THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL 111 Osntli Hilt Stroif, bit Wliiat Ltus Iti Early Adranc. CORN FIRM DESPITE HEAVY RECEIPTS Oata Strong on Drum nil from Country Interests Main I'rtltirc of I'm visions la :tri'nKtli of l.nrd, Which Close tHithcr. CHICAfiO, Mny 20. Corn ami oat ruled trong todny, elosltiK Kllc higher lor July delivery, but wheut lost its enrly advnnce and closed unchnriRCd. Provisions cloned I'ac to lOo up, In response to the Liverpool market (ailing to follow Baturdy'H ndviuice on this Hide, May wheat opened He lower to un changed at 72'4c to 7SSr. During the fore, noon the price rose to 'MVtC. Thin wnn lrnsnd Chiefly on the purchase of approximately 2.'),000 bushels by a single linn, although tho stntlstlcs were stitllctcntly tt)ll l!ti to aid materially In changing tho alucs. Traders, who were short ot July In most cases, cov ered on the advance at 73'lc the advance. At T3',ic tin; advance was checked by the heavy sales of an Influential operntor. Hliorts by this time were In a, more secure position and this operator succeeded In un loading only u small portion of hi lung line, estimated at 2,WW at 73c or better. He sold till tho price reached 72'ji. and then apparently having disposed of his burden, he. stopped and the market cloed steady, July unchanged at 7Jic May exhibited strength m times, but the buying seemed to be side play for thn purpose of helping July. From various parts of tho spring country came word of the need of rain, but Kansas prospects were said to bo highly satisfactory. The domestic visible de creased 3,2fi5,0OO bushel. World's shipments last week were 7,902,0.x), l.&iO.dn) bushels un der the previous week, while tho quantity R II oat showed a decrease of 1.W8 bushels, the decrease In shipments was due to u falling off In Itusslun exports, tieabourd clearances in wheat and Hour were equal to tw.oyi bushels, while primary receipts aggregated WM,arv bushels, compared with 16S,0f)0 bushels last year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported a total of 3IH cars against B03 last week, nnd 36 a year ago, Local re ceipts were 37 curs, I of contract grade, Corn held firm In the face of heavy re ceipts. One firm bought n quantity for shorts, Mny was also In demand by shorts, who saw tit to secure profits, and as thcro was not much on the market the price was held well nbuve Saturday's level, July sold between I'to and !5',ic, and closed SWic higher at 44?c. May ranged between 4514c at the opening nnd 48c and closed at the latter figure 114c oyer tho previous close. Receipts were S32 131 of contract grade. Trade was fairly active, Oats were active and strong on a de mand from country Interests believed to reflect tho backwardness of the season, This class of buying caused covering by local people who were short and the result was an ndvance In prices. July sold be tween IS';H28e nnd 79c nnd closed "sfiVic higher at 28;c. Offerings nt tho top wcro liberal, but not sufficient to appreciably lessen the demand. Iteeelpts were 299 cars, Htrtngth In the price of lard was tho feature In speculative trading In provisions. Aw advnnco ot 1214c In May was taken as an Indication of nn Improved demand. Tho market was also helped by the corn tdrength. July pork closed 7V4c higher nt JH.2i: July lard 10c. up nt H.17!4. and July ribs Improved nt ".!714'(7.). Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 45 cars: corn, 915 cars; oats, 4fi0 cars: hogs, 22,000 head. The lending futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. High, Iw. I Close.l Sat'y. Wheat May July Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Folk May July Sept. Lard May July Sept. Ribs May July Sept, 73?, 73T, T3H,'73i5Tt, 73 72',4aH "3' 72J4 72", 72i 5'43H 4 45U 4S 464 44 45W 44tf W.i, 4tv4WH 44(i'tfU 44s 4I 44H H 30 30i SO 305 294 2SlJ4 29 2SU 2Siff 26!iJih 2T 2CU'? MV(fT 2H 14 724 II SO 14 72 14 SO H 7Jij 14 SO 14 95 11 85 14 921, 14 fii 14 f5 14 90 14 k2M 14 87H 14 75 S 20 8 2!) S 20 S 25 S 10 S 074 S 17',j S 07(4 K 1754 S 07U S 10 S 20 8 10 S 20 3 10' S 15 K 15 R 15 S 15 -K'rM 7 9214 00 ft 24 HI " 7 2tf 7 90 7 95 7 90 7 95 7 S7',i No. 2. Cash quotations were aj follows: KLOUH-Qulet: winter patents. J3.S0tf?3.90; tralghts, 3.'.'0if3.SO: spring specials, $1.20; patents, I3.404M.19; Btralghts, J3.2093.SO: bakers. I2.20fff2.fi0. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 69873ic: No, 2 rel. 73U1I73T4C. CORN-Ko. 2, 4754c; No. 2 yellow, 47fl 47 lie. OAT8-N0. 2. 304J30ttc: No. 2 white, 304 34c: No. 3 white. 80H331HC. RYK-No. 2. 54V4C. UARI.KY-aooif feeding, 50365c; fair to choice malting. Mc. 8ERD8-N0. 1 flax. $1.70; No. 1 northwest ern. 1.70: prime timothy, .00'S3.65. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per hbl.. M4.WI B14.M. Ttrd. per 100 lbs.. $7.6087.G:i. Short ribs sides (loosel, J8.0OWS.2O. Pry failed shoulders (boxed), JB.75w7.CO. Short clear fides (boxed). JS.12i4fi8.25. WHISKY Basis of high wines. J1.2H. Following are the receipts and shipments for today: iteeelpts. Shipments. 25,000 25,000 61.000 526.OC0 454,000 491,0011 370.000 2S5,0i'0 4.000 MOO) Ploir. bbls. wheat, hu.. Corn, hu,.., Oats, hu Hyp, nu. Barley, bti 11,000 ti.oo.) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wns firm: creameries, ltfJlMjc: dairies, ll(iil"V4c. Cheese, easy, 9fll0ic. Kggs, steady, nt llUHc. KBW YORK CSKXKItTi, .MAnKKT. Qanlntlona of tlir Day nit Commodities. Various NEW YOnK. May 20.-FIX3ITR-Rccelpt!, 18,06 bbls.: exports, 7.4SO bbls.; fulrly ac tive and firm with wheiU: winter patents, $3.fi3fH.O0: winter straights, J3.45fj3.5Ii; win ter extras, J2.45irf2.85; Minnesota bakors, J2.90fi3.25; winter low grades. J2.30W2.40. Ryo Tour, steady: fair to good, J2.Wfi;3,10: choice to fancy. I3.50jf3.70. CORNMKM Quiet; yellow western, $1; city. P9c: Brandywlne, 2.45if2.55. ' York carlots. nARLKY MAKT-Ullll: western, t55Q7:c. WHEAT Receipts, 364,100 bu.: exports, 124,509 bu. Spot, steady: No. 2 red, 824c. f. o. h., afloat; No. 2 red, 79c, elevator; No. I northern. Duluth, 83ic. f. o. b afloat; No. 1 hard, Duluth, 90c, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened temporarily rather easy, owing to foreign selling, but quickly recovered and ruled firm up to the last hour on bullish weekly statistics, active covering. Influential buying at Chicago nnd lsss favorable crop news. They finally '''''"fy.1.0 realizing and closed about steady t 4o net decline. Mny. ROilSiSlHo. closed at Sfic: July. 7RHfi79c. closed at 78c: BeDtember. TBUifTKiv r-in..,i , CORN-Recelpts, 74.200 bu.; exports. 64,396 "J " . ' wc- elevator, nnu V0T4c. 1. o. b., afloat. Option market opened falrlv steady anil nrmitro,! trength on heavy western buying, a do- ZAZiZF, umi covering. .May, JAJj&Oiic. closed at Wc; July closed at 49c Bentember. 48 l-tM4Wc. i-ln.o.i a, jii V-1' OATS-Reeelpts. 213.700 bu.: exmirts JJ.065 bu. Spot firmer; No. 2. 33Uc; No 3 Mo; No. 2 white. 34c; No. 3 white 33Vic c,k,I!lxHW,""l31l3.?F tnC', white: HAY Steady; shipping, 75c; g good to choice. 925(If95c. iiors-g -Quiet: state common to choice . 17fi20c: 1899. Ilfl5c: old olds? $X oast. 1900 crop.l6Jfl9c; , ilyUc; itno crop, ii 'nclflc coa old olds, 26c. HIDEB-Steadyj Galveston, 20 to 2S lbs 18Vc; California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Tc-a drv. 24 to 30 lbs.. HQ14c. ' le"aH IiEATHER Qulot; hemlock sole, nuenos A)ru, IlKllb iu liruvjrwciKllls, -I01-JC: aeiii S3V14f24Hc ' TALLOW-Steady; city (J2,er package), 4ic: country (pkgs. free), 5lio?ic. I'lioviHioNH ueer. quiet: ramiiy, jio.m 12.00; mess, J.l50fi9.50; beef hams. JM.OiM 21.50: packet. JKMX1Q10SU; clt extra India mess, J15.0tVfJt7.00. Cut meats, quiet; iURHiea i)mes. .9uuiu.(u: picKieu suouiuers i.txi; ptcKiea nnms. rj.76Uio.:&. l.ani, nrni western steamed. JS.45! refined, firm: con tlnent. J8.fl0; South America, J9.10; com pound. J6.75. I'ork. firm: family. J16.oo ii.w: snori cieat, iis.wyif.w; mess, m.vo RICE-Qulet; domestic, fair to extra IVttfc: Janun. 4H'UHc BUTTER Recelnts. 9.2S I nlfes sleadv creamery, IMJlfc factory, lttrt3c; Imita tion creamery, 13iil7 B citlSKSIS Receipts, 1,144 pkgs. nulet; fancy, large, colored, 8c: fancy large, while. SHflSSc: fancy, small, col wrru. jijoi inncy, small, wuiie, c EatJ8 Receipts, 16.955 pkgs.; steady western, ungraded, 11013c; western, stov ae packed, ISfilJUc. POULTRY Alive, weak: fowls, 10c springs, yuSfZSc; turkeys. Sc. Dressed, easy iu wm. iwi mrney, ivc; urouers. ..uc, METALS Another nronounced mnrkn was noted In tin both at New York and In mis-oteauy; no. 3 western, fi04c, afloat: Utate. 57flt8c, . I. f.. New York cnrlofs. RARl,Y-DuU; feeding. 4648Wc, c. I. 1. New York: mnlflnir. fr'itf.Tfl i e Iondon, partlcularlv the latter, Trice there rose 2 Ps on spot and 3 15s on futures before the demand subsided. The close wns strong with spot quoted nt 126 7s 6d nnd futures nt 125 17a 6d. On te celpt of this Information values here ad vanced about ft) points and are now nbojl the same as London figures, not counting freight charges and other expenses. The market here wns not as active as In Lon don, but ahnwpd considerable strength, clos ing strong at J27.HT.'8.0O, despite thn fact that suppilns In this country are still heavy. The Improvement In London was due to active movement, rather than to consump tive demand nnd still higher values are looked for Tho volume of business in Lon don reached large proportions. The rest of the metal list was 111 strong contrast to tin, as prices on mostly all gtndcs were largely nominal. Copper ruled dull nt i.rry for Lake Superior anil JI5 6214 for casting and electrolytic In the local market, while in London It had a steady to firm start, but closed easy under realizing with spot qmted at 9 lis 9d and futures nt 70 is I'd. L'ail ruled unchanged both here and In London, clolng nt J(.3754, C12 2s 6d respec lively. Spelter, whllo displaying .omo steadiness abroad, prices advancing 2s d to J-ii ios, was Millet anil unchanged here. DnrneHtle Iron markets ruled dull, but nom inally easy nt old prices. Pittsburg reports very quiet markets In Iron and steel. Pig Iron wnrrnnts, J9.fiofllO.50; northern foundry, JI5.25Hir,.7n southern foundry, J14.0ogi5.O) nnd soft southern, J13.005H5.fiO. Omaha wiioi.p.sam: makkkts. Condition of Trndc nnd Utiotn t Ions 011 Mtnple nnd I'nnuy I'rodnre, EaciS Receipts liberal; good stock, firm, l&fillc. IAVK POULTRY-Hcns, 7!4c; young nnd old roosters, Sjj6c; turkeys, CrfSc; ducks and geese, 6c, spring chickens, per lb., 20t25c. Hl'TTEH Common to fair, lOyilc; choice, 125r13c; separator, 20c. FRESH riSli-Hlack bass, 18c; white bass, 8c, bluetts h, lie; bullheads, 10c; blue tine, 7o, bufTalo. be; cattish, 12o; cod, 9c; croppies, "jlu-.'; clscocs, 7c; halibut, lie; hor ring, 6c; haddock, loo: mackerel, 15c; perch, Cc; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 14c; suulish, 6c; trout, 8c; wnltetlsh, ic. PIOEONS-Llvc, per dor., Jl. VEALS-Cholc-, 9'alOc. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholosale liny Dealers' association: Choleo upland, Jlo.w; No, 1 upland, jlo; medium, J9; coarse, JS.50. Rye straw, M.H). These prices are tor hay uf good color ana quuilty. De mand tnlr. Receipts, 3 cars. OATS No, 2 white, 29c. CORN No. 3, 43c. UUAN-J10. VEGETABLES. HPINACH-Pcr bu. box, 50c. ASl'ARAUUS-Natlve, per doz., 4050(5. It II I' HA UK Home grown, per lb l'ic. Mill' UKU.'1'tj I'er.uoz., f,0c. NEW CARltUTS-Per doz., 50c. KtSW' I'URNIPS-Pcr uoz.. 6Jc. CUCUM13ERS Hothouse, per dot., J1.25 'PARSNIPS-Per bu., 40c TURNll'3-Per bu 5oa V UEET5s-Per bu., 4uc. l-AltUUTS-Per bu 40c, LETTUCE I'er bu 25fi'30c RADISIIISS-Per do.., 203f25c. PARSLUY-I'er doz., 30c PUTAiuUJ icr bu.. Wc; Colorado, Mc. SEED 1'OTATOES Early Ohlos, o5inWc; Red River Valley, toe. CAUUAUfci-New California, 2V4c. TOMATOES-l.orlda. per tf-basket crate, fancy, J3.50; choice, J2.7:. ONlONS-IJermudas, per lb 4c. CAULIKLUWER-St. Louis, per crate. J2. HEANS Wax, per 1-3 bu Jl; string, per 1-3 bu., $1. ECU I'LAM' Per bu. box. J3. l'EPPERS-Pir bu. Sox, J2.25. 1EAS Per bu., J2; per 1-3 bu 76e. CELER Calltotnin, per buncn. ttt75l NEW POTATOES-Per lb., 3ia. FRUITS. STRAW UERR1E3 Arkunsas, per 24-qU case, J2.50. CHERRIES California, per 8-lb. box, APPLES-Por bbl JI.50; Washington, per bu. box, 12. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGEd California seedlings, 2.50; navels, J2. 503. 25; Med. Bweeta, J2.75JI 3.0U. LESIONS California, extra fancy, J3.25; choice, J3. RAN A NAB Per bunch, according to size, J2.U0jf2.50. FIGS California, now cartons, 76c; layers, 65c: Imported, per lb., l'B12c. DATES Persian, In 00-lb. boxes, dalrs, 6c per lb.; Halloween, 0Vc per lb. PINEAI'I'LES-I'cr doz., J1.75iJ2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Cullfornlu, per 24-sectlon case, J3.75. CIDER-Pcr bbl.. JI.50; per half bbl.. 12.76. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., lie; nl bcrts. tier lb.. 13c: almonds, tier lb.. 18'f20a: raw peanuts, per lb., 54f6'4c; roasted, 6V4K) VAi:: liriizlls. 13c; pecans, wu22c: cocoanuts, HIDES No. 1 i:reen. 6Uc: No. 2 creen. 44c; No. 1 saltea, S5ic; No, 2 salted, 5V4c; No. 1 venl calf, 8 to 12 Ids., 8c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, S13c; sheep pelts, 2iQ75c; horse hides, J1.50fi2.2S. St. I.ouU Crnlti nnd l'rorlslonn. 8T. LOUIS. May 20. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 72c: track, 75fi) 5V4c. May. 72c: July. fi9'i'ff9ic: Septem ber. fiS'Ac; No. 2 hard, 72!iH72ic CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 4354c; track, 44(S44 54c; May, 434c; July, 43c; September, ' OATS-Hlglier; No. 2 cash. 3054c; track. 30!i(fi3054c: May. 3054c: July. 27q27?io; Sep- lemner, -tic; no, 1 wnite, jivkco.BC. iive Firm at 07c. J'LOPR-Qulet: natents. 13.5533.75: extra fancy nnd straight. J3.15Q3.30; clear. J2.S0 3.(J0. hi;kijs 1 tmotny, ;.ionj.w. CORNMEA 1 Steady, J2.30. URAN Dull, nomlnnl; sacked, east track. 6Sc. HAY-Stendv: timothy. JI0.00fll.25: nral- rle. J7.'iiJII,50. WHISKY Steads', J1.2S. IRON COTTONT1ES-J1.0G. HAOClINa-6HW7c. HEMP TWINE-9C PROVISIONS Pork, steady: Jobbing. JI5.75. Uird, higher, nt J8.0754. Dry salt meats, II rm: boxed lots, extra snorts. J8.Zo; clear ribs. J8.50: clear sides. J8.P0. Bacon. firm; boxed lots, extra shorts, J9.00; clear ribs. J9.12V4: elenr sides. J9.21. 1''IiA.hkkp-no marget. M ETA LS Lead. Arm at J4.25. Spelter. dull at J3.80. POTLTRY Steady: chickens. 7c: sDrings. 151T17c; turkeys, Be; ducks, 6c; springs, 1254C; geese. 4c. RCTTKR Steady; creamery, 16tjfl9c; dairy. 12fil5c tiiiUH-liigner at uvic, repacgeu ana enses luc.iurien. rkcf.ipts Kiour. 7.cno bbls.: wheat. bu.: corn, 59.000 bu.: oats. 98,0OO hu. shipments nour, iidis.: wneat, 10,000 bu,; corn, 63.000 bu.; oats, 20,000 bu. Liverpool tirnln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Mny 20,-WHEAT-Spot, tenilv: Nn. 2 red svestern winter. 4h lid: No. 1 northern spring, fis 154d: No. 1 Cal ifornia, fis I'td. Futures, quiet; July, 6s liu: Meptemner, iy ivci. CORN Snot. steady: American new mixed, Is Id: American old mixed; nominal. Futures, quiet; amy. nominal; July, as imil! Mcptemoer, ah iiin, ' kas-unnnoian. sieaoy. FLOUR-St. Louis fnncy winter, dull, at hops At Lonaon (t'acinc coast), steady. nt 4ri4 10s. PHOAMSiuisa neei, easy; extra India mnKH. kis an. I'orK. an 1: nrimo mess. western. Bis fid. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., firm, at 46s 9d. Lard, firm: prlmn wesicrn, 111 uerccn, im; American, re. fined. In palls. 41s 3d. Bacon, firm: Cumber. inuu cut, -0 10 ,j ins,, 11s ;iq snort rios, ,0 ... o, it.. ji n,i . Ann. mUji.. ii.i.. 28 to 31 lbs,, 42s 9d; long clear middles, iici;, o iu tv hp, niit'i i uitrui Ullvnc, 16 to 20 lbs., 41s 9d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 ids., is yii. anouiucrs, tqunre, 11 to 13 lbs., firm, at 37s. BUTTER Dull; finest United States, S8s; cood t'nlted States. C6s. CHEESE-Amerlrnn finest white dull, nt lis; 4111111 iuuii iiiicoi. cuiurcti, qtnei, ni 4i)S. TAi,i,uw-i'nmf, sienay, quiet, at zos; Ausirnuan, in i.onnon, stcnay, nt .1,3 Ja, Kauiai Cltr fimln and I'rnvlatona. KANSAS CITY. May 20. WHEAT Jul v. 665ifi66Uo; September. CIHc; cosh, No. 2 hard, ti054ff'70c; No. 3, 68i69c; No. 2 red, lie-. CORN May. 41Vic: JUls 40Hc: 8en- lenincr, chbh, mu. . mixea, 4l((ftlKC, J(l. J WllllV, Vm'I. OaTS-No. 2 sshlte, 41941HC RYE No. 2. 65c HAY-Cholco timothy. J10.50ST1I.00: choice prairie, fanov. 131i lie. KOOS Firm: fresh Missouri and Knnsns stocks, 8t4c .dozen loss off cases returned 0; new whltownod cases Included, 54c more. RECEIPTS-Whent, 120,000 bu.; corn, 57,- un.: num. nu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 71,200 bu.; corn, 16,. nil, , DUld, J.UMf, Toledo Grain iinil grril. TOLEDO. O.. May 20,-WHEAT-Actlve, ;.,K,uvnB" May, 75 ;c; July,-73Hc 4 tOItN-Dull; cash nnd May, 45c; July -SVc TSQ"lc1' CHsl1 nnd May' 29o! July RYE 53c fiV.!,'2XKnsJ::KD-Nomln: cash, J0.M 43cKUIA Mn' 20 CORN-Flrm; No. 3, .,9AiTJhKlrm! No' 3 whlt. 2932954c, billed UhedBold'r0" U, ba8,S of '-a for "n Minneapolis Wheat, Fnr nni uTKn, MINNEAPOLIS. Ma 20. WHEAT Cah, 72c; July, 7114872c; September, 68HO 654ci on track. No. 1 hard, ,4c, No, 1 northern, 72c, No 2 northern. 6949 i0c. FLOt'R First pntptits, Jl.fip1rl.l0. second patents, J3..W3.9U, ilrat clears, 2.70H2.k'J, second clcnrs, J2.101T2.20. BRAN In bJlk, Jll.tOTfll 75, (Jrnln In .Htnrr mill Atlont. NEW YORK. May 20. -Tho statement nt the visible supply of grain In store and nlloat on Saturday, May is, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, Is as follows: Whent. U.49"" Ml., n decroiso of 3.2C3,0" hu.: corn. 15,913,000 bu., n de crease of 1.425.0HO bll.i onts, 10,724,00) bu a decreatc of 725.000 bu.; rye f-62,onp bu.. a decrease of 101,000 bu.: barley, Ol'.C.O bu., nn Increase of 199,ooo bu. Pbllnilpliibln Produce MnrLrt. PHILADELPHIA. May 20, Bt'TTER Quiet, steady; fancy western creamery, 194c; fancy western prints, 20c; fancy west ern nearby prints, 22c, ECHIS-Mlcndy; fresh, nearby nnd west ern, 134c; fresh, nearby nnd sotitliwestoi'ii, 1254c; fresh, nearby and southern. 12c. I'llEESE Firm; choice small fair to good, S'iyfc. lllvnnUcc llrnln MnrUct. MILWAFKEE. May 20. WH EAT -Mar :et higher: No. 1 northern, 75476c; No. northern, 731?7lc; July. 7241t34c. RYE-Steady: No. I, 5i.i1(5!ic. BARLEY Dull; No, 2, 67c; sample, tog Ic. HIclii Itntlei- Slm-kct. ELOIN. 111., May 10. Bl'TTER Marks t teody, 184c; sales of sveek, 673,2"0 lbs. MOVKMENTM l. "TrKf( AM) nOJtl. ,nt Week's JtrcnKtli Is ol Slnln- tnlncil TliroiiRliiinl tlie liny. NEW YORK. May 20. - The tltnvnrd move ment of stocks Inst week fulled to continue today, although there wns some resistant at times in the way of strength of In dtvdital stocks, There wns a progressive decline In the Influence of those special movements nnd tho dny closed with the market quiet, active nnd decidedly nt about tne lowest or tne nay 1111 nrouiui. moro were one or two unfavorable new features during the day, but there were also some developments which hod n favorable Inter pretation, The mnrkct gave nxowlng evi dence of Its abandonment to the class of professional operators with the public evi dently not u factor In the market nnd dis inclined to respond to the temptntlon of price movements, Tho market opened Ir regular and then yielded all around to the realizing, but recovered strongly In re sponse to n movement In the coalers. There was some strength also among the south westerns, utinarentlv nn the score of nub- llshed reports of n projected new stcnmshlp inn- irum n. .iiexicnn port 10 tne urieni. A movement iu the coalers svas appar ently speculative. The strength In St. Paul ss'as not oxnlnlncd v nnv news, lint ltn buying wns called good. The stock yielded, nowover, in tne into weakness una closed nt a net loss. The svenkness In I'nlon Pncltlc svas an effective factor iu upsetting the market. Allegations of a further lsu of convertible bonds to finance the pur chases of Northern Pacific stock svern the prime lactor in tne hiock'h weakness. It closed at par, 7 points belosv Sntuiiliiy's close nnd nt the losvest of the day. Othor notable sveak stocks svero Atchison, svhlch lost 4V4 : Coniollilnlpil nn. nu urn,. un,..,f 34; Manhattan. 3U; Rock Island and Mut- rppoiiinn , z-s; ixiuisville, Amalgamated Copper, 254, nd several other stocks from 1 to 2 points. Mlmir ImlimtrlnlM notable chnnges, nlthough there best prices svere reduced by the late weakness. Among wium were ine iiiterimiionul Paper stocks, Amerlcnn Linseed. United States Rubber. National Lead nnd thn mM,n,- (.!, ??"f.ks.' J." A,nlcnn Linseed prelerred nnd I'nlted Stntes Rubber nreferred the nln had reached about 5 points. There svns large luying of Burlington for ensh, which was amiurentli rnniip,i-,i n-i,i, the proposition for the Burlington being conditioned of thoilenoslt of at least tsv.i- Mn "0 capital siock on or before Tne bond market generally was dull nnd liiegulnr with some yielding In the late trading In sympathy ssith stocks. Total hnLe,i' llnv VH.I.,U'' V''00 L'ulted States bfmdb were all unchanged on tho last call. nJ'!,eiVomI?)L'rolal Advertiser's London financial rilbleerrim n. Qt,A.t,ln.l dormant on the stock exchange here todav. iuiio ui me general mnrKet, hosvever. was steady; there are many signs of re turnlr.g com dunce In , Amerlcnn slurbs. They opened well, with some activity i5f-Bli,..a".uf V below ParU'- nd enrfy sales by cable here for New York caused ?nffv ",l'le-h T.hen'. """-ever, there w s a rally to the best prices of the day under ,ne t'n,,l.of tne coaleis, Northern Pacific spurted 10 points nnd sot the bears in Loih don and Berlin lighting ngnln. . "'Vl IZ i wen; as h gh 01'fc on Paris mmnnri 'im,i. ... ".":' ylu selHcment lor consols o Juno Money was from 3 to I per cent on Inrce repayments to tho bank. Time money ss-Ss 34 per cent: bills. 3 ll-16y3?i. The bank linn liniih, om , , . v utiiiK cheque was 25.1554; Berlin, 20.47. ine iiiiiowing aro tnt closing prices on tho Now York Stock exchange: Atchison 77USo. Pacific M'i So. Hallway .. 461, .. fS'4 .. '; . ,.H0' .. :) .. 20 .. 3S'i .. 17'i .. 2l'Ti .. 1!4 .. (.1 ..IIS ..m .. 81 ...111 .."lis-i .. 24", .. 79 .. M'i .. !" ..123 .. 4;t; .. 7.V, .. 97 .. t.iit ..I0V4 ..220 .. B7 .. 2S',6 .. 14', .. ii .. 41 .. 211, .. 43 .. 75 .. 821 J .. 60 .. 33', ..11.1T .. 41 .. SI 145!i .. 65 .. 1 a .. 761 J .. 2:1, .. Ii.1i, ., P2P, .. 2t' .. 31 .. v:h .. -i .. 43' .. Kr .. lU'i ... 22!i .. 31i ... 74 ...:.") ... ii ... 18 ... 72',i do nfd Baltimore & Ohio.. lUP no prd Tx. A l-aclde.... do pfll 13 .V) 414 i: 79 . :s4 78 41 ll'3'.i 1 W.t Chicago T. A T.... Union Pacific do pfd Wabash , An pM Chlcnio Ac Alton... no pfrt do pfd W. A. 1 4. K do 2d bM Chlcaso Ot. W do m p(d do 21 pfd Wis. Central Can. Paclllc Canada Southern . do pfd Adams Hxprea . Arilpr I.1 nra.u dies. & Ohio C. n. Q 4(1 l'Ji't'C. i;xprF.'s Chicago I. A I..... -.sseiis-Ksigo Kx... do pro Amai. copper ... Chicago & K. I... 105 M ,151 , o; , 14 , lil'i !2 ,163 .:io , 414 Amir, far F Chlcaro & Nor C. 11. I. A I C. C. C. & St. L. Colo. Southern .... do pfd (., Anier. K, A- R do nfd Amer. Tobacco .. An. Jlln. Co Brk. Han. Tr do lit pfil do 2d nfd P-l. A Hudson Colo. r. A I Del. L. & W Denser & It. O.... ton. Tchacco ... do pfd '(en. Klectrlc .... (lliicop Himdr ... do rfd Erie , 3 do IU pfd do 2d pfd !i lnt'n'l Paper f-4 , K 7S ,V.i , 34 , V) , ffi ,115 .101i ,1C4 iln nM Gt, Nor. pfd Rocking Valley ... Iclede Oas Nat. Iiiaciti do pfd National Iaii Illinois Central ... .National Halt ... do pfd No. American ... I'aclflo Ciuit Iowa Central do pfd It. E. At W do pfd Pnclflo Mall Louis, fc Nash.... People's On 'Pressed 8, C do pfd rullmnn P. c.... Met. St. ny Mej, Central Minn. & Bt. L Mo. Pacific J24 ,1015i Sugar St.. K. A T iTenn. C. A I do pfd 1 . . I.ther.... do nfd N. .1. Centrul N. Y. Central .156 .i:,04 . fo . s7 .1544 . OVfc . 9S!i .116 . 40H . V, . 5: . 444 . K . 33 . C24 .1M .ISS U. 8. It libber Nor. 4- west no pfd Wesleril ITnlftn do rfd No. Taclflc Amer. Mn. oil... do pfd Union Hag do pfd Ontario & W Pennsylvania Heading do pfd V. S. Steel do 1st ptd do M pfd do nfd Mex. Kntlnnnt ... St. L. A S. F T.. St. L & V... do 1st pfd....... do 2d rfd no pfd P. C. C. & St. I, dm, Oas St, U 8. W. ....... do pfd Int n I Pouee St. Paul llepubllc Steel ... do pfd 10 prd T n- York Money Mnrkut. Arm a ifiV7 nor ionh loot n ,7 .,,.. A "t'r .. "int. inuu, u-3i ruling rate, 4,. Prlmo mercantile paper, 4fllVfc KTV.IJ1.IVri PYPII A Vf!l.' T.i ...... a . V V irill, Willi actual buslnesB In bankers' bllU at Sl.SSUft .oo-4 ,ui iiimnu nnu ill for HlXtV ,?,;.P?;.t,A.,illc',' Hmw, commercial bills, 4.S.vfTpl.84'4. ,?lliVlyJt'?Iu".,n,e8i nominally. 60c; bar silver. 6!;c: Mexican dollars, 4DC, BONDS-State, Inactive; government, steady; rullroad. Irregular. m " ' The closing prices on bonds todax are as U. S, ret. 2s, reg 1M4I do 4s M uu cuupvn ...... do 3s, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg. do coupon do old 4s, reg,. do coupon do coupon ftft I J c- t... i32; ." io. i-scinc 35 71 Ti W do it 103 .1" N Y C 8 L 4s. ...107 13J m. ft w. con.ts 100; .HlVi Ore, .S'as-. Is ...109 .HIH do 4s lot ,.iS o. g. i,. c. m lg uu w. ...... D. Of C. (, 65... Atch, ten. 4 do adj. 4s Can. So. 2s J". Keadlng gen. 4s.... K.'i ""?' ss . is lop, ,.!- Ht 1. & I M c. 5s,...ltJ .. 9 St I, 8 P g-, ,,3 lCsnEt. Paul consols. ...1W .IOS St. P.. C. & P. Is. .US U. C J, 171" ao os ............. C. & N. W. c. 7.. An a IT. Hh. &S. .uu I do lis nnft .14IH So. Pacific 4 .W 1S0, Hallway 5 116?, Chicago Ter. 4t,... Colorado So. 4s... p. It. O. 4 Krl general 4s..,. P. V t. C. Is. Gen. 15lctrlc Si., la, Tentrsl Is 1 4. & N. unl. 4s,. M K. & T. 2s... . . Jl. & T. 6 SSi r 1 . 1 115 .102V4 do 2s 100 .. ii Union Pacific 4 103 .111 inDsn is 117 .ISJHl do in not; .117 West Shore 4 IIS1) ,10Ji4 Wis, Central 4s '4 . J.MjW. (.-enturles Hi Offered. llnnli Clcarhius. OMAHA. Mav 20. Bank clenrlnss lodav. $1,214,131; corresponding day last year, $1, 022.676; Increase, S220.4M. CHICAGO. Mny 20.-ClearinKK. J23.S75.754: balances, S2.5.1S.294; posted exchange. J4.S3U W4.s; Kew xorg exenange, iuc piemium. BOSTON. May 20,-Clearlngs, $I8,W,191 balnnccs, S1.546.6IS. ST. LOUIS. May 20,-Clearlngs. J3.532.4J9 balances, J1,U4,793; money, &V7 per cent New York exchange, 4c premium hid ; 60c premium asked, BALTIMORE, May W.-Clearings, M.1SS, &i7; balances, J43.6ii, 1 IIILADHLPIIIA, May 20.-Clearlnes, 12.e.Vt.2So; balances, $1.79.?5. NKW YORK. May 2n.-Kxchanges, Ji:6, ?W.71, balances, l.'ll.Ml. CNICINNATI, May 2f.-Clearlngs. M.013, 900; ,vrw York exchange, 20y.'5c premium; money, 354'tpi per cent. llnslnii tnck ttnotntlons, BOSTON, Mny 2o.-Call loans, 1535 per cent; tlmu loans, 4')u per cent. Ofllclal closing: A , T. A 3, P do pfd Amer. Suisnr do pfd Amer, Telephone . Itmton A Albany. llfton P,eaatel Hoston A Maine... C, H. A Q Dominion Coal ... do ptd V. f. Steel do pfd ntehmirg pfd .... Met. Central N. K. (I. A C Old Dominion Rubber t'nlon Pacific I'nlon 1ind West Knd . 77S . It West. Klectrlc .... Atchison 4s N. 11. O, A C. 5s. . C2 .101', . 6l'i . 15 . :.ut .113', . 51 .4'.") .1"! .534 . SI . 14 . :o . . 51i .155 C'4 .t:o . 2S'4 1. 3 .W, .12154 'Adventure M7S .2J3 .l.1 .!!, Ring. Mln. Co !Amal. Copper .... 'Atlantic "Melon A Mont.. .IM'i . 3-.5J .115 . :.ts; . fi's .nt . 2,1 . i . 31 22 .KOU . 3 . 91 !i Rutte A Hoston.. Cat. A Hecla i'entennlal I'ranklln Humboldt isccola 1'arnit TJulncV Santa Te Copper.. Tamarack t'tah Mining Winona Wolverines Bid. Xetr York Mlnlnc fltoelis. NKW YORK, May 20,-Thn following are quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice Hrrece Hrunsntck Con.. Comstock Tun... Con. Cal. A Va. Dcndwood Ter... Horn Sllser .... Iron Silver Leadvllle Con... .... 20 lUltle Chief ... 10 Ontario ...170 .Ophlr ...17 Phoenix .... 13 ... S'O .... 95 .... 14 4 12 .... 11 .... 45 M, I'otosl ...2M .. 60 .. 115 ... S4 ... & Savage Sierra Nes-ada Small He;.e .. Standard Condition of (lie Treasury. WASHINGTON. Mny 20. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen et nl fund exclusive of the 150.0O0,CXi gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shosvs: Available cash balnnccs, JlW.SSl, kM; gold, J0o,O37:72S; Co (Tee .Mnrkrt. NICW YORK. May 20.-COFFKIvSpot Rio. quiet: No. 7 Invoice. Iic: Cordova. SUc. Karly firmness gnve svay to sveakness be fore the close and speculation fnlled to mutcrlally broaden. The opening was steady with prices ft to 10 points higher on room covering nnd fair foreign buying based 011 higher markets abroad, One re port had It that some 20 per cent ot the remaining coffee in Brazil svas to be burned In order that prices might be advanced, and doubtless 11 considerable proportion of to day's strength In speculative markets re sulted from this story. Yet liquidation nnd room proflt-tnking carried prices off toward midday and mi the break rumor had It that not a bag of coffee svas to bo burned In Brazil or nnywhero else, The close wns quiet, with prices not unchanged to 0 points lower. Total sales svere but 12,150 bags. Including July at ,VEi0fr5.f'c. August nt'i.iKc: September nt 5,i'I?-3.75c: Octo ber at R.ii4t. 1.75c; December at 5.93c; Janu ary at o.MtjO.iDc, March at tigO.lCc, April ut 6fj 0.20c. Cotton Market. NKW YORK. May 20,-Backlng nnd fill ing by July longs and shorts constituted the svhole feature of operations in the locnl cotton market todny. The close ss-ns steady with prices 7 points higher to 1 point lower. Spot closed dull; middling uplands. S 11-lBc; middling t,ulf, S .",-16c. Sales. 1.7iV bales, LIVKRPOOL, May 20.-COTTON-SpDt, increaseii uemanci, nrmcr: American mid dling, 1 o-lfi; sales, S,W0, of which Soo svere lor speculation anil export, nnu included .400 Amer can. Rece lots. 11. you ba es. nil Amerlcnn. NKW ORLKANS. Mav 20. COTTON Steady; sales, 2,40u bales; ordinary, Pic: Kiiuii iiruinary, u ii-i&r low middling, tJiC; middling. 76;c: 1:0ml mlddltnir. S 1-lftc: mid. dllng fair, S B-lSc. Receipts, 4,215; stock, 172.30.1. ST LOUIS, May 20.-COTTON-DU1I: mid dllng, 7 U-16c; sales, none; receipts, flfttf bales; shipments, 676' bales; stock, 73.S76 bales. O ALVKSTON, May 20,-COTTON-Q'ilet, till nml IttiNln. NKW YORIv. Mav ?0 ntt.Sf'nMnnojrt nil, firmer, prime crude, nominal; petro leum, i-iisy; rosin, quiet; straiueu common to good, $1.52l(i; turpentine, quiet. OIL CITY. Pa.. Mav 20 Olt-Sr-rpHU balances, Sl.Ui; rerllflcntes. no bid; ship ments. 12C.2S1: nverngc, S9.921; runs, 101,719: average, M,81S. LONDON. May. 20.-OILS-Cnlcutta Un seed spot, 6bs 6d; litiliced oil, 33s Dd; petro Amerlcnn relini-d, Cs 5-lBd; turpentine spirits. 27s CJd. I'MAiiLiiHTON. .May 20.-OILS-Turpen-tlUe.,,.nfSv.'!t,.3l'ic; rosl"' ,lrm- unchanged. SAVANNAH. On.. May 20.-OILS.-Splrlta turpentine, firm, at 32Hc; rosin, firm, quote A. H. ,-'. SI. 10; D, J1.15; K. J1.20; F, Jl.'-Vi; (J, $.U(i; U 1-W: I. I1.S0; IC. .05; M. J2.33; N J2.70; W O, J3.00; V V, $3.25. Wlinl MnrLnl ST. LOL'IS, May 20,-WOOI.Movemcnt ... iHtiriiniiih, huh larger receipts or new clip. Choice lots of unsvnshcd run- st nt, but no great PlrenRth or acthitv for L tl V t 1 1 1 M rr Alan T l t , . . . . iiKlit iiriV. minc uvu-c- 1.UAUUA, .uny 2ti. rue svoo nuctlon RnloH nlnunrl In, In.. .l,l. , 1 i .PV.'.1. bales. Competition was fair and prices gen- w ...... nil,,, ..'iuhik inn series izi.bu bales were catalogued, of svhlch 103.000 were anil! ID llin n , 1 . . . , Ann . . . ' n yXi . . -"iiuiieiii. 10 .Mnerican. lS.Owl held over and the remainder to the homo trade. ICvniiiirnteil nnd lirleil Crnlln. for evaporated apples with conditions nbont i.- i nn uiii iiiK me pres'ious sveek. Trail. Ing svas light and the feeling quite stendv nt unchanged prices, stnte common. Sltjc; prime. 4ifi.ii; choice, 5fJ5Hc; fanes-, 6'.' tiVic. CALIFORNIA DRIKO FRIMTS-Market InnCtiVP. hill linmlnnllv ulnnl., n 3'4ic per lb as to size and qunllts-. .Miricois. rtoyai. ,y2rnv:c: Moor Park. KU'S BIAfjlOc. ' "'"-V1- l"----"e'l, eir York Dry fiomU Mnrket, NKW YORK. Mnv 20 Tlioro H,w kan a moderate increase 'in tho number nf small orders coming forsvnrd for the ijenernl ' in in tuunn goocis, nut tno market is still quiet in all ilenurttnpiitH nf .mnU, and without change In prices. Print cloths j i in i nnu iimrr ouisiiie or t all Hlver. Prints plow of le" for present season. Some hllVlllC for foil, hut nn nrln. ..,oH Olnghnms unehniiged. Fine white goods ,.,.,, ,, Kniiii-n irregular, nosierv nnd underwear quiet and without quotable change. Sni.-nr Mtirlicl. NKW YORK. Mnv "ft stTr!ATTjn. llrm. but quiet; fair 'rennlng, Sy,; centrN fugal. P6 test. 4 !l.32c ; molasses sugar. 3(4 3H": refined, quiet. NKW YORK, May 20.SLTfJAR-Qulet: open kettle, 3 3-lfiga 13-lfic: open kettle lunV'uc1 V'rf cntrlfugAl yellow. 4V44(I 11-lfjc: seconds. 2!s&4c; mnlnssos, strong; centrifugal, StflSc. TUB HI-; A LTV MtRKET. INT..Ri?t,I2ETa nl,rt tov "en Monday, K.tlJ -V, "l , Wnrrmtlv Tl nml. Altnnlti- TTnnllt. n. . . -. c . v. , ' ' iirnm-iiiiiuii iu i', ij. niiiiuivii. mi ,, niocK I. Hemls park.. Hnmn Investment comhnny to M. F. Prn,;?' l5l 'Wnck l..Iopo Place V, ' 9onllln,f nn wlfo ,n ' V- 700 030 1 2,000 475 SO 1,200 3 330 "' '";.' o. . inu ii, tuocK n, TtnrrlRnti ftnr,A Marlnda McClary to T. O, Bernhardt, l"ts 1 nd 2. block 2, Ambler Place.. Ronj nnd svlfe to K. M. Woolf, lot o. vjiiuiruy lldll , Rumsey Baling to August Blerhnch, lots h nml H hlnni,'- a.,n .i.i ...... , ,..,,un ,, p,i,IK n mil,.,.. J. ,A- Owelley and husband to Rita i-iipciiir, ,iots .s, to 3S, Ilellalr Silas Cobh aiid svlfe to Anton Greener "'1,Ut. '"OCK 2. West Side Ldsyavd CasHldy and wife to James piniin, lot 1, block II, 2d add to ATount Dnilfflna John Astleford and ' wlfo to 'William numiirii, mis ii and 12, block 4SI, Ornndvlow Mnry Rosvden nnd husband to O. ). Bnush et al, I acre commencing at ne corner sublot 5 of tnx lot 20 In 10.11-13 Fr?rt.. "nyliow and wife to Timothy Kelly, lot 10, block 3. Patrick's add.. Herman Real and wife to W. R. Ras gprshek. w 32 feet of a 99 feet lot 1, block V, Lowe'B add Cieorgo & Co, to Matt Oahlon. lots 14 to 21, block 12. Cloverdale add M. Ti. Pre ot al to Louisa Cowglll, lot 19. Luke fc T.'s add K, J. Llsmnnd and husband to Bank FrB ..,,.".1'""K "nd Loan association, lot 19, block 10, Corrlgon Plnce (lult tin I m nerds, S. M. Hendrlx to d. C. Barton, lots 13 to 16, block 13. West Knd add Lyle Heath nnd svlfe to ,1, A, Heath, lot 6. Freeman's add J. K. Heath et al to same, same City of Omaha to W. I. Klerstead et al, part of alley between block 4 and out lot 2, Smlthfleld add Heed. Sheriff to J. A. Abrahamson, lot 3, block 2, Belvldere add 1,000 GOO 750 1.S00 m Total amount of transfer J1U51 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ctttlt RttxipU Light and Mtrkt Did Nt fchew Much Ohinj;. HOGS OPENED WEAK, BUT CLOSED STRONG Good Demnnil for Slieep nt Prices About n Dime Higher Tumi Lust Week, nnd Choice Litniba ynlit Just About Stent!) . SOUTH OMAHA, May 20. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oltlclal Monday 2,47 i.tM &.&) Samo day Inst sveek 3,7sO 6,il'l i,oii bame sstek before 3,122 S.cW u,7os name three weens ago... 2,9U aiu .20 same four svoeks ago.... a.iwi o.ltu b,i Same day last year 2,121 4,il 2,127 Average price paid tor hogs at South Omaha the past bcveral days with com parisons: I 1W1, 1900.lKl3.,lb93. U97.1696.l. May Muy Mny May May May Muy .uu May .nay .May May May .it uy May Aluy siuy .slay May May I. .., 2... ..... 4..., 5..., 7..., a..., W... II. . 12,., U... 14... 15... 16.., 17.., Iti.., 19... 20... 5 26 o lsi t 1( 6 26 0221 5 2lj J 1111 6 12 J U a li,i 5 15 5 Ii, 5 21 6 23 5 20 6 11, 5 10 i bli I 3 7 1 121 4 4 5 717,1 5 72it t 4- 6 677! 5 fci'fl o ti , 5 65Vi u tl I 3 001 a i i t lia 3 b? 3 71 4 ti 3 h 3 72 3 tc 3 M 3 7U 3 bil 3 6I 3 oi, 4 40 i V'l 4 t J 1H 4 il 3 IS 4 41 I 3 1SJI 3 65 3 U 3 IK 3 66 3 69! 3 al J 'M 3 Vi, 4 19 4 3u 4 2.i 3 Oil a tn 3 66; 3 do, a u,, VI 3 li 3 i2 3 51 3 62 1 I 4 4J 3 loi 4 46 3 171 ' u 2U1 44 J I.) I 4 3 3 211 1 id 3 19 4 27 4 M 3 11, 4 23 3 121 3 07 4 4G 6 uilfc b 68W o a 5 (,65,1 ' I 3 67 3 G3 3 Mi 3 t3l 3 6i 3 t5 4 21 4 46 4 iSti 4 35 4 lu 72 , t 73HI 6 73 ! Indicates Sunday. The otliclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. She'p. H'r's. C M. & St. P. Ry .. 2 O. it St. L. Ry 1 Missouri Pncllic Ry.. .. 1 I'nlon Pacific system, 17 6 17 1 C. V N. W. Ry 1 4 F K. & M. V. Ry.... 25 19 ri. C. & P. Ry 1 3 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 1 5 II. t M. R. Ry 17 12 6 C, B. & Q. Ry 3 I K. C. & St. J 1 C, R. I. & P., east.. 3 6 C. R. I. Ac 1.. west.. 20 Illinois Central 2 3 .. Total receipts .... 91 68 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the number or head Indicated; Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omntia Packing Co 113 M)7 .... Ssvlft nnd Company 40s 1,127 11 Cudahy PucKlng Co 413 1.19.' l.fWf Armour A: Co 132 1,29J 2,241 Ssvltt, from country I4i .... 519 Hamilton & Rothschild S Wolf Ai M 23 Other buyers lul .... .... Total 1,553 4,725 4.76S CATTLK There was a very light run of cattle here toauy, but Chicago nnd about 2)i,W"l head, which Is the largest receipts ot tho year. Tho market there broke n dime as a result of the heavy supply and the losvcr prices at that point naturally had a depressing effect upon the river markets, Tho light receipts iu this point and good demand prevented any material change In prices, Ruyers started out this morning and tried to buy the cattle a little lower, nut sellers held on fot good strong prices and In most cases tney succeeded in selling out nt about last sveek's quotations. In other cases, hosvever. they thought they did not do quite as svell so that the marget could best be described by calling It sWauy to a shade tower. The trade ruled fall . itctlve and everything was out of first hands In good season. There svere very few cows nnd heifers on sale today and the market held Just about steady nil around. Packers seemed to svant nil there svas on snle and more, too, nnd ns a result It did not tnke long for tellers to dispose ot what they had at very salU faclory prices. There svere only n fesv bulls on salo this morning nnd the mnrket was certnlnly no higher on thnt class ot stock. Unless they were good they sold a little lower than the Bamo kind brought last week. Calves and stags did not show any material change. There were not enough stockers and feed ers In the yards to make a test of the market. Speculators carried over very few from last week and as a result they were looking for fresh supplies this morning nnd bought up what wns offered at good strong prices. Rpresentntlve sales: HKKF STKKRo. No. Av. Pr No. A v. Pr. 1 690 3 75 40 1171 4 15 2 720 4 35 f1 3i 5 f) 5 MS 4 4S 23 1IDJ 5 0.) 1 100O 4 M 19 1153 S ' 14 1IW 4 Jj 1359 5 (5 1 1530 4 T'l 3 1360 5 05 S 911 4 70 5 12iS h (:, 41 1162 4 75 9 1236 b 05 104 1076 4 75 1150 5 05 IS i57 4 75 2J 1125 5 1) 40 1125 4 75 49 11V) 5 15 17 1010 4 Ift 31 1754 I 15 IS Mi 4 SO 1 1272 5 15 19 1143 4 H IS 1(10 6 i5 19 1271 4 90 38 1345 5 15 STKEKS ANU JiEirKKS. : 6tt 4 ?J 10 120J 4 ss 6 1I1S 4 65 20 1232 4 H 10 1095 4 10 20., ... IM1 5 00 to m 4 5 15 1173 5 05 STKERS TEXAS. 21 122S 5 10 COWS. 1 920 5 V5 1 970 4 (0 1 730 2 35 1 1160 4 SO 2 1040 2 60 2 1185 4 15 1 1010 3 00 4 1032 4 !S 4 H7 3 10 5 1162 4 20 1.1 1CW 3 25 1 720 4 2'i 3 1013 3 25 2 1165 4 !0 1 710 3 25 1 1120 4 20 1 113 ) 3 ?5 1 1H)0 4 25 1 :i0 3 35 I.... 90 4 25 1 1170 3 50 1 1020 4 23 I S26 3 90 1 1I40 4 2i 3... 1130 3 tO 7 1134 4 30 1 930 S 90 1 KM 4 40 1 fi i 90 1 1010 4 45 1 1210 3 90 1 124) 4 10 2 1220 4 00 1 1210 4 1(1 2 1175 4 00 J 996 4 50 2 10i)0 4 00 2 1360 4 JO COWS AND HKIFERS. 12 937 3 90 LUWS A IN U UAbVta. 3 160 3 M HEIFERS. 1... 570 2 50 6 M3 4 15 j... 340 3 00 7 642 4 15 1 BOO ft 50 1 470 4 50 Z 6S3 3 15 11 925 4 SO ! f05 3 73 16 703 4 50 BULLS. 1 10) 3 10 2 500 4 18 j 13M 3 25 2 1045 4 IS 1 444 3 70 1 1470 4 15 1 1540 3 75 1 1470 4 15 1 1550 4 'V) 1 1750 4 10 1 1020 4 0) 1 620 4 25 2 1400 4 10 1 890 4 50 CALVES. 1 100 6 00 1 140 50 J 1C0 6 25 1 210 6 65 3 ISO 6 .'0 STOCK CALVES. 4 312 4 W STOCK COWB AND HEIFERS. 1 790 2 40 6 701 3 55 1 1160 2 OS 13 4' 3 ?0 1 790 3 10 19 468 4 CO STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 670 3 M 11 472 4 90 f. 4 70 IB .... 482 i 00 13 504 4 SO TEXAS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 26 bulls 910 II 75 13 bul&stg.U18 12 00 1 bull I&4 2 I'D Z3 PUIttftlg. 754 2 lt 1 cosv 610 2 75 8 cows "90 3 25 lions There was a good as'craire Mon day's supply of hogs here todny, and as advices from other points svere rather un favorable the marKot nero wns a shado lower. Some hogs sold steady with Sat urday, while others were 2Hc lower, so that the market could be quoted a a In tie easier. The long string today sold at J5.72H. with n few of tho choicer loads at 5.7o. and from that up to $5.S0. The lighter and commoner loads brought from $5.70 down. It was not n particularly active market, but still thn hulk of the hogs soon changed hnnds, . ... Tho close of tbe market was n little better than tho opening, or about steady with Saturday. Sellers were able on the close to sell out strings at 15.725 that they could only get J5.70 and J5.7254 for In the morning. As a result of tho activity on the close everything was out of first hnnds In good season. A glance at the sales below will show that the bulk of the hogs today were of very fair weights and the qunlity of the offerings wns also good for Monday. Representative sales: No, AV. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr. 9J 167 .,. 6 KVt 70 23 (0 5 724 S3 174 SO 5 67!, C2 240 80 5 VJti 70 215 40 5 674 65 274 fO 5J2H 78 H2 SO 5 37'i 71 231 ... 6 72t 79 210 80 I 10 32 236 ... 5 724 54 259 SO 5 70 55 2S4 50 S 721, SJ 203 ... 5 70 71 234 120 5 724 21 JO) ... 5 70 M 232 160 I 22, H si SO 5 70 56 23J 160 5 221, 66 228 1 60 & 70 64 237 160 6 74 75 212 280 5 70 71 256 ... 5 72 4 71 207 50 6 70 44 371 ... f 724 4 217 160 5 70 72 SM !0 5 2i 78 214 ... 5 70 78 ,.223 ... 6 724 S 2(1 ... I 724 It 277 W 5 '2), t: ... 2J 200 S '.24 67 241 M '4 89 22 40 5 724 88 210 SOO I "24 65. .......2M 8) 6 15 67 Ill 80 71 63 263 120 S 15 57 2JJ 160 5 75 64 256 ... 5 75 69 219 4) 5 75 12 264 ... S -.3 82 255 210 5 75 M 251 80 6 75 65 277 ... f. 774 M 2f 80 5 774 57 0 ... 3 7-4 72 271 160 b 174 M 290 120 5 77 4 fj 310 ... J M P. 291 80 5 M 60 103 DIM 67.. 235 80 13 ...... .221 es :j: 64... 1M .. S 75 !0 259 120 5 724 13... ..'.226 40 3 724 ..241 W 3 724 St 29 Si 50 5 724 SHEEP There wns n fairly good run of sheep nnd lambs hero todny. nnd ns tne (leiiiunii tnr fhnirx, .in (T wn fnlrlv liberal the market svas In good shape. Sheep In particular sold readily, and .'he mnrket looked Just about n dime higher than last week, Clipped svethers sold as high as H.40, but they svero very choice. Oood lambs were also ready sellers, but they brought about steady prices with last wtek's close. The top on Colorado wooled .ambs svas, nnd on clipped lambs Packers did not take hold any too svell of the commoner kinds, but still the mar ket looked about steady nil around on lambs. Quotations: Choice clipped svelhers, $1.25 71.40: fnlr to good clipped svetbers, Jl.tOif 1 , unuiuo unpin'ii ewc, inn MMn.t r. I I ....... I -. . . f. . H.nnlfl.l uiii,i,:ii t'wvn, o..'V7ii4 tii'iiLr ,!.,,.., 'iio.i"', icciici wemers, ij.;vi i.iuj irruc lambs, J4.oogi.40. Representative sales: 0. .V. IT. 2 buck lambs 70 Si (0 441 clipped western wethers S 4 20 703 dinned svestern wethers 125 4 40 778 clipped western wethers 110 4 40 475 clipped lambs 70 4 60 .it v.oiorauo lamos... b 30 CHICAOO I.IVK STOCK MAItlllir. Ordlnnry Steers Active Hons nnd Sheep Stenilr to Slronu. CHICAGO, May SO.-CATTLE-Recclpts, 2S.000 head: good to choice steers steady, others active, shade lower: good to prime steers, 5,lofC.93: poor to medium, $4.O0'ij5.l'5; stockers and feeders, 3 00'if5.O0: cows, $2a Wl.5; heifers. 12.90fl4.95: dinners, J2.15fl2.S5; bulls. rJ.9ooil.IO; calves, J3.!W7i5.5o: Texn fed steers. Jl.25it5.40: Texas bulls. J.'.75t3.. lIOOS-Rocclpts, 35.00) head: estimated to morrosv, 19,00i); left over, 1,500; steady to strong, nctlve: top, $6.00; mixed and butchers, $5.7005.95; good to choice heavy, J5.f5fi6.00; rough heavy, J5.'!55.SO; light, J5.65'fl5.!iOi bulk of snlei. l."i.SO'iia.92H. SHEEP AND LA.MBS-Rtcclpts, 1S.C00 iieno: snecn steady to strong, lambs Mrong to 10c hlgner, active, good to choice svethere, $4.304.60; western sheep, Jl.lfVif 1.60; yearlings, JI.50S4.73; native lambs, J4.5oS5.75; svestern lambs, JI.S5Tj5.75. Knusns Clt.v Live Mnvk Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITY. Mnv 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,700 natives, 700 Te.xans and SO calves, dressed beef cattle steady to strong, costs nnd heifers stendy to 5c higher, stock ers nnd feeders stendv. choice beef steers. J5.30y6.70, fnlr to good, $.75fr5.23; stockers and fteders, J3.n5iJ4.55: western fed steets. $!.70fi5.30: Texas and Indian steers, JI.20 W5.15; cosvs. J3.25JJ4.75: heifers. J7.7oTi5.10: dinners, $2.5033.10; bulls, J3.2&JJ4.50; calves, Jl.50fi6.00. lIOOS-Recelpts. S,5M head: market opened weak, closed strong to 5c higher; top. J5.90; bulk of sales, JS.63'i5.S3; heavy, J3.soa6.90; mixed pnekera, J5.70Jf5.S5; light, J5.3SW5.75: nigs. J4.50W5.30. SHEEP AND L'A MBS Receipts, 2.0V) hend; market 5t(10c higher; svestern lambs, $I.S0?i5.30: svestern wethers, Jl. 35174.75: svest ern yearlings, J4.50fl4.SO; esves, $3.6ff 1.25; cuus, i.i,wni.Mi; Rrnss jexas sacep, jj-iou 1.25; spring lambs, J5.50Q6.00. St. 4. oils Lire Stock Mnrl.ol. ST I.ntTIH Mnv VI fATTt.R-Herein!. 3.000 head. Including 2,300 Texans; market steady: native shipping nnd export utecrs, S4.75f6.R5: dressed beef nnd butcher steers, jl.ootio.Ki; yenning steers, ji.wa5.7o; steers under 1.000 lbs.. Jt.0O94.90: stockers nnd feeders, $3.00fi4.S5: cosvs nnd heifers. J2.00 r4.j: canners, Jl.zajr2.S5; nuns, w.onin.-n; Texas nnd indlnn steers, J3.255I6.40, the top being ror very choice grades; cows nnd heifers. J2.fi51M.S5. HOGS Receipts. 6.10) head: market strong and nctlve; pigs nnd lights. J5 6.rrnu.ii; pacx ers. $5.C0M5.S0: butchers. $5.h6.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.10O head: market steady; native muttons, $4.00 (; spring iambs, J5.60ji6,oo; cuus nnu bucks, $3,001)4.00: Texas sheep nnd yenr llngs, J4.00ffll.20; Texus spring lambs, $5.y. ,civ Vorl. l.lvc Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK. May 10. BEE V'ES Re ceipts, 5,103 head, market active and 10c higher; fteern. Jl.uOfiOfiO: hulls, J3.00q4.Wi cows, J2.25W4.05. Cables steady; shipment', none. 1 'ALVES Receipts, 7.S94 head: demand fair, prices 25c lower; veals, J3.5O05.625$; choice. J3.76; tops, J6.00; buttermilks, J.I.OOn'' 3.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts. 13.325 head: market steady to strong, lambs. 25t 35c higher; mostly nil sold; clipped sheop M.S3?H.ti5: extra, J1.75; clipped Iambi, Oia.fca; extra cupped inmus, cuus, ji.iw; wooled lambs, J6.0Ofi6.4O; spring lnmbs, slow, at J67i2f7,50 per 100 lbs.; by tho head, J1.25'(il.25 each. IIOOH Receipts, 9.47S head; market steady; svestern hogs, J6.00; stnte, 56.15. SI. .losppli Live Stock Mnrket. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, May 20.-(Speclal.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts. 2.SO0; market 5 to 10c lower; natives. J4.2Ofl5.40: Texas and west erns, J3.6VJJ6.30; cosvs and heifers, $2.20tr .90: bulls and stags, J2.30fl."5; yearlings and calves, J3.ft5ffl.90; stockers and feeders, $3..V1N.W: veals. $4.25576.50. HOOS Recelnts, 4,700; market steady; all gades, $5.7035.90; bulk of sales, $5.75 5.R5; pigs, stendy. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recclpts. 500; market ttrin, lambs, J4. 40175.40; yearlings. J4.251il.75; wethers, J3.K01J4.30; ewes, J3.50g 4.10. Stock In Slsh. The following table shows tho recelnts of cattle, hog'i and sheep at the four principal nvo siock margeis May so: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. South OmalM 2.177 4.7.19 5.500 Chicago 26,000 35,000 18.000 Kansas City 3,4m 8,6"0 2.0O) St. 1.0U1S li.10.) 4,100 Totals 34.S77 54, 20,000 Mon Cllj- I, lie Stock Mnrkrt. SIOUX CITY. May 20.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 3.500; market 10c lower: best stockers stend.v, others sveak; beeves, J4.Mii5.40; cows nnd bulls, mixed, J2.251f4.O0; stockers nnd feeders, J3.50fi4.iX); calves nnd yearlings, J3.O0lfl.S5. IIOOS-Recelpts. l.hOO; shado lower, S5.60'tf 6.70J bulk, J6.62kq5.65, Three 01 Injured Dir. YOUNCiBTOWN, O,, May 20. Three more victims of the accident at 6 o'clock yester day evening, nt the Ohio plant of tho National Steel compnny, died of their In juries during tho night. They nre: Thomas Mnxsvell, John Soultcrcz, Paul Wnshasv Three other employes who were Injured will reens'er. Tho exact cause nf the ex plosion has not yet been determined, tho supposition being that cither tho bottom of the converter dropped out or svator got Into the wind box. Competition. "Mr. Huffercamp, we'd llko to have you come to our church super next Tuesday night." "I'd like to, but I've got to go to a lodge supper that night." "Can't Mrs. Huffercamp come?" "I'm afraid not. She belongB to the Daughters of Sometlilng-or-Other, and they have a hanquot at tho same time." "Well, let your daughter como, thon," "I dnn't see how she ran. She's got to stay at home to cook supper for the chil dren." THE BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSION Run via tb GREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE Leave Omaha via Scenic Rout through foloiadoand Utah WEDNESDAYS, PRIDAY5 AMJ SATURDAYS. For Information and "Tourist Dictionary" address City Ticket Office, t3i Pansan St. Omaha, Neb. CUBANS SATISFY CABINET Ixfcatife Family Makes No Complaint of Frtiint Dmlnpmtnts. PRESIDENT KEEPS FULLY INFORMED Secretary Root Advises Him of .. KOtlnllons ns Thry Progress for Ai'ooiitnnoo of the Plntt Amendment. SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. The president nnd thu members ot the cabinet arc watch ing with Interest the reports which iho Cuban commission who visited Washington will present to tho Cuban convention today. Secretary Hoot hns kept tho prrsldenl fully advised of the move ments In Havana, nnd the president Is in communication with lending senators upon th? subject. The uUtMlon of this government's m -cep'nncc of the action ot tho constltut'tuiM onvniiticn as n "substantial" cotnp'.lrnc with the term of the Piatt amendment svi, of course, not be formally raised until the constitutional convention nets upon re ports uubmittrd to It. Hut there In Kood rcaion to btllovo thnt tho members of tho cabinet hcrt arc satisfied with tho dovlop tnen'.c, Tho ivnjf rlt report Is considers! a sir tual nceeplnncc of the Plntt nmcndmint and tho minority report could perhaps he Inter preted as a strong protest designed to meet tho demands of local sentiment In Cuba and "save the face" of Its authors Public questions which arlso are being dally cMrcf.Med by the president svlth tho members of the cabinet. Nor formal rah lnet ifltttings nre being held at. th-) S'ntt residence, but mutters relating to the var ious trnrichci of tho government nre!,e,i over lufortnnlly. Secretary Hay and other members of tim cabinet will remain until Mrs. McKlnUy Is able to travel and they sslll all go east together. Tho physicians have not bfjn able to fix n date sshen Mr. McKinicy sslll be ftrnne enough to make 'ho tilp. but a svee't ts their present approximation. S5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In Alt Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Ornish:, VARICOCELE and MviinnrFi w 11 1 uhuiilll cured. ' Method new. without MLlyVyV ' cnting. pain or ions MIV'''V oftlrao. CVDUI I C5CUredforllfeanathepol.on SI m I U I S3 thoroughly cleansed from the sjstem. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "HKEAKINO OUT" of the disease on tho skin or fare. Treatment contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicine. WEAK MENfrom Excesses or Victims TO NKKVOUB DF-niMTT or EXHAUSTION, Wastino Wkakneks with EAni.r Dkcat In Younh and Middle Aked, lack of rim. vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and weak. STRICTURE cured with a new Homo Treatment. No pain, no detention from busi ness. Kidney and Dladder Troubles. CHARGES LOW, CofilttTon Free. TrHtmrnt by Mill. Call on on or address 1 19 So. 14th St, Or. Searles & Soarles, Omaha, Neb. MEN NO CURE.! NO PAY. If you hate .mall, urak orRan?, lost po?r or weokpnlnji; drains, our Vacuum Ortran Pevtlonrr will ntora you without ctrura or rlfCtHrityi m hwi notono fatlurri not onn trturneil. noC O. P. frnnd wrttefrtr frre pattlculire. ct-nt i-ruled In iilaln i'nv?lopi. 10CAI APPLIANCE CO.. 138 Thorp Blk,. Indianapolli, li d. HERVITfi pills Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor nnd Manhood Curs Impotence, N'lght Emissions, Loss of Mem . orv. nil wnitlnir disesses ail utToctsof 6elf.nbnso or lojcefs nnd indiscretion. 60 , pills; SO I CTS. . A nervo tonic nc Lblood bulldor. Drius tho nluk ulow to nnle choe.'ss and restoro.4 the -fire of youth. Uy ninil ner iKix. O Ikiqs for C8.fiO, with our bankable unursuitco to cur or reruna tne money paia. nena ror circular and cpyof our bnuknol: Kimrantoo bond. Positively imnrnnteed euro for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostsp tion, Hysterlii. Kits, Insnnity. Paralysis and tno Results of Exrosilto Use of Tobsero, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain packnga, $1.00 n box, 6 for 35.00 with our bankable fruar anteo bond to cure In 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVtTA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A. J5Hon ft5., CHICAGO, illi For sale by Kuhn Co,, 15th nnd DoiiKlns Sts,. Omnhn, Neb,, Geo. S, Davis, Council Bluffs, Iown, 41 .MII,i:S SHOllTCbT TO ST. l.OUIS. TheSt. Louis Cannon Ball Leaves Ur.lcu Station dally 5:15 p. m. Arrives In St. Louis 7.00 a. m. 28 MILKS SHOaTP.ST TO UCINCV. The Quincy Express Leaves Union Station dally at 7:00 a. m. Trains leavo dally for St. Louis, Kansas City, Quincy and nil points ICast or South. Tickets to all points In Hurnpo via all lines. Call bt O. Ct. L. city office, 1415 Karnam Street, Paxton Hotol Hlk., or wrlta Harry E. Moores, C t. T. A.. Uinaha, Neb. DR. K A'V ' S RENOVATOR Invleorotes and renovate the system: purities and enriches tho Mood: curci tho worst dyspepsia, ronstlpatlon, hendacho, liver and kldnejs. Kcnndfl ntdruugUts. Kreo Rndvlre. sample and hook. a-rra Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoga, h HEaa ENOVATOH Teeiiliou lO.'IM, Boyd Commission Co Successors to James E. Doyd & Co., OMAHA, NEU. COIYIIVIISSION CHAIN, ritOVI8llX8 AMI STOCKS. Hoard of Trade llnlldlnw. Direct wires to Chicago and Now York. Corretpondcnce, John A. Warren & Co. "imJuIht! SAKIISTI 7li:TI WALL STREET Money Will l'-nrn II lie .lloiithly lleturiis Th. lnvoRtnr's Fund Pavs Heml-Monthly. The oldest established In America. No certlflcatC'lionier ever iosi n t-t-ui. t a.v ments mnde to nil subscribers overy 15 dnys. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demnnd, Write today for particulars, free to any address. C. H. JIACKI1V A CO,, llndaiill HulldliiK, ew Yurk, lMK.WiiTK.4ftf 1 rii"r I i I