Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1901, Page 17, Image 25

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    I I
HemlaUciccea of the Siege He Carrie! oa
Against Local EceptioUm.
llefc-mliil III Ability in Perform
.Mlrui lc, Inn I'linilly I'li-il llffiire
In Dcimiioliilloti of I'rrs
nml I'tilplt.
Bryan to Graduates
Sage Philosophy and Good Advice
(men at Lincoln High School
Members of the Graduating Class: You moro free to decide upon the uee to bo your reach, when you overtake them, your
liavo finished the talks allotted to you.
mado ot your time nnd your talents, nnd progress Btops.
vmii will liiittrl Itnnn ftin fnllnriollnn
After completing the Btudles taught In the whch olhcM baV(J ,aM or you
graded schools you have devoted four years
to high school work; you havo now reached You nro constituent parts ot the great-
thn dnnr of thn State university and must est nation on the globe and the best clvlll-
decide whether you will employ still fur- ' nrn o n story. ou can cx
John Alexander Dowlo, the head of the
faith euro sect In Chicago which Is known
by bis name nnd who Is facing a prosecu
tion In the Windy City becauso of the re
cent douth of a woman ot Ills Hock from
lack of proper medical attention, Is not
unknown In Omaha. It will bo eleven years
next July since hu put In an nppcarnnce
hero unci delivered u series of lectures In
tlio basement of llio I'lrst Ilaptlst church,
announcing his mission to this country to
hu "to extend tho doctrlno and ministry of
healing through faith In Jesus. In strict nc
cordanco with tho teachings and commands
contained In tho bible, which Is the re
vealed will of nod."
When ho camo to Omaha ho had re
cently arrived In the United States from
Australia. Ho had stopped for n tlmo nt
Los Angelas, Cal., whero ho had created
something of n sensation In religious cir
cles liv Horlnclng his falth-curo doctrine.
He remained in Omaha nboul three weeks,
durlmr tho most of which lime ho was en
gaged In a b'.ttar controversy with somo of
tho ministers of tho city and was the cen
ter of vlgorotiH assaults through tho mo-
ilium, of tho city nrrss. Omaha finally ne
cumo too warm for him and ho departed
for more congenial environment, which he
seems to havo found In Chicago.
Trouble Ui-miii l'nrly
When ho first cumo to Omaha ho re
eelved somo eountcnanuo from somo
Life Is a warfare rather than a battle', It
Is a continual conflict between tho forces of
good and evil and you must be constantly
choosing. You cannot see the end of the
voyage: you cannot tell how fiercely you
dov: c : L;i i nnr Lc n life's Patriate Vdvcs If you become dlssatls- may bo assailed, nor can you measure the
tber your tlmo In training " 'Ifo s o lnfluenco ot ,vnnt you do. You can only
work from the vantage Kund h f" romovo you from society. Whether you take one step at a tlmc-bo sure that It U
gained. You havo all received In varjlng nMo op whetncP youP Vork token In tho right direction: you can only
proportion physical training und moral Jn- con8plcuoU9 or obscure, whether you do one thing at a time-be sure that you do
structlon nlong with mental discipline. ou , "history In a nation's eyes" or It well. Let tho warp and woof of your life
..III nil t.rln nnnn sntriA fif VHtt Imniffll- . . . . ........ I
' w-i "aiong the cool sequestered vale of life," no woven toBeiuvi m "ti
uii, iu ninny Hnai iu nou Veen "tho noise es3 tenor ot your way." uesign and me prouuci win oo more ocuuu-
i"u",lul your influence will count for something in ui man lapcsirj.
to bo students-evcry day ought to add to ,, ,,,Hm, in .t,iM, .mi ik .
tho sum total of your knowledge. When Itcmcmbcr that tho virtues of tho heart
you begin that form of work which yields outshluo tho qualities of tho mind and that
pecuniary reward your progress Is likely to Let me leayo you with these thoughts: mora, ,ruths outrun ami outllvo tho In
t. n nnirnwr fmih tjinn hnt which Happiness Is lndlssolubly linked with help- v(nlinnH renlus. Aro vou amazed that
you havo thus far pursued, but you will find fulness. It has been truly said that happl- hllman nR0ulty has made It posslblo for
your schooling everywhere and at all times nc6 eludes the grasp of those who seek for you t0 8CP(1 a mcMage to a friend 10,000
an advantage to you. "' but 19 tho con8lanl companion of thoso mIe) a,vay? Thcro !s n BUbUo fllllll thi
who busy themselves with the performance flow8 from hCart to heart and runs on from
You entered llfo without your volition; ot Mcn (lny'H duties. If you mcasuro life aK0 ,0 llgca wireless telegraphy, as It
you may depart at any tlmo nnd that too y wImt J"3" "eclve you entrust your hap- wprPi lllat enables you to speak through
without warning today, therefore, Is nil P'ness to tho keoplng ot others: If you noi,i0 impulses and generous deeds to those
that you nro assured of. You owe what measure life by what you give, no one can who shall llvo on this planet 10,000 years
you nro mainly to tho accident of birth rou you of a rlch reward. nftcr you nro ,icn,i. The lnlluenco which
and to tho environment with which clrcum- you exert will llvo on from generation to
stances havo surrounded you. You aro Have a purpose high enough nnd strong generation and It Is thus within tho power
each tho result of many forces working enough to enable you to resist temptation, of each of you to build a monument moro
consciously or unconsciously In tho molding Your achievements will be In proportion to substantial than tho pyramids moro on
of your fortune. Henceforth you will bo your aspirations. Keep your Ideals beyond during than granite or bronze.
Tricks of the Circus Man
Revealed by
One of Them.
All circuses look alike, differing only In was so old that It could hardly walk, nnd brought on another; a crowd gatherod
tho spread of canvas, In brilliancy of poster shuddered In his presence. nround us nn,d the result was that 1 offered
freaks anil lnmonndo tints. ' Llko "Undo . to bet $5,000. It was taken un at once. I
of tho Tom's Cabin," they promise to go on for- "In another town I promlsod a barber JjO passed over tho bar what looked llko some
I . I . i. l . 1 l.l.l- .. .1 ,ll..nHilni tt... If Tim ttnlll.l ahnva nlnn In n ln II ft nf llnnfl. I. . . M,nrt1.n na.AnH n ........ . .
Innllni. mlnlulll-H of the. city bUl US SOOn uvur, uvilBllllllK luu ius mm uitrmun mu ...... u -o . iiuu ui sictiiuui, irum uuiaiuu up-
icauinf mni iir ui ' ,, r-,u. ciders from tho chaso of tho dollar. Tho and ho accepted tho offer. Of courHe, 1 ncoranccs: tho bet was witnessed and tho
ri iinctrl'ics ind tho methods ho adopted popularity of tho circus Is generally con- had tho fact conspicuously billed nil over ,)CWg Bprca(1 iko wildfire. Tho next day
n tnrulcatc thorn hegnu to dawn upon them ceded, but. llko death and taxes, thcro aro tho place, nnd a great crowd was present to n)1 tho town was talking over tho bet nnd
, " . ' . wnnu war upon him nnd his times when this recognized American In- witness tho event. Ono of tho show hands tho coiorC(i mnu Was already quite a hero.
nroLSii Kev. A. W. Lamar was nt stltutlon gives mankind an overdose of that took a seat In tho cage nnd tho barber
i' ,imn' nautor of tho First DaptlBt tired feeling. Thcro nre heroic measures lathered him, keeping ono eye on a pair of ..So far ttl, was wcl)i bllt tho next movo
. . . . .. M... f-ittt I rallcil Into nlav to awaken tho somnolent Hons nil tho while, me loinering was nP,,vftrii ihn nninrui mnn 0i.,n,u,,,r
cnurcu, anu gave tounnjimiu w a i,.i n .iv,. ,.. nm,.,,i ihft :- .
euro ntiostlo throughout his brief, but ex- community aim nu wiu buiuk a "i'"-'ui .... V , i ,n ,ront 01 lno house, as I aid not caro to
i-ltlne cm-agomrnt hero. Before departing member of tho craft nnd tho graft tolls how barber opened his razor one of tho lions ,mvo h,m bt.como posse8ecd of any 8how
.ii i..,i n,...,iijr,i tho trick Is done. In tho Drooklyn Eagle. grew restless and tho barber began to .,. . ,,,,,ni,nfnn ,..i, ,i, ,.
hero a branch of what ho denominated tho tremble. Ho mado one mot lor 'towrnpo the ,ormcr wIlQ appoared cvcry performance
Nntlonal Apsoclatlon for Dlvlno Hcniing, "For many years," ho says, "It has been """ " with the horso was held nnd nn under-
Ing renchcu.
contest was to be du-
even standing room
saloon man occupied
prominent place and with him was his
lorcd champion, all eager for the fray.
which ho had formed while In California, my duty to bo ahead of the show, booming " " "7 r standing reached.
Ho was tho head of tho organization and Nt for ull It was worth, nnd I've had many snomcu. mo o.u. ..Tho night Uo
in organizing tho branches he Insisted on funny experiences. Wo were playing for a me "'r mm iiisi.f.t. ....t ,,(Ied thero was not
naming their ofllcers. Local organization week In a little western city, a fow seasons you are queering us. "iou nin t arrniu oi Jn tenU
.. ....--.I.... -1 tl.. 4 V I .... - 1 tn nlnnt, IHO linH flm Villi!
cilccicil uy mo snicciiuu ui nu.. ... i ago, wuun ono oi iuu uiuu tuwu m u - - , . u
ar as prcslilcnt, v. w. .Mcwnnuisu as up tho animal cages ncciuoniaiiy scraicncu -v. , -- -- --
..... . . I . I ... .. . ... . .... f nnnlnmnl nnmr. nvor hlH f.'IPP. 'I m nfralll
iurer nnd w. li. .Miner as Becrriary. Illg nrm uaaiy on a nan nnu u oieu pri'iiy ...-..... .i , ,v
'his organization was left without n head, freely, but was In no way serious. Here iuu uu "u ,
. . i ii intvti ti.i..iiiki.n inn Tirr- I nM nnniMnn v tint n iin iniRnnn. iiv.iu .n. iiv ...v. ...... ... ...
Wi'ui, ni.v.i w. .
Candidates for admission to the ussocla
Hon wcro required to sign application
blauka In which each affirmed his b
tho doctrlno of dlvlno healing,
nriiinrnnin. nf whom thero were many
llnved that tha sick may bo cured by beautiful pallor nnd then ho was told to
'Our spicier, or, as you people call them,
nua an 'V fcM.... wv v . 1 n,i an.l thn lltXl nVl Vl IvWIUI Ui , U1UUU U lUtlL DirUUUU
m, ..., unni. .lntlioo nlllrk .1 ni.' I KhnlltOII. lllUt 1'IIZUI. nu oum yuo icv ".v ...... , . , , . , . .
vi.u..e,v j - - ,11 i ti i ,i.0-rt, il, I...L... uuub luu nuuuvuui uutnu, luiu uun lui:
and In a moment I had him uresscu in .u , ' ,,n iZZu anma had novcr been defeated and how
.!,. .i whirh ho i on It cood who v as a badly frightened mnn. I cant . , , , . ,,, ,
" . . .v.... .v,,. l.ln.n,l Rnm- ihn rnrnr. unclor 110 111111 niumwu neiu.ui pvupic iui mo mm
lenci in caro to run wun nis wouniieu arm uo inai " v , .... killed two others who had dared to faco
now.o'a ho presented a terrible sight. A quick .he olrcums.ances. was far moro dangerous VZ ring! WhUe sSr was go!
,ny. be- shavo nnd a llttlo makeup gave his face a than tho beasts. t watchcd tho co,orC(, champ0n nnd
red Dy heaUlIIUl pallor nnu men UO u luiu iu . " , l ,.l.l ilnn.l him turnlnr- nnln. In
- - . . i . i . "iinn nr ino opbl nrawinc curun u vvi vw... .... ...r --
prayer, whether offered by the sick person stretcn nimsen on ... m nv.u., . - wo calc(, tho box,nB concluslon tho spieler announced that be
nr somo other, and tho object of tho as- the tigers cage. , m.. , ,,i , fnrn tho event of tho ovcnlnc. which was
.. uiii 1 i 1 . .innHtnl IiaiI 1i ri nnrvn. lilt; 11 1 J1UI1 Uttlt iiiimm w - - ---- - - --w
soclntlon was to keep alive tho practice ; a. inn, ay.uK :,".. hlnd legs and paw the to decide tho $5,000 bet. tho horso would
of divine healing. Another object ot i no ycry w nu uutc-. v th his front foot, on which were placed filvo his usual boxing performance with his
branch organization appears from the pun- ,, " . , ' " "... . I, " li k ,ii i 7 nn!r nf host. . .rloves. A man Iu trainer..
shed reports of the Dow fM Tl n or ' be en att cke and aN lighting togs would faco him and by clever "Man and animal entered tho ring amid
that tlmo to havo been tho ra sing of fumls aimmu it audience never detected, tho greatest enthusiasm and wcro soon
with which to lubricate ho wheels of tho most poured oy i.enga , BpnrrnR , tho moat vlgorous fashon. Tho
Dnwlo health mill, ns It appeared that gerous ub-'.
t. U I r tn ihn I
dues wcro imposcu .or iUU.u - amh,,,.ncn mshlne for
Ingly tcrrlblo b'.ows on him, and tho man horso seemed to fairly rain torrlblo blows
tho fair would alnavs retlro defeated. on tho man nnd tho colored champion a
. . . .i i ni ii in uu iiiiiuu i unuiiiK im
Hisoclatlon, nnd tho dlvlno healer aposuo . oianelne its gong, was followed "tt was In Now Hnvou thnt I created a faco was a scene of caro and anxiety as
was wont to remind his congregation ni ,.,i nii tn . i, y,v m..n, nf hn wntohod thn contest. Suddenly, after a
. i . . ,io ).., limucuou .... ........ - jjieut ociioaiiu.i iui iu " " " J ...... - - -
each meeting that It was aooui H5 ol- matter wns and I managod ,hat hnrso. There was n colored man thero most vigorous punch, the trainer gavo a
hind with him as ngent of the national Information leak out that an anl- .vlin ha,i aomn iocal renutatlon as a boxer, frightful cry nnd then fell back, twitched
organization. raai irainGr had been killed by a tiger. with .Vh0m tho students of Ynlo now and a couple of times and remained motionless.
in .lipiiiiuin cre ...r.... When the ambulance arrived our own then had considerable amusement. I learned
Ti.ui..'n mnthnila nf heallnir whllo in rtnr.tnr had Jim's arm Dannagcci, mu ue ,, ,hn -Mr.i-r.,1 mnn wns cronllv Interested " wan u wuu Bti-nu niui tuuunvu. --.-
dmaha wero varied. Iu his meetings tho looked tcrrlblo and tho tiger was walking ,n U)0 boxlnB horee and so I determined to oral ring hands dashed to tho sldo of the
patient was necessarily present, on which about In a most restless way. his cago sur- wo t,m knowledge for our benefit. Tho prostrato man and boro him tenderly out
........ ia u,r, .)nilrn asRcniblago would rounded by nn armed guard. Bmn,imi. nf n mui-h-frrnuentcd saloon of of sight. After a breathless wait of a
unlto In prayer with tho suffering devotee. "I explained to mo nmouianvo nmtuu th(J bcttor clasSi a8 lt happened, waB an old lew minutes mo nnnouncuuieiu " uuu
In other cases tho apostlo would place his that our doctor had been absent when I frcnd Qf m,no an(1 ho rcadly con3cntC(i to that, whllo tho trainer wns seriously hurt,
hands upon tho patient's head or upon tho telephoned, but hnd arrived in tlmo to save h me his injurlts would not prove fatal.
ii .!. ,n,i whinh wns tho seat of tho nrofessor's life. ..r.. ,i.i,ii cinn.iimr in frnnt nf " 'And now, shouted tho spicier, 'this iniinlliiL. mi-antlmo In nrdent In- "Our doctor thought that, with good caro. . ' nnwBrianer neonlo I man- wonderful horso Is ready to meet tho col-
!..'- .i, .i.,irn.i rum. Thn doctrlno tho professor fnlght live, but wouldn t ho ,,,in , .. m mrntlnn ih? orcd champion and decldo tho contest for
as taught, however, proclaimed tho efficacy ablo to bo about for at least six months. In RcnUy MnQA that there y0m a Bau.
of nbsent treatment. Uowlo, however, was tho meantime, i nan m. -.. . - , . - wafl Mt ft n)an ,n New avcn wno cmlla "Dut tl)c colored cnamnion cou.o i not ne
hitmri. nnni.ii n tho Christ an science rep"rnr. iu.u - - ------ ,.,,, f.nt nf ,,. nnlma for is rounds, found, uurmg me cxciiomuui. uu u
of that day nnd denounced Its followers as In my best style, let them gaze , on tnc i aw ... Qr my proprl rppe(, out am, , tho presonce of the
agents ot the foul n.nd. Dowio also claimed sceno , the "J ctor. who remarked. 'Nonsense, why multitude I was handed a package 8e
t, nntvni. nf mniirt nc to nis uisciiuuB " - . . . . ,, nn ncr thn polored man's nnmci. 'can 10 contain $iu,uuv. io iuw. .-
the ability 1o heal without his aid. you over read whip that old skato of yours inside ot six great drawing card and the trainer kept
Thn nnnstlo was decidedly COmDatlVO in --- ',... -.,. rnunrlH 01 SlgUl wnuo u in lie" w,v...
tho midst of tho assaults mado upon him ? - , wnen ""eV. which
nnd his doctrlno and sought to frighten his
assailants by promising them summnry di-
..i ... .... t nn nnn nrrtislnn Ttov.
$ Merrill, n well known Methodist min- diction continued to live on in Omaha long
later ot that day In Omnhn, published a after that, and years nfter ho had removed
card In The no denouncing Dowlo nnd his to other scenes ho was heard from as an ao-
doctrlncs, which led to the following char- tlvo preacher somewhere down east, at
ncter stlc tirade at tho llrst Uowlo meet- which tlmo the withering process had not
Inr llinrnaftcr: I begun.
."..!. ..'. .. ii , .v fnr rrnv v. S. Concurrent history leads to tho luipres
Merrill tonight. You have doubtless all Bon ti,at Dowlo was In fact a better healor
seen this fituff which he publNhM nbout withcrer. for llko all who espouse
ryn somo advanced' theory for relieving the
i':;.' i, ,.,! .i,. Ti.,. Hon u read by u i...n.nn nih nr its ills ho could really pro-
mighty big lt nt iconic. 'lJ.dn " jfe ,iuco thoso who would testify to his vrondor-
?,7,dMClVl!nni!ra tul Many truly wonderful stories
anything about malignity I never havo wcro re;0Unted of tho power of the cxtra-
Hqon equalled. Why. brothers "ZLm, rnf ordinary prayors of Dowlo and his congro-
JSUS ""c:,ilW ZU IL ol f,,,'"?!!!"1 on't on The lame literally camo In and
know that. 1 toll you. brothers, marlt my throw away their crutches, tho holt stepped
"S? "ffl "o'f '.ndv. 'IS), out briskly from tho church door, tho deaf
n.cJ,'n.?,' . J'Vrrni nf nmnlin wnrn mado to hear and tho blind to see.
Nebr'usltii, from the' faco of the ;rth. According fo current report among thu
K-Wm'tl.S c'n'rmrme'M "edulous every miracle attributed to the
ldty"tcally Second. Oh! brethren, I'm nil Man of Galileo was performed by Dowlo
right: you won't go umlKs If you stuml for wllj0 ho was in Omaha. Among thoso who
me. flhout for Dowle now und theu-lt will teBl,ea t0 powlo's power as a healer wcro
do you eom . nc. tame well-known and rellablo Omaha pco-
,i,.v.i fnllnwors who exnected to read In r '"" c,,r"'
.h n..rt mnrnliic's iinners that tho iihostlo's One young woman uamcd Mlnnlo Hot
,,.-nnhfPv hnd been fulfilled and that Itev. tlngor. living nt C33 South Eleventh street,
Dr. Merrill had boen gathered to his Lincoln, had been deaf In her right ear for
fathers, but u careful search ot tho papers somo soven years. Sho attended ono ot the
of tho following day Bhows thnt Hov. Dr. meetings, wns suujecieu 10 ono oi wuiua
Merrill failed to break Into the obituary prayers and nt onco declared that she could
column. Tho object of tho npostlo's male-1 hear perfectly wun uotn ears. .Mrs. run
"1 sneered at such a thing; ono word did the colored champtou."
G0 0 3
Speaking of cltanliness
and the purifying pro
cess in the brewing
the B(atz original method
of clarifying their brews
has never been equalled.
Every brew is treated
with uniform care and the
result is always the same
-beer perfection.
Druggists or Direct.
Omaha Branch 112 Douglas Street Telephone 1081
nlo Jtogers of 1024 South Twenty-second
street, OmnhnJ who hnd been totally deaf
In one car for thirty-four ycar3 and had
carried a crippled hand for Bevcral years,
testified that after ono of the apostle s invo
cations nil of her aliments disappeared.
John King, a man ovor 60 years old, who
lived on Karon m street, boro witness that
ono of Dowle's prayers removed from his
neck a goitre that was as big as his nst.
Chicago physicians had given lt up, hut
Dowlo placed his hand upon the allllctod
spot, prayed with tho patient a row
moments and when the spectators placed
their hands upon tho place whero the un
natural growth had been It was gone.
Mrs. T. P. Steele of 301 East nroadwny.
Council Illuffs, claimed to havo beon cured
of nn affliction of the eyes and general Ill
health. Mrs. S, K. Moore of Fremont nlso
was cured of serious Injuries received In a
railroad accident.
At tho last Dowle meeting flfty-ono per
sons declared that they had been cured of
ailments, among them being somo former
rheumatic people. Tho statement was pub
lished nt that time that Dowlo had cured
tho aged mother of Itev, Dr. Savldgo by
Sninplf of Ills Methods.
Ono Incident Is recalled by an Omaha cit
izen of thnt day which Illustrates Dowlo's
methods, although It Is not Included In his
list of testimonials. An aged woman who
was nearly blind sought relief at bis hands.
Sho was aflllcted with an ailment of tho
optic nervo nnd was beyond cure, but Dowlo
declared thn. he could euro her. She at
tended ono of his meetings and took her
placo upon tho platform. Dowlo removed
her glasses and told her to get up and walk.
Tho patient protested thnt sho could not, ns
sho could not see, whereupon Dowle gavo
her a push. Instead of Inspiring her to
walk, however, lt knocked her off the plat
form and broko her arm, whereupon the
apostlo declared that sho had committed
some grievous sin In her past and could not
bo healed because she would never bo tor
given for it.
Dowlo was accompanied to Omaha by his
wife, who was of his faith and doctrines and
assisted him In his work. They camo from
Melbourne, Australia, whero they claimed
to havo effected countless cures, Mrs. Dowlo
was a demure llttlo woman who paid her
husband tha utmost defcrenco and strength
cned the doslrid Impression that ho was
something beyond human.
Precedent fur (iilciiun C'nse.
Whllo tho healer was In tho midst of hi
work In Omaha the practices of the faith
curist wero brought to public notice by tho
death of a Mrs. Lemon In childbirth. Sho
had becu attended by a healer named Mrs
Kcnn, and the publicity given the caso In
tho press doubtless strengthened tho opposl
tlon to Dowle. Meantime bin doctrines and
his meetings wcro directing tho attention
of tho entire country to Omahn. Ho nt
tended one meeting of tho ministers of
Omaha, at which the bible miracles and dl
vino healing were all gono ovor. Tho meet
Ing lasted for several hours. Dowle's pro
fessions nnd doctrlnos were vigorously chnl
longed by many of thoso present, but ho
was ready with an aswer for each. At this
meeting tho healer announced his belief
that renunciation of sin was necessary to
healing nnd that sanetiflcatlon would brlns
perfect health. Ho declared that ho had
laid his hands on 13,000 peoplo nnd that
2.600 ot them had been permanently cured
Tho others had relapsed becauso they had
gono back to sin.
Probably tho most bitter opponent or
Dowle's pretensions was Hev. A. V. ClarK
of Calvary Uaptlst church. Ho nppoalod to
peoplo not to go Into Dowle a association,
assuring them that thought upon tho sub
leet would show them their fallacy. "I
feel It keenly," said ho in n published let
ter, "becauso my own denomination has
been so disgraced."
This roferred to tho sympathy of Dr.
Lamar for Dowlo and his cure and tho fact
that tho meetings wero held In n Baptist
church. This lod to a reply from Dr.
Lamar and tho ranks of the flaptlsts were
somewhat torn up over tho controversy.
Left n I.ncnl Aent.
A report of the last Dowle meeting tn
Omaha declares that tho npostlo supple
mented all of his previous statements with
the announcement that Hrother Lamar had
been Initiated Into tho mysteries of tho art
of dlvlno healing and would explain It to
those present. Kor himself, he would say
that Omaha printers' Ink did not agroe
with him, and thnt he would leave Omaha
tho next day for Chicago, whero ho tntendod
to publish n paper. A woman naked how
thoy were to bo healed If ho was going
away, whereupon he told her that requests
to bo healed must be written upon paper
and handed to tho secretary, who would
send them to the mediator (Dr. Lamar)
and the latter would appoint a committee
of two to pray for the request. Anything
which tho mediator could not undorstand
would be sent to him and he would grant
the request If possible.
Ton trustees were named by Dowle for
his association: Itev. A. C. Roll ot Iowa,
O .0. Edgerson, John Flyers, Reorgo H. Gib
son, H. H. Dunham, Mrs. Van Every, Mrs,
Stock, Mrs. Steele, Mrs, Touser and Mrs.
Onnnon. Owing to tho fact that reporters
wero sedulously excluded from tho final
meeting and had to get their reports
through a keyhole, the full names wero not
secured. How long the National Divine
Healing association continued to do bii3l
ness In Omaha does not appear to bo a mat
ter of recorded history.
Travel vlu the. I.iiiluli Vnllej- Itnllronil
If you uro looking" for speed und comfort
when going to New 'i ork or Philadelphia
Luxuriously furnished Vestlbuled Sleeping
Parlor Curs and Day Coaches. Dining Cars
ii In carlo service.
Htop-over allowed at Buffalo on fill
through tlckotM to New York und Phlladol
phla via thU line.
Paradise and The Palate.
It is taught in tho Koran that ono of tho tosts for
admission into Paradiso is tho passago of tho nccdlo's
oyo. Tho beliovor must pass between two rooks or
pillars sot so closo together that if ho has beon cat
inbr to livo ho will easilv nass tho barrier. But if ho
has been living to out ho will inevitably bo shut out
by his grossness.
The Koran only carries a step
beyond the present, the applica
tion of a rule of success which is
emphasized every day in this life
success is largely a matter of
stomach. Vrom the positive side
this would be rather a difficult
proposition to prove, because the
man whose stomach is sound
hardly knows that he has a stom
ach. But the relation between
success and the stomach is easily
shown when the negative side
of the proposition is considered.
There arc many men stopped on
the highway to success, some
arc total failures, some creep along
and lead a half life but still must
fail of realizing their largest
ambitions. Why do they fail?
Because the stomach has given
out. Food is no longer perfectly
digested and assimilated. Inas
much as the strength and vigor of
the body are supported by the nour
ishment derived from digested and
assimilated food, the body becomes
weak ("for the vital forces are de
pleted) as soon as the stomach and
allied organs lau in supplying
adequate nutrition. Then comes
a total or partial breakdown of
If there is anv one fact which
more than another needs to be
itiinre.ed on the risinc Genera
tion, it is the relation of success
to a sound stomacn. it seems a
splendid thing that a young man
shall starve ms wav inroueii coi-
leire. that he shall sacrifice his
hortilv cravintrs to a desire ior
knowledge. But is it splendid
when the bov breaks down within
sight of his goal or achieves his
diploma only to be obliged to give
up his future and live the life of a
valetudinarian r
In the West the traveler comes
again and again on some rudely
clad, rough -handed man. He
finds to his astonishment that the
man is learned. He can talk
scientifically of the flora of his
neighborhood, or of the geologic
formation of the land he tills. He
has framed diplomas hanging in his
home. What's he doing out here
with his education and ability?
He tells you that he broke down
after leaving college and went to
farming to recover his health. It
took him so long that he lost his
grip on the other life and stayed
on the farm. That's the story of
hundreds on farm and ranch in
the wild west.
Kvery physician knows that the
common cause of ill-health is to
be found in a deranged or diseased
stomach. He knows it and he
acts on his knowledge. Whether
the disease present is of heart,
liver, lungs, kidneys or any other
organ, the lirst organ examined
and treated is the stomach.
But the physician does not tell
you this as a rule, though some
times a physician ot experience
will frankly recommend "Doctor
Tierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery," saying that the cause of dis
ease is in the stomach and the
best medicine for the cure of dis
eases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition
is "Golden Medical Discovery."
"Golden Medical Discovers'"
is the best medicine for the cure of
diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition.
"I suffered for six years with con-
etin.-itinn nnd IniHuMtiotl. ilurinc which
4iMin T ..... .0 -.....fl eymt rdticlritinl lint
they could not reach my case," writes
Mr. U. l'oppiewcu, oi nurcica epnugs,
Carroll Co., Ark. I felt, that there was
no help for mc, could not retain food
on tnv ttomach : hnd vertico and would
fall iielplcs3 to the floor. Two years
ap;o I cotiiineticea taking ur. ricrccs
uouicn iueuicai uiscovcry nnu juiic
l.11r.ta ' fiwt imtirnvwl frnfM til," Rlnrt.
After takinir twelve bottles of the ' Dis
covery ' I was able to do light work,
j : i i . ,:.. t
unu nave uccu iuiiJiuviiii; citi smi-i.. a
. ,i ... .
nm now in gooa neaiiu ior one oi my
nfje 6o years. I owe it all to Dr.
Tierce's medicines."
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery cures, throutrh the stomach.
i f
diseases of other orcans which
have their oricrin in disease of the
stomach and its allied organs of
j! a! 1 T T 7 1
aigesuon uuu iiuiruiuu. vvi: apv;uit
of "weak" heart, "weak'' lungs,
.. ..i " t ?- .!; i it -
" weat" Kianeys, etc. iieuinu tiiese
diseases (and the cause of them),
is treuerallv a "weak " stomach.
A "weak" stomach is a stomach
in which digestion is partial and
imperfect. The nourishment is
not extracted from the food eaten.
Hence the bodv and its ortrans.
which depend on nourishment for
their strength, arc only partially
fed and must therefore crow
"weak." When the stomach is
made strong again by the use of
"Uoldcn Medical Discovery " tne
food eaten is digested and assimil
ated, the body is adequately nour
ished, and the organs which had
grown weak for lack of nourish
ment grow strong again because
their nourishment is restored.
Mrs. A. l'lnckus, of Dairy, Klamath
Co., Oregon, writes: "With pleasure
I write to you to let you know the
great benefit I hnve received from your
finlcli-ii Mrdleal Discovery' and self-
treatment nt home, lfor over a. year I
suffered with pains in Motnnch, head
ache, irregularity, constipation and in-fllrri-tttnti.
I had no utinctitc nt nil, and
could not alect). So it went on for
months, till one day I got ilirry, my
heart seemed to tent ns fast as it could,
nml T ffll tilip falntim all the Utile.
M,. I.Mri lirnt 19(1 nr I2C tilllCS itl OtlC
minute. Wc went to the doctor; he
gave me medicine, Dut it nu not mane
mil trrmbli. nnv better. I thought I
had to die ; every night when 1 went to
t.,1 l foririvl I would not lie alive in the
morning. So I wrote to Dr. l'icrcc and
he gave nie his advice. I nought six
i,Mloa nf llr I'iirri.'s C.oldeii Medical
Discovery, nnd four vials ol the I'lcns-
..... I)11-I At firul I ttlntlcrht the
medicine did mc no good, but I kept ou
mKlllg lllC medicines m )u
..-l.ii I linil t.-ilcru live bottles of
tti iiipilirinr. I wns SO well til. It It
uiiil I il!il tint m-eil nnv more, but
still 1 took the sixth bottle. 1 can say
I was then perfectly well. The head
aches, pains in stomach, heart trouble
nnA nil Wt nnv I have had n jrood
appetite ever since nnd can sleep well
niul do an my worn.'
There is no alcohol In "Golden
Medical Discovery." and it is en
tirely free from opium, cocaine
and all other narcotics.
Persons suffering from chrome
diseases are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce bv letter free. All cor-
resnondence treated as strictly pri
vate. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
HiTffalo. N. Y.
Sometimes a dealer, tempted by
the little more profit paid by less
meritorious medicines, will offer a
substitute as "iust as cood " as tne
"Discovery." It is the claim of
one man looking for prout against
the testimony oi thousands wno
have found a cure in the use of
"Golden Medical Discovery." You
want the cure, therefore accept no
for postage only will give you a
copy of Doctor Pierce's Medical
Adviser, tree.
1'. T. Houghton, of Hornitos, Mnr
nnci rn.. Cnl.. savs: "I fully annreci-
atc the value of your Medical Adviser
t,i v lilimrv. nml consider it a. hundred
times more valuable than any work ever
published nelore, at on inning an ex
pense, and for my part wish you all
This creatwork. containing 1008
large pages, is sent free on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of mail
iiiir onh Send one-cent stamps
for the cloth-bound volume, or
only 2i stamps for the book in
raoer covers. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
With my fcclenllflc treatments, fa
cially prepared for each individual
case, I speedily and permanently cure
lilackhearts. larce pareH, pimples, ard
ull disorders aflectlnc the sKlii, the
scalp and nervous uystem, at your
home. Consultation In peron or by
letter Is tree and strictly confidential,
16.1 STATE ST., cor. Monroe, CUICAQO.
Its Reputation is Built
on a Firm Foundation
Are You Deaf??
Aro now ITRARLE or our nnn Invent ton i only those tani
3..F r a"u"abl: MUD OltS CtlitL IlKDUIJLfi
fieicrllw your cm. . Kiamlnttlon ind 1tI inn.
Vou cn euro jourMlf at home at a nominal cort.
Iloecniont, Neb., Nov IS, 1S0D.
Dear Sir: I can now send you the pleas
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posely wnltn-J so Ioiib III order to fully con
vince myself that It Is not merely tempor
ary, but permanent. I was almost deaf,
nnd thnnks to your excellent treatment I
was cured In 6 weeks, und I cun recom
mend your remedies hluhly to sufforluB
I shall take ploasuro In recommending
you whenever nnd wherever nn opportu
nity presents Itself, und remain thankful!
HI2RKKO nitAUUR. Rosomont. Neb.
SOU La Salle Ate., Dept. II 10, Clilcauo.
Fireproof Architectural
Construction. Beauty.
Absolute Perfect No Dark
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A Night 24 Hours Satisfactory Perfect
Elevators. Electric Light. Janitor Senlcc. Heating Service.
Omaha's Best Office Building"
R, C. Peters St Co.,
Rcnt.'ii Agents.
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-