THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Sl'XDAV. JtE 2. 1001. IltSIMJSS CHANCES. ti wr t'HVn rtock to city of .(fi" popnla ;t r net profit ot burines! stuT 2 yearF Si whst better bastnes do ron vi't' Cwmrr falling health compel ls- 't tinuarict II .i Flock groceries to eocaty stot . $.W0 a-.rual buBlttos; largest trade Hi the : w ti to r .in) hotel, furniture and fixture?; doing 'm buMnriHi C ra?m. completely and elegantly fur bished, in Lent located flt to city: fill w'b tlrn-rtLW roomers and boarders. Might consider for this pood ploee of clear land. 3 have other drug stock, grocery stoeks, h"tel restaurants and rooming house., both in one out of Omaha, for rate or c.x- ( hange, A Kr l bakery and confectionery buRtnass in fine Iowa ibhh: control large trade; last year business -w ar SUwOa. Owur's broken health necasfrilate sale. A small milliner? business in country town heap Dressmaking businc and furniture of room Cat in fine location; rnap. CMi 'new printing outat for tjtfj A new Columbia grand phonograph. 6G-lueh bras horn, with rocerd ootnpletti, for S, f'M! $126. A pa? inp messenger and express business nt right ligures. One-chair barber shop, dolnc good bantac. If in thl list you do not find the line ot business of your kind., communicate with me and n delay. 1 will furnish a business which will pay. J H. JOHNSON. Ml N. Y. LIFE Y 17 : PURE tobucco und hand work lire the es sentialities of the Prince of Omaha y-msk 4 Vm BUYS the bent psylnr restaurant In the Call at Canadian iiflM, 1122 Douglas V-MSt t. UESTAURANT furniture and fixtures, all first-class, bent location In city, grand op jiortuniry for restaurant man to control large business, n-' re asonable offer re jected J H Johtii-on, N. Y Life. Y-1 rX)K SALE, established merchant tailor' business. Address T 4. Bee T Sn 2 ron exchange. ID-HAND men r wheels for ladles' whcol Omahu Bicycle Co , 16th and Chlcapo St. Zlhft WANTED, to trade u 2-seated earrlup-c for u jot) .! painting (.'an 21 n. loth MUDICAL. RHEUMATISM WHISKY - Why suffer from rheumatism v hen there In a tspoclfic cure zor .vou" Why be a Mave to wntRKy opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaine ihen we pjarnntee to cuie ou? Answer thli by writing the Ensor Remerty Co., South iaiunu., .Neb. tincortioratod in ibx-- MTGWeS DR, PRIES, the acknowledged leading irerlallut In dlHeusci. of women in Omahu, Vnlilfi r.n 11 ,,.-. I i.4T nnfTut'ttii? ludie to hi unnurpawne-J uccomrapdatlonp iH'fore and during confinement, and hie Ueatment for irregularities, no .natter what caune. Call or addrens with ftamn, Dr Pries, ISIS Dodge St., Omaha. Neb. i M V Je.23 . SONOVA It a Trench trectment for nit't and female, for the poiiltlve cure of Gon flammatlons, Irritations and Uiceruilone of the mueoub memlianei.. An mtcrnul remedy with injecuon combined, war ranted to cure worst cases in one week, SZ per package or two for Si. Sent any-w-here on receipt of price. The Kldd Diug Co.. Elgin, III. American uffiet, rctau, wholeaale, Mycrs-Dlllon Drug Co.. Omaha. M. A, Dillon, South OmUm; Davis Drue Co. Council Bluffs. Tull line of legiti mate rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester' English Pennyroyal Pills are the best, safe, reliable, take t-.o other, send 4c stamp for particulars, Re lief for Ladles" In letter by return mull, ask vour druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. hlladtlphk. Pa. CANCER cured at home by Internal treat ment; no knife, plaster or pain, book and testimonials mailed free. Cunccr Institute, in W ttd St.. N. Y LADIES Our, monthly Regulator Remedy never falls, absolutely harmless, convince yourself- box free. No other udvertlser has :uch effective repulator; refuse them. Write, Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, wis. m:: LADIES, srao reward for an abnormal ob stinate case of suppression, any cause, my repulator falls to relieve In twenty four hours; positively guaranteed, no ergot or pills; many saved from suicide. Ideal safe home treatment; mall, SI Dr. Jackson. R, C, 167 Deatborn, Chicago. 174 li PATENTS. MASON. FENW1CK Ar LAWRENCE. Patent Lawyers. Solicitors and Erperts, Washington. D C. H. J. COWGILL. Western Representative, r.oom sit. Kamge Blk. Omaha. Nch. 'Phone 17Uii. ADVICE 3'REE. 441 Jel8 PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues & Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb Advice free. lf.S Jytt WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Address Lock Box 760, Des Moines, la. MB2D PATENTED and unpatented inventions bought and sold. Lucub & Co.. St Louis, Mo. lis 2 OSTliOPATHY. JOHNSON institute, far. N. Y. L Bldp. Tel. ltiti, Alice Johnson, D. O., ladler' dept.; uia jounson, usieopauust, Mgr. -81C DONOHUE, Oiteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel, 1KC7 A. T. HUNT, D. 0 3 Karbuch Blk. Tel.2ffi: HI 111 MRS. JOHN R, MUS1CK. Douglas block. M 473 JC21 SHOIITHAXD AD TYPEWRITING. A. C VAN SANT'S school. T17 N. V. Life. lb BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Bee Bldg. PIP NEB. Business & Shorthand Collrge, Boyd's ineater. y;u GREGG Shorthand. Om. C Col., 16 & Doug, D21 HULGIAN HARES. vE HAVE pome very line young stock by rasnoaa uur.e, out oi our nest does; they are beauties, tne price win pun you also some breedlnp does. We huve i young buck by Edinboro Star, the finest buck that ever came to Omaha, y ""l''- the world, at stud The Royal Belglun liare to., uewey Ave -it ' LOST. WILL the party who rarrled away In buggy the strayed lamh. from Forest Lawn cemetery, return same to Boston Store and receive liberal reward? George Bchrader Lost .MSI 2 LOST, gold ring sot with opal, surrounded by rose diamonds Finder please return to E22 N. Sd street und get reward. Lost 670 2 BLACK PIT. tap 1.64, reward for lnforma tion. S10 S. 16th. Lost-225 2 BICYCLES. SECONDHAND bicycle from S6.00 up Ne braska Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Harney. 2S6 J CIS NEW and ladles' wheels rented. 60 cent for the evening or afternoon, except Sun Cay. Louis Flescher, 1C22 Capitol Ave. riSlinG AXD PLKAM IIU IlESOHT. IF YOU want pood h&ss and croppy nhlng go to Langdon, Mo. Very test of hotel accommodations. Plenty of boats and ratrvnows, Write IL A, Dlttmar for ratot, -876- WASTED TO BORROW. WANTED To borrow fl.OOO at 7 ter cent on Improved residence property, South Omaha, renting for S240 per year Ad dress. S 4S. Bee M3M aiioc unr.uitic. BOLES. 40c, rubber heels soles. 7Tc Neb Itcpatr t-'oH 37 .N lli. Joe Puione, J Top. ron .an-nn.iL nTATC SWEET A HEAIMI?T. Ta. HTt at It. t. U. BC VB riHMt.r BOL.IBTE Uiet the proper tien oSerod Mew are the 1-rt lor ttoe money in Oaiahs today TOt Wlpt AOREE WITH VS artar lnvertlct!nc thm. IN BBAl'TirrL. 10CAT10N. new f-room pre wed brick renldence. all iateM and best miflern convenience, oak ftnlRh. lawn, larpe maole tree?, oement walk, a home to be jiroud of. oaiy EL.HJGANT HOME of b rnomf in -north jiart. tart front corner (rK. One arp tree and lawn, one block from Park car. houM rtrlctly modern and In fine oondl thwi THIS 1? A BIO SNAP. t.ON T OVERbOOK IT. ,7Ht wJU Iniy It. IN BEM1S PARK, new t-ronm modjrn home, lot tor .. A BARGAIN t ROOMS, modern, lot MxlS. at SCth and Woolworth Ave., paving all paid, SZ.iM. 7 ROOMS, mod ex. boat Orchard H1U. lot Wxiso. for only tiimo; 5C' oash. balance monthly. ON TLORENCE BLVD . nire home of roomt. a line opportunity, only JI.vmO. NIC": r-BOOM COTTAGE on Vinton, near 2M. parlnc all paid, city water, pood lit, rent for tti The price l only II S88. tut look at It and a whit you will pive. rritPT reasonable orrER AC- CEI'TED. ON 1TTH STREET. 1urt north of Nlchila. t-room cottape. all pal, right down town and only n.lT0. NEAR MTH & AMES AVE., f-room pot tace. poo roplr. eaft frnt. t!61t: SX payable as lr mo. WITHOUT INT. A bargain. . . At I'uciflc and 3d St.. 4-room ottape on lot SGxMi. for (i; walltlng dirtanct. tea. BEAVTin'L RESIDENCE LOTS CHEAPER THAN YOU WILL EVER SEE THEM AGAIN IN OMAHA. lOOxttfl, Hanscom Ilacc, E. front, flWOW 4!xl3C, laulnc Curtlsn Turner Park. Just north of Parnam. A BARGAIN, fl.Mu. Elxlll, corner Cass and Lowe Ave, n.OM. Mxl20. oornej PLORENCE BLVD. and GRAND AVE A GRAND EAST TRONT SITE POR I1.W9. ftxl20, Decatur, near 26th, S700. , 2,xl22, Vinton, bet. 17th and 16th. SCO. 60x160. on 2Tth, near L, Sn. Om., tTS. 50xl2S, Manderton. near 2Cth St., a most beautiful spot for a home., SVH). 44xlTli. near 14th and Ames Ave. on grade, wstei and pas In street nice barn, worth 26U, on lot BIG SNAP. S4UQ ON TEMPLETON AVE;. WE HAVE SEVERAL TINE LOTS xi::2. sewer paid, for only SHOO each THEY ARE SNAPS. INVESTIGATE THEM. GOxin. near l'4th and Ames Ave., east front, on grade, fine nelphborhood, and A BIG BIG BARGAIN. IZM) 60x130, Orchard Hill, for S1T3. BE SURE TO SEE US BErORE CLOS ING A DEAL. DON'T FORGET THAT WE WRITE FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE IN BEST COMPANIES ON EARTH. SWEET A. HEADLEY. Tel. 1472. OZ N. Y. L. Bldg. RE-M 2 WE OrFER THIS WEEK A GREAT BARGAIN. Good lot 60x!'it feet, with 12-roam house. only 6 blocks from cltv nan, rents Mo per month. We can offer property this week for $3,260. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT. Substantial three-story brick liuilding. lot x6. on iiitn net ween i urnum ana war ncy: ground lease running 74 years; net Income, 11,110. over 6 per cent net on Slk,6Ki. We ate authorfted to offer the property for FINE PIECE OF LAND. 17 acres Just wett of city limits, between uoage ana ucnter sit., snort anve to business center of city; beautiful east slope, mapnitlcent view, spleudld place for suburban home, fruit aud vecetnble pardons, cheap at SS.W0. Can offer this week for 12,260 cash FIVE ACRES. Close to Center st (macadamized) new motor line to beymuur pan; win pass right bj it. only f.o A CHEAP HOME Nice cottape. flue lot, 2ath near Howard St , for I2.R60. TINE RESIDENCE LOT. A full lot on 36th st., between Farnam and Douge. only H.iino. A MODERN HOME Elegant up-to-date S-room house, finely linlstien, nenr tipjier j arnam, lor M.iwi HICKS REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Room 32C Board oi Trade Bldg. RE HP 2 SPRING LAKE PARI: ADDITION. Nothing like it ever laid out In Omahu or fcoutn umana. Larpe lots, fine old forest trees. Beautiful blue grass lawns. City water, electric Jlrhts and gus. Low prices, easy terms. ED JOHNSTON & CO.. SOUTH OMAHA, RE 1!13 2 WYMAN, SHRIVER CO.. New York Life Building. REAL BARGAINS. If you are looking for a house for your own use an tne est l arnam aisinci, you can not do better than to examine the Rtx- roora dwelling on 34th, not far from Dav enport street; large two-story frame., lot 60x136. fine large shade tm-s Only S1.2U0, one-third cash, balance on monthly pay. merits about eauul to monthly rent. Large two-story frame, 10 rooms, large barn house and ham modern in every re spect, corner, two full lots, Bomls Park district Price STi.iOO. one-half cash, bal ance to stilt. Three lots on Cuming street, Just outside city limits; will lncreuse In value when street railway runs rars direct to Dundee; 124x140 leet, witn streets on xnrce siacs 1hvk fine as to street Trade. Price. SlioO. For the best east front lot on 40th. near Howard street, all street paving paia tor. sewer ras and water to lot line paid fur Onli S2i0. Make an offer for southwest corner of 26th and Parker streets, dKxrai reet. city water and sewer on lot. Parker street paving all paid for No better curner for building two cotage to be had anywhere. RE 171 1 11.600-ACRE ranrh to exchange lor Omaha business property. Campbell-Christian, York, Neb. RE 235 2 SPRING LAKE PARK ADDITION. The finest addition ever laid out In South Omaha or Omaha. Every lot covered with fine old forwt trees and beautiful blue grasr lawns. Will be placed on sale at low xirlcrs aud eusy terms Tuesday. June 4, at 1 o'clock p. m. Agents will be on the ground to show the property. ED JOHNSTON &.- CO.. Sole Agents. RE 1M 2 SPRING LAKE PARK ADDITION. The finest addition ever laid out In South Onrnha. goes on sale Tuesday. June 4, at 1 0 clock p. ra., ut low prices and eusy terms ED JOHNSTON & CO., SOUTH OMAHA. RE IK 2 BIG BARGAIN! BE QUICK' A whole acre, one block from Farnam ar, about 20 fine apple trees, has small house on Price only S1J00. Easy terms- Pweet & Headley CIS New York Life. Tel 1472. RE 167 2 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-rrom house close to good car line Eas;orn rwner ar.xlous to sell. M.. J Kennard & Ron. HQlt-U) Brown block. lili wi POn SALll REAL KM Air. Do ; ou war.t to BfY, SLLL OR TRADE HOt'SK. LOT. PARM OR RANCH II m, call upon or telephone the GOO. P. BEMlf REAL ESTATE CO. HOt'EES AND LOTS. f-room hou-t , full lot, nice location, rood brick foundation, in the village of Flor ence, far curti onlj. )mK In the north part of, S-room houfe, good collar, large tairn ai cii'.trn. CSS. Here U a money maker, double brtck htwiff, IB room, cloet. pRntriek. pood wU ttlitf two pood olnterns. rent for IB per mth. Only XI.300. WILL SELL OR TRADE a aloe roots house, bath and guc. trn, bugpy bout-e, two full lot, nicely fence, lot of fruit, lawn and fhaflc trees, K.Ouu. Cr will TRADE for acre property. RESIDENCE LOTS. Do you want to have up your money and ret a Mart In the world" If m come In and pel further particular and a plat of our FTS to HOC RESIDENCE LOTS III north part of city near Hanwnra park and South Omaha motor line Only a Sh pu ment down and only V jier month. Oyirr fine lo from KOU to Ctwa, price according to location, BPDCIALUARGAIN. . teetsUful lots Inrtot city limit, sa per let. TARMS. On mHoadam road about one liour'i- drive from Omaha, fit acre, black loam, t-Jighlly rolling land, about 400 fruit trees, beftdor all klndr of berriei, two pooi wolli., ! nmm house, barn, oorn crib, obJehen htite atid oier outbutldtnps only 16,000. ."aft acrer Sarw Co.. JC per acre. ff acres Saunderr Co . sac :er sere, hcres Wai.hlnpton Co., SM jier acre. RANCHES. MW0 acrcf Cutter county Neb., Iir.r per acre. NX' acres Merrick county. Neb. bargain. ii ;Kir bcre. l,(tw acrct Boone county, Neb., Sil.DO jct acre. INVESTMENTS. Lot 4SxllB. three oottaces, In southweFt part oi Mty, lncoaie si per montn, Desirable building lot for flats or ment house, S4.01K). apart- Trackape proptirtles In best locations In the city at nee rocu prices. S PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON GILT-EDGED REAL ESTATE SECUR ITY. ALSO WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. GEO. P. BEM1S REAL ESTATE CO. (Established In 1M.) Telephone DBS. Parton Block. RE-2I SPRING LAKE PARI; ADDITION. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION. EVERY LOT COVERED WITH BEAU TIFUL SHADE TREES. JvOVELY BLUE GRASS LAWNS. LARGE LOTS. LOW PRICES. GOES ON cvi.E TUESDAY. JUNE 4. AT 1 O'CLOCK P M AGENTS ON THE GROUND TO SHOW THE PROPERTY. COME AND SEE IT. ED JOHNSTON k CO.. SOUTH OMAHA. P-E 1K3 2 DEER PARK1 DEER PARK! We offer In this beautiful addition some choice residence lots, along the Boule vard, at price that will Interest you, If you will but let us -chow them to you. Thla addition Is close to Vinton st. motor, the Boulevard "Winds through it and. there 1 a fine city park, larpe natural shade trees and everything desirable. E'veral Ipts have been sold and nice houses being num. it is tne time now to invest in these lots while there Is a choice. If we cannot interest you It will b our time against yours J'leuse arop in or ubl; us for a plat with prices.. REMEMBER DEER PARK, IT IS ALL RIGHT. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. Tel 82!). 310 N. Y. LIFE. RE 204 2 BEAUTIFUL lots on or near Boulevard. south sldi, near car line; all have fine shade trees. Three to live hundred. Some extra pood bargains In homes; well lo cated. Nelson A: Hoelck. 311 Ramge Bldg. RE 161 2 W H. GATES. CIS N. Y. Life Here are two sironerties owners want in dispose ot at once ana give immoai&te possession: 7-room modern cottape. 646 S. 26th bvc, east front on 26th and west front on 27th, paving on both sts.. 52.000. E rooms, hardwood finish, hot water heat, fine plumblnp, all In best of order, house most new. has laundry corner lot. shade tree, owner leaving city and must sell ut once J3.600. 6 rooms, on Slst ave,, 60x127 Ames ave, want an offer. Just south ol VACANT. 60x127, Miami, east of 30th. S226. 40x127. Patrick ave., bet 26th Rnd 27th, SIOO. 40x122, Ohio, just west 20th. SC2T. 4ExlS2. Farnam and 31st uvc.. CHEAP, ' tl.300. 60x126, Howard, bet 36th and 36th. S1.600 60xl2!. shade trees, one of the finest lots on Spauldlng, bet- 24th and 26th sts. S626 RE-1DD 2 OWNER old, must sell mortguge York county farm. Box 28t, York, Neb. RE 264 2 W FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 FARNAM STREET. Beautiful bulldlnp site, eust front on 3Mh St., overlooks the city und the Missouri, ground 110x247 feet, 10-room house In fair condition, nice trees. Property can be bought at a bargain thiF week only. RE ISO 2 TARMS. F-26-20Q acre N of Florence, S68 F-2K 160 ucre near Bennington, S48. F-30 130 acres near Miliars. J6o. F-23 1J0 acres N of Gretna. $26 F-24 160 acre tidjoirrlnp above. 130. F-27 320 acres west on Center St., SIX. small tracts irom i to so acres If you with to buy or sep call on 1!0 FARNAM ST. RE-14! ! I WILL offe,r for sale on Monday and Tuesday choice ucre property in Burnharn Place ror kwioo rrr acre. This nronertv is at the terminus of Benson street car line, also cnoice ucre business and resi dence lots In Benson and Halcyon Height nt price that will, surprise you. Will Ik at Falk's lhoe nore, in Benson. Juno 3d T?Mnl?l" VTiiiandBfnST1'. Walnut Hill and Benson cor to the grounds. 1 also huve 4 ares choice land near club house In Benson for 1200 pur acre. J. aj iovpreii, . j-axinn iiiK. RE 145 2 SPRING LAKE BARK ADDITION. Beautiful shade tree and lawns. Graded streets, electric lights and gas. One block from paved .street and motor line. Low price and easy terms. Sale commences Tuesday, June 4, at 1 o'clock, p. m. ED JOHNSTON & CO., SOUTH'QMtHA. RE IE' 2 IOWA FARMS FOR SALE 10-bcre fruit farm 2 mile from Council RHifls S2.6IK . 40-stc farm l miles irom tcuncu jiiuixs $2,500. so-ncre farm C miles from "t-'jrri x 1 .. 9t ciitt 1 r rr f i rm 1" mtlea. tr im t'ounri: Bluffs. $4,UiKi 40-arre farm mlbw from Council Bluffs. Il.fiOO H G i.E-:tt : 1011 AL11 ItKAL EM ATE. Payne-knox company SHUItT TALE. HO S Mr Maxwell, th- able ir-irstton exio.rt ard ad vocal say when the arid land of the traiis-MhfJWurl region are proiri 'rrt iratel the? will support tc to twenty Umr tier presnut ;opBttKm That roeatK OmU Omaha v1U snie ay be city of lArMM) t H.W,tK )pte Omaha prjrt' wort I' 1 to 109 tlm preseat value. Irrt gaUon senuiBont r pre1n last. Omalta wUl follow mat. ltoth if populatloa and prelum- valtM. iO you tmy new at i.e4rek prtct or pay more later wit J. S. il. The abort supgestlou witl br to th WW as APPLES of GOLD in PICTURES of SILVER and their groati-t re)oclnp wttl find itF full FRUIT1T1QN in rurtng "tat of our line BARGAINS offered this week. 1616 On S Uth St., 6 rooms. ALL MOD ERN, comer lot, house In good repair, convenient to car lino -in Tffo utecUjns. easily reaching SuUTH OMAHA. Bur ttngion and V- P. depots and the buslnesc district ol lit city. East frt; fovt locality. 52.600. EASY TERMS. 122S Close In on Burt St.. rooms, bath, gas. sewer connection. PERMANENT frtdewaJk, nil street PAVING TAXES Jtald In full. House in pood ropulr and fle mrabk nalghlKirtiooC wner wanu sn.TWi but says "GET ME AN OFFER." Reasonable termr. On 20th n venae, near the Winona Apart ment House UEATTIFI'L. NEW, ail modern house of 7 roams. Jum contplctod und ready lor occupancy Porcelain BATH TUB, MARBLE wsMhstand. gas and elcctrli lights, be',1 and sialunc tubes, a-gailon tesled hot water tank, pementd cellar with furnace and vege tble rooms, ptirmnnent sidewalks, paved street, all taxes laid U- lull NC'THlNli TO DO BUT MOVB RJGHT IN: Irlc SS,awi. EASY TERMS. Two or our BEAUTIFUL. NEW f-room houses on Cuming St Bemts Pari;, le ninln unsold. These liouwu- are PER FECT GEMS. They ate built for the highest type of civilized life and there-fare eoniain EVERY MODERN convtiliiono . TO SEE THEM is to be dcllrhtod and pleased. iTice S8.260. EASY TERMS. 166 On Mrc St . near .1Hli .( rooms. ALL MODERN, built about two ears ago. Conenient to car lllu good locality, nice lot and very dttslrable nulghbors. Owner Is leaving the city and anxtous to sell, hence the low pric- of SS,2!i; STIKI cash, balance can be urranped. lEIft Here is a fine property in Kountse Place, f latpe rooms, near Boalevard and car line; also churches, schools, etc.. This property Is offered for less than tbt "est of the Improvements the lot goer In free. SEE US AND MAKE AN OFFER. If you are looking for VACANT lots in WALNUT HILL. ORCHARD HILL or out on Military avenue, SEE US If you pre fer a 'lot In west part f clt we can lot-ate you. Or do you like Hannoom Place better? We have the places. If these do not suit you there is KOUNTZE PLACE, beautiful for situation; or BEM1S PARK. u delightful locality. For Blr.e of lots, LOCALITIES and PURCHASE prices me CHALLENGE comtwtltlou PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. RE 151-2 THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, 1301 Douglas Street, Upstairs. WE OFFER FOR SALE ALL THE REAL' ESTATE RECENTLY PURCHASED from the omaha savings bank at about one-half what it cost the bank under foreclosure, or about one-sixth of the value at the time that the loans were made by the bank, in placing prices on these prop erties our one desire was to sell at once, and at prices that Would enable us to close out all our holdings avi thin a year, if you are seeking a home or an investment call upon us. see our catalogue and price list 12,600 for cottage on N 24th. with nearly i acres .of land, plenty ol grass and shade; splendid ,place lor diary or chicken larm. $3.oiK Two t-room cottages, with room lor another house, on S. 11th, between Arbor and Vinton sts S3,2i" Two-story ll-room house, all modern, corner lot, near 17th and Center sts. $3.000 Two-story house. 7 rooms, and a 6- room cottage on two lots near lKh and Center !-."!. S2.60(i f-rc-Mn modern cottape. with lot 60x7H on Duvenport. near 26th St. S2,6on (.-room modern house on rrancii st., near 33d st. three blocte from Hanscom park S2.200 7-room house on 34th bl, near Fran cis st., two blocks from Hansooro park. 12, .( 7-room house on N. 20th st., near Grace st tl,6iK o-room cottage and small cottage In rear on N. lhtn St.. near J'arker. 2.200 Fine 7-x oom house, all modern, with beautiful shade trees, on Burt St., near 30th st. SLCV 6-room cottage, with large barn and worksnop. well ehuoea lot ,on iTanklln St., iinar 2!uh Ft. tl.4i 6-room house on Patker rt near th st. Sl,7(" Attractive 7-room house, newly re paired una luantea, on 42a st., near cum lnp st ri.2oo 6-room cottape on corner on 43d St., near tsun st. SL7iki 7-rooro house, with corner lot,4 on 41st nr.. .neur Burt st. SI WO Attractive 6-room house, with well shaded lot on Ouk St., near 20th st. . RE 11 2 SPRING LAKE PARK ADDITION. Nothing like it rver laid out In Omaha or boulh umulia. Large lots, fine old forest trecB. Beautiful blue grass luwns. City, water, electric lights and gas. L.ow prices, easy terms. ED JOHNSTON & CO., SOUTH OMAHA. RE IBS 2 SOUTH OMAHA, appropriately termed the Magic City, the plaoe. lor lucrative Invest inertE. O'Neil's Real Estate Agency, the oldest estalillBhed agency In the city, has the following choice properties to offer. IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY. Three-story brick and basement, 60x60. ren tal $3,ow unr.uauy price w.ihi. Three-story and basement, .brick, 24x60, ren- ttl $l,2uo annually, pnee Slu.ouu. One-story frame business block, 120 feet fmnt. 'rental S2.6JO, nrltB Slk.OTO. Two-story frame, 2uXio, rental 11,000, price We huve some vtiri chulci unimnroved busl. ness property running in price Irom $26 to 100 ier lront foot. In resioenee projcrty we have n very com plete and desirable list from which to select. To those seeking u home we ale confident we can satisfy. For acreage propertj we are headcjuarlers and for a lew any we can oner tne 101 lnwlntr. r?in btindred ncreF highly imurovud .about lour mllei northwest of the city, at $70 per acre. One hundred and tlxty seres three miles southwest at Jtio per acre One hundred and thirty acres, three miles 1 Twenty acres unimproved, one and one-half i mm the cite limits, rrs tr ..nre south, at $(& per acre We have sevcra tmau tracts close in. rang- ing in price irom uw to iiav jier acre We are authorized to offer one hundred lots in Good Luck addition for Irom $60 to $76 each an easy jiaymtints. O'NEIL REAL ESTATE AGENCY. South Omuha. Neb. RE-3C3 A TEW business chances, good oountry store, stock $4,500. Omaha irrocery stocks. $4,500. tl.biHl. Wi; one dairy, tl,4c. one express, 7 teams, 11,150. stock general mer chandise H.WKi, to exchange for farm, one farm worth ID.ihki. 330 uares. for gen eral merchandise. Nolsou & Hoelck, tin Ramge Bldg RE 1122 SPRING LAKE PARK ADDITION South Omaha s Unpst residence addition, gjes on sale Tuesdav June 4 at 1 c rloek i. m.. at iow nrices and ea terms I ED JOHNSTON & CO. S'.TTH 1 'MAHA RE-1K7 - w ' Tr'R SALE One cf the )cst of ffms afl- , i Jolr.!np Hastings, Neb Cr ps 1tio:j s' k i ron svle Ki:a !t-'itn;. VACANT LOT BARGAIN Ob X mth ., choice rust front, adjoining Dr Whintery'f rM0em, If mM aaick.. piicr 4xlE ft., choice, uaar Vlb tod iflarak for tm. H ft aauUi front an Faman. nioe KfcaAe., pa itnr aU naM. Bargain, a fH ft.. Mat front, on Sttb, north f Alctoa, pood Hba4te. Price, SMu 4fJ south Iroal, SWi ar. mi Harney. Cheaj'TJ't., co4U mtn trrot. tsear Faraam st., on tHh VL It wit quick, price njSA. Far list of houaes lor rate see tVarl-Harold. GARVIN BHCig , 1C8 FARNAM ST. HE SM 2 R. C. PKTKKS k CO- 170 Faruaw St. ti. M. DWKLUXC HOUSES. Ne. (2 27? Douptar st.. earner lot. noutb front. -rowo iiou, WALKXNu DIS TANCE of town, price Reduced FROM to K.m-. be SUMS AND SEE THIS. No. W-Thli hou. is rented at Uh per month on long ktisc, s rooms, all modern Imprwemetrt . har(lriK4 finish. pood cellar, ptKa lara rueta avi itreeu la HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT, No 70f North trt of city. 2 block- from 24Ui ut ear. 7 rooms, with FURNACE. NTW POHCEIAIN BATH TUB. OAS. KVERYTHIN8 In pood REPAIR, ttm. Ufld and Howard sts.. 64-foot lot and TWO HOUSES-WANT AN OFFER. In Hatixcom Piace, nice s or fr-room house, paetl street, lor M.2T4. AN ELEGANT FARM-W acre. Si mlW M' WC'HTM Of HlXnwrii!L,I. KSOA COUNTY. NEBRASKA 3 aorts In cultivation. DO scte FINK HAY LAND I'j-rt'iry house, brick loundatlon. pood born, new graTiury, corn crib, 2 wells, Sacfe pasture. V wlrws. tvdar post Farm 1 GENTLY ROLLING. SOIL A RICH BLACK LOAM Price only S32.Be per acre .Hut bs OOOD and I'RO-fn-CTIVE a- OTHER LANDS IN EASTERN NEBRASKA lit tl to S IKir acre This 1 A BARGAIN. AN IMPROVED PROPERTY 11 FEET FROM THE BUSINESS CENTER OF SOITH OMAHA To EXCHANGE for l-nmm RESIIENCE PROPERTY near Hanscom pail, or In the West Farnam district VACANT LOTS. 17th and Manderson. one block frm cor, only S360: a big bargain. . 24th, north of Ames uvo., 2 lots for SMP each. 36th and Dodge rts.. full lot. S1.U00. R. C. rETERS k CO.. 1702 rarntim St. Tel. m. RE l!i6 2 GEORGE AND COMPANY. PROPERTY FOR INVESTMENT. We ar offerlnc a business block In South Omaha, leased to desirable tenants for IS.lrv per year and iylng over 12 pr cent net ufter s.1! expenses and taxes are de ducted This Is a rare opportunity lor someone to secure a pood Investment. Price, riM'JO. FARM LAND. H6 acres 34 miles southwest of South Omaha, all under cultivation and fine land, can be sold at low price. Call at office for further particulars. 40 arreF northwest of city, partly Improved Price., r2,500. MEDIUM-PRICED COTTAGES. 640 S 30th Ave.. 7-room cottape, modern cx f.i furnace, fronts on two streets, all special assessments paid In full, S2,CtHj. 2602 St. Mary's Ave.. 6-room house, city wa ter, sewer, pas, good repair, 12,000. 231 South 20th St., large lot. 6 rooms, city wtiter, gas, sewer, etc, S2,IKii. 2421 South 17th St., fine lot, I-room cottage, cltv water, gas and bam, Improvements In first-class condition, S1.S00. VACANT LOTS. SP76 for two 33-foot, very desirable building lots on 22d St.. block north ol High school; pavement, par, sewer, and all paia lor. jiiSft for full lot on Chlcapo St,, near 31st St. SKOo for fine lot, 66x158. 33d and Burt St. S360 for full lot on Tranklln St.. half block Military road ana v ainut iim car now S260 for lot on grade on 13th St.. near new boulevard; nu catn, oaiance rauumij jiu.- :350 for full lot, 2Pth and Sputildlng. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 1601 Tarnam St.. or 417 N. 2ith St., South Omaha. RE-176 2 SPRING LAKE FARK ADDITION South Omaha's finest residence addition, goes on sale Tuesduy, June 4. at 1 o clock ti m.. at low prices and eary terras. ED JOHNSTON & CO.. SOUTH OMAHA RE Ihu - EVERYBODY who Is anybody smokes the Prince of Omaha. RE M215 4 SPRING LAKE PARK ADDITION. Beautiful shnde trees and lawns. Graded streets, electric lights and gas. One block from paved utrcct and motor line Low prices and easy tcrinB. Sale commences Tuesday, June 4, at 1 o'clock, p. m. ED JOHNSTON 4: CO., SOUTH OMAHA. RE UK) 2 KOUNTZE PLACE has good schools and churches of all denominations. These are Important considcrctlons when selecting u home. FAY"NE-KNOX COMPANY, Sole Agents. RE-M966 2 BfTJTN-n LAKE PARK ADDITION. The linest addition ever laid out in South Omaha, goes on Mai Tuesday. June 4, at 1 0 clock p. m., av jiucub una EDrjOHNSTON 4: CO.. SOUTH OMAHA RE If 2 FOR SALE, on .monthly payments, .-room modern house on North nth St. car line; also vacant lots which will lie lmprovd lor purchaser on moderate payment oowu M.iriiai Loan and Building Asociutton. G. M. Nattingw. secrttary. Bee I Idg. rtii en RANCH AND FARM lands for nale by the l-ninn Vucifir Itallioad oomtinnj . B A. McAllastor, land commissioner. Uulan pacific I1eadg.uarters, Omaha. Neb KOUNTZE PLACE has good schools and churches of all flenomtnatiotiB. Tiiuni' are Important consideration! when selecting a heme. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Sul Agcuitt. RE mWiC 2 HOUSES and lots In all jmrts of city; also acre iiroptirt' and farm lands. The O. J'. Puvii. Co.. Room 582, flee Building RE-SJli C. F. HARRISON, N. Y. LIFE FARMS. RE- 10s- J cL" rOR SALE, cheap, lots 27 und Paulsen's Addition to Omaha, or will trade for Des Moines property Make un offor O P. Herruld, 49(i Good block, lies Moines, la RE 1176 J 27 FOR SALE, or exchange lor Columbus i Ohio i properly, two Jots in Thornburg i nd one Burlington I'luce additions to Omuha, aM free irom incumbrance Address J A Hartley M N High St (.'"lumbus RL-M'lS LOTS 2Hth ano 2Htb Fairmir! JIbtki cn u ir.a u terme A34- se T H 1' a; -Tier. 13i W est W liter vU, MllwauUc. W is RE ItlH ? ALE-RE. 11. IiTATK. V "MOLES COMTANT Lif( Te4 T28. no n v Would j ou BELIEVE that when we TELL VOT it is lh nenr to tnvFJrt ta OMAHA REAL ESTATE that we think we are tattac the truth If WOT tarn l:m vour EYK on Owaba crowm ano wr wao i w rwwsi CTr rar. if it It x rue 3 a M wirteh wai ft goea BAROA1N5. 3B Dodge st . we oarr the most attractive, txwt built hauer, with all t4km rim VHOleiicwi, oak finiah. ntrlile plumbing, twrpvlaln tth. ttne lot In tar very cholPBtn location, rntd Is every way Aealr ahta. ef any similar priced place In Omaha. We want j ou to srt thi proj erty Price I M.WP. with all sptielnl taxes iild. und It is below what you can duplicate it for. We also offer one of the finest of swell place in West Famara dlatrict. with i or a feet of ground, magnificent location largH. handsome, w'll-kpt proi"rtv. iiess of const rupttH. Hue bain and such a home as would cost much more than we can sell It for We can interest ou in this If you will but manifest a desire to look through It BARTON RESIDENCE We have had placed with us to sell the Barton residence in 21st and California st.. which for elegant construction, tine rcjialr and at a sacrifice price, beats any residence property ever offered In the city of Omaha Tills bouse Is flr.Mr' n black walnut, the walls are 14 lnuhe thick double back plkstered. wr u-n cf everythlnc stid the bett of sanltar.x plumbing. There is one or the finest trnrn liarns in the eaty. and the entire house and barn is heated with hot wa'er. the heating plant being located In the bani awaj from the house The rrounds walks, etc . are strictly up-to-date, and not oer dollar of repair Is needed on the projwrtj it Is being nold for ttie reason that the owner is rom plttUig a palatial bonM- in the West Far nam district and to one who deHlres a proiverty that has cost S-4 .on at alKn-t T per cent of It cot close to the High sihool Aid bout inside residence district csnnot afford to and should not mist this chance. We can ahow the properly any time. VACANT On West Farnam st. we offer 10.'xl7 feet in the best location at a price that Is below au thing on the street, not nearly so pood, and whlcJi will rurt you If you will but ask us to Khow it Another of the best barnaln in the Wst Furiiam district is the fiUS2 feet on 37th Jjm north of Farnam. st front, high, f'l'tlf und at a price which ought to nnd will bring about u sule very soon. We can eertHiii!- -.lteiest you and make it Interesting lor ,u if you will but lav be fore us your wants. RE 206 i UNIMPROVED AND IMPROVED 6 acres N 24th st., this Bide Miller park SNAP at T2.260 ll.m for 60x120 feet, south front, near Slst wid Chlcapo sts . asphalt pavlnp paid. J1.2O0 for 60x132 feet, west front, on Shrr. man uvc near Grace BARGAIN. ri,250 for 00rl32 fwt, east front, on 13th. near Dorcas, paving paid. a.WW for W feet, east lront, on 16th and Martha Fts very cheap. S2.2ti for 2316 California, six-room house, lot 64x142 feet, close In and cheap. 12.600 for 124x132 feet, northwest corner 36th uvt. and Jones S3.S0O for 122x66 feet, southwoFt corner of 2th and Chlcapo sts. ; three houses. S4.0OO for kf feet front; TRACKAGE, neur Sth and Douplas sts : BARGAIN. FARM LANDS NEAR OMAHA from S25 to SG6 per acre INVESTMENTS. S1.200 lor six-room house. 423P rwnklln. high und slghtlj, near car line. S1.600 for two cottages near IHth und Clark, lot 33x140, yearly rental, Sli'S. $2,600 for 1143 and 1146 N. 17th st . 60x140 feet: paving puid, yearly rental. J312 S3, boo for 437 S. 14th st., two large house. rental. $372 per year S3.000 lor two houses on northeust corner Cuming and 26th sts ; yearly rental. $360. S4.&00. northwest corner ll'th and Paul sts. . three houses; paving paid. ill.OW for a row of brick PulldlngF, ground 100x144; rental, S1.332 per year. JOHN N. FRENZER, Opp. Old P. O. RE 201 2 SPRING LAKE ADDITION. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION. EVERY LOT COVERED WITH BEAUTI FUL SHADE TREKS. LOVELY BLUEGRASS LAWNS. LARGE LOT'S, LOW TRICES. GOES ON SALE TUESDAY, JUNE 4, AT 1 U (JljUUiv f. M AGENTS ON THE GROUND TO SHOW THE PROPERTY. COME AND SEE IT. ED. JOHNSTON Ar CO.. SOUTH OMAHA. RE 1E2 2 CI IAS. E. WILLIAMSON. J. A. Painter, Salesman, 1203 Farnam St., U. S. National Bank Bldg. SPECIAL-Two Muple. t-room houses. 2Sth and RE 226 2 DREW'S HILL ADDITION This new addition. Drew'b Hilt, Is four blocks south of Armour r. packing house Ther e is u school house in the addition Electric lights, city water, low prices anu eat' imjinnim vur iiuuuieu juis vu select from Don't forpet the dat. sale oommence at 1 o clock p. m. on Thurs- day, June 6th. H. U. CHRISTIE, Sole Agent, 2420 N St, RE 1M 2 FRUIT and parden lurid; farms near i Omuha and eastern counties, farm in Butler, Clay. Adams, Boone counties North Kansu farms, crop paymen's Farm land that pays 16 per cent Ncls n i: Hoelek, SlI Rampe Bldg 2 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam Bt RL 016 KOUNTZE PLACE has pood schools and churcheF of all denominations. There cie Important considerations when neloctlnc u bomo. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, SMe Agents. RE MSr.7 2 ONLY one of the three house No. UK S S4th St.. remain unsold. This Is evidm'T 1 am offering burgatns. Alsc the people appret!tute the three essentials, nnmelv. locution, good workmarishl and material There will be lojr new houses costing irom $3,600 to S6.01K) each built this sum mer on BdJolnlnr lots which will Ui all vacant ground on the eust slue of S4th st. from Farnam to within 60 feet of podge st This settles the class ol hallo. Ing and insures the purchaser una vil enhance the value oi this proper' i u' luast $600 If you want to get In on Hit ground floor call at 1712 Farnam si KB MM 3 IF YOU would tie it jou must have a home in west I'ornam. i nave n ii n noes pot suit let me build from your own T iat, on one of those beautiful 34b st li ,s just north ol Farnam nt. HAMILTON, 1712 FARNAM ST RE-M9G0 3 AVHEATLAND Farm Colony, Wyoming, best of all. Investigate. Nt lson Ar Hoelek. OH Ramge Bldp RE-ino-: SEEHENRYB. PAYNE, N YU FE HOUSES, lots, forms, lands, loan; also lire Insurance Bemls, Paxuin Blk RE- IAS A SNAP A risnrh of 1.40 aeres all en cloned. H mill's of wire lunce. new w ind nilU. galvanicod iron tanks etc unliri.lthd water supply, located 6 tntitm from poo otuut seat town in south central Kan. only $2.60 per ucre' will double In value It the next two year, easy ptymtmu nt head of S-j ear-old steer now or the tract car bt purUiased If desired Sr.'mer tt "'base &4 Bet Bldg Te! 3442 RL-"-7 t FOR BAIX tm ear' pfc-Tiieri's to .k at f!T FrirkLin " a T.eut -.m rktltge iuf' g'ej trree c.Dts ' itma' sttbie good w.! fuw i' ' rm J Ii ShcrwopO, Br N T LIt X-M20C PBR 1 1.11 It K A 1, llT4Ti: SH1MER CHA?K B.oor c-ro(tfa muritra wttart near Hn'i iom park J -l(i-rooni modern house, near park "-room mndrn eotta. ier v. Locust. HioT,iUI. jm'-meiita WEST 1 ARNAM D1STRJO SJ Sk-T-ro-Bi ww pertaae and Vvr Sat.W" K-rcotti modem loue HOUSES ON MtjKTHI.Y PAYMrNTs ll.lw-NeBt 6-room cottaae, full tas! : lot, r.ear swh nd Crby; city cemented cellar fTW t rooto eottave. ITth and Burdet . pay is pr pent net on M. W0 6-rooBi coitajr 2Sth avr.. near C. n. g VACANT T7TK1 each lot Madtnon sjuare; tine 'm near car SHm to STiix each 10 fine lot on Mand "f -aid Siauldttiic street tnai th. sr roundyd by fin hoane .4-FH lot, Ji Nwki north of Mariw om pari; ILW Let Wfr Hut ave and Dodge, fat t.g Turner pari;. Mfi Tw lot WHh and Ohio SE.CI0 Uast front lot. 4mh and How-o See us for suburban acre and farnu Fire lnsuratioe Howes for rent SlUMEIt Ar CHASE. 604 BEE BLDG. TEL 144? R1-. l 2 MY place near Country Club groundi. Ben son, alao Collie pups Address K LV Jenstolpe, U. P. heaclQuariers. Cf RP.-22: 2 LtlMlltV. OMAHA P'ei.rr l.Hundn . shirts 7i Si . cuffs. 4i iTIiu Leaeawonh. i-o'.jar Tel W -II:. c ini'icM i:u- ami ,ioiiiii:v. ALL kinds of carpi work and re;a rl' g prompt'v at'enfled to J T Ochiltree 2"th and Lske i?ts ABVltnTIHMi l'A. ADVS TANS Bikuj P:g Co oninfro, -N4 J2 ISXPIim Att'OlMtW. LESSONS in bookkeeping en day or t r lug. It. 16 Com Nat lii.t 1; o; R Rs'.h'-rn n23 ltO I LICH M AKKHV. OMAHA Boiler Works steam boilers tanks, stacks etc. Tel. 1351 12th and lf.rS i- 326 ACCOimioN pi.i:4tig. APCORI'lON p.eutinc cheapest bext quickest Mr A C Mat!;, S E Cor 1'th and rarnam 22u KlttlEA DOORS. Windows, etc G C Co 1611' Leuv Te' 2..2D. 136 JeJ PIWMIHOK K1IS. EAGLE Loan Oftlce rellal.K. iiceomnodat lnr. u-11 business confidential. 1301 Dougia. rriiMTiiii: nni'AiuiAG. TEL. 1331. M S. Wulklin. 2111 Cuming nSt TAILORln. 26 PER ENT saved high class tailoring, latest designs Stephen J Broderlck. 1CT Farnam St. M626 J23 UPHOLSTERING. GLOBE COUCH CO.. 161!) Leu ih Tel 2TC3. STAMMERING AMI STITTIIIIING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Jlamge Sldg. TALKING MACHINES. Omaha and Lincoln, Neb are the Te.Klnc fjff'rrrm 9 Machine heudquortdrs 0srwwwrMw Jor tl,e enure west. carrying tne most con jilete line of lutest ruc- ords hen you fall elsewhere, call, or send your mail orders to us. AUTOMOBILES. Pioneer and Prime f'Cv? Promoters of Uie Hor.r- lUitK&fSTL- lvH Vehicle lndas--y inr itio ,'Ti tit,. n Don t fall to visit i-ur f,nlf, ,,Tnr,orlittT,i. at Omaha or Lincoln See our most wonder fuj machines lc operation Ladles particu--,r' J' T"'2J lc tearr how timple the art cf CHAUFFEUR really 1e. Omaha phune Lincoln phone 1S2 COINT1 ornciAi. NOTICES. ATTENTION. TAXPAYERS' The Boatd of County ConimlsBlonrrs oi Douglas coun'y. Nebraska, will sit as a board of eaualizatlon lor the purpose cf equallsiiip the assessment of Douplus county for the yeur moi in the commissi rj. er's chamber at the court house Omahu, liepmriltig Tuesday. June 11, 1001 at 10 o'clock a m.. und continuing fivm day to day up to and including June 27, l!l H5 days, not Including Sunduysi AH persons owning real or persona property suoject to taxation should call and examine their as sessment, that any errors as to valuation may be adjusted by said board, as the luw provides. By order of the Board of County Com mlssitners. Omaha, May 2T, looi. D M HAVKRLY. County Clerk. By C. L. HARRIS, Deputy. May27 flilt Direct Itontr to GIbkkcmv Exhibition ANCHOR LINE (teaniKliipk ir.iui New lurk Ateeklj- for & LA SCOW 1A LONDONDERRY. 5aioon, jjo and vn Second Cabin, $32.60 and Un Tlliro I lUhh S.ti una Upwards 1 yct l'lustru'cj foUet and further !iif'.irtna- ti0Ii UJ)Ilij t0 HENDERSON BItOTHERS. . Chi -ago, or j g. McNALLY. 1323 F GEO. H ABBOTT. 1224 I arnam ki . Farnam St Omaha, Recorl! Voyiipe o Dt. 7 Houn. 22 Mlnutei. fatlblOMo LH tliHODL vib QUEENSTOWN Commonwelth, lln Screw, 12.000 Tom Jun D Kt E.nplnd, ' 11,600 " June 1B PORTLAND to LIl'ErlPOOL via OUEEN5T0WH Vancouver June 22 Oomininn . . Jul) C CBmhroman June E Vancouver June 22 Tm furtlitrlnlorniatlon.Bdllmi Comptny' Ullio-t, l liturborc St.. Chlurt. Ilia. D E Chew Your Food thoroughly wvh good teeth. t e make good teeth. Full Set of Teeth 16.00 Gold Crown $6 00 Best Set . $- 60 Bri2ge Tor-th $5 00 Bailey the Dentist Third l"limr I'miiMi Illocl- 1 Ht NE ii ig a m m s NfJT jg THE CONTROL Itepni't Denied tlint llllunl CenttiU Will Aroalre Mlssonrl, Kika A lriiv Bond. CHICAGO June 1 AHid today ronrrrn tug the report that the Illinois Cent:w would take control of tbt Missouri Kant a 4- Texas ro4 Vice President and Gene tl Manager Hsrsbas said 1 returned ,t't mgb! fron. v-w Tori; but 1 have heard t.-' 'H ruri'sed sviovr on tin part -le " : oi ' n'" I' ' rr ruf I -i' w.'.d be 1 ut - ' knew ' J U ui'e .. M3' tiire it fiftunc m tit; Kory M i