6 9."4 ,1 b ,J 3 fW 4 3t 3 U3 4 i I 4 3$ 2 9Sl A lul 3 08 4 44 3 li'l 4 m 3 02, 4 48 i Vol I u indicates Sundav. . The. olticlul number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's C M. & St. P. Ry 5 O. & St. L. Ry 2 5 Missouri Pacific 2 1 I'nlon Pacific System 3 14 8 C. & N. W. Ry 2 F., E. & M. V 16 27 8. C. & P. Ry 3 C, St. P., M. & O.... 10 6 B. & M 9 27 2 C, B. & Q 18 1., K. C. & St. J 6 3 C, R. I. & P., cast.. 1 6 C. R. I. & P., west.. 1 4 Illinois Central 2 Total receipts 5 lii ii 4 The disposition of tho day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num- oer 01 neaa inuicatea: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 91 Swift and Company 2S7 Cudohy Pucklng Co 217 Armour & Co 356 Omnha Pkg. Co.. K. C. 112 1.M4 2,155 1,993 2.581 357 1,643 408 R. Becker & Degan 25 .... Vnnsant & Co 20 .... Livingstone & Schaller.. 82 .... II. L. Dennis & Co 1 R. S. Mawhlnney A .... Wolf &. Murman 2 .... Other buyers 73 .... Totul L272 8T876 CATTLE There was a very light run hero todny for this time of tho week Packers all seemed to want a fairly lib. oral number of cuttlo and as a result tho feeling was a llttlo better on all good cattle. There were about 20 loads of beef steers included in the receipts and tho market could safely bo quoted stronger than yes terday, particularly on the good heavy weights. Packers ure not very anxious for tne common stun ana iigntweignts ana on that class the feeling was not so much better. In somo cases the choicer bunches sold 5c or oven 10c higher than yesterday, but tho situation could probably best bo described by calling It a good strong mar ket. Practically everything was sold In good season. The cow market did not show much change from yesterday, but still a little better prices wcro obtained for the better grades of corn fed stuff. Prices are prob ably a dlmo higher than they wcro on Tuesday, which was the low day, bo that tne market is auout uack to wnero It was 011 Monday. The grasscrs have not Im proved as much as the corn feds, but still tney are selling a little better than they were on Tuesday. Bull calves and stags did not show much change, today as compared with yesterday, as Just about steady prices were paid all urounn. StockerH and feeders also brought steadv prices wnero tno quality was satisfactory, oui iney wero biow ana weaK wnero tney were noi koou. Lightweight stock cows and heifer are aimosi impossiDio 10 sen ai any price, as there seems to bo no demand from the country for them at all. Representative Bales; BEEr STEERS, No. Av. Tr. No. Av. Pr. 1 ,-K0 3 60 26 959 5 IS 3 940 4 25 31 1161 5 IS 2 1115 4 75 9 12M 5 70 37 1132 4 ti II 1012 5 20 29 103J 4 95 16 1031 5 V, 23 919 5 00 1 1150 5 ?5 1 970 S f0 20 1117 5 33 1003 5 00 20 105 5 15 3 1010 5 CO 18 115 I 10 K 1060 S 00 14 i:SJ 6 4S IS 117S 5 US 25 1263 5 45 22 1112 5 C5 17 1277 5 V 31 1081 5 10 18 1168 5 50 4 114 ) 5 10 20 1313 5 55 23 993 5 10 14 1420 S 70 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 7 SSI 4 75 16 967 4 X 20 46 901 4 95 STEERS TEXAS, 1040 5 COWS. ..1000 2,l5 1.... 1.... ...1060 3 50 ...1000 3 .'5 ...1050 3 M ...1023 3 70 ...1090 3 73 .. NO 2 40 .. 925 2 50 ..1110 3 50 .. 700 3 50 .. no 2 50 .. 9C0 2 50 .. 842 3 50 ..1190 3 SO 1 17.... t 1.'.'.'. 1.... 9.... 2.... 2.... 1.... 1.... i'.'.'.. 1.... 1.... 1..., 16.... 1.... 1.... 1.... t.... ...1110 3 75 ...1100 3 75 953 3 73 .. 905 4 00 .. 700 4 W ..1230 4 00 ..1030 4 CO ..1133 4 00 ..1165 4 1 ,. 960 4 00 .. 740 4 tO ..1130 4 13 ..1111 4 20 ..1410 4 :s ..1240 4 " ..1130 4 25 ..1320 4 :s .. 934 4 0 650 666 ! 65 73 M0 2 73 1030 2 75 910 2 75 880 3 S3 1110 3 SS ..... 973 3 "0 1133 3 95 6t5 100 915 3 (0 1120 1 fO 1017 3 1.1 S26 3 20 9.' a 1360 3 ?0 ,....1130 3 40 77S 1 50 790 3 fO 920 3 50 830 3 50 '.!'.'.'.'. 3 V.'.'.... 1 4 s 5 10 2.. I.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3.. 1340 4 tO 1350 4 35 mi 4 .15 930 4 33 900 4 10 1310 t :o 893 4 50 4 75 .lttO 3 50 3... .1026 COWS AND HEIFERS. 653 2 75 6. 1233 4 65 HEIFERS. 6 3 '.. 2 , 67t , 810 2 85 5 9G0 3 M 707 3 75 1052 4 r.3 744 4 fO 1000 3 M 1330 3 65 1590 3 75 144) 3 SO 1230 3 CO 15) 3 46 1380 4 0) 1830 4 15 1210 4 20 103) 4 "J 1G00 4 3) 1410 4 33 90 4 785 3 00 769 3 50 4 , 68, 10 BULLS. .... 670 3 83 1, ....1533 3 00 ,.,.1500 3 73 .... 970 3 2S ,...1150 3 25 ....1350 3 40 ,,..1560 3 .0 ,,..1110 3 W ....11S0 3 30 ....1220 2 SO ....1070 3 f0 COO 3 SO 11S0 3 CO UAI.VES, 310 4 SO 210 6 00 W 6 fO 120 6 (0 180 6 50 150 SO 120 5 V) 134 S f0 123 5 to 90 S 5) 3... 1... 195 5 50 STAGS. 1 123) 3 90 1.... ..1700 4 73 1 16,0 4 IS STUCK. UUWB a.-vu niSirKKB, 1... 830 2 40 1. 550 3 15 1 1 1 1 ..1020 3 .Vt .. 630 2 40 ,. 800 3 00 3.... 3.... 1.... 380 3 S 740 3 25 1220 3 20 .. 660 3 10 13... 407 3 73 STOCK CALVES. 123 5 V) 1 110 30 STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 3... 1... 2... 4... 623 3 (0 3.. 526 4 fO 470 3 60 1 17 32 41 .... 29 ,830 4 fl) 913 4 53 , 695 4 7S 516 4 10 , 760 4 80 3'. 3 70 . 717 3 55 , 461 3 ',3 . 614 4 01 25... 4... 1. . 760 4 V) HOGS The fresh receipts today were fairly liberal and as there were several loads carried over irom yesterday the sup ply on sale was of good proportions. The market npncd very slow ant packers were bidding 2t'Qtc lower than yesterday's gen eral market Sellers did not like tho Idea of selling nny lower nnd as a result It was somo time before much was done and the hogs moved toward the scales very slowly. The bulk of the early sales went at ?5.87HiT 5.924, with somo of the better grades ns high ns J5.97tj, The mnrket, however, grew worse Instead of better ns the morning ad vanced nnd It finally took pretty good hogs to bring 35.9H. The most of tho later sales went at 5.S7ty and some of the commoner stuff sold below that. It was very lalo before anything like a clearance wns made. Representative sales: No. Av. 8h. IT. 77 2M to 3 m; 76 191 80 5 !3 f) Ml ... 5 53 71 311 160 5 5 66 342 120 8 S7U 71 2J9 ... SS7'i 83 256 160 5 87'j 56. 214 80 3 K'S 66 3.19 80 5 t'., 74 224 4) 5 m 66 278 120 5 8"4 68 223 SO 3 87' i 61 360 ... 3 37j 62 243 80 5 87fc 66 217 .., 3 571, 73 216 8) ;,-, 79 233 24) 5 87j 64 244 ... 5 79 233 16) 5 r7, 75 213 40 3 I7'i 80 223 80 3 8711 50 215 ... 5 87, 72.. 221 12-) 5 87t 76 229 16) 5 87, 68 220 .,. 5 7 8 2J7 30) S 871, 61 230 120 7i 50 222 40 5 I5!i 62 237 160 S 871, 73 2CO ... 3 374 84 213 40 5 S74 68 331 ... 5 tP,i 77 153 44 t S7i 62 231 120 5 87i 40 21t 80 i f7i 36 3f.8 160 5 .1", 46 228 120 5 7' 71 222 ... 5 97, 94 21i ... 3 87i 53 283 40 5 87, 78 2M 120 5 974 70 225 ... I 874 81 226 120 5 87V, 61 218 ... 5 874 57 293 160 5 87 4 No. Av. Sh. Pr. 76 323 80 5 90 63 240 160 5 90 69 232 340 5 90 51 273 ... S90 (1 235 80 8 9) 73 231 21) 5 ) 82 231 ... 3 90 78 2.18 240 S W 61 240 40 3 90 58 281 1C0 5 90 ltl 240 240 3 90 60 257 VA 5 90 61 241 160 5 9) 56 303 120 3 90 67 22 fO 5 0 6.8 261 ... 5 9) 62 273 90 5 90 78 231 200 5 M 72 223 40 3 9'l 74 213 160 ., 9) 65 247 2(0 5 ) 73 240 80 3 M 58 25? 80 S90 74 242 ... 5 90 f6 266 ... 5 30 64 253 4-) 3 90 67 270 ... 5 90 61 260 SO 5 90 70 219 ... 5',0 1.6 266 16) 3 90 68 208 $0 5 tO 86 224 40 3 "0 f,6 136 (0 5 90 62 249 ... 5 ") 76 230 210 5 M 55 274 80 5 J24 67 248 ... 5 924 70 240 80 3 924 64 250 40 5 924 70. 243 40 5 914 71 275 ... t 024 63 284 ... 6 92 64 252 ... 5 914 60 287 80 3 92 4 81 210 240 5 924 44 311 160 6 924 24 307 SO 5 924 33 28.5 ... 5 924 62 253 160 5 924 71 259 ... 5 24 71 143 10 5 0:4 77 264 40 5 . ?4 63 246 ... 5 324 (4 274 ... 5 924 64 234 80 3 924 73 250 ... 3 924 66 247 ... 3 914 61 313 ... 5 95 60 3) ... 3 93 8.3 288 ... 5 974 53 300 ... 3 374 . ( :u 160 5 8,U 37 221 3 174 76 241 S 874 78.... 211 120 5 874 20) 80 5 S',4 68 219 .. 5 J74 4.) 5 87 4 40 5 71 216 73 310 70... 96... 71... 52... 73... 73... 65... 261 160 3 90 194 3 90 ....259 ....297 ....1)7 ....23S ...,228 80 5 90 80 5 90 40 5 90 JO 3 00 W S 90 80 3 !0 67 232 67 219 3 90 SHEEP There wern niiltn n few nbren on snle today and the market on fed stuff held Just r.bout steady. A string of wethers sold at 15.1m nnd a small hunch of native ewes brought .50. Fair to good western owes sold at J3.IO. Tnklng everything Into consld erntlon those prices looked Just about sternly with yesterday. Lnmbs nlso sold In about yesterday's notches. Western stuff sold as hUh aa $1.60. There wero several cars of western grass sheep on sale this morning, but packers were slow nbout taking hold of them nnd the mnrket could he quoted a little lower. Quotations: Cholco clipped wethers. fiXft fl3.75; fair to good clipped wethers, S3.50W 3.06; choice clipped ewes, 13.0011 3.25; fnlr to ftood clipped ewes. $2.7533.00; choice wooled ambs. $4.755.00; fair to good Iambs. tl.'iO'n 4.75; choice clipped Iambs, $4.40S1.6O; fair to Kooo. cupped lamus, 4.::&sr4.4u; spring iamn? Jl.50g5.25; feeder wethers. $2.75fl3.00; feeder lambs, $3.2333.60, Representative snles: AV. IT. 2 cull ewes IS cull ewes 9 bucks 295 western ewes, 270 western ewes 33 native ewes..! 1 native ewe 35 native owes 657 western fed wethers.. 69 bucks 8 yearlings 11 yearlings 66 western lambs 218 Colorndo lambs 29 cull ewes 13 bucks 696 Oregon grass wethers SO $2 00 2 fO 2 50 3 00 3 00 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 63 3 75 4 00 4 00 4 50 4 50 1 75 2 25 3 40 , 78 , 153 IO , 91 , 113 , 110 , 100 94 , 92 S3 92 , 83 , 88 10O 76 103 CHICAGO LIVE, STOCK SIARKKT, Choice! Steers StroiiK lloua Easier Micro SIlKlitly IllRhcr. CHICAGO, June 20. CATTLE Receipts, 8,500 head, including 400 Texnns; good to cholco steers, strong, others slow: butchers' steady; Texans firm; pood to prlmo steers, $5.5006.30: poor to medium, $4.6030.40; Block ers nnd feeders. $2.90Cn.9O; cows. $2.75314.80; heifers. $2.75i5.10; canners, $2.00(&2.70; bulls, $2.60((M.e0: calves, $4.60Q6.60; Texas fed steers, $1.2535.40: Texas grassers, J3.60c34.10; Texas bulls, $2.7B5j3.75. HOGS Receipts today. So.OOO head; tomor row. 22,000 head, estimated: left over, 5,000 head: easier: top, $6.17'4: mixed and butch ers, $5.80(06.12H; good to cholco heavy, $5.93 6.17; rough heavy, J5.socn5.90: light, $5.75ii 6.02: bulk of sales, $5.92H56.07. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts. 10,000 head; lambs up to $5.60; good to choice wethers. $3.905M.2o: fair to choice mixed. $3.605J4.00; western sheep, $4.0iff4.25: year lings, $1,201(4.50; natlvo lambs, $4.00(Q5.25; western lambs. $5.00(fii5.25. Knusas City Live Stock Market, KANSAS CITY, June 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.000 neaa natives, l.wo neaa Tex ans. 300 head calves: choice beef steers, Sfi 10c higher: others steady: cholco dressed beef steers, $5.50in'5.90: fair to good. $5.00 b.40; Blockers ana reeaers, js.boiji.uo; western-fed steers. $4.50i35.75: Texans and In dians, $4.15(n.25: Texas grass steers. $3.Wfj) 4.00; cows, $2.80(94.50; heifers, $3.60fi6.00; can ners, $2.00fjl2. 75: bulls. S3.S5fi4.75: calves, $3.50 (Bo.on. huhh Receipts, 13.000 nead: market steady to 2c higher; top, $6.07H: bulk of sales, $5,855(6.05; heavy, $6.00O6.07; mixed pacKers, ja.soige.uo; ngnt, jd.bo36.w; pigs, $5.2556.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccc nts. 3.100 head: market strong: western lambs. $4.35Tf o.w; western wemers, ...;'( i.wo; western yoarllngs, $4.00g4.&0; owes, $3.2593.70; culls, $2.0OIf3.00; Texas grass rheep, $3.003J.60; spring lamus, t.ovjQu.iv. St. I,onl Live Stork Mnrket. HT T.nTTTQ Timn lo PATTI P.D lt. 1 "TUI lionrl ItiOllriln,- 1 100 'r".. .. . market steady; native shipping and export Atpfrn. 45 '10tri& IS. ,lr,,afiArl Vi.t,e nnA steers, $l.50-j6.65; stocrs under 1.000 lbs., $3.75 igu.00, siocitcrs ana leeacrs, ;;.&xg4.bj; cows and heifers. S2.0Offi5.nO! rannr. 11 srvno ss. bulls.$2.85J.00; Texas and Indian steers,' i.wio.iu; cows ana neirers, $2.70471.20. "uuo ui-ceipiB, u.uuu neaa; market stendvr nntlvA miiHnn kivi no. inmK. li.ffifi Wl! rillla anH Viitnlsa M . ' ers, $2.75J3.00; Texas muttons, $3.30ij3.90. St. Joseph Livestock Mnrket. ST. .TOSF.Pir. .font. vl-PATTir r. points 1 ffl.t Tln.l mnrlrnt nA.,A.l 10c higher; closed with advance lost; nn- livea, i.nun.u.uu; cows OI1U neilers, JL'.LG'ilo.lS; Veals. S1.7rvh'6.f0f hllllft nnil at!, era O C7A 1A. stockerK and feeders, K.(toi.'b. HOGS Receipts. 9.724 head; market steady; light and light mixed, $5.S0-J5.95; medium and heavy, $5.9036.07t$: pigs, $4,253 5.0O; bulk. $5.87495.97. ".it., miiuw a.njj LAMBS Receipts, 3,52,9 beailf market 5n hli-hnr i.at o , n ,1 . . others. .w York Live Stock .Mnrket. NEW YORK. June 20.-CATTLK-n. eclpts, 758 head; nothing doing; sternly; no change In cables; shipments, 150 cattle. CALVES Receipts, 125 head; steady for veals; buttermilks, nominal; veals, 5.00476.25; no cnoico mock nere. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 6.2S1 head: sheen firm to 10c higher: lnmbs. ac tive nnd steady; sheen, $3 (,074.35; lnmbs, $8,354(6.85; yearlings, $4.50U4,75; few unshorn, $5.00ifj5.50. nous Receipts, 620 nentl; steady. Motix City Live Stock Mnrket. SIOUX CITY. June 20.-fSneclnl Tele- gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 300; market steady, neeves. i.(o'flo.u; cows aim ouiik. mixed. $2.5ATf4.00: stockers nnd feeders. $3.10 i4.25; calves and yearlings, $3.25S-4.40. MUUB iteccipts, i.imi; inarKci tuny dc lower; selling, $5.8586.95; bulk, $3.S7H. Stock lu Slitkt. Int. fnhlA .hnn'ii Hi recelotR of cattln. hogs and sheep at the four principal ve SIOCK maraetB june m. cattle, nogs, csnee 1. South Omaha 1.291 7.616 2.4S5 Chicago 8.500 25,000 10,000 1.1,000 3,40) 5,001) 2,500 nnsas city y l. Loulo 3,201) Totals .17,591 50,6)0 18,385 IllK Snle of Wool. ciiAv-ntn Ore,. Juno 20. One million .v,,.. hnnrrri nnd sixty thousand pounds of wool were sold hero today at prices ranging from 1H4 to 12b cents per pound, f EDWARD nowwun Axrttrmc XC. Jones Sc Ci MOW COMMISSION InitAI.V, PHOVlIOXs, .TOCKM, HOM AMI COTT4IN. 220-220 Lo Salle St.. CHICAGO Your bu.ln. Corr.rndnc 1dtII.. D.IIt .nd tpcliTinrM Tnttera miti "ItSSSi. PrlTMtc ll'tru In all Important I'olnH and ll'til. JAMES MULHALL ARRAIGNED Uenver at nit Is Chnrcrd vlth Uslun ainlla to Defraud .Mill Iiik Coiiiiimilc, NEW YOnK, Juno 20. James T. Mulhall of Denver, Colo., wns arraigned beforo United States Commissioner Shields today on a charge of using the malls for the pur poses of fraud. Ho demanded nu examina tion and was held In $2,500 ball. The com plaint on which Mulhall wns arraigned cm bodies a sworn statement made by Wit Ham T. Sullivan, postofflco Inspector in charge of tho district of Colorado, In which It ls charged Hint Multtntl under tho nnmo of "tho Merchant company" of Denver, sent out circular letters to milling com panies In Kansas nnd Nebraska asking con signments of carload lots of flour, meal nnd other produce. ARTHUR L. 5HEETZ ELECTED Oinnhn Sinn Chosen Secrrtnry nud Treasurer of Interiintlnnnl Com mercial Trnvelrrft. ATLANTIC CITY, X. J.. Juno 20. Ttio International Federation of Commercial Trnvelers elected tho following officers to dny: President, 'Edward Trovctt, Utlcn; vice president, R. A. Cavnnaugh, Chicago; secretary and treasurer, Arthur L. Sheet, Omnha; executive committee, F. E. Haley of Dcs Moines, L. A. Labcnuno of St. Louis, C. C. Daniels of Columbus, O. 4. let J I IfMn Ml'- flTJtlt L 1 FfflV"' is ' . ft I 3 N THE WABASH I II11 hi en nil nj It iht horl cat line lo RIlFFAI.fi 1 r ALLa. 5top-otctt slten I both point! on II tlcktu. 1 - c..rtiit.6-ai r..,', ui tuwi t loeti. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS' OF OMAHA ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uesttrn Electrical V Company Electrical Supplies. Kltttrio Wlrlsg lis aad Oas,LI(Btta' Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Howard St. Davis & Gowgill Iron Works., MAJJUTACTUREna AND JOBBERS OV MACHINERT. OBNKRAXi RBPAIRINO A FWHAXTl IRON AND BRAS0 FOUNDERS, IM1, lOOU 1BOB Jaakaaa Htrt, T Omikt, NJ. Tel. BSC U. BabrUkta. Ax 1st. J. B. CawdU, Kg ELEVATOR SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS laaproved Quick and Kaay Risliuj Steam, Elistrlo and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH GATES. Band fr oatalorue. KIMBALL BROS., COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1 MM tU 8Uet. Tflephan ltl. H. Davis & Son Aieati (or the Itloltmoo Btttrtr Gtea auaa Fire Doers. ElaTktor Hydraullo and Hand Blevatari. Blevator rcpalrlnt a specialty. Leather VoIto Cups for EltTatsrs, Engine aad Printing PrMssaa. WALL PAPER. YatUr Wall paper Co., JOBBliRS WALL PAPER. Iarge, wall selected stock, prices larna as eastern houses latest novelties. Dealers tend for Z901 sample line and terms. ISl.'.-lin linrnrv St.. Olnnlin. ; COMMISSION. Qavid Cole Co., Frt sh Dressed Poultry, Oysters and Celery. ai6 So. 11th St. Omaha DRY GOODS. HE. Smith & Go. Importers and Jobber et Dry QoodSy Furnishing Ooodt AND NOTIONS. PAMTS AND OILS. National Oil & Paint Co. (Incorporated.) MANUKAGTURUllH AND JOIlllBRS. Paints for all Purposes, Varnishes, etc. 101S and 1017 Jotiei St., Tel, 1721. Omaha. 'I'mepliouu lOltn, Boyd Commission Co Successors to James IS. Boyd & Co., OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION CHAIN. rilOVIHIOXS AMI stocics. Hoard of Trade llulldluv. Direct wires to Cbic.Ro and New Yorlt Correuroncltiict', John A. Wutren Sc Co. C. HEEMAN witn MERCHANTS. r.11 av 1 WM