THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 21. 1001. n - SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for (hnr eolnmn-. will be taken tintll 12 m. for the evening edition nnd until 8 .in p. m. (or moraine and Sunday edition. ftate-e, 1 l-2r n word nrtt Insertion, le a not thereafter, Nothing token for lea than 25e for the first Inser tion. Three advertisements nut be ran eoasecnttvelr. AeWertleera, by requesting; a num bered cheek, ran hare mnrri ad dreaaed to a anmbered letter In rare of The Bee. Anewera ao addreaaed will be delivered oi prearntatloa of the efceek only. MTt ATIONS- WAXTKD, JArANEBE Ootid cook, want position In this city or the vicinity. 8 ST, Bee A-M45T 21 THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper desire position at once. No undent job. 6 62. Bee A-M454 23 WAXTCD-MALI'. HELP. WANTED We have steady work for a few good hustlers of pood ha bits and appear ance. C. K, -Adams Co., 1605 Howutd St. B 304 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars free. Western Barber' Institute. Omaha, Nub. 1J 303 WANTED, assistant engineer, capable of operating steam and refrigeration plant; state age, experience and salury expected, also If married or single. Address J' go, Bee. D Til WANTED, experienced soup salesman; must be thoroughly competent, state ape, experience and salary. Address SS, live. B M926 WANTED, nn energetic man In each locality to represent our rapidly growing business, a teacher, student or one wltti church affiliations preferred, no experi ence necessary, no capital In needed; salary loo per month. Address Manacer Association. PIS Star Bldp., Chicago, III. B-M1S3 22 WANTED Salesmen, also advertlnrs. no books; cath salary. Triumph Co.. Dallat, Tex. B-M1W5 23 WANTED, an all around salesman for tbe procery department In a pen"ral store; must be a bustler and not nfrald of work; send references, ape, experience and salary expected with application; must be able to speak the Scandinavian lanpjape. Address nanther BroK. A Co.. -Newmm Grove.. Neb, B I2T 21 WAJsTED, men to learn barber trade; only elpht weeks required, i-peclal offer to ap plicants from distance, hoard, tools and scholarship, busy season 112 to JIJ weekly Said praduates, Write today. Moler larber Collepe, 1G23 Farnam n. B-M422 21 A GOOD bread baker, at Smith's bakery, 1102 Fifth ave., Council Bluffs. WANTED, two thorouphly experienced shoe nalesmen, none others need Hpply. Boston 8tore, Omaha. J. L. Brandels & Bona. B 140 21 ANV person who will distribute clrculara for S3 dally should address Standard Co., 4 Wells, Chlcaco; alcady position. B-.M45fi 21 WANTED A pood strong boy, Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. B M4S2 21 ACTIVE man by largo manufacturing house to work at home; JSC In cash paid for twelve days' trial; promotion and per manent poslton If eatlsfactory. Address Daniel B. Shepp. "22 Chestnut St.. Phil adelphia, Pa. B M44T 22 WANTED Two upholsterers. Hartshorn Broa., Fort AVorth, Tex B M 446 30 SHOE MAN WANTED. Large manufacturing house wants travel ing man of experience to sell widely adver tised line of boots and shoes on commission. Good territory Address with references Box 2229. Boston. Mass. B M444 21 SALESMEN WASTED. SALESMEN for 'pen carbon copying books and other quick selling office specialties; juie muc linen, catalogue iree; earn zj weekly. Model Mfg g. Co., box'Tl, South tsena, ina. MISS Jell WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED. 200 girls, 1124 Dodge, Tel. KT6. C 307 WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator, muat have had good experience. Apply room 220, Bee building. C C2 WANTED, housekeeper In small family; no washing. Aduress P lo, Bee. C "71 WANTED, girl for general housework. 2S2J California st. Mrs. W. K, Potter : 4ia RELIABLE help. Canadian of21ce. 1S22 Doug C-7T5 WANTED, cook and second girl, 3510 Far. nam. C-M142 '-T1,13-. F,rl or funeral housework, family of three. Apply 2522 Poppleton. C M223 21 W1?XEn.Glr,' for eeneral housework. 3050 Georgia Ave. C 15! WANTED, rlrl for general housework; small family. 502 So, 22d st. C 229 20" LADIES winted to learn hair dressing manicuring, massacc or chiropody, from four to eight weeks required; complete outfit of tools presented each student positions secured in best establishments in city, comparatively no expense. Call or write Moler College, 1C2S Furnam st C-M423 31 WANTED, able woman to represent wealthyTrorporatlon on the road. Address B 52. Bee. C-428 21 H ANTED A first clasa cook for small pri vate family living In country, near Fre mont, Neb.; liberal wages; house fitted with all city conveniences: also nurse to take charge of two young children. Please apply with references at office of P. Cavanogh A: Bon, 513 Karbach block. Omaha. C M455 23 l"OH IlEXT HOli.ES. IF you want your houses well rented place them with Benawa ii Co. D 30a TO move right, get Omaha Van Storage Co.. ofacf, l&UJi Karnam, or tel. 1K.!-Ma. D 310 HOUSES for rent In all parte of the city. Brtnnan-Love Co.. 220 South 13th street. D2U Houses, stores. Bemls, Pax ton Block. D-312 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 001 N. T. LIFE. D 213 HOUSES, etc F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. D-314 HOUSEB and flat. Rlngwalt. Barker block. D-21S HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D 316 FOUR rooms, modern, JU.0O. 90S N, 27 St. D M3i4 M 29 LARGE 12-room residence on tbe North boulevard, will pant, paper and make what Improvements are necessary. Rent, OMAHA LOAJ AND TRUST CO., ICth and Douglas, D-M6T5 TOR RENT, rtrlctly modern fiat, Davidge building, onnoslte cltv hall. i-room modern house, tuOO Mason St., near parte, nice lawn ana tnaae. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1W2 FARNAM ST, D-MS18 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam st. IJ-NStt FOR RENT. 2324 Sherman eve., 10-r mod- rn, . wyron j;e-a to,, ziz so. i4tn, D-MT64 U-ROOM modern residence. UB South 22d street, rent payable In board for man and wue; lejerences uciihukcu, x aiu MODERN 7-room ho us near park. 1509 So. 2n. u J0 622 IZARD St., 8-room modern flat, t!2. The Byron Reed CO., zu so. imi hi. D M97S C Capitol ave., 8 rooms, at S25. D M129 21 ftVE-ROOM flat. 13th and Castellar; all ."noaern improvements I ni per monin, John Rush, 'Plione fill or A.Sf.4. D-15C-21 ROOM strictly modern house 28C9 Doug. las. Thomaa m r eu, aiercnanis uenai cans nag. i- .uiou for rext not he. t-r -ew. overhauled ojtslde arid In. 2Hh and Maple 10. Inquire 1203 Karnam Si. D-157-18 NEW s-rr.otr; house near N. 24th Bt car. tr. Sweet Ac Heedle?. 61 N T Llf" D T S Foil RENT-Furnished hous. Mi Park avenue Clement f'hase, US So. 15th si D-M4M' 22 TO LET. elegant large 18-rxxim home, large lawn and barn. 76 per month. W Karnam Smith Co., 1129 Farnam St D-MTtt -ROOM modern brick flat, 24th and Far nam. for first-class tenant. 25. 11. 11. Graham, druggist. D M4C 2l I'OR I1C.VT-I'ln.MMICD IIOOMS DEWEY European hotel. 13th nnd Karnam. E m THE THURSTON, 11th and Jackson; steam E-221 THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. E (14 HOUSEKEEPING Mary's. rooms, 6 up. tfi22 St, E-MSG9 1122 FOR BENT, furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Til S. 16th sU E ITS 3 NICE rooms, light housekeeping. iK & 11.' E-414, NICE room; modern. 2580 Harney .street. E-M182 22 PLEASANT rooms for housekeeping, tar nished or unfurnished, middle fiat. 2G-13 Dodge St. E MIST 22 FU KN1S1IED roomt. 1145 FaVlTAve E 232 24 NICELY furnished front room. 110 S avc. E-MS'T 21 SMALL room, J6 month; pas, bath. 2129 Farnam. 3d floor, west Thone L 241. E 142 22 rt-HMMICt) ItOOMh A.MJ UUAltD. UTOPIA, 1T21 Davenport Bt. F-222 GLENCAinN,traniltms,J1.2S day. 1809 Dojs. F 223 THE Mcrrlan, summer resort, 23 & Dode. F-MCT9 LAKGE south front parlor, also smaller rooms, n 1th board. The Rose, 2020 Harney. F Ui A NICE south room. The Pratt", 212 So. 25th St. F K15 BOOMS, 800 So 20th. F-M1D0 NICE rooms with board. 411 N. 25th St. K-22C SOUTHEAST room, with board. 2213 How. ard. F M3S4 21 AT SIC So. 2Cth St. y-rtlu 2C LARGE south front room, with board. ,202 No. lbth st. F-M431 2i SOUTH room, with board. 1909 Capitol ave, F-M431 FURNISHED ROOMS at 310 So. 2fith st. r 415 :.(. for itc.vT im'Lk.mmu;i) miosis. DESK room space, K per month, ground floor room In The Bee building, faclnc Karnam street; no expense for light, heat or janitor serv'ct R C Peters 6i Co., Rental JlkUiU. Bee building. G 410 6 UNFURNISHED chambers for man and wuc, i iortn nth St. G 614 2 UNFURNISHED rooms; modern, reason. Die. iwt !o. JMn. u i! ;j" FOR HUXT-MOHES AND OFFICE!.. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply K. c i'eters at Co., ground Jloor. lite Bldg. 1 2GG FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied uy xnc ave at Jt na.rnam bi. n nas lour Etorlts and a busement which was formerly used as Tbe Beo press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Hose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. J 2a FOR RENT, store room on 36th St.. be tween iiowara and Jackson, 22 feet deep, Just the place for jewelry store. S 34, Bee. 1224 20 AliLXTS WANTED. WANTED Canvasrlcf; agent In every county to aoiicit Kuoscriptioni, lor THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE bTOCi: AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 Imperial octavo pages, Mp object-teaching engravings, an: Is the only book on live Hock ever published adapted to tha every-day, practical, money-saving us of evry farmer and nock owner, steady employment with assured good income. Agtuu In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Cur.vasi.eri make easily Go to 1100 per month.. Ad drebs Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau. Bee Building, Omaha. J 1ST. AGENTS make 10 daily celling the cheapest tuiu uiuBi j.cnetT. wuncr iiixer ever in vented; reialls at 41.50,' big profit; ex clusive territory. Seneca Kilter Co.. Sen eca. Mo. J M91S Jell AGENTS for staple article used In evcrj- iiuurriiuiu, uiuce una jiurun : rumple lac. M. A. Dorn & Co., Omaha. J Mi53 23 AGENTS wanted, ladles and gentlemen, jr ijuicr. eiiing speciEiiy. L.B11 at once, 34 N. Main St., upMalre. -Counoll Bluffs. J MlCl 21 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- u dvui-i, Kvuvrj uioruge una forwarding -:;24 OM, Van Stor. Co.. 15UH Farn. Tels. 1539-&C3 WAXTEO-TO BUY. WANTED, second-hand furniture, large or i.niuu ioiBi liifiiit'n jiricfs puia; arop a card or UL JT1. J. Levine, 3W N. 10th. N-M11S Jel3 WANTED. 50 secondhand ladles' wheels. iNeorasnu ijcie vo tor. loin & Horney. N-2i4 J vlS I HAVE a party wanting a farm of 160. to , . L L rn.f Bih J r. -,ll... i . . . l-ji, ,,v..v,vr.,, . .w v ll.livb iium aiiuiit Omaha; also 10 to 20 acres Improved, close ... r.l,V lltnlH List what you have with me at once GEO. E. GIBSON. IH FARNAM Telephone 241T. N M3G1 21 WANTED to buy fire antj btirclar proof Knfe. Address 2oll Knrnnm at ;-M450 Je20 l'OH SALlIj-Fl HM'l IHU. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 3410 Dodge. Tel. mm. ivcw cc -anunu jurmiurc pougut, sold, exchanged. , O wti UPHOLSTERING.lClh z 11 Worth. Tel. 1461 u ij; KOU SALE HOKES, VLHICLE. E'l'C. FOR SALE, 2-seated family carriage, Simp kon make, 125. 3514 Karnam St. 1J-CJ2 I SELL new, up-to-date buggies, runabouts, itc H. Frost, 34th and Leavenworth. P-194 FIRST-CLASS top buggy.- canopy top sur rey ai.d speeding waron. All Vnchtlv , shop worn, out good us new, all bargains. u. .m, nr, wui Jones ex. x'-ilwi - , FOR SALE Mlf-CKLLANEOl S. 6AWDUST. cheapest pasts, poultry & .hr.g fence. 901 Douglas. -n (i-22s FOR SALE, shoemaker's outfit, Including mattrlkl and machine. C. Altschuler. Tt kutnah, Neb. O, M117 20 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, U19 Karnam Q-S29 SAFES, buy, sell, exe'ge. Schwartz, ill s. 11 Q-03u TIMOTHY hay and all kinds of feed and ooal. Monroe it Co., 09 N. ISth, Tel. 973, -79s WIRE fence for poultry. Belgian hare, hog field cr luwn Wire Works, bit 8. 36th St. Q-MS7t Jy7 BARGAINS In secondhand-Clevelands, National--. Recycles. Cnlumbtas. Stearns. Crescents. orlds, Mansons and many other makes. Omaha Bicycle Go., ear ner :otn ana v.ncago eu, -4j-4?i 22 CHOICE upland hay 11.50 per ton Wag. iter's feed store, 1909-U Cuming L .Q-M220 l-nn ail l' vici fi I tx !! For EALE none, beams columns fail ICi: Pore a. Q 240 24 CLAIRVOYANTS. MBS. rmrz, medium. IV North Hth. S IX) MME. GYLMER. palmist. 2U So. 15th ft. S-STJ ELECIKIC fllCATJICVT. MME. SMITH, baths. US N. 16th. 2d floor Room T T-121 2- rEHS.OXAI DR F.OY, chropodlst, corns & superfluous ralr removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenier block. U S33 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; tiablts adopted. Mts. Burpct, 2C20 Burdette. U SS V1AVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment, 34 Bee Bldg. U-237 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent White Sewing Machine, 1C.U Doug las. Tel. 2334. U-229 NEW rollers for cloth wringers. Novelty Iron and Brass Works, ilT S. 10th. Phone 12W. . U-M722 June26 RUPTURE cured' no knife, no pain, no danger; send tt.r circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. L S3j PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnfl during conllnctnent; babies adopted, zxx Grant St, U-540 M. GOLDMAN &. CO.. only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mall orders solicited, suite 2w. Douglas Block. U-22J A BOX ct Rc-No-Mny Powder Is not a luxury when it afford! you a ture and secures the comfort and happiness of your roommate. U M212 CARPETS -vnd rugs cleansed like new without taking up. satisfaction r no pa. City rtliruncc Dioppustat. 50$ N. It. U 431 Jtl FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders i-oUcJled. Omaha Pleating Co., J524 Douglas. U M532 WE RENT sewing machines at 76c per week. We repair and sell parts for all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., . ccr. 15th and Harney, 'phone IOCS. ' U TTC JeS WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Middlemlst. Tel. 125f. Best of city references. Leave order at 1519 Tarham. U M14S 21 NO better work done In any shop In the world than Brown block barber shop; neat, clean, antiseptic; face massage; ele vator entrance or through Tracy's. U-194 JelC WANTED, 25 secondhand typewriters. Ne. braska Cycle Co., Cor. 15tn and Harney. U-2-3 Jelt HERE TO STAY. The Prince of Omaha, alter receiving such a riyal welcome on his arrival, hss de cided to stay with us permanently and will bo clad to meet his friends. To those who have not as yet seen the Prince or felt his comforting aroma should do so at once. Y'ou car do so for 6c. To dealers. J37 per thousand. Manufactured by The W K. Stoecker Cigar Co.. 1404 Douglas. Tor sale at all first-class cigar stores. U-M434 25 I NEED money, will sacrifice my lvers k Pond upright grand piano, make me an offer. Address P 01, Bee. U 439 21 ADROIT HAIR BAZAR New location, 1C20 Douglatt, private booths for hair dress ing and manicuring; ladles' shoe shining and massaging. U M 15b MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay tiw cr any multiple; any lnterent date; no delay. Brennac-Lovu Co., 309 S. 13th st.. Omaha. Neb W 341 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love -Co.,- 309 South 13th. W-S42 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. oeorge or i.ompany, tuu -r arnam street. WANTED, city and farm loans; also bends and warrants. R. c. Peters 4c Co., 17ic Karcam St.. Bee Bldg. W 346 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-S45 MONEY to loan at ii and 5H per cent on Omaha property. Y . B. Melkie, 401 S. 15th. W 347 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. W Mi FIVE and 1 per cent city ;ud farm loans, Garvin Bros., 1C13 Karnam St, W 349 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. T. L, XV 350 CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton, 605 Bee. W-MJL2 MONEY TO LOAN On improved real es tate; 6 per cent Interest, no commission; privilege of paying loo or more before maturity. Nor-.nwenern Mutuul i,lfe ina. Co. John W. Gish, special loan agent, 234 1st .Nat l Bank bldg., Omaha, Neo. XV-710 1.000 AND upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W anted, Omaha and Douglas count' gen eral fund warrants. W. Karnam Smith & Co., 1220 Karnam street. W 791 6 AND 6i per cent loans. W. H. Thomas Kirn National Bank building. Tel. Wit W-S51 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO TOU NEED MONEY? We loan 10 and up on furniture, pianos, and other chattels. SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. Y'ou can get the money In a few hours after making application, and taKe 1, , j. 4, t, 0 montns or more in which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. X'e chatpe nothing lor papers, and we give you the full amount in cash. There are no lower rates than ours; our terms art the easiest; our business is confidential and our motto Is "try to please," OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22.5. (Established 1SS2.J j'C So. lth St. X 412 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household furniture. planoB, horses, wagons, etc.. In two hours' time, also to salaried people on their plain notes, with out securitj. Easiest payments and low est rateB in Omaha. Private Int'rvjewlng room. American Loan t o room 2.2 Bruwn block. Cor, 16th and Douglas St-.; entrance on 10th St., opposite Y M, O. A. Bldg, X-M120 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS"tO cl lllir.n PKMPt-K" nn-rr-hiit,!. . sters. boarding houses, etc., without te curlty; easiest terms. 40 offices In princi pal cities. rtToIman, 440 Board Trade Bldg -V-K27 SALARY LOANS upon plain notes. No mortgage, no inaorser, no publicity; lower rates, much taslcr payments. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Kioor. Room SOS, Paxton Block. X 355 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE live stock, etc, yuick iervice and lowest rate guaranteed. J. XV. TAYLOE, (S3 (top rtr.nrt l'iLXton BlOCil. Xiortbeust Piirn,. ictf. and Karnam; 'entrance on 16th St. X-S57 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security, eay pymcuM. Tolman. 440 Board Trade Bldg. X-tar; MONEY' loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern Upon their names without security, easy iMO mccia. 'loimjn,4u ioid ui jrauu.0,1,. X-K27 MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, horses oowa. Jewelry. Duff Green, R. S. Barker blk SHORT time loans. Joe Pleasants, 64 Barker bit. X 265 3,000.00 TO place quick. M. J, Kennard & Son, Suite 310 Brown BIk. X 635 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. K. Reed, 319 S 12. . X 25S nt'SINES. CHANCES. FOR SALE, tbe Osborne House, Alnsworth, Neb, hotel has been refitted and Im proved, has all the commercial trade and Is doing a good business. Write to A. E. Howe, Alnsworth. Neb. T-M444 Jel FOR SALE, good grocery ttore at 1434 So. 13th St. T-M222 24 lit MXES. t H WC f'.S. FOR RENT, p'f.d planing mill nnd madun. er . als Urge lumber shed, centtai loea tioo Addfes S 4. Bee Y-MW 21 FOR SALE cr fxrhanpe. merry-gb-round 22"; 1-ak St . Omaha Y-4W. 2 ''LEAN grocer? stock, tine location, pood rash trade, owner lea 1 tic cltv. tI sell rheap. J. H Johnson. N. t. Life. Y-M4W 50 J.W CLEAN crocen stock. One location, cood rah trade, owner Iravlnr cltv; -lll sell cheap. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y Miw WANTED TO RENT-Furnlshed bntH pood town. Mrs. A. M. Granger. Ells. la. Y-M44 a ron EXCHANGE. ID-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels Omaha L'lcycle Co., 16th and Chlcacu sts. 2 COT A ANTED, to exchange, a full leather top up-to-date Concord rubber tire bupcy. good as new, for n light one-horse double seated carriage. Address Gus Pete- tn, 3d and Hickory sts., city Z 23t So SMALL farm In Ohio and stock of mer chandise for Nebraska land. OIm, Frankfort. Ind. 2-M448 22 4.fvi SHOE STOCK, mainlv new. to . chaur for land or for m- urlty on load, or other property. Address S M. Bee. Z-M415 23 "OR ... I,! Hi: A I. ESTATE. SOUTH OMAHA, appropriately termed the Maple City, the place for !u ratlve invest ments O'Nclls Real Estate AgelK. the oldest established ncenfy In th ritv. ha the following choice properties to offer. IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY. Three-story brick nnd basement. uOxto. rental Vt.W annually, price JSl.OC'j Three-story and basement brick. 24x60. rental fl,2fn annually, price n,, One-story frame business block, 120 feet front, rental K.fW: price ls.(vi. Two-story frame, SSxiO, rental 1 1,090, price T.(. We have some very choice unimproved business property running in price from 25 to Km per front foot. In residence property w have a very com plete and desirable list from which to select. To those seeking a home we are confident we can satisfy For acreape property we are headquarters and for a few days wc can offer the following-One hundred acres highly improved, about four miles northwest of the city, at TO per acre. One hundred and sixty acres three miles southwest at (W per acr One hundred and thirty nrrrs, three miles south, at ( per acre. Twenty acres, unimproved 'one nnd on- half miles from the city limits, T5 per acre. We have several small tracts close In rang- lng in price from loo to 150 ptr acre. We are authorized to offer one hundred lot? In Good Luck addition for from 50 to T5 esch on easy payments O'NEIL REAL ESTATE AGENCY. South Omaha. Neb. REICS A BARGAIN ON HARNEY STREET. 44 ft. between 14th and 15th streets, near the new Bennett Bldp. and other Im provements. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. 14TII ST. RE M2T3 21 HOUSES and lots in all parts of city; 1fo acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 52, Bet Building. RE-462 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y". LIFE. RE106 FOR SALE on monthly payments. 6-rxtn modern house on N. 24th St. car Una: also vacant lots, which will be lmprorad for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Building Association. G. M. Nattinger. secretary. Bee Bldp. RE 364 SPECIAL Offer: Good cottage at 305 N. 2Tth St., S room., good location. W. T. Graham, Bee Bldg. RE-23T 20 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. It. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha. Neb. RE-;iC2 HOUSES, lots, farms, la'ods. loans; nlso fire Insurance. Bemls, Paxion Blk. RE 3J7 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, close to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennard & Son, 209-10 .Brown Block. RE S36 C. K. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Llfo. FARMS. RE 109 Je32- FOR SALE or exchange, for Columbus (Ohio) property, two lots Thornburg and one Burlington Place additions to Omaha; all free from incumbrance. Address J. A. Hartley. M N. High St.. Columbus. O. RE-M113 CHEAP cottage, 6 rooms, 305 N. 27th St. 1,000; pood house, 7 rooms, at 3124 Mason St., 1,600; bargain In vacant lot, 94 feet, on So. 2flth St, $1,000. W. T. Graham, Bee Bldg RE-23S20 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1202 Farnam St. RE 36S MASON street, 5124, house 7 rooms, fu'J lot. 1,BM. W. T. Graham, Bee bldg. RE 235 20 THREE bargains: HOUSE, rooms, 305 N. 27th St., 1,000. HOUSE, 7 rooms, at 3124 Mason St., lot 50x130 feet. 1.BO0. 94 feet on So, 20th, near Dorcas St., 1,000. W. T. Graham, Bee Bldgl RE-2S3 20 BARGAIN in vacant lot on So. 20th St., 91 foot front. W. T. Graham, Bee bldg, RE 236 20 FOR SALE, house and four lots, cheap for ca.b Call cor. 37th and Valley sts. RE M147 21 BEMIS PARK. Lots going every day. Several sold last week to parties for building purposes. Will you be the next lutky man to get one of these beautiful lots- dirt cheap? PAYNE-KNOX CO.. Main Floor New Tork Life Bldg. RE-M451 22 FAT-EATS. MASON, FEN WICK & LAWRENCE, Patent Lawyers. Solicitors and Experts, Washington, D C 31. J COWUILl. Wertern Representative. Room 315 Ramge Blk. Omaha, Neb. Plione iTHd. AUX'JV'b I-REE. 441 Je39 PATENTS, no fee unless successful Sues & CO.. Bee Bldg., uroant, Neb. Advice free. -355 Ju35 tlVYCLEs. SECOND-HAND bicycles at price; must nave me room tor new ones; good wheels for (0 and up; it will pay you to invest now; wheels sold on payments, Louis Fltsrher, 1G22 Capitol Ave. M3tS SECONDHAND bicycles from 5.00 up. Ne. h.u .1 . Pul. Pnf 1MK Tin .... 2So Jeli OSTEOPATIIV. JOHNSON Institute. 635 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 3604; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Gld E. Jrhnson. Osteopathia. Mgr. -374 DONOHUE. Osteopath. Paxton blk. Tel.1367 m WANTED TEAMSTER fi. WANTED. 25 teamsters for Colorndo, wages 176 per dtiy. ship 8 p, m.. free fare. Chicago Employment office, room 5, Crounse bldg, M20 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundr'! shirts, 7c; collars, tc; cults. -4c 1750 Leavenworth, Tel. 647. m ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, -cheapest, best, quickest Mrs. A. C. Mark, S, E. Ccr. 17th and Karnam. 276 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. ali, itinai 01 carpenter worn ana repairing promptly attended to. J. T, Ochiltree, 20ih knd Lake Sts. 370 MUUICAI. RHEL MAI ISM - XX HISKY - Wi sjfff - , from rheumatism when there Is a s,eciiie cure for -ou Why be . sltvi to whisk), opium, morphine, tobsieo nrvoealne lif we guarantee to cure ou" Answer this by vritlng the Ensor Rtmed Co. South v.'maha, Nib. ilntrpor-,ed ir IW: 1 M-7(V. JeS .ADIEF. M40 reward for a case of suppres sion old Dr. Jackson's Monthly Regulator fallr to relieve In 24 heurs; positively guaranteed, no crpot or pills; many save'd from suicide, Ideai tafe home treatment. Mali tt to Dr. Jackson. R C, U4, 167 Dear born St., Chicago, l',l. MfC5 S-' NERVol-TTlXHAUSTION itViradlsease. opens tbe door to oil other diseases. OXYDONOR. by naturally and scientific ally reetorinp normal vitality, defeat" ihetn all; no drugs. For particulars write Dr. H. Snnche A- Co.. V He Hide. OmahH Oth'r offices- Des M nines. Chi rapo. Detroit. New York. Montreal. Deal ers wanted In every cojnty In the ?tate. 2S2-21 X'IRTUAMA cures lrnpotcney, resulting from Indiscretions or oebiliiy, gives vi talltv, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, nspirutlons of youth, health, fitting tor ucx'i-s, happiness In business, profes sional "oc-al, married life; K. or 2 for 5. Sent anyw here prepaid on receipt of price Th. Kldd Dtug Co.. Elgin, lit Amt?can Office, retail, wholesale. Myers Dlllan Drue Co.. Omaha; M A, Dillon, South Omaha. Davb Drue Co.. CDuticll Blurts. Full lint legitimate rubber goods. ; LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal ' Pills are the best, safe, reliable; tnke no ' otlier. send 4c stump for particulars; "Re lief for Ladies" In letter by return mull; ask -sour druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Vhlladelphla. Pa. MtORTHAND A.MJ TYI'EWltm.U. A C VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y', Life. 3Tl BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Beo Bldg. -371 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 27.' GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 10 & Doug -273 EXPERT ACCOl'NTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.. day or even ing, it, id, com. Nat, uanK. a. JL itstbhun, -279 fiTA.'ISIERINO AND t-Tl'TTEIUMi. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 450 Ramge Bldg; liOILEH MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler XVorks, steam bollers.tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th &. liard Sts SHOE REPAIRING. SOLES, 40c, rubber heels and soles, 73c. Neb. Repair Co.. 217 N. 16th. Joe Pulone. Prop, 440 M21 I'A XX'.MI It OK Ell S. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat. lng; c,U business confidential. 3303 Douglas, 2S3 GARIIAOU HAILING. ANT1MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes gatbage nnd deed animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. -M254 M27 FlllNlTIRD REPAIRING. TEL. 122L M. S. Walklln. 2113 Cuming St. DRES-SUA ICING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 216 S 26th St, 280 M2T ELOCUTION. ELLA DAT. 1920 Dodge St. 6TT M2 TAILORING. 25 PER CENT saved; high-class tailoring, latest deFigns. Stephen J. Broderlck, 16iT Farnam t. MS55 M23 L'l'lIOL&TERING. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 LcaVth. Tel. 2523. 2S1 TICKET IIIIOKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin. 1605 Farnam. T4.I. 754. 380 ADX'EUTlbl.XG FANS. ADX'S. FANS. Burkley Ptg- Ca, Omaha. M477 J 2 SCREEN DGOItS. Windows, etc. G. C. Co.. 1519 Leav. Tel. 2529. 495 J2 WANTED TO IIORIIOXX. WANTED, to borrow, 1.000 at 7 per cent, on Improved tesldence property, South Omaha, renting for 240 per year. Ad dress S 45, Bee. M296 TALKING MACHINES. Omaha and Lincoln, Neb., are the Talking VtftAtftfL Machine headquarters , n ,. .. r-T 1 r . Tr.-iT. carrying the most com- nlete line of latest rec ords. XX hen you fall elsewhere, call, or rend your mail orders to us. Don't You realize that you can t conceal the condition of your teeth and mouth from your friends. SEE Bailey the Dentist Third rioor Paxton Block. PHONE 1055. rOSTOFFICE NOT1CJS. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any time). PVrlcrii mailt, for the week t-ndlnr May 25, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at ttie general at, lunowv: rAii- CELS J'OST IAll,s Close one nour earner than closing time shown beiov. Parcels post mails for Germany close at 6 p. m. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary mails close at foreign branch half hour later than closing time shown below. Trmi-A t lnnitc Mnll. TUESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. e. Lahn, via Southampton and Bremen (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s s. Lahn"). WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a, m. for EUROPE, Tier s. s. Oceanic, via uueenstown, at b;30 a m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. n, XVashlngton imall for Italy must be di rected "per h. b. XX'ashington"!. at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. 6. Penn lHtid (mall must be directed "per s. b. Pennlund ). THURSDAY" At 6:30 a, m. for EUROPE, per a. Aug. X'lctorla, via Plymouth and Hamburg (mail for France. Switzerland, Italy. Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, British India and Lorenro Mar- HREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LOR ENZO MARQl'EJS. per r, 6, L'Aqultalne. via Havre tmall for other parts of Eur-'pe must be directed "per B. s. LAqultalne ) SATURDAY" At 7 a. m for FRANCE. SXV1TZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR. QUEZ. per f. s, La Gascogne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. e La Gascognb"), at 7:30 a m. suppl mentary V a. m ) for EU ROPE, per e. s. Umbria. via Queenstown, at 7:W a m for NETHERLANDS direct, per s s Amsterdam imall must be di rected "tier s s Amsterdam 's at 10 a ro for SCOTLAND direct, per a. , As toria 1 mail must be directed "per r, s. Astoria 1 FRINTED MATTER, CT C -This rtea-ner Jim iiuei, via 1 neroourg. must ne utrecteo per s s. Aup. X'lctorla"), at T a, m. for FRANCE. SXVITZERLAND. ITALY. KPA1N. PORTUGAL. TURKEY". EGYPT. takes Pni.'ed Matter. Commercial Pape c'lrt Samples for Germans 0111. ' hs same tUss of mall matter for other paris of Kurv;K' will net on sent lv Hi t . Ii , uiil'-.s spei iall diiected by Per Atter tbe closing of the Supplcmer.tsrj Tians-AtluntK Maws nurticu amice ad mtloiial supplementary ma us are openru on the piers til the American. English, 1 r. nch and German steamers, atu ic tuatti otnr. until within itn Minutes of tt c hour ol sailing ot steamer .Mall for South and Central America, XX est Indies, Etc. TUnSDAY- At 9,K a. m (supplementary in a m 1 for CENTRAL AMERICA (exoept Costa Rlrai and SOUTH PA C1K1C PtiRist. pei s. s. Alliance, wa Colon Mnnil for Guatemala must be dl-I rected "txr s s Aiiinnrii 1 t f...v n m ' in. i.iif.iii'i .... . - . j.. 1 1,'. frim Ifc".o. a "a. m-f,!r" Tax, A1CA tier h. m t runlt ft-n,. i'Mia.1.o,,t, ,n XX EDNESDAY -At 9am for NEW -I KOL'NDLAND dlr-rt, per s s. Silvia ut , 10 a ni. for 1NAOI A nnd HAITI, per s s. Lauenbure, at lt m tn for GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD, per s s Maravul. at 12 m. for U-UA. YUCATAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO Blid CHIAPAS, per s s S"pu ratica. via liavann and Propreso .mail for other parts of Mexico must br di rected "per a. s -Scptirstica"i, at 12 m isuppiemrtitarv KM v m for NASSXl . ! N 1', ier s. s Antllfa imall must be ai rected - ier s s. Antllln "1 THl'RSDAYAt J 41. m. for BERMUDA. pr s 1. Pretoria, at 12 in. for II Al 1 1. tier -i. s. Jeatilie miihII for Corn -nn 1 ti. xuela. Trinidad. British nnd DJtih Guiana murt 4io directed "per s s Jeanne ). t.t L m. 9UppUmpiitnn 12:30 n. m.i for NASSAU. OUANTANAMO and ,-AS- iMut'. pc- s t,. .Saratoga :at 6:30 p m for JAMAICA, per s s. Admiral Sampson, from Hoitiftn FRtDAY-At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s r be Matanrar. via Tamiileo (mail must directed "tier s. Aintntt-uM- 1 SATURDAY At 9 a m. for PORTO Rli'J. j't-i n fan juan, a nn Juan. u .nn 0 m. SL.ntilptnrritnrt- O-yn n 1 f I t RACAtJ nnd X LM.ZUELA. per r . 1 Ducpry lu i. uracu a tnt.Il for fenviinll.a iitid . artnap na must be dlredeo "per a. , ?o "5fr.yf '' nJ-r.':T."Jm oupplct-ientary Vrivinn' ST tT.UP'AS, fir RoiX nil rv-IUr?rft-UKrn"AU J.SUVSDS fo. iV .1 , ' -,rr.; J1Fo Hnblle 1 1 . imi 1 n "J . . . uireit.j jier . .y"1v', 1 J" u- 01 ior if Ai,. ' ''"o aireii. per s n. Reiiagcio at 30 a. m, for BRAZIL, per s s British 1'rlnce imati for Nortlirrn Rtarll Aigen tlne Republic. Urjguuy und I'araguav must te directed "per s. s. British Prince" 1. at Kru in. tor ri nj i.r . . Morro Cnstle. via Havuna; at 10 n m Kupplementnry 10:30 a. tn.) for FORI ,'m. SI.ANI. JAMAK A, SAX'ANILLA. ( Alt' ' 1 11AGENA and ORLYTOXVN. pet s s Alene (mail tor Costa Rica must be dl reeled "per s Alene"), at lP:,to b in for ARGENTINE REI'I BLIC, I Rl -Gl'AY and PARAGUAY, tier t-. s. Kattlr 1 nnve Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North c-juiit-?, uuu Luaui-c uy Eieauier. close at uiia u,,ii.c liuuj ui u.ou p. connecting close here every Monuaj , u edutsduy aim baturday. Malls lor Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, anu tnence by steumet, close at itu ofiice dally ut o:s0 p. tn. Mulls for Ciua,, by rail to Port Tampa, i-'ia.. and tber.e by iteamcr, clo.e ut this ottke dully, except Motida, at -ti a. in. (the connecting closes ure on Sunday. XVednes day and Krida. Mails lor Cuba, bv -all to Miami, ''!., and thence b. stcanie' clOke ut this office every Mondav nnd Friday at 31 p. m. Mulls lor Mexico (imiiemBin. nv mil m kvi fii.i. i thence by steamer, close at this othce dully at 1:30 p. in. (com.ecta.i ciJll 1 here Mondays lor Belize. Puerto Cortex und Guatemala und Tuesdain for I Rica). Reclstered mail clours at m. previous uuy. Tt-nns-Pnc-Itlc Mnlle, Mails for China and Japan, via X"an- couver, close here dally ut C.S0 p. m. up to May 21, Inclusive, for dinpatch per p. p. iniprcss oi inula iregisiered mull must tie directed "via Vancout rr". i Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil- I jpiiuic ir.iunus, via an Francisco, close heie dally at C:30 p. in. up to May 24th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. America Maru. Mails lor Australia (except West Australia, wiucn is lorwaraea via Europe), New Zcaiand, F'ljl, Samoa and Hawaii, via Bun Kraiiclsco, close here daily at 6:3o p. m. after May "4 and up to May 25. lndurlve, cr on arrival of a. s. Lucanlj. duo at New York May "25. for dispatch uw ii. s. -Sonoma Malls.lor Ajftraliu (exrept XX'est Australia. - men goes vm i.urope. una ,cw Zealand, which goes via San Kranclsco), and FIJI Islands, via X'ancouver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May 2i., Inclusive, tor dispatch per s, s. XVarrlmoo (supplemen tary mall?, via Seattle, clcse at f.'ho p, in May "26). Mall must tie directed via X'ancouver. Malls for China ,and Japar. via Seattle, cioso nere auiiy ut ouio p. m up to Alay 2fcth, Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Idzuml Maru (registered mall mutt be directed via Seattle). Mails for Ha wall, China, Japan nnd Philip pines via san J' rancisco, close nere aanv ut 6:30 n. m. up to June "l, Inclusive, for dispatch tier s. s Pekln Malls for Hu'ali. via San Francisco, close here daily at C:30 p. ro up to June "S, for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port ot sailing daily and the schedule of clos ing is arranged on ihe presumption of their uninterrupted overlind transit, Registered mail closes at 6 p. m. pre-x-iouk day. CORNELIUS VAX COTT. Postmuster. Pos toffice. New Y'ork, N Y , May IT, 1901 (iovr.n vxiext notice. XVANTED For U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men, lietween ages of 21 and 85, cltlxens of the United States, of good character und temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, Cor 16th and Dodge Sti Omaha, Neb. RAILWAY" TIME CARDS. .BURLINGTON i Mis souri Kiver Railroad "Tlie Burlington Route" General Offices. North west Corner Tenth und Karnam Streets. Ticket Office. 1602 Karnam Street. lepn iM. uurtington station. Tentn and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCoua a S:49 am a 7:35 pm i-incoin. ijenver, Colo rado. Utah, Uallfornla.a 4:2o pm a 3:oo pm Alliance Express . . .& 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln oz Biacic inns,. a v.w um a c.c. am Montane, Puget Sound.. a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Kast Mail b S:oO pra a 9:17 am Vvymorc. Beatrice and Lincoln a 6:40 am bll:D5 am Dpnvi'r. Colorado. Utah and l ailfornta a 6:45 am Fort CrooK. bo. Bend. Louisville. Plattrra'tn.bC:20 pm bll:03 am Bellevue. I'lattsmouth & Pacific Junction a 7:40 pm a 6:20 um Bellevue, Plattumouth A: Pacific Junction . a 3.10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Ra.lroad "The Burlington Route Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 12. .ueavt. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex a 9.J0 am a 6:u5 pm Kansus City Night Ex ,ulO;30 pm a C:15 am St. LoUs Flyer, fur St. Joseph and St, Louis. a 5:10 pm allilS am a Daily. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ft Qulrlcy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office, 1602 Karnam Btretit, Telephone 250. Depot, Tentn and Mason Streets. Telephone 12s, Leave. Arrive, Daylight clal ... Chicago Spe- a i :w am al0:20 pm a 7:45 am a 4:05 pm a 7:46 am a 2:45 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:i pm Chlcugo Local Express. a 9:30 am Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm Kast Ma)l a Daily. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and Ac Pacific Railroad "The Great Ror.k Island Route" City Ticket Office. 1821 Kir nam Street. Telephone, 426, Depot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele- pnone, t:a. .cave. EAbT. Des Mo'.nes and Daven port Loral a T;25 am Chicago Express . . . bll:15 am Des Moines Local, .a 4:20 pm Chicago Tost Express .a 5:00 pm Arrive. bi3:35 am a 6:10 um a 4:45 pm a 1:25 pm jji-s aioinrs, 4vu--k ii. and and Chicago . a 7:40 pm a 9:25 pm XVEST. Lincoln, Colorado Spgs . Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:20 pm a 4.36 pm Colorado. Oklariorna & Texas Flyer .a 6.30 pm a 9;50 am a Daily b D"y except Eunday, citv, overiana. unless nocciaiiv niinrr.n, ' lor dl"iti.h bv strknirr rifiM at . THe 1-ast Man a tawj ncre dWuV 1 .30" m "iis'iT 9" "'to ; ' 35 -v a J2xt'!T-u,1,1' " i,.r iv.m mm x.ii,. i..,.,t. .."5 The I olorudu Special .. .Rll;25 11 p. , Telephone It 1 1. A i t l 1. L Alt D. e.H:cAuo A NORTH-w-neiu Rilw) 'The Northwestern Line" t it j- i'leket Office. 1411 1 i:iain M, Telephone. M.l. Depot, Tenth anu .Mercy Streets. Tele phone, Ctu. Leave.- Arrive. Da.v Jght t"h tapo ilal ...a 7.00 am aU:30 pm a 61IV am Chicago Pastrnp.T a 4;35 pro Esstrtn lixpress, ties MOlries, Marshdlllowu, Ciclur Rnplds and Chicago nlO-.oJ am Eastern Special, Lhl- capo and East a 4.55 pm 1-ast Mall, Lhicugo to a 4:04 pra a 4:05 pm a 2:45 pra a s:n am a f.'JO am a 6:20 pm ,.,;,,. V-,' ' Omalia - ihltago Ltd . a pm Otnnna rst Alall Ceuar rapids IWeng. a Dai:) FREMONT. ELKHORN : Missouri X'alley Rallroau The NorthweKtern Unr" General offices, V nltod States National Bank Bonding, S. XV. Corner Twelttn and Tar- nam Sts. Ticket Ofilce, 1401 Karnam St. 'ieiephotic, Ml. Depot, 15th and XVcbsltr Ms 1 clrphuue. I45. LcaVe. Arrive, Bnuk Hitls. Deadwood, 1 Dot priiig' S.OO pm a 6:00 pm 1 . tnlng, cusper and 1'- ictus d'5:v0pm f;00 pro Hastings. Xorl:, David' 1 City iupcilor. G--iiea. Lxettrutid Sev.urd... b 2:00 pm b 5:00 pm (Norfolk. X erdigrr and I Fremont b 7:30 am blO:2S am I Lincoln. Wnhoo a.- Kre- 1 mon p ,.3t am bio:a am jFremitit Lot a I c T:3o am r ".nilj l Dally except stutidny. c Sun- uny vi.i o iJiinj except saturaay. Dully txiept .Monuuv t.niriinn OT riAftf ZtfljBh, Minneapolis tt omuha ptmwIttXA i.ailway "The North- aailVi wrstern Line" General rIlillBWiW OHice. Nebraska Divi- LlflV mon, 14th awl Webster M City Ticket O.Hce. 1401 Farnn Ft Telephone. 561. Depot, istn at,u cbster Bis. irlepnone, Jiss. Leave. Arrive. Twin v u i'asrengt'r . Sioux Cltv Passenger. Lmerson Local ...... a Vu.'i . .a Coo am . a 2.45 pro .0 6:30 pm a 9.30 pm all :1b am b 5:30 am SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General OflUet., United mates National H.nk Building, h. W. Corner Tweltth Karnntn Sts. Ticket orru 14i'l Karn&m St. Telonhone. uil. De pot, and Marcy Sis. Telephone, AS. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express n 6:00 am al0:25 pm Iwln City Etmittiu a 7:65 pm a 6.36 am Sioux l liy Eocal .. .,1 lnm a 5:5o pm a l ull UNION PACIF1C--THE OVER lund Route" General Offices, N E. Cor. Ninth and Karnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 1324 Karnam Street. Telephone, E34i jjepot, Tenth und Marcy Sta. Ucit phone. t lave. Arrive The Overland Limited.. a 6:20 urn a 7:80 pm The Chlcago-Portlunrt Special a C:20 am a T:..0 pm m a a:23 pm pm h 4:J pm m a c:jO am Llncoli. Beatrice and r,,ur-'r-- "v?!! & '$? pm Z 'e ,.'acUlc KMireb....a 4:2k p.n Tll A-J-,u'tJ V5""'?' V e Grand itland Local n 5:.U um bl2:35 pm n t 50 am b 9:2 j am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA i- ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas City Eastern Railroad "The CJulncy Route" Ticket Of tice. 1435 Karnam St, Tele, phone. 222. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, C29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis C EspresF . Cannon Bail a 6:15 nm a 6:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy n .Vt sn ti .AA ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice. 1402 Karnam Street. Telephone, 245. Depot, Ttnth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. ChltegoEspress a l:w um a :iu pai cnicago ijtmiteo " '' '" " o.w ui Minnnapous 6: rv. mui KitiiHR, b 7;00 am b 9:40 cm Mlntirapollr & St. Paul limited u iiini a am rort Dodge Local from Council Blurt b 4:53 pra a 8:15 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Biuns a t:w om a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road Genrral Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot, union Station. Leave. Arrive. St i,ouis und City Express Kansas a :o:w am a 6:25 pm a 6:15 am lv C, St. L Express, jx 10:5i) pm Leave from 15ih XX'ebster ntrcttrr Nebraska Local, XX'eeping XX'atrr. a Daily, b Dally and Via b 4.10 pm &30:45 am except Sutiday. k , WABASH RAILROAD m ' - I Ticket Office. 1435 Karnam HilUCT Street. Telephone. S22. De JiMM pat. Tenth and nlarcy 8t$, .Telephone, C9. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:15 pm a 6:20 cm a Dally. CHICAGO, MILXX'AUKEE WlIXAUKZlt Street. Telephone. . 264. "I'STrtuL I Depot, Tenth and' Mason Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex ...a :0 pm a t-05 am Chicago A: Omobn Lx. b .!15 m b 3.40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. Record Vcrtftt i Oats. 7 rlcufs. tt Mlnutee BOSTON to LIVbKPOOL til QUEENSTOWN Cemmonwetlth, Twin Screa, 12.000 Tent, )un 6 Sf England, " " ll.tOO " attttl PORTLAND to 1IVERP00L via QUEENSTOWN Vancouver June 22 Dominion Jun 1 Cambrnman June B Vancouver )unI2 Far lirtktrlBtDnaatlea.aaamt Cenieitj'i Office. H Iksreere St.. Cilctfe. Ills, Direct Ilontr to fllaeBorr exhibition ANCHOR LINE Steamship from New Y'ork Weekljr tor GLAMiOW X IA LONDONDERRY. Saloon, tV) and tp. Second Cabin. 32.60 and up, Third Clus. 20 and upwards, For Illustrated folder and further informs tlon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, or J S McNALLX. 1323 Farnam Bt , GEO E ABBOTT. 3324 Farnam St.. Omaha. SIDEWALK CONTRACTS MADE Bid Are Opened and Awarded bjr (lie Board of rob 11 AVorks. Bids on permanent cldowalk were opened by the Board of Public Works and coptraeta were awarded as follows Hute & Tulley, artfllcial stone, 15 4-10 cents per square foot: cinders. IP 4-10 .cents per lineal foot on six-foot walks ana 1C 4-10 centa per lineal foot on fourfoot wlls4 G. Haroer, nnd A. J. Stanley, brick, 11 ctits per, square foot,. CommcroJal Land company,. Beraa stone, 25 cents per aquare foot for three. Inch stone and 32 centa per square foot for four-inch stone, XVarm spring days produce a feeling of drowsiness If the body Is loaded with the Impurities of winter diet. Cleanse the blood, liver and bowels with Prickly Aeh Ulttert. It creates energy and cheerful ness. Mortality MntUtlr. The following deaths and births were re ported to the city health commission! r for the forty-eight -hours, ending at tioon Mon day . Deaths Louli Chavauv, 2010 Spring, aged 65. Mrs. Mollle Howard. Douglas County hospital, agod 52, Gustav Beneke. (24 XVII llam, aged Co, Hannah Beetle. 340 Jack son, aged W. Births Edward Robinson, Dourl County hospital boy H O. Neal, Sill N'rth TweM -eighth avenue, gltl. 1