20 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JVXE 10, 1901. Your time twin 1 Wouldn't you like to bo sure that your wife and children will be well taken rare of even after .vou , are gone? ig' The Equitable will make .vou Kiire That is what it is for An Assurance Com pany and the strongest in the The only man who enn nfford to live ur to i Ills Inromci Ik lie whoso fiunlly nnd ofitnto Is protected by ndequnte nnd Intelligently placed life assurance. The Kqultublo Is not only the strongest company In the 1 world, for strength must al ways lie the tlrst requisite In life assurance, hut treats the policy-holders with the greatest degree of liberality consistent with good busi ness. Equitable policies are no higher priced In the first place than those of other tlrst-class companies, and are much cheaper In the end. Policies to suit nil sorts and condi tions of men women too. Address for particulars The Equitable Life Assurance Society H. D. NEELY, Alanngcr for Nebraska. 206-208 Bee Building, Onmlm Strengthens rani World Fatuous Marinnl Tonic It is found especially useful in Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia, Malaria, Consumption, Over work,' Indigestion, La Grippe, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Tardy Convalescence nnd Throat nnd Lung Troubles. All DrugRlsts. Refuse Substitutes Thyroid-Lymph Treatment GLANDUUR REMEDIES. Prrpiiroil from the I.YMIMI. CiLA.M)H-ninl in lint lilull vl tiillxnl tUnuci of iiuiitt healthy ahcrp. The rntlniuil mill Mi-lrntllli- (rent mml will i'l ciirr ninety ipp crnt of oil liiimnii iilliiiciitn. WRITE tor PARTICULARS BOOKLET FREE. Thyroid-Lymph Cures All Chronic Diseases Treatment Including physician's er vices and remedies, per month up. All cnr ftlnKiinnnl KIII2U cither in itrrauii or liy mil II. THYROID-LYMPH CO 114, OB and (HI Onrr Hlk., LINCOLN, Mill. BOO, BOS nnd 50-1 lien UldK.. OMAHA, NEII, HERE'S A REAL SEA SERPENT A Gonuine gait Witter Freak Opens Up the Summir Retort Season. GREAT HEAD AND ELONGATED TAIL Ciinil'lnntlnii of Mlinrk nnd HtltiKliiw Jln, nltli nnt-l.lkr l'lim Xiith Iiir Ukr tl Kvcr Seen llcfnrv. Lightship No. 49, anchored off Cape Charles at the mouth of Chesapeake bay, has made a catch that ia puzzling the naturalists who have seen It. It was a trlplo catch, for the creature that Captain William Moody brought up on his hook had two sirall members of Its family at tached to Its fins. Whether the trio are to be classified ab flsh, reptile or animal Is a point still awaiting decision, but all who havo seen them agree that they are the most hideous monstrosities ever given up by the ocean's waters. Time hangn heavy on the hands of the lightship crew, obliged as they are to be on station day In and day out for months' at a time without changing their location, and they frequently drop over n fishing lino to rellovo the monotony. Captain Moody Is considered one of tho expert anglers of tho cruw, and generally baits his hook In such a wny as to get something worth sav ing. At times It Is a big codfish which drifts down this way with the gulf stream from the Hanks, and occasionally he pulls up a shark and finishes him with tho har poon kept handy for the purpose.' One bright morning recently the captain put on his hook a tempting chunk of fat pork and cast It overboard, taking caro to put about bIx Inches of steel chain between tho small ropo used tor the lino and tho hook Itself, llo then lighted his pipe and began to fix somo rigging which needed better splicing. An hour or so later ho thought he would take a pull on the tackle nnd see If there was anything at tho other end. Ho pulled and felt a very energetic counter pull. Ho took both hands and braced himself, but It soemed ns If a ton of stone were on tho other end. "Boys, I've got a bite and It's n big one," he yelled to a group of tho sailors who were playing cards a few feet away. "Most llkoly another shark," remarked one of them as he came to the captain's aid. Flmt (illmiiRP fif the Monatcr. Together they managed to pull In tho lino slowly, while tho rest of the men stood by with harpoon and tackle. Presently there loomed through tho water such a bead as no man aboard had ever seen before. Orcat goggling, ugly eyes projected from It, on cither sldo of a blunt snout, and below war a mouth, glistening with a doublo row of teeth so formldablo that they might havo put a shark to flight. Then, ns tho monster slowly rose, two great fins, looking like the wings of a bat, feebly beat about, project ing from a thick, black, glistening body. Finally, a long, ropelike tall appeared, thrashing tho water Into foam. Tho men stared with wonder nnd horror at the grisly apparition. Then ono of them, with ten derer nerves than his companions, yelled: "Cut tho line." "No," shouted Captain Moody: "that's my devil and I'm going to have him aboard." "He'll bo safer dead, then," said the man with the harpoon, casting hiu weapon. It penetrated the back, killing tho crea ture almost instantly. After much difficulty tho prey was hoisted aboard, when two tiny replicas of it detached themselves from be neath its folded flns and flopped about tho deck, lashing their long tails. In a few minutes they were dead and tho men then sat about examining their catch. Tho largo specimen wns a llttlo over four feet long and was extremely heovy(of build. Its mouth wa big enough to take in a small dog. Its flns, which were attached to tho body well down toward the tall, seemed to be membraneous. Tho tall was splnellke and terminated in what resembled tho weapon of a stinging ray, suggesting a re lationship to that family. Tho creature seemed to bo built for rather sluggish movement, but to be formidably equipped, otherwise for a predatory career. Tho llttlo ones were about a foot long, and the fact that they wero folded under tho fin of tho mother Is thought by somo to lndlcato that tho creature Is a mammal rathor than a true flsh. Tho catch was mado In fifty feet of wator, with tho hook a few feet above the bottom. A ClnoK liy Itaclf. Captain Moody has had long experience as a fisherman, as have several of his crew, but nono, of them has over seen anything like theso monsters Tho captain calls them 'sea devils," and has them on exhibition at his homo In Baltimore, where they havo boon viewed by many visitors, including- a number of naturalists. No one has yet been able to classify tho specimen. Tho fishermen who havo scon it believe that tho creature does not belong to tho order of truo fishes, but is more of a reptllo or an animal. Prof. II. K. Brooks of tho chair of biology at John Hopkins university ia of the opinion that It Is a species of stlnga ree, or stinging ray. The naturo of tho tall would Indicate this. Other observers are inclined to classify It among sharks, bo- causo of its mouth and teeth. Nothing resembling it is round nmong tho Illustra tions of American flsh Issued by the United States government, nor in any other scien tific publications. Captain Moody has hud the three "sea devils" preserved In fluid, and varnished Scientific men hopo that ho will have one of tho specimens dissected, in which case, It will probably be possible to classify the species definitely. itUAi.vr fkatuhes ok i.iki:. A Kansas school board received tho fol lowing letter the other day from ono of the teachers: "I would like to havo th9 rofusal of the school as long as you aro willing to hold It for me, though I can't say positively that I will not teach, nor positively that I will. If I am married, as I think I will be, of course I will not want th school. Ilut you know tho old story about many a slip, and I would hate to be out of a Job as well as the other." Some of the tenures In Rnnlnnd arm vrpv curious. A farm near Broadhouse, In York shire, pays annually to tho landlord i snowball in midsummer and a red roso a Christmas. Tho manor of Foston Is hoi liv a rental of two arrows anil a lnaf n broad. An estate in the north of England Is held by the exhibition before a court every seven years of a certain vase owned ny tno lamuy; anotner, in aunoiK, by annual rental of two whito doves. an The fdlowlng allegation In a hill for di vorce agalntt a wlfo was held by the su premo court of Washington not to state any legal ground for dlvorco: "Sho was quarrelsome, vicious In disposition, murder one in throats against the plaintiff, and his parents, hysterical and ungovernable In temper, crazy In her notions, and by her causeleis nnd unprovoked boUterousneaa Bcrcnmlug, hallooing and other wild con duct, by day and night, an Intolerable nuisance tn all her neighbor." This reference to a notable English woman, recently deceased, U reprinted from the London Sketch merely as an ex ample of the humor which sometimes mant fests Itself In the coupling of Incongruities, "Tho duchess of Cleveland literally adored her beautiful hlitorlo home, Battle Abbey, and In a work published by her she at tempted to give a complete list of those Norman and Saxon knights who took part in tho great fight. But the present Inter- ester her ns vividly as the pns-t and she greatly valued a fino donkey given to ber by Lord Kitchener." There Is a gambltn houso In Philadel phia which employs an automatic church organ Instead of a lookout man. "The scheme," says tho Record, "has worked beautifully and neither the neighbors nor tho 'fly cops' of the district aro onto tho garqe. .When tho organ is started you might think In passing the houto that a prayer meeting or rovlval strvlco waa In progress behind tho closed blinds, for It plays nothing but hymns. All tho evening It switches from 'Nearer, My Ood to Thee' to 'Rock of Ages,' and then to 'From Greenland's Icy Mountains.' And nil tho tlmo the chips aro rattling nnd the 'kitty' Is growing fat. Think of raiding a 'Joint' whore an organ was playing 'Nearer, My Ood, to Thcel' " I'ttATTI.B OK TIIH YOLXOSTKHS. Small Bobby, who had been used to re ceiving tho toys and cast-off clothes of his older brother, one day remarked: "Mamma, If brother Tom should dlo after he gets married will I havo to marry his widow?" Tommy, need 6. went flshlnc thn other day nfter his mother had told him not to. The next morning one of his little plny- lates asked if ho caught anything. "Not until I got home," was Tommy's slg Iflcnnt reply. 'Now. children," said tho Sunday school iiiperlntendent, addressing tho Juvenile ass. "I want you to bo perfectly still so till that you can hear a nln dron." Pop n moment silence reigned supreme, then n small urchin exclaimed: "Lot 'er drop, later." "Let mo sco the funny paper." urged tho llttlo one. "But I'm looking at it," replied her father. "Oh, well," she returned, "you can look at It after supper, for you don't havo to go out to play." Papa Didn't I tell you, Willie, if I caught you playing with Tommy Jink again I would' whip you? Willie Yes, sir. Papa Then why wero you playing with him? WHIlo Well, I got lonesomer than I thought a lickln' would hurt, so I Just went over and played with him. that's why. Tho Cleveland 'Plain Dealer tho other day hired a new ofllco boy. And on tho very first day ho leaped Into prominonco ns a tullfiedgcd newspaper man. An afternoon paper recently offered CO ccnta aplcco for Jokes. Tho Plain Dealer's new boy wrote out two, took them to tho ofllco of tho aft ernoon paper, received n crisp $1 bill and, coming back with an impish grin on h's face, told of his success. But whero did you get tho Jokes?" naked tho city editor. "Oh, I heard 'era at tho Cleveland theater week before last," said the youth. OAXDnilKK CAUSED II V A GUItM, A New niacorrry tluit Kills the Germ nnd Prevent Ilnliliieaa. Pretty nearly all tho hair preparations for dandruff havo somo merit In allaying Itching of tho scalp and In being n fairly good dressing for tho hair, but thcro Is only ono that recognizes what causes dandruff, falling hair and baldness and that destroys that cause, a llttlo germ and that 1b Nowbro's Herplclde. This germ cats Its way into the scalp, down to tho hair root, whero It Baps that vitality, causing dandruff as It digs up the scalp into little whito scales. Unless it is destroyed there's no permanent stopping of falling hair and cure of dandruff and baldness. Nowbro's Herplclde kills the germ. "Destroy tho cause, you remove tho effect." EDUCATIONAL NOTES, Charles M. Kchwiih lias clvnn SX.nno fnr tho erection of a trade school in Weutherly, tra., mo lorracr nomo oi ins wile. Louis Huffglns nnd William Husclns of St. Joseph. Mo., havo clven $10,000 tn thn endowment fund of Westminster collcgo In r uuon, .mo. In memory of John Tt. Drnke. fnr tvhnm the Drake school In Chicago was uanu'd, n memorial hall Is nronosed bv his whlnw. Mrs. Josephine C. Drake, to cost from 123, WO to J 10,000. In resiicct to tho number of elillilrpn in regular attendnnco at Its nubile schools New York stands at tho head of American Cities, with a total of 450.000. oxcluslvn nf 60,000 pupils who attend parochial schools. xne siocicnoiuors or tno Hesperian mo llshlng company, students nnd mcmbors of tiio faculty of tho Nebraska university, havo decided to make tho Ncbraskan Hes perian a dully publication. Tho board of directors aro: J, W. Crabtree, J. I. Myer, T. J. Hewitt. VS. W. Washburn und G. L. Towne. It has iust been nnnounred that some of the Philippine dialects will bo taUKht next year nt Johns Hopkins in the Oriental nnd Semitic department. The only courso thus far Is Tugulng for beginners, which will bo in charge of Frank It. Blake, fellow In Semitic languages. New York snends moro than nnv other American city upon the maintenance of its schools. Tho school system of Chicago costs $7,000,000 u yeur, Philadelphia Jl.OOO.Om), Boston J3.OOO.00O. Pittsburg $1,600,000, Balti more Jl.500.000, St. Louis $1,600,000. San Fran cisco ji.iw.ooo. Cleveland, ji.ooo.ooo and New Orleans $M,000. ' Tho number of school children In Phlla. dclphia is 150,000, in Chicago 2C0.000. In Bos ton 00,000, In Baltimore, which has u largo colored population, fiS.000. and in Now Or leans, which has a still larger colored pop illation, 35,000. Tliero aro 55,000 In Cleve land, 45,000 In Cincinnati, SO.OOO In St. Louis, 60,000 In San Francisco, 50,000 in Washing ton ana iu,ow scnooi cnuarcn in rmstiurg. Marathon M. Ramsey, fellow by courtesy in Johns Hopkins university, who has been nppolnted professor of Spanish In Lolnnd Stanford university, California, in a grad uate of Columbia university. Ho was chief translator to the Bureau of Investigation of tho I'nn-Amerlcnn conference, und was for a time engaged in the secret service of tho United Stntes army, where ho wus as sociated with Lieutenant Rownn. Dr. Dudley H. Reynolds, ono of thn found ers of tho Louisville Hospital College of Medicine, In one of his lectures denounced cigarette smoking nnd smokers In unquali fied terms. The students objected and re fused to attend his lectures unless he apologized. The faculty Joined with the studentB and requested his resignation, lie has been u member of tho faculty since Its Inception, but thnt did not prevent his being dismissed when he refused to present his resignation. Ho is now suing Central college, or wnicn tno menicni scnooi is a part, for $15,000 damages. Mrs. Amy Hctts Porter, widow of John Addison Porter, the secretary to tho promi nent, intends 10 csianusn a runa or 52,300, the income from which Is to ho devoted at vale to the John Addison l'orter prize In American history. Tho prlzo will ho open to competition nmong members of tho sunlor und Junior classes In the academical department, nnu win no nwnnieu ror tns best original essay on a set fiibject bearing upon tne political, constitutional or eco nomic history, condition or future of tho 1'nlted States, indicating Its Internal, ex ternal and foreign relations. President Green of the National Educa tional association has secured, with the as sistance of United States Commissioner Ilnrrls. the eminent English rducntor. Cloudesley 8. II. Brereton, vice president of tno international jury or Awards ror Kle mcntary Education at the Parts exnosltlo.i. who will deliver an evening address before tno general association at tne Detroit con- land." The former announcement of nn nd dress by Fabian Warn of London is neces harlly withdrawn, because Mr. Warn hus been unexpectedly ordered to roport for government service In South Africa In June. LAIIOH AMI I.MM'STIIV. There was practically no strike nf mi, chlnlMts In St. Louis, Employers generally acceded to the request made and In somo cases increased wages. The American Federation of Musicians nt Its recent convention nt Denver sustained the ruling of Its president that local unions have no right to bar women from member- snip. Work has been begun nn the Pacific came wnicn is to run from victoria, h. c. I to a point on the coast of Australia. It will bo MJ4'j miles long, will cost $lf.fH0') nnd is to bo in operation by January 1, 1903. This Is a British cable. The owner of a New York packing house has decided to cloe the works during July and August, but to pnv the employes full wages for tho two months. Such generosity should fret- the concern forever from labor troubles, Arrangements aro ncarlng completion for tho amalgamation of four national textile workers' unions, which will be known ns the United Textile Workers of Amerlcn. It Is honed tti build up tho new organiza tion until It Includes SoO.OOO workers, north and South. Paul Revere, tho revolutionary hero, was nn inventor, though not many people aro aware of the fact. Ho was tne first man' to reflno nnd roll copper. In 1801 he founded tho Revere Copper company nnd tho concern Is still running, under the sumo name, in Canton, Mass. The Heels. Iron works of Brooklyn, em ploying about 750 men. has Introduced the co-operative system of sharing profits with their ofllcers und men. In speaking of the matter Francis C. Jackson, secretary of tho company, said: "I have felt a great In terest In the scheino and am confident of Its success. Our business reached such a nolnt that tho large Increase In prosperity Justifies us In shnrlng profits with our em ployes, many of them having been with us a long time, in somo instances twenty-five vears, and we feel thnt they should re ceive some rewnrd. Mnny heads of de partments therefore have been practical shareholders thnt Is .they will get In ad dition to their salary such a per cent of interest us tho dividends of tho company shall earn. Alrcndy one dividend has been declared for half a year. Our business year ends on Juno 1, As soon as possible tho system will be extended to till the old hands who havo shown themselves trustworthy." Thcr Is no better dinner wine than Cook's Imporlal Extra Dry Champagne. It helps digest your food. COXXtlllALITIKJ. Twelve young women of Kokomo. Ind., who formed a "Marry If You Can" club, succeeded so well thnt their only remain ing purpose Is expressed In tho new club name of "Stay Married if You Can." "If you don't Intend to marry the girl don't wnsto her father's gas, nnd coal by courting her." That wos the substance of tho remnrks mado by Justice Prindlvillo of Chicago, nnd there was a sensation in court when the Justice discharged a young woman who threw acid on tho young man who had won her tender heart In Detroit n. few months ngo, nnd then came to Chi cago and begun to take another young woman, who had moro money, to the thea ters and danceH. Tho new style of Chicago dlvorco Is n philosophical affair. Mrs. Falrmnn, aged 3S, gets u dlvorco by agreement from Mr. Fnlrmun, aged ES, and marries Mr. Dls brow, a bonnier in the household. Mrs. Dlsbrow explnlns: "We nil recognized that It was for the best. Mr. Falrmnn was getting so old thnt ho was unable to work, nnd we agreed that It I wero to marry I could tako better enre of him than If wo remained ns man nnd wife. Now I can take good caro of him," A Boston man who says thnt his mar ried life has been uniformly hnppy, has formed tho Amulet League of Love, the members of which are pledged to early marriage. Ho also advises the members, so It Is asserted, to elope in case their marriages are opposed by unwilling par ents. Each member In also to wear nn nmulet, which Is promised to bring tho wearer good luck In his love affairs. Has the organizer a corner on nmulots? An engagement which Is of much Inter est In tho social circles of Chicago suburbs nnd in tho literary circles throughout the country Is that of Miss Mnry French Field, daughter of tho late Eugene Field, to Wil liam C. Engler Miss Field, who is known nmong her many friends ns "Trottle" Field, Is ono of tho best known young women In Chlcngo. After the sudden death of her talented father nome live years ago she began giving rcudlngs from his works and soon won for herself much attention as an entertulncr. Mr. Engler. her fiance, has made his home nt the Field residence tit 2339 Clnrendon nvenuo for tho Inst six years. He Is a Maryland man, but has lived in Chicago now several years. Ho is secre tary of the Moulton-Stnrrctt company, with offices nt 279 Dearborn street, nnd Is quite well known In north shore circles. The mnrrlago will not bo celebrated until full. Table and Kitchen Practical Suggestions About Food and the Preparations of It. Dntly Mentis. MONDAY. BREAKFAST. Fruit. Otreal. Cream. Broiled Ham. Baked Potiltoes. Muffins. Coffee. LUNCH. Cold Sliced Lamb. Grilled Tomatoes. Orange and Nut Salad. Soft Ginger Bread. Tea. DINNER. Broiled White Flsh. Mashed Potatoes. Spinach with Eggs. Lemon Jelly. Vanilla Sauce. Cake. Coffee. TUESDAY. BREAKFAST. Brown Bread. Fruit Salad. Eggs a la Beurepard. Hushed Brown Potatoes. Rolls. Coffee. LUNCH. Tomato Bisque. Minced Lamb on Toast. Macaroni and Cheese. Stowed Fruit. Wnfers. Coffee. DINNER. Vegetable Soup. Beefsteak Pie. with Raised Crust. Mashed Potatoes. String Beans. com Biaw. Strawberry Cream. Cake. Coffeo. WEDNESDAY. BREAKFAST. Fruit. Cereal. Cream. Panned Flsh. Stuffed Potatoes. Sally Lunn. Coffee. LUNCH. Potato Chowder. Grilled Sardines on Toast. urc&soa Wafers. Cheese. Cucumbers. Coffee. DINNER. Cream of Onion Soup. Lamb Chops. Tomato Sauce. Xsow t'oiaioes in treum. Vegetable Salad. Strabcrry Shortcake. Cream Coffee. ACCESSORIES TO THE .MEAL. The Dnlnllest Lnst t MiiWe the End Most Mveet. The urn many dainty little accessories tho hostess desires to have to add to the attractlvones3 of her table on special oc casions, which sho docs not dream can bo mrii iust hh well nt homo as by a nigh- priced caterer. They require but llttlo skill and practice and materials mat are nnt rtnensivc. Many housewives may be so situated as not to find it convenient to employ the services of a professional in monufacturing these dainties, and unless she can make them herself must forego the pleasure of having them. Fruits lu fondant aro nmong the daintiest preparations of Bweets, and at this season, when wo have the strawberry and cherry, we can mako Bomo very de licious as well as dainty llttlo "KicKsnaws" to ornament the table nnd please tho palate. Making foudant Is tho londation of nil fjno cream candles nnd Is used also for covering as well. In order to understand the secret of making nil Canutes maue from boiled sugar, It Is nocesiary to have a knowledge of tho action of tho heat upon the sugar. Tho degrees of boiling sugar for con vtxm combines Strength, Purity and Solubility. A breakfast cupful of this delicious Cocoa costs less than one cent. aom mi m grocery tiorc fectioner's use are seven, no! Including the first degree, which Is the reducing of sugar and water to a syrup. These degrees are: To thread, large and small, or pearl, large and small; or blow; or feather, to ball, largo and small; to crack, or to caramel. Of these degrees the housekeeper em ploys most frequently the syrup, tho thread, the ball, the crack and caramel, The proportion of sugar and water used Is three nnd a half pounds of granulated cane sugar and a pint mid a half of water. Add the walcr to the tugar and stir over the fire a few minutes until sugar Is dis solved; remove tho paddli and be careful not to disturb tho syrup while boiling. Small crystals will form around the sides of the saucepan; remove these with a small piece of muslin wet In cold water, but do not disturb the boiling syrup. If tho syrup is to bo used for soft Icing test after a few minutes' boiling by dipping in a spoon: If, when drawing It out, n long thread of the syrup will follow It Is ready to pour into tho beaten whites of the eggs. Hut for fondant It must continue to boll until It will form n very soft ball when rolled between wet fingers. This may seem a severe test, but Is very harmless nnd simple nnd the only one to Insure success. Test for Kondnut, Great caro must bo observed at this point In order that tho syrup does not become discolored, as it in rapidly reaching the caramel degree nnd It pnsses quickly from ono stngo to another. Havo a bowl of ice water ready, hold tho thumb and two llrst lingers In It until they nre thoroughly chilled, then quickly slldo them Into tho hot syrup at sldo of saucepan and as quickly tako them out nnd dip Into tho leu water: If, you can form a soft ball of syrup clinging to the fingers It Is done. Havo a large platter or marble slab brushed well with oil to within two or thrco Inches of tho edge; pour the syrup gently out onto this to cool; do not disturb until you cnu muko nn impression on tho syrup with your finger; then, using nn oiled, wooden paddle, stir the syrup rnpldly until It Is whito aud stiff. Thn knead a few minutes llko dough; placo on a dl&h and cover with a damp cloth and Bet in u cool dry place until needed; If it is to be used for dipping this can bo dono at once; but if for cream fillings It must stand until tho following day. DIpiiIiik Fruit. For strawberries in fondant, select large, firm, ripe fruit; sco that they aro perfectly free from cand nnd grit. If they must bo washed, dry them thoroughly beforo dip ping. Do not hull them. Melt enough fon dant for dipping quantity of fruit desired, by placing It In a small saucepan or cup nnd melting it over boiling water, stirring all tho time: tako up each berry by tho stem and petals and dip Into tho fondnnt, covering tho berry entirely; placo each berry, ns soon ns covered, In n tiny paper enso, unless they aro for decorating; then place on their tips on oiled paper to dry. Tho color shows through tho white fondant and thoy aro pretty for a pink breakfast or luncheon as well ns delicious to taste. Cherries, sections of orange, whito grapes and cubes of candled pineapple may be treated In Bamo manner. Tho fondant may bo colored, to carry out tho color schemo used In tho decorations; but tho bright colored fruits look best with tho pure white covering. Cilnec I'm It. Tho syrup for dipping must be boiled longer than for fondant and Is next to the caramel degree. For this reason It must be watched closely; test as for fondant, and If tho sugnr hardens at once In Ice water and breaks with n crackling nolso between tho fingers It has reached tho proper point and must be removed at onco from the fire tho Instant it begins to turn straw color. Another way to tost the syrup Is to dip the point of a cold steel-bladed knife Into the syrup, then into the Ice water, then place between tho teeth and if It breaks brittle without sticking or cracking It Is ready. Set at once over hot water and commence dipping. Cherries nnd grapes dip nicely on account of their stems. Blanched and toasted al monds may be dipped, also walnuts, chest nuts, hazel nuts, etc. Orango and manda rins glaces are nice, but must be carefully handled bo as not to break tho skin of the carpel, allowing thn Juice to escape. These will not keep over twelvo hours. After dipping, tho fruits can bo placed in little paper cases or lay them on an oiled wiro tray for the 6ugar to set and cool. Nuts should bo dried Jn this way, as they aro usually mixed with bonbons. Crenm Meringue. For making theso it Is best to have a thick, well-seasoned board that will go Into tho oven (It must not bo of pine, of courso): covor this with thick well-glazed, white paper. Separato six eggs carefully and beat the whites to a stiff froth; then fold In gently half a pound of confectioner's sugar; In doing this do not break down the eggs, but work lightly and quickly; as soon ns thoroughly Incorporated heap tho morlnguo, by largo or email spoonfuls, according to size desired, on the paper-covered board, making them round or oblong In shape, as you fancy. Dust the meringues with powdered sugar and slide tho board into a very slow oven so they will dry out rathor than bake. When set turn the board rather frequently unlets your oven has a very even temperature. When tho meringues are a delicate light brown remove from the oven and cool a little; then take from the paper and without crushing them scoop out tho soft centor and press tno rest back Into tho shell so ns to form n hollow center; dust with powdered sugar, Iny the shells, bottom upward, on a clean paper on tho board nnd stand In a cool oven to dry out. If these shells nre mnde small they may be filled with mnrshmallow filling and two fastened together with whito of egg. tho larger ones filled with whipped cream or charlotto russo mixture, or thoy may bo mado very small and not scooped out, but put together nnd served ns soon ns cold with small fancy cakes and Ice cream. Peppermint und WinterKrceii Strnnx. Theso aro a change from tho conventional "drops" usually served at the end of the meal nnd can bo made at home from Ihs fondant. Flnvor a little of tho whito fondant with a few drops of oil of peppermint; work it In veil with tho fingers, using powdorcd sugar, then roll out on a board, sprinkled with powdered sugar, into a sheet not more than an eighth of an Inch thick; while still soft cut with n sharp knife, dipped in tho Biigar, Into tiny straws not more than an eighth of an Inch wide nnd two and a half Inches long. Placo on a slightly oiled pnpor to haidcn. For tho wlntergreen color tho fondant with a little coloring panto nnd flavor with wlntergreen. Pistachio, violet nnd orange can be obtained In same man ner Homo-mado coufcctlons are genrally much better than others and are not diffi cult to make. oraer u next time. DOEWAH JACI Economical Fuel Whatever fuol Is most economical, most conve nient to your house, can bo used in ft Round Onk Kurnnce chunks of wood, soft coal, hard coal, coke anything that fire will consume. What ever you put In It will five most het, became ItoundOsU Furnuces waste no fuel i burn fcll tho fuel, tlipcnuro, l'J hours with Is solidly f EM only nirtigui furnnce,) nnd rensonnblo TO price. All of tho heat goes Into tho house - no wssto through flues out side tho c.iMtiR, chim ney or In cellar. If Ton want furnstt, ntltn f nt ttis limine! Oik Vtltnurn t-nok-full of fnl ff t, hlnM on far oacc regulation, etc. KMntc nf P. D. BECKWITH, ItoTf nultic, Mich, JfcUfru of fotku-ith't Unund Oak, the moil fnmovt itove In the uorM. Koaad Oak Fnrnaeen nre. for eatn Omaha by Milton Rogers & Son SI MMER -s Irs fir n 3m It THE CHICAGO BEACH FIFTY-FIRST BOULEVARD AND LAKE 8HORE. CHICAGO Is the finest summer and winter hotel on the Great Lakes for families, tourists and transient guests. Has nearly a 1000 feet broad veranda. like the above. Built of stone and pressed brick. 450 large rooms. All outside. No courts. Furnished throughout In mahogany. 2W pri vate bath rooms. Just 10 minutes lir Illinois rmlrnl Einrwt from lhi ilinnnlnir-iml thontro district of the city. Cool in Rummer, away icnms, Doaung, uatning ana usning. send "In All the World Chicago to Buffalo cv. VIA NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO8 LINE PAliNcRv.p "NORTH LAND" and NO. UK WEST" SATURDAY nnd WEDNESDAY at 2:30 p. m. from CHICAGO; nnd ovcry TUEff DA.Y and SATURDAY at 10:15 p. m. from BUFFALO. First nailing from Buf falo June 11. from Chicago June IB. This trip by tho Great Lakes, calling at Milwaukee. Harbor Springs and Mnpklnaa Island (t hre. ashore where connec tion Is mado with ono of tho finest boats of the company for Duluth and Sault Bte Marie), will be tho ideal way of visiting the Exposition, combining nil tho tonic and rest of an ocean voyage In smooth wator. Equipment, Appointments and Cuisine equal to the finest Trans-Atlantlu Liners. Write for particulars to W. M. LOWRIE. G. P. A., Buffalo, N. Y. The Master Grain Staff Food Granola Made by the Expert Fathers of Cereal Product, . The BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM FOOD CO. It Builds Hardy Nerve For big, ctrong men, little children ami Invalids. The sta irch in i um jooa has been turned to dextrine nnd truo sugar, thereby saving the stomach this work, which is necessary before nutrition can result. Eat Granola and Live Live well and be well while you live. Every package of genuine Granola bears a picture of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Soldtnr JVB"I" of imitations. Drink CARAM0L CEREAL and sleep well-it leaves the nerves STRONG. .Send 3c for Grauola sample to Battle Creek Sanitarium Food Co. St. Louis World's Fair FOR ISM OFFERS OPPORTUNITY FOR REAL KSTATE SPECULATION ON A MOST CONSERVATIVE I1ASIS. WE HAVE FOR SALE SEVERAL AC'HU TU.WTS AT LOW I'HICKS IN LOCATIONS WHICH INVITE ATTENTION. MoNAIR & HARRIS REAL ESTATECO., -Zl Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Mo. ItUFnil UNCUS Any flnnU or Trust Co. In SI. LoiiIm. An Elegant V ehicle at a Low Price Tho "IIUCKEVi:" and "WOODHULL" grades nothing better In America, Car riages, Depot Wagons, Stanhopos, Surilcs, Runabouts, Pneumatics, Dikes, TrapB, etc. We are making nttractlva priced. KINGMAN IMPLEMENT GO. IOTII A .Mi FA It X A M hTS. and mnstof the smoke; Ueepflre wood, 21 hours with con). Tho Round Oak Furnace constructed and li airtight (the Is tn KiunA Oak Fariifte with outer casing rcmorei. IlESORTS. from the city's dust, noise and smoke. Golf, tor handsome, new, illustrated booklet. No Trip Liko This." Amorloan xposltion. and Muscle Strength BATTLR CREEK, Mich. You Can t Hardly Afford to buy goods in out lino till you've soon our mng nilient assortment and pleas ing prices. All wo do, is con duct our business so aB to please EVERYONE who patron izes us, and wo surely DO DO it. Wo now have tho laigoBt stock wo ever carried. T. L. COMBS & GO. RllflEMN! The .nmlirr la IriUO nOUftl.AH STIIEBI U'bult alc 11 ud netntl. wjaiaa 1 1