Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1901, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAIIA DAIIjY inC"E: PrXDAY, JVE 2, 1001.
MI.NOH JlliVl'lU.V.
titvls rtU Jf'JKS.
fitockert mils late curtains.
Kino A 11 0 jscr, Noutmiyer'a hotel.
Victor Ilea tern. Hlxby & Hons, iitftjnts.
Wollman. ndantlilc optlcl'in, W U'way.
Mlaa Dora Hpato l.i vUltlug In Tabor, la.
Hchmldt's lino photos BUutuntued to pleae.
Olrl wanted for K'.mktuI housawork. 623
Klrst avenue.
Horn, to Mr. mid Mrs. Hqhert 1'crcKoy
youterday, a daughter.
tdeul hcad.1 In water color. C. E. Alex
ander . Co., 313 Liroadvsuy.
TenmH wanted for hauling In town. I.. A.
Wlcklmm &. Co., 13 Hcott
W. If. Orurr. undortakur and .llslnfector.
101 South Main struot. 'Phono W'J-
Oet your work dono nt tho popular Eagle
lautidrv. 721 Uroadway '1'hono 1st.
Mrs. W. II. Golf and Mra. William Uiyiar
knmpxr tiro vIsltlnB In Hennlngtun. NW).
Grand hotel restaurant nAl,,,.,'S
hoto dinner for 00c .Sunday, from 1. to -
"'The will or Carl II. O VoBlor wni nd
mlttod to probalo jx-Hlcrday In tho dlsttin
court. . . ,,
W W. I.ootnl will leave, today for Mftd
son l.nkr, Minn., on a tlnhliw and roercu-
''mtb.'i!. W. McDonald will leave today for
antenl5i tU w " 1,,lclllc const for
linr health. ... , ,
Urn. A. Hoot of Unnilolpli, Ncu Is
vlnltiiiK her mother, Mrs. Mattlngly of
Third street.
Miss Maud Cy bran loft ye?r,ftnr,?r "
visit with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Dixon, nt
(irand Island.
Mrr K K. Hoiin and (taiwhtrr 13 slo will
loave this week for a trip to tho Colorado
Htimmor usortfl.
Mlis HoH.tle lleno la vlxitlni; rkndfl In
rfilcatro. She will also visit In Uurllnston
before returning home.
IS. A. Woods, !"18 .Second avenue, reported
to tho police yesterday morning tho theft
of a bloiClo from HIh premises.
Aliens! Rinvo wl'l kIvo a high llvo party
and daueo Thsday night. Junu o. at
VVooamen of tho World hall. Admission,
At tho metdlnK if Si. Albans lndpo No. 17.
Knights of Pythias, tomorrow night, a rep
resentative to tho grand lodge will bo
Dr. Holler reports that I,. M. Hcnnctt,
who has been erlllrally 111 nt the om ili s
Christian Association hospital, Is very mucn
Will McCutchcou and I.lla McISIvnnc,
both of Omaha, wcro married yesturday
aftarnoon In tho court houso by Hev. John
Y. Altchlson.
At tho Latter Day Saints' church there
v.ill bo communion today at 10 a. m. and In
tint evenlnc at 7:40. Klder V. M. Cooper will
ocuupy tho pulpit.
Hhv. B. Alexander will preach the bacca
luureato Bortiiou to tho graduating class of
tho Ncoln. High school this evening In tho
Neola opera house.
Tho (iiarterly meeting of tho Woman's
Christian association will bo tomorrow
Hfternoou at thu homo of Mrs. Sarah II.
Uohrer, Vino street,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pnyno announce tho
engagement of their daughter Ola to I'. V.
Harrison of Chicago, the wedding to take
placu In thu early fall.
Ico cream that will plenso you packed In
Ico and delivered, 20u a quart. Special
prions to lodges, churchen and parties. O.
C. lJrown, 1!3S Hrpadway. Tel. IKS.
Hev. Oeorgo Kdward Walk will adminis
ter communion In St. Paul's Kplscupa
church this morning. The services will
cmphaslzo tho doctrlno of tho Trinity.
Pilgrim Urothcr Hope May of Minne
apolis will speak on "Tho Divine Plan of
the Ages" this afternoon ut .", In tho Ad
ventlst church, Ul Jft and Story streets.
Ice cream, rich and smooth, packed In
Ico and delivered, :wc a quart: bricks, 2oc.
Special prices to lodges, churches and par
ties. O. C. Urown, 228 liroadway. Phono
Services today In draco Kplscopat church
will be: Sunduy school. 0M3 a. ni.; com
munion and sormon by tilu rector, Hev. H,
It. Knox, 11 n. m.i evening prayer and fer
mon, 8".
Wishing to retire I am offering for r.alo
my entire business wood, coal, feed and
grocery with all Improvements. For par
ticulars Inquire of Thomas Hlshton, 210C
West Uroadway.
Hev. Stephen Phelps, D. D at Omaha
will prench today In tho Second 1'iesby
tcrlan church at 10:9) a. m. and 8 l. m.
Sunday school will be at noon and oung
People's meeting at 7:30.
Many of tho veterans nf tho civil war
have slgnlllcd their Intention to be present
In St. John's English Lutheran church this
morning to hear Hev. S. It. Klson of Omaha
preach a memorial sermon.
Services will bo this morning at 10:30 In
tho First Uaptlst church. Sunday school
will bo at noon. Young People s union serv
lco at 7 p. m. ami children's day exercises
ut 8, Hov. J. Clark will preuch In the
"l0 trial of M. J. lllgglns before JujKO
. Icr In tho district court is concl tiled
pt for tho closing arguments of tho
.1 ite and defense, which will be made Mon
)ty morning, when It la expected tho case
will go to tho Jury.
Tho Kelly-Hurgess Stock company, whicn
lias b(on playing at the Dohany theater for
iho last three weeks, will present "Uu! o
Tom's Cabin" Ibis evening. Fifty peopto
will bo used In tho production, with special
scenery and light effects.
Dick Singleton, negro, who drew n ie
volver on Mrs. A. J. Smith and threatened
to shoot her when she ordered htm from
her yard when ho was stealing llowcrs, wns
sent to tho county Jail for lifted! days yes
terday by Police Judge Aylcsworth.
George McCall, charged with violating a
city ordinance by hauling sand through tho
streets in a wagon which permitted tho
contents to sift through, was given a sus
pended lino of $3 and costs In police court
yesterday on his promise not to repeat tho
Tho First Church nt Christ, Scientist,
will have services this morning at 10:15 In
tho Sapn building. The lesson will bo "God
tho Only Causo and Creator," Sunday
school will follow this service. The ex
perience meeting will be Wednesday night
at S.
Mrs. j. W. Owens, national organizer of
Ihn Auti-Clcnrottn leacue. will address iho
youth of the city at 3 this afternoon In tho
uroauway Mctnociisi cnurcn. this evening
who will speak In the Fifth Avenue Motln
dlst church. Tuesday evening sho will
lri'tiirn In the First Christian church on
"I.ovo, Courtship and Marriage," At this
meeting slin will sing old plantation songs
nnu uo assisicu oy local laiciu.
Ut. Ertreit Finishei Hit Bso'ts with &
fatlsfhd tnik
I noon. Ho was serving ns a trusty, being
i employed to keep tho tells on tho second
lloor clean. While Jailer Martin was at
I l ha ,.1'nr.rrv lnr Al'frnm walked doVD"
stairs aud out before Mrs. Martin, who
was In the kitchen, could lock tho door.
l-'Oll SAIili.
'1'iiln .llenni InerciKe In Actual Value
of Over One .Million Many Horses
Omitted OoIiik to Wurl;
City Assessor Uvcrcst yesterday com
plutcd tho work ou the assessment books
for Council 1) luffs and, contrary to his ex
pectations of a week ago, will havo every
thing lu readiness for the county super
visors whtn they convcuo tomorrow as a
board of rovlow. Tho result of tho assess
ment Is satisfactory aud while the books
of tho township assessors Indicate a marked
decrease In the assessed valuation of tho
country districts, as compared with thu
last two years, that of the city of Council
11 luffs will show a net gain ot $300,000,
representing something over $1,000,000 ln
creaso In actual value. This Increase
means much for tho city, as It will swell
tho general fund of a 10-mlll levy about
Tho total valuation, Including railroad
assessment, In 1900 was $1.1,200,000, while
this year It amounts to $14,293,511, showing
an Increase ot $1,103,044, which is a gain
ot 0 per cent. Tho total assessed valua
tion, not including railroads, In 1000 was
$11,737,080. This year It Is $12,S93,GI1,
showing an Increase of $1,153,3SS. Tho as
sessed valuation of the railroads this year
U $1,500,000.
In 1899 and li'OO real estate In tho city
was valued at $9,630,464, whllo this year
tho valuation amounts to $10,000,160. In
1900 now buildings woro assessed as per
sonal property, there being no nuw assess
ment of real estate that year. These build
ings wcro assessed this year as part of
tho real estate and tbereforo for purposes
of comparison between tho assessments of
real estato in 1000 and lOOt $203,000 should
bo ndded to tho real cstatu assessment ot
1000. making it $10,060,104. On this basis
tho real estate assessment for 1901 Is only
per rent over that of 1900.
A considerable gain Is made In tho as
sessment of personal property this year.
In 1000 It was value nt $1,907,522, whllo
this year It reaches $2,293,0S4, an lncrcaso
of $3S5,5C2. As tho new buildings In 1900
wcro assessed ns personal property, the
amount of $203,000, In order to mako com
parison, should bo deducted from the 1900
llgures, and this would then mako tho In
crease this year In tho personal assess
ment $58S,562, or a gain or about 34.5 per
Tho assessment of money nnd credits,
llvo stock, etc., for tho two years, follows:
Moneys and Credits
ISO) $253,222
1901 45S.095
Deilrnble City Lots.
Notice Is hereby given that tho Hoard ot
Directors of tho Indpondent school dis
trict ot Council Oluffs, Iowa, wilt receive
scaled bhH tor the purchase of tho lots
hereinafter describe 1, until S o'c'ok
p. m. of tho 4th day of Juno, 1901. lllds
may bo handed to the secretary, I). L. IUss,
or may be brought to tho meeting of sold
board to bo held In the Uloomer school
building, Juno 4, 1901, nt 8 o'clock p. m,
Tho terms ot snlo will bo ono-thlrd cash,
balanco due In one and two year3, bearing
0 per cent Interest, and secured by a re
conveyance ot the property In mortgage
Tho board reserves the right to reject any
and nil bids. Illds may be made for sepa
rate lots, except as hereinafter stated, cr
they may be for all the property offered.
Tho s.ild district will furnish nn abstract
showlnc clear title and will mako deeds
under covenants of concral warranty. Tho
property offered Is as follows:
Lots 13 and Hi In block 23 In Hcors" sub
division; lots 17 and 13 (to bo sold to
gcther) in block 23, Ilccin' BUbdlv.slon, In
eluding tho building thereon.
Lots I, 2, 3, I, 5, 0, 7 and 8 In tho sub
division of lot 107 of tho original plat.
Lots 1 to 7, Inclusive, have fifty feet front
on Olen nvenuo and are 150 feet In depth.
Ixit 8 has a frontage of 61 feet and Is
150 feet In depth. Stxtccn-foot alloy In tho
rear of thcai lots.
Kait half of lots C and 7, block 1. nnd
tho west hnlf of lots f, nnd 7, block 1, Glen
dalo addition. Theso each front 65 feet on
High School nvenuo and have a depth of
72 feet.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 nnd S In the sub
division of tho old Hcrco street school
grounds. Luis 1 to I, Inclusive, face on
Uroadway and lots 5 to 8, Inclusive, face
ou I'lerco street. Thcso lots have a frontage
of 47?i feet and n depth of 101 feet and an
alloy In tho rear, lllds will bo opened at
catd meeting of June 1, 1901.
V. L. HOSS, Secretary.
I'rnKi-rss In Hank Iteecl verxlilp.
Receivers Dercshclm nnd Murphy of the
Ofllcer & l'usoy bank havo filed n report In
tho district court showing the sale by them
of fifty-seven acres of land In this county
to Leonard Hverett for $51 an acre. The
land was appraised at $35 nn acre. They
ask tho court to confirm the sale.
N. l'.i Anderson, C. Jensen nnd Vincent
Ilattin, who were appointed to apprnlso cer
tain personal property belonging to th
firm, consisting of tho banking fixtures
etc., filed their report yesterday. They
place a value of $1,181.10 upon the furniture.
Tho largest safe Is nppralsed at $650 am
tho counters at $273. Two smaller safes
are appraised at $125 and $75, respectively
Two revolvers, which formed part of the
bank fixtures, nre appraised at $10.
Increnso $201,873
Corporation Stock
1000 $336,212
1901 410,018
Increase $ M',S36
1900 $GS0,30
1901 791,'.'60
, $113,910
, 1,224
Colts, Mules, Etc.
Knimehnld Furniture
1900 $10,300
1901 17,912
City Assessor Kovorcst explains tho
small number of horses assessed this year
by tho fact that animals owned and worked
by tcamstors nre exempted from assessment,
and for this rcuson mauy work horses
wcro not Included In this year's assessment.
$ 1,718
20, ns
$ 2,022
Con nod Mlit In llrondivuy Clnircli
The entire program of music nt th
Broadway Methodist church this evcnln?
will consist of selections from the composl
lions of diaries uouuod, and will be as
Prelude, from "Faust" Mrs. Sylvejte
iioria t'atri
Hymn. "Depth of Mercy"
Nunc Dlmlttls
Hymn, "How Sweet tho Nnmo of Jesus"
Organ solo. "March Solomelle"
Mrs. Sylvester
Duet, "Forever with tho Lord"
Miss Hart and Mr. Mitchell
unertnry, -avo verum
Anthem, "Praise Yo tho Father"
Hymn, "Uird Dismiss Us with Thy
Postlude, ''Murch Homalno"
Davis tells glass.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.. tuiepnone 2S(k
Gravel roofing a. U. IU'&g. C41 Eroad'j.
DfLong will print I', right.
Tho old songa nro ths
best songs. Wo cannot
sing them so well an
fcomu people, but wu can
tnlk Shoes, and wo can
toll a grcnt deal more
about tho valuo of foot
wear than wo can about
music, Wo mako Shoes
an especial study buy tho
best there are on tho
market and sell tlmm at
twentiotn century prices.
For tho latest thing out
In Shoes sco our show-
look i ou Tin:
Sep a PriiHiieriniH Season In
SiiiiI1 Fruit.
Tho first quarterly meeting of the Coun
cil Blulfs Grape Orowera' Shipping asso
ciation wns yesterday afternoon. Reports
showed prospects for a good crop of all
kinds ot small fruit. As to strawberries,
tho picking of which will bu begun tMs
woek, tho yield promises to be exception
ally large, although tho growers are pray
ing for rain, Tho crop ot grapes this
year, It was said, evidences good signs of
being tho largest In many years. The
peach and npplo treoa are well laden.
The prospects for a largo yield of plums
aro ot tho brightest.
This scale of prices for picking fruit was
decided upon: Dlack raspberries, li to
Vj cents a basket, blackberries, 4 to I
cent a basket; grapes, 1 to It J cento a
basket; goosoberrles, l'.i to 2 cents n
basket; currants, 114 cents n basket; cher
ries, 4 to C cents n basket; strawberries,
1 to V.i cents a basket; rod raspberries,
l'.i to V,2 cents por pint; plums, 1 to 2
cents a basket.
Trinity Primmer Ksenpcu.
John Allstrom, who was serving a four
months sentence for tho larceny of a set
of harness from Mlnnlck'a livery barn,
escaped from tho county Jail yesterday
O 111 ecru of Woiiiuii'n Club.
Mrs. Walter I. Smith was elected prcsl
dent of tho Council Bluffs Woman's club
yesterday afternoon. Other officers elected
were: Vice presidents, Mrs, F. W. Miller,
Mis. A. It. Woodford; recording secro
tary, Miss Mlttlo Pile; corresponding sec
rotary, Mrs. C. A. Wiley; treasurer, Mrs
J. K, Cooper.
Great June Sale
Special inducements to close, nnd shrewd buyers of Reasonable
Wash Goods
J 2k' striped .and figured
Zi'phyra to yo during this
Kiilo at half price, (5c.
15c Alhambra Zephyrs, In neat,
dainty patterns, on sale at 8 l-3c.
15c white dress goods In checks and
stripes, on sale at 10c.
20c striped and checked white Lawn
on tale at 1214c.
33c Pique, on sale at 19c.
7ijc Ladies' Shirt Waists,
in good assortment, all sizes,
on sale at I50e.
Big assortment ot Cambric Shirt
Waists, all sizes, $1.00 value, ou sate
at 7Cc.
See other values In Lawn, Dimity
nnd Percale Shirt Waists, In white
and eclors, nt $1.00. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50, $3.00 and $3.50.
Ladies' Muslin Clowns, all
neatly trimmed and made
at o0e.
Seo our assortment of Ladles'
Gowii3, at 75c, 89c and $1.00.
Pino Muslin Skirt with wldo cam
bric umbrella ruffle, trimmed with
lace, $1.00.
Muslin nnd Cambric Drawers, made
extra full and laco trimmed, for 25c,
39c, 50c and 75c.
merchandise Watch daily papers for new announcements
Lace Wash
50o Ladies' Straw Sailor
Hats, during (his sale only
25 cents.
$1.00 Ladles' nnd Misses' Shirt
Wnlst Hats, In big assortment nnd
Ladles' Straw Sailors, regular 75c
value, In one lot during this sale at
35 cents.
50c Ladles' Walking Hats, on sale
at 15c.
$1.50 Ladles' Trimmed Walking
Hats, ou Bale at C.c.
100 quality Misses and Children's
Trimmed Leghorn Hats, on snlo at
60 cents.
$1.75 quail. y trimmed Leghorn Hats,
on salo at $1.00.
Lino of 75c and $1.00 Sailor Hats,
on inle at 60c.
Full lino of Ladles' and Misses'
Trimmed Hats, nt reduced prices
$1.00, $1.60, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 to $7.50.
of Cambric
Wrappers, good assortment
of colors, regular value t,
on sale at St)e.
Good nsiortmcnt of Cambric and
Calico Wrappers In light nnd dark
colors, neatly trimmed and mado with
flounce on skirt, during sale at $1.00.
12Ac Cotton Fringed Tow
els, size 45x21, on sale at
7 cents.
25c Dath Towels, on sale at 15c.
Extra large Unth Towel, regular 50c
value, on sale at 25c.
Good line of Lace Cur
tains, in new and pretty
patterns, at extra low prices
during this sale ((.)c, $1.00,
1.25, 1.50, 2.25 and 2.50.
and Hosiery
!U)u quality men's and
boys' Jersey lUbbetl Under
wear, all sizes, on sale at 20c
Men's lino Ilalbrlggan Underwear, In
natural and fancy brown, nn extra
good thing, on sale nt 60c.
200 dozen shipment of
31 ill Samples, ladies and
misses' hose and men's half
hose, worth from 25c to 50c
a pair, on sale in one lot for
15c; 2 for 25c.
Line of Ladles' drop-stltch and lace
stripe hose, and black cotton with
mocha toot, on salo at 25c.
Lot of Ladles' White Hlbbcd Vests
during sale ot C for 25c.
Other values In Lndles' Underwear
at 7c, 10c, 121Sc, 15c and 25c.
Ladies' white and natural
linen Wash Skirts, neatly
made and trimmed, worth
Irom 2.00 to ;?.00, during
this sale at S9e.
Silk Skirts
10.00 ladies Silk Skirts,
handsomely made and trim
med, on sale at 7.50.
$13.50 quality ladles Silk Skirts to
cloau out, it $10.00.
25c Brownie Overalls, in
all sizes from o to 15, on
sale at 20c.
Nos. 5 and 7 all silk Hlbbous, regu
lar 10c quality, on sale at 3c.
Dig assortment of Vnl. Uiccs, good
patterns, on sale nt 10c a dozen.
19c Children's Colored Parasols, on
sale at 10c.
COo 26-Inch Steel Uod Umbrella, on
sale at 29u.
Men's good working Negligee Shirts
on tale nt 23c.
12'ic Cotton Trlngo Towels, 45x21,
on sale at 7c.
Ilrass Curtain Extension Hods, on
salo at 5c.
23c Sun Donnets and Chlldrsn'8
Hats, on sale nt 16c.
Ladles' Jackets and Capes, medium
weight, In blacks nnd tans, 25 per
cent off.
Wall Paper In newest patterns, at
reduced pi Ices.
Council Bluffs, Iowa,
Agents for McCall Bazar Patterns
Curd if 'I'll a ii Kh.
Mr. and Mrs. Chrla Itudlo and family
dcslro to thank the , many friends ami
neighbors who so kindly extended aid and
sympathy during the hours of their sad
affliction In tho sickness nnd death of
their beloved daughter, Catherine Florence.
Iteiil HMntc 'lrnimferK.
These transfers wore filed yesterday In
tho Abstract, title and loan ofllco of J, W.
Squlro, 101 Pearl street:
Mellows rail? Savings Institute tn
James O'Neill, c43 feet lot 4 and w5
rcet lot 5, block C, Curtis & llam
sev's add., w, d $
Hattlo I.. .liaison nnd husband tn Wil
liam O. Lltten, lot 9, block 2. Turley
& White's subdlv., w. d
J, II. Mather and wife to L. A Cas
ner. w33 feet lot 1. block 18. Heers'
add., w. d
Tnter Vim Wynsbergo to Ivo Van
Moorleghem and August Wlndels,
undlvVb swU se'4 27. net'4 noVi 3.1.
nwU nv'.i 31, ?eH swU 27 nnd neU
nwVi 34-70-41, w. d
Vermont and Harvey C. Reynolds to
Charles K. Reynolds, part ot lot SS,
Original plat, q. c. d
Klve transfers, total $10,101
Davis tells paint.
MiwrliiKR Lleensen.
Licenses to wed wcro Issued yesterday to
tho following Perseus:
Name and Residence. Age.
Albert H Knijle. Council Wuffi 2il
Matnlo Irwin, Council niuffs 20
Ilnrry A. Urodkey, Sioux Cltv, la 22
Fannie P. Oldlnsky, Council muffs 19
K, D. Shores. Council HIiiITh 3!"
Abblo Cnmpbcll, Omuhn 40
Will McCutchcou, Omaha ' M
Llla McKlvane, Omaha 35
Ouy Fisher, Omaha 23
Dora Daly, Omaha 21
In TlH'lr Ximv Home.
Mrs. Lincoln Hypes and daughter havo
come from Chicago to Join Mr. llvpes and
havo taken possession of the Steadman
home on Oaklnnd avenue, which thiiv ro
cently bought. Colonel and Mrs, Steadman
aro at fiO!) Willow avenue, but expect to
spend much of tho next year traveling.
No. 872 Farm of ICO acres, 10 miles from
Council l'lufts and Omaha, good 4-room
house, stable, well, feed yards, corncrlbs.
in.i ...... a i ..nltlvntlim. nil smooth, level
land. Close to railway station. Price,
$32.W per acre.
No. 901 Fine farm of 240 acres, very choice,
smooth land; house, barn, corncrlbs, well,
grove, neurly all In cultivation. It. H. ata
tlon ',; mile. Price, $15 per acre. A bar
gain. No. 90S 100 acres 12 miles from Council
Hluffs and Omaha, a large portion of the
land In cultivation, small house, well,
u-rove. Price. $13 cer acre.
No. 608 Flno farm of 1761$ acres, all In cul-
tlvatlon; tine, smooin lanu, goou i-ruum
house, brick cave, lurgo barn, cribs, gran
ary, chicken house, hog pens and yards;
most of tho farm fenced hog-tight; or
chard nnd small fruit: 2 wells and wind
mill and tank; 10 miles from Counci.
Hluffs. Price, 3b per acre.
No. 850 20C-nero farm, nearly all In cultlva
tlon, 5-room House ana i-ronm tenani
house, stables, wells and windmill, corn
crlbs and feed yards, small fruit. Price,
W per acre.
No. 857 Farm of 120 acres nenr good rail
road town; smootn, levct lanu, nas an
been cultivated and about 30 acres now
tn grass; 4-room house, stable, feed lots,
wagon shed uud crib, grove. Price, $30
per acre.
No. 909 1C0 acres very choice, level land,
closo to goou town, every loot iinuoie,
largo house, stable, cribs, well and grove.
Price, $55 per ucre.
No. S0C 110-acro farm 2 miles from railroad
town, uo acres in cultivation, o-iooni
house, barn for 8 horses, cribs, hog lots, 2
wells, w'ndmlll und shed. Price, $37 per
No. 809 Nebraska farm of CC0 acres, ad
joining county seat town; uno u-rooni
house, cellar, 3 wells and windmill, with
grinding attachment and tank; barn, cat
tle shed, cribs for 4,000 bushels, feed yards,
orchard, fenced and cross-fenced Into
eight Holds, running water In pasture,
nice level lund. Price, $13 per acre; one
third cash, balance In 1, 2 and 3 years at
0 per cent.
Tel. 417. ill Broadway.
Iowa Steam Dye Works
HO Uroadway.
Mako your old ciotnes took into new.
Cleaning. Dyolug and Repairing.
Funeral Director
(Succossnr to W. C. UsteD)
38 rilAIll, STHKKT. 'Phono 07.
Your Credit is Good! dohanytheater
Tho Kelly-Durgcss Stock Company In a
grand production of tho famous
old play,
Novelty Cloak Store,
n:U Iliimilnny, Council lllufla.
Custom Work a Specialty
From Your (jooiln or (turn.
50 People in Cast 50
New scenery nnd light effects.
big specialty acts.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
nnd Iowa. James N. Caanuy, jr.,
Main tst,, council liluns.
niiniTU That Is what our
PURITflce cream Soda
Is, Have you tried our Summer Drinks
yet; wo nuvo a surprise ror you.
Dell 0. Morgan's ?rug.
Letting the Cat
Out of the Bar
As to our methods of fine laundry work it
would bo if we should tell you how wo pro
duce that marvelous whiteness and perfect
llnlsh that makes your linen so peerless in
beauty. But we do It, and do it wlthou
fraying or wear nnd tear on your garmcntB.
Colored shirts and shirt walits aro dono .up
Just 1 II: o now,
New HiiUillng-22.21 N. Main at.
Phono 314. Counull Dluffs, Iowa
Score 05k.
Winner first prize nt Nebraska
Ilelglan Hnro Show held In
Omaha, March Sth to 9th, 1901.
Largest Dealers in the United States of
UiglNGrado Pedigreed, Prize - Winning
Belgian Hares
Incorporated under the laws of Iowa fortlD.000,00,
We present a practical way to mako money a lot ot
It raising Uclglan Hares.
If ut any time you should be unablo to rare for Hares
and Ehould cease raising them, you can still phare tn
the splendid profits of the business without keeping a
single Hare, If you wish. Rut wo expect every stock
holder to bu a practical producer.
Price of shares are fixed low ($10.00), so as to bo
within the reach of any person This will let reliable
people Into the business who can spare only the valuo
ot a share. Young or old, male or female, can sharo in
this money-making business.
tillO. T. HAMILTON, lrNldut.
M. S. WILKHR, TrriiHiirt'i-.
W. M. II.VItCOI RT. Milliliter.
J. It. IIA1M Ot HT, V. I'it...
.INO. C. SMALL, Scuiufiiry.
You cannot nllord
tnite a ui-ratnon Dolgian
Haro us n pift you can
do better. We will
loan you a High
Grade Delgian Doe
ona yenr for Bharo of In
crease, and supply the
finest liitoli Service
Free. S10 to $15 is all
tlio eapitul you require
You dimply join our ns
houlation. "Yon raise
them, we'll sell
them." You tnko no
risk dcalini: with ua.
Send for our hook
telling all about it
it's free. Correspond
cneo boliei'ed.
i?0( 5 09 f B
3 Piiominrc results.
(i r $
Ivor nil next week wo I
ing mueliiiips.
$10 1 $14
Motor and all piping frea No charge for
anything but the stove.
The Council Bluffs Gas Co
Open Evenings. 26 Pearl Street
lil '0
Havo you seen our latest
Ball bearing, double food.
Wo have new drop head
sewing machines, guaran
teed for ten years, at $25.
the following Kccoinl-hand sew-
1 Domestic, former prlco ?S.O0, this wook 11.00
1 Wheeler & Wilson, former prlco $10.00, this week $5.00
1 Domestic, former prlco $10.00, this week K-.00
I Whito, former price $11.00, thlH week $7.00
1 StnnOunl, former prlco $10.00, ihU woek $8.00
1 7-drawer Household, former prlco $18.00, tills wrek $0,00
Wo rent SewlnB Machines nt 75c per wcok. Wo irpalr all kinds of Sowing
chlnca. Also sell parts and repairs for all machines manufactured.
Pelephone 1578.
,','7 liroadway, Council BluffH.
Showing inhabitable portion of house in zero
weather and a northeaster blowing
IleaUd frrfrjularly Evenly warmed
b7 Hot Air Furnaio by Hot Water System
Council niuffs. la.
IDEAL Boilers tnd AMERICAN Radiator
Heated "in spots"
by Stoves