Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
We would like to call your attention
to ttao following letter:
Dear Sirs: I havo been suffering
from dyspepsia for 21 years. When
ever I would take astrong diet I would
bloat up In tho stomach. I would
under Rreat pains In the head and atom
acli nnd would bo obliged to take to
my bed and remain sometimes for a
day and night. Nothing I tookdld mo
any good until last winter, when sorno
one advised rnv husband to get for mo
a bottle of Kodoi. Dyspei'sia Cuke,
which he did. I used several bottles
of It and 1 am happy to say I can eat
any kind of strong diet I please. I
can sleep well at nlht nnd I feel llso
another porson altogether. I cannot
glre Kodol Dyspepsia Curo too much
praise, and I will highly recommend It
to all sufferers of dyspepsia. Mrs.
Peter Kline, Hopewell, Pa.
It can't help but
do you good
Thcro Is a very simple reason why
Kodol Dyspepsia Curo Invariably cures
the worst cases of Indigestion even
after everything else falls, and that Is
because it Is tho only preparation
known that contains all the dlgcstanta
and completely digests what you cat.
Kodol Dyspepsia Gura
Prapnred only by E.O.Dr.WlTT A. Co., Ohlcmtn.
The II tattlo contains S5!4 ttra'sthoGOe. size.
Dcwurs utile EARTVRISERS
The famous little pills for constipation
Omaha PUyirs Ar UaabI t PUj Bill
witb.Nimt Pains.
Denver 1nin Trove Too Prompt find
Spent? tor Hotirkr'n Men In First
(lamp lloth Pltchera Do
(Jfioil Work.
Run via the
Leave Omaha WKSBaBaaW
via Scenic Route through Colorado ani)
For Information and "Tourift Dictionary" City Ticket Ofllce, 1333 Famam St.
Omaha, Neb. "
A few of tbo faithful shivered through
tho opening game with Denver down at the
Vinton stroet reservation. It was entirely
too cold for comfort and alt of tho ball
players were about froien up. The Dcn-
vcrltcs, used to playing ball In a rigorous
cllmati', wore tha victors, the score being
2 to 0.
Oonlon, Ills collegian, occupied the box
for thy locals and pitched a splendid game.
In tho first Inning tha scoro which the
visitors appropriated was through no fault
of his and should never havo been chalked
up. Mohler, iho first man up, batted an
easy 0110 down to Dave Calhoun and Davey
grasped It In his mlt. But beforo he
throw It over to first ho tumbled all over
himself, eprawllng full length on the 10ft
diamond, and Mohler made first safely
Iladcllffo followed with a little fly over near
second base, which In nine coses out of ton
would havo been nabbed by Toman, but the
little chort-stop wasn't around, and so It
wns a hit.
Ilradley tried for a sacrlflco and bunted
tho ball down to Oordon. Tho pitcher
tired It over to Calhoun, In an attempt to
catch Mohler at third, but Gordon worked
a little alow and to. make matters worse,
Calhoun threw miserably to first. Before
the ball was recovored Mohler had bcorcd
Uadcllffe advanced to third and Uradley to
I'lti-lirr (.onion Pcraeicre.
This was pretty discouraging for Gor
don. but he pitched flnn ball, nevertheless,
nnd struck out Holland, Hlckey batted a
wee grounder to Gordon and tha pitcher
fired It home, where Radcllrte was nabbed.
Lcawe How out to Stewart and tho agony
was over.
Dut that one tally In tho first inning
was (uough to do the builncss. Not once
during tho whole course of tbo struggle
wero tho locals able to score. Byler was
liberal with freo pastes, at that, but In
effectual batting and miserable base run
ning cost O'.iinhn the game,
It wasn't such a bad game, though, after
nil. The Omahas fielded beautifully. Cal
houn's two mlscues and a bad throw by
Gondtng to first In an attempt to catch
I.eowo napping In tho fourth were moro
than offset by tho spuctacular fielding of
nobby Carter and Tommy Letcher out In
left and right cauliflower patches. Each of
those young hopefuls gobbled up long flies
which looked llko certain hits and saved
Mr. Gordon's record by several hits.
Tt triers lllvlile Honor.
Eylcr and Gordon divided honors In their
pitching performances, rnn latter was a
bit nervous, for It was his first whole game,
but he carried himself splendidly and
proved beyond a doubt that he possesses
more than ordinary merit as a twlrler
AH. It
Basrlflce hits; Beckley. Crawford. rssd
ball: 8mlth. Time; l;3S. Umpire. Dwyer.
two none mws than iiostoss.
ritUuurK ."Nnllonnls tltineli lilts nt the
night Ttmc.
BOSTON. May 24. The Pittsburg Na
tionals won today's game by bunching
four singles In the eighth Inning. The
fielding errors were all excusable, the eay
being cold and raw and at times so dark
that the ball was hardly perceptible. The
game was called In the Ilrst half of the
ninth on account of rain. Attendance, ft.000.
K.ll.U.A.U.I n.ll.O.A.E.
I.Mich, Sb.,. 10 10 0 Hamilton, cf 1 0 1 0 0
Ueaum't, cf. 0 1 0 0 OTfnney, lb.. 0 1 t 0 1
Clarke, If... 3 J 7 0 0 Demont, lb. I I I I
Waftner. rf. 1 10 0 0 Lonit, M 0 1 3 I t
nrans'M, lb 0 1 3 0 Smith, rf.. .0 1 10 0
Ritchie, !b.. 1111 1'Qam'ont, 3b 0 0 1 3 1
Zlmmer, c . 1 1 10 o;ilrown. If... 0 0 3 1 p
Kly, 0 0 3 1 1 Moran, c... 1 3 ? 1
Tannehlll. p. 0 0 5 1 O.Lawion, p.. 0 0 0 0
Boston ..
Earned runs;
( 7 34 S 3
Totals .4 8 24 14 I
2 0 0 H 0 0 26
O 0 0 0 0 2 O4
Boston, 2: Pittsburg. 1
Double Daily Service
Between Omaha .
and Kansas City
Two-base hits Moran. Stolen bases: De
mont (2). Clark. Long, l.each, Tcnnoy
!i, nihil' nlnvs: Zlmmar to Leach. Gam
mons to Moran, Sacrifice hits: Ely, Long.
Smith, Lawson. First base on balls: Oft
l.awHon. 4. Hit bv Ditched ba II: Hanill
ton. Strjrk out: By Lawson, 1; by Tan
ni'hlll, 2. 1'aBsod halls: By Moran, 3. Time:
1:12, umpire: U'uny.
Touch t' rttclier ttnsnn of the Chl
rnsoi for tinoiinh to Win.
BROOKLYN. May 24.-The Brooklyn Na
tionals turned the tables on the Chtcagos
today, batting out an easy victory. They
touched up Eason for seventeen hits, Keeler
leading with two triples nnd as many
singles. anecKaru nu mo nan over tno
fenca for a home run, the second of the
Benson, The visitors Melded raggedly at
times and 011 the whole gava r poor exhi
bition, Attendance, l,70O. Score:
11.1I.O A.E.' n.H.O.AX.
Shockard, If J 3 3 0 UllnrUfll, If. 1 3 S 0 1
Keeler, rf... 4 4 0 1 0 Dolnn. rf.,.. 4 3 I 0 0
Kelley. lb...O 1 S 1 0 Greene, cf.. 1 4 1 0 1
Daly, 3b.. .. 3 fi 4 0 Doyle, II1....O 1 8 1 1
Dahlen, at. 1 1 3 3 OChllds, 2b... 0 1 1 0
McCfry, cf. 1 1 3 0 ODrlah'ty, 3b. 0 1 2 0 1
Oattna, 3b... 2 3 3 0 McCor'k. . 0 1 3 3,2
McOulre, CO 1 .1 1 ODexter, c... 112 3 0
Donovnn, p. 0 1 0 0 U Kaon, p 0 0 1 0 0
Farrell, e... 2 1 2 2 1 - '
. .., Toiali .. 7 14 24 19 6
Totali ..IS 17 37 14 1
Brooklyn 2 4 0 6 1 0 2 0 -15
Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 3-7
Earned runs: Brooklyn. 9: Chicago, C.
Two-base hits: Chllils. Oatlns (2), Dcla-
hanty. Throe-baso hits: Orern, Keeler (2),
Home run: Sheckard, Stolon bases: Hart
sell, Shecknrd, Keeler. Double plays: Dah
len to iveiivy, unuus to .McuormicK to
Doyle. First base on errors: Chicago, 1;
iirooKiyn, . Lett on nase. uroomyn, 0.
First base on balls: On Donovan, 2; off
Eason, 3. Struck out: By Donovan, 3: by
Enson, 2. Passed ball: Dexter. Wild
pitch: Donovan. Time: 1:52. Umpire:
The Missouri I'nclnV linn Just
plnrrtl In nervier n new trnln
between Km 11 mm City anil point
In Mlxsoiirl, Kiiusnn, Coloriulo,
Utah nml I'nellle, eonst points.
S. E.
Cor 1 Itli nml IIoiikIiia Hi.
Mohler. 2b....
Radcllffe, 3b...
Bradley, rf....
Holland, cf...
Hlckey, Ib-ss.
Sullivan, lb...1
Icewp, ss
Preston, .If
Sullivan, c
Eylcr, p
33 :
Carter, if 2 0
Stewart. 2b 3 0
Buckley, lb 1 4 0
Letcher, rf 3 0
Calhoun, 3b 3 0
Held, cf 4 0
Toman, SB 4 0
Oondlng, C 3 0
Gordon. r 2 0
Totals 2S 0 4
Denver 1 0 0 0 1
Omnha 0 0 0 0 0
T-'nrrmil runs: Denver. 1. Two-basa lilts
Tnmn n l(liknv. Stolen bases: I.etclier,
Gordon. Mohler. Double plays: Mohler to
Ktillfvnri. Moh er to Hlckey to Sullivan
Toman to Stewart to Buckley. Bases on
balls: Oft Gordon. 3: off Byler, 6. Struck
out: By Gordon, 6: by Eyler, 5. Hit by
1 . 1 , 1. 1 1 Tl . . L.A 1 'T I . 1 1 1 1
Plicncfl liitil. nj j-jyic, 1. in. in. ...v,
Umpire; Carruthers.
O. A. E.
3 5 0
0 3 0
0 0 0
2 0 0
7 0
111 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
5 1 0
0 2 0
27 17 "0
6. A. E.
6 0 0
4 2 0
5 0 0
3 10
0 1
(10 0
1 3 0
6 2 1
0 1 0
27 10 a
0 0 0 0-2
0 0 0 00
Roth Pitchers Effective, hut Phlln-
phln Moat Lucky.
PHILADELPHIA, May 24 -Tha homo
National team defeated St. Louis today In
r.lonn nnd excltlntr same. The nltrhers
wero both affective, but the locals hit tha
ball when man were on bases. The fielding
of Burkott and Slaglo were features. At
tendance, z,4w. Bcore:
R.H.O.A.E.I It.H.O.A.E.
Parry, cf . 0 1 4 0 0 Durkett. If.. 0 0 4 0 0
Delah'ty. in, I I IM 1 Heldrlck, cf 0 0 3 0 0
Flick, rf . ,. 1 2 1 0 0 McOsnn, lb. I 3 13 0 0
WolVt'n. 3b I 0 0 4 0 Donovan, rf. 1 2 0 0 0
Slanle, If.... 1 1 3 0 0 Ridden, a.. 0 0 3 1 0
Mcrarl rt, c. u 0 3 1 1 Krurer, 3b.. 1 1 1
CroM, nr. .. 1 1 II I 0 Ryan. 2b.... 0 0 14 0
Hallm'n, 2b. 0 0 0 3 0 Nichols, c... 0 1 J .1 0
White, p 0 1 0 3 Otjudhoff, p.. 0 0 0 1
Totals .. S 7 37 15 ll Total ..3 34 13
Philadelphia 0.1 200000 -6
St. Louis 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-3
Earned runs: St. Louts. 1: Phtladelnhla.
4. Two-Dase nits: .-icuann i). ueiananiy,
fuck, sacrmce nu: Hruger. stolen naso:
Donovan. Left on bases: St. Louis, 4
Philadelphia, fi. First base on balls: Oft
Sudhoft, 5; orr wnite, z. nit hy pitcher:
Slagle. Struck out: By White, 2. Wild
pitch: Sudhoft. Time: 1:60. Umpires:
Masli ana uunningnam,
Nfitlonnl Leasue Ntnndlne.
Won. Lost. P.C.
New York II 7 .6J
Cincinnati lfi
Philadelphia 15
Pittsburg 13
Brooklyn 12
Boston 10
St. Louis 11
Chicago 11
Prthlbhitt FaToriU at St. Lonii Enni in
Third Placa.
Seem More Mmble In YVnillnu the Mini
of the Fair Urouniln Trnek
Presttimr Rents Sntln
ST. LOUIS, May 24. The feature of to
day's sport at the fair grounds was the
defeat of Wax Taper, the prohibitive fav
orlte, In the fifth event. Houck held Dis
senter, the second choice, In reserve until
the three-quarters polo was reached, when
he gave him his head and quickly passed
Hottentot, who had made the running to
that point, and won cleverly by n length
from Hottentot, who easily defeated the fav
orite for the place. Wax Taper seemed tin
able to untrack himself In the heavy going.
Sharp Bird had all he coud do to stall
off the rush of Midsummer In tha Ilrst race
winning by the narrowest of margins.
I'restomo beat Satin Coat, tho favorite, a
nose In the concluding event, In a hntr
raising finish, The crowd made a demon
stration around the Judges' stand In behalf
of Satin Coat, but Judge Brady's decision
stood. Two favorites, three second choices
and one long shot won the card. Track,
heavy. Results:
First race, live and a half furlongs, purse.
Sharp Bird won. Midsummer second, Miss
Aubrey third, Time: 1:1014.
Second race, four nml a half furlotins,
selling: Lemel won, Mario Bell second.
Baby Dixon third, Time: 0:57i
Third race, six and 11 half furlongs, sell
lug: Percy R. won. Harry Pullliiu second,
Vlrgle nor third. Time: l.zn1.
Fourth raca. four nnd a half furlongs.
His Gift won, Lat'rltnae second, Wlssendlne
third. Time: 0:574,
Fifth rnce. mile, purse: i.iissomer won,
Hottentot second, Wax Taper third. Tlma.
Sixth race, mile nml sexenly yards, nail
ing: Prestnnia won. Satin Coat second,
Tengown third, Time: 1.51
Cold AVnvr lilts the ( lilenmi Trni'U,
MpollliiR the Sport.
CHICAGO. May 2l.-OnIv two fiivorltes
won at Worth today nnd throe of them
ilnlshcd entirely outside of the motley, but
the reversal of form was nothing com
pared with that of tha weather, Tha
cold wave kept down the attendance and
those present saw only ordinary sport.
Frangible, favorite In tha mile and a halt
event, came In last. Results:
First race, seven ruriongs: i.itue kikiii
won. Form second, Sculptrt'sa third. Time:
1:31 3-5.
Second race, four and a IihU ruriongs,
selling: Hnydon won, Ernest Pnrhnm sec
ond. Mllmea third. Time: 0:5rt.
Th'rd race, six furlongs. kcImiik: Fed
eral won, Fireside second. Governor Snyrea
third. Time: 1:1s 7.6.
Fourth race, mile and a lmlf. felling:
Azlm won, Excclsls second, Sunro third.
Time: 2:41.
Fifth race, one mile, selling: .Merlto won.
Brand second, Andes third Time: 1:11.
Sixth race, mile nnd a sixteenth, selling:
Walkcnshaw won, Myth second, Trcbor
third. Time: iwj
Night Knria Errnrlesa Game netiTeen
Cleveland nnil Washington
AmiTlcnii LenKiie.
I Why don't yon try GOLD DUST WnBiiiriR Powder nnd docido for yourself f I
I GOLD DUST cleans everything from cellar to garret clothrs, furniture, wood-worlc, I
I dishes, silver, kettles, pillows everything. Houso work i6 hard work without GOLD DUST. 1
I Get the largo pnokage. It's moro economical. I
H Boston, Phlldelphin, Chicago, New York, Montreal. St. Loulo. I
MrAlhert la Only Horse Not Selling
SAN FRANCISCO. Mnv 24. With the
oxceptlou of McAlbert, who scored at odds
of 15 to 1. all the winners at Oakland today
were oitner favorites or snort-priced norses.
First race, mile and seventy yards, sell
ing: Roy Dara won, Qulim second. Harry
Thatcher third. Time: 1:15.
Second race, four furlongn: Ianto won,
St. Sever second, aiareilo mini. Time
Third race, live- and a hnlf furlongs.
purso: True Blue won. Byron Rosa sec
ond. Homage intra. Time; i:ui'.
Fourth race, four furlonjtH. nurse: M
C. Greene won, You-You second, Mil rein
tnird, rime; u:i:ii
Fifth race., oneaille. handicap: Yellow
Tall won. Beau' Ortnopdo second, The Fret
ter third. TlmetHH.
Sixth race, seven furlongs, selling: Mc
Albert won,' Lena second, Pat Mnrrlssey
third. Time; l:27i,
Reitore Vitality, Los: Vigor and Maohood
Com Impoteucy, Night Umlfislons, Loss of Menv
orr, all wasting diseases.
nil otlocts ot suir.auuso or
excess and Indiicrutlon.
A nerve tonic tad
,blocA builder. Brings
the pink clow to pale
choelis aim icetnres the
llr, of youth. Ily mull
ouc per mix. u noxen tor
$2.60, with our bankable Kuruntee tooure
or refund tho money paid. Send for circular
and cvyof our Imuliublo guuranteo bond.
Nervita Tablets
In.m.llafA Dafi14a
... . . ...... 1
IIAUbUII 1, ...... ,
PosltlTely gnnrantatHl curo for Lo of Power,
Varlcooolo, Undovolopod or SbrunVon Organs,
Pareali, Locomotor Ataxia. Nervous Prostift.
tlon, Uyttarln, I'lti, Insanity. Paralysis ami ttio
Ileiults of Kxcosilvo Uso of Tobacco, Opium or
Liiiuor. By mall In jiliiln packaga, $1.00 a
box, O for $0.00 with onr bankable guar
ntoo bond unmre In (30 ciayo or rofund
money paid, .xhlrc,
Clintons .ip-"oii ! . CHICAGO, ILU-
For sale by ICtihn & Co , 15th nnd Douglas
Bts., Omaha, Nch. Geo S. Davis, Council
HtllffH, lowu
Colornilo Springs Feels Comfortahle
lit One Above.
DKH MOINES. May 24. Colorado Springs
won tho opening game of the season. Mor
rison nnd were equally enecuvc, uui
Ream recalvea tne Deal support. Auena-
ance, Score: R
Colorado 3n ... 0 0 1 0 O 0 0 -n"i
Des Moines 0000, 0 000 0-0 3 4
Batteries: Colorado Springs, Ream and
Donahue; Des Moines, Morrison and Con-well.
CLEVELAND. May 21. t'n to the ninth
Inning the visitors were shut out. but then
they scored five runs nnd tied the game.
Darkness ended the contest nftcr Cleveland
had failed to score In the ninth. Attend
ance, l.iw. acoro:
R.H.O.A.E.I n.ll.O.A.E.
Plck'lne. cf 2 3 2 0 0 Farrell, ef.. 0 0 4 0 0
McCart'y. If 1 2 2 0 0,Dungan. rf.. 0 2 2 2 0
Tlradley. 3b. . 110 2 0,Qulnn, 2b.... 0 1 2 1 0
n)ter. ir.... o i o ,i o
Everett, lb.. 1 1 13 0 0
Clarke, c... 1 0 2 3 0
Cllnirm'n, ss 1 2 ? (1 0
CoiiRhlln. Sbl i I 1 0
lOenr. p 110 10
Ileok. 26... . 0 2 2 1 0!
LaCh'ce, lb. 0 0 10 0 0
Wood, c .... 0 0 0 0
EcMebeck, 0 1 3 3 0
O'Hrlen. rf.. 1 I 2 0 0
Egan, 2b-3b. 0 13 3 0
Bcott, p 0 0 0 2 0
Moore. D.... 0 0 0 0 0
t 10 27 17 0
Wmlarviirth liivliielltle and Mlnnc
npolla la Serene.
MINNEAPOLIS. May 21. Today's game
was a pitchers' battle. The home team
bunched three hits In tho ilrst nnd scored
their only run. Brasher'a sensational stop
of Mcssltt's drive In tho ninth prevented
tho visitors tteing the score. Wndsworth
was Invincible, Attendance, 1)00. Score:
Minneapolis . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 6 4
Kansas City . .00000000 0-0 4 2
Batteries: Minneapolis, Wadsw.orth and
Klelnow; Kansas City, Welmer and Messltt,
TotaU .. 5 10 71 9 0
Cleveland 10200020 n-5
Washington 00000. 0 00 5-5
Two-base hits: McCarthy (2). O'Brien.
Beck. Three-base hits: Egan. Coughlln.
Sacrifice hits: Bradley, Beck. Stolen base:
Pickering. Double plays: Cllngman to
Everett, Dungan to Everett. First baso on
balls: OfT Scott, 1; off Moore, lj off Gear, 1,
Hit by pitched ball: 8cott. 2. Struck out:
By Gear, 2. Umpire: Cantlllton. Time:
Is Held
Dr. tVfcCrew, Specialist
'.6 years experience IS years lu Omaha.
Yuiicuemc, uuruculu, BUicluii, lIiuou
Diseases hi all slant's, Nervous Debility,
and all tiiiiintural Weakness. Cures Uiinr
uutcvd, Cluiryi'N Low. Hours: S a. m. to 'J
p. m. Hundavs, i a m. to 5 i. in. Box
Omeo over 21o Ho llth St . butwaen Farnum
and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Nub.
Pnrker'a CnliNWcntlier Muff
ST. PAUL. Minn., May 2-1,-Parkcr'a muff
of a lly gave Flood n life In tho eleventh
nnd a sncrltlce and two hits netted St.
Joseph three runs and the game. McGlll
itltched splendid ball. Attendance, 2,700.
St. Joseph. 1 000000000 rt-l 62
St. Paul ..1 000000000 0-1 S 4
Batteries: St. Joseph, Donald and Dooin;
St. Paul, McGlll and Wilson.
Weatcrn Lenuuc Sinudliisr,
Won. Lost,
Kansas City H 6
St. Joseph 12 7
MIlinnniiollH 11 i
8t Paul W
Colorado Springs 9
Omaha 7
Des Moines 5
llntlug l.niuU'il In thu Lend They De
cline Let du (or the
' J l
. : J
Rett us You Rlie
Coa3ter Drake
Gulrintcfl iimi Jbt'iitt' t rt -ft .!'
ritotHrt ik t ttlme 1 ll ar.v Mlt
Vout w!cl 4lti uoder coatrol. hevu
lily oa Win, A luiuty t d Ui Itrvl.
Vou IMJefiO MUt: but
Pedal unlf Si lllln. iltHt.t iI.Im. lin -tr ViM
,.t' !-!.! r 'if ii
1 1 :l H If, ( ., t lalr. ' 1 .
NEW YORK, May 2I.-The New York Nn
tlonals again took Cincinnati into camp nt
tho Polo grounds today. Slatthowson
pitched and allowed the visitors two scat
tered hits, (coring his eighth consecutive
victory. Hits by Strang nnd Selbach, a
basu on balls nnd n wild pitch enabled the
New Yorks to score the winning run, At-
ieniiniico,'i,tjv. ocore:
Vanll'n, cf.. 0 0 1 0 0 McDrlde, cf. 0 0 1 0 1
Helbach, If. 1 3 1 0 0 llarley, If... 0 0 4 0 0
titmnc. 3b.. o i : 7 3 neckley, lb, 0 0 1 0
Hickman, if 0 0 1 0 ocraford, rf 0 I l :
Duvil, m. .0 0 3 3 Ofitetnt'dt. 2b. 0 1 1 3
Oansel. lt . o I 13 3 o irwln. 3h,... 0 o i
Bmllll, c. . 0 1 3 ) ' Mugoon, , 0 1 1
Nelson, SI)... 0 1 0 3 0 lUrgen, c... 0 0 1
Matth'naii, p0 1 0 4 0 rhllllps. p... 0 0 0 0
T0U .1 J7 13 3 TotaU 0 3 !4 "
New York .1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cincinnati fl o o 0 0 0 0 0 00
First base by errors: New York, lj Cin
cinnati, 2. Lett op nases: New York, 7
Cincinnati. 4. Bases on balls: Off Matthew
son, I, off Phillips, l Strtich out: By
Mitthewoi. I, by Phillips, J. Hit by
pitvueii UJiizti. Vivien uusu. mwn
Result la Three Runa for Detroit,
AtTiiliint Roatou'N Cipher.
DETROIT. May 24. Bevlllc's bases on
balls figured prominently this nfternoon In
Detroit's run-getting. The feature of tha
game was Barrett's magnificent running
catch of Freeman's drive to center field In
the Ilrst Inning. Tho day was very cold
and disagreeable. Freeman was benched
ror disputing a aecision ny nnenuan. At
tendance, 2,101, Score:
R.H.O.i:. R.H.O.A.C.
Caaey, 3b... 1 1 0 I l'Dowd, If.... 0 14 0 1
Darren, cf,. 0 0 1 0 0 Hemphill, rf 0 2 0 1 0
Gleaton, lb. 1 114 0 Ptahl, cf 0 1 4 0 0
Holron, rf.. 0 1 3 0 U Collin. 3b.. 0 1 4 0 1
Dillon, lb... 1 3 12 1 OFreem'n, lb. 0 0 0 0 0
Elberf'ld. m 0 0 6 2 0 Pchreck. lb. 0.0 ' ) 0
Nsnce, If.... 0 0 2 0 0 Parent, s,.. 0 2 1 3 0
nuelow, c... a 1 1 "1 0 Ferris, 2b. . 0 1 2 4 0
Miller, p.... 0 0 1 ,1 OCrllter. o 0 0 3 2 1
'Heinle, p... 0 0 0 3 0
Totals ..3 7 27 It ll
Totals . . 0 S il !2 2
Detroit 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 -3
Boston 0 0 n o o o o 0 O-o
Sacrifice hits: Ferris. Elborfeld, Stolsn
bases: Dillon (2), Barrett, Gleason. First
biiBD on balls; OfT Miller, .1: off Hevllie, b.
Hit by pitcher: Holmes. First on errrrs:
Detroit, 1; Boston, 1. Left on bases: De
troit. S: Boston. 9. Struck nut: Bv Ml'ler.
lj by Bevllle, 1 Double play: F.lberteld
to union. Time: ihz. umpire; Mneriaan,
Amerlenn (inmea Pout tinned.
t ChlcaKO Chicago-Philadelphia same
postponed: cold wather.
l 311. w ijaec .miih uuKe---mi iiimr r; inms
postponed: com wcatner.
Tun Favorites mid Three tliitslilers
AmonK Winners.
NEW YORK, May 24. Two favorites nnd
three outsiders won at Newport today over
a slow track. Sovcral well-played good
things went tthrough and tha betting ring
was hit hard. Results:
First race, six furlongs, sailing: Pino
Chip won. By George second, Brown Vail
third. Time: 1:16.
Second race, four furlongs. Ingo won.
Dr. Lovejoy second, Pearl Ban third. Time;
Third race, six furlongs: Frances Raas
won, Filibuster second, Sylvan Dell third.
Time: 1:16.
Fourth race, mllft and an eighth: Out
burst won, Banquo second, Chares Estes
third. Time: 1:66U.
Fifth raco, one mllo: HIJa won, Tanglblo
second, American Pride third. Time:
Sixth rnce, six furlongs: Obstinate Stnvui
won. Lady Hayman second, Ida Penzance
third. Time: VMM.
Full Program, lint Sloppy Trnek nml
Slovr Itanntng,
CINCINNATI. May 24,-At I.atnnla tha
colt Andy Williams was today sold to Jim
Williams for J5,000. Track sloppy. Re
sults: First raco, seven furlongs; Slips won,
Zelo second, Full Drefs third. Time: 1:38.
Hprnm! race, four nnd a half furloncs:
Hargls won, Prlnco Light second, Easter
hov tnird. Time: n o'li.
Third rnce, live furlongs; Dr. J. W.
Ramsay won. Automaton second, Lady
Rramlifa third. Time: 1:0SU.
Fourth rnce, ono mile: Chorus Boy won,
j'antnsy second, uouy wngncr tniro. Time
Fifth raco, four and a half furlongs:
Santa Teresa won. Lady Appieuy nccona
InHnlnnrp tlilrrl. Tlmai AtKflti
Sixth race, five furlongs: Ernia won,
Onamastus second, Harvey third. Time:
value 300 sovereigns, at t ti Salisbury meet
ing today, dlstiiuca one mile and n half
I'lnnl lliiiiiiiier-Thfim Won 1 .Miller
of Mitchell, vtlth HnlTiiiiiii
MITCHF.I.I.. S. D.. Mnv 21 (Sneclal Tel
egram.) Tha second day's events of the
Intercollegiate contest were somewhat In
terfered with by rain, which began fnlllng
nnrlv thlc mnrnlnt. 'Ttv tmnn III, HlmtlB-
phero clenred and It wns decided to run otr
what events they could and finish thu rest
Saturday morning.
The Ilrst event of tha afternoon was the
flnnl hammer-throw nnd wus won by Mil
ler of Mitchell, 10.H- fact; Hoffman and Ly
man, second ami third.
In the final 120-ynrd hurdle raco Oeltricli
of Yankton, was Ilrst; Slada of Yankton,
Tha half-mile bicycle race final wns won
by Allan, Brookings. Lyman. Yankton, cc.
Olid. Time: 1:10 3-5.
In the lilgh jump mini, l.nonus nr iientiuiu,
una first, ft fi-et h Inches: Mnxon and Mil
lar of Mitchell, nml Potc.h of Redlleld, tied
for M'ciind placa.
In tha 220-ynnl dasli llnal, Hiiyler, Dodso
and Me Lean, nil of Brookings, won In the
order limned Time: 0:23 1-6.
In the mile run llnal, llaylorof Ilrooklugs,
was Ilrst; Hoard of Ynnkton, second, 'iiine:
4t41 .l.-.
In tha two-mile lilevcle Html. Allan of
Brookings, was Ilrst; Bnkir of Mitchell, sec
ond. Ynnkton won the doubles nnd singles In
Iannis. Brookings defeated Redlleld In the
basket ball game by 20 to i.
Impurities In tho blood produce-! by di
gestive (Holders must be driven out beforo
hot weather sets in, otherwise sickness will
appear at a time when a strong vigorous
body Is most needed. Prickly Ash Bitters
will expel nil Impurities nnd put the sys
tem In perfect order.
For n Summer Trip.
you cannot do better than to visit the
rust. Scenlcally and historically It Is rich
In. Interest, nnd, with the, added, attraction
of tho Pan-Amorlcan exposition at which
you have tho prlvllego of stopping on tour
ist tickets reading over tho Lake Shore
Michigan. Southern ny. an Ideal vacation
may be spent. Our publication, "Lake
Shore Tours," copy of which will be sent
on application, contains outline maps of
a number of the choicest und most popular
trips, with rates. Chatauquans will be
Interested In the opening of our new and
direct Una to this famous rccreatlvo and
educational resort. "Book of Trains" gives
full Information concerning our very com
plete passonger service to the east. Ad
dress II, P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas
City, Mo. F. M. Byron, G. W. A Chicago.
Via RiirlliiKlon Route.
Every dny. May 24 to 31, Inclusive,
Tickets good to return till June 4.
Trains leae Burlington station:
S:40 n. m., 4:25 p. m. and 9:00 p. m dally,
and 3:00 p. m., dally, except Sunday.
Vln Hock InIiiihI Route.
Tickets on sale May 21 to 31, good for
return until June 3. In addition to regular
trains special trains will be run on May
24, 25, 26 and 27 leaving Omaha at 8:30 a.
m. City ticket odlce, 1323 Famam street.
American l.enifnr Sliiodlnit.
Won. Lost. P.C
Chicago 1 8 ,f,86
Detroit IS 9 .664
Baltimore 11 i ,017
Washington 12 9 671
Boston 10 11 ,m
Milwaukee S 15 .347
Cleveland 8 17 .320
Philadelphia 7 15 .313
Thrrp-I l.enune,
Keiillwortli nml Lit Moiitnuue
First Tno Eveiita.
TORONTO, Ont.. May 24,-Results:
First race, live and n hnlf furlongs:
Kenllworth won. Horsa second, Survive
third. Time: 1:12.
Second race, four nnd i half furlongs:
La Montague won. Effrontery second, Fer
nla third. Time: 1:M.
Third race, six furlongs: Plllardlst won.
King Joshua second, Beguile third Time:
Fourth race. Toronto cup. mile and nn
eighth: S:innnrr.arro won Glen Wood tee
ond, Benecknrt third. Tma: 2:02i.
Fifth race, steeplechase, two and n half
miles: Ell Klndlg won Angus yocotul,
Areszo third. Time: S:lRi$.
Sixth race, one mllo: J, II Sloan won.
Highland Prince second, Algle M third.
Time- 1:49.
Score Forty-Two Points nt Slnte In
(crcollenlnte Sleet nt Ilea
Wnr Survivors Hemcuihercil hy the
(ieneriil o eriimeiit.
WASHINGTON, May 24. (Special.) The
following pensions have been granted'
Issue of May It, 1901.
Nebraska: Increase Jacob D. Kngloman,
I.ltchlleld, 317. War with Spain, origlnal-
iiomcr a. wneicnii. iiniHiin.
Iown: Orlclnal Orvllla A Sutton. Suth
erland, fS, Martin Marsh, Davenport, J1,
Increase Lionel A. Worth, Sutherland, 3510;
(special. .Miiy 101 wetn it. smend, Hiirennn
J17. Reissue (Special. May 10) Richard A
Morton, Tipton, original widows, ate
Horan m. Hiiepnerd, Kcosatiqua. v, (spe
cial accrued. May 10) Lydla Cross, Mndrld,
U. War with Snaln orlultinl Fred H
Armstrong, Allentown, $0; Emery B. Smith,
Aiurray, u.
south uakotn: Addltlonal-Thor Ander
son. l'resno, is.
Wyoming: increase Herbert Bassett,
Rock Springs. $10
Colorado; Original widows, etc (Sneclnl
accrued. May lot Uittle M OlniHted. Glen-
wood springs, War with Spain, orlgl-
nai iiiram u. iockwooii, irippie itcck, jio,
At Rock Island Hoekford, 5; Rock Island,
"At Decatur Decatur, 7; Evansvllle, 3.
At Terre Haute Torre Haute, 4; Bloom
Ington. 3.
At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids. Daven
port game postponed; rain.
Western Aaaoclntlou,
At Columbus Columbus, 0: Fort Wayne,
At Marlon Marlon, 2; Dayton, 1.
At Grand Rapids Grand Rapids, 5; Louis
ville, 4,
At Toledo-Indianapolis, 2; Toledo. 1.
Indiana, 111 Centervllle, O.
CENTER VI LLE, Ia May 2l.-(SpecIal)
Wednesday's score,
Nebraska Indians ,,1 2 1 0 0 0 3 0 l-R
Centervllle 2 o 0 0 1 2 0 X w 6
DES MOINES, May 2l.-Grlnne,l wni
first place at the Intorroll'glate state Held
meet tnis ntternoon. i na record hy points
was: Iowa college, arlnnell, 42; Drake uni
versity, Des Mollies. 25; Stato college.
Ames, S3; State university Iowa City. i5;
Cornell college, Mount Vernon. I: Statu
Normal school. Cedar Falls, 3. Drake uni
versity hns tiled a protest against Welker
of Grlnnell, charging professionalism,
which, If sustained, will give Drnko drt
place, as Welker won ten points on two
bicycle events,
In the pole uult Pell of Drake scored
10 feet 8 Inches. The time nf I). Evan
of Grlnnell In the half-mile run wni
2:04 1-5. In the hammer throw Pell of
Drake scored 132 feet 8 Inches. Each of
these threo performances broko the pre
vious state record.
Another record was broken by Smith of
Drake In throwing tha discus 111 fret ll'i
Tluerti Defenl Red Lent.,
PLATTSMOUTH. Nah., May 4,-(Spe-clal
Telegram,) The Plattsmouth Tigers
went to Union today nnd played Ijuhp Tmll
with tha Red Igs of that place, Score.
Plattsmouth 0 2 2 0 5 3 fi 4 '-22
Union ,. 0 1 1 0 a o 0 i P 6
Batteries. Plattsmouth. Campbell, White
and Walbrldgc; Union, Bauer and Smith
Fnxhnll Krene'i Sliiopl WIiik,
LONDON. Ma 2 FoxhaM K ana s
Sluopi (Mahvrj won the Sullabuiy tup,
$5.00 A MONTH
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 years InOmaha
Method new, without
cdtttuir. imln or loss
ot time
C! V P Ml I I C; cured for life ana tnepolson
" i n i ui S3 thoroughly cleansed from
the sj stem. Soon every Mgn and symptom
disappears completely and forever. IIo
"IIUliAKING OUT"ol the disease on tho skin
or fare 'treatment contains mi dangerous
drug or Injurious aieaiclne.
WKAK MENfrom Excesies or Victims
Wabtiso Wbaknkss with KAnLV Deuay In
Youno and Miiiiilb Ac.t.a, lack of vim, vigor
and strength, with organs Impaired and weak,
STRICTURE cured with a new Home
Treatment, N pain, no detention from busl
nes. Kidney and Iilndrter Troubles.
Consultation tree. Iffatmrnt by Mall.
Call on on or artdreiis ijq q0. 14th Sti
Or. Searlos & Soarles, Omaha, Neb
If )ou have malt. enk orjni.
loit im cr ur wraRfnliit; drain,
our Vacuiun Ortrou pcttlotx-r will
rrtirrtt you vultout Uruga or
elK-i U'"' tsoooinuae untune
failure not one rpHirne,! not' on framl write for
r i i i I ra e.t t ti t' ,n f c e
IQCAl APPUAKCE CO,, 190 Tborp Blk Indianapolis. Ii o
"I cure Stricture
without cutting or
dilating, thus avoid
ing the horrors of
My original and strictly
modern treatment for strlct
turo cures the disease. It
Is the only treatment that
should ever bo used, and
tho only one recommended
by legions of men who havo
recently been cured by It, It
acts Immediately and di
rectly upon tho stricture,
dissolving It completely and
dislodging all diseased tis
sue, which comes away In
strips or shred. Ilka fibre, al
laying all Irritation and In
flammation and leaving tho
canal entirely free from ob
struction and In a sound,
healthy condition.
We Also Cure to Stay Cured Varicocele, Contagious Blood Poison,
Nervo-Sexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and fill associate disoasor. nnil wonkiiH$no of men. Wo chargo notliitiR for
private counsel and plvo each patlont a. LIICAI. COX I It ACT to hold for
our promtsos, not worth your whllu to Investigate a euro that has
made life anew to multitudes of man'
If you cannot call at our office, wrlto your Hvmptotnn fully. Address
Stntc Elcctro'Mudlcul Institute.
Consultation Free and Confidential.
Office Hours-8 a. m. to 8 p. in. Stuid lys 10 a in to 1 p. in.
State Electro-Medical Institute,
1308 Farnam St., Bet, 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
'.iv;!':'"': S:''. .v.-.v;,-V
mi yi$
misit. "siii
'mm? -m
hi : fi'f.
I II! WrMjil:
CM . t o j i
10W It s
the Burlington
to St. Louis the siiuie sis
to Denver and C'liicuo.
The St. Louis Flyer leaves
the Iiurlinton Station
every afternoon at 5:10
o'clock, arriving in St.
Louis the next morning at
7:10. This train is pre
ferred because it makes fast
time over the best track
between the two cities.
IS02 Tarnani St. 10th and Mason Sts.
Telephone 250. Telephone 121.
A. Maysr Co.,
'Phone 1716
in plnlt box not only relieves, but
positively cures all illjorders of tho
feot, stops odorous perspiration,
cures tender, swollen and painful
In blue box removes all bodily
odors. If proprrly used no drosa
shields re required. If you ruin your gloves with excessive perspiration rub
the palms after thoroughly drying thera with the powder. In coses of habitual
sweating, us th powder In pink box. For axllllary (nrmplts) BweotlnB, find
directions for uso lo the cover of the blue box, For obttlnato sweating or chaf
fDg bathe tho affected parts with ilie Ile-No-May Astrlns-mt Antlseptlo Lo
tion, It must be distinctly understood that HB-NO-MAV J'owder Is not a
toilet powder, but strictly a curative, hygienic and antisoptlo powder, and
should not be used for Infants us a toilet dusting powder.
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from 7 to 4, When orderln? by mall add 5 cents for postage
It -No. May Slttn Food for facta) matsaue.
He-No. May Cream softens and whitens the bcndi and face.