Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1901, Page 19, Image 27

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Till riuotu&tWng of the World Hicordd bj
a Washington Machlni.
Kxnot SlniiiM of the Tide In Any l'ort
nt .tn y Hour tViircuiMteil drrnt
cut l'rolilriu Knocker
Vet CoiiKtrtietril.
(Cop right, 1001, by 11. Clllson Gardr.or.)
A nmchluo which docs tho work o( thirty
expert mathematicians Is being conatrurtoil
by tho United States la Hi scientific Instru
ment shop on Cnpltol hill In Washington.
It Is to bo an Improvement on an Instru
ment which has been In uso for a number of
years In tho bureau of tho const survey,
which has chargo of calculating tho tides.
This machlno will be In a claFo all by Itself
as a mathomatlclnn. England has one
which docs a similar class of work, but
docs not carry Its calculations so far. Tho
Drltlsh Instrument was Invented by Sir
"William Thompson, who, In recognition of
his serviced to tho scientific world, was
clovated to tho peerage and Is now Lord
Kelvin. Tho American Instrument was con
trived by B. Terrel, an employo of the
United Status coast survey, who, before his
death a few years ago, was made- a member
of tho American Academy of Sciences.
Tho American machlno now In uso cost
$3,600 to mako. It stands about two feet
high and Is eighteen Inches across. Its half
a foot of depth Is a mazo of wheels, pulleys
and lovers. 'It docs wondorful things. To
tho unscientific beholder It Is llttlo short
of miraculous. Thoro Is a llttlo crank on
tho lower left hand side and by a simple
turn of that crank tho machlno will give
tho answer to a problem Involving nineteen
Bcparato calculations, and the work In dono
without any raoro mental effort on the part
of tho operator thnn'ls Involved In counting
up to nlno. Tho probloms It works out aro
the enormously complicated calculations of
tidal variations.
In tho year 1903 some ship will bo In tho
harbor of Karachi, India, at tho head of
tho Arabian tea. Supposo thn ship ar
rlvcs at 0:30 In tho morning on the first day
of October. Tho captain of tho ship will
have a printed tublo In his pilot house and
In that tnblo ho will read that at that par
tlcular hour of that particular day of that
particular year thcro Is sovon fcot of tide
In tho bay. Uy referring to a' chart show
ing tho depth of tho bay, normally, he will
know Just how much water thcro Is for his
vcstel. Tho calculation by which It Is pos
sible to predict soven fcot of tldo at that
placo and tlmo was mado by tho Unltoil
States government's machlno on tho 17th
day of May last In tho city of Washington,
on New Jersey nvcnuo, In tho rod brick
building next to tho former rcsldenco of
tho famotiA Benjamin Duller. Tho machlno
owned by tho DrltlBh government Is tho
only othor ono by which tho calculation
could havo boon done, but on account of tho
enormous volumo of such work to bo dono
tho two governments try to dlvldo tho terri
tory, so It Is safo to say tho American
calculation will bo the ono used In this In
Ilnala of Cnlculutlona.
It would bo qulto futllo to attempt any
detailed explanation of tho principle,
mechanism or process of tho tldo-prdlctlng
machine. It can only bo nald that no year
Is Uko any provlous year In tho tlmo of tho
ebb and flow of tho tides, and yet, by taking
duo account of tho rolattvo plnce of the
sun, moon and earth, and figuring whore,
In their respectlvo orbits, each will bo at
tho moment forecasted, It Is possible to
prophesy with all the certainty known to
mortal things Just what tho depth of tho
tldo will bo at any given spot.
Korolgn governments havo frequently np
pllcd to tho United States to do some tldo
forecasting for hnrbors Important to their
commerco with tho machlno Invented by
Mr. Terrol, which the new ono Is expected
to supersede. They havo been qulto willing
to pay for such work, and ns wo havo al
most a monopoly of tho machine work, thoy
would pay good prices. Hut tho ofQclals
of the const survey havo had to decline.
The money for such work would go Into
tho government treasury, and would not
necessarily bo devoted to tho work of this
particular bureau, and as the scientific gen
tlemen can scurcoly got along with tholr
present appropriations, and aro In need
always of moro employes to perform tho
urgont and nbsolutoly necessary work, they
havo not deemed It wlso to seok foreign
mnrkcts for this particular machlno-mado
Dr. It. A. Harris of tho United States
Coast nnd Geodetic survoy devised tho
plans for tho new machlno now being con
structed, llo has taken suggestions from
tho two Instruments now in existence and
hopes tn produca ono which will combine
tho good features of both.'
Olhur Meeliunlcnl tVomlrra.
Tho employment of mechanical appa
ratus for dolug work usually performed by
tho human ml ml Is moro extensively seen
In tho government scientific departments
than any other placo in tho country. The
multiplying and dividing machine, for ex
ample, In a great sifter of time and mental
labor not to mention lta absoluto accuracy.
The machlno declines to make rolstakos,
and, It tho operator tries to make seven
Royalty at Near View
Dr. Tuckley Sees England's Rulers
on the Streets of London.
Men, who have suffered the tortures of
dyspepsia, will find encouragement in
the following letter. It points the way
to certain help and almost certain cure.
In ninety -eiglit cases out of every one
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Medical Discovery is
uscu uc result is a
perfect and perman
ent cure. "Golden
Medical Discovery"
cures diseases of the
organs of digestion
and nutrition,
strengthens the
stomach, purifies the
blood, and nourishes
the nerves. It has
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cases after all other
medicines have ut
terly failed to give
There is no alco
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"Goldc Medical
Discovery," and it
is entirely free from
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"Your 'Uotilcn Medi
cal Discovery1 liai per
formed a wonderful
cute," write Mr. M. 11,
Houte. of Charleston,
PrauUIn Co., Ark. "i
lmj the worst case of
dyspepsia, the doctors
say, that they ever saw.
Alter trvini? seven ilr-.
tors and everything I could hear of, with no
benefit, I tiled Dr. riercr'n Golden Medical
Discovery. nd now I am cured."
Chronic dyspeptics may consult Dr.
Tierce by letter ret. Correspondence
private. Address Dr. Tierce, lltiflalo,N. Y.
I'rce. Dr. Tierce's Medical Adviser
is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay
cost of mailing only. Send 21. one-cent
ntatnps for paper-covered book, or 31
6tamps for cloth bouud volume. d
liscsi as above
Mil 7Ti
LONDON, June 5. (Special Correspond
ence of The IJee.) A day in London,
marked by glorious sunsiilno nnd by such
Tare privileges as the sight of royalty do
ing Its shopping and tho king himself as
ho returned from his experiences on tha
dismantled Shamrock II, with a meeting
thrown in nt which aristocracy, In tho per
son of Lord Knutafoid, was giving Its ad
vlco upon how to dispose of the excess
of women In this great city, and another
meeting at which long-haired reformers of
the malo species were charging all the
woes of England upon that system of land
monopoly in which both royalty and tho
aristocracy And their chief support a day
of this kind, with the view It afforded bo
tween times, as one watched and waited
at various "circuses," under the sunlight
first nnd then under the gaslight, of what Is
darkest nnd what Is brightest In London
life such a day doesn't fall often to the
lot of ocn a visitor from America, fast
nnd enterprising as this species is held to
be, and Is, thcicfore, not a day to be passed
over without Its record.
Having heard that In llcgcnt street and
Piccadilly there had been seen during this
unbroken week of bright leather moro
than tho usual crowd of those who bear
titled names, It was with tho greatest In
terest that tho armorial bearings of all
tho carriages wcro scanned and when tho
equlpago Itself guvo signs of promlso tho
samo "stare" was unblusblngly transferred
to its occupants. Tho duchess of Mont
rose had been driving through these shop
ping streets qulto recently. So had tho
duchess ot Ducclcuch, with their graces
of Ucdford and Devonshire; also Consuelo,
tho duchess of Manchester. Many, too, had
been tho titled personages who had been
caught In the act of doing their shopping
on foot. The duke and duchess of Somer
set, for Instance, and Lady Do Itamscy,
Lord Ornioudo and Lord and Lady l'lr
bright. This unusual Influx Into London's
shopping center ot thoso who have a right
to wear coronets and tiaras had been due,
wo wcro told, to tho desire of theso priv
ileged ones to got well under way as
quickly as possible such alterations tn
tholr headgear as would Insure a proper
show at tho approaching coronation. Hut
tho point with mo was that whatever took
them there, If theso people wcro really
present lu this quarter, It was my duty as
an American, having quite tho avcrago con
tempt ot my countrymen for titles and tho
Uko, to sco and spot them.
The troublo Is, however, that theso repre
sentatives of great names and big estates
do not go around properly labeled. Most
of them aro as common in feature and as
clumsy In build as the rest ot us. How,
therefore, are wo to rccogulzo ono nnothcr?
And oven tho few who are noted for beauty
whoso portraits you see in so many win
dows oven theso do not havo a monopoly
either of pretty faces or of tho grace and
dignity which aro usually associated with
an aristocratic makeup. Any ot these
daughters ot so many earls you can match
any day, In any featuro of faco or bearing,
amongst tho young womon who in tho beau
tiful shops of Regent street and elsewhere
mako their living by standing behind
counters. How, then, on theso famous shop-'
ping streets of London wns a comparative
Btrangcr to distinguish tho high from tho
low, the privileged from the common? , Ho
simply couldn't without askiug. Tho fact
Is, Indeed, that in Piccadilly and on Regent
Btreet in tho afternoon it is not easy to
distinguish even tho good from tho bad, let
nlono tho aristocratic from tho plebeian; for
old habitues aver that there mingle con
stantly amongst the princesses and duch
esses and tho moro humble, but no less
worthy women, whose bright dressing and
animated looks are the chief glory of that
thoroughfare, no end of ladles, so-called,
who belong anywhero but In the society of
cither tho titled or virtuous.
Hut as to royalty, ono docs havo a few
things to guldo hlra when looking for that,
chief ot which Is tho armorial sign on the
door of its carriage. Whenever this con
sists of a crown you may bo sure you
havo treed your game. And In theso days
of royal mourning you may begin to bo
expectant when you seo that the coachman
and footman have a band of crapo around
their left arm. This last named sign
wouldn't, ot course, bo Infallible always,
but it was a decided help to your corre
spondent, because, noticing tho clrclo of
mourning on the lackeys, ho then looked
quickly for tho royal sign on tho equlpago
and, finding It, followed his cluo in regular
Sherlock Holmes stylo, until ho discovered
on tho inside tho duke and duchess ot Con
naught. But they wero not laboled and
while I knew they wero tho kind I was
looking for I could be suro of being ablo
to call them by name at our next meeting
only when I had Inquired who they were
from tho liveried Individual who had Just
bowed them out of one of tho Regent
street shops.
I'erhups thero Is another sign by which
royalty may bo Identified the royal ladles
at any rate viz., by the shade of hair
they affect,' and I use tho word "affect"
advisedly, though without malice. Threo
times within two days I saw Queen Alex
andra and Princess Victoria out riding to
gether and with them on each occasion were
"tho little Yorks," as they are called
here. These sprigs of royalty wero In
sailor suits, looking for all the world
like any other well behaved children. How
difficult to realize that one ot them Is
heir presumptive to the greatest empire
the world has ever known! 13ut it was a
beautiful sight very human and really
touching. Papa and mamma are absent on
a royal mission to the antipodes, but hero
are Queen Alexandra, the proud grand
mamma, and Princess Victoria, tho doting
aunt of these budding royalties, tailing
them for a drive In tho park. They do it
often. Anybody can see them, and, from
tho very charming and human spectaclo
they present, It Is Inevitable that anyone
who sees them will find his heart newly
touched toward a family which tho Kugllsh
peoplo rightly believe Is royal In mpre
senses than one,
Hut It was of tho royal hair I was going
to write particularly as n means of Identi
fication rather than of those really royal
traits about which thcro Is no dispute. It
Is of an auburn hue, Inclining to what a
woman, If she were sitting In Judgment
upon another woman, might maliciously call
"red." Hut 1 do not so call It: I rc3cnt tho
Imputation nnd tall It auburn. Doth tho
queen and Prlnccws Victoria were topped off
In this shade of that I am certain, nnd
I'm almost as certain thnt the tint favored
by tho other royal ladles Is tho same. It Is
Insisted, Indeed, by that American who
shares tho sorrows ami observations of
your corrcppondont, without partaking of
tho obtusencas of his sex, that most of tho
london women seem to have hair of this
shade on occasions of ceremony. This, per
haps, Is too sweeping a conclusion. Dut nt
any rate It would not bo safo to rely wholly
upon this sign as a means of Identifying
royalty. For this, better trust to tho crown
on tho cnrrlago than to tho hair on the
he was. Mr. Droadhurst testifies that he
was never entertained moro to his liking
and never felt more at home. "On my
arrival," he says, "his royal highness per
sonally conducted me to my rooms, made
a careful Inspection to see that all was
right, stoked the tires, and then, after
satisfying himself that all my wants were
provided for, withdrew and left mo for the
The princess, ho tells us, showed him
over her dairy and tho prtneo over his
model cottages. To the village club the
prince also took him. This, It appears, was
a sort of model public house. "Tho prince
Invited me," sayi Mr. Droadhurst, "to par
tako of refreshment. We had a glass of
alo each and sat down In tho club room,
whore we found several farm laborers en
Joying their half-pints and their pipes. So
excitement, no disturbance, 110 uncomfort-
ablo feeling was evinced by those present
and tho prince put on no air of condescen
sion or patronage toward them." Mr.
Droadhurst odd that "the alo was good,"
but he was chiefly Impressed with the
stiength of the chairs and tables. "I re
marked to tho prlnco that tho chairs looked
as though tbey wero of tho best build."
"Yes," sold tho prince, "they are firm
seats; many a politician wishes his was as
safe." So the stories go and such llttlo
Incidents as these, showing how human
and how free from nffectatlon are the
members of this royal family, aro tho
things which keep royalty solid and ,mako
it as tno years pass increasingly popular.
Truo Is It that some would be glad to
get rid ot royalty and all the privileges for
which It stands.
Thoso brainy, large-headed reformers
would, whoso meeting I attended Just be
fore I saw the king return from his memo
rable visit to Sir Thomas Llpton. They
wcro discussing the chance of getting back
from tho crown aud tho nobles all tho
land of these Islands, so that Its products
might bo shared by rich and poor aliko
nnd tho expenses of government bo drawn
from a single tax on land values. Tho
dream of that great and good man, Henry
Oeorge, and this meeting was ono of the
results of tho largo' circulation In England
of his first and best book. Dut how little
likely of fulfillment Is this dream can be
Judged from a single remark of tho chair
man. "Wo celcbrato this year," ho said.
"tho coming of ago of 'Progress and Pov-
of' tfnt ciA i' a n .1 it.. I
.0..h0MV!r,.-hai,th,C6 Pl,ayfu' fcmarks- monopoly Is tighter on our throats than
What reaction from recent conditions l
nt all perceptible In this country is not
ngalnst royalty, but In Its favor, for tho
aro put down In black and white, how
trifling thoy bocim in comparison with that
tribute of appreciation which my American
pen is Just burning to pay to a queen who
Is held, I am certain, In ns much general
respect as that which was felt for the good
Victoria herself, and who, should sho llvo
ns long, will surely bo loved ns well. How
delightful that In tho years slnco this writer
last saw her time has so llttlo changed the
lovely, Innocent youthfulness of her sweet
face. It Is Indeed a sweet faco and a young
looking face. Impos3lblo would tt be to
suspect her, from either faco or hair or
manner, of being several times over a
grandmamma or of approaching In years
that full-habltcd, gray-bearded and rather
bald, but still kingly looking mau whoso
throne sho shares.
After tasking once or twlco In tho gra
cious smiles with which Queen Alexandra
always greets even tho most lowly of her
subjects, one reads tho good things that
aro said of her In her personal relations to
the needy and afflicted with the feeling
that they ought to be truo whether thoy are
or not. Ono of the prettiest of these stories
Is that In tho hall of Marlborough houso a
seamstress was sitting, when a lady
passed who, on learning the girl's errand,
took her aside, and, after examining the
garments she had brought, discovered In
conversation that sho was tho support of a
widowed mother and was too poor to buy a
sewing machine. Tho result of this inter
view was that gifts of delicacies often found
their way to this girl's home, and nt Christ
mas a sewing machlno arrived with a card
which proclaimed It "A present from Alex
andra," that affording the first knowledgo
tho girl had of who It was who, upon tho
occasion of her visit, had shown her so
much sympathy.
Proverbial Is It, too, that In all the traits
which betoken kindness of heart and tha
disposition to unbend, this newly exalted
queen Is fully matched by her llego lord.
Just now tho papers aro rovlewing Henry
Broadhurst's story of his own llfo, In
which ho tolls how he rrho from a stone
mason's bench to n placo In Mr. Gladstone's
last cabinet. This horny-handed son ot
toll was moro than onco entertained at
Sandrlngham. His first visit covered threo
days. He was without a dress coat. Tho
prlnco knew ho did not possess a garment
of this kind, and told him to como Just as
change of rulers seems to havo given It a
new hold on the popular fancy. And, of
course, with tho stronger entrenchment of
royalty Itself thcro has naturally come a
now lease of influence to the class which
stands next to royalty. This Is apparent In
many ways, but In nono so fully as In tho
subsldcnco of what was onco a very strong
antagonism to the upper branch of his
majesty's parliament. One hears llttlo talk
now of abolishing tho Houso of Ixirds and
the practical elgns of such a change are
even moro of an absent quantity than tho
talk about It.
Tho fates seem to favor King Edward.
What threatens to shako him tn public es
teem turns out finally to his advantage. It
was so when ho wns prince of Wales. A
gambling scandal shows hlra to have a
weakness for baccarat. Thero Is a faint
howl of Indignation. But evcryono knows
that though ho plays for money ho plays
squarely and the view finally taken by tho
great mass of sport-loving Englishmen was
that of the Judge beforo whom this scandal
was aired, which was, in substance, "That
people ought not to begrudge so hard-working
n prlnco n llttlo diversion at the card
table, but ought to bo glad that ho found
In this way a llttlo rest from labor and
euro." So then, eo now.
When tho news came that mcraorablo aft
ernoon that Shamrock II had been dls
mantled and that tho king, who was aboard
It as a prlvato gentleman, from pure lnvo
of sport, had narrowly, escaped with his life,
one's first thought was that ho would be
condemned for taking unnecessary risks.
Dut tho papers next day told n different
talc. "We don't want to keep our king In
cotton wool under n glass case," they eald.
"Wo llko a man on tho throne." And when
at midnight of that day I saw him step
Jauntily from his private carriage at Water
loo station and ralso his hat In acknowl
edgment of tho loyal and grateful greeting
of thoso on tho plntform, I saw, not tho
king who had gone to visit Sir Thomas Llp
ton In tho morning, but ono jwho, by the
perils of that memorable day, had been
mado stronger than beforo In the affections
of his people. HENRY TUCKLEY.
go Into six, will ring a boll In protest.
It works with a crank, and the only mental
effort required Is that Involved in looking
at a flguro, which may be anything from
ono to nine, and turning the crank that
numbor of revolutions. Tho machlno Is
enclosed In a long, flat, narrow box. It is
about six inches wide, threo deep and n
yard In length. When the lid Is raised
threo metallic slides are rovcalcd, and seen
through oval perforators ore the digits
from naught to nine. A slmplo manipula
tion brings Into view the figures to bo
multiplied, and the rest Is puroly me
chanical. A llttlo switch, which reverses
tho gearing, converts tho multiplying ma
chine Into a dividing machine.
Practically all tho adding in the govern
ment's coast survey work is done by ma
chines. Whero the column contains three
quarters of a million figures, as frequently
happons In tho tide computations, tho sav
ing In mental effort is very considerable.
Tho adding machine is no longer a novelty
to the public. The cash register, which Is
one of Its modifications, has. familiarized
It to all, and there Is now hardly a bank
which does not use ono or more.
Sir Mountstuart Grant-Duff, In his
"Diary," tells a story about Father Healy,
who happened to be sitting In a traracar
in company with two very lllbred Trotest
ants, whoso conversation contained little
el bo than tho most rabid abuso of tho
Roman Catholic church. As he left tho
car Fnther Mealy remarked; "I observe,
gentlemen,. that you do not believe In pur
gatory." "No, Indeed, we think It Is one
of tho many soul destroying errors of your
system." "In that case," replied the priest,
"you may go to hell,"
His holiness Is much sought after as a
sitter ,by painters, whoso powers are not
always equal to their ambition, re
lates the Pall Mall Gazette. It Is
seldom, however, that an artist meets with
a refusal. Quite recently one of thesj
painters, having finished his portrait,
begged tho Pope to honor him by inscrib
ing upon it some scriptural toxt, with his
autograph, Tho Pope looked dubiously at
the picture. It was mediocre enough and
llttlo llko himself; but, unwilling to dis
appoint the artist, ho reflected a moment,
and then, adapting the familiar lino In St.
Matthew to tho peculiar circumstances, he
wrote as follows: "He not afraid, It Is I
Leo XIII."
A clergyman tells this story In The
Homlletlo Review: "I was stationed In the
town of P during my early ministry
and was profoundly Impressed from what I
saw that I ought tn preach against tho
rebellion against God's law, I selected
for a text Isaiah 1, 2: 'I havo nourished
and brought up children, nnd they have
rebelled against me.' I had formally Intro
duced tho subject and repeated tho text
that the audlenco might seo tho connection
between it and the first proposition, when
my little 2-ycur-old boy slipped out of his
mother's arms and, taking his stand di
rectly In front of the pulpit, gave such a
scream of defiance as to startle the entire
nudlcnce. It Is needless to say that this,
following Immediately tho quotation of tho
text, destroyed tho solemnity of tho ser
mon, so far as tho audience was concerned,"
A fow months beforo the death ot Father
Boylo of Washington ho built a missionary
chapel down by the navy yard and bought
at a Junkshop an old bell which had been
discarded by one of tho Presbyterian
churches. He sent tho bell to a foundry In
Georgetown nnd had several Inches of motal
pared off tho rim to get rid of a crack, and
the harsh and discordant tones of the bell
became short nnd sweet. Meeting a Pres
byterian parson not long after, Father
Boyle called his attention to the change,
and the latter coutd scarcely believe It was
the same bell. "What in tho world did you
do with the bell," Inquired tho Presbyterian
pastor, "to cause such a change In tho
tone?" "We blessed It and blessed It nnd
blessed It until we got (he Presbyterlanlsm
out of It," retorted Father Boyle, "and then
It sounded all right."
A curato up north, having preached a
very clever sermon on tho Sunday, called
upon a certain colonel on the Monday espe
cially to ask his opinion, relates Modern
"How did I like the sermon?" said the
colonel. "Very much, Indeed. It's one of
my favorites."
"Ono of your favorites?" stammered the
curate, slightly puzzled. "I do not under
stand." The colonel regarded hlra with a twinkle
at the back of his eyes. "Of course, I
won't say a word." he said, "but I knew
very well that you stole it and also whero
you stole It from."
"Sir," said the curate, and ho spoke from
out tho whirlwind of his righteous Indigna
tion. "I am not In tho habit, sir, ot steal
ing my sermons, I fear you are laboring
under a mistake, and cr forgetting your
self, sir. I must ask you to apologize."
The colonel was silent a moment. Then
he eald: "It may be that I have made a
mistake. Wait a moment. I will mako
Going to his bookcase, 'he took down a
massive tome of sermons a rare and almost
rorgotten work. He turned to a certain
J page, and on apologetic, humble look came
upon his face as he glanced up nt the
curate. "I beg your pardon," he said.
I "I apologize. You did not steal it after
all, for I find it is still here,
take, sir; ray mistake."
My mis-
Cycling has Its ups and downs. After the
downs, usoBanncr Salve if you're cut or
bruised. It heals tho hurt quickly. Talto
no substitutes.
Tho Baptists have raised JS3.000 towards
the amount nocensnry to secure Mr. Rocke
feller's offer of $150,000.
An endeavor Is being mado by the Frcs
bytcrlans to pay the mortgage of SS0O.U00
which rests on tho Presbyterlnn building,
New York, as u part of tho twentieth cen
tury fund.
St. Paul's cathedral, London, has an octo-
fenarlan bellrtnger In the person of J. A.
Inworth, who has rung bells for nearly
seventy years. He helped In this way In
Westminster abbey on tho accession to tho
throno of Queon Victoria and Is still a
hearty old fellow.
The Church of England Sunday School
lnstltuto held recently Its nnnual festlvnl
ilt,Jrrnl Palace. Between 10,000 nnd
12,000 children wcro present, Tho church
Sunday Hchool choir of 6,0k) voices Is cele
brating Its quarter-ccntennlul this year.
Tho mlsslonnry department of the Con
gregational Sunday School nnd Publishing
society, according to tho report for its
sixty-ninth year, organized 433 schools.
This work has been dono In out-of-the-way
places, where there Is llttlo or no
religious teaching,
General Joshua U Chamberlain has taken
the lead In proposing that a memorial to
Rev. Elijah Kellogg bo set up In Portland,
Me., where the dead preacher and writer
was born. His father was the first pastor
of tho Second Parish church, and ono sug
gestion Is that n statue of the son be
erected in Lincoln park, opposite that
Rev. Edward Everett Hale of Boston said
recently: "When I was a young man
studying for the ministry I camo to the
conclusion that It was n good tlmo to re
tire from tho pastorate of a church when
ono got to bo 40. When I got to bo 40 I
changed my mind nnd thought 60 was the
proper ago for retiring; then I later came
to sco things still differently nnd decided
that when I was 60 I should drop tho
work. Hut I don't glvo tho mnttor any
thought now."
Although "6 years old, Rev. Dr. J. G,
Taton. tho famous missionary to tho New
Hebrides Islands, Is ubout to return tn his
field of labor ufter a visit to thin country
nnd England. Thirty-two of the Inlands
aro occupied by the missionaries, and
thero nre ISO.OOO converts, with 300 native
teachers and preachers. The bible has
been translated Into twenty-two new lan
guages for tho benefit of theso converted
cannibals, Dr. Paton Is very anxious that
tho New Hebrides should bo taken under
British rule.
A woman member of the Londonderry
(Ireland) Board of Guardians tho other
day offered as a present to the workhouse
Infirmary an engraving of Uuldn's "JJcco
Homo," In memory of Queen Victoria, in
whose room a copy of the picture hung nt
tho time of her death The ultrn-Pro-tenants
of the board nt once objected to
the acceptance of the gift, on tho ground
thjt If It was not actually Popish, it was
"tho thin edge of the wedge." "Let this
picture In," exclaimed one member, "nnd
next thing the paupers will be asking for
thn Popish mass." This nrnnnt u.n .n
. terrifying that the picture was declined by
a vote of U to Z, , ,
This store has most emphatically
dispelled the idea that Oriental floor
coverings cannot be popularly priced
our purpose is to save you the many
profits made by dealers in these
goods your advantage being the
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to make We could mention prices
but what's the use, You can't
tell from newspaper descriptions
and prices the real value of an Orb
ental Rug,
Rug Beauty
of the
Our rug man has recently returned from the east, where he
gathered together a very fine collection of Oriental Rugs, selects
ing for this June sale only the choicest and rarest specimens, A
more complete stock has never been shown in the
west, All sizes in Anatolian door mats, Hamadans,
Daghestans, Shir vans, Mossouls, Ghcnges, Bokharas,
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carpet sizes in Cashmere, Khiva, Ferahen. Ghoravan,
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this biff June Oriental Rug Sale.
Orchard & Wilhelm
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Restore Vitality. Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Memory, all wasting
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By mail 50c per box, 6 boxes for $2.50,
with our Bankable Guarantee Bond to
Cure Or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of
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MArrifsi TsihlAte EXTRA strength
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Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un
developed or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia,
Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the
Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By
mail in plain package, $ 1 .00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our Bank
able Guarantee Bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid.
Net vila Medical Go., Clinton and Jackson sts., Chicago, III,
For mile hy Kulin & Co., lfttli a kit Uoutclaa St., Onialin, Xcli.j Gcnrsn 8 . flavin, Council niufT, Iovtr.
Cures Dragging Pains
Waldo, Ark., August IS, 1900.
I can truthfully uy that Wine of Cardul hit bttn the greatest help U mc. The Wins
mi brought me back to health. Three yean ago I was past walking at all. One day I
read a Ladles' Birthday Almanac and read of many women who had been In my fix being
helped by Wine of Cardul. So I tried it and It did all that was claimed for it. I had falling
of the womb and had fainting spells. I could not stand or walk. I have used three bottles
and now I can do all my housework. I will tell all of my friends of the great Wine ol
Cardul for the good It has done me. Mrs. ANNIE BELL
What can be more distressing than the feeling that tome weight Is pulling
down on your abdomen? Following the tint abdominal pains inflammation
usually sets in and shooting pains and dull aches make life a misery. The liga-'
ments which hold the womb in place soon become diseased and weakened and
the womb let down out of position. Every strain on the body is felt there and
that Is why Mrs. Bell said "I could not stand or walk". As the trouble grows
the agony of railing ot tne womo increases, thousands ol women are suffering
in this way. But the suffering is unnecessary. If you suffer the pains of falling of the womb or any
kindred female trouble we want to say to you emphatically that Wine of Cardul will cure you. Mrs.
Bell secured relief by taking the Wine. Thousands of women who were suffering these troubles havo
been made strong and weli. Why not go to your druggist and buy a dollar bottle of Wine of Cardul
today ? Thtdford's Black-Draught, the companion mtdicine, expedites a cure by freeing the bowels.
For adrlce and literature, addreii, giving ijrmptomi, "The Ladiei' Adrlaorr
Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn.