Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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UlvIk ycln times.
&tockort cells luce curtains.
Vino AUG beer, Neuninyer's hotel.
Victor Heater. Wxhy & Sons, agents.
W'olltnan. sclentino optician, H'wny.
Kclimldfa nno photon KUarnntecd to please.
Mi. nncl Mrs. 12. 11. Merrlnm arc Vlsltlns
friends In Chicago,
V. 1 Graff, umlcrtakur nnd Hslnfector,
101 South Mali) street. Thone u06.
Wuntcd, Blrl for general housework. Mrs.
Uuy C. Bheparil, H Olcn avenue.
Oct your work dono at the popular I.urIo
laundry, 721 liroadway. 'I'hono lBi.
Uso Hall's Magic Compound. Hcsl dan
druff cure and hair preserver known.
Palm grove No. 11. Wnp.iinen circle, will
meet In regular resslon this evening.
Special attention given to wedding pres
ents. C. E. Alexander & Co.. 333 U way.
Grand hotel cafo and restaurant. ory
best service n la carte. A, Metzger & t-o.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
Hoard of Kducatlon Is Milled for this even-
"fewel court No. 2. Trlho of lion llur.
will meet this evening In St. Alban s nail,
016 liroadway.
Colonel Olmsteud m",""1"''...0.
Tlnloy that hi- or Major Hume will Inspect
Company I, May Si.
Mrs. Mary Allen and, nephew. A len
UBterdahl. am homo from a month s
visit with relatives ut Wyoming, III.
A. C. Callllcr and Mrs. Minnie I)avl.
both of Omaha, were married In this CUJ
yesterday. Justice Ferrler otriclatlng.
Take homo a brick of vnnllla cream,
cents, or Neapolitan, 35 cents. Will keep
one hour without Ice. A. MetZBcr & Co.
The marriage of Charles M. Gould and
Miss Mamie Madden will take place i this
morning at St Francis Xavlcr s church.
Tho Implement Oealers club pf Council
Hluffs and OtnHlin held Its monthly lw"l,let
and meeting last evening nt the Uranci
Andrew Hansen took out a building Per
mit yesterday for the erection of nn m i l
tlon to hU house at 1WI South Eighth
Tho suit of tho Walter A. Wood Machlno
company agalni-l II. K. j:ilsworth has been
asslgneil for trial beforo a Jury In the
wiirmrlnr rnlirt todaV.
Dr. It. O, Williams left yest-rday for 1
Clear iJike to uitenii me meeting m imp
Stato Dental association. Ho Is on the
program for a paper.
Joseph Ferguson, superior court reporter,
Is In Him! Oak reporting for Judgo Wheeler.
Hcporter llrulngton having been called
awoy on business to Nebraska.
Tho regular meeting of Concordia lodge
No. 67, Knights of 1'ythlaH, will bo this
evening In Hughes' hall, when there will
bo work In the first and second degrees.
Clerk Ileed of the district court received
yesterday from Governor Shaw the pardor
for John Noonan. sentenced to one year
In the penitentiary for breaking Into Brad
ley Sr Co.'s otllco on South Mnln street.
Shaduklam temple No, 8), Dramatic
Order Knights of Khorassan, Is arranging
to hold a "eercmonlul" Juno S. whrn It Is
expected a las go class of tyros will be
Initiated Into the mysteries of the order.
Tho case against William H. Helton,
charged with assault and battery on I-ara
Nellsen, wns taken on a change of venue
esterday from Justice nrynnt's court to
that of Justlco Ferrler, whero It will be
heard today.
V rocking mnln between Iowa and Ne
braska birds, held Sunday evening, ubotit
six miles east of this city, resulted In a
victory for the aports from ncross tho river.
Tho Iowa birds were downed In live out
of tho six ptttlngs.
It. W. Scaggs, a enrpeuter, living nt 1K03
South Eleventh street, complained to tho
police yesterdny that his kit of tools hod
been stolen from a house In coursu of erec
tion at 2009 South Ninth street, between
Saturday night und yesterday morning.
Kimball Bros. & Co. have elected these
olllcers: President. Charles K. Kimball:
vice president and manager, Benjamin Mc
Inerney; secretary and treasurer. W. H.
Kimball; directors, V. H. Kimball, C. K.
Kimball, C. G. Powell, 11. Mclncrncy and
J. H. Garnsey.
The choir of 8t. Paul's Episcopal church
will nlve n Miieelal musical service Thurs
day evening at S o'clock, Tho choir will
be assisted by Pror. Steckelberg, violinist;
Joseph Barton, baritone, of Omaha. Dud
ley Buck's cantata, "Christ tho Victor,"
will bo rendered.
Tho cnto against Ilgh 1.. Wilson,
charged with embezzling funds belonging
to the Chicago Picture company, wns con
tinued In Justice Bryant's court yesterday
until todny. Belatlves of the young man
havo come to his assistance and It Is ex
pected tho enso will be settled out of
William Dol.lsle and M. Kahl, two of the
three Mills county young farpjers arrested
Sunday evening for reckless driving on
South Main street, were required to make
a Joint donation of Jt.10. the costs In tho
ease, to the. city treasury yesterday by
Pollco Judgo Aylesworth. The, charge as
to G. Swlckcrd was dismissed.
How Oeorgo E. Walk and the other
delegatus to the diocesan convention of the
Kplseopal church of Iowa left last evening
for Dea Molncs. Mesdnmes T. J. Foley and
I. It. Grrer of St. Paul's church and
Mesdames O. H. Jackson and M. Maynnrd
of Grace church left to attend the meeting
of the woman's auxiliary to bo held In
Des Molncs nt the same time.
Tho Union Paclflo nine defeated tho Duck
Hollow team In a hotly contested gome ot
hall at tho Driving park Sunday afternoon
by a score of !i to 8. The battery work of
Nestlehush and Hcvlno and tho heavy bat
ting of tho Union Paclllcs saved tho game
In tho seventh Inning. The batteries were:
Union Paclllcs. Ncstleb'ush and Devlnc;
Duck Hollow, Brown nnd Smith.
John Hyan, charged with drawing a
revolver on Uobert Blythe. n Northwestern
brakemnn, Sv'as arraigned In police court
yesterday morning. Ho not only pleaded
not guilty, but denied ever hnvlng hnd u
revolver. He nlso entered a genernl denial
to tho charge of being drunk and disturb
ing the peace. Tho hearing wns continued
to Wednesday for the attendance of wit
nesses. C. D. White and Hnrry Glynn, tho two
deaf and dumb men arrested Saturday for
begging, were given two hours yesterday
morning In police court In which to get out
of the city. Glynn Btnrtcd for Omahn, hut
becoming hungry on tho way, called at a
house for his dinner. It happened to bo
the residence of Chief of Pollco Albro. who
was at home. Ho gave tho fellow a good
square meal nnd the prlco of his carfaro
across tho river.
N. V. Plumbing Co., tuiupnnne 250.
A Good
Is what tho angler is
looking for now.
Are whnt everybody is
trying to llnd. You
can get them at our
store, nlmnst any price
-but they're all Kood,
AVe warrant every
pair sold,
Ncpotintcd In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. Jnmea N. Cnsady, Jr..
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Esten)
JS I'lIAIll, .HTIIKKT. 'Phone 07.
These warm days. To get cooled off
try ono of our delicious summer
Dell 0. Morgan's ?' Wi.
Friends of Dr. Hunt Piiient Thii is His
liven llnil Fire Hern Successful In
Mirnncr Wnnlil llnc firm Pnlil, lis
Policy Ktiilrctl n Mull th Ann,
I'nkiHivtii ti Hunt,
No information wns filed yesterday
against Dr. C. II. Hunt and wife, charged
with nraon, but It Is understood that one
will bo llled today by the proper authori
ties. It Is said that an effort will be made
to secure their relcaso on ball today. The
preliminary hearing has been postponed un
til tho necessary Information Is tiled.
Tho case has attracted much attention
nnd considerable sympathy is expressed for
Dr. Hunt and his wife. Neighbors testify
to tho fact that tho dentist and his wife
and child were In almost destitute circum
stances nnd at times lucked necessary food.
Thoso who havo known Dr. Hunt several
years testify as to his good reputation and
say that he must hnvc been driven to des
peration In order to have attempted to
set flr to his homo in order to realize on
his Insurance. Tho little boy has been
taken to tho home of II o v. n. L. Knox,
rector of Grace Kplseopal church, a long
tlmo friend of Dr. and Mrs. Hunt.
It has since developed that even had tho
flro been, successful Dr. Hunt would have
realized nothing by It, ns his policy of In
surance unknown to him expired on May 1.
When tho last premium became due, Dr.
Hunt was unable to meet It and ho gave
as ho supposed a note for the amount for
threo mouths. The note, however, wns only
for two months ami tho policy expired on
the first of tho present month.
Dr. Hunt's attorney denies emphatically
the statement published In sonin of tho
newspapers that his client hnd made n con
fession. Chief of Police Albro says the
doctor as far as he knows made no con
fession nlthough he. Chief Albro, had In
ferred from tho statement made by Dr.
Hunt ns to his destitute circumstances thnt
ho had been impelled to set flro to his
homo through desperation.
Coroner's Jury Inutile to Fix lllnme
fur I'ntnlltv.
The coroner's Jury Impaneled In the In
quest yesterday morning over Albert Hnch
wltz, foreman of an Illinois Central switch
ing crew killed by tho derailment of n
switch engine Saturday afternoon, returned
a verdict to tho effect thnt tho denth of
Knchwltz wns duo to nn accident, but thnt
It wns unable from tho evidence to deter
mine the exnet eauBe for the accident. Tho
members of tho Jury were Ovlde Vlen,
George Treynor nnd Joe Palmer.
Theso witnesses were examined by Cor
oner Treynor: George W. McNcal. en
gineer; Eufieno Carroll, fireman; W. It.
Vaughan, rear brakemnn; W. It. Mllllken,
roadmastcr; Jacob Olscn, P. J, Nelson, sec
tion foreman and trackwalker respectively,
W. J. Scott, switchman, "who was on tho
footboard ,of tho. engine with Racqwltz,
Oeorgo flick and Frank Sadowski, wltnoisps
or tho accident.
The evidence ot tho train crew was to
tho effect that tho train was running four
or flvo miles an hour when tho engine left
tho track. None of them was able to de
termine the cause for the accident. Tho
tectlon nnd trackmen testified that the track
and roadbed had heen Inspected Just prior
to tho accident and that It was In good
Sadowski, who witnessed tho engine ton-
plo over from a distance of about two
blocks, testified that in his Judgment tho
train was running eight to tea miles an
hour. In his opinion tho engine could have
been stopped within Ita own length after It
had left the rails had the brakes heen In
working order. The evldenco of Engineer
McNcal was that he had examined his en
gine during tho noon hour and it was then
In perfect condition. He did not bcllcvo
that tho accident wot caused by the brake
shoo dropping nnd throwing tho driving
wneei on tno rail.
The funeral of Albert P.schwlts will ho
this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family
residence, 2402 South Thirteenth street.
Burial will bo In Falrvlow cemetery. De
ceased was a member of tho Switchmen's
union. He leaves a wife and three children
In poor circumstances.
Union Cnrpciili'm l,n- Ilovrn Their
loom to I ; n force DoinnntlN.
Tho union carpenters laid down their
tools yestordny and notified the omploylng
contractors that they would stay out until
the new agreement, cnlllng for a wago
scale cf 35 cents nn hour, Is signed by the
contractors. It is not believed that the
strlko will assumo nny serious proportions
as a settlement will probably bo reached.
Tho union carpenters nre of tho onlnlon
thnt even If the contractors association
refuses to sign the agreoment, ns an or
ganization, a majority of tho contractors
will accept It Individually. Tho strlk
affects ninety union carpenters, and If
It Is prolonged there Is u possibility of
other unions being drawn Into It. The
Carpenters' union Is affiliated with the
Trades and Labor assembly, and tho Build
ing nnd Trades executive committee, and
Its agreement as presented to the contrac
tors has been endorsed by both these
At a meeting of the contractors' asso-
elation last night It was unanimously de
cided to reject tho demands of tho union
carpenters. Fifteen members of tho asjo
cUtlon were present and they were unanl-
Mtiiis In their decision to refuse to sign
any agreement. Several of the contractors
present said they could get all thn car
prnters they needed and that they had
recently been compelled to turn men away.
The unanimous sontlment expressed nt
the meeting wns that the members of the
association employ such men ns they choose
nnd pay such wnges ns they had to, with
out rcforenco to any agreement.
tlrnl Eatnir Trniisfnra.
These transfers wore filed yesterday In
tho abstrnrt, title nnd loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street;
L. J. Wollenhuupt and. wife to Laura
M. Ware, lot 14. block 31. Central .
aubdlv., s. w. d $ 2U0
j. t Mnrouamt ami wire to can k.
and Emllln Tledt. lots 7. S. f nnd 10.
block 1. and lots S iiml G. block '.
Marnuurdt's suhdlv,, Avoea, w, d,. 1,650
rtimrcw unsmussen nna wire to An
drew I. Olsen. lot S. hlock 15. Craw
ford's add., w. d. MJ0
Threo transfers, total .12,650
DeLong will print It right.
One of thti "Tt-xaa Rrfageen,"
rtev. Joslah Flsk, a former resident of thl
city, died Sunday at Napervllle, III. Th
remains will be brought here Wednesda
and taken to the residence of D. S. Pile
352 Lincoln avenue.
Deceased was noted In the 'rto irnn
abolitionist sad waff cue ot the "Texas
Refugees' who lied to New Orleans, where
ho made his home for two years. He lived
In Council Blulfs for several ycitr and re
moved about eight years ago to Illinois.
st iison,;i: i nki imaiiv,
PnrliiK f Cast llronilnny ot Kuril n
Dllllitllt Mutter.
At tho meeting of the city touncll last
night City Engineer Klnyre submitted a re
port In which he stated that an examina
tion of tho subsoil of East Broadway be
tween Flint and Union streets shawel that a
system of subsoil drainage would be neces
sary before that thoroughfare Is Improved
In order to prevent the paving and curbing
settling He recommends that a four-Inch
tile drain be laid three and one-hnlf feet
deep about half way between the south
curb and tho motor track, tho dif.ln to con
nect with tho sewer and the excavation to
bo replaced with broken stone. He sug
gested further that as a great deal of curb
ing will have to he reset and as Broadway
beyond Frank street Is but little mere
than half width, thnt the council consider
the advisability of narrowing tho roadway
about four feet on each side. The report
was referred to the committee of the whole
which will meet Wednesday afternoon Hnd
go over tno ground.
The contract for tho curbing en severnl
streets nnd avenues so ordered Improved
In a recent reeolutlon wns awarded to Nel
son & Olscn on their bid of 2,1 cents cash
and 2t!',2 cents certificates, per lineal foot
for artificial stone. The only other bid
was from C. W. Walters cf Chlcngo, which
was 19 cents per lineal foot for Bcrea sand
stone. The contract for the grading on Avenues
G and It was awarded to Williams Bros.,
on their bid of lfi cents cash nnd 19 cents
certificates. A prevjous bid of H crnts
cash nnd 19 cents certificates had been re
jected by the council ns being ton high.
Tho contract for supplying the city de
partments with Ire was awarded to J. P.
Mulhollaml at 30 cents, Tho h'ds for sup
plying the city with lumber were referred
to the city engineer for tabulation. The
bidders are A. Overton and C. Hafer The
contract for supplying the city with brick
wns awarded to I.. C. Bcslcy, although one
of tho aldermen stated that the city had
enough brick on hand to last It for nt least
flvo years.
Tho Invitation from Abe Lincoln Post,
Grnnd Army of the Republic, to the city
council and city officials to take part In
the exorcises on Mcmorlnl day, was ac
cepted. A complaint from Peter Tholl that the
Minneapolis Threshing Machine company
was violating tho city ordinance by haul
ing heavy traction engines with cogged
wheels over paved streets, was referred to
tho committee of the whole.
A numerously signed petition nsklng that
Twenty-eighth street be opened from
Broadway to Ninth avenue nnd that all
barhwlre fences be ordered removed from
Twenty-seventh street to Thirty-sixth
street, was referred tp tho committee of
tho whole.
Pavls cells glass.
virrnn.iN i.isnio.v to celeiiatr.
Will llnvp .Mcmorlnl Servlera Sext
Sim liny EvpiiIiik.
Tho Union Veteran Legion will hold Its
Memorial day services next Sunday even
ing nt tho First Christian church. The
pastor, W, B. Crewdson, nnd Congressman
Smith will deliver addresses. A special
musical program Is being arranged for the
occnslon. Tho members of tho Grand Army
of tho. Republic nnd Woman's Relict corps
will hold their memorial services tho samo
evening at St. Francis Xavlor's Catholic
church. Tho Dodge Light Guards and the
Catholic Knights of St. Peter have been
invited to participate In tho service. An
addresi will bo delivered by Itev. Father
Smvth and a special program of music will
ho rendered by the choir. Tho church will
bo decorated suitable to tho patriotic oc
casion under the direction of Charles Lunk-
ley These will act as ushers: John T.
Mulquccn, Charles McCauley, Theodore
Tholl. John Tholl. George Wlckham, Kugcnc
Sullivan, John Grady, Will Cornelius. These
compose tho committee on arrangements:
Hubcr' Tlnley. John T. Mulqucen, Thomas
Malonty. J. P. Mulquccn and Charles "jUtil;
lcy. Gravel roofing a. II. Ttesa, C41 Brosd'y.
Motor Co in puny Illsi-lnlins llemioiml
l.lllty for Dealll of Chilli.
District court was reconvened yesterday
by Judgo Thornell In place of Judge
Wheeler, the latter remaining to complete
tho term at Bed Oak.
A Jury was impaneled and tho trial of
tho suit of Herhert L. Tlnley, administra
tor of tho estate of Leo Stein, against the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Ilallway and
Brldgo company was begun. Leo Stoln, 3-year-old
son of Jacob Stoln, a Broadwny
Junk dealer, wns killed by a motor car on
Broadway last August. Tlnloy as adminis
trator seeks to recover $5,000 for the
child's death.
Tho motor company's defense Is that
tho denth of the child wns duo to negli
gence of tho parents In not keeping It
off thn streets. Tho child, It Is alleged,
whb In the hnblt of running ncross tho
street In front of passing motors, nnd It
Is claimed that on several occasions the
company hnd notified the parents to koep
tho boy off tho street.
Mnrrlrmr Licenses.
Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday
to the following:
Nnmo nnd Residence. Age.
Oeorgo Stllwell, Omaha 36
Kutlc Brurt, Geneva, Neb '-4
A. C. Cnllller, Omaha 21
Mrs. Minnie Davis, Omaha 24
Charles Mitchell Gould, Council Bluffs..
Mary Oertrude Madden, Council Bluffs. . 26
J. H, Rogers, Omaha 21
Htella McKown, Omaha 21
Davis sells paint.
linra MwliniiilnK In Wnlled-I p Pond
Sun liny Afternoon unit
STUART, la,, May 20. (Special.) Charles
Lee, aged 13 years, was drowned In the
East pond Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
This pond furnishes water for tho Chicago,
Rock Island & Pacific railroad, and only
one place in It Is considered dangerous and
was walled up, but the boy got inside this
and In trying to swim sank and did not
rise. The body was recovered after three
hours. His mother Is dead and his father
Is In the northern part of tho state and
cannot bo fouud for oer r. week, as he went
overland on a collecting trip.
Wns Perfectly rsnlil WIipii He Htnrlrd
to I'ne .rvliro' llerplt-lilc.
Frederick Manuell, Maryland block,
Butte, Montana, bought a bottle of New
bro's Herplclde, April 6, 1S9P, and began to
uso It for entire baldness. In 20 days, he
says, he had hair all over his head, and on
July 2 ho writes, "and today my hair Is
as thick and luxuriant as any one could
wish. Nowbro's Herplclde works on an old
principle and with a now discovery destroy
the cause nnd you remove the effect. Herpl
clde destroys the germ that cautos dandruff,
falling hair, and finally baldness, so that
with the cause gone the effect cannot re
main. Stops falling hair nt once and starts
the new growth to a week.
Final Decisicn ii Setchtd in Oontsnticn
Las'.ing Fiftj Ytari.
Tn IVrrrt N stout IIHiirs Immense
Suits llrs Molnrs Clenrmnkers
(hit on n Strike Minister
Conner Arrives Home.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May 20. (Special.) The
Iowa supreme court today announced a
decision In a laud case from Webster
county, being the ense of Young against
Charnqulst, disposing of a number of old
land cases growing out of conflicting land
grants In Iowa years ago. Charnqulst
claimed the land in question, forty acres lu
Clay township, Webster county, under the
swamp land act of September 28, 1800, and
Young claimed title running from the rail
road land grant of May 15, 1S5&. Tho land
was originally certified as swamp land.
Then It was claimed ns a part of the In
demnity land along tlm Sioux City & Pacific.
Settlement of the latter claim was not com
pleted until August, 187S.
Owing to much litigation the claims of
tho respective parties are comparatively
recent, nnd the fatal defect In tho title of
the defendant as found by the supreme
court is that the land once passed through
tax sale while the claim under the railroad
grant was yet unsettled, But the Iown court
In former decisions had held thnt the cer
tlfylng ot land ns swnmp land whs conclu.
slvo as to Its character. Tho supreme court
of tho United States has set up different
rules nnd now the Iowa court bends Its
decisions to fit tho views of the higher
court. Although the land had been occu
pied and held by the defendant many years
It Is now declared to belong to tho plain
tiff. Other cases decided arc:
P. M. Snenrer. nnnellatlt. against G. T.
Herns, Polk county; Judge Conrad; ques
tion of legality of service ot notice; !
A. r Purnn nciilnst tho lowu Mutual In-
surunce company, appellant; Butler county;
Judge Kclley; action on insurance policy;
Wllllntn T .lnhnmn ncnlnst City of S nux
City, annellant: Woodbury county; Judge
Oaynor; Judgment or J.l.don damages for
personal injury; mnrmed.
T. E, Cugwln ngalust Chicago & North
western Railroad eomnnny and A. I). Hnn-
pagan, appellants; Marshall county; Judge
iasweiii lurciuiu enirj mm ut-uumi, i'
n nun I liinpretliiii.
The State Board of Control started out
today on the tour of annunl Inspection of
the stntc Institutions, going to Marshall
town, Independence nnd Eldora first.
The Llneoln Co-operative Creamery com
pany of Winnebago county has filed ar
ticles ot Incorporation; capital, $2,500;
president, August Swanson.
The Gnrnavlllo Telephone company of
Clnyton county has Incorporated with $10,
000 capital by A. Schmidt and others.
The competitive drill ot the companies
of the State University batallon will be
held May 27, the Judges to be Colonel Olm
stcd, Major Hunle and Colonel Rule. The
drill nt the State Normal school will occur
two days later, with Colonel Olmsted,
Major Hume and General Lincoln as Judges.
l.nrKC iiltn for Tnxt-M.
The operations of tax ferrets In Clinton
county has resulted In suits commenced
for large sums of bark taxes unpaid. G.
A, Russell ot Clinton has been sued in
court for $18,773.40 taxes claimed as due
on property hid from assessors In other
years. A. F. Clark of DeWltt has been
sued for $5,309,31, and other similar large
suits arc In preparation. It Is said that tho
county will claim nearly $100,000 In hack
taxes, and all will wait on the decision of
tho supremo court In tho cases already
IcnrmnLerK on Strike.
The clgarmakers In threo of the leading
cigar factories ot Des Moines failed to go
to work this morning. Messrs. Younger
mnn, Klumh & Cohen, cigar manufacturers,
refused to sign a now scale of wages de
manded by tho workmen. About a doien
other manufacturers signed tho scalo last
week and their men nro nt work. Tho era
ployos of tho factories which are Idle num
bcr forty-five, The new scalo calls for an
advance of $1 per thousand In the price
for making cigars, and three makers af
fected claim they are not obio to pay the
Itonril of HvnniliierM,
Tho Stato Board of Health and Board of
Medical Examiners Is In session for Its
quarterly meeting. The most Important
matter to come before the board at this
time relates to the late roports on sup
presslon of smallpox throughout the state.
Tho board Is likely also to act on the caso
of two medical students who have brought
suit to compel the board to give them
examination, even though tno colleges from
which they hold diplomas are not regularly
accredited colleges and have no standing
with the board. The suit Is set for hear
ing day after tomorrow, so that It Is nec
ersary that some action bo taken to avoid
costs lu court. Tho board will make
examination nt tho papers of the 117 stu
donts of medical colleges who havo re
cently been examined for certificates.
Minister Conner Home.
Minister Conger returned home today and
Is with his family. He states that he hns
taken no part In recent politics In this
stato and has not advised his frlondi ns
to their course. It was reported a few days
ago that he had been writing letters urging
certain action, but he has been busy with
official business In the east and has done
nothing, He will remain hero but a few
days and make another trip east.
Punora Convict I'nroleil,
William Harris, who was sentenced by
Judge Holmes In 1896 to serve twenty-five
years In the penitentiary for tho murder
of George Frank, was today paroled by
Governor Shaw, after serving one-flfth of
his term. The governor's parolo was
granted on the recommendation of Judgo
Holmes, who beard the case, and James
A. Howe, the county attorney who prose
cuted Harris. The parole Is conditioned
on the absolute temperance of Harris and
his complete abstinence from all Intoxi
cants which were tho direct cause of the
murder which resulted In Frank's loss of
life and Harris' loss ot liberty.
The Frank murder is still distinctly In
memory, occurring In September of 18S6,
during the state fair, at Sixth and Wal
nut streets, In broad daylight, at one ot
the busiest corners of the city. Frank
was stabbed by Harris and fell dead In
the center of the street as he was drag
ging himself toward Dr. Road's office for
medical assistance.
William Harris came to Des Molnts from
Panora, Guthrie county, whero his rela
tives still reside. He was an expert car
riage painter and striper and in 1895 was
employed by the Pitt Carriage company,
working at painting fancy buggies. He was
a good workman, but love for liquor mas
tered him.
Monona Cnnnty Hunch Sold,
ONAWA, la., May 20. (Special.) The
ranch lu Sherman township which was
HAY 21, 1001.
owned by Horace (1. Cbnse of Chicago
been sold to E. B. Klpp ot Evanslon, 111
for $0,400. There are 1,140 acres, making
the land bring $3." an acre. S. B. Martin
will continue to act ns manager.
OsLToln .Mnti I hps llncnr with I'ntnl
llrsultn While In DrniiUrn
Co million.
CIIESTON, la.. May 20. (Special Tele
gram.) About 3 o'clock Sunday morning
"Dutch I.own of Osceola went homo In nn
Intoxicated condition, broke Into the house
thtough a window and attacked his wife
with a razor. Tho woman resisted and her
seriains brought a young man named Met
CMlf to her assistance. l,owe forced Met
calf to flee. Mrs. Lowe has five ugly
gashes ncross her throat and Is fatally In
jured. Lowe then attempted to cut his own
throat but failed. When officers reached
the houno !,owo wns lying cn the door with
a child across each arm. He is now In
Jail. His Injury Is not serious. The trouble
was due to divorce proceedings Instituted
by Mrs. Lowe.
lleorgr Mc.Mnlinn, n I'nrinor INenr Korl
DoilKr, Ttimiglit o Hum
Been Murdered.
FORT DODGE, la., May 20.(Spcclsl Tcls-
gram.) Tho body of Oeorgo McMahon, a
farmer who disappeared ovor a month sro,
was found early this morning floating In a
slough four miles west of this city. The
body was Identified by papers in the cloth
ing. Theories of murder arc advanced and
an inquest wilt be held this morning.
Minister for Pnnorn.
RICHMOND, Intl., May 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Rev. R. II. Forester ha3 accepted
a call from the Panora (la.) Methodist
Cn n Proceed AKnlnst t.'olnrndn to Pre
sent Deflection of Arknnsnn
Itlver's Course,
WASHINGTON, D. C, May 20. Kansas
will bo alowed to file Its suit In tho United
States supreme court to enjoin the stato
of Colorado from deflecting for Irrigation
purposes the water of tho Arkansas river
to tho Injury of the former state. Tho de
cision of the court to this effect was an
nounced today by Chief Justice Fuller, who
said that tho court had concluded to permit
the filing cf the suit. Tho chief Justice also
announced thnt the State of Colorado would
liavo leave to plead answer or demur to the
Kansas bill.
Colorado has sought to provent tho filing
of the suit, because of Its effect on the
Irrigation interests of the Arkansas valley
In that state.
Wnr Survivor Henteniliered by the
(enernl Government.
WASHINGTON, May 20. The following
pensions have been Issued:
Issue of May , 1901.
Nebraska: Original James M. Bnydcr,
Arapahoe, $6; Levi Smothers, Mills. $6. In
crease George W. Rollln, Creston, $6. Orig
inal widows, etc. Sarah E. Akin, Tecum
sen, $8. Orlgnal widows, etc., (special
accrued) May 7 Nellie Orr Holden, Lincoln,
$8; Elisabeth Townsend. Arapahoe, $8.
Iowa: Original Wlllam McCullough,
Columbus Junction, $6; Itnnsalaer Grnves,
Oelweln. $6. Increase Isaac W. Knight,
Welton. $8; John Flint. Red Oak. 18; John
8. Falrclough. Independence. $8: William 3.
Leach, Kalrport, 18. Original widows, etc.
Rjpan C. Humphrey, Maxwell, $8; Maria
Lindsay. Indlannln, $8; (special accrued)
Mny 7, Anna Clausen, Lake Mills. JS. Wnr
with Hpnln, original Ernest Gates, Shel
don, $6.
South Dakota: Original widows, etc.
Restoration and reissue, minors of Oliver
H. King. Parker. $12.
Pueblo. $6. Increase Theodore Wlederhold,
Boulder. 110. Orlgnnl widows (Hpeclnl uc
crued May 7) Mary Ferguson, Greeley. $12.
Mexican war survivors Increase Frank D.
Kennett, Florence, J12. Wnr with
Spain, original Joseph W. Powers, Idaho
Springs, JS.
Montana: Original widows, etc Emma
L. Sutton, Butte, $8; (special accrued) May
7, Cecilia Hunsberger, Klpp, $8.
Colorado: Original Alexander B. Jones,
$1,500 in Prizes and a Bull Pup.
Can You
vnTK-TK.,. t nn flprnro lilsltcr flinn
The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Nob.
Guesses on
the Figures
Address all answers to
Puzzle Dept., The Omaha
Pittsburg Dirim it Httmtd m Dt Mintcn'i
Committee on Snhtintli (llnerisner
ProlcMs AKnlnst PuliHrntton of
Siindny Pnjirrs or Any Oilier
I)ea:;rnt Inn Enterprise.
PHlLADBLPtnA. May 20. Routine mat
ters occunWthe attention of tho commis
sioners to tlju Presbytcrlnn general assem
bly durln uic (.outer portion of today's
sessions. The annual reports of tho eight
church umnIs were submitted to the board,
and three of them, ministerial relief, edu
cation and freedom, with the reports of their
standing committees wero disposed of. The
others will bo taken up tomorrow and
Wednctday, when It Is expected the dcik
will be clear for the discussion of the re
vision committee's report, which Is tho spe
cial order for Thursday.
During the afternoon session Moderator
Mlnton announced the appointment ot Rob
ert Pltrftlrn of Pittsburg ns vlro moderator.
Dr. Mlnton nlso appointed a committee of
tlsc to complete tho dctnlls ot the I'corln
overture, the now plan of electing standing
committees. A resolution was adopted de
precating the action of the directors of the
Pan-American exposition in opening the
gates on Sunday and earnestly urging the
closing of the exposition on that day.
The special committee on Sabbath ob
servance protested against the publication
of Sunday newspapers nnd all use of tho
Lord 3 day for business purposes or com
mcrclal Interests. The report of the spe
clnl committee on Judicial committees came
up tor consideration.
Supreme Court Adjourns for n Week,
WASHINGTON, Mny 20. Tho Unltol
States court today adjourned until Monday
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