22 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1001. SPECIAL NOTICES AdTert Uemenla for these column w 111 lie tnLcti until Vi m. (or the Yentnsr edition nnil until 8:30 p. ui. for morning anil Mil nil a r edition. Rates, I l-Vlc it nord first lnaertlnn( lo a word llierrnfter. Nothing lakrn (or lens t li it ti Ur,c for the II rut Inser tion. Theiic nd rrtlPinenl must be run ciniipciitl velr. Ail vrrt larra, by rrqtieatlnjr, nam tiered olirek, run lnive aninrn il riri'inPil to n niimlirred letter In rare of The lire. ,nivrra no addressed trill be dellti'red oi preaeu tutloa at tae keoli onljr. WANTED S1TLATION. WANTED, position by n thorough and competent tinner. Address Oil Plaits mouth. A-.MttH WANTRD A position ns manager of gro cery department In general Btoro by young married man; 10 years' experience In re lull business and ono yenr In wholesale. Best of references. Address, T V), lino. A I5i 2 WANTED-MAI.E 11121,1'. WANTIID-Wo havo stendy work for n few good hustlers of Rood habits nnd uppear anco. C. F. Adams Co,, 1003 Howard St. 11-818 BARBER trndo taught thoroughly In short tlmo; cutnloguu and particulars free. Western Harbors' Institute, Omuha, Nub, B-SI9 "WANTED, man with horse and light spring wagon. 1617 Howard St. B-M4S2 HUSTLING and oncrgotla men, don't bo Idle; wrlto tho Hawks Nursery Co.. Mil waukee Win., for special terms and ter ritory. B-.M540 Je2l' WANTKD, salesmen, also advertisers; straight cash salary. Triumph, Dallas, Texas. B-M710 2' YOU CANNOT ALWAYS TELL. A. smoker cannot always tell by hearsay what a cigar really is. Someono might toll you that such and such a cigar is a good rue. Tltut Is a matter of taste, Hut to really find u cigar that has tho quality and i suited to your tusto is quite uu uuu in biiiivu hi yuiu itiaiu 10 urn; 1441- rother thing. Wo are In tho cigar bust- ncss und can please you. If you want a rich, cool smoke 'these hot days, snioko tho Prlnco of Omaha. Its ennui Is not to bo found In a Gc elzur. Manufactured by tho W. F Stocckcr Cigar Co. For snlo by all llrsl-riass dealers. Savo the bands of tho Stoecker Clear Co. U-737 J2 Ivan ANTED, a first-class mason foreman, cr.o wno understands Handling iierricKH and machinery; work in tho vicinity of Omaha. Dohcrty Construction Co. U-M9H 5 WANTED, stonecutters. Wrlto Abercrom blo Stone Co., St. Joseph, Mo. U-M0I3 2 HIE EqultnbloI.tfo of Now York will maku dcslrablo contracts with one or more business gutters in Colorado and Wyoming. A good ronuwal contract is offered to tho right man. References as to Integrity and ability to accompany applications. C. A. Steyn, Manager, Denver, Colo. IJ-.MOjSG WANTED, salesman with experience, traveling out of Omaha, making Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri, to handlo llnu of fuathcr pillows and cushions; reference required. United Stutcs Feather Co., Chi cugo, 111. H-M'JU S WANTED, salesmen everywhere; salary or commission; permanent. Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. B CIVIL servlco government positions. About 9,300 appointments wcro mudo last year. Probably 10,000 tills year. Those standing highest at tho examinations soon to bo hold will secure tbeso positions. Cata logue of Information free. Columbian Correspondenco College, Washington, D. C. IJ- EARN a. better snlary nnd position; study electrltclty, mechanical engineering, me chanical drawing at homo, by correspond enco; thousands successful; Thomas A. Edison Indorses institute; book, "Can I Become un Electrlcnl Engineer'.'" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Institute, Now York. 11 WANTED Oood business man In each principal city, to conduct cash business. Guaranteed by local banks, nig returns. Honorable nnd legitimate. Must furnish tood references and $CO0 cash. Address, .. R. II., I'. O. Box 715, Cincinnati. O. H PERMANENT position for tho right man to represent old established company hav ing $200,000 capital; $1S.00 per week and ex penses to begin, payable weekly direct from our olilco; no deception; absolutely straight salary, not conditional on cue cess; clinnco for promotion and Increnso pf salary. Statu nge. reference nnd bus Iness experience. Address Universal Mfg, Co., box 733 Philadelphia, Pi. n GOVERNMENT positions, whoro they nre, how obtained, salaries paid; particulars freo; write for circular. 151, Natlonnl Cor respondenco Institute, Washington. D. C, D UAVK a business of your own, Wo start you and furnish capital, If references nro satisfactory. Largo profits; send for par ticulars. Modern Remedy Co., 222 Tremont St., Kcwance, 111. B 173 2' WANTKD, man, upright character, to manage business of old established liouso; tmlary $1S per week and expenses, payable each week direct from headquarters, ex pense money advanced; position perma nent; reference. Stnndnrd House, 351 Pax ton building, Chtcugo. H M127 3 SHOE MAN WANTED. SHOE MAN WANTED. Largo manufacturing house wnnts travel ing man of cxnerlcnrn In ncll wl.lni.- mi. vertlsed lino of boots nnd shoes on com mission; good territory. Address, with iciuiuui'i'a, i-i ox UOHIOII, .MUSS, B-130 2' DALESMEN. A firm with lnne.PHtiilillsl,i,l trado with physicians, will receivo nppli- L-uiiuiin uu vuuiiiiuy in meir corps oi trav. ellng men. also one for outsldn ,'ltv Tr. manency. Address, P, O. Box MS, Phlla- UtUJflllU. Is uur lifiji niiitieu; io H-i.UU a month to good men taking orders for aruy nursery biock. iruit nnd orna mentals. Position pormanent. Applv quick, with references, stating ngo nnil imitiury wunieu, li. Ij, may tit Lo., Ht, x uui, .Tliuu, IJ 123 2 WANT1.D, traveling salesman to tho wholesale and retail trado only; salary Jl.'.w und expenses. Tho Natlonnl, :H i.aUMl uiuiiiing, uiueago, u M12S 3' CIGAR salesmen wnnted ovorywhern; ox porlenco unnecessary; $25 weekly. Eman- uui v.u., mx r.asi iwiu at., rvcw York. H-Wl-2' fVANTt,u, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, ate; iu . .iiituB.iiiiK; Koou pay. aun Aiivertu Inff Bureau, Chicago. B 15S 2' BALESMEN-To specialty salesmen, enpa bio of successfully hnndllng largo jiroposi iioiin, wu win ii.iy salary of J..00 per iiiujitii, itvni nuiitim nuu on uio marKot: no Avnerlniont! nuleU extraordinary Inducements to nit kinds of irauo; wi itru I'ataoiisued nnil thoroughly responsible; reference. Address T30. Bee. B-0S6 2' WANTED, performers for a medical show good amateurs write: season's work! ituanvi iiv ui,.u -tivuiuiuu UO., lllluCai IMCU. II 0S5 2' WANTED, men with rigs to Introduco nnultrv coninound: S13 wepklv n,.,i ponses, iiaynblo weekly; yearly employ- moill. up il, nufui wu-uii, .Mtg, Co, inuiannpous, inn, li ysi 2' WANTED, persons with talent for d Ing: send sketches for freo criticism by mult; moil mun lur iti-v vuuiuar lesson. School of Curlcature, World bldg., New York. ii-ysa 2' WANTED, salesmen by mnnufneturer o food nroducts: offer good oiinortunltv give fully your experience. Box S17. Cht cngo, ill. 1J-.M3S2 3' DENTIST wnnted to olilco with a doctor, Inquire nt ku nee uiug,, umiina, n-os: 2 WANTED, three good nonunion line men top wnges; permanent position: only good men wanieu, pniy louay launuuy; 1 S;30 p. ni., room 603 Knrbuch'bldg. 11-230 2' TIIAVELER wanted for special lino o hlBh-Brado grocers' sundries, Los An gcles Cider Co,, St. Louis, .Mo. B-M230 3' NO RITEINO of the tonguo or bad effect after smoKing tno t-riuce oi umunn B M-17 I GOOD, live hustlers In sell Hall's Maple Compound to uaroers, t-iectric i-nwnei Munufucturlnt; Company, Council Bluffs WANTliD-MALE HELP. SUMMER SCHOOL OK 1001. at BOYLES' commercial and SHOHT1IAND COLLEOE, lice Building, Omaha. nusiNESscouasE. This courso qualities young people to I positions us bookkeepers, cashiers bill clerks, etc., and furnishes a fund of prac tical business knowledge exceedingly valu able In every sphere of life. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. These vnluable arts can be acquired In a few months under competent teachers. Students will get a good knowledge of stenography and typewriting during the summer months, nnd tho demand for steno graphers Is always great In the fall and winter. SPECIAL INSTRUCTION, Students who by reason of sickness or for other causos need to make up lost time and require special help will llnd exactly tho assistance desired, PENMANSHIP. , Those who are anxious to Improvo their handwriting will llnd a competent teacher, under whoso direction good Improvement can be made. HOURs'nV STUDY. , A. The school hours for those who tnkf the Commercial or Shorthand course, will be 9 n. m. to 3 p. m., with one hour Intermis sion at noon. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTIO N. Aside from the classes much Individual attention will bo given each pupil who needs It. TOUCH TYPEWRITING. This school has been teaching touch type writing successfully since Its llrst Intro duction nnd turns out the fastest operators In this purt of tho country. ROOMS COOL AND AIRY. Tho college is located in Tho lieu build ing and tho rooms are unsurpassed for light, pure air and nil conveniences. Full Information mailed freo and In quiries promptly and carefully answered. Students are being admitted dally. WANTED, salesmen everywhere: salary cr commission; permanent. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. B-USO 2 MAI.KSMm WANTED. . . . SALES.MEN for pen carbon copying books and o her quick selling olilco specialties; lino sldo lines; cataloguo tree; earn ?:'o weekly. Model Mfg. Co., Box B. South Bend, Ind. -M13S Jell WANTED. Industrious men nnd women In every town to worn ror us ni tncir nomes; no cnnvnsHing; wu win senu worit tiny dlstunce; wo have several lines of work to glvo out. some of which requires no experience; if you can t devoto tho whole day to our work, you enn earn $3 or Jfl u. week by working an hour or two even ings. Address Standard Mfg. Co,, H2 W. 23d St., New York. TRAVELING salesman wanted for estab lished house. No technical kuowl3do necessary, but simply all-around hustler of good appearance and uddress. Flrat class lino; special contract. Entire time required. References. Box 231, Detroit, Mich. 121-2' SALESMAN Traveler wanted at once. Must bo good solicitor nnd show clean record. First-class staple line. High com mission contract. No side line. Bond le qulrcd. E. L. Rice, 33 Congress St.. De troit, Mich. 123-2' ONLY high clnss specialty salesmen who nro wining to earn lu per wcoic need ap ply. Handsome Hue. Fine case. Easy seller. References required. Wllson-Lantz-Close Co., Iowa City, la. 122 n SALESMAN WANTED Calling on country anu city irauo, to sen specini line or eus poudcrs: $30 mouth and liberal commis sion. Splendid side line. Address with reference, W. G. Simmons & Co., 3.1'J W. Second St., Cincinnati, O. 121-2' EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen of good nppearance nnd address; must bu ablo to show lirst-clnss record and give bond; no side lino. Address Box COS. St. Louis, Mo. ICO 2' WANTED, a high-class specialty man: sal ary or commission or Doth to tne right man; goou proposition. Auurcss i ;rj. isee, -12H 2' WANTED, snlesman traveling In Nebraska, locauy, ror nign grnuo lino advertising calendars, hnngers, blotters, etc. IC 31, euro Lord & Thomas, Chicago. HI 2 SALESMEN Responsible manufacturer and wnoiesnier win employ two grocery salesmen tor tnis stato; permanent tern tnryj good salary to right men. Address T 31, Bee. 123 2' CITY salesman wanted: acquainted with local wholesale grocery nnd confectionery irnuo. to sen grocers- nnu confectioners' chocolates on commission. Address, with references. Ambrosia Chocolate Co.. Mil waukee, Wis. 23(5 2 WANTED, good salesmen only; fresh lino ot caienuurs, etc.; goou sellers; nig com missions; got samples; state territory; no kids wanted, kawton Ward Co., Station u, unicugo. uoi WANTED FB.M A I.E HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodgo. Tel. 876. C-S30 WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator: must have had good experience. Apply ruuin u, lieu uuuuiiig. u tuj RELIABLE help. Canadian oflice, 1522 Doug. f sat WANTED, girl for general housework. 1030 ueorgia Ave. c 194 WANTED A saleslady with experience: German preferred. Must give reference. Stnto wugeH wanted. Address, Box 359, jviuiuii, ,uu, v yji - GIRL for general housework. 2339 Call' C-9tiS 4 fornla. LADIES wanted to manage n business nt meir nomes; pays u to $50 n week: small Investment, no risk: snmnle nm particulars free. Tho Hagcr Co., South jienu, inu. c, LADIES wanted to sell my famous reme dies anu complexion neaiumer; loo to ZOO per ceni prom guarunicea. Agent s sam ple outfit sunt tor Inspection. Mrs. Dr. J, Li. Smith. Soutli Bend, Ind. C- LADIES, unusual opportunity for a few moro luuics to nuiKO money; nomo worK; no canvassing , w io iuu a mnuiu witn nut interfering with your dnllv duties. Write at once. G. R. Co., 223 Kinzlo St., wnicago, u ii. -i- LADIES as managers on salary, $25.10 monthly nna commission, nnsniutely no canvassing, new toilet specialties; goods, samples and expenses turnlshcd In ad vance, no money needed. J. E, Shepard, 290 Broadway, Now York. C 131 2' WANTED, ladles to tnko orders for tho wortn" sKeicton waist tor cnuuren: sea. son just opening; sells on sight; snlary paid; no delivering of orders. Mrs. T. J. Ward, 1032 south imii St., omuha, Ncli. C-142 2 BRIGHT Indy to trnvol for old-established house: so u nanciai stonu ng. saiirv. $7S0 and expenses. Manager, 313 Cnxton Building, unicago, in. u lta 2' WANTED, experienced lady dry goods clerk who speaks uanisn and Swedish nucntlv: must do nbio to command cnun try trade and No. 1 clork: write, stntlng wages nnu experience, uuinpcn iiros Fremont. Neb. C-143 2 IjADIES wnnted to do plain needlework for us nt homo; wo rurnisn materials anu pay $7 to $10 per week. Enclose, self-addressed envelope to manoaru v;o., inuinun ave. Chicago. f-wi i' WANTED, men nnd women to conv letters $3 to $Ci weekly, working evenings; work mailed on application; enclose stump, to ledo Novelty Supply Co., Toledo, Ohio. C-9S9 2' MEN nnd women everywhere who wrlto a Ma n hnnd to cony letters tor us at home stendv work tho year round: by working an hour or so evenings will net you $3 or !G iier week: wrlto for full particulars enabling you to start to work; enclose stamp. Union Advertising Co.. Toledo Ohio. C 990 2 WANTED, lndy to travel nnd collect In Nebraska for manufacturing firm: salarv $63 monthly to begin; Bend references and addressed envelope at once. Address Treasurer, iuj star uidg., chlcugo. C-OSS 2 WANTED, second girl. 424 8. 20th st C-215 2 WANTED, experienced salesladies. Apply $S.30 to 10 a. m. Monday, Boston Store. J, u. jirnnaeis it rons, c 21'J i LADIES of Intelligence to Introduce hlch class medical preparation; $1.00 prollt each salo. C, Furman Smith, manufacturing cucimsi, i.iiico.-o. m.u i WANTED-FEMALE 1IHI.P. ACTIVE lady to work nt home, $33 In cash paid for 18 days' trial! promotion and per manent position If satisfactory; enclose self-addressed envelope. Address llo't nlng Engwall, Lakeside bldg., Chltago, C-'ji? 2 roil HE.vr houses. IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Benawa & Co. D Sil TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage Co., olticc lUilSi Farnnm, or tel. 1539-M!. D-853 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. llrenuan-Lovc Co., 320 South 13th street. D-SSI 8-R. MOD., 2373 Dodge, paved st. for $26.50. 8-r., city water, cheap at $11.00. A. F. CONNETT, 3W N. Y. LIFE. D-210 2' HOUSES, stores. licmls, Paxton block. D-853 SEE HENRY U. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE. D-850 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1321 Douglas. D-S57 HOUSES nnd Hats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D-8SS HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D-859 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnnm St. d m FOR RENT, 2124 Sherman ave., 10-r mod ern, jjj uyron need i.o,, .'is ho, nth. D-SSt MODERN 7-room, near park. 1509 So. D- 2Sth. -100 2000 MASON ST., 0-room modern residence, in inu ueai iiun ut uanscom pam dis trict; house in very good condition; will mnko any repairs if necessary; rent $33 to a good tenant; with references. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 10th and Douglas Sts. D-MS10 2 2222 IZARD ST.. E-room modern lint, $12. ine uyrun need i.u ii. so. mil til. D-SC2 TO LET, elcgnnt large 13-room homo; large lawn nnu mini, j,j per montn. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-M293 ROOM house, bath nnd closet, Si'th and Charles, Monroe & Co., 811 N. ICth St. D-M53I 2739 8. 13TH ST., 7-room house, city water in Kitcnen; large nam nnu almost two acres of ground for garden; rent, $14. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ICth und Douglas Sts. D-MS23 COTTAGE on Omaha Bench, Lake OkoboJI, xor rem, iupiuin oiuugnier, .riiiy iieau quarters. D M643 JoH OR RENT, June 1, 8-room brick hotise, all modern. 316 N. 23d St. D-342 1411 S. 13TH ST., 3-room cottage; frcshlv papered; will rent to n good tenunt with references for $0.00 a month. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ICth and Douglas Sts. D-MS22 1001 S. 20TII AVE., C-room modorn cottago with barn; good condition; rent. $25. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ICth and Douglas Sts. D-M809 FOR RENT, 2215 Farnnm, 11-r. nil modern largo yard, goou Darn; W. uyron need Co.. 212 S. 11th. D-M824 2311 K ST.. South Omaha, C-room cottago In good repair; rent, ji.'.oo. OMAHA LOAN Ac TRUST CO., ICth and Douglas Sts. D-M821 CENTRAL, nil modern, seven-room house; nve-room nat; lour-room tint. Tizaro. ir.ii North 24th D 781 J2 MODERN 7-.-oom flat, 24th and Farnam, D-M339 $25. II. B. Graham. NEW, dainty cottage, 9 rooms, 29th Ave. nnu uoiigo; renuy June l. atriciiy up-io-dute. Call 2906 Dodgo St. D-MC59 3221 CUMING St., 8-room modern rcsldenco; rent only $20; this houso Is extra value xor tho money. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ICth and Douglas Sts, D-MS20 11-ROOM modern houso, 2413 Capitol nve- nue. Tno u. ir. uavis CO., ta uce mag. D-802 FOR RENT 8-room house, modorn except gas; nam awo uaiiiornia. inquire ituiua trial Iron Works. Tel 1419. D-807 FOR RENT U74 Cass St.; very deslrablo moaern cottago, largo yard, goou oarn, $17.60. 4170 Chicago St., 10-room modern, freshly painted ana naperea, largo yaro, goou bnm, gas, $22.60. Patterson & Y'ctter, 423 Taxton Block. D-932- S128 CASS, 9 rooms, modern, and barn. 2222 w. lstn st.. b-room cottage; large yarn; $15.00. 1556 N. 20th, 4 rooms, $10.00. Others. Rlngwult, Barker blk. D-M954 FURNISHED house, 809 Park av. Clement unase, -ni h. iotn. u mm i FOR RENT, elegant ltf-room house, all modern; just repnpered and new liniinmng Eut in; good barn. 1824 Wirt St. Brennntt ovo Co., 309 S. 13th st. D-M93S 7 FOR RENT, modern residence, 8 rooms. ,'r.i rv. .uui st. itrennan-L,ove uo., uiu s, 13th st. D-M939 7 FOR RENT, desirable furnished cottage, modern, location excellent, r 6o. nee. D-909 3 FIVE unfurnished rooms; all modern. 2711 in or in -inu si. uvu 1718 Jackson, 3 rms., city water, $9. 23tt S. 18th, 4 rms., city wnter inside, $9. 2820 Dodge, choice 7-room MODERN houso, $27.50. 1949 S. 15th, 8 rms,, MODERN, $23. 21st and Burdotto sts,, 4-room Hat, $3. 3020 N. ICth St., 4-room flat, $8. 1620 N. 27th, 6-room cottage, city water. $12. ELEGANT APARTMENT In tho ALBION. 10th and Pnclllc. EVERYTHING STRICTLY MODERN; rent reasonable. Also BEAUTIFUL 6-room APARTMENT In tho WINONA: rent reasonable. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG, D 111 2 10-ROOM modern house. 2221 Burt st. In-D-991 2' qutro 717 No. 23d. FOR RENT, for tho summer, lo small fam ily, tuny rurntsneii nouso; choice loca tion, oppostto High school. Address T 39, Bee. D-M993 4' 8-ROOM furnished cottage, July and Au gust; ueorgia ave. near Park, t if. care Bee. D-992 2' FOR RENT. Btrlctly modern fiat, Davldgo bldg.. omioslte cltv hall. 8-room modern liouso, 3006 Mason St., near park, nlco lawn nnd shndo. OHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. D-147 11 HENRY B. PAYNE'S BARGAINS. 3034 S. 18th St., 3-r., city water. Only $8. liiojv. ntii St., 3-r., city water, only 3. 1520 Cnnton St., neat 4-r. cottage. $7, 2S12 Mason St., 4-r 2d floor. $10. 1119 Georgia av., B-r.. city water, $10. tiiii h. ?Gth av., cnoico 7-r. modorn cottage, close In. Only $25. 1839 N. 24th st.. choice 6-r. Hat. $14. 2518 G St.. South Omaha. 6-r.. bat. ens. SIS. uth n,. .ijiii st., b-r., nil modern, cioso in., t7 r.i ' 1210 N. 21th st., 9-r modern. Only $25. iw h. -dm st., i2-r., an modern, and only $23. Fine repair. B23 8. 25th av.. cliolco 10-r. houso, close In, lino repnlr. $30. Havo others on my list. 8eo me for safe Fire Insurance. Snaps In Real Estate. Low Rates on Loans, HENRY B. PAYNE, C01-2 N. Y. LIFE. D 202 2 3319 DEWEY AV 5 rooms. $10. 2601 N. 20th, 5 rooms. $8. 2114 Burdette, 5 rooms. $11. 2040 Dodge, 8 rooms, modern. $22. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. D-234 2 MODERN cottage, 6 rooms, 31st st. $20. 1031 8. D-246 2 7-ROOM furnished house for tho summer to parties without small children. 2007 Mason st. D X7 I' FOR RENT, 1910 Blnnoy, 10 rooms, modern, nice location in Kountzo Place. $35. 4413 N. 31st av., 8 rooms, city water. $12.50. Building In downtown district, 18 rooms. Sen us for particulars, 703 S. 16th, lint, 6 rooms, bath, gas, range, hot and cold water. $22.50. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FARNAM ST. D-1S4 2 1133 NO. 18th. 8 rooms, city water, sewer. gas, bum, Just vacated, $22. J. II, Sher wood, 037 N. V, Ltlle. UMl 2 9-ROOM modern house. S43 8. 19th. T II Fell, 100 Merchants, wa'i bank bing. U ISO 2 FOR HE.NT IIOt'SKS. 8-ROOM modern flat, $27.60. 251 Douglas. D-M23F&' I'll II IlK.Vr FL'KMSIIEO ROOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th nnd Farnnm. E S63 THE THURSTON, 13th and Jackson; steam. E 864 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $6 up. 2623 St. Mary's. E 832 JclS PLEASANT south room, furnished, cent rally located. 2108 Douglas St. E9J9 , PLEASANTLY located room for young lady, with or without board; private family. Co5 S. ISth. E-221-3 TWO well furnished rooms: everything modern; telephone, etc. 116 8. 23th st. E-M906 2 ONE nice large room, good location; houso modern; S. nnd E, exposure; gentlemen only. 1O0S So. 22d. Mrs. Copson. E-990 2' t oil RENT, four furnished rooms for housekeeping; bath, gas; on South Omnh.i cur line. 15o7 No. 17th st. E-993 2' FURNISHED front room, with alcove, modern. 632 S, 21th av. E Hi 2 ROOM for gentleman; references cx changed; call Monday. 2221 Farnnm. E-223 2' CLEAN, cool, large modern rooms, slnglo or double. 2201 Douglas st. E 221 2 FOR RENT, two or three nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; Just tho place for a couple without children; terms lensonablc. T 42, Bee. E 203 2' I't'llMNlir.l) HOO.M3 AM) HOARD. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-865 GLENCAlRN,trunsionts,$1.23 day. 1609 Doug. F SCO THE Merrlam, summer resort. 23 & Dodge. F-SG7 NICE south room. The Pratt, 212 S.23th St. F-S15 NICE rooms with board. 411 N. 25th St. F-22S LARGE south front room, with board. SOU N. 18th st. F-M945 2' TWO largo front rooms, with board. 1909 Capitol uvc. F-M9I7 FURNISHED south back parlor with board. 2015 Douglas. F-952 2 ROOMS-Good board. 203 S. !Ith St. F-07S-2 501 SOUTH 2Sth Btrcot. with board, two rooms furnished; single or cnsultc. Ill S. 17TH, best rooms and board. F-212 : NICELY furnished rooms, with board. 1810 Chicago. F-M2I7 FOR RENT UNFUItMHHF.D HOOMS. DESK room space, $3 per month, ground floor room In The Boo building, facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Junltor sorylce. R. C. Peters & Co,, Rental Agents, Bco building. G 110 UNFURNISHED chambers for man nnd wife. 319 North 17th St G 814 THREE unfurnished rooms for light house keeping, modern, within walking distance, good neighborhood; references required. 2308 Capitol nve. G M783 2' ! UNFURNISHED basement rooms in a cottago for housekeeping; no children. 1120 N. 17th. G-972 FOR RENT, parlor floor, threo rooms, un furnished, housekeeping; modern. 2003 Burt. G 997 2' ONE largo unfurnished room, suitable for two, also large cast room, furnished, modern house, fine location, walking dis tance, on car line. T 41, Bee. G 179 2' STYLISH, elegant suit uncalled for. at greatly reduced price. Uroderlck's shop, 1617 Farnam st. Q-237 2' FOR RBNT-STOHES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, storo in first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground iloor, Ueo Uldg. 1266 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pled by The nee at 916 Fnrnam St. It has rour stones anu a nascmcm wnicn was formerly used as tho Bee press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested npply at onco to C. C. Rose water, secretory, room 100, Bco building, 1-261 FOR RENT, storo room 1614 Chicago 8U nnd 4-room Hat with hath and modern conveniences auovo. Inquire 1610 Chi cngo St. O. C. Campbell, Agent Clowry isiiiidings. i- Strictlv modern otflce hulldlnc. U. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 3 offices lenses just expired, also ofTtco spneo ground floor; vault, telephone, etc. Inquire 1203 Farnam st. 1-2 FOR RENT, ono of tho best locations in Geneva, for butcher shop or any other misincss. Address uox 7, ucneva, inch. I-M252 5' AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions for THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER nnd tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 imperial octavo pages, suo ODject-teacn-Ing engravings and is the only book on liva stock ever published adapted to the every-day, practical, money-saving use of every fnrmcr nnd stock owner. Stendy employment witn assured gooa income. AgentB In tho country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers ninke ensllv ICO to 1100 ner month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau, lleo uuiiuing, umano. j is; AGENTS mnko $6 dally soiling tho ohenpest ana most pericci water niter ever in vented; retnlls at $1.60; big profit; ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co., 8en- oca, Mo. J MSis Jon WANTED Several capablo men In each stnto to travel and appoint agents; salary $100 per month and expenses, together with commission on snles mudo by agents on- pointed; position permanent to right party; no experience necessary, uui un nuestloned references as to high charac ter must be furnished. Address, Jobber, 943-356 Dearborn at., cnicago. j-jisa u LADY agents, your opportunity; Hygela Htralgtu iront nnu Military uorseis nre money mokcrs Every woman wnnts one. For terms apply Department D, Western r . rr. .J t m.ii. -wn t LUIBCl u, av. ...nun, u , ,- 1150 MONTHLY Belling our housekeepers' favorites; sample uy man rrce. Amoncan Machine uo., ivninmazoo, .Mien. j- GENERAL, county and state agents wanted ror ji.uw acciueni policy at i n year; liberal commissions: stock company, no assessments. A. B. Cllley, 34 School St.; uosion, .mush. j GENERAL agent for patent Improved self. nenting Had iron. Haiarv or commission Saves fuel, time, labor. Wanted In every home. Big pronts, Pease Mfg. Co., Box oo, Cincinnati, u. j- ,12 DAILY mafle by agents claim file, to merchant and selling our physicians. Bayers & Co,, D. 12, (08 Olive at., at. Louis, Mo, J MAN cleared $1,182, lady $920 Inst six months introducing Holladay s mnrvel waterproof shoo pousn, nou-siuning, russet or uiiick why not you? Demonstrated samples free uouauay c uo., iioom j im aionrue ni, Chicago, soio manufacturers. j ivu . SALESMEN to handle our line of printed wrapping paper, best and most attractive line in the country, excellent side Una for salesmen calling on general merchants: our commissions aro liberal nnd paid promptly. Address tho Kemper-Thomas Company, Cincinnati. O., largest printed wrapping paper nouse in tne u. n.i J""" 10 1 i AGENTS, $580 cash prize to 18 best can vnssers selling screen door catches; ex elusive territory. Automatic Catch Co. K, Chtcago. J-16S 2' 8ALE8MEN Wanted, tho address of a few traveling men In every stato to take or ders for a good selling article from only one house In each city or town; use as side line, aenu auaross quicK to tno ii JumlnaUng Pub. Co., Cincinnati. O. f J 103 2 AGENTS WATED, PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "crny- ons. Try wnsnauie enameiines; no glass; don't rub; cheap. Family Portrait Co., Chicago. J 167 2' SALESMEN for all lines of business (splen did sine unci to sen our calendars, iwj uu fercnt styles, newest patterns, just the things customers want; we pay the larg est commissions; many of our men glvo their entlro time to our line nnd make from $73 to $123 every week; guaranteed best sldo lino ever offered, Write promptly with references. Commissions paid on nc ccptnnce of orders. Amcrlcnn Novelty Co., Cincinnati. O. J-103 2' LIFE Insurance agents wnnted to sell an un-to-aate policy lor tne state 1.110 01 in dlnnapolls, Indiana. Call or wrlto Mon day. 320 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb, Geo. J. Crane, Mgr. J-100 2' GOOD men In every town of Nebraska for sick and accident insurance, u. s. licaitn nnd Accident Ins. Co,, 1913 Chicago St,, Omaha. J-lol 2' AGENTS' record breaker, fruit Jar opener nnu Closer; sampio tree, u, a. i-orsnco Co., Cincinnati. O. J-102 2' WANTED, general and local agents, nnme- piatcs, signs, numncrs roauanio (largest nights; samples free. Right Supply Co., Englewood, 111. J-It'M 2' AGENTS wanted for the best nnd only pos- itivo SKirt supporter over invenieu. ueo. N Scects, 43 Commerce Bldg, Chicago. J-959 2' AGENTS, both sexes, handle something tnnt people need; sens at signt; no com petition. Addrcsi P. Braum, 2701 Wool worth Ave., Omaha, Nob. J 137 2' WANTED, stato manager for Nebraska; salary, $1,50000 and commissions; refer ences and $1,000.00 cash required; money secured nnd returnable with Interest. Address Secretary, Box 440, Kansas City, Mo. J 131 2' WE WILL pay nny honest mnn $55 per montn nnu nil traveling expenses 10 ui orders for the greatest incorporated por trait concern In the United States. The corporation will guarantee your salary. Position pcrmunent. Address, World's Art Exchnngo, Dept. 78, Chicago, 111. - J 135 2' AGENTS, new, novel, positive mosquito ennser; evoryDouy nuys, xo ccius; imk pronts. Automatic Odorlzer Co., St. Louis, Mo. J-13S 2' RETOUCHING negatives taught by mall. Amateur photogrnpnors nnd others icnrn tctouchlng nnd earn big money, why not you? An avcrago of 12 lessons, ut $1.00 ench, generally stitllclent. Tho Corre spondenco School of Retouching, Corning, Cook Co., Ills. J-130 2' HONORABLE employment In your own neignuornoou. aumpics nnu particuinrs, free. Snynmn, St. Louis, Mo. J 133 2' SPECULATORS attention. $100 Invested with us pays nnmisomo wcokiv dividends; no stocks, grain, mines nor oil. Wrlto for farticulars. Security Investment Co,, udtunnpolls, Ind. J-132 2 WANTED, reliable women or men to sell our goods to tho consumer in communi ties from 1,000 to 10.000 populntlon; per manent employment at good pay. Ad dress, Tho Great Eastern Coffee & Tea Co., 301 S. 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS, cither sex. taking orders for Pos- tcllne portrnlts: 400 per cent pront; no ex penso necessary; write nt onco for freo sample nnd particulars. Berlin Art Co., Safo Building. Chicago. J-99S 2 AVAXTED TO RENT. WANTED, good board, two young men. jttn to --em, soutn ot i-nrnam. Aciuross t 37, uee. K 103 2' GENTLEMAN and wlfo want two con necting rooms or large alcove room, with board, in private family. T 36, liee. K 107 2' STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co., 912- 911 Jones, general otorago and forwarding. 808 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tels. 1559-863. 809 WANTED TO IIUV. WANTED Secondhand furniture, large cr small lots; nignesi prices paid; drop a card or Tel. 771. J. Levine. 304 N. 16th, N-M119-J013 WANTED W) secondhand Indies' wheels. KcbrasKa, tjycio uo., t-or. i&in & itnrney. n -at jeis WANTED To buy nro and burglar proof sate. Aoaress, 011 rarnam at. N-MI5O-Je20 ONE Base Burner, In good condition, for wnicn J wani 10 exennngo u urnn new lady's bicycle. Pitt Rogers, 1211 Farnam St. N 837 2 ONE two-seatod rig. rubber tire, for single horse, ror casn. Address t 45, nee. N-2II : LOTS Wnnt two lots, near street cars; will give North Dakota land. Owners only reply. C. A. Parks, Omnha Natlonnl bank building. . N-213 2' FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge, Tel. 2020. iscw & .'iiiianu turniturc bought, sold, exchanged. O 870 UPHOLSTERING, 16th &'llworth. Tel. 1461 O 871 ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO.. 102-4 8 14th Ht. Tel. 2296. Now and secondhand furnlturo bought, sold and exchanged. O-075 Jly31 FOR SALE, 1 new Iron bedsteads, 2 now mattresses, 3 new wire-woven supported springs, 2 old wire-woven springs, 6 new supported spring cots. 30 Inches wide: 1 folding bed, 1 child's bedstoud and hair mattress. 1 ndult's convenience chair, new; l child's nursery chair, I baby Jum per, 1 baby buggy, quilts, 1 phaeton, 1 rubber trimmed slnglo harness, 1 saddle nnd bridle, 1 lawn wheel. Inquire 8 to 9 a. m and 1 to 2 n. m. nt building, rear of 2116 Emmott street. No secondhand denier need apply. O 110 2' GASOLINE stove, coal healer. New Homo machine, cot-bed and matt rets and two cots. 2507 Bristol St. inquire after 4 it. in. u iw z FURNITURE 7-room flat for sale cheap, ct a ifll, M flnrtr n I1S1 fi Ui, ,UII, uu WV,, s .I..UU u FOR SALE, furnlturo for two 7-room flats; goou location; an rooms rontcu. 711 a, 16th. O-M220 4' FOR SALIC HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC, I SELL new, up-to-dnte buggies, runabouts, etc. 11. l'Tosi, mn anu i.eavcuworiu. P-872 KinST-CLASS ton buggy, canonv ton sur roy and speeding wagon; nil slightly shop worn, dui good ns new; an uargnius, u. m. nan, iwi joncs at. 1 wo FOR SALE, 15 head horses: matched pnlrs and single drivers. John E. Burns. Scrlb- ner, jsen, v anss . FOR SALE, top phaeton. 209 N. 19th St. P-M797 Jo27' 2 HORSES, fine matched carriage team. H. K. tredricKson, lain and uoago at. P-571 Je24 IMPORTED Shetland pony, sound and gentle; call forenoons at 1909 Wobstor. P-M1J3 3 FIRST-CLASS top buggy, extension top surrey and speeding wagon, all slightly shoii worn, but good ns now: all bar gains. O. M. Hart, 1307 Jones St. P 3C6 8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and nog fence, vn Douglas, w bit 2DHAND safe cheap. Delight, 1119 Fnrnam, Q-871 TIMOTHY hay and all kinds of feed nnd coal. Monroe & uo., bW) M. lutn. Tel. U7i. W ta SAFES, buy, sell, exe'ge. Schwartz, 111 S.13, LI I U REPAIRS and supplies for all makes of bi cycles, umana uicycio 1.0., juin unicuu WIRE fence for poultry. Belgian hare, hog field or awn. wire worns, 017 a. in at, Q-MS78 Jy7 BIO line of secondhand wheels, $3, $5, $8, $10, Omaha Bicycle Co,, 16th und Chicago His, Q 521 FRESH cows; 3 good family; prices right, Turner, 30th and Center, .Q-M903 i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. l.eo'.OOO BRICK for s.tle. John P. Weaver, 6 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, q-jhm jcis FOR SALE, one Butcher Roy cooler, six by . ,.. . 1 turn,,. V'lKIH. ifii tret Itlgll, 111 k"ui Wi,v, .. Wright ,fc Speeler, Fairmont. Neb. Q MSI1 5 FOR SALE Two cows, ono Jersey nnd one T . . . I , . , nCD.1 U'.li,laf WUlllUlll, 3UUI1U 11I1U gUIIlll' -O-" St. Q 979 I NEW Columbia chninlcss blcyclo for sale or trmle for furniture, stoves or inmuy horse. 623 N. IJth St. Q-112 2' 'OR SALE, cocker spaniel puppies, cllglblo for registration: benutles nnd prices rea sonable. Inquire SMI North 20th street. Q 111 2' FOR SALE or trade, a new Columbia cnninless bicycle. Apply to c. i.ewKowuz, euro W. Y. Stocckcr Cigar Co., hoi uoug- las. Q-211 2' PIANO, latest stylo upright; bought re cently; encap tor casn; party icavnm eny. Address T 46. Bee. Q-M233 4' CLAIRVOYANTS. Mtid 1.- r. tifvnv CLAIRVOYANT, TEST MEDIUM. Is tho nnme and object of call wttln Tell lout asking n single question. There nre no mistakes In tho predictions made by MRS. HENRY. Do you wish to know If It Is advisable to make u change In BUSINESS. LOVE, MARRIAGE. DI VORCE. HEALTH, CHANGES. TRAV ELS, SPECULATIONS, INVESTMENTS, VKt.rl'.4 Sl'IIltTI'AT.ISTH AND Ml! D1U.MS, 'REUNITES SEPARATED COUPLES, tells you what day or month In successful for you, gives you power to control others. Nothing Is omitted. Diag noses nnd cures diseases of nil descrlp- tlnnu wlilln In n nlnlrvnvnnt Htntf,. PRICES REDUCED ALL THIS WEEK. Hours: fl to 8. dully and Sunday. LETTERS ANSWERED, $1. OFFICE 1707 CASS. S-229 2 PALMISTRY. Tho greatest exponent In tho nrt nf palm istry todny Is OMAHA'S FAVORIT1S. MME. GYLMEH. Sho tins had few equals und no superiors, and today stands recog nized ns the lender of her profession. If you are In trouble consult this celebrated indy. Her advice is surn to beliellt you. As n prognostlcntor she Is a phenomenon. Hor predictions are always absolutely ac curate. Sho tells Just what the lines in the palm Indicate und they don't lie. Shn is 11 genuine palmist and claims nothing more. Through palmistry sho rends tho past, present and tuturo as though It were a printed code. Parlor in Granite Block, 315 S. 15th st., 3d door, take olc vat or. S 228 2 MRsTfRITZ, medium. S19 North lfith. S-S77 MME. GYLMER, palmist, 315 So. 15th St. a sia WONDERFUL clairvoyant. Whnt he tells vou comes true, send 10 cents nnu mrin- dny. Prof. John Myers, Lincoln Park Stu- tion, cnicugo. a itsi ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. US N. 15th, 2d floor. Itoom 7. t vou a- PERSONAL. DR. ROY. chronodlst: corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. It. 12, Fienzer block. U-879 PRIVATE home boforo and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. liui'get, 2620 uurdctte. u mo VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wliolctomo homo treatment. 318 Bee Bldg. U 841 WAL.I.. PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlcmlst, Tel. 1238. Best of city references. Leavo order ut lain farnam. u mij a SUPPLIES for nil machines; mnchln?s for rent. White sewing luucninu, liiiv uoug lus. Tel. 2231. U-SS2 NEW rollers for clothes wringers. Novelty iron unu uruaa worKs, 417 a. lutn. 'Phono io. U Jl,-- JO-U RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. u 080 PRIVATE hospital for ladies beforo and during conllr.ement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant at. u ssi M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only nerfect no cordlon pleating plant In the west; mall orders solicited, suite -vu, uuugius ijiock. u sso FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited, umanu 1'ieuting uo i,rci Douglas. U S8ti WE RENT sewing machines nt 76o per wceic wo repair anci sen pans or an maxes or machines, .eorasna uyciu uo., corner 15th and Harney. 'I'hono 1663. U-770-JcS NO better work dono in any shop in tho world tnan iirown uiock ouruer snop; neat, clean, antiseptic; face massago; ele vator entrance or through Tracy's. U-194-JclO WANTED 25 secondhand typewriters. Ne braska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney, U-283 JolS ADROIT HAIR BAZAR Now location, 1620 Douglas; private booths for hair dressing anu manicuring; laaies snoo sinning und massaging. u M45S DR. CUSCADEN, 113 S. 18th. U-572-Je24 A DESIRE A ereat relief to the average smoker Is to find a cigar sultublo to tho taste at a medium price and a great many times a man win otten swear on smoKing as not uc'ing auie to get u cigar sucn as no llKes nt a medium price. When you feel In this mood nrocuro a Prlnen nf Omnh.i Your prejudice will disappear. It Is a King among oc cigars. Try it. Manu foctured by tho W. F. Stocckcr Cigar Co. For sale bji all first-class cigar stores. ouve 1110 uunus ui tno oioecKer cigur. U-766-Je2 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. itoom 7. u 70s 3' CHILDREN for Adoption Threo beautiful girl babes, ono bluck-oyed boy 4 years of age, one boy 2 years old with bluo eyes, one boy 11 years of ago for the farm, und several other children. Child Saving In- stituio, sm bo. ism hi. u 073 3' SECOND-HAND MACHINES Never such prices for such goods offered before, nnd If any tlmo within ono year you want to uuy a now macnine wo will take tho old ono back at exactly what It cost you. Tho following Is n pnrtlnl list of what wo offer for all tills week: Former This Prico. Week. 1 Domestic $ S.OO 1 Domestic 20.00 3 Singers, high arm , 21. (l 1 Singer, new Improved 30.00 $ 4.00 10.1a) 12.00 15.00 12.50 C.W 10.00 5.00 8.0) 6.10 2.C0 12.50 20,00 15.00 10.00 1 Wheeler & Wilson No. 9 23.00 1 Household 10.00 1 Household 20.00 1 Union 10.00 1 White 16.00 1 White 10.00 1 Wheeler & Wilson No. 8 4.00 1 Wilcox & Olbbs 23.00 1 White, tallorimr 40.00 3 Shoemaker machines 30.00 1 Now Homo 20.00 1 Singer, tailoring 40.00 0.00 Three modern, drop. head machines, slightly used, at one-nan mo reguinr price, Wo rent machines ut 75c per week, or $2.00 per month These aro modern, up-to-dato machines, with all attachments, We sell needles and parts for and repair every sewing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Cor, 15th and Harney, U-113 2 MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine hublt: myself cured, will Inform you of harmless, pormanent homo cure. Mrs, Baldwin, Box 1?12, Chicago. U WILLOUGIIBY'S hair dressing jmrlors; shampooing und hnlrdresshig, 3. cents. Room 601, Paxton block. 'Phono'SU FUTURE REVEALED Send 10c n self addrossod, stamped envelope, date of birth, will send horoscope for 3 mos., an swer 3 quostlons; 6 months, Sm. Mme. Vere Do Lon, Bock Bay, Box U. Boston, Mass. U-113 i' MARRIAGE paper; exclusive. 20 pages; 10c. No IS fee. Many worth 1100 to llW.Ooo. Only club giving bank and commercial reference. R. L. Love, Denver, Colo. U 115 I' ARE you too thin? Wo can round out the hollows, Improvo tho complexion, tonu up tho nerves; freo sampio for stamp, is, Tonor Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O I'-l'O 2' MARRY; lovely womon nnd honorable men, marry rich; send lOo for hits list Mutual Exchange Club, Kuntas City, Mo, rilUI'I-JllTY, 'ATKMS,WII.1.. ur.l'i !-, STOCKS, MORTGAGES, MINING. MISS ING PROPERTY, LOST FRIENDS, BREAKS EVIL INFLUENCES. DE- PERSONAL. GENTLEMAN, nged 40, worth S'S.'W, wnttt.t sincere, honest wire. Address, .nr. liqik, 1P3 Washington St., Chicago, III. . U 1(55 2 LEARN hypnotism; complete course by mull, 000; palmistry, .ac; particulars ireu. Globo News Co., 1613 Farnam st., Om.ihu. L'-M.'bJyl MARRY or correspond for nmusement; send stamp tor sealed particulars, iiu.x Council Blurts, la. U-210 2 ur. i. i!i,i' A fact which cannot bo dented Is that tho i-rinco 01 umana m mnuo wnouy uy nnnu and tho very best material that could pos sibly be put Into u 6c smoke. It It mudo by men who have made linml-liiade clgurit for years nnd a bad cigar could not pos sibly be turned out. This tunnies tho smoker the same slzo nnd quality nt all times. Smnko tho Prince of Omaha und tnko no other. It Is 60 straight 'I'lll. W i,v otiipiii,-i.'ii 1'ie. ui rn Savo tho bands of the Stocckcr I'lg.irs, U M213 8 MONEY TO LOAN ItE.VL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lown farms at 5 per coins borrowers can pay $1W or any multiple; any Interest dato; no delay. Brcuuuii-Loxe Co., 309 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W V MONEY to loan on improved Omuha real estate. Brcutinu-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th . W-iSS WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. Georgo Company, 1001 Farnam street. . W &S9 WANTED, city nnd fnrm loans; also bonds and warrnnts. R. C. l'etcrs & Co., 1702 Fumam St., Bco Bldg. W Sw FIVE per cent money. Boinls, Paxton block. W-S91 MONEY to loan at 4U nnd 6V4 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclkle, 401 8. 13th. W-SJ2 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. W-S93 FIVE and B'.j per cent city and fnrm loans. Garvin Bros., 1013 Fnrnam St. W Ml PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 9J7 N. Y L. W-Mtt CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton, 603 Bee. W-fOfl MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate; B per cent Interest: no commission; privi lege ot pnylng SUO or moro beforo ma turity. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., John V. Glsli, special loan agent, 111 First Nafl Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. W-S97 AND 5i per cent loans. W. II. Thomao, First National Bank building. Tel. 1013. W-89S WANTED, city lonus nnd warrants. W. Farnam Smith Jv. Co., 1320 Fnrnam St. W-M501 .MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY7 We loan $10 nnd up on furniture, pianos, horses and other ehnttels. SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. You can get the money In a few hours after making application and tnkc-1, 2. 2. 4, D, 0 months or more In which to pay It back, nnd joj need not pay f&r It ono day longer than you keep it. Wo churgu nothing for papers and wo glvo you tliu full amount In cash. There nro no lower rates than ours; our terms nro the taslcBt; our business is cuntldentlal and our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trudo Bldg, Tel. 2203. (Established 1802.) 306 S. 16th St. X-901 FOUND GUILTY of giving lower rates and easier payments than clsowhcro on SALARY LOANS to honest employes who hold a pcrmanont position on their plain note. Our olllccs tho most private In town. For 30 days these inducements: "Wo guarantee our rates aro lowest." We will make 11 pains tuklug effort to please you if you aro worthy. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Room 303, Paxton Block. X CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household furniture, ptnnos, horses, wngons, etc., In two hours' time; also to salaried peoplo on their plain notes, with out security. Easiest payments and low est rates In Omaha. Privuto Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown block. Cor. 16lh nnd Douglas Sts.; entrance on 16th St., opposite Y. M. C. A. Bldg. X 002 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without bo curlty; easiest terms; 40 olllccs In principal cities. Tolmaii, 440 Board of Trade Uldg. X-899 SALARY LOANS upon plain notes; no mortgage; no indorscr; no publicity; lower rates; much easier payments. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third FJoor, Room 303, Paxton Block. X 900 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live slock, etc. Quick servlco nnd lowest rateH guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 033 (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner ICth and Farnam; cntrunco on 16th Btrect. X-003 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. S.Barker blk. x-oot SHORT tlmo loons. Barker block. Joo Pleasants, 61 X-905 $1,000.00 TO place quick. M. J. Konnard & Son, Suite 310, Brown block. X-9ufl MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, otc C. F. Reed, 319 S13 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE, for ensh nt a bargain, $2,W) stock of drugs in good eastern Nebraska town. Address J. care of Bee. Y 777 J4 DRUG STOCK and lixturcs at bargnln; ac count sickness. Address Box 20, Troiiton, Nob. Y-M8I4 I' BLACKSMITH shop, with toolB, for sale; In good town; doing a good business, but must sell at onco. Louis Bondrenu, I'.oao land, Nob. Y-M9I1) WANTED, experienced physician to take charge of our Llnculn olilco; will also start ofllces In other cities for competent physicians. Thyroid-Lymph Co.. 5u0 Huo bldg. ' Y-M0O3 Je30 REST opportunity for man with capital to tako charge of woodworking bushiest. Address T K, Bee. -97U' PLANING mill in llrst-class condition for sale or rent. Good locution. Address i 34, Bee. lZ LARGE Illinois corporation desires man ager for stato department to open Juno 1; sulnry $l,Soo per nnnuin and commission. Must bo a llrst-class man and well rocom- mended, ablo to take Intervat to tho ex tent of $l,o00, to comply Willi co.oi.urntlvo nlan Highest commercial and banking references and ubsolute guarantee fur In vestment. Address Auditor's Dopartmant, 625 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago, Y- KOIt SALE Good photo gallery at Ben nett. Neb., only $2W. W. 1. Prowl tt. Lin coin, Neb. Mlli-3' FIRST-CLASS nnd only stock of millinery A bargain if taken at or.co. Address, TulmuKO Millinery Co., Talinngo, Neb. Y Mill 3" SS.OOO YEARLY, lady or gentlemen, managn olilco, your own town; $23 required; handlo own money. American General Agency, 310 Dearborn, Chicago. Y 171 '-' FREE! rREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! PATENT and MECHANICAL FREE! ENCYCLOPEDIA No inventor or mechanic should be without It. Bent postpaid nil reqonHl. KEYSTONE LAW ,t PATENT CO., 1151 Betz Building, Phlladclpulu. Y-110 2' MAKE monoy, conduct mnll order lnut ness; wo start you; particulars for stamp. Central Supply Co., 1019 Uraml. Kansas. City, Mn. V 13') 2' FOR SALE, an old established iidvoftla Ing dental oftleo, completely 1 quipped with all the Intest Instrument and electrical appliances; In good location und ilolu.a good business: reiihons for selling, owners aro not dcutlHts. The Albany Doutbits, 917 Walnut St., Kaphas. City, Mu. Y- FI'RNITCRE of 1'M-oom fiat, lino IneallorT llllnl with llrst-class roomers; owner must leave city, great bargain. J, II. Joliiinnn, N, Y. Life. Y-2oS A MANUFACTURING plant, ciniplotn, tor sale, good business, n iiron tor s lllnc. hnv chanced occupation. AdCn-tni T 43 Boe, V-230 2' X' 1