8 THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. May in, 11)01. V Carpenter's Letter fContlnued from Third Pago.) mi 11 ii No State in the Union is Superior to Our Great Stato in General Conditions, LVERY FARMLR IS A KING livery I'lllreii n 1'rlnee anil l'rtMi!r!t; In I:iiJii)imI TlirotiKliont Our Hor de r from Ke)ii I'aliu In Kli'liiirilNon. "Do you know," said II. II. Itoblsou, thu UllurCUtlC illlll HIICCt'HHlllI president of Nu lirilHkll'S HtllUllcheSt, IIIOSl UKKIeHSlVU 1111(1 prosperous llfu company, tlio Hankers Ku sorvu Life AHHoulatloti of Omaha, "Hint every farmer In Nebraska Is a IUiik and uvery citizen a prince?" "Von Interest mi'. Kluhornto," said tho Interested leporter who hud Just been kick ing about the weather we aru all worrying over. "Kor four yearn Nebraska liau enjoyed excellent crops and IiIkIi prices for liur pro ducts livery farmer who owns IiIh land huu earned inoro than oiioiikIi in pny the Iur uIiuhu price of It dnrliiK that period. As a consoipiot'cu, practically every farinur In Nebraska omih IiIh farm, liaH money In bank and owns himself entirely. How fur Ih that from I lie kingdom of common sense and comfort '! "Then again uvery man in Nebraska who wants work and Ih willing to bu employed, can earn wages and with IiIh wages como all the comforts of table and hearthstone. T bo the owner In fee simple of a No briiHka farm Ih to he aH independent aw u king, lord of all liu HiirvuyH and fieu from fear of want or foreign fou. When the farnierH arc UlngB the ri'Ht of ua are only a little worse off and wn aro prlnceH of tlio realm. "No Utah! In the great prosperous, wealthy American unlc.n can point to the llmuiclal liidepctiilence cli.loyed now by NeliraHka earned In ho short a period. We are growing cattle, sheep, hugs and horses for the markets of the world, our grnnnr I en aro full and our racloiics running at top capacity, "Wo have within uh all the power and potentiality of Independence. Our hanks have more money than they need. Interest rales were never so low and prosperity la ours In chunks bin enough delight the rarest optimist In existence. "And wo can hold our Huprcumey of the people If the state can learn In times like these to prepare for the rcerseH which sometimes follow a period of prosperity. With plethoric hank uecoiintH we can per haps nlToiil lo scud to alien life companies over Jl.r.oii.ooo annually, hut It Is a short sighted policy. "The Hankers Heserve Life Association proposes to use Its lulluunee toward up building heme Institutions, so that when (ho evil days come upon the community, the savings of the good times now passing will not be locked up In caHtern money vaults, but will be In circulation at lionu among our own people, maintaining low in terest charges and acting as ballast to the ship of commerce on the troubled sea ot panic or prostration." II, II. Hoblson, president, wants 100 llrst-clasa solicitors on liberal terms. Ac tlvu men can secure lucrative terms and Rood general or special agents' positions THE ,00" .SHOE Co II M , . - W i fZt m ib i v mi MAKER to WEARER stnlth, Bnvo that It Is In n long, nnrrow ledgo on ono aldo of tlio melting room. There were perhaps a scorn of such fur naces, nnd nearly nil were filled with gold nt tlio time of my visit. The fuel wns coke, and n strong draught made such a heat that the gold bubbled like boiling water. 1 was dazzled when I looked Into tho pots. The liquid was green rather than yellow. I saw II poured out Into molds nnd tlio Htrenm was a current of emeralds on n bed of light yellow more benutlful than anything of the kind I hnve over Been. Lntcr on. when tho molds wero opened, the green had disappeared nnd tho metnl hnd becomo u bright golden yellow. I next watched thorn roll out tho bars Into tho hoops from which tho gold coins aro rut. Kuril bnr was worth $2, GOO, or EfiOO. It wns a ruler of gold twonty-flvo Inches long, two Inches wldo nnd not qulto half nn Inch thick. A lot of such bars voro wheeled on trucks out of tho melting room Into tho rolling room. Hero they wero pressed between grrnt stcol rollers, which mndo them longer nnd thinner. At tho stnrt ench wns twonty-flvo Inches long! nt tho finish ench hnd borotno fourteen feet long. It hnd grown ns thin as n sovereign nnd tho pressing hnd polished It so thnt It shono like n new brenstpln. Tho gold grows hot ns It Is rolled. Tho men em ployed wenr thick gloves, or tholr hnnds would bo blistered. MnkltiK Colli Sovereign. Tho next process Is rutting the blanks. This Is done by steel punches worked by machinery. The machines cut out the cold metal. In much the same wny that the baker cuts dough In making .gingerbread men or animal crackers. The only dif ference Is that tho gold Is cut out by n steel disk worked by steam. You hear It chop. chop. chop, as It punches out sovereigns at ninety to the minute, or nt the rnte of $27,000 per hour. Harh blank will innko a sovereign, nnd It has Just that much of gold In It. Knch blank Is weighed to seo thnt It Is nbso luely necurate, nnd Is then run through a (olnliig press which stnmps the Imngo of the king upon It nnd at tho snino time presses In the milling about the edges. All of this work Is done with cold steel press ing upon the cold gold The only heat after the moiling Is that which conies from the friction mused by the enormous weight on the metal. RtANK O. OAUPISNTKIt. A Bachelor's Reflections New York Press: When marrlnge Is not an opportunity It Is an Importunity. No man enn keep nhead of himself nnd behind his wife at the same time. Some men are so menu that you can Hat tor them by sticking up your nose at their wives. You can't always Judge of a family's Importance in a town by looking at tho clothes Hue. It Is n wotnnn's ambition to be so well known that other women will wonder what kind of a husband she has got. A woman loses her left glove oftener than shit does the other becnilso she wears her prettiest rings on that hand. Nine times out of ten. when n man throws himself away he finds a woman waiting on the spot where he 'lights, to catch him It will probably always be n mystery what Oenernl Sherman would have said It was If he had been talking about innr rlago Instead of war. Nothing tickles a woman so much ns to seo another woman that she Just hates wearing n new hat that she tried on her self and knows exactly tho price of. Dode It Chicago Tribune: Tho Apostle Pete had Just preached his wonderful sermon It had resulted in ,1,000 converts. "Hut how aru you going to baptize so ninny at ono time?" asked one of the other prenchers. 'If you please, brother," replied Peter, "wo will not disturb tho good feeling of tho occasion by any discussion concerning tho modo of baptism. Let us leave nil that to tho sectarians of future ages." WE DON'T CARE what kind of a shoe you want, whether tho new Idenl patent Ubl, calf, kangaroo, enamel, viol kid or any color of tans, our complete lino of the famous HKCIHNT SIIOICH Includes nil leathers, stylos and sizes, and Hie prices are J2.W) and J'l : tit gunniuteed. Others charge you JO. 00 and Jii.00 for their equal Try u pair. Regent Shoe Co, iU .SOU I'll IfiTII STKKI'.T. Send for Illustrated Catalogue ni a ii t do tou want a f Btnulna largaln w in a Piano t Va hava hundrada of UrrliM rlanri rtturnet from noilnibr lrina moling which luuill illfKad ut al onr fjf are cannot tuaia ruom lor inaiu in uur .aia.iiiuiu.. iiivaa pauioalncluda Htciuwaya, KnaWa, KUchan, Starling, and othar Wall known tnakaa. Many ol thtni cannot t iliititit'iitaliad aVnm niw. vat all ara otTarad at ail anoruioui dlarount from prtcai whan naw. Unllfhtaaalow ai tin). Vary aaiy taiuia ol aymant to rallaMa anna. It wouM iTuUl ly coil about J for f ralhl to hava una ol Ihtaa lanoa ahlri'xl to ) ou, Na laria alia mahogany r-lanoa, with uiamlolln altachmant, lilt, tantanywhara on auy mania. Wrlta al onca forconiilat Hit anil full I'arlltulara. tou can niaka a lit at in inn by lacuf lui your iano from ua. tvary plauo warrautail aiartly aa ff ...... a Vfil. A. alVAW.V.ttl AJimkHL. 4?klftAk aW.U. UIVI.MMMaW.,-. , m A- M&tch S torts Me Meal if Vol se a WlCKLESS FLANl Oi I Stove No Fuss No Muss If your dealer doe not keep them, writ to tho ncareit nt'sncy of STANDARD OIL CO. PERFECT ICE CREAM Is made of pure, rich cream, the llnest vn ullla, the best sugar, and the juice of ripe, choice fruit. No gela tine, corn starch or zzr other substitute or cheapening ingredient Is used. Wo give our time and thought to innking and Iniprovlnu' ico cream, nnd It would be poor sat isfaction to do anything less thnn our best. We make more than 100 kinds of fancy creams nnd Ices. A little iu:irt barrel of our delicious crenni, three llavors, enough f r eight people, costs but 10c. All tho ladles ent our GOLD Ml DAI. CIIOCOLATI: BON B0NS 60c A POUND-BY LXPRLSS. . . . W. S. Balduff. 1518-20 i:arnam St , Omaha RED CROSS WHISKEY 4Kts CO00 for 3 HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO DON T BE SO THIN. FREE REMEDY. Many ladles and gentlemen who cannot complain of any kind of sickness are ab normally thin and cannot tlud any medical treatment which will correct this condition. Dr. Wbltuoy's Nervo nnd Flesh llullder la not nlone intended for thine who are sick, hut also for those who appear well and hearty, but cannot acquire sultlclcnt llesh to round out tho form. In dyspepsia, Indiges tion, all stomach troubles, debility and nervous diseases no remedy Is so prompt nnd powerful. In order to deinonstrnto the wonderful merits of Dr. Whitney's Nervo nnd Flesh llullder every person who will address the O. O. Jones Co,, Elmlrn, N. V., will receive n large trial package in plnln sealed wrapper absolutely free. For sale by Shernmn & McCounell Drug Co., Omaha, PRIMO RYE 10 YEARS OLD. TZ2i The Gem of If A. J Rich In Flavor Distinct in Character - To Introduce this fine L-. y - -j old whiskey we will na 1 (all qatirta (or $ 3-io METZ BROS. BREWING GO. Charges prepaid This whiskey liottleil ex pressly for my trade anil is sold direct to the consumer, thus saving nil retail dealer's protlt. I gunr u n tee It to be a line, pure, old rye whiskey, aged In wood and the eounl of any whiskey sold for twice the money If not absolutely satisfactory, re turn to mc and I will refund your money I give a lino sou venir with every order. Shipped In plain boxes. Inferences: All banks In Omaha or uny express company. Orders from atates west of Nebraska must call for 3 snllons to bo prepaid. Write to MEYER KLEIN, nii.l Nrth 10th St.. OMAHA. . VV. Iff. ' I. T1lrn.t tn rnngllmnr Kxpress chnrges prepaid Recommended by leading physicians, A puro and nutri tious stimulant for family use. Such whiskey as we of fer for $3 cannot be purchased else where for $5.00, Wo ship In pluiii packages no marks to Indicate contents nnd If not perfectly sat isfactory return at our expense and we will refund money at once. References: First National Bunk of Omaha or any Express Coinpuny. WESTERN DISTILLING CO 8ole Owners ... Omaha Abovo firm will do exactly as agreed Ed, Solid Comfort comes only to tho man whose business nlVnirs are well in hum!, whose dijjeslion is nil rijilil and who can indulge in Met, beer ill his ease. The beer, by the wny. oes n mg lislunce townrds helping him in his business and in his dines 1 1 ion. Won't cost you much to try a few bottles and then you'll know for yourself. Brewed nnd Bottled in Omaha. Telephone 111), LET US START YOU! &o0NTtfS liul.l, Nlltrr, Nickel and Mctnl Plating, At bvma or liaitllnj, moot . iaa.0 o'Jn, udDt and Mlllm Prof. Qnr't aactinet. nam n aicou, javtirr, Tablawaia, Blojolii.all mnal goodi. lo IIiparlaiM. llaafj pitta. Niw mattMi. IWa do platlof, miDofaolora outflla. all lliaa. Ottuantaad, OalrostSitMBpUw, Jkll toon, latnia, mttarlu, ttc, raadj for I work. We tuuh tou. furalih aarnta. formulaafree. Write lodsy, ramphli,iamp!n.ta.FHEK. r. uh.i v w, -line noma, il.ttnnilll, u. i Mm, WIiinIiiw'h SootlihiK Syrup ' lins been used for over I'MFTY VBAIIS by MILLIONS of MOT-URNS for their CHIU- DHKN WHII.K TKRTIIING, with Pi:n PRCT Sl'CCKSS. IT SOOTIIRS the CHILD. .SOKTRNS the OHMS, ALLAYS nil PAIN, Cl'ItKS WIND COLIC nnd Is tho best rem edy for DIAnmiOKA. Sold by dniKKlsts in every pnri or mo worm. Ho suro nnd nsk for "Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothlns Syrup" and take no other kind, Twenty-live cents a bottle, I A. 1. ROOT, Printer I 414-416 South Twelfth Street I Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NEB. I A. 1. ROOT, Printer 414-416 South Twelfth Street Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NEB. aV . latatr tmz.' H I 0T Kisses are Sweetest when takn from f' uouiui uiai Know ueuciuus Arnica. Tooth mSru SoaP J'rrvrt nnu vmlu'iiH thft'i ltth. rttriMIUtllMlH tllH muni. ' tl...t..lia 111 at lllit.ltll lal lilt. I ill1! tlkMtitli' run . nif. rtifrn.blni. '1 tm btmiiltinl ilnntif rliH for :tiiH.n m. 'J.Vi at nil drua- KiMtKor hy mull, V, II. hi ll (F (J .1 rO . CHU'ACO, r. K. At