Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Agitatitnln Faror f RolimIij Arid
Ltndi of Wait.
ForthcomlriK Conference of Iimv
ainkera In Thin City Olvrn lllnc
to .Mil eli Sentiment Toward
Government Aid.
Tho question of Irrigating tho semi
arid lands of western Nebraska and Wyom
ing has been brought Into local prominence
by tbe meeting to be held next week
Monday In Omaha, at which the representa
tives In congress from tho states men
tioned will bo present.
The question has been prominent before
tho members of Omaha commercial bodies
for uomo time through tho offorts of tho
National Irrigation socloty, which has
communicated with tho Commercial club
for several months on the subject and
which has attempted to pass a bill for
government aid for Irrigation la tho west
through several sessions of congress. Sev
eral members of tho Commercial club and
persons Interested In tho development of
tho city and state express themselves as
Utt In Kiitltimlnxtlc.
John E. Utt, Commissioner of tho Com
mercial Olub Nothing Is of bo vast Im
portance to the states of Nebraska and
'Wyoming tin Irrigation. Tho fact that
much of the land now given over to tho
growing of natlvo bunch grass, sago brush
and cactus can bo mado the most fertile In
the wont with a sufllctcnt supply of water
has been demonstrated beyond question.
Wherever Irrigation of tho arid lands has
beon tried tho crops havt been In excess
of the amount secured from sections fa
vored with rainfall considered sufficient by
the farmers. Every western state Is more
or less, nffoctcd by tho proposition to bring
government aid to bear In the matter of
building reservoirs and Irrigating systems,
for In tbe development of the west all of
tho arablo land has passed Into tho hands
of tho settlers and now thcro remains for
settlement practically nothing but that
land which must bo Irrigated. With gov
ernment aid in this matter many thousand
ncrca of land In the state will be developed
by actual sottlcra and thousands of persons
will be added to the population of the
etate. It would bo a great thing for
Omaha If thin land should bo turned Into
farms, for tho territory to bo developed lies
within tho sphoro nt Omaha's trade.
O. L. Hammer I am In favor of Irrigat
ing the land of the west, or of anything that
will Increase thn population and business
bf western Nebraska and Wyoming, for
that will be of grent benefit to Omuun, and
Omaha pooplo should glvo to the movement
nil encouragemont possible.
II. K. Burkct Government aid In tbe
matter of Irrigating tho lands of the two
ntates Is a good thing If they get tho busi
ness Into tho right hands. It will mean
much for Omaha and the west generally.
E. M. AndrceBen I am favor of any
plan for tho development of the west. The
government should build storago reservoirs
and have a general supervision of the
Great Ileneflt Woald Iteault.
Levi Cox If tho water supply can be
made permanent I can see nothing but
benefit of tho country at largo in tho con
struction of Irrigating systems In the
west. It would certnlnly result In tho cut
ting up of tho large cattle range, but It
would increaso the number of cuttle, pro
duced on tho game land, as the farmers
would ralso moro cattle on smaller proper
ties. The cattle will bo of better quality
and the raisers will be provided means for
their protection In case of storma. If
government aid Is secured It will bo n
good thing both for tho government and
tho people of tho 'states.
D. J. O'Brien Wo want tho government
to tako hold of tho mattor. for It Is too
largo an undertaking for Individual offort.
Thn matter can bo handled by tho nation so
that all can dcrlvo somo advantage, whilo
In private hands, after an adequate return
Is made upon tho money Invostcd and
tbo stockholders havo received their divi
dends, only tho most favored communities
could nfford to pay tho water rato and
wake money.
P. K. Sanborn Let us havo the landB
Irrigated by nil means. With water on
the land of tho seml-arld districts they
would produce as woll as tho lands of the
more favored communities. In placo of
large cattlo ranches where cattle are bred
and raised on grass wo would have largo
feeding yards and tho cattle which would
All thorn would como from that part of tho
sme section of the country on which water
cannot be put.
Charles E. Johannls I have had but lit
tle experience with Irrigation, but In ono
case I remember seeing sixty-five bushels
of corn produced to an aero of Irrigated
land whllo on the adjoining farm there was
not six bushels raised to tho acre. In tho
western part of Nebraska Irrigation Is a
eafo proposition wherever tho water can
be made to run upon the land, and that
part of the land beyond the reach of water
can bo used for stock grazing, as at pres
ent, and tho cattlo fattened closo to tho
place where thoy were bred.
Would lloom Alfnlfn.
8. A. Orchard Tho Irrigation of tho west
is a good thing If the government will aid
tho project. Anything which will build tip
this part of tho country Is a good thing for
Omaha. Tho rnlstng of alfalfa Is now at
tracting tho attention of the people of the
western part of the stato and with Irrlga
tlon this crop nlono will bring prosperity
to tho peoplo, as It Is one of the best paying
crops which can bo raised.
Will Knter Politic.
John L.. Webster Oovernmcnt old for
Irrigation of tho arid regions of tho west
will soon bocomo ono of tho foremost polltl
val Issues of tho times. Much of theso arid
lands bolong to tho government and con
fesscdly, tho government has authority to
Improve Its own property. Millions of
American citizens are ready to go upon
nnd Improve theso lnnds If mndo suitable
for cultivation and Hoon millions more
would seek them for homes nnd Industrial
Interests and tho building of towns and
cities. Millions of cltlzcus already live In
or In closo proximity to arid regions whoso
hopes, fortunes, happiness nnd welfare
would be bettered and Improved by practi
cal methods of Irrigation If carried out In
uch propositions and under Btich regulation
at government aid and control would bring
about. It Is not a good objection to say
the United States has no constitutional
ppwor to appropriate public money for
uch purposes. It has tho power and has
used the power In other directions ever
since tho days of Washington. It Is only
a question of tho application of the prln
clple' to Irrigation purposes, The United
States, .as a nation, In Its governmental
powers has authority to do anything that
will Improve Its own property or assist
tha well-being of a great body of It
people, Industrially or commercially. On
this lino of thought It may some day take
over the ownership and control of rail
roads and kindred properties, This same
prlnlcple was fought out In the early days
when tho government aided tho building of
turnpike roads. It was fought over and
over again in tho tariff debates. It hat
been applied for a century In the river
and harbor appropriations. It will bo
fought out again In (he debates on the
hip subsidy bills and the Nicaragua canal
chemt, Tbe people of Um west will fight
It out to a successful result in government
aid for Irrigation of the arid regions. On
this question the west Is right and It will
Illinois Central lames Illustrntcil
Ilooklet for I'ao of the Mod
ern 'Woodmen CniMiis.
The Illinois Central has Issued a hand
somely printed and profuiely Illustrated
book descriptive of St. Paul and Minneapo
lis. District Passenger Agent Drill Is for
warding copies to all of tho Modern Wood
men camps In tho west, for the book Is In
tended particularly for members of that
order. Tho Illinois Central has been chosen
by tho Nebraska Modern Woodmen as
the offlclal line to St. Paul, wncre tho an
nual convention of tho order will be held
June 10 to 15. A special train will leave
here Sunday night, Juno 0, and a special
will bring tho Nobratkans home after tho
convention adjourns, in case they wish to
come home at that time. The limit on the
tickets makes the return trip possible until
Juno IS.
Asnlmlt la In Iletter Condition Tluin
J.,n at Sprlntt nnd I. en Atten
tion Will He .Vcvesftnr;'.
"The cost of tho asphalt repairs to bo
made this year on tho streets of Omahn
will not exceed 113,000," City Engineer
Rosewater remarked. "Tho cost may not
exceed $9,000. It Is difficult to tell Just
how much work Is necessary until tho
pavment Is cut Into and Its condition as
certained. The chief expense will be tho
ropalrlng of Cuming, Douglas and Sixteenth
streets. It Is probable that not more tbuu
$500 will be expended besides the sum neces
sary to put theso three streets In good
condition. Last year tho expenditures for
repairing nsphult paving wcro nbout $18,
000. Tho paving Is In better condition now
than It was last spring."
The A mill (lie Knule
that constitutes tho trade mark of the
Anhctiser-Dusch Brewing Ass'n, St. Louis.
V. 8. A., and which appears on every bottla
of their numerous products, assuro purity
nnd perfection In brewing. Orders promptly
tilled by Oeo. Krug, managor Anheusor
Dusch Browing branch, Omaha,
Contractor on . Ilennett IlnlldlnR
Will Complete Hxcnvnt Ion
Thla Week,
Tbo force at work on tho excavation for
tho new Bennett building nt the corner of
Sixteenth and Harney strocts Is being dou
bled so that the work may bo completed this
week. Twenty-five teams have been work
ing on tho big holo In the ground exclusive
of tho teams employed to haul away the
dirt, and ns many moro as can bo crowded
Into tho space will be put on. Tho con
tractors are determined to complete the
excavation by Saturday night.
To Xew York via .N'lnitnrn. I'nlls.
A most attractlvo and pleasant trip If
mado via tho Lehigh Volley Railroad. Do
llghttul scenery. Fast trains. Dining cars,
sorvlce a la carte.
Stop-over allowed at Buffalo on all
through tickets to New York and Phila
delphia via this line.
Omclnl Itoate to St. Paul.
Modern Woodmen of America.
The Illinois Central has been selected as
the official line from Nebraska to tho Head
Camp meeting nt St. Paul, June 10-15.
In addition to regulnr trains, a "Wood
men Special" train will leave Omaha Sjh
day ovonlng, Juno 9. Rate, $10.65 for the
round trip. For full particulars and copy
of handsomely Illustrated circular, call on
or address W. H. Brill, D. P. A. I. C. It. R
102 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
Stonecyphcr prints anything. Tel. 1310.
For n Hummer Trip.
ou cannot do hotter than to visit the
ccst. Scenlcally' and historically It Is rich
In Interest, and with the ndded attraction
of tha Pan-American exposition at which
ou have the privilege of stopping on tour
ist tickets reading over tho Lako Shore. &
Michigan Southern Ry. an ideal vacation
may be spent. Our publication, "Lako
Shoro Tours," copy of which will bo sent
on application, contains outllno maps of
a number of tho choicest nnd most popular
trips, with rates. Chatauquans will bo
Interested In the opening of our now and
direct line to this famous rocreatlvo and
educattonal resort. "Book of Trains" gives
full Information concerning our very com
plete passenger service to the east. Ad
dress B. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas
City, Mo. F. M. Byron, O. W. A.. Chicago.
Announcements of the Thentera,
Tha colleges and schools have thronged
to witness Sothern's "Hamlot:" apart
from Its significance as a production It Is
voted ono of tho best guides to the read
ing of "Hamlot" seen since Booth's famous
rovlval. At Boyd's theater next Friday
and Saturday evenings and Saturday mat
Homescekrra' I2iuiirInn.
To points In Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma,
Arkansas, etc., via Missouri Pacific rail
way at vory low rates, on Tuesday, May
I. For Information wrlto or call on com
pany's agents. Southeast corner Fourteenth
and Douglas streots. T. F. GODFREY,
V. PHILLIPPI. P. and F. A.
A. O. F. and P. A.
Modern Woodmen.
Lowest rates,
Special accommodations,
St. Paul and return
"The Northwestern Line,"
Juno S to 11.
1101-1403 Furnam street.
rubllsh your legal notices In Tho Weekly
Deo. Tolephone 23S.
Job printing, 437 Pnxton blork. Tel. U10,
Stonecj ; utr, printer: 1201 Howard St.
CIjARK Delia, ngert 61 years. May 20, at
i', in.
Funeral Wcdnetdnv. Mav 22. nt S;3rt n. m
from rctddenco of her sister, Mrs. Annie
Shnnnory, 1623 Nlcholns street. High mans
at Holy Family church. Interment St.
Mary s cemetery, oouin umana,
Look Out
For the dirt In somo of the leading Boda
fountains In town. It would surprise you
tha amount of It. Bugs, tiles, rouches and
dirt. It Is thero. Our new 20TH CENTURY
BEAUTY Is tho cleanest and most sanitary
fountain In town. It hati Just been put In,
has nil the Intost Improvements. Nothing
concealed nnout it. une syrups are Kept in
uuiuca riKill tieioro me uniiKers, insieau o
being hidden in canH with the dirt. Ico i
put in tho lower part of xne fountain
through a large door, which, wnen open,
showti the cleanliness Inside. Ice creams
aro kept In specially prepared coolers, so
there is no chanco for the salt and Ice to
get In the cream. Our working space Is
all covered with copper. It la kept bright
and clean, so there l nothing to hide. You
can stand at tho counter and see all the
workings. If you want tho CLEANEST
Kiass oi noun in mo city, wo can furnish it,
iii3iccuuii unu comparison mviiea.
Open all night.
14th and Douglas Sta
Tha Cholcwt Loti at th Underwritin' Sals
Wre BUbt by
Today the Orcnt Snle Continues
ttitlt lncrcnsed Furore Xew Lota
tio on ule Immediately
utter Their Arrival At
60c quality' of black and colored brll-
llantlnes, dobelgcs In gray, tan and brown,
will shed dust, nt 15c yard.
7uc quality of strictly all wool challls,
light and dark grounds, nil new goods, at
20c yard. I
Every yard of taffeta, plain and fancy,
corded wash silks, figured and plain China
silks up to COc values, at 16c yard.
$1.00 and f 1.C0 silks, In wide taffeta, black
and colored, foulard silks, light and dark
grounds, all new patterns, India silks, 27
Inches wide, black nud fancy, brocaded
silks, etc., at 39c, 49o and 60c yard.
iV special lot of silk waists, their price,
$5.00, In black and colors, on second floor
at $1.50.
Wash waists in percale, madras cloth,
lawns, whlto and black and colors, go at
COc and Me.
An Immense lot of flowers In every va
riety Imaginable, go In basement at 2c
nnd 10c.
Tho shirt waist hat, so very popular this
season, Jauntily trimmed with silk nnd
buckles, In black nnd all colors, go at 39c.
Tho ready-to-wear hat, over 100 to select
from, as shown In our window, nt 63c each.
23c wash laces, Including English tor
chon, French vnls, point d'esprlt and cot
ton galoons, 3c nud 6c yard.
High-class wash and silk laces, Normandy
and Plat vnls., black silk chantllly nnd
Arabian galoons, 35c values, SVc yard.
AH over tucking In half-yard lengths, Sc.
All (tylcs nnd widths of fine showy em
broideries and Insertions, 35c values, 3Wo
and Ec yard.
Samplo pieces of lace suttablo for trim
mings, all kinds, at lc each.
Whlto and fancy colored border hem
stitched handkerchiefs up to 15c values, nt
c ana 2-f-c.
Ladies' silk Jorscy mitts up to COc values
at 5c and 10c pair.
Ladles' finest kid gloves worth up to $2
pair, go at 39c pair.
Buttons of all kinds worth up to COc, go
at lc dozen.
Silk ruch'ns nnd Juby trimming, all
styles, up to Sfc values, go at lc and 2,4c
25c mercerized sntccn 2$c yard.
15c checked nnlnsook 3V4c yard.
23c white' plquo at Ec yard.
25c lawns at 3Ho yard.
25c drnpory sllkollno at 5c yard.
15c doublo fold percale Co yard.
Furniture frlnso up to 50c value, at "Vic
10c bolts, (6 yds.) finishing braids, VAo
25c silk chenille ornaments lc each.
10c turklsh toweling 2c yard.
15c and 25c plain and fancy ribbons 2c
EOc nnd $1.00 quality silk ribbon 10c yard.
Remnants fine gingham 5c yard.
10c long cloth go at 5c yard.
12ic bleached muslin and cambrlo Ec
J. L. Brandols & Sons, Props.
Cole agents for Rogers-Peet & Co.'s flno
ItcRlatered Packeta Are Shown' to
Have lleen Intnet Until lteiieh
Insc the Clerk's Hnnds,
The prosecution In tho Bcxton raso In
fedoral court, wherein tho defendant Is
charged with abstracting money from rog-
stered letters In tho Hastings postofflce.
yesterday morning traced somo threo or
four of tho letters from their
respoctlvo senders Into tho 'hands
of tho defendant ns registry clerk,
and showed that up to tho tlmo they
reached him thoy had not been tampered
with. It also Introduced a statement mado
by tho defendant when questioned by agents
of the Postofllco department In relation to
these letters Immediately after tho Investi
gation of his cnno was begun.
Old Holdler's Experience.
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran of
Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wlfo was
sick a long tlmo In spite of good doctor's
treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr.
Kings New Life Pills, which worked won
ders for her health." They always do. Try
them. Only 25c at Kuhn Co.'s drug storo.
Tho Trinity Cathedral Ladles' Parish Aid
society's public cntertalnmont on Thursday
evening. In tho Metropolitan hall, will
bo unusually novel and attractive. Mrs.
Herman Kountzo Is In charge of the music,
Mrs. McKcnna directing tho tableaux and
Monday and
All the Week...
MAY 20, WE shall Inaugurate our $15,000
sale of Patent Medicines and Toilet Arti
cles. Sweenlng reductions aro mado on GOODS
as thousands of other nrtlclcs, our object
being to sell every artlclo which bears a
proprietary stamp, as the tax has been re
moved, und tho law will take effect in a
ltttlo over thirty days.
Some Sample Prices for
this Week.
$1.00 Klrk'n Dandruff Cure wo Bell for.. 40c
$1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cura wo sell for. 4'Jc
COc Jewbbury & Brown's Tooth Paste
wo ajll for 30c
Hend Our A1 In tho World-Herald.
$1.00 Wine Cardul 67c
$1.00 Peruna C2o
$1.00 Kilmer's Swamp-Root C2c
$1.00 Log Cabin Sarsaparllla 49c
$1,00 Ilurnham'B Sarsaparllla 49c
60o bottlo California Wine, for medi
cinal ubo only bottla 25o
Port, Sherry, nhlne Wine, Muscatel,
Claret at above price.
This ad Is not put In to "PLEASE" any
body, but to tell you how cheap we will
sell you drugs, Patent Medicines and
Toilet Artlcltb.
I5o Kirk's Juvenile Soap So
25o 4711 Soap ,, jjo
Plnaud's Violet Sensation Soap 17o
rinnud's Ilnlk Perfumes, os Slo
IMnnud's Violet Sensation Halle
tUtrnot, o , Bile
Sherman & McConnell DrugCo
Corner 16th and Dodge, Omaha.
Cither Very Good or Very Hint, with
a Corresponding Spread
In Prices.
Strawberries on tho market yestcrdny
were either very good or very bad and
tho prices were In corresponding relation.
The good berries sold generally nt $2.25,
while tho others sold for $1 up to $1.50.
Thero wore threo carloads on tho market.
Tho first cherries to urrlvo In a week were
offered at $2 per box of eight pounds and
sold readily lit that prlco, tho demand
being great for this fruit, which has been
kept from tho Omnh market by tho pho
nomcnally high prices prevailing In the
Other fruits and vegetables wero In octlve
demand at tho prices which prevailed last
Shudder nt Ills l'ust.
"I recall now with horror," says Mall
Corrler Burnett Mann of Lcvnnna, O., "my
threo years of suffering from Kidney trou
ble. I was hardly ever free from dull aches
or aeuto pains In my back. To stoop or
lift mall sacks made mo groan. I felt
tired, worn out, about ready to glvo up,
when I began to uso Electric Bitters, but
six bottles completely cured mo and made
me feel like a new man." They're un
rivaled to regulate stomach, liver, kidneys,
and bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaran
teed by Kuhn A Co. Only 50 cents.
Modern Woodmen.
Lowest rates,
Special accommodations,
St. Paul nnd return
"The Northwestern Line,"
Juno S to 11,
1401-1103 Fnrnam street.
Send nrtlclcs of incorporation, r.ottces of
stockholders' mcottngs, etc., to Tho Bee.
Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion.
Tclephono 238.
For Salo A now, lato stylo Kimball piano
at a bargain. Inquire O. B. Tzschuck, Bee
business office.
$20,000 DRUG SALE
Our stock Is too largo nnd ns wo don't
enre to add moro lnsurnnco we nro going
to reduce It lively, so hnve concluded to
give yon another one of our "LOOSENING
UP" sales. This time wo will not only
"LOOSEN UP," but will "whoop 'em up.1'
You remember whenever WE start out tine
FINISH. How do you like It?
$1.00 Peruna fDc
S1.00 Klrk'H Dnndruff Curo 4ic
$1.00 Plnklmm's Compound 13c
$1.00 West's Urnln nnd Nervo 29c
$1.00 Magnet Pllo Cure Wc
$1.00 Undo Sam's Tobacco Curo Euc
$2.00 Tansy, Cotton Root and Penny
royal Plfls 73c
25c Plso's Consumption Curo 10c
2.ic Howell's Antl-Kawf 10c
25c Jamaica Ginger 10c
25c Vegetublo Cathartic Pills 10c
2oc Florida Water !c
2- graln Quinine Capsules, dozen To
3- graln Qulnlnn Capsules, dozen 10c
6-graIn Qulnlno Capsules, dozen 15o
OUnACrCn O Drugstore.
8. W. Cor. 16th and Cnlcajro 9ts.
Good! delivered FREE to any part of city.
Butter Sale
Full grass flavor.
Fresh Country Butter at 10c, 12V4c and
14c ft
Fancy Dairy, a choice table butter, 16c.
Separator Creamery, ISc.
Meats, Cheese, Fruils
No. 1 California Hams, Tc.
5 pound pall Pure Leaf Lard, 40c.
Potted Meats, assorted, 3Vic.
Chipped Dried Beef, pcrpound, 12ic.
Veal Loaf, per can 6c.
Wisconsin Brick, 12c.
McLaren's Imperial, 10c.
New York Stato Full Cream, 12VsC.
Choice largo Bannnas, 12c
Large Juicy Lemons, 12Hc.
Nonpareil Figs, 1 pound dartoons, 8 l-3c.
China and Crockery
Festoon edgo Scml-Porcclalnware.
Plo Plntcs lc
Tea Plates 2c
Dinner Plates 3c
Vegetable Dishes 2c
Platters, small size He
Platters, medium size 10c
Flatters, large size 15c
Platters, extra largo slzo 25c
Egg Cups 2V4c
Cups and Saucers, each 114c
Cream Pitchers 5c
Wash Bowls 10c
Wash Pitchers 19c
Sauco Dishes .- lc
These goods aro all selected direct from
tho pottorers.
Decorated Cups and Saucers, all slzo
Plates, Bowls, Nappies, Jugs, Fruits,
Oatmeals, Bakors, etc 6c
Chop Trays, Fruit Dishes, Soups, Flem
ish Jugs, Morris Jugs, Oatmeal Sets, Fancy
shape Pitchers and dozens of other articles;
thceo aro all $1.00 value and somo higher
25c each.
A. Mayer Co.,
Phone I7I
shields an required. If you ruin your , gloves with excessive perspiration, rub
the palms after thoroughly drytng them with the powder. In caaes of habitual
weatlng, use tbe powder in pink box. For axllllary (armpits) sweating, find
directions for use In the cover of the blue box. For obstinate sweating or chaf
ing bathe tbe affected parU with ths Re-No-May Astringent Antlseptlo Lo
tion. It must bo distinctly understood that RE-NO-MAY Powder Is not a
toilet powder, but strictly a curative, hygienic and antlseptlo powder, and
should not be used for Infants as a toilet dusting powder.
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Contulutlon Free from 2 to 4, When ordering by mall add 5 cents for postage
Re-No-May Skin Food for facial massage.
Re-No-May Cream softens and whitens the hinds and face.
From the Great L'tiderwrltea Sale
Held In ClilcnKo l.nat Week.
Big stocks of dry goods, notions, laces,
silks, curtains, draperies and carpets from
tho Arms of Williams & McNulty, 8rranton;
Tuomy Bros,, Detroit; Tcllmcr & Co., New
Orleans; J. O. Ltttz & Co., Chicago.
Bought ridiculously cheap, these goods will
bo marked and put on salo In tho bargnln
room nB soon as possible. Watch for tho
biggest bargain salo ever held In Omaha.
The Ladies'
Shoe Store
Tho Sorosls Shoo Storo Is fitted tip es
pecially for tho purpose of properly fltttug
Sorosls Shoes. Tho elegant fixtures and
modern arrangement of this exclusive la
dles' Bhoo store corresponds with tho style
and workmanship of Sorosls shoes.
Sorosls Oxfords Imvo tho finish und char
acter of custom work.
The only difference between custom work
and Sorosls Is tho price.
Sorosls nru J3.50 any kind, nny leather,
high or low, wldo or narrow.
Sorosls tho new shoe for women.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street,
Frank Wilcox, .Muuaicer.
The Chicago Record
ht 61 of these Type
writers in dally use
If you want a typewriter, why not
come first where you can set
WRITER In Its best form?
of all kinds for all machines.
'typewriters RENTED.
New Century
The finest catalogue
ever Issued Is
yours for the asking.
United Typewriter and Supply Co.,
1014 Fsrnua St., Omaha.
Grocery and Meat Sale
25-lb. sack wholo Wheat Flour 39c
25-lb. sack Ryo Flour 39c
10-lb. sack Graham 15c
3-lb, can Apple Butter 0c
5 lbs. fresh Ontmcal ; 10c
3-lb. can California Pears 8 l-3c
2- lb. can Lima Beans Cu
3- lb. can Pumpkin 71,4c
Four bars Wool Soap loo
Quart cans Syrup 7c
Best New Seeded Raisins, lb 7c
New Dates, 3 lbs for 10c
Largo Prunes, lb 6c
Evaporated Apples, lb Cc
Fancy California Peaches, lb 7c
California Apricots, lb 8&c
10 lbs. Whlto Corn Meal 10c
10 lbs. Yellow Corn Meal 10c
Cracker Sale
Soda Crackers, per pound
Oyster Crackers, per pound
Butter Crackers', per pound
Ginger Snnps, per pound
Milk Crnckers, per pound
Quaker Unecda Biscuit, package
Graham Crnckers, per porkngo .
Oatmeal Crackers, per packngo 814c
Vanilla Wafers, per pound 15c
Lemon Wafers, per pound 15c
Sultanas, per pound 15o
Fig Bar, por pound Uo
Sugnr and Molasses Cakes, per pound ..7'c
Oatmenl Crackers, per pound 7',c
Graham Crackers, per pound 7V4c
Assorted Lady Fingers, per pound . . . .8Vc
Assorted Jumbles, per pound 8',c
Genuine Cnnterberry, per pound 12&c
Baby Mix, per pound 10c
Lemon Gom, por pound 12',o
Gorman Honey Cnkes, per pound 15o
Mnrshmallovts, walnut, per pound ...,16c
Fnncy Jelly Fingers, per pound 12',4o
Gom Arrow-Root, por pound 15c
Assorted Mnrshmallows, per pound ..1240
Iced Molasses, por pound lOo
Spring Beauties (now) per pound 15c
Pocan Wafers, per pound l5o
Assorted Cbocolntes, pound I2a
Marshmnllows, orango drop, per pound 12V4c
Cocoa Creams, per pound 15c
Moss Wafers, por pound 15c
In pink box not only relieves, but
positively cures all disorders of tbe
feet, stops odorous perspiration,
cures tender, swollen and painful
In blue box removes all bodily
odors. It properly used no dresa
I' .1 l a 'V
.j.ii as u
Jtsa ySo
' r. Si
Kttlestrmn roproontitig ono of the ltirjjoU eastern shoo fuotnrto.
riuit'd tho result of Inmost ndvortltflng honest valtios nnd enrofui
intention to tho fitting of feet, We soil good shoos ns cheap hb good shoos
etin bo bold
If you'll tano enough timo to look Into tho values of our line of tuon'a
and women 3 shoos, you'll noon satisfy yourcolf why thla shoo dopartiTiont
of ours grows lurgor from day today.
WoinerVs Summer
Shoe Suggestions
$1.25 for Women' Oxfords $1.25
Medium weight, opera too, cloth top, neat, dressy and comfortable.
$1.25 for Women's Oxfords $1.25
Heavy soles, Kngllsh too Just the shoo for every day and outsldo wear, com
ploto line of sizes.
$1.50 for Women's Oxfords $1,50
Ulnck or ton kid, with or without cloth tops solid, yet neat and dressy prices
elsewhere 12.00 and IS.25.
$.50 for Women's Princess $1,50
Elastic In front, no lacing tho handsomest low shoe for tho house offered this
Women's Hosiery ;r-c
-In black, tun and f , 'Mt 4K?Vil
fancies, at ltC Aydlnf
JVOMKN'8 KXTHA KIN 13 QUALITY block, tnn or M'i'Rwi'7
fimry, colored cotton hoso, or 0r- CvJi.iiw, 1
plain fancy Htrlpes and laco effect rfSOC
cotton and llslo-thrend. split foot. Bolld blacks qe fjwivs. SLl
or fancy stripes, with lace effects, for OOC Kytf v"
lieu-ribbed hoso, Ingrain dye - m!
handfotno patterns, for 43C Ff?,
Wc mnko a specialty of sclllnR tho best lino of chll- ffji
dren s hosiery, that wo know of line cotnnloto and vS5)
prices lower than clsawheru for Kamo uuullty. a'
For two hours, from 9 o'clock until 11
o'clock. Between these two hours, wo will
offer somo most remnrkablo bargains. Our
silk sales aro creating lntcnso Interest
among tho Indies' of Omaha. You aro ablo
to pick up ot these hourly sales somo of tho
best silk snaps. Tho finest qualities, styles,
all go in these sales. Tho quantities aro
so Immcnso that everybody that attends
Is bound to And plenty for nny purposo
that thoy may havo uso for. 100 bolts
of corded wash silk, worth 60c and 75c. B0
bolts of foulard silk, In prtty light shades,
Watch Our Silk Sales,
Prices are for
100 bolts of extra heavy taffeta silk, 27-ln.
wide, In black and all colors, good rustling
quality, always sold at $1.00, to $1.25, on
sale Tuesday at CSc.
Special Sale
Now lino of satin strlpo dlraltics,50c grado
special designs, ou snlo Tuesday at 35c.
Linen shirt waist madras, 40c quality,
Tuesday nt 19c yard.
Anderson's finest Scotch waist nnd shirt
ing madrn3, regular 50c grade, Tuesday at
Host grades full yard wldo percales, nil
colors, llsht and dark, everything now,
12',4c nnd 15c qualities, on salo Tuesday at
Imported tucking for shirt waists, regu
lar value CSc, tpcclnl sale nt 19c.
In the Bargain Room
600 pieces of flno batlsto nnd dimities,
regular 19c goods, will bo on snlo all day
Tuesday at 5c yard.
60,000 of our celebrated percales, 36-ln.
wide, In short lengths, nt oc yard.
20,000 yards of tha finest percales that
were ever mndo, evory standard brand, In
nlco long lengths, 36-ln wldo and 25c goods,
at 6c yard.
A Happy Hit
Ho snld It was a happy hit when
bo Vnlnted his own enrriago with Lowe
Bros.' Oloss Carrlago Paint. Ho had al
ways hired a painter nnd paid a big price
until wo showed him how to get tho same
results at one-fourth tho cost. You can
do as woll let us show you how.
Lowo IJros.' Oloss Carrlago Paint ready
for uso comes In black, blue, yellow, wlno
color, green, motcor red, vermtlllon.The cost
Is a trlllo, Quart cans retail nt only 73 o
and brushes nro cheap. You don't nood any
varnish for Mulshing. Sco un for wagon
paints, ollwood and varnish rtnlns. Theso
aro all standard preparations absolutely
guaranteed and sold cheaper than over bo-
fore. Ask for color cards.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
16th and Fnrusun Sts.
' aafcii fcll your symptoms. Itcnovntlngtbo
system In tho only eafo and suro metnod of cur
tnn nil Chronlo Ulhea&es. Dr. Kay'a Henorator
Is tho only perfect system renovator. Free sam
ples and book. Dr. I). J. Kay, Saratoga. N. v.
Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900.
F. R. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE
Thai wna tbo stato of affairs
ijcpnrimcm aniur-
day Afternoon ni:d
"Such shoo soiling isn't
Been every day," rnv8 n ehoo
i-fl i MlilMMI.IIIJJI
Big Silk Sale
Tuesday Morning
worth up to $1.00. Plain taffeta and satin,
nil ollk, in all colors nnd black,, worth up
to $1.00. Fnncy silk for wnlsts, all styles,
worth up to $1.50. Whlto nnd blnck wash
silk, 27 and 86 Inches wldo, flno rustlo alllc
for sklrtB, hemstitched silk for waists,
worth up to $2.Ilomnants of fine silk vel
vets, all colors, actually worth $1.50. Heavy
black corded silk, also beautiful plaids and
stripes, In cord, worth from $1 to $1.50.
Drapery silk, worth 7fio a yard, full 83-ln.
wide, all remember, on salo from 9 o'cloole
until 11 o'clock, 0k
Tuosday, at tJZrG
It Will Pay You, These
all day Tuesday
Black Jap wash silk, for fine dresses
best quality mode, In 3(l-lnch width, all
puro silk nnd guaranteed full yard wldo
nnd worth $1.50, on salo at 85c.
on Wash Goods
llcautlful batistes, over 500 styles to se
lect from, the newest of tho now designs,
at 15c yard.
Amsrlcan dimities, largest nnd choicest
lino ever Bhown in Omaha nt 15c yard.
Silk mousscllno do solo, In plain colors,
nil shades represented, tho regular 60c
goods, on salo Tuesday at 29c.
ODD PIECE SALE Flno Imported ma
dras cloths nnd ginghams, goods sold nt
35c to C5c per yard, special prlco to closa
this lot, Tuesday at 19c yard.
1,000 hammocks, In all prices, from 75a
to $5.00 each.
100,000 yards of fast color shirting prints,
nt 2ic ynrd.
10.Q00 pieces of 20c and 25c ribbons, nt 5c.
50 pieces of black wool grenadine, tho
75c grndo at 25c.
60,000 yards of all wool challls, at 29c.
60,000 yards silk striped challls, at 29o.
Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 Douglas St.
Dentnl work that will stand tbo teat
Is tha kind wo do. No fancy prices.
Gnlil Croirna 5.00
Gold Fillings 91.00 up
WORK to Make a Good 10c CIGAR