12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1901. KELLEY, STIGER & CO, turflj'i Etrgain'i ! Wtmtn'i and Ohll driYi Hoiiiry and Undtrwur. STORE OPEN TILL 9i30 SATURDAY EVENING All the firrr Styles In Fiiney nnil SerTlrenhlr I'Brnnnlii from t.no to Children' Parn- ol, 28c to f.2, lloilery and underwear bargains, that claim every woman's attention, extraordi nary values, large assortment. An op portunity to secure a supply of reliable underwear and hosiery at economical prices. 15c, 2 for 2fic, women's lisle finish vests, Ilk taped, low neck, sleeveless or wing leaves, worth 20c. 26c for women's vests, flno Swiss ribbed, open work, laco fronts, excellent quality llele, tlireo pretty patterns, band-finish, silk taped, worth 35c each. 25c for women's umbrella ribbed pants, srlth wide lace bottomR, special bargains. 35c, 3 for 11.00, for women's silk finished lisle vests, lace trimming, beautifully fin ished, extra or medium sites, fully worth 60c oach. 60c for women's crochet yoke silk vests, Richelieu and narrow ribbed, band finished, pink, blue, hello and white, sclvedgod bor ders, 65c values. The celebrated "Munslng" underwear can be had here only. It Is superior In style, fit, quality and workmanship, costs less lhan inferior grades. Women's "Munslng" Union stilts, low neck sleevcloss, silk taped, Bit sizes, best cotton, 50c suit. x Women's "Munslng" lisle thread union suits, high neck, short or long sleeves, low Deck, sleeveless, anklo or kneo length, our price, only $1.00 per, suit. Women's "Mun log" sllkallno union suits, very cool for summer wear, beautifully finished, low Deck, sleeveless, Kntunlnv. $1.50 per suit. Women's sanitary mesh umbrella drawers, French band, very handsome laco trim med, extremely cnol and comfortable, a tn os t practical garment Our prlco only 90c per pair. , .15c for women's flno black cotton hose, eamlctn, doublo heel and toe. Our Satur day's salo price, 15c. 26c for women's fine black cotton hose, in a co sole, or all black foot; also a spe cial line In laco lisle thread, fast black, IIAYDBN'S ASTOXISIII.VO SAM3. Muslin tntlPMrenr Snlr Orrnt I'nr- ulinse of 11 l,liililntlnw .Mnmifnt'- . TUREUS' ENTIHE STOCK AT 50O ON THE ' noi.t.AIl. Compelled to sell out, our buyer secured ' this splendid stock of highest grade muslin underwear nt his own offer. The purchase Includes gowns, chemise, corset covers skirts and drawers, all made from finest cambrics Rnd lawns, exquisitely trimmed In lace embroidery, nicely finished, made by one of tho best manufacturers In Amer ica; made full size, perfect fitting and per fect In style; the daintiest and best lino of ladles' muslin underwear over shown In Omaha go on Bale Saturday at 25c, 39c, 50c and 76c; not a garment worth less than 7Cc, and up to $3.00. Tho sale will be held on tho bargain tables In main aisle. A special lot of very finest white skirts, trimmed with duchesse Valenciennes lace and Insertion: also fine embroidery trimmed, oxtra full width, stylishly made up, worth up to 13.50; also one lot of finest gownn and chemlso In best cambrics and lawns, beautifully made, will be sold Satur day at 08c. Thcso are worth up to $3.60. HAYDEN nUOS. Head great sales on page 7. For Salo A new, lato stylo Kimball piano nt a bargain. Inquire O. II. Tzschuck, Doo business office. Hard Prescriptions The man or woman who has a prescrip tion to bo filled Is of Interest to us, and we should be of Interest to him or her, which ever It may be. Our prescription department Is the strongest fcaturo of our store. Hard Prescriptions are "EASY" for us, for wo havo the Drugs, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals needed In filling them. Wo are particular, careful, exact In all such work. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, .New Locution, for, lUtli A noile. Send articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Peo. Wo will give them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 238. Tubllsh your legal notices In The Weekly tlee. Telephone 238. Stonecyphor prints anything. Tel. 1310. Our customers aro so well satisfied thnt their happiness Is often beyond expression -Ilayden Bros., with an ad on page 7. regular 36c qualities. 60c For our fine Imported fancy hose Cramer's Kldnev Cure allovcr lace, In black and tan, French Uncle Sam'H Tobacco Cure Job printing. 437 1'axton block. , Tel. 1110. It Has Leaked Out that the Hug Killer, known as SCHAEFER'S Hl'IlE DEATH Is tho only prcpartlon nn tho market that kills nil kinds of bugs. Wo'ro glad It's out, for wo want tho pub lic to know It and from the enormous nmount wo sell they nro fast finding out A pint bottlo for 20c. Ice ('rrmii Soil 11 l()c ( Creiini Hoiln (nppclnl for lit tle folka) r.o Scxliitt 1'lllH (I!)c KIiik'n Dlicovprr Interim lltlti Irr'n Mnlt AVhlnky M! So blues and cardinals, flno extracts In stripes, ? "prescription chocks and polka dots, handsomo embrold ercd fronts, also black gauze lisle or cot ton, regular 65c values. 16c For children's fast black ribbed cot ton school hone, doublo knee, heel and too, all sizes, 5 to r 25c For children's flno black cotton ribbed hose mnco sole, doublo knee, heel and too, also a pretty lino of black laco hose for misses, real stylish, nil sizes, Sat urday's sale only 25c per pair. . 50c For ml bb on Imported fnncy hose, novelties, extremely pretty and now, all- over lace In French reds, black, embrold 'ered ankles, diagonal stripes and figured fast colors, ndvanccd styles, exclusive pat' terns. PAUASOLS. Our fancy parasol stock Is complete In styles and lowest prices. Very pretty styles. Our new Shangtong embroidered silks, taffeta silks, tucked and hemstitched. In Kny's Henovntor Krrys' Luna Ilalm Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroynl Pills Duffy's Malt Peruna Hcott'a Emulsion - Hire's Hoot lloor I'lnkhnm's Compound Cut Price Drug Store. 8. W. Cor. lUth nnl Chlcnrjo Stu. Goods delivered FIIKE to any part of city SCHAEFER'S 60c -5a 75o 20c 2UC $1.00 hoa . 03a 760 14c Ola Sorosls Shoes are In all new shapes for street or dre!, but tho comfort Idea Is not overlooked In a. single pair. When fitted right an they fit shoes nt tho So rosls Shoe Store they havo that custom look which Is so desirable In n shoe, at no matter what prlco. Sorosis Are All $3.50 The women who havo worn Sorosls Shoos recommend them. The Sorosls Store Is nrranged for your comfort. All the modern Ideas. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th Street, Fruuk Wilcox, Mnungcr. Write for a Catalogue. TAFT'S Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Our patients nro nlways grateful to us nfter using our Vitalized Air for painless extracting. Gold Crowns 1500 Hood Set Teeth $3.W Everything strictly flrst-clnss. j $45,000 Worth of Clothing HAYDEN S The Hart, Schafl'ner & Marx and the Stein-Bloch Co.'s stocks of men's and youths' spring suits. The season's newest and best oew red, blue, gray, green, white, with deep clothing, iniiid vou, at the lowest prices ever know in the history flounce of chiffon, now automobllo handles , r j 11.60. 12.60, 3.00, to $15.00. OI Umailll. The Suits and the Prices, At i).00 there are fnncy enssi meres and worsteds, blue and "black cheviots and oxford mix tures the regular $0.00 values At 7.50 there are brown mixed Scotch cheviots, fine blue serges, black and blue clay worsteds, u nn hrnVi?.H n .".it ?,.our trap of and and other kinds of excellent tailored suitsthe is not authorized to sell our goods or trans- Act any business for our account. Peot regular lo.00 Values. Vt $10.00 there are fine fancy worsteds of imported and do mes! ic fabrics, fancy tweeds, extra fine thibets, in over 50 new slvlish pat terns. Thev are the Stein-Broeh tailor-made&VTtNiwcn' garments. No such suits were ever before of fered in Omaha for less than 20.00. At $12.50 there are unfinished worsteds, extra line German worsteds and nobby patterns in fin est cassuneres suits thnt are worth and sol elsewhere up to 25.00 At 15.00 are the finest suits these manufacturers turn out, who are known to be the best in al America. These suits are made from the most Danre Tonlnht. .iuj.juiui imuciur! twiu uic uuvtvBL iiuiiyo, iMn.11 jib uiu UtiW military, Jolly Eight's lively ball this evening, vnrnit.v mill KtifliKli wnlkinrr styles. Tlipsn snita onn nnlv n .1VU.hln.rfnn 1C.h II " " ' ....... w ... ... bi.cbib, . -.vifli Hm Sir; ir f.n nmi n.fn.innntmi.o 1-1 iwl nne orcnestra; a grand good time for you. w im- muin.-iu-un.nnun. ""m, pents, 25c. Welcome. Women's 26-Inch colored umbrellas In blue, wine, brown, new twill silk, wears e)l, princess, natural wood handles, steel $od and case, adapted for summer rain 13.00 quality, Saturday's sale only $2.25 tach v Children's parasols, all styles, all sizes, for all ages 25c to $2.00. KELLEY, STIGER & CO., Corner Fnrnam and 15th. Open Saturday evening 'till 9:30. Bros., Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Prices that give fresh proof of positive savings uayden nros., with nn nd on (ago 7. Ilohemlan Kzruralon. Excursion of Tel Jed Sokol to Platts tnouth Sunday, May 19. Hound trip, umana to riattBmouth and return, 60 cents. Special train leaves Burlington station, Omaha, at 1 p. m.; returning, leaves i'lattsmouth nt 11 p. m ji lie j $5.00 tures the n $7.50 $10.00; Modern Woodmen. Lowest rates, Special accommodations, St. Paul and return vis. "The Northwestern Line," June 8 to 11. 1401-1403 Karnam street. $12.50 $15.00 r if" The Boys' Long Pants Suits All of these In all slzes from 13 to 19. $3.75 All Wool Cnsslmores and Cheviots $0,50 suits for $3.75. Our prices speak for themselves In no $5.00 Flno bluo and black Serges, unfln- Uncertaln tone Hayden nros., with an ad 'shed worsted nnd fancy Scotch Mlxtuos , w anted A Btar tea. cigar and snlco ialesman, with an established trade In these goods In Nebraska. A largo sulary to the ngnt man. ll. C. FISHER, Chicago. Stonecypher, printer: 1201 Howard St. on page 7. If You Have Money to Burn Go Elsewhere to regular $9.00 suits for $5.00. $6.60, $7.50 and $10.00 suits, In military form-nttlng sack, In all the latest styles nnd fabrics, regular $10 to $18 values. The Boys' Knee Pants Suits In all tho newest styles of Russian blouses, sailor blouses, Norfolk style 3 plcco suits and plain doublo breasted kneo pants suits that aro regularly sold from $3.50 to $12.00 now on salo nt $1.50, $2.60 $3.75 nnd $5.00. The men'B fine Odd Trousers, In all sizes from 30 to 60 waist, now on scale nt $1.50, $2.50 and $3.75 pants worth from $3.00 to 7.C)U. HAYDEN BROS. SELLING THE MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. Buy Your Shoes I Sensational Saturday Sale HAMMOCKS J I LH iJSCs ... nMAnHU., y-v - for full nlziM wnvon Hi. Omaha's Finest Shoo Store offers such price concessions In high grade footwear making all posslbe attempts at competition K failure. Newest shapes and styles arriving dally. Only store In the city showing the DOUBLE-DECKERS for men and women, the newest Innovation In high art footwear, endorsed by all swell dressers, Shoes from 97.00 to $1.60 not to be found elsewhere. Every possible shape, style and width found here. The latest productions of the foremost ocletv shoe builders alwavs In stock. We invite comparison. Yours, anxious to please, for full sized woven Hnm MnC mock, quarter colored, com. Plcto with pillow and spreader. tC tr handsomo colored kD woven Hnmmock.coni- lifcZ .... i . i"i lc wiin piiiow ana IJW spreader, recrulnr I2.m voin. Lf fr extra large woven i.uiiiiiintn, mil coiorea, T . . , completo with opreadcr nnd pillow, ' We havo tho largest line of Ham mocks In the city to select from. tsaoy Carriages and Go-Carts. $1.95 $6.95 satin parasol. for Upright do-Cart, mado of heavy splndlo rPPrl. Khnllnr. flnUkml steel wheels, heavy Scoval springs nn.l patent foot brake, a very neat mm uuiuuio tiiri regular price $3.00. 5SrrrlaWuT.eiM body I W'r0 not fraro,DS 8,1 the Pcture. rubbor tired wheels, I In Omaha, but protty nearly nil. ucceasnra to TUB HOWE. 1M5 Pouilai SU-1516. Clear business Sense and successful thought are throwing up entrenchments around the wants of those who mcd ready-to-wear cothiug, shoes, etc., for men, women and children. This store is perhaps reflect ing the best interest of the retail money spender. The Woman who wants to supply h er wants and, do it ccono mkully, mm a cliancc of (t lifetime in onr tcomcit'a mtit department. Men's Clothing A great triumph is in the modern way of mnnufaeturing, the process that studies men of all sizes and conditions. Tho progress of civilization has revolutionized supply autl de mand made it possible to suit the dress requirements of the day at little expense. Certain conditions have contributed to this result, you nnd we are reaping the benefits of past thought and achievements. It is a policy of this house to sell good clothing as cheap as good clothing can be sold. Men's Serge Suits Quality, style, fit and construction ns you expect to find at this store, all wool and faBt colors $5.75, $6.75, $7.50, $8.50, $10, $14.50. MSh's Spring Suits in other material at 5.00, &50, 7.50, 8 50, 9.50, 10.00, ll.OO, 12.00, 13.50 and up as high as you care to go, let us substantiate these values by showing you through the line. Women's Wash Waists For Saturday's Selling. Wo believe tho highest point has been reached ns far as fullness nnd complete ness of stock Is concerned, One look through this department will maka you ciiuiilly positive, and there's hardly u day that new Ideas do not conio to u as they bloom from fashions mart. Women's Wash Waists 69c Mude of the best Olnghains nnd Madras flow in pretty stripes new colors new collar and tdeeves, only Women's Wash Waists In chnmbrays nil the new s limle oxblood, ftc. -mode with tho new millor collar trimmed nil around with embroidery new 95c sleeve nnd back n waist that you cannot ilupllcntc elsewhere for less ihnn $1.50 our Saturday price Women's White Wash Waists Women's White Lawn Waists, mndo of the best aunllty of (direr lawn, trimmed with tucking nnd four rows of luce or embroidery, down tho front, nil with tho newest collars nnd "v sleeves, you can't match them out- M 1' sldo thin store for less thnn $1.60 our prlco Women's Wash Waists In a hnndsome collection of novelties In now materials and linens. In white nnd all the new shades, they nro mndo with tho now blouso front nnd French back, at $1.90, $2.90, $3.50, $3.90 Women's Silk Dress Skirts There is no "Why" without a " Because." Many nn otherwise skillful dressmaker cannot get a skirt to bang correctly, for this Is n far moro dlftlcult task than any other In the making of a skirt.. Our skirts nro famed really for tho stylo thero Is In every one of them, The "Why" Is "Because" wo have "the hang" of skirt building after long practice. That "hang" Is worth as much as the material. Women' 8 Silk Skirts 76 women's silk waists, mado of ths best taffeta silk tuckod nnd corded full flounce trimmed with rows of taffeta ruchlng boautlful hanging skirts and well made the kind thnt sold at $10.00 nnd $12.75 Saturday Wo have also received a lot of handsomo now silk skirts, nt $9.75, $i:,76, $19.75 and up to $35.00. t anil in mm 7.90 Men's Trousers at $1, $1.50, and at 25 cents a jump $1.75, $2.00, $2.25i $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, In a neat line of patterns, fancy checks and plain, carefully made, and guaranteed to give excellent service, light nnd dark patterns. The demand for reliable trou sers nt a popular price has en couraged us to look sharp for the very best pant makers in the world, nnd great care haH been exercised in the selection of both quality and style. Men's Hosiery Men's fast colored seamless cotton hose, In the new shades of reds, blues, tans, solid black and un bleached feet 10c Extra good quality fine fast colored silk plaited and Egyp tian cotton hose In fancy stripes, spots, and solid colors, at 15c Extra fine quality men's sea-Island cotton and lisle-thread hose, In many striking and new patterns, solid syE black, fancies and tans Men's Spring Furnishing Goods and greatness but mainly the very exceptional in new goods Men's nalbrlcenn ITnrinrnhlrta nni Drawers In brown, bluo nnd flesh coior nest sateen facing at , i diuo and ncsn 35c The seasonable weights in underwear and hosiery; the latest effects in colored shirtB and neckwear, etc. A gathering sure to interest you, not only because of its variety because of . values we're offering Men's Unbleached Dalbriggan Under shirts and Drawers, good values, full lino of sizes , Men's Fine Quality Maco cotton, plain and ribbed shirts and draw ers, French neck, In choice lino of colors, at 45c Moil's Extra Flno Quality Shirts and Drawors, silk faced, with long silk cuffs, excellent values can be had at this store for .. 65c Men's Soft Shirts- In good quality madras and per cales scparato cuffs choice line of patterns lauiuii tit... 'ct - 45c Men's Soft Shirts in flno fancy madras, silk striped and now stylo col lars, sepcrnte cutis -for 75c Men's Madras Shirts of English madras nnd flno French chnmbrays, solid color, nnd fancy pattorns, sepcrate cuffs, rogular value $1.50 our prlco only 1.00 Men' 8 Imported Madras Shirts in a choice selection of protty pattorns xeporate cuffs, full lino of colors n groat shirt value our prlco only 1.25 ,e""t' '',l,nir nnlv three nrlces to nay $2.15. $3.75.1 nnd $u.on H lets than regular millin ery prices around lown Boys' Clothing Kasy and quick prlt'ca to enooso from $1.25 $150 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $3.00 $3.25 $3.50 and up, Men's Straw Hats Its not an easy task to find another such an assortment as wo aro showing In men's straw hats. 25c, 35c, 45c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50. v Sixty-two different styles for you to chooso from, Milan Hralds, split Panama, wheat straw, etc. Golf and fedora shapes, soroo as nbovo cut at 45c, 76c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 and $2.00. Boys' Straw Hats Qenulno Moxlcan hots, 45c, R5e, R5o. Boys' Fedora and golf hats, In rough or plain straw, 45c and 66c. Other stores' prlco for tamo quality and style, 76c, $1 and $1.25. Women's Hosiery Our new department for Ladles' Hosiery. "Ladles good quality seam less cotton hose, In black, tan and -4 CS-, fancies 13C Ladles' extra flno quality, black, tan or fancy, col ored cotton hose, or plain fancy stripes OCE-i and laco offects, Ot LadleV fine quality two-thread, maco cot ton and lisle-thread, spilt foot, solid blacks or fancy stripes, with laco effects for OOC Ladies' fine quality black laco and Hlche-llcu-rlbbed hose, In grain dyn a g handsome patterns, for tIJjC