THE O MAIL A DAILY JJEEt HL'MJAV, 31 AY 'JO, 11)01. BIG PREMIUM WEEK AT THE PEOPLES STORE. i'2JiQ0 worth of Furniture, Hups, Drnporidj, Silverware, etc., to be given atray a premium to all buyors at Tho Peoples Store this week. Each assortment will comprise Items,- some of which will Interest titrv one. Not a moro lot of ornaments, but hoiisthold goods such as you aro constantly purchasing. By buying hero this uJk you not only i;ot b:t Iter goods for less money than elsewhere, but will receive over and above our extraordinary values a handsotno premium as noted below, all 01 wnicn aro on display, and await your inspection. hvory thing Just ns described no exaggeration, but for this tc only. A groat many premiums not mentioned here will bo on display. Premiums Given Away with Every Bill of SiO.OO REJECTS MINORITY REP0RT 1 insurance fraud growing 1 KPt (6) of heavy silver plated Tea 1 cct of German China CupH and Cnucer. 1 Decorated I-ntnp and shade to rnuUti. 1 Hammock, complete with hooks. 1 Luwn Better. 1 Onk Kratna Mirror. Choice of 3W pictures, assorted tramp ana suojecis. 1 Curtain Stretcher Premiums Given Away with Evary Bill of $25.00 J flulld Onk Uockor, 1 xm Smyrna ItitK 1 pair ltopo 1'ortlcrn for elnitlo door. J Hofa I'lllow. 1 ret of silver plated Tablo Spoons. 1 India Sent, widen finish. 1 Il.imlinri Mnslp Hnrk. 1 set decorated China Cups and 1 Oak or Mahogany finished Center Table, 1 I'lcture. Premiums Given Away with Every Bill of $50.00 enter iiiaicu iimvcB anu I Komun Bent. 1 set .of lork. 1 handsomo Decorated Lamp and Blobe. 1 Cobbler Ilorker, eolden oak or mahogany finish. 1 Center Table, quartered oak or ma- hoKnny veneered. S Cano or Wood Scat Dining Hoom Chairs. 1 Oak Foldlnc Screen. , 1 handsomo New Haven Clock. 1 Tabouretto, assorted llnlshcs. 1 Lawn Mower. 1 rv.v?? Rtnvmti Hill- 1 pair of Laco Curtains, H Inches by 3W yards lontf. .... i pair nope I'oruera lor uouuio huuis. 1 pair heavily fringed Tapestry Curtains. Premiums Given Away with Every Bill of $100.00 1 fct of 1SI7 lingers" Knives and ir I. .. . . l i ,i i..t-t. i uiaai I'ltwii ui ntiiui iiiuaii 1 ladles' Desk, golden oak, bird's- pyu maplo or mahoguny finish. 1 Onyx Tabic. 1 Hnndsoma Clock, colonial design, mut gold finish. 1 Music Cabinet, golden or mahogany finish. 1 pair of Urufsells Net Curtains. 1 large Moquctto Hug. 1 beautiful Lamp and Globe. 1 CG-piece Dinner Set. 1 Hanging Hall Mirror. 1 largo framed I'lcture. Premiums Given Away with Every Bill of $150.00 1 pair of Heavy uamnsK uuriuins. 1 Library Table. 1 mahogany Divan, upholstered In silk damask. 1 Golden Oak, Polished Rocker, wood, cobbler or upholstered seat. 1 all wool Art Situarc. 1 pair of Heavy Ilopo I'ortlers Ladles' Dressing Table. 1 Hall Tree. 1 Morris Chair. Sowing Machines. China Dinner Sots. 3-pleco Parlor Sets, Duff ets. Parlor Cabinets, ana a grcai many ouier tiiuitu u u.i.o ..w.v CUT PRICES ih.i nn i,in of uhnt we aro offering this week. Each and every Hnm Is better value than you can find elsewhere KEGAKDLKSS of tho premium. J3.M Iron Heds any size .. tOc Kitchen Chairs at H.50 Kitchen Tables at H.60 6-foot Extension Tables 13.50 Heywood Go-Carts at $1.60 Woven Wlro Springs at .1.89 39c 98c .3.69 .1.98 98c K.50 Cotton Top Mattresses at J10.CO Gurney Refrigerators at $l.(o Dangler Gasollno Stoves 75c all wool Ingrains for 11.50 Velvets nnd Axmlnsters 35c Japnneso Matting for 1.85 .5.90 2.24 ..47c 98c 18c I EASY PAYMENTS IftTB A FiONAM STDEET&. OMAHA. (TUB VLOPXjV rOILSITDBE AND CARPET CO.) J3AS Y PAYMENTS SUITS AND MILLINERY 2.98 4.98 Great closing out salo of ladlos' tailor-made suits. worm Jio.uo Jia laoies muor-mnae suits In black or colored Jnckets lined with good ouallty utlK closing out nt $2.J3, -worth uo to JiM.OO 15S flno ladles' tailor-made suits, a great many silk lined throughout, In nil the lntest ef fort otons. boleros or blouses, the materials are line brondcloths. cheviots, Venetians. or cheviots closing out pneo ji.vs. E0O Leghorn Hats, trimmed In chiffon, lilacs and roes. with lurge buckle worth our price 1,000 ladles' sailor and walking hats, worth up to J2.50 on sale for l,l0 ladles' shirt waists, slightly soiled worth I1.0O on sale for 2.98 49c 29c "IN ALL THE WORLD NO TRIP LIKE THIS." riabjttiiti Otnirnl Autmbly Takt Another Stp Toward SoTiilon. SING VOTE SHOWS 271 AGAINST 234 rtlalnnlatw Cherr Hrnrtlly nnd Would Act on Mnjorltr Report tf I nrrntrnlnrd by Modcr ntnr Mlntnn. ntitt.inf f.pttiA. Mv 25. The Tresby toriiin onoral nascmblv today took an other step toward revising the confession of faith by rejecting tne minority repun, honn offered as substitute amendment for tho majority report. The . . vote was 271 to 234. ine rccoraraenuawuu Is as follows: "We recommend that a committee be Instructed to prepare a brief summary of the reformed faith, bearing tho same rela tion to the confession wnicn tne snori ..l-m In thl InttTPr CBtheClsm. ktt I lit I ID III " ' " and formed on tho general model of the consensus creed prepared for the general nf is'i? nr the Articles of Kalth of the Presbyterian church of England, both of which are appenaoa to ino cwnumiK o report and submitted to the assembly, to bo referred to th committee appointed." With the consent oi tne asserauij- me mu tton was changed so that the voto was fnVen nn lhi nllpallnn of striking OUt the recommendation from tho majority report instead of accepting the minority report as a substitute. During tho dlscusuton of the subject Moderator MInton gave tne gaei to Vice Moderator Pltcalm, while ho ad dressed th'j commltteo In favor of the amendment. .MolTrtt I'roinlsrn n IMnn. AMif tVtn unnntinrumpnt nf the VOte. RcV. nr n MnfTrif Infnrmdtl the assembly that on Monday he would present an amendment with the object of uniting the commissioner in order that a unanimous recommendation might be sent to tne presDyteries. n iii- ilArfltlr .tnhn.nn nrRented u logical amendment favoring the retention of tho recommendation, analyzing tne cmi fcsslon of faith demonstrating the neces sity for changes in certain clauses and showing the benefits to be derived mere from. Numerous doubtful commissioners were brought over to the ranks of the re visionists by Dr. Johnson's address. A . , ffA-l u-na ...aria t n nnitnnHA the VOtf until Monday, but tho commissioners were Impatient and Insisted on the putting or tne question. The moderator was unable to de cide by a viva voice vote and, a division being called for. a rising voto was taken. When tho result was announced the re vi.tnnUta rhpprpil heartllv and called for a voto on the adoption of the majority re port. On the advice of Moderator MInton, however, it was decided to postpone con sideration of this Important matter until Monday. rruaerutlnii Clithn- to llntr tll-co- rrrd Mtlll ' her Intended Vic tim I 1 iMibncli tune. CHICAGO, III., May 25. One of the great est conspiracies to defraud Insurance com panies ever recorded was disclosed In the Defenbach case today. Not 312.000, as the Indictment charges, but 167.000 were the stakes being played for, according to th-prosecutlon. Following aro the companies nnd fra ternal societies In question and the amounts of policies: Equitable Lite insurance com pany, J10.000; Mutual Life lusurance com pany, J10.000; Security Life and Trust com pany, 110,000; Prudential Life Insurance company, $10,000; Metropolitan Life Insur ance company, $10,000. New York Life In surance company, $10,000. Independent Order of Foresters, Canadlnii branch, $3,000; Knights and Ladles of Honor. $2,000, total, $67,000. Insurance policies obtained upon the lite of Marc A. Defenbach, deceased, upon which were based the Indictments returned charg ing conspiracy to defraud, naming Dr. August M. Cngcr, Francis Wnylnnd Brown, Frank H. Smiley nnd Mare A. Defenbach as defendants, are as follows Independent Order of Foresters, Canadian branch. $5,000. New York Life Insurance company, $J,000, Knights and Ladles of Honor, $2,000. WILL ROUT FOR EIGHT HOURS upreiur (irntiri I.riiBiio of Amrrlrn Is llnrn In Mlnnpninll n. I.nlior'" Allj. MINNEAPOLIS. May 25. The Times to morrow will say. Articles of Incorpora tion of tho Supreme Grand League of America, an organization devoted to tho advancement of the eight-hour movement, have been filed In the ofllco of the secre tary of state. Its officers are: President, John O'Don ncll, state labor commissioner: vice presi dent, M. F. Neary, president of the Slate Federation of Labor; secretary, G. L. Hock- well; treasurer, M. N. Roecrs. The first lodges will be formed in Minneapolis, St Paul, Duluth and Winona. From Mlnnc' sola the movement will spread to neighbor' Ing states. STRIKERS OUT AND IN AGAIN President O'l'nimell Itepnrtx They Mnml 21,000 to .VAUOO, Will ill Make Him Hopeful, PITTSUUItO, Pa., May 2;. President James O'Connell of tho International As soclatlon of Machinists, who was here to day, said that 24,000 machinists arc on strike throughout the country, while 62,000 have returned to work. This equals the total number of machinists In tho organiza tion, 76,000. President O'Connell predicts an early settlement with all the manufuc turers. MUSTN'T WED WIFE'S SISTER Seasonable Fashions Mini Who Dnri So lolntew utile the I'nliert Prenhyterlnn Church. Fashion Hint hj Mury I.unih. DES MOINES. May 23. The United Pres- hvtorlnn epneral assembly of North I America devoted two more hours today to the discussion as to whether the creed shall bo changed to admit members of secret societies to tho church. Two amendments to the revision report were offered and re- rrrrrA tn tho committee on judiciary. Tho Judiciary committee will present a report on the two amendments .Monaay. tno com mittee on bills ond overtures made a par tial report rccommtnaing: rirst That the overture to repeal that part of section 4, chapter .xlv, of the Con- !r i rnii. ...Kfj.v, rctiHu' "Th mnti irSBIUll Ul A mill, ...l, v.. ... . may not marry any of his wife s kindred nearer In blood than he may his own, nor the woman of her husband nearer In blood constlttltlonnl majority of the votes of the cnurcn nnu IS inerciore cnrri?u. Second Thnt the assembly hereby ratifies llir luctui-niuii m- i'. , . V. . rlares that portion of section t, of chapter xlv of the Confession of Faith that was In overture repealed. The whole number of votes Cast was 1,IV1, oi viucu n. nnt m- tlrmatlve. The Judiciary committee made a rocom monrintlnn nn woman suffrace that, inas much as the request relates to the civil status of woman, It is not deemed cxpeai cnt that an ecclesiastical court shall take action. MORE WARRANTS FOR SIEGEL Ileeelver Knrnm Out Another for Com nilnxloit .11 J n UmhesKlement Totiil 'on Iteiiorted l l!V,4Hl.tM. Chicago to Buffalo (o1an) VIA NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO.'a LINE. PAiSlWips "NORTH LAND" and "NORTH WEST" will mnk tailings twice a week between CIIICAOO. nETHOIT. CI.IlVi:L.lM ond 111 FFAl.ll throughout the season. Every BATVIIDAY and WEDNESDAY at 2:30 P. M. from CHICAGO; and every TUESDAY nnd SATURDAY at 10:15 V. M. from HUKFALO. First saillnir from Huffalo June 11. from Chicago Juno 15. This trip by tho Great Lakes, calling nt Milwaukee. Harbor Springs, Mackl nac Uland (4 hrs. ashore where connection Is mnde with ono of the finest boats of the company for Duluth and Sault Ste. Marin), will be the. Ideal way of visit ing the Exposition, combining all the tonic and rest of nn ocean voyage in smooth water. Equipment, Appointments and Cuisine equal to the finest Trans-Atlantic Liners. Write for particulars to W. M. Lowrie, G. P. A., Buffalo, N. Y. KANSAS CITY, Cay 25. Utley Wedge, re- ceiver of the Slegel-Sandcra Live Stock Commission company, of which Frnnk Rockefeller Is the principal shareholder, has made an affidavit before a Justice of the peace of this city charging Frank Slegcl, late president of the company, with embez zling a total of $145,4SC.94 of the company's money. Receiver Wedge In his affidavit gives the various dates on which the all ged m'sappro prlatlons were made and the amounts In volved In each transaction. The receiver has sworn out another warrant for Slegel's arrest. l'Vniiel ItRppler'n Hoodoo IlrlcU. When the nudltorlum bricks were auc tioned off nt the Elks' minstrel show fonip llffln fnrnrn Ti'.ln nrralnnpf1 hv th rilftnosal of No. 13. which finally fell to the Awner shlp of Frances Keppler, the little dancer. This brick has been handsomely mounted In gold by n Council Bluffs Jeweler nnd studded with thirteen opals, nnd will be the handsomest hoodoo token ever worn by an nctrets. A. C Stephan will forward tho. brick to Rochester, N. Y, where little Frances will be this week. Along with It will go brick No, 1492, which will be worn by Mrs. Stephan. riulit Five Piillrcmrn, Thomas Sullivan started a rough house In Ed Rnthery's. 313 South Eleventh street, at closing time last night nnd fought Patrolman Micnaei ivissane, wno went nfter him Four other nollcemcn werp required to subdup him. nnd night sticks nan to ne used, several scnip wounas on Sullivan b bead were stltcned by Police Surgean Ames, Every Woman la loiciriitu una mourn Knoi7 Rbout Ibo wrndttfu MARVEL Whirlinn Spray TbMirWIOjrli.. JnJft. iwh una owrww. urn sr. eu-MOM conTinlint. airBHl luuili;, i . l .... j I., ... ,. ' n 1 1 h winnot wbhIt tb . MAHVKI., mrtnu tr ethrr, but rnd lump for 11. l uirnlfl txk-U4.1t flTfi lull LimrtlrulArtftml illt ration In. valTMbUioUdlM. M.tR Room rti Times llldc, N Y Keiievti Kidnoy eiaaaor troubles at once. Cures in 48 Hours a" URINARY DISCHARGES name tF" lUwari. ( uirl. roitntarl'lli. r Each Car- VN5 uletantht IMtral? FIRST CXASS PULLflAN SLEEPBR5 ...DAILY BETWUEN... OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCC Without Chanw GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Dayllfht tn both dlrectloai. OININO CAR SERVICE THROUOtf. ) BUFFET LIBRARY CARS. Por rail Information, reservations and Ittatr rj io vauiornia" aaarcM city vinrn riiua 3., ricb. Dunn Win .Vehrnakn Meet. YORK, Neb., May K. Doan college won a majority of points In the Intercolleglatt. athletic meet today. The University of Nebrnska was second, Wesleyan university third nnd York college fourth. One state rocord was broken, Kellogg of the Univer sity of Nebraska, winning the pole vault by clenrlng 10 feet I Inches. Uicliiiliue WIkb nnd Ntefnnl, ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 15. Manager McKIbben of tho St, Joseph team has ef fected a trade with Des Moines whereby Pitcher WlggB Is transferred for Pitcher Btefanl. The lntter came from San Fran cisco, but has had little opportunity In the Western league of showing what Is In him, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. E. W. Power of Wymore, W. F. Currle of Lincoln. E. E. Lowo of Hyannls and U C. Erwln of Hastings are state guests at the Murray. Nebraskans nt the Merchants: F. Cur rle, Whitney; C. K. Olttlngs. Superior; A. H. Youmansi, Auburn; P. R. Morganthaler, Greeley; A. uarnett, McCook. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartnell of Central City, who have been visiting their son. T, 8. S. Hartnell, for some time, sailed the 20th on the steamship Campania for an extended tour of the continent. Rev. E. Rerg. pastor of the Swedish Evangelical Mission church, accompanied by his daughter. Miss Elvera, will start for New York City next Wednesday morn ing, to sail on the Cymric for Europe on June 4. They expect to be gone three month. 3619 Misses' Blouse Waist, 12 to 16 years, 3587 Misses' Flve-Gored Skirt, 12 to 16 years. Mltses' Dlouse Shirt Waist No, 3010, Misses' Flvc-gored Skirt, No. 35S7 N matter how many dainty gowns a girl may possess she Is certain to feel th need of just such a serviceable one as the Illustration shows. Tho original Is of Rus Bian blue sergo with bands of black vet vet ribbon anil shield of cream lace over white, but dark blue is admirable for out door sports, white serge is charming for afternoon wear and galatea. duck, linen, madras and tho like aro in every way suited to the design. Tho waist Is cut with a seamless back and full fronts, which extend below tho skirt to regulation length. The fronts are attached to a shallow pointed yoko beneath the sailor collar, The collar Is seamed to the neck nnd fronts and tho shield, to which the stock Is attached, Is sewed on the right front and buttoned Into place at the left beneath the collar. The fullness of the back rs drawn down In tho center at the waist line, that of the fronts being arranged to give a slightly bloused effect. The sleeves aro two-seamed and terminate In becoming points over the hands, The skirt Is cut in live gores, with a circular flounce at the lower edge, but can bo left plain if preferred. The upper portion fits smoothly over the hips and can be arranged in an Inverted plait or gathered at the back It desired. To cut the govi for a miss of 14 years of age 7T yards of material S7 Inches wide, "H yards 32 Inches wide, or 4T4 yards 44 Inches wide will be required, with yard of all-over lace 18 inches wide for shield and stock collar; to cut waist alone 24 yards 27 Inches wide, 2 yards 32 Incbc3 wide, or 14 yards 44 Inches wide; to cut tho skirt alone &' yards 27 inches wide, BH yards 32 inches wide, or 3Si yards 41 Inches wide. The waist pattern, No. 361S, Is cut in sices for misses of 12, 14 and 16 years of age. The skirt pattern, No, 3587, Is cut tn sizes for misses of 12, 11 and IS years of age. For tte accommodation of The Res' readtrs these patterns, which usually retail it from 25 to to cents, will be furnished t a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get any pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and nama of pattern wanted and bust measure. Al low about ten days from date of your letter before beginning to look for the pattern. A4drM Psttera Dt?trtDtat Omaha Ot. Backache WW n 1 1 , J A LIUiW 2v45l 1 "Please ride me pick-a-back." The little one ttigs at the mother's dress and looks up pleadingly into her face, as she teases again, "Mamma, give baby a ride." The very thought of lifting the little one to her aching back seems to intensifv the pain Backache, that common form of womanly suffering, not only means much misery but also a large loss of the joy of wife hood and motherhood. The wife who used to go singing about her -,'ork ight-footed and light-hearted, now drags painfully about, sighing instead of singing. The mother who loved the care of her baby and entered into its merry romps, now finds the baby a burden. Life has become a daily round of painful duties instead of a daily happiness. Imagine the gratitude of such a woman who is cured of backache and other womanly ills and restored to the full enjoyment of home and family ! Such a transformation has been effected in the lives of thousands of women by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. They were weak but were made strong ; they were sick but were made well by the use of this wonderful medi cine for the cure of womanly ills. "Your 'Favorite Prescription ' almost raised me from the dead," writes Mrs. lidwiu II. Gardner, of Hgypt, Plymouth Co., Mass., Box T.l. "I had pain all over me and such a drninK feeling it seemed I could not do my housework. I had to sit down to wash the dishes, even. In the year 1897 I was to sick I did not care to live. Then I thought of my little boy and my husband, and thought it would be dreadful to go'nnd leave them bc'hind. One day I was looking over my papers and found a little took in which I used to keep my hus band's accounts. I read it nnd thought I would write to Dr. Pierce. I wrote a few lines to htm, and in a few days received an nnsvrer. I decided to try his medicine, nnd to-day I am a well woman. I have no backache", no headache, no pain nt nil. I used always to have headache previously to the monthlj period, and such pain that I would roll on the floor in agony. This sometimes would occur every two weeks and I would be very weak afterward. I was in pain all over. My feet would slip front under me when I would try to go across the room, and I could not walk any distance without leing in nain. Words cannot express what I suilerert in two months. Alter I had taken one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Prescription I began to feel better. I took three bottlea of 1 Pavorite Prescription ' nnd three of 'Golden Medical Discovery' and three vials of Dr. Pierce's Pellets, and was completely cured." Mrs. Gardner's recovery is an example of the far reaching power to cure possessed by Dr. Picrca's Favor ite Prescription. It will positively aire every form of womanly disease which is curable by medicine. It has often cured forms of disease which local physicians had pronounced incurable by medicine, insisting on an op eration as the only way of relief. "Favorite Prescrip tion " is a reliable regulator ; it dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Taken as a preparative for maternity it gives the mother abundant vigor and vitality and makes the baby's advent practically painless. As a tonic for weak, nervous women or nursing mothers, it excels all the so-called tonics which are only stimulants In disguise. "Favorite Prescription" is a strengthening and not a stimulating medicine. It contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine nor any other narcotic. It is purely a vegetable preparation and cannot disagree .with the weakest constitution. The cures effected by the use of " Favorite Prescription " are lasting. The following letter is only one of many written by women whose permanent restoration to sound health is a never ending source of gratitude and delight. "Although it has been quite a time since I wrote you," says Mrs. Fred Kempson, of Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich., Box 57, "still your name is a ble&sing in our house, and I think it my duty to let you know that I am still enjoying good health, thanks to you and your 4 Pavorite Pre scription.' Wheti I think how I was five years ago, nnd then sec how I am now, I say, God bless Dr. Pierce'a works, and may he live long to help poor, suffering women. I have never had any return of my weakness and am well and hearty. Can do all my own work without any pain. Sick and ailing women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo.N.Y. FREE I On receipt of only 2 1 one-cent stamps, to pay expense of mailing only, we will send to any address a copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser (1008 large pages), in paper-covers. Or for the "Adviser" in cloth binding, send 31 stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Mirmiimmm UJl Ijlltj LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL LIVERITA for SICK HGADACHU LIVERITA for DYSPEPSIA LIVERITA lor FLATULENCB LIVERITA lor HEARTBURN LIVERITA for PAIN AFTER EATING. LIVERITA lor WANT OF APPETITE LIVERITA lor ACIDITY OF STOMACH LIVERITA lor NAUSEA LIVERITA lor SOUR STOMACH LIVERITA tor SLOW DI0E5TI0N LIVERITA lor FULLNESS LIVERITA for FOUL BREATH LIVERITA lor BAD TA5TE IN .MOUTH LIVERITA for COATED TONOL'E 444444'04444004g $500 REWARD We will pay tho abovo reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspopsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness wo cannot cure with Liverita, tho Up-to-Dato Little Liver Pill, when tho directions nro strictly complied with. Thoy aro purely Vegetablo and never fail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes con tain 100 Pills, lOo boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c boxes contain 15 Pills. Bewaro of sub stitutions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nekvita Medical Co., Clinton nnd Jackson Sts., Chicago, 111. 4'4'4,'444 LIVERITA lor BILIOUSNESS LIVERITA for SALLOW FACE LIVERITA tor TORPID LIVER LIVERITA lor CONSTIPATION LIVERITA lor SLUaaiSH BOWELS LIVERITA tor PILES LIVERITA lor BLOTCHES A PIMPLES LIVERITA lor MUDDY COHPLEXION LIVERITA lor JAUNDICB LIVERITA lor INSOMNIA LIVERITA lor BAD BLOOD LIVERITA lor KIDNEY CO.IPLAINTS LIVERITA lor HEAUTIPVINO THE COA1PLEXION LIVERITA for WOMEN and CHILDREN 3 lallllllllilllU LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE NERVITA MEDICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL. is For .air by Kulin A Co.. n ill Iloiiiilfta St., O in aim. Urortse s . Ilnxla, touiull lllufla, Iimtii. Read The Bee the Best Newspaper.