Queer Things in Labor and Wages in Australia t Copy light, Uul, by Frank (J. Carpenter ) SYDNEY. Australia, May II. (Spe r-In I I'm ri-spoiiitcticf cf Thu Hoc.) TIhi worklnginun'H continent! 'I'll. 'it H how tliu peoplo ilowil hero Hjii'iik of Hid nuw AiiHtrullii. They nay they propose to make It i In- paradise of tin laborer. They h.ivo all sort of schemes to propose to tliu federal rarllniiient, tliu gist of which m fiim to he how to Hull thu leant work lor tliu ino8t moiiuy. Thu country ulruuily has thu eight-hour law. TIiIh Ih common in ovury city ami lowi.. it was adopted by somu linns moru than a melioration ago, ami Ih now a llxed liiHtltutlon. There uro all HortH of lawn iih to factories. Tliu regulations of illHpuli'H between labor anl capital aru much tliu buiiiu iih Uiohu of Nuw Zealand. Thu various trailuH huvu iiiIch iih to tliu employment of their mem burn, ami thu government Iiiih tliu right to hcimI iiiHpoctorH to thu HhopH at any tiinu, ami II can compel the uinployurH to ruHpuct thu lawn. Records niiiHt ho kupt Hhowlng JiihI what each man ilooH, how long hu workH anil what hu gutH. Thu law iii to bollihiyH Ih rigidly obHurvoil, ami there aru all HortH of restrictions accoinpanluil by approprlatu ponaltluH. Employes cnniiol be paid In Htore onluiH Children umlcr thlrteon cannot work in thu factorloH, ami the llinllatlonH iih to thu boura of tholr work are very Btrlcl. It Ih thu hiiiiiu iih to girlH clciklug In thu Htorun, altlimigli In sotno oiihch llfty-two hourB pur wuuk Ih there permitted. Thuru niiiHt bo ruccHHOH at llxeil IntervalH for nioalH. In many of thu hIioph thciu aru recesses for Hinoklng, ami, In fact, hiicIi lnatltutlotiH nro run with qultu an much regard to thu la borer oh to thu employer. I'roliiil.l.- Tm-lir for U;vi-iiuv. extra 1b not tuo much. That 13, If a man tin, not far from here, and easily rcachod nro Industrious find tlmu to do work about Thuro Is qulto a difference of op nlon horo la KUttlnn 25 ccntH an hour, ur l! pur day. by water. Austialla has deposits 0f Iron their homes nnd a great many spend their as to tho elfuct which thu labor laws lnwo jlu Bi,ou(i imvo 371 contH for overtime. At anil thero Is no reason why manufacturing lolsuru In going about with their families. 011 Hie country. I have met many umployerfl thnl ruU) an t.Ki,t-hour day would bring Industries should not grow up. So fnr tho Tho men feel butter they respect thein- who toll mo It la almoHt Imposslhlo to do hlm , j2 11Iul a lun.m,ur day J2T.. Wo frulghts from England havo been so low seiVes moru and aru far better citizens." hnslnesH on tho present basis, and that In thnk tllnl lh SUII10 ,,ro,irlon hIiouIiI b that manufactured goods could bo Importod ....... html timet thnv will bavo to hIiuI down ..i... 1 i 1.. . i. .... ... .i AiiMlriil In n I in I.ijc.l. - - iinttniuu in hi un;ui:nuiii nuri'j tut' tin- iimmu tuuujuj mini 11117 uuuiu uu iiiuuu. Al STRAMAN WOOL. WASHERS RECEIVE ELEVEN DOU.NHS PICK WEEK Thuio aro othui-H who nay thu eight-hour law Ib all right, although a protective tat Iff Ih needed lo keep tho h1ioib going. Thu piobablu ruHiilt will bu that thu common wealth will havo to adopt such a tariff as will foslur lioinu ImlUHtrluH, anil that thu ployur wantH extra work done." Each colony has had Its own tariff laws, and Hut still you havo many unemployed.' "Hut could you enforcu lawu of that kind, It has been Impossible to regtilatu matters "Yes, but not so many now as somo year Mr. Perry?" I naked. so that tho goods mado in 0110 colony might ago. Ono department of my bureau is de voted to tho unemployed, me nrst year that tills blanch w;n established wo found places for S.OOO laborers, in tho second fo.' 10.00(1 and In the fourth for 20.000. The "Wo pioposo to try It," was thu reply, bo hold at thu saiiio price throughout Aus "Wo aro going to llx It bo that employers tralla. Now that wu havo federation, wu ffitnint ftistitriwit t llmlr mint Wi w III iikiI.. Intend to wall Australia about with such law materials which Australia suIIb In tho 8Uch rcKUIltml8 ,ilnt lll0 auurtT cnniiot a piotoetlvo tariff as will make It self-sup- Hhapu of wool ami grain will have to foot (,ntup lnU( any aKreomi!Ilt which Hlm bu porting. That U what you Americana have tho national hills. .... ,. for tho employer's bcnellt If contrary to thu done nnd whnt wo proposo to do." I ioce.it y had a chat with John Perry. ,aw w ,,,, (h(! ,,, t(J mlu f). 1M(rlll.M ., ,;,crK. mlnlstur of labor for Now South Wo oa, as. t, , ovori,lm.t wUh (hu r,0 or Cl,m ,,,. , KOvcrnmciit work Mr Austiall.iB mo lui u labor movement. Wo rut.or(1 of Hlu.h ,lnCi aIll win ,.e mt , , , forty-eiubt-hour nur talked of tho eight-hour day. Said he: ,. . ., ..avmontH ,iur ,)L.iialtv " . .. on.," , y ...l1? P "It l L.,,i.rnllv thnnmit that wo havu an U,"y ",,lUo "" "ll,nonlH u,,,,ur nny. tt0l.k bllBl8i.. wns lll0 re,,iyi T,1U wnBoi uro eight-hour law here In Australia. That Is ..Nln.llu " M ...... f. u-tin-1. . C.....U, . not bo, although custom lins madu It piuc- "Hut havu ou many ractorlcs In Aus- tlcally thu faot. Tho ulghl-hour law would tralla V" not Btilt uh ho well as tho forty-olght-hour- "Yea," said tho labor commissioner. "Wo por-wook law. Many of our trades are nro doing a great deal of manufacturing, miiMi Mini Ihnv cnniwii hit rnHtrti'tcd lc. it and wo shall do moru when wu ildoiit tile llxed time. Somo days a man iniiBt work proloetlvo tariff law. Wo havo all sorts of 1,1 moru than eight Iiouib and HometlmcB lean, work, ospuclally In thu colony of Victoria. ''" ''"Bo force In the govern Take tho bnkeiH. They Het tholr spongo, whero thero are boot and shoo factories, '""J- employ?" 1 asked, and If tho dough rises tlioy can get through machlnu and lion works and all sons of "Yes," replied Minister Puny, "but I their work In less than eight Iiouib, but If mills. In Queensland thoro aro sugar m'lls ''"""t whether on tho whole wo havu many not It takes them nine, or purhups longor. and woolen mills. There Is some doth lm"' government clerks than you havo What wo want Is a llxed tlmo pur week inndo in Queensland which will rompaio Wo havo the railroads, thu telephones and favorably with any In Kngland. Thcio aru aircei cars iinuer inu goveiiuueui, nui ter, 1G tents a pound for cheese, I cents for sugar, Hi cents for rice, 17 cents for bacon and 37 cents for tun. Ills eggs cost him 25 cents a doren, his beer FjO cents a gallon and his tobacco frotu $1 to $1.."0 a pound. Thu Australian bus to pay as much In the way of house rents as the" average Ameri can workman, and he has as a rule poorer accommodations. In Sydney a throe-room Hat costs about a month or something llko 7G conta per room per week. A four room houso costs abuut $10 and a live-room houso about ll'i a mouth. Very fuw of the laboring muti live In houses of more than live rooms" unless they havo grown-up sons or daughters to coutrlbutu to the family earnings. lint Tlie Hut. Aa far us I can suu thu workingmeti lUe very well. X-'ew of them have wrinkles lu their stomachs ur hollows lu their cheeks. Thu nvcrugo cust of the food consumed per Inhabitant Is $Sl a year, while our average Is less than .)6 a year. They aro great meat eaters, and In New South Wales last year they ntu ltG.000 tons of beef, 08,000 tons of mutton nnd 8,000 tuns of pork and bacon, footing up a total of $25,000,000 worth of meat for one colony alone. Tho meat Is good, too. You will llnd no better mutton anywhere, and the beef Is ns fat and as Juicy ns tho best cuts of Chicago. I am surprised at the amount of tea which theso Australians drink. They swill tea as tho German swills beer. Hvory per son hns his cup of tea every afternoon, and, like ns not, nnothcr cup or so later In the evening. They drink more tea than any other nation except tho Russians. Thoy drink it everywhere. It Is served without extra chargo nt hotels, ami at tho railroad stations It Is given out at so much per cup at the same tables as the beer and whisky. The tea Is always served with milk and sugar, and every person takes four lumps. Tho people have sweet teeth, and they eat so much sugar that their teeth are often decayed. This is a good placu for a den tist, and I nm surprised moro American duntlsta do not comu here to practice. As to whisky nnd beer, the consumption Is large. It varies lu dilt'erent parts of Australia. Hero In New South Wales they drink less than in Victoria, and eery where less than In western Australia, where t' e practically llxod by tho unions and tho time by tho government. ICvcryono knows what tho wages aru to bo and cotitrnctots make thulr bids accordingly. Wo can object If thu labor Is poor and demand that bettor men bu employed, but the wages nnd tlmo and an extra rato for all overtime." "Whut rato would you chargo for over time?" Htild I. "Wo Imvo considered tho matter very carefully, and we bollevo that M) por cent live woolen mills hero in Now South Wales. Wo have shipbuilding yards, fuitiltuto es tablishments ami machine works. Wu have excellent coal from the mines of Nuw Cns- you must remember that you havu an euor inous number of employes in America." "How many havo you hero in Now South Wales?" I asked. "We have 112.000 on our salary list," said Mr. Perry, "and somo others on piece work." "And what Is your population?" "About 1.350,000," was tho leply. "Well," aald I. "let us llguro It. Divide our 1.35C.00O by 32,000 and you will llnd chief duty of the bureau was to get the consumption of whisky amounts to about that at least ouo man In every forty Is n men to tho places whero the work was. Wo nVo gallons annually for everv man. woman government employe. It we hod aa many nvo a great many railroad and steamship and child In tho country, or from twenty to IN AN AUSTRALIAN I.AIIOH SRTTI.K.MKNT employes In tho United Stntcs, with our pusses, allowing tho men to tako care of population of 80.000,000, wo would havo themselves us soon as thoy reached their 2,000,000 government otllclals, which, at tho places of work. When tho times wero hard low averngo of f500 per year, would cost ua V0 organized relief works in which a part at least $1,000,000,000 a year." of tho wages woro paid in rations. This "I don't know, but I should not be sur- was along after tho panic of 1S91 and 1892. prised to hear that a enreful counting of nil We had a gre.it many bank fnllures. There twenty-flvo gallons per family. The amount of boor consumed thero averages twenty four gallons per head, or about 100 gallons per family per annum. I.alior Ncttleini'iitN. Ono of tho queer labor movements of your otllclals, Including government clerks, was general distress throughout Australia Austrnlln resulted in the establishment of school teachers, polii etnon. etc., would al most foot up that many." Diirn (lie I'.IkIi t- lloiir l.mv I'll. i f "Do you really think the tight-hour law pays, Mr. Perry?" I asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean, can you run the country on an and thousands wero thrown out of work, i number of labor colonics or settlements At present tho times aro good, although lu the different stutes. This occurred along thero nro always moro or less unemployed, about tho panio of 1S92 and 1893, when We now imvo something llko 100 nppllca- thero was a vast number of unemployed. Hons a day, sometimes more, sometimes Soveral of the colonics set nsldo lands for less." settlers and advanced money to them. In The conversation hero turned to wages, somu settlements the lands wero held in eight-hour basis? At present you havo lr' lu'ry sum itu ueneveu mat tno cuuunun, niiu in otnors tney were so ar- nitich developed land nnd the chances fir ""'klngman of Australia received moro ranged that nfter a given time the people money makli.g aro many. When Australia nn, b(,Uc,r, ,hlll hls fllow ln any fould vote whether thuy should continue becomes settled and the profits docreaso, can m,rL of 11,0 NNorla- " u"01'K''t ol" '"to t l'"'1' them as a settlement or should di- van run vour business hero on elu-ht hours. Kovornnient .uport by Mr. T. A. Coghlan vido them up among themselves. Thero uu inu ..emu aim i iii'sa ui 4uw auuui inu iwu such sciuumciiis ill isew aouin Wnlos." nnd showed me the wnges tho men Wales ono at Wllberforco and the other wero getting in 1H0O. Here nro some of at Hegn. The llega settlement Is about 300 them: miles west of Sydney and twelve miles Carpenters, blacksmiths, bricklayers and from the const, on tho Iluga river. To mnsmis are pntd $2.2.1 per day; plastorors reach It you go on tho railroad to within nnd painters rccolvo $2; common lnb.rcra. soventy-four miles of the placo and then imer when Kuri pe has ten or twelve, and all sla tnort '"' "I don't know," replied Mr. Perry, "but I believe such things regulate themselves. You work short hours In tho United States and still you are beginning to mnnufneturu SCHN15 ON THE STREETS OF SYDNEY, AN EICHT-IIOUR TOWN fnr It... ...,,.-l,l 1. ,r... l. .l.n. 11,.. 0l,r... " IU"" -, VUIIIIUI.U IllU.ICia. 6 U VC'Ill -1 0 U T 11U1C8 Ot tllO plllCO nilH t 1011 or the wotld. It ma be that tho shorter whlo !,,.,,. K,t ,2iM; woo, tal(u a coac, or b hours give your ...on me to tl. i.k and waH,rs ROt $n a W(,eU. farm ,nborerSi C(J Thoy8(lUk,IU, hence the Yniikco Inventions for which vou ir.n i. ...1.1. i . ..... . .. . . , ... . . ' . " ""-"w . . , . : : "'i" uimru, nun niifjuurua eigiu inmiiir-s nmi is sa d to tie n success. are bo famous. A fresh man will do twice nbout vm n yonr. Tll0 waRM of noU80 Smth AllHlrn 11H H0ttk,nu!nt9 as much as a tired man and I believe we servants aro about the same ns with us. 100 miles or so from Adelaide on tho Mur- get better work by shorter hours. Aft.r n oirla of all work get $2.25 per week; house- ray river. ICaeh of these settlements was man works ten hours ho comes home dog mnids, $2.75; nurses. $1.75. and washer- given lfi.uofl acres to hold In common and tired and throws himself on tho lounge or women nnd cooks, $3.75 por weok. each was advanced something like 11000 tho floor, prepa-ed to bo disagreeable. He Tl.ey l.lve lllul.. for buying tools and stock. Thu people hns no tlmo to get acquainted with hU We also talked of tho cost of living, and havo built houses, set out orchards nnd family nor to think of anything outside cf from tho snmo sourco I was glvon tho are engaged in farming of various kinds his routluo work. Our laborers are, I bo- prices of many things, They aro fully as They have, I nm told, many lemon ami Hove, tho happiest of thu world. Most of low as In tho United States, and In many olive orchards and llocks of sheep The) them own their own homes. They live will, cases much lower. Wo pay 5 cents for a work but eight hours, the day's labor be- but they save money." ono-pound loaf of bread. Tho Australian ginning and ending with the blowing of a Hut do not tho short hours Increase gets a two-pound lonf for tho snmo money, horn. They have a common store and lenlliig and drunkenness?" Our beef costs us from 15 to 20 cents a havo attempted to run their villages on ' I don't think so." was the repb "Those pound; ho buys his for about C cents a socialistic lines. who drink will drink anyhow Thosu who pound. Ho pays 25 cents a pound for but- FRANK 0 CARPENTFIt