THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JU2fE 2, 1901. 21 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE i trn, COstM. Lard, nrmi prime western, In forces. 413 6J: American refined. In balls. 411 Gd. Hums, short cut, II to 16 lbs., steady. vta aa, uncon, steady, t-'umDcrinnu cut, :u to 30 lbs,, 44s 9di short ribs, 1G to SI lbs., 43s 3d; lone clear middles. Hunt, 23 to 31 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Knth f Mar Gompam rTorbj with ft-TiM Slightly High.r on H T...V- J? !. iMj short clear backs, 10 to 20 . ftPTi W..4W Lut Ymr. CORN MARKET STRONG IN SVMPATH. lbs., 40s 3d; cltnr bellies, It to 10 lbs., Us 6d, Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, 3t,s .mi. TT I mi tl-l . .. I A...!. ..-- MARKETS DURING WEEK ABOUT STEADY trallan. in London, steady. 2Cs d iiij-jtkk nun; finest united mules, s; aoou uniten mute., kks. ... .. CHKUSB Amerlcnn finest white, dull, afore Iltiyem Arrived ou the Mnrket 47,,. American tlncst colored, quiet, ICs. Jlnrlnir Last Week Tlmn fur Some l-ollowlng arc tho stocks of wheat nnd iuiii 111 Hiuru in 1 nil niiRVH imiiwny 'linn canal depots not Included): Wheat, 1, "42,000 centals; corn, d.ii,uw centals. Following nre tho stocks of breudstuffs and provisions In Liverpool: Flour, 78,ooo bocks: wucai. i.zu.usj ccntn s: corn, i2.uuu np nr thilr accounts for last centals bacon, 11.100 boxes hams, 4,iou E. 1 .1... vrTrv boxen; shoulders, 3,300 boxes: butter. 2.000 il jobbers find they nave very 1 ,, . 5 i,.v., t- nr. tin,n. uuie 10 compiain oooui rumum ?' prime western sicam unu ions oiner ..., . ,, imnr..rli wi,llo TIiiiu I'nst nnd nought Quite Freely. Ontd ActHc 'Firm, Purity mi Slum's Report of Si'iinntliiiiiil Mil- iintlon Likely to Develop Pork Is Mold Liberally. In checkl month lucal CHICAGO, June 1. Wheat showed re newed strength today, mainly on drouth, July closing Tiftlc higher. July corn closed come- of spring business. In nearly a" kinds. 1110 voiumo 01 oumi ."""",;;: OMAHA AVIIOLLS ALE MAltKETS. uuruiK .uiy iiiib year u.-vtutua mo -- provisions closed unchanged to 214c up. July wheat opened quiet, n shude to Ua fie higher nt 74Vu74TBc, under tho In- ..... . . I . I .. I. (a I 1 -"m' .m?," .i 1.,11 U hnt Condition of Trade nn.l u.iofnllons fiucnce of dry weather In the sprlnB wheat tru, when tho fact Is taken Into consldera- KdaB-iiecelDt. irberaV cood stock, firm. "l, Fnf T ?. ..?"e ".".JE - - ----- 1 jiunii ui viic lli'VU ill uuoiliDsn vun-n tlnn that. lltl tvrm nn oxccntlonally lato loniuun. season, which cut down tho demand tor JAVE POULTRY-IIcns, spring nnd summer lines considerably. " ol,i roosters, 3QCc: turkeys, CSSc; ducks and huI)a ... ' ", , Is somotlmos said that It makes but little BCUB(,( 6c. spring chlckon3( pcr jbii m2(M, ""J J" " nf"c" difference whither a season Is early or HUTTKU-Common to fair, lUifllScj J' tinrntnn nrflvn in Imtli MntAlnmltpr 11 nil .llllV. .yJun nnt! shorts who sold 011 yesterday's bulgo In on being thu blcgest buy- nced to 75HW754c durliiB the first hour. Hcnllzlng sales were made on Thin r T hflVA tfl H1IV I 1 1 ! L-U'JVia I rtlinlin ,lt.l,. In 1 iKlt t t . . 1 sooner' or lati? and In the Ion's' run the total "yiXMX Via, 1 lac' $ ss. lie-"vh.te ehra..a1h'orcbva,srkl,te S? amount of business Is not affected. Mer- -. fl anM Uo -ufd "a'ler.0 with U." nWltloCkulheJlp',or chant., however, do not agree w h that Vaiuw. Ac2TJJ "c nabLV nc-'hor: e heavy aboard clearances, advanced theory, but on tho contrary claim t at J,, haddock lie- v ckero 7c: nlkc 9c ,0-4Cl nt. w,hl,H,tl" market closed, Wf unwaVonable woathcr at any tlmo of year J."UB' ' J" ialtiioii lie- sunilah' ta- .vcr Vt,,,,!r,lny: Kxportcrs reported elgiu ni..v. r.,inr. th,. tntal nniount of bul- I'..V,.1Ma.imo,,' i,c' sun"3'i. loads taken. Heobonrd cleiiranreg n wheat Iwnys nes one mint ln the last month. ,y,t?'?i1ri.t.- thnr5 i he correct trout, 6c; whltctUh, 10c. . If the latter theory is inc C"JT,, I'lOEONrt l iw i.,.r dn 11 local Jobbers can find much encourage- vk l-Cholc K'alOc W" ffe hBS bCn " B HAY-PrCce quoted by Omaha ami Hour were equal to U18.0W bu.j whilo primary rcceiptH wcro 173AW nu., conipnruu ! U "II V- ... I th.illu ...1(1 'MUI IUI,WU UU, IU.Pl J fill tllUllt.-ilMllia tllix PnuSri Uuluth reported 300 cars, acalnst 230 last tit inwt mnntn. t t- j . .r. .7.'.. r . . . :: 7 uuiuu ruiioricu iiw cars. ccofd Ha to all reports received from ..'"a a year ng6. Iocal receipts mtry merchanta and aUo from , trove .g j - " """ ,VrA ",ti,.A' ri w.c,r. J" cars, two of contt ntract grade. nnimt ,i, mnrn n nm onn H n nui iiuvi"n . - .... - - . . mYn. trade In tho country was a little quiet . ' iw. i .ese pricea are Corn was strong In sympathy with wheat wo m 4 ,. if t i I mnnr . nwin k ua i . i l . .r - .t ....... . 1.1 IO 111 B l uui . ' to the lack of warm invn, imuu ill iiiu ".i, ...Irllv tne nrst pari or mis monui, ':? ,nnnd fair. U..riin. ! r. rs wore too busy to go HmiinC-n,; i1a1' ' fwn wneks. however, V.V."0.?'.9l tho fact that farmers rtur 111 ti-rlv nil mictions ara enjoying L.UL.T. a n-ood lively demand, in view of Urn ex- 61'INACII I'cr bu. box ?-nr.'J..iii. fV hAiinitfiil trons. there Atil'AltAUUS-Nutlvo -DLH3. , 40c. iwr ,lni . innsfte. U .v.rv renKon for predicting u heavy till UlJAJCU Uoniu Klown. ncr lb.. lWc. consumntlon throughout the aummcr. Jier- Nby lJlilOTU-l'cr dor.. 4tc. chant, arc evidently confident tnat irn nuw UAituura-rer Uoz., boo, Is Kolna to tin Heavy, ns is anuwu t ""'."..".""""r'"1 uui ow, Short lines wrlo put out yesterday 111 anticipation of u break today on tho pre dicted heuvv rerelntK. Thn receltits wero 1.M3 cars, 201 of contract grade, but thu marKHi, nonenting ny tne wneai sirengiii, falleil In vlnlil. A tmulerntn niitHlilii ih'lniltul further strenisthcneil tbn nosltlon and iimler buying, chiefly for tho short account, the market rallied sharply nnd nelit to tno enu. July sold between IHic and 45',ija4j',4C uud closed Ho higher nt 4'Vic uais were moderately active nn! urm, in fact tnat tno Ilcavy Dliycin uiu nu vu r iiuuiuunvi vk uuc, uvw4f nii,iiiny wun wiifiil, uii inu iiij ttHHim bjck to mnrkct nnd are buying freely of Jt.oo and bocnueo of Snow's report. In which ho all kinds of ueasonnbla goods. They are I'AUSMl'S 1'cT bu., lOu. says tho prospect Is without Improvement, alto taklntt hold In good shapo of fall and TUllNli'ti J'cr bu ioo. nnd that n sensational condition In tho winter linos and nro T placing their advniico UliUTh-l'er bu., 4uc crop Is likely to develop. There was n orders earlier and more willingly than for UAiatOTS-I'er bu., 40c. fairly active demand, but heavy selling for oroofl many vcars past. All this Is taken LETTUCE-I'er bj., 2oe2Ic. thn local account held prlcen In check. of confldcnco In future i.Auisui.a-l'cr uoz., loQiMc. Prices wcro In better demand for siions niSO 111 IUiurc vaium. i w.i-. . uu-,t ovu, uimi uuiy, t'niiiK nuiwrvii -Hfi4tti; iuki ar beginning to show con- POTATOES Per bu., C0c; Colorado, J1.00. 27c and closing c higher at S3Tfi27c. July as n result or nm uauhauiv-imiw iuiuo:nia. ihc. sold between sc and ia and closed nntmirt, nnd lubbers I 'lUMA'i'UUa l'lurlihi. iiur ti.tuiNlcnt rrate. I nn ut JVLWil'v. ftplntM u-,r,t 1.7 iMtrs. chief factors of degression. The close quiet, with prices net unchanged to 5 points lower, loini sales were is.iwu uags, mciuu- ingi Beptembtr, 6.40c, October, 5 4oc, No vember. 6.60c: December, D.OOffJ.Goc; Ian- uary, 6.70c, March, 5.S5c. MOVEMi:.Ti4 IX STOCKS AND IIO.MIS. Slnrket Stakes Itemnrknlile llcsponse to Xortliern l'nclflo Announcement. NEW YOniC, Juno l.-The stock market made an extraordinary response today to the official announcement of the agreement arrived at by the conflicting Interests In Jorthern Pnclllc. The cany spurt was most sensational In 1'nlon Pacific, the t'nltcd StutpH steel stuck nnd Atchison. Tho first sale?, of t'nlted StateH Steel wero of 20.000 nhiirps. Thn rise In t'nlnn Pacific extended to 34 during tho first hour. There was some reaction miuway oi ine se.i", but the grangers became conspicuous, led by St. Paul, with a 0 points rise. Hock Island gained 6V4. Northwestern V.i nnd (treat Northern preferred 4W points. There was still a conspicuous nbsence of dealings In Northern Pacific, not a single transaction Jelng recorded either for the common or preferred, Tho details of the Northern Pacific agree ment arc not announced and rumors were numerous pointing to wide reaching adjust ments all through the railroad world, as corrolarles of the Northern Pnclllc settle ment. The whole northwestern railroad system would come Into ono harmonious control and representation of the samo control would bo found In the Union Paclilc system. The Union Pacltlcs, snld the goBips, would iletieh thn Southern Pnellle for tho benefit of n Pacific outlet for the Gould southwestern system and content itseu with the Central Pacific. The gains In the prominent stocks run from 1 to 3 points or over, There was nn enormous absorp tion of Union Pnclllc convertible bonds, us ell as of tho stock. Tho nrlnclnal activity In the railroad bond mnrket has been In somo of the specula tive Issues, wljlch have generally advanced, t'nltcd Htntc., refunding 2s and tho new 4s ndvanord li per cent over tho closing of ins i weeK. Tho Commercial Advertisers London nanclal cablegrum says; Tho stock mnr et was again nulet today, save for Atner- can shares, which were quite buoyant on steady sircani oi smau purchases, i no nnouncement that the wnrrlnc Northern 'ncllle nnd Union Pnclllc Interests had rrlveil at an amicable undeistaudlinr ex plains this activity md buoyancy or the American department. Tho chief favorites were the Southern railway stocks, tho Atrhlsons and United States Steel. The following aro tht closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: an an Indication business and Collection! sldornblo Improvement do not anticipate any trouble with bad fancy. M.B0. Provisions were quiet. Pork was sold UfiCOUntS . I u....mumo, vi ...c, -w, iu,i uui-iuuy iai:ji:i , uui until iiwh i.i,,o Th markets tho last week havo been California, 2',ic nnd tho grain strength held prices tlrm. ,.i. ou rnri nrlrn fluctuations. Very CA U1U I.o v EH-S t. l.ouls. per era to. J2. wl thin a narrow range. July pork closed Ar.;. i. innnrinnrn have taken BEANS Wax. per 1-3 bu.. 75c: string, uiichanired nt lU.fio. Julv lard 2'.ic tin n i.itt unu juiy nus u biuiuu iuiinuvii 17.90. Estimated receipts Mnndny: Wheat, f$. cars; corn, curs, oais, -jo cam; uuss, 41,000 head. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: jlRce but still tho feeling all nlong tho per 1-3 bu., 7oc. Ino Is good s nd firm! Tho fact that con- JiUO PlvtsT-Pcr ).u. box. J3. ., HOKn0fn nrSet lea llv all cases Is equal PEPPEHH-Pcr bu. Pox. 2.25. Atchlnon 4lTi ilo pfd H!U do nfd l'k So. Paclilc H5T4 Il.iltlmore ft Ohlo...tC6T. yo. ltiilluuy 31V4 . M'i1 io PM i .lO.i'i Tex. & Pnclllc 4"4 . 6!"i Toledo. St. I. ,t W. 51', . M'm ilo pM 3","i . 43',i Union Pacific tll'i . "Mil do pfd 0. .JD54 Wabnsh 2.iU . sav;1 tin ptii 4.1 . tJti. wheel. & i,. Phlengo & V.. III. ...IS do 2d pfd 37 CIiIcako & Q. W.... Ui'i'WIs, Control ilo lut pfil 51 il'i pM 44 do nfd Canadian PacUIu.. Citnnila Ho hen, & Ohio ChlciKo Si Alton,. do pM ('.. II... & Q Chi.. 1ml. & 1..... llO pfd PEAS Pur ou., J2j per 1-3 bu,, 75c. CELEHV California, per buncn. witf7Jj. NEW POTATOES-Pcr lb.. 2iy3c uuturrs. STUAWUEnillES-Kentucky, $2.23; Mis- Ft ...,,.-., Im .t-nntlntlv nil rnfl to production and In many Instances greater prevents wcaKness in vum. Japnti Ten Mny Go Illuher. TUrn. ..n.nru tnnrknt thn Inst week lias been rather quiet bo far as mnrket lluctuo. .our, .:.-W4, , m tlons are concorneu. ine lutu i !l CIlEltlHiiS-Callfornla, per S-lb. box. ie marKoi, nowover, is ui iuv.i.,h 11.7$. slderablo attention. Local Jobboni hao noi aOOSEUEIlltlES-Pcr 21-qt. case, J2.00. ".i?lu"y.yori: V.v iVmn but TItOPICAK FHUITS. recent " cabiegrams state that the higher OHANOES-CaUforn .seedlings $2,750 with Inst SeMon's 1 nHccs. whlls tho cheaper L iMONS-Culltornla, extra fancy. $2.75; Artlclcs.l Opcn.l High. Low. Close. Yes'y. irrades nre ciuotca nigncr iniui iiiuj ..,vii.v. ..-w a year ago. Tho general opinion seems to llANAls ao Per bunch, according to size, be that ns tho season advances all grades $2.ttto2.60. wll rule higher in nrlco. The consumption FlUS-Calllornla. new eartons, 75c; layers. U hSftvy at tlio present time and the cost 05c; Imported. pr lb., lOUlic. of nroduc?riR the T tea Is greater than, for DATES-Perslan, in tw-ib. boxes, rialrs. 6c some time past, Labor, It Is c almcu is per .b.i m,.Er MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, pcr 24-sectlon case, Ribs 1. 1 . . H.i n nI.A 1 11 Vin mnfrrhil Kg and" shipping. TakiKg" everything into consiuoranon. iocai " are snre in preaicung nigner vamw. rrw-.- Unm h.1,1. nn nV) fl Tl I'O In rOffeO llUT' trier the week, prices holding Just about steady on all grades. a,,--- i al.r. In thn nmn nosltlon It was nt last report, both regards raw and re- jwc. Jjrazlls. lac; pecan., lunjXfc: cocoanuts. Wheat Juno. July.. Sent.. Corn- June. July.. Sept.. Oats JU y.. Sent.. . I'OIK July. Sent... L,aru July.. Sept.. t.l 7K. tjiuriii i'er D01., .ov; pcr uu 'iui., 10. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; fil berts, per lb., 13c; ulmonde, per lb., ibirjoo; raw peanuts, per lb., 54f5Vjc; roasted, UV4'i July... HOpt 75 7."1 i 74Tti 74(f(7 73V4 74H 72', 7314 72(g4 43H " 41 I3! 44. 43UOU 411. UQ-1 45U 44?i 2S&i 2S'i 2Si 2CVi-i 27 26fi?i 14 02 11 V 14 GO II 75 14 75 14 70 8 15 8 1714 S 1 8 15 8 20 8 15 7 R75 7 00 7 87'(4 7 83 7 Si'.i 7 8) 754 73HQ'.i! 44 43U 71H 43 4414 45HtfU,4l'.4fi SViftS 2S?J?4 :6Tsf27 14 G3 11 70 a 1714 7 90 7 87141 Sid 14 G3 14 7214 8 15 8 1714 7 SO 7 8714 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: FLOUlt-Qulot: winter patents. J3.S0O3.W; nnea. Tne coia weniner is iiiiYiub iiiivt.a-iio. 1 Brccn, uu, straights. J3.2OQ3.70; clears. $2.GOg3.40; spring ency to cut down the Immediate demand, No l .aUca, 6iici Uo. 2 salted. -14c B"ccla3 $4.t'0: hard patents, M.tW.oO; as It Is delaying tho ripening of fruit, tlo.'i veal ca f, 8 to 121a Ids.. 8c: No. 2 veal gP,n,"hts Vl (r,Vi3 " '5 ,m"""', "'UJU Farinaceous coocfa arc holding Just about jr. 13 to 15 lbs.. Cc; dry hides. 8ffll3c; sheep 8t ? EAT-NoU,2prlng. 7314c; No. 3 spring, steady, with tho exception of bennn, which p4ltB 25S7lc; horso hides. .502.Ji. nnKc- No 2 red. 71'ift75'4o. nre quoted B7c per bushel higher. Dried rrtnSNo - 4'&itc No 2 yellow frulti aro In a good, strong posit on nnd st. to,lU nrnln and Provisions. johflj-uT " 4"itf" ic' f0- i mw particularly Is that true of iCalffornla pears lquib, Juno 1. WHEAT I Ilgner; gXxaS-No 2. 2Sic; No. 2 white. SS'fl- 55 SffffS ipnAanhSy S?: IJP&&ZSX&S feM No-wh.te.;420g30c. ovifiviuuv,, HYE-Nll i. 6ZMC. were a week ngo. Peaches and prunes, ffr' I., V, , rr.,,1 , ..... . . 1. I I3tll4 I Vlllllll 1 ' COKN-lllKnor: ino. s casn. choice mnltinc. 404153c, however, remain unohanged HAHLEY Good feeding, 40Q4Sc; fair to . i in i v-w.v.. i.i.uui , ..v. - . . . pnnirp jnnninir. 4i)&ibjc. fssass tsm asssms w 111 bo on tho mnrkot HV, . V." . ';; l--ouowing nro tno receipts unu snipmonts n.ric nt nlneannles some tlmo within tho next ten days or two weeks. No Chnnne In Hardware, The hardwaro market haB been Just nbout steady during tho last week and to mien -n Ann. i. ttini thn riiitn thnt there are no changes at nil to report. UuslnesH Is nil A M T.nwor: sacked, east track. GSc. HAY Dull, easy; prairie, J9.5Mfl0.75; timothy. 'j.6oui3.oo. WHISKY steady ni i.;c,. 1HON COTTONTIES-J1.03. AaaiNa-ui4Q7c HEMP TWINH Do. PUOVISIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing, $15.75. moving along ut a good ranld rato and Lard, higher at $8.0714. Dry salt meats for today: Flour, bbls. Wheat, uu. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... Kye. nu nancy, nu. Receipts. Shipments. .... 21,000 15,000 .... to.i .... 57.W) fi.W.OOO .... 4M.000 323,000 .... j.tnW 2,000 .... 21,000 1,(100 i un ine I'ruuucu i'ai:jiiiiiku iituuy mu m,.- hDey, fie'lThanSron. and stUl" hey rV:cleTr cWrlcs '"clUr'at1 v, i,F,aAni ultuntlnn rnther em I TinTTT.TriA' llrm! rhloki'tiH. 7r Rnrtuuu. barrasslng, since retailors cunnot got tho isjficc; turkeys, 614c; ducks, Gc; spring, loc; laotntlous of tlio ln- ou Vnrlou good, in any marKoi witn wnicn 10 miii"j geese, ic; spring, sr. tomnmuiiii'i, their customers. This continued shortage HIJTTEU Steady; creamery, 15ftlDc; NEW YORK. Juno 1. FLOUR Receipts or wnicn so mucn nas uern nciun n 'h uairy. io'joc. . ... 2"J,2lH bbls.: exports, si.ww duih,; iniriy nc' the Inst several weeks Is tho only feature EGGS-Stcady, 10c. repacked nnd cases tlvo and firm: winter patents, $3.G.WI.uo of the hardwaro mnrknt. Jobbers look for included. , winter straights, J3.45fr3.iH; winter exti-ns a nice run of trade throughout the summer RECEIPTS Flour. 5,000 bbls.: wheat, 33,- fj.454i2.Ki; Minnesota, bakers, $2.3502.33; Mln- months and If they enn got the goods they o bin. corn, 113,000 bu.; oats, 3S.00O bu. nesota putcnic, $l.iKii4.2o; winter luw Kruuos. want they havo no fear of being able to SHIPMENTS Flour. 10,000 bbls.; wheat, $.3012.40. Ryo flour, quiet; fair to good Keep up wiui iaa. j car i cxti-ucu. ictu.-.. iuj,ow ou.; cum, nw.vw nu,; uuiu, to,wj nu, j;.;i(KiXiu; cholco to fancy, Ilrr floods Tcnde Imiirovliiir. . . CORNMEAI-Steady ; yellow western n"h ,i- ,!. tnidn nllh lnenl tobbers iiini "....y ...... ...... . ... .... ....... y.; city, voc; nrunuywiuu, 9. io'u .00. dlri ESSlS1 Effi S cX C.EY MALT Dull 'u western, 05,72c. hnv be?n out tll.o till countrv thnt OATS-NO. 2 white. 2!).j2954c. WHEAT-Recelpls, 227.D0O bu.; exports, Jtneks In the col Utrv nn bolng sold out RYE-No. 2, 65c. 249,000 bu. Soot, firm; No. 2 red. 83c, f. o. St S rnt hi rate The weather ? of course. HAY-Cholce timothy, $10.50i?H.OO; choice 1... alloat; No. 2 red. 8114c. elevator; No. 1 n tim too cool' to iruike tunintor lines movo prairie. $9.6010.00. Duluth. OlTic, f. o. b., alloat. Options opened ?JJUJ? t.0O.0.0'.,.?,mi,1! '."'.".iV,?. .'!?...,? nUTTER-Crcnmery. Itfll61u: dairy, stcadv and at onco advanced on further tlmn of venr whun neonle must have sum- fancy. 13ff 14c. bullish crop news, outside b.iylng, local m?r o?otKlt?K S EGGS-Weak; fresh Missouri nnd Knn- covering nnd tlrm Liverpool news. Closed iriff frenlv Evervone Is continent that sns siocn, sun nor uoz., loss ou, cases ro- nrm; Juiy, airawn-iw;, ciusimi 111 euvjc; nup ...... ; . -.- ...... liirnA, nMW will Ipu'firnl .n mm ik iiiai un tornhfr liu'i i OHn III ...Li' I Cf19 V Oniintntu VQ.t W Vil, ' n. morchants are sending In good sqrtlng-up more 1 1 r. unii.i.nhi.i r.intiirn titnt tnnv 1 jili SK'vKJ'fnnBv'Yl esnec iallv" we f. bu.: oats, 17,000 b !".. l-'':."V'""...., :,i;'i,n ...,.i turned l nim.' IP KUIIIH l ri:ii U ... ...v.. "l I - V.riIV-lt..nlnlU "dir."!; h nvnnt. 1T7 nKHEIPTS Wheat. fij.UlO bu. : corn. B.flOn IKS bu. Soot, steady: No. 2. 50c. elovntnr. Li.; oats. 17,000 bu. and tWJic f, o. b., ufloat. Options nilvnnccd howlni thnt those who predicted earlier I HiiutibM -neat, w.iuu du.j corn, -ill, In the season a nlco trado on fancy lines sou bu.; oats, i.ow mi Jl.1 .nl,n .nl.lnlrn I " AVinnnn nrdnr. nrn nlnn rnnilnir In In 11 X'cw York Ilry floods Mnrket. very satisfactory manner and It tho present NEW YORK, Juno 1. The week closes with wheat, also reflecting unftivoraDlo crop advices; closed firm, io higher; July, 4'J14CT491Jc. closed nt 491ic; September, I9 3-1G (04UVic. cioseo at wic rata be maintained during tho rest of tho with quiet conditions prevailing In all de 40a wll! to report, ah all Hoes ore holding Just expected to pick tip next week, ns new about steady, both ns regards summer linos prices nre being made. Ginghams nro qulot and olso goods for fall shipment. and unchanged. Print cloths dull nnd tin- llH,r CniingCU.. JMlll-lluuil t iliwil JlllllB III lliw I. qule bu, OATS Receipts, 160,000 bu.: exports, 70.S9I Spot, quiet; fso. z, sic; zso, 3, 3V4c; No oason the amount of udvanco orders taken partments of the dry goods mnrket. Stnple 2 white, .o; No. J white, 3-14c; track mixed v 1 11 exceed nil previous records. cottons sell In limited quantities without western, J-ty3'1-'' ... . . , , There Is no mnrkot news of Importance chnngo In prices. The print business Is HAY-QuTet; shipping, good to cholco, 92 111 tftlU. HOPS Quiet: common to choice, 1900 rrnn- lwiiic: o u o us. ;'iiik;: I'ncino const, 1900 cropj 16H19c; 1&99, llWlGe; old olds, r.lctc, wter t.op iiuiiirr iiuii-i. . nnd medium counts Inactive nnd weak. HIDES-Steady; Galveston, .20 to 23 lbi .eatner goous jODoors nra niiw 1 1 1 cir JIore lloll)g , WOolen ffhd worsted ynrns. ISHo; L'uniornia. ;ii iu i ios isc. let season. They are, of course, getting 0 LEATHER Steady , hemlock sole. Sugar .Market. nuenos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 21ij2.ic; acid 111 a IPW Bizing-up uruurn, uui nun iiicm is notninc rusniiiK even 111 umi "n"".).1"'"" KRW VOIIK June 1 SUGAR rtnw sSWr-'-Jic. It Is thought, however, that thoro will be a uIr r0,inVnK 3 ll-lGc: centtifugu 9ii WOOL-Qulet; dumestlc llcccc, 2(W7o; markod Improvement In tho nonr fu uro, fog7Vio- mo Texos, IGf 17c. as nil reports from the country Indlcnte m8s,'t7,h'. 5J7 oe' No 7 4 '- c' No ' PROVISIONS-Ileef. steady; family. .$10.50 a nioro voly trade. Traveling men nro "J160'1 ic' D.L0 toc7.' No i No M2.00: mess, JS.&OfJK.nO; beef hams. $ selling quite 11 llttlo stock for fall delivery i &c1"vo' 14 i 65c standard A 5 350?'' con- :Uo; packet. $10.010.50; city, extra India and everything looks bright for tho future, ip'c t lone rs A 5 35o 'mould A B 90c cuit nt mess. 15.WQ17.I. Cut meats, quiet; pickled There fs nlso very ltttl;' doing n rubber I1V.0?Sfltli c liowdcrcd 6 Kc- Kranu- hollies. SV4'tilO'4c; pickled shoulders. 7',4o; goods. Tennis shoes nro Be ling quite freely, 5 s'e- cubes 5 soc pickled hams, $S.75',9.2.-.. I.ard. sternly ; oiu jruui iiiui. uiviu in uiiiiur.. iiui....,R NEW ORLEANH Juns 1 SUQ VR Uu'et western sieumeu,; ruiiiieu, siriiuy; con- doing In Immedlnto business. Orders for kettle S 3-103 13 "c- omm kettle -ei ' tlnent. $8.66; South America. $9.25; com- ruyberc,ont,n?ngC.0n"UCd "lm0rt Cnt'rt"r ,0 Khoea6o5 rn.ll 1111.I Produce. 4 H-I6i. Beconds, -U'iJ4c. TALLOW Quiet; city, 4Tj,c; country, 5Q trlt- rlnnmi.,1 ..- -,,l n ,wl ,..AtnltU, ln. I ..i . , , I Kl'.n week, both In this cltv and also from tho viv vnnv t ipivuiniM-Pi.n RICE-Qulet: domestic, fair to extra, 3?iW surrounding towns, was of very 'llbernl pro. APPLES-The market for evnnnrated nn- WD'atS"!?." poriions. nuawDorrica were, or course, in pies ruled quiet and prices remain about as "in, 1 .1 . i ' 1 'Li i'Py " last, quoted, state common, 30 Ic; MOLASSES Steady : Now Orleans one n? kettle, good to choice, 32fl0c. very llbernl Prices for good shlnnlnir stock '-ri l. wiiLU" "" "" " HUTTER Receipts, 8.6SJ pkgs.; firm ni rh,H.,.,i ,,.,. ..1. .11.. Mi,..;,.i "7? .i , ; v ' . . . rrpfimprv. lowiuci factory, liufiaue. have not chnnged materially. MUsourl nnd CALIFORNIA IIRIED FRUlTS-Wro In fi ueri!ni8. ii.ji iiiiiru Mrm ii.riiiui.nj ...u nv,M un i.iiu uiiiiniib netive. nut nominally steady at unennnueu . r r. c, v " . and nro quoted from ?2 to $2.1". per crate. Tl;.ei' Prines 3lii7c tier lb 11s to S fancy, large, colored, SHWWc; fancy, InrQc, Ooosoberrles uro also on snle ut $2. Th. Jnii nunlltv. At rleots . Rowl 7Vnt-P. m"0? wl,l,; S14G8c; fancy, small, colored. 9J demand for lemons Improved considerably pVrk s'iW.ScV Pcit 9l'iSAnJ,cy,' Hmn.n' hi?' ,ic . list week and price, advanced bhnrply, ns micd. COSV.c. ' 1 -iU-K, toas-hecelpts. I5.S97 pkgs : firm; wst. n e anco at the miotat ons will show, uupeeicu, (jJ-i. ern. ungraded, U 4121ic western se ectrtJ. cinnco at tne mini nitons will n Oranges are also higher than they were a wrote ago. APPii'it iiru entirely out or tne market. It Is expected that Cnllfornln peaches and apricots will begin to arrive mis ween. In any low reeelnt Butte Ml A U' llttlo easier, If anything, Itlvrrpool (Jri In nnd Provisional Plillndcliililn Produce Mnrket. ",7pVnrv aii. 0. ..i . PHILADELPHIA. June l.-RUTTER- dr0c 'lower fowls 's to; tmkSyZv"wi null: fancy western creamery. 19Uo: fancv r.Lr.n...:!' V,,, ' ' ,J ' lurK-' .u.t "r.11'"" I?nt? METALS As usiiul on a Saturday half, . . ... .1 t.nne!U,,L. nmii'hi. 1lLlrt. y.,.l . .-. .. "..' . vcgotanies tnero nss nm uien much of . .'V"" ,,i.iin. ivni, .7, ,,t !.;.:....' iii-n. nouuny incn u nun n leuiuren tnat change oc imporinnce. except n gradual V!.'' ' '.V. 1 .-.v..,, 1 couiu no mnrneu up in inu im-ni metni mnr- erlng of prices, owing to moru liberal I rCS'?.i?,I.,i!I,eCI!' ,-.c ...... ..... ket, Business wns of nn evcnlng-iip chnr- s. ciiKuaiv-1 inn; .e im nm creams . actcr. and even this wns In a small way. r has advapced conslilernbly during rnncy mau, yiiU'Jftc. ,.)r ions iuii The absence of advices from abroad served .,w. whllu okcs and noultrv m-. n creams, fair to choice, liso9'.e, , orente caution and nrlccs on the t' "i - N v, steady. 6s lHd. Futures, steady; July, 6 temher. 464C. unu: wrpicmorr, n ivt'i. CORN Spot, quiet; American mlx-d, . . . . . . .. . I . 1 ..1.1 ( ., ,1 ... lln. ib; jmiri iwtiu iii.a.-i. .,.,. in -i,.. fu tures, quiet; July, 3sill4d; September, 3s 11. t hnrn worn wllhlltlf (hlinirn II ml nn n Tlllvdo fli'lllll nnd Sfed. rnllowm t.end. JI.3TU: miulliT. S.UMt 1 m TOLEDO. O.. J'llio I.-WHEAT-.cllve. copper. I.nko Superior, $17; casting nnd iron idry l.MI LIVERPOOL. Juno 1. WHEAT-Sp jt, strong; cnsli, 7Uc; July. iKtc; September, electrolytic, J16.G21s: tin. J:s.30ffj28,i0; pig Ire n, 2 red weslern winter, sternly. 6s llUd; 74Hc. warrants. $9.50 10.50, northern foundr; s'o. I northern, llrm. 6s Id; No. 1 Callforhln CORN-Strong; cash, lie; July, 45c; Sep- $i5.2o01G.50; southern foundry, JH.i'fil5.r o.TS-Sttady; cash. S9o; July, 2Slic HYn-Tilc. CLOVERS EE D Cash, JG.rO; October, $3.25. soft southern. $13.e0i( 15.50. m.d. PEAS Canadian, steady. 5s Sd HOPS At London (Pnclllc coast), steady, 41uc, .S'rt'lB HAL FLOUR Fancy winter, dull. Ss PROVISIONS-Ileef. steady, u.xtru InrtU Bicss, 62. 3d. Pork, easy; prlnio mcsj wuJt- Coffri- Mnrkcl. NEW YORK. Juno l.-COFFEE-SpDt T.l .,..11. V t Int-nlnn tttn .111.1 ...A... I!V, llllll, ... ( ..I.IXVV-, 'J-JV. ..Illll. 1IU Cordova, Sljfll'ljc, It wns a narrow mar kot nil tho .Kirnlng. Tho onenlnu win ste.tdv. with prices 5 points lower, several OATS Steady: No. 2 white. 29c. billed munths being lower under forelcu and through. moderate room selling Weakness'ln Eun WHISKY On tho busts of $1.:7 for An- peun markets, licuvicr receipts In Ilrazll, , 17c, light tine. Italic, heavy Hue, O&llc itncu uuuua. i wim aecrcasca acmana tor spot, were inc I tuu wusncu, mi.o;ig, I'enrlu Mnrknl. PEORIA, June l,-CORN-8tcndy; No, 3, do :1 pfd.... 47!i'P. C. C. & St. I..... 71 Chlcnco A: N. W..,.203 lAdnms Kx (,'.. II, I. A: P Ill Anifrlcnn Kx Chlcuco Ter. & Tr.. 22', V. H. Kx do pfd Ifl Wella.FarKO Kx. o11! Amlll. Coppnr .. l.Tt Ainer. Cur & t .. C. C. & St. I.. Colornilo So ilo 1st pfd do 2d pM Del. & llud.on... Del. L & W Denver & 11. a... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2.1 pfd OI. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley . tin Dill Iltnols Central .. own Central do pfd Uiko Krlo & V.. do pfd .. & N . . . . : Manhattan I. Met. Ht. Hy Mexican Central Mex. National .. Mlnn. & St. I.... Mo. Paclllo M K. & T do pfd N, J. Central .... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk & W do pfd No. Pacific do Pfd Ontario & W Pennsylvania ... Reading no 1st pfd do 3d pfd St. L. & S. F do 1st pfd do 2d pfd , St. L. South'.. . do pfd St. Paul .. .175 .HI . 83 H4 . 23 Ki h.S . 10 . tsvi . OS'i 130H . M 8't OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Choice fiif Stttn Are OuotibW i Dims . fc t llcnvy Sheep re Full)- n Dime Lower Tlinii Week Ami unit So Are llenv)' I.iimlin, bu. Muht Stuff llns Xot Sliiinii So .Much ClinnKC. SOUTH OMAHA, Juno 1. M 2J) ... S 70 70 2l 4) S 9 Ill 160 i 70 4 270 M & 70 219 20 i 70 t5 235 10 h ll'i 67.,...., tit 120 5 7(1 71 2M M & 72t, Jt 2IT ... 5 70 61 2W 10 $ 72 0 ,, 1 M 5 70 C8 2tl $0 5 75 231 80 5 70 62.. 2S1 160 s ,A. . ft lt . . . R trt . - . I ... . . . . . . . 149 . . V .V U1 ....... .wi- ... - Hlirh.r far thn Walk. .r.. ... . ..... n( ""O" - - I oiir.i.t-iiiere were nuoui ' ...r,, n K.1 Til mi i-lonrs. c-oioraoo cupped lambs on fcaie tounv, uui, fy. . k rijt-i ir: ' this belne thn Inst end of the week, buyers CT-SO. fecond clears, $..05if- 15. HOGS SOLD A SHADE LOWER TODAY UtenbefiveL'much was Vlonc!0' Mr!nB'tif I ;?? ' "'-'"'r r.'lT western cupped iambs was sold to arrive I ''V-oV Vhe trensuyvb, , ht' .V gen! . ...... ......1 .... ..I -r a... ..,. ...... The sutmlv of sheen for the week nas ." ' '-""""r "D not been verv hnnw. n il,-,-rrn.,- ns com- i reserve in the. iilvisloii pared with fast week being noted. Tho tendency of prices, however, has be-"ii downward. Lightweight stuff has not shown so much change, but the heavy weights nro easily u dime lower. About the same Is true nlso of lambs. Tho cholco lightweights nro weak nnd some lower, while the henvywclghts nro fully u dlmo lower and slow. quotations: Choice clipped wethers, f 1.20 Hull refined, snot, stead), 22s. Turpentlna spirits, firm. 2,s 6,1. Rosin. Urm, 4s 3d for common., refined, steady. Lln seed, tlrm, 31s 9d. MlnncniHitln tlrnln .Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. Juno l.-WHEAT-Cnsh, 74o; July. 73M174c; September. 71Mf7lV. e i.iil limner, urn puiuiiir. ..i.vjit iy. ', .ivi go Id of redemntlin. shows; Available cash balances, J1S2.33S, 4(j gold reserve, $M,l3.2lfi, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4,n.l 4,tw -, 12,921 15,b93 9,i0t 9,401 .. 3,560 .. 4.0,9 1,(01 2.13J Iteceints were Otllclal .Monday ... Olllctal Tuesday .. Ofllcial Wednesday Ofllclal Thursday , umciai i riday . Oiucnti buturuuy Total this cue uiHliiiir Alnv Week elldillrC May Is 18,'.V2 40,130 22,414 oalcsi Week eiullUkr May 11 ln.sGl 4J.573 2J,'I Weett ending may 4 14.1MJ Ip0,2I 53 dipped lamb bamo weeK last ycar....l,yu' wi.2ul 12,ti I i(p(j3 clipped Col .wcritKC iricu paiu 101 uuBs nt ouu... Omulia. tho pust several days with comparisons: ? 5J4.SO; fair to good clipped wethers, $3.9iT 7'nt choice clipped ewes, $.1.6513.90; fair to 4.vW lrnnil rllflll.tfl .U',m it l)ft rt r..' olinli. ll'nrtlil 1.201 I In. nil. t. 1,V,.,. r.ll ..I- l.t ...,.1 1.....1.- 1ru?A iay 13 lu,4u l.WI $5.30; choice clipped lambs. $l.754.0; fair . 1 ;; ' . TTT, to good clipped lambs, $4.ti04il.'i6: spring week. 15,4jj G2,,43 10,101 iambs, $,1.0iJiii.o0: feeder wethers, $3.MCI.W; w,j ui.jsj feeder iambs, ji.uutfi.Ki. Rcprescntativo W. Farnam & Co. Smith Colorado lambs.. .tv. Pr. 7 $4 75 6S 4 93 CHICAGO i.fvi: STOCK .maricht. I 1901. ltW.lS99,U93.lS97.l!S6.nW. May 1..., May if..,. May t ... May 4.... May 6.... May .... May 7.... .wuy o,,,. May .... May 10... .Muy 11... Aiay ... May M... hi 11 y 11, ,, May 15... May 16... .way 17... May 18... .May is,,. Muy 20... .May 21... .May May 23.. May 21.. .May May 20.. May 27.. .May 2s.. Muy 29.. May 30.. May 31.. Juno 1... 5 64141 t 2! 3 1 11 i0 0 u-ii a is 6 72'w 6 6714 6 Wrfci 0 bi 6 17 6 2 6 211 9 1U; A tSl 3 !XI 1 us 3 11 a 71 3 t . jI b 72 3 t2 J 96 1 l il Cnttle, Sheep nnd I.niuhs Sternly Hoks ltuli- Easier. CHICAGO. June l.-CATTLE-Recclbts. 300 head: nominally steady: good to prime I M steers. J.'i.l5'ii6.05: good to medium. HAYit a ii i 4J o.40; stockers und feeders. $3.4u(f3.90; heir au ors $2.904.!)0: canners, $2.255)2. S5; bulls I 121 4 41 t It I 4 1 lbi 3 Wl 3 V.i 3 nl 3 lOi III 5.92W.: good to choice ' 1 15 3 6 4 19 S 6 I 17 rough heavy, $5.70'(f5.SO; light, $5.6oiiu.i5; - 1 j ui 1 mi . ! j 1 I uuik or sales, jj.soijid.oo. .! X S.! S , 51 Hitisiap and i.AMHS Receipts, rto neau 1 til 3 Wi Ji 4 $2.00If3.40; calves. $I.0MTG,16; Texas fed I 3 Jl 3 7U a 30 I II steers. $1. 2505. 40: Texas bulls. $2.75Lf3.S.. 3 69i 1 J 111 4 191 ! HOGS Rocelnts Indnv. in.(X0 head: Moll- 6 GSUf fi HI ti I il I It 4 44 dnv. .IS Omi. nnllmntnH. 1,-fl nvr Mm: nuir- 6 01 1 5 lu 3 W 4 3 6t I 4 4J het easier; top. $5.95; mixed butchers, $5.70 wjlj in j 'IJlr.'fl 0,wi goon to choice heavy, .i..,vyiiJ.:i.i; b614 ' u 11 1 5 IV S finUI 6 'Jll .1 6? 6 ti9 6 23 I 03 4 25 0 72 I u L'UI 3 601 4 4ti 5 7314) 6 111 3 t9 4 29i b 73 6 l74 6 lS O 07 6 till; 5 0) 6 031', 6 2'i 6 Ml,' 5 71U 0 TU 6 11 C 10 5 031 6 OS, 6 01 5 04 5 U4 4 99, 4 35 1 wi 4 S.i 4 13 4 85 3 631 3 6b 3 62 3 65 3 b2 3 OS 3 65 3 GO 3 60! 3 u7 3 51 3 50 4 351 4 2b 4 33 4 26 4 li 4 IS 4 20 4 US 4 10 4 14 4 21 1 a v., a -. nnncn niiu inmtis. irfiiiTiu y ateniiv: unnn s. to choice, $4.355fC.O0; fair to cholco mixed, S - i il I $3.40 1.10: western sheep. $1 40&4.6OS year. 3 till 3 11 4 U n..- l 'Ji I....' I I.- .1 ,.1!.-. . ,ni-..,u. 1111. i.v i,,,ii.,c,. ..iwu.uiuw, . western lambs, $5.004S.t".". . Receipts for two weeks compared: This week Cattle, 61,000; hogs, 1K5.000; sheep. 71. : Si 000. Last week-Cattle, 61,100; hogs. 179,700; " aim.,., 71 TJVI 3 61 3 121 3 5:i 3 01 4 Ml 3 tw 3 03 3 Oi a w 3 45 ' 4 3J .. a nn j i 1 1 Si. . Kiiiisii" Clly l.lvt- Stock Mnrket n r, . i7 Kansas city. Juno i.-cattle-rc 3 31 2 9.' 4 31 oelpts, loi) head; market compared with 11 3 30 2 96 4 38 I wcck ago: runtivn ami tomih ueet steers, 111 I ITI I ai,i.i3 IU iW I IKIIt'l . UUllO llllll llVlluin, 3 391 4 36 sicaoy t 10c lower; stocaers nnu leeuern, in Itivcstttiettt Securities. 11520 Farnam Street. Wll OKKHItl W.MOX stock yards stock- na.OIMl inorti:iiK'. .1 ler font. ' Iftl.MI tiiortKXKt'i O 1'i'f cent. . 15700 iiiiirtgnito, 7 per cent. $1,0.10 Si'liool J ii ml, (I per cent. , Olllir.ltS EXHCttTEII I'Olt STOCKS AND BONDS. References--Merchants National Ilnnk anS United States National Hank. 101 2 SOI 4 30 52uc iower: nomlnnl nuotutlons; native beef U ! steers, $4.905.70; stockers and feeders, $3,0.5 Indicates Sunday (ao-ou; western red steers, ji,ti.iii,).,io; Texnns Tho oMclnl . dumber of cars of stock "."cojvsl W&Wt rought in today by each road was: Icner MfS? ulKf233 (ii; u, Hogs.fah p.H ses. calves, J4.00Hi0.00. Receipts for the week, . 5!it do pfd . 2IU Amer. I.ln. Oil... .16714 do pfd .212',ilAmer. S. & 11 ... 4!) do pfd ... SCVAnier. Tobacco .. ... 4?Vi'Anac. Mining Co ... "014 Ilrooklyn It. T... ... 57'4 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. ...IU icon, (las . .. HI. Con. Tobacco ... "7V do pfd ....H2i (len. Klectrlo . . ... 33 Dhicoae Suxnr .... C24. Rockhie Coal . ... 6) 'Inter. Paper .. ,...1M I do pfd . ...infisj Inter. Power ,...13 I'ielclo Un. .... ....17314 Nntloniil Illscult .. 25 National Ind .. .... U !i National Salt ... .... 91 1 do pfd ....Ut?i No American .. .... 31U Paclllo Court .... .... 63 ll'acino Mall , People's Oas .... ....ISSH Pressed 8. Car.. .... r.3V4 1 do prd 8..i .... W Pullinnn P. Car 2n3 ....140 .Itrpuhlla Steel I1.'; .... HSU1 do pfd 7IH .... ri; Sugnr lt:?i ....HS.Tenn. Conl & Iron.. 61 .... 44 Union Hag &. 1 1??; .... 7"!i' do pfd 70 .... GH.iU. S. leather 1U4 .... 4'li! do pfd 7'.lJi .... 83 U. S. Hubber 21 .... 70'!il do pfil C2 .... 3". IU. S. Sttcl 60i .... o;i,;l do pM Wi ....KlU'Westcrn Union .... C4?i C M. & St. P. llv 8 U. & St. L. Ry 6 Missouri Pnclllc Ry 3 Union Puclllu system 26 .. C, & N. W. Ry 6 F E. & M. V. R. R : 41 S. C. P. Ry 1 C St. P., M. & O. Ry 11 II. i M. R. It. R 22 6 C, 11. . Q, Ry l.i 4 H. 1. ec 1:, cast 0 25.GO0: last week. 22.100. nuus-ltcceipts, o.otio iienu; maritct meany to strong; top, J5.95; bulk of sales. $3.701fi 5.90: heavy. $.".SKr5.i."ii mixed backers. J5.70M r..oo; light, $3.GOjf.i.7o; nigs, jl.tojifi.w. lie. R. I. .t P.. west. Illinois Central Total receipts 118 9 4 The disposition of the dny's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. er 01 heuii indicated: 314 . 6Il.a .UP. .212 . Wi'i 2314 79 10O 84 14 .. 4j4 .. 1M4 .. 4lli .. 70 .. SO .. no .. 3714 ..116H .. 4Mi I) lluvers. Omaha Packing Co.. witt and uompauy ininny packing Co. rmour iV: Co Other buyers Totals nerc 10 maao a innrKei. . . . r aiifeieii awm i.'xrticit.;nnint. Tin Hiiiin y nf rut to for tin week has .'V "." "-'i'"". been liberal, us will show. Thero however, to meel ltk nnd ns n result tne murKet ruieu active nnu strong nil uiq ween. .... volv York Mln.-k Market 'I'll., mm In i r Ihn linnr Dlnnrtf nffirnit Villa 1 " 1IIU WUUlllJ Ui 1'V.t.L 4J n o iiitv.ivi kis.o tti.tir y. t . t.ttnt,.ri r . 1. ...... ..'ui.i l.i.. t.AH UA I rliit 1UU1V. JU R I. lil'jl'-. V I'-B UP' nirn thnn for nnv nrevlous week so far this cell ts. So7 . head, all consigned through; yea tho sa closo cases tho choicer bunches havo Improved Trust recclplB. Xerr York .Honey Mnrki't. NEW YORK. June 1. MONEY On call. nominal; prime mercantile paper, 33414 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Nomlnnl. with actual business In bunkers' bills ut Jl.SSli ror uomutui nnu ti w i.j,h for Kixty unys; posted rates, $I.S5f I.SSlfe and $I.S9; com mercinl bills. JI.XlUQI.Slft. SILVER Cert lllcntes. nominally GOc: bar. 693ic: Mexican dollars. 4Sc. UONUH State, inactive; railroad, urm; government, menuy; rerunuing s, reg., ex. int.. luo'i; coupon. ioii?i as. rcg. unu coupon. 109; new -13, leg. nnd coupon, ISSiA; old 4s, reg.. ex. nit . coupon, nu'.i: &h. rcg. nnd coupon, IDS?, the cluslni: puces on bunds touai are ai follows: U. S. rcf. 2k. reg....!"!-.!; N". Y. C. Is 10S do coupon loo. N. J. C. sen. 5 1321 do 3j. reg 1'rt Nn. Paclfla 3s 71! do coupon 10 do 4s Pl.114 do new 4s, rcg....US4 N Y, C & St I. 4s.. 1074 do coupon us'.?,, lb . con. 4s 1011 do old 4, re HT.i do coupon 11314 do ts, leg I01i do coupon T). of C. 3 63s 123 Oregon Nav. Is 109 do 4 1024 virrgnn . 1.. us. . ..irrm -no consoi ss 111,1 Reading general 4s. W!4 Atch. gencrnl 4s.... 10314 Jtlo (I. IV, In 10P.4 do BdJ. 4s Ji'.ii t 1. it I i' c. us ..11514 Canada So. 2s ICS'.i Ches. & Ohio i'4..:u,'3 do In iui',4 C. i . W. c. 7s....l4Hi do S. P. deb. Cs..l21t, Clilcacn Ter. 4s 9314 Colorado So. 4 M14 Denve- .1 11. tl. is.lTJVi Krle general 4 ftli w v. JC D. C. Is... 107 Gen. niectrlo S ...15314 Iowa Central is.... u, t.. St n. uni. is .'ni. M.. K. A T. 2i 87V do 4s Hid. St I. & S V K. 6H..13I St. 1'aul consols ...13 St P. C Se P Is 11S1, -no ijs ny So. Paclnc 4s fijii s. it. & r. 6 e:i Tex. & Paclfla Is.. 119 do 2s 53 Union ruclflo 4s pisii Wabash Is 117 do 2s 110 West Shore la Ill Wis. Central Is 89i (l. LTHUrUl 'Ji .uani.i i;x. ts lor, lliiatun tock l 11 i III I l.i 11 k. nOSTON, June 1. Call loans, 31 per cent; tlmo loans, .v.wiu per com. uiuciui closing; A . T. & S. P.... do pfd Amer. Sugar .... American Tel Boston & Albany Boston Ulevntfd. Iloston Si Me C. 11. tr. Q Pomlnlon Coal . do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Fltciiburg pfd.... fleu. Klectrlo .... Mexican Central N. K. tl. & C... Old Dominion ... Rubber Union Paclflo Union Land . West Und .... ..102!i Atchison 4s... ..Ulh N. K. (1. & C. 5i ..113 Adventuru ..VAVt, Ring. Mln. Co.... . . 1SI Atnal. Copper ... ..191 Atlantic ...,W I Iloston & Mont... .... 34 ! Unite Iloston . ....113 Pol. & IlecU f2. .... Mi'l Centennial 2', .... Wlb Franklin ....115 lluinholdt ,...:32U,Os'eoln .. .. 2114 Parrot .. . ... 10 Qulncy .. .... 33?t Santa Fe Copper... 71 .... 21 Tomuriick 340 ....UlUlUtah Mining 30 .... 3 Wlnonn 3 .... 91 Wolverines KJ Westhmh. Ulectrlc. 6314 .10214 . 63V . 1414 . 2T,1i .U9H . 3f J .4M 11314 17? .i f(,i, 341 170 Xrvr York .Mining filneks. NEW YORK, Juno 1. Tho following nro quotutluns on mining siock; Adams Con Alice Ilreeco Urunsnlrk Con... Comstoclt Tun.... Con. Cul, & Va.. Ueadwoiid Terra Horn Silver Iron Sliver Ueiidvllle Con 18 40 .Llttlo Chief 13 Ontario SoO ,.r.3 Ophlr .. 13 Phoenix .. i Potosl . 210 ISavucx .. fJ 'Sierra Nevada ..113 Small ll'.j.e. ... .. CO I Standard , .. C I .. 90 .. 12 Loudon, Slock luotiiloiis. LONDON, June 1. 2 p. m. Closing; Consols, money do account .. Atchison Canadian Pac, ft, Paul , ft I do 1st pfd 4 .. 8ii ..tOOij ..167 Pennsylvania Heading No, Paclllo pM.. HrHnd Trunk .... Anaconda . 72 . 22 1 .101! . 10 . 4.'?4 . to .101 Illinois Central ....Ml t-nulnvlllfi 1"S7.I Itand Mines Union Pac. pfd... . 9J IU. S. Sleel . N. Y. Central V'J do pfd Krle 434 1 RAR KILVKR-Steudy. 2"14d per ounce. MONEY 25(214 per cent; Uiu rato of ills count In the obi-n market for short bills It 314 per cent; for three months' bills, 314fi &9-iii per cent ool .Mnrki't. ST LOUIS. Juno 1 -WOOI, Eisv but not uuotably lower, medium grades, UW eolptH for the week, H,m; lost week, 93.SOO. SHKKl' AKU 1A.M US Compared with a week ago. choice lambs. 105715c lower: com mon crudes, 15125c lower; western lumbs, Jl. 7500. 10: western wethers, J4.O0&5.50: west ern yearlings, ji.&o'u i.,j; ewes, ;i. m'm.zj; Buy FRYER HILL OF LKADVILLE kl Cc a share; Company controls 17 claims 14 tho heart of the District; property btlng operated with a steam bolst; has record of production of $160,000.00. 1 Huy PRIDE MINING COMPANY STOCs at 20c a share; tho company owns 45 claims and a large mill; Is s stesdy ihlppet mi employs 25 men; will undoubtedly pay fllrl dendi this year. 1 Wrlto tor Imformiitlon concerning dltl dend paying stock showlns an investment of better than 3314 per cent, to Herbert 4 Shaw, dikes 11 and 15, Brown Palac Ho. let, Denver, Colurado. Approved itockl old on lostnlmcnt plan. Direct prlrata wiro to all Colorado exchanges. HOW TO .MAKE MOXEY. No lino offers n moro safe, nbsoluto o fixed method for big returns on every dol Inr Invested than does our speculative de partment. Ono account of J300 returned over $1,200 In tho pnst fifteen (15) ilnys. Wo guarantee u prollt of nt lunst 2 per cent per month on nil moneys Invested throimh lb. J Send for a free copy of our booklet or ?Hlfs,.2&0i,'r'0t Ttix"HK.rlM ""V0''' ,53.Hin ' Bpcculntlvo Investment which gives full 4.10; Texas lambs, J1.25J I. GO; spring lambfl, S5.25fi6.00. Receipts for tho week, 20,500; last weeK, 14, ono. St. I.ouls I.lvi Stock .Mnrket. ST. I.OUIS. .Tunn I. CATTLE Reeel'jts. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. 100 head, all Texnns; market steady to i,isi l.boj strong; native elilppnig und export steers particulars of our system. Lewis W. JnlttiKiiti, luveutiiHuit Rroker, in wan Htrcet, .New vork. 1,103 3,491 3,610 10,351 OLDEST! SAFEST! REST! WALL STREET $5,004)080; dressed Veef and butcher steers , i"' "c,t " V a i, ... " S4.&ofiG.60 steers under l.ono lbs., S3.331f5.00; 1 .Ho Investor s Fund Pays Scml-Monthly. slnekers nml foPiXrra. M.OOrff l.M; i-owh nnd I Till) oldest established 111 America. No heifers. $2.00(5.13; canners. Sl.60fl2.83; bulls, certificate-holder ever lost a cent. Pay--n -rn-.. .e. tr. , ..." . ttAA . mriitH Hindu tn nil HUbunrlberH every IS r j'u-i.iii jt.'Aiin 111111 1 1 ui 1111:1:1.-., lo.wi ' . " v . .. ..!.. J ..... . . -. . !,027 0.00; cows nnd hclferB. $2.25l,23. dai?.'. ,...,N" ,r "i1.1?:. ,'i,-.. "oli" PATTLK-Thn rntlln mnrket todnv was . H'Jun-ucceipis. i'.BW iienu; mnraci oc KS'VJJ'K-WwLV0 wcru ,,ul -UBM$.u.Xrs "nCKcr''' i . 1. i... aiujiJi' an ) i.a.miih itece nts. none th, tnble nf r 'eel ts 1 iibovo mnrkct tcndy ut the following quotations: n hain not hlcn toe mi nv Natlvo muttons, Sl.OOer-I.CO; Inmbs. to.W tht demanls of local Sack cu,lM ml 1,ut'lH' W.001TI.50; stockers, , 1V,?i?e,?LB,?fr ,.ed,rnMy; $2.75,fl3.25; Texas muttons, ll.tW4.23. Sr: "rui denland"wa Ut'yop"sJ,a,. for SJ&W ,1 hnnvv rxnnrt rnttln nnd nrlces enn ncnu ciiuio, ntnii Biietp nnu foly bo' quoted a dime higher than the TiT,, Ttec, dnls none V nso of Inst week nnd In a grout mnny a,?A,,1 hs eccPt. none, nominally steady. HUl'il'Jl' ANU LA.MUH ItecclptH, 2.S07 moro thnn thnt. The fair to goodcottlo . 'hemi , stcadv Arllnis v.ti.k hnvo uold 5010c higher nnd even tho thin led' .H0".J.'': ?! lc"r lnB".' . S." and commoner kinds, while n trlllo ncg- 1? J?V,nJhiiriir lected. have also Improved In price. Tho J-JS5'00, un!nor" cartings, JG, Iambs, $,,.10 fflfi.50. 11UU8 Receipts, i,h77 henu; 1 deck on mnrket Is now at tho high point of tho venr and thu ton of tho market for the ,YVi2Z " l if' W .vnnlr la JK m. D""i """ "l tf.."u..u. cows unu lienors nnvo been in light ro celnt all tho week und the market ruled strong and active each day. At tho close refunded on demand. Wrlto today foe purticuiurs, ireo to any auurcss. C. E. MACK EY A CO., Hudson lltilldliiK, Xcw York. B, L. Baldwin & Co' GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS ll'Ul FA It X AM STREET. I.onit Dlslnnee Plione, 17011. St. .Toscpli Live Slock Mnrket. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. June 1. fSucclnl.) SlIUIIK llllll IIUIIVU UULIi till.Ti JV KllV LIUJU I , . . of tho week prices look some higher than i i-pr iV i!.ii.,t. thev were n week ago. but still tho sltua tlon could nerhans best bo described bv culling It n good strong market nnd In ex treme cases pcrhups u dlmo higher. Cows showing grass aro brglnnlug to put In their aniieariinco und packers, of course, dlscrlm- lliuto iiguliiHt such kinds nnd only tako them nt lower prices as compnreu witn 1110 corn 101 stint mnrkot CATTLE RecelptB. 100 heiid: stenuv; (lemanu strong. OU8-Receipts. R..m heni : market steady to 214c lower; all grades, J5.67'.4ij;3.93; bulk of saies, ij.,3it.N; pigs iincnaiigcii, stiwiiif ajsu i.,niu itoccipis, none. Sioux Cll) l.lrc Stock Mnrket. SIOUX CITY. June 1. (Snecinl Tole- Good packer bulls nro also selling stronger frarn'rCATTLE.ccieipts. 500; inarkut tnnu tney were a wcck ago nnu hiock duiis "v .VrVO--. nX. . ' ""X'st nud breeder bulls nro quoted fully as high jn xed. $2.50a 1.00 B ockers und feeders, W.:fi as they wero last week. Calves and stags &" k41! nn 1 cn,rM' P W'tt4-' . , uro also good and strong for tho week. ,"i"B1.iiinPi1' ,.' r3&u.h- f"'lrL t. i-.. i,.,,. 1. ...... ,.V,. un,. ,.n i,iu steady, selling ut So.oiliffj.Co: bulk, ih.dyit 1' wuti D uvcit .:,, nv.i.u .... I - week and one cattle man remarked that ho o."-3 .......... !... utn.l. n....ln .... I IIU.CI 11 llliiu linen Diui.n uiiuu nvit ua w...i. . .. U, . senrcu In these yards as they have been 1 . V 1 1 ..' for tno past two wcoks, uno uemanu is iuuuius u uic uua uiu utoiuh im fairly good for cattle weighing from 350 cattle, hogs and sheep nt the four prlnelp.rl tn 7lo tmmulM nnil wliprn Ihpy show ntl.illlv live stock murketS J'Jllo 1: nnd stvlo thov may bo emoted from 51.50 to . . Cuttle 13.00. There aro unfilled orders In the yards South Omaha 13 for stock came that nave ucen nere ror v."'"'u two weeks or more, which Is n good Indlca- Kansas City tlon of tho scarcity. at. louis l li.. a i..,i n rvtrvil I ,, n T , ...V.U " .1 I . h.''ll It.'.., 1 ,u,. . , . . hots hero today for a Saturday, nnd. as lotuis both Kansas City and Clilcago were te- ported n shado to 6c lower, tho market here wns n iittio lower. Tne.urst nogs sniu u .TOO 10O 100 Hogs. Sheep. ID.IOfi 1,931 19,000 500 5.OD0 2,800 Teieplione lOUO. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James E. Boyd t Co., OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION C.nAlX. IMIOVISIOXH AXD STOCKS, llunrd of Trade ItnlldliiK. Direct wires to ChlcDgo and New York. Correpondence, John A. Warren & Co. TEXAS OIL "GUSHER." Thoso interested in oil or other minerals by Bending us immediately 11 2 cent stump will receive a picture of tno world's great est oil "gusher," capacity 70,000 barrels per day. STATE INVESTMENT CO., Donvor, Colo. OIL REVIEW FREE. IF Interested In oil drop n postal for copy of Hpeclnl Illustrated Texos Edition, giving history of discovery of oil excitement nt Hentimont; nlso special report on sowral well-known oil corporations. SOUTHWEST ERN OIL REVIEW, No. American Illdg., Philadelphia, Pa. 513 37,200 2,131 Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. Juno 1 COTTON The Bhndo lower, but It soon became evident mnrket opened quiet und firm, with prices tiiut pucKors nnu iiuerai oruers, unu ns a ztuu pninis nigner on some nutsiuo nuviug, result tho market took on more llfo nnd based on bud weather reportu and bullish closed up not far from steady with yester- news from tho crop renter. Tho Chronlclo day. Tho long string went nt $5.70, with report for tho week showed further exces- thu bulk from $3.H"! to $5.7214. Tho cholco slvo ruins In tho custtrn und central belt, heavyweights sold from $5.7211 up us high Blow growth and a backwnrd condition geu- as $5,80. Tho light and common Btuft wont orally. The government weather chart from $5.6716 down. Tho market whs active noted general ralnn east of the Mississippi, after the first round, so thut everything but no molsturo where needed In tho south- wiiK sold by about 9 o'clock in the morning, west. Tho market closed steady, with witn ine average pneo oiuy 11 snauo unucr prices net -i points nigner. yesterday NEW ORLEANS, Juno 1. COTTON - Tho supply of hogs has been liberal nil Steady; sales, 1.250 bales; ordinary, Me", this week, tho receipts not being so much good ordlnury, 0 1-lGc: low middling. 614c; under tho big run of tho previous week, middling, 7r)ic; good middling, 814c; middling In Bplto of that fact thu tendency of prlseu fnlr, 8U0; receipts, 1,711 bales; Block, 137,021 hus been upwurd, the week closing nearly bales, u dlmo higher thun the dose of last week. ST. LOUIS, June 1. COTTON Quint ; J ltn (ii'inunu was nctivr all tho week nnd middling, 7 ll-ir,e: sales, none; receipts, 9S each day's recelntB wcro well cured for. bnles: stock. 73.197 bales. Representative Bales: GALVESTON, Tex., June 1. COTTON steady, 7 i3-uc. LIVERPOOL. June l.-COTTON-Toda v Is a holiday on tho Cotton exchange. Ilnnk C'leiirliiirs. OMAHA. Juno 1. Rank clenrlncs todav. $1,137.2S2; corresponding dny Inst year,' $1,219.5S1: decrease, $V2,299. CHICAGO, Juno 1 -tJleuntlgs. $21,273,11711; balances, $3,513,616; posted exchange, $4.K51S 64. K9; New York exchange, 20c premium. ST. LOUIS. Juno l.-Cleurlngs, $7,190,417; balances. $1,272,329: money, r.f77 per cent; New York exchange, 25c premium bid, 40o premium asked. CINCINNATI. Juno l.-Clenrlngs. $2,977, 950; money, 3'M(6 per cent; Now York ex change, 30o premium. NEW YORK, June l.-Cleurlngs, $270, 893,50'?: halnncos, $14,329,000 ROSTON. Juno l.-Cleurlngs, $26,350,011; bnlunces, $3,379,601. PHILADELPHIA, June 1. uicnritigs, $24,044,630: balances, $2,518,310. BALTIMORE. Juno l.-Clcnrlngs, $1,810, 827; balances, $667,iffi. Iiiiliorts und Exports. VP.W YORK. Juno 1. Exnorts nf silver from this port tn nil countries for thN week nggregatii $395,400 In silver burs und coin and $1,071,453 gold. Tho Imports of sperlo this week were $30,300 gold und $02,450 III silver. Thn Imports nf dry goods und merchnn'Jlss ut the port of New York for this wok wero valued ut $10,078,631. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No, Av. Sh. Pr, 91 202 160 6 to 67 236 120 6 70 9S 196 100 its 71 m ... 5 70 S3 m 40 6 6714 A) 223 160 6 70 Ci 212 ... 5 C7Vi 18 221 ... i '0 79 210 W 5 674 ' 246 160 5 70 63 220 200 5 C7li 05 250 ... S VO 68 213 SO 5 6714 73 251 160 5 70 12 310 ... 5 6714 70 217 200 5 70 78 230 ... 5 ful4 73 220 ... 5 70 58 230 120 5 ,1714 69 214 160 5 70 65 211 40 5 0'14 71 238 SO 5 '0 67 232 160 5 7i 66 273 280 8 70 61 215 160 5 67(i 62 212 ... 5 70 72 226 120 5 1.714 68 224 M I ',0 63 220 ... 5 6714 69 248 ... 5 0 70 211 80 5 7i 64 220 SO 5 70 67 250 40 6 6714 70 223 240 5 7u 72 212 360 5 714 10 202 ... 0 70 74 209 80 5 6714 72 228 ... 5 70 78 221 80 6 C714 03 238 120 5 70 63 163 M 5 674 71 223 SO 5 70 78 208 1(0 5 6714 C8 22t 160 5 70 SO 191 80 5 f,714 78 213 ... 5 70 SO 195 (0 5C714 84 20 ... 5 70 72 211 1W 5 6714 70 247 240 5 70 72 233 120 5 67i4 53 231 SO 5 70 78 210 120 5 6714 41 237 40 5 70 63 218 120 6 T714 71 248 40 5 70 73 22S 40 5 671 C4 227 80 6 70 76, 216 160 5 67(4 C3 213 ... 5 70 73 215 120 5 70 77 218 SO 6 70 70 355 ... 5 70 78 231 2A) 5 70 73 233 40 5 70 75 233 160 5 70 64 210 120 5 70 CO 262 SO 5 70 80 241 80 5 70 79 202 ... 5 70 71 213 160 5 "0 83 211 ... 6 70 (3 207 SO 5 70 CO 227 ... 6 70 CO 261 160 5 70 60 258 SO 5 70 60 23S 40 5 70 12 210 ... 5 70 C8 228 120 3 70 82 223 ... 5 i'O 74 203 320 5 70 67 253 40 6 70 83 208 160 8 70 70 223 ... 5 7) 71 228 160 5 70 73 208 ... 5 70 C6 217 120 5 TO 74 217 ... 5 70 60 212 SO 5 70 C9 243 320 5 70 M 240 120 3 70 140 2C8 400 5 70 71 212 120 5 70 64 247 ... 5 724 62 200 ... 5 70 58 283 ... 5 7214 50 211 SO 5 70 57 303 120 6 7214 71 253 240 5 70 63 253 ... 5 721i 78 221 120 3 70 . 60 257 ... 6 72' 4 47 ;.'! ... 5 70 69 261 SO 5 7214 W 253 240 3 10 C5 233 40 6 "214 70 233 SO .' 70 1 278 So 3 7214 61 239 4 ) 6 70 50 303 SO 5 72'i 62 270 (0 5 70 60 247 SO 5 7214 73 230 ... 5 70 59 291 SO 5 711, CO 239 100 3 70 C5 2S2 100 5 '2'4 79 214 120 5 0 08 264 160 6 72V4 78 220 2'V) 5?0 7, 211 SO B "2' 71 231 120 5 70 61 260 160 5 7214 71 231 SO 5 70 63 1A M 5 "ili 76 ... . 217 SO 5 TO C,. .....268 160 5 'V 60 . . 253 ". 70 38 273 120 3 '214 61 . 213 5 '0 68 , 287 80 5 7:14 lb ... 283 $0 5 "0 73 279 10 5 72 4 51 :u ... i 7) to 253 ... 5 :' LEGAL XOTICES. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. In the District Court In uud for Douglas County, Nebraska. William G. Madden, plaintiff, ugnlnst Ne braska Flro Insurance Company et nl do f umlauts. Notice to creditors of Bald In surance compuny to present their claims for dividends. To all creditors of tho Nebraska Flro In surance company who huvn not claimed or received their respcctlvo dividends hereto fore ordered in the abovo entitled action: You. uud each of you, nro hereby notified thnt In nnd by the order of tho court In tha above entitled action, mndo nnd entered on the 4th dny of May, A. D. 1901. vou must present for payment your respective claims for dividends hcrotoforu ordered In said action within 60 days from tho completion of tho publication of this notice, which tlmo will expire on thn 31st dny of August, A D. 1901, and that unless you so do your respec tive rights 10 such dividends will bo con cluded nnd you wilt bo barred of tho right to participate In tho funds appropriated therefor. Such claims may bo presented at thsj nlllco of the undersigned receiver In tho Rrown block. In the city of Omaha, tn Douglas county aforesaid, or transmitted to him nt thnt address by mull, Dated this 25th day of May. A. D. 1901. ALI1ERT U. WYMAN, Receiver nf thn said Nebraska Flro Insur nnco company May30d-sun-30t OH nud UiihIii. Vl'.W YORK. Juno l.-OILS-Cotioiibeed. steady: prime crudo, nomlnnl; prlmo yel low, 3314c. Petroleum, dull; rellned New York, $0.90: Philadelphia and Ilaltlmore, JG.50; Philadelphia and Ilaltlmore, In hulk, $4.30. Rosin, quiet; strained common to good. J1.MV4. Turpentine, nun, wumc, SAVANNAH, On., Juno l.-OILS-Splrlts of turpentlno, firm, 3i!4e. Rosin, firm and unchanged. LIVERPOOL, Juno J. uil.H-uoltonseed. NOTICE TO RIDDERS. Notice Ik hereby given thnt senled pro posals will be received at the offlcn of tho Commissioner of Ppuhllc Lands and Ilulld Inim until 9 o'clock a. in.. Junn 15th. 1901. 1 for furnishing tho following nrtlcles to tho Nebrnsku Hospital ior the insane nt Lin coln, NeliiasKii. All tho nrtlcles mentioned to be delivered nt siild hospital. Eftlmntea are lettered A, II uud C. llldders may hid upon nny one or nil, A 150 motal beds, 150 rocltcrs, 250 dlnlnl room chair.-. R 156 hnlr mnttremes, 156 cotton mat tresses. 156 moss mattresses, 156 pillows. C 2,200 yards unbleached sheeting, EOS yards unbleached muslin, 173 white nullts, 1,000 ynrds all linen unbleached crash, 500 yards bleached muslin. 100 yards tnblo oil cloth, white; 250 yards unbleached tsblo linen, 1 gross Nn. 10 Coalcs' whlto cotton threud. Tho description of nil articles may bo found nt the olllco of Commissioner of Public Lands and Itulldlngs. No proposals shall lie received unless in I ho olllco of Commissioner of Public Lands und Rulld iligs on or before tho hour and day nbovo mentioned nnd no bid is considered 11 uwnrded until revenue stump Is n III xed to bund. No bid In which snmplos nro called for will bo considered unless samo am submitted .... , - The board reserves, tho right to reject nny and all bids, GEO, D. FOLLMER, Com, P. I & n. Lincoln, Neb., Muy 29, 1901. M31(1I0t DO YOU SPECULATE? If so, speculate successfully, Send your orders to a reliable house, wbcra thoy will ho placed on tho open mnrkot. Wo cat) mako for you In ono month moro Interest on your monev tl-n any bank will pay you) In a year. Send for our book on speculation It Is free. ( J. K. Comstock & Co. Ilouiu li.i Trader's llldv, Chicago I