1 THE OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY, JVNE 2, 1001. EN THE DOMAIN Of WOMAN. ill VIHATIOX UOtt'.NS. A Unsli of Color I'itiiiIViIIiIc, Ainu I'l-nrls nml llri'iiin lint. NEW YORK, May SI. The needs of tho Beot girl graduate nro of rnthcr a dom inating interest nil along Ilia dothesllno Just now. Hitherto tho damsel who trans mits her burning thougbtu'to it ribbon tlo manuscript, to electrify the nwestruck audience, has been pleased to dress In white, llltc a bride or a baby This Is tho makes a delightful blot of color against tho sheer, whlto gown. I'cnrln lime tlic I, mil. Tho most learned young women, however, have put their wcll-slorcd heads together and resolved this year that It will bo the most perfectly au fait for a graduate to wear pearls, real ones If possible, and Imi tation If her father can't afford anything better. One pretty string, worn up close at the top of tho collar, li the most seemly ink OLD-FASHIONED SWEET GIRL GRADUATE. century of novelties, howuvcr, and fair valedictorians and sweet orutorcsscs may elect to dash In a becoming and uot at all unwclcomo touch of color. For Instance, lots nnd lots of swcot llttlo graduation gowns have been built of cream tinted nnd embroidered batiste, dropped and fitted over foundation skirts and bodies of grcon or rose or strong hyacinth bluo tattota. As a matter of fact, tho pure white gradu ating gowns aro fow and far between, and thoso that havo been seen have been made of glittering loulslnc, crisp silk muslin or clinging crcpo do chine. Hut If over a maid seems sweet and Interesting It Is upon her graduating day. Therefore lot her celebrato It In clalntleat nltlro nnd re member that tho best taste for her gown still is virgin whlto and maiden simplicity, even If tho fashions now are allowlug much elaboration and colored commence ment dresses. In tho way of materials, diaphanous toxtllcs, by reason of their gtrllshnoss, are preferred to tho surahs and wash Bilks of n year ago. Tho new method of tucking is n conspicuous fcaturo of tho thin confec tions. Scarcely more than a pinch of tho material fa caught up In tho new tuck, which gtvos It tho nppcnrnnqo of a Hat cording. A plainly hemmed Bklrt shaped over tho hips has n pointed Jnbller effect In front in perpeudtcular tucking, tho orna mentation shortening at tho back In cuirass Btyle. A fow Dlrcctolro bodlco effects ,aro soon for girls whose slim figures permit tho short, trying waist line. With ono of those, which was swathed with a mped sash of Ivory gros-graln, drawn through a long buckle at the front and tying In a. flat prim bow at tho back, went a Dlrcctolro bag of tho sumo silk, Intended to hold ali tho trllles necessary to the happiness of tho graduating maid. Sleeves aro tucked to fit tho arm loosely at the top and bulging In bishop puffs at the bottom. Sash, Block and wristbands may bo of Ivory satin ribbon, tho llttlo laco edged turnover collar and cuffs, now so much In vogue, adding a dainty touch. ' Somo of tho mull nnd India lawn gowns display pointed nnd round yokcB that aro marvelH of flno needlework. Airy cntrn deux In medallions nnd blocked squares of applied laco appear upon tho Boldlcr ma terials, while n mull gulmpe may bo all of drawnwork, cobwebby fine. Oilier l'rt'tty Sum hut Uremics. Thcso open-work, detachable yokes, bolng cool and easily renovated, aro considered a usoful wrtnklo for tho frocks of smarter materials, china Bilk, pongee, surah anil sntln, which, from their very expensive ness, aro expected to sorvo after com mencement for Bummer party gowns. Many charming llttlo undorsleoves are seen, of course, with tho bell Mowing effect alone, and sometimes a daintily simple frock will bo cut slightly sriuaro at the neck, to show a girlish throat and a thin neck chain with a turquolso pendant. Tho graduating maid may wenr, also, pearl or coral stickpins, a small brooch of turquolso matrix, or a luck bracolo which Is no moro than a gold wire set with n four-leaf clover In tinted enamel. Coral, which la always tho prlvllego of youth, way to utilize thorn, and what every college girl yearns for in hor deepest heart of hearts moro than sho yearns for honors and Oreck prizes Is a La Valllcre, mado of a thread-like chain of gold with ono single, largo, Irrogularly shaped fresh water pearl pendant from Its center. Tho chain is to bo hidden inside tho high collar of her graduation gown, but the pearl Is to hang out conspicuously Just under its owner's round, whlto chin. The G'laan liny lint. All properly constituted class day gowns aro to havo elbow sleeves, and a marked partiality is displayed for fichu shoulder draperies and flowing sashes. Two cx" qulsltoly fresh and comely llttlo graduation costumes aro sketched to show toward what good styles tho cultured mind leans. Doth of theso aro embroidered batiste, in warm cream tones, and ono Is dropped over n foundation of tho tenderest spring green taffeta, whlto tho other shows a faint blue through Its soft mesh. Dig, becoming bows of whlto loulslno ribbon shlno In the smply combed locks, but older girls display a preference for showing themselves In wide, Whlto, hats. uno Dig. lair nat just nnisued ror a Vassar graduato was mado wholly of largo whlto silk poppies with golden hearts. Tho hugo poppy petals covered brim nnd crown nnd tho yellow centers showed In a wreath about tho crown's baBC. Hats mado com pletely of daisies, and whlto leghorns gar nished with whlto lilacs, aro, among others of striking characteristic, made on special demands that' cmanato from tho scats of feminine learning. Ono milliner, who speaks with nuth,orlty, tells of a number of lovely hats, mado for wear nt tho festivi ties of men's ns well as women's colleges; hats they aro of tucked tulje with enormous tullo strings. Tho strings nro nrrnuged to knot at ono sldo of tlie chin and lot fall a shower of tullo nearly to the knees. Tho effect must ho distinctly worthy of tho occasions for'which tho fragile headgear Is manufactured. Hollrmiv lli-imtlfiil n (lit llnrp. Embroidered cullcnnc, or eollenno with laco motifs applied to its surfaco, is tho latest goods to earn that highest feminine praise of being "perfectly swcot." Eo llenno, plain, wrought of n large amount of silk and a llttlo wool, wo havo had now for two seasons, but eollenno in bayadere ribbed effect nnd in the newost hynclnthlne, Bhell and cloud tints, with tho abovo men tioned laco applications, Is a goods fit to rave over. Thero is a plcturo of n beau tiful Itoman hyacinth bluo eollenno that accompanies this text, and, with tho un erring French Instinct for color combina tions, tho semi-transparent goods is dropped over a stem green foundation prttlco.it. Dust brown Arabian laco points aro Introduced nbout tho hems of tho foot fall nnd tho ovordress, nnd at Intervals cntro deux of the laco run up from tho tops of tho points to meet nt tho waist Uno similar lines of lace that run down from tho squaro yoke of the basquo. Tho hat that is worn with this suit deserveB special comment, because Its like has not been seen before, and It is preparing the way for many of tho same typo soon to arrive from Paris. It is braided of common river and swamp reeds, a growth that affords DOEWAH JAC atSk1 "Just as good a Furnaca as j the Round Oak is a Stove" Hound Oak Furnncea are ns honestly made ns the famous Hound Oak Htovo tho aamo cnioful paliutnklng nttlng of every Joint, door and draft the same dully Inspection of ma. lurini ami ten or mo completed neater. Llko the Hound Oak Stoves the Round Oak Furnace All Kuuil Oak Furnaces nro Tor aale la Omaha by Milton nosers & Son, la guaranteed to giro abioluto satlifaetlon. It Is Iho only furnace that burns any kind of fuel, wooq.naruaniUoil coal and tho only furnuoe that burns all the tiff-all the gases and mottof the smoke. Ths prlco Is reasonable. Eend for tho free Round Oal: Kurnaco book. ESTATE OF P. D. BECKWITH, Donaglic, Mich, Makm pf lircku-Uh'l Round iMK.int moiininoui Hove in te u-orlct. RhubJ Oak ITurBM vita outer cuius rtmorod. a fine, becoming tone of green, and, as n rule, theso are wisely garnished with the blossoms of water plants. White nnd pur ple Iris, marshmallow pinks, yellow swamp lilies and surh aro tho appropriate (low ers, though In this Instance blue and purple and whlto hyacinths arc employed. WlioS Cut llic llutloiif There Is no need to ask, "Who's got the button?" or buttons, rather, for every third woman at lenst wears the order of the buttou repeated many times on her dress waist. A dress of pale gray heavily corded eollenno Is sketched to show one nt least of tho manifold ways in which gowns nro ugaln decorated with pretty llttlo knobs of gold and bogus stones. This gown has three flat flounces falling from tho knee with an overdress on top of them all. Every flounce Is scalloped and bound with gray Liberty satin ribbon, and tho underskirt, gleaming softly through the goods, Is a bright sunset yellow silk. A vest nnd underslccves of yellow chiffon, striped In lines of gold, forms a picturesque combi nation with the grny Siberian lace boleros, and tho straps, belt and shoulder pieces aro of golden brown panne, on which oval buttons of cabochou topa?. aro set. The buttons aro sewed close together and nro set In narrow rims of gold. Wooden buttons nro nmong tho showcase contents that get a great deal of Interested attention from tho shoppers. Somo of them nro very small, but beautifully carved, and como very naturally from Switzerland. Another typo of wooden buttou Is decorated first with the pyrographlc needle nnd then nrtlstlcally colored. Wooden buttons nre, of course, but a fancy of tho flying day. und yet they arc delightfully ornamental when used on tho brown grass linen gowns nnd shirt waists. MARY DEAN. A MEMORY HOOK. Itci'oril of Voutli'n Jo.vr DcnIkiii-iI (o HrlKliti'ii l.lfc'M Autumn. A good muny young people nnd older peo ple, too, havo begun tho delightful task of arranging n memory book, to record tho happy times thuy havo had and the de lightful people they havo mot. Its makeup Is easier, It Is of moro general Interest and much lens tedious than tho old-fashioned Journal, with Its dally recount of often trivial and unimportant events. A Inrgo scrap book, strongly bound, with guards or extra strips between the leaves to admit tho pastlngs and entry of souvenirs, Is the first requisite. A pretty over-cover can bo mado of denim lu blue, green or brown, or of tho ordinary tan canvas, with the A LITTLE PRINCESS ROYAL. OF THE BLOOD tltlo In embroidered lettering In outllno or in gold running through the conter. The tltlo Itself may ho as fanciful and poetic as ono wishes, so long as it is in harmony with tho idea, "For Memory's Sake," "Tho Light of Other Days," etc. A spray of forget-mo-nots or a scattering of the blossoms on tho outsldo or on tho fly leaf Inside given a dainty suggcstlveness. Let the cover bo largo enough to meet over tho edges and bound with a neat braid or ribbon, stitched on and tied across the ends nnd at the front. As this Is a keepsako book for tho years of after-life, it is worth somo trouble to make It pretty and attractive Tho filling of tho pages will bo according to tho tastes of' tho maker. A girl of 19 summers has mado her memory book really a very dainty plcco of work. Sho selected almost en tirely social happenings, using Invitations and other suggestive mementos. Ono wholo page was given to a visit to a frlond at Thanksgiving time. On tho upper part of tho lajgo pago was tho tag which was on hor trunk; under It, arranged In a design, woro tho little hand-painted dinner cards, and so on. Again, on a pago commemorat ing a clambake, given on the rocks of n summer watering placo, were somo sprays of the seaweed that tho clams were baked in, dried, pressed nnd fastened In tho book by llttlo strips of brightly tinted paper, etc. Programs of operas, plays and lectures, danco cards, tally cards from whist and euchro parties, filled out the pages, which showed great variety. Tho memory book of a collego student showed on ono pago a torn scrap of a sweater worn nt a memorable foot ball game, and on another tho program of somo college entertainment at which ho assisted. Every woman has some bright spots that sho would be glad to recall an evening at the grand opera with a congenial friend u morry sleigh ride a gay dance a sailing party. Even Insignificant nnd homely relics bring pleasant thoughts and a smile of gladness. Tho pages can bo varied nnd mado ottractlvo and artistic with the help of tho brush and paint box. An occa sional sketch In water color or black and white often brings to mind very vividly tho sceno Itself, as well as the incidents. An other good Idea for the memory book Is to have a page or bo for the nutographs of friends. Even though an acquaintance drops out of one's life, when tho pages are turned his name Is thero with some pleas ant association, Tho memory book for traveling should be much smallor portfolio size to admit of uso on tho steamer's deck, or on tho long Journeys by train. Many n delightful Incident with Its accompanying souvenir can bo slipped into its pages for futuro fastening that would otherwise be for gotten and lost forever In the crowding ex periences that follow, HEDGE OF roses. SiiKKcatloiia for the Cnrc of the Prin ce hx of Flout-in. The mistress of tho flower garden was a roso enthusiast. Moreover, she had had wide experience In growing flowers, so when sho planned a rose hedge that was to border tho south walk, and said it was to be a success, her friends expected It to be. Hut even "the lady of roses," ns somo one had called her, was astonished nt tho magnificent display that this same rose hedge made, when once well established. Travelers would check their horses and gazo at It, riotous In large blooms, white, pink, rose, crimson nnd maroon such a sight as they had never sctn before. This was the way this successful flower hedge was made. A strip of ground fifty feet long nnd two and a half feet wide was prepared for tho roso plants. Tho first step was to have this atrip spaded deeply and thoroughly. It was done as Boon ns tho ground was well enough dried out In the spring to pulverize nicely when worked. Tho spading mado tho entire strip a crumbled, mellow mass, clear down to tho under strata of clay beneath. This clay sub-soli in Itself Is exactly to a rose's liking. Tho friable enrth above gave every opportunity for tho roots to make rapid growth nnd find their way downward to the deep clay anchorago that their wholo being delighted In. Tho next step was to enrich this spaded strip. Barnyard manure that had been piled In a heap six months or moro to rot, and bad becomo n soft, dark Bubstance, that pulverized at the touch of the spado or rake, was qprend along tho plot. It was put on thickly, a layer at least six Inches deep. Then the soot that had been saved from tho spring stovo pipe cleaning, was ndded to the manure, and the wholo thing, earth, manure and soot, mixed thoroughly through and through. Flno blooded roses aro hearty eaters. Rotted mauro Is rich In tho very elements of plan food that they most like. Wood soot lias the property of Increasing tho Inten sity of a rose's coloring. In a mellow bed mado rich by these aids, all roses will grow as by magic. As a high-blooded rose grows It blooms, nnd Its profusion of bloom Is In direct ratio with tho rapidity and luxuriance of Its growth. So that this well prepared bed was itself n guaranty of good roses before so much ns a single roso root had been planted In It. Tho mistress of tho gnrdon choso for her hedgo upright growing hybrid pcrpctuals nnd hybrid teas; Theso havo stiff, grow ing canes, nnd arc the only roses sultablo for hedges. Tea roses aro too weak stemmed, and Hourbon and China roses too dwarf growing to bo available. More over tho hybrid perpctunls and hybrid tens are hardy with Blight protection, while the other are nor. A hedgo once mado of hardy kinds Is good for n life time, nnd Improves yenr by year, If steadily well cared for. Thcso hybrid roses have the largest and most grandly perfect blooms of any of tho rose family. Their blos3oni3 havo great substance also, ami nro particularly rich lu deep rose, crimson nnd blacktsh-maroon shades. Their ono fault la that many of tho varieties nro pcrpotual in namo only, blooming but otico In tho season. Tho two dozen roso plants that went to tho making up of this hedge wero carefully chosen ono by one from those sorts that do bloom freely throughout tho season and really thero Is no lack of such varieties, particu larly among tho new roses. This hedgo list embraced twonty sorts of roses, ono of a kind, and two each of the royal white rose, Kalscrln Augusta Victoria and of thoso thrco rich red beautlcso, General Jucqucmlnot. Madame Charles Wood and American Beauty. Tho full list embraced bcsldeso thoso, tho following! Margaret Dickson and Dall of Snow, both puro white and of tho most perfect shape; Hello Scl brecht, La France, Mrs. John Lalng, Madamo Schwaller, Madamo Tcstout, Paul j Ncyron, Queen of Queens nnd Madamo Masson, each a remarknbly flno flower, and each n shade of flno, clear pink; Souvenir de Wootton, Dlnsmoro and Meteor, nil of which are of dark glowing red shades, In contestably tho richest colors found In roses; In addtlon were Viscountess Folk stone, a glossy, satiny flesh; Olovlo Lyon alse, chamois-yellow white, unlike nny other rose; and Prince Cnmlllo do Rohan, velvety purplish-black. Those odd-colored va rieties aro not all perpetual bloomers, but their rare gifts of color mado an exception In their favor. This list of varieties is given because It has proven a good and ro llablo one, but It might be varied somowhnt to Eult Individual tasto. In tho main, how over, thcso two things must be kept In mind to secure a pleasing hedgo: Cont.nuous blooming sorts must bo largely chosen, and thero should be n gcodly proportion cf white and deep red roses, as thcso aro the most valued for cutting. For this particular hedgo, two-year-old bushes wero planted. Tho cost was about twice that of smaller roso plants, but tho advantage was that they wero of sufficient slzo to bloom at once. It Is not ndvlsablo to nllow young bushes of hybrid roses to bloom much tho first year. Somo of our best sorts bloom themselves to death, it this Is allowed. It is better to pay a little moro and reap immediate advantage of the outlay of tho money. Last of all. a mulching of fine, pulverized manure wns spread all over tho surfact of tho bed after the roses wero planted. This kept tho weeds down and tho roso roots cool through tho hot summer days, for this hedgo faced tho sun, as nil plant ings of roses should. Roses woro freely cut with long stems, to encourago a new growth, and no roso was allowed to go to seed. Each spring tho ontlro hodge was trimmed severely back, fdr hybrid roses bear on tho new wood. And this Is tho true history of the famous roso hedgo. KXTB CHASE'S nil RAT AMBITION. V Mil 'il Her Father lo lie l'rrnlilr-nl nml AVorUetl for IIU .Nomination. Tho story of "Tho Dashing Kato Chaso and Her Orcat Ambition" Is told by Wil liam Perrino lu the Ladles' Homo Journal for June, Born in 1810, sho early began to exhibit a masterful spirit, to study politics and to dream of tho possibilities in store for her when hor father, Salmon P. Chase, was proposed as a candidate for tho prcsl- w i IV PRETTY HARD For any Omaha woman to attend to houeohold dutiug with the aches and pains of a bad back. A woman's back wasn't made to ache, and it won't if tho kidneys are well, Most backache pains, most nervous headaches and other bodily troubles of womankind come from eick Kidnoys, OAN S KIDNEY FILLS cure every form of Kidney Ills; cure all urinary troubles, Diabetes, down to the lirat stages of Bright1 Disease. They are endorsed by Omaha people. Mrs. II. 1). Dodcndorf, 911 N. Utti St., soys; "Rheumatism in tho shoulders so that my left arm was almost helpless, so that 1 could not raise It to my hnnd. swelling of thn fet and ankles so pronounced that the skin was drawn tight and shiny, so that I could not lace my nhoci all of these symp toms pointed Irectl)' to disordered kidneys, v hllo vising In my old home. Wllkesbarre, Pa., my father advised mo to use Donn'a Kidney Pills nnd stated that thov wro n remedy .xtenslvely recommended In and around Wllknbnrri nnd I got a box, after wards prucurlng two more nt Kuhn .fc C.r's drug tlorr. cor 15th nnd Douslan at, Thi welling disappeared, tho rhruinatlmn left my Rhoulder und I stopped tho trtatincnt, for thero was no mo of a continuance," Donn'a Kidney Pllln nrr for aalr lit nil tlriiK tor- r.Oo n Inn Do tint -crpl n Kiitut llutr. Konlrr-.tlllburn Co., HafTnlo, X. V, dency In 1S3C, nud again In 1SG0. When ho was called to a cabinet position ho had been married three times and it was whis pered that ho was nbout to mako a certain Indy his fourth wife. Hut the rosoluto Kate had mado up her mind that no one should step In between her nnd her father, nnd ono day when tho woman called sho was made so keenly to feel that sho was au Intruder that the budding romance wa3 blighted and Cha3o remained a widower. Even after Kato's brilliant marriage to Seuator William Sprngue of Rhodo Island sho still cherished the ambition to sco her father Installed In tho White House nud was most gracious to thoso who were likely to bo Influential In helping her to advance his Interests. When ho was nppolntcd chief Justlco she saw In it only a schemo to head off his presidential aspirations for ever and sr.ld, half Jocosely, half reproach fully, to Senator Sumner, who had voted for tho appointment: "And you, too, Mr. Charles Sumner, In this business of shelv ing papa! But pever mind, I will defeat you nil!" In 1SC8 sho nearly succeeded In getting tho democratic national convention to carry out her wishes. It was In session In, Tam many hall, New York City, and she kupt In communication wlUi It by messengers, THE Him COSTUME. i i vixj'i 'iii.ujwf.rvyk.f i SEE THAT THIS TRADEMARK 1 l!:r!: ii.-jiHsiili 'ijiiiti . i ':!!':;' (burned in the enamel) is on every Kitchen Utensil you purchase. It is a sure proof that NO POISON is found in the coating. Send for our booklet showing why only "Agate Nicfccl-Stecl Ware" IS SAFE and why either ARSENIC ANTIMONY or LEAD is found in the goods of the seventeen other manu facturers of enameled ware Lalance & Grosjean Mfg. Co,, HEW YOBS, BOSTON) CHICAGO. waiting anxiously for tho moment when It was believed hor father would carry all by storm. On the fourth day tho moment seomcd to havo arrived and her heart leaped with Joy. But tho expected stam pede did not como and tho Impatient daughter wns almost moved to go herself to Tammnny hall. Indeed, thero wero after ward some politicians who observed that if sho could havo gone among tho delegates on tho floor sho might havo been nblo at tho crucial point to havo swung tho con vention to the chlof Justlco. Instead, Hora tio Seymour was nominated; and Kate Spraguo that night was the most unhappy woman In tho land. I'rllln of I'anlilon, Tho prettiest of llttlo under petticoats nic of nlbutross cloth, nnd moro or less elab orate. Partially mado silk skirts have the flare effect at tho lower edge, and this sot with rows of laco stitching. Airy curls nnd zephyr-weight puffs are Indlsncnslblu In arrniiKlnir tho new evcnlni; coiffure a la Itocamler. Somo of tho new neck Bcarfs nre wide, of whlto silk with colored hemstitched edges ami mi embroidered llguni lit each end of the senrf to match the color of tho hem. Ribbons of nil widths, fabrics nnd colorH piny nn Important part In the dovlslng of smart Hummer toilets: Hold and delicately enamelled buttons also. A whlto outing skirt ban the effect of a vnlrn nt tlin ton. mado with line after lino of stitching In red. With this skirt Is worn a llttlo reil jacKCt wun iwo lines oi wnuo vest showing on either side. Nlco little round plecew of brass wire net ting come to lit over low flower bowls nnd dishes uuil through the meshes o the wlto thn stems of certain llowcra uro placed to hold the flower In position that all Its beauty may bo seen. A fancy straw hat of the order of the sixllrr hat Is trimmed with silk put on In coft Iiildf around the crown, but well out from it. covering tho rim and brought well tinder It, so that nono of thu edgo shows. Tho Bilk is knotted up In a soft bunch at one side of thu front. Row- of embroidered Insertion trim some of tho new French gowns In vortlcnl llnnn, whllo others have strappings of this work arranged on tho skirt llounco In tho form of diamonds, lattice devices, Greek key nnd waved patturns and long slender Vandykes. Th j narrowest bebti velvet ribbon, or tiny linos of black chenille, uro very effectively employed In throwing up the designs of lacru used to trim bodices, blouse vests, Melius, etc. Black velvet loaves und Hownra arrayed en appllquu on lace, net, chiffon nnd silk sovornlly, have likewise n very rich and becoming effect. I.oulstne silks nnd silk anil satin foulards aro constantly increnslng In favor ns fab rics for dressy wear this summer. Rows of wavy laco Insertion and tucking In every form are tho popular llnlsh for gowns of theso materials, Silk strapping and rows of velvet ribbon also form a serviceable rt rid pretty decoration for Loiilslno und foulard silks for beach and traveling costumes. Somo of tho newest of tho shirtwaists or yoked blouses, formed of taffeta, India or metnlllc silk, creped sntln or foulard, nru this season rnudu up without lining, exactly like somo of tho cool waists of linen lawn, French chnmbray, nainsook, etc. Thoy aro clcscly Httni to tho llguro by means cf back and side scams and n number of grad uated vertical tucks. Tho fronts droop slightly nbovc the belt, nnd tho Pleevcs nro tucked on tho outsldo of tho arm, Umbo tucks terminating somo Inches short of the wrist, to form a graceful llttlo puff. A tucked stock collar conceals tho hand nt tho neck and a pretty ribbon belt follows tho slope of thu waist, Beware of Blight's Disease Thero Is no organ In tho body which has so much work to do as the kidneys. Why not strengthen your kldneyn-.' for whoa they nru strong they do tho work properly that Is required of them. Kidney trouble Is one of the most dan gerous diseases that people arc subject to. Thousands of persons dlu every year of supposed nppoplexy, pneumonia, heart dls enfio and other quick-ending disorders, when In reality they nro victims of chronic Blight's dlsensc. A fow syplonis of Kidney Trouble: Ex treme Wakefulness, Distressing Nervous ness, Gradual Loss of Flesh anil Dropsi cal Swelling, Klcklo Appetite, Frequent DeBlro to Urinate, especially at night. Thoso symptoms don't npponr nil nt onco but they develop gradually and whou -ou discover any ono of tho above, commence Inking CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE at once. Vou can havo a sample of this wonderful remedy sent you frco of charge. Then you can teat thu wonderful curatlvo powers of this greut remedy. Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y. D t o l'"or nml About Womrii. Mrs. Louis Botha, wife, of the Boor gen eral. Is said to be ono of thu most boajllful women of thu Transvaal nnd Is well read and something of a musician. Miss Abbu Chaptu of the American board of foreign missions -A nnothcr wom.111, Dr. Havlllo of tho London mission, havo been presented will) thu royal red rross by Sir Rntest Satow, thu British minister at I'i'klii, tor their hospital work during the nn'Kt.'. A SKIN OF BHAUTV IS A JOV FOREVER R.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL IIEAUTIFIER, Hrinowi Tun, I'lmplti, 1'iecUkf, Hotli ratchM. n jutu una HKin rtli Jleaic nd tvti W bliimlili on beauty, nou urn' umpo tlon. It htii itor.d thu lust of nil inunrvM if' 4. i W. If f, I, One of tho first women to b" given a place of honor in tho French Academy of Hclence s Mine. Hklowdowska Currlo of tho TWO DRESSY COMMENCEMENT GOWNS. I'arls Municipal School of I'.hyslcs, who has Just discovered tho new wibstancu radium and who won thereby a prlzo of 4,000 francs, Miss Mattlo McGUnve, who has taught In Indiana schools ror forty-live, siicccibIvo years and hits among her present pupils grandchildren of some of thoso sho taught In her youth, Is about to resign and glvo tip the work. Sho has taught In but three, towns, Oreenburg, Attica and Cambrldgn City, and mar hIiicii 1S71 has tiught onu grade nt Cambridge City. Miss Ruth Mason, daughter of Senator William A. Mason of Illinois, received her degree as bachelor of laws from tho Na tional university. Washington, lust Mon day. Miss MnKon has made a creditable record and graduates near the head of her class. She hns been studying for threu years. Hhe announces her Intention of c;i voting herself to her profession and after a season nf rest till next autumn will enter tli" law office of her father and brother In L'tllCUKO, yiuri, ana li to liarnilaM vt tilt It to b stir 'I l properly md, Acoept no counter- ittlt or UmlUr ntm. Dr. I A. Sayr said to a ta lly or the naut-toa (a nitlent): "As you ladles will uso thorn, I recom mend 'GOURAUD'S CREAM' as tho lesst harmful of all the Hlcln preparations," For palo Uv all Druggists and Fancy Ooodi Dealers In tho U. S. and Europe, VEItn. T. IIOI'ICI.NS, I'rop'r, 87 Great Jones St., N. X. br7 BurkhaTt,sWo"ndBr1ul Offer'" s3Q Days' Treatment Xr Oi tr en s. nrr EEETABIE To enjoy perfect health In spring nnd tummer, you must have puru blood and a thoroughly cleansed system; If yon havo not, you ennnot expect to f. cl well and nro llalilo to dlhcasr Delay no turthur but yeeurn at once Dr. Burkhnrt's Vcgolnblo thi!"P"e"d, the grimiest blood' purifier of t. ; S. lltRICII.VRT. Lliiilniinll. O.