I THE OKA HA DAILY .BEEt SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1901. 23 nt.iiNi:ss ci:anci:s, FORTUNES In Beaumont oil stocks If bought In right companies, we are m. the ground and Know the companies. Smith Ai Co., Beaumont, Tex. V-3l 10 OH HALE 62-room brick commercial hotel, furnished, modern, well located, nt Stevens Point, Wis., nt a bargain. Ad dress, H, C. Bllllngsley, SOI State Street, Chicago, 111. Y-2&8-19 -l OIL In klnRl You can make $300 Into WCo Inside ot sixty days, without taking chances; handle your own money, well secured: pay me from prollts; Investigate. N. D, HnnBom, Kansas City, Kan. Y-261 19 VIT-ATmTowr debilitated "or exhausted cured, by I)r, Kline's Invigorating Tonic. Frtfi $1.(0 trial bottle containing 2 weeks' treatment Dr. Kline s Institute, 331 Arch St., Philadelphia. Founded 1S71. Y-022 19 COMFORTABLE Income assured from In vestment I100.W; we accept $10.i Just for trial; profits paid weekly by money order; highest commercial references and (by permission only) from customers; booklet free. W. W. O'llnra, Union Trust Build ing, Cincinnati, Ohio. V-S2019 FOR SALE, only hotel In one of the best towns In southeastern Nebraska; popu lation 8V): two railroads; easy terms. Ad dress at once, Hox 5X1 Fnlrbury. Neb. Y 315 19' HOW to open, operatn and buy gondii for S nnu io-ccni stores. v rue nyiniicuie nm, ply Co., 410 Brondwuy, N. Y. V-357 19' 11IIV Texas oil stock In n. company that owns Its lands. The Uenumont and Hunt Texas Oil Co., owns III fee simple acres of oil land In the eastern Texas oil belt, tmrl of It being only 2.500 feet from the world famous Lucus geyser and the Henttv ll.2K.(f)0 well: ranltal SI.04n.Ciq0: a limited Issue of stock to now offered at 60c per share (par value SI), full paid, non iiftsesNab'iu: send for nrospectus: Invest! gale, one standing and our proposition; we offer a sccuro Investment. II. 12. Klester, Secretary, Heaumont, Tex. l jjj 19 TEXAS oil stocks. Judiciously bought, are safn Investments: the Home Oil company of Heaumont offers safest proposition now on the market; it controls 13,0"0 acres of oil land In proven oil llelds of eastern Texas, part of Its properly only 4,600 feet from tho "Ileatty gusher," which sold for jl,2fM)"o; limited issue or siocie is oiien-u at 25c per share (par value SI), full paid, non-assessable, capital $1,000,000; actual wirW of ilnvelonment now In nrogrcss: send for prospectus; Investigate standing of our oiucers in iirnusiroot s or wim s; malto drafts payable to W. 8. Davidson, trensiirer (iireHliltmt First National bank of Heaumont). Address O. M. Elllnwood, Secretary, Heaumont, Tex. I Jo4 lir DON'T sneoiihitn In stocks: It's dailKerotin; hut If you must, vc can help you mako money: semi for hook "ttuecesH, cimn Co., 22S LnSnlle St., Chicago, v ;i i WANTED, lady or gentleman with some money and some lnlluenco for ground floor proposition In Heaumont oil com- Sauy. Incorporated. Address J. M. Shields, t. James hotel, Heaumont, Texnu. Y 125 19 FURNITURE of 7-room Hat. best location, eleguntly eiiulpped; j.arty leaving city: few dollars will buy It. J. 11. Johnson, .N. Y. l,lfe. Y M101 2U BESTA URANT One of the best In city lino business; no better location; owner Incapacitated from management; at less inn n unit cost or luruuure ami uxiuros. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M405 20 $500 CLEAN grocery stock, fine location good cash trade; owner leaving city; will sell cheap. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life, Y M 103 20 roii uxciiANtii;. SD-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels. Omaha L'lcycle Co., Will and Chicago sts, Z-607 EXCILiNOE. drug store, about $1,500 stock, well located, good business, clear, In Omaha; will take good land nnd pay dlf .forenco If not too much. Box , Falls City, Neb. Z-M210 20 WANTED, to exchange, a full leather top, Up-to-duto Concord rubber tire buggy, good as new, for n light one-horse double seated carriage. Address Glis Petown, 3d and Hickory sts., city. ' Z 230 0 EXCHANGE Will trado a gentle, small' ho-rso for ono larger. H29 N. 2oih. Z-2C1 J9 NEW Columbia chalnless blcvelo for sale or trado for family horse. 023 N. 17th. K-259 19 AVII,L exchange n lady's bicycle In good ro ralr for lady's desk. S 41, nee. 7,-310 19 TO EXCHANGE, oholco Omaha residence property for realdenco In Denver. Ad dress 8 IV), ne. 7,-119 19 SICKNESS compels owner to sell or ex change 11,500-ncre rnnch. fenced, Irrigated, lakes, river. Campbell-Christian, York, Neb. 7. 1: 19 1I7YCLISS. SECOND-HAND blcyclos at H price; must hnvo tho room for new ones; good wheels for $3 and up; It will pay you to Invest now; wheels sold on payments. Ixmls Kleschcr, 1C23 Capitol Ave. M3C9 SECONDHAND bicycles from $5.00 up. No. braska Cyclo Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. -2S5 JelS rAIiaUKTIlY FI.OOHS. FRANK SEVICK makes a specialty of nil kinds hardwood flooring and parquetry. My prices are right. 1914 Oak St. -C30 M10 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, 7c; collnrs 2c; cuffn, 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647, 3S2 ACCORDION l'LEATINO. ACCORDION tilentlnir. cheapest, best. quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and frarnam. siti CA11PENTKUS AM) JOnilEllS. ALL kinds of enrpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th una Ly-iKo bis, 3iu SHOE IIEPAIIIING. BOLES. 40c: rubber heels nnd snles. 7Sr Kh Repair Co., 217 N, ltith. Joe Pulone, Prop. no .Mai l'AWXllllOKUItS, trArxT.tr. Tjnn rim ..i i i.i .t Ins; all business confMentlal. 1301 Douglas. 3 S3 UAIUI.VniS IIAULINti. ANTIMONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clear. cesipcols nnd vaults, removes garbage nnd der.d animals at reduced nrlces. U2I K.TI'EUT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkecnlnir. etc.. day nr rven. Ins, R. 15, Coin. Nat. Hank. Q. R. Uatlihun FDH.MTimi) ltEPAlllINi;. TEL. 1S31. M. 8, Walklln, 2111 Cuming St 3i DHKSS.M AKI.V(3. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 3!S 3. 26th St -:sn M27 UI.OCIJTION. ELLA DAY. 1920 Dodue St. -S77 M22 TAlI.nillNU. t5 PER CENT saved: high-class tailoring, latest designs, Stephen J, Broderlck, 1617 Farnam st. MSSJ MJ3 UPHOLSTERINC QLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2J. 3M TICKET BROKER, CUT rats tickets everywhere. P, II. Thll bin. 1505 Farnam. Tel. 784. -3S0 ADVEUTlsIXG FANS. ADVS. FANS. Burkley Ptg. Co., Omaha. -M47J J 2 SCREEN neons. .Windows, etc Q. C. Co., 1519 Lav. Tel.. 2329. 195 J3 roil sale real estate. HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, IRRIGATED LANDS and WE8TEIIN HANCHES. GEORGE T. HEM IS HEAL ESTATE CO. (Established In 1S6S.) TELEPHONE 6S5. 1'AXTON DLOCK. HOUSES AND LOTS. The ptople Hre becoming awakened to the raci mat me uii'.-i-ni nniiunina i i rapidly passing 11110 mo nanus or ino wlrte nwnk nurchaser. We have a few I choice pieces of property left that we can recommend. 2-storv douhle framo block 4SxlS. I anart. menis or iti rooms; rents mr sjj per IllUlllli, f.,uw, A lllo la I, .ilv.L.1. tuiiuuiii Here Is a good one: In a lino location Mr HANSCOM PAHK, a good house, will: irar .It II s rooms besides bathroom and two un finished rooms upstairs, large lot 50x150. ONLY $3,500. In one of the best locations In HANSCOM placi;, s-room house, lltted with nil modern conveniences, full lot, paved street. Just tho thing for peoplo who want n home In one of the best districts. Of U.NliY S3,2i.). LOTS. We nre still offering residence lots at from ito 10 jijij cacn, ?. down and J"i i'i.h MONTH. Coino early and make your seieciion. liruutlf.il residence lots nenr 21th st. car line, $.V) each, S10 DOWN and $10 PEH MUiS I J I. Choice corner lot, very deslrnblo for FLATS or ai'ahtjik.nt iiui'SK, nenr 21st and Cass, Only ll.uuo. INVESTMENTS. TltACKAOE LOTS. Hest locations In the city. UUILDINO SITES for npartment houses unci r en uu properties nt bedrock prices. INCOME PHODI'CINO PROPERTIES In ine way or uowninwn business blocks. Ul,l, A.M) WKIS I'M. FARMS AND RANCHES. Wo have a few very desirable Douglas county farms left, ranging In price from $10 to $100 per acre. Also some nxlrii linn farms In Bomo of the WESTERN COUN TIES from $7 to $15 per acre. If vou urn l,,1,."xr.,'!!.ot, lu HANCHES AND ALFALFA LANDS como In and see us. Wo know wo can no you some good. FIVE PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON G1LT-EDOE REAL ESTATE BUUUUITY. ALSO WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. GEOROE P. HEM IS HEAL ESTATE CO. .. 'Kslabllshed lu lSfci.) TELEPHONE A3. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 101 19 FOR SALE HOUSES AND LOTS. CO. S, 29th (Georgia Ave.), 10-r., all modem, hot water, heat, barn, paved street, $5,000. 1329 S, 27th St.. 7-r., nearly now. water, gas, 1-uwvr, ciosei, iurnnce, nioocrn in every Cth and Dndcc. 7 rooms, nil modern., first. ciass condition, paved street, permanent ntaewaiK, snaaa trees, rents for $30 a montn, reduced to $r2oo. e.i nicao at., j-siory house, D rooms downstairs, finished lu oak, upstairs un- iiiuaucu, lull loi, )I,0lB'. MB S. 25th Ave., lot runs through to 27th St., uoui nircciH paved una paving Daiu. 7- room modern cottage, will rent for $23 a monin nnu room for another nouse. M,. V.UU on us jor permit, to sco nouse, !601 N. 2t!tli St., 5 rooms, newly papered and painted, near two car lines $iw. l N. ?M 'St.. 6 rooms, city water and " ' 211 Ohio, 7 rooms, first-class condition, partly modern, largo lot. shade trees nl ev naved. bnm. near two rnr lno near two car lines, 400 Center St., 4 rooms, full lot, $100. 2220 Burdetto St.. 5-room modern cottntre. milium new, uarn, suruooery in yaru, -,iw. LOTS, Chicago St., across from Jefferson Square, iiiii lot, oniy Cuming St., south side, between 17th and join did., uuio. n ii:rniiiciii warns, k'ii.iiib cum iii iuii, o,wv. i x,oi o in iiiock. jvirt. umnna, running rrom .3d 10 ttn his., jusi north or cuming St., both streets paved and paving paid in iuii, .vw. Ill feet on north sldo Douglas St., ono block east oi sun at., just right to build brick nais on, a root. Dodgo St., Just west 26th St., two 40-foot lots, cacn. 32d Ave., two blocks south of Hanscom park, ast front, near entrnnco to boule- vara, ono oiocu from enr line, $560. 33d St.. lots 11 nnd 12. block 4, Dwlght & L,ymnn s, ym tor notn; easy payments. 27th Ave. and Plerco. four 42-foot lots on grndev nno slinue, ono mllo from postof- nce, tjuu ior your cnoico. For other bnrgalns heo Omaha Daily News. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14TH ST. HE-274 19 PHILIP POTTER & SON COMPANY, 311 New York Llfo Building. Have you noticed that tho excavation for air. J. it, Kvuns- nno residence at 33d nnd Farnam Is being made? This resi dence will bo one of the best in the city, nn ornament to the city ut large and making 33d street between Fnrnam and Dodgo ouo or the most desirable of neigh borhoods. Wo hnvo still unsold on this street several building sites. Wo can sell fifty feet, with nil taxes, special nnd others, fully nald. for $2,500 down, or we can sell 66 feet at $3,300. Call and let us drive you out to sco theso lots. If you prefer 32d Ave wo have had Just placed In our hands 72 feet adjoining on tho south Mrs. J. J. Brown's residence, a most beautiful site, and can soli same nt S2.S0O. On Thlrty-llrst nvcnuo wo hnve two choice lots, nuoui loo reel, ror j,.w. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 1 -n !.... ll lyivlftQ on 4Ath nnil THiree '"I uuja i iui v... v... ...... . wmi two cottaces. one oi six rooms nnu ono of live rooms. This Is tho lowest price nt which those hvo ever been of fered. Thev must bo sold. $1,200 takes a lino now cottago In Walnut Hill, rooms Inrjto and In good repair; small cash payment, balance In monthly payments. $5C) will buy a lot 40x120 ft. on Half Cass street. JKiO An east front on 30th and Half Cass. close to California St., 60x110, room for two cottuges. $6,600 for two houses at 18th and Davenport Sts.. nlways rented and rluht in the hert of tho city, 60 feet frontage, a great uurgnin. PHILIP POTTER & SON CO, 'Phono 470. HE-270 19 We sell real estate. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. J. A. Painter, Salesman. We buy real estate. RE-399 13 HAVE YOU $50i17 YES. DO YOU WANT A HOME? YES. Then why pay rent when you can get ono of those magnificent homes of 6 and 7 rooms each In Bemls park for only $3,200, $500 cash, Bemls park Is acknowledged by an loaay to ne ine most ueauiirui loca tion in Omaha rnr a nome. COME AND SEE US. PA YN K-KNOX CO M P A N Y. Main Moor New York Life building. RE-M221 19 FOR SALE, house and four lots, cheap (or cam. wmi cur, na una viuiry sis. lX RE-MH7 p roil sale-real estate. PAYNE-KNOX CO, SHOUT TALKS NO. 1. "BtlV something that don't have fits. la the letson prudent and wise Investors should learn from recent Wall street ex periences. When the stock market balloon is full of gas and soaring skyward and paper profits are growing like mushrooms, the desire to use one's surplus funds in such ventures Is very strong; but when tho bubble Is pricked and tho collape has come and the prollts and principal both arc gone, ino poor victims or siock mnnniu- lotion wish they had put their money Into nuiiieiiiiiig saie ana sure. -ino worm possesses only one investment REAL MSTATR-lh.i! rim ntul doe with- stand panics, that eannot be wrested from me owner nt tne wnim or win or apecum tlve pools, and which Is always n, Burc safeguard against "the rainy day, " A word to the wise Is sufficient. J. S. K. We submit the following for your con sideration this week: 1537-In OUCHAUD HILL, on CHARLES near 35ln St., a well built 6-rnom col lage, city water, cistern, cellar and small barn. The house Is In good re pulr and located In a good neighbor hood : owner anxious to sell. MAKE US AN OFFER. 1S&3 Wo have a beautiful 10-room nil mod em IIUI'SK and UARN on Wirt St., In Kountzc Place, with 99 feet of ground. The owner holds this prop erty nt S6.000, but Is anxious to nil. and says "(JET ME AN OFFER." NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 133ft-On Hlnney, near 19th St . 10-room wiiii every modern convenience; nouso Is well built nnd In excellent repair; PERMANENT walks, good cistern, etc. The owner offers this lino prop erty for Sl.fiOO. The house Itseir COVLD NOT HE REPRODUCED FOR THIS MONEY. lS-On North 2.1th St.. near Franklin, hood u-roorn house, ull modern ex cept furnace. This property Is con venient to car line and In excellent rennlr. Price, $2,000. HEASONAHLE TI3R.MS. 1035-On Hamilton, near S3, 1 St., NEW 8 room house with every modern con venlence. nearly completed. Owner was building for n homo, but los-; of nrairn compels a cnange or climate. This property Is now offered VERY CHEAP, only $2,800; reasonable terms. WE ARE INSTRUCTED to CLOSE OUT nil unsold lots In HEMIS PARK WITHIN CO DAYS Thev nre going pretty fast. Hettor SEE US SOON IMntcrcstcd. DELAYS ARE DANGER- KOUNT7.E PLACE! KOUNT7.E PLACEI IF YOU'LL JI!ST STOP TO TltlVK fliiyi T IT, mere nre a whole lot of rea sons ior soieciini ko rT'r iiir! no i. I'l.Al'W TO HUILD YOUR HOME. vraiMiuniT LOCATION. GOOD SUR ROUNDINGS. ciit'HCiins. Kcitnni.s TWO CAR LINES. PUBLIC IMPROVE- iir.Ji l. I' l.M'; DICIVKH, CHEAP PRICKS. HEASONAHLE TERMS, ofp.. Kin rnvi? IN nnd lets tnlk over the details. BETTER Bt.'Y SOON before thu Inevitable ndvnnce occurs. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, SOLE 'AGENTS, N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE-271 19' THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY 1301 DOUGI-AS ST XJPSTAIRS. WE DESIRE TO CALI. TO THE ATTEN TION OF THE REAL ESTATE BROK ERS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC CERTAIN PROPERTIES DESCRIBED BELOW WHICH HAVE BEEN CARE FULLY EXAMINED BY TWO REAL "ESTATE EXPERTS WITHIN THE PAST WEEK AND PRONOUNCED BY THEM TO BE GOOD INVESTMENTS AT THE THEM. PRICES PLACED UPON tjvi . ,, . ... 'li0 jlw for''5.Voom'cottaBlA wit., .mu tngo in rear: rents $10.50, on lSth street, for 7.Vnm hMi,n nil mo.inm -,tn, 45Xi40, ?So ba?n two blocks from iz. "r"i wo "'OCKS rrom Hanscom Park. $2,200 for tlno 7-room house, all modern, beiiutirul shado trees, on Burt street, nenr 30th. $1,600 for 5-room cottago, barn and building Buiiiuuo ior snop or nairory, a verj- at tractive place on Franklin street, near WLIl. $501) for 4-room house, with lot SOxOltJ foot, on Paclllc street, near 22d. $1,750 for a very attrnctlvo R-room house, uu inuuern, two or ine Handsomest lots In Hanscom Pnrk, on 29th street, near $1,200 for two B-room eottnirna nn,i KrlnU i iippicion avp, store, ior inuxnv; mis property can no uiviui'ti; un ooutn ivin street, near center, $2,000 for two 4-rootn roltneea on So ith oi nenr uenter, 101 twxl4ii feet. w.w ior 354 acres just north of Elkhorn track, on Boulevard, with small cottnge und OT feet on Boulevard. This is par tlally platted Into lots nnd Is an excel lent purchnse for n. speculation. RE-291 19 R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FARNAM. DWELL1NO HOIISRS No. 1313-1314 Bo. 30th Ave. A lino 10-room nouse, all modern and up to date In every way, only half block from Hans com Park, $5,600,00. No. 9SS 8-room modern house In Hanscom i-ince, iiii,TKU, LO.NfJ TIME LEASE, $40.00 per month: price, $4,000.00. This is a GOOD INVESTMENT. No. 1311-1110 So. 32d. 0 rooms; a BEAUTI- ruu iah;ai aw, jusi souin or rncltlc on 32d, ndjolnlng Judgo Bukcr's residence on tho south, $4,000 00. No. 12557 rooms. 22d and Mnplo St.. (Ino location. NICE SHADE TREES. FORM- fiunlCK W.M0-00. Will sell now for $1,900.00. A snap. No. 703W North part of town, nenr car nnu uuuu LuuATiuiM, snaoo trees, houso 7 rooms, new porcelain enamel bath tub, gas, furnace, etc., In GOOD REPAIR, only $2,600.00. VACANT PROPERTY. Here Is n BEAUTIFUL BUILDING lot. corner 31st Avo. nnd Dodge, south front, facing the TURNER PARK, only $3.000 00. On Dodge and 36th, FULL LOT for $1,300. FINE CORNER, 2 blocks NORTH of - U V V.' X (1,11.) -,M-,.,U, l,..V, t,l"V,l" On 28th St.. east of HANSCOM PARK, 2 lots for $7&o.oo eacn. On 17th nnd Mnnderson, lots for $350.00 encn, a .ai", On Georgia avenue, near Poppleton nve., hAOl riiuivi, ,wu.w. Somo good acreage near South Omahn, It. C t'ETlJUS r CO.. 1702 Farnnm St. RE-301 19 GEORGE & COMPANY. PROPERTY FOR INVESTMENT. Business block In South Omnha. well lo. cnien, leased ror per montn. over $3,000 per year, rays more man 13 per cent net nnovo an nixes, cxponses, etc. price, 10, wv, RESIDENCES. Near 33rd nnd Dodce Sts.. 7-room hnnso siriciiy mooern and large nnu, oak llnlsh down stairs, tlno ynrd. houeo In llrst-class condition. Price. $4,500. 21t nnd Locust Sts.. 7-ronm cotlmre. nil mum-in uxurpi mriiace, large ynru and bnm. Price. $2,500. "room cottago near 23th nnd Davenport sts.. modern oxcent furnneo. I'r i fj Near 17th and Castellar Sts.. 7-room eotJ tone, goon as now. nas city water, gas, etc.: line yard, shnrto trees and barn. Price. S1.S0O. Cottnge, 10 blocks west of court house, 6 rooms, in nrni'tumn I'uiiuiuuii nnu in good neighborhood. Good paved street and all special Improvements paid In full, Prlc. S2.000. Nenr 17th and Vinton Sts., 6-room house, full lot. Price. $1,300. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS Near 40th and Howard, full east front lot, on grnnn nnu uu epuciui nixes nam in full. $2,000. South front lot on Hnrney St., east of 35th Hl I1.5UU. Fine lot. 35th nnd Dndsre. on trade. Jl.lfA i.nicaKo hi., uctween win nnu aist sts. (till, nspnnu paved streot, nil special tnxes paid In full, $350. 33rd St., near Davenport St., full lot, a very desirable location for a cottage. JS00. Burt St.. near 33rd St.. SSvlSS feet. ISnrt. Northeast corner 41st nnd Dodge Sts,, full uu. Buuin rroni ana on car line. 3is. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 FARNAM ST, nE-H319 LOTS. SSth and 29th Fairmont Place, on invmniiie unni, a'ij.'jjs t ij. Kuppen 133 West Water L, 'Milwaukee, Wis. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, SWEET & HEADLEY. Tel. 1472. 613 N. Y. Life B'dR. THIS WEEK WE OFFER BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS CHEAPER THAN YOU WILL ever seiTtTTem AGAIN IN OMAHA. Buy tho lot NOW nnd save money. 62x130, bet. Unrnam and Dodge, on I5th St., a grand locution, Jl.-O". 96x143, corner 27th and Douglas. 13.100. 67x133, corner 33rd and Dodge, $2,500. 100x150, l!.mcom Place, cast ft;ont, $l,G.0. 45x136, Just north of Fnrnnm, facing west on Curtlrs Turner Pnrk nnd cast on COth St. A BIG SNAP, $l.li"0. 51x111, corner Cass nnd Lowe Ave., $1,050. 01x120. east front, corner FUHtENCE BOULEVARD nllrt GRAND AVE. A GRAND BUILDING SITE, only $1,000. 60x120, Decatur, near lOth. tW). 3x132,' Vinton, bet. 17th and lSth, JS:0. 00x150 on 25th, bet. K and L Sts.. South umana, )i2o. 60x127, Spencer St.. bet. 24th nnd 23th. $6'0. 60x12s, Mnnderson. near 25th St., n most ticautlfui place, lino largo trees, $50). 44x127, nenr 21th and Ames Ave. This lot is on grade, 111 good resilience district, city water und ens In street, has n tlno bam worth $250.00. GREAT BIG SNAP. $100.00. ON TEMPLETON AVE. wo have everal lino lots, 42x132, sewer paid, price $300. 60x130 In ORCHARD HILL. $175. 60x112 nt Arbor nnd 9th, $110. !3xl23, Sherman Ave., near Jnynes St., $75. 00x127, 6 blocks from So. Omaha car, $75. 23x111, Hurdcttc nnd 2Gth. $6). HE SURE TO SHE BUY YOUR LOT. US BEFORE YOU DON'T FORGET THAT WE ALSO HAVE ALL KINDS OF IMPROVED PROPER TIES AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. SWEET St HEADLEY, 613 N. V. LIFE BLDG. 1472. HE Tel. SS" 19 SNAPS. $11,000 for a row of brick buildings, ground 110x144; rental $1,332 per year. $6,otK) for two-story brick store building on FARXAM St.! rental S720 yearly. $4,o for two frame Hats rloso In; room for two more; yenrry renin 1 mhi. $3,500 for 902 and !H1 S. 20th st.; east fronts; yearly rental $360. $3,300 for two houses on N E. corner Cum ing and 26th sts.; yearly rental $300. $2,000 for 1143 and 1113 N. 17th st.; 00x110 ft.; mivlnir nald: vearlv renin! J312. $1,600 for two cottages near lSth nnd Clark; lot 33x140; yearly rental $I9S. $Mi0 for frame cottago on Leavenworth, near 3Mh st.; rental si yearly. UNIMPROVED AND IMPROVED. 1 to 15 acres of bottom Innd 4'j miles north or umnna 1: u. ; jm per nero. 5 ncies N. 24th st., this sldo Miller pnrk SNAP at $2,200. $110 each for six (6) lots. 50x110 ft. each near hth nnd Bancroft ots. $1,000 for live (5) lots In Bedford Place; throe on 30th nt.; paving paid. $I.2o0 for six-room house, i.tin Franklin; high and sightly; near car lino. $1,250 for 00x132 ft.; enat front on 13th. near Dorcns; paving paid. $1,700 for 44x132 ft. on 21th st.; also enst front on 23d: north of Cuming. $3,500 for 132x66 ft.. .S. W. comer of 2ith nnd Chicago sts.; threo houses $4,500 for threo houses in-nr 19th and Paul; largo corner lot; paving paid. $4,400 for 81 ft. front: TRACKAGE; near 8th nnd Douglas sts.; BAROWN. $22,000 for throe-story brl. k building near llth and Farnum. 22132 rt. FARM LANDS NEAR OMAHA, from $25 til $tt" per acre. JOHN N. FRENZER, Opp Old P. O. BE-319 1!) SOUTH OMAHA, appropriately termed tho Magic City, tho placo for lucrative Invest incuts. O'Noll's Real Estate Agency, the oldest established ugency In tho city, has the following choice properties to offer. 1.111'llOVIiU Hl'MIMSMH PROPERTY. Three-story brick and basement, 60x60, rentnl $3,000 annua v. nrlco $21,000. Three-story and bn'-ement, brick, 21x60, rentnl $1,200 annually, price $15,000. One-story frame business block, 120 feet front, rental $2,600i price $IS,000. Two-story frame, 25x70, rental $1,000, price Wo hnvo some very choice unimproved business nrOnertv runnlnir In nrlco from $25 to $100 per front foot. in residence property we nnve a very com- piete and deslraole list from which to select. To those seeking a homo wp are conlldent we can satlsfv. For ncreago property wo aro headquarters nnd tor n row nays wo can orrer the fol lowing: Ono hundred acres highly Improved, about iour mues norrnwest or mo city, nt $70 ner ncro. Ono hundred nnd sixty ncres three miles southwest at $0) ner acre. Ono hundred nnd thirty acres, three miles soutn, nt tia per acre. Twenty ncres. unimproved, one nnd one- nair mnes irom ino city limns, $75 per ncre. Wp have noveral small trncts close In rang ing in prico rrom ii 10 hm per acre. Wo nre authorized to offer one hundred lots In Good Luck addition for from $50 to $75 otich on easy payments. O'NEIL REAL ESTATE AGENCY, South Omaha. Neb. RE-363 W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. 1320 FARNAM STREET. (B-40) Beautiful home, ono of the most dc- slrahlo locations In west Farnam district, south of Farnnm, grounds 110 foot south frontage, largo bnrn. This Is ono of tho biggest and best bnrgalns offered In a fine realdenco property. Possession given In 30 dnys. Vricant lot of snmo slzo In this block cannot be hought for less than prleo of this Improved property. Price, $12,000. (B-355) Nice new modern residence, very flesirnnie mention on mui avo., near Far nam, built for a home, 9 rooms, porcelain bnth, grnto and .mantel, largo basement with laundry, full lot. Owner must sell or rent this month and prefers to soli. It will pay you to buy at once. Price, $5,000. (B-369) Good 7-room house nnd beautiful lot wxvn, 3o4i jacicson. inis will make you n very desirable homo at moderate cost. Price, on)y $2,S0Q. Look nt It. If you wish to buy or sell call on W. ! AllINA.ll n.Ullll te CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RE 338 19 9-ROOM houpn nnd full lot, south front; nil modorn, $1,300. 7-room modern houso nnd lot, 22 north of l.nke, z.. 8-room bouse, 100-foot . front, on Emmet street. l,5oo; small caon payment, balance m0nth,y VACANT." East front lota, Thirtieth st., nenr Cali fornia: Douth fronts, $500, north fronts. $100. Bemls Pnrk lots, Km up. Finn Mphtly lot. 37th and Chicago sts. Will build for you on any of theso lots; monthly payments. GEO. E. GIBSON, 1609 FARNAM. RE-363 19 FOR SALE, Good cast front lot on 37th, nenr California, I.MII. Small lot on :6th St., near A, South Omaha, $150. Good lot ono block from Ames Ave. and inn ii, S2un. Smith front In Central Park. 1100 Slxtv-slx feet on Cnsslus street, close to SOth. $330. Slxtv-tlvo feet on 19th. near Center St.. ssoo. Section of land In Grove county, Kan., with water. $1,920. House and lot on M street, near 27th, South umanu, ow. Four lots In Wakeley Addition. $2C0. T.nt 00 lilnek ?. Baker Pbiee. ttwi Lots 16 and 17, In Second Addition to West niae, iui. Forty acres nno mile from capltol Chey enne. $2,000. SAMUEL S. CURTIS. Receiver. 1503 Ilnmev Street. RE-290-19 A BARGAIN ON HARNEY HTItT'F.T 41 ft. between 14th nnd 15th streets, near ino new iienncu mug, nnu otner lm tirove mentH. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 P. 14TH ST, iie n.i3 2i FOR HALF REAL ESTATE. D. V SHOLES COMPANY, 310 N. Y Life ItMu Tel. SJ9. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN WEST OMAHA RESIDENCE PROPERTY. 331B Dodge street, we offer nearly new J room, strictly modern house, wen bum tlnest plumbing, good furnace, elei trie IMht, beautiful south front, permanent walk, nnvlng nil paid. This Is one of the must ocfirtiDie homes una tne nesi ioin- Hon for the money of anything offered In wesi Mirnnm district. All excepuuuni baruiiln. 1'rlc. il.vro. On 31st avenue, fnclnc Turner iwrk. wc oner a neiu iirui nome. easi iront. siueu dlilly built, hot water hentlnn plant, verv best of nlumhlntr. lo larce rooms, line ortk Mulsh, two mnnlels. line gas fixtures, large billiard room In the third story, servant room. etc. This property Is one of the heMt litllll hnnu In (fin ritv iiml Is offered for .n1e, as tho owner expects to leave the city. The locution is unexceneo. ine nronertv can be shown nt any time. On 3Mh street, south of Fnrnain. we nre nfferlnz n SPECIAL BARGAIN 111 a 10- room brick residence, cast front, whlrh n to I111II1I SIO.Miit. We offer this nron orty with u beautiful east front lot at the sacnuce price or ?b,wm. 11 is one 01 ine best residence bargains ever offered In Omaha. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT 1311 So. 31st, wo offer 9-room house, porce lulu bnih. unwer. wnler. uns. uond repair. line east front lot 50.H2 feet. 4 block from tho park, close to school, churches, two best car lines. Wo tell you now and you may rest assured we mean It, and that Is, wu lire going to sen tins properly. r wnnt von to e, It nnd make us tin Offer. If this docs not suit we will show you tho house next north and sell either. Same owner, und some one Is going to get 11 1120 So. 2Mb. we offer very cheap home, two.Ktorv. s rooms, modern, tine enst front lot 60x130, for $3,5'. This is a snap for the right party. , 2212 South 29th tlleorcia live.), wc oner 1110 neatest 6-room cottage, an modern, one elegant repair, nicely arranged, enst front, on the car line, 11 gem of n home, and for only $2,800. See this. VACANT LOTS. JOxllA on hurt and 2Slh. GENUINE SNAP, $500. , , 60x150, Ciish and Mil. nnother snap. SluO. 51x135, on 32d nve.. Just north of Dodge; beautiful location nnd cheaper than dirt, for $1,ii0. 70x125. on 32d avc . opposite Kitchen's. BEST BUY IN WERT FAUN AM UlSTHiri iw 111,-, nrlro J? MO All InXeM tl.lld 111 fllll. 79xSU feet cor 2oth and Dnv. sts., room for threo neat houses. $3,250. This Is a bar- inilii for nnmo one. NOW Is the time to BUY. NEVER so CHEAP uznin. Sec us. LV.jmOLES COe "'Aj KtftMER .C- CHASE. $2,KMi-6-room modern cottuge, near linns- con park. tt ,A,1ln.rMor mn,l,trn house. Hear Hark. W.fM .'-room modern cottuge. near 22d and Locust; moniniy payinenis. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. $3.600 7-room modern cottage nnu barn. SHMjOP 10-room modern house. lint'HI'M ,-iv MOX'TIII.V PAYMENTS. $1.(10 Nent 5-room cottage, full east front lot, near smii und (..orny, cuy wniei, eeniel leil eelliir. $700 5-room cottage. 27th and Burdotte; pays 10 per cent net on $S0O. $S.0 5-room cottage, 2Mh avc, near Cuming. VACANT. $700 each, 3 lots Madison square; fine view; near ear. $250 South front lot. near 2Stli and Ames nve.; ma pie trees. $150 Lot near 4llh and Jackson, jUVu-NIro lot near 30th and Burt. Two lots on Farnnm and list: want offer; HIU4 be sold. $1.400 Fine lot .1 blocks north of Hanscom nark. $1,700 Lot near 31st avc. and Dodge, facing Turner pane. $lov-Two lots 30th anil Ohio. $2,0ii0 East front lot, 40th and Howard. Sep un for suburban ncrea nnd farms. Flro Insurance, llo-jses for rent. SHIMER & CHASE, COI BEE BLDG. TEL. 1412. RE 3SB 19 A. F. CONNETT. 309 N. V. LIFE. GOOD HOMES-FINE BUILDING LOTS. Kpicnuid h-r. mod. dwelling, 2 lots nnd barn, nice lawn, oarnain ear nno extension will give, you good car service. This house cost to build about $3.500, . eastern owner Is anxious to sell. Think $2,000 will buy It. Tho number Is 46rS Dndtfo St, 8-r., mostly modern, cost front, near 19th and Corby, good condition and tho cheapest, nlco plaCo there, $1,750. House number Is 2016 No. 19th St. FINE VACANT LOTS. 10th nnd Center, east front. 40x110, $1,000. 00x140. facing Bemls park a'ld only ono block north hf Cuming nt., nt SOth st., only ji.iuo. 46x125, south front comer, Bemls pnrk, $600. A. F. CONNETT, 309 N. Y: Life. Tel. 12S5, HE 350 19 WHO WANTS A CHEAP HOME? l-room house. 42d nnd Camden nve $ 301 4-room house, 3012 Hamilton st 1-60 6- room house, 1810 Ontario R'O 7- room house, modern, 1522 S. 26th l.S 0 K-room house, modern, 4220 Howard.... i,T0 8- room hoiiMC, brick. SfrOo Elm 1,250 9- room house. 30S1 Fowler avo l.ooo On easy terms. J. 11. PARROTTE. 16TH AND DODGE RE-423 19 160-ACRE farm 12 miles from Omaha post- oince, 3a an acre. 200-acre. same distance. $30. ISO-acro, all level, Improved, near Elk City, us. Fine section hay nnd cholco nlfnlfa land! Bwitcn track on land; i;avson county. Jl.tll"!. NELSON & HOELEIC, 31D RAMGE. RE-2DS 19 8-ROOM now house, electric light, gas, fur- naco, near inrnam, on a&in. h as, nee. RE-291 19 $3,500 BUYS 3 6-room cottages, 2119-21-23 Ulnney; excellent condition; is per cent revenuo on Investment: owner leaving city. j. n. jounson, is. x. i,uc. RE-MI02 20 HOUSES nnd lots In nJl parts of city; al'o aero property anu rami lanus. ino o. i. uavis uo iioom lu?, uea uunuing. RE-36T SEE HENRY B, PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. HIS Wli FOR SALE on monthly payments. R-rm modern liouso on is1, zttn St. car iiimi: also vacant lots, which will be lmproTXl for purcnasor on moderate payment aown, Mutual ijonu ana uuuaing amociihiuh, U, il. Kawnger, secretary, nee iiiurr. RE 361 SPECIAL Offer: Good cottnge at 303 N. 27th St., C rooms, good location. W. T. Grahnm, Beo Bldg. RE-237 20 RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by tho Union I'acino unuroaa company, n. a. McAllnstor. land commissioner. Union Pacific Henduuarters. Omuha, N0'- ?(Jj HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; aliio (Ire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton Blk. RE 367 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, cioso ro coou car nno. liuaium owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennard itt Bon, 309-10 Brown mock. hu-sju C. F. HARRISON. 913 N. Y. Llfo. FARMS, Uli-IVJ jeii- FOR SALE or exchange, for Columbus mtiini nronenv. two iois i iiormiurK unu one Burlington Place additions to Omnha; all freo from incumbrance, auuioss j. a. Hnrtley. Si N. High st., coiumnus. o. RE 1113 CHEAP cottnge, 6 rooms, 30S N. 27th St., t,0Wi Good house, 7 rooms, at 3124 Mason St., 11,600; bargain In vacant lot, 91 feet, on So. 20th St, $1,000. W. T. Graham, Bee Bldg. RE-23S 20 CHAS, E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. It IS 361 TWO eight-room houses on Emmot street, near 25th: 100 feet of ground with each house; small cash payment, balance monthly. A. P. Tukey, Board of Trado, III'. Mm MASON street, 3121, houso 7 rooms, full lot, $1,600. W. T. Graham, Beo bldg. RE-235 20 BRAND new modern six-room house, 1S07 Locust st.; no nicer smnll homo In Omaha; will sell very low nnd give long tlmo nt ?,,PheerrCncV 'VeTy'a'c: S. Shepard, owner, 30i N. Y. Life. RE-M201 19 THREE bargains; HOUSE, 6 rooms, SOS N. 27th St., $1,000, HOUSE, 7 rooms, nt 3124 Mason St., lot 50x130 feet, $1,S00. 91 feet on So. 20th, near Dorcas St., $1,000. W. T. Graham, Bee Bldg. RE-23D 20 I HAVE a buyer for $20,ftO good rental property. Willis Todd 021 N Y. L. Bldg. RE'-nt 19' OWNER old, must sell mortgage York 4 county farm. Box 2SS, York, Neb. HE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WE OFFER THIS WEEK WEST END The southwest comer 3tth and Dodge, east and north front corner, for $2,750 Fine corner, two lots, 3Ath and Dodge, only S3.200. Good lot 35th, between Farnam and Dodge, $1,330. Full lot on Dodge, facing south on Turner phtk, oniy ji.wu. u4 lots. 173 feet, east frontage on 33th nve., ueiween laruam and wonge; mesa ioib nre below grade; price only $3,5o. FOUR FINE ItAltilAINM IV HOUSES. An UP-to-dnte modern K-rn.im houso near Fnrnam nnd 35th for $1,950. Elegant 10-room residence near 31st and j'.iclllc, all modern, beautifully finished In hard Woods, one of Hie hnmlRiuiicst homes 111 Omaha for the inimev. ill .1X0. Modern 10-room house on 2Sth nve.. be tween, nownrci and Jackson, line east front lilt. 70x110 feet, onlv te. V Well built P-room house full east front lot, on tsoutn nun near Mason; uwner leaving city: win sen ror si,iv TWO SPLENDID INVESTMENTS. We can offer for iulck sale an east front lot ooxw rcet, vnn goon tweive-rooin house, only live blocks from city hull. i'reseni occupant uses lower poor and rents balance of house for $13 ner month. $540 a year. We can offer the property this week ror jj.nio. present rental win linv 13 ner cent on nrli-e nsked. besides affording n good home to purchaser fig uring this nt per montn, would make n total of $65 a month, or $7S0 per year, over 22 per cent on the purchnse price Wo o'imii mm us tne uiggesi uargniu on mo market. Ai.ou uFFER SUBSTANTIAL THREE STORY BRICK BUILDING. xdl feet, between Farnam nnd Harney. with ground lease running 71 years. Present rental, per mouth. Yielding, nor year .. i,i;v .. 300 Ground rent raxes insurance 40 Net income. $1,116. over tl tier cent on S1S.600. And over 10 per cent net on $11. fa hi, nt which price we can offer It for snlc. GREAT BARGAIN INSIDE BUSINESS LOT. 41 feet on Sixteenth street, between Jones nnd Leavenworth, corner on alloy, only threo blocks from Bennett's new $I.V),l corner: must be sold this week, cheap nt $7,500: can offer tomorrow for $6,000. If you want to clean up $i,wo pront hero is your ihance. CHEAP ACRES ADJOINING OMAHA ARE BEING PICKED UP RAPIDLY. 6 ncres southwest of city, only $725. 10 ncres west or city, nothing liner around Omaha, for $1,175. 17 acres almost adjoining Elmwnod park, only idinrt drive to business center, splen did placo for fruit, worth $3,000, this week for ?2.in'j cash. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 323 Board of Trade. HE 122 19 RICHARD C. PATTERSON, M0 N. V. LIFE. FIVE VERY CHOICE FARMS for sale, all In Dixon county, Neb.; black soil nnd all tillable; good Improvements; near schoolH, churches and railroads. Prices, $22.50 to $33 per acre, on easy terms nnd nt prices less than market value, from $3 to $10 per acre. These nre genuine bargains and will not be on tho market long. RICHARD C. PATTERSON. S.OLE AG'T., S10 N. V. Life. RE-362 19 BARGAIN In vacant lot on So. 20th St., 91 foot front. W. T. Grnhnm, Bee bldg. H 13-236 20 SMOKE the Prince of Omaha nnd no other, RE-30S-I9 HEUICAi.. RHEUMATISM WHISKY Why suffer irom riieum.nisru wnen incro is u speciuo euro for you? Why bo a slnve to wlilsky, opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaine when wo guaranteu to cure you? Answer this by v ruing uio Elisor licmedy Co., South umnna, mu, (incorporated in ivj:.) M-7C0 Je3 LADIES, $500 reward for n caso of suppres. sion oiu ur. .incKFon s Aioniuiy Jicguinior inur lo reuevu in .1 Hours; positively guaranteed; no ergot or pills; many saved trom suicide; Ideal safe homo treatment, Mnl! $3 to Dr. Jackson, R. C, kl4, 187 Denr- bom St., CtllCllgo, Iil. M33o 2)' DR. LE DUE'S Femnlo Regulator, posl tlvely warranted to euro tho most stub boi n cases of monthly stonnngos. lrregu. larltles, obstructions and suppresslona brought on from whatever nbnoimnl, un natural dlscnsed or nathologlcal cause: tl a package, or 3 for $.; sent iinywhero pre paid on receipt or prico. -ine itinu urug Co., Elgin, III. American olllcc. retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omnha; M. A. Dillon. South Omaha; DavH Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of lcglttmatu rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal l'lllH are tne uchi; saic, re name; take no other, send 4c stamp for particulars; "He ner for Ladies-- in ictier ny return man: ask vour druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Vhlladelphla. Pa. CANCER cured ut homo by tnternnl treat ment; no knire. plaster or pain; book und testimonials mailed free. Cancer Institute, j;i v. i.n m., in. . LADIES, our monthly rcgulntor cannot fall: harmless; box rrec. Fans Chemlcnl Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 263 l'J NERVOUS EXHAUSTION. Itself a disease, opens tho door to all other diseases, OXYDONOR. by naturally nnd scientific ally restoring normal vitality, defeats them nil; no drugs. For particulars wrlto Dr. If. Snncho & Co.. 103 Beo Bldg., Omoho. Other offices: Dos Moines, Chi cago, Detroit, New York, Montrenl. Deal cr wanted lu every county In the state. 2.X2 So BELGIAN 1IAIIEH. THE Rocky Mountain Belglnn Hare Co. is pleased to announce mat It has secured tho services- of E. H. Kendall, St. Paul, Neb., ns agent for tho salo of ItH stock, to whom nil orders should be nddreaacd. Samo old prices, snmo hlgh-grndp stock. Can't be bent for red feot. Don't buy Molly Cottontails nny longer. Get tho real rtuff. Kendall's Belgian Book tolls how to shelter, breed, raise, feed, took and euro them, Prico 25 cents. Wrlto E. H. Kendall, St. Paul, Neb. AMERICA'S greatest rabbltry. All brood- era personally noiccicu ny r. Li, crab tree. Offsprings threo nnd four months old from nbovn a specialty nnd rensonablo, I; or particulars enclose stamp. Lonn Springe, Belgian Hnro Ranch, Box 327. Kansas City, Mo. S1 lfl PATENTS. MASON. FENWICK & UWnP.KTU Patent Lawyers. Solicitors and Experts. Washington, D. C, II. J. UJlVUIlili, Western HerireHOntntlvo Room 315, Rnmgo Blk. Omnha. Nob. Phono 179S. ADVICE FREE. -345 19 PATENTS. no fco unless successful. Sues fir CO., uee iiiug., urnana, Nob. Advlco freo, us JulB PATENTED nnd unpatented Inventions ixuigiu anu soiu, jjucas a Co., St. Loula. el .ia w PIANOS. MONDAY" wo will sell ono unrlnht tilunn uimosi now aim in nrstciass connition. for only $132,50. on ensy paymenta; also onn now jnuno migii grano) ror oniy COLLINS PIANO CO. 1622 DOUGLAS ST 311 19 LOST. LOST, gold glasses with gold chain and hook attached, lleiuru to va a, a-iin st, and got reward. Lost M) 19 SIIOHTIIA.n AND TVPEWHITINO. A C. VAN SANT'H school. 717 w. x, Llfo. 370 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, lieo mug, J(i NEB. Business Si Shorthand Collego, Boyd's Theater. a7s a Shorthand. Cm. C. Col., 16 & Doug 373 IIOILEK MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bollors. tanks, btacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th it Izard Sts, OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. Bide. To I 1664; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; uiu ii. jennson, usieopuiiust, ner. -374 I DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton blk. Tel. 1367 1 , . Ilk AVAVrilll TEAMSTERS. WANTED, J3 teamsters for Color.tJo, wages fi.ifi per day, ship a ;. in., rree fare Chicago Employment olllcc. room 5, Crounse bldg. - M20 WANTED TO 11(111 HOW. WANTED, to borrow, S1.00O at 7 per cent, on improved residence property, cumin Omaha, renting for $210 per year. Vd dress S 4S, Bee. - M31HJ STAMMERIMl AMI S I t T'l llltl.Mi, CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Rnmgo Bldg. oi i At TOMOIIII.ES. r tfTIj73BSa Uilll-uin tiiiu I iiuiu 7'i5v-'' l'r.imolers of the HorJe Uffiftattfl few .Vehlclo indiu-try in... . - .. .. i t , . i ... Don t fall to visit iur sale rmnorlums at Omnha or Lincoln. Sco our most wonder nil machines lu operation Ladles particu larly Invited to learn how rlmplo the art of CHAUFFEUR really Is. Omnha phono h'jj Lincoln phone 1S2. TALKING MACHINES. 11 'Ti"-..... .ril!.lllil 11IH1 l,llli:'l-l, JV'iyv?." Neb,, nro the Tnlklnij JlllifftCCttft Machine headquarters Omnha ntld Llncili, carrying the most com l.ltff, llnrt of luteal .e. ords. When you fall elsewhere, cull," or rend your m.ill orders to us. We Make A Full Sut of Tooth On Aluminum for., $15.00 On Gold $'25.00 Bailey tiic Dentist Third I'tonr I'lixton Block. PHONE 10S3. Hecord Voag d Datt. 7 Houtt. 22 Mlnulei.l UOSlOMo UVtHPOOL lU QUEENS fOWN Common,alth, Twin Screw. 12.000 Tom, Jin 6 Nfw England, " 11.600 " Mat 22 HO0TUND to LIVEnt'OOL via gUEENSTli.VN Vancouver Juno 22 I Dominion .... June 1 Cambroman Juno U Vancouver June 22 For further Inlormittoo.addrm Company's Olllctn. tl Dniborn St.. Cslcaro. lilt. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for tho erection nnd completion or n tire-proof court houne for Thayer county, Nebrnska, will bo received up to 12 o'clock noon of June l, iwi, by F. J. Blr.is, county clerk, Hebron, Neb. Bids will be received for tho building complete, excepting steam llttllig. plumbing and electric wiring; also for tho various parts separately. Tho steam lilting, plumbing nnd electric work will be let separate from tho balance of tho work. Plans nnd speclllcntlons may bo seen nt tho olllce of the county clerk, Hebron, Neb., ai the olllce of tho nrchllcct, Georga A. Berllnghoff, Beatrice. Neb.; also at , Builders' Exchanges In Omaha, Neb.; Lin coln, Neb.; St. Joseph, Mo.: Knnsns City, Mo. : St l.ouls, Mo., and Chicago, 111. A certified check for 6 per cent of the nmoiint of bid will be required to accompany ench bid, said checks mndo paynblo to th" county clerk of nald Thayer county, ami to bo forfeited to the said Thayer county In case tio person to whom the contract bo awarded should full to enter Into contract nnd furnish n satisfactory bond within ten dnys after tho nwaid of contract. Plans nnd specifications for prlvato uso can bo prorured from the nrchltect on payment of $30. A rebate of $23 will be mado for all plans returned In good order. All bids must bo made on bidding sheet as shown on pages 3 nnd 4 of specifications. An nccentnble surety company bond In tho sum of $30,000 will bo required from tho general contractor. Bonds for 50 per cent of contract prico of steam heating, plumbing and electric wiring will bo reipilrtMl. All bonds to be executed by n bond com pany authorized to do business In tho stnto of Nebraska The Bnnrd of County CommNsloners re serves, tho right to reject any or all bids, also to wnlvo any defects. By order of tho Hoard of County Com missioners, r . j. muss, county uierk. Mayl0d2tM CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. Stnto of Nehraskn. Olllco of Auditor of Public Accounts, Lincoln, February 1, 1901. it is hereby certuieii mat tho Connecticut Flro Insurance. Co. of Hartford In tho stnto of Connecticut has comnlled with the In- surnnco law of this stato nppllcnblo to such companies, and in inereroro auinorued to eontlime tho business of tiro and lightning Insurance In this state for tho current year ending January 31, 1902, Witness my hand ntul the seal of the auditor of public accounts tho day and year nrst, anovo written. CHAHI,15H WK8TUN, (Seal.) Auditor of Public Accounts. Bv H. A. BAHCOCK. Demitv. Isnau A. Coles, agent, room 23, Douglas blk. NOTICE. Taken up nnd Impounded: Eighteen curs, 10 shepherd dogs. 2 p-.igs. 3 wnter spanU'ls, 2 pointers, 1 spitz, 3 hull dogs, 13 Dnno pupi, 1 mongrel. 1 red setter. French puddles. i Dim iog, i unir pug, l nounu , 1 cocker spaniel. Which, If not redeemed within threo dnys. will bo drowned. city pound, ixin ami wonsier. JOHN LAUGHLAND, Poundmirstar. Mny IS, 1901. M-19-d-l-t oi:t of the ordinary. In twentv vears tho consumntlon of beer has doubled 111 Germany. There aro more than 1.250.000 sounro mlleg of unexplored lands In Canada. Arthur Griffiths of Richmond. Ind.. Is said to bo a mathematical prodigy. Ho has eight different met hods of his own for addition, ton for division and sixty-four for multiplication. He can takn any num ber, it Is said, between 970 nnd 1,000 nnd ralso It to tho fifth power lu thirty-nine seconds without tho uso of cither pencil or pupor. A conductor who runs Into Fulton, Ky recently collected on his train a ticket from Cincinnati lo Fulton which had been sold on December 21. 1592. Tho old man who nresuntcd It for nassngo nald that lust nftor ho bought it he had heard of n wreck on tho road unci was urraid to get on too train. Ho never summoned up courage enough to uso tho tlckot until last week. An Illinois court decision maintains that tho erection of a water tank In n nubile street a short dlstnnco from n church, nnd nlso of n passenger railway station nenr by, which onuses n dlsturbuiico ot tho congregation by smoke, offenaivo odors and cinders, as won as ny loud nnd incessant noises, constitutes a prlvato nulsunco for which compensation must bo mado or thu nuisance removed, At nn auction hook sale lu Now York a fow days ago a volume described ns "a vellow- dog-eared book, which an untutored evo might expect to llnd mnldnrlng In any old book store," was knocked down to tho purchaser at t0. It was ii copy of the first edition of "PnradlDo IHt," published In 1667. Milton sold the manuscript at 5, or $23, for tho first 1,3ft) copies, and live years later, lu 16S1, his widow sold nil rights In tho book for $40. Tho flro louses In April In this country and Canada wcro light ns compared with Inst year, tho total being $11,300,000, as against $26,700,000 In 1900. Tho total heavy Iosh last year was occasioned by a most destructive conflagration In Ottawa, which consumed property to tho extent of $12, 000,000. Slnco January 1 the loss by tiro Is estimated at $50.iio,0oO, or nearly $10,000,000 less thnn In tho same period of inBt yenr, Living representatives of four generations of ono family aro not very uncommon It) tho United States, but living representa tives of four generations who nil hnvo tho samo birthday anniversary ura surely riot frequently met with. This Is said to bo true of the fumlly of Mrs, Edith Ford, who resides on n farm near Oreensburg, Ind. Sho Is the great-grandmother, was bom In Scott county, Kentucky, nnd Is now 16 years old. Her husband died about ten years ago, Her daughter. Mrs Lizzie Strawhnck, Is 56 years old: the next repre. sentatlvo of tho faintly Is 30 years old. and tho fourth member Is 3 years old. Their blrthduyB all fall on July 9. "I bad n running soro on my breaBt for over a year," says Henry R. Richards of WlllBtiyvllle, N, V., "and trlod a great many remedies, but got no relief until I usod Banner salvo. After using one-half box I was perfectly cured. I cannot recom mend It too ulghlr."