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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1901)
THi: OMAHA DAILY BEE: FIUDAY, MAY 24, 1001. Telephone eiS-GCil. I.-j: I rZl fciHiitfl W'' a pure linen fabric corrects the only fault which could be found with linen as a ninterial for undergarments. As a summer garment they are porous, dry and ventilating they absorb the perspiration, carry it off ami they keep the body dry and thor oughly comfortable. We invite patrons to call and mahe a full investigation of the claims of these goods. We have a little booklet that tells the whole story. Get a copy at our underwear department. TVTC CLOSE) ATTjHOA.VI AT T. M. AC HUTU ron Fog-ran KID GLOVER AND MeCALIt FATTWMth Thompson, Belden &.Co. T. M. O. A. BUILDING, COR. 16TH AND DOOSLAI ITS. JOHN. R. TANNER IS .DEAD Former GoTemor of Illiioii Succmnbr Whit-Apparently .Will. . . PHYSICIAN NOT CERTAIN OF 1HE CAUSE ThlnUs l( May lliivc Hri-ii Hhi-iimn t Ism of tlx; Henri, (iemillliiK Indirectly from Slt'ltnes Contracted Wlill llmitliiK. SPRINGFIELD, III., May 23. Former Governor John U. Tannor died here sud douly In Ills hotel at 2:45 p. m. from rheu matism o( the heart. Ho had been .confined to hts room since 'his return from Chicago last Saturday, with rhoumatum on the led side, but tho ensu was not considered In the leftist ecrloiiH. He felt much worse this nfternoon iinil Dr. J. N. IJlxon, the gov ernor's physician, was called about 3:30 nnd found tho governor dying. Governor Tnnner has held various posi tions besides that of governor, tho principal being, a member of thu Illinois house, United States marshal of tho southern dis trict ot Illinois, stnto treasurer and assist ant at the United Plate:) subtrcasury at Chicago, and ho wa for many years a member of the republican state central com mittee and chairman of. tho same. lie was a candidate for Uoltcd Stntes senator this year against Senator Cullum. He leaves a widow, one son, Colonel J. Mack Tanner, Springfield, colonel of tho Fourth Infantry, I. N. O., and one daughter, Mrs. John A. llnrnes of Chicago. Governor Tanner was G7 years old and a private In tho Fifty-eighth nnd Sixty-first Illinois lufautry regiments and n state sen ator; also former member of railroad and warehouse commission. Attnok; In Htiitilcn. Governor Tanner "had not been feeling well for nearly two weeks. Ho had con tracted n cold when hunting In Clay county, his old homo, and from that resulted an at- tnex or rneucxusnv ami.ii is .ueiiuve-u- mai rheumatism ot thothcart caused hts death, although Dr. J. N. DIxori,' J.the " attending physician, says ho Is unable to, give,, tho 6 act cause of death. This forenoon Dr. Dixon called and stated that Mr. Tanner was better. 'Colonel J, Mack Tanner also called during tho fore noou nnd after dinner Mrs. Tanner's sister, Mrs. Fields Duck. She nnd Mrs. Tannor wero with tho former governor when he died. Ahout 2 o'clock bo was seized by an at tack of gasping nnd strangling nnd Dr. Dixon wnu Immediately called, but Gov ernor Tanner was dead when he arrived. The remains were taken nu hour later to the. residence of Mrs. 'Tanner's father, Tur ney English, where they will remain until tho funeral. Governor Yates, Secretary of State Rose and other state officials called soon nfter tho former governor's death. Governor Yates and other state ofllcials will meet at tho governor's ofllco tomorrow morning nnd will niako arrangements for the funeral, tho date and place of which have not been determined upon, As soon as news of Governor Tanner's death was known flags on tho state houso and executive mansion were hung at half mast. I-'iiurrnl Arriiiiuomentn. Governor Yntcs tonight Issued an order directing .Adjutant General l'ierco to mo bilize tho Fifth regiment. Illinois National guard, and have tho regiment report In Springfield Sunday morning to participate In tho funeral services. uovcrnor vatos also issued tonight a proclamation to the people of Illinois an nouncing tho death ot their former gov ornor, stating that the funeral will occur In Springfield Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock and that the body will lie In state In the rottnda of tho cnpltol from S o'clock Sun day morning until tho hour of the funeral; also directing that the various departments of the stato tie closed nt noon Saturday, and that Hags nu nil gtate ofllces be nt half- mast until after the funeral, In his proclamation Governor Yates says ot the former governor: "Ills efficient sue cees as a soldier of tho repuhlle In his young manhood and as an official In many Important place of trust In his inaturer years entitle him to tho respect of his fel low-cltlzens. His untiring efforts and struggles enabled him to rlso from com parative obscurity to tho highest positions within the gift of tho commonwealth. '.Men of nil political creeds and connec tlon acknowledge his patriotism nnd, h I'onscrvntiyo grasp iff public affairs, in'h ts ?hls death the stnto loses a strong nmV;c'our ngcous cltlzon," 1 ' ' lleiilt-N Suli: Hrnorl. , An afternoon paper having Intimated (hat former Governor Tanner had com mitted suicide, Dr. Dixon stated late- to night that to refute that statement he de sired lo state positively thai although he was unable to stnto the absolute nnd real cause of death, ho would unhesitatingly ay that death was duo to natural causts. his opinion being thnt tho governor's death was duo to cerebral blood clot, or rupture of a blood vessel of tho brain. When former Governor Tanner returned from Chicago his eyes were badly congested and n specialist was railed. The congestion bernmo so se vere that n blood vessel In tho loft eye burst. The governor had frequently ex pressed fear thnt his rheumatism would havo fatal results. Colleun riii mm. At Belolt, Wls.-Belott. 9: Notre Damo. 1. At Providence, R. 1. Michigan, 7; Brown, Your Liver WJU be roused to its natural duties and your biliousness, headache and constipation bo cured If you take Hood's Pills Sold by all drueslsts. 25 centi. Bet, May 23, 1601. There's reason in it. No fabric luis so ancient a record for underwear as linen, and it would have been worn today in this country had it been properly woven. Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh REVENGE FOR CREIGHTiN TEAM Drfrnta Cntlnbr I'nlveruMy of Lincoln by Scum of Six (o Four. f-T'hKVrerir1it?m' 'vT!iiTversUv' tenth' fdnSTrl ball with a vengeance yesterdny at the Young Men's Christian association park, de termined to eiraco iw iereai pv tnanianu I'nrk.' nnd did sn In dcfe'uUllff Cottier uni versity, 6 .to 4. The game was nn excellent one nun iiespno inc neavy grounds ooin triimn nut tin inn I nest e nss or Dnse ont . Murnhv. the ncuulsltlon from the medical ilHti.irtment. did the nltchlnc for the Omaha insiiiuiion aim ay mrming oik live mik Cotncrltcs showed tliat nia whip is any thing but weak. Schumnn held tho stall for tho Lincoln men and exhibited n fnst delivery, uood head work and perfect con trol. Kitcney uiu somo pretty c.itcning lor mo visitors, In tho llrst Inning' Coiner made one tun. O'Keefe tnndo a urettv hit for CrelKhton. but his followers failed to make. It count on the' rubber. Iti tho second Captain Over- innuer ot coiner crossea ino tunic and CielKlilon made nn esttr. The third limine wns (Jotnar'H Waterloo. A case, of rnttlcs, n costly error, liases run or mon nttil fierce stick work nin up Crrlghton's score to 5. After that for four Innings both teams scored ciphers. In the eighth Cnlliihau trotted across for C'relghton mid In the ninth Wilson nnd Schumnn chalked up two for Cottier. Thus the gnme ended, li to 4 In favor of Crelghton, u game that for clean playing, lnck of errors nnd mlsJudgmentH reflects praise on both tennis, (.'rclnhton now goes Into hard training preparatory to me game wnn .Minnesota June 3. score: CniiiaitTON. i COT.N'Klt. It.H.O.A.H. II.ILO.A.K. Wflrh, lb. ...t 1 r. a 0 Wright, rf ...0 0 10 0 Lynch, lili 1 1 i I 1 Hltch e....l 14 0 1 O'K'oK c....t 2 S 0 OWIlson, !h....l 112 0 Murphy. p....Q 10 4 OHchumnn, p..l 3 1 S 1 Kelioe. If 0 1 I 1 "O'Cv'tsndf r, cf.l 2 10 0 CrelBhton. 3b.O 0 0 J 0 Ketditey. 2b.. 0 t II 0 0 Callahan, en-.-l 1 V 2 0 Miller.' i 0 0 0 2 1 llushmnn. cf.l 1 2 0 0 Gilpin, lb, ....0 0 1 1 0 Walker, rf t ItiOO 1 Totals" 4 7 24 10 3 Totals C . 77 12 1 Crelghton 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 6 L'otner I 10 0O 0 0 2- Struck ojt: By Murphy, 6; by Schuman, 4. liases on nulls: Uy Murphy. 4; by Schu mnn, 3. lilt by pitched ball:. .By Murphy. 1; by Schumnn, 1. Sacrifice hits: By Murphy, 2. Double' plays: Crelghton to Welch. Lynch to Welsh. Welsh to Kehoe, Over- lander to Wilson. Timer 1:33. Umpire Lane. , SOUTH. DAKOTA,;. ATHLETICS Flrat Ilny'a Meet of i"InercollrKlnte coolest it iinccMi in Every Way, M1TCH13LL. S. D.. Mnv-23. fSneclal Tele- prum,) Tho llrst day's meet 'or the South Dakota ltitercollcglnto athletic eontest was it' great success from n point of ntlibltlo sport and from attendance. The llttlo rain this mornlnir nut the track In fine uharie for tho nfternoon oventa und hoy wore crowded in mien aim iiiri, u neing nearly o ciock this evening when the base ball game was llnlshed. Most of tho events run today were preliminaries, the tlnnls to be run to morrow. In the bO-vard dnsh Johnson nt Milch ..n and Dodge of BrooklngH qualify for tho llIUltH. In the 100-yard dash Johnson nnd Allen i f Brookings wore first. Time: 0:10 2-D. In the 220-yard dnsh Hayler nnd Dodge of BrnokltiKH were first. Johnson nnil Vnrnn of Mitchell second. in tne l'.'O-yurd hurdle Slnde and Deltrich of Yankton were llrst. Ollnlinnt unit M.ivnn of Mitchell second. Time: 0:17 1-6. in the half mile bicycle race Allen of Brookings nnd Williams of Mitchell were tlrst. I.vman nnd Nnrwnml nf VnnWinn f.. ond. Time: 1:12' J. In the 220-ynrd hurdle Tucker nnd Kings bury of Mitchell were llrst. Slndo jiml Dolt. rich of Ynnktoti aecond. in tne mini polo vault Hendricks of Brookings won. Height: 9 feet 6 Incliss. In the half mile run tlnal Hayler of Brookings wns llrst, Hoard of Ynnktoii second. Time: 2:05. In the shot-put llnnl Miller of Mitchell wns first. Hoffman of Yankton second. Dls .liince: 41 feet fl lnrhes. In the hop, stop und Jump llnnls Madden of Brookings wns tlrst, MnthewM of Brook ings second. Dlstnnce: 41 feet 11 Inches In the mllo bluyelo final Bnker of Mit chell was first, Allen of Brookings second. Brookings nnd Mitchell played a bnsk'it ball game, Brookings winning, 14 to 3. nnktou und Mitchell plnyed n gome of I1?,?0!1"!,"' w.'!h. n BCOro of 7 10 3 I" 'avor of Mitchell, which puts Mitchell In the final game. MISSOURI RIVERS WIN -n- llntvlliiii Tenm Takes Its Firm Hnme from the Crack Oinnhnn. The Missouri Rivers, a newly orgnnUsd bowling team, composed of some of the recognized crack bowlers of the city, won their first game In n walk at Clark's allovs last night. They were pitted against tho crack Omahas, but the members ot the lat ter tenm were not equul to tho emergency and lost tho llrst two games hv 155 pins. In tho third game the Missouri Rivers let up a bit nnd tho Omahas won by two pins. Inches and Yost were the star perform ers for tho victorious team and Furay car ried away the honors for the Omahns. scoring 'Sua in tho last gnme. "Plumber" Rend did not bowl up to his usual stand !y"' 'Mipcmetrt. .Inches beating him .by ltfi plus, nioreMhntt the -total of pins which licr)r'. teanvi-galna- .oyer, iIiV"Omahn,B. MISSOURI RIVERS. . , lstv -2d, 3d. Totals Inches . ... Knulmmm Hartley .. Yost Clarkson . Totals 14$ 572 ..150 157 161 14S m 167 107 161 171 "tco 474 .. 234 13$ 869 OMAHAS, 1st, 117 15$ 170 .,163 no 403 ;i6 4S0 8)6 2d. 131 163 172 16$ 145 I Read .... 3d. Totals 126 377 Smead . 132 209 150 145 15.1 Furay .. Ml ISI Davison '.arp 460 Totals "7S 782 762 2,322 tiitei-nntlonnl Athlctle Itiilea. PARIS. May 2.1.-Tho Olympic games commlttoo met nt the Automobile club this morning to discuss n nronosnl submitted hv L. P. Sheldon of Ynlo In behalf of the Atll ll In ll,,lnn t ,.lnn .1... .U '.'' ......v,.u . ...w, u, . ... in. ii iiiu i-uni- inltteo draw up International rules for ntnletlra tn ,1n Hli-n.. with nt .nU. The committee decided to tuko the matter "iimci luimitieniiion, Weilern Association. At Toledo I nrthi iniiinili! in. 'ri.i., i Rapids r4,Ul "al'1(,s-LolisvllIe. 12:' Grand At uoiumius-Columbus, 4; Fort Wayne At Marlon-Dayton. 12; Marlon, 3. lldKiir Uefpatu Ila EDOAR. Neb.. Mnv M irtni i-i,.. Harvard , HIeIi srhnn'i i.nii 1 ,'.." "ii:.V5 against tho Edgar High school tenm on tho l-.dgar groundH yesterday afternoon. The was hotly contested and won by the OMAHA ROUTS THE LEADERS Errorlm Game on ioggj Field it Wen by Superior Butting. THREE TO ONE AGAINST KANSAS CITY Dust' Coon All hut Shuts Out the .Missouri AKKrcgntlon (irent W ork li- llontp Ten in In Meeonil Inning. It was a great day for tho Omaha clans men. Thoy conclusively demonstrated to the satisfaction ot n fair sized crowd of tho faithful that George Tcbeau's much- vaunted bunch of MIsBourlans Is not such-a-much nfter all, Tho third gamo of the scries with Kansas City was won by Omaha through superior batting and when It was ended the score was 3 to 1. "Dusty" Coons was tho slab artist for the victorious crew nnd what a gamo ho did pltchl Up until tho eighth inning tho far- famed sluggers from tho mouth of the Kaw wero able to securo but three singles and they wero scattered. It looked as though the visitors wero to bo blanked, but they managed to squeeze In a single run before tfyo game ended, Jupiter Pluvlus did his best to rob Omaha of tho game. After tho second Inning tho clouds, which had been threatening and weeping at Intervals all afternoon, opened up and tho rain pattered down. The game was continued until the end of the first half of tho fourth. Then Captain Car ruthcrs cast his glass from tho hurricane deck and concluded that It was tlnio lo suspend business, so he sailed Into port with tho ball players tagging him up. Tho Intermission was a brief one nnd It was certainly a good thing that tho rain stopped, for Mr. Pluvlus would havo been unpopular If ho had kept hts flood gates open beyond the twenty minutes' limit. Tho rest was for eight minutes nnd then tho fun began again. With wet balls nnd a soggy field both teams put up a great game. Thero wasn't an error on either side. That's something unusual on n moist and muddy field. Act No 2 was tho olio where the Omaha stars got In their heavy work. Davey Cal houn started off with a soaking single. Willie Held followed suit, placing a dandy lly Just beyond the third bnso line. Jimmy Toman .beat out nn Intended sncrlflco nnd tho bases wero full. Goudlng biffed a hot ono down to Robinson nnd Hobby sent It back home In time to catch Calhoun nt the plate. Tho bases wero still full when "Dust j " Coons took his place at the bat. Then II was that "Dusty" did the needful. He picked out a nice one and sent it out In tho garden for two bases, scoring Held and Tomnn. Carter's hit scored Got,ulng. That ended the run-getting uutll tho eighth Inning, when Knnsas City managed to get In a single run. Hottger went down to first on a free pass and subsequent hits by Ketchem and Miller scored him. Score OMAHA. All. ...3 ,..3 ...I ...I It. II. O. A. 13 Carter. If Stewart, 'Jlt Buckley, lb Letcher, rf Calhoun. 3b 11 1 3 ROId, cf I Toman, eh 4 Clouding, c, 4 Coons, p 3 Totals 32 3 9 KANSAS CITY. AB. R. H. A. 0 0 . 0 E. Ketchem. of .4 Hartman. rf 4 Mlllor,, U,i...m.......-..,.4 Hardesiyrss:.... :..'.. .4 Hevlllc. .lb.. .4 10 0 O'Brien,- 2h..;.. Robinson, 8b..i. Mcssttt, c. ....... Jlettger, p ...4 ...3 ...3 Totals 21 13 Omaha 0 3 0 0 0 I) 0 0 -3 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Karncd runs: Omaha, 3. Two-base hits: T, mnn. Coon:. Ketchem. Bases on balls: Oft Coons. 3; off Rettger, 3. Struck out: By Coons . 6; by Rettger. l. uoubie p ay: llett- , Messltt to Bevllle. Time: 1:30. tlni- cer to nlre: Carruthers. This nfternoon Denver will try couclu slono with the Hourkc family. m:s Moi.Mis rolls ip tinosi:ruis. St. .lospph llns i Trouble Mnklim I'lve Hiiiin. DKS MOINES. In.. May 23.-SL Joseph gave an exhibition of nll-around ball play ing today that would luivo heen more ap preciated If Des Moines had given It. Muu- iltl WHS eiireuvu w nt'ii uie iocuih needed ills. Attendance, COO. Score: n il k St. Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 23 S I Des Moines. ...0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0-0 ! 2 Batteries: St. Joseph. Maupln mid Dooln; Des Moines. Pollchow und Conwcll. W'cHtcrn LeiiKiie (ninrs I'ONtponeil. At Mlnnennnlls Minneapolis-Denver iranie postponed: rnln. At St. Paul St. Paul-Colorado Knrlncn game postponed; rain. WoHtcrn I. enic lie .SinmlliiK. Won. Lost P.C. .736 .fill ..ISS .fiao .170 .332 .277 Kansas City 14 r St. Joseph it 7 Minneapolis lo St. Paul 10 Colorado' Springs 8 s y it U 13 Omaha 7 Denver 6 Des Moines 5 NEW YORK AGAIN IN LEAD lly Defeating Cliiolniint 1 It L'nlns Top of .utlnnnl Co I ii in n. NUW YORK, May 23.-By deeullng Cln Innatl today at the Polo urounds tho N'mv York basp bill team resumed the lend In t no .National nnso iini enuue. A rn v In the sixth Inning, In which two triples nnd tlirce snigien were miitie, ronii)IIK(l Willi nil error nnd a man hit by the pitcher, netted tho New Y.irkers six runs. Doheiiy wns hit hard In tne opening Innings, but was prac tically Invlneiblo toward tho end. Attend ance, 9,150. Score: NEW YOUK. I CINCINNATI. Jl.H.O.A.l-:.! ll.II.n j I! V'Haltr'n. cf 1 3 2 0 1 Jtenrlde, cf.. 0 2 110 felbach, If.. 1 2 2 0 U Hartley, lf...0 2 0 0 0 Ptranif, Jb. .2 1 I 0 Hockley, lb., l 0 10 0 0 Hickman, rf. 0 3 10 OCranfonl, rf 0 0 2 0 0 Dovl. ....! 1 fi 1 f-teinfelilt, 2b 0 2 2 2 nuiM. lb... 0 0 12 0 Irwin. 3b 0 I 1 ; o llonerman, cl 1 3 3 0 Mut;oon, s., 0 2 2 0 0 Nelson, 2H... 1 0 l I reus, o 0 0 4 0 0 Doheney; p.. 1 2 0 0 1 Newton, p.... 0 0 12 1 i 1 , . Total 8 16 27 12 4 Totals. .1 9 21 t 1 New York ,. 1 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 S Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Earned runs. New York. 6. Stolen bases: Sclbach, Mhsooii uase on nnlls; Off Do benv. 1: tit Newton. 1. Struck out! Bv uoneny. t: in .nuwiun, i. i.en on oases New York. 10; Cincinnati, o. Three-base lilts: VanHnllreii, Hlckmnn. Two-baso hits: Strang, riteinteldt. Double plays: Davis (unassisted), Davis to linnzel, Stein feldt to Beckley. lilt by pitched ball: liowermnn. l'asseil nails: Bowerman, Pletz. Time- 1:60. Umpire: Dwyer. hi:am:ati:hs iiixcii tiuhh hits. Whleh AeeounlN for I be Gloom Thnt PrevniU In Plttslnirur. BOSTON. Mav 23 The Boston V.-itlnnnl '.' ...... ......r, ...... ,,, Him UIIU mil ( Innings of today's game. Pittsburg batted naro, oui miiou in L-uiiiieci wnn i'lttenger s listless fashion. Attendance, l.COO. Score: iiosion. I PiTTsntmo. n.H.O.A.E.I A.tJ. Hamilton, cf 1 0 1 ) 1 Iach, 3li.... 0 0 13 0 Tenney. lb.. 1 1 J 0 lleaum'nt, cf 0 l 2 0 0 Demonl, jo,, 1 1 i - u i-ooie, ir 0 2 0 0 0 Bmlth, rf.... 1 1 0 11 O.Wauner. rf.. 1 1 0 0 0 Lone. 1 0 5 1 0 Hr'nneM. lb, 0 19 0 0 Oam'ons, 2b. 2 2 1 0 0 .HIK-lde, b..O 12 3 1 Prown, If.... u 1 1 1 O'Connor, c. 0 0 0 2 0 Mornn, c 0 0 7 2 0 Ely, is 1 : 4 1 0 PIttfnicr, p. 0 0 1 t OCheslirii, p.. t 1 0 .1 0 Vlarke .... .01000 Total" 7 6 77 3 2 "Ljlt 0 0 0 0 0 ' Total! "3 9 jl 11 "l Batted for Cheshro In the ninth. Bail for Clnrko In the ninth, Boston 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 7 rtttsburg 01200000 03 Earned runs: Boston 2; Pittsburg, 3, Two-base hits: Tenney, Wagner, Poole, Bransfleld. Three-bnse hit: Gammons. Stolen buses- Smith, O'Connor. Double play; Long to Tcniiey. Sacrltlce lilt; Smith. First base on balls. Off I'lttenger. 1, oft Cheshro, 2. lilt by pitched bnll. Wag ner, Struck out; By I'lttenger, 5; by Clies bro, S. Time: 1:10. Umpire: O'Day. ST. LOUS M.tK.KS 1'IHHCU IMMSII. Score Set en turned Huns In Mntli IiiiiIiik. DefrntliiK IMillnilt'lpliln. I'llll.Anvi DIM A fav ! St I.rtllU lie. feiLteil thn Inrnt N'ntlnnnf tndnv III the llrst game of tho series. In the ninth Inning the visitors by a mighty batting rally knocked out eight hits and scored seven earned runs. Attendance. 2,M3. score; 8T. LOUIS. I PHILADELPHIA. It.lf.lVA.K. It. II. O. A U Iturkett, If . J 3 1 0 0 Barry, cf....O 110 0 Heldrlck, ef. 1 2 Z 1 ODe'hsnty, lbO 0 10 0 0 McOann, lb. 1 3 10 0 0' Kllck. rf 1 0 4 1 0 Wulv'ton. 3b 1 1 2 1 0 Single, If.... 2 0 2 1 0 Douglas, c.. 1 13 3 0 Donovan, rf. 1 2 1 0 0 I'ndden, !.. 1 1 2 4 0 Kruger, 3b... 0 2 t l 1 iiy.m, 2b 13 0 9 1 CroKx, s l a 3 (I i NlchoU, c... 1 1 S 0 tJIflllmsn, 2b. 0 1 2 0 0 Harper, p, .. 0 0 0 1 1 Dugglby, p. 0 0 0 0 0 rowell, p.... 0 0 fl 0 0 Shrlver ... 1 ooo Totals. . 6 4 27 17 1 Totals 10 H 27 II Batted for Powell In the ninth. St. Louis 1 0 0 0 1 1 o 0 7 10 Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 o o o o w turned rutin! St. Louis. 0. Two-uaso hits: Ryan, Kruger, Burkett (2), Donovan, Shrlver, Harry, Home run: Burkett. Left on bases: St. Louis, 9: Phil adelphia. K First bnso on balls: Off Har per, uj ore Dtiggicuy. i. mi u piium-i. Nichols. Medium. Hullmnn, Barry. Struck out: By Harper, i); by, Powell, 8. lid pitches: Powell, 2, Umpire: Nash, lime: 2:15, CHICAGO HU.tTS IIHOOKI.YX HAUL V. Tnjlor Pitches timid Hull mill Orplum tlt Proper Support. BROOKLYN. May 2.1. Brooklyn was not In It nt any stage ot tho game with the Chlcitgos. McJames pitched poor ball nt tho start nnd this, with well bunched hits nnd a couple of errors, gnvo Chicago a lend of six runs, which they never relinquished, Tnylor hnd good control nnd superb sup port. McCreery's running catch of n drive by Green cut off a home run. Attendance, 2.40O. Score: CHICAOO, . , HKOOKLY.V. H.H.O.A.1:. n.H.O.A.E. 1tRrtsll. If . 1 1 1 1 0 fihfcknrd. If 0 0 2 0 0 Dolnn, rf 1 2 1 0 0 Kwlfr, rf... 0 1 2 0 0 Green, cf....l 1 2 0 0 Kelley. lb... 1 3 !! 0 0 Doyle, lb.... 2 112 2 O.Daly, 2b 0 0 2 6 0 Chlldo. 2b.... 0 2 1 4 O Pahlen. ... 1 2 1 2 0 D'lunty, 3b 0 t 0 J O McCreery, cf 0 1 2 0 0 M'C'm'k, pi. 0 0 13 OOatlns, 3b.... 0 0 2 2 1 Kllnir. c 2 2 4 1 0 rarrell. C....0 1 2 1 1 Taylor, p.. 0 2 3 0 McJames, p. 0 10 1 1 Totals 0 1U :i '7 01 Totals 2 8 31 II 3 Chicago 2 4 0 2 0 0 1 0 -0 Brooklyn oo020ouuo-; Knrned runs: Brooklyn, 2; Chicago, 1. Two-buso hits: Chllds. McCreery. Three base hit: Fnriell. First base on errors: Chicago, 1. Left on liases: Brooklyn, 1; nhlcncn. 4. Ijfl nn buses: Hnrtscll. iiolan. Doyle (2). Double plays: Daly to Kelloy, Chllds to Doyle, Hurtsell to McCormlck to Chllds. First base on balls: Off 't'nylor, 1; off McJamts, 3. Struck oat: By Tayloi, 1; by McJames. 2. Passed bnlls: By Fnrrell, I. Time: nil Umpire: Emsue. .Nilllnilill LniHtic StllililliiK. Won. Lost. P.C. New York 13 7 .6W) Cincinnati 16 a M' Philadelphia H 11 ..-ij PlttHlmrir 12 12 .M.'O Boston 10 11 .476 Brnoklvn 11 13 .4i8 l t , ill la 11 li .107 ClitciiL'o 11 18 .37!) FIVE PITCHERS IN ONE GAME White. .Sox Hrimli liy" the Athlptle In nn Kxhlbtllon Notnlilc for ChiiiifieH. f!l4lCAOO. Mav 23. The homo tenm won an exciting, though poorly played, gamo from tlio fnuaueipiiia Amencniis tuuuy. Kntoll was pounded for five runs In tho third, giving Way to Harvey, who did well until tho ninth, when ho went to' pieces nnd was- relieved by Griffith. Plnnlc also vt!nt to pieces in tne tniru inning una wus le lleved by Fraser. Attendance, 2,U0. Score: CHICAGO. I PHILADELPHIA. H.H.O.A.E. H.H.O.A.E. . i ii n n iVfiAin,. ir fl 'I i n i I1U). VI...... v v V.V.V.V., ....... w . a JmiM, rf..,. 2 0 .1 0 1 Fultz. cf 10 10 0 Wrt3, 2b.. 1 i4 o v crosi. a i i Z . V 1 i. A t.UI. 41. 1 1 1 41 Kbell, lb....-l 1 a 3 0 Ttnrtmnn. 3b 2 3 1 t, 2 Hrtbold. rf.. 0 2 1 n i) Shuirart. is.. 0 1 VT' 0 Davla, lb.... 0 Ml 1 0 M..."rfml. If 2 3 3 0 0 Powers, c , i o .. o o Sullivan, c. 0 0 2 0 O.Mtirphy, c ,00110 ,110 2 3 Kntoll, p.... 0 0 0 2 0 Harvey, p. . 2 0 0 2 0 Dolan, M.. PUnk. p... Prater, p.. Tolnls. . .01021 Griffith, p.... 0 0 0 0 0 .112 2 0 Totals 11 10 '-7 it 31 Tolnls. ... 9 11 21 it S Chicago 0 0 7 0 2 1 0 1 '-11 Phlladclnhla 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 U 4-a i.nft nn buses: Chicago, 3; Philadelphia i. Two-base lilt: iviijuic. iminc ruiui; , McKarland. Sacrltlce hit: Uolun. ",olen bases: Morten, Hartman, Harvey. D ill le pluys. Jiertes in oiiukiu i iu lanuu, Sliugnrt to Mertes to lsbell. Struck out: By llarvoy, 1; by Plank, 2; by Fraser, 1. liaso on balls: Off Harvey. 3; off Plank, 3; off Fraser, I; ort urlllltn. l. wild pitches hv Plank. 2. Hit with ball: Powers. Tltno Matiunssau. dkthoit imops xk to ikisth.v II nit American Lse the Willow with Snvlnn (irucc, DETROIT. Mny 23 After scoring one run n tii Hrst Innlnu on crtors bv Cnsov nnd lluelow tho Boston Americans bunched two doubles and a single In the llftb Inning and scored two more. Then In the eighth Hemp hill opened with a three-bngger and scored nn Kreptnan's lly to Bnrrctt. atter Casey had given Stahl life nt llrst and Collins had Ktrin-k out. Dillon's single, ii steal and Schreck's wild throw gnvo Detroit their llrst run and In tho seventh Holmes' two base hit scored Casey, who had singled. At tendance, 3,3.3. bcoro: BOSTON. I DETHOIT. U.H.O.A.K.I Il.H.O.A.i: Ilnwd. If 1 0 0 0 0 Casey.- 3b.... 12 0 2 Hemphill, rfl 2 2 0 0 Ilarrett. cf.. 0 0 4 Cl 0 Hlnhl, cf....0 0 5 0 0 Glenion, 2b.. 0 0 17 Collins. 3b... 0 10 5 1 Hoi men, rf..O 2 0 0 Freeman, lb. 0 0 14 0 0 Dillon, lb.... 1 112 1 Patent, es... 0 0 '1 4 1 Hlbrrfekl. ss 0 0 3 5 Ferris. 2b.... 0 0 0 2 0 Nance, If.... 0 0 2 0 Schreek, e... 1 2 6 1 2 llueluw, C....0 1 4 0 Youne. P....1 10 3 OCronln, p....O 0 1 0 TotaU 4 6 27 12 4I Total 2 0 27 U Benton 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 01 Detroit 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-: Knrned rnnhi Detroit. 1: Boston. 2. Two base hits: Schreck, Hemphill, Holmes nnd Casey. Three-base nils: iiueiow, iiemp hill. Sacrltlce lilt: Glenson. Stolen bases Dillon (2), Stnhl, First bnso on nails; Off Cronln, 2. First base on errors: Detroit, 2 Boston, 2. Left on liases: Detroit, u; Bos ton. 0. Struck out. By Cronln. 4; by Young J Double piny: Elberfeld to Dillon, Time 1:4a. umpire: nneriuun. IX Tlin NIXTII WITH TWO Of Cleveland Unities mill Mnlie Mm Hiiiik, llrulliiK WiimIiIiikIoii CLEVELAND, May 23,-The Cleveland Amerli-nnH wnn nn almost boneless :ami by a batting rally In the ninth Inning. After two were oui me locum hiiucki-ii i-aiton out of the box and scored nine runs and it victory. Attendance, i,.ou. score: CLEVELAND. I WASHINGTON, It.H O.A E. H.H.O.A.E Pickering, tfl 1 0 0 u Kartell, cr... 1 000 McCarthy, If 2 2 6 0 0luna;an, rf.0 1 1 0 1 .'Chance, lb 1 '.3 12 0 Foster, If.... 1, .1 2 0 Kvore'tti lb.. 1 (1 13 1 Wood, c 1 ti 2 0' 1 Kehlebeek. ttz i -i i ' flenlnn. ef... 1 1 4 0 0 Grady, r 2 i t i Cllnitiiian, u 2 2 17 Ktan. 21 2 10 5 OiCoughlln, 3b 3 2 u ii lloffer. d.... 1 1 1 4 0 Patton, p.... 3 2 1 lleik 1 1 0 ', P 0 0 0 0 Total! It 15 27 12 l' Totals 13 I42C !2 Pork hatted for lloffer In tho ninth. Two nut when winning run was scored riovelnnd 0 (I 0 0 1 0 I) 1 9-11 Withhlngton 0 5 0 1 3 0 2 0 2-13 Two. base hits: Srhlebeck. Book, Coutth lln. Three-baso lilt: Diingan. Sarrlil-u hits: Pntton, Everett, cilugman, Cough lln. Stolpn bnses. Gr.Hly. Cllunmioi. Dniihlo play: (Tlngman to Qiilnn to Everett. First base on bnlls: Off lloffer, 3; off Pntton, 2; ' r1 'oTr.'.','. ",.l."'''.',N'.. '.,"V. "i f. .'"'", off Lor, l. nit ny purnou imit: uy rattan, 1. HtrucK out: ny rm inn, i; ny i,eo, j. Passed ball: Grady. Time: 2:00. Umpire; Cantllllnn. Ainerli-ii'i tiiiine I'ovt poiieil. At Milwaukee Milwaukee Baltimore; rnln. Aiiierlcnii l.cauue 5lnii(Iliig. Won. Lost. P.C Chicago jfi 8 ,f.wj Detroit 1J 9 -3 Baltlmoie 11 o .61, Washington : , 571 Boston 10 10 .Mm Milwaukee S 1. ,317 Cleveland ' ) .32-1 Philadelphia 7 15 .318 Three-1 LeiiKiie. At Blcomlngton-Bloomlnglon, 9; Evnni. At 'Davenport Hockford, 15; Davenport, 9. At Terre Haute Decatur, 4; Terre Haute, 3. At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids. Rack Island game potp';nd; rain. GREAT DAY FOR COMMANDO Win th Belmont and Muoh Olorj at Morru Part, THE PARADER HIS ONLY COMPANY VII lireen, the Tlilril Starter, .Not In the Itnnnlim nt All t'ouro Is Anotlicr of IIiij'k lmiei-N, NEW YOHK, May 23. Commando, the sou ot Domino, won the classic llelmont nt Morris park today and Mumped him self the best 3-year-old of recent years. He was a strong favorite In the betting nt 7 to 10, made all the running, and won, gnlloplug, by two lengths In 2.21. the track record for the distance. It was the Inst dny of the Westchester Racing nssoelatlou's spring meeting and n banner crowd of at least 15,000 people as In attendance. Only three horses went to the post for the llel mont. Commando and The Parnder both opened nt even money, tho former being backed to 7 to 10, while The Pnrader went lo 7 to 6. All flreeu went begging nt IS to 1. They were sent off In the first break to a good start and Spencer took Com mando to the front and led by two lengths up the back stretch, doing up the hill The l'ar.ider moved up to him nnd they went neck-and-neck around the far turn. For a few Jumps Tho Pnrader showed In front, but It was only on suffernuce, and when Spencer called on Commando nt the head of tho stretch he catno awny and won easily. The Parader was under the whip through the last furlong In a fruitless effort to get up. All Orcen was n bad third. Commnndo got nn ovation when he went to tho scales. Summary: First race. mile, noil I met: Ltlck Star. 107 milium K In 1 nnd 3 tn 1. won: Hllteuwny. 110 (Shaw), 5 to 1 and 2 to 1. second; Knight of tho Garter, llo tSlack). 7 to 2 und to S. third. Time: 1:13. All Saints. Trlllo. Olnkl, Royal Sterling and Fonsoln also ran. Second race, live rurinngs, selling; Hon olulu, lOti (Landry), S to ii and 1 tn 2, won; Vnllniln. 1fi2 (TliiniMiinnl. fi to 1 and G to 11. second; O'llagen, 104 (Shaw), even, third. Time: (KKt'-j. i'J0,unii7.c, .miss risner 111111 Purpepper also run. Tlilrd rnce, tne luctipse, nve nnu n nun fnrlniii?- llliti. Illrl. 124 (Burns). 1 to n nnd 2 to fl, wnn; Saturday. 122 (O'Connor), 11 to ,1 and 3 to fi, second; wnisKy King, 122 (Rlltter), 12 to 1 and 3 tn 1. third. Time: 1:01V Hyphen nnd Wild Oats also ran. Fourth nice, the Belmont, one tune nnu three furlongs: Commando, 12.1 (Spencer). 7 to lo and out, won; The Parader, 12 (Landry). 7 to 5 and out. second : All (ircen, 12fi (Shaw), 8 to fl, third. Time: 2:21. Three starters. Fifth race, Jockey club wclght-for-iige, mllo nnd three-eighth: Conroy, llo (Spen cer), 13 to 10 nnd nut, won; Blues, 109 (Shaw), to 1') and out, secotni; ur. imr low, lOO'(Orom), 8 to 1 nnd ti to D, third. Time: 1 dG. Hlvtli rare, live furloncs. selling: en- tnrn. 100 (Mllesl. 30 to 1 and 10 to 1. won; Cold Luck. Ill (Spencer), 9 to r. and 7 tn iv, ri-v:iiivi, in 1 ix.iiit. .. .m. ...... j . ... 1 and fi to 2. third. Time: 1:1 1-eder- nllst, Spry, Gautama, Curtsey, .ludge War. dell, Ills Roynt Highness, False Alarm nnd Tho Lnurel also ran. WINS MISSISSIPPI VAI.I.I1V STAKIS. Illlnk, Hlililen by A. Weher, Tukes It from III Lee. ST. i.nt MS. .Mnv 23. The Fair associa tion decided one of Its fixtures, the Missis sippi Vnlley stake, this afternoon on a track that was a veritable quagmire. A heavy rain fell during the progress of the tlilrd race, completely upsouing me cun-u-lntlmiH nf the over-nlglit handlcnpperB, nn exceptionally good Held of ull-agehoises faced the barrier In the stako event. Bowen nnd Blink wero made equal favorites at n to 2, with Verify next, owing to his well known propensity for running well In heavy 1 . ill I t,A..n.l .. ,V... Ipntii nf ftnir KlUIIiS. I 1.V.U nnvjicu iu w.v iiuiu ... full imil mnde the riinnlnc to tho far '.urn. rounding which Weber shook Blink up nnd It wns nil over, tne son 01 victory nun Shuttle galloping In an easy winner by two lengths from HI Lee. who beat Bowon the snmo dlstanco for the place. Tne talent to- trlevcd Its losses 01 ;.cftertiny. lour favorites, one second and one third choice securing the races. Results: First race, six nnu a 111111 iiiriongs, ceil ing; Reducer. 103 (.MeCitnn). 9 to 2, won; Ducnssa, 101 (A. Weber), 2 lo 1. second; Re gatta, 101 (F. Miles), 10 to 1, tlilrd. Time: i:2ii. Marv 'ota. Cape. Jessamine. Dis crepancy, John C. Vutipel. La Prlncossn, Grace Cup, Land Shot. Tristan, Belle, Jim Breeze, Alvln w and uoraiico also ran. Second race, live furlongs, purse; Kit loma. 103 (T. O Brlcn), 5 to 1, won; Father Wenlker. 109 (Hnuck). 3 lo 2. second: Helen Print, 1(0 (Hnrshberger), 5 to V. third. Time: 1:01 vj. 'I- i.- uoieman, 1.011 iiazei, waui tnm, Flora Pomaim and Confederate Grey also ran. Third rnce, one mile, selling: Depon, 110 (S. Johnson). 7 to .1. won: The Caxton. 87 (O'Neill). 10 to 1, second: Mystery. Ill) (Bar ringer), 5 to 1, third. Time: 1:I74. Mario Brown, .Mtiniintnus, mis. (irnnnaii. Hea Sonc. Bertha Buck. Sir Phllln Sidney. May MacDJff, Engano. Wlnyiip and ChL-ka-mauga also ran. Fourth race, the Mississippi Valley Helling sweepstakes, one mllo: Blink, 95 tA. Weber), 5 to 2, won; III Lee, 105 (T O'Brien). 10 to 1, second: Howen, 101 (Me Cunn). 5 to 2. third. Time: 1:11. Farmer ttitntwi. t Vwl-lfv Tlllln tiVillun flnnitv llm nnd Chnppatiua also ran, llnlshlng In tho order named. Fifth race, ono mile, soiling: Colonel Gay. 110 (Plunkett), 11 tn 5, won; PanParm, nu ti.. nose), 1.1 10 1, i-oconii; joe uaugnty, 110 (C. Combs). 15 In 1. third. Time: l:l. I'neic Lewis. John Bull. Eirnvrenl, Eleanor. Holmes, Om5lla, l-'red Ilesslg and Zasalo also ran, Slxtli rnce, six and n half furlongs, sell Ing: Sam Lazarus, lOfi (Plunkett). 3 to I won; Quite Right. 89 (Hello), 6 to 1, scfind, VIrglo d'Or. 93 (Parm), 10 to 1, third. Tlnu: tiffin. Harry Preston, Marguerite, Hage man, Lndeas. Vide, Vance, jena, Loono, viumnr una uuru uiiiock niso ran. xosi: and xosi: at oaklaxd Close rinlnh Murk lln re Thnii One of the IC-rentN. SAN FRANCISCO. May 23,-The racing at Oakland today was marked by olnso finishes. In the lifth event Vaiit no. Moco rlto and Vitleiu'letini' finished noses apatt, tne winner tiemg i- lo i. aiioi- leading ny eight lengths at one time llagerdon only won by a head from Rvo Shannon In the closing event. Jim Hall had tn be much the host tn win the fourth nice, as Coins pulled him up nt tlio start, ltestnis: First rare. Futurity rourse, selling: Oils snndn, 111 (Alexander), 11 to 5, won; Itlo Chlfn, 114 (Collis), 5 lo 1, second: Expedient. Ill (Burllngnmo), 15 to 1, third. Time: i:124. Klckum Bob, Swe"t Voli-o and Jerld nlso ran. Second race six furlongs, soiling: Mike Strauss. 119 (llo-ir). 0 to 5. won; Elmlilo. 121 (Ruiz), hi to 5. second; Irate, 9S (Fauntlc royi, S to 1, third. Time: l:15',i. Screen well Lake. Homostnko, Daiiene, The Buf foon and Moioh Seven also ran. Third nice, live and a half furlongs; carlo. 113 (Russell). H to P, won; Achilles, 113 (Ruiz), " to 1, second; Dandy, 113 (Titllett) tV) to 1, third. Time: lyffltf. Royalty. Yel lowstone. Remclo nnd lluachucahuca nlso ro n. Fourth race, rnir nnd a half furlongs, selling: Jim Hale. 107 (Collls), 9 to 10. won. Rio do Altar, 110 I Alexnndct'i, 9 to 5, sec ond: Gaylon Brown, 107 ( Hanslngeri, 3') to 1. third. Time: RftSVi. Matilda O. Lief Prince, Scallywag, Rapldlo and Cavanatigh also ran. Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: iin llne, 107 (Rtisselli. 15 to 1. won; Moenritn. iM (BriKSlngerl. 7 lo 2. sei-ontl: Vnlonrlentie. p (CoIIIh), 9 to 5, third. Time: i:HVfc Dnn- gerntis .Mnlil, siiiiinve, t iaiieror nnu ron also ran. Sixth rare, lino mllo. selling: ll.igerdon. U9 (Cnlllfil, even, won; Rye Shannon. 112 (Sullivan). 9 tn 1, second; GnMone, 1L (llnsslllgeri. 5 to 2. third. Time: 1.41 Wyoming nnd Gauntlet also r.m. El.ll.lir.VI'S 1T l T WOHTII. 'I'lllllldrrxlnrni Helim Iveep the I'l'intil fi-mii Piilllnu lei'P. CHICAGO, May 23- Tho sport was fairly good ot Worth todnv and wns enlivened bj a thunderstorm about the middle of the afternoon. The belling men did well until tho last two rai In which thoy wote swamped. Knight Bnnnork wits hid ip from JW) to tS'm by Albert Simons nft-r winning the. third rnro, and token nwty from A. J. ogles. Weather clear and tru-k heavy. Results. . , ., . . First rnoo, fniti- and u half furlongs Hoodwink. 109 (Coburn), 9 to 5. w-oii, I.ys belli. 99 (Nutt). 13 lo 10. second; Palmetto, iro (Mathews). 13 to 10). third. Time. 0;58 3-5, Hat Mitchell, Alma Girl, Lena Srhady, Brlssae, Prince Webb and First Principle "second ruce. six furlongs, selling Hhal Dare, 102 (Domlnlck) 3 to 3, won, Joe Mar. tin, 122 tCaywood), 12 to 1, second ; Ucomc, 107 (Wlnkneldl. 3 to 2. third. Tim 1 11. Thurles und llylo also ran Third race, one mile and twentj nrds. Knight Bannock, 112 (See). 13 m S, won, Ida V, SS (Rice), 3 tn 1, second, F.l Can-', 112 (Coburti). K to 6. third. Time. 1.13 15. Monongnh and About nln nut. Fourth race, one mile, selling. Hamp shire. 100 iDomlnlek), 3 to 2, won, Oxniird. Ill (L. Lewis). 30 to 1. second. Zacatosn, ill (Wlnkflold), 3 to 1, third. Time! 1.18 1-8. Shut I'p. Little Singer, Woodstlck and An nowan nlso ran. Fifth rnce, one mile, selling: Lamnchils, 10:. (Blrkeiiruth), 12 to 1. won; Refugee. Ill (Sec), 9 to 1, second: Patroon. 1H ( In tleld), 3 to 2, third. Time: IMSi-r., Sun looks. Mvrn. Morella, Sttnro and Chalincey Fisher -ilso rnn. ... Sixth race, one mile, selling: Give All, Jb (Knapp). 20 to 1, won; Hrl-Jtbt NlgljL 111 tWInkileld). 15 to 1. second; Dan Cttpld. Ill (Coburn). i to 3, tlilrd. Time: 1:19 I-. Jni-k Adle, Cora, Havlll 11, Aaron, Tllllo W and Martini Fix also ran. MIWI'IIIIT OPI1X IVllli .ILLV l. .Mnnimrr 1'iMtler Annoillieei thnt leellnu Won't Cloe Sooner. CINCINNATI Mnv n.nuiiiii was the only winning favorite nt Newport today. li. u. Fox. at 20 to 1, won the foltrili eveni In n big gitllop. The Holds were composed mosllv of bad nelnrs and there were siv- eral long delays at the post. Manager Fow- ier loony iinnouiu-eii mat me isewpjri inectltiK will continue ludellnltely and will run nt least until .lime 6. Results: First nic, six ruriongs- 1 terp. im (llothersoll), C to 1. won, Miss Redwood, 101 (Wntflotil, B to 2, second. Corlalls. lot (Washlntnti). 9 to 1, third. Time; 1 :l 14. Little Sallle. Sauce Bnnt. Rosy Morn. Miriam and Claire also rnn. Second race, six ruriongs: iiwynne. in (Richards). 2 to 1, won; Young Henry, 102 (Batiste), 6 to 1. second: Prosit. 101 (Jack son), 3 to 1. tlilrd. Time. l:16Va. Ltiev Lench, Prudent, Robert .Morrison. ir Blaze, llnrrv Vpeum. Bottle R. Arcturus. George Lcbar and Mudder nlso ran. Third race, rnur nnd n nan ruriongs: nun Htnbrv, V (Troxler), 7 to 2. won; Bnrcle, inn f.Inckson). 3 to 2. second: Tom Cr.ibb, 1() (Mny), 3 to 1. third. Time. 0:nH. Lady Florence. Martha D. Ship Ahoy nnd Cubnnlte nlso ran. Fourth rnce. six furlongs: B n. fox. iw (Narvaez), 20 to 1, won; Grandma 11. V4 1WIK-1111I r. tf. 1 Boniiml. I'n Wtlnnn. 11)1 (.lnckson. 2 to 1, third, Time: 1.15. Pauline J, Hare Perfume, The Irish Boy, Stltes and Jim Nnp nlso ran. l-iitn race, seven ruriongs: i-air way. iui (Bntlstei. 7 tn 1. won: The Bronze Pern ill. 92 (Jackson). 5 to 2, second; Ben O'Fnllon. him tisnrvaozi. j to 1, tniru. lime: i:.-s. Robert Gray. MI0011, Ida Quicklime and West nation also rnn. Sixth race, one mile: Annie Lauretta, 71 (Johnson), fi to 2. won; Fairy Dell, 85 (('. Murphy), 15 to 1, second: Filibuster. S2 (A. Hall). 9 to 5, third. Time: l:41Vi. Forbush, Edna Oerr.v. Metoxen. Lord Fraser and Canrobcrt also ran. PI'.XTKCOST WINS HAROLD STAKE. Make n Thousand Itluht Enslly nt l.iiliinln Course. CINCINNATI. Mav 2.1.-Tbo Hiirold stake for 2-yoar-old oolts was the feature at La tonla today. Only three started. Pentecost wind tn thn frnnt nlinrtlt nftnr Itm ftmr fell and ketit that nooltion nil the wav. wlnnlnc cnnlly by two lengths, Andy Williams Mulch ing second, ijwenton was never rorniidnme. Jockey Tommy Knight hnd a good day In the saddle, finishing llrst three times nnd second rneo. The track was slow. Results: First race, six lurlongs: May D no. ins (Howell). 1 to 1, won; Little Rita, 91 (Fred erick). 15 to 1. second: Marion Lynch. 89 (liormie), , to 2, intra. Time: i:ix'i VeluMiuez. Onei-a Girl. Cnsva. LUIS' Ham- morton and Isllp also ran. Heeonii rnce, one mile: l.ongrenow. ino (T. Knight), even, won; Janowood, 87 (Gormley). i to 1, second; Sprung, 107 (Howell). 20 to 1. third. Time: i:4iPi. Sn- i i i in unit i nornwiiii also ran. Third race, live furlongs; Harold stakes, net value $1,010: Pentecost. 113 (Dupeel, 2 to 3. won; Andy Williams. 115 (T. Knlnht). 4 to 1. second; Owonton, 110 (Gllmore), I to l, tniru. rime; l.oi'i, Kourtlt race, live ruriongs; Brief, ino (T. Knight). 1 to 2. won: Dr. Tarr. 101 (H. Murphy). 8 to 1. second: Alice Scornton. 90 (i-rodi-ncK). i to l. nurd. Time: l:0t;. Ida tiuieii, .rriim nini tjiuy nous niso run, Fifth rnoo, live furlongn: Miss Chnrlle 102 (Gormley), 13 tn 5, won; Lady Brock way. 103 (Wodderstrand). 25 to 1. second Corlnnio C. 91 (Frederick). 25 to 1, third. lime: kih-).. lviirt sn. itaimettn. m.-ii-v Rniloy, Amlrante and Heclusn also ran. aixin rnce, six ruriongs: iTicdl, 101 it. Klllsht). 4 to 5. won: Full DroHa. M tr-nUn. hail), 10 to 1, second; Veima dork, lir) (i-.tiis), 2 to i. mini. Time: 1:17!. Gul-ler, King Klkwood nnd Scorpolette nlso ran. Ori'.XIXG HAY AT TOHOXTO THACK. Ontario .loeltey Clnh IleKlns Annnnl SprliiK MeetliiK. TORONTO. May 23. The fortv-llrnt nn. nunt spring meeting or the Ontnrlo Jocke-. club began this nfternoon. Results: First rnco, six furlnncs: Snnnnzrirm n-nn Sprlngwells second, Mr. Jersey third. Time; i.ii. Second rnce. 2-yenr-o Ids. half mllo: T.ntlv Patroness won, Miss Lobster second, J. rniricK mini. Time: o;M. Tlilrd race, one mllo nnd a half: Mnok. let won. Mvatlc Shrlner seonml. lnt.rr.-r. tnce third. Time: 2:55. Fourth rnce. Q.ieen's pinto, one mile nnd a quarter: John Kuskln won. neliinnnrt second, Fernstlekle third. Time: 2:1S4. i-mil riiuo, Hieepieennie, nnoitt two miles: Harvey Corby won, Callfornlnn second. Dnryl third Time; :37'4. sixth nice, six ruriongs, selling: Trokla won, l-.dlnburgli second, Andrnllls third. Time: 1:1S4. $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VAMC0CEIE HYDROCELE curod. Method new, without catting, prdn or Ion ot nine. CVDUI I lecuredforllfeanatriepolson OT rTHIUIOthorouchly clmnned from tin sjstcm. Soon every Mgu and symptom disappears completely and forever. Ho "llUl'AKINO OUT" of the disease ontbu skin or face treatment contains no dangerous drug! or Injurious medicine. W5AK MEN from Excesses or Victims to iJKiivoim Dr.nii.nv or B.xiiaustion, WASTINU WAKP.S8 With KAltttY Ukcay In YotiNd and Miiim.K AonD, Uck ot Tim. vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and ueiik. STRICTURE cured with a nnw Home Trratment. No pain, no detention from busl nets. Kidney nnd Hlari!r rrnnbles. CHARGES LOW, Consultation Frrr. ttntll Mall. Call on on or address 1 10 So. 14th St. Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Neb Dr. SVIc Crew, Specialist 2tl jearH o.pvrlvuco 15 yoara In Omaha. DISEASES OF MEN ONLY. , ariv.ui.t'if, iiuruL-uik-, aiiiuiui'v, uloon DihcaBc-3 In all stages, Nervous Debility, and till unnatural Weakness, Cures Uuar uiitood. Charges Low. Hours. 8 a. tn, to p in, Sundays, t a m. lo 5 p. in. Hox ICo. jltico ovet 215 So, Hth St , between Farnam and Douglas His.. Omaha, Neb. NO CURb, NO PAY. It joti lav ( mull, nrtli oigtni, Ion ruvrr or .rlimlnit rtrnlii", aurvMUUin Orttao Hmjlnpi-r will ir.toio you ulilicut Aiviii ot vlMtilrlti. 7600') tn tiff i nolone fslliim not ono returnrd miP o I) frriil write rui fifoiiMtteiilarn rntwlltn pllnfiifloi. 10CU APPLIANCE CO.. 136 Theto Blk.. Indlanipofti. Ii d MONEY: Refunded., i.-uar- anti-o Hr Kn.y's llenovntor to euro (IvMicnstn. consti pation, liver and kidneys. Hcst tonic, laxattir. blood purlller known for oil chronto disease.: renovates and Invlgorntes tho whole system and cures vory worst cases, (let trial box at once. If not satisfied with It notify ni, wo will refund money by return mall. Write your symptoms for Fre Medical Advice, tumplo uod proof. 2ft A Wo at drufslstn. Dr, U. J, Kay, Saratoga, N.Y. 'MVAVI ooooooooooooooooooog O o o The tiuiiiu of the brew plays o an important part in the brew. -J n iiiK Hl'tt7. beer Is lionltlifttl he. X J . . t ... , l..l cause ill llic cnoicc uiiiicriius q used mid the proper attention (jlven to the imlng by the cclc-0 Jr untied anil original Hlatz pro.Q c O O BLATZ MALT-V1VINE O O t.N'on-ItitoxIcitnt) O O Tonic for Weak Ncncs and Weak Bodies O O DniKKlsts or Direct o Val-Blatz Brewing Co,, Milwaukee? q oh.mi.x o 0 t HU UniiKliiN H. Tel. lOSI. O ooooooooooo ooooooooo Worn Out? TRY rain TRY World Famous Mariani Tonic A Restorer of tho Vital Forces Vln Marinnl in n perfectly saM nnd reliable diffusible tonic nnd stimulant; It gives streiiRth and vigor to body, brain nnd verves. 4 All Druggists. Refuse Substitutes FIRST CLASS PULLHAN SLEEPERS ...DAILY BBTWUBN... OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO Without Changs GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE i ' n on scenery oi ino kumi At! 4 1 . r M . . r-u n r t m i.tuuii mii.? ana siukka lie" "lift or I UayllRht !u both directions. DININU CAR SERVICE THROUOH. ' ) DUFFET LIURARV CARS. For fall Information , reservation and lUner I ary "Chlcasn to California" addretis City iituci vnicc, ijjj i-arnam oi., uvanav Neb. $500 REGARD! Wo will pay tho abovo rowtird for any caiert Liter Complaint, Dyepepntr, BlcU Headaoh. IndlRestlon, C'nntitlpatioii or CojIIvoiicbb w cannot euro with I.lverlta. tho Up-To-Dat Little Llvor Pill, when the directions are strict ly compiled with. They nro purely VcgeHble, and never fail to irlvo sntUfactlon. Vi hoxea contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes conlnlti 40 I'lllj.fiO boxes contnln 15 1'llls. llewaroof substltutloM nnd Imitations. Sent by mall, htnmps taken, NEIIVITA JtUDICAL CO., Cor. Clinwa Ut Jactsou Sis , Chl';nco. 111. Sold Tor sale by Kuiiu Co., loth and Dougiaa St., Ornatm. Neb.; Ooo. ti. Davis. CouncU illufff. loita. A Ml. .Si: SI B.VTS, BOYD'S Woodward & Hurgesa, Mcrs. Tel. 1U1U. j Mcii rs co.Mii:xt:iMi Tonight at 7:45. M A T I X 13 K S . T t It II A V . SOT HERN .IliuiHKi'iiieiit UiiiiIpI I'riilimmi, i flir M4W VOIIK rJAHHK.N TIIIIATHH I'roillK'tloil nf i HAMLET. KvenlnK prices J2 fl CO, $1, 76o, 25c Mutlnei' prices ll.So, t, 75c. flc, 25c. w- g- r f Woodwnrd & Btires MJ-f Mntumers, Tel. I3U. Ol'UNINO Ht'NDAY NIOIIT, MAV 26. S. M. Hear presents Ferris Stock Co.. Hundny, .Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday nn4 Wednesday Matinee. Friends Tburidiiy, l'rhl.iy nnd Saturday nnd Satur. da and Sunday Matinees. ' Carmen Fxtiu Mntlnro Thursday, Decoration df, Nlnht prlccs-lOe, 15c. 20c nnd 25c. Matinee 10c und 20c. All seats reserved. lilrTand Douglas Sts 4 DaysSi ay 27 Al'TI.HNOON AT 2:30- NIOHT AT S:l Gentry's Famous Trained Animal Show SEE PINTO, NERO AN1 TRILBY THU SMALLKST PKUKOHMING Kl.l-J. JMIANTS IN CAI'TIVITV MlMlSSION-riilldren 15r-Adulln 25c. WATCH KOH Till-: OHA.N'D KHKK STllin.T I'AHAUK, IJAILV AT 11 A, M.j fjiiaco's 1 rocadiro lel2S,h.onv ""iTI.VHIi I ullA lo mid lino. All Week, .MAitir. i.oi'ti i-'iniALi: .Mivsrition, j'rof I-'rnnk Colctnan mi-ots nil comers every cvcnliiK thli week. I'rlday evening, (irncninnn, thn l ira Laddy; Saturday even. Ing, Mike rrowo. Juno 2 -Hoaenthnrs Old Time Amateurs. I'rlccs- 25c nnd Mc Tickets now cn Hale, Next Sundny "AIU3 YOU A UUKFAW' DURLKSQUlinS. , ka i i)(Mmirri