THE OIAHA .DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1901. ECHO OF THE PANIC DAYS Itttltmut of ti Old Bait InTolrin; Hedcrn Wsdmn Fuidn. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT ACTS Union n(litnnl llnnk of Tliln Cltj-, AN though t Acttinllr Concerned, Urnnn Into the l.ltlKntton. J. H. Macombcr, attorney for tho Union National bank, has received word that tho supreme court of tho United States has re fused a writ of certiorari In tho caso of the Modern Woodmen of America against the Union National hank, thus settling a mat ter which has attracted widespread atten tion In tho country, both on account of tho question Ir.volved and tho promlncnco of the plaintiff. Tho records In the case throw light upon tha Insldo actions of two banks of Ne braska during the days which followed tho panic of 1893, and shows tho extremities to Tvhlch certain officers wcro reduced to maintain the standing of the Institutions. In 1803 tho Rank of Commerce of Grand Island was tho depository of $23,000 of the funds of tho head camp of tho Modern Woodmen of America, tho funds being de posited by D. C. Zlnk, who was head banker of tho order and a director In tho Grand Island Institution. In July of tho provlous year n successor to Zlnk had been elected as head banker, but bad not taken possession, ns Zlnk could not produco tho funds with which ho was chargod. Ilnril to Hvi Action. Kfforts on tho part of tho board of mana gers of tho lodge to got tho omney from tho Grand Island bank wcro fruitless, and, knowing that pressure to recover tho funds would result In tho falluro of tho bank, tho board lot tho matter rest. In January thero was a meeting of tho governing board to check up tho accounts of tho ofllccrs. Tho cashier of tho Grand Island bank wrote to tho cashier of tho Union Natlonnl bank tatlng that thero was deposited In his bank J25.000 of tho funds of tho Modern Wood mon nnd that for several reasons ho did ot doslro tho facts to bo known and re questing tho cashier of tho Omaha bonk to Issuo a statement to tho effect that this money was on deposit In the latter Insti tution. Tho Oranil Island man further Btatcd that tho managers of tho Modern Woodmen wcro nwnro of tho deception to be practiced nnd acquiesced In It. Relying upon tho lettor, Cashier Ford Is sued tho statement, which was dated January 1, to tho effect that on December 31 tho head banker of tho order had on deposit In that bank tho sum of $23,000. This statement was presentod to tho board of managers and by them treated as a cer tificate of deposit. llpMinlt Mlp TuriiM Up. Tho cashier of tho Grand Island bank died whllo tho board was In session and tho bank went Into tho hands of a receiver, who found on tho books, credited to tho Modern Woodmen, the sum of $23,000, Tho alleged certificate of deposit waB presented to tho Union National bank for payment nnd payment was refused. Suit waB brought in tho federal court beforo Judge Munger, who decided for tho bank. Tho caso wont to tho United States court ot apponls and tho decision of tho lower court was fflrmod. Under tho practlco an appeal to tho suprcnio court Is not a matter ot right, so application wns mado for n writ ot certiorari, which has been refused. Gasoline stoves cleaned and repaired, 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stovo Repair Works. Chciiicr Tlinn Stnylnic nt Home. The low rate ot $3.00 offered by tho Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ity. for tho trip from Omaha to Lako Okotejl nnd re turn, makes It almost cheapor than to stay at homo. Tho special train leaves Omaha at 8 p. m. Saturday, Juno 8, arriving at the lako early tho noxt morning. Return ing, the train leaves tho lako at 8 p. m. Bundny evunlng nnd arrives at Omaha early Monday morning. Full particulars cheerfully furnished at tho Omaha city tlckot office, 1501 Farnnm St., telephone 281, or Council D I lifts city ticket office, 520 Broadway, telephone 186. P. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Quick Meal A big line of warranted mowers. Agents for the Pennsylvania Ball Bearing, Garland andj Fairview Our special cut. prices on the Fair view, 10-in. 2.35; 12-in. 2.45; ll-in. 2.85; Ki ln. f3.25. Hammocks We show au elegant lino of new 1901 patterns and color ing and will mako special cut prices this week on Hammocks. A regular $1.00 Hammock for C9o A good $2.00 Hammock tor $1.15 A $2.60 Hammock for $L83 A $3.50 Hammock for 2.45 Others up to $5. Bo sure and seo our Hammocks beforo you bur OPEN UNTIL O O'CLOCK MILTON ROGERS & SON, FoiirteeHth Mi Tmm 5treeti' GLASS VT carry a line ot Window Glass and can supply your wants for all kinds and In ny quantity. You may want a GLAZIER to reset a broken llKbt. Call up Hello, Sl cnd you a competent man, who will chargo only a reasonable prlco lor his work. FULLER DRUG AND PAINT CO. 14th aa4 Douglas Sts. HAMMOCKS AJID CROQUET SETS. Special I'rlcrs nt llnrdy's, "The Ol). Cent Store." 7'c etch for Mexican sisal hammocks; regular $1.50 kind. 98c tor full woven bam mocks, complete with pillow and spreader. Others up to $1.95 each. 69c for 4-ball croquet sets, nicely finished, In wood box, 79c for 6-bnll croquet sets, full varnished, completo with book of In structions. Goods delivered to all parts ot the city. IIOMKSttHICmtS EXCLUSIONS. Vln The Missouri 1'ncllk- n-. Tuesday, Juno I, will bo the next dato on which round trip tickets will bo sold nt very low rates to points In Kansas, Arkansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Texas, and to certain points In tho south and southeast. For further Information and tickets call on or address company's ofTlces, S. E. cor. 14th nnd Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. T. F. OODFKBY, P. & T. A. Hamilton Warren, M, D., eclollc and magnetic physician, office at tho Central hotel, Cor. 15th and Dodgo strocts, till a sultablo location can be found. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering diseases and to diseases ot women and children. Dr. F. O. Sparling, general practice, room 301 Karbach block. 'Phone, 1711. Special for this week: Lawn tennis goods, rackets, $1.00 up; croquet sots, 63c up. Omaha Sporting Goods Co., In our now location, 1621 Farnam street. Modern Woodmen, Lowest rates, Special accommodations, St. Paul and return via "The Northwestern Line," June 8 to 11, 1401-1103 Farnam street. Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgery, Drown blk. Wanted, a star tea, cigar and splco sales man, with established trndo In theso goods In Nebraska, Large salary to tho right man. II. C. Fisher, Chicago. IteMPrvc Your Slrcper llertti J'nrly. for tho OkoboJI excursion via tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. Worth rate, $1.50 each way. City offices, 160k Farnam street, Omaha, and 520 Rroadwny, Council Uluffs. Tnlie Your Knmlly. for a day's outing at Lako OkoboJI next Sunday. A beautiful lake, miles In extent and blue ns the sea. Special train via tho "Mllwaukco Railway" 8 p. m. next Satur day. All day Sunday at tho lake. Round trip, $3. Sleeping car rate, $1.60 each way for doublo berth. City ticket oillco, 1601 Farnam street. St. Paul nnd Itcturn, I? lO.OO. "Woodman Special," via Illinois Central railroad, will leave Sunday, Juno 9, nt 8:30 p. m. Particulars nt city ticket ofllce, 1402 Farnam street. Send articles of Incorporation, notices ot stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Deo. Wo will give thorn proper legal Insertion. Tclephcno 238. Sealskin coats repaired and cleaned nt re duced prices. G. E. Shukcrt, 315 So. 15th. Modern Woodmen. Lowest rates. Special accommodations, St. Paul and return via "The Northewcstcrn Line," Juno 8 to 11. 1401-1403 Farnam street. OITIclnl Itontn to St. Pnnl. Tho Illinois Central has been selected as tho official lino for tho Modern Wood m on to tho Head Camp meeting at St. Paul, Juno 10-15. In addition to regular trains, a "Wood man Special" train will Icavo Omaha Sun day evening, Juno 9, nt 8:30 p. m. Rate, $10 for tho round trip. For full particulars and copy of handsomely Illustrated circular, rail on or address W. II. Drill, D. P. A., I. C. R. R., 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb, Watch work by skilled workmen at Hu bcrmann's, 13 & Douglas. "No como back." A lady's elegant filled caso, Walthara movement watch, $15. Jno. Rudd, 115 S. 10. and Reliable Wickless Oil md Gasolint Stoves Safest, simplest and best. Don't experiment buy the best many styles and sizes from $2.00 up. Lawn Mowers insulated with mineral wool sizes from 5.48 up. Garden S AT V II I) A V 13 V H X I X fi S. Maximum quality at Minimum Price Is what enables us to sell bo much Ooodrlch Co.'s Wator Hose. The Hose season Is now on. (let our prices and remember tho Ooodrlch flve-ply. Artesian four-ply. Cascade throe, ply, heavy. Triton three-ply, heavy. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 Doila Street. Excluslvo agents for the celebrated Goodrich Hobo. VO.MJI5It Ft'IiljY tOW HATES, Vln The Ilarllnicton llonte, Buffalo, N, Y., and return, $33.16. Choice of routes at corresponding rates. Kansas City, Mo., and return, June 10 auJ 11, $7.75. Cincinnati, O., and return, July 4, 5 and 6, $22.50. Detroit, Mich., and return, July 6, 6 and 7, $22.00. Summer tourist rates to hundreds ot other points. Additional Information and tickets, 1502 Farnam street. Summer .k1Ikc Shirt. Tho E. and W. negllgo shirt for tho neaton of 1901 has been placed on tho mar ket and Is called tho "Prlnco Albert, No. 4." This shirt, llko tho very successful negllgo Bhlrt Introduced last Bummer by Karl & Wilson, Is linen throughout, body as well as Ixuotn, cuffs and neckband. Tho new shirt Is handsomo; It Is beautifully made. Tho sblrt has narrow, squaro cor nered cuffs, with wldo stitching, and llko all tho "Prlnco Albert" shirts, It opens all tho way down tho front. It has a tla re tainer and tho neckband Is split In tho back. Tho shirts como In three styles, each show ing a different form of bosom pleating, and all having four ono-lnch plaits la tho back. They nro mado of a specially woven llnon, which Insures strength and lightness. Tho Haberdasher, May, 1901. omclnl Itoutr to St. Paul. Modern Woodmen of America. Tho Illinois Central has been selected as tho official lino from Nebraska to tho Head Camp meeting at St. Paul, Juno 10-15. In addition to regular trains a "Wood men Special" train will leave Omaha Sun day evening Juno 9. Rate, $10.00 for tho round trip. For full particulars and copy of handsomely Illustrated circular, call on or address W. H. Brill D. P. A. I. C. R. 11., 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, Nob. To develop nrms, neck and bust, try mas sago treatment at tho Dathury, Deo building. Expert operators. For ladles only. For policies that nro Bight drnfts at maturity npnly to II. I). Neely. mnnnger Equltablo Life, 20S-2US Deo building. Meet mo at Schtttz hotel bar nnd wo'll tnlk it over. Tho only placo in Omaha. Special Train for Slirlnem. Tho Shrlnors' special for tho Imporlnl council at Kansas City will lcavo tho Uur llngton station, Omaha, at 12 o'clock, noon, Juno 10. Shrlners and members ot their families desiring to travel on tho special should at onco ndvlso W. D. Whltohorn, chairman entertainment commlttoo, city hall, Omaha. Woodmen to St. 1'nnl. Tho Illinois Central will sell round trip tickets to St. Paul on June 8, 9 and 10, nt rato of $10. Long limit returning. "Wood man Special" leaves Sunday night, Juno 9, at 8:30 p. m. Reservations at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street. Stonecypher prints anything. Tel. 1310. Hook Suhacrlbt-rn. Rellstcdt book ticket subscribers who have not rccolved their books can get them at A. Hospo's store, 1613 Douglas street. Try tho celebrated ncedlo bath at tho Dathery; now fcaturo, Just added, nothing llko It. Ladles only, 220-224 Bee building. Ten Dollars. To St. Paul and return, account M. W. A. convention. "Tho Northwestern Lino," 1401-1403 Farnam street. Re-No-May powdor for excesslvo per spiration. At druggists and glovo dealers. Publish your legal notices in The Weekly Dee. Telephone 238. Lake OkohoJI and Return, a.l.OO. On Saturday, Juno 8, tho Chicago, Mll waukco & St. Paul railway will run an excursion train from Omaha to Lake OkoboJI, returning Sunday night. Excel lent boating and fishing and an outing nt one of the most beautiful resorts In tho west. Tho very low rato of $3 will bo mado for tho round trip. Full particulars on application at tho city tlckot offlco. 1604 Faruam street. F. A. NASH. General Western Ageat. Stonecypher, printer, 1201 Howard st. Dorward, dentist, Paxton block. Phono S74. Havo Root print It. Refrigerators Yukon, Alaska, Ctiilkoot, White Enamel Wiike White, Procelain Tile The greatest ice savers perfect circu lation pure dry, cold air made of; many styles and Hose Wi art Host Htadquarttrs Standard, warranted, high-grade brands, 10c, 12c, lie and 10c Other good brands not warranted nt 7c up. Refrigerators, Gasoline and Oil Stoves sold on payments. Send for catalogue and prices. Monday Drug Slashes Watch our prices on Drugs and you wont go wrong. TEMPTATION TONIC GTC. West's Nerve nnd llr.v;i Treatment ... 2Sc CRAMER'S KIDNEY1 CURE 19c Undo Sam's Tobacco Curo 49c Tho nbovo aro pretty cheap prices, don't you think? Look below 50c Hinds' Flnoy and Almond Cream for 29c 50c Pozzonl's Powder for 2Sc 25c Thompson's Cherry Phosphates for. 9c 25c Tetlow's Swan Down for i0c BRING MONEY TO GET THESE PRICES. $1.00 Burnham's Sarsaparllla for 19c 25c Stuart's Arnica Salvo for He 2jc Carbolic Salve for , n 25c Cologno and Florida Water for .... 10c Wrlto for Catalogue Sherman & McGonnell DrugCo, Corner 16th and Dodge, Chiropodist parlors In connection with the Bathery, for ladles only. Surgeon-ehlropo I 1st In chargo. Second floor Bco building. OXFORD FOR MEN AND IflfOMEM "Boston No. 3" A sightly and sturdy Oxford among Laird, .Schober & Co.'s happiest n 1 1 s I n modeling. Wo hnvo many now styles In Ox ford Ties this season. Knowing they would bo tho most popular shoo worn this summor, wc havo given them special attention and havo a very largo stock of tho most fash lonablo and comfortnblo styles for both men nnd women, and at most rcasonablo prices. Wo Invito In spection. FRY SHOE CO FORMERLY artwright N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas Jewel Gasolene Stoves For tho first tlmo In many days our line of Jowcl Gasolene Stoves is now completo, Tho makers hnvo been utterly unnblo to supply tho demand for theso popular stoves thl3 season and our customers havo suf fered with others. Wo now havo tho com plete assortment, however, nt prices from $3.00 to $27.00 Then wo havo tho cheaper grades at $2.60 for tho two-burner slzo and $10.00 for the largo two-burner and step. John Hussie Hardware Co., 2407-2-100 CUMINO STIIIJKT. "If you buy It of Husslo, It's right." IMPLE ILENT PEEDY Sold on Weekly or Monthly Payments Old Machines Taken in Exchange. Free Instructions in Plain and Fancy Stitching Monday and Tuesday of this week wo will offer spoclal bargains In SECOND HAND MACHINES all guaranteed for one year. Worth. Now. Two Singers $25.00 $10.00 Two Whlteo 25.00 10.00 Flvo Singers lu.OO 3.00 Thrco Households 15.00 2.00 Ouo Now Homo 20.00 5.00 Ono Davis 12.00 3.00 Ono Davis 8.00 2.00 Wo hnvo FIFTY such bargains and they will all go nt prices from $1.00 to $10.00, either for cash or on weekly or monthly payments. Monday and Tuesday wo will nlso sell tho following LATEST IMPROVED GENUINE SINGERS, with LATEST ATTACHMENTS COMPELTE, nt much less than cost. They aro NEW, but tho woodwork has becoino slightly marred: ' Regular Special Price. Price. Dressmakers $50.00 $18.00 5-drawor, box cover 00.00 20.00 5-drawcr. box cover 60.00 23.00 3 5-drawer, box cover C0.00 21.00 3 5-drawcr, drop-hcad 00.00 23.00 5-drawer, drop-hcad 00.00 25.00 10 7-drawer. drop-hcad 05.00 25.00 Every one a great bargain. Call early and get first choice Old raachlucs repaired by tho most ex pert repairer nnd adjuster In tho west. Latest Machines Rented 75o por week, Needles and Parts for nil machines made. Tho abevu machines can bo exchanged on new machines nt any tlmo within two llll years for twlco tho amount they cost you. The Singer Mftj.Co. 1514 Douglas St. A Quantity Order of Both A fi'W Hnya ago the representatives of I iilrflilld's Essence or rrpsln nnd Oray'n (Jlyverlno Tonic wcro In tho city nnd wo guvo tlinm both a quantity order, ns usual, ur wc always keep these staple Roods In stock. If your prescription calls for either of the above you can rely on getting iho genuine article from us. nr. MIIoh Itetiu'illen 7:,,. llu-Oui Hair Tonic ('ni tiler's Kidney Cure 75o .'"'!!"! . 8 Hn,r Tonic 3Sc and TSu Horllck's Mailed Milk V, Too ?3.15 l.skay h 1 ood (In glass Jars), Wo, loo. iwc and jj.'j.-, TI3MPT,TIO. TO.MO 7lit toKcs Dandruff Cure 32c Sirup of Figs rac Mermen's Talcum Powder llo E: 1 Plnkliam s Compound roo lnclo Snm'H Tobacco Curo (guaranteed) 60c inuiiy, uouon hooi ntiu rentiyroyni lMlts (2.w Hlzo) 75c SCHAEFER'S Cut Price Drug Store. Tol. 717. s.W.Cur.Klth mill Clilcnmi. Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. NO CURE. NO PAY. MEN. It you hatr (mill. rk orfmni, lout owtr or weakening drum, our Vacuum Organ llrtrloiie r will rertom you without ilrtiKi or rltctrtcllyi Stricture anil Varicocele permanently cured In I to weekm ?&,000 In uei not one fallurei not one return"! 1 effect Immediate, no C.O.I), fraud t write for free partlcu lare. reni eaied In tdaln envelope. 10CAL APPLIANCE CO. 138 Thip Ilk.. Indlinipolll, Int. HAYDEN 1 s This was tho remark of a prominent his wlfo yesterday In our clonk department. but wo will sell goods, nnd stylish goodB too, business regardless of his honor's criticism, omen's tucked taffeta silk eton Jackets, lined with white eatln n garment mndo to sell for $16.50 Monday's prlco Women's suits In nil tho lending styles, In Venetians, homespuns nnd serges; trimmed with bands of taffeta stylish garments, worth $18.00 to $25.00 on Womon'u silk skirts, mndo of excellent crack; 15-ln flounce, trlmmod with 4 and G a garment worth $12.50 Monday's prlco Women's silk skirts, mndo of tho famous Wlnslow taffeta, trlmmcdi with clusters of tucks, pleated drop skirt; worth $25.00, for Women's sorgo skirts about 200 of quality serge well mado and well lined $7.00 on sale for Women's flno silk capes, trimmed with silk Inco and satin ribbon, worth $5 $1.08. WAIST AND WRAPPER DEPARTMENT No other houso Jn America Is showing tho stock of waists thnt wo are; not an old garment amongst them; all with tho now Dlshop slccvo and soft cuffs. 200 dozen wnlsts, worth up to $1.00; on salo Monday at 20c. 150 dozen waists, $2.00 qualities, In colors and whlto and black, nt $1.00 each. CO dozen waists, very finest In colors and whlto; with sailor collar at, each, $1.50. Women's silk waists, worth $5.00, for $1.48. Women's silk waists, mado of tho famous Wlnslow taffeta, In all colors and black worth $7.00,. for $3.8. Women's percalo wrapper, with 15-lnch flounco; guaranteed colors, eepnrato waist lining, worth ,$1.00, for each, 45c. Women's flno lawn and percalo wrappers, elaborately trimmed, garments worth $2 on salo for 03c. Great Sale on Men's Clothing MJtI ff You can get a woll made qW'WJ suit, in 20 different shades, made of pure wool materials, w.orth up to 10. A t fifi tft The $6'50 suits aro regular XX L pUCJS $11.50 values and can't be bought for less than this elsewhere. In about 35 nobby shades a good selection. At fli7 tC Tho BuitBat$?.50 in this -M.L (P I iUU sale are world beaters made of all the late cloths, including the new Blarney tweeds, in the popular shades of green and brown they are suits which other stores would not hesitate to chargo 15.00 for in this sale at 7. 50. At (Dnnn Thea suita re eaai to xxir UJ X JJJ mado shape and liiiish; the fabrics lectod; they were made to sell at if 10.00. of cabinet work and handsome carving and Flno oelcct whlto oak enno scat chair Rocker to match for $1.50. REDUCED PRICES ON ALL PARLOR Great Auction Sale on from the Ghicago Auction Sale. Haydcn's bought only tho newest and cntlro purchase. AU fresh, new, clean g Cotton chain, extra supor Ingrains, worth 60c yard, 39c. All tho modtum wool Ingrains, sold all season at 05c and 70c, for 40c. All tho best nil wool Ingrain Twills nnd otbor best mukes, sold all season at 75c and 85c, at 59c. 30x00 Smyrna Rugs, worth $2.00, 98c. 30xC0 Wilton Rugs, worth $2.50, $1.25. All tho samplo rug lengths of Wilton, Ax- mlnstcr, Moquetto and Brussels Carpels, Optical Department If your oyes pain you or your vision Is and if tho uecd of glasses la tho cause wo halt tho usual price. Alumlnold Spectacles or Eyoglasses with flno crystal lenses, vuluo $2, at only Bsc, FramoleeB eyeglasses, vory light, value $3.60, on tsalo nt $1.98. Colored eyeglasses, value 75c, on salo at 23c. Read our nd on pugo 13. HAYDEN BROS. It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop ot 1900. F, If. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE luu&MAnx Rejfltlered A. Mayer Co., no ntc nuii.oiNG OMAHA, NIB. Phone 1716 1 Re-No-May Powder Not only relieves, but positively cures all disorders of tho feet, stops odorous pcrapl ration, cures tender, swollen nnd painful feet. Pricj 50 Cents. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mall ndd 5 cents for postage, Re-No-May Shin Food for facial massage. Re-No-May Cream sottens and whltem tho hands and face-. "You Keep Me Broke All the Time." t ludgo of the District Court, who accompanied Wo do not want to keep his honor brcke at low prices ns long no wo arc in tho and hero arc soma bargains for tomorrow 4.50 boleros, etons. blouses, etc., 9.88 6.50 sale for quality of taffeta that will not rows of tucked taffeta 12.50 they aro them mado of very excellent 3.88 worth tOPVniOMT loot, to order suits in TtuSuweiocHCa and the patterns are the best ac- at 20.00- -your choice this sale June Furniture Clearing Sale utir rurnituro selling this season has been phenomenal, so much bo that wo have had to dupllrute our orders to all tho fac torlcs. This enables us to show you full and complete lines of new goods, at n sea son of tho year when most stocks are de pleted. IT IS CERTAINLY TO YOUR IN TEREST THEREFORE TO COME HERE BEFORE YOU 13UY. Wo havo tho goods and will certainly meet your views ns to prlco. Among tho now goods, aro tho following: Solid oak 3-pleco bed room suit, French buvol pinto mirror, swoll fiont drawers, golden finish, selected mnterlnl, for $17.60. Flno oak Sideboard, golden finish, swell top drawers, ono drawer Hind. Tim lipxt good finish, $12,85. brace nrm, hand pollsht'd, for $1.00. FURNITURE. Garpsh and Draperies choicest lot. Not nn Injured plocc in tho oods. Prices most nstonlshlagly low. 25c, 39c, 9c, 75u nnd 9Sc. Flno Nottingham Curtains, all good pat terns and vory deslrablo, 39c to $2.50 pair. Iirusflols and Irish Point $2.18 upwards pr. Tapestry Curtains, ccry ono a bargain, ; from $1 03 pair up. Curtain 3crlm, Sc yard tillkoline, tlnu quail!)'. 5c yard, Drapery Frlngo, 3o yard. Drapery t'retonno, he yard, Oriental Tapestry Pillow Covorj, 25c each. getting dim visit our optical department will supply tho right kind at less than WORK to Make a Good lOo CIGAR The Rochester Advertising "So Different' Most of you understand tho system that connects "THE ROCHESTER" advertising with "THE RO CHESTER SHOES." No procoss could bo moro scrupulously exact. Wo wrlto for closest scrutiny and nicest criticism. Dlcscct, analyze, compare. Our words uovor out of gear Advertising Facts, Not Motion with truth a hnlr's breadth. Supremacy In buying gives us supremacy In selling. For tho next throo days wo offer men's nnd women's Shoes worth $3.50 nnd $5.00 nt 2.C0 and $3.50, This shipment comprises tho best shoes ever told In Omahn. Tho tanl'cr tho loser. Shoes should have beea delivered In April henco concession:) mado to onablo us to sell $3.50 and $5.00 at $2.50 nnd $3.50. All tho leather?, all widths und sizes. Kuccrn.iira o THE HOWE. 1515 Douglas St. 1516. Hudnut's Perfumes and Toilet Specialties To secure theso dainties in nil their per fections lio careful to buy only tltoHo arti cles bearing the trado-mark "Iludntitlno." Ask for fri'p copy of Hudnut's charming und useful llttlo bonk, "SOTII CENTURY TOILET HINTS." Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Kith and Fur mi in Sis. FITTINGS AXD APPLIANCES FOH t Till: IIATIIUOOM. lavatory, closet nnd laundry, ns well nH for tho kitchen, you -will Und In all tho new Improvements und conven iences In our stock of nuppllcH. "Wo will lit up your bathroom with any thing required, as well nn doing all kinds of repairs, gas and steam lining In nn expert manner and at rcasonublo prices. Free 6c Black, 180G 1'nrivim. Pliunc 1010 J CURSE or DRINK CURED BY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY Can bo given In Glnas of Wutur. Tea or Coffee Without Patient's Knowledge Whlto Rlblion Remedy will curo ur d. troy tho diseased appotlto for tilcoh'jlla itlmul. nits, whether tlio jmllent Is a can. linnea lnnbrluto. "u tippler.' noclul drlnkm or drunkard, tasteless, odorless. impohsliilu lur uuy oiiu tu liuvo an ap oetilo for ulniitiolio luiutira ntlor .lalug Whlto Jtlbhon Remedy. Ml' o-ullJl. Trial nackng" f'fo I'V writing Mrs, T. C. Mooro, W. C. T. U.. Ventura, California. Bold in Omaha, Nell,, oy Clias. 11. Schaofer, Itith und Chicago streets. Every Drop of medicine that goes Into a prescription tilled in tills storo Is perfectly pure Puro drugs menu a spoody recovery. Poor drugs means n relapse. You want tho best. Let us fill your prescriptions. ilu-Can Hair Tonic Is regarded us ono of tho best preparations on tho market for tlio hair. Try ono bottlo ami you'll uso no other It costs but 75c. A Bottle of Perfume 19c We ate (.oiling a r0c boltlo of flno perfumi for P't BOSTON CT0RE V DRUG M DEPT. Your Teeth Bhould rccclvo closo nttbntlon, ns your upiienranco cannot bo good with poor tcolh, Our woik all guaranteed, Bet of Teeth... $5.00 tm Gold Crowns ...(5.1 ,W Tali's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douitlas St. 0