Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Jcit Nw Oouioil Bluffs 6mi HrtMsg
Ahtd but Dkj.
Conm.rrclnl Circuit. Will Xot He
Ilcuilr tnr Srvrrnl Muiitli", When
Current Will Come from
Dclar in securing pole nnd other con
struction material will prevent the ail
sons' Oas and Electric Light company from
having Its line ready by May 25 to carry
out Its llKhtlns contract with the city.
ThlH delay has been unavoldablo on the part
of tho company and Is In a great rneaiuro
due to the action of tho city officials, at
whose request tho company changed Its
pole line from Ilroadway to the alley north
of that thoroughfare. This necessitated an
Immense amount of extra work and tho
placing of an entire new lot of poles.
Manager Nichols of tho Citizens' Gas and
Electric Light company hopes to have th
work of construction so far completed by
May 25 that the current can be turned tn
tho circuits to mako a test of .tho new en
closed altt mating arc lamps on tho towers
at Twenty-first street and Fifth aenue and
on Oakland avenue. Tucso arc the two
nlnrra whero the council decided to experi
ment with tho new lamps and test their
light-giving power from the towers. Tho
result of this test will determine whether
the towers shall lie retained or tno lamps
hunc at the street Intersections,
in chancing Its polo line from the streets
to tho alleys at tho request of tho city
council the electric company has met with
many engineering difficulties, duo to tho
Irregular courso of some of the alleys
through which it 1b designed to run tho
polo lino. Tho fact that tho alleys arc In
no many places broken into Dy pruaio
property has also been a cause of delay,
as It has bcea necesary for the electric
light company to securo the consent of such
property owners.
Could lime Snveil Time.
The alleys wero selected at tho roquest
of tho mayor and city council for tho pur
poso of removing ns far as possible tho
unsightly poles from tho business streets
of tho city. Tho company could have saved
much tlmo by maintaining the polo line on
Broadway, which It purchased with other
equipment from tho Council' Uluffs Gas and
Klectrlc company, but In deference to tho
wishes of tho city fathers In the matter
tho company Is constructing a compete
new lino through tho alleys north of Broad
way. Tho old polo line on Broadway will
bo removed entirely.
Tho work of stringing the feed wire and
crossarmlng tho motor bridge has been
completed. This was a difficult and tedious
piece of work, because It was necessary to
have tho wires placed under tno nriago and
at such a distance below so as to remove
nny possible danger of contact with the
metal girders of tho structure. The work
of stringing the feed wlro from the bridge
cast will be. begun cither today or to
morrow. The company docs not cirect to be able
to do any commercial lighting for several
months, as entirely new wiro will be used
nml all tho who now employed In commer
cial circuits will be discarded. The central
station will be placed at 26 Pearl street for
transforming and controlling the current,
which will bo received from Omaha. The
machinery for the station Is here and tho
work of Installing It will bo begun this
Davis tells glasa.
Contractor Grin Henily to rnvr I'nrU
Avenue Tilth llrlek
Contractor Wlckham has completed the
paving of Sixth and Seventh avenues and
tho work on Fourth street Is being steadily
pushed with a largo force of men. This
morning Wlckham will begin tearing up tho
old cedar blocks on Park avenue, prepara
tory to laying tho brick paving.
As soon as the paving on Fourth street
Is completed, which will not be for twenty
or twfnty-five days yet, Contractor Wlck
ham will start on Bluff street, which Is to
be paved with concrete base and vitrified
brick top course, ns Is being laid on Fourth
Contractor Wlckham has 100 men
working at present and expects to Increase
this forco materially this week as soon
as Park avenue Is ready for tho paving of
To Celelirnte Memorial liny.
Tho members of Abo Lincoln post. Grand
Army of the Republic, aro planning to
celebrate Memorial day this year on a
more elaborate scalo than for soveral years
past. A number of committees have been
appointed to mako the necessary arrange
ments and the program has been partially
outlined. A general Invitation will bo ex
tended to the military and civic societies
of tha city to participate In tho exercises.
Tho veterans of the civil war feel tha
The Admiral
One of Hanan's
best makes of
shoes. Have you
seen it in our show
We have some
others there, too,
that are beauties.
Look fur the Dear.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Casady, Jr.,
Funeral Irector
(Successor to W. C. Estep)
Is over, but we still have n good
supply of tboso tooth brushes at
ONE DIME each. Bettor get on
pretty coos.
Dell G. Moroan's
the public docs not tal:o as much Interest
as formerly In the observance of Memorial
day p.nJ this year they Intend It possible
to revive that Interest, which the Im
portance of the occasion should call for.
Derthlck Cluli'n Miiftlrnl.
The Dorthlck club will give Its last
musical of the season but one tonight In
Royal Arcanum hall. An attractive pro
gram has ben arranged and will bo given
under the direction of L. V. Tullcys and
Miss May Tulleys. It will be:
Overture to "William Tell" llofslnl
Miss I'orterlleld and Mir Wright.
"Drink to Me Only with Thlno Eyes"..
Is. A. Dressier
Mr. Lewis.
Largo, from "Xerxes" Handel
Mr. Slt.'ckelbcrg.
"Aufschwung" Schumann
Mlrs Ilouch.
"If You Worn Only Mine" (from "The
Singing Olrl") Herbert
Mr. Covnlt.
"Lovo Is n Tyrant" (from "The Sing
ing Olrl") Herbert
MIfm Caldwell.
Trols Petltcs, pieces for llilte
ugttrt:i Holmes
(b) Chanron, bl Clnlr do Lune. (c) Olgue.
Mr. Hadollot.
(a) "Oh! Had 1 JubiiTs Lyn" Handel
(b) "Tho Songs My Mother Taught Me"
Mrs. Covult.
Sixth Mr, with variations Do Bcrlot
Mr. Strrkelbcrp.
Eighth Hungarian Khan-iotUo Liszt
Miss McCubr.
D&vls sells paint.
Tin I'erret ContriuM IIiiiIn Tmliiy,
K. M. Cunningham's tax ferret contract
with the board of county supervisors for
the discovery of property omitted or con
cealed from assessment will eiplrc today.
Tho contract was entered Into by the board
with Cunningham November 13, 1M0, and
gavo the latter eighteen months In which
to complete tho work.
Cunningham for a week past has been
dally reporting a largo number, of cases
and Is expected to file with tho county
treasurer today the last of his discoveries.
It Is understood that his reports today will
embrace those cases In which the largest
amounts arc Involved.
Itnlrc Money nt Next Atliilt crrnry of
'I'll i-1 r IM-iIlcntlim.
The congregation of tho Broadway
Methodist church celebrated yesterday the
ninth anniversary of the dedication of Its
handsome placo of worship with special
services, at which a large amount of the
sum needed to meet a certain portion of
Indebtedness shortly becoming due was
Tho Broadway Methodist church building
was erected a little over nine years ugo
at a cost of about 12,000, to which wits
added 31,000 for additional ground. There
was an indebtedness of $3,000 on tho old
church building and another $3,000 was ex
pended for a pipe organ. The Interest
charges on the debt have been paid and
about $24,000 of the principal has been
wiped off. Tho church property, including
tho parsonage. Is estimated to be worth
now between $55,000 and $C0',000.
At the service yesterday afternoon step3
wero taken to raise $3,000, which will be
required to meet tho back and accruing ,
Interest due February 1, 1602. The con
gregatlon responded liberally and Pastor
Calfee had tho satisfaction of announcing
that the greater portion of the amount
needed had been promised before tho close
of tho service. The subscriptions promised
nre payablo In ten monthly Installments.
A noticeable feature of the debt-raising
was the promptness with which the
younger members of the congregation
added their names to the subscription list.
An attractive musical program wbb ren
dered and Rev. A. C. Hirst, D. D., pastor
of tho First Methodist church of Omaha,
delivered a forceful sermon.
In tho evening the anniversary service
of the Epworth league was held, the paB
tor, Bcv. W. J. Calfee, occupying the pul
pit. These officers of tho league for the
ensuing year wero Installed by tho pastor:
President, John Sylvester; first vice pros!
deQt s L Thomas; second vice president,
Marlanno Hart; third vice president, Jen
nlo Benson; fourth vico president, Mlttlo
M. Pile; secretary, A. L. Sandford; treas
urer, H. J. Frohardt.
A special meeting of tho officers of tho
church will be held this evening at the
Gravel roofing A. II. Head, C41 Brosd'r.
Rubber stamps at DeLong's, 307 B'vrsy.
N. T. Plumbing Co., tt-iepnnne 250.
Dt.vls sells drugs.
Btockert sells lace curtains.
Fine ABC beer, Neumaycr's hotel.
Wollman, scientific optician, 103 B'way.
Schmidt's fine photos guaranteed to please.
Good wages paid to n competent girl at
mi nouin I'.iKiun street.
W. F. Gruff, undertaker and dlslnfector,
ivi souin .Main street, 'l'lione um,
Get yojr work done at the popular Eaglo
launury, i.i uroauway. mono iw.
Uso Hall'H Mngtc Compound. Best dan-
urim euro and hair preserver known.
Special attention given to wedding prcs-
uma. u. icxanuer a: io., m is way.
Mrs. II. II. Husbands of Salt Lake Ctt
Is guest of Mrs, M. E. Amy of 21 Sum
Sixth street.
Tako homo a brick of vanilla cream. 2j
cents, or Neapolitan. 35 cents. Will keep
ono nour wiuiiiui ice, t. aioizser & uo.
Colonel W. J. Davenport of the Burllnc
ton road Is homo from Colorado, where he
hns been locmuig after his mining Inter
est h,
Tho cltv council Is slated for an nd
journcd session this evening, itlso for a
iiitT ting hs a ooara ot review tins alter
mo woman a auxiliary ot tne uraco
church will cive a musical nnd uanclni:
party next riaay evening in iiugucs nan,
Aumissioti, oc.
Edwin Wuck. who nets under tho staco
namo of Edwin Wallock. Is home from Chi
cago, nfter a successful season, to pass
a vacation with relatives and other friends.
The Kmc Urewlm: coinimnv of Omaha
will construct u handsome club building at
Jianawu, opposite tho mnm entrance to
tho motor company's resort. Work on the
building will be begun this week.
Charles Mlddendorf of ChlcnKO. a 1(-
year-old typewriter, will he In Council
Bluffs today to Klvo nn exhibition of tho
"tOUCh mi-thod" nt nuxrnttiiL' n mnohln..
at tho Western Iowa Business college.
Phil Wareham. who is serving his sec
ond term as health othcer, has served sev
eral hundred notices on property owners
to clean up their back premises nnd the
alleys throughout the city ure beginning
v ivwiv uttiun JtUk v-itraiicr.
MTi,,?iflil,cJu.0,.r,eorB,i' l,,fant ot Mr. and
Mrs. Petor I. Hansen. nu h..i.i ..,.....
day afternoon from the family residence,
ill Commercial btreet. Burial was In Fal
v low cemetery Two weeks ago Mr. and
Mm. Hansen burlc! n.nA" .r.'.'J.
Tontcht tho i.rnnn
wecK'a engagement nt the Dohonv theater
Thtj company comes to Council BUfts
imhoi? n-kuiiiivu4c-u uj- me press where
It has appeared in other cities, n includes
Borne excellent talent, it in nald. and tho
vaudeville nd comedy acta are un to mod.
ern times.
J tld
km Wheeler of tho district court this
morning will mako a rearrangement of
tho law assignment nnd Tuesday will go
5ho rest of the week.' liewlFl 'return' l,i?S
Monday und complete the business of this
w.WV.,..uH.: I n.ow.
Oak' and nnlsh the term UiVro."u l "eU
The greatest skin specialist In America
originated tho formula for Banner Salve.
4 ierp, an cuib or sores, onil
for piles It's the most healing medicine,
Ul ouu.iuuiM.
WinUnet Will Vou Anothir and Maj
Alio Qct Mori Riilrotdi.
Aililrcm It liy Confnlernle (ienernl
llrtl Oak Wit Hiiuiiitl limine llle
1'lre llrMriictlt I'lne I'oiirl
Fun ml In I lie Mli'lnnlpiil,
U-'rom a Staff Correspondent.)
IJES MOINES, May 12. (Special.) The
people of Wlntcrsct will vote the latter
part of tho month on a franchise for an
electric railroad to be run from Dcs Moines
to Wlnterest. The franchise for the lino
from Crcston to Wlnterest was voted fa
vorably some time ago and engineers hae
been locating the line and preparing for
tho commencement of work. There now
teems no doubt that the line will be con
structed. Tho franchise asked for by Dos
Moines people will also bo passed and
as soon as that Is done work will be com
menced on the cxtenslou of. the lino from
Valley Junction to Wlnterest.
Tht belief Is also prevalent In Wlnterset
that as Boon as work Is begun on these
lines the Burlington will commence con
struction of n lino to Wlnterset, and pos
sibly tho Bock Island will make some ex
tensions. Wlntcrsct has been set off on
one lino of railroad, and that u stub line,
10 long that It has been retarded In
growth, but with the coming of the elec
tric lines a boom is anticipated. Nothing
has been done on tho proposed electric
road to Knoxvllle, the company waiting on
the army post matter. The surveys for
the line northeast from lies Moines through
Story and Hardin counties aro being made
and these are some Indications that this
road will be built as soon as the others,
llrtl (Ink i:ntilou.
Juno U the people of lied Oak will vote
on enlargement of the corporate limits
of the city of Bed Oak Junction. It Is
proposed to take In all the suburbs and
make tho city include 2.S00 acres, absorb
ing tho vlllngcs of Orlfflthville and other
suburbs. This will Increase tho popula
tion of tho city to nearly 5,000.
(rent Wentcru .Junction.
The people of Bockwcll City have been
practically assured that that city will bo
made the Junction of tho Great Western
between its Omaha and Sioux City branches.
Tho new road will run almost direct from
Kort Dodge to Bockwell City and there
divide, one branch going througn iiarian
to Omaha and the other veering to the
north and going directly to Sioux City.
Survey work is being done In several places
In that part of the state.
VleknliurK Iteunlon nt Dtilmiue.
Captain J. F. Merry of Dubuque, who is
chairman of a special committee looking
after the preparations for the reunion of
the soldiers of the Vlcksburg campaign, Is
In the city, and reports that he has secured
a promise from General Stephen D. Lee of
Mississippi that be will be at tho reunion
In Dubuque Juno 5, and address tho veter-
nns who took part In the siege of Vlcki-
bllrK- Thts wm t,e nn interesting feature
of tho reunion. General Lee was In com
mand of a brigade within the lines at
Vlcksburg. and two Iowa companies of In
fantry, the Twenty-second and Tweuty-
thlrd, had an engagement with Lee s Con
(e(ieratCH that was In fact a hand to hand
battle alonK tne 1Ine8 wnlcn are now within
tbn vlcksburg national military park. Gen-
cral Leo will talk on his experiences nt the
siege of Vlcksburg. The reunion Is to be
In connection with the department encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Republic tn
June at Dubuque. Tho Iowa soldiers have
been largely Instrumental In having tho
Vlcksburg park created and monuments
placed to show tho battle lines.
Fire lit Iloonevllle.
News has been received here of a dis
astrous lire at Boonevllle on the Rock Is
land In Dallas county. The fire broke out
In a hotel owned by Ffller Bros. The wind
was from tho west and the entire block In
which the hotel was located was endan
gered. Warehouses and barns owned by
Feller Bros., with 2,000 bushels of wheat,
twenty-one bogs, an lco house and a store
belonging to tho same firm wero all de
stroyed. Other losses were D. J. Davis
two barns; Mr. Martin, residence; W. M.
Sweeney, fine residence. But threo build
Ings wero left In tho best block In town.
With dlfllculty the ecboolbouse and a church
were saved. Tho total loss was between
$20,000 and $30,000.
'I'm Krrret It run It
Tho state treasury yesterday received
from Clinton county $2,S27.0C, being the
amount belonging to the stato on account
of collections due entirely to the work ot
tax ferrets In ferreting out hidden prop
eny in icai county, as tnis Is but a
small part of the taxes actually recov
ered and as It covers a period of less than
ono year, the value of tho tax ferret sys
tem In that county Is evident.
IiMtn Mctliodlnt Conference.
The annual conference of the Methodist
church for the Iowa or southeastern con
ference is to be held in Ottumwa, begin
ning May 2S. The various, sessions will
oe presiiieu over oy i. A. uonerts, w. I
Babb, John Molcr. D. II. Payno and John
Mahln, and on tho program are addresses
and papers by a large number of the more
prominent ministers" of tho southeastern
counties of Iowa.
Mute Hunk Itrportit.
The Stale Banking department of the
auditor s olllce called for a statement of
the condition of the state and savings
bftnks April 23, at tho same time as the
call for tho national banks. Reports are
coming In, and invariably they show great
prosperity In the Iowa hanks. One bank at
Davenport reports moro than $6,500,000 of
deposits on hand at that date and a bank
In Des Moines has more than $5,000,000
of deposits. The complete report Is ex
peeled to show a wonderful increase in
the bank business of the state.
IlnmnKC for I.onk of Cuttle.
John Black, an Adair county farmer, has
sued Mr. Wldner. a banker of Cornlne
claiming the sum of $11,000 on account
of a deal In cattle. In 1S9S Black pur
chased of Widner 200 held of young cnt
I tlo which had been shipped from New
York. They were supposed to bo healthy
nnd .Mr. macK put them In his feed lot
along with other cattle. In a short tlmo
uc.ciu uuu r.fcm, -JOUr neau
" original purchase were found to b
diseased and were killed. The disease wa
communicated to others and In all Mr
Wldner lost HO head. He now sues fo
$11,000 damage on the ground that th
cattle wero diseased when tho deal wa
FiiuU n IIIk Pearl
Stories of rich finds of pearls along th
MU.U.Ippi river come in. A few days ago
Jac's Bniley of LeClalre, who had been
"clamming" along the Mississippi river for
'vtrol 'e. nd a pearl nearly a.
largo is r common marble and sold It t
Howe Bros, of Clinton for $1,000 cash.
is believed, however, that tho pearl
reauy wortn nearly rimihln ihni mnlln
and the purchasers wero very anxious to
cuy it at tho price Indicated.
niiiiinuc nt llomertnke Mill from 111.
plosion .Not So (.rent im
LEAD. S. U., May 12. (Special.) Early
Saturday morning the Homestake company
began clearing away tho debris nt the
Highland hoist, which was made tn the
explosion of the boiler Friday night. At
the time of the accident It' was thought
that the loss to the company would amount
to several hundred thousand dollars In
delay caused by tho shutting down of ono
of the principal hoists for the ore and tho
sawmill. After examlnallou by the com
pany's chief engineer It was found that
two of the boilers arc unharmed and the
other machinery Is all right, so that the
sawmill can soon be started up again.
There Is a larger supply of ore on hand
for the mills than figured on 1'rlday night
and the reserve of timbers for tho mine
Is also larger than at first estimated, It
Is not likely that It will be necessary to
closo down nny of the mills, although
some of the stamps may be hung up tem
Confcrener of Huron District Close
unit I'rpiiclicrs Itrturii to
'liielr I'lookr.
Hl'HON. S. D., May 12 (Special.) A
three days' session of the Huron district
conference and Ministerial association
closed hero Thursday night. Among those
present were Rev. W. B. Stewart of Alpena,
who delivered tho opening sermon; Bevs.
Henry I'reston of Wolsey. N. J. Willis of
Burdctte. J. N. Fulford of Gettysburg, O. W.
Eschcr of Lebanon, W. L. Melnzer of Bed-
field, A. W. Thurston of Cavour, J. E. Jloul
gate of Herre, E, E. Saxton of Hitchcock,
H. S. Wilkinson of Huron, Dr. E M. Mills
of New York, corresponding secretary of
tho Twentieth Century commission, and Dr.
Graham, president of Mitchell university.
The moderator was Bcv. J. I'. Jenkins, pre
siding elder of the Huron district. A meet
ing of tho Woman's Foreign Missionary so
ciety was at thj same time, a feature of
which was an address by Mrs, Husso of
Illni'U IIIIIr Ciittlemcn Hineet
L'nlte In Pre cudtiii
BELLE FOL'BCHE, S. D.. May 12. (Spe
cial.) It Is likely that tho cattlemen on
tho Black Hills ranges will unlto for tho
purpose of exterminating tho wolcs nnd
coyotes that continually molest tho herds
on the ranges. In the vicinity of the Short
Pines hills tho cattlemen have for three
yearn lie an asse3Slng one another 6 cents
per head for horses and cattle and 6 cents
for every ten head of sheep to pay a pro
fessional wolf hunter, who gets $3 per
head for every animal killed. Last winter
he killed twenty wolves and received
210. Wolves have become scarce In that
lclnlty. The plan will likely bo tried
by other cattlemen.
IuiIkc WimtM .'More hnlnry.
PIERBE, S. D., May 12. (Special.)
Judge Bennett of the third circuit has filed
with the state auditor a claim for his
salary at the rate paid to circuit judges
t all the other circuits of the state. The
last legislative session raised the salaries
of tho Judges of the other circuits from
2,000 to $2,D00 per year, but so drew the
bill that the salary In that circuit would
not be raised, which for the benefit of C.
X. Seward of Watertown, who desired to
become a candidate for the judgeship this
year, but would be barred If the legislature,
of which ho war- a member, should Increase
tho salary.
Wnnt Mllltln Company.
YANKTON, S. D., May 12. (Special.)
There is a good deal of talk of Yankton's
having a company In the South Dakota
National guard. The latest advices from
Pierre state that an encampment of the
National guard will be held here during tho
stato fair.
.Sculped liy FmIIIiir llntcliet.
TYNDALL, S. D.. May 12. Special.)
Eldon Williams, tho 12-year-old son of
W T. Williams, while Btandlng under
telephone pole watching a workman a
hatchet fell, striking him on the head
and making a scalp wound two Inches long.
(limp Warden Appointed.
PIEKBE, S. D.. May 12 (Special.)
Governor Hcrrled today appointed as fish
and game wardens J. E. Curson of Custer
for Custer county, and J. J. S. McKeo of
Brldguwater, for McCook county.
Ilenrue Vnueiliut Improved.
NEW YOItK. May 12. -James A. Honrne.
the actor, who has been 111 or some time
nt his home In this city, was said tonight
to oe somewnai improveu.
Xortli nml South Dnkotn to Sim re with
.Ncbrnnkn the 1'erfecttuu
of u Ma)' liny.
WASHINGTON, May 12. Forecast:
For Nebraska, North and South Dakota
Folr Monday and Tuesday; warmer Mon
day; southeasterly winds.
For Iowa Fair Monday and Tuesday;
warmer In western portion Monday and In
eastern portion Tuesday; fresh northerly
winds, becoming variable.
For Missouri Fair Monday and Tuesday
north to northeast winds.
For Kansas Fair In northern; probably
rain in southern portion Monday; Tuesday
fair and warmer; easterly winds.
For Colorado Fair Monday and Tuesday
warmer Monday; variable winds.
For Wyoming Showers and cooler In
western, fair In eastern portion Monday
Tuesday fair; southwesterly winds.
For Montana Showers and cooler Mon
day; Tuesday fair; northwesterly winds.
I.oeul Hecord.
OMAHA. May 12.-OMicla! record nt m
parature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
1901. 1W. IE. JSSS
.Maximum temperature. .. wi ki ks
.Minimum temperature.... k tj 53 41
Mean temperature si ;s go 57
Precipitation .00 .00 .10
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for Oils day .and since March l:
Normal temperature ei
Deficiency fot the day
Total excess since March 1 lik)
Normal precipitation 13 inch
Deficiency foi the day 13 ,ich
Precipitation since March 1 4. s; Inches
Deficiency since March 1 1.10 Inches
Excess for cor. period. 1500 i Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, ISM..,, s is inches
Iteportit from Stutlon nt 7 I. .11.
:! -i a.
5 XB'
I I u
Omaho. clear
North Platte, clear
Cheenne, cloudy
Salt Lake City, clear...
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
Wllllston. part cloudy..
Chicago, part cloudy....
Kt. 1OUln, clear
St. Paul, part cloudy...
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear
Helena, clear
Havre, rlear
Bismarck, part cloudy..
CiiilvtHton, clear
(Ml .10
72! ,0
70) 14
Ml ,U0
Gil .00
55 ,W
t .')
521 .fO
7i! XO
V, .0)
Ml 601 .00
64 rs ,fO
72' 72! ,
761 76' .CO
Mi D6 .00
7l 76 .)
, L- A. WELSH.
Local Forucast OHIclal.
When you order Soda, Gra
ham, Loiir Branch, Milk and
O s. t m c a 1 Iliscuit, Vanill.i
Wafers, Ginger Snaps ami
Saratoga Flakes, insist on
petting those which come in
the Iu-er-seal Patent Pack
age. Don't take a substi
tute. Look for the In-cr-scal
trade mark design at the
oi me box.
" v
COftCTtOt TulufS
The Union Pacific has made the very low rate of $45.00 for the round trip to Son Francisco for tha Epworth League Con
vention In July. Be suro your ticket reads via this rouic, as It Is the ONLY DIRECT LINE and Its trains mako 13 hours
quicker time from Omaha than any other line. Tickets good via Denver nnd Salt Lake City.
New City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam Street. Phone 316.
AnnouiMi that He Will Gin N Mori Eut
of Chicago.
linn III I'lnii Already Mode for Un-
ilunlnK Wenterii limtitut loim In
that Amount Ml kno ii r In it
Win Ills Admiration.
CHICAGO, May 12. After a tour of the
west, Including visits to several colleges
which had been the objects of his benefac
tions. Dr. D. K. Pearsons has returned to
Chicago and announced that he has drawn
a line through Chicago and has disinherited
everything and everybody east of that lino
from any thare In the money bo still ex
pects to give away.
Not one penny, Dr. Pearsons says, ever
will go to any Institution east of Chicago.
The million or two dollars which he In
tends to dispose of within the next year Is
all for the west.
Dr. Pearsons' statement was drawn out
partly by tho visit of a trustee of Middle
bury (Vt.) college, who camo hero to seek
an addition to his endowment fund.
"1 came back from Missouri with ray
mind made up." said Dr. Pearsons to a re
porter. "I ha'v drawn a chalk line north
and south through Chicago and I shall
never go east of that line.
Siiiuet IiIiik HaiiilHonie for Chicago.
"I have not forgotten Chicago, and 1 am
going to do something handsome for the
city before long. I have my plans all laid
now. But after I saw thoso tall, clear-eyed
young fellows out In Missouri I made up
my mind where the rest of my money should
Dr. Pearsons his at last retired from
business In Chicago. Hereafter he will dc
vote himself to gardening, raising chickens
and driving about the country near his
place at Hinsdale.
Speaking of his plans nnd his recent
western trip, Dr. Pearsons said:
"I srent four weeks at Eureka Springs,
and I havo como back here feeling like a
man S.". years old. Even at that I went
there for my wife's health, not for my own
Before going to the spring! I visited
Springfield, Mo., where I am building a
sclnce hall for Drury college. There are
300 of tho finest looking joung fellows and
girls there you ever saw.
"There are Indians there, too keen-eyed
young fellows. I did not promise them any
thing, but I am going there after a while
to look at their school, I believe in cdu
eating the Indians."
"A Beer
Quality represented by a flavor that Is
pronounced and decidedly plaslnc.
Brewed from the choicest components
obtainable, by the most modern and
correct methods.
BLmTZ malt-vivine
Druggists or Direct.
1413 Doarlao .It. Tel. 1091.
Where Do YOU
It makes no difference whether you live in the
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ered plain; in the dry altitude of the mountains,
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you can get your biscuit, crackers and wafers per
fectly fresh in the In-er-seal Patent Package.
lEis is the only method known for preserving
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Dr. Kay's
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Writs u About nil your RYmntnm. SnM hv drucfflstn. don't nrernt &nv tihtltut htit I
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Mormon BISHOPS' Pill tltU 1T.CII IdiWMCr.. i'OkltlCir
of stlffttuie, dliilpition, exceisi, or
titu u.cii i ekiu'cif
cirrv function, xx m tret ucttnucn!. a
ar.'&nt. Stlmuttitel the br.ln .nd nervr centrrt. soc . tot,
1 m.neyrtiunacxi, vim t. bciei. iircuiiti irtc. Mattress,
potenqy, Lost Power, rMignt-i.ottj, opermaiorrnoen insomnia, Pajna
In Back, Eu Deslreti Samlnstl emissions. lm Jack. Nenrpus D
bllit. Mendach,Unfltne to Marry, toss of m Semen. Varlcooala.
or conmlDatlon. 6toD Ouloknssa of DIs- ITT 1 1 charza. StODa t
Tu,linhln7 rt Pfc-jftllriX- 1 ol&ctt ye K." m-wA IfnD.iW.rar .nj
lea & Perrins'
The Original Worcestershire
Butlers, Chefs and Cooks pronounce
it the best Sauce; piquant and
appetizing, it enriches all dishes.
$10 $14
Meter and all piping freo. No charge for
anything but the Btove.
T,,e Council Bluffs Gas Co.
Open Evenings. 26 Pearl Street
"Mnn wants but
little here below"
Said i nor bill pout
long years hro,
I'm prone to doubt
(hut ancle nt atige
When I looW lit The
Hce'u Rrcrtt "Want
Ad" page.
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to cure dysDcrnila. const!
pntlon. liver and kidneys. Ilest to tile, laxative
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vatcs and Invigorates tho w nolo system and
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If not satisfied with it notify us. wo will refund
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NERVE BEANS quickly curt
NeMouinrM, all rttuluof aliur,
ftlllni nmahuod, drutoi. lo.xi.
Mtrrlrd mm inl mm lntrnrtln
to marry .Mould lake twit aiumlthlnR inultii
mall weak raru and loit power retturcd. ll.Wat
tibtnnta ileooaccll nnd tuun s tu- oruultu
Loolt for the trademark
design on the end of each
Trontmont n paFo illustrated book
wun lcsi lrrnimcni. aiso many Y.tiuubie
saving you ncavy doctor's bill, ask for Ik
Kay's Hcnorator by return mall, Address,
ln in ue o ); by ll.e Uultrt ctlhc Mormoa
iuics uie wonr wii in oia ina tou
Ourap Lost.
or- fa
cure H it tun.!. 177771 Keitorrr, tnull. uiflmlmd
i-f ft 50 b? mill. A whiten pu.r.ntr., tacual
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ran s.i,n ijy HVcns-uiLLOif
( Thli ilrmtiirt U on erery bottl.
ajaVa 6XWa1
Dohany Theater
The Lennon Company
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I'rlccs, ."c, 10c and lQo.
Any ono not getting their money's wortl.
can call at tbo box office and get tbeli
money refunded.
all your symptomi. Hfoovitlngtha
syatczn Is the only safe and sure method ot cur
lag all Chronic Diseases. Dr. Kay's Henovator
Is the only perfect sy item renovator. Freesam.
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Manhood. Im-